Carlos Magno,Patrick Gleason,Peter J. Tomasi | 144 pages | 02 Dec 2008 | DC Comics | 9781401219758 | English | New York, NY, United States #20 - Ring Quest Part 1 (Issue)

Upon analyzing the dead bodies, they discover that there is more than one Corp member in the area when their rings detect a warning. Elsewhere, Iolande and Sorak Natu are searching for rings when they get a call from Kyle and Guy checking on the progress of the other Lanterns. Sorak and Iolande say they had no luck. Isamot and Vath are the only others that found a Sinestro Corps member and as that is being relayed, Sorak and Iolande see the results of Isamot and Vath's work. However, nobody has heard from Sodam Yat or Arisia. Kyle signals to that the Green Lantern group is holding off their primary mission in order to find the two missing Lanterns. Salaak explains that they must remain dedicated to their primary mission. Kyle tells Salaak that he will not attend anyone else's funerals or memorial services and nobody is going to be left behind. The group finds a trail and they all go off in search of their missing comrades. With him is Arisia and Sodam Yat who are infected with the Mercy flower. The pacing here is weird, this is the second part to story arc which started three issues previously that is to say there was a two part story arc in the middle. Despite this though, this issue was loads of fun all you have to do is remember that was the villain previously. Essentially it is a return to all the Green Lantern Corps members that this series has done such a good job of detailing. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. There's so many, and some get so little screen time, that when something horrible happens I just go "Who was that again? Very fast paced, fun, and a lot of heart. The fights are bigger, bloodier, and more badass than before. I hope Tomasi run stays this good! Jul 28, Anthony Duran rated it really liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The follow up was great, having the son of a long-time foe of becoming the newest leader of the Sinestro Crops. It is great that Mother Mercy chooses to be a Green Lantern instead of a Sinestro Crops member because she and her children were being use a tool by Mongul Jr. At least I don't judge before getting know one person and creature to another. Sep 10, Wing Kee rated it really liked it. Bombastic, loud and hella fun! This series is exactly what it needs to be, just simple action packed summer movie fun, add Mongul and you gave more funness. World: The art is Gleason, it's messy, it's yucky and gross in the best way. I'm really surprised with the stuff he can get away with cause he loves drawing blood and bodily fluids. The framing and character designs are also awesome. The world building this time around is great, the two stories we see here are both great, one with Mongul and Bombastic, loud and hella fun! The world building this time around is great, the two stories we see here are both great, one with Mongul and another with Bodikka. Both offer different glimpses of another part of this vast Green Lantern world and it's great. The Black Mercy stuff is the icing in the cake. Story: The story this time around is great, two stories here offer something different and also hits emotionally. Both are paced well and reads super fast and fun. The Mongol story is great due to the world building and the emotional impact of the Black Mercy and the Bodikka story hits even harder with the sisterhood and the change in this character. Just fun. Characters: Strong and surprisingly deep. There is a lot of action and it's non stop but because of the Black Mercy there is plenty of development. Also, changing a Kyle and Guy's status quo is good. Guy is less bro and sexist this time around which is great. The Alpha Lantern storyline is building towards something which will have a big impact emotionally. It's surprising how much me covered given the huge cast. This book continues to shine. When it hits, it's great, this is a fun fun book to read. Onward to the next book! One of my big complaints about Green Lantern Corps after Recharge was that was nowhere to be found after appearing in Recharge. I've since found out that he was busy elsewhere, first participating in the Rann-Thanagar War and then flying around as in the wake of Infinite Crisis. Of course, through the course of The Sinestro Corps War Kyle ended up becoming and was divested of the Ion entity in the process, so by the end of the Sinestro arc, Kyle was back to b One of my big complaints about Green Lantern Corps after Recharge was that Kyle Rayner was nowhere to be found after appearing in Recharge. Of course, through the course of The Sinestro Corps War Kyle ended up becoming Parallax and was divested of the Ion entity in the process, so by the end of the Sinestro arc, Kyle was back to being a ring-slinger and ultimately a returning member to Green Lantern Corps. However, Kyle's return doesn't do much to prevent this collection feel like a stock car idling, waiting for the race ostensibly to start. At one point in Rage one of Sinestro's lieutenants informs him of Mongul's challenge and Sinestro says that he is already aware of Mongul's plans which is interesting, since Sinestro has been rotting in a jail on until the events of Rage free him. But I feel like the Corps themselves are secondary to this arc--given that Rage of the Red Lanterns introduced us to not only the Red, but the Blue Lanterns as well, there are still two colors of the spectrum orange and indigo to be revealed, but this book concerns itself with the existing Sinestro yellow Lanterns, which seems to be a lot of a rehash of the Sinestro Corps War. Of course, I'm sure that Peter Tomasi was likely taking his marching orders from in the lead up to Blackest Night and obviously given Sinestro's actions at the end of Rage of the Red Lanterns the inevitable confrontation with Mongul isn't even the most important thing to pursue. I'm assuming that before Blackest Night can get into full swing, Sinestro is going to have to take care of his business, and it will be in the pages of this book, not with . In Johns' hands, the Sinestro stories have been excellent. Let's hope that going forward through these trade paperbacks that Tomasi is as deft with the Green Lantern villain. I've made it no secret in the past that I love the creative team of Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason and this volume of Green Lantern Corps just makes that more true. I liked the previous volumes enough but I loved this one. The title really hit it's stride here. Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardener move to OA permanently to be Honor Guards in the Corps, and in the aftermath of the war with the Sinestro Corps they're searching for those leftover and trying to prevent the rings from going out. And putting the prisoners of war away. This is a fun space adventure that delves deeper into the fears and desires of the characters in a really good way. Also you'll love BZZD by the end. I recommend if you like Kyle Rayner, or Guy Gardener. Or fun space adventures that get deeper than you thought they would. Aug 07, Jake rated it liked it Shelves: dc-comics , green-lantern , A big part of this book is Mongul using the Black Mercy against the Green Lantern Corps, which would be great if we didn't just get that in the main Green Lantern comic not too long ago. But it was really cool seeing the greatest fears of the ten GLs featured. Also there's a death at the end that was really sad :. Jan 23, Mouse rated it really liked it. Then it switches over and things really get going. Lots of action, blood, heads flying, and deaths in this! Great art, if a bit busy at times though. Jan 15, Joe rated it it was ok. Dec 05, Kevin King rated it really liked it. Nov 03, orton rated it liked it. Ring Quest has the Green Lantern Corps and their ever increasing number of Lanterns that I can't keep apart chase Mongul after he receives a yellow Sinestro Corps ring and decides that he must collect them all. Our GL B-Team have a fairly exciting outing that doesn't seem likely to matter much in the lo Ring Quest has the Green Lantern Corps and their ever increasing number of Lanterns that I can't keep apart chase Mongul after he receives a yellow Sinestro Corps ring and decides that he must collect them all. Our GL B-Team have a fairly exciting outing that doesn't seem likely to matter much in the long run. Minus a surprisingly sad event in the last issue, nothing here is important or has any effect looking forward. Yeah, we see the Guardians of the Universe those little blue ass-holes see a spark in Violet light activity, but they proceed to brush it off and say, "No way are we going to have that whole 'Blackest Night' thing! We are super smart and have no worries. Really, we get no character or story progression, but we do get to see Mongul again and that's kind of cool. It's a neat little self-contained story that is essentially and isolated plot that could easily be skipped and you would never notice. I wouldn't skip it, but it's irrelevant so it wouldn't really matter if you did. Aug 08, Victor Orozco rated it liked it. Another satisfactory collection of the adventures of the Green Lantern Corps. This particular set of stories comes after the events of the Sinestro Corps war, in particular the rings of former users out there searching for the next threat to the Green Lanterns. But these adventures are a side project as once again the development of the Green Lanterns is what these stories are all about. You get to see how Kyle is really developing a relationship with Soranik Natu, daughter of Thaal Sinestro. Guy Another satisfactory collection of the adventures of the Green Lantern Corps. is doing what he can to make a relationship with his formerly deceased girlfriend work. Of course there is a pretty cool story that I like. Matris Ater Clementia, the hive mother plant known as the Black Mercy. Used and cultivated by supervillain Mongul and his son as a weapon that has the victim live in a state of contentment. Seeing the actual source and even more importantly knowing that its not as dangerous as it seems to be is a pretty amazing sight. Really good story. Sep 30, Mateo Cruz rated it it was amazing. In green lantern ring quest Guy Gardner and his team are called to go and find the missing sinestro corps rings that have gone missing from many of dead sinestro corps soldiers. But when the call comes in about the missing rings when all the lanterns are on vacation. One of earths deadliest villains had felt the power of the sinestro corps rings and had a quest to conquer the universe with this great power of the sinestro croups rings to put great fear in to the people of the universe. In my opinion of this book it was great and had a lot of action. I love the action of the lanterns and how I got to see all their fears and what they worry about. Aug 03, Laurel rated it liked it Shelves: green- lantern. I found this book a bit hard to follow, especially the art. It was far to chaotic and the characters often distorted. The beginning of this collection will not make much impact without having first read the Sinestro Corps War. That said, watching both Guy and Kyle come to terms with what they want to do now that the war is over was interesting and sometimes moving. The second story became a bit confused and frankly gruesome. But at least it allowed a small group of the GL Corps to head out into I found this book a bit hard to follow, especially the art. But at least it allowed a small group of the GL Corps to head out into the universe together on a shared mission that gives the reader the opportunity to get to know them better. Feb 23, Michael Wilson rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. The Sinestro Corps War has taken a huge toll on the Green Lanterns, and many of the heroes of the war are trying to recover as many Yellow Power Rings as they can to bring them back to the Guardians. But one of the dying members of the Sinestro Corp lands on the planet of Mongul This book is gory Thoroughly enjoyable story, great art Siendo que la mayor parte del tiempo la historia que se nos cuenta se inclina hacia la fuerza de voluntad de sus personajes. Aug 25, Eddie rated it liked it Shelves: , comic. It is really closer to 4 stars than 3 but not quite 4 for me. Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest #1 - Ring Quest (Issue)

Mongul is back! Destroying the JLA Watchtower wasn't enough - now he's more powerful than ever and ready to instill great fear! The remaining Guardians of the Universe observe both Green Lantern and Sinestro rings looking for new users. The Guardians are observing the yellow power rings to see who the rings will choose so they can attack the wearer sooner. He keeps hitting one spot more than any other and figures someone is trying to tell him something. Kyle concludes that someone must be trying to tell him something. Deja vu!! He asks the ring about its powers and limitations. The ring says that would take 96 hours four days. Mongul tells the ring that time does not concern him and to continue. The two of them are talking about how they are thinking about a change. They decide to meet up and talk about it over Thai. Both of them feel that a change of scenery would do them good and being Honor Guard and all, it makes sense to be on Oa. Guy and Kyle are even thinking about opening a bar on Oa. The four of them do a sorta ring high-five before Guy leaves them with a parting gift. Wanting to give her space, Guy simply leaves a note for her and leaves. He sees this as a sign that he was destined for something greater: to lead. Mongul takes the lifeless body of the Sinestro Corps solider that he took the ring from and crushes his head before throwing it in the fire he made to destroy the ship the soldier came in. Mongul promises that the blood on his hand will not be the last. Guy says that distance makes the heart grow fonder, to which Kyle replies it also makes it colder. Guy thinks that Kyle is making a joke; but unfortunately, Kyle is talking from experience. After some convincing and some compromises, it seems that Salaak is okay with it. When Guy asks if they can get Earth cable stations, Salaak tells them both the entertainment value of them being here would be worth it. The Guardians decide to mark their last known position and try to plot their possible course for the rings. They summon Salaak to the Star Chamber as they continue to discuss their next course of action. He asks the ring how many rings are looking for a new user and it tells him He then asks him where these rings are going and the ring gives him the coordinates. He then goes into a conversation with his dead sister about how fate works. The search leads the Green Lanterns to a planet that is full of dead body parts. The Lanterns continue onward into the planet's atmosphere as they try to avoid hitting anymore body parts than they can possibly help. Guy and Kyle use their rings to give the rest of the Lanterns a refresher course on Mongul. With the lesson over, there is a bit of discussion about the the definition of justice and when it's appropriate to take a life. The conversation is interrupted by Kyle and Guy who tell the rest of the Lanterns that they need to deal with Mongul and rescue their fellow Lanterns. Salaak says that he will be happy when each and every ring is finally under their control to which disagrees. He doesn't like having the rings here and if it was up to him, he would have them destroyed, but he's not allowed to finish his sentence as Salaak tells him it's not up to him so there is no need to continue the conversation. Kilowog leaves and tells Salaak to give Voz his regards. Vox replies that he's free to do whatever he wants and she is not and that is the way it will remain forever. Vox than sees that Salaak has brought Vox severed arms to guard and he tells Vox that these severed parts with the rings must be guarded as closely as the terrorists within these cells must be. We see Sinestro biting off skin on his finger as he uses his blood to design something on his cell window. We see other Corps members doing the same thing as Sinestro, we see that they are all making the symbol for the Red Lantern Corps. With Sodam, he fears that he will be forgotten. He pleads that he has too much left to prove and too much left to lose. He sees death in the form of a rainbow. He pleads that he doesn't want to be the last. Arisia on the other hand is waiting for someone to save her. She finally has her life back and she doesn't want to die. She remembers dying and how it sucked and she doesn't want to be pulled back into the darkness. He tells them how fear is control and when you have someone's deepest fears at their fingertips, they become mere puppets on a string. His underling, Duel Eknham, says he hates this place. His other head says that they could tear apart these two perfectly killable Green Lanterns. The two heads talk about how great it would be to dismember them until Mongul stops them. Mongul then uses the power of the yellow ring to reverse engineer the Black Mercy seeds and shoots them into space to instill great fear. The Lanterns follow the yellow light to find a bunch of really big Black Mercy plants with Arisia and Sodam Yat inside. When Sorak Natu tries to get their status, her ring tells her that they are slowly being digested by the plant. The Lanterns begin to destroy the plants which they eventually do. Sorak Natu begins to try and work on getting the Black Mercy plants off Sodam Yat and Arisia when it looks like the Lanterns seem to fall out of the frying pan and into the fire. Green Lantern Corps, meet Mother Mercy. Green Lantern Corps #24 - Ring Quest Part 3 (Issue)

She remembers dying and how it sucked and she doesn't want to be pulled back into the darkness. He tells them how fear is control and when you have someone's deepest fears at their fingertips, they become mere puppets on a string. His underling, Duel Eknham, says he hates this place. His other head says that they could tear apart these two perfectly killable Green Lanterns. The two heads talk about how great it would be to dismember them until Mongul stops them. Mongul then uses the power of the yellow ring to reverse engineer the Black Mercy seeds and shoots them into space to instill great fear. The Lanterns follow the yellow light to find a bunch of really big Black Mercy plants with Arisia and Sodam Yat inside. When Sorak Natu tries to get their status, her ring tells her that they are slowly being digested by the plant. The Lanterns begin to destroy the plants which they eventually do. Sorak Natu begins to try and work on getting the Black Mercy plants off Sodam Yat and Arisia when it looks like the Lanterns seem to fall out of the frying pan and into the fire. Green Lantern Corps, meet Mother Mercy. This is the best issue thus far in the entire series. It pretty much has it all, from accurate characterizations, relevant origin stories, well paced action, interesting philosophical debates and the true colours being shown of team members who have become friends. The Lanterns are on the planet and looking for Arisia and Sodam who are missing. This leads to a short description of the Black Mercy and the Lanterns arrive just in time to find that Mongul has left with a new goal for the Black M What has impressed me most about the current run of Green Lantern Corps is that the various GL's, human and alien, are all being written with distinctive personalities. Past incarnations of GLC have always had a tendency to lump the "aliens" into three categories; weird, awestruck, or angry. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Locations Earth Oa Space.

Green Lantern Corps #23 - Ring Quest Part 2 (Issue)

Elsewhere, Iolande and Sorak Natu are searching for rings when they get a call from Kyle and Guy checking on the progress of the other Lanterns. Sorak and Iolande say they had no luck. Isamot and Vath are the only others that found a Sinestro Corps member and as that is being relayed, Sorak and Iolande see the results of Isamot and Vath's work. However, nobody has heard from Sodam Yat or Arisia. Kyle signals to Salaak that the Green Lantern group is holding off their primary mission in order to find the two missing Lanterns. Salaak explains that they must remain dedicated to their primary mission. Kyle tells Salaak that he will not attend anyone else's funerals or memorial services and nobody is going to be left behind. The group finds a trail and they all go off in search of their missing comrades. With him is Arisia and Sodam Yat who are infected with the Mercy flower. The pacing here is weird, this is the second part to story arc which started three issues previously that is to say there was a two part story arc in the middle. Despite this though, this issue was loads of fun all you have to do is remember that Mongul was the villain previously. Essentially it is a return to all the Green Lantern Corps members that this series has done such a good job of detailing. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. No recent wiki edits to this page. DC Universe. Mongul gets his hands on a yellow and seeks more of the them. It's written by Peter Tomasi who does a great job telling this story. I enjoyed this comic much more than I had anticipated. I like what Tomasi did with all the characters as he dealt with the aftermath o This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. fahrzeugentwicklungsprozesse-22.pdf ein-lebensbild-823.pdf 4-293.pdf