1 A new algorithm to accurately calculate neutral tracer gradients and their 2 impacts on vertical heat transport and water mass transformation ∗ 3 Sjoerd Groeskamp and Paul M. Barker and Trevor J. McDougall 4 School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, 5 Australia 6 Ryan P. Abernathey 7 Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, New York City, NY, USA 8 Stephen M. Griffies 9 NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory & Princeton University Program in Atmospheric 10 and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton, USA ∗ 11 Corresponding author address: Sjoerd Groeskamp, School of Mathematics and Statistics UNSW 12 Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia 13 E-mail:
[email protected] Generated using v4.3.2 of the AMS LATEX template 1 ABSTRACT 14 Mesoscale eddies stir along the neutral plane, and the resulting neutral diffu- 15 sion is a fundamental aspect of subgrid scale tracer transport in ocean models. 16 Calculating neutral diffusion traditionally involves calculating neutral slopes 17 and three-dimensional tracer gradients. The calculation of the neutral slope 18 usually occurs by computing the ratio of the horizontal to vertical locally ref- 19 erenced potential density derivative. This approach is problematic in regions 20 of weak vertical stratification, prompting the use of a variety of ad hoc reg- 21 ularization methods that can lead to rather nonphysical dependencies for the 22 resulting neutral tracer gradients. We here propose an alternative method that 23 is based on a search algorithm that requires no ad hoc regularization. Com- 24 paring results from this new method to the traditional method reveals large 25 differences in spurious diffusion, heat transport and water mass transforma- 26 tion rates that may all affect the physics of, for example, a numerical ocean 27 model.