

Class: X Subject: ENGLISH-2 (NOTES)

The Merchant of Venice Introducing important characters

Antonio- A wise old Venetian Merchant, who loves his close friend, Bassanio more than his own life.

Bassanio-A young spendthrift, who has used all of his own estate in order to look more noble and rich than he really is. He is Antonio’s best friend.

Shylock- A Jewish money lender in Venice who bears ancient grudge against Antonio. He is greedy, cruel and selfish.

Launcelot: Servant of . He often reduces the tension in the play with his funny speech.

Launcelot Gobbo: Lancelot’s father[ sand blind]

Lorenzo- Bassano’s friend who runs away with Jessica, Shylock’s daughter.

Jessica- Shylock’s daughter. She does not love her father as she ought to and plans to run away (elope) with Lorenzo, who is a Christian.

Portia- A rich heiress of Belmont. She is wise, witty, beautiful, and obedient to her father.

Duke – duke of Venice

Nerissa- Portia’s maid. She consoles and advises Portia when Portia is depressed.

Morocco- A suitor who had come from the tropics to win Portia’s hand

Arragon- Another suitor comes to win Portia from France.

Tubal- Shylock’s friend who goes to Genoa in search of Jessica.

Salanio- Antonio’s friend Salrino -Antonio’s friend Selerio- Antonio’s friend Important questions and answers 1. Describe Antonio’s melancholy and his friends’ reaction. - Antonio was sad for no reason. He does not know how he caught the sadness. He says he now needs to know much about himself, for his sadness has made him absent minded. Salanio and Salarino say that Antonio is worried about his ships on sea. He has fear about their safe return. Storms, rocks and sandy shores may cause damage to his ships. So he is worried. But Antonio says that he has invested his money on different ships going to different countries. He is not worried, but confident about his returns. One of his friends says that Antonio may be in love. But Antonio rejects it calling them nonsense. 2. Describe Bassanio‘s nature and his plans. Bassanio is Antonio’s best friend. He is a spendthrift. He has spent all his property by living more luxuriously than his income allows him. He feels sorry for not returning Antonio’s loan. He assures his friend that he if he gets another loan from Antonio; he would carefully spend it and pay back the loans. In his child hood if he lost an arrow, he used to shoot another arrow in the same direction in the same speed and used to get the two together. Bassanio gives this example to prove that he would clear his debts. Bassanio is in need of money to furnish him to reach Belmont. He wants to woo Portia, the rich heiress of Belmont. 3. Describe Portia’s fathers will and the casket game. Portia is the rich heiress of Belmont whose father has left behind him a will. According to the will Portia has no freedom to choose her husband. The suitors have to choose one among the three caskets of gold, silver and lead. If it contains Portia’s picture, the suitor would marry her. Or else he would have to leave the place quietly at once. Further he should not think of his marriage in his life time. Portia is sad about her father’s will because it restricts her from choosing her husband. Sill she is obedient to her father’s will. She is ready to live as long as Sibylla lived and as chaste as Diana was, even if no suitor chooses the right casket. 4. Write a note on Prince of Morocco. Prince of Morocco is from Africa. So he is dark in complexion. He is very proud of his bravery. He requests Portia not to dislike him for his dark complexion. When he is taken to the caskets, he reads the inscriptions on the caskets. “One who chooses me will get what many men desire” is written on the golden casket

One who chooses me will get what one deserves” is written on the silver casket. “One who chooses me will have to risk all he has” is written on the lead casket Morocco thinks that most precious Portia’s picture cannot be found in silver and lead caskets because they are too cheap metals to contain her picture. So he chooses golden casket. When opens the golden casket, he finds a skull. He accepts his failure and leaves the place at once. 5. Write a short note on Shylock Shylock is a Jewish money lender in Venice. Antonio, the rich Christian merchant insults him by calling him a dog ,spitting on his robes and causing Shylock’s money lending business heavy loss by lending money to others without charging interest. Antonio turned Shylock’s friends into enemies and insulted him in public places. So Shylock is waiting for a chance to take revenge on Antonio. 6. Why does Bassanio go to Shylock? Bassanio wants to go to Belmont top woo Portia but he needs money. When he went to Antonio for a loan, Antonio did not have cash at hand. He had invested all his money on his ships. So he suggested Bassanio to take loan from any money lender in Venice in his name (Antonio). Bassanio asked Shylock for 3000 ducats for three months. But Shylock said that he had to get a bond signed by Antonio. He said that he would not charge interest on the amount but he would take a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body if he fails to pay back on time. Antonio is very sure about his returns and so he signs the fatal bond. 6. Write about Prince of Arragon. He is suitor from France. He comes to woo Portia. He reads the inscription on the caskets. “One who chooses me will get what many men desire” is written on the golden casket. He says that he doesn’t like to be one among many. Crowd has no sense. Commons are like martlet birds that build their nests foolishly on the outer wall of the house, open to all dangers. So he chooses silver casket and gets a fool’s head. He says, at the end, that he had come with one fool’s head and now goes back with two. 7. Why does Bassanio choose the lead casket? Bassanio when reaches Belmont, Portia asks him to wait for few days so that she could teach him how to choose. But Bassanio prefers to choose his casket without delay. He reads the inscriptions and thinks for a while before making his choice. He says that gold is misleading because it is the food of Midas. He says that silver coins divided brothers. So silver is misleading one. The inscription on the lead casket is threatening one. But that which threatens is trust worthy. So he chooses lead casket and gets Portia’s picture. Thus he wins Portia. He knew the old proverb “Appearances are deceptive”. So he is not carried away by the outer beauty of the caskets. 8. Narrate in brief the episode of Jessica and Lorenzo. Jessica is the only daughter of Shylock. He was always after money. He never cared for his only daughter. He took more care of money than his daughter. Jessica says that as far as her

blood relationship is concerned, she is daughter to Shylock but not to his manners. She is ashamed of being his daughter. She has planned to elope with Lorenzo, a Christian. She would dress up like a page [a servant] and carry away her father’s money and jewels. She had sent a letter to Lorenzo with her servant Launcelot. She ran away with Lorenzo along with 2000 ducats, precious stones and jewels. Both of them ran away to Genoa where she spent 80 ducats a day. She bought a monkey by giving away her father’s ring. Shylock’s friend Tubal reports it to Shylock. Shylock wandered in the streets of Venice saying” My ducats, my daughter, my ducats”. He even wished to see his daughter dead lying in coffin with all his money lying by her side. It means that he wants his money back but not his daughter. He calls her a thief and asks the duke to find her and punish her. He doesn’t have fatherly affection for his own daughter. 9. What happens with Antonio when Bassanio goes to Belmont? When Bassanio went to Belmont, Antonio suffered a heavy loss. His ships were drowned in the sea near Goodwin’s. Shylock, who was waiting for such time, forced the duke of Venice to imprison Antonio. Antonio requested the Geolor (Jailor) to save him from Shylock. The Geolor pleaded Shylock to be merciful but Shylock declared that he would have his bond. So Antonio wrote a letter to Bassanio saying that he would like to see Bassanio before he dies and Shylock was growing more and more revengeful. It was impossible for him to survive in that case. Lorenzo and Selerio bring that letter to Belmont and hand over to Bassanio. Portia understands the bond between the two friends and tells Bassanio two take 6000 ducats and go to Venice to save Antonio. Portia did not want Antonio to suffer because of the fault of Bassanio. 10. What did Portia plan to do to save Antonio from cruel Shylock? Portia tells Lorenzo and Jessica to look after her house .She told them that she would spend her days in a monastery with Nerissa until her husband returns. Actually Portia sends Balthazar (her servant) to her cousin Dr. Bellario in Padua. Balthazar has to meet him and get a letter of recommendation (and suggestions) and a costume of a lawyer from Dr Bellario.Balthzar has to wait for her at the port where ships move to Venice. Mean while Portia would take Nerissa along with her to Venice to deal with the case of Antonio and Shylock. Thus Portia has decided to fight the case in the guise of Balthazar. Nerissa would play the role of a clerk. 11. What does the duke advise Shylock to do? The duke of Venice addresses Shylock saying that he believes and the courtiers also believe that Shylock would pretend to be cruel and merciless until the hour of action comes. Then, at the very last moment, Shylock would give in, and grant mercy. He means to say that Shylock would turn to be merciful. He also says that Antonio has been defeated by the heavy loss. Therefore Shylock has to have mercy with Antonio. 12. How does Shylock react to it?

Shylock asks under what compulsion he should have mercy with Antonio. He says that he has taken an oath in the synagogue. Moreover he need not explain why he hates Antonio. Some people do not like pig, some do not like cats and some do not like bag pipe. Similarly he doesn’t like Antonio. Antonio has taught him cruelty. So he would practice it against him (Antonio). 13. Sum up Portia‘s plea for mercy. When Portia comes in disguise as a lawyer, she makes an earnest request for mercy. She says that the quality of mercy is not forced because it should come on its own. Mercy is twice blessed because it blesses the one who gives and the one who receives. It is the strongest among the strongest qualities. It is above the power of kings. It is enthroned in the heart of kings. It is the quality of the God himself. Thus Portia tries to persuade Shylock to have mercy with Antonio. But Shylock doesn’t move. 14] Antonio says that the Duke cannot deny justice to Shylock. Why? The city of Venice is a centre for trade and business. Its business solely depends on the international link and relationship. Jews are the non natives of Venice. If a foreigner is denied of justice, it would affect their business. So the duke cannot deny justice to Shylock. That is why Shylock says” if you deny me justice fie upon your law.”So Shylock is confident of his success. 15. What does Portia say in favor of Shylock in the court? Portia asks Shylock to show the bond. She reads and says that the bond is forfeited.”No man in Venice can alter the decree “means that no one can change the law of Venice. The court awards him the said amount of Antonio’s flesh. Shylock feels proud of Portia and calls her the wisest judge Daniel. 16. What does Portia suggest Shylock to do before cutting the flesh? How does he react? Shylock is ready with his knife and balances ready to weigh a pound of flesh. Portia suggests Shylock to have a surgeon before cutting the pound of flesh so that Antonio should not bleed to death. Shylock in turn asks Portia whether it was mentioned in the bond. So he denies bringing a surgeon. This proves his intention of taking the life of Antonio. So it is proved that he had his bond signed with malicious intention. 17. What is does Bassanio ready to sacrifice? What does Portia say? Bassanio is very much moved by the sight of Antonio in the court who was ready to die for the sake of him. Bassanio says that he is ready to pay twice the sum. If it is not sufficient, he is ready to give his flesh and bold and his heart to save Antonio from the clutches of Shylock. Portia says that Shylock had denied twice the sum when offered. So he will have only his penalty.[flesh] 18. What is the legal quibble in this case? Shylock is ready to take a pound of flesh from Antonio’s heart. But Portia is wise enough to order him to wait because the bond doesn’t demand blood. He is not supposed to take blood but must take only a pound of flesh. Shylock has to take exactly a pound. If he cuts more or less than a pound he would die. The words in the bond themselves are turned against him at the end. Shylock is tongue tied now.

19. What would be the punishment for his evil scheme? Shylock’s ill will is proved when he doesn’t care to bring a surgeon before cutting off the flesh. So his life lies in the mercy of the duke. Half of his property will go to the state of Venice and half of it goes to the one whom he had offended (Antonio).He would have to turn into a Christian. 20. How do the duke and Antonio react to this punishment? The duke announces that he would pardon Shylock before he would ask for it. When Antonio is asked, he says that he is content with what he has. So he suggests that the same amount of Shylock’s property may be given to Jessica and Lorenzo. Thus it was decided that it would be given in the form of deed of gift. 21. What does Bassanio offer the lawyer who acquitted Antonio off the case? Bassanio is extremely happy to offer the same box of [6000] ducats to the lawyer. But the lawyer (Portia) says the he is well satisfied because he had saved Antonio. But Bassanio insists him to take something that would please him (Portia) He (again, Portia in disguise) takes Antonio’s gloves and asks for Bassano’s ring. Bassanio could not give it away because it was given to him by Portia during their marriage. The lawyer wanted nothing but the ring. Antonio forces Bassanio to give it because he deserved it well. The clerk [Nerissa] too gets Gratiano’s ring. Thus Portia and Nerissa take away their rings from their husbands.

22. Describe the ring episode. Portia and Nerissa take away the rings from their husbands in place of their fees. They reach Belmont before Bassanio, Gratiano and Antonio could reach. As soon as they reach Nerissa starts blaming Gratiano for parting with his ring. Gratiano says that he has given to the boy clerk. Portia calls him unfaithful for giving away Merissa’s first gift. Portia says that her Bassanio would never part with his ring. But Gratiano’s announces that Bassanio too has given away his ring to the judge for his services. Portia gets wild and says that if Bassanio knew half the worthiness of Portia, for his own dignity and his own oath, he would not have given it away. Bassanio tries defending his act by saying if she knew to whom he has given, how unwillingly he has given, she would not blame him. Finally Portia gives the letter of Dr Bellario in which it was mentioned that Portia played the role of the judge and Nerissa of the clerk, thus they come to the truth. Antonio is speechless to know of Portia’s wisdom. Portia gives the ring again to Bassanio and he has to take oath for the second time. This time Antonio says that his soul would be bound for the sake of Bassano’s second oath.




Salarino and Salanio play the role of reporters here. Salarino had heard a gossip that a ship lay wrecked at Goodwins and no one knows whose it was. He doubts if it was of Antonio. But later he came to know that it was of Antonio. Both of them wish it to be Antonio’s last loss. Shylock comes by the way. After seeing Salanio and Salarino on his way, accuses them of having involved in Jessica’s elopement. They own it up and ask Shylock if he knew of Antonio’s loss of ship. Shylock feels happy and says that he will take revenge on him. Salarino asks him not to take a pound of flesh of Antonio because it doesn’t benefit him.

SALARINO: Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt not take his flesh: what's that good for?

Shylock gets wild and says that even if it doesn’t benefit him in terms of money, it will feed his revenge. Antonio disgraced him, caused loss, mocked at his gains, hated his race, cooled his friends (turned his friends away from him), heated his enemies (angered his enemies even further) and all this because he is a jew.cA Jew too has eyes, hands, organs, dimensions, senses and affections as a Christian has. Jews like the Christians are fed with the same food, hurt with weapons, subjected to diseases healed by the same means and warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer. So they are in no way different from Christians If they are tickled, they laugh. If they are pricked, they will bleed. If they are poisoned, they will surely die. Similarly if they are insulted, they will take revenge. The cruelty they have taught, he will practice it against Antonio. Thus Shylock shows his disgust over Antonio. Shylock’s friend Tubal comes and tells that he had heard about Jessica in Genoa but could not find her. Shylock again cries over his misfortune. He had already spent a lot to find out the thief Jessica. He wishes to see Jessica dead at his feet with the money and gold beside her. It shows his greed for money. Tubal tells him about Antonio’s loss. So Shylock feels happy and thanks god for that. Tubal had met the sailors who escaped the shipwreck who told him of Antonio’s loss. Tubal gives another bad news about Jessica which is - Jessica spent 80 ducats a day.

SHYLOCK: Thou stickest a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold again: fourscore ducats at a sitting! fourscore ducats! Tubal gives him another bad news that Jessica exchanged his turquoise ring for a monkey. SHYLOCK : Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: it was my turquoise; I had it of Leah when I was a bachelor: I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. Shylock then tells Tubal to book a lawyer to punish Antonio.

SCENE-2 Portia asks Bassanio to tarry a day or two so that she can teach him how to choose the right casket. But if she teaches him so, she will be breaking her oath to her father and become a sinner. So she cannot teach Bassanio how to choose the correct casket. Bassanio says that he cannot wait because he lives upon the rack. [Equipment used to torture the culprits] He meant that waiting would be like standing on the instrument of torture. She asks him “what treason is mingled with thy love ? He says that treason cannot mingle with love

Portia then tells him go and make his choice. Music will be played when he chooses his casket. If he loses the music will signify swans end that is - swans sing before they die. If he wins the music will signify the subjects bowing to the newly crowned king.

Portia compares the event of Bassanio making his choice of caskets to the event happened in the past that Hercules rescued Heisione from being sacrificed to the sea-monster for the sake of horses that he would get for the prize. Bassanio with more affection for Portia saves her from her father’s will.

A song is sung. It asks where the passions and emotions are born. It is said that they are born in the eyes, grow up in the eyes and die in the eyes. Bassanio says that appearances are deceptive and the world is deceived by the ornaments. In the law court, a criminal hides his crime with his eloquent speech. In religion, a sinner hides his sin with his references to holy books.

Cowards hide their cowardly heart by keeping their beards like that of Hercules and Mars. Women hide their ugliness by applying the chemicals from the chemists shop. They wear borrowed golden locks to trap even the wisest. So appearances are deceptive.

Therefore he rejects the golden casket ------1) it is the food for Midas...... 2) it is too gaudy 3) It has promising inscription on it.

He rejects Silver casket because ---- -1) it is a common slave in the hands of men.

He chooses lead casket because .. 1) It is pale 2) It is less promising

3) It has threatening inscriptions on it.

Thus he choose lead casket and gets the counterfeit of Portia but it did not reflect her complete beauty. The scroll instructs him claim her with a kiss and be contented with her without seeing for another. Meanwhile Gratiano expresses his desire to marry Nerissa. Salerio brings a letter from Antonio addressed to Bassanio. He has brought Jessica and Lorenzo along with for he had met them on the way.

On reading the letter Bassanio becomes to be sad. Portia demands for the reason why he was sad. He then says that he has bound his friend Antonio to his enemy to get money. The letter contains words which are like open wounds pouring out blood. Even when many merchants and magnificoes (noble men) tried to move him, they could not move him away from his ill will .Jessica says that she had heard her father saying that he would deny twenty times the sum is offered, he would prefer to have Antonio’s flesh. So it is going to be hard for Antonio. Bassanio describes Antonio as the kindest person on this earth who never got tired of his courtesies. Portia in turn tells him take 6000 ducats and deface the bond. She would never allow Antonio lose even his hair for the fault of Bassanio.


Shylock warns the ( Gaoler)jailer to guard Antonio carefully and not to request him for mercy because Antonio lent out money without charging interest. Antonio begs Shylock to listen to his words but Shylock insists him not to ask for mercy for he will have his bond. He had taken an oath on a holy Sabbath. He warns Antonio

Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause; But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs: I'll have no speaking: I will have my bond.

Antonio says the he knows why Shylock is after his life. The reason is many times Antonio saved people from being punished due to the non payment of their debt. ANTONIO Let him alone: I'll follow him no more with bootless prayers. He seeks my life; his reason well I know: I oft deliver'd from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me; Therefore he hates me. Well, gaoler, on. Pray God, Bassanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not!


Portia hands over the management of her house to Lorenzo and Jessica for she is going to a monastery to offer prayers until her husband returns. She tells Balthzar , her servant to go to Padua in a convenient speed and give her letter to Dr Bellario , her cousin and bring back his letter of recommendation and the garment to the port where ferries leave for Venice. Meanwhile she tells Nerissa that she would disguise herself as man and wear the dagger in a braver grace, mince her two steps and change her voice into that of a man and would brag about his bravery. She then discloses to Nerissa her plan of going to Venice to rescue Antonio .


Launcelot tries to play tricks with Jessica in Belmont. He says her that children will be punished for the sins committed by their parents. So Jessica will be punished for the sins committed Shylock. Jessica tries to justify herself saying that since she has married Lorenzo, she has become a Christian. Moreover Lorenzo’s virtues will cave her from being punished. Launcelot says that Lorenzo has to be blamed for converting Jessica into a Christian.Therefore price if the pork is increasing. So Lorenzo is not helping his Christian community .

Launcelot pretends to have not understood the meaning of ‘covering ‘the table. Thus he adds to the humour of the play. Lorenzo tells him to lay the table ready for dinner. Launcelot says that he will cover his head.

Lorenzo asks Jessica her opinion about Portia. Jessica says that there is no other virtuous lady like Portia on this earth. Bassanio has been bestowed with heavenly lady. So he has to be grateful to her. If two gods play some game, and two earthly women are to wager, one of them should be Portia because she doesn’t have her fellow on this earth. Thus Jessica praises Portia. Lorenzo says that he too has virtues that she described in Portia.

Jessica asks Lorenzo to let her give her opinion about Lorenzo. He says that she may give her opinion about him while having their dinner so that he can digest her words.

TRIAL SCENE (ACT-IV-SCENEI) 1. What did Portia plan to do to save Antonio from cruel Shylock? Portia tells Lorenzo and Jessica to look after her house .She told them that she would spend her days in a monastery with Nerissa until her husband returns. Actually Portia sends Balthazar (her servant) to her cousin Dr. Bellario in Padua. Balthazar has to meet him and get a letter of recommendation (and suggestions) and costumes of a lawyer from Dr Bellario. Balthzar has to come back and wait for Portia at the port where ships move to Venice. Mean while Portia would take Nerissa along with her to Venice to deal with the case of Antonio and Shylock. Thus Portia has decided to fight the case in the guise of Balthazar. Nerissa would play the role of a clerk. 2. What does the duke advise Shylock to do? The duke of Venice addresses Shylock saying that he believes and the courtiers also believe that Shylock would pretend to be cruel and merciless until the hour of action comes. Then all of a sudden he would be filled with mercy. He also says that Antonio has been defeated by the heavy loss. Therefore Shylock has to have mercy with Antonio. Shylock has to extract mercy from his brassy heart which is as uncivilized as that of Turks and Tartars. 3. How does Shylock react to it? Shylock asks the duke, under what compulsion he should have mercy with Antonio. He says that he has taken an oath in the synagogue on holy Sabbath (Holy Saturday) that he would take revenge on Antonio. He doesn’t want to be cursed for not keeping his promise or oath. Moreover he need not explain why he hates Antonio. Some people do not like pig, some do not like cats and some do not like bag pipe. Similarly he doesn’t like Antonio. Antonio has taught him cruelty. So he would practice it against him (Antonio). 4. Sum up Portia‘s plea for mercy. When Portia comes in disguise as a lawyer, she makes an earnest request for mercy. She says that the quality of mercy is not forced because it should come on its own. Mercy is twice blessed because it blesses the one who gives and the one who receives. It is the strongest among the strongest qualities. It is above the power of kings. It is enthroned in the heart of kings. It is the quality of the God himself. Mercy alone can modify justice. It is above the temporary power of kings. Thus Portia tries to persuade Shylock to have mercy with Antonio. But Shylock doesn’t move. 5]. Antonio says that the Duke cannot deny justice to Shylock. Why? The city of Venice is a centre for trade and business. Its business solely depends on the international link and relationship. Jews are the non natives of Venice. If a foreigner (Jew) is denied of justice, it would affect their business. So the duke cannot deny justice to Shylock. That is why Shylock says” if you deny me justice fie upon your law.”So Shylock is confident of his success. 6. What does Portia say in favor of Shylock in the court? Portia asks Shylock to show the bond. She reads and says that the bond is forfeited.”No man in Venice can alter the decree “means that no one can change the law of Venice. The court awards him Antonio’s flesh. Shylock feels proud of Portia and calls her the wisest judge Daniel.

7. What does Portia suggest Shylock to do before cutting the flesh? How does he react? Shylock is ready with his knife and balances to cut off the flesh from Antonio’s body and to weigh it. Portia suggests Shylock to have a surgeon before cutting the pound of flesh so that Antonio should not bleed to death. Shylock in turn asks Portia whether it was mentioned in the bond. It proves his intention of taking the life of Antonio. So it is proved that he had his bond signed with malicious (bad) intention. 8. What does Bassanio ready to sacrifice? What does Portia say? Bassanio is very much moved by the sight of Antonio in the court who was ready to die for his sake. Bassanio says that he is ready to pay twice the sum. If it is not sufficient, he is ready to give his flesh and bold and his heart to save Antonio from the clutches of Shylock. Portia says that Shylock had denied twice the sum when offered. So he will have only his penalty. 9. What is the legal quibble in this case? Shylock is ready to take a pound of flesh from Antonio’s heart. But Portia is wise enough to order him to wait because the bond doesn’t demand for blood. He is not supposed to take blood but must take only a pound of flesh. Shylock has to take exactly a pound. If he cuts more or less than a pound, he would die. The words in the bond themselves are turned against him at the end. Shylock is tongue tied now. He had to admit his defeat. 10. What would be the punishment for his evil scheme? Shylock’s ill will is proved when he doesn’t care to bring a surgeon before cutting off the flesh. So his life lies in the mercy of the duke. i) Half of his property will go to the state of Venice. ii) The other half of it goes to the one whom he had offended (Antonio). iii) His life lies under the mercy of the duke. 11. How do the duke and Antonio react to this punishment? The duke announces that he would pardon Shylock before he would ask for it. When Antonio is asked what he would like to say in this matter, he says that he is contented with what he has. So he suggests that the same amount of Shylock’s property may be given to Jessica and Lorenzo. Shylock should convert into a Christian. Thus it was decided that it would be given in the form of deed of gift. 12. What does Bassanio offer the lawyer who acquitted Antonio off the case? Bassanio is extremely happy to offer the same box of ducats to the lawyer who has saved his friend. But the lawyer (Portia) says the he is well satisfied because he had saved Antonio. But Bassanio insist him to take something that would please him (Portia) He took Antonio’s gloves and asked for Bassano’s ring. Bassanio could not give it away because it was given to him by Portia during their marriage. The lawyer wanted nothing but the ring. Antonio forces Bassanio to give it because he deserved it well. The clerk too asks Gratian for his ring. Thus Portia and Nerissa take away their rings from their husbands. 22. Describe the ring episode. Portia and Nerissa take away the rings from their husbands in place of their fees. They reach Belmont before Bassanio, Gratiano and Antonio could reach. As soon as they reach Nerissa starts

blaming Gratiano for parting with his ring. Gratiano says that he has given to the boy clerk. Portia calls him unfaithful for giving away Merissa’s first gift. Portia says that her Bassanio would never part with his ring. But Gratians announces that Bassanio too has given away his ring to the judge for his services. Portia gets wild and says that if Bassanio knew half the worthiness of Portia, f or his own dignity and his own oath, he would not have given it away. Bassanio tries defending his act by saying if she knew to whom he has given, how unwillingly he has given, she would not blame him. Finally Portia gives the letter of Dr Bellario in which it was mentioned that Portia played the role judge and Nerissa of the clerk, the come to the fact. Antonio is speechless to know of their wisdom. Portia gives the ring again to Bassanio and he has to take oath for the second time. This time Antonio says that his soul would be bound for the sake of Bassano’s oath. ************************************************************************