Congressional Record—House H1506

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Congressional Record—House H1506 H1506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2019 House Calendar and ordered to be Whereas John Dingell was elected to the There was no objection. printed. House following the death of his father in The resolution was agreed to. 1955 and was reelected 29 times; A motion to reconsider was laid on f Whereas John Dingell took up the mantle of advocating for affordable health insurance the table. HONORING THE LIFE, ACHIEVE- coverage for the Nation’s seniors, as cham- f MENTS, AND DISTINGUISHED pioned by his father, and worked to secure PUBLIC SERVICE OF JOHN DAVID the enactment of Medicare in 1965, presided REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, DINGELL, JR., AND EXPRESSING over its passage in the House, and was on BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- CONDOLENCES TO HIS FAMILY hand to witness its signing into law by Presi- VIVORS PROTECTION ACT ON HIS PASSING dent Lyndon Johnson; Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Whereas John Dingell was a crusader for unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask the environment, helping to author and unanimous consent that the Com- shepherd to passage the Clean Air Act, the mittee on the Judiciary be discharged mittee on House Administration be dis- Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water from further consideration of H.R. 962, charged from further consideration of Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- House Resolution 120, and ask for its National Environmental Policy Act; tection Act, and ask for its immediate Whereas John Dingell fought to make civil immediate consideration in the House; consideration in the House. rights a part of Democrats’ platform in 1960, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under and further, I ask unanimous consent standing up to those who believed it would that it be read in full. guidelines consistently issued by suc- alienate certain voters and declaring that it cessive Speakers, and recorded in sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. was the right thing to do; tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- BUTTERFIELD). Is there objection to the Whereas John Dingell was a strong sup- request of the gentleman from Mary- porter in the House of the Civil Rights Act of ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- land? 1957, the Civil Rights Act of 1960, the Civil tertain the request unless it has been There was no objection. Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights cleared by the bipartisan floor and Act of 1965; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The committee leaderships. Whereas John Dingell served as chairman Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, if this Clerk will report the resolution. of the Committee on Energy and Commerce The Clerk read as follows: unanimous consent request cannot be from January 3, 1981, to January 3, 1995, and entertained, I urge the Speaker and the H. RES. 120 again from January 3, 2007, to January 3, 2009, and served as its ranking minority majority leader to immediately sched- Whereas the death of former chairman of ule the born-alive bill so we can stand the Committee on Energy and Commerce, member during the years in between, making Representative John David Dingell, Jr., on him the senior Democratic member on that up and protect the sanctity of human February 8, 2019, brought not only a sense of Committee for 26 years; life, and I would ask all others to join deep personal loss to his family, including Whereas during every Congress in which he that request. his wife Representative Debbie Dingell of served, John Dingell introduced legislation The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Michigan’s 12th Congressional District and to provide universal access to health care, tleman has not been recognized for de- his children and grandchildren, to his many and he invited Speaker Nancy Pelosi to use bate. former colleagues and friends, but also to the the gavel with which he presided over pas- institution of the House of Representatives sage of Medicare in 1965 to preside over the f Affordable Care Act’s passage in the House and to the Nation; b 1915 Whereas John Dingell represented the peo- in 2010; ple of southeastern Michigan with distinc- Whereas John Dingell, over the course of NATIONAL CAREER AND tion in the House for 59 years, from Decem- his tenure, served with eleven Presidents (Ei- TECHNICAL EDUCATION MONTH senhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, ber 13, 1955, to January 3, 2015, making him (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given the longest serving Member of either cham- Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and ber of Congress in its history to date; Obama); permission to address the House for 1 Whereas John Dingell’s father, the late Whereas John Dingell served as Dean of minute.) John David Dingell, Sr., preceded him in the House from January 3, 1995, until Janu- Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise service as a Member of the House from ary 3, 2015; as co-chair of the bipartisan Congres- March 4, 1933, to September 19, 1955, and his Whereas John Dingell retired from the sional Career and Technical Education House in 2015 and was succeeded by his be- wife Debbie Dingell succeeded him on Janu- Caucus to recognize February as Na- ary 3, 2015, and continues to serve, and loved wife, whom he referred to as his ‘‘love- ly Deborah’’, who carries on his legacy and tional CTE Month. Today, my good Michiganders have entrusted John Sr., John friend and caucus co-chair, Representa- Jr., and Debbie Dingell together to serve as now serves as co-chair of the Democratic their voice in the Congress for the past 86 Policy and Communications Committee in tive THOMPSON, and I introduced a reso- years; the Democratic Caucus; lution supporting the goals and ideals Whereas John Dingell was raised from the Whereas, in 2014, President Barack Obama of CTE Month. age of six in southeast Michigan, his parents’ awarded John Dingell the Presidential Medal This resolution is particularly impor- home State, and where his father was elected of Freedom, the Nation’s highest civilian tant because many Americans still honor; to serve in the Seventy Third Congress; hold an outdated view of CTE as a plan Whereas John Dingell was fiercely proud of Whereas John Dingell, both before and after his retirement, gathered a large fol- B. In fact, today it is quite the oppo- his Polish-American roots and throughout site. The CTE programs are academic his life shared the joys of his heritage with lowing on Twitter, where he demonstrated others, including delivering paczki pastries his wit, wisdom, and clever commentary on pathways that allow students to ex- to colleagues, House staff, and visitors to the the Nation’s politics, while promoting great- plore careers in high demand, high-pay- Capitol; er civility, patriotism, tolerance, justice, ing industries that are relevant in to- Whereas John Dingell’s first taste of public and inclusion; and day’s society from healthcare to ad- service and participation in government was Whereas John Dingell was held in the high- vanced manufacturing to IT. est esteem by Members of the House from as a page for the House of Representatives; CTE Month is a time not only to cel- Whereas John Dingell, while serving as a both parties, not only because of his record tenure in office but because of his sharp in- ebrate the achievements of CTE stu- House page, was in the Hall of the House on dents, like the bright and motivated December 8, 1941, to witness President tellect, good humor, congeniality, and belief Franklin Roosevelt deliver his iconic address in working together to achieve consensus SkillsUSA students from Rhode Island asking for a declaration of war against through trust and camaraderie: Now, there- who visit my office each year, but to Japan following the bombing of Pearl Har- fore, be it spread awareness of today’s CTE and Resolved, That the House of Representa- bor; its potential to help students and busi- tives— Whereas John Dingell was drafted into the (1) honors the life, achievements, and dis- nesses succeed. United States Army at the age of 18 and tinguished public service of John David Din- Mr. Speaker, society needs workers served honorably; gell, Jr.; and with these skills that are in demand Whereas John Dingell received both his (2) expresses condolences to his family on today, and I want to thank Representa- B.S. and J.D. degrees from Georgetown Uni- his passing. versity and then served in private law prac- tive THOMPSON for his partnership and tice, as a park ranger with the National The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there urge my colleagues to join us in sup- Park Service, and as an assistant prosecutor objection to the consideration of the porting CTE programs across the coun- before his election to the House; resolution? try. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:53 Feb 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.026 H11FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE.
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