Edition 3 March 2006
March 2006 Edition 3 Winter 2006 Edition 3 INDEX Page 2 - PROM! True Blue, True Proulx! Female Focus By Craig Bonin Without a Date In June AHS will bid professionalism and the utmost out. Among other things Proulx before summer ends. Assistant Prom Expenses farewell to an outstanding fairness. She treats each and won’t miss about her work are Principal Mr. Richard Reynolds Page 3- BTW leader, a friend and a remark- every person with kindness, the long hours she puts in, many will not pursue the position. “I able character, our principal, generosity and above all, re- workdays last until 8 p.m., and am happy where I am,” he said. Blown Away Ms. Jackie Proulx. Edition 3 spect. worrying about the needs of a “Ms. Proulx has given Instant Messaging Following the depar- “Ms. Proulx has been high school, such as money, new 150 percent to our school and Page 4 - Entertainment ture to a middle school by her a valuable contributor to the teachers or a new building. has helped us make great Dominate Us All predecessor, Carol Martin, school. Her leaving will be a The past three years of progress in a variety of areas. Stuck in the Basement Proulx was signed as principal serious loss,” said science involvement with students, ac- She has been a pleasure to work in September of 2003, after an teacher Timothy Maynard. tivities, ceremonies, and friend- with, and I repect her total com- Who Killed Wellington interviewing process which in- “I think we will miss ships combined create a bouquet mitment to the ongoing efforts Page 5 cluded teachers, parents and to improve our school,” said Entertainment Part school district supervisors.
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