Preaching and Teaching the Parables of Jesus Stephen J
Editorial: Preaching and Teaching the Parables of Jesus Stephen J. Wellum ent Hughes begins his book on Mark’s sion of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, K Gospel recounting what happened to E. V. and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the Rieu, one of the world’s famous scholars of the clas- heart” (4:12, ESV). sics, a number of years ago. After having completed In fact, it is precisely because Scripture is what a translation of Homer into modern English for the it is, namely God’s Word written, and that it is by Penguin Classics series, he was then asked by the his Word that our Triune God discloses himself publisher to translate the Gospels. At this time in to us, convicts us of our sin, and conforms us to his life, Rieu was sixty years old and a self-avowed the image of the Son, that every year SBJT devotes agnostic all his life. Hughes recounts that when one issue to the specific book or portion of Scrip- Rieu’s son heard what his father ture which corresponds to Lifeway’s January Bible Stephen J. Wellum is Professor of Christian Theology at The South- was about to do, he said, “It will Study. We do so not merely to increase our knowl- ern Baptist Theological Seminary. be interesting to see what Father edge of the Scripture—as important as that is— will make of the four Gospels. It but also more significantly to bring our thought Dr. Wellum received his Ph.D.
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