B Vitamins for Stroke Prevention Stroke Vasc Neurol: First Published As 10.1136/Svn-2018-000156 on 6 June 2018
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Open Access Review B vitamins for stroke prevention Stroke Vasc Neurol: first published as 10.1136/svn-2018-000156 on 6 June 2018. Downloaded from Graeme J Hankey1,2 To cite: Hankey GJ. B vitamins ABSTRACT WHAT IS HOMOCYSTEINE? for stroke prevention. Stroke Supplementation with B vitamins (vitamin B9(folic Homocysteine is derived from the essential and Vascular Neurology 2018;0: acid), vitamin B12 and vitamin B6) lowers blood total amino acid methionine, which is abundant e000156. doi:10.1136/svn- homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations by about 25% and 2018-000156 in animal sources of protein. Methionine is reduces the relative risk of stroke overall by about 10% converted to homocysteine via the interme- (risk ratio (RR) 0.90, 95% CI 0.82 to 0.99) compared with diate S-adenosylmethionine, which acts as a placebo. Homocysteine-lowering interventions have no Received 26 March 2018 methyl donor, as in several other biochem- Revised 11 May 2018 significant effect on myocardial infarction, death from Accepted 11 May 2018 any cause or adverse outcomes. Factors that appear to ical processes such as DNA methylation and modify the effect of B vitamins on stroke risk include low creatine and phosphatidylcholine synthesis. folic acid status, high tHcy, high cyanocobalamin dose Homocysteine can be remethylated back to in patients with impaired renal function and concurrent methionine or converted to cysteine by trans- antiplatelet therapy. In regions with increasing levels or sulfuration (figure 1).12 established policies of population folate supplementation, evidence from observational genetic epidemiological studies and randomised controlled clinical trials is concordant in suggesting an absence of benefit from FACTORS INFLUENCING HOMOCYSTEINE lowering of homocysteine with folic acid for prevention CONCENTRATION of stroke. Clinical trials indicate that in countries Plasma tHcy reflects free-bound and protein- which mandate folic acid fortification of food, folic acid bound homocysteine, its dimer homocyst- supplementation has no significant effect on reducing eine and cysteine-homocysteine mixed stroke risk (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.23). However, in disulfide.13 The causes of high tHcy are listed countries without mandatory folic acid food fortification, in box 1.14–19 folic acid supplementation reduces the risk of stroke by about 15% (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.94). Folic acid alone or in combination with minimal cyanocobalamin (≤0.05 Genetic mutations mg/day) is associated with an even greater reduction in The cause of inherited hyperhomocystein- risk of future stroke by 25% (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.66 to aemia can be broadly separated into remeth- http://svn.bmj.com/ 0.86), whereas the combination of folic acid and a higher ylation disturbances (methylenetetrahydro- dose of cyanocobalamin (≥0.4 mg/day) is not associated folate reductase (MTHFR) deficiency and with a reduced risk of future stroke (RR 0.95, 95% CI vitamin B and folate-related defects) and 0.86 to 1.05). The lack of benefit of folic acid plus higher 12 transsulfuration defects (cystathionine β-syn- doses of cyanocobalamin (≥0.4 mg/day) was observed thase deficiency and cystathionine gamma- in trials which all included participants with chronic 15–19 kidney disease. Because metabolic B deficiency is very lyase deficiency). 12 on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. common and usually not diagnosed, future randomised trials of homocysteine-lowering interventions for stroke Remethylation disturbances prevention should probably test a combination of folic In order for homocysteine to be remethylated acid and methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin instead of to methionine, it requires a methyl donor in cyanocobalamin, and perhaps vitamin B . 6 the form of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, which is produced from 5,10-methylenetetrahydro- THE HOMOCYSTEINE HYPOTHESIS folate in a reaction catalysed by 5,10-MTHFR. 1UWA Medical School, Faculty The hypothesis that B vitamin therapy (folic About 10% of the population is homozygous of Health and Medical Sciences, acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12) may prevent for a point mutation (C-to-T substitution at The University of Western stroke emerged more than 15 years ago after nucleotide 677 (677 C→T polymorphism)) in Australia, Perth, Western early case and epidemiological studies reported the coding region of the gene for MTHFR. The Australia, Australia 2Department of Neurology, an association between high plasma concentra- TT polymorphism is associated with a thermola- Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, tions of total homocysteine (tHcy) and incident bile variant of MTHFR that has reduced activity Nedlands, Western Australia, cardiovascular diseases,1–7 laboratory studies (by about 50%) and thus reduced production Australia reported atherogenic and thrombogenic of the methyl donor 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate 8–10 Correspondence to properties of high tHcy, and randomised (akin to low dietary intake of folate), which Dr Graeme J Hankey; controlled trials (RCTs) showed that supple- increases tHcy moderately by about 20% (ie, 16–18 graeme. hankey@ uwa. edu. au mentation with B vitamins lowers tHcy.11 about 2 µmol/L). Hankey GJ. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2018;0:e000156. doi:10.1136/svn-2018-000156 1 Open Access Transsulfuration defects Stroke Vasc Neurol: first published as 10.1136/svn-2018-000156 on 6 June 2018. Downloaded from Box 1 Causes of hyperhomocysteinemia The most common, although rare, genetic cause of severe hyperhomocysteinaemia (>100 µmol/L) and homocyst- Genetic factors inuria is homozygous deficiency of cystathionine β-syn- ► 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T homozygosity thase, which is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait in (common).16–18 19 14 about 1 in 100 000 live births. ► Cystathionine gamma-lyase (common). ► Heterozygosity for cystathionine β synthase (CBS) defects Nutritional deficiencies in B vitamin cofactors required for (uncommon). 19 homocysteine metabolism ► Homocystinuria (homozygous CBS) (very rare). The metabolic (methylation) pathway that converts Physiological factors homocysteine to methionine is catalysed by methio- ► Increased age. nine synthase and requires folic acid (5-methyl tetrahy- ► Male sex. ► Menopause. drofolate) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) as an essential cofactor (figure 1). The metabolic (transsulfuration) ► Reduced glomerular filtration rate. Increased muscle mass. pathway that converts homocysteine to cystathionine ► Lifestyle factors is catalysed by cystathionine β-synthase and requires ► Reduced B vitamin intake (folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6). vitamin B6 as a cofactor (figure 1). Hence, the total ► Smoking. plasma concentration of homocysteine (tHcy) is influ- ► Coffee. enced by blood concentrations of the B vitamins folic ► Alcohol consumption. acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) and pyridoxine (B6). ► Physical inactivity. Disease states Other causes of hyperhomocysteinaemia ► B vitamin deficiency (due to malabsorption, including inflammatory Other factors affecting tHcy include increasing age, bowel disease). smoking, hypothyroidism, renal impairment, malabsorp- ► Renal impairment. ► Hypothyroidism. tion of vitamin B12 and numerous other diseases and drugs (box 1). Fasting tHcy rises as serum creatinine rises ► Diabetes mellitus. because of impaired metabolism and clearance of homo- ► Psoriasis. Malignancies. cysteine by the kidney. ► Drugs ► Lipid-lowering*—cholestyramine, nicotinic acid, fibric acid deriva- EVIDENCE FOR HOMOCYSTEINE AS A caUSAL RISK facTOR tives (eg, fenofibrate). FOR STROKE ► Anticonvulsants—phenytoin, carbamazepine. Sex hormones—androgens. A causal association between a risk factor, such as tHcy, ► ► Antirheumatic drugs—methotrexate. and a disease, such as stroke, is inferred by several factors, ► Other—ciclosporin, diuretics, levodopa, methionine loading (oral, including the following: intravenous, peritoneal), theophylline, trimethoprim. http://svn.bmj.com/ ► Temporal sequence of exposure to the risk factor first, *HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have no effect on total plasma followed then by the occurrence of the disease. homocysteine levels. ► Independence from confounding factors (known and unknown) that are associated with both the exposure and the disease but are not on the causal pathway factors.6 7 An increase of 3 µmol/L in tHcy was associ- between the exposure and the disease (eg, are not ated with an increase in risk of stroke by about 24% and on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mediators of the causal effect). increased risk of myocardial infarction by about 15% ► Strength of the association (high relative risk or rela- after a mean follow-up of 7.3 years and after adjusting tive odds). for confounding by other cardiovascular risk factors.6 7 ► A dose–response relationship (the greater degree of However, absent other evidence, reverse causation and exposure to the risk factor, the greater the frequency residual confounding, by failure to measure and adjust or severity of the disease). for confounding factors that increase both tHcy and ► Consistency of the association among different studies stroke risk but are not on the causal pathway between and populations. tHcy and stroke (eg, smoking, lower socioeconomic class ► Biological and epidemiological plausibility. and renal impairment), might be possible explanations ► A decline in the incidence of the disease after experi- for the observed association. mental removal or reduction of the risk factor (ideally in RCTs).20 Genetic epidemiological studies A meta-analysis of 111