New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science Is the Offi Cial Publication of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Bernard Chambers
,661 9ROXPH1XPEHU1RYHPEHU blis sta he E d 1HZ=HDODQG -RXUQDORI i n 1946 0HGLFDO /DERUDWRU\ 6FLHQFH 2IILFLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRIWKH 1HZ=HDODQG,QVWLWXWHRI 0HGLFDO/DERUDWRU\6FLHQFH ,QFRUSRUDWHG HIT range - 07/2012 - Photo: Eric Meola/Gettyimages ©2010 Diagnostica Stago All rights reserved STic Expert® HIT For suspected Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Allows exclusion of HIT when combined with the pretest clinical score IgG specific Unitary test, very easy to use Result available in 10 minutes Editor Rob Siebers, PGCertPH FNZIC FNZIMLS CBiol CSci FSB, University of New Zealand Journal of Otago, Wellington Deputy Editor Terry Taylor, BSc DipMLS MNZIMLS, Southern Community Laboratories, Dunedin Board Members Chris Kendrick, GradDipSc MSc MNZIMLS, Massey University, Palmerston North Michael Legge, PhD MSB FIBMS FNZIMLS FFSc(RCPA), University of Volume 66 Number 3 Otago, Dunedin November 2012 Holly Perry, MAppSc(Hons) DipMLT MNZIMLS, Auckland University of Technology ISSN 1171-0195 Cat Ronayne, BMLSc DipGrad MNZIMLS, University of Otago, Dunedin John Sterling, BSc(Hons) MLett AFRCPA MAIMS FRMS, SA Pathology, TH Pullar Memorial Address Adelaide Pathology: The study of structure and function in health and Ann Thornton, CertMS FNZIMLS, University of Otago, Wellington Tony Woods, BA BSc(Hons) PhD MAIMS FFSc(RCPA), University of diseases South Australia, Adelaide Robin Fraser ................................................................................67-69 Statistical Editor Original article Nevil Pierse, PhD, University of Otago, Wellington Evaluation of the new red cell research parameters on the Sysmex About the Journal XE-5000 The New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is the offi cial publication of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Bernard Chambers ............................................................................70-72 Laboratory Science (NZIMLS) who owns the copyright.
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