v’-.. :*‘J Security Council $.;J-b * !..4VJ Distr. % GENERAL -?!t!t--: & S/17819 12 February 1986 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ARABIC


In connection with my letter dated 10 February 1986 enclosinq the letter addressed to you from Mr. Tariq Aziz, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq, distributed in document S/17814, and on instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit to you as an annex to this letter the texts of statements made by the President of the Republic of Iran and broadcast on Radio Teheran, and of other official Iranian statements. These testify to the fact that the Iraqi Government was justified in repeatedly calling the attention of the international community to the expansionist and aqgressive nature of the Iranian &gime and to the fact that its fundamental objective in continuing the aggressive war against Iraq is to topple the Government and to replace it with a client government. The Iraqi people, who are defending their national sovereignty and integrity and upholding their honour and dignity in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, cannot but ridicule the utterances of the lackeys in Teheran, just as, on the battlefield. they have scorned the attacks of the aqgressors and their hostile and expansionist policies.

I also wish to inform you that the latest Iranian attack against the Iraqi town of Al-Faw inflicted severe damage and caused numerous deaths among the civilian population.

I request you have this letter and its annex distributed as a document of the Secority Council.

(Signed) Ismat KITTANI Permanent Representative

86-04273 22928 (E) / . . . S/17819 Enqlish Paqe 2


1. In an interview broadcast in the Persian lanquaqe by Radio Teheran at 1330 hours local time on 11 Fehruary 1986, Khameini, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stated the followinq:

“Our valiant combatants have crossed the Arvand Rud (Shatt al-Arab). They have, indeed, entered Iraqi territory and have encircled the Iraqi town of Al-Faw. Al-Faw is reqarded as Iraq’s second port. They have encircled and blockaded Al-Faw. The latest news to have reached me is that the town of Al-Faw has fallen to our forces, which are in full control of it. Those of our valiant combatants who have crossed the Arvand river (Shatt al-Arab) have blocked off the approach to Al-Faw, which constitutes Iraq’s only point of contact with the . I have today learnt that the combatants of Islam are standinq on the shores of Khawr Abd Allah, The waters of Khawr Abd Allah represent the border separatinq and Iraq. The fact that our combatants are standinq at the waters of Khawr Abd Allah means that they have taken Al-Faw fr@m Iraq, that from the area of Khawr Abd Allah they command the port of and that they have cut this last remaininq link. Iraq has no remaininq means of access to the sea .‘I

He went on to say:

“The area in which our forces have now taken up position is that of Al-Faw and the vicinity of , which belonqs of Kuwait. Yesterday, I sent a letter to the Amir of Kuwait in which I said to him: ’ You must be alert that Iraqi forces do not come and occupy Bubiyan Island and make use of it aqainst our forces. Therefore, you must caution the iniquitous Iraqis, since it is possible that they miqht come and make use oE the facilities of Bubiyan Island aqainst our armed Corces and our dauntless soldiers. You must be alert that no such thinq should happen. Hold Bubiyan Island yourselves. Do not allow Iraq to use the facilities located there. Do not allow them to brinq their forces onto the island or allow them to take any action from there, for the island helonqs to you. Should you not do that, however, and should you fail to stand up aqainst the Iraqis and to prevent Iraqi aqqression aqainst Buhiyan Island, then we shall not tolerate havinq the enemy at our hack and we shall he obliqed to defend ourselves.’

“I have dispatched a special envoy to qive the Amir of Kuwait this inEormation, but T do not know whether he has yet met with him or whether nr nnt the Amir has received the letter.

“Experience has shown that distortion takes place, and for that reason I am aqaln senrfinq the letter from here to the distinquished Amir of Kuwait. I shall say to him: ‘Hold Buhiyan Island yourselves, since it holnnqs to you, and do not let the Trbqis make use of it. If you do not act accordinqly, then weI in our turn, shall he obliqed to take action.“’

2. Ths fourth cnmmuniquh issIred by the Khatam al-Anbiya’ headquarters (the joint oprrat ions centre of the T:;lamic Revolutionary Guards and the Army), which was

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broadcast in Persian by Radio Teheran at 0400 hours local time on 11 February 1986, included the followinqr

“Those proceedinq on the road to Karbala, in continuation of the victorious Wa-al-Fajc 11 operations and havinq passed throuqh the Eortifications of the Baathist forces, have succeeded, on the Al-Faw axis, in cuttinq off Iraq’s contact with the Persian Gulf and severinq what constitutes a vital artery for the Baathists, who are on the verqe of extinction. The soldiers of Islam are now in the immediate vicinity of Kuwaiti territory and are hopfnq, throuqh co-operation with their new neiqhbour and the other countries of the Persian Gulf, to eradicate the evil of the Iraqi Raath Party in the waters of the Persian Gulf.”

3. The fifth military communiqu8, issued by the aforementioned headquarters on 11 February 1986, which was broadcast in the Persian lanquaqe by Radio Teheran at 0730 hours local time, contained the followinqr

“Our formidable forces west of the Arvand river (Shatt al-Arab) are continuinq to destroy the malevolent Aflaqist tortes. The important Iraqi industriai city of Al-Faw and its strateqic port are now completely encircled by the Islamic forces.”

4. The seventh military communiqu6, issued by the same source as mentioned above on 11 February 1986, which was broadcast by Radio Teheran in the Persian lanquaqe at 1930 hours local time, contained the followinqr

“The heroes of Islam, followinq moppinq-up operations in the Iraqi town of Al-Faw this afternoon, proceeded to fortify their positions. After the conquest of the Iraqi industrial town of Al-Faw by the heroes of Islam, the commander of the 25th (Katbala) Division raised the qreen flaq of the eiqhth Imam, Imam al-Rida, which had been chcsen as the flaq for the operations, over the hiqhest minaret in the city,”

5. The eiqhth military communiqud, issued by the above-mentioned source on 12 February 1986, which was broadcast in Persian by Radio Teheran at 0730 hours local time on that day, stated that “the combatants of Islam” had proceeded to “liberate another 100 square kilometres and more of important territory in the area of Al-Fawn.