y • ■ n A \ / a ' ' ' ^ ..t r .■ SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 195S PAGE TWELVE liartrliPBtjr lEutnittg Iftralii I Averse* Daily Not Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Foredaat of C. S. Weather Buiusv 4an. 81. 1868 least, we know of one person who was' in a big rush—and it cost him Betrothed Playing Cheney Fair, cloudy tonight, MlnlaMHua AboutTown a nice fresh piece of pie. '1 WILLIAM DICKSON & SON 10,871' Heard Along Main Street A friend of ours was out visiting about M . Snow ehaaglag te ruda one night. But he had to leave Piece Feb. 10 SINCE 1915 Member of tho Andit Tneeday. Mr. and Mra. Warren Miner of Bureau of Clrenlatient Horttm road ara spending ■ the M rly' for another engagenrien^. MancliesterrTTTrA City of KiHage Chiarm. And on Sittne o f Manchemtier^s-Side Streets^ Too ¥l0 tbVd’ his hosress and she under- week end at the. Hotel Commodore RESIDENTIAL' IHDCOMIIEm HAt (Jlahi^ingly, gaive .hlpi. lhc go jdiead. Bow*Art String Quartet In New York City. They will “But'jsefore you go," she said, attend the semi-annual Governor’s (Claaalfled Advertlalng on Page 14) The 88 Per Centers munity is selected to do the honors, "have A, piece of pie. I just made MINTINU AND PAPERHANfilNG iMANCHESTpR, CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1953 . (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS Foot Guard Ball as the guests of Will Feature Composi­ VOL. LXXH, NO. 104 Tuesday night the Planning to lend prestige to the occasion. It." . Ool. and Mrs. Calvin Scavey of Then, after the suitable an­ Now Our friend was in a hurry, tion at Bushnell Hall ALL WORKMEN INSURED New Hampshire and several Other Commission held a public hearing nouncements have been made, the but he also knew that his hostess social functions connected with in the Hollister Street School to drawing is held. The honor guest turns out a pre'ltj' goor daughter. it was gone—or almost gone, any­ Mr. and Mrs. Csrlos Frank in New York, the quartet, com­ Brownie and Intermediate Girl has not met, to our knowledge, to Of course, the whole thing was how. The last piece was being Whitcher of 25 Victoria road an­ posed of Leon Bolotlne, Peter Scout leaders, which was scheduled decide the questions in executive strictly upon the \ip and up. It lapped up by the hostess’ nice nounce the engagement of their Buonconslgllo. George Brown and to begin next Tuesday, will begin session, and, so far as we know, was just a case where Lady Luck friendly hunting dog. The animal, daughter, Carol Jean, to William Seymour Benstock, played the Instead on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The does not Intend to meet until some played a rather nasty- and cer­ unfortunately for our friend, has a r . Tkompsion • of Simsbury, for­ piece beautifully. course, which, is pp^n to all leaders time next week. Our only thought tainly embarrassing trick, on ^1 fine nose. It didn't- take him long merly of Newton Centre. Mass.- -Following the custom at these Europe Storm-Flood Toll over 850; High who have had one or rhore years'' is for them, the’ members of that parties concerned. We'd hate to to pick up the scent on that clear, fonims, Mr. Cheney -was on hand experience, will be given at the Mr. Thompson Is the son of Mrs. board, who often are criticised by try and flg^ire nut what the odds cold night. A few quick slurps to answer que.stions. "How dare THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB Girl Scout office by Miss Jean, Samuel Logan Thompson of W el­ persona not in agreement with de­ are against such a thing happen­ you write a singable tune in this Campbell, Manchester Girl Scout flnished the job. lesley Hills, Mass., and the late | r cisions but who fail to take the op­ ing. but it has happened and more By that time, of course. It was executive director, on Feb. 10, 17 Mr. Thompson. day and age?” was one; another portunity to say so at public hear­ too late for our buddy to cool sn Floods Jumble British Trailer Camp and.24 at 7:30 p.m. It is requested than once. Miee Whitcher is an alumna implied parallels to Dvorak and 39 Aboard ings.'The property owners who Recently In Manchester, we had j other hunk o f pie. He was in too that those planning to take the of the "University of Connecticut Mendelssohn, while a -third quea- course contact the .Girl Scout office make up the 88 per cent not ap­ an incident roughly along these much of a hurry and is employed in the Purchasing tiop asked. "Do you think this is lines. But just roughly. The and leave their names. pearing at the public hearing have Department -|t Pratt and Whitney a step-ahead piece that has had their chance to voice an opin­ Fox arid Coon Club had an affair But Try And Cash It Aircraft. brought anything new?" Mr. Che­ rx*» • T I ^ Plane Down ion. Now it’s too late, regardless of recently at which sporting equip­ This should happen to a reporter. Mr. Thompson was graduated ney replied; "I no longer attempt A daughter was born at the St. ment was distributed as prizes. to be new.' I try to be myself, Francla Hospital on Jan. 29 to Mr. what action is-taken. Just once It should happen so we from Wesleyan University where EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Among those donating prizes and that, to me, was something' Dikes m Lowlands Atlantic could impress all our friends and he was a member of Delta Tau and Mrs. Henry Agostlnelll of 14 were “Red" Aimeftl,- who oper­ 20 R e g u l a r g a m e s — 3 s p e c i a l s For Curb on l.«ly Laeki Joker new." Williams street drive biir creditors buggy. Delta fraternity. During World You’ve heard of situations like ates a local sporting goods shop, Our check.* are hand written and W ar II he served w‘ith the 10th The moderator said he remem­ STARTING A T 8:15 SHARP By TH E ASSOCIATED PRESS « beaten eoaata. There were corpses this. Some club or company or and the F. T. Bllsh company, we tried bumping into the pay- "Mpuntaln Infantry in . Italy. He bered earlier pieces of Mr. Cheney Mountainous new tides Halifax, N. S„ Feb. 2—(/P) store or fund-raising- ckmpaign de­ which has a popular sporting ma.Hter’s arm while he writes, but 1s associated with Hewitt Rubber that were different from the quar­ Washington, Feb. President EisenhowM* announced tpdgjr cides to hold a drawing: Perhaps goods department. tet, and asked the composer when in upon Europe’s battered :°"b,e. - ^ — A. British troop-ferryinK It'smo go. Division of Hewilt-R6bih8,"‘ Ihc., the big prize is a washing machine coa.sts today, bringing fresh Canvey island 25 miles down the aircraft with 39 persons No, Red didn't draw one of his It happened to William Turner, a as a field engineer. he had gained the courage to he is ordering the U. S. Seventh Fleet to stop shielding Communist Chinn or a radio or a car. Anyhow, change hls style in favor of mel­ peril to lands which already Thames estuary from London re- Frank's own prizes. But he, did almo.ee and Any of you Old timers remcm; recognlzed child specialist, teacher portunity to be a donor. C OOD -To All Children Lynn and Tilbury' were flooded in i flood, at Bkegpsinf, UiiMliiSlilre, as disastrous floods sweep Britain's east Fleet no rdnfl'er will "shield' Com­ hM adminUtratiMi wtU aid other - "t' her when in .some years you didn't In cooperation with the blood, part and isolated. j The North Sea is tapered—open port, officials said a second plane, roast. The trailer ramp vehicles were swept across the eubmerged munist China” by preventing CSil- nations In tha fight against Oom- Adm. Arthur W. Radford con­ the warden replied, "Put him in -and researcher, is a consultant of unidentified but. bound from Mont­ (-.1 see the ground from January to the American Academy of Pedia­ program committee, which is try- Scores of bodies floated among 1 ------field at right b.v gale-lashed waters. Similar floods la Holland and nese Nationalists on Formosa from ihiinist aggression. But he said ferred with President Einen* the back of my truck," It Can Be real- to England, had messaged March? Now we have brush fires tricians of which he is a Fellow. Ing to recruit 150 donors for j VISION vast seas of debris on Britain’s . (Continued on Page Fifteen) Belgium reached national disaster ptoportlons. (A P Photo by radio attacking the mainland. ’ this help w ill be "in the measure The station helper picked up from over the Atlantic that it was bower today and dropped, a the cat and opened the door to in February and we’ re being In 1947 he received the Borden Wednesday afternoon’s visit, mana-1 An Important from (.on'don.) DEFENSE PROBLEMS —■ Civil that they strive earnestly to do warned about where we throw our limping back to Gander on only hint that Chinese Nationalist the truck, but the cat didn't gel Award for outstanding re.search in gers of several local stores have | Factor In defense la "sheer necessity” be­ their ■ full shars Of the common BUY cigarette butts. infant and child nutrition. Further, posted notices reminding their em- j two of its four engines but that it cause Russia incontrovertibly pos- task.” air raids against Red China In. The cat's owner noticed that Their did not need assistance.) there were two dead Cata In the And ice skating. It used to be he has served the U. S. Children's ployes of the visit and suggesting seasea atomic weapons. Produc­ Eisenhower spoke out in a State would Ixa S big threat with as night after night at Center Springs. Schoolwdrk truck, and he asked Lee._why hls Bureau, the National Mental H y­ that they take advantage of this The aircraft made its last regulgr tion must be free of waste, high of o f the Union message which end to the policy of “neo* W e’re lucky now If we can salvage Taft Sees ‘Good Case’ cat was being placed in with the giene Committee and at present is opportunity to serve their com- report to Gander at 1:35 a.’m. quality. Win the Cold W ar and brought him before a joint ses­ tralizing" Formosa. a week of skating out of the whole chairman of the board,of trustees munitv. It has been proven many times that smart (12:35 a.m. e. s. t.), saying it was avoid total war. sion of Congress for the first time MEMORIALS i dead ones. winter. ehHilren showed pimr sehool grades beeause ^ Ths Navy's (^mipandar In Gbiot Lee answered, "Well, you wqnt of-the Southbury Training School. Stores which are cooperating in about three-fourths of the way to ECONOMIC POUeV — End since he took office. Remember when we iised to have they couldn’t see the work. Let us help “ in' tha Pa:cUlc arts told rsportora me to fix your cat don't you?" Southbury. Conn., an institution this wav include Hale’s. Marlow’s. In Challenge to Conant Newfoundland from Lagens, in the wsge-price-material controls April It wss a far-ranging S.SOO-word at the W)ilto Houaa that tho Na- 10 or 12 inche.s of snow In one dedicated to the care and training Burton’s, the F. W. Vy'oolworth correct tWs condition with proper glasses Azores. Later the transport com­ 30 but keep curbs on scarce de­ address In which the chief execu­ Th e fellow said, VYes. I .want storm? When it used to fill the er yon have had your child’s eyes tested. Bar Trip to Soviet tlonaUat tovarninant o f Formoos OF PROVEN - o f mentally handicapped young­ company and the Montgbmery- munications center at Gander fense items and on rents in critical tive took “Individual liberty” for my cat spayed, not k(IIed." He has "oxcollsnt air force peraptuMi” -.hedges, up to ik* t-op 7, .When sters.- ' Ws-rd company.. Wa.shington, Feb,-2 — (ffri — ; A- N e w Deal programs’ but more re- picked up-the,.S08i • housing areas. Begin balancing the hls theme and-*- was referred' to the veterinarian and Would bo a strong atrUdag streets used to have high banks of The Manchester Association for Blood program officials hope writer-ec.onoml.st today challenged cently a bitter critic of former budget and checking Inflation be­ 1. Said near-balance of the for that kind of seFvlce. snow lined up on each side for CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS YEAR ’ROUND The RCAF sent out six Lan­ powor U givsn good aqulpnatni: the Help of Retarded Children, a that many employes of these con­ the nomination of Dr. James B. ..Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. casters from its base at Grren- New York, Fel). -’Thirteen convicted Communist fore cutting taxes. budget, and with it the prospect weeks ? p.s.rents' organization, is a member cerns will use; part of their free Conant to be U. S: High Commis- He wrote "The Roosevelt Myth.” LOYALTY AND GOVERN­ of tax cuts, wob't corns In ths Im- Oaafer With Hco SUPERIORITY Ixisra Taste In linate W e can only conclude that Old wood,.dxova Scptla, to search, and leaders today were offered a choice, either go to Rus.sia or to Radford apptared for tha White of the National A.ssociation for Re­ tiipe on Wednesday to help in thia sloner to Gerrnany. Sen. Taft (R -" Conant is a former president of .jail, but defen.se counsel promptly rejected the go-to-Russia MENT — Executive agencies will medlats future. He pointed to the Take your time, because It Man Winter iis getting old. But tarded Children. Founded in 19.50, vital and necc.s.sary project. Many Ohio) told reporters he thought' Harvard University. A number of rid themselves of all disloyal, un- "inherited burden of Indebtedness House seaaton Juet an hour and a doesn't pay to be In a hurry. A t maybe ’he’ll read this and bestir (Continued on Page Three) a^ernative. Federal Judge Edward J. Dim’bck put forward his half before the Brceldent was Correctly designed monuments are products of careful there are now 129 units in 33 npnolntments are open between the wltnesa” made a good case". Roman Catholic group.a have pro- rellabla workers. Presidential gov- and obligations and deficits” himself. Maybe by the time ymt slates and D C., with members- umistial "probstion plttn" as ■- the ------^-----'— ------eeheduied to go 'before CongTsee intelligent study. They have h^lance, distinction and 2:,30 and 5 p.m. bn that day arid against Conant. tested his selection, arguing tijat ernmeni-revamplhg powers should which he said threaten to ' craiih read this the snow will be piled at-large in the remaining states, It is suggested that any jieraon Taft, who is the Republican floor he is opposed to parochial sclidbls. ^ ^ 1.1 1 i Red leaders were called into court be continued as Is. through the present public debt to deHver hls Stats of the Union meaning; they have beauty that will endure. J hhlf way \ip to your windowsill and Hawaii and Canada. wishing to he a donor should leader in the Senate,' added,’ how- Others have said this is not so. CIVIL AND HOCIAL RIGHTS message. The admiral declined-to kiJ LC*AflCxVl I n permit sny of the de- calling of 175 billion dollars. still going strong. phone Ml-3-5111 before Wednes­ 641 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER TEL. Ml-9-3128 ever, that he does not believe the Chairman W iley (R^Wis.) told Talbott Claims - The President will seek to end 2. nedlctsd that with the end talk to reporters as ha entered Cutting Done In Out Own Shop From The Holden's Flowers fendants'who chose to go to Rus- day and secure an appointment, so Foreign Relations committee reportira Flynn touched on the re- 1~^ H V r 1 j racial segregation in the armed of controls some. prices will go BlaenhowerV office. An Old Story Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial 81 Ooklond StrMf that he or she will be able tq com­ which is studying - the Conant llgioua issue, but tbat he concen­ |4 ^ 1 V 1 instead of to an American services and District of Columbia. up and others wlU come down. The conference was held against 'Wo walked down Main street Conn. Power Has TV I ^ penalty for their con­ No Wrong in plete the process of donating more nomination will act adversely on trated his attsck.ron Conant by ss- He will atrlv* for: nationwide Sag Reds Hava.A*Waapana the background of reports that Td. MI-9-7743 spiracy. one rainy morning this , week and quickly. , the selection. serting that be' backed the contro­ progress In civil, rights matters. 8. Said In emphatic tarms* this Elsenhower was' ready to tell COn- The judge previously had aaked happened upon an off-duty police­ Earnings for 1952 The witness who appeared at * versial Moygenthau plan in 1944. The new Immigration law la dis- country has “incontrovertible evi­ grese that he was opening the ALWAYS OPEN By Groundhog Ifour of the convicted Communists Contract Leak man who was juggling a few pen­ secret committee session was John This called for largely disman­ crlmlnstory and must be changed. dence that Soviet Russia possesses way for Chtneie'NatlonaHat forajrs- Manchester Memorial Co. nies in his hand. He was headed to­ how they felt about such a choice. T. Flynn, at one time a bacKer of tling Germany’a Industrial plant. ^ ... ^ A study is anticipated of the rela­ atomic weapons." Fqrmer Presi from Formosa against the Oom- wards a parking meter which, wc Although It reported a substan­ Three of them said vehemently A. H. AIM ETTI Prop. aftef Allied victory in World Wsr1 Quarryvllle. Pi^-.-Feb. 2 For Washington. Feb. Harold tionships of federal-state social dent Truman had sUrred up a tial increase in revenues for 1952 they had no intention of leaving munlat mainland.' noted, was red. FILMS-CAMERAS If in favor of ,an .iricultural ‘h« E. Talbott, President Eisenhower’s welfare programs. Old age and controversy by ax'presslng doubt That would be accomplished t g HARRISON STREET—MANCHESTER "Didn’t have any pennies,” hr over the previous year, the Con­ economy. ■ " trious history the Slumbering the United Statea. The fourth indl- choice for Secretary o f ' tha Air 4 » ,1 II—. in a recant Interview that the Rus­ releasing the U. S. Seventh Fleet said, "and had to run into the necticut Power Company in a re­ FL.\SH BULBS. CASES, rated she didn’t like the idea, MOVIES, PARTS Conant listened to Flynn's testl- i (Continued on Page Eleven) sians had a workable A-bomb. from the job of preventing any store to get some.'' port yesterday indicated only a mony. The educator is to get a ‘ ‘ ^e clan in tha White House No either. Force, told the Senate today it was SPECIAL Defense Attorney John T. Mcv 4. Promised all action within his Chinese Natlonallat strikea froBi ! Well, now, we have heard that small increase in earnings. News Tidbits "unfortunate" that an. aircraft-firm RISLEY'S chance to reply, probably tomor-’ •’aye whipped power to wipe opt race segrega­ Formosa at the ChineM mainland. excuse before. It is sound and The total revenue for 1952 was Arthur Drug Storus up something »uper for today. Ternan said he was "very much he once headed received confiden-. ••Voiir Friendly Markpf* 1 row. tion in the District of Columbia The Seventh Fleet la part of Rad­ i logical and has happened before, $17,115,428. or 8.3 per cent more Culled from AP-W ires disturbed and a little shocked" st tlal ’tips on aircraft contracts from .Sen. Danger (R-ND), a commit- | •" G'o«nd Hog and in the armed forces. Beyond ford's Faclfic command. J 99 Slimmer Street Lucky another patrolman didn’t than the $15,874,573 fo r the year " ' Day. It s the day when a lot of the judge's questions about such an Army officer. j tee member, said Flynn made ' ’a that, Eisenhower Indicated he "James C. Hagerty, Eiaenhowera ..tag' hla car. while, he. was inside, 1951.. The balance for dividends people watch little holes in the an alternative. ^ But he refused, to, describe ac­ Bulletins For One "Pete," Bronx, N. Y. zOo’s hip-, very good witness." But he would would work “through friendly con­ press secretary, declined to say getting those pennies. We venture amounted to only two cents more earth for woodchucks to pop out; Five of the defendants are Rus- ceptance of the tlpa was "wrong.” not say he would oppose Conant. ferences with those In authority in whether Radford had returned to i to hope that the next. tim e'that, per share. poptamus, ..who spent 50 years to see if winter Is over. A lot of born. Two were born In Po- 'Talbott, automobile and aviation from the AP Wires DIMES RHYMES OPEN LAND SURVEYING Another committee member. j patrolman hears that excuse while The lD52.ffgure was $1,676,912^ caged beltlnd bars, dies of old age, othera poke fun st that and go i land, one in Trinidad, one in Hun- executive, was back for further Sen. Fulbright (D -A rk), said he (Continaed on Page Eleven) (Contlmied on Pago EleveB) , he is tagging someone's car, he will as compared wjfh $1.666.4.56 for' ■till a b a p h elo r... Senate Com­ right on believing the official | ^grv. Four are native Amerl'cans. questioning b y the Senate Armed I \- ; •■ ■ ■ Edward L. Davis, Jr. got the impre-ssion Flynn believed SUNDAYS ! remember his own plight and for­ 1951, resulting in an Increase from merce committee seta up machin­ weather reports, no matter whether . previously, the judge had an- Services committee. It approved WINNIE EXPI.AINH STAND Registered Land Surveyor ' W eek/ • ' ery for planned probe s f racketeer­ Conant was "soft toward Cdmmiin- the groundhog sees its shadow or ; pounced he would not Impose maxi- his nomination, 14-1, last week, but give find fo rget,. $2,34 per share to $2.,36. London^ F eb .. 2— lAb*—BJ4naSk "THANKS" TO ALL ing nh New York-New Jersey iam.” Sen. Kefauver (Di. Tenn.l asked .Company preat^nt Austin D. 15 • Proctor Road Maiicheater not. ' . 1 nium prison senterices on the 13. Minister Churidilll told nn un­ l i t UMTIL1 P. M. MONDAY, FEB. 2 TH^^UGH S^URDAY, FEB. 7 waterfronts. ^ Wiley said Flynn made - five The tradition: If the groundhog. Judge Dimork said he propo.sed that he be called Iwck for-further Til* goal's in siglif and victory's noor Bathroom Bluet Barney, who signed the riport said T E U M ITC H E LL 8-701* specific sccusstlonx in challenging easy British parliament today JH '-one-of. the. lai'gdc homes-in ..that earnings, fox. 1952. .were ad? Jobn'Fprd, motion picture direc­ seea Ita shadow, aix more weeks .fending^ the CQuylcIfid .Iftadcfji .to j quesllpning. Frencli F^ar Ike’s Talk the Cdifirif nolrtinati8rr.Th«y' l>e’iinide’;”no-formal oo'tafonnal ' How gi^Htf nrjbVs iMicn dono^t verseiy aff^ted by.tte failure of tor, recieives .Guild . 1952 snnuaf of winter if it'doesn't, then spring ; i.* ' . . V..__' .Thfa cenliered on confidential town--recently, a handyman, was ■wgrdr”'' ; Oommltmenta’’ ivith Pnaldoat. Rs.signrd to clean a bathroom. pipe line companies to begin deliv­ award for production of The" f* aV’Ouhd'-the biend; ' ■ (continued on Page Elevrih) m1fssftg>s Which' tha Daytori-Wright A f/»w more gifts will soo us through Quiet Man.’’ ... Representative 1. Conant supported the Mor- . .The news, when it , «’ame, was I ______■ Airplane Co., Dayton, Ohio, re­ Dwight Elsenhower during their “A child in, the household became ery of natural gas on schedule and Keating 1R-N Y ) urges Congress to gerilliau“plah.~ ...... not good. The official Ciiib bulletin , ceived from Col. Edward A. Deeds,' meetings laat month. The British To Build Far East War So thanks to everyone. by the imposition of a. 52 per cent PLAIN (T1 $ ill during the day, a'nd a doctor 2. In 1943 Conant w rote an ar­ leader also announced Foreign sS. normal income tax rate. unshackle hands of federal agents said that the groundhog saw his W * . . , I K a . | . a former business associate of Tal­ wa.s summoned. The child's room ticle entitled. ’’Wanted: American shadow at 9:17.50 a. m.. of a snap-j " * • ' IH s-'I ” I Secretary Anthony Eden will SERVICES CALL MI-3-S4N in their efforts to track down spies bott and other' executives of the Paris. Feb. 2— OP)— To p , French Georges Bidauft certainly wiU ,'xa was next to the bathroom. Radical," which supported a Radi­ pily cold day. and, promptly ma)ce a statement ahoot ths The school kids led thiTway with ust, A S K FOR SKIRTS and traitor". , , , * * i firm-, during World War I Talbott government nfficiaU fired anxious bring up the matter during Mb Since the disinfectant the cal party in the Unlte.d States but scudded back into his burrow. The Island of Formosa tomorrow— That Interpret The Wishes Milllon-dollar Hrr destroys ".4g- S l a l C M l l o r A r e a was presltfent of the firm then. questions at U. 8. Secretary of talks with Dulles and U. 8. The coke sole was g wow— handyman used had a very not a Socialist or Communist six-weeks-of-wlnter prospect, how­ The late Charles Evans Hughes, a statement that Is expected Is , niisti,” 65-room colonial home of State John,Foster Dulles today on elgn Aid e w e f Harold Staasen. ■*. Of The Family pungent odor, the householder PuMie Records party. ever.* didn’l^lnterfere with the of. ^__ iwhft investigated affairs of the express Britain’s deep concern The Boll was tops in revenue. ROY KNO FU financier Robert-Gerry at Delhi, N .i President Eisenhower's reported Dulles and Staasen, who are cloEOd the bathroom door and . .FOR Y . . . Mediation in New York [ 3. Laat month Conant atated ! ficial observance. Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS [Dayton Company as apecial asaiat- at a' reported change In Ameri­ All hands pitched in— ond how! IN S| IR A N C E intention______of ending „ the _ U. S. Sev- making a flying 10-d4y tour of locked it during the excitement of Building Permits news dealers’ strike, suspended ■The coldest wc.ithcr of the win- ^ ant to the Attorney General in can policy toward the Island on JOHN B. BURKE the physician's visit. - For alterations and additions to . Of. Every Description (Continued on Page nrteen) which Generalissimo Chlang enth Fleet'" blockade around the seven, European capitals, were wdll SWEATERS after spven hours of conversation (Continued on Page Two) ter held New England in Us icy' Nationalist Chinese fortress- of- prepared for the all-day seaslail Two hours later, when calm dwellings, Raymond V. Lavery at ARTHU R A. with principals involved. grip early today but warmer (Continued on Page Fifteen) Kai-Shek’s Nationalist Chinese Thore's heops of satisfaction FUNERAL HOME reigned again, the home owner’ ap- 40 Packard street. $1,000; to Felix army Is based. Formosa. with the French. Including PreO- KNOFLA AGENCY REGULARLY 65c EACH “ Not scared, but anxious.” for-1 Weather w a s '' forecast by the Dulles met all morning with the dent Vincent Aurlol, Premier R e^ Jn whot.thcifigHrts ...... proached the bathroom and open ^ .Jst George Patten at 22 ni-tJ: .YJee. ,Pre»ldenJi_BarkJev’ makes ^HAST-UENTER ST. ------Kst. 1*34 - Weather bureau for later In the T A N K E R IS ■f^fficiale. Ho^had HtanyqueaUoBS to- Mayer and Bldault. the door. Bremen road, $520; to Ambrose M. his debut as profesafdnaf hews’ day. ' For it truly is inspiring Tel. MI-S-6868 875 M AIN ST. Down; sak. hlmaelf, about why France ' When they flew in from Roma He found him.self slariog into Diehl at 129 Keeney street, $600; This is a ' rod ihonoy savor. Bring in your work commentator on program called Tug StrikesrCurb Shipping, The lowest tempcisture in the lm house on Andor road, WORK ACCEPTED UP TO 10 A. M. ^ Ing to leapn operation of new of tugboat men today curbed ahip- workers and 4M harbor craft her'e. jets tangled with Russian-built gone to her asslstanee from Dur­ concerned Wer parts o{ the Ameri­ Some other New England read­ Formosa waters might mean To tho locd March of Dimes?" A ‘ 7-year-old second grader told $ 11,000. DONT 'ocean-hopping transport, R7-V1. ping in the ports of New York. Eighty tugs and barges were idled ,.MIUs all along MIG alley today, ban, South Africa. can President’s State of the Union ings:. message to Congress—which they United SUtas U thinking FILMS this story to her mother this week. To Joseph Mtiblard and Sons for Throw Thom Awoy EXCEPT SATURDAYS . . . . President Eisenhower says Philadelphia and Norfolk. Va. at Philadelphia and 28 in Norfolk i Pilots reported shooting ilown twp The little girl'arrived home from Case Brothers, Inc., for pump basis of American democracy Is'in Official start of the strike was. and Hampton Roads, Va, Maine-Caribou, 13 hdow; Ho\il I Red jets, probably destroying an;" HOLDS INQUEST REPORT ■aw in advance o f delivery. Dulles ting Chinese Nationalista into ’ DEVELOPED AND school and, as. was the custom, her house at Glen road, $500. Still Pleifty Of Wear Left In "our human rights” and right to I Saturday midnight after a break- Employer and union representa- i ton. M below; Greenville 12 be-I other and damaging two more. ■ Bridgeport, Feb. —Cor­ called for an advance copy o f the Korean war. Moke sure you ore on the 'grand list* of PRINTED mother asked how ' everything 'Shoes Repaired Here worship as we ptease. to speak, down of contract negotiations be­ tiyes scheduled separate meetings low: Old Town ,5 below; Augusta. ! it was the 1.5th straight day of oner Edgar W. Krrntzman re­ message for use In meetings that May AM VletaHah think, earn and save,” tween the boat owners and three here today. F e'd e r a 1 Mediator : zero and Portland 3 above. -dog fights in far northwest Korea. served decision today after con­ were to continue this afternoon In that event, the F r m h tM T- contributors to the March of Dimos. Tho 24-HOUR SERVICE went. She answered, "O. K. But the SAM YULYES Kun'cnil scrviccH scheduled for locals of the United Marine Divi­ Hari-y Winnlng'sald there was no' New Hampshire l>ebanon, 4 be- The Air Force said toda.v’s battles ducting a brief inquest Into the after he lunched' with Pflemler Red China might tend tnppa .1* drivo for funds onds today— but we'U bo Film Deposit Box MANCHESTER •Wednesday morning from St. Pe­ sion of the A F L International plan as yet to bring both sides to- low: Concord. 4 above, I'ranged from an altitude of S> slaying of Mra. Senada (Penny) Rene Mayer. help the C0mmuniat:Ia4 singing teacher made me mad. IN C O M E TA X Shoe Repairing of the Bet­ ter’s Church. Danbury for Michael Long.shoremen’s Association gether to renew negotiations. ■ Vermont Montpelier. 4 below; I miles down to .500 feet. fighting the hard-preaSed chocking tho mailbox for soverd wooks yet in A t Store Entrance When we were practicing singing Have your taxes computed or .Coats Evans, SO, In her WMtport The French are particularly ter Kind Done While Yon J. Shea, 92, father of Rev. Edward lILA). The rnen walked out on s Promise of strike support by. Burlington. 3 belbw;'Newport, 12 The flashing air battles' came forces in Indo-China. “nM UBBese she said to us. "The other children checked by a qualified tax ac­ home last Moadsy night. Krentz- worried that Eieenhower’a report­ hopes'of receiving many more hundreds of Walt. J. Shea, who died yesterdav. ... C. staggered basis, some of them; be­ IL A President Joseph P. Ryan has I below.' I after U. S. Superforts and fighter- Reds already are hMpiiiff Om are better singers than you are.’ countant. Call MItclieU 8-5416 -man summoned only Westport ed decision to withdraw the Sev­ IS MAPLE STREET’ DRY CLEANERS Winfield Scott, Yale education-ex- fore the deadline. posed the possibility of sympathy' ' Ma.ssaehusctts Boston 10; Bed- bombers struck heavily at Com­ Vietminh rebels with a m i fla i coin foMtrs! Well, then, if the other singers for appointment or atop In pt Poltro Capt. Edward Oapaaae enth Fleet may. spread the fighting Opp. First Natlonsl Store ' pert, says '"both honest, and dls- Oil barge crews In the Port of wslkouts. longshoremen. ford 8; Worcester 5; Pittsfield 3. munist battle front .positions Sun­ and Mra. Dolly Davla, wife of In .the Far East. supplies. . . KEMP'S I Were better than we are, why don’t 244 Mnin Street. Available at Parking Let 91 WELLS ST. TEL Ml.3.7254 honest -criticism; could Imperil; New York al.«o walked out. and the i The/traffic affected here ranged ; Connecticut Hartford. 12'; New day night and early today. The handyman William niavls. 8*. WUI Meet BManlt Dulles, on the other iMBidi vnKlM she let the other childrenren sing?" sin; your convenience. — A Non. Amerifwn school system If allowed [ metropolis girded for possible i w ho'Is r being held on a murder French foreign office eources to get out of hand. [ shortages of coal and fueloil. ' { • ' (Contliitied bn Page Five) (Coqtihued on Page Three) ((Continued on Page Three) , warrant for the slaying. have said Foreign M inister eB Page iM a) ' ■ t \ 4;

. V' I V Vt ,....

' t- \ *V‘^ 4 ■ ' ...... ’ --4 ...... - .4 \ WANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN)^ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1053 f- ,.TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. HIANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2.1953 PAGE f'hlx have demonstraied progress along Mrs. Alberta Porter, 70, Westtnin-I mr t m ■ m- Six Boy Scouts specified spiritual linea.. The re­ Spring Stalled Assembly Set About Town Advises Clear Trio Heads South, Dog Trips Up Girl, 15. Sei^yice Meeting rter road: M r. Mildred Squire*. j \ e W {jrarO ag^ LiO ntraC t quirements for the AAD Croae Im­ Local Stocks h o a r d I Sends Her to Honpitnl Mansfield Depot. plement the Scout motto in a 're- 39 A Slowed by Rains Slated by Women DISCHARGED SUNDAY; Mrs. Win^Crosses llgtoui way, preparing the Scout to For Six Wefeks Qnatstlona rundeked By Foi* Quick Run Winners in last Friday night'a View of Christ Silence la Not Got (tea - Margaret Bltuich, Rockville; Mrs. My.e' his or<(in«ry’;morah'prpMem' Cdl»br» A MiaaigbWPIL^^ ■duplicate .bcidge.gama:. waia:-RK8t4 . .If Imdlea Begatn.jBgtyea ■; ;Jqan Gozd^ ..HL-,«l^g_htcr of SarahVolgcnau.-. ,..30<.4, .Spruce Fine /o r Late Collectu and to cope successfully, with un­ 1 p. uk prices Ri'c'hata'Law 'U'd Johii Mfds4k; M ; PlaMcDown Three area men, on their way to Mr. 'an'd ISifrs.' Lisonfiar'tf G'ozdz at Cefifei' Chufcfi 'Wom'eh’s^Fedefa- st'reetV Mrs' Calh'eflh'e'Gerevfriii'lS' usual situations aa well. Ih'fddl- (M 2,300 second, Mrs. Emily Perrin and Alwaj^ argue' with a woman Rockville, was a patient at tion announce an all-day servlet Overlantl street; Mrs. Katherin* Afl Ahare Dei A w a to l i y Groundliog B uk.B tocks Mrs. Judy Gill, 2 Ht and thh^ Mts.- Rev. Smith Speaker at / Central America by motorcycle, hedges or cross lawns, ilon, an' cMidtdatei must provide' ■When: Manchester Memorial Hospi­ meeting (or Wednesday In the Fed­ Nettletoh, 379 BldwelV street; Mrs! Telephone Sy$tem for object." ISS hours of service to their par­ Bid Asked J. R. Debone and Mrs. Robert have stopped long enough to send first NsUonsI Bank Youtl^ Sunday Service She says^-^ebly that shk really tal for two days last week eration Room. The hours are from Theresa Steiner, 166 Eldrldge The collections will take Be Presented Sunday ish at the altar, in the chpir or in (CouUuned Prom Pi(gs One) Hartford, Feb. 2—(A")—One party Lathrop, 61 Vi. A master point In Atlantic back word of their progress. And Complaints,^ Perform ­ of Manchester . 84 38 shouldn’t order dessert, or Isn't after suffering an injury In an 10 to 3, with luncheon served at street; Mlse Beverly Msrgraf, 48 between 7 a. m. and 6 p. m- To Local Catholic Boys manual labor. control of Connecticut's state legis­ game will he held Friday night at For South Meth5>di8t sure that'hei\new hat ie really from information received in unusual way. 12:30 by Group B. uncfler the chair­ H o 111 8 t e r—street: Mrs. Phyl­ The local boys who will receive In the lodge’s view, few honors Hartford National ^nker Hall. ance Bond Also Listed tha general manager ai)J^ Bank and Trust .. . 33 lature is likely to make for a (Coatlniiad From Page One) becoming. Andover, ol’ man weather played Friday morning the girl set manship of Mrs. .Winfield Moore lis Felice, 3 Whitney road; collection at some other tin the award Include: John F. Dela­ are higher than nomlnaUon to the In keeping ‘with - the^'^ational Henry Cormier, 447 Middle six Manchester Boy Scouts, all brotherhood dedicated'xo pepping Hartford Conn. Trust 90 smoothly run General Assembly When she says'^he really should an important role in slowing down out to milk the cows, while and Mrs. Malcolm Robertson. The new contract for follectlon The 'Specificationa call f«n»] ney of S Walnut street, Thomas J. William'McBride of .82 Spring observance of YOuUi Week acroes the U. 8. CJoBSt Guard dispatched lose a little weight and protests the travelers. turnpike, east; Francis Yer- members of Troop’ 120, sponsored Flaherty of 64 Alton Street, Samuel up Feb. 2. A man can’t get Into Manchester Trust .. . this year. walking'toward the barn, a dog The work program will Include posal at the town area off* atrect has Joiped J. Watson Beach the cutters Yakutat and Me Cul- that her apple pie\|m't as good Lt. Col. Nathan B. Gatchell, tripped her up. She landed on a sewing for a- mission station in rlngton. 111 Delmont street; Ro­ of the town’s garbage, which will street unless the contractor by.St. James’ Church, will receive J, Haugh of 71 Garden street, Rob­ the lodge simply because he grants Phoenix State Bank Beginning tomrrow, legislators and Company, Hartford realtor, as the nation Youth.-Sunday w v .ob­ 62 — lock to the, area. Coast Guard aa it should be John O. I^utchtnson, both of An­ pipe and suffered a concussion. Johannesburg, Africa, .and making nald Vogel, 185 Maple street; Mrs.' go Into effect March 1 if award­ written approval from the Ad Altare Del Crosses at the fourth ert R. Kwash of 14 Elm terrace, to. He must be chosfcn. Even then and T ru s t...... retire to committee rooms for ac­ a salesman. He has been associated served at the ✓ south Methodist he may not come safely through Fire Insuraaoa (.Omoanlee planes from the base at Argentia, She says she knows you have dover and Robert Peck of Man­ She was unconscious when ad­ hospital gowns for Fllnt-Goodrlch Marta Albert and daughter, 4 Flint ed, has provisions in it to assure Health department, the t o i annual Diocesan Boy Scout rally Gerald P. Nicoletta of 133 Maple tion on most of the more than with real estate firms in Hartford Church yesterilay. Rev. Percy drive; Mrs. Gertrude La Shay, 3 street, and Delbert A. Reynolds, the screening. Aetna F ire'...... 89 61 F. Smith ( ■'associate minister, de­ Newfoundland. aUo were ordered lots to do and she doesn\t want to chester are on their way south by mitted to the local hospital. Hospital, New Orleans-and chil­ that the garbage will be collected health officer, and the gen| to be held at St. Joseph's Cathe­ 2,300 bills introduced In the last for several years. cycle after leaving Andover Jan. North Fairfield street; Mra. Mar­ Jr., of 80 Courlland street. Officers said President Eisen­ Hartford F ire ...... 165 170 livered the eermon on the theme, to Join InJthe hunt. bother you. She was discharged Saturday dren’s clothes for Ellis Islani manager to dispoae of it dral In Hartford Sunday afternoon, three weeks. 15. The trio is carrying camping tha Mainvllle, 8 Nathan road; Mrs. when it should be. where. • ;; hower, then a general, made the National F ir e ...... 68>i 71li “ Youth'jLooks at Christ." Mari- Fear Seas Rough Or if she insists she lobks sim­ after observation. The loan of portable sewing ma­ Feb. 8, starting at 2 o ’clock. grade two yean ago. In so doing, Phoenix...... 99 104 All they’ll have to do presently Mrs. Helen Stevenson of Foster The weather officer at Gander ply "a fright.” supplies and provisions In case of chines will be of great help. Those Edna Scudleri and sgn, 866 Center Under the terms of the contract, Elmer O. Johnson, operator ^ a It is expected that 1,900 Scouts, Iyn..Rogers and Gordon Small, rep­ the garbage.collection firm will be he Joined scienUet-phllosopher Al­ Life and lademnlty Ina. Cna. is to listen to what the public street hss returned after a visit said it was believe^ the sea in the She shows you a picture of. her emergency. At last word the three who do not sew have the opportun­ street. poultry farm on Middlo turn^o cubs and EJxplorera as well as thinks of the various biUa before with relatives in Washington. D.C.. resentatives of the Youth Depart- had reached ’^allahassee, Fla., BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh fined one dollar for each failure.to|west: iiuUd today.he would fiitereat Roused bert Einstein and a company of Aetna C asualty...... 107 114 'ment of the church, took part in search area was very rough, with fiance and says he Isn't r^ lly Force aircraft losapa were listed ity of knitting for "Save the Chil 1,000 adults from all parts of the more than 100 doctors, lawyers, Aetna Life ...... 118 123 the assembly. With the public hear­ Icing conditions snd poor visibility. handsome but. after an eight-day run. ter to Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Dicker- collect on schedule- dumping the garbage at • Gl|ott state will be attracted to the rally, the services and spoke briefly on at 1,733 as against ,792 Communist dren Federation," such items as man. 146 Center street; a daughter teachers, businesamen and farm­ Confi. General ...... 187 193 ings over, the committee members The American Legion Auxilisfy Officials Said it was not known She disclaims a talent whlel The intlnerafy calls for halts at txxitees and caps to complete The contractor must furnish a street. Johnson headed a group o f which la held annually to demon­ By Jarvis Request the meaning of Youth Week. Fred planes reported as definitely de- to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eggleston, citizens in opposition recently ers In this picturesque Lancaster Hartford Steam Boll'. . 44 47 will form their own opinions of will hold its February busi'nesa Just how many of the 39 persons she obviously possesses or thinks New Orleans, La., San Antonio and layettes. Knitting needles and complete schedule of daily coliec- strate. the cjjpse, .working relatlon- m eetly 'tonight at.d olclock in the Gael, Sherwood Treadwell and etrpyed and more than 900 others 27 , Ploneciveircle.! . .when, town officials advocated County^ ’ aputlMaatern. -Travelers - . . ; ,--v .760 -780 • ' them in executive sesuons and then .WUllam' E. .dCeUh assisted In the reported ■ aboard the York were she does. iredo,-Texas (stopover at Wlm- scraps of yarn Shotild bs brought tlona -)>y< streets - for .- the- entire shlF betwew the church • ahid ' Ten 'apptVcSt'lohs’ will hie ’arred lh Legioh'Home. w,..—., probably destroyed dr crippled. BIRTH TODAY; .A daughter to ing the area after Dr. Robert 1^. Penhsylvahra. Public iJti'Mtleii report to the clianibef, whic'h first’ communion services. crew members but'that such "air­ She stilu s' you ' ah old snapsh'ht Textsi-etnd then'acroea-the for this'project.'-..... ' - toy^ 'by March 31.. . 369 CENTBI STREET Scouting In the development of the 'Starting their aortlea before 16 craft on commercial runs normal­ . So far, rain and cold have Mr. and Mra Waiter Gi’ghac, East' keeney, Jr'., then health ’ offleef,. spiritual contept of the Boy Scout a public Hearing before, the Zoning Conn. Light Power . . 15't received the bills. Mr. Smith noted that if men of herself and says: "I don’t look Reservations for the luncheon Under another ■ provision, the T E L Mltchdl 3-6320 dawn, the lodgemen plainly rel­ Conn. Power ...... 40'4 42''j- Partisan flareups in the 1053 Our Lady of the Most Holy ly carried a crew of six. sIo\(>ed the caravan. ; ‘ Hartford. took legal action againat Lem^ program. Board of Appeals tonight at 8 are to grasp whst Christianity is much like that now, do I? " should be made by phoning Mrs. contractor will provide, at his ex­ ished the prospect of traveling for Haitford Elec. Lt. .. . 50 52 session are likely to be leas fre­ Rosary Mothers Gircle wUl meet The Yakutat, when ordered to aim of the combined pleas- Warmer Weather pense, a telephone connection sat­ bardo Brothers, the firm wluch. The Ad Altare Del Cross Is o ’clock in the Municipal Building. miles In all directions, mainly on 41 all about, it fs very important Always disagree when she apol­ John Mortimer, 82 Plymouth lane. now collects the garbage and dis­ Hartford Gan Oo. . . . . 38 quent than In 1947-1949 sfc sions Wednesday at 8 p. m. with Mrs. that there should be In their minds Join the Search, was on a North ure-DusJnesB Jaunt ts to allow the ACTOR CURTI8 PASHES isfactory to the general mahsger awarded by the Catholic Church to Of considerable Interest is the horseback, but afoot from time to Atlantic weather sUtion and ogizes for how badly her child Others on the committee afe Mrs. poses of It at a piggery off Hills- Boy Scouts dt first class rank who So. New England because one party holds control of P. J. McCann of 30 Ashworth a picture of Christ that ‘is both colonel ip collect material for lec­ Slated for Area for taking complaints. IMCOME TAX application of Alexander Jarvis, time the better t o ' spy on the Tel...... 34)4 36>/a street. headed northwest. The Mc<3ulloch has behaved. tures. a nook and a color film on Grace Xgard, Mrs. William Steiner, New York, Feb. 2 (4) — Movie towirroad, 'j. who seeks to complete apartments both houses. clear and true. - Unless one lurn.s Mrs. W. C. Pitkin and Mrs. F. F. Bids for the contract will be re­ Have your taxca computed or groundhog. Manofaeturing Oomuanles In the last two sessions, Demd» wss procieedlng south on its way She remarks that another wo­ Central America. , actor Alan Ourtls died yesterday, ceived in the office of General Johnson said today his grM p In the basement of a four-family to look at Him again and again. Hadden. Still stands ready to obtain an checked by a qualified ta^ ac­ The findings of the all-day sur­ Am. Hardware ...... 18 20 crais ruled the Senate and Re­ Mystic Review, No. 2, Women’s to Boston. ' man must be younger than she (Continued From Fage One) a week after a kidney operation Manager Richard Martin until 3 countant. Call Mitchell S-64Ift dwelling and use all or part of said It ia impossible to carry out a Junction to prevent the town from vey are compiled by the secretary- Arrow. Hart, Heg. .. . 41 44 publicans, the House of Represen­ Benefit Association: will meet in The Coast Guard in New York Is. followed by a four-minute (silUre p. m. Feb. 16 when they will be for appointment or atop In at basement for living -quarters at treaaurer-historlan for the lodge Aaaoc. Spring ...... 31 Christian program for society or said the Yakutat reported it was She tells you she is too old for of his heart. He was 43. putting garbage at the areiL j ■ FEEL OL D AT 407 . 28 tatives. Odd Fellowa Hall tomorrow at 8 to enter into a rich, ,4 12 pected to hit choppy water and thing she has made dr done and Rhode Island—Providence 9. Curtis at St. Clare’s Hospital, n«vrr Dkn out ev«nlnRii any approval. The board denied the ap­ sembly this year, flr,:t time slijce with the new officerq occupying One cannot go very fa r ' as a Hospital Notes The successful bidder will be n,or(* -^wiikf! up »tll! tim i «nd rtincour- books 'of groundhoggery. Collins...... 105 125 their stations, and a good turnout winds of up to 65 knots in th# tells you It didn’t turn out very Ground War Quiet The Weather bureau said a where he had been reported show­ Mark.8 25th Year , % Af;nf! 7 .. plication twice before. Consider­ Bland and beneficent, Charles B m -H art...... 110 ' 120 1947. Cliristian. nor engage In 'Christian search area. well. northwest -wind of moderate force ing improvement In recent days. required to furnish a performance ThounamlR who fail to grt from thrir of the members is hoped for. work without looking“ hard and ADMITTED -SATURDAY; Mrs. able opposition was shown each Hess, hibernating governor, con­ Fafnir Bearing . ; . . . . 8314 36'4 Most of the activity in the capi- The plane reported down ia a She says, “I niay be an old fo­ had a tendency to make the cold (Turtls, a native of Chicago, ap­ bond in the amount 6t not less food all of tha Vltamlna-Iodln** and long at Christ. ' Phyllis Felice, 2 Whltne.v road; With BementfPo^ Ironn they nerd, have felt Juet like time. fided; “The outcome of today’s Hart C ooley ...... 35>;4 .38 >4 tol legislative section wilt be in elvlllan version of the famous war­ gey, but___ ” (Conthmed From V a ge One) weather feel even more bitter. peared in many (lima. Among than 100 per cent of the contract Other applications are from Bert The son borti Jan. 80 in Hart­ , This, Mr. Smith noted, la so be­ Margaret Dwire, 7.56 Mldiile turn­ price." _____ i that until they atarter.^ tdklriK FKURI daring innovation may be so sen­ Landera, Frary, Clk. . 25 27 small ' and obscure /committee time British iMuicaster bomber. It She protests that someone else The forecaster predicted it them were "Between Two Women," ZAN. ' . Gibson, Robert Arendt,.,..'Simon sational *s to make all otir earlier rooms, which sometimes become ford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. cause Christianity is not social, Air Force said It was • the biggest pike eaet; Clarl Balkue, Jr„ 253 FKimiZAN—glvea you plenty of New Bril. Mach. Co. . 31Ti 36'4 can carry up to 60 passengers.^' would be better than she 'as a would be sunny in most of Now "Bad Guy," "Mannequin,"“ Yel­ Th# bond win be forfeited if Joseph A. Gallant, night gen^Tl"' telkewlcz, Charles Laice, Munson’s efforts eeem lixe child’s pisy. . ." Francis 'T. Sullivan of 88 Pine nor political, nor necesMirily a B-29 strike on CommUni^bunkers School street; Miss Isabelle Dunn. the contractor fails to comply vnUpable R VUamlra and Iron with North and Ju dd...... 27 30 clouded with tobaei:o smoke and street has been -named Francis Skyways has a fleet of 29 planes club president. England during the day with rising low Jack” and "Shopworn Angel." foreman of the Pratt ftnd Whit precloua lodtna for the duellMa flanda. Can^y Kitchen, Jeanne Winder. He meant the master project— theological ayatehi, but rather a and claims to be Europe's leading and gun positions in a yMr. Chestnut Lodge; Barbara-'TuniU, Curtis was three«Umea divorced. Russell Mfg...... 15<:i 17<> overheated in spring’s first days Timothy Sullivan, Jr. They have She says it is getting late artd temperatures. with any of the provisions of the Machinery Division, yesterday Trv FKRHIZAN—atari thla very dav. Waller N. Weir, First National the avowed intention to shoot a Stanley Work cbm- .. 47 Vi 50 Vi from a 8i:per-efficlent capitol heat­ way of life—and. it depends to a independent operator. Last year Far East Air Forces reported 10 The forecast for tomorrow in 312 Oakland street; Martin Kiss, His former wives were actreases contract. served hla 2Sth anniversary u Sallafartlon Ruaranle.ed or money bark, Stores and the T owti of Manches­ two young daughters, Kathleen great extent on a relationship with she really should be going. at J\ W. Hale Dept. Store. Price |1.68— rocket, with two groundhogs Terry Steam ...... 88 98 ing systenij^' the company was given a govern­ of the btg bombers dumpe^ 100 most of New England was rain or Mansfield Center; Miss Sally Heat- I’ risrilla Lawson, Bona Massey and According to the bid specifica­ the Nlles-Bement-Pond Company, ter. and Noreen. the person of Chri.it. She says she can’t do a thing tons of high explosives f>n\the ley, 198 Chestnut street; ^ b orah mull ordara 10c extra. aboard, to the moon: Torrington ...... 3(f 32 Senators and Representatives will ment contract - to -carry 30,000 with her hair, that it looks sim­ snow for the southern sector and Betty Dodero. tions the contractor or his agents of Weet Hartford. Let Hess continue; "This is our U. 8. Envelope com .,.. 65 75 Relatloiiihip Iht|mrtant British troops a year in each di­ Reds. Fifth Air Force flgh some snow In the northern sector. Dickinson, Vernon. . His real name wa* Harry Ueber-- "shall use walks and paths and Gallant Uvea with his wife at M supreme trlkvta to ecience, our hold psSembly sessions in the im­ The Dorcas Society will, hold Us Creeds, rltualii and ^ theological ply terrible. bombers followed up the- raid eai ADMITTED SUNDAY: Barry U. 8. Entelope pfd. -.. 64 69 mediate future of an average of 15 rection between -Britsdn and the ■’Th*. teniperatdfe began drop­ roth. shall not cut through shrubbery of Otcott drive. ■ grsnd gesture to the only member Veeder-Root ...... 31 34 monthly meeting Wednesday eve­ syatems are ImportanL but qqe’s Middle East. Whenever a woman says any of today. Hopper, 604 North Main street; to,.2b minutes long, time enough (or. ning in Emanuel Lutheran Church. those things, the worst thing you ping steadily yesterday .morning we’ve had who becanfie U. 8. Pres­ The above quotations are not to remtionship to (hiriat Is more im­ At least 17 bunkers and five following strong winds which were Mrs. Mary Smith, 28 Raymond ident. The' idea is to be sure that, .the chaplain’s prayer, action on a The business session will begin at portant. Before men had theqe n AIR5t£N. KILLED can do is keep silent. be construed a« actual markeU. , few non-controversiai measures- gun positions were -^ -reported accompanied-for a short while by- road; . Eugene . Otgllo. BockvtUe; UBiuiwMMian when the first Sciehlista land on 8 o’clock, and will be followed by ij thtrigsi they carhe face to face Pearl Harbor. Feb. 2—UP\—The (All liglita reeerved, NBA sma.shed. John Olson, 81 Pearl street; James that the committees gel rid of showing of picture's taken by a raln, hail and snow flurries. the moon, groundhogs will be with C ^lst and found in Him the Navy announced last night 11 air­ Service, Inc.) The Eighth Army said the In Boston the itempenature Massey, RFU 2, Manchester; there, aa they were on ou r. own early and routine annoudeementsr group of Girl Scouts of Troop 1 on answer to life in following his men were killed Saturday in the sharpest ground fighting broke dropped from a'balmy 51 to below Francis Griffin, 38 North Elm planet from the beginning." City Court Jamifted .Then it is. off to the committee their European trip last summer. crash of a P2V Neptune patrol way. Through the years men RIDGWAV DENIES RUMQR out on the western front near freezing in four hours yesterday. street; 'PinM.lhy Treachuk, 56 All fantasy T An elaborate, rmms for a long afternoon. Miss Emily Smith, one of the lead­ have looked at Christ and been bomber in the mountains of North But the majority of legislators shell-battered Old Baldy hljl. Al­ Similar drops were noted also in Lenox street; Walter Muske, 253 KEITH'S MIDWINTER spoof 7 With 17 Offe^iders ers, will be the narrator. Hoat- challeneged to follow Him. Okinawa. Paris, Feb. 2—(45—U. S. Gen. lied troopa withdrew from an out­ Hartford road; Everett Kennedy, Well, If skeptics scoff and stay-; conscientiously sit through hours esaea wlU be Mrs. Lorraine Berg-, A rescue. party reported from other parts of New England. of testimony, much’ o f It repeti­ Mr. Smith said the challenge Mathew B, .Ridgway .has. denied aa post position after a. twp-hoi|r 122 Harlan road; Lincoln Carter, at-homes are satisfied to taste ad­ gren, Mrs. Ellen Carlson, Mrs. that He gave to men waa*'a four­ the scene that the entire crew of "wholly unfounded” press specu­ The wave o f cold ■ aft-- which tious. Elaine Case and Mrf. Florence night assault by 80 Chinese, but brought sub-zero temperatures to 155 Boulder'road; Mrs. Pearl Belm, venture by proxy, say on TV : If ftockville, Feb. 2— (Special)— fold affair. First of all, He wks a three officers and eight enlisted lation that he Is fed up with his reoccupied the hill before day­ 28 (Tooper etreet; Albert Koelsch, the prosaic pooh-pooh the whole They will not. of course, hold a Lucious. men perished. The plane.' formerly the (Treat Lakes region Sunday has City Court Judge Robert L. Pigeon hearing on every one of the 2,300 man’s man. He lived a strong, Job as Supreme Allied Commander- break without reaistance. 18’i Blseell street; Walter Manley, thing aa playacting, and iinyle’d-. had a full courtroom this morning rugged outdoor life, meeting life baaed at Barber’s Point, near Pear! in Europe and will quit. ■ Elsewhere only sporadic patrol spread into the Eart, moderating Jr., Weet Wlllington; Mrs. Anna FURNITURE SALE! ingly practical peraons find the bills introduced. Mr. and Mra. WiUlam Pickett Harbor, was attached to Patrol as it moved. aa tome 17 cates were handled be­ Some of them are as repetitious aa a man strong and able to deal "I K ve not had in the past any clashes were reported. Abrattls, 58 North street; Robert groundhog no more than a rather fore noon. A day-long 'session was of Washington, Conn., have been with the.problems of life a.i they Squadron- 22. ' ' such ideas and I, do not now have Temperatures 6 to 10 below as the testimony and can be viaiting thetr aon-in-law and The Eighth Army said Allied Elain, Bolton. funny, often bad tempiered animal expected this afternoon when arose. Men. looked Into His eyes In Hong Kong, a U. S. "MlUlary them.” Rldgway said in a com­ tanks completed a three-week were common in Minnesotai and — If to. the slumbering lodge re­ grouped together. In other cases daughter, Mr. arid Mra. Raymond ADMITTED TODAY; Robert - h - h - h QrahvIHe Baker of Somers, is and saw what they co»ild become DC-4 transport plane carrying 22 munique last night from his head­ bunker busting shoot on the cen northwestern Wisconsin. . Hills, Bolton; Mrs. f*atricta Varley, torts that’s because such people nobody, not even the member who Hickey, of O’Leary drive. peraons crashed and burned after scheduled to appear on charges of introduced it, 8ho\vs up to testify in Him, and they left all to follow quarters near Paris. trsl front — from the Kumhwa Light to moderate snowfall 208 Woodland street; Mary need more Imagination, peed to be Him. He was a man of courage, cartwheeling over a* seawall Mon­ embesslement. Baker was a former about a particulaar measure. With Postponement is announced of •■Without naming sources; Paris ridges to White Horse Mountain added to the 14 to 19-Inch cover in Thompson. Rockville; Arthur stirred by something better than and He radiateed that courage day (Hong Kong time) but all newspapers have published a num­ eastern Minnesota and northern plant auperintendent here of the tho.se it takes only half a minute the marriage of Miss Wilma F. and that tank crewa reported hit- Forde, 105 Oak street; Carole bare facta. National Printing Company. wherever He went. aboard eurvlved. ber of reports since President El­ to vote an unfavorable report. Pitkin of 56 Pitkin street, to Ken­ .ting a total of 1,000 bunkers. 'The Wisconsin and the somewhat Linders, 66 Main street; Harry Cases heard today included; While all the other committees On looking at.Jesus,-men of all Only one of the men was hurt senhower’s election that Rtdgwa,v Arm.v said more than a half-mile heavier blanket in upper Michigan. Get "along with everybody and neth L. Barker of 59 Middle turn­ critically. Seven were less-serious­ Benson, 192 Hartford road. Peter.W. Jeaants, 52, 27 Spruce consider individual bills, the impor­ ages have been challenged by His would quit his Job and be replaced. stretch of Chinese trenches were Except for light rain along the DISCHARGED SATURDAY. YOU CAN OWN A NIW MO-SCMIN CROSUY FOR AS LOW AS $2.tS A ¥fllK you’ll get along way toward hap­ pike, east, the date of which was ly injured and 14 suffered only \ street, Rockville, failure to obey tant appropriations committee, in inner peace and Joy. Contrary to destroyed. Gulf Cosist, the weather generally John Pasquallnl, South Windsor; piness! set for Saturday, Feb. 7 in St. the feeling that Jesus wss a man scratches and bruises. A military stop sign, 86 ; Linwood G. Giggey. its large third floor hearing room, ELKS PLAN RECEPTION Bridget’s church. Mr. Barker, attache reported the plane was 'The tankers did moat of their was fair over the rest of the na­ Peter Hallowell, South Coventry; 16, Wlndsorvllle, failure to obey will meet with a steady parade of of sorrows. He was actuslly a hap­ shooting- from dug-ln sandbagged tion and temperatures were sea­ whq/served with the Navy for four py, self-contained individual at from the U. S. Clark Air Base In Joahpe Gustafson, 47 Princeton - stop sign, 86 ; William J. Wilson. spokesmen presenting budget re­ years, Is ill st the Newington Vet- New Liondon, Feb. 2—(45—Elks positiona on the main Allied line sonable. streef; Ralph Kilpatrick, 67 Hor­ Kenmar Contour Chairs Jff*- 26, 95 Grand aveitue, Rockville, quests (or all the state agencies peace with Himself, with man and the Philippines. from 28 Connecticut lodges have erans^ospital. with God. This could be seen In In Tok.vo. Far East Naval head- ton road; Mrs. Dorothy Cowles, 85 failure to obey stop sign, $6; and boards. The committee has been invited to gather at this cit.v quartera reported the Navy and many ways and especially In His FLYING BOAT SAFE FARMER DIES IN FIGHT LockwtH>d street; John Sydorak, Right! Now You Can Try One Of These Famous Chairs In Arthur B. Rothe, Jr, 120 Orchard no less than 11 agencies and Feb. 21 to attfhid a reception and Marine Corps had lost 1,033 planeh 60 Chambers street; Paula Kracu- Donna Marie Klucewicz, daugh­ dealings with His fellow men. Lisbon, Portugal. Feb. 2—(45— A Your Own Homs . . At Absolutely No. Charge To You! We street, Rockville, 45, failure to re- boards lined up to give testimony, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. dinner in hopor of Sam Stern of In the flrst 30 months of the Ko­ Rosrburg, Ore., Feb. 2—(45—A nas, 64 Turnbull road; John, Grif­ the first three days of this week. While others had the power to, see British flying boat landed safely in Are Sure You'll Like The Relaxing Comfort It Offers . . .But ducc speed. 818; Rowland 'VV. Klucewlc* of 34 W9*^ Center the sinner in every man, Jesus the Tagus river near here toiday Fargo, N. D.| Grand Exalted.Ruler rean war. Of the total, 471 losses farmer, who thought he was being fin, Avery street; Mrs. Nellie Cat- Moore, 19, 90 Lydall street, Man­ The committee usually reserves of the order. It will be the- first were attributed to ' (Communist ana, Glastonbury; Mrs. Kay Bas- After A Trial We'll Take It Back If It Does Not-Meet Your street, celebrated her third birth­ had the power to see the man with­ after an engine caught Are during persecuted, by ’’law enforcement Expectations! It's One Of chester, operating with noisy Fridays td-'visit state institutions. visit to the city by a national head ground Are and fighter planes snd men" died yesterday In a four-hour tis, 434 Oakland street; Philip ^ Three other committees which day yesterday with a party for 12 in the sinner. A mtse.rly money- Its flight from the Atlantic island America's Most Famous 841 MAIN STREET equipment, 812; and John E. Lewis, of her friends. After refreshmenU. grabber became a “son of Abra­ of Madeira, The crew ai)d 30 pas­ of the Elks since 1944. 562 were blamed on operational ac- gun battle with 17 policemen. Chase, 46 Lilac street; Miss Joan 25, 53 Russell street, Hartford, will get right down to work Tues­ 'The Connecticut Elks A.saocla- cidejila, Gozdz, Rockville; John Kingsbury, Chairs . . You Are Invited games were played for which ham” and a harlot became the be­ sengers sboard were unharmed. The bullet-pierced body of C. D. To Try One For 30 Days! failure to reduce speed, 818; Rob­ day are Judiciary, Agriculture and tior. has-named Thomas F. Dorsey. 'The Navy said more rockets Burgoyne, 47, was found in his RockvHle; Mbrjprte Klee, Rock­ Roads, Rivers and Bridges- prises were awarded. The Valen­ loved Mary Magdalene because of Trie four-engined plane, owned, ert, E. Freeman, 30, 10 King court. tine theme and colors of .red and Hta kindness to, them ,, Mr- Smith by the Aquiia airways, de\*eIoped Jr.. Past Exalted Ruler of- the New bombs snd ■ bullets had-been used three-room fsrnv. home near tha ville ’. Mark Glynn., 88 E astC en ­ East Hartford, failure to’ obey white were used. stated. . the engine fire on its regular nth London Lodge to head the state on the Reda than U. R. Navy' air southern Oregon community of ter street; Erne'et Johnson. 23 Oak stop sign. 86; and Clarence H. In addition to theqe physical from the Portuguese Island. 600 association's committee for the af­ power used throughout World Riddle. More than 2,000 rounds of Grove street; Mrs. Irene Brown Goets, 28. RPD 3, Rockville, fail­ W upping The all-group meeting of the qualities in Jesus which appealed miles south o f Lisbon, to South­ fair which marks Stern’s official W>r IT. pistol and rifle ammunition were and son, Andover; Mrs. Virginia ure to obey atop sign, 86. Second Congregational Women’s to men. His greatest appeal was ampton, Erig. visit to the state. . 0>mbined Navy, Marine and Air fired. Sheriff Cal Baird reported. Hillnakl and son. South Windsor; Also Herman Alexander, 31, Sun­ through the fact of His divinity, set. 8. C.. failure to obey atop Heart Fund Drive League will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the church. The Mary noted Mr. Smith. He was man, signal, forfeited bond 86; Anthony but he was more than man. He -J. Bendor, 44, 1 Windsor avenue, Williams group will lead with Plans Aiiiiouiieed devotions. The M ary*" Cvishnian was the Son of God. As men Rockville, blocking a driveway, ■group will serve refreshments, and watched Him and followed Him, felted bonds 824': Richard B. Cluff. they saw i In His statements that Fitch, '43. lil-A Western avenue, Wapplng, Feb. 2--(Special) — the Lucy Spencer group will wash our dishes. Several Important matters He was the way, the truth and the Watervllle, Maine, speeding,, for­ Mrs. Jean Shepard, Jr., chairman life, that He was the-light of the feited bonds 86; Richard B. Cluff, of the Heart fund campaign' here, of business will come »ip for dis­ cussion. and a good attendance of world snd the bread of life, and 19, 26 North Park street. Rock- today announced that a door-to- they believed Him when He prom­ viile, parking with brakes not set.- door drive-will take place from the members is requested. All . women ot the parish.are .cordinlly ised-that He- would give- eternal 89; Peter R. Hati.sen.- 19, Pinnacle F eh .'n to 25; ’ ...... life to all Who dared believe. When road. Ellington, rule.s o f the road, In making the announcem'ent, invited. men take hpld of Jesus as a man, \ nolled; Carl H. Gebhardt, 30, .IFD Mr-'. Shepard stressed the import- they always discover' that He ■ Is 1, Rockville, reckless driving, .'on- anoe. of the campaign which seeks God, Mr. Smith concluded. tinued Feb. 16; Edward J. Devine, funds to fight heart disease in .Uie Perry. Coleman Special music for the services 40, 13 Freeman street, Hartford, United States. According to ^the was under the direction of Her­ evading reaponsibiUty, continued chairman, Half the death.- in'this Take CD Course bert A. France. The soloists were one .week; Francie Stodolski, Ji3, 87 country, every year, are- attributed .Marjorie Hall, whq sang I’Dear Talcott avenue, breach of peace. to he'ai-t and circulatory ailments; L. yesterday, - and the course will like daggers. conclude Saturday. any angle . . and now you can gat It $t a sAvtng to you of exactly 820! Attractive ia de­ soclation herf-'is stijt- seeking can- sign . . upholstered in durable fabrics with full spring construction. dldates''tpr the vacant position of n ils is a concentrated cotlMe on Town May Be Site area nurilkis.Qn Thur--day evening all phases o f CD work. TheseNmen the associat^n reacted favorably will be used as Instructors UMn MANCHtSTEn on the application of Mra. Mary theft- retijm. \ Don't Miss Keith's Free Trial Opportunity Fur yi^ouder Drugs Willianui of Windsor Locks. How­ ever, last minute developments IKE'S SON RETURNS Civil Defense Director Edward made it impossible for Mrs. Wil­ STATE Seoul, Feb. 2—(45—MaJ. John Kraaenica announced today that a liams to accept the post. Applicants may phone or write Eisenhower returned to th* NOW PLAYING — meeting of local pharmacists will Korean battlezone today after be held Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 8 Mrs.' Robert Bossen of Pleasant Valley road. watching his father inaugurated GOLQNIAL MAPLE o’clock In the hearing room of the as President. Municipal Building. All local Plan Fathere* Night Fathers’ Night will be observed Young .Elsenh’ower cu,t short his pharmacists will be invited to at­ leave-~ordered bY former Presi­ DRpPSIDE CRIB tomorrow when the Wapplng PTA, tend. dent Truman—^^to return to the Director Krasenics said the meets at the elementary school for U. 8. Third Infantry in which he is Manchester . CtvH Defense Unit a sports program. A sound 'movie an intelligence officer. has .toeeft bffered an opportunity xA the. Yale^UCqnn ' lAid Yale^BU $(995 by the state to become a depot for basketball games will be shhwfl in 8125,000 of th e‘ •6-caUed wonder addition 'to a-aeries on the 1952 M A N CN gSTH Flus GENE EVAI .liruiEX. Itaer 824,95 v a l u e ; • Sturdily ,bulU. In. .vyarm. local drug stores. If ac'cepted, and wijl 'act as hoets.- Refrtshments hi 'TARITTiOW' Meple finish- with- con'ventent dropsidAr ena­ Fealfure at 3.and 8:15 P. 5t. meled steel spring. _ can be used by the store as-needed. will be terved. STATE Co-Hit at 3:20-6:45-9:40 The supply will b* replenished by Personal Mention the state. This will keep a steady Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dynas and- SAT.. FEB. 7th SVED.-inURS.-FRL Like a belt of a bonloTiniere—tbey excite a '2 PERFORMANCES Only 11 Down At Keith’s! supply of the . •iM l*M. larfar laft. lowrihg services yesterday to acti­ seriously, here last night when e »• and Onflow ride. With a safety and control . , . a sureness in motion . . . you Sim I H tevt Sim8M n Sim fVtiaim vate the program. Church services K t I N Chrysler Nrm Yorker MeSeh — r: a pair their auto-crashed Into a tree near Mat, $1.09. 8Se have never felt in previous cars simply because they were not there to feel! Here, in ft-faitenter Sedan; Club Coupe: J were held yesterday at the YMCA. Eve. |2.1M>. 81.50, $1.35 Only’l l Down At Keith’s I cfataic the HarVtnton and Riverside ave­ Ckr; *•» Beyer L#eIeJewr4eB Convertible; Newport (Herdlop)! nues Intersection, ' pins Tax , the very essence -of motion and safety, is the finest fine car you ever drove. Your (ptaia idga) far laiian lagr. Sim 9)4 ia ItW t-Paitenser Sedan; Town d On the danger list at Bristol hos- Chrysler dealer warmly invites you to diKover . . . and f e e l . . . just why! Coim(r> Wapon. pftal today are the driver. Eugene "THE HAFFY TIMES' Closed Wednesday At Noon-Open Thursday Until 9 Personal Notices Ishbrecht, 22, of 49 Beach street, I:1S F- and Harry Ptotrowski, 24. of 17 PKOGY CASTLK Pearl street. They are. suffering EASTWOOD! GRBArD MOOBE ONE OF AMERICA’S FIRST FAMILY OF FINE CAN9 Card of Thanks from deep lacerations of the' face and skull and other injuries. Jaha RaSlak ('kariri Bayrr "INVASION U. S. A.' We wish to thank all of our .i\elRh- Joseph KelJ,na. 26, of 34 Beach Madk Cki-Utlaa Laala Jaarilaa borl. (rtenda and relatirea (or the many • :U • t:M acts of klndn'esa and aympathy shown street, was hospitalized with a poS: la la LIE us In our rqtert bereavement. .We atble featured leg and lacerations. especially thank all those who sent the •TIATTLE T h e Happy ^ e d . ''Million DolUr Mermaid’ beautiful floral tributea and loaned the An Illinois pian has been re­ ZONE" ■nrae” In Technicolor . uae o f their cars. S:b-e;SS-t:4S 1;M-S:lt 30 N _ strained from hypnotizing his wife. 4 • BROWN-BEAUPRE, IKC . ^issefl Street -' Mary Sargent. Doesftvt he knoy when- the honey- Mrs. S. .f. Massey, Wag.. ‘'WUIIaa lallar Xanaaie” o EASY FREE PARKING o - - - ' James Sargent. moon IF"

- z - - a -

< /- ■ r . r -.t. T . .• 1 \y'

y -'•1 ' AIANCHESTER, EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1953 PAGE FIVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2,1963 FOUR Connecticut river from New Lon­ French Fear Ike’s Women ^s Ingenuity Builds Tug Strikes Hit don or Groton. R e c k v ille Your Income ITax: Dimes Marith One such barge, the Seaboard Wage Hearing Talk 10 Build W ar Thre^ Big Ports 99, owned by the'Seaboard Ship-, kPodB ons Machine and Saves $2^000 ping Co,, N ew York City, may he' PastMl^QOQ YLIUVROUND PIR COMOniONINO the isat barge to'gq up the river Ua S. GOyERNM iNT in s p e c t e d CH O lCi BEEP f e f o n o i l -Set to Resume Self^Employed^Must^J?ay=^^ " '(Oon'ttiiued ^ag^^^ (Goatlaued FVoin Yaga' 0 m )-' .Udm :i»*:atrik* rs;oy*tv-...-.-:_,A. The craft, with 15,500 barrel.? of Manchestci^ Residents to flhd out from the French - what from oe«an liners to city garbag* -bunker ‘’CT’ - oil is-tied -up -at-the j VeW Record Is Indicated scows. May Still Favor Danielson Cheney*UnioH Issue Will Tetx for Social Security they Inteqd to do about getting New London.Terminal Co.’dock at I -*dcnow from experience the completenesa I n . 1946, a atmilar stoppage Groton, waiting for suitable { As Flood of Coin Fold* western European unity to work­ Be in Superior Court of Quiah zervice. Modem, spacious facili­ caused great Inconvenlenoe in the weather on Long Island Round s o : (IsMt of Six Articles on How to« number by now. If not, you can X Bo(BockvUle, Feb. » — (Speclel) — Aseveria weeka trip at Acapulco, Tuesday at 10 ers Arc StjiU Unopened ties have won approvaL ing. clty„ Including a "brownout” of it can be moved to the Connect!-' Mexico. Make Out Your Federal Income obtain one from any of the 500 'The French have been dragging lighting and conservation of heat­ cut River. It will move under a Apinal deciaion on the question of Tax Form.) Social Security Administration Demooratlo Meeting The local March of Dimes total their feet on the proposed Euro­ ing In homes, industrial plants and union agreement which permits jWbether or not the F. W. Sickles ’The Hartford County superior field offices. Phone Ml.3-5940 Rockville Democrats will attend ];)assed the 811.000 mark at noon pean Defen.se Community (E D C ), other buildings. the completion of delivery of car­ (^vision of the General Instrument Court hearing on the move by By FRANtllB t . K B IX Y Return Must Show Number WUllam P. Qulsh the meeting of the Tolland County : o d a y and campaign officials which would rearm West Germany City officials, directed by goes leaded before midnight Sat­ irporaUon. will locate here haa Democratic Association to be held the union at Cheney Brothers to AP Newefeatorea Writer This number should be written SALE weighed the pocelblllty that when John Tierney to help defend W est Europe. The M ayor Vincent R. Impellitteri, urday. t to be made. But indications In on page 1 of form 1040. That this evening at 8 o’clock at the have a recent arbitrator's award Washington—Many self-employ­ the' final total is reached a' new French, who thought up the plan checked the city's fuel supplUw It, is destined for the Ballard THi BIGGIST STIAK VALM IN VIASS la morning from Danielson are Warren Memorial. . Hall, Stafford form, together with a separate Raymond T. Qnlsh set aside la slated to be resumed ed persons, must pay an addi­ record high for the drive might be in the first place and then .stalled and planned conservation. Oil Co., of Wetfiersfield. at townsfolk there feel that Springs. . schedule C, Is the proper one on tomorrow at 10 a. m. and is ex­ tional tax on their incomes, for attained. after giving it a second look, fear The mayor reported there was At Hartford, it was said. Uiat I (uieir community haa more of a Red Cross Session I which to report self-employment THRIFTY TRIMMED pected to continue at least through A week-end fiood of coin folders a rearmed Germany. no Immediate danger of shortages some dealers obtain their supplies 'The February meeting of the Social Security fax purposee. income and figure the tax. 'ghting chance. ■ the court day. • still remained to be opened and In a radio address on his arrival which might cmrtail public utility via pipeline from Providence, R. I., fThis news came to light with Rockville Chapter, American Red It Is due, along w iU the regular Self-employed persons, of course recorded at the headquartere in yesterday, th* U. S. Secretary services of public school opera­ and by both rail and truck, neither, ublieation of r story in the cross will be held tomorrow at 4 Judge Houmrd Alcorn adjourned must file income tax returns like Income tax,' by March 15. the Mancheeter Trust Company, saluted the French leaders for in­ tions. Power houses and other of which are affected. p. m. at Rockville High School. the hearing at 5 p. m. Thursday everybody else. rindham___ County _ ^ Transcript which 2 2 5 M M N ST* spiring the "constructive and utilities in the city 4re dependent Today’s Activity Calendar after about an hour of testimony This additional tax must be Even if you have to file a dec and committee members were only At Bridgeport, a spokesman said /Minted up the favorable aspects imaginative” Schuman coal-steel for coal and oil supplies on tugs The Tolland Coimty Men's as in which attorneys for both sides paid by every self-employed per­ laratlon of estimated Income tax, stariing to pick up the hundreds of Buckley Brolhera, one of the PORTERHOUSE & f a final choice being made in stated, the issues in the son,covered by social security Jf eoin containers which, had l>ecn plan and the ETO. But he p oln^d- which tow eosl IMrges from New direction. sociation will meet a t -7 p. m.-at case. . no estimate is required for the self- area's biggest, fuel. oU.distributoi-'s,. . -Cheney - Br-othere - ia - represented hla net earnings from sslf-employ­ placed .in store# throughout the ly added: Jersey aiid aid' oil tahkiers 'In V- Genferenoes Gontinue the Somers Congregational church; employment-tax...... ^ — anticipated no .bn'medlate., ahort- ^ ’ - T-BONE or CLUB by William K. Cole, of Robinson, ment. The maximum amount that town. These eontsiners are expect­ tJeming. ------' X The Weekly paper, edited by There will be a dinner preceding One final word: In 19.63, Jot ■'Such creative thlhkliig—'ahd ag/, .ahd added Qie company re­ Etobinson and Cole, Hartford law There's no choice about it: If you. ed to boost the total by at least Cantracts Expired VWtlliam H. G. Herklots. came the J)Uslnesa session. Sidney Ed­ down various potential deductible planning has caught the Imagina­ ceived Ita aupplles by tanker. Tlie firm. Local 63, of TWUA, la rep­ come within that category, you another 8000. Negotiations between the em FIRST NATIONAL'S FAMOUS HEAVY Vbut with a report that conferences wards. managing director of the expenses, such as doctor bills suid tion of the American people and Socony-Vacuum w d Esao ter­ resented by former U. S. represen­ owe the tax. taxes, as they are paid. Save re­ The final school total passed the we want to know more about your ployers, members of the . Marine Qare continuing between officials State Development Commission, minals said they’, received their tative A. A. Rlbicoff. However, several large groups of ceipts and cancelled checks. This 81,600 mark when contributiona of Towing snd Transportation Em­ WESTERN CORN-FED STEER 'fef the instrument firm and Dan* will speak. purposes and plans, for the future supplies by barge. parsons are excluded from social will be of immense help if you de­ more than 8250 were recorded from 5th ' ployers Association, and the union ^elson Industrial Foundation exec Pythian Sisters, Damon Temple The union-seeks to have the so that we can take them Into ac­ award vacated on the ground the security coverage. These Include cide to itemize yonr deductions Manchester High 'SchooI while Sir. count in our planning." on wage increases, welfare bene­ BEEF - - WELL TRIMMED, TOO, » S tives with an eye toward possible will meet at 8 p. ro. at Moose Hall. Manchester oil dealers do not ex­ arbitrator exceeded his authority farmers, railroad workers, public next year. James' School students donated fits snd other eohtrart terms col r^cupancy of an unused mill prop- The Methodist Youth Fellowship Ital,v Backs EDO pect to be affected by the strike un­ meets at 7:30 p. m. at the home of In awarding ah across-the-board officials, lawyers, doctors, dentists, more than 8136 to the collection. Annual Dulles already has been told In lapsed despite the Intervention of SO THAT YOU GET MORE LEAN MEAT ■ there. 9 3-4 cent an houf wa|j:e cut and a osteopaths, chiropractors, optome­ The final schopl total surpassed federal and N ew York City midi less It continues lor any length of .1 ■ he choice of location however, Wayne Snape. There will be a busi- Rome that Italy will continue to 1 cent cut in the cost of living trists, funeral directors, profes­ last year's collection by over 8700. ators. Cantracts - expired Esturdsy time. Most dealers are supplied for ■ 1 5 not bon- down to mainly nem meeting and worship service. Blind Musicians support the defense plan. After- - bonus. sional englnssrs, clsrgymen and Attorney Wesley C. Gryk, drive CHILD'S midnight. three weeks to a month ahead. kville or Danielson, because •The Longview Parent-Teacher his visits here and in London, he Cheney Brothers has petitioned public aecoimtants. chairman, stated today that a final go to the other nations In­ tsne Sickles outfit Is reportedly association meets at 7:30 p.m. at The Union sought w’sge increa­ the court to have the award cor­ This special tax fof self- Play at Verplanck total will not be available for at SIGNALS FOR AID EXTRA LIAN - FRISHLY GROUND HAMBURG ■peeking expansion locations in the school on North Park street. volved in the six-country Army ses between 30 and 50 per cent. rected. No statement has been employed persons Is 2)4/per cent least two weeks and urged all PHOTO J^veral other communities. But Weather permitting there will be plan— West Germany, The Nether­ (Jompsny negotiators offered five made so fa r in court as’ to what of net earnings from self-employ­ those who have not as yet con­ lands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Stonlngton. Feb. 2— (Pi— Natale eMptimlsm reached a new high in a mystery ride otherwise cards The orchestra from the Connec­ per cent. Pay scales here' range will be enjoyed following the busi­ the firm feels could be corrected ment. The maximum acount that tributed to do so as quickly as Another thing bothering Dulles from 81-38 M hour for deckhands Fusaro, 70, of Westerly, R. I., suf­ !<^nieIson with the disclosure in the award. ticut Institute for the Blind In CONTEST L8 ness meeting. can be taxed is IS.IMK) a year, possible In order that such a report is the tendency by France snd to 82.36 >/4 for some captains. Pay fer^ a heart attack aa he drove jiUiat the response to employments MISS KATHERINE M. OlBLlN CHOPPED BEEF -which means a top tax of 881, Hartford presented two perform can be made. jhds In that area was considefed The Sunday school staff of the some other North Atlantic pact rates vary elsewhere. along a highway last night. He First Evangelical Lutheran Church Treasurer George Frost stated \to be “overwhelming” by the When lacome Is Split ances to -the pupils of the Ver­ (N O W O P E N ) nations to. slow down on their mili­ Military cargoes here will move atopped h'a car and began flashing ONI PMCI - ONI OUAUTY • NONI HIOHli meets at 7:30 p.m. at the church. that the‘present total 1s running Ingenuity pays dividends in the i OMassachusetts firm. Fritz Kuhn Dies; .What If part of your Income was planck-School Friday afternoon at tary defense buildup. He was in at the rate of 1.6 or 20 a day. without interference, the union has the lights bn snd off to attract at­ Phineas J. Young well ahead of the amount collected Other factors were also under from self-employmont and part the school. thoroughly briefed on this by such I'r promised. The armed services oper. tention. Phlneas Jteeph Young of 7 last year as of this date. Mfavorable consideration in sddi- Brought to Manchester through Americans as Ambassador.William samples given away on a television ate their own tugboats. When Kenneth Lyman, of Paw-' Maple street, Pittsfield, Mass., a n Disciple of Hitler from a Job covered by social therine M. Oiblln and Miss Elly liion to. the- labor pool. These In­ aacurity .from which the old age. the efforts of. Miss Catherine Shea, . Draper, Jr., U. S. apeci.al represen­ Cf; Fischer; of 46 C3otUge street. jJ^Pgram in Noyenibcr. it got the The first passenger liner to be catuck, noticing the lights, pclled FAMOUS FINAST QUALITY 81, diisd yesterday at a Plttsflmd The bcautifdl Taj Mahal, a'royal WORTH OP clu d e plant site and accessabllity and survivors insurance tax was principal of the Verplanck School, tative in 'Europe, and G en.'M at­ ^ „ .... 1 second largc-st reapon.se of any affected mSteHallv by the strike up to offer assistance, F'usaro ask­ LB convalescent home. He was bom tomb in India, has had trouble inventors of “ Yam-Apart, a tie- ^ vvhich had been demon- CINTUR CUTS 5 o main highways or railroad fa- Munich, Germany, Feb. 2— (F)— withheld T the members of the orchestra in­ thew B. Rldgway, supreme Alliei here la the Gunard lliier Media. It ed to be driven to a doctor. PORK CHOPS In Georgia, Vt., Feb. 9, 1871. a son '^he death of Fritz Kuhn,, on.ee. the cluded:. Edward Laaky, trumpeter: with a leaky roof almost since the _ PRIZES i^ommahder in Europe. vice-for preventing tangled yarns' strated the:;. Similar results have entered the harbor at 11:15 s. m. Lyman drove him to Weatcrly Suitles. of Phlneas -and- Mary Bernier As an example, -a-man might time it was built In the I7th Cen-^ ULAN. WELL TRIMMED * Old Tavern Clianges Hands noisy U. S. leader of the Nazi iSer- Do'hald Coleman, drummer; David "other French questions coming in multiple-color knitting. N o t con-* 'conic fr6iV\ rhehtion in a'm'cchariics yesterday and was scheduled to hbipltal. When they arrived, Young. He had lived in Pittsfield have had 83,000 income from a M IL D L Y CURICD “Mike’s.” a tavern at 17 Cottage man-American Bund, was disclos­ Tyrrell, saxophone and clarinet tury, says the National Geographic Dulles’ way Include how >much tent with perfecting an aid to magazine in January and from an dock at Hoboken, N. J.. at 2 p. m. for the past 12 years, but was a covered Job and 83,000 from self- Fuiaro waa dead. Dr. Roger Fowl­ SMOKED BUTTS LB player: Allan Hartline, also saxo. Society, economic and military the knitters so effective that it was exhibit at the Sportsman’s Show but it anchored overnight in the rnireet, which except for the prohl- frequent visitor at the Rockville ed yesterday more than a year employment. The eocisl security OPEN TO ANY CHILD 6 MOS. to 8 YEARS er, medical examiner,, raid death DAISY HAMS phone and clarinet; and Jacob recommended in a national wom- in Hartford, where it was exhibited lower bay and Its captain planned jiitlon period has operated as a home of his daughter, Mrs. Hilmar after he died here in obscurity. tkx already would have been with­ United States is goini^to give reaulted from a heart attack. Klelnschmldt. bass viol. Directing France, how much forJmdo-China eji's magazine for February, the by the Sprucebrbok Gardens of to try to berth the ship at' 8 a. m |es'evo)wi...... esteemed leading Ipnght. Dr, Items are now handled through the funds and Imprisoned. In 1945, he ed out, are not Involved In the .5t.nthony Gessayj esteemed loyal was deported to Germany. West Center street. Hagenow re­ piece. ‘ Starting with a drill pros.* Originally a three-member com-I stoooare and tankers hrin'r Manchester Evening Herald Rock­ which she already owned, she p.-iny, Yarn-Apart is now owned ^ I g h t . John H. Yeomans; es ville bureau located at One M ar­ In pMtwar Germany, he was in fused to identify himself or show deemed lecturing ,*night. George and out of prison. Jailed by both his license, but took off . down equipped it with the head of a solely by Miss Giblin and Miss ' " P The fuel oil you want when ket atreet, . telephone Rockville chisel to which she attached 'a Fischer. Mis.s.Gihliii, president of ' ply. jBtone; chaplain^/Charles Helntz American and German authorities Pine street In his car, according to Need Mild Weather you want It! That's what 6-8186. NOTICE razor blade. j.the company, attended Mnnehes- Mquim, GeorgSM. .Williams; inner at different times. Finally a Ger-; BUSINESS MEN’f LUNCHEON police: Police were notified and However, at New Haven it waa our service means to you— Sruard. J o h n ^ h a n ; secretary, Paul man a^t>ellate court whittled down picked Hagenow up a short time Her great-great-grandmother’s ; icr srhoola'nnd Arnold College he- , . . Wfi have combined all oar /. sewine machine was hooked up to fore specializing in phv.sical ther- |i-hi't 1" PLUS top quality oil, priced jwden; treasurer, Lewis H. Chap- a 10-year sentence handed him by later and booked him on the' sewing maenme wa.s nnoKeiiuji cu Aft-,, -n ■ i,i-r»hi- -vnA-i I'veather. towboats are needed in operationa at oar new sales* ppov de motive power. The hollow Lop.'- A ‘ 'C' co i Iclcrable c^'HOri-' . ^ ,fnah: tniMees, J. Jfrthur Drayton, Illustrates Talk a deNazification court and freed SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH charges. The ca.se is scherluled for rlffhl! Try us once . . you’ll Monday.. handle of a plastic fly-swaltcr "nee. during whuh time she was at termlna's w h e « mel? .gohn p. Cameron, Arthur W. Me* him Feb. 22, 1949. room. W e'are no longer do* I call ua always! An H. P. Hood Jr Rons milk keeps -the tubing straight as- it ; foe six years, head, technician of ^ ;Fall, Clarence J. McCarthy, John Kuhn's widow was In Munich Ing any bosineaa ai THURSDAY. FEi* 5. 11:30 to 1 P, M* With Model Heart truck did damage to a house at 27 goes under the razor blade. An P^lD’sical therapy at the New Yprk ^ ■Taskulka, Edward Carrigan. when he died, but she is reported Budget Payments 481 Middle Tnmpike East Drive G .Raturday .when it rolled old piece of aluminum tubing from Orthopedic Hospital, she returned A dinner will precede the meet- to be in Mexico how with her Italian spaghattl, cobbou* salad, hot brood, Twenty-one First Aid Instruc­ down the hill into the front porch an a^v-ning. a pulley ^Venetian o Arranged IJng which will be followed by an daughter and a son, Walter, 26, choict of idio or cok*. too and eoffoa. ’^tertainment. tors, nurses, nurses' aides and fire­ of the building.''Dvo siooiera were blind cord, .and part of a ran-1 n'Olhei, Mrs. M aiy Giblin, at the most tankers are licensed to navi, who.Is in the Mexican Army. STANEK also damaged along with the porch opener and a screen door spring: Manrhe.ster Co^ Home on harbor^lt is con-' 0 Rockville Night men heard Dr. Jacob Segal discuss DONATION 75e USE SHELL 7 Rockville Night will be observed and shingling on the house. The were among other contributions irf Collage street. . .sidered safe for them to dock the ' LOOK BOTH W AYS!~ Sponsored by the W ard Group of the W 8CS A y the lodge here Feb. 28. This will heart ailments at the monthly Electronic Laboratories onerator of the truck, Sherwood the succc.ssful functioning of thC|. Miss Pischer, secretary and huge ves.sels only in extrem ely! N ew Haven, Feb. 2 - (Ab— Henry For Reservations Call: MI-S-88S4 or 9-1881 by Wednesday, Feb. 4 the second in a series of locality meeting of the Instructors group Trueman, said new brakes were cutter.- Miss Giblin's only assist-1 treasurer, was cdiicated In Ger- mild weather. ^ FUEL OIL R. Murphy, safety director of the 277 BROAD ST. flights which eventually will honor Friday at the Community Y. put on the car Friday; Patrolman ance came from Jack Cooney of i many. Coming to Ih" United High winter winds he added Connecticut Motor Club (A A A ) lall communities within the .luris-' Dr. Segal, who recently finished Walter. Gutzmer made no^arreat. 29 South Hawthorne street, w h o; states in 192fi she did x-r,ay wmild make the operation "ex^ Miction of the local lodge of Elks. specialized study* on the subject at says highway death tolls could be helped her .set up the contraption, .technology in New York and Bcr- tremely hazardous,” with the pos- G. E. WILLIS I, The committee in charge of this the Mount Sinai Hospital in New' cut drastically If more pedestrians THIEl'ES TAKE SAFE Now, even k n inexperienced opera-m udn. bqforo being employed hv sibilitv of the big-craft crashing Vevent . will be chairman, Albert York. llIustratedTils talk with a heeded the simple warning, 'TiObk tor can cut 60 tubes a mlnulc.'|,the State of Connecticut, tlie posir the terminal piers, '^ielman, co-chairman. Paul ,Mam- Special mc^el of the heart. A lively both ways before crossing.” Mur­ Waterbiiry. Feb. 2 (/Ti— .Strong- with the rate capable of cnn.sider-: tlon she now holds.. i Quickest hit, it was said, would ‘ & SON, Inc. _Chil, Alexander Grlnaskl, Arthur question 'and answer perioff'fol­ phy points- out that ' two- out barked thlwea carried a'.60n-f>oiind ■able increase when-motor driven. | T,6rn-Apart is a pa^^^ime Job he dealers In'the Hartford, area, of every three persons killed- in • Francis, Carlo" GenoveM, -"Rtephen- lowed the address. - •" safe containing more than 81.600 In Yarn-fAparl :re-proves the; xild-i for ilis.s GihUn.and ,Miss Fischcr-*-.i who receive...their- supplies -by- 2 Maln Si. Tel. MI-3^51251 Gessay, Martin Lehan, Clarence The talk. ^ timely one in view traffic are pedestrians. 'Think how Schultz Hair Style Of The Month cash and valuables from th* .Sey­ adage that the world will beat a ' but a full time interest. (barges which are towed up the Aclvertise in The. Hcrald-r-It Pays Finley Jr., Julius May, H arry Mor- of the Impending Heart drive, was much this ration could be lowered,' mour Street home of Timothv De- path to the door of the man w:ho; • ganson, Jerome Remkiewlcz, and aimed at general information on he says, “If everyone, young and vino yesterday. makes a better mouse-trap. Put on • ■William Schaefer Jr. this spsciallzsd subject. “Educa­ old, would realise hie responsibility The three-foot square safe was the market a year and a half ago. An Mexican Trip tion to the symptoms of heart ail­ for his own safety and would al carried down from the second floor the device is sold all over the fatthew H. Allen of Rockville ments has saved many lives," said ways lo6k both ways before croae- and loaderi into a truck or car. United States, in man.v Canndi.nn t New’ York City today for a Dr.-Segal. Ing.” police said...... -c'-J.eitlea. 'in-Alaska and in - - Hawa it. The .safe held about 1.000 in cash. Inquiries have come from sugh three rings, bank hoolca and per- far-fluftg spots a.s South Americ^^ sohal papers sccording to Devino Holland and India. I who said he discovered the loss Every public mention brings re- An Outstanding SALE of whep he refumed to his home Ute , .sults. After the women's magazine , “ White Mountain” Wall Cabinets last tUeht after visiting- in-, other- went oh the stands last week-with > parts of the citv. its unsolicited notice, letters came mm

t 1 *S AN E)G4C T FIT ClUB COUPE NOT A SLACK FIT COACH Factory ermftsmen fit STA R S E A T COVERS or SEDAN with that trim, tight fit that means longer wear when you drive oh ^'Easiest St." • and neater appummee. No cupping, sagging or ^ I* wrinkling. "Y o u r chbjce of-rich, bold plaids', or eonserviulve regal Stripes In durable fibers m SARAN PLASTIC Tra(ic your old car for the bMUtiful new ’53 Henry J ^ a " v je luxury piaatics. . , the .cai that puts you on *‘EfislcstSt:” ^ it‘s America’s J | | tHEY*RE DOLLARS LESS ^ lowesi'-priced, tal\-s\zc automobil^^elivcrs up to 30 miles' • ||BUT YOU GET THE BEST a gallon-costs as little as a penily a milel Saves you * from $500 to $600 a year! * h u : Get on “Easiest St.” in your Henry J! See your • “ My House Kaiser-Frazer dealer now! ,, • n COMVERTIBtE DOOR o„,,*l499 • incimtes SJ04.82 prtpaid Federd taxts. Omiy fHlght and loctd taxes extra, -----^ ' PANELS CLUB COUPE M TOPS *3 0 „^ COACH A coiffare with dash and daring that combines that fresh-from-the-hair* Is Hot Stuff” hroperly Owners - Contractors - Builders - Housewives! Buy Now At These Prices! or SEDAN dresser look with acasaal breezy effect. This wayward look is actaally cal- calated, and It takes some doing: needs careful cutting, perfect setting and “ No chill filled, drafty domain for me and mlnet—not ★ EXTRA HEAVY STIEEL ^3 FIBER an artist with the hairbrush to do a premeditated upset of the set. The 1). 15” wide. Right hand

-no endless tinkering— no Next To First National Bank ★ MADE BY “WHITE MOUNTAIN” TEL. MI-9-5405 costly repairs"! ' PAY CASH C. 24 ” wide. Double door I O Q R F. 24” wide. Double door C Q R Famous 79 Year Old New Engtaad Man­ $7.50 18” high. 1.31/4 " deep. Permanents ' A Delco-Heat Burner pays for its keep in fuel .sav­ CHARGE or BUDGET full .30” high. 1.3'i" deep. ufacturer. r i i . r ' S ' AND UP ings. Stop in for free estimate and details on ouY liberal ★ DREAM KITCHEN credit terms. Furniture Top Quality Cabinets. A t D«m-a to jBarflh', Sale Price*. • • • • At your Kaisar*Frazar dooUr today I #i and Music A REMEMBER The 763 MAIN STREET - Buy the Units You W ish or Um Coa Beauty Salon '6., Inc. TEL. Mitchell 3-5680 WaU Unit . ’ { AUTO SEAT COVERS 3.33 MAIN STREET TEL. .MI-9-4593 STORfS N MASS , H I 4 CONN. 985 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL MI-3.8951 TOWN MOTORS, Inc. \ / 45 WEST CENTER ST. — MANCHESTER ■f U i .

'f. " - r - - / ' : MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 ,196d PAGE talte Fotm ^ - whenever they done. After it ie done, there will be CroTindhog Day Farewell Is Given pleased...... ____ quiet on this ;. disloyalty. „ and At the p re^t time, It Is as­ security front, we must hope. For Mrs. Carroll sumed that Chiang Kat-shek is so What danger could a drunk or B rought to 0 . S. |«aueh. stronger, th a t he>bimseU..will. an.immorsUoEian or A gpselP..do oh noW he able to organize some the United Nations payroll? Ob­ ': As a Mistakie M^rsT'Besaie CMtroll o t 6 6'daiem i^ ^ lS BUi«lI Strwt .... 'r'oful was guest of ,J^qr,!A t .A ja re ; viously, there are po" . American TBDXAS F. nCROUSOK,...... forays ajsalnst the Chinese main­ yrSLrm R. rEROOSON. land. ' secrets there. It is a world or­ AP Ne-^itffS^es P u b lU h en , oht Foundad Octobar 1, 18S1 One other cli%umatsmce has also ganization, and if it has any changed, and upon.this President secrets, they arc secrets shared al­ Americdh^iiI&i{iofft"buf'it seems r.l Pubitabed Krery Branlng Except B un^i and Holiday ^U rad at tha Eisenhower places great emphasis. ready by Russian employes as well possible 'inat the whole ides Is Poat.. bsica at Uanchaater, Conn., aa as by American employes. To. be based otila case of mistaken Beci;ond Oaaa Mall Matter. The Chinese Commilnists are now fighting us In Korea, It Is, per­ sure, . the United Nations itself identity. {|he groundhog Is sup­ s u Rs c r ip t io n r a t e s * might • ' not want to employ posed to dome out of hie den to­ Attention Merchants OPEN TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS; CLOSED WEDNES* Payabla In Advance haps, not quite fair to say, aa did 'Ona Tear ...... •.'♦*5 S2 drunkards, or immoral people; or day, take 4 A look around. If he DAY AFTERNOONS. USE PURNELL PARKING PLAZA: REAR OF Six Montha ...... the President, that "the Chinese sees his shadow, he is supposed to Communists have Invaded Korea gossips, but that-is its business, hurry back*to Ms den and hole up You ar* iuvltod to ottond a mooting OUR STORE. WE REDEEM YOUR PARKING TICKET. MAIL AND One Month ...... '•'■*■2 to attack tte Unlteid Nation forces npt ours. for an extehston of winter for six Weektr ...... *• *2 The answers to everyday PHONE ORDERS FILLED. CALL Mitchell 3-5171. Single Copy ...... ” there." They entered Korea! aa As all this is going on, there is weeks. If he does qot see any Wodnosdoy. Fobni^ 4, 1953 ot 1:00 P. M. Insurance problems* ___ MBMBERJOF _ ahy other nation In aimllar cir­ certain atmosphere reported, in shadow, good weather la supposed to be in prospect. cumstances probably would have United Nations headquarters and At Tinkor Hdl By RAYMOND E. GORMAN offices. It is an atmosphere Tn . Actually,.^says the - National -!Ce'!?a*Supa .ure that Geographic Sralety, this tradition 791 Moin Stroot fupstairs) Sot”*^arwfae credited.' In thla wper nobody came .too close to their own whlc^ some sorrowful shame is was first atWhed to the Euro­ "AinfighU bf a^Si borders. *B«t the fact of. the .CW- felt',:, that .such a great and power­ pean- hedgehoj^;*^- porcupine:- When - dlspatehea hcTatn* are slap, reaetved. I nese Ckimmuntst presence In Korea ful nation as-we are should ever the idea, was faa^ferred to Amer­ M J, iByfo,^ Piwridloiit Aocmwf Ciodit Coftporo------^ ^ 1 1 serrioa Client of N. E A. 8enr> remains, and President Elaen- talk and bully and frighten our­ ica the wcaOijEr chore was a t tion of RockvUlo Contro, Now York, wHl spook and prosonf his all serrloe Client pf N. E A Benr- tached to theH^oundhog Which Is «..M.nutivea; The I hower uses this fact to justify selves Into such necessities. The Morchont's Chorgo Account Sorvico os it could apply to Monchos- IT'S MID-WINTER'S VALUE AND STYLE K'uMtehen Bepf^nUUvee: a kind of marmot. ^ ./A Julius Methews Special Agency -- New What apparently looks like a con­ people of other nations are polite York. Chicago. Detroit .The, hcdgehM seems to be a tor. ^ tinuance of our Interference -in the enough to look the other way, as good candldnteV -for such honors. MBMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF \. QUESTION: I hear a lot lataiy CIRCUDATIONB. Chinese civil war. we find out whether so and so was He sleeps only lightly through the about this "Business Intermit Inc.. In so far as his speech, dis- drunk on the night of Jan. 12, winter. On many days he epn be An Morchonts, Storo Ownors and Monogors art urgod to ottond tton" fire Insurance. Can yon Herald printing J for aaaumea no tlnancial reaponelblllty 1032. seen wandering Syound opt of his give me some Idea of Just what ?;;SSSihrcarel?o«ap'^iiring I* his orders, U»e Seventh den. The groundteg, on the other this mooring. It covers? vertleemente and other ,J!***'^ Fleet has not bein pell^VddXof Unr hand, goes to'-tslccp in mid- m ttak of protecting C^ian|^ Kaf- autumn. He sleeps so soundly that ANSWER: BasIcaUy it seeks to Display ad.'vertlsing n - ...... cloalnk: houraa | his breathing can te detected,only put the owner of a huslness In For Monday—1 p. m. iPVldaj^ sitek on Fdryho^- It m ayj^ thkt Sponsored the same position he would G ld -^Ipswich For 'Tueaday—1 p. ^.sctual'^ti^i:* will indeqd tnove p O Y . s q a v T with the most M^.sitive instru­ For Wedneaday-il______p.'fli,°'^adaA ments. And he does not wake up //• J! have been in had there been no For TTjuraday—1 t>. n>;l.WedBeadajr, the fleet oqt Formosan waters. until about the middle of March. T /ie Frieridiy iBank^ fire. It provides for payment of For Frldar—1 p. N ^ E S net profits lost and pays such For Saturday—I,* • j- n. leatrtng p s a n c i w to protdolT The groundhog is also some ' ciaaaMed' deadl thing of a pest. In a-season-he can expenses as. must continue dur­ Solid Maple day of pubtleatloq' ing suspension of business due ...... 'I ---6nt>ment;. we provide him. In which d jn d eat his way through h^f -srton of • a, m. alfalfa. He can clean^-Rut a small to a fire. i^ow'ifiWlipnMitur'iflWitpnMit tn ljie Chinese First Ntdid^l Bank Moiflay, Febi^l^.-a t / N $ w s garden in a night. I clvlt -jwar:. Will b* meaiurAbljr But the groundhog has been the 4 reduced! I iegNBiBL unless develops, ^ b Scotit Pack 151 hehf Its Feb. 2 Weather . prophet in the •If you’ll address your own in- Plastic Lounge Chair The New F on i^ n yoMcy,^ of Manchester surance questions to this office, j President nsenhower has repealed monthly pack meeting Wednesday United States for so long that he /O ih tH«i inf«l|iii'of * stflie' totily haK of ourUrtto^feRce hv the is not likely to dose his place. Hla ««31 .try to. give you the-eorrect. R l j ^ t 'i t V ^laR cic Scttool* under prophetic duties remain today Main ^iToot anmwrs and there will be no and Ottoinan Union Irtpssage .whlch^’;. tihlnese eivtl so has not tha direetkm orUen Mather Mrs. what they have been?for a long charge or obUgutiou ot auy 9 4 .5 0 many flfis and pMllIve-^'.fecojIp-ffBlmply': ^orrectM^ a move^ which Haroid Schults. Each cub played a time—a pleasant fantasy. Manchester, Coonocticut kind. mendptlohi Wljloh win m s^j wiiv'ihigUUdfy wratif. ^i.v 3 part; la the prbgr'am W '"rninspor- Because the sun \yaa Bright to­ ..”v , ------Reg. 4HO.OO. Looks like leather ; smart unreaervejf. appla^, Pi^ldept I Fropva third angle, the Movd tation." The cubs also made models day, men, women aqd children Member: F.D.I.C. G d l ^ N Lawson styling; choice of 20 colors to Elsenhower today.,JI|^>ihcludedlhiari^.';i[^ relation 16 Amerlcu' nodded to each other In mock order. Ottoman included. of the old and the present vehicles. solemnKy.. '"nic groundhog must Insurance Agency one actlod-whieh-hf -certalB to. ^tpiDU^cs. The value, power, pres Placed on display were wagons, have seen hls shadow," they said D88 Main St. Tel. MI-'6-84W controveratal. ^ ^ s is hii^ actloRii}g^ and potential, accomplish' ships, alrpIonOs, trains, etc. These "We are in for six weeks more It .models wlir be on display lA the of winter.” A gloomy Feb. 2 would stora-■‘windows donated by mer­ ment: have brought the opposite predic­ chants in various locations tion. It is so much fun that some throughout town the week of Feb. ^ow ns have .societies dedicated to X iftoctlOto that the Seventh Fleet I beyond all realistic proportions. 8, National Boy Scout Week. khe observance of the day.. lo B ^ r hp employed to shield Ip^c , idea that "releasing" him I>en Mothers Mrs. Helen Scru- CbtoOfAiat Uhina. This order inwTwQ^||l^* accomplish mtraeles has tom Mrd. Helen. Lovell and Mrs. MRS. SiMITH R i n » 'f Donald Clough made a tour with plies Efi 'aligresalve Intent on oiir grovm t<> a point where nothing their dens through the Honeer park'.KIvt We certainly have..no less.thafi an actual test would an- Meriden. - ^ b . 2—(/PH-r Fuinaial Parachute Company. Each cub Mrvlcea will beheld Tiiesday for Rejf. $55.50 Paneled Beds oU^fB.vi^'^^tp>>tcct a .Ration I swer iU This actual test now lies was given a scarf and a Pioneer Mia'. Jmnle.Lee Smith,’. 88, moth­ Choice of Chairs! Parachute pin by the firm. Chief have graceful urn-top post.«. flg h U ^ % i ^ I ahe^, and, one way or another, it er of publisher and • presWent Full or twin sizes .... .45.00 W^ iHaU lim it today’ifv disipia^.j atit)ds!, to resolve this American Nelson Slye of Charter Oak Coun­ Wayne C. Smith of thjb Meriden cil, was present. He gave a very Record .-and Meriden Jotmtah't-Sf\s alon the )pjp»ag« to tU f/^int. iphlitlcaj controversy, which Is a Interesting talk to the pack and Reg. $42.00 Bedside Cabinet- ‘This |tci;)dn. id in line Wltii lAe j^aitR y-prospect, died suddenly In her home here Table holds radio, books and 8 pc Dining Rooms 275-00 presented the charter to . Miss' Saturday night. Mrs,, Smith was WeMI trade in yotirNQld small-screei^ f'il broail; strategic philosophy an<[ ,A mixture of uneasy gain at' Katherine Shea, principal of Ver- the widow of Edwin E. Smith, lam p...... 35.75 nounc<|d by P resldlnt E^enliower hoihp end dangerous alarm among planck School. He also presented president of the Mcride;i Record. the pack with four Liberty Bell- Regularly ^315.00. Furniture like this lends elegance a llttlB earlier in his speech, wh^lour;friends abroad, plus an uncer-. Awards from the National Council. Besides her son, Mrs. Smith leaves TV as the down-payment on a to your dining! 60-inch Chippendale credenza, 40 x 60 he said: “We have learned that the taiii but probably safe'result in a daughter, Mrs. Isabel L.. Bick­ District Commisaloner George ford- of Meriden, and a grand­ inch extension Duncan Phyfe table, and a choice of free world cannot indefinitely re- gUaial strategy—these seem to be' 6’tiles presented the committee and daughter, Miss Jaiiice L. -Bickford Covered to your order 6 Empire or Hepplewhite chairs. main In a posture of paralyzed I the prospects for the Elsenhower the den mothers with thRlr mehi- of this city. bershlp cards for the year. A Blile Mirror tension, lea'ving forever to the ag-|move. It Is boMerllne boldness, and Gold banquet , will be held at BIG, BIUND-NEW, FAMOUS gressor the choice of time apd I combining a semblance of positive the school on Wednesday, Feb. 25, . place and means to-eause'fraiM^Edetlpn 'witR what Is calculated to at 7 p. m.; it Is hoped that all cubs 3 2 - 5 ° Lounge Sofas 169'^® hurt to 'ui. at iMst. cost, tp/Uip-Tbe a minimum risk. Let us hope and their parents WUl. .attend tp SEPTIC TANKS make this bdnciiMA E Riicf.eSsC!iror ato". . ' ' the calculations involved have AND the cubs ';Mti mothws. Regularly $190.00 . . . and Watkins Quality through and rARng ia Una vHth this pollcj;,. it | been sound. The foUovmnjg''Swords: .jtrere' Base 87 Isi'also an act which constitutes a made; Wolf baqtSO, Richard<01d- PLUGGED SEWERS through froth the' hardwood doweled-ahd-glue frames to the gainbla. That u one reason It l^i They'Look The Other Way ham, Gregory King,. Richard Unal tailoring. It’s the ever-populah Lawson square-arm lounge contcoverslal. In a iMitahdU, k can Clough, Ralph Howard, Rlchafd Mashine Gleaned model with deep spring base and spring-filled cu.shions and he,siud that the stf^giir measures ’’** capacity .as Ublted States Neville and JaRips Curry; Bear back for lasting comfort. Covered to order to fit your color badges. Jerry Finn. Russell Scrtl4; *juoOo Tanks Drv Wells"~ch>u-ep wa taka.'to try to end the Koreen.|'^^******‘*®’*^ Un'ted N»- ton,♦ -.n PhllliRDhllltn Robanhymar,. William 3*"*‘** scheme in a choice of damasks! Uons, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,- is Ltnea,.Installed—Cellar Water- walr,' :tbe. iR m .idsk ws'^Am of Kasper. '• ■ Proofing Done. tumlni^ tb i ^ Korean w ar ijuto obviously trying to arrange things Other awarUs.. wwq: .i-Kdward World W ar in., quickly so that the relationship be­ Bradley, B ear.Suvef iMTawj.'Deo- IcKINNEY BROS. Reg. $98.00 Double Dresser tween this country and the UN nis Keith Bear badge, and Gold fresid^t 'Eisenhower and hla arrow; Edward Teabo, Two Wplt' ERAOE DISPOSAL CO. Look how your old set helps you Base is 4912 inches wide; ha.s aivtserp have obviously judged will never have to be disturbed Silver arrows; Brtice'Hippie, i.PearLSl. Teh MI-S-5S08 six drawers ...... 87.50 .50 again by McCarran Committee , or l.fr. I I 'l. III. .I.M. that. Uil^ particular Action will lie Silver arrow; James;McInneMey, buy this 1953 2 1 “ Crosley Console Reg. $.36.00 Mirror . . . .32.50 18 In a rtlatlvely-safe c»*.cgory. They grand jury .investigations of . the Lion Gold arrow, JiLmisa Ftnm)igwtf Wolf Gold and '«Ner> artwaf have, judged, that-.we can do this employed by Brian Wagnei® Two BieBr Silver Reg. $72.25 Cheat of Drawer-s. without creating the response the United Nations. arrows; Raymond Sti^ard, Two (at left) reduced to ...64.50 Stu did- Gdu ches / front either China or Russia whi<^ That is why, as hls first act in Wolf Silver arrow?, ? would mean World War III. office. Ambassador Lodge request­ Christmas candy that was left ed an FBI check of all UN Ameri­ over from the Cuba Christmas That, indeed seems a likely judg-1 party was donated to the children]s m ent And we suspect that most of cans, even though that will cost ward at Manchester Memorial with kick pleats 79*^® ^ ■ the ' alarm dvef 'this 'pArlicuTar | approximately 1-1.000,006. T hat la; HospilaT ahif a Tettef 6f apprecia­ Latex- Cushioned move, at home and abroad, comes why the American employes of the tion was received from the direc­ Regularly $95.00 Covered-to-Order Studio Couches. Serve by UN, this week, began* filing Into tor. With Boih^h UHF #om the apprehension that this 6 4 ' day and night; open to full size beds. Come with moss pipings, EBay be merely the first of other their, fingerprints ai-MCH caosuY m wxi coit- Chairs not shown, regular or bolster pillows and kick-pleat bMea. - movea.: This move, by'ittelf, can "yhat is wRy they will all S O tl—n>« Sn«, cIm v piclura yov gal *Mahogany. Tables perhaps be Judged safe.^ut the out special forms, answering Manchester Your O ld - «fi Ihli hwga i^ M n—ygv k«*pl Thof'i questions as to. their past associa­ -•FA^- ^ bacouM at Crailty'i fonaui Autoneilc Reg. $98,00 Period B'arrel and Wfhg general direction in which it facui. Reg. .^22.50 Cocktail Table; Reg. Chaira, plus Lounge models in this moves is, perhaps, not safe. The tions. That is why the FBI check 2 9 Date Book' m Juil Hkt avary Cretlay coblnat, lhi> $35.00 End Table. ‘ Solid mahogany group . . . all with foam Latex Communists will probably take on them will put the fine-tooth lir SET AND ONLY $250 ana U mada al flna w a^ . Il't luparbly bases; VEfneered tops. cushions! Choice of coverings. iaKi this move. Our danger, probably, con^rRf .investigation not only on Wedneeday, Feb. 4 6UARANTEED ($11.50 Por Month) ityiad with allhar bland or mohagany inay lie Jn pur own assumptt^ their .pi|st loyalty to thik^ Country, YWCA Homemakers Holiday Sniih. program, Cbinmuhlty Y, 9:30 toat, lif they 'take this, they RflU Imt on elemeh^ ■ ini'their lives IN WRITIN6! Srica includai Fadarel Tax and full hlch mlgHt dMermlue Whether a. m. t^ e other and j^Ider moves from Friday, FOb. B- Phone us today for a srietitiBc ONE-YEAk WARRANTY an aiCw a tuba ^ey are good “seewity^ rlrits. If 14” SET AND ONLY $275 and all chauU parti. us, Ana Eisenhower to resist unlimited In-1 strayed from the straight and fuel savings s Timken Silent volvement lil the technique pf try- •**y Valentlne Danoe, sbi^ored>'hy Automatic WaU-FIame Burner Ing to produce a setUement jn 1 iniRHt'make them poor "iiecurity Daughters of IsabeltOr American ■wfliidtWyou—and wo'Il guof- liegion Homo, B p. m- ' i r SET kiie ONLY $SOO Koras hy the use of force e ls e - 1 ^ l^ iltlo n a l goe- diUpftlil^Baa. savings in taritf^ Square dance, . .eppnsqred . by rv-tfyoitb^; ;g% where—that ueltfaer we at home "'I'® '‘*** taBu-that might YWCA, at Community Y>'‘i:B6 -to ($14.00 Por M ^ ) Reg. $51.75 Spool Beds aor our friends abroad can be sure "security", risks. If, in 12. •' come in full or twin sizes; how .much further President they had. malicious Wednesday, Feh. m? ' -j ^nusual Ixiwed top rail 46.75 Auction of -.:Co/i»Blf Eisealiawer m ay g a ' j neighbors who didhT'-'IIlte ' them Id ’s Trade ToiMt Post, American LegicnL. Legwii V 7 4 - 5 0 That Is how^'tlie-move looks from might enter allegations Into Home. ,, ' 'V t. -, ■ , Reg. $98.00 Chest-on-Chest the : pblflt or View‘d of bVer-alf ^ against them.' ' ■ .' 'FrWayi-'reh.'SF''^''''' •f'" __ y/iSir:: 1$15.00 Monfkl ' of five drawers; 50 inchb.s- stn^gy. It Is a risk, but just ' Ambassador Lodge' Is ordering Masonic BaH at M asenlnTenitle. ——j ta ll ■ i -i-ri- ."ri” .—.' i 87;5(l Saturday, Feb. SB ' .' 0lti€P£im 99a teather Top Desks about tRe smallest kind qf risk end subjecUng these hun- Annual ' ladies' night, Bripsh- President Elsenhower could take American Citizens to American Club. ■ (Below) Reg. $.72/»0 urn- ih hls pursuit of a more dynamic indignities, these pryings In- BMowi Tko TSA Wrt Haag -.eriloreM m4 k top Beds.in footies.s .style' and threatening p'olicy toward the P“?t, In the effort to do full or twin .sizes ... .28.75 Hrtchcock Chairs 29*^^ Communists. “drii a thorough job of Investlgat- Open Monday and Thursday Nights Unil 9 ern Tufted Lounge Croup The move also in'vites con- ^”8 them that nobody else will The one-drawer Night Ta­ Regularly $89.00 Chippendale plinth base desk in mahogoirif' •fderatidn from two cither angles, .***^“®® Ini' meddling ble with shelf is regularlv veneers with three genuine leather panels on top; deep draviy One is the angle of right and n*" bringing charges HUtRY INI YOU*U SEN W N Y w -$24.00 ...... ,21.75 Regularly $312.50. Swing ft) modeoi gradually with this two- for filing. The black stencilled Hitchcock side chair haA-A ‘wrong. Oiir original act In sending ag»lnht the UN, or Americnn ot- 1874 piece group! Clean, sharp lines, plus 20th Century comfort. Will 279^0 genuine rush seat; regularly $35.00. the Seventh Fleet to Formosa con-1 ^‘cials at the UN. harmonize with tailored 18th Century pifeces. Custom-covered Ten other pieces in this ♦ •Ututed interference In a Chinese It is, on his part, a laudable en- to your order in a selection of modem textured fabrics. 2 p c S c _____ ^ ____.fllO U D rpHiir-cH t ______■ elvll '•' war; 'We nsd hb legal ~ of vorr He -wanta-to end ttrtx bust-' moral right to interfere in it. ness of witch-hunting at the UN, WATKINS ^ can see K iBEnERf «A a CROSkBY Therefore, our originad action was But what a price he and this BAOTHBRS. INC .CT,- •wrong. coimtry and the American citi­ PUNBRAL zens involve have to pay! We Polished Brass On the surface, then, an order SERVICE uditch repeals a wrong action is a have to look a? If wc were the Solid Ie DinpUes, 5 p(;s. 64.50 good order. latest police' state in the world. We have to trample on that in- OriRBnd IW eit XIIMKEM . There have been changes of d ire c to r.. Candlestick Lai 2(uation'since the original order dividual dignity, and that right to which have some effect on the private lives, which are supposed issue involv^, however. Original­ ly part of our Ehulitlonal heritage. ly, the purpose of the order was How does It feer to be under In­ Regularly $77.25 for this 1 2 . 7 5 not at all what President Elsen­ vestigation, knowing' that every .sturdy breakfa.st group. hower now says its effect has stray piece of gossip about you all Table extertds from'29 x 40 bmn—to have the "United SUtea through -your lifetime may be k- DEPARTMENT to 58 inches with an extra Regularly $14.95 T i ^ W vy required -to serve as a de- l-plcked up and evaluated? . Per­ zunnefiWi. .75 leaf. Four of the box-seat PHONE OIL HiAT aii 2 1 fa^ioned after a Z" ‘ " ^ “Iws am of Conmiunlst*China." haps one of these Americans will slat-back chairs are in­ stick design. 28.1 kt time, w as C9iiang Kal- tell us. Mltchell>9-7I96 cluded. ) » or Mlfchell 3-8606. EI^IN EEB fN C t, IBC. fitted with.! ; _w1h> MMUed’pi'utiection, it be- it Seems the on\y .way to shut Four Chairs new GE aanimed 'tost the off the McCsurraaa.and the Mc- 142 East Center St. AS44 MAIN STREET 358 E^ T CENTER ST. TELEPHONE Mitchell 3-5191 Manchester TEL. MItcheU S-llSS 28 Included over Bteiir teaai'M t Olid CaHhys. That (s. why; it is being of 1, graen

/ ..'kv' h r V , : ■h ' I 1 ■ b . ’ //■« V /

, ■(■ V . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, I95S ■4' i • p a g e e i g h t JIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19-5S PAG E NINH skirts for each of the 12 girls were Hebron '-ago as a -repreaentatlve of Hillyer Rev. John F. Hahnon of St. James' Coventry cut by Mrs. Ernest J. Starkel of College, Hartford.' He is the ad- z material- of - biue; • Each-ts "paying HipbirQu JleunioiL iu. Korea tmriislralive'‘"‘8'upervr^^^ 'o f"th e LegiQii Couiiiiittee Pero Toasliiiastcr Church, Attorney-and Mrs-.-George- MiKions ^ wDRo—M whay— C. Lessner, General Manager and for her own material and will buy Grant vSpoiisor Ward 'School of ■ Electronics, a WOOO-129919 Fndto and TV r w T ic—iOM Skywatcli Schedule a yellow or white T-shirt to wear technical branch of' Hlllyer. ^HrKNB— AM Studarfl H um WNHC-«h| Named for Auction For Halian Soeie^* MriT. Richard Martin, Town Court Traces of Fluoride Found with the outfit. The sewing Js being a ..Jcaderahip .tenet* *t«t,Mr*:'Atdo Paganl. Jiidg* done with' the'.’Aesfatahee "of'Mrs.' Of Bill Asking citation at the last meeting of the Tuesday , and Mrs. John S. G. Rottner, and WIfa. t»!*f-W KNB-The Lillie Show. Aa previously announced, the • Jo.ieph. G,. Pero will be the toast- Police Chief and Mrs.. Herman O. Starkel and.Mrs. Francja^A. Per-, 4-H .club, .of which he -is .deader,. ,T.rN4Sis:''Poll »sWr^WDHC—Masle off the Ret___ Atnerlcsn Legion Post has' set ' 'MhlRight>2 a. m. .. .,. .'.Mr. -and Mrsi Spflrirk Strnngh.\n’, in Sample of Second Welt rottl of South Coventry, who Is j "The Garden Sprouts." This Was \WCCO-Music.\;C-'Hutie. , WONS-Jack Downey's Waxworka 2 a. m.-4'a. m...... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hsgenew, ma.ster at (lie fourth annual in­ Schendel. Success coaching the'squad. For Tiiiie L awarded by Albert BtkGray, county HT—Cal TlnaW. WKNB—Ed Swett Snow. Wednesday, Feb. 25, for what it ■Jack Dbwi'ajr’a Music flhop. Market BaskeL says will be one of the greatest 4 a. nr.-6 a. lit...... Volunteers ne-ded, stallation,banquet of the Manches­ Tickets for the banquet may be Coventry, Feb. 2—(Special)-^Af Saturday at 7:30 p. m. in Biaat The squad chosen to represent 4-H club agent. The citation was Robert Q. J>wia; Th* Chl- w n c—News: Tout Garden. auctions ever held in town. The 6 a. m.-9 a. m...... 'Richard Frosch. ter Italian Ameriran Society on secured through John Andisio. the school during activities during Hebron, Feb. 2- - (Special) ■— awarded in recognition of Fellows’ WHAT-IUIlan Music. 9 a. m.-noon...... Hartford. ,i :nB—News; CsrsTSn »f Music. 9;44-WDRC—Bing Sings. place is the centrally located Leg­ ...... Mrs. Mary Close, Jacqueline Ben­ P'eh. 1,5. The affair will be held at •eeond water supply in this com­ the' school year was picked from Richard M. Grant, one of the two outstanding work. David Kinney nett. Other local officers tb be. in­ about 2.5 try-outs. The group fol­ 4 ii^^-nc^tella- -a Osiiga DSII 9:45-\VDRC-Blng Crsaby. ion hall on Leonard street, where the clubhouse on Eldrldge street \ munity tbday was listed as having stalled are: Mrs. Walter S. Haven local representatives to the Legis­ has been admitted as a new mem­ • -WKNB—UHT.------______Juiur ~Prq*ram. 'ro " srai---- WHAT—Famous Trials, there is plenty- of parking space Noon-3 p. m...... Mr.y. Robert Coleman. Robert a fluoride concentration. The State of Coventry, present Coventry lows: Marcia McCombe, Barbara ber. Why ? BiKanse they wi>RC—HM Ih Aid*. w n c —Victor H. I.Indlahr. G enoveSl. and will start al 12:30 p. m. !T Fowler, Beverly Hathaway, Mar­ lature, ha.s’introduced another bill, Age Limit Dropped always keep Tom. 4:t».LwkNB-Reiiuest Matinee. WKNB—Ruaa Morgan Show.. And where more auction.^ are held Apartment of' Health made this Grange secretary and a past mas­ 4:W—WDRC—The Record Shoy. 19:44—WDRO—Arth'ii Godfrey. than shy ether spot in town. 3 p. m.-6 p. m...... Sam Clemens. Pal Maatrangelo, banquet chair- ^9 garet DuPont, Peggy Barrett, asking that tlie Hebron as.sessors The age requirement has now handy—for rec­ 6 p. m.-8 p. m. .... TRUSSES-BELTS 4 observaUon after a study of sam­ ter; secretary, Mrs. Harold M. Tur­ WTHT—Eddie Arnold ahow. WTHT—My True Story, Ray Reid of Marble street will .. . E. E/Perkins. Robert Lanning. man! has announced the following,6 MEN and WOMEN 4 ner of Coventry, who is also assist­ Mary Gozds, Suzanne Starkel and may be allowed longer time by one been made available to those of ord-fast relief of W nc—Toung Widder Browa. w n c—Welcome Travelers. be the auctioneer. Mr. Reid is 8 p. m.-lO p. m...... Louis I.anzano. Francl.s Dancosse. ples taken from the Lakewood Gwen Matusiewlce. nine years, formerly 10 years. Fel­ gas, heartburn, WHAT—Save A Life Frofram. WCCC—12 Hundred end 90 HIU. 10 p. m.-hildntght invited gue. ts; W EXPERT FITTERS 2 Heights development of Hank ant to the Connecticut State month to complete their work on sour stomach. Al­ WCC(>-Newi; Music. _ WHAT—Newa In Italian. widely known throughout the ...... ^ 'B . Inman. Wallace G. Payne. .SMFD Commissioner and Mrs. Grange secretai^ Ellsworth Coveil The project will be completed lows would like to hear from any­ 4:45—wn c —Woman in My Hau^ WKNB—Newa; Through: the Tears, state. He succeeded hia father, the Keene, local builder and enter­ of Andover. this week and the girls expect to balancing the town books. one 'wishing to Join the Sprouts. most instantly. •:I4— WDRC—NSwt; Old Rscord Shiop. 14:14—WDRC—A rthur Godfrey. Andrew Anspkli, Herald Publisher (Arthur Drus Stores^ tainer. wear their new uniforms at sports The club • has 12 m'embers at Turns neutralize WTHT—News; Joe Olraad. WHAT—Itelian Music late Robert M. Reid, who founded furniture ennipanif>s and nre.sidcnt and Mrs. Thomas F. Ferguson, As things stand at present they WHAT—Story ^een. t4:75-WTHT-Whlai>enng Streets, the business in May. 1907. Week End Deaths Keene, who divides his time be­ ..Upcoming Meetings activities frofii then on. are supposed to get this’work done pre.sent. excess acid. Yet of the National Rrt.iil F'urnilure tween housing developments and Climax Chapter, OES, will meet contain no soda WON8—Hobby Ihnson. ♦ 14:14-WDRC-Arthur Godfrey. The committee in charge in­ Assoeiallon. Born in Dcs Moines', Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. in the the first of February. Often ■WKNB—News; HiU of Tcmcrrow. WTICr-. cludes Wilber Little, commander; the hillbilly song field, has erected Maachester Evening Herald they find tills makes hurried work. Manehester Evening Herald He­ "to over-alkalize or WTTC-Juet Plain BUI. W rad-Newa; Music. By THE AS.SOriATED PRESS la. Died Satui'day. for about 46 homes in the area and Masonic Hail in Merrow. Coventry correspondent, Mrs. bron rorrespondent. Miss Susan cause acid rebound. One or nyo »;15-WHAT—Croeby Quarter WKNB—Volce^of Manchester, Earl Peterson, vice commander; New York 'Vernn.n C. Oehn, .'iil. has plans for many more; The Businessmen’s association More time would ea.se, tension and Turns, eaten like candy, stops w n c—P-ont Pagr FarrelL 14:41—W THT—When a Girl Marfiae. Robert Petersen, second vice; Toledo. O.--James Carroll Blair, General Motors executive. Died Charles H Little, telephone prevent possible error.s. Pendleton, telephone H.^rrison f:»-WHAT—Band By Demand. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. Chester Ho^an, past commander; ,76. retired president of tlie Libhy- Coughs I The Health department report will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. in Pilgrim 2-8S8I. 8-3349. -• -. stomach distress almost. b«ore. it , WOMB—Will Bill rUckoen. ia;59-WONS-^Newa.: ~ Friday. .... - due:i4 ■ atated that the Lakewood Heights the Kathaii Hale Cbmmuflily Ceh-' -RopTesentative Grant, who la flii starts. Do as miiliods do—carry WDRC—Memory Lane. I t :i4-W C C C —Tune Teat and 90 HiU. (Seorge 'Scpvllle' pdJutnnV:. Charles Ow’ens-Kotd Glass 'Co. Tiito Sun-’ ter.' ■ ■ ...... - his.second term in, the legislature, Tums'.always: Reincmber tO'get W' WCeOi-News; -Music; WONS—L ed ier P ain ...... ‘ W^ren, finance Officer. d«y." ■ ■' ...... / ...... • Nnshvlilrr Tetibr tvm ‘R.'T(ra:i-. w te r contaifts a watural supply of ha.s been made clerk of the Com­ wnC—Lurenso Jones. WTHT—Lone Journey, ier, Jr., 68, lawyer and former Colds Jl fluoride concentration for each The Mothers Club of North Co­ handy roll today. • ;45-WDRC-CnH MSSSsy. ty n c —Strike It Rich. ■rhe officers, together with the Roanoke, Va.—CaiV N. Tabor. president of Rotary International. million parts of water. ventry will meet tomorrow at 8 Bolton mittee on Federal and Inter-gov­ Only 160 Signed WHAT—News. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. following committee, propose to 59. vice president /and general TBWrW W i Soethot Throat lirltaHoe ernmental Rcl&tion.s! He served on sn onfr >M > WHAT—Italian Voice. Died Saturtlay, Employejd men end women— Conducted 8ur\-ey p.ra. in the Church Community wnC—Notes and Quotes. hold meetings every Tuesday at 8 manager of the Nortolk and West­ married or iintle—get their loen House in North Coventry. Mrs. this same committee during the f;S5—WTHT— PrankTe msefe- Ball* ,W KNB—News; 1.40 d u b . p.m. until the date of the auction ern Railway. D l^Friday. New York Alan Curtis, 43, ISMai. to Mas. fin December the State Depart- Recalls Crossing previous term. For Blood Bank seorts. ll>9A-WKNB—140 d ub Music. movie aetor. Born Harry Ueber­ f« t «t fteMna/. Friendly, con- iflant of Health conducted a sur- Stanley Papanos will lead a dis­ WONS—Cecil Brown, News. 11 :li-W T H T —We. The Women. to formulate their plans; Harold Rye, N. Y.-^Dr. Isaac F. Harris. •Idcreta people make th* loan $245.80 $312J7 Polio Drive Totals Efeslas WDRC—A rthur Godfrey. Belcher, William Stearns. Ray roth in Cbleago; Died Sunday. 349 J2 %y of the Lakeview Terrace de- cussion on "Children's Parties." 111 IV J5 Airman Third Class George E. Smith Heft) greets his brother, WCCC—1} Hundred ent' tO HiU. 73. retired qnhmist who refined in your bolt inlereilt. Phone for 451.45 Hostesses will Include Mrs. Camillo Mrs. John A. Markham, chair­ Only 160 blood donor appoint­ d:td-WONS—Nswa Hughes, Harold Olds, William Pit­ diphtheria/Antitoxin and pioneer Vv'ilmlngton. Del. J. Thompson ■ one-viiit loan, writs, or come MvfRaatilaati tatfar •voryftiinfl ilopment water supply. The three Raymond, a member of the Army’s 14th Infanliy ^gim ent, at t hol­ w n c —News, ll:X5-WONS-^ewa. ; Brown, 7(1, executive of F.. t. dii A loan of $100 tMM SERVICES Us supplying all drinkiifg water Buscaglla, Mrs. Russell Stofrs, iday reunion In Korea. The meeting of the brothers who hadn’t man of Hebron.s March of Dimes ments had been made by this WHAT—Sports.r —Spo WHAT—Musfe kin, Elmer Rice, Milton Han.son. manufac^rer of vitamins. Died in todoyf It’i "Vae" to 4 out ot 5. raM>d In ft «aaN«v*iva drive, has received to date the sum WTHT—News; Joe Oiracd. ll:14-W DRC-G>ent Slam. Frank Miner. Ray Gosselin, Paul Pont de Nemours, tnc. Born in That Interpret The Wishi „■ the development were found to Mrs. te s te r Luke. Bolton, Feb. 2—’(Special)—I./)cal seen calch other in four months was part of the Eighth Army'r. f.nc- WTHT—Break the Bank. Saturd^. lean* *31 4* 9500 tawtMlBMfiti of llt.lS oacli. The Young Mothers Club will of 8254. This nicans that only morning, according to Mrs. Charles WDRC—News. Dllworth, Will Clarke, Henry Baltimore. Died Sat,urday. en .llgnature Alan* ^vS ideal concentrations of the residenta who have been.wracking ciai holiday proiccte. . They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beckham, chairman and Red Oosa- 1:15—WHAT—Supper Serenade. WONS—Queen for a Day. -W«lr, •Robert - Arendt, Fred - Z, SL/Loula—Charles B. Fox. 77, Of The FamUr Jement. This water supply was meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the their brairis, trying to iecali any E. Snilth, of Hebron. rImuH $139 will have to be con­ WONS—Patter By TSterton. W nO-Bob and RSy,...... in^dstrialisti rot ifi'er'vice president Nathan Hale Community Center. tributed before Uic close of the staff aide, whose volunteers have WTIC—Bob Steele; Sporta _ WCCC—Newa; 1‘4 H undred and 90 Johnson, Walter Hanson, Loilis € » m O *0 r M tOMt 5f«l9 TO 9AP the flfst discovered in Connecticut auto-train accidents at Steeles' BANTLY WDRC—Jack Zelmsn: This I Btllcva Hits. of ■Aluminum Company of Amer- There will be a setback party drive to equal last year’s record WKNB—Music from ouKof the West. Bunce, LoUis Damato and Everett ,'ica. Died Sunday. 3> have a natural supply Of Croseiiig, were reminded of one Iield March 6 at Yeomans Hall at been working, for two weeks trying 4:J5—WHAT—Supper Serenade. Kennedy. fin a n cb JOHN B. BURKE ftiorides in sufllcient quantity to Wednesday in the Nathan Hale laat week by a Manoheiter man; Columbia total of *383.90, . to (ill the Bloodmobile Day sched­ *:ZS—WDRC—Ouy I.->mbardo. WHAT—Nswi in i;aIlan;\Berio Pro­ New York—Stanley Logan, 67, Far Yaur Individually fm im a l .ca Community Center with the 7:30. Parents and fricml.s are in­ Women’s Club to Mbet WTIC—Weather Bureau. gram. ^ \ All members are asked to donaje and Floor. JAHVI6 auiLBino ^ ^ ^ FUNERAL HOMI Us of benefit to chUdren’s teeth. C. W. Hutchlnaon, 81 Hawthorne vited to attend these pack meet­ ule for Wednesday, Feb. 4. OIL CO. • :!*—WTHT—Btrsno Oammell. 11:44-WHAT—Pot Pourri. \ articles, and if possible to del.iv'er writer, actor and movie direrlor Dasigned Spirello 1 A survey of children in the de- organisational committee sponsor' street, told (in "Nutmeg Grat-. The Women’s Club will meet "This is Cp less than the number U ;45—W D R C -R osem ary. \ .who .directed "My Son, My Son” M6 MAIN tTIWnLCOvBt W*d7FWtli’6) IWANCHIITINj aUOpment “Reaffirms that tooth ing. In dharge will be'Mrs. Robert Queen Nanieil, ' ings to see the - displays, cere-. Thursday at 2 p. m., ip the Doug­ T E L M l.9.4595 ~ ■wnc-Boit Hope. them to the Legion Home during Faundatians — Call • 7 EAST CEMTEB Inga") of a'train that craohed into monies, and skits put on by the of appoint! ents we know, frohi' WHAT—RonsonI Program. \ the three days preceding th* sale. and "Midsuirnncr Night’s bream.’’ Dial Mitchell 9-7430 e Henry C. Monglilo, YEN MANager AOay can be cut up to two-thirds Ix Helms and Mrs. Leo f . Trem­ las Library on the Green. The lead­ experience, is necessary for us to WtDRC—O ur Lombardo. Died Friday. Mrs. Elsla MinleuecI Tel. M I-l-6 8 6 8 a car, operated by C. Parker boys. er will be Miss Marjorie H. Mar­ or MI-9-4596 WCCC—Nswi: Musie. WCCC—A Friend of Tours. Ut ConnecUcut by putting tiny blay. Steams, at the crossing in 1915. reach, our quota," said Mrs. Peck- •:45—w nC —Thres Star Ezlra. AfleraseB a $236 Gollecled On Sunday .there will be a Scout tin, who will introduce Mrs. 11:44—WDltC—W endy W arren. Minneapolis—Thomas I. Levitt. Phana MI-3.7737 09IN TtniMOAV IwiNlNOI ONTIl I 9 C ^ AMBULANCE SEKVIOB ! staounts of fluorides in drinking Today’s Event Oalendar Steams, who hailed from Andover, ham. "We realize that many Man­ WTHT—Stock Market Summary; McIntosh Nsimed 63, president of seven Midwest leeai inaat 1* iwMaai al all MienOlaf laeai f Mter," the health department Monday meetings Include Board rally held in Willimantic at 7:30 George E. Simmons of North Cov­ Sports. WCCC--Luncheon Hualrale. was an automobile dealer in Hart­ At Polio Dance p.m. at Teachers’ College. It will entry.' Mrs. Simmons will talk on chester people have colds and can­ RANGE AND FUEL WDRC—Haws. WONS—Curt Maaeey Time. affid. of Tax Review from 9 a.m. to 8 ford. He was hospitalized several be for both Cub.s and Boy Scouts not be donors on Wednesday. We • :55—WONS—Bill Jenkins Show. wnC—News; Weather. ~rr\ ^Th# Lakeview development p.m. in the Town Office Building weeks after, the craah. ';Questions and Answers About .greatly fear that many of those OIL DISTRIBUTORS T:4d—WONS—P u ltca 1-twls, Jr. WTHT—Jack Berch Show. Prudential Head water supply has concentrations of Robertson School girls’ basketban la this district..One of the high­ HerlM. WDRC—Beulah. . WKNB—News; In the Background. The column, which appears In Columbia, Feb. 2—Miss Charlotte lights *of the evening will be a she will bring her 'station- who are scheduled will be forced WTHT—weather. Headliae Bdltlon. WHAT—lUllen Voice. J.7 parts (St sodium fluoride per ame with Union Consolidated The Herald every Saturday, now to make last minute cancellations w n c —Philo Vance. 12)15—W D R C ^A unt Jennie’t Stories. Proihotion of Harold V. McIn. million parts of water. 1.8 and 8 gchool of South Windsor at 3:80 Orlando of VVhitney road was Bible p:‘esehlatlon at wdiich each wagon stocked with herbs and will 333 Main Stroot |:I5-W ONk—fello Test W ON S-N ew s. seeks the answer to why the Scout attending will be presented WTHT—Klmer DavlS. WTIC—Medley Time. tosh to ^ t a f f managership in the ppm, the health department has p.m. In South Windsor; Troop 71 church at. Bolton Center_ lacks a crowned "(Suecn’’ at the March of self to those interested in buying. J'?,®'’"' “ ' deterinihed. About 100 famHtes a- Bible according • to hts -faith; •ThisThis winwill hebe *nan nm-nopen meeting,'and ! ^.^qouraglog Outlook for Wcdncs- — W'DRC-Junlor Miss..------W THT—Luncheon Music...... Prudentli^v Insurance Co:npan.\v Girl Scouts' from ' 7:30 - 9 p.m. steeple.. Dimes Bail Tield in'Yeomans" Hall 1:M—IVONS—Gabriel Heatter. WKNB—Bing Crosby Show. ^ sales offt):e art Manchester was an- live in the private development. In the George Hersey Robertson Saturday evening. Miss Orlahdo Parents are also invited to attend. guests may be invited. Hoslesafes w n c —News of the World. WHAT—Gemma Program, Coming Event Calendar for the meeting are Mr.s. Daniel - "if those who are able to be W'HAT—Symphony Hall. 11:1 0 - WCCC—News. n o u n ^ today by Samuel Davis, Water supplies at the George School; Krafty Klippers 4-H Sow­ The Student Camera Club meets collected 1,320 votes or a total Of Mrs. Minnie 11. Blackimr donors, whether they are on our WTHT—Lone Ranger. WTHT—Phil Becker; News. . i G. Horton, Mrs. Harry H. Kirk- LET US FILL YOUB head of the epmpany’s Hartford To get your monoy^ vforth Harsey Robertson School (in the ing Club after school at the Hans this afternoon at th e' elementary 1132, as each dime collected by M '3. Minnie H. Blacknmr, 80, lists or not, will phone 3-5111 to WDRC—Jo StaftorC Show. W llC —M arjorie MIlii.v. same area) have been found to Hansen home. school. the girl entrants amounted to one Widow of Frank Blackmar, died ham, Mrs. Albert S. Taylor, Mrs, 7:45—WDRC—Bd Murrow. WONB—Woman’i Pege. District office. \ Walter C. Hewitt, Mrs. Paul Po- “n appointment, Manchester WONS—Top Tunes. WDRC—Romance of Helen Trent / According to thh Prudential of- hhve fluoride concentrations of .7 Laurel Forest Tall Cedars of Troop 73, Boy Scouts, will also vole for them. A total amount of Tuesday night at tlie home of her will successfully fill its quota. WHAT—L« Rosa Program. o a ^ per million parts of water, 1238 was collected by the girl cn- daughter. Mr.l. Ward RosebrooKs, tocek. WTIC—One Men's PamUy. 'ficial, Mr. M clnto^ as.sumea his; Lebanon at 7:30 p.m. in the Ma­ meet at t)ie elementary school to­ 4-H Actltitirs Tlicce ara many appointmcnts atiU. 7:55—WONS—New;:; Concert Peatlvat ^WKNR—Man on the. Street.— du'tic.i imniediately In the ■ Maq- ‘7 f IM tor Folio Drtv'e sonic Hall in Merrow; a spe night at 7 o'clock. ti-artls. 'dh 'Lake rbafj.' 'Fii’ricrar Herv.icc's open between the hoiivs of 2:30 i :id—WDRC—Suipense. 17:41—WCCC^Mueic foi Mlledy. About $160 was received for the Receipts from the dance and auc­ were held K'riday from the Potter Robert H. Horton, leader'of the WHAT—Operation Opportunity, WDRC-;-Our Gel Sundey, cheater headquarters at 342 Main, clal session Woman’s Service! Guild Rockville Session Set and 5 p.m. w n c —Rellroad Hour. W THT—We the Women. street. In hia new po.sili'on he will K ^ h of Dimes at the benefit of Gie First Congregational Church The art of textile design will tion were approximately tUO. Out Funeral Homs in Willimantic. and dairy club, "Milk Squirts, ” un- "Please call today, tonight, or WONS—Women of the Tear. WKNB—The Petteee. when you buy direct activities of a gfoup of show and dance Friday night at at Ap.m. in the vestry." come up for discussion tomorrow of these two amounts some minor burial was in Grove Cemetery, nounces that try-outs will bo made tomorrow and help us fulfill our Called for and delivered WTHT—Henry J. Taylor. 1:41—WDHt—Newi. the Hayloft This brings to an '-^CToeen As fbairman night when the Tolland County Art expenses will be paid. Herbert Putnam. this evening at Town Hull, at 8 • :l5-W H A t—Bit of Ireland. W TIC—News. agents who handle both antes and Englert. Sr., and . John Card, co- o’clock for the melodrama, "Ber­ obligation to the ill and injured to promptly at no extra W THT—TreVe! D lsry. WCCC—Mkncheater Metloee. service'of all types of Prud^tial taeemplete figure of 6471 towM-d MissXJoan Pekarovlc has been sasoclat'on meets in the social Mrs. Lizzie L. Tharp whom a .successful, blood program charge. i:SS—WDRC— Arthur Godfrey Talent WHAT—Newe. the local campaign as of Satur­ chosen bhairman of St. Mary’s rooms of the Union Congregational chairman, termed the entire event Mrs. Lizzie Lyman Tliarp of tha, the Beautiful Typewriter Scouta. WONS—Newi. Lite Insurance in Mancheater.X day, Mrs. H « ^ t W. Love, chair­ very successful. Girl." Any who wish, to take part brings health and life Itself." WONS—Crime Does Not Pay. WTHT—Peul Harvey.' Mr. McIntosh has been aa.ioct- CYO semi-formal dance "The Church. California and sistei of Miss Lil­ The Bloodmobile unit will make WTHT—Rex Maupin. 1:11—W D R i—Ma Perkl Perklne. man, said. "Snowball’’ to bo held Feb. 13 at The meeting, set for 7:30 p.m., Rervlees Donated jn this amuslngiplay are invited PINE PHARMACY ■WTIC—Voice of nrestone. WONS—Yankee Fp6d Show. \ ated with Prudential since 1946; *rhe hall and the services of Les­ lian Lyman of Columbia, died re­ to attend the meeting and have a its monthly visit to Manchester on WTHT—Show T:rumee. do three Highlights of the show were a WHAT—Weatern Caravan. and for the past five year* was an things: the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ will be addressed by Kenneth Ted- m routine by Slim Cox, Oil Lamb of ter Hutchins, custodian, were do­ cently in California at her home. chance at the role.s. Wednesday, and will be stationed CALL MI-9.9814 • ;45—W TH T—Chicago Signature. W TIC—Roe*. T1he MilMiielcal Miller. agent on the Msneheafer staff. He ter in South Coventry, ford. designer for Cheney Brothers Mrs. Tliarp was born in Columbia at Woodruff Hall from 1 to 5:30 t:aa—WDRC—Radio T heater. WUAT—Betty, KImbell. TV, and Hank Keene, master of Of Manchester. Local artists who nated as were the services of the The affair Is sponsored by tlie W nCr-The Telephone Hour. 1:M—WDRC—idung Dr. Malone. lives at 92 Hemlock street. Mias Olive Legare and Miwi Su­ orchestra of the Owebotuck Grange and had lived here for many years. local PTA. The play will not be p.m. Manchester failed in reaching cetamenies and hia famUy, Pee sie Jackson will be in charge of the bring their palntlnga to the ses­ She also leaves several nieces and WTHT-,TaIk on Booka. WCCC—Newa; .Mamheeter Hatlnea. Wee Minard and his Trail Herders who ’ furnished the music for the produced until later in the spring, its quota of 130 blood donations WONS—Bill Henry and the Nawa; WKNB—^ravan of Muaic. Hf sale of tickets; Ernest Jay Starkel sion msy expect helpful advice end roiuid and square dancing. All nephews here. the date to be announced. last month. Reporter'a Roundup. 45—WDR(>-The Guiding Light Make sure UHF is built MAH Hartford supported the cast and James Mansell, of decorations; constructive criticism from Ted- 9:15—W TH T—N .C .C J. WONS—Juit Jerkin*. / M — CMREV1V throughout with muqic. Burton E.. auction items were also donated. Tiieker Home .Sold There will be an executive board 9:S#—WONS—Songs of Our Time. IVCCC-Muslc. Miss Barbara Bamo and Miss Lil­ ford. WHAT—Open Houie. LAND SURVEYING Moore, furnished lighting equip­ lian LuthI, of refreshments and Mrs. John Card and her-eommittec XTreaoilian. Tucker has .sold his meeting of the PTA the same eve­ MATTRESSES WHAT—N ight w atch. ment for stage and spotting, and served refreshments. home and machln’c shop on Hebron ning in the hall at 7 o’clock. WTIC—Band of America. WDRC—Second Mr*. Burton. right in the when 1* watt gat aaary now Y K cra.... checking of clothing; Manchester Evening Herald llol- 14:W-WDRC-Bob Hawk. WON.S—Conn. Ballroom. Edward L. Davir, Jr. Matiaa that aver oaaiaa hot UHF hold aet up and operated his public ad­ Mrs. Alfred Soracchi, chairman road to Theodore Swol. Tucker Poem Is Aeeepteil WHAT—Newi; Nile Watch. WTHT—New*; Top Hit Tim*. right In now* Music will be furnished by Ray fon correspondent. Mrs. Jnsenh It is better to have a good WTIC—Th* Dottor’e Wife. karaT Oa hath UMF oa4 dress syateni for the show. Screens of the local drive, has stated that I now in his 70 s. is handicapped by It has been learned that a blank W TH T—John Daley. Registered Land Surveyor ThoCroolarA___ yoo O’Brien’s Orchestra ,of Wllliman- DTUIIa, tekqihone MTtchdl 8-5848. not all returns have been received " ' ...... verse poem, composed by Douglas rebuilt mattress than a WONS—P rank Edw ards, ' WKNB—Newe; Caravtn of Mutic. VH4 handiT Wtk 1 gal wry ^^Bwy ware furnished by Jordan Hard­ tlc during dancing from 8 p. m. failing eyesight and-has been un­ WTIC—Encore. ------I:t5--WDRC—Perry Muon, 15 Proctor Road Manchester yeu bjuy it thaw wlAtet aalNng la bring yoo ooerv ware company of Willlmantlc. by her as yet, so she is unable able for some time to work in his M. Fellows, of the Millstream road cheap new one, We re­ M;I5—WONS—Music Lover’s Hour. w n c —Cinderella Weekend. o oofvico nion« vflhotN • tatlan (UHI until midnight. Ticketa may be ob here, has been accepted for publi­ W H A T-Sev* A Life. TEU MITCHELL 3-7019 . an* VMFt that Residents are askfd to return talned from CYO members. Ellington to set an accurate figure as to the shop. make and sterilize all types W THT—Concert Hour. You want the set you buy today luy the set that HAS it! Make •dding • pod* wNlnat trtm MOM. hwa coin cards as soon as possible |n total receipts of the drive. Personal Mention cation by the .National Poetry as­ ItiSa—w n c —Newa; Al' Goodman'a 1:15—WONS—News o aosueodorT at taaa a. it The society meets each Tuesday sociation. The poem is entitled of mattresses. ' Orchestra. 1:99—WCCC—New*: Mu»le. to have everything you’ll ever fure you won’t have to replace a 4toia4...a4a order that the campaign be closed, Attend Youth Rally Pvt. Marshall T. Nulifer, . sta­ WDRC—News WTHT—It Happen* Every Dey;. tarn al yaar at 7:30 p. m. in the church hail Members of the Pilgrim Fellow­ "There Is No An.swcr." Score*. New*. Mrs. Love said. on School street, under leadership D-K Waiiien Serve tioned at Ft. Dix. N. J., spent some IS: 15-WHAT—News. need built right into it now,, tuner strip or add a converter or 4W. Hurt In Crash ship of the Congregational Church time over the week end visiting He wrote the poem some time Why Thousands of Doctors 11:54—All Stations—Newa. WDRC—Nor* Drake. "Ready for UHF and VH^ pay a tervice man to adjust your Kenneth Clarke of Pine Lake of Rev. John C. Curtin. attended a youth rally in the Fir.st Jones Furniture and WHAT—Nile Watch WONS—Peul* Stone. Mrs. Alice I. Sullivan friends here and at Ida former U:15-WTHT—Tha Lata Bob E. Lloyd 1:45—WDRC—;Brlghter Dey. •et each time a new station open*. YIS...yC..e Shores was taken to Windham Over 200 Guests Congregational Church in Willi­ school, Dean Junior College, in I proscribe pleasant tasting Show, W TIC—New*. For Beautiful Gariiet, reception" isn’t good ehou^ la ffuo oohhuo^ by In juaij^grlw Community .Memorial Hospital Mrs. Alice- I. Sullivan. 17 Ever­ mantic, Sunday at 6 p, m. Rev. WHAT—Nl’e Watch, WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. Wood? AHwdlMBy green avenue, Hartford and for­ Franklin, Ma.ss. Private Nulifer Floor Covering WHAT—910 a tih . late Friday night as a result of a John Webster, associate minister was due for an assignment in WONS—Midnight Matlnke. merly of Stafford Springe, died Ellington, Feb. 2 — (Special) — of. West Hartford Congregational BALGH is Your 36 Oak St. Tel MI-9-1041 w n c —Newa. 1:**-WDRC—Hilltop Home Beautifully iHstallid pmadlsearet two-car accident on State Route The D-K group of women of ■ the Europe but due to an attack of ' m a r n t m WDRC—Dwight Cooke. WHAT—New*; 910 Club. gnieeZLoe/**^ fll-jbi 6fmith Coventry. His condi­ Saturday at St. Francis Hospital. Church, was guest speaker. Miss 11:14—WDPC—Pubqi Uervlce Program WCCC—Muelc. She was 78 years of age, the widow LBS of the Congregational Church measles and flu his assignment has W TH T.-N ew *; Top Hit Tlr.l*. See Ut Seen! tion is reported as'fair. The oper­ Gwen Tibblta, president of the lo­ been delayed. His engagement to 11:S4—WTIC—America’s Compoaert. of Daniel J. Sullivan. here served more than 200 suppers cal fellowship, wa-s in charge of WDRC—Symphony Hall. WONS—jack Downey'* Uu*le Shop. Take this valuable e*Da 1 gai • Faff-irast YKoaSw..^ ator Of the first car was John Will- Born in Wiliington, July 1. 1876, F’riday night in the social rooms of Mi.ss Emelia DePietep, daughter of M :44-W nciNewa: Music. WTIC—L it* C er Be Beautiful. glnaeshi^lp hooked nauer, 17, Paul Willnauer owner. the church. The silent auction worship service and Mr. Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro DiPeTfo.'of WDRC—tiewa. WKNB—New*; Request Matinee. visit MANCHESTER'S hy M yeen*j» With a passenger. Miss Elisabeth she was the daughter of Exra and local pastor, led a discussion CAUSED BY COLDS 17:15—WTJC—InUrm eaao. 1:15—WDRC—Hou»e P arty. piiiof Doot N oovor ok Sarah Church Mor.se and is sur­ proved successful. All articles were New BocheHe. N. Y.. ii-as au- I7:S4-WTIC—Rio Rythma. WTIC—Road of Life. HOUSE OF CARPETS! . a • 00^ Hawkes. 18, of South Coventry. group. ratTussiN acts at once to relieve 1:14-WCCC-Newe: Muelc. cbeck list with yau ------A - m vived by one son. Kenneth of Hart­ donated. Trailer Dum|m Ixiail hounced recently. She is a student 17:55-Vne-Newa. ataO ^60^0^0 w The other car was operated Plans Completed at Dean. coughs, raspy throat and hoarse­ FEB. TIRE . . , Tsasrrsw WTHT—Top Hit Time. ' Always 80 Rolls of Broadloom by Emil Frank Strede, 23, also of ford, with whom she mai^ her A trailer disengaged from a car ness—when caused by colds. It also 9:a4^W nc-4Tank Atwoea Program. WHAT—Save A Life Program . SMth Coventry! Clark was a pas­ home; three sisters. Mrs. Gertrude Plans have been completed at a while going over a bump on U. S. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koenigsberg ' € ) increases natural secretions in the l ^ R C —Parm Program . WTIC—Pepper Toung'a .Pemily. In Stock Lejeune, South Coventry, Mrs. meeting at the horns of Rev. Gor­ Route 6 yesterday-and spilled *moat and son. Leo, of Leonard’s Bridge throat and bronchial tubes to help SALE 4:15—WDRC—Hymn Tima. 1:45—W (x;c—Ju n io r .DIae Jockey. ta the store 4 * WM tha eat Faaoa b- senger In the Strede car. No ar­ don E. Hohl for the obaervance of a<75—w n c —News. WDRC—Home Polk*. Over 60 Patterns In 9x12 Rugs YIScr..U ;. rests were made but the accident .Edna Sullivan, West Stafford and of its contents on tlie road. Sea­ liave returned from a six-Wfek loosen thick, sticky phlegm and i : l 4 —WONS—Bill Jenkins Bhow. WTIC—Right to Htpplneii. BefoM you spend one cent of your good money you owe isHt WIN Malay hi f*4M AafeopUr Foy the -proaecutor - accepted-by-the- Mrg._.Rpginald .XeuOa-and-MWr „ -at-40 a.m. - - 'T:1tF::x^______flnah doors, halfrhigh slnrage jAalls-outlnf-jilyAi^iiod. You judge. J •' C. Richard Carpenter will be as------YeaHier .. fiifima'twoi HitoUtilif " a w**A A good looking casual frock ellars *:45—World New. Tooay. can match doors, moulding or wall panel.* with oak, Judge Roltncr disqualified him- slstant den mothers. Lee Chesloy for the past two weeks aa a clerk- 7:00—Answer X* Thl*. mahogany, walnut, birch, maple or korina plywood. Cuts •Igned for perfection in fltting if was cho.sen chairman of the local 7:90—Those.... rhoae Two.___ jrou’re 5 ft. 6" or under. 'There's sell from hearing a charge of baggage man. When struck’by the Hava that alecfric ciodi, tooster, Iran, perca- 7:46-rC*in*l New* Caravan. euily with hand or power tools. Easy to follow direc­ Embroider these pretty mono­ violation of rules of the road Cub committee and Jacobus, treas­ train, Parker was tr>'ing to lift a 1:00—Vlt'eo Theater. ' a choice of slseVes- our clearly il­ grams on your household linens urer. *;.90—Vole* of Flreeton*. tions available at no extra cost. lustrated sew chart guides you against James Pontillo, 46, of 69 gate between ti'.e through track lotor, mixtr, lamp, vacuum clooiwr MADE TO BE 9:00—I Love Lucy. and wearables to give then that The first pack meeting will be and'another track,'Healy said. 9:30—Red Button* Show, smoothly and quickly. personal touch. The dainty flower Kensington etreet. The Judge said LIKE NEW AT SMALL COST. Come over to our showroom at .3.36 North Main Street. Pattsm No. 8728 is a sew-rite he saw ih? accident and continued 10:00—Stuc-lo One; sprays in appealing colors lend a tnc case unUl next Monday for 11:00—D ouglai Fairbank*. See pictures of the latest "Built-in miracles" illustrated pwferatsd pattern in sizes 14H, charming note. 11:90—Balance Tour Budget in our plan books. We will give you detailed directions 18H. 20«i, 22V4, 24J4. Size Pattern No. 5259 contains hot- Judge Crockett to hear. Alsa dl mokas af wrinqar washars rtpairod 19:5^X*n Agalnat Cancer. 12:90-New*. and estimate costs. 4 4 can see ii bet^ o h a J8H, short sleeve, 4!4 yards of iron transfer for 2 complete alpha­ 21,|ntll C na*l Telsvitien. All diaenel (UHf .nd- You M-inch. bets. both in 2 different sizes, NEW YORK IS SOO axpartly and roosanably. A X VHF) reeepti.il built in new. Nothing to *44. Handtom. . For this pattern, send 80c In mateiHal requirements, stitch il­ New York, Feb. 2 — (A) — The 7;0O-Today. W..4 cohifwt li naliesany-finithad. $344.49* Including eelns. your name, address, size world’s largeM city celebrated iU 9:00—Test Pattern. Free Parking Space ‘ * Fadaral T.a and Yaar'i Warranty. MaSol IU-21 COlU lustrations and color auggestiona 300th birthday today. RAN(X and FUEL OIL 9:45—X orclng News. flbsired, and the pattsm number to Send 25c in coins, your name, 10:00—Arthur GMfrev, SUE BURNETT, THE MAN- The city atarted life aa the 15:15—Ding Dong Swoel. addreas and the pattern number Dutch colonial town of Nieuw Am­ J^**^®* Shoppar. CSDBSTKE EVENING HERALD, to ANNE CABOT, THE MAN­ 2 4 Hour Delivery Service 11:00—The Bis Pleturt. list AVB. AMERICAS. NEW CHESTER EVENING HERALD, sterdam, incorporated Feb. 2, 1653. 1D»-Strik* It Rich. TOEKSA N.T. The,anniversary ceremonies got ABC Announced. Yaa awn thielie Craalty ; 1189 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW under way yesterday with an ad­ 12:16—Lov* of Life. Far •4 law • ( CROSLEY Don’t mlaa tbs nsw Basic Fash- YORK 38, N. Y. 95—Search for Tomorrow, tan (or '58. spring and summer. dress by Prince Bernhard of The 1*;J5—W hafa Cooking. Presenting the New Anne C>»bot Netherlands in historic St. Mark’s BUILDING MATERIALS Zt'a a complete spring sewing Needlework Album. Directions for APPUAMCE CO. jWMs for smart, practical ward- Church - in • the - Botiwerie. The MORIARTY BROTHERS of Portute. L MANCHESTER MANCHESTER ROCKVILLE ROCKVILLE SOUTH puppet mUtens, bssic embroidery prince flew here to Join city of­ 2:40—Guiding Light \ m m p t t pattern inrtntsd.lnaids stitches -and grand designs are 815 CENTER STREET; TEL. MI-8-5135 MI-9-1575 21 MAPLE ST. J:55—Xit-Alateriwon Niw*.\ LUMBER FUEL Or M l. as cents. ficials In opening New Tork’a feat- Payoff. \ BRUNNER’8 TELEVISIQN s Xl e S POTTERTOX’S APPUAX’CB DeLOX'G'S REFRIGEKATION BEB. UNITEO SERVICE De CIOCO printed in this issue. 28 cents. Ival year. *'®®21* T rarelar*. 33< N. MAIN STn BIANCHESTER TEL, MI-9-3253 358 East; O nter Street - 130 'Center Street 53 Village Etreet r 97 Eoat Main 8ti6st Routa 4:00—9Cat* A nith. Tel. MI-3-5191 ‘ |. Tel. MI-9-4537 Tel. 5-4231' Tel. 5-5718 T s L 9S1 ) ' a. MANCHESTER EVENING HERAXD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2,1953 PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953 P A G E T E N

BY HERSHBERGEr |cARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER rbONERVlLLE EOUCS BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNY .BUSINESS i^robate Files A bout Town Cheney Estate A id Mfniey to Europe Goddl^Z..

he xt u e pth er Sense and Nonsense A small grass fire was put out ...... T J_i , ...B^ ...... „, Bantly Estete Saturday. alUmoon by .Company 3 At $700,000 Inve-' mU Kiwanis Toldl DIFFICULT BUSIMESS OF TRYIK6 TO SHAKE HIM 'Tle^^snJceTnnerTw can’t ea 'dr th4 8HFD lit tlircorner’or E»ilt Mr>. U. H. .ueJ herTuSBSSTB? Cent^- and luenoxstreets - about ar-rUvorcr and aeparate ttialnte- o f drink. / Value ofni356,090 Is 3:15. Mary Bell Cheney^s Will Europe has in common with us UkiU, maintained’ Silverstein;" It nance alleging that on'the morn­ ' Him—Why ao ^ c h In love the fallings of' wide variance in the problem ^ Industry In tbai ing of May 4, he subjected her to He—No. broke'. Listed in Inventory, Names Two Daughters, the modernity of production meth­ United States to not only tenchj/^ the Ignominy of being continued at A business meeting of the Com­ ods, poor employe-employer reU- munity Baptist Church will be held Europeail industry this Isssoo the top af column 8. Wife Is Beneficiary Authorizes Trustees tiona, and management which feels to take such ateps here. /' t — Petersburg (Va.) paper. This ad ^cently appeared ini a tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at the sorry for Itaelf; what Europe haa church. Chairman A. W. Ballard In the six months which hHve* Kansas N^apaper; (Contbiiied From Fog* One) The estate of Ernest T: Bantly., , The estate of Mary Bell C h m ty, to itaelf ia a deep sense of fear. avoid any hint'bf being "psxtial or of tha executive board will pre- passed since the trip to Xutept, > The chutchea of the land are "Farm For Sale ”—If purchased founder of the Bantly Oil Com­ estimated at 5700,000, was left to We In the United States, said Mr. Silverstein has said that he/ punitive.” slda. Silverstein, have great difficulty in aprinkled all over with bald-head­ before the next heavy windstorm, our stntea and citlea” to leek civil 3— Amendment' of the McChr- pany and its president and treasur­ her two daughters, Marlbel Che­ haa observed . definite progress, i ed bid alnnera whoae hair has been a barn will be included. rights progreas. State of Union understanding such deep-rooted Previously, European industrtsl-' ran-Walter Immigration Act to er until his death Nov. 10, amounts Selim F. Mitchell of 65 Delmont ney Humpstone and Barbara Che­ fear, and the lesson of understand­ worn off b y the friction of cornt- Of you might like this one bet- 5. Announced a new ayaUm of improve what he called discrimina­ Ists rarely. If ever, got together to* checking the loyalty of federal to f356,00a98, according to an in­ street is attending the Associated ney Watkins, both of New York ing the attitudes built up through leaa aermona which have been aim­ te f:' tion against some groups of At a Glance Equipment Distributors' show and discuss their mutuM problems, and* ed at them and have glanced off employes, together with a aeriea of ventory fllsd in ths Court of Pro­ City. Mrs. Cheney’s will was ap­ .the course of history In Europe ia to discuss aolutlotta whidt 'would,’ The flfth-gradsrs were discussing aliens. Opponents of the act have convsntion, which opened Jan. 30 a lesson which we muat learn, and hit the man in the pew behind. studies and surveys designed to contended it diecrlmlnates agalnet bate. proved and admitted to . probate be of benefit to the entire indus» the different meanings of the end “wssts and incompetence” in at tl^ Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chl- Breaking down such barriers is —H. W. Beecher. southern and eastern European (Ooatimued trow Page Ome) Acconllng to Bantly’e will, the cago.) Mr. Mitchell represents the today. __ try. Their deep-rooted distrust of! booms and the like. the Post Office and other depart­ not a task which can be accom­ each other, their training to Ue* countries. entire esUU goes to JUs wife, lYler Elqulpment Corporation of Mrs. Cheney names her step­ ’.’Then.’’ said Nancy, "there was ments. plished during any one admlnlatra- and to lie profesaionally under Doctor—It really lan't ^nytlung 4— Ehitenslon of the old age andsurvivors Insurance should be ex­ Adels Morgan Bantly. ) Plantsvtlle, Conn., and Longmead- son. Ward Cheney, president of tion he said. i to wory about. Many peoplA talk the one that Clancy lowered.” "Our people," Elsenhower, said, survivors insurance law “ to cover tended. Bhcecutora of the wilt are Mrs. enemy occupation governments/ ow. Mass., dealers in heavy con­ Cheney Brothers, and J. P. Morgan "Money mad thinking in the to themaelvea. It certainly isn’t r-Mlttsic. "have demanded nothing less than millions of citizens who have been FARMKBS—Fam prices are in Bantly and Attorney Jay X. Rubi- struction machinery. He will had prevented such meetings, com-/ and Cb., Inc., both of New York, field of human values needs cor- mbn for years In this country. • aerioua, enough t o , get, ydu .down. goorogrsIltn/ Patient—Oh, yer.lt la..I'm such! ,_Son .Please, Rive . .m?. some, Wis., and Libertyville, 111., and The will authorises the trustees members o f . tha!- .. Mancneater. an awful bore. money to go to the show, I>addy. “ He asked Cbngress for a good federal help tb“ schools bi ‘ areiaB Legislation to replace the price- Vdliled at fl40.7M.32 and sacurt- visit other equipment factories In .which. ..was', conducted, by- tb# ■ - to administer the estate and'make Klwanls Club at their meeting to­United States InduatrlnliSts suehf Dad I thought that when We bit of legUlation — '‘corrective which have a “ proved need and support law,.-expiring at the end tiea valued at |21«,2»4;7«. The that area. quarteriy payments of the net in­ r anr^ action” on the Taft-Hartley Act. of 1954, muet aim at atablltaing property at Main hnd Leonard day. Silverstein, president of the discussion haa been continued, In-4 . Forty-tight members attended got the televi.sion .set we Could at proved lack of local Income.” come to the beneficiaries. The Rogers Corporation, and a mem­ for one thing, and an extension of 5— Extensi'on of the Reciprocalfarm income with minimum fed­ let, aite o f the B ^ tly Oil Ck>m- Mr. and Mrs. David Grlmason, dustrlalists are visiting, saclf • • N the luncheon \»’hich was prepared least save' on your movie money. trustees are also authorized to dis­ ber of a United States industrial other's plants, and management the Government Reorganisation Trade Agreements Act. He called, eral control. ly business, is ydned at $75,SIX), who recently sold their property tribute part of the principal if by Mr.r ------— Dan- Son 7 Tell you what I’’I1 do, get LABOR—The Taft-Hartley law iuscordlng to inyMtory. Other par­ team sent to Europe' last year by training programs, an educational Act. too, for greater efforts by Euro­ on Margaret road, are at present they deem it advisable. the Mutual Security Agency, told I bury (Conn.) paper. a popcorn machine and let me Elsenhower's most Important an­ pean countMea to achieve economic needs to be amended. The federal cels are located on Broad street concept entirely new to Xurops/ living in New Haven, awaiting .The estate Includes a home on the KIwanlans that pedple In the are being set up. ; N stick my old gum under the living nouncement — freeing Chlang Kai- unity. government must b e . neutral in and in Coventry. One of the Clov- When you arc young it gets late room chair and I’ll consider pa­ completion of their new home In ETaher's Island, New York. United States should realize tha4 The investment of Amsrlcmf. U. I. N*. OM. ' ehek’a Cihlnese Natlonallste on Eisenhower spoke with extreme labor-induetry disputes. entry pipces is valued at f 10,000. Wallingford. Since his discharge Probate Judge John J. Wallett so eariv. ' tronizing this place. NATURAL RRSOURCRS — money being spent to help Euro­ dollars In such a program to helo. Formoea to .strike at the Com­ gravity on the subject of finance. Bestdea the real estate and from the Army, Mr. Grimaaon has has appointed FYank D. Cheney pean industry learn to help Itself munist-held CMna mainland—came — "It is important," he said, "that Hawaii baa. earned atatehood. It securities the estate includes cash Europe help-itaelf will eventually •‘Th*r« h* gott again— too laz]rto ahovtl hit walk been..^.employed. by . the IBM and John Learned- as appraisers of was the beet investment which the defeat Communtsih In a far c h s i^ DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE as something of an anU-cllmax, all of us understand that this ad- Should be granted proihptly. Con­ flO,80S.Ot in the Manchester Corporation in Hartford, and has the estate. taxpayers have ever made. Word of it had leaked in advance, nUnlstration does not and cannot servation ahould be a federal-state- ■'nruat (Company, 55,100.15 in the er and more busineasUke manner, been transferred to the New Mrs. Cheney, widow of Charles Increasing the productivity of let alone in a more humans man­ and Gen. Douglas MacArthur iMgin its task with a clean slate. local program. Savlnga Bank of Manchester, and Haven office. Cheney, died at Hartford Hospital industry without increasing the BY J. R. WILLIAMS O^R BOARDING HOUSE wHh MAJOR HOOPLE FOUR RULING PURFOBM/^ 53,950.08 in the 'Travelera Bank ner,, than a full blown war BUvar- OUT OUR WAY among others commended it Much already has been written Jan. 18. She had lived at 131 Hart­ number of people to share the steln declared. warmly. on the record, beyond our power (1) Deter aggression and aecure and Trust Company; unpaid bal­ ___ _• __ ford road. beneflta of the Increased produc­ a6fK0,Sf\6otif rv£ DIA&(^$eD -fMA^S BGAL MEP quickly to erase or to amend. This peace; (2), insure respect.Abroad ance f f 50,704 on a mortgage; and The attendance prise, donated. Antwtr to Proviouf Puzzf* Says Fleet "Aided” Beds On the death of her two daugh­ tivity through a higher standard by John Mroaek, was won Jim* MY£>Wfl CA6E A « AMEMIA Jmpany in Hartford. ^ Nations Allies in Korea. “ A balanced budget is an essen­ route. from Yokohama, Japan, to self.” Oh! You Are? BY V. T. HAMLIN 36 Sea eagle Zl Zl Communists.” 'Vice. Adm. Ma Chi-Chuang, Na' Born in Irelapd on March S. Besidts hia parents and kta wife, A L L E Y OOP No Aggressive latelat tial first measure in checking Mobile, Ala., by way of the Pan­ tionaliit ChUia'B chief of naval After the defense had turned Xrs. Carmallna Bacaano BAWgtds, 37 Not clerical further depreciation in the buying Sen. Thye (R.. Minn.) saw ama C ^ al. thiunbs down on the nlah, the 1876, Mr. Johnson had been a real- OH. WHV COULDN'T HE HAWE HEY, LOOK! BYG06H. » iT- Zbi n n “ I am, therefore, issuing instruc­ Elsenhower’s anticipated move aa operations, in an Interview at ha leaves a son, Robart Edwards 39 Communists power of the dollar. Thia is one of The skipper said there was judge agreed, "all right, we’U den of Manchhater for mahy yeara of Xanchastar; a brother. Jaasa fOOR F1NI6HED SENDING HIE I I BELIEVE DOOS* 40 Founder of W tions that the Seventh Fleet no “ a calculated risk” but he told a Honolulu, enroute to Washington , GONNA MAKE the critical steps to be taken to blood In the steward's quarters, in­ have no more of It.” According .to. Mm. William Bray, Edwards of Xanebaatar; ang a DOCTOR INerRUCTIONB BEFORE Pennsylvania 31 4. longer be employed to shield Com­ reporter thflt one poMlblo benefit said today that he was "very ,.WONMUQ TH06E GALLEYS CRASHED. I rr TO SHORE/ P bring an end to planned inflation. dicating foul play. An owner’s pleased” with .Elsenhower’s rC' The maximum prison term is supervisor, of the Town Farm, he sister, Xrs. Helen RIalay df Rwtb 41 Writing tool munist China. This order Implies Our purpose Is to manage the gov­ would be the formation of a Na' I v r 3? representative In Los Angeles said' ported decision, but that there waa five years, plus a 510,000 fine; was taken in Friday and diaappear- Coventry. 42 Malicious no aggressive, intent on our part ernment's finances so as to help tionallst Fifth Column move under the 1040 Smith Act under etFafter dinner Saturday night. W( there was no known Indication of "no relation” between it and hla Fimeral arrangementa are In burning and not hinder eaefi family in bal­ Red China. an accident or suldlde. which the IS were convicted of He leave* no known relatives- ii> if 36 4? Elsenhower disclosed another trip to Waahington. oharga of tha Maloney Fltaaral 45 Severe ancing its own budget. While that was the only pros conspiring to teach violent revo­ ^ e funeral will be held Wednes­ M move in the Far Elastem conflict— pectlve specific point In the Presl "It’a purely coincidence,” he said. Homs in Winated. 49 lUegal HI Urges Balanced Budget First “The reports reached ue after we lution day afternoon at 2 o'clock at tka business man "immediate Increased attention to "Reduction of taxes will be jus­ dent's message to' attract much U. S. .Attorney Mylee J, Lane 'W. P. Quish Funeral Home, -235 advance comment. House Speakef Savs All InYited left Formosa.” Mlaa Margaret A. R w a icli n sf ■lb hT « the development of additional Re- tified only as we show w# can suc­ asked for the maximum penalty ite 51 War god Joseph Martin (Mass.) said he However; Ma Indicated that the Main street. Mlaa Margaret A. BnutniSk, ais-; 52 Wings pubUc of Korea forces.” This was ceed in bringing the budget under the 13 were called Into court (or Friend# may call at tha funeral tar of P. R Brannick of North Eton In line with his campaign demand thinks the rest of It will be well Chinese Navy la ready to stage As A CONSEQUENCE OF 53 Taverns lA I ii control. As the budget is balanced To Open Meeting sentencing. The Judge said the home from tomorrow evening uH' •treat, died yasterday aftaraooa In that Korean troops replace other rccelved- commando-type raid! on the Com­ Dunishment would not' be that STUMBUNG INTO HIS OWN TIME- 54 Seine and Inflation checked, the burden munist China coast if President til the hour of the funeral. Mlddlaboro, Maaa., after a p«>- MACHINE. DR. WONMUG HAS JUST 52 5H .UN forces in the front lines as that today stifles initiative can and "I think U e message will be heavy. / 'Let’a postpone that talk to the salesmen about too much 55 Wagers completely saUsfactory and pleas Anyone who has any Interest In Eisenhower release the U. S. longad lUneaa. TAKEN PART IN A KIANAL BATTLE 56 Diminutive Soon as possible. must be eased. Seventh Fleet. He waa to pronounce sentences Clarence Hale Mlaa Brannick was a graduate THAT HAPPENED 4000 YEAR© AGO entertaining— and do you keep any headache remedies s ~ Sb S7 He said his foreign policy, in ing to Congress,” Martin said yes­ the formation of a g;roup of local suffix "Until we can determine the ex­ 4)ueetlon of Time after hearing defense and pros#' Friends in town have received nurse of Qoaton City Hospital; abd - in your desk?" Z genera], will envision "all peace­ terday. “ Right now I can’t see i businessmen into one representa­ cution arguments on what they waa auparvlaor o f ; the Diatrict 57 Worm tent to which expenditures can be single area of substantial troubla ■ "W e are always ready," he said. haws of the death of Clarmce ful methods arid devices—except should be. . Nuraaa Aaaociatlon of AUaton, reduced, it would not be wise to WUl Bolster NATO tive organization ia invited to at­ But he said systematic major at­ Hale, who died suddenly Saturday breaking faith with our friends.” reduce our revenues.” tacks on the C^na coast were “a The party chlofteina were con­ in Albany; N. Y „ with cremation Maas., for 15 years prtw to her BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM Then—In apparent reference to Unked with his Far Eastern tend the open meeting tonight at retiramant Baaidaa her brother in CHRIS AVELKIN, Planeleer Tuning In An Icthusian As for rent and price controls, 8 o’clock at the Jarvis Building on question of time.” victed Jan. 21 of conspiracy to today In that'city. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Dory Is Sure BY EDGAR MARTIN the meetings Presidents Roosevelt policy move, Elsenhower was ex teach and advocate violent over' thla town she leaves (our atMeia, Eiseqhower said the ones in force pected to reaffirm American faith Main street, Ru.'isell F. Broderick, ‘I cannot say how long it would Mr. Hale waa a eon of the late r ~ and Truman attended at Yalta, now haven't worked satisfactorily throw of the U. S. government. Dr. Catharine Brannick, Mias MESt 4TILL FOlUT/Nd «OMETM/NG''& -W 0013Y .1 THL VlAW, in\the North Atlantic Treaty Or one of the sponsors of the meeting, take to organize a major attack,” Justus W. Hale, founder of the J. Potsdam and elrewhere—the new to check inflation and should be It took t)»e trial Judy almost W. Hale store In this town. For a Sarah Brannick, Mra. Delia Quinn, that 6l)H AT 1)4, CHR/4, 60TTA happen T\M t «tVKi6 , ganizatlon (NATO), which he stressed today. No invitation la he eald in an interview. "It is not President declared: allowed to die. He added that if purely a Navy matter.” six days of deliberations before it number of years he was a profeS' all of Mlddlaboro, and Mrs. Han­ GOON OR WE'RE \G V5»Cit TO KiO'M headed, aa Supreme Commander necesaiu-y, he aald. nah Brogan of Cambridge, Maas. A'-COUPLEOF ‘‘We- shall never acquiesce in the another round of inflation ahould In addition to representativea of Ma would not reply directly reached its verdict. sor at Wesleyan University in Twv vao^ o "VOVJt " Vr YOO enslavement of any people in order begin he will ask Ckmgress until last June 1- when asked If Nationalist forces Conviction bf the 13, whb im MIddlstown and was on the faculty She also leaves aavaral nephews «?P5fCLEGi^ WWtK) W On home issues, most legiala- actual businessmen, participation and niaoas. to purchase fancied gains for our-, promptly for ..“such legislation as Is being • soug;ht from officers of were In . a -position to attack the. mediately were sent, to Jail with­ of .OorncU CoUega during World \S AROOViD * may be required” to cope with it. toi s thought Ehsenhower would War I. Funeral Sarvices wlH ha held selves. side with those In Congress like various associations and aervice China coast without U. S. air and out ,$ail, brought to 44 the total "I shall ask the Congress at Meantime, he said, "steps will be Mr, Hale leaves his wife, the for­ Wednaaday morning In Mlddlaboro, Sen. Taft (R., Ohio), who want to clubs in town. ' • naval support. nurhber of Reds found guilty of later date to join In an appropriate taken to eliminate controls In an "The United States and China conspiracy under the 1940 Smith mer Miss Bertha Norton, who waa with liiterment In Monaon, Maaa. orderly manner, and to temUnate make sure that former President a sclidoi 'teacher and whose family resolution making clear that this Truman's 578,600,000,000 spending have a co.mmon aim in fighting Act. Previous trials had .been apecial agencies no longer needed held here and In Baltimore and lived In Gilead and later in thu government recognizes no kind of budget is going to be cut before Communism,” he said, "If Die Chi­ . commltt'ment contSLlned in secret for this purpose.” — SNETCO Leases nese navy had more etrength, we Lo’s Angeles. • town. 1 they act to-reduce-taxes.' Sen. Wil­ Another 41 Communists are un undertaking's of the past with for­ "It Is obviously to be expected,"" liams (R., Del.) said on an NBC would Iwve'more'confidence.” eign governments, which permit der indictment, apd two more Mrs. Maude. E, Coolldga Eisenhower said, "that the removal television program yesterday that Land in Buckland Admiral Ma will vlait Washing­ this kind of enslavement.” of these controls will result In indi­ ton at the invitation of Adm. 'Wil­ have won court-dlrocted acquit Mrs. Maude Estelle (jooll^e, 70, Axel B. Pasta "we’re going to stop spending and of 6 Main street, widow of Walter New Foreign Policy vidual price changes—some up. liam M. Eechteler', Chief of Naval tals. 1 7 )0 funeral of Axel H. Parks some down. But a maximum of then cut taxes.” A lease recorded today in the (Operations, and' Gen. Lemuel B. Coolldge, died yesterday at the waa held thla afternoon at 2 Eisenhower said his administra­ The President was described as Eleven 'Communists convicted freedom in market prices, as well office of the town clerk Indicated Shepherd. U. S. Marine Corps Manchester Memorial Hospital, o'clock at fhe Watkins Funeral tion Is developing “a new, positive having to let price-wage -controls here -previouslv were top -party as in collective bargaining. Is char­ that the Southern New Ehigland Commandant. leaders. Ten of these 11 received after a short lUness. Home, with Rev. OsrI E. Olaoni foreign policy.” die April 30, but to keep ma­ She waa born ' in Mancheater The Runner Up BY a L VERMEER "Our policy," he said, "will be acteristic of a,truly free people." Telephone Company has leased He left Formosa five days ago the maximum sentences the 11th pastor of the Ehnsnuel Lutheran PRISCILLA’S POP LANK LEONARD One, set of controls was spared: terial allocation powers alive. ^ land and a large building on Bi/Ck- and is due in San Francisco by March 4, 1882, the daughter of the Church, officiating. Frederic E. MICKEY FINN A Blanket Proposition! designed to foster the advent of He had recelv^ conflicting ad­ got off with three years because Rent' control ln\ defense areas land road from the. Buckland Road today. of his World War II record. late David and Mary Hutchinson Werner presided at the organ, and practical unity in western vice on this point, among other. Wilson, and had lived here all her ATTENTiON ALLMENBERS! okay; TYPE rrUPRKWr AMtYANP Europe.” And he said this will re­ where there’s a critickl shortage of Corporation headed by Alexander He plans conferences with, mili­ Three of the 11 top leaders still burial was In the East Cemetery. housing. ■ The President said fed­ Taft has favored an immediate end Jarvis, tary commanders in San Diego, life. Bearcra were Walter E. Ander- )10U ARE HEREBY CORDIAay l U SIGN IT! I WANT TO TAKE quire from the free nations of to controls by executive order, ‘are fugitives, as are tour of the^ eral controls should be continued Calif., Norfolk, Va., and New York Reds under Indictment. She leaves one elster, Mrs. Fred aon, Carl Anderaon, Harold Ander­ INVITED TO ATTEND THE MELCOME IT OVER TO THE LODGE ON THE jplurope A--St«Bter degree of eco­ while others have said they ahould The 15 year lease runs from FeU i w. Buckland of Avon; ona HOME RARTY IMATI AM CIVM6 WAY HOME -AND PUT IT ON long enough to give the states a 28 and calls for an annual rental before reaching Washington In son, Roy - Anderiwn,' Syhroator nomic and political cooperation' be left to die April 30. Chalrmcin that the 13 current defendants brother, George WUeon of Man- MICHAEL’S FIANCEE, WTTY ttUY, THE BULLETIN BCMRD! "than has been known to date.” chance to act. of 518,324 for the land and the mid-February. Ma Is scheduled Smith smd J. L«e Carlson. Eisenhower; didn’t touch at ail C!apehart (R-Ind.) of the Sknate to leave San Francisco on his cheater ;--a«d- several - nieces -and ■ Last mght Man^itoter Lodge AND HER UNCLE, LARRY KING, Eisenhower said, too: building, which contains 16,369 stepped Into the shoes of the 11 nephews. on one controversial subject—the Banking committee wants standby way home Feb. 21. top leaders after the laters’ con­ No. 73, A.F. and A. M., conducted ON SATURMY NIGHr IN THE •The policy we embrace must be controls after that: Chairm^i Wol square feet of floor space. The funeral will be held Wednes­ offshore oil lands claimed by SNETTCO is leasing the property victions. a Masonic service at the funeral MAM MEETING I a coherent global policy. The free­ Texas, Louisiana and CallfoiTila. cott (R-Mtch) of the House Baqk day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the dom we cherish and defend in for storage to telephone equipment Defense attorneys claimed the home, with Worahlpfnl Master V, He postponed, too, any recom­ ing committee does not. Holmes Funer^ Home, 28 Wpod- Europe and in the Amei^lcaa is no and motor vehicles, the lease indi­ Communists sought to achieve brldge street. Burial will be In the Graham” (Jlark in charge and mendations on war . veteran , legis­ Michael y . DiSalle, the reUrln'g their political alms only by legal Charles N. (Tole serving aa d » p ~ different from thp freedom that is economic stabilizer, said Satui'day cates; Public Records family 'lot |h the Buckland Ceme­ lation. The lease ‘ contains a right to and pesreful means. lain. imperilled In Asia.” * And on a number of other sub­ night it would be a mistake to al tery. TTaming to affairs at home, the priority to purchase the property, The 13 scheduled for sentencing 77)0 funeral home wljl be open jects he presented only, broad out­ low price-wage controls to Jap^e. , Warrantee. Deeds to’iccs lor Frank of projects already started by his by later messages. wants extension of presidential Marjorie Arlene Solomonson to morrow afternoon from 3 to 5:30 of a 5130.000 loan. The waiving is Albert Francis Lannon, 43. Pettis and in the evening from 7 to 9:30. LUscher of Hartford, who died sud­ i^ministraUon: . He summed up what he de­ powers.'to reorganize the govern­ Normsn H. Plitt and Frances M, Perry, 54; Alexander Bittehnan. "■ A new, federal loyalty and indicated in a separate instrument. denly at his home Friday, wera. scribed aa "the grand labors” of ment and Congressional leaders PliU, property at 16 Flower street. 61; George Blake Charney. • 46; held this morning at 8:30 at thC security- program, supervised by his-administration in these words: liave. promised he will.get this in Linwood J. Van and Jeanette M. Albert SedlacCk - FAMOUS GOLFER DIE.H Jacob Mindel, 71: Alexander Leo Holmes Funeral Home and at 9-. Atty-(3«n. BrowhelL.to protect the ’•AppUcatibn, of out influence .!()) the .lorOr ha . wants. iU . Van..to Robert D :. Valenttne;..pcapr. T-rachtehbergf:■ 65; ;-Winram.‘ WOfil Albert-Sediacek of 336 HWstown CAPTAIN EASY Sleep Talking - »Y LESLIE TURNER ' goYMriifient fYortl "TAIW serVantii" WateriMsrjc, Feb, ti—(F)-^Biteh-„ 'rdaxi,: 'a .Cobaccb'. (arin'er.,;here.! '.for -o'l^oek / at' St-.. - B r id e 's .. Ch u i^ . FREGKLKS AND HIS FRIENDS Wrthfe'sgesT ■\ BY MERRILL C BtOSSER ' world affalirs With such" fortitude ' Among'otheY 'thlngsr the’ PrwP erty'on Itenox street. - ' ■ Weinstone, 53; Betty Gannett, 44; Rev. Robert Carro^, waa the cisle- ■■go ON.TTKE-.TOoT WHV.VE5 and "t o ’ clear the atmosphere of iuid such foresight that it Will deter dent Js reported to bk'FC in Ingham Parsons Merriman, 6.5,' Trade Name Certificate Victor Jeremy Jerome, 64; -CIau(|ia many yea'rs, died thia morning at Mmmph / CRADLE s n a t c h e r j the Manchester Memorial Hospi­ brant. Rev. Theodore Gubala the DECIDED TO GET/KEDREP CIR- Ro g e r / —’That Yo u l u h a v e t o O h.o h - here L e o / that unreasoned suspicion that ac­ aggression and eventually secure hand recommehciatibn)i for sweep­ noted goifer'and a member of Harold T. Haber and Donald J. Jones, 36; and Leo Wclnstock, 48. w h a t DIO WE T £ IL YOU, tal. Born in New York City, he deacon and Rev. James P. 'Dm- OFF THE TRAIM /CDS TROOPERS SUN IS SHINING GET UP ON THE ...TIMBBRJ// cepts rumor and gossip as sub­ peace; ing reorganization of the Veterans one of Waterfaiiry’s leading Simmons doing business as Man­ roins, the subdeacon. Mrs. Arljme 1 HAD AlWATG MR.WIISON? stitutes for evidence.” In another had been a, resident of Manchester RIGHT IN MY SILL TO REACH IT— Establishment of a nation^ ad administration. families dl(d in- his home today chester Oil Burner Service. PROBE BR.4NFORD FIRE Garrity v/as, organist" and aoIoisL BEEN FOMDOF. eyes freckles I'lX GIVE tOU A for., the past 40 years. ; , apparent dig at the Tnunan re­ mlnistrarion of such integrity and Lawrnakers. were guessing that following a short lllneaa Merri­ Building Permit Branford, Feb. 2—'//Pi—The . Bearers were Daniel Newcomb, I..1 THOUOHT lii.' ir AND THE BLIND IS BOOST/ gime, Sksenhower- said an ad­ such, efficiency that its honor: at he .would have no specific recom­ man was north-south anniteiir- He leaves his wife, Mrs. Anna thevdcheer nSi A STUCK/WIU-TtXI To Charles D. Konrad for John- Slate Fire Marehal’e ofllee today Novoty Sediacek; "two sons, Frank Walter Newcomb, Harley New­ ministration which leaves its home will ensure respect abroad; mendations for revision of the golf champion In the 1921 entered the investigation of the ME UP. SEE IF TOUCAN FIX "Encouragement by those- in f«qh Building Company for two- J. Sediacek of Manchester and comb and EUiott Newcomb, all policing to Congress is only ask­ Taft-Hartley Labor Law, although tournament played at Ptnehnrst, stbry 6 room-home at Chambers fire and explosions which de­ nephews of the deceased. ing for "diaorder and confusion." centlves that inspire creative ini Albert C. Sediacek of East Hart­ he said in the campaign some N. C. He was a member of the street, 510,000. stroyed *the Branford 'Iheatei* ford; one daughter. Mrs. Henry ...Burial was' in "ine East Oe’metory, Studies to atiWghten out' - the tlative in our economy, so that its changes ought to be made. executive committee of the Con­ building eariv Saturda.v, ^ th a productivity may fortify freedom Starskik of East Hartford; one where Father Carrcdl read tta complexities -of the Defense Elstab- Sen. Morse (Ind.-Ore.), who necticut State Golf association, loss of 5200,0()0. Inspector everywhere r and . - JELKE ON TRIAL slater. Mrs. William Stacek of committal service. lishment, revamp the tax laws to broke with the GOP because he o f the CrfnnectlcMt Seniors Golf, New York, Feb. 3-—t/P>—Minot Thomas Wilson, of the state Manchester; and five grandchil­ "Dedication to the well-being of didn’t like the Eisenhower cam- police. Joined Branford Fire give small business a better break, all oiir Citizens and to the attain association nnd of the. Augusta- F. Jrlfce III, scion of a wealthy, dren ■ ^ and map leglalation to replace the I paign, made clear he doesn’t like National Golf Club. soclally-regletered family, went Marshal Erneat Wood la an ex- _TTfe .fuBeral. will to ,held^ at the ment of equality-fit jmpflrtimiiy Jar -the -EiaOTihowes presidency-either.. ^tnlt.ii~nag'''isr-tKK‘'rnniM.-wuemi.-. "farm'price support lawswU!^ ex­ ■ nil TTlBT -todSY- OH- Bharger e f T.' P t‘ Holloran' Pttneral"'Homerrt?8' all, so that our nation will ever act "The country would be better off came here at Wood’s request, pire St the end of 1954. He said with the strength of unity in every ONE KILLED, THRIVE HURT luring young women into prosU- Center street, Wednesday after­ the' present 90 per cent of parity with Bob Ttrit as President than tutloa and profiting from the according to the office of State noon at 2 o’clock, with Rey. Dr. task to which it is called." Police Commissioner Edward J. O f Heai*t Campaign farm program will be enforced Eliscnhower.” Morse . said on a Salisbury, Fob. 2—(F)— A skid­ proceeds. The Job of choosing n Fred R Edgar, minister of the Gen. MacArthur, in a statement CBS-TV program yesterday. Asked Hickey, who Is also' State Fire ■faithfully, and a new program Issued 'in New York Saturday ding acident here yesterday killed "blue ribbon” jury—requested by South Meth^ist Church, officiat­ drafted to reduce "governmental pight, had said the prospective-or­ why, he replied: a 27-year-old Brookljm, N. Y., the defense—got off to' n slow Marshal. ing. Burial will be in the: West N. William Knight of the First VP' FLINT Too Late BY MICHAEL O’MALLfeY BUGS BUNNY "Bcc%use I think Bob Taft would man and in.fured three'passengers Cemetery-. . National Bank of Manchaster, will interference in the farmers’ af­ der to the Seventh Fleet would start. Fifty prospective Jurors SIX DIE IN STOR.M fairs.” stand for exactly what he believes in his car. Killed was Sidney Unger Friends may call at the funeral serve aa treasurer of the Man­ IM S VBRY MCB /WAN WHO Y*&, I ICNOVV ^ W fiLL, VWtOMCA, H E a 'E r/W COOLAD WHEd HE LEFT YBBTBIC- “ correct one of the strangest were excused for various reasons r V E 9EEN in the White House, and he who. Medical Examiner O, S. Frankfurt, Germany, Feb. 2— , home from 2 o’clock tomorrow suTt- chester Chapter of Connecticut c a l l e d YBSTEICIWY 5AV H&. I HtW, ALL KIGMT, WHKB WE PEGN ALL! SOU KNOW PMfY/APTBtNOON HE , ©TILL »U «T PHAWIN , IT G AN rouNDG/ Asks Hawaii'--Statehood anomalies known to military his-1 In the early stages. One Jqror a f t e r 7M /» one wouldn’t be tied up with the lund Gudcmatch said, died as the re­ (/P/—Freak wrather claimed six ernoon until the hour of the serv­ Heart Association Fund drive for KNBW VDO O JIT E wmX,WHS. WIGS BNDK30TT. OYWC AGAN. THE WILY MIt.aLAAIC; poRoarr u n t i j n m s l MU«TACHe4 ON URGE I FIND l e n p a a b Eisenhower asked of Cpi^ress, tory." MacArthur said it "should was seated. FOR YfSBKE-f -of compromise I believe Elsen­ sult of crushing injuries. State lives In Germany over the week ice. • the third consecutive year. The 9CR«PLE,AND w o u l d S6E HI9 NAME 1$ /WR.eLAAJDl’ OUTEiWAirrEp> nCAUEE—’ 'i^ T E W T hEY 'V'MtPOEE/ELjr YOU* among other things: be supported^ by all loyal Ameri­ < GYLv«4’r « r - TO REGIGT, VEHICLE- cana irrespective of party." hower’s tied up with." Policeman John Lombardo said the end, thrluding two who died un­ Heart Fund drive t b n ^ h Febru­ THAfT you GOT TUB LSCfeSIt GLAND.. Uft. QUICK/ 1— Early statehood for Hawaii. PRINCE CUTS VISIT sozdAiYErrTDHiM, . GUVNOR/ ' Former President Truman -or­ car driven by Unger skidded on New York. Feb. 2—(/Ft— der wails' collapsed, by high Mrs. John OalU ary will be aimed at maintaining He didn'-t mention Alaska, which ARC AIDS. VICTIMS winds and four who drowned Mrs. Emma DlGiovanni Galll, the Heart Clinic with technictana is normally democratic - w^le dered the Seventh Fleet, two days icy roads - and struck a bridge Prince Bernhard of The Nether­ 7 ^ 'Aft^er the start of fighting in Ko­ Washington, FVb. 2—liTv—The abutment on Route' 41. The in­ lands decided today to return to when their automobile plunged 51. of Hartford, wife of John Gal- at the Manchester Memorial Hos­ Hawaii votes Republican. American Red CroH*- put Its off a bridge ia a storm. Blizzards li and mother of Mrs. Raymond pital. A*AX ESAwRi^ rea. to protect Nationalist P ot- jured, three women, were taken to his, flood-stricken homeland "be­ laNESj 2— "Corrective action” to amerid resources at the call of European Sharon Hospital. Lombardo said a struck south Germany and -sev­ Martina of thia town, died yester­ A number of contributions *ia c ) PANCAKtS ^ the Taft-Hartley Labor Law. mosa from Red Invasion and to see cause my place is 'with the ,th ^ the Nationialists did not raid Htorm vtctlms today. Disaster aid freezing rain made roads here Dutch people la the time of their eral villages, were cut off by day morning at the Hartford Hos­ momory o f hava been re ce iv e d Eisenhower said the Labor depart­ the'*mainland. Besides keeolng F’or- and American relief experts slick. <■ t r a g e d y.” The hasbaad of saowdrifts. ' ‘ pital. Born in Italy, she bad .by Mr. Knight through -the pMvr ment was making some ' specific mosa out of Red hands. *I^man’s were offered to the Netherlands, Queen Juliana said he would liyed in Hartford for the'past 19 and have been u sed to afiita Idepl recommendations and he’d send order was aimed at preventing the Belgium and Britain. At the A company dish deluxe is made Irave by plane tomorrow. He When using a tray for a con­ years. heart patianta. « them sloiv later. He did streai the Chinese Communists from enter­ same time Um Junior Red Cross of chicken breasts, lightly sauteed previously bad planned to. pnr- valescing member of your family, ^ sid es her husband, and daugh­ may be delivarad or Mnt )a to J view that government’s . role In ing the Korean war on the excuse directed offers to the .same in butter, then covered with a itlcipnte la week-long ceremonies^ or fo r ' breakfast for a guest, be ter in Manchester, she leayes four . Kniight, Treasurer, P. O i; ' labor-management relations should that the Nationalists were attack­ countries to rehabilitate school cream sauce embellished with oy­ In connection with the SOOth nn- sure to use a tray. cloth. An at­ other daughters, Mrs. Joseph P. be ihainly that of mediator, and ing the mainland with U. S. back­ chUdrett who have- fallen victim sters. Asparagus vinaigrette 'make ‘nlversary of the* founding of tractive paper mat-may substitute -Piergraoal. Mlaa Edith E. GallL The Taj MahaJ M to . he said the administration should ing. Eight months later he fired of the storms. a fine a/;companiment for this dish. New Y.ork City by the Dutch. for the cloth it you' wish. Mrs. Francis M. Ahern, aiid coat 15 milUoa dsOaiR ^ ' •J ^


^Davey and Gavilan Both THE Carlson, Widhoim Lead Invaders in" Colbhels Herald Angle Confident in Title Bout Independent Basketball Game, at School Home Loss on Locals By Chicago, Feh. 2 (/P) A poilnlhle; up, fast, \X-hen Gavilan team in, March of, Dimes tripleheader Nassiff Arms face their blUKcst teat In the Connecticut EARL W. YOST '•pattern of ntrateRy" for IlftlnR then - - when hin biirntn are spent basketball program yesterday In the most thrilling basketball force the Kid back with a sw ift' Basketball Association tonight at the Verplanck School play­ Nine Games Remain on Seton Hall gqme played at the Armory thia Sport* Rditor Kid Gavllan'n wellerweiRht crown ing host to the strong Winated How^iarda. Tap-off la acheduled afternoon at the East Side Rec R alph K iner Headed Feb. 11 emerRcd over the week end counter attack. realised $60. Feature game found season the Elmira Colonels copped Wilkea-Barre at Chuck Davey'n tralninR camp. Knowles and Kline say they are i for 8:30 preceded by a preliminary'st 7:1S. ari 84 to 82 overtime 'win over the Mancheater . ,y."truhiental In the Rena' lop-alded The undefeated challenger wan changing their sofithpaw’s normal| F n w r ROUND 'winneri, the Howards ar* currently lead­ th* Nassiff Arms turning back an British Americans last. Saturday Elmira ...... MONDAY ing the second round with five straight vlctorlea. The visitors Earlv office '.isilors are Walt ydn . . Peraonnel ManaRer .lohnny working mainly on two Itemn: offensive tactics somewhat. TTiey | Schedule, Piraties Still Unbeaten All Star te*m from the Rec Senior night. Although it was the BA’s Scranton . . . ~ ■ Silk Towner, 1. A nyntem for wealherlng the nay they want him to keep on top | boast the leagiie’s leading scorer in big Burr Carlson, U14 League, 74 to 61. ’The Midget Stars Initial defeat on home soli the fans Snow, prexy of the Wcat .«ikle Rep. Sullivan, a former former UConn pivot. Tommy Conran, Nassiff coach has not For Braves or Reds Pawtucket . BowlinK LeaRur. Bray ahd wa.a a Riieat ‘ diirinR the halftime ■Ctiban Keed'n flurrlen, IncludinR If o f Gavtlan an much an ponstble. nosed out the Midget Stripes in will long remember the American Glens Falls , "Usually Chuck's bent style Is In yet decided who will be -assigned the task of stopping the New York, Feb. 2— —Nine,,^ prise leader, faces a real teat Sat­ Rev. Fred Edpar of South Church Inlermiaalon period of the radio necCnnary Gavllan'n much-piibll- giant acortng whiz. one preliminary game, 16 to 14, New York, Feb. 2—(>P)~If Ralph LiCague contest that included bril­ Snow reporta polio one ball .aweep- atatlon. All proceeda from the and out," nays Knowles. "We want gamea In the next 30 days will urday against Penn (9-1). | liant passing, ball-handling and More than 1,600 fans In tha CTO clred "bolo punch." and Bill Detrlch and Hank Massa, teammates at New’ .Britain Southern: North Carolina (lS-1) Polio Results and the East Side Junior All Stars Kiner, the National League’s home •take bowUnR event wan a auccenn j^ame were turned over to the 2. Keeping the pre.nnure on Gav- him in more for this one. Gavilan - show whether a 1953 model basket­ edged the Weat Side Junior All Moriarty’s Win run king for the last seven years, shooting by both clubs who put auditorium In Scranton virer* treat­ Is heat when he can stand away Teachers College and later with the Bristol Tramp* of the In front but the conference titla with JSl realijsed while Bray ^ March of Dlmen. ilan every other nccond of their Ba.stern Leagiie, w;lll stsrt, at forw.ards for .the Hp.wards._ _ ball tefiln can go thrwigh a seasonj jopends'on .the eight-team touma- NsMit Anas -nit Stare. 31 to 23. A crowd of 200 leaves the Pittsburgh Pirates ha forth their best efforts In the hopes ed to a fine exhibition o f shooUiig. schei1iitert '1tl‘ rotin. The Braves have handed Kelley; Hank Rosenteln and Ed trying to Improve Davey's defense. ters, .says he'll KO the’ challenger! to Illinois in the first round of the 0) well in front. Toro, U ...... 6 6 16 dling. For the Stripes 1t \vas John at the half, 14 to 12. However, Earle, th* viaitora moved the ball locals the verdict yesterday as the amazing High School athlet", Thom as,. . Arrive home at the terday’s win over the Rec League All Stars) Nassiffs will . 1 Branch Rickey, general manager They say they want him to cover within eight rounds. i NCAA Tournament. Skyline Six: Brigham Young and Spalding, c ... . 0 Minor cblloctlng the m'dat, points. the Jarvis club finally got going extremely well before passing Into they staved off a last half daah by Into the pre.ss room to meet some dinner hour and rest of night is have their, full IX-man CBA roster. Conran wrlll hav* to Wyoming tied (7-1). Kuaaall. c ... 3 0 6 of the Ptrates, a Tong list of play' spent with boys and watching tee- Se YON h a l l , top-ranked in Hubbard, rg .. . a 8 7 Bill Conlort and Jackie Tooipey did in the third period and shut out era whom they are willing to In­ their high-scoring center. Gerry the Miners With only two minutes of the top names in the Bgortlng choose his starting lineup from among nine of the eleven Big Seven: Oklahoma (3-0) leads . 4 6 most of the rebounding ahti.1)all world . . . Mel Allen. . . . Albie vee . . Fights at 10 gave" teevee the Associated Press poll, picked O’Connell, rg 1 the Indians and scored 10 points clude In. a deal for the home nin Fowler, who scored the game's first to play, th* locals led by T84S. who are averaging in double-figures. front for long with Kansas State Dobnitaky, Ig . 6 1 n handling. \ ' to take the lead and to stretch It Scranton had a foul try coming Booth , , . Frank Daacoll. . . Julius .viewers their- first look st Floyd Sacred He^T Snaps up its 21st triumph Saturday night Pagaal. Ig ... .3 0 4 hitter. basket, .an eye-catching hook-shot. BA’s Protest Loss A1 Surowtec, enjoying one of his greatest years on the against Villanova, 84-76. . . . but doesn’t dook like staying in THE JUNIOR All Star game further in the final frame as' the and mlsssiL From thsr* to tbo Boros . .. . Andy Robustetll , .,. Patterson, sensational U. S. Olym­ hardwood courts, wlH get the nod St ohe forwTira post. ’Thero were other reports, the Ck>nUnuing t h e i r expert ball- This week_the,Pirate.s meet St. front for long with Kahaai State Totala ...... „ M 16 a proved to add to the pleasure dr Indians could not cope with'the moving tactlca and screening lor finish It was a caaa of bslng foul­ George Weiss,. . .Kid Kaplan . . . pic middleweight king. The young To Elmira Five Swim Record Averaging 17.2 points a game, Surowtec will probably team Scora at half time. 35-26. Brooklyn Dodgers and the PhiU' Bonnventure In ' Madison Square (2-1) . and Kapsaa (8-2) pressing. the crowd as both-teams showed classy- club. John Kozicki with delphia Phillies also were interest' Rosenteln and Earle, the winners ed, making It and than eontreHtog Dacky Pond , . . Norm Danlela to Negro star left a favorable imprea- with dependable Norm Burke (14.3). Popular Jo* Kubachs. Missouri Valley: Oklahoma A. Refertea, Allbrlo-B< some fine pass work and some th* Jump ball. Buddy Ackannan. name a few and the youngster is sion.. Garden. ■Villanova, Loyola of Chi­ 18'pplnta led Jarvis and Earl ed In Kiner but they were denied went ahead 6 to 0 before Ken A protest of Hatiirda.v’s who scQi-ed 17 markers In his debut against Meriden, will cago. Baldwin-Wan«e, Dayton, M. (3-0) ahead of Tulsa and S t nice shooting. These boys are th* Kanny Goodwin; Ray Felix uid ihrtlled at rubbing elbows with big THURSDAY Kacred Heart of V.’alerbury drop­ jump center with Carlson. SV>r* (It) Glenriey had 16 while Jimmy by top club officials. And still an Goodwin tallied for the home game with F.lmlra has been Louisville nnd John Carroll. Louis. ' . type of athletes that the crowd Bobby Knight dunked vital fra* names present . , . Trinity's Dan Rose Nelligan phones to re; ... t a ped the Manc:hcster High tankers BOB TEDFORD (11.7) set, shot ace and Springfield’s B. r. PU, Beregon got' 10 for the Indiana. other had WId Mathews, personnel forcea. Fowler'a second hook shot lodged by the B.X's. I’ rofes- Mid mid-year examinations gen­ Big 10: Indiana (8-0) Is in first W. Reynolds, rf . 1 0 i will be hearing more and more of In the second game Moriarty’i director of the Chicago (Tubs, of­ made it 8-2 and at no time during throws for seven atralght points la Jessee talks baseball umpiring a.s new high single record was ael from the ranks of the undefeated Johnny Burke will handle the inickcmirt duties. Th# latter place followed by defending cham­ Besaer, rf ...... ! 0 0 0 in the future and are the grad­ the two mlnuta ml* to vndea the earlier in the week by Blandine slnnal rules followed by the erally over, basketball activity . 0 0 0 put on a stirring last , period fin­ fering 6200,000 for th* PitUburgh the tut did on* team lead by mors well aa DascoH and Shorty Gugl I el- American I.engiie provides for in the Rec awimmlng pool Saturday ' has tallied 27 points In two contests with the home force*."" ■ speeds up this week. pion Illinois (6-2)." ~ Olsen. If uates of the Little League and lead to 79-69 before tbo Mlaefs mo, two of the National League's Dubois, a 149 score, in the Cheney Bing Miller (14.8), Swede Anderson (11.7), Fred Booth Kwash. It ...... 4 0 8 ish to tie the score and then went star. than tlx points. a straight five mlniiteM over­ aflernooon by a score of 49-17. The second ranked Indiana returns Ueer. c ...... 0 0 0 Alumni Leagua The East Slders on to win ih a sudden death Sec­ The offer# of the Reds and The Kxiala finally ahot Miead In gathered a hoop with 17 eaooiida beat arbiters . . . Gossip with Mel Worden’s League . . Chat with Jeff BURR CARLSO.V (10.4), Wally Parrisk (10.1), Tommy Mason (S.6 ) and Conran McClain, c » 0 0 broke fast and were led by Mike time. Mike Tiihnccl told the red-trunked .swlmmcr.s .Iqol^eycry after a week’s layoff, meeting But- SPORTS KilRRpB u ond overtime period. The score Braves fits In with Rickey's pat­ the firat quarter when Bobby to play and th* gams already do- -Allen and George Weiss of the Koelsch. whlle-tha latter gets; his : ? (1 .8 ), are expected to play Impor---- 1 Plnlay. rg i. 1 1 s Bscavlch, Norm Hobenthal and c l d e d , ...... ^ . .. gray locka trimmed at Bob Geno- oiricliil scoring table Th'Wt Was flr.si pTnCe, led' by'Tom Kennedy, ■ lir University tonight and North­ Turner, rg . 0“ 0 at th'e first quarter was 8 to 8 tern'of disposing-of alltng top Knight Beared with a one-hander Yankees, Yale’s Little Boy Blue of how the overtime would b«- : tant roll* In the local’s attempt to western Saturday. TODAY A YEAR AGO—Frank . 0 1 1 Joe Hahn In the scoring departs Jackl* Allan, Fidix, tiobdwiit veal'a barber shop.' Jeff hasn’t been holder of several CIAL marks. Todd, Ig ...... and at the half. Moriarty Eagles notch players and rebuilding with with 4:00 remaining. Sevanteen another period, Albie Booth and pliiyeil amt It was announced ^ be the first team to pin a loss on Washington, No. 3, plays host to Stranahan shot a record 61 to tie Jamaltls, Ig .... . 1 0 3 ment while Kenny Irish setting up and Ackerman sparked a flmt many others . . . The dinner was feeling well of late but the talk­ The Indian ducks now have a 3-1 Nassiffs Score Impressive 74 to 65 ! the classy high scoring 'Visitors. led 14 to 12. At the three quar­ younger talent. timea the acora waa tied and nine quarter surge that gaVa the lo­ over the pill’ll'’ address system. record while Sa4Tcd Heart remains lowly Washington State Friday Skee Riegcl for halfway lead In the . ~2 16 some nice plays. For the West Sid- tet mark It waa 27 to 24, Eagles, Rickey, th* past-master at dou­ good,, even those who had seconds, ative guy can be counted on to be Tonight’s battle looms as a high Totala 7 ers, Jackis Hedlund and Vlnnle times the lead changed handa In cals a 20-9 lead as the Miaara Bad When play got iintlerway In the unhealed with a .3-U mark. Cmshy and Saturday night. Tucson Open Golf Tournament. Stripes (14) and going Into the last two min­ ble tqlk, declined to say what play­ Bray; Roach and Wilbur Brown In the best of spirits when the scoring affair Ms Winated has gone FIVE YEARS AGO—Dick But­ Kohen were the high scorers with th* conteiit that will not be dupli­ trouble hitting th* hoop. extra session, Renny ’Tillman, of \Vatcrbiiry has won four meets LaSalle, No. 4. entertains Du- B. r. PU. utes of the final period the Roy ers had^been offered or even with cated for a long time. agreed, while the speaking pro­ baseball season arrives . . Rl'ewie CBA Triumph over Meriden Kaplans over the 100 mark this season and quesne Saturday night and Ka.nsas ton, 18-year-old Englewood, N..J„ .. 0 0 0 Bill Mozzer doing most of the re- It waa OOodwln, Ackarmaa and the other game offirlal, said the to share the lead with SaiTed the home forces have sveragerl Boltjrs, rf ...... Motors had a four point lead. what cltiibs he had discussed a pos­ A long one-handar and two free gram was top-notch , . . Affair Miinro postcards from Florida that two mimite rule was In- effect. State.,JJo. 5,. visits Nebraska the. skater,. took strong lead In the Mlr.or,. rf„------. 2 0 4 bounding. and.^Bob Buckley doing Allan laadlng tha way. .dUrlag. tba Heart, the 'onl.v ■ two .aehoolboy 81.8 points a* 'against «:i ' for .. r ~ 0 2 Quick' basket* by Ronnie- Rlckert sible 'deal, X-...... throwt'by aoodwtn gave the loMirB breika up at rnldhight and' it l.s lie Is ready'lb ^eFcome the Red In the overtime also. Man­ 6 same night. Olympic men’s fi^ r e skating , McAdam. ff . some nice bali handling. aacOnd canto that saw Bddla Bar­ Sox at their Sarasota training base swim teams wilhiiiit a blemish on Nassiff Arms ’wps forced to fought gamely but their first-half their opponents, Sartor, rf ...... 0 0 0 and by RSy Girard tied It up, 33- Paul declined to identify th* an 18-14 first period lead. Thla con- one before we reach the Yost chester had a three point lead The major conference picture at event at St. Moritz. Ballard, c ...... 1 0 a The feature, game of the pro­ Reds’ players but said they all tels, recently of th* BA’s and mak­ liome. . , Evening at home. their records. — -. come from liehind to post a 74-6.'i rebounding trailed off consldera- A $25 gift certificate toward a 0 2 33. In the first overtime, both teat, by far, was Goodwin's beat when Elmira made good a foul Times for tlie events were .slow. Im|)rc4Sive W in the start pf second semester com­ TEN VE.ARS a g o — Brooklyn Olaauer. c ...;. .. 1 gram proved to clirnax the entire were highly regarded and could ing a tour of tha eiraitta, go off TUESDAY FRIDAY victory over the Meriden Kaplans bly and with Anderson unable t o ; new television set, donated by Ma- B. Conlon, rg .. .. 1 0 2 show SB the crowd was treated to club* scored three baskets and so sines his return to basketball fol try with a minute and .10 see- Curt Wright was nipped in the 40 petition: purchased Inflelder Steve Mesner .. 0 0 0 play regularly for Pittsburgh. It on a craay shooting spree on long Mailbag brings a letter from Official National L,eague base­ score in th* third period, the los. loney’s Radio and Television Serv­ Arthur, rg ...... aome of the outstanding player* In the gam* went Into a sudden lowing hla tour of duty In Korea. onds remaining, "nie fVilonels and JOO.yard free style races by Ed and remain In contention for sec­ Nnfifilfffi (74> IVY: CORNELL (4:0), the sur- from CTlnclnnatl for $7,600. Toomey. I( — 1 0 2 was learned from an authoritative overhead pops, five in a row. Bis Honest' Douglas, local \ised car ball schedule arrives in the mail, ers w'ere no match for the fast, 'r*' will be offered at tonight’s .. 0 0 0 the Rec Senior League. Naaalff* death period. After both team* He scored 22 points on nlna hoopa controlled the Jimip, made a .Shannon. The local tc.im is com­ ond rminil honoi-s of the Conhec- H. r. rtp. M. Conlon. Ig .. source, however, that thre'e of the offenalvt apfurge was a abigle af- dealer and sportsman, who noted another signal that Spring la not .V. Hurkc. rf ...... __ .1 3-4 nggre.'slve Silk Town team. league encounter. were preaaed all the way and after had' missed chance to win. Al and a perfect 4-4 from th* foul fort as tha Miners could, not cut shot and foul to take the lead posed of practically ail aophonioie.s licut Basketball As.soclatlon last BunU). if ...... 3 !•! ' French toiinrl the range in the' '■—------—-— Totals ...... !.*’ 7 0 14 Cfiiurrila came through with the players were lefty pitcher Harry line. Seventeen of thea* .points an error In a recent syndicated too far away ..Meet with Mail­ by one nnd added a font with Sat((r(lp.v night. The Tommy Cnn- Kuliai tin. If ...... 7 17 IntermlaSlon opened up with a Perkowskl, Inflelder Grady Hat­ Into tha locals lead that waa maln- man Luther Chapin In the after­ and seem headed.for three siicccs- final peilod with his hftok-ahot. i Score at hallf time. 11-4 Stirs. spurt that put them ahead by winning hoop to the joy of the came In the firat half. / aporta feature and pointed out seven seconds to go. Tlint aive good seasons under Coa'Ch ran-cnaChed quintet now sport a Amlbj’Foi). -If ...... __ n . 1.2 ton and outfielder Joe Adcock. talned at 11 points, 4 1 ^ ; st in- noon before heading for home and Sur*»'vif'c. r ...... 6 (-R IR petUng three hoop* and five fouls seven points and then they held on Eagles who have lost several close KAItLE, HJUXBY collaborated tarmlaaion, aame. Doug’s letter and comments margin defeated the BA's. The Dick .Solonek. 2-1 won and lost lea.gue record .t. BurkP. IS ...... h 2-4 13 CONN. BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION LEAGUE East SIdert (31) Paul said that Klner’s reported were appreciated .. Visit Jimmy the uaual shopping trip.. Boys. 2 for 11 points, but to no avail as First Division B. r. PU. matching basket for basket. one* In the final few minute*. For fo f .alx straight points at the out- elalm Is that no Jump hall Results: while on the season they have cap- M;i.'‘on, rs ...... 0 2-2 the Fa"!** it wa* Rav Girard with salary of $00,000 last year doesn’t ROY BBLLAVBAU. Wally ShlSl Morianoa’ new restaurant, the Reed and Dean, accompany me to lined Ifi wins ns against two' Terfford. Is ...... __ 1 2-3 10 the contc.st was lost in the pre­ Escavich. rt ...... fi u 12 NASSIFF’8 BIO THREE again Mt of th* second quarter and once should have followed the foul 120 yard medley relay: 1) Sacred Bltrdl. rt ...... 0 0 0 13 »"hile Rick Farrell nut In 12 worry him even though the fig­ again the Colonals led, 20 to 18. and Tom Birch gava BartOls a Three J’s, at noon and find the al­ Hartford High In the evening nnd the B.A’s should have hail los.ses. Ouiran, Ik ...... 0 0-n 0 vious period. Byrnes and Frank 0 0 led the team In the scoring depart ures show Ralph never has hit hand in the third aeasioa aa the Heart (Kennedy. Tadagaian and Goal of Cubs PeanCin, If ...... 0 for the Rov Motors Club. Earle, who also played a treman- ways smiling and popular owner where I work Hartford High game control out of bounds. In the game played in the Silver ... 2S 1 Johnson teamed for nine marker* Keeney. If ...... 0 0 0 ment. Bing Miller. Norm Burke well In (hnclnnatl’a Croaley field. home forcea cut Into tlio gap and McGiirk). Time.’ 1:08.2. T'-Ial.-* ...... 7 ...... 8 1 7 Merteriy Eefle* (M) douB gam* undsr the boards, tal­ i ' with East Hartford, It's a treat City, the loc'ils were .slow getting .Mprlilrn as the Kaplans outscored the vlc- Hohenthtl. c .... and A1 Surowlec. while for the All B. F. PtP Paul hastented to explain, how­ trailed by a aliigl* point, * T ^ aa highly enthusiastic about the re­ 40 yard free.slyle: 1) .Shannon n F. Pt.ff. loi'.s 23 to 20. Leander. c , ...... 0 0 0 lied 11 marker* in this period and sponse of the public since the open­ to watch a well coached aehoolbov started, spotting their victims a 16 ...... 1 2 4 Stars, big Frank Tqro and Johnny Werren. rf ...... 1 5 ever, that the Reds don’t want th* last atanaa began. (SH).’ 2) Wright (AO, .1) Gianni- IM.’cluk. rf ...... __ \ •i-.i 13 Using his re.se.rv*s "a good por­ Cavaretta Switches Leon IrUh. r( ...... aaalated by Fowlec^and Tony Ka- ing last week. Jimmy still main­ team play, as , la Hartford, while to 10 first quarter lead; M-eridea's Ri ciniai). IT ...... 1 0-0 2 Borfint "■ra •••• i 0 a DobniUkv did the scoring while » *« ( • i-e-e ve-e-re-e'-D ^ '-2 Kiner merely for trading material; Held in chack Herb Sharer more (Ml. Time, 19?fi. tion of the final ten minutes, Con- Hahn, la ...... 3 0 6 Don Hubbard and Art O'Connell n. O’NVII. If ...... C 5 2 tokaa who scored five points each, tains the Red Sox will win the F.aat Hartford is a comer under ning at home for the weekly pop Ed Anderson helped his 'tram get .Ifihn.*«"r. i f ...... 2 0-0 1 r"r,lf»rt. c .'...... J 2 ! John Quinn, general manager and Bartels to only eight points Coach Jack Wise. Neighbor Joe 100 yard freestyle; 1) Shannon Kr**iuli. f ...... 1 7-8 1t ren ma’de certain his starters were Brinkof from Third L. Cj-r, It ...... 0 0 0 played good floor games. the visitors outscored their vic­ pennant .. Bud Kelsey visits and corn party with the family. off to a good start, netting four B.rnpj«. rK ...... riwr'iu...... !! 2 2 of the Braves, said he had talked in three scaBion, four at th* foul Kubhchka handles Hartford High (SH), ’2) Wright (M l. 3) Leander .... « 3*7 on the floor when needed. Kiibacha ...... 14 1 31 •nie recreation management Wrlelit, rg ...... J <> 4 tims 25 to 81. says he is looking forward to a pro SUNDAY (M). Time ,08.2. hoops an(i a fo'il .shot-far nine big Knrmo»-;ski. rg ...... 0 0-0 0 Base to Outfield Post 8:30 TONIGHT Total* ...... with Rickey about Kiner. line, Ray Felix caught firs for and it wasn’t untfl our meeting points. .Some fine .set shooting by Ik ...... 7 2-4 Iff continued to set the pace and West Slders 4S3I wishes at this time to first thank Oererd. I* ...... * I IS Goodwin, battling for Overy baakstball doubleheader at Madi­ Wind i.s ciitting at an early, hour 200 yard freestyle: 1) McKenna' It WM learned fretn another throa hoopa in tha final canto. Roy before the game did he know that Rob Tedford resultcd’in six of Nas- Sa;miG|.6on. Ik ...... 0 , o-n u along with Siirowiec and Tedford, Paquette,, rf — ...... 0 0 0 alt the player* for their part In 1 35 shot, also netted 11 points biR son Square Garden. Bill Chaprhan wlien I first see daylight and its (SH), 2) Warren (M l,’3) I.-avellc By PHIL CAVARETTA R. Cyr. rf ...... 0 0 0 Totali ...... Bouroe that the Brave* are wtlllhg agiOn had hla troublm at th* trm we have been within a stone's siff’s 10 tnliles. . Tftiil.ff ...... 21 17-24 6.’) combined for 14 of Nassiffs final Dalla.s, Feb. 2—(Ah- -We movfd VERPLANCK SCHOOL ...... 1 0 3 helping to make the day a succeaa. Rev Meter! (3S> to part with outfielder Sid Oordon, hs waa tha only BA able to acora throw line, hitting only n half and Sher Trueman will also make a morning I atay clo.se to the firC- (SH). Time. 2:19.6. Buckley. K ■ Also many thanks to the coaches X, Twerrty. rf ...... 2 consistently as hla team’s remain throw for the past two months. . SPRlNGrir.I.n’S johnny Rnrke. S«’«»r«* At Imif . tiini Meriden. forward last year and we’re not Cohen; If ...... 1 0 a first baeemal Earl Torgerson, " dosen of Ifi attempts, but thrae of the trip .. Evening at home and I alde. , . Motor to Neiv Haven in 100 yard hreastroke: 1) McGurk flpfrrrpp. ntrrntf'Hl-.rrttiti.doit...... 1 0 a for their work with the boya and MrTrr€vffr. rf Ing 10 scores wera dividsd among Arrive home at a good hour and makine his second sta rt -with the Kubachs wa.s Nassiffs high man standing attll thi* year—not on the AltkeA. e ...... tf .. other player and eaah...... them cam* in the vital two nAmU turn to radio, after getting cor­ the afternoon but arrive home at (SH), 2) McNamara (M),3) Daley with 17, followed by Surowlec with PRELIMINARY AT 7:30 Lowd, c ...... 0 0 0 to the officials who donated their four teammates. The score waa watch last four rounds of boxing locals, found the range in the sec ball field nor In the standing.*. We Hedlund. rt ...... 3 0 6 T.y»Co*i^. If ... Walter . O’Malley, prealrtent of rale to help le* th* deelalen. Bar­ respondence out of the way and the dinner hour and rest of evening (ft). Time, 1:09.,9. ohd quarter nnd along with Fred > I^uhacha, maliihg his debut with 1C. John Burke 12 and Tedford 10. 1 3 scrvlcea, plus the many people that Farr^lL c .... knotted at 89-all af the half, chief­ bout on teevee. before calling it a Is spent rending and watching tele- finished fifth last year but I’m not Mozzer, rt ...... 1 TuHy. r g ...... the Dodgers, and Steve O’Neill, tel* and Shit] went out o f the game listen to braodcBst of Hamilton- day. ’ 100 yard breasti'oke: 1) Kennedy Booth nnd At Suiowicc. helned his Na.ssiffs, found the range for five ANDERSON, BYRNES, French WINSTED 1 7 0 NASSIFF Kohen. If ...... 4 0 8 found the time to dfop down to the ly on the fin* plsymaklng and re­ viaion. (SH ),‘ 2) Hallobtirdo (M i, 3j An­ going to be aatisfied with anything ...... 0 0 0 rg ... manager of the Phillies, denied In­ on fouls and th* BA’s movofi tbs llaten broadcast o f . Hamllfon- SATURDAY team outscore the Kaplans by two, hoops,, most a.s, a result of a fine ; and Pirdiuk. were best for the Jenktni. It ...... Rec to help make a little more Flilt. • • bounding by the Colonels who ball with authority and Scranton drews (,SH). Time, 1:04.2. ' less than a first division finish in HOWARDS y X „.**S*,„ money for the March of Dimes. Frarhftle. If terest In Hlner. from Hartford. Game had a lodal Earle Clifford phones nnd re­ 20-18. one-handed set-shot. The Hartford | lo.sers netting 16, 15, 15 and 13 195,3. ToURi ...... *Ti ai made every shot count. Fowler, could not get contiroL FeIbU got HOt.’KF.Y AT A GLANCE Diving: 1) J.-McNeliis (SHI, 2) High cnarh along with AI Suro- First Round Champs « Leaders ’There has been reports Kiner flavor as Johnny Falkowaki coaches ports the recent Gold Key dinner, Ander.'’on continued hi.s siiecess- po.nts respectively. . HANK SAUER was our only Score at half time. l»-« BMt Slders. TotsU / ...... 14 6 36 waa on the block ever since the Earle and Kelley simply stole the every tap near the end. find Acker­ the Props and some of his better in his opinion, was the best,, ever, Sunday’s Kesults Therrian (M), '3) L. McMellia ful point-making nnd joined by wicc. Norm Burke and .Swede An­ TOMMY BOLT WINS Score at half time 14-12 EsriM. play away from Felix, Hank Da- man waa terrific on the Uae wbere (SH). Winning Points, 44.7. long ball hitter last year. I’d Ilk* ADULTS 75c — STUDENTS UNDER 16 35c Pirates finished deep In th# Na players are well-known in Man­ Earle's views are shared bv all Nnllonal l.s-ngue Paul Pieciuk nntl Tommy Bvrne.s. derson were controlling the boards, to get. aomeone to bark up Hank Home is as comfortable as Its Zonte and Knight. he hit for olght of nlM> ^ 160 yard freestyle; 1) Sacred something they weren’t able to do Jar.lt Maek Hawke ($t> tional League cellar last season chester. Play-by-play announcer who were fortunate enough in Boston 4. .Montreal ,3,. formerly of the NP.A. man.'^ged to this year so they can’t walk him Gift certificate toward a fumlttire, says an Interior decora­ Tucson, Ariz.. Feb. 2— —Re- B. F. PU, and Ralph had hta poorest season. Play resumed on even terms Ackerman and Ooodwia eadi Heart (McKenna, Savalla, Tatlgian in the fir%t half. Surowlec. using Davieg and Waiizer lentlees, almost faultless golf George Erlich, who has turned In getting tickets for the party. F.arle Detroit ."i, Toronto 1. keen Meriden out front at the half, so often. We have a couple of long TV set donated by Malo­ tor. A .husband should buy rf ...... 5 6 u He batted .244 with only 97 runs In the third quarter except that talUed 18, AUen 17 and T«Ux t t . a grand Job all season handling and Phil Samhogna lourneyed to i and Linlmure(. Time 1:22.6. .34-.30. hi.s height and wel,ght to good ad­ $25 DOOR PRIZE ney’s Radio and TS. his wife a comfortable chair for gave aggressive Tommy Bolt, Brkkinn. If ...... 1 0 2 the visitors appeared to take com Bartels and BcIInvaau had IT New York 1. Chicago 0. ball hitters among our newcomers. ...1... <1 0 0 batted In. His 97 homers tied th# UConn cage games, kept re­ Boston Sunday for the pro dou­ Following the halftime pep talk vantage, chipped in with three Spark for Royals Maplewood. N. J.. the champion­ Wsrren. If ...... Diet* charge of both boards. With while Mrch and Marvin Jaffa, tac Knntern ls*ague I plan to make an outfielder out of him to sit In. Kozickl. r ------...... 8 a 18 Hank Sauer of the Cuba for the ferring to Ray Felix of the Rens bleheader basketbsll program at Too many p(>ople think of higli by Conran, the locals looked like a valuable twin-poinlc-.'S. ship of the $10,000 Tucson Open Dtrker.on, r* ...... 0 0 0 four men, Felix, Knight, DeZoni* latter from Muhleaborg, gamfirod finances n's niercly -exchanging old MERIDF.N’S TWO TALL per­ Leon Brinkopf, who played third yesterday and added $2,000 to his 0 0 league lead. , , ^ (and the Manchester BA'si as Ray the Boston Garden . . Afternoon Springfield fi, Washington .1. new (earn In the third quarter out- ba.se at Los Angeles. He hit 27 Kelleher. It ...... 0 Kiner also recently rejected and Buddy Ackerman, doing the 10 each. Troy .5 Johnstown 4 (overtime). debts for hew ones. .•coririg their foe, 24 to 8. Big Joe formers, Byrnes and Jack French, By Th* Asuociatrii I'rnts bankroll. -Tyler. It ...... 0 0 0 Fiaeher. Big Ray "a’a* highly in -' spent shopping snd then an eve­ The Rochester Royal.*’ backcoiirt home runs in '52. Paul Schramka. Rickey’s offer of a 26 per cent scoring the locals outscored their The temperamental Tommy ...... 14 8 86 arcs. Bob Davie* and Bobby Wan- just out of the service, also can Tntalz ...... reduction In salary, saying he foe by one, 24-25. Oix players aft4r taking n apaeiainilar peas went over par only onOe during Crf»D*1ta Indlsnt <31 > led by Fowler, Earle and Joel zer, served notice on the Na­ hi* the long ball. Maybe I’ll even four day# of play. Sixteen birdies Rnmzniw rf ...... I 0 2 was willing to take a cut but from KnIghL Kfiight cam* back tional Basketball Association that try Preston Ward, another ex- Dtren. r.t ...... 0 0 0 thought 25 per cent waa. too much. Kaufman, wjio taUled seven, alx with a long-ona-bandar- from tba gt^e him' a 72-hol*; tptal of 65-68- ■Rrr*riro7t. If ; .t. .* 4 • 2 Iff and five points raapactlvdy, lu p l they are still In business. ■ aerviceman .In the outfield. He-was — 66-66-^265 for the par 70., 6402- . .0 2 middle to put bis team out-firont ^ckwi|.ht If 1 NBA AT A OI..ANG* the doloHe)* In the contest. The word in basketball circles our regular -first ■ha.semsn- before - yard El Rio Golf and Country CfiUb Duffy. > ...... 2 0 4 81-79. Fouled In Uw i e t 'o f (riMoO- he went into the Army. Dee Fondy McTnlnsh. rg ...... 1 0 a Sunday’s Besult* A foul shot by Kaufman, who ing Kelley am* awarded two tsics. was that Davies and Wanzer had course. He showed no signs of his RyUn^rr. rg ...... 0 0 0 arrived during the Intermiasion did a good job a f first last year famous temper when he acciden­ Rochester 109, Boston 96. Amidst the roar of tha crowd, tba slippe'd (^ bit this season, especially REPUTATION Rsniivixf. lx ...... 0 0 0 tied the ball gams at 77-mll with the former. But the recent play of and I may fill in there occasion­ tally touched the ball on the ninth Rraie, It ...... 0 1 New York 90, Philadelphia 85. calm, aat-shot artist mads good on ally. Minneapolis 87; Fort Wayne 76. 2:50 left to olay In the league the Rochester pair, former Seton fairway and penalized himself Totals ...... i . ,.e ...... * 3 31 both and again tha count wts bnot- Another change I’m thinking of stroke. Syracuae 94, Baltimore 79. encounter. It waa at thla point Hall greats, has dispelled such talk. Is Known Throughout The State Score At half time, 1B»14 Indlant. that Novak gave Instruction* for tsd, 81-81. Wlth-Wanrer-scarlng-86 point* is making Bi)l Serena a ae.cond WHh 84— aooonde- s iw sbiing- ha.semsn. He played third and sec­ his team to freaae th* ball hepthg and Davies adding 19, the Royals to acore th* winning twin-pointer. Rosenteln mlasad n foul but Barlo yesterday whipped the Boston ond for use la.st year birt looked was tber* to tap the ball tbrougb better at second. If that succeeds. 1952 FORD CONVERTIBLE MANY, MANY The fan* protested loudly as the Celtics, 109-86, In the nightcap of Powder blue. Radio and heater. Colonels passed the Im II around the neU for what proved to ba ^ a doubirheader at Boston. It snap­ I’ll move Eddie Miskls to short. Of margin of victory. Knight waa cour.se. He’ll have to beat out Roy Very low mileage...... $219S PEOPLE, NOT with great pels* and finesse until ped a home court win streak o f the clock ahowed but 1:25 14ft fouled by Kelley, and tha RA’a eight game* for- the Celtles, .who Smalley for the job. Rangon Jack- trailed by one, 88-82 with Ifi sec­ •son Is my third baseman. 1952 CHEVROLEt 2-DOOR SEDAN and Krtlev called for a. Ume out. were playing their eighth game In ONLY IN TOWN, WHEN‘ p I,AY was resumed the onds remaining. Manchester took 10 da.vs and were tired and ragged. A year ago, we were in trouble,' G n y. Radio and heater. e.specially in the pitching depart­ wlniiefs continued their freeze and the ensuing Jump and when In the opener of th* twin bill, the Stock No. U-72...... , ...... $1995 BUT FROM ALL though this was smart basketball Knight’s toss miaaed widaly, New York Knlckerboekers won ment. We had four hoys on whom major league optiona had expired. the crowd again protested vigor­ Elmlra^took th* rebound and th* I their seventh strslght, defeating 1951 PONTIAC CONVEkTIBLE ously. With 15 s«MBonds remain­ ball game, alUiough with one sec­ J-the- -Phlladelphta Warrior*.- 90-85, It wa.s either glve^ up on them or _ OVER go wTtfi' them' as full fledged mem*' Radio, heater, hydramatic;'...... '■ IS LOOKING ing Elmira worked f a acrean for ond to play Kelley made good Me Harry Gallatin with 21 points, Con­ hers of our pitching staff. I (jecided One owner, tow-mileage car...... $2295 Rosenteln whoa# set shot hit, the fifth straight foul. nie Simmons with 19 and Carl to keep the boys. They are Johnn" CONNECTICUT, rim and tjounced off where It was It WM? a t.th e foul Un* that Braun with ’ 16 paced New York’s Klippatein. Warren Haifker, Boh 1948 LINCOLN CONVERTIBLE FOR pTciced u(b by KSlIeY who dribbled lam fra 'ix ceilia . OUffiefifid fiS t« attack. Kelly and Turk Lown, As you Reconditioned motor. Radio, heater, overdrive. GOME TO US twice before being able to get his 32 from th* floor they mad* fiO of The Syracu.«e National^ spanked know, the.v made good. Hacker White wall tires. Stock No. CB-22. .. .•...... $1295 desoeratlon shot awav. The game 23 at the free throw tUie as sgaiaat ' Dolph Sehayc* scored 22 poin’ s. was sjow starting but finished s.s ended aa the rebound waa taken the BA’s 12 for 19. The Mlnnespolis Laker*, western one of. the top pitchers -In the 1952 MERCURY, 4-DOOR SEDAN FOR A USED CAR by Mancheater. CAPTAIN JACKIB AUtn, foe ! circuit lesders. scored 92-76 victo’ry league. Academy bine.' 3.200 mileN. RCelley’.'’ . two-handed set - shot the flirat tima since playing with a over Fort W«vne’s Piston*. OUR f o u r FIRAT-lIhe pltcher.s Radio, heater, mercomatic...... SAVE $400 from outside th* foul line opened Mancheater team, waa hald acora- naturally will be Bob Ru'sh. Hack­ the scoring In the five-minute over­ iGfli. ilJs er. Klippatein and Paul Minner. time period. Goodwin knotad -the . Big Felix again took top acocing Kelly. Lown, Bob Schultz and Jm" 1950 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE BECAUSE r Bea mist green. Radio, heater, hydramatlc. Low count with a beautiful lay-up honors with 10 baaketa and 5 for Hatten will make up our second IF YOU HAVE Local Sport mUeage. One owner car. Stock No. U-46...... $1945 10 at the foul Una for a 25 total. line pitching. We also have some His btggaet tbraat foe Magu* aoof- iVve prortlising klda, THEY KNOW WE NO EXPERIENCE Ing honors, - Wa’re a yoiihg.team, basically,: 1946 PLYMOUTH 4.D06 r SEDAN One and One Fowler Chatter: -be***^- much ef- 'Our" eebolldliTg' - n'.v h'aa' fak^h pla'Cf Tn tbe piist sewral 'Stock 'Nb. ;v:r7r:“; hoopa -and; ;a, p«f*«t-'.4-4:-at; ■.»# •• I MANCHESTER TRUST will seaspha. I believe the'league will B. r . Pt». charity line. Others acortng In you ! 17 double figures Included Earls 19. 'A' Tool and Die Makers"* play the Fslrfield Market at th* be, just as strong as It. was last .'' 1949 OLDS 76 4-DOOR SEDAN CONMEGTIGUrS Alien, rf ...... 7 3-44-6 8 Vei-planck School gx’rft at 7:15. year. Brooklyn again wlU be the Gray. Low mileage. Radio and heater. KelsM. It ...... 8 •-16 16 Kelley 15, Kaaokas and Kkufman ir Gouge Makers ' Thla attraction will be a regular fell*, e ...... 6 10 each, for the winner* and team to beat. I also believe the Stock No. U-975...... $1295 CLEEliEST CARS MeulotU, r . .... ff 1-1 1 Weat Side Rec Junior . League Phils will be rough. Watch our for Oeodwin. r* . ... 7 4-6 18 Knight 14, OoodariQ 22 and Da- ir Precision Machinists CONSIDER THE ADVANTAGE OF WORKING RIGHT IN TOWN! .... ff 1-1 1 game and will be t)ie prelim the club. The Giants and Cards Meternoh, rs 18 Zonie 12 for th* BA’a to the' Nasslff-Wlnsted clash. 1950 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN DELUXE PRIDED RIRHT ' AeVerman. is .... ft i-a Next Saturday evening at tha ir Bullard Operators figure to be strong, .too. TTie Cards Bell. IS ...... 0 — Danielson and Mrs. Danielson are Two-tone blue. Radio and heater. ___ School has opened—tba baaabM Modern Machines and. Tools • Convenient Location • Good Parking Facilities # Many ir Bench Workers the proud parent* of a daughter' planck School, APPLY AT Elalfe «M) Stock No. C-887...... $795 r. Pt» variety—for the New Torts Taa- other advantages.. ‘ : bom la.st Thursday at Manchester i ’Tue^ay, Feb. > Kelley, rf ---- 6-5 16 kees. i r Janitors Memorial Hospital. Congratula Anir* vs. Newington, 7—Rec.- BUY’EM! Roeenfteln. rf 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN Kasoku. If ... Some 30 players turned up at Act NOW! . . . for present advantage's . 3 . for future opportunities. Visit a friendly ir PLUS innumeroble other jobs tiona are the order of the day. Doi^le Strikes vs. Frankie’*,. Foarler. c ...... the Glendale ball park yastndaaf 8:30—Rac. i Black. Radio and heater. Hydramatlc Drive- All cars Uated have Soygk. c ...... P 66 W A employment counselor . . . today! Near new tire*, puncture proof tubes. aa the master of foot fiindgld for men with the widest variety DOOR PRIZE at tonight's CBA Wedneaday, Feb. 4 fSHseus **Ed’* SnlUvan Kaufmen, rs . world champioiBahiiM. Maafigar Pioneer v*. Moriarty'*,’7—Y. Stock No. C-809. A real at ...... Dennlns. rs .. of shop and office skills ' basketball attraction at the Ver- $845 huy used ear svarranty. Earle. Is ..* ... Casey Stengel, preakUd ever Oo. planck School gym will be i $25 Teacher v«. State Service, 8:30 pre-aeaaon schooL _ -^Y. CHENEY BROTHERS Total* .33 30-31 64 certificate toward a new television Maaekeeter (S3) Among thooa vfho .casbad xdirt set. The donor la Maloney's Radio Friday, Feb. 6 nlng W orld Bariea dm (*a wact and Television store. ' High v». Middletown, 8:30--Ar- TAKE UP TO J in o o S i f e n ir r PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Allen., rf ---- Coach Frank CVoaettiL NEW Employrrient Office mory, UcLarnon: rt Oiartey Silvem. HANDICAP. GOLF ratings of | Poquonock vi. ■ fi / 1 I

WANGHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, GONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953 PA

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY^ FEBRUARY 2,1953 Rooms without Board 59 Houses tor Salt Houaca for Sale * Wanted— Real Estate 77 ’•Hal B oyle - PAGE FOURTEEN l a r g e f u r n i s h e d room, suit­ WANTED—4 to 6 room house, vi ^ig Waves Smash Articles for Sals 45 Household Goods 51 Wearing Auparel—^u fs 87 WANT EXTRA LAND? MANCHESTER clnity of Manchestal. Will Aotomobiles for Sale 4 lusincaa Senrices Offered 1.3 PainttiiB—^PaperiBf 21 Help Wanted— Male 86 able for young girl. Kitchen prlvl- leger'. 'Inquire '153 Eldridge street. cash., No egenta . pleaae. Despertly Luv Case SPARE TIME opportunity for Ro y a l ANO'Sriilth^roria port­ On Ihe'West Side of Town we 'offer CHEVROLETS, 1»46, 1»47, 1B48, POWER BURNERS and Range PAPERING, PAINTING, fioor Phone Mitchell 3-8486, CAPE COD " MItchell'3-8274. / Bumera expert.y cleaned and sanding and reflnishlng. Ceilings three' men 24 to 45 who need to able and standard typewriters. FIREPLACE FIXTURES MUSKRAT Pur coat, qize 18. tik e nice 6'Room Cape Cod with a 1949, 1950, two doora and fdUr AU makes of adding machines new, $110. Phone MItcheU 9-180J. WANTED—House building lot. Classified d o o ^ AH deluxe B ^ eU and tuUy aerdeed. Let us service and re­ whitened. Call Gilbert Flckett. supplerncnt present Income. We PLEASAN'f Furnished room with good piece of ground in addltlra SIX FINISHED ROOMS Dikesih .... \ - have a Srand new. program lf..you, solid..oc .ranted. Repatra . on .nU N E W W O O D -TO N E ,, ...... wltkln.>.H~.mila.. of> Center,:...Send Of Ate-Yeer Old » equipped. Slop and Oolft'pitre' pair 'your w*aiang*machine o r w ' 'Mitchell- fl-iaSSS;'-...... LADYtS SEAL tur" cozL Very'gibiod ■ cdoWfiS: to fiouie lot;;' Priced tb‘ sell.' ’1^ 0 balk room I like to meet people; free to work makea Marlow's. - - - ...... BREAKFAST SETS "particulars to. Box X, Hai-ald. tHia.selecUon of .beautiful, clean, frigerator. Metro Service. Mltjh- condiUpn. Q|ll MItcheU . 3-7201; : two adults.; .Cali MItcheU 9-4428. (Continued From Page One) Natbarlapdz' ,Queen Juliana., aiul Mwiirseiiienis: rii 9-0883. ' ...... - .V. « ' three Itoura evenlngr, and have » storiA .wlrifiows and doora, nacraa- t {guaranteed cars at Center Sfofof BRAND NEW 17'’ Emerson tele­ after 6 p. m. , ARTHUR A. KNOFLA *Uon room, amssUh driva, garaga. h., 244 Main S t Towel Supply, 73' Sumnilt street. range, also Florence two burner FRANCIS K. WAGNER be drive, nthrough them—and one small aurv'ey team. Lt. Gen; Man- TOVK coopiaiATioN w nx WEAVING of bui4is, moth holes condition, also child’s chest of (Cheney MHls. Call Mitchell 9-0395 hare and pushes me. He t^ ea m y; ■>' ^„^e of a challenge, Phone Mitchell 3-5416. oil stove. Both in good condition. drawers. Call MItcheU 9-2990. anytime. LARGE LOT. Cape Cod, six rooms, Reftlior No /Wrong in was. Up to 1,500 square miles ton S. Eddv, U. S. Army Com­ bubbel gum and chews it •'I' UP .i would say—the rough-hewn b e affbeciated i960 DODGE pickup. In very good and tom clothing, hosiery runs, of land were flexided. condition. S700. Keeney s Garage, APPLICA’nONS ACCEPTED Building Materials 47 Phone MItcheU 9-3100. two unfinished with basement ga­ mander in Chief in Europe, plan­ himself. The teacher Is mad at him,. kind of m*iemale «nv any woman feela she handbags repaired, ..tipper re­ ATTRACn’tVE FRONT room for Mitchell 9-0028 At Stellendam, in South Holland. ned to follow up with a flying visit and he la getting reddy to run Buckland. CLAMSHELL rage, three years old, aluminum could sculpture into aomethlng placement, umbtellas repaired, Help Wanted— Female 85 FOR GROCERY AND PRODUCE TWO TWIN Size G.E. electric buslpess couple or two, ladle.s. Contract Leak 70 person* were reported dead, out to see what help hii forces could away and ba a hermut. Dial MI-3-5121 men's shirt collars reversed and CASING ...... per $ -7H Rooms without Board 59 combination doora and ' window's, better. EXPERIENCED 'Girl for general blankets, cedar color, also fold- ■ Kitchen privileges If desired. C^ll of a population of 1,919. give. "Witch wun shall t grow up and BUY THE BEST FOR LESSl replaced. Marlow's L ittle Mending CLERKS MOULDED BASE..per i dormers Convenient loication. Lot CENTRAL—Fine home for large A man who at the age of eight office work -with knowledge of ’If— - ing cot ndth slip cover, Csjl WE HAVE a ,vacancy for one gen- - Mitchell ^11? after 5:30 p. m. 160 X 460.; Wmrren'Howland Real“ (ObitttBiied From Page One) Sunday’s 90-roUe winds were re­ Premier^ Willem Draea zuxn- marry? has the Idea of becoming « her- 1950' BUICK SPECIAL DeLUXE 4- Shop.. ______STAIN GRADE TH ' MItcheU 3-jH86. family or proper «W p to yield duced to 22 miles an hour today, DOOa SEDAN. Radio and .Heat­ stenogrephy. Tobet Baseball. Mfg...... JN M ANCHESTER___, ...... |i OAK DOORS ; av.------9.95- ^tjepianjn our rix room furnished_ - ty;'543 Woodbridge street. Mitch­ good Income. * Two-car -garage, mpned the Dutch Into (Signed) ..Maybelle...... , ____ m lt-wm probably .later- turn, out -. AimounceHieiits 'apsKment, Full use of kitchenr but 'temperat’u'raa 'around 'zero add­ emergency session. Ha planned 16 r. S. How do you like my han-- er. Dynaflow. Co. Phone Mitchell 3-5196. CEDAR STAIN SHAKEIS— ell 3-8600. Madaliaa Smith, Realtor. Mitchell 19U, denidenounced relations between to be a bank president-—or e bank Building— Contraetinar 14 ON FULL-’nME BASIS " S ^ E ! living room and private bedroom. ROOM 'FOR Rent: Gentleman. In­ ed to the sum of human misery. report to parliament on the disas­ righting? I Just lumed how." a n y TYPE doll repaired. Dressed 1947 BUICK SUPER DeLUXE 4- All.Colors ...... per eq. 18.95 9-1642, Mitchell 3-4679. DjMda amand the company aa "highly bandit. It all depends oh wheth­ CLERK TYPIST wanted foT^ gen­ Call MItcheU 3-5416. quire 91 Foster street. SIX ROOM Cape Ood, four rooms Many crops of winter wheat were ter tomorrow. to order. Specialty collection DOOR SEDAN. Radio and Heat­ FOR YOUR, new building or repair FRAMING—2x4 to 2x10 improper.” er the right woman gets A hold eral office work. Apply Manches­ MANY BENEFITS NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC finished, two unflriished. BuUt / Ha recommended that Deeds be damaged, along with thousands of Across the channel, the English Well, Maybelle. you are con­ pieces restored. Dresses copied. er. Job see Wm. Kanehl. Contractor SHEATHING—1x8 - n e w l y d e c o r a t e d , beautiful­ of him. 1949 OLDSMOBILB 88 4-DOOR SE­ ter Modes, Inc., Pine street. VACUUM CLEANERS 1951. Hot water-oil heat. Vesti­ 'court-martialed, but Secretary ot acres of rich soil. lowlands from the mouth of the fronted with woman’s oldest prob­ Can PIgrim 2-6945. and Builder. Mitchell 3-7773. f Small truck load ly fiirnished and rpacious room NEW TWO-^FAMILT HOUSE., What If Bill doesn’t really know DAN. Radio and Heater. Hydra- Paid Holidays Pension Plan lots) ...... per M 99.60 30% OFF bule, fireplace, very large kitchen. CaU MItcheU 3-6105. War Newton D. Baker In 1919 re Docks Crumble Thamea north to Yorkshire— the lem -J- how to choose between two he wants you. Maybelle ? . What REMINGTON and Schick shavers, malic. WOMAN WANTED for laundry APPALACHIAN OAK .’The most complete ,11$*'^ house Fenced rear yard. Aluminum Jacted that recommendation and In the Belgian port of Antwerp land called Eaat Anglia—were fine men, one who wanta to marry Five Day Week Hospitalization keeping facilities available In If he does prefer pulling jfour parts and service at Russell's I1949 8TUDEBAKER CHAMPION Roofing—Siding 16 work. Numerous benefits.. Apply FLOORING ...... per M 195.00 A. B. C. APPLIANCE CO. combination screens and storm OUTSKIRTS — . Approxlmal cleared Deeds of emy blame. about 150 yards of docks crumbled Inundated, at some points as t it you, and the other who thinks he Mancheater. You will marvel at hair to making mud plea? Barber Shop, comer Oak and 2-DOOR SEDAN. Radio and in person. New Model Laundry, Good Starting Wage PLYSCORD-4X8 .. per M 160.00 MItcheU 9-1575 31 Maple Street REMEMBER windows. $9,500 mortgaga"-xom- eight years old six room slrigls Kefauver subjected Talbott to into the Schelde estuary. Another Inland as three mllea, by water doesn’t. . the cleanliness of this building. Your problem la to curb hie ro­ Spruce streets. Phone Mitchell j Heater. . FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that 73 Summit street. mitinent. Priced to. sell. Henry with atUched garage. Awt(ing», an intensive examination concern 130 yards . collapsed in the city six feet deep. It is a big decision, and one you __Children accepted. Central. Pric- CMvey Hardest Hit mantic nonsense and wild ways.' 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION stay on in any kind of storm, and Group Insurance ALL GRADEIS OF PLYWOOD PRACTICALLY New Ruud gas oil heat, coppar plpiar,- in g telegrams from Iieeds, but proper. But the Belgians, toot a«. vey ought to think through. Don’t ruth 9-5523. GIRL FOR office work. Typing - ■ Elacott Agency. MItcheU 9-7683. England’s nardeat hit spot ap­ Get your mother-to help you. Have 4-DDOR SEDAN. Radio and gutters, conductors and roof re­ AND PLYSCORD”' ' water heater, automatic. 20 gal­ ''ed so reasonably you’ll gasp! Be inaulatlon, split raU lanoe/large Talbott' tbid him he knew person badly hU as their Dutch neighbors, Into anything. Keep them both necessary. 40 hour week. Numer­ Sick Benefits Vacation With Pay lons. Phone Mitchell ^9333, or peared to be Canvey island, 25 dangling for a while. After all, you her bake him sonie real cookies Heater. Overdrive. pairs. Call Coughlin. Mitchell sure and see this one. Mrs. Dor NORTH MANCHESTER—Excep­ lot with, fruit trata. ahruba and ally about only one of them—the sent small boats to evacuate 8 CHAMPION ous benefits. Appfy in person. The Original and Only Office MItcheU 3-4159, Ask for Johnson. miles down the Thamea from Lon­ still have a few months before you instead of mud plea. Borrow Penonsto 1951 STUDEBAKER 3-7707. NEW sey, 14 Arch street. tional 5 room Cape Cod, attached liower gardens.' This is a ieal nice first one received. stranded Dutchmen. STARLIGHT COUPE/ Radio and Manchester Coat. Apron, Towel In New Haven. don. After 30 bodies were recov­ have to make up your mind fin­ Johnny’s electric train, and Invite WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and Apply on Tuesday between 9:30 garage, screen porch, attractive home in a quiet n*l|mborhood.' Talbott' testified h e . believed The danger to The Nctherlanda Bill over to your house to play THE PRpBPBCT HUl School for Heater. Overdrive. Supply, 73 Summit street. MAROON COLORED maple sofa f u r n i s h e d r o o m for rent, Deads reaps*! no financial gain by ered there. Police Supt. W. 8 . Pope ally aiding. Highest quality may a. m. : 5:30 p. m. at A A P Super NA-nONAL lot. An unuS'.ally fine home. Com­ Thirty day occupancy/ear owner remained great. Gale winds which with It. young children. Transportation I J-DtSoR. Market, 178 Washington St-, Hart­ bed for sale, $20. Excellent condi­ EMPLOYMENT near Main .ld. EklUmates glad­ SALES TRAINEE . Iture. combiriatiori .raii^s. . gisyt ficeplai&; tile, hath, hot waUr ; . .’Talbott, ..tealified it would .cpf.t non;l(; ,al(l this year. She .had 'ire-, hearing Flynn until two- other ,wlU ment to. be ipade. by Uta ex- itaates. Open evenings. Jointer Fur­ APPOINTMENT ~ ■■ Drill" Preae Operatora ■ for Rent 64 persons ‘ were^ -still'-stranded, "on ‘ ALL WINTERIZED ly given. C. O. Lorentsen. MItch­ CINCX) ALL Aluminilm combtna- ranges snd heaters. Jones Furni­ heat, flownstairi' lavatory; a mod­ Tbt' Appointment "nM'te'Call him about $200.000-extra in taxes gained her feet ecohomlcally after nessea are,to appear — one fqr and ecuttve-is exited ib id .to 'fdr' niture. Oak street. MItcheU Electricians rooftops ■ and In trees as today eU 9-7636. Large, national corporation tion wlndowa No painting, no ture Store, 36 Oak. MItcheU ern mtchen, nice location. S. A. to sell his holdings of Cthrysler Die raAigcs of World War II and one against OonAnt. mer Governor James C. Shannon 9-1041. , changing, no atoiing. Free esti­ m . MItelwn 3*4021 HOWARD R. HASTINGS dawned bleakly (iver a scene of ot Bridgeport.- He resigned hla. 9-1041. Engine Lathe Operators FOR RENT Bceohler. Realtor. Phone Mitch­ Motors, Electric Auto-Lite and deva.stetion unparalleled In the a starvation period. They era Mrs. Beatrice Brown of 1961 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Qub HEATTNG From A to Z. Con­ will employ young man for mate given, no/obligation. CaU Now millions of dollars worth of post ss COP National committee- Coupe. Radio, heater. Low mile- WINDOW SHADES made to order Grinding Machine ell 3-6989. MANCHESTER MItchisU 9-1107 Standard Packing securities. country’s hlat'ory. The death toll New York, chairman of the version burners, boller-bumer William Tunsky, Mitchell 9-9095. KENMORE Washing machine with T H O M A S J. SPACE FOR BUSINESS crops in the rich, reclaimed sea Women’s Oommlttea for clean Gov man last week. This qras regard­ ««e. and InstaUed. Venetian bUnde sales budget manager. Full Operatom was expected to psss the 400 mark ed aa a itep to clear the way for 1961 PLYMOUTH Cam brige Oub units, complete heating systems. autoriiatic timer. In excellent con 3 MDROOM ranch near school, before nightfall. bottom of a far’-dlung area have ernment, who la opposed to the apd curtain rode- 34 hour service. All worit guaranteed; Time payv BOLTON — .fiuUding atone and dition. Phone MItcheU 9-9018- or . - Material Handlers OR INIHJSTRIAL' living'room has'-fli'eplace-and plc- DEEPWOOD, Driye-^four , rpom been- ■ destroyed-.-- In^uded- - Were hfifi ippolntiTitnti _ Coupe. Radio, heater. Real clean Eetlinates gladly given. Fagan flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. QUISH single, picture window, oil burn­ in England, psirticinarly, grlm4' nominailOh, and Joseph M. Davtrzon ments arranged Moiiarty Broth­ .salary during training course. MItcheU 9-8081. Bench Workera. tjire window, lovely kitchen and Arniy IJsts Doctor peas, beans, potatoes;, and other of Wa^ington, axecuttve director Atty, Charlaa C. House of Man­ car.. Window Shade Oo., Route 44 at Phone MiXchell 9-0617. Stanley er, full cellar, lot 90’ front. Well faced officials feared that many chester, Informaal legal advlsar to ers. Tel. Mitchell 3-5135: Apartment No. 2 a Tool and Die Mnkera MANCHESTER, CONN, inette, tile bath, Delco heat, air vegetables. of the Baptist Committee on Pub 1951 DODGE Wayfarer 2-Door Se Bolton Notch. Mitchell 9-4473. All benefits; Age 20-25. Ex­ . Patnode. TWO REFRIGERATORS, one landscaped $9,100 with $2,60() more residents along the eastern the governor, la understood to be dim. Radio, heater. Gyromatie 6 Charter Oak Street feondltloned. contlnuoiis hot water, As Buck Private Holland's valuable tulip crop Uc affairs, who favors It. . PLUMBING And heating. Special­ electric atove—az Is, $30 com­ e Sheet Metal Mechanlea cash. Immediate occupancy or coast had been awept out to sea. the second man on the tatter’s list drive. 30’ X 33’, Concrete Floor full .cellar and hatchway. For The money cost of the weekend was spared, however. Her exten- The committee meanwhile was LJNOLELTM Remnants SOc square izing In repairs. Copper water cellent opportunity. 50% OFF on famous makt Bat­ plete. Also ice boxes,. $3 arid 5. a Preclalon Machlniata may be purchased fumlahed. 0*11 tor a high court appointment,' 1950 PLYMOUTH Special DeLuxe yard. Asphalt tile, waU covering. teries Written guaranteea. $1.00 Office ' /Electric Wiretl a'ppotntmeht, call age.nt, MItcheU dlshstcr— one of the worst in -alve tulip beds are l(x;ated north of awaiting word on whether It will piping, remodeling electric equip­ CaU Hartford 6-0730 or 405 Wash­ « Scrapers Wm. Goodchlld, Sr.. Realtbr. Fort Devens, Mass:. Feb. 2- (gq the flood area. while Mr. Andertoh is ballavad to 4-Door Sedan. Top tradea. Com Done by reliable, well-trained down, |L00 weekly. Calso Serv- Machine Shop .or Garage 3-7295. Europe’s peacetime history raji be given.access to lecret informa­ be third. " • — ment for plugged drains. Edward ington street. TOWl^r OF MANCHESTER, a Spinners Mitchell 3-7925 any time. / , .—A Connecticut doctor whd l.s In The two biggest cities In' the para. men. AU Jobs guaranteed. HisU Icenter. Tel. MItcheU 3-4164, into uncounted miUlons of dollars. tion on Gen. Walter Bedell Smith Expansion of the Superior Court 1950 DOtoGE .Wayfarer. Black". Johnson, MItcheU S-6979 or WRITE BOX L ' CONNECTICUT MANCHESTER 82 Scarborough the Armv a.s a private rather than flood aieq. Rotterdam and Dor­ Linoleum Co., 68 Cottage street. MItcheU 3-4165, or MItcheU EASY WASHING machine. Good a Many, Many Others. HARRY LIBBY J Brr.achlng Holland’s historic a longtime friend and asaociate of staff tb help relieve the crowded Real clean ctu*. MItcheU 3-5044. Road. 7 rooms, tile bath, lava­ As an officer because he refused to dikes ip couTitless places, the flood- drecht. apparently were out of Elsenhower, who has been 'nom Mitchell 9-4023, evenings Mitch­ c'o HERALD ^•0980. condition. Hx years old. CaU Bnhnritafi fo t Salfi 75 dockets la being given top priority 1950 DUDGE Coronet 4-Door Sedan. Invitation to Bid Tel. Rockville 5-9413 tory, 2-car garage. Immediate oc list the organizations to .which he waters poured inland as much as danger today as the watera began inated for Undersecretary of ell 3-6166 or Mltriiell 3-8100. GUARANTEED Plumbing and Mitchell 9-8756. ACT NOW! belonged, left the Fort Devens in­ In the legislature. Radio, heater. Gyromatie drive. BRAND NEW 1953 21" table CL'pancy. Reasonable. Town and NEWLY REMODELED two-fam- 40 miles at some points. Hardest to recede. But the big talandz of Sta'te. Bills advocating an Increase in heating. ' Alterations snd new MECHANib Wanted lor genenil duction center lodsy for basic in­ Many other extraa. LX30RS OPENED, keys itted, model television. Ready for U. H. UNIVERSAL Bantam electric Collection Country Realty, Inc., West Hart­ ily home. 4 and 5 rooms. 5 room* hit were the provinces of Zeeland Zeeland and Soiith Holland, where Senator Green TD-RI), a com­ the number of Superior and Com­ 1960 CHEVROLET DeLuxe 2-Door work. Perma gla-a electric and repairs. Gall MItcheU 3-6449. ' FOR LEASE—One or three year's. ford 3-6286 or Glastonbury 3-2792. fantry training at Camp Pickett, damage was the greatest, con­ copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons, F. Hand rubbed mahogany cabl. range. (3ood cendition. Priced SmaU building in . Manchester. vacant. Modtm kitchen and bath­ ■and northern Brabant, In southern mittee member, said in advance of mon Pleas Court Judges are ached- Sedan. Very low mileage. gas water heaters sold and In- apply at Va. Holland, the Frisian Tsie of Texei. tinued .to be pounded by death- guns, stc., repaired. Shears, net, $189.95,^ '^rm s. Phone right for gulcItNaale. Phone MItch­ Ideal for pfrire or tnisin:.'s. Lane room, have to be seen to be ap­ today’s saasiop that ha had an open liled for hearing by the Judiciary Two 1949 DODGE Wayfarera, 3 ataUed, Time payments arranged. ROUTE SALESMAN^-for estab-^ Of Gjarbage SIX ROOM Furnished hqme. Own­ Ha la Pyl. Charles A. NugenI, t». they. zhalPh$ opened and. read) No dale for a bearing on Smith’s meeting .bas been re-achedulad for . 1941 PONTIAC 3-Door Sedan. 9r5844. bot bootod if pofiflblo. 250 MAIN STRElET miles from Aircraft. Price $8,500. ■which, he haul been associated .»*)( : The. waters poured, south Into.;. M o n ^ ^ Feb. 9. to be hsM-ia tltt mercial and domeatle. Sail our Also Paramount custom made 1 'aloud. AIRCRAFT , . FOR RENT-'^Storage -warehouse Call .Stafford. OVerland 4-7306 ot Belgium, flooding even wlde-ri Irt the Nieuwe Neuzen Polders, nohifnfttioh hM b€€ii net btit It TnRy display of guaranteed used refrig­ OR MEAT MAN in . finished basement. , Clean, LARGE 7-ROt)M SINGLE "too broad for. any man to be ex- Municipal Building. Venetian blinds. Hastings aluml Copies of speclficaUens may be | ^JWylaionjBf tln lt^ AlMraft ^ 4-2968. sreiia of Flanders and turning the.l while, the parents were asleep In be held tomorrow. He U the re­ erators. George-H. -WlUlama As>- MttHnery— DreeemaklBit- 18 awnings .and' door; hooto. free- by fNivfoifioodI mm ond obtained'St- the • ofn'esrpf the -Gen' -. light— and. -dry^Approximately- Thadxah.be convierted Into, profaa.- 1 perted.to .sign". s'! g'fe.i'l port rtf Antwerp''Into a rlty : »n-upstairs bedroi^, water aeeped tiring director of the Central In— Civil Deftmto Pirector Edward., — 1 • NUBtnt- was' clBsgifled lA as Kraaenlcs «y.d. Oeijeral ^lapagpr V SCM ^E-INC.;,:,. ; sociatcs,..260. TOUanit'. lUtnpUct.. p'>' I 1 ■ 7!—■■■■ FULL OR^ PART TIME eatimetes. no down' payment, eral Manager, Munidpat: BuHdingej ' Corpemtien' . 1170 square ,;faet:- Inquire- Bayaz jionai officea sr apartmenu.,, HoVKd ,V.'Of*CbMttslbrL Tftcphcmes, attft'CleC'f./Mq:*. h«^,/U iriM «-qver-toe -era-; telMg«iw/Agei«y-: ^OIA.>^nd.duti Manchester. Phone MItcheU ALTEIRATIONS on women’s and fdviRy of Frqlt and Produce Cp; or tele­ In good condition. Excellent loca­ Wanted'—Real Efitate 1 m.g World War M was Elsenhow­ ■Rtclraw' Martin and Other town ■ years to pay. Office 41 Oak Manchester. Clonn. tion-plenty of parking. Immedi­ officials will be present at that 9-3585, nights MItcheU 3-7691. children’s clothing, very reason­ TOWN- OF MANCHESTER .East Martfard a, Cean. phone MItcheU 3-5175. I . — . education was flnan , ,, m drydocks were overturned. asleep and snuffed out its tiny life. er’s Cliief of Staff. Dodge and Plymouth Cars able. Call MItcheU 9-4370. Mrs. street. CaU MItcheU 3-8177. eve­ ate occupancy. Private mortgage LISTINGS Wanted Single, two-| government session; to present badges, uni­ ; ^lANCHESTER nings MItcheU 3-4010. Coventry By: RICHARD MARTIN ” ' More than .50 cities and tow*ns "When we were aware of the The Foreign Relations commit­ Dodge Job Rated Trucks Brunelle. PHONE Mi*3*S121 available if desired. family. threerfamliy hualneas | Jan. 10. messaged fox cmergeney aid. Many flood, It was too late." said one forms. coats, boots and helmata to Pilgrim 2-7318^______g e n e r a l m a n a g e r tee asked the government loyalty the CD firemen. ALL KINDS of carpentry work. I PUBH^ MARKET Homes for .'Rent 651 property. Have many cash buy- | He Is a native of Denver Colo, others could not even be contai-ted. man from near Donirecht, 'Our review board Friday for testimony Reasonable rates. MItcheU 9-4291.1 MoTtng— Tnieking'— T. J. CROCKETT ' are. Mortgages arranged. Please j and the father ot two children. 634 CENTER STREET COVENTRY—'lliree room unfurn­ Emergency r.-*dloTircuits crackled lionje was totally sijrroun'jed' by Smith gave It In the case of John IKE JOINS CHURCH S t o n if* 80 SAVE 10%! 244 MAIN STREETT call George L Grazladlo Real-1 •— ------' with a confused'jumble of calls for water. , We telephoned tn'e po- Paton .Davies. Jr., a State Depart­ RUBBISH . and Ashes remo'ved. 805 MAIN STREET ished house. Near bus and school. tor. riltchell 9-5878. 109 Henry POWER MOWERS CaU Coventry Pilgrim 2-6912 MItcheU 3-5416 aid, i lice, but they were helpless. Flnal- ment career officer now serving as * PHONE Mitchell 3-5101 Parking lots arid driveways plow­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO:, strMt. * . Washington. Fab. 2—tf5—The ed. Immediate service, reaaoriable) Four Famois Makes after 7 p. m. Residence Mitchell 3-44*”’ Man Bound Oyer In GravendccI population 5,316 iy, at four in the morning. I de- political adviser to U. 8 . occupa­ National Presbyterian Church had local and long distance moving, STENO-CLERK —65 were report*^ dead.. To the' elded to make a break. , Drawers tion authorities In western Ger­ rates. Phone MItcheU 9-0650. STORE CLERK and delivery boy 82.00 WEEKLY ^ Evenings two prominent new members to­ A Safe Place To Buy Used Cars! packing, .storage. CaU MItcheU for part time work In drug store. CONSIDERING SELLING west, the twin islands of Goeree ■ were floating In the living room, many. « For aceountinff office. FOR RENT—Six rooms and ga- TOUR PROPERTY? On Morals Charge day: President and Mrs. Dwight D. 3-5187 - Hartford 6-1423. Afternoons sind evenings. CaU | No Payments Until May . rage, fumlrhed. One year I^;ase. and Over-Flakkce reported 40 cas- j Horror-stricken; my wife and two The Loyally board recently MANCHESTER TV Service, radio Age 18 to 40. No previous Without obligation to you. wa Eisenhower. and TV specialists since 1934. MItcheU 9-8143. AU convcnltncea.-realdcntia] toca-. CAPE COD—Six finished roome, iialtiea and asked urgently for‘s, chil(lren clambered on to a table cleared Davies of disloyalty 1939 OLD8 MOBILE Sedan. Radio, MANCHESTER —Package DeUv'- COLE MOTORS wUl app*aua or make fou a cash Rev. Edward L. R. Elson, dtureh House service call $3.50. MItcheU experience necesssir* tlon. Suburban Realty Co., Rcal- tvt'6 Tiill baths. tecrcBUon room, Paul Cleary. 61. of 26 Newman big steamer to evacuate the popu-T In the living rortm. I waded with charges. Smith has said publicly healer. Drive It away, $75. Phone ary. Local light trucking and S.**r. for property See_ju» before and minister, said Ettfenhower was un- aSltCnoiT 3*o29T. ■9-*lf)6_dayor night;-...------^ ____ sebyicenter _ tor.-MItcheU-a-OSWr------g a m e .- amcAit? JrlyeL w e/t. sjdA., -Was bound-xiEET ta.JJie_neXl_|4aUon.-. package" deUwry. fiefrigentoraT ...... "MEN-WANT ED^.""" near schools and bus. Call owner, vbu~aeU. session of Superior Court by Judge So far. 32 drowned had been re^^nneke. In water up to my chest. efflcient officer. While ttom one washers and stove moving BRAE-BURN REALTY Ambassador to ' Moscow, Davies 1948 FORD Club coupe. Radio, PIANO 'TUNING and repairs by COLE MOTORS Mitchell 9-4858. John S. G. RoUner this morning ported from the Islands of Zeeland } to a nearby dike where we Found Army post to another” In Wa mlB- heater. Very clean. Clarke Motor factory trained, expert with 16 specialty. MItcheU 9-0752. FOR RUGGED MILL WORK | - BUpGET CENTER SECRETARY Wanted to Rent 68 Phone Mitchell S-6273. served under him. MANCHESTER — Look this One under $5,000 bond on a charge of orovince. Some of these Islands safety. tary career. The PreaWent l6. "• Sales. Phrnie MItcheU 9-2012. year’s experience bn Steinwsy, injury or risk of injury to children. still were cut...... off from the outside. "I made ihe trip three times, The Foreign Relations .commit­ ALBAIR k BERRY, rubbish re­ Good Pay and Benefits- . For senior executive. Age WANTED—^ Private garage, one over for $10,800. Six room Cape CASH R U Y M 8 waiUng for 4. 6, tee's request for Smith’s testi­ man of.aimpla faith, who la aln- / Knabes, Mason-Hamlin and all 91 and 436 Center Street From testimony heard in Town Nord Beveland—more than 60 the la.st time with my wife. By cera In hla religious doctrine,’^ Dr. 1950 PACKARD four-door sedan. moval, household and commercial. 24 to 40. or two car. Any section of town. Cod. Oil heat, tile bath, storm 8 and aeven eoom singles and then, she was paralyzed in both mony before the Loyalty board ap­ makes. AU work guaranteed. Ught trucking. MItcheU 9-2591. 40-Hour W’ork Week Mitchell 8-4161 — 9-0980 two-family hO'iaas m Mancheater. Conrt. Judge RoUner said thele square miles in area—was said to Elson added. . . Radio, heater, defrosters, automa­ Tel. Mr. Robinson, MItcheU Must have cement floor. Phone windows and doors. Convfenient waz no question In hls: min'd thq.t a be totally ..under water. Another legs and I had tp, drag her to the parently put up to Eiaenhowar an Bolton. (Toventry aad Vernon Issue that former President Tru­ ■ The minister said the PraatoSBt, tic transmission. A -l condition. 3-7691, With Overtime I REMINGTON ” 60” dual head elec­ MItcl.eU 3-519L ask for Mrs. Hall to school and bus. 25 year mort­ crime had been committed and, Zeeland island, Schoiiwen-Dulve- dike." never having been baptized betoca, Must sell at once. Best offer tak­ tric ahavert, rag. $27.95 priced for Workiag hoars S to S. Exeellent or Mr*. Brunner, gage available. Phone Barbara Howard R Heatings, Mitchell man often had to meet—whether Painting— Papering 81 since the local court would not take land. also was out of touch. to give Congressional (mmmlttees was received Into membaffi^B en. Call MItcheU 9-8397 between WIRING INSTALLATION of all I Contact Immediate clearance at ' $14.50. working oondltiona altk oon- W’oods, A^ent. Mitchell 9-7702. 9-1107. .State of Emergency fR A S il INJI’BIBK FATAL WANTED - 3 or 4 room i heated Jurlsdlctioh in the case, found access to secret.. Investigating upon Christian baptism 6a4M S a. m. and 6 p. m. types. No Job too small. CaU | PAINTING, Ibcterior and Interior, Bnuiner’s, 358 Eaat Center street. geaial sarroiindlBgB. latervtews probable cause and bound the ra.se Both Holland and Belgium pro­ Trumbull. Feb. 2-^-t/P)—Michael fession of faith, whU^M re-. ■ RAYMOND KRISTOFF apartment by couple with on? MOVE RIGHT IN. Nice home. MANCHESTER and vicinity has files. MItchein9-7303. . paperhanging. CaiUnga reflniah- 9 te 12 sad 1 to S. Special Iq- JUNIOR EXECUTIVE over to Supreme Court. claimed a state of emergency ns F. Bolizk. 65,'of Huntington dls- hower. a baptisad ^ P ie e W l^ 1951 DODGE convertible. Ivory At terviewa eaa be a rra a i^ by ap­ child. Phone MItcheU 3-7727. Many extra- . Good mortgage ar­ the homes that you want. With Sen. Taft aald h« believes a «d. Wall paper books on request. no obligation this office invites thou.sand.s tried to plug the gaplqg j lrlet. Newton, dic(l today in St. was admitted upon confhrmafliw t with black top, radio,, heater, Estimatea givtn. FuUy insured. pointment after 5 p.m. and National orgaalaalioa wanta man wKh pnliUe reintiana ability rangement. Call Mitchell 9-9221. holes in the dikes with sandbags i Vincent’s Ho.spitaI, Brld^epqrt. <)f method will be found to let the LOUIS’ UMBRELLA SHOP CENTRAL CONN. CO-OP. you to use our friendly service Prepare a Cheese spread and committee have the Information it baptismal vows. Ha gyromatie drive. $1,450. Excellent REPAIRING - RE-CGVERmO CaU Edward R. Price. MItcheU We neeA Ranch Hemes. Saturday- momhig by eallhig and wide local contacts. Mnat be married and praferaMy eellege or fought their way through the j injuries received in sn auto acci- lO'Apel Place Business Property MANCHESTER — Four large and find that home for you. The have it on hand in the refrigerator wants. But he said it presented a bower’s faUiar w6a=A. condiUon. CaU MItcheU 3-7609. ALSO 9-1003. ColoBlala and Capa Cods Personnel Office, RockrlOe graduate.'Peraen entployed will be tboroaghly trained. Adequate for holiday snacks. One-quarter swirling. near-frCezingrCezing w a t e r s j debt here the River TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED at fair prices tor onr cash S-$Sfil. . for Sale 70 rooms in lovely secluded setting. E and E Agency. Phone Mitchell Police said BoUzk’a car hit a "delicate queatlon.” . 1948 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Lais ■alary te elart, with reaeoaable ezpeetatleae et 816,666 per year Youngstown kitchen paneled 'In pound of blue cheese mixed with seeking survivors. Many drowned I Taft suggested Elsenhower might AU Makes Cleaned, OUed PAINTING And paperhanging. No castomees. Qnick aervlee 9-8715 or 9-1167. in their homes before they could rock on the Green In Long HUl Have you notlcod trous black finlMi, fully equipped V a l u a b l e com er, iio' x 200 knotty pine. Oil hot water heat, one-half pound of cream cheese let Smith bring before tho group or Overhauled Job too amaU. Phone MItcheU ^-ne red tape. arlthla 8 years. Maet be preeeatly eiatleyed. Give Jail details ef e.scape. 1Centff last night. A companion. folks are wild about Kxtra nice Mndition. Priced to with' 16 room house. Lo<^ted at trees, garage. an.estte drive, bus. WANTED—Farm within 15 or 20 makes a good basis; then sdd add read a copy .of the testimony 46 BISSELL STREET S-8872. preaeat enpleymeat, baekgroand aad cdneatloa. All repUfa will such seasonings ss Worcester­ Troops were rushed to help and Wanda , 00, also' of Newton some young lolka i m . m U. See Bob Oliver, Center TELEPHONE MRcheU 3-555$ Tavern For Sale U r o iN T E . 405 .Washington street, Hartford. school. Illness forces tale, $10,500. miles of Manchester, have $4,000 was treated for minor Injuriea and he gave the Loyalty board. be treated la etriet ieeafMenee aad ae ceataete made with preeeat down payment. CaU Mitchell shire akuce, lemon Juice, or those on leave were summoned Truman, with lew exceptions, about wUd? Motor Sales, 481 Main street. PAINTING 'AND "Paparhanglng. Business zone. Three garages. Carlton W. Hutchin.4. Mlteball back to emergency duty. The released from the hospital. CARPENTER .work of aU kinds. Free aMmataa: Paper booka 57 liu d l StTMt JARYIS REALTY ELECTRONIOS, las. cmpleyere wlthoot coaeeat ef appUeaaL Call Hartford 6-0730, 9-5132-MItchell 3-6231. 3-S274. mustard. - Floors sanded snd finished. No available. Gat our spring outside BOX NO. A, e|e w atA i.n ■1 W fpO L N seven pasaenger. Job too amaU. Phona MItcheU pricea now.- .CaU Cliff 8 c q ^ , fboM Mi*3-4112 l U West Mala St^ RoekvUle I l.r a p im 2-H92. ^T«l. M i-9 - s m 3-8372. MItcluU9-4m L ■1 I , I .

V ’ 1------r t" C*' m: .-i ■ /■ • =5 ' ’ '

\ MbNI>AY, FEBRUARY.2, 1953 pagesecteem . ( Make an Appointment the Bloodmohile Visit morrow

« - - All.members .of the Manchester. Board thla summer, conslattng of Registered Nurses Association are IS'lsadera tri theif profSasiOris from NARC Drive aJI parts of the nation. ' ' Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather AboutTown urged to attend the meeting at Waddeli-Wilson Nuptials 7:30 tomorrow night In the nurses It has been eetlmated by Medical For the Week Ended Fqreowt of. II. 8- We(Mhet .|tannR. ■dining room at the hospltali. Enter­ Opens Feb. 8 RasaarcK tbat appcoximataly 2 per; ' V w ivM of w St. ceftt of tha total population is men­ Club «■«. Invited to attend tainment vvlll be provided by the Maa'M Barber Shoppers o f -Rockville. tally -cetarded^v M entat deficieney, flkMW tonight. Total foEtlier m - tile program tonight at 7:30 4T tTie' like physical deficiency, can . and 10,871 ctmolntlon 2 to I Inehee. Clearing, church. A t this time Nancy Weir, Marks First Fund>Rais« The first noon luncheon of the does happen to children of fam­ Meaber of the Audit warmer Wedneedny. Betty Ann Trotter and Barbara ilies In all walks of life. There Is Kloppenburg, members of Senior year for the business men and ing Campaign to Help Biucnd of CXrcalntlone , .Manchester~--A City of Village Charm women of the town will be served urgent need for public educational ( Girl Scout Troop ,'l who went to Aid Mentally Retarded facilities to care for these handi­ Europe last summer, will ^how Thursdav at the South Methodist Church by the Ward group of the capped, and need for 'reMarch to the INDIAN HEADT woyl slides and tell of some of their ex­ The National Association for learn the causes of and preventive (ClnaeUted Advertintng an Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) \ PRICE FIVE CENTS periences in Europe. Women's Society of Christian VOL. LXXil, NO. 105 Serx'ice. An appetising meal will Retarded Children will have its measures for mental retardation. A few communities have rivate day Mrs. Alice Johnston of 299 htain be ser\'ed at a modest price as first national fund raising cam­ their advertisements indicate, and care centers for the young, and Street, an employe of the town's paign Feb. 8 through Feb. 15. A sheltered work shops for the older econom ic^/.,. practical and worry-proofl health department, and Miss Sadie patrons may drop In at their con­ venience between the period. 11:30 part Of the proceeds will be used children. Plans are made for educa­ Curran of 953 Main street, left bj' to establish a National Head­ tional and training facilities for plane yesterday for a month's Stay S.m. to 1 p:m. It will be well, how­ quarters to coordinate the effwts those capable o f learning. Medicbl Ui Florida where they will visit ever, to make resers-ations through of this fast growing erganizaffin. clinics, research laboratories and with Mrs. Gladys Haenggl, a sis­ Mrs. Norman Baldwin of 23 New­ man street, Started in May 1950. at Colum­ recreational facilities are planned o n ter-in-law of Mrs. Johnston in bus, Ohio, a small group of interes­ BO these "children limited" can re­ Barasota. Herman A. Pallalt of 130 West ted parents has grown to 150 ceive education and training to Center street is spending the win­ parent groups throughout the na­ the limit of their ability. Orford Parish Chapter, DAR, ter irt San DlSgo. Calif. He expect# tion, with over 25,000 participating will meet at 2:30 Thursday after­ to visit- Mexico. City for, a. . few .parenta,...... noon at the home of MrS: ByJ'bn G. weeks before returning to Mm - Cooperating In this fund drive, Boyd, 47 Lancaster road. Harold chester early this summer. ia the Manchester Association for i S. Burt, examiner of public records, the Help of Retarded Children. will be the guest speaker, and the The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mrs. Sylvester J, Benson, Is th e' FRESH CANDY hostesses will be Mrs. Reuben T. Concordia Lutheran Church will treasurer of this sasoeiation and Whitman. Hchrafft, P. A 8. McCann, Mrs. Frank O. Steele and meet tomorrow night at 7:30. A ft­ coptributlona may be sent to her Candy Cupboard Mrs. H. R. Tiffany. er the biuiiness meeting Mrs. Wes­ at 275 Green road. ^Arthur Drus Sterts ley McMullen will show colored Publicity through the coopera­ View of Drowning Village--Extent of Flood Area The Divine Spiritual Circle will slides of New Orleans. A Valentine tive press, radio, T. V. and leading meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the social with games and refresh- magazines, has ersated a veritabls High Tides Peril Lithuanian Hall on Golway street. menU will follow. All members :es delug. of Inquiries from parents The speaker will be Mrs. Marie are urged to be present. The host­ that has overwhelmed the Volun­ Garrett of Hartford. esses for the evening will be Mrs. teer workers who are trying to S\isan Kotsch. Mrs. Elizabeth conduct the National business. TTiis "Wtnv-e>Mf"nwK V Devastated The 'Waddell School P T A will c«¥w M# nrMM. Lindkloster. Mrs. Katherine has made -necessary the establish­ MAORI OIL CO. meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Mrosek and Mrs. Helen Monaat. y*. MS. ing of a headquarters in order to y*. wlill*. TMal tw» in the school auditorium. Speak­ •• mekt, ttS.M. Is Unfortunate biteg help to these thousands o f ers will be present to talk on the Manchester Lodge No. 73, A .F . Rcmq* and Fud Oil B y TH E a s s o c i a t e d PRESS parents and their mentally handi­ Boy and Girl Scout programs,' and and A.M., will confer the Entered Known dead in the storm and flood disaster in three coyn- Miss Emily Smith of The Herald Apprentice degree at a special capped children. 24 HOUR SERVICE tries passed the i,500 mark today. In Holland alone 50,000 London, Feb. 3— <;p)— Foreign Secretary Anthony Edtoi will talk and show slides on the communication to be held at the Pnrpoee of NARC persons faced resettlement in new homes. The damage from said today Britain feels the U. S. decision on Formosa will trip to Europe which the -Girl Masonic Temple tomorrow evening METER TRUCKS 79c YARD The overall purpose of N A R C Is salt water to nearly a million acres of flooded land was have “unfortunate political repercussions without compensat­ ScOuta of Senior Troop I took'IaSt St 7:.30. A t the conclusion of the to champion ths cause of mentally Ic yd. FOR WHITE lURNER SERVICE reckoned in uncalculated mllllone*'"" ing military advantages.” Eden disclosed Britain had brouM t summer. degree work there will be a social handteaped children everywhere. twom ain points to. tha attention of^, hour arid'refreshments. Of rtollnTt. Leading medical doctors, sducators TEL. MANCHESTER Secretary of State Dullea: Members of Manchester Lodge. and psychttriatists are devoting The «ea waters were slowly re- ce, arid "Alan direct a special N A R C Research In, Holland. In Holland there was ... « ill'ACh fear that new high tides might cal repercusalona"— which he did o'clock at the British-Amerlcan M. Doyle, seaman. USN, son of Mr. Indion Head con be washed, again and again.' Easy to TOO Million not name. Fears Ike Order Club on Maple street. Pictures of and Mrs. Stephen Doyle of 207 M c­ MRS. HOWARD F. WADDELL* force the waters even farther in­ cut, match and sew, because of no "wrong" |iida and land than the 40-mlle limit so far 2. That tha Britiah government MoOsebeart and Moosehaven will Kee street, both serving as part of hopes tha U. S', has no Intention be shown. the crew of the escort vessel USS lllaa Jean Benn Wilson, daughter, wore identical dresses, caps and balanced weave. reported. Washington, Feb. Plefed for Aid of allowing its neutralisation pol­ Raymond, are now enjoying a win­ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilfred veils to that of the maid of honor, A id W asted YThlta Houae i teflar ia -The burgotnaaters of JJi* icy to go by the board. ., ... An a^l-trpup meeting o f the ter cfuise in the Caribbean Sea, Wilson, o f,49. Arch .street became.,Their bouquet# were of.red roaee- , 4- The Foreign Secretary added: 'Very Mvorable^’ reaetleuten fcbOk North Methodist WSCS will be with visits to" Piiefto Rico." the villages of Oosterland and Brul- the AKMrtcaaa peopla <• Freig the bride of Howard Francis Wad-1 Mrs. Wilson received In a gown 34 CbLORS TO' CHOOSE FR^^ nisae pleaded by radio for am­ "W hat we do not yet know and wa held In the church parlors Wednes­ Dominican Republic and Bermuda. dell, son of ' Mra. George Henry i of navy crepe at a reception In Washington, Feb. 3— (/P)— FRANCE should be wise to suspend Judg­ float Dwight o . Einenhewsr'fl day night at 7:45. A representative The Raymond is taking part in the phibious planes or helicopters to State of the Unlea meeeaga yafr Waddell of 465 Porter street, at a ! the chapel immediately following make a quick rescue of their 3,877 A Senate investigator esti­ ment about ia what action it any of th e . Blood Bank will speak winter training exercises being ceremony performed Saturday at 3 ) the reremony. The bridegroom'a will follow thla decltlon.V terday. " held In the Caribbean. residents. The officials said that If mated today that possibly as This la kn aerial tiew of Waleheren Inland, one o f knrdeet kit Shaded area# In newsmap show# approximate location along Press Secretary flanMe C. H a^ briefly. Members are reminded to p.m. In the South Methodiat Church mother was attired in , grey lace Grave Situation bring various articles for supply < 6 y H' Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales aid la not rushed there will be a much as lOO million dollars a arena In tbe-Ylaeda thnt laelied at- British eiHl European coaetal Britiah, Netherlando, Relgliim and French oonata where rampag­ erty telfl reporters H waa to* by Rev. Dr. Fred Edgar. Herbert j with rose acce-ssories. Botl( Sklen addressed the House of The Salvation Army Women's big loss of life. - regiona What appear# to be snow drift# In tht# photo I# nettwily ing Seodo have already claimed more than 1,500 llvee. Holhuid early for any mall to reach Om work. A. France, minister of music mothers wore tea rose corsages. year is paid to ineligible per­ Commons at almoat ths same time Home League will meet tomorrow The final death toll may surpass ocean tvatera that''^have hcMii whipped by heax’y gnie#. (N E A wa# hnrdMt hit, when centnrlea-eld dykea gave way under the White Houee bat that the tala> played the traditional bridal music For a wedding trip to Virginia, 2,000. This was the latest count sons under the federal-state Dullea was arriving in London Miss Terllvaniski and Mrs. Har­ afternoon at 2 o'clock at the cita­ Radio Telephoto). \ heavieet flood In 500 yean. (N E A Newsmap.) grams recelvefl hafl heen rmijr del. The social hour will recognize and accompanied the soloist, the bride is wearing a red, fitted from official and reliable unoffi­ public assistance program. from Paris for conferences. encooraghig. riet Horan are in New 'Vork City Harold Baglln, tenor. White carna­ coat, mink scarf and brown acces- The Foreign Secretary aald t^ay and tomorrow for'the hair­ the birthdays of several of the cial sources: - Jerome S. Adlerman, assistant tions decorated the chancel. i sorles. On their return they will Britain at three different timea had dressers style show and educa­ members. Members are asked to fhcJW .HAlGco Holland, 991. 'cdunsel of the Senate investiga­ President gasenhower’s o rA r Pre.sented In marriage by h er' occupy their newly furnished ho.roe expreaied concern tov the United tional program at the Hotel Mc- note the current change from Wed­ England, ,'136. tions subcommittee, said that lifting the protecting wing of fne nesday to Tuesdays. father, the bride wr,s attended by at .1.58 Henry street. M A N c m rm i Comi*. Belgium. 22: actually no one knows how much F o u r In d h Ike Backed States over the changed policy. Alpin. Lodge Sets Figure The leader of the Labor party's Seventh Fleet from tha ChlRa Miss Audrey L. Vl scldell, sister of Both bride and bridegroom are Total. 1.549. is paid out to ineligible cases but coast sent shivers rippUng up a|id the bridegroom. Bridesmaids were i graduates of Manchester High Premier William Drees told the he testified it "could be" 25 to 100 leftwtng group, Aneurln Bevan, down the editorial columns of ttis Miss Lorraine Mitchell and Mra. School. Mr. Waddell was honorably Dutch parliament 50,000 persons million dollars a year. asked Eden to check with Dulles will have to be evacuated from S n o w s to rm On Treaties whether the U.8. will go on-sup­ European press. Richard Brower. Victor . Bolteron discharged from the Army late In "I'd say the average'was 60 to In far off Indo-Chlna there wane was beat man for Mr. Waddell, and 1952 and Is a draughtsman for the stricken areas, most of them under 75 million dollars," he said as the Fpr New Revenue plying arms to Chlang Kai-shek's sea level and protected by dikes more chills In political and ■ "Get The Best For Less" the ushers were Guy Wilson, broth­ 'Town Highway Department. THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE No. 1477 subcommittee lauhehed a public X - forces. That, he asserted, would that broke in 60 to 80 places in the create "a grave iltuatton." tary circles because ^ flanger er of the bride, and Albert Patch, Inquiry Into what Chairman Mc­ Is Forecast B a n , O r d e r they saw that It might ‘in ter^ Anthony Turklngton and Ernest week end flood. These refugees Carthy (R-Wis), has called evl- State CapitiCapltbL Hartford, Feb. S— • given by Lodge represented a cut Eden replied: " I should have Epworth Leaguers MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN must be resettled in new homes. thought that ths atateinsnt I gave Uonaltse" the war there LUSTER-SHEEN DRY CLEANINO ,Johnson, all of Manchester. dehce of waste and mismanage­ l/Pl—Gov,'. John anaald today of more than 1120,000,000 . from ap technically has been kept w ld te CLEANER, SOFTER CLOTHES, BRIGHTER COLORS ment In the Federal Security Boston, Feb. S-^ — A that theI stateetefe Wilk nave to raiae propriatlons...... requeats originallyIlj Washington, Feb. 8—-(^P)— of the reproeentatlons we have The bride's gown of white velvet (Continued on "Page Nine) Indo-Chlna itself. NO ODORS, NO SHRINKAGE 111 Bowling Match British-Ainorieaii Hall — Maple Street Agency (FSA). new storm will bring an addi­ 238,400,000 in new revenue to bal- made by the atate agenclea. Speedy apprqval of President made . . . hae made it quite plain was designed with a fitted bodice ance its 1953-55 budgN:, The fig- It would wipe oUt, said Lodge, a what were the British govsni' Paris newspaper eflitorUle FOR PICKUP CALL MITCHELL 9-5172 and deep, pleated nylon flounce.. Under the public assiatance )>ro- day were for the most part tfo* tional four inches of snow to ure,‘ he said, it excluaiW of agy 29,300,000 deficit expected' to re­ Eiagnhower’a plan to repudi­ ment's rlewk" Her veil of illusion was draped gram, the federal government Twenty members of the South WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 8 P. Ms centra] and southern New new iiervicea. _ _ _ . V - t ^ l951*filJaidgat writ- ate any secret agrq^mmita happy about It, an « p ln lw . P f l» - from a Juliet cap. and she carried makes grants to the atatea for aid PlMin fa r nemg Heag Methodist Epworth League took General Taylor A fter a c o n f^ n c e ten by the 1961 le ^ la tu re made lellng the Engltsh Mpen. .' Movies of "Moosohoort" and "Moosohavon" to the aged, dependent children, England this afternoon and with the Kremlin was' fore­ Another Laborlte. Regliiald T. TnrfceBhek SeelkiM. FRIENDLY CLEANERS, INC. a white Bible with orchid marker. part in. a bowling match Saturday with GOP legislative and psHy , vp of » Republican controlled ' The honor attendant w"dre a thn blind and the totally disabled. tonight to add. to the three to cast today in a Congress ap- Paget, aald any spread a flghtlhg But ip Turkey, ertaieb. hifl'n IS MAPLE ST.—147 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST night at the Manchester Bowling leaders and fiacal experts. Lodge^lHouae and a Democratic controlled Into the Formoean ehanneUwould gown of white taffeta with fitted PUBLIC INVITED The benefit payments are financ­ four inches that fell up to told newamen that the prospective !^«iinte. jilauding his decision to free larger contingent in Korea than 10% Dlacount a t These Cash and Carry Storea Green. This acUvity Is part of the Set to Assume ed jointly by the state and the endahger the British Island colony bodice, cap of white taffeta adorned recreational piogtam which the | Rofroshmonts will bo sorvod mid-morning, the Weather budget for the biennium beginning ^ Kepubllcans control both Houses Formosa Nationalists for any country except Britain ORfl with pearls and short veil. She car­ federal government up to a ihaxi- thla^year. o f Hong Kcmg. He asked: America, the prase found F t e i league is conducting to increase Bureau said today. July 1, 1953 now stands at 2252.- aids on Red China. “ I f the American fleet Is not ried an arm bouquet or red ro.ses mum of 255 a month, with the fed­ In the last few weekaf Lodge hower’e decision good and jpop* its membership. Top Korea Job eral government paying three- A developing coastal storm off 600.000, a record.. Anticipated Senator Taft of Ohio, the Repub­ going to keep'the peace there, will and atephanotls. The bridesmaida A t the meeting last night the I the. North Carolina coast ia mov­ revenue, he aald, amounts to 2214,- aald, he' -^ad trimmed budget es­ lican leader, said he tees no rca- haps likely to shorten the KorMa fifths of that amount. Any pay­ timates b'y\215.200,D00. The cuts, the foreign eeereUry consider war. worship program In charge of Miss , Seoul. Feb. « — (>P)rrrLt. Gen. ments-In excess of 255 a month ing north, northeastward. The 200.000. . son why Congress can't act quick­ ordring another fleet to keep the Ruth Boyce was followed by m o-' forecaster said it will resume he told newimen, 'were made In ly to pass a resolution proposed by "A coalition among great peep’ Maxwell D. Taylor arrived today are borne by the states alone. . There was some discussion, he 353 items in the estimates of 59 peec and guard our loteresU ?” era ought not to go along wlUMht lion pictures furnished by the The Totally New and began a round of briefings Adlerman said that in the last snowing sometime this afternoon said, on tax proposals to close the Eisenhower in his State of the Eden said that In view ot Dullei’ Southern New England Telephone after possibly a few hours let'-up atate agencies. Union message yesterday. ■ coneultatione, aspedany where i t /here's the wsy prior to launching a personal sur­ fiscal year total federal grants 2^8,000.000 gap, but no definite "T h t leaders,"'N aald Lodge, presence In Britain and o f the. "not Involves quesUons o f aueh grav­ ED’S SIGN CO. Company. vey of his new command— the U. S. under this program were 21,124,- and will continue through the cpnclualons were reached. TTie President said the resolu­ IncomslderabU delicacy between' The speaker for next Sunday | night. "seemed to look favdrgbly On the tion should make It clear that ity.” said L* Aurora, of Parts. o w n 4k •o u n tr y Eighth Army. 000,000 ,'“ We didn't consider an income cuts." \ ourselves and America” dn the It added agreement with Kteen- to esrefree a Commercial Lettering night will be Mrs. Charles F. Gip­ The famed paratroop "jumping He told the subcommittee that The storm la expected to be tax,” said Lodge smilingly. 'this government recogniaea no question, he hoped Parliament son ,of. South Main alreet,. proral-1 Miracle Blanket M a^ of V- - Eliminated from the ^prapoeed kind of. commitment contained- In bower’s comment In his Stale e (/ generisr Of World War II flew In the FSA’# JBUreau of Public A*- 100 to' 200 miles ’east’ Of Cape"Cod' ' He added:,...... budget,' aiUff Lodge, were iuk^ivjr would show, ."sotei reUcence In 111 • Silk jScreen PrnceM Printing nent Corrgregatlonal workfr. whose secret underatandlngs of the pest tke tJnlon. addreee Umt / from Tokyo shortly after birtnttm— ststfTTce has a responalbiltty to by* daybreak Wednesday ' and' con- " It’s 'a''yery, very difficult pfob- ccta requested by state agencies f wdshthys toritc wtlt "be ‘*Meantng o f Prayer:” with foreign governments” which further comment.” ment of the United States > Neon Service bered South Koreans' drove off 650 check state rolls to see that' chiS' lem;’’ for capital expenditures whii pe kept within the boimds, of j All of the rhiirch’s young people (Continued on Page Tw o) Lodge emphasized that any new permit "enslavement” of any peo- attacking North Koreans on the lers or other inellglblea are not may be financed through, bond bor­ ides. (Continued en Page Nine) nomlc aoundneee. That gepb far over high school age are Invited to ] Tfie Miracle Fiber-Dynel frozen eastern front. The battle- receiving aid but that only 45 fed­ services authorized -byThe legisla­ rowing, Those items, he reported, ED TOMCZUK # ' I attend these meetings each Sun­ T aft Gives Support France, too, the paper saUf, a4d- Glastonbury line elsewhere was quiet. eral employes were as.signed to ture would necssaariiy widen the totaled more than 219,000,000.. Ing: Manchester RII-8-8268 day at 7 p.m. In the church par- | U. S. Sabre Je|a patrolled ^ IG this work in the entire nation. gap between expected income and Gov. Lodge had a big blackboard T ift said he is wholeheartedly lors. '’France, and Ettrppe,/ln orgaiP FRIGIDAIRE alley but for the frst time In 16 In answer to a question; Adler- Ike Launching costs. rolled Into hie office to give Re­ for thixBlaenhower plan. Reed for Fast Idng their defense without upeet- ...... ” " days "failed' to-flush' any Com­ m#n #aid that the states are-sup-' The subject of new-services waA publican - legislative- -leaders - -a Blaenhdufer' didn't * say what ting their ^Mondmlc lialanibe, a e id ' lOOyo Pepperell Peerleiss munist warplanes. , , , posed to audit their own assist­ explored, he said, but as in the more graphic picture of the state's agreem en ts^ had In mind, but the American aid.” / Taylor will take over as United ance rolls but he added it was New System in matter Of proposed tax increasies, fiscal situation. general aaaunvption In Congress Tax Cut, Sees Seen Risk Nations field commander from re- "somewhat akin to. having a cash­ no definite conclusions were reach­ "H e's using the blackboard was that he n u yh ave been speak ed. The fellow-traveling Paris A * Porcelain Fair COMBINES WITH trting Gen. James A. Van Fleet. He ier of a bank audit himself." Ing of Yalta, whera the U. S. and sfation snapped: - said the change In command would Sen. Jackson (D-Wash), asked Security Check The 2252,600,000 budget figure (OonHniied on Page Thirteen) Britain made conCea^na to Russia No Ike Conflict The new President of the Unit- come within a few days at a time If the atatea did not have, an In-, to persuade her to enter^the Pacific iki Statra ia^rieklrig a third wdfN designated by Gen. Mark Clark, centive to prevent any padding of Washington, Feb. 3—OP)--The war. The Truman Stat^vdepart- war by hU dedsion, taken undW ■UN Far East commander. the rolls themselves since they ment said the Yalta pact h£s been Washington, Feb. 8—(F) —Rep. Eisenhower administration today Reed (R -N Y ) called anew today presaure./of the Rspublican an- Ha# New Orders bear part of the cost of the pro­ fully public since 1947, twp ^ r s mlnistnftion and the zsflKaiy You can’t Beat A newsman . askedj Taylor gram. began'junklng the Truman federal 1 3 Red Leaders Jailed; after its signing. for quick paaaage of his bill to cut clique/of Gen. MecArthur.” ridgway M liUs employe loyalty check aystem in Income taxes and Insisted It doesn’t •50 whether he brought ally new In­ Adlerman agreed that was true, RepresenUtive Keraten (R-Wlsc.) paper added that I f ths structions on conduct of the war but he said there may be "lo c a l favor of a new Internal ae’eUrtty' promptly issued a resolution he conflict with apparent go-islow elg- 72x90 SIZE Plan: for everybody on the goverii- Nationalist Chineae launched aald was designed to nullify the nail from ■ President Elsenhower. tacks- on Chineae dtlas ft « n (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on .Page Nine) ment payroll. Must Pay Heavy Fines A leading Democrat, however, CHILDREN'S WEAR -The plan was broadly projected. Yalta agreement. Keraten said In ormosa, they could expect A - our a statement 'the .Yalta agreement chided Republlcahs as being "in prisale and should not be surpiw- In the Resident's State of the considerable disagreement.” Our first shipment sold out in Jess than a week. Never Union message yesterday as one to -New York, Feb. 3 - (^ -—Seven i Gannett, Jacob Mlndel, William W. (Continued on Page Thirteen) Cooper (D-Tann) added, (Continned me Page Nine) before has there been a blanket’ that gives, you all the weed out "the disloyal and the Communist leaders today were: Welnstone, and' George Blake DemocraU have to wait and wondrous qualities of this miracle blanket. Six bfeautiful A F L Unit to Seek Purge dangerous." It sets up a new stan­ sentenced to three years in prison Chsrney. they get togethri:,. and see dard-for hirings-and firings on “fed­ — a fate they preferred o v e r' Claudia Jones, a British subject colors: Rose, maizci greenrblue, geranium red and an- eral jobs, involving "a .reaspnable they come up with."- / b.sjaishment. ta JRusala:.„ frpm Trinidad*., got., the .one-year Reed. thWrnfan of th^4£aiM#'ril­ --~4- Home Heating! 'fique white'...... ; ' : doubt a#,to security'“ They also were fined 26,000 term. Qjjji Baifi" of “Dock Um • The present program acts in­ each. Federal Judge Edward J. Dlmock m ws Tidbits ing House Ways and ^ a n s com- BSlIetiiig stead on “ a rea. heat is so popular! " :r^“:^pptREy*^‘ioa%' DYNH lta*ir'bf ''vvattrrr6nt 'racketi 'lars'iT'year.' ’ ■ ' (Continue Two) spiring to advocate violent rcvolu- the government a crime. s oncoming train but no injuries are (Goatl^od ou Page Nine) Mlth the Houee, today i . . .— or get out of the AFL. i Ryan Subpoenaed ^ ' V ------— TR ULY W.ARM— As warm or warmer than natural Uon against thi>.' government. The. judge said- the top penalty reported . . . Four person# receive / Governor Lodge's Bemlaatten ei(l. n ils "either — or" -edict was Meanwhlle. R y # n ' was sub­ Maximum sentence ia five years in in his opinion was Intended only two common pleas court Johgan, OUR N EW O IL BURNERS are 'the result o f many minor injuries when . their oar fiber blankets. not, quite ready for public an­ poenaed to appear today before the prison and 210,000 fine. ' for "the worst conspiracy" to com —Walter M. Pickett ef WnelK years' of experience and steady progress in making Oil Slick on Seas #ma#he# Into utility pole in East PiWident luviled nouncement but there was little New York County grand jury now - ^ . -■ The three-year prison terms mil a specific crime. ' *• Hartford for which driver 1* held Ingtea and Alva P- Lelaells wC superlolr oil heating equipment. -They ndll enable you doubt that angered council mem­ WILL W'EAR ALMOST INDEFINITELY— It will prove In the midst of investigating were given Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, He handed down the sentences on charge fleeing from icene. WiUtmantic. to make a substantial saving In fuel oil costs. bers meant business, waterfront crime and racketeer­ Lost Plane Cliu To Talk at Trinity frigidoire jFrigiddir# - to be the longest wearing blanket ever made. Pettis Perry, Alexander Bittel- after the 13 yesterday heatedly re­ Manufacture of bootleg liquor THURSDAY, FEB. 5 ' Some , top A F L officials ex­ ing- (nan. Alexander Trachtenberg, Vic-- jected his suggestion that they said to be moat -active in popula­ HAILS ^ DECISION pressed doubt' privately whether The subpoena was handed Ryan The •l*''ume, Louis Welnstock. --might go to Russia rather than tion center# of east apd *oulh. Taipeb, Formeca, Feb. S— Filtro-matic Joseph P. Ryan, longshoremens on the eve of a projected trip to New York, ‘ Feb. 8—(iPi Hartford. Feb. 3—(F)— Presi­ —-OeneraUssImo C h I a ■ g Kali!:, Automatic SHRINK RESLSTANT— You can wash this blanket in Coast Guard cutter .Campbell re­ and Arnold S. Johnson. ___ according to government’# alcohol dent Dwight D. Eisenhower has Together, Mobilheat and our burners give us a 1.88 MIDDLE TUftNPIKE WEST president, would be able to cleanse Miami where, said his attorney, Those sentenced to two years tax chief in Washington . . . Selec­ ehek tonight hailed Pieeldenl - water as hot as your liands can stand. the New York and Jersey water­ Louis Waldman, he had been ex-, ported to headquarters today It. . been invited to deliver the com­ Eiaenhower'o dedslen t « Hft thgt.. Wofher Clothos Dryor combination that can't be beat! Our service, too, had alghfed an oil slick and dye | *''* Lannon. Betty i (Continued on Page Nine) tion of Superior Court^ury at New mencement address at Trinity Col­ CORNER DURANT STREET front of scandals and gangster tac­ pected to arrive some time tomor­ Haven to try Andrew Mele, charg­ ban on Natlonallot opexattosm^ is everything you could wish for. Better call ua tics attributed to some officials of row. ■ ■ ■ markers near the scene where a |______' ______■ - __ lege June 7. It was learned today apUnst the Red iwalalaad ai"* Now dry elothemnywhere in yeor STAIN RESISTANT— Can he put in strong bleaching British troop-ferrying aircraft is ed with Intent to murder wife, geta from- ■^iiree# xonaidef^ reliable. . -—a— i--.ai—t— Prigldaira'i liv# Water Action gats for all your home heating needs today! his 60,000-man union before the Meany told newsmen Rvan had. TWTderwa.y today.------Bww wtUy . - - ^ — -wat«r-it necessary.------...... ~ -mramnr'wmrzfl •^'rsoniT'iEM rdT' There was no confirmation from liw ^'daap 4'36wn'' 'HlrF ordTriofy' 1iouse,'«iiy TtinerwWioul filling the- annual a f l Convenuon next faiL hot been ” invited but that If Jie Siaff phyaician at New Haven tartly and morally aonad." In 0 And in New York, an insurgent showed up the council probably The Campbell said It had "sight­ Lauber,£Jx-UTSpy Suspect^ the college. .. * * . formal otatemeat, hewevash washing action can't touch. And room with sticky lint or stfomy Hospital ^gln a boaic Infantry The invitation was extended to QUICK D R YING — Drys in an amazingl.v-short time. group of longshore leaders made It would listen to whatever he had ed several large area oil slicks training at Camp Pickett, Va., as Chlang gnve no hint e f any Im­ clothos ora in hot water all the moisture. Dry them floffy-soft ond President Elsenhower by 'Trinity’s plain they would not be satisfied to say. and dye markers” on the Ndrth private, still protesting govern­ pending action against the Cam-' new president. Dr, Albert Charles time, not half-in, half-out. New sweat-smelling. Needs no plumb­ with any "phony reform program" Action to suspend the union's Atlantic, about 120 miles south­ Flees to Austria Red Zone ment requirements which Include munlsto. by present bosses of the Interna­ Jacobs, an intimate friend o f the Float-over rinsing action, Ropidry ing or vents. Check these features I MOTH PROOF— Storage, is no problem. Moths have charter could only be taken by the west of the position from which signing numerous forms . . , Body nothing to do with dynel. tional Longshoremen's association. full, AFL convention.' If It were the plane sent out an SOS early nation's chief execuUve and hla b l a s t HITS CARRIEE ~ Spin, needs no bolting down. SAFE Automatic temperature - control, Featuring Vienna, Feb. ,3 - (P) Vienna.Otto Verber and Kurt Ponger, ar of Jean Petersen, 6, recovered from M o b i l h e a t The insurgent# said in - a tele­ taken, it would be the^ first time yesterday. The Coast Guard es­ river at Naperville, III., aa police one-time aaalatant ,at‘ Columbia London, Fbh. g—(/Ph-An outemotic Timing Control, Signol- Communist newspapers reported re.sted Americans who will appear •nd THOROUGH for ALL clothes SOCON Y-VACUUM HEATING OIL gram yesterday to George Meany. In the history of the eight-million timated that a.'-ea was between continue search for boy companion Unlveralty. plooloB on the SUdS-toR Brit today that W alter Lauber, Vienna- March 2 before a \Vasf)lngton —even new Miracle Fabrics. Light, intorior Ozono Lamp. M ILD EW PROOF— Won’t mildew under any condition. A F L president, that "the present member federal Ton, in the memory 2.50-300 miles east of Argentia, also reported miaaing. Dr. Jacobs is finishing his aircraft carrier discredited IL A leadership could of long-time labor nbservera here', Newfoundland.'' born naturalized American re- D. C.. court on espionage charges Government troops from Manila tenure aa chancellor . (equivalent Malta today flnag ( SAMPLES, CANCELLATIONS not be relied on to'clean up water­ that any union had been auape'nded TTie plane, a four engine York i leased after questioning in connec- Volksstimme quoted a long to president) of the University of FIRE RESISTANT— Dynel will not support combustion. kill sir Communist Huk #, board aad lajorad i front corruption. A t the same time because of crime and corruption operated by Skyways. Ltd., o f ! lion with the smashing o f sn si- statement by Lauber in which he wound ten and capture one in Denver and la expected to assume the admiralty < $299.75 $259.75 Call Mitchell 3^S13S lor Top Quality they offered to turn over addition­ within Its ranks. ^ London, was bound for Gander, i leged international Soviet spy ring, charged he had been given raid^h Batangaa Province. . his post aa head of Trinity about HOSPITAL C L E A N — You can disinfect dynel blankets al Information on tng dock situa­ Unions several times in the past Nfid., from the Azores. i has fled to Austria’s Russian "Gestapo treatment" by American ElecSic mine blamed by Israel, of­ March 1. W8B ON WTAT Otnti Buy This Porcelain Pair. On New Low Terms and SURPLUS tion to New York investigators. . with strong bleaching, fluids. have been 'threatened with expul- The Campt^ll said It'"' was i *one. intelligence agents in Vienna and ficial# aa cause of blast that \White House sources,. however, Washlagto*. FeK Silent Glow Oil Burners The IL A secretary-treasurAr. son becau.se of jurisdictional dis­ searching the area in the midst; The Communist "Volksstimme” , that the American consulate had wrecked bridge, derailed train and pointed out that the Chief Execu­ Praeldm* ~ ..... M ■ Harry Hasaelgren. has been hene putes but not for gangsterism. of anow squfjls. said Lauber, a U. S- Army veteran refused to give him and his wife halted traffic on Halfa-Lydda rail Uve already has received many oentence for' several days seeking to convince Besides discussing the hot Last report from the plane was from New York, had fled with hla their U. S. paaaporta unless they line. IhvttfiUons to apeak at spring trot, hrei _ the council that Ryan can be de­ waterfront situation, council mem­ received at Gander at. 12:35 a. 'm„ w ife and two children. promised to return Immediately to Pope Pius X II expresses pro- commencements and that it was today te al 1.M 8 M oria»tyBrothersl pended on to make his own waterr bers yesterday spent the afternoon (e.s.t) Mondav. A-short time "Lauber- has fled.” the news- ^ the United States. fotmd sorrow over, floods ravartng imposaible at this Ume to say -the Wagie ' t front cleanup. . studying President Eisenhower's later Ganderi picked up the SOS. KEMP’S. Inc. W-JWHAL€co papeK said, "because attempts i Telephone cay# to Lauber’s Holland, Belgium, Bhtgland and or­ definitely 'whether he would be and tha 8M ...... * ______l|315 CENTER STREET MANCHESTERlIMANCHESTER | »IRV W e W W # ■ W LOW, LOW PRICES Officials of' about a dozen long^’ were rnade to force him' tojappear | ------ders relief sent from Vatican City abl# to appear at the Trinity Bninry T63 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER \ • ■horkmena local unions along the (Continued on Page Tw o) (Caatiaaed ea Page Four) #s>a. proie^U on witness” agsdnst (Coatianed on Page Five) funds. exerdses.

> / -i-’ ■4 "It % A I