Specialist, Teacher Portunity to Be a Donor

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Specialist, Teacher Portunity to Be a Donor y • ■ n A \ / a ' ' ' ^ ..t r .■ SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 195S PAGE TWELVE liartrliPBtjr lEutnittg Iftralii I Averse* Daily Not Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Foredaat of C. S. Weather Buiusv 4an. 81. 1868 least, we know of one person who was' in a big rush—and it cost him Betrothed Playing Cheney Fair, cloudy tonight, MlnlaMHua AboutTown a nice fresh piece of pie. '1 WILLIAM DICKSON & SON 10,871' Heard Along Main Street A friend of ours was out visiting about M . Snow ehaaglag te ruda one night. But he had to leave Piece Feb. 10 SINCE 1915 Member of tho Andit Tneeday. Mr. and Mra. Warren Miner of Bureau of Clrenlatient Horttm road ara spending ■ the M rly' for another engagenrien^. MancliesterrTTTrA City of KiHage Chiarm. And on Sittne o f Manchemtier^s-Side Streets^ Too ¥l0 tbVd’ his hosress and she under- week end at the. Hotel Commodore RESIDENTIAL' IHDCOMIIEm HAt (Jlahi^ingly, gaive .hlpi. lhc go jdiead. Bow*Art String Quartet In New York City. They will “But'jsefore you go," she said, attend the semi-annual Governor’s (Claaalfled Advertlalng on Page 14) The 88 Per Centers munity is selected to do the honors, "have A, piece of pie. I just made MINTINU AND PAPERHANfilNG iMANCHESTpR, CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1953 . (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS Foot Guard Ball as the guests of Will Feature Composi­ VOL. LXXH, NO. 104 Tuesday night the Planning to lend prestige to the occasion. It." . Ool. and Mrs. Calvin Scavey of Then, after the suitable an­ Now Our friend was in a hurry, tion at Bushnell Hall ALL WORKMEN INSURED New Hampshire and several Other Commission held a public hearing nouncements have been made, the but he also knew that his hostess social functions connected with in the Hollister Street School to drawing is held. The honor guest turns out a pre'ltj' goo<i pie. So he Music lovers in this area are 260 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER the affair. They plan to return discuss the matters of establishing sticks his hand Into the big box building lines on reveral narrow accepted. She qulbkly sliced him a } showing much interest! 'in the home Monday. filled with hundreds or even thou­ generous hunk of deilclous-Iooklng PHONE MItchcH 9*0920 ANY TIME streets In town^ most of them off forthcoming concert by the Bow- sands of hopeful tickets. The many lemon meringue pie. But it was The Town ^committee of the of Main street The Planning and ducats are first, of course, thor­ A rt String Quartet on Tuesday, Manchester YWCA will meet Steaming hot.' Zoning office sent out 127 letters oughly kicked around to prove Our friend was in a hUrry. but Feb. JO at 8:30 in the Colonial Wednesday night at 8 o’clock at to property owners directly effect­ that everyone is getting an equal not so much so that he didn’t re­ Room of Hartford^ Bushnell Me­ the Community Y. ed by tbe proposed regulations. chance. Then the winning ticket member that lemon meringue is to Only 19 property owners, or only is drawn and presented to the mas­ morial, in as much fke players be eaten cold, not hot. He Wes will feature a composition by Tim­ The Cornerstone Club of St. 14 per cent, rhowed up to voice an ter of ceremonies. stumped, but his hostess came to Bridget's Church will meet tomor­ othy Cheney, formerly of this opinion on the proposals. Most of He reads the name on the .stub - his rescue. row night at *:30 In the church them - objected. Is it possible -the and suddenly becomes thoroughly town, now an instructor at tha Ike Drops Guard on Formosa ‘■Why doii'l you put It outaide basement. W alter Gorman. Jr., will other 86 per cent are in favor of confused. He gags for a moment, the front door." she suggested: Hartt College of Music, Hartford. ow some of the slides which he the change? I f not, where were his face reddens with embarrass­ " It ’s nice and cold out there, and 'Hie 30-minute composition, en­ recently in Europe. they Tuesday night? What grounds ment. Then he bravely steps up to the . pic will cool Tiff in. a second." titled "String Quartet for C Ma­ will they have to object later if the microphone and artnoUniCes the He beamed and accepted the jor,'* has caused a considerable The Past. JUistreas... Club of tne'prdpose'd lines are established- ■name o f the lucky-winner. ■ suggestion. Hfr put the • steaming sUc a*' .played b y —the ■ Bow-Art Daughters of Liberty No. 17 will by the Planning Commission? Why la the master of ccrcmonle.s dessert on a Small bench just out­ Quartet because it is melodious meet Monday night at 8 o clock so put out? Why the winning and different from moat modern W e take no sides in the matters side the door and then went back ORANGE HALL at the home of Mrs. Mary Phelps, ticket was drawn by the wife of Inside the warm house to wait. rjcfori; D-charl music. The musicians will come discussed, nor are we trying to 29 GrUBn road. the prominent citizen who had When he thought it was about Clarol 4. Whltcher from New York for the concert. sway the board one way or an­ selected it. Or perhaps it was his time, he went back for his pie. But At a recent. composers' forum other. The Planning Commlcslon EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT The refresher training course for son t>r daughter. it was gone—or almost gone, any­ Mr. and Mrs. Csrlos Frank in New York, the quartet, com­ Brownie and Intermediate Girl has not met, to our knowledge, to Of course, the whole thing was how. The last piece was being Whitcher of 25 Victoria road an­ posed of Leon Bolotlne, Peter Scout leaders, which was scheduled decide the questions in executive strictly upon the \ip and up. It lapped up by the hostess’ nice nounce the engagement of their Buonconslgllo. George Brown and to begin next Tuesday, will begin session, and, so far as we know, was just a case where Lady Luck friendly hunting dog. The animal, daughter, Carol Jean, to William Seymour Benstock, played the Instead on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The does not Intend to meet until some played a rather nasty- and cer­ unfortunately for our friend, has a r . Tkompsion • of Simsbury, for­ piece beautifully. course, which, is pp^n to all leaders time next week. Our only thought tainly embarrassing trick, on ^1 fine nose. It didn't- take him long merly of Newton Centre. Mass.- -Following the custom at these Europe Storm-Flood Toll over 850; High who have had one or rhore years'' is for them, the’ members of that parties concerned. We'd hate to to pick up the scent on that clear, fonims, Mr. Cheney -was on hand experience, will be given at the Mr. Thompson Is the son of Mrs. board, who often are criticised by try and flg^ire nut what the odds cold night. A few quick slurps to answer que.stions. "How dare THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB Girl Scout office by Miss Jean, Samuel Logan Thompson of W el­ persona not in agreement with de­ are against such a thing happen­ you write a singable tune in this Campbell, Manchester Girl Scout flnished the job. lesley Hills, Mass., and the late | r cisions but who fail to take the op­ ing. but it has happened and more By that time, of course. It was executive director, on Feb. 10, 17 Mr. Thompson. day and age?” was one; another portunity to say so at public hear­ too late for our buddy to cool sn Floods Jumble British Trailer Camp and.24 at 7:30 p.m. It is requested than once. Miee Whitcher is an alumna implied parallels to Dvorak and 39 Aboard ings.'The property owners who Recently In Manchester, we had j other hunk o f pie. He was in too that those planning to take the of the "University of Connecticut Mendelssohn, while a -third quea- course contact the .Girl Scout office make up the 88 per cent not ap­ an incident roughly along these much of a hurry and is employed in the Purchasing tiop asked. "Do you think this is lines. But just roughly. The and leave their names. pearing at the public hearing have Department -|t Pratt and Whitney a step-ahead piece that has had their chance to voice an opin­ Fox arid Coon Club had an affair But Try And Cash It Aircraft. brought anything new?" Mr. Che­ rx*» • T I ^ Plane Down ion. Now it’s too late, regardless of recently at which sporting equip­ This should happen to a reporter. Mr. Thompson was graduated ney replied; "I no longer attempt A daughter was born at the St. ment was distributed as prizes. to be new.' I try to be myself, Francla Hospital on Jan. 29 to Mr. what action is-taken. Just once It should happen so we from Wesleyan University where EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Among those donating prizes and that, to me, was something' Dikes m Lowlands Atlantic could impress all our friends and he was a member of Delta Tau and Mrs. Henry Agostlnelll of 14 were “Red" Aimeftl,- who oper­ 20 R e g u l a r g a m e s — 3 s p e c i a l s For Curb on l.«ly Laeki Joker new." Williams street drive biir creditors buggy.
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