Structure and Origin of Uterine and Extragenital L=Ibroids Induced
Structure and Origin of Uterine and Extragenital l=ibroids Induced Experimentally in the Guinea Pig by Prolonged Administration of Estrogens* Alexander Lipschotz, M.D., and Louis Vargas, Jr., M.D. (From Department o/ Experimental Medicine, National Health Service o/the Republic o/Chile, Santiago, Chile) (Received for publication December 13, x94o) The purpose of this communication is to present the These experimentally induced abdominal tumors findings of a detailed microscopical study of the sites present a smooth surface formed of a capsule com- of origin and stages of development of the subserous posed of flattened superficial cells (Plate 2, Figs. 2-A fibroid tumors induced in guinea pigs by prolonged and 2-B). The cells beneath the capsule resemble administration of estrogens. Details of treatment of fibroblasts. These cells have definite boundaries or the animals are given in the explanations of Plates I- 5. they are separated from each other by collagenous Subserous uterine tumors which can be induced in fibers (Plate 4, Fig. ix-C). guinea pigs by prolonged administration of estrogens, The masses of fibroid tumors arising from the apex as described by Nelson (26, 27), were found to be of the uterine horn may enclose the tubes or large fibroids. Lipschiitz, Iglesias, and Vargas (i3, 18, 22) tubal cysts. The demarcation between the muscular have shown that extragenital tumors in the abdominal coat of the tube and the tumor is not always sharp. cavity, induced by estrogens, also were fibroids. The In some instances, especially when the apical fibroid localization of these tumo~:s at various sites on the is small, the tumor is in close contact with an abun- uterus, pancreas, kidney, spleen, etc., have been de- dance of smooth muscle and adipose tissue (Plate 2, scribed by Iglesias (5), Vargas and Lipschiitz (32), Fig.
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