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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 47, No. 09): July 28, 1893

Prince & Wyman

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Recommended Citation Prince & Wyman, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 47, No. 09): July 28, 1893" (1893). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1498.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. VrOLUME XLVII. WATERVILLE, MAI FRIDAY, JULY 28, t893. NO. 9.

wewaUc into the but (Captain came to my knowTedgo, and I wondet just lovo to have your A lohg walk ah>no in wldcli to rend my- TIIK.SK riCKRUKL AHR nKALTlIY. Sang. He told ns ‘ made their that yon can Indnlge yourself in inch “Well, ond here I imi." said sho. "So Pclf n leclun*. II-e j' bail I taki-n uinh-r rrntlilfil ilip Thf>y Hava May mn in the most * lie brief time, baimly whims. Here is a young lady that’s soon settUnl." iny ro<*f a young laxM e.Mremely iH-niui- Mrrvn nn a TriiNlwnrthy Symptom. II they reached the wind holding fltrong that was the best friend in the world to I knew 1 was in duty boiimloii to have ful. uml w’lioK’ innot'rtice was her peril. Them art) very largo piekerol in the port, by which mmrt liassengers the both of us; that learned os how to ■puke moro plain. 1 knew this was a And now, aH4‘r Ihe Hlnaig admiration 1 -MIoghany rivor. Sotno inilos below Koa- weie all gone already their farther dress ourselves, and in a great manner groat blot on my clmraeter, for which 1 liad jiint cxpi'rii-m-ed ami the immoil»‘r- h‘tle.» IVnn,, whom the water deepens aihI PONT LOSE travels. It was im] to chase was lucky tlmt I did not pay tiiore diis pickerel family. It is a favorite Catriona might harhd^l tho was me that politeness to talk of other mo very strong. Hitice I had l>C4>n entrap]>t>d, and hamhsl on mo wholly for jicr the young gentleman accepts the invitation, it is a You can avoid lliU European scourge a pi lee on his bead, witnesses the asaiisstnatton a late ordinary for t^llasal wo stood in was of the f^l sex and not so much ty apologies, calling herself ti shame to ih'plhH. If there are pickerel them they Ifyou will but listen to reason. of Cuilii Campbell and lakes to flight witli Alan. bread atid Hhclter. In I Hhonhl am plainly visible. If the day is mmny He reoovers his estate ami prooeetis to clear need of. • - « beyond a child, and It was for me to be Bie higiilniids and the nice she enme of relief to KNOW that the BREAD will be all that the He Boomed extrStB^ friendly, as I alarm her delic-aey nha laal no retri'Ut. (he pickerel am pretty naru to come up Cholera has its origin in a (ilsonlered himself and Alan fnim suspicion in the matter of ^wise for the pair of na and nothing bnt u hlndninco to myself. Ik’Hidi’M ! iva.s her )iml her /(rofi-i’t- the Campbell murder. When thestoryof "David- wy, but what tarpcMrmo a go^ deal It was her excuse, she said, that she was Moa and (hen and lie close to tho tmrfnoo, most particular person could expect; and if you condition of the slomaclt and bowels, Hnifuur’'begins David’s attention la divided be­ "My ...dear girl," said 1, "1 can make or, nnd the more irre^datly I hml fjill- UH Htill iiH HtiincH, fo^ several aiiaiites at a tween the btulneM In band and making love to rather boisteroos til ^ bargain, and not much used with walking shod. 1 accompanied by loss of tone of the syt- oeithei; head nor tails of this, bnt God cn in these iNwitiiois tlie lesH exensi' for time. Then the Ininter pick)! out las game have Tarts, and they are light and flaky, (and of Catrioiia Drummond, daughter of James More, a the cause of this mtpoou to appear, Would have had her Btrij) off her sIum^s tem. noted highlander on trial for bis life. A ship Is for at the ordinaiy* -daiUng for Rhone forbid that I should do anything to set me if I shonitl profit by the name to for­ and puts a laillcl in it. If the jiiokeml Is course if they are nice the young man will think that So long ns you keep t'*c • ul chartered to transport Alan to Fronee, and David yon ou the jee. As for talking of Miss and stockings and go luin'fuot. Bnt slio ward even the most hom-Ht r.nit.^t»r with n^ killed iuHtaally, his flonmluraig is Bare geuintrodueedtotbelord advoeata and king’s .wine and drinkliig of tt ^p, he soon be­ Grant, t have no ench a mind to it, and pointed out to me tlmt tho women of bowels healthy,and Ibe y«Ml, nnd (o bring othurs up, mirioits tu see what tho surely such a ‘‘delicious condiment” as that could be CfYAPTEIl IV—David dnelares himself to the 1 believe it was yourself began It. My lliat country, even in thelandwanl romls, which no wiHO parent would luivo snf- ti-iiid)le is, and if the laaii in the tree is to its highest resisting iK>inl, nre lonYadvoeate and asserts bis own innoeeuoe and too common with all men, bnt especially only design—if 1 took yon np atall—woi appeared to bo all sIiyhI. Inaiily witli -hit gtm he can hag two or made only by the young l^idy herself), why a very safe. UidSof Alan Breek; also of James Stswart. an­ with thoeo of his rough , what lit­ ferial for a moment, even IhomoHtlion- other suspbet. V and VI—He meeU James More for your own improvement, for 1 hate “I must not bo disgracing my brother." CHt suit w mere ladorc they lake the alarm Hidden’s Maonktic Compound tle sense or manners he possessed desert­ ‘‘enjoyable occasion” must certainly result^ NOW, ill iruns at the lord advoeatsiahouse, where David tho very look of injastice. Not that I do said she and was very meriy with it all. bo extremely holdoff in tny relatiiiiiH. and dart down out of night. If for nuiiio cleanses and Atrengtheo# the-rstor^ach Is entortaitied by ibe family, and gets a fleeting ed him, and he behaved himMlf so scan- although her face tol^ tales of lier. 'view of Catriona. Tbs advocate protects him not wish you to have a good pride and a uml yet not t(N) much ho neither, for if I rc.iHoa no pickerel come vuluntarily to the my dear young lady (as a,certain city Father was and bowels, keeps the blood active and frum the mallee of the deputy proseootor, svmon dolons to the vonng lady, jesting most There is a garden in that city we were surface to take their siai hath, they may Fraser, a Stewart iwnMade ktwwn as the Hastes ill favoredly at tho figure ^e bad made oii^ female delicacy—they become yon had no right (o apiM'arut all in the pure, and restores vital energy and bound to, sanded Ixdow witli clean Hand, lie eullial up hy the hunter dropping bits wont to say) we will say this; If you wish to be of Ixmvat. VII and VllI—David oonftdes the on the ship's rail, that I had no resonree well—bnt here you show them to ex­ character of a Huitor 1 must yet aptn at the power of resistance to disease. story of bis life to Catriona, with an appeal for cess.’*• tlietroi'S ineetingoverhead—Home of them continually utid if ixiPHible agrcejibly in of biigta-cnlnred pa|H>r or clulh on the sympathy. He cornea off bravely in an encounter bnt cai^ her suddenly away. trimmed, some plcmdietl. and tiio winde wjtler. Some enrioint old pickertd in sum SURE'of your Bread, Cake and Pastry, just do one Hidden’s Magnetic Compound will witli a bully hiretl by Fraser to assassinate him in "Well, then, have you done?" said she. (hat of host. She came out of tliat ordinary cling­ placo beuntifttHl witli alleys iind arlHirH. to coiia* cantioiisly to inspect the object, make you well ond keep you well. It Is a duel. IX, X and XI—David is counseled by *1 have done," said L It waH plain t)a‘re wa.H no way )ins Alan nnobaerved, by myself to find my correHp4indeut. .Munv instiaiocn of the cxlminu voracity yolson. however, and the two start for tlie coast to meet afr^d with you.” we went on again, but now in silence. while I was in it. i iiiadt'a H«‘t of riilt-b of tli«‘se Ailcgliany river pickerel are on It was on eerie employment to walk in Then I drew im my credit and uskeil to Take it while you remain In tO)vn,and Alan’s ship. XII and XIII—Dkvld agrees to fol­ “And have no cause, my little frimid!' for iny gnidam'e, prayml for sln'iiglli rccoril, lint none gives (he palm to them which is low Alan abroad. Allan escapes to bis vessel that gross night, beholding only shad­ be recumuieuihKl to Home decent, retiretl to iHM’iiableil to obru-rve them, and as ii )rdcr some of your druggist for use in under asplonsge, siid Dsvtd is smsed by kldnst^ cried I and could have found it in my on tliis score more imlispntably than ntio pen snd oontined on board a cmwting vessel. XIV ows and hearing naught but our own lotlgitig. more human aid to the wimo emi pur- ‘he country, at the mountains and by the heart to weep. tliat occiirrctl near I'orlvillc, at tho New and XV—David ts held prisoner on an inseoessi- “Where wll you bo taking me?" she steps. At first 1 believe our hearts burned My baggage not iH'ing yet arrival 1 claim'd a Htndy iHMik m law. This lu‘ing York state line, a L-oiipIo «if days ago, to a acashore. Hidden’s Magnetic Com­ ble rocky coast. He escapee and reaches the scat of Justice during the trial of James Stewart, said again. “Don’t leave me at all events; against each other with a deal of enmity, toM him i HUpiHi.Hixl I siiould rcx|nire his all that I ('oiild think of. I relaxt'tl from iiilicrmau named Sartwcll. In llshing for pound will protect you from the chol chief of the clan, for the Campbell murder. The but tho darkness, and tho cold, and the caution with the}H>ople of the hoUNe.and these grave coiiHiderationH, whenaiptm roitutiDlini chapters tell how David tried in vain never leave me." pi«-ki‘rel in the Alleghany tlin h|m)i)I) tmll era wherever you are. to save .Tanies from the gallows, Janies More “Where am 1 taking yon indeedr* says silence, which 'only the cocks somotlines explaintxl that my HiHter la'ing <'ome for mi mind hntibl«‘d at onee into an elTer- is the favorite hire, hut now and then fish- escapes prison snd flees to France. David sails I, stopping, for I hod been staving on iutemiptcd or sometimes the farmyard awhile to kei*)) Iiouhu for mo I Khould Imi vem-eiicy of pleaning hpirits, ami it wu? crtiicii wit] try for tiaaii with live bait, a for Iiullaiid. Catriona la a oompantoii da voyage. Moraprovea to be a worlhlrsa fellow, and David ahead in mere blindness. “I most stop dogs, had pretty soon brought dowu our wanting two ehamlH-rs. This was all lil,'II 1)110 treading on air that 1 turned good-si/.cd silver chidi iHMiig the favorite and Alan rescue Catriona trom hiM power. Darhl and think. But I’ll not leave yon, CHatii- pride to tho dust, and for my own {Mir- very well, but tJ)o trqiilde waa that Mr. homeward. A.h I tliojjgbt tb/it name of hail, tme sit or even eight inchcH long not iiiarriea her and lives iu style becoming the laird ticuiar I would have jumjied at any de­ hciiig thought any (oo fiirge to cnteli tliono ofShaws. ona. The Lord do so to me, and more Balfour in his letter of recommendation homo and ret ailed the image of that lig- also, If I shonld fail or fash yon." cent opening for speech. had condest'emUil on a gi'cat deal of pur- ni'e awaiting me lM‘twi>en four walls my pickerel with. As a genei-ni tiling anglers She crept closer in to me by way of a Before the day i>cepod came on a tii’ulara and never a word of any sinter h* art heat niH>n my Iiokoiii. are Hatisiicd to use tackle that will capture' “You're welcome, olrl” said He. “Ai reply. wanaish rain, and the frost was all wiiiod in the case. I could see iny Dutchman My troubles began with my return. «»nly om> pickerel at a lime, their hizuh for tho young leddy (my respec’s to “Hei;ere,” I said, “is f’-.o stillest place away frum among our feet. 1 took my was extremely flUHjiic’ieus, nnd vi<*\ving She ran to gret-t me with an obviouH uml being Hiich (hat emr on (he lino will give her), ho’ll just have clean forgotten her, that we have hit on yet iu this busy byke cloak M> her and sought to hap her in the me over tho rims of a gi'eat pair of hih'c- alji'cting pleasure. She was elad, be- the ttslierniaii all the sport he wants in 1 ken the man yo see; I have lost oillei of a city. Lot us sit down here under same. Bho ^|)ado me rather im{>atiently tacli's—he was a frail iHHly and H'leH, entirely in tbo new idotheH (hat I landing it. Hiil Surtwell had visioaH of the high old time lie would have if hy by him ere now. Ho thinks of naebody yon tree and consider of our course." to ki'C]) it. n-minded me of an infirm ralihit—he be­ h.; I bought for her -looked in tliem Uh Th# ** Belt oo Esrth " on its Merits^ Compare It any poHsihdily he conhl get two, or tier- with all others and be aatUfied. ERY^PELAS of but just himsor; clan, king or dauo^iter, That tree (which 1 am little like to for­ "Indeed and i will do no such thing," gan to question me close. yeiitl expreHnioii well-und niiiHt walk if he can get liis womoful, ho would get) stood hnr, ho he pal three hooks on his Une, give them a’ the go by; aye, or his corro- was a block night, but lights were in the that has seen all kinds of weather, and tli-'m and Ui admired. 1 am Hure I did il spondeiii either. Fur tlieir is a senco in bouses, and nearer hand in the quiet hero are you, a tender, pretty maid. Jly ahtmi foni- feet apart, and haiteil each wilhnnill grai-e, for I (Iionght to have witli a Hevun-iiich chnh. lie had fished wilk 1 may bo nearly almost said to be ships; there was a shining of the city on dear, you would nut put me to a sliumeV' cl; iked upon llie wonlH. the one hand, aud a buzx hung over it of some lime vvitliont ohtaining any evideiicu bis correspondent, but 1 haenao advices.' Witliout more words She let me covet ■‘Well,'' Khe Haid, “If you will tiot he that luH ubnmlanl linic. wa.s any induce- The fact is we are employed thegether many thousand walking and talking; on her, which os I was doing in the dark­ caring for my pretty cloilieH, mi>o what I iiienl to pickerel,,when smldunly he got a iu a business affair, and 1 think it’s Uke the otherit was dark, and the water bub­ ness 1 let my hand rest a moment on bet li.ivodoiu* with i.iir twoeliamberH.” Am! IVcmcndoiiH strike. He gave the fish to turn out a dear affair for' Sondie bled on tbo sides. I spread my cloak shoulder, almost like an einl)raem n littU Two of 'cm on, sure!" said Sartwcll. here to Helvoet; he micht come here the affronts, but I wantcnl to think clear, thing in tho world against iny bosom, or more sevi-re than 1 ipiite fi-lt. “(’atri This second strike waM sotm afterward mom, ho micht nao come for a twal- disengaged mysidf nnd paced to and fro IKirhajm it was but fancy. "There will tain.■’said 1. “I am very mu<-hdinpleam’i) followed l)y a thinl, and then SurlwuU uon- mouth; I wonder at naothing—or just at before lier in tho nuuiner of what we be no end to your giHxlnoss," said she. with yoti, and you miihl never again lay ctnded that he wa.s in for liii.siacHM. Thu the oe thing, and that's if ho was to pay tall a smuggler's walk, belaboriug my Aud we went on again in silence. But a liand npoii iny room. One of uh Iwc lliree fish, as he sapnoHcd, gave him a Btiff mo my siller. Ye see wliat way I stand brains for any remedy. now all was chungtxl, and tho happiness iniirtt have the ruhi while wo aro hero to light, hut lie finally got his catch to the with it, and it’s'clear I’m no very likely By the course of these scattering that was in my heart was like a fire in a getlier. It Ih mont fit it hIiouM bo I, wlir boat ami into it, wlieii, to his surprise, ho to meddle up tvith the young loddy, as thoughts I was brought suddenly face to great chimney. am Ixitli tie- man and tfte elder, ftml I roiiinl Lliat instead of three pickerel ho ye ca’ her. Sho cannao stop liere, that’s face with a remembrance tliat iu the The rain passed ere day; it was bnt a givo yiai that for my eoninmnd." had only one, ailhongli tliat one was a Read what Mrs. LUCY M. KlETHsays from out goosu he ac­ I will 1)0 very olieilient, as I Hhonhl Im fast in his juw. Tliu pickerel bod Htruek have three or four attacks yearly. Myfatxwpuld “Enough of this talk," said I. “I will carried my liand to the pocket whore my on the public highway, smoko rose from cept my tule (thinks I); supjKise lie in­ when every Htitch upop all there IhoI be so swollen that 1 could notice for weeks. Year­ take the young lady among better friends. money was. I snpposo it was in the lane a bund^ kitchens, and it came in upon tlie first ubnh, got il in his inoath, and ly the attacks increased In severity and freouency vite my sister to his house, and that 1 mo IJclongB to yon. But you will not lx liookcil hiaiHclf. Hut be didn't mind s OLD RELIABLE CORNER MARKET. until my blood was In sudi condition that 1 had Qlve me pen, ink and paper, and I will where the woman jostled -ns.-but there me strongly it was time to break our bring her. I shall have a fine raveled very cniss i-ithor. becuuso now I hav« It almost constantly. Life was a burden to nw. leave hero for James More the address of is only one thing certain, that my parse fasts. little thing like s two-ineh hook in his jaw The disease affected my head and brain. 1 thought pirn to unwound and may end hy dis­ not any one i-lMe.” when ho Huw another leiiiptln;^ chub just I shouldbeMme insane. Mysufferings were ter­ my correspondent in Leyden. Be can was gone. "Catriona," said 1, “I believe you hart rible. At last 1 was confined to a darken^ room gracing l)oth the hiHHiu and myself. This Btnick me hard, and I iimde | of him, making frantic efforts to thus learn frum me where he is to seek “Yon will have thought of something yet a shilling and 8 baubeos?” TheruuiM>n I l>egun Inustily to exi>ouiid tu luiste in a kind of penitence to Iilot uni and thought I should never recover, when my good," said slie, observing me to iiause...... '..... ’ ■ *’ ■ ■ ■ ‘ ^ri-t out of his way, and he went for that his daughter." "Aro yon wanting it?" said she and him my sister’s character. She was fif u all the g(H)d elfei-t of my lust hih'ocIi. Ill At the pinch we were in my niUid be­ one to make Kiiru of it. Hu half Hwal- This word 1 wrote and scaled, which passed me her purse. “I am wishing it bashful disiKisition, it upiieared, and so Ibis dirn‘li<«n prugreiw wuh inuro cany. lowcil tliat one, and got the second hm)k_ came suddenly clear as a iiersiiective G. W. HUTCHINS, and purified my bfo^ from alt humor and since while 1 was doing Sprott. of his own was £5. What will you want it for?" extromedy fearful «tf inei'ting Htrangers At tho high! of her in tho tirightm-HH ot < in his jaw. I'^vcii tlmt wasn't Hiiflicieiil to M. D. JOHNSON, th.'it that time I have not had a vesUge or syop motion, made a welcome offer, to charge glass, and 1 saiv there was no choice of 'And what have wo l)een walking for till) (ire and with her pretty becks and I oveicoim- his great vomcily, and lio liingetl ptomof Eryslpela*^ My cure is wonderful. I methods. I bad not one doit of coin, but that 1 liofl h.’ftherat thatinonii'iit Hitting SURGEON : DENTIST. cannot speakiktooh- I highly •• •In praise■ of' -Dalton “ ’s Sar* himself with Miss Drummond’s mails all uight, like a pair of waif Egyptians?" in u pnbliu place alohe. And then be­ looks iny heart was^ ullogetlier melted, [aheml and snapped up the thinl chnh, sapariUa. WATE^TILLE, MAINE. and even send a porter for them to tho in my pooketbook 1 had still my letter says I. "Just ^>cauBe I was robbed of ing launched tqH>n the Ktrt-nm of fulsf’- Wo inmlo our meal with intinito mirth | and welcomed anolher hook to his jaw. Mrs. Lucy M. Kibtk, inn. 1 advanced him to that effect a dol­ on tho Leyden merchant, and there was O&ioB in Uarrell Block, No. 04 Main St. OFFICE—100 Main Street. Belfast, Me., Dec. i8,1893. No. 3 Alto St my purse aud all 1 jiosBessed iu that un­ IummI I inUHt du like all the rest of the ami (omleriiesH, and our very lunghtci How many nioie cliiilis uml hooks lie lar or two to bo a cover, and he gave mo now but one way to get to Leyden, and chancy town of Rotterdam. I will tell world in the same circuniHlancu and Hounded like ii kindnesH. woiilil havi! gone on gobbling if they tmd OSlco Houn from 8 to 12 & from 1 to 0. Ether and Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas Ad* Prspsrsd by DALTON 8AR8APARILU CO., Bsifut, Ms. an acknowledgment iu writing of tho that was to walk on onr two feet. you of it now, because I think the worst plunge in deeper titan was any Hervici', In the midst of the meal I awoke to bet­ appcarol licfori* iiini of course no one is Pure iVitroojr Oxide and Ether cotMtantly iiilnlateretl for the Extraction of Teeth Um Dalton’s PUltand Plasters, also Dalton’s al)le to sav, Imt Bartwi-ll declares that Liquid Dentifrice for the Teeth and Gums. sum. “(Catriona," said 1, “I know you're b over, but we have still a good tramp adding some ultegether neeR. A* JOIvY, rascal. She had said, no word through­ road'/’’ We found it, 1 believe, scarce of broad I, were like to go fasting." midst of w'hich ! awoke to a HetiHc of my Htrm-tive book tliat 1 had hoiight, by the 111 clndiH ami hooks until there was no out, leaving me to judge and 8i>oak in more riMim for any in ids nionlli ami jaw, Attorney at Law, the two-thirds of (bat, but such was my Bhe looked at mo with open eyes. By behavior and was turncil to one IiIuhIi. late Dr. IJi-ineceiuH, in which I wuh t« her place; I, uiion my side, liad been and Sartwcll is sure that there wiw room VETERINARY SURREON. WATRRVILLK, MK. notion of the distAnca the light of the new day she was ail Tho old gf'utb'muti uas mithoinucb du a i/reat tion mu of what 1 read. Me- iMetiiboruf tho Montreal Votorlitary ingncKs to (piit of me, hut lie waH, first pickiTt-l oil tlirco »cparat4-ly haitcil lnM)kM s, 'f. brann, glowed inside uf mo with shame ani anything. The courage of my heart, it she broke out laughing. of all, a man of huHinesH, and knowing thoiiglit she bit' tier Up at mu u little, and P Medical AMOolatiou. anger, I mode it my affair to seem quitj is all broken. Do not be leaving me in ‘My torturel We are beggars then?" ia-foi)'. tliat my moni'y was giKxl enough, how­ that <‘Ut me. Indeed it left lo r wholly .\l ()l»*aii, olio*, (ieorgo Smith lamb‘AVCK. SHOP. 29 KELSEY STREET. French, have a piece of dinner jind in­ Dight'/” L would be pleisaud if 1 would have hud N. O. Dr. Joiy will attend all aorta of dla^aaua quire for conveyances to Rottenluin. I uf u hxlgiiig. This implied n>y preseut- Kothu rest of tho evening (lowed hy a d-jiomidej, was still alive tni the hottoin befalling Horaoa, Cattle, lloga, Etc. KHtinmtca ou work or nniterlal |iroin|>Lly fur- "1 will do all that you ask of mo," she to dance to get a meal to yoni Fur 1 be­ ing of tho yoting man to (.'atriona. The abnoHt without HiM-4-i-h. of tho boat. Smith threw Ins new catch iilslied oil aiiplication. 44tf will never bo easy till 1 have yon safe said, "and never ask you why. I have lieve they are nut very well aetjuainted again in tho hands of Mrs. Qebbic." poor, pretty chibl was nim-h recovered I could have luail mys^'lf. i <'i)uld not ill the boat, and wi*iiL on trolling,. been a IumI, ungrateful girl to you, and with our manner of dancing over here with rcHtiiig. looked and liehuved to {ter- Hein bed that night fur rage and repent­ eiilly he licaiil a great commulion, ami “1 snpiiose it will have to be," said do what yon please with mu nowl And and might be {jujing for the curiosity of Catriona, “though whoever will bo foctiun and t(M>k my arm and gave me ance. What muHt nhe tliink of me? Wai looking la'liiiid him was ama/cd to see DR. G. W. ABBOTT. A. E. BESSEY, H D. 1 think Miss Birrbara Qrunt is the best tlmt sight." the name of brother more eaHily than 1 my one thjoiglij that Hofteiied me t-on- that till’ M-poiiinl pickerel lia.m. Sunday: from 3 to 4 r. m. . H. N. WOODCOCK. ___ will remind you it was a blessing that tho first of these was to got clear of that try wife but new come to town, and in Balfour lirnl rattier Huddt-nly outgrown In her prewi-m.'e, ami, aliove all, if 1 al­ III ill)' Ii»*ad with the hamllu oj his laiiit OirPICB OVKK PKOPLKS BANK. I cumo alongst with you.” city on the Leyden rood. It proved u a l)uker’B u piece of excellent, hut, swtKit her bashfiilnesH. And there whh un-the difference of onr HiH-eeh. I fonml 1 liad V)‘ry litth- coiiimaml ol Mil- wiiter sp)*nt oiiu summer along W. C. PHILBRUOK, that part of the iMI)‘gh:tny river, ami after this tiineV says she, and 1 thought or 2 at uighi ere we solved it. Chico be road us wo went on. That road from .hufl the low’ country tongue ami fiwelled what Hhoiile cnlied a tleucon in OU5 fouotalo sod is tliii c-iiH'.lii.nt ..f iil... MliriK m>M-lrh<, ..... |„ylay whywhy Ihiilthat ) CONTRACTORS k BUILDERS, WATERVILLF - MAINE. TRAVBlii IN HOLLAND was besides made most extraordinary deed. (ho craft of talking Knglihh gnirnmur, MauuAusturera of-brleb. cured. He says he much us I WIIH aid)', faking out claHsi ‘‘Ilminply can't Ih) iloiic,” was the re­ Brlek and atone work a a|H>olalty. Varda at lAin* difficult by a plain black frost that fell ‘And uuw, Davie," sul4l she, "what so that for a lirotlieraml hinter we mmh‘ ami sitting there n-giilaily. nfli'ii with considers L-eon’s Ssr. suddeuly iu tho small hours and turned ply, “We cion't att)-mpt to raise geesu or ierrllle, Wtnalow and Augusta. R|Hiolal fdbllltlea will you do with me at all events?*' a must uneven pair. But the young Himill utb-nlioii, the t)'st of wiiicli 1 )bo-ks Is'cauH)) )tvcry gosling or iluckliiig^^.^ for ablpplng Uriek by rail. Vv. FRED P. F0B8, that highway into one lung slide. P.O. address Watorvllle, Me. ly 40 saparilla the Greatest "'It is what we have to B{>euk of," said Uollumler was a heavy dog, without ho fonml till' other 'lay in a not)-book of llial Ill a bii.iMi will lje pidh'ii under water COUNSELLOR, ATTORNEY and NOTARY, Reiqedy oi. Earth* "Well. Catriona," said I, "here wo ait I, "and tho sooner the letter. 1 can much spirit in his iM-lly us to remark her (MTiisI, whi-i'i- 1 iiail li'tl olf to lollow all )liV)‘d upon hy picki-rcl on its tiist uutiiig . lloonia 3 aud 4 Maaoiilver to onr • WATKUVILLK, der and Kulargement of in iny biH>k hom)> Vi-ry ill dtsc'-. though Kv< a ohl gt-)".!* and lim-ks have hci-a seen VEALRH IN tales. Boon we'll be going over tho 'Bev- pose of you until your father come. 1 heads he h-ft uh alone, which wuh the tbo i.iitinily is ralle-r bi-tt)-r than 1 t*» )>'-il. I.n'i*, ncv<‘r to come up again, more limcH A8RICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BMS. 34lf. mouutaiu moors.’" Wliich was a com* eweir to i)ttrt frum me.” The I'vil of lliis emirK) was mar me than once. You iiiiglit its well try to We are In rccelnt of the fnllnwing letter (roa luon byword or overoomu iu these talei Mr. 11. N. \VVndcock, H well-known and pnua. ‘It will be more than M^emlng then,” CHAin'KK XXIII. happily as gn at uh its a'lvaiitage. I hail , »ai.s)? cotton in (ircenland as to raise ducks FERTILIZERS, E. G. MERRILL. Inent citizen of Waldo County, Me. of hers that had stuck In my memory. said slio- FILLSTOHY OF A < Ol'Y OF UKINKflll’H. tho l)‘hH tiim- ..f trial, but I I.eli,-V)- wliih i*'"! H*)- Alh-ghaiiy river. Some "Ah."sayBEhe, "but there are no gleni i'kcrt l are croswil .with HCA.'X'^Ab STK.A-'W. GeM/UiHfM:—Vor tlie benefit of suflering "You are u very young maid," said i, The place found wuh in the upper part \ that liiii)' lasliil I wuh frii-'l the inon- )-x bilks think our humanity 1 deem it iny duty to tmy tliat for many or mountains, though 1 will never be de­ muskiilloiige. think it's with bliark."— yean 1 have been (roubted with InlLimmatton of and 1 am but a very yomig callaiit. ot a hinnuf Imcked on a camiJ. We bad ' tri-im-ly, for. sh'-b)-ing wt mm-li l)-lt li PHOTOGRAPHM. the Neck of llio Bladder and Enlargement of the nying but what the trees and some oi This is a great punro uf difficulty. What tw’o rooms, the M-i-oml eptcring from the , Holitmle, hIio larno to gji-i t iny n liirn 'i lie Sun. I’rostate Gland, occiisimiing frequent of C?. A. HILL, the plain places hen'abuuU are very jiret- way are we to manage, unless imleed first; euL-h luid a chimney built out into | with an im'n aHing fi-rvor lliat <-an)i*nigh AT HIS FIREWORK. LOWPRICeI water, and obliging me to be up frequently "I’liw, the paper says that Ahluritmii nights. My ditcanes, with broken rest and age, ty. But onr country is the beet yet.” you could {>088 to be my sister?" the floor in the Duteh manner, and Ix’- 1)) ovi-rinaHti-r im-. TIk-mi frii-mlly otb r*- seemsd to be working together to drive me to ('lid)lipis was ceiihurcil for using ‘uiipar- itCllLKlOH HCILDINO, CP 1 PLIGHT. "1 wish we could suy as much for oni 'And what fur no?*’ said she. "if you ilig uleiigBide each hud the Haine pros- ; f miint liuiliaioii-ly cast iiai k, ami niy Livery, BoardiQg k Sale Stable, my death. I tried otir most prominent local “Take me mtny, Ihivld,** s/tc said. own folk," Buys 1, ri'calliog Bprott and iiaiiH'iilary language.' Wiiat docs tliat physicians nnd many dilTcrcnt medicines, but would let mot" [lect from the w-imluw of the top of a ! r<'j) 1 tioii H')nii-tnm''- w«aind« >1 In r ho cni- imaoV" “Did you say In- was uii aldcr- KA8T TKMPLK 8T., WATEItVILDK, wiUiout any licnetit whatever. Three bottles of The rattel wagon, wliich is a kind of a Bung and perhaps Jhiuus Mure himself. "1 wish you we^e so ii)deeelow uh iq a little court, of a jiit-ce | maiiV" “Yep.” “1 Mipp)HJo he lmp|K.*uv)i Keene Honnui and Carriagea to let for all pur waoa. and I um now, at tlie age of 76 years, well and "1 will never complain of the country 1 would 1)0 a fine man if I hac. by then, but the streets were pfetty seemed to soe tho look ujicn her face. The journey of an iceberg is certainly a oauHu they last longer and do butter work. EACH BOTTLE GUARANTEED* '-^Aud now I will bo Katrine Balfour," by we had gmxl inealH sent in. could almost Huy that 1 was crucifieil. TRUCKING and JOBBING For evury variety oi brigbfly lightiHl and thronged with wild- 1 caught in my breath sharp and came she said. " And who is to ken? They c4S)l prix'ceding. like, outlandish characters—bearded He­ The first thing in the morning i wrute i'« i» | OF ALL KINDS ' near falling (for tuy pains) on tho black are all strange folk here.’*- word to Kjirott tu have ('utrionn’H mails STAMPS, STENCILS, &c.. brews, black men aud the hordes of toe. AlWHKaS ‘If yon think tliat it would do." says M-iit on, togethi-r with a line to Alan at Dune Promptly and at lieaaonable Prfoea. shameless womeu most Indecently '1 do not know what you think, Oatri- L "Z own it troubles me. i would like A- X)XJ3SrB-A.R, adorned with finery aud stopping sea­ his chh'fs, and t^e Mtme di.-^|>atehed and Orders may bo left.'St my houao on Union ona," said 1 when 1 was a little recov­ it very ill if 1 advised you at all wroug." hur Im-ukfaHt ready ere 1 waked her. 1 8t.,orat Uuok Hroa.* Store, on Main 8t. WATEKVILLE. - - MAINE. men by their very sleeves. The clash of ered, "but this has Is'en the beet day yet 'David. 1 have no friend here but WUH u little ulaiHluxl when bhei-uiiie forth HKfWCKY IIOSLIIS. hent talk about us mode our heads to whirl, 1 think shame to say it when you have you," she said. ^ and what w’as the most uuexi>ected of in her une habit and the mud of the way Z>K. A. I^e AliliO^irx', is about the cost of the aver­ met in with such luisfortnnefl and dis­ 'The mere truth is 1 am Ux) young to U])oii lier stuckingH. By w'iiat mijuires all we apiR’uretl tu bo no more struck favors. but for me it has beoi the best be your friend," said 1. "1 am too young Royal Baking Powder, age dose of the True “L. F.” with all these foreigners than they with 1 hod mmlu it M-enie*! a gcxHl few dayH SURBEON DENTIST, day yet" ^ to Mlvise you or you to be advised. 1 must {MUM before her nmilH eouM come FRANK L. THAYER, Dental Parlors In Plaieted Block, Bitters, yet some dealers try us. 1 uiatlu the l>e8t face I could fur "It was a good day when you showed see not wliat else we are to do. and yet 1 to hand in Lc-yilen, and it wuh plainly ' the lass’ sake aud my own credit, but the mo so iiiuch love," said slie. ought to warn you." made from absolutely pure -----AGENT FOR----- Ofttue hours 0 to IS and 1 to S. to force an imitation on you truth is I felt like a lust sheep, and my iieeosom with anxiety. too,** 1 went ou, "and you here on tl^ My father, James More, has nut used THE ROYAL OF LIVERPOOL, trwalineiit of badly dUuaau«l tuulb. (iaa, Ktbur Cnee or twice 1 inquired after the har­ go to that exiM-nse, hut 1 reiuimh-*! her | and Kluutrioity uaeal fur extiaotlon. Such a man will sell you poor road In the black uight" tne very well, and it is not the first time. bor or the l)erth of Uie ship Rose, but she was uuw a ricli man's Hister and I Grape Cream of Tartar, PENNSYLVANIA AND goods in every line. "Wbure In the great w/>yld would 1 be I am cast upon your hands like a sack of luuMt apiM-ur suitably in the ixirt, uml ’ either fell ou some who siKike only Hol­ eiseii*' she cried. "1 am tblnldiig 1 am barley meal aud liave nothing elso to C. W, STEVENS. The question for you to lands, or my own French failed- me. ive bitt) nut gut the w.-coml mpi-ebant's THE OERMANIA safest where 1 am with you." think of but your pleasure. If you will Uifure she was entirely cluirmYsl intiHhe I UBALKH IN Trying a street at a venture, 1 came upon Imparts lliat peculiar liglitnchs, Fire Insurance CdT’s. decide is, will you have imita­ "1 am quite forgiveu then?" I asked. have me, go^ and well. If vou will Ipirit uf the thing and her eyi-A Hliiaing. ' a lunu uf lightiHl houses, the doors and ‘Will you not forgive me that time so tion, low price and sickness, not’’—she turned aud touched her hand it pleuse^l uiu to Hue her ho inn SI floou us 1 spiel* luustj. “lAd us walk i»aid for stockings to her. Altogether! I BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED 'You said yourself she was the best lady I am just trying to do my duty by you, S|ient su great a sniii that 1 was uhliumecl, ‘ declare is iiiioblaiiiablc by the* use FOR SALE. here by the Itorlxir. sure to meet In tlie world." * nUMESTLY ANU OHEAl'EV. AND OTHER SECURITIES girt Here 1 am going almie to this Slid by way of a betoff 1 left our cham­ Tbu Judkius liuiuuaUatl, at the uuriier uf Pleas­ some th:tt has tho Unglisli, aud at tho ‘Bo she will be indeed," mjs Catriona. strange city to be a solitary student Fur the xafe hiToetiiieut of money. For tale by ant and West Winter Ktrt-ete. lz>t lOU feet bv iW best of it wo limy Jl"!)*. U]>oo that very bers pretty bare. If wu had U-ds, if of any olbcr leavening agent. feet. MutliTii tuiiiMu of eleven ruiiiia in guutf re- 'but i Mrill never forgive her for all that there, and here is Uiis cliahce arisen that Catriona was u little bruw, and 1 hud u , 1 t

LIST or ENTBIES FOB FAIBPIELD MinniJMMERlN TTABIIINaTON. 'J'ho aniHial “roott” of iwallowf, inaitiite * ; QnArnDteed Oare. WE WANT TO SHOW YOU RACKH. The Government (Jlerks Keep at Work with nnd sAiifLs in the Messalonskee willow! We mlioHte our advortise^ drugplt STATE NORMAL SCHOOL the Mercury at i 19 deprrees. Entries In Mum1>er nnd Unalily Riirpnss oonimodoed about thd lOtti ami every ev­ to sell Dr. King'* NevwDirrovery for (Jon- FARMINGTON, MAINE. (For llie Maii, ) siiinption, jLIoogbs and Colds, upon this TUITION and TEXT BOOKS FRRR. FUBUSURI) WEEKLY AT All rrevlous BtHsirds In Maine. ening shows increasing nuiiihers taking WAflrifNOTDN JhIv*24, *\yx ooomtion. If you arc afllictod wUb a Following is a list of entrios to the tao MAIN STm watkkvillk mk part in the airy frolic heforo swallow bed­ Gough, Cold or any Luitg, Throat or Chest Three Bargains, if tlio contemplation of iny sutijoot— races at Fairfield trotting park on Friday 25 cts. PRINOK A WYMAN. “Midsummer in Washington” shall oaiiao time comes. trouble, and'Will use this remedy as di- —i3sr— and Saturday, August 4 anil 5. rooted, giving it a fair trial, and expo- ifT'For flirculart and fiirtlier Information, ad- rUBLIUHKRI AK» moPKIKTORS. a rise in the thcrniometer on the coast of The '1 per cent, discount is proving very dr^ the Prlnelpal, OBO. O. PUBIMOTON. First Day, Friday, Anf. 4- 9.87 (.’lass.. rionoo no benefit, you may return the bot­ Horses Ixiwe, Hlmwmut, uli in Ilnlllo Maine, or make the atmosphere around popular with Watervillo taxpayers, and % tle and have your money refunded. We Rabserlpllon Prloei 89 00 Per Teat K. H. Nenily. Moiiroo, g rn IIlj>}ioiiA. sojouraors at Northport aiul other delighU large part of ttie heavy taxes will Im paid could not make this nCfnr did wo not know Messenger's Notice. •l.SO If Paid In Advance. K. 1’. lk>nrlK)rn, Siy Ncslmrgfi, !• in Hotty I). that Dr. King’s New Disoovery could Im W. WHIIsms, No. Anson, I) li Ht. t’roU. fill Slimmer resorts, seoin just a Utile hot­ hy August I, ennhli'ng tlie city troasorcr orru'KorrnKanKRiri'or xxxxgBan couirry relied on. It never disappoints. Trial C. M. Uulld, Angnita, cti h WAllcr ll. HTATE or MAINE. FUIDAY, JULY 28, mX A. Welili, WaterviUe, oh in lllhla. ter than it lealiy is, I shall not foci sorry tn reditoo tliq,temporary loan and to ent bottles free at J. L. EortierV Drug Store. Blue Storm Serge, II. V. ami F. H. Ilriggs, Anhnrii, h h (iniio Krinkriikc ms. duly 8S, A. I). 1803. (although you would expect iiio to say tbo down interesl charges. I^arge size 50c. and $100. rpHlH 18 TO GIVE NOTIOR, That on tlieZBli WATRnVlLLK MANKH AIIE SOLID. c'l;: Nelson. WiUervilln, oh tn Mnml Hanks. opposite) fur 1 nin hi a revengeful mood, JL day of duly, A.- I>. 1803, a warrant In Insol­ SUvor J.awn Hlalilos, WalorvlUn, l>r gt’nrrJor. Tho mcinlmrs of the Konnebpo Fish nnd vency was Issued out of the Court of Insolvunoy ail You We are glad to note the fuel that Wa» 'J rnsk a •i'oxier. Uar.lliier, hr g .loso|ih It. since rending in tho M the breezy re­ for said County of Keimeheo, against the estate ('.A. Msrslon, Hkowhiigpui. hr g Fred M. (lame asHooialiun are hoginning to talk of said terville Iim fell the present liiianria] < . 'I'. KUiokhole, (tanUiior. i h s Cunsrd, .Ir. port of “Hrother Hoollihy” (ns iny es- with a good e’en! of iiitcresl of the forth- . GHAHLK8 KING, of Watorritle, 50cts. T5cts. & $1.00 but little. MorchanUi have of conrBo I ilth-llehl A (hue. Aillmni, tilk g itisek Hnii. teemed friend Mrs. Hartoii ends him) POWERFUL PROOF. Oeo. It I’nlmer, Last Dovor, h in Ijuly l••^alJk coming annual outing and hniiquet at adiudged to bean Insolvent Debtor, on petition of realized to noino citcnt the tightneni of Un. concerning his recent trip to Ponobseot said debtor's oredltora, wlileh gietitton was Hied on OO.Vi’T ni)Y WITHOUT aHEISTO THKSf. A. N. ricroB, Hiuigor, h g Klgln. (iroat Pond, montion of which was made the 2Uli day of duly. A.D. 1893, to which date Will llie tuouoy niarkut, but colkclions h.ivn Hay. I'or somo reason or other (ho Fates I&dian Sagwa A Reliable intorust on claims Is to be coinputeil: that the Class-Trot hmcI Fai-e. iu a roeoiit nuinher of tho Mail. payment of any debts to or by said Debtor, and been tnado about aa caml} m uhual, have decreed that instead of spending a Remedy of Rare Value. the transfer and delivery of any property by him A new line of ___ HutUtn 8Ua-k rarin, Oroiio, I.asy.Hin. 'I'ho regular mucling of the eity eoiiuoil are forhidden by law; that a meeting of theCreil- the general volume of huHiueHH huH hIiowii .1.Homo. U Htorville. hlk g (le»i. II. month or so on that deliglitfiil “South l/oii MoHoiinlil. \ngnslft,t> in Imisy llolfo itors ol said Debtor, to prove tltefr debts and ILa^OESIS, . ^ but a slight falling oft Hinee the iliBtiirb- Shore” right in tho neighhoihiHKl of vivi- for August wilt Im licid next ^VQdnelulay The Professor of Physiological choose one or more assignees of his estate, will 'J K- FInhorlj, Mnlimouth, h in Miss \ lila. Chemistry at Yale College Ana- be held nt a (k)urt of Jiisolvenoy to lie holdenat Want Just received. ancea which have cauaed so nnii’li trouhlo r I', lioarljorii, Ho. Nowimrgh. oh u I)alryini>Ie. fyiiig spirits, and life giying air, wo Hhall ovening. Aiming the inattera to ho noted Pn>hato Court K00111 tn Augusta, (11 said county r 1’. in Krlxirii.S**. Ni'whnru;li. h g Hen Hur. tyies Kiokapoo Indian Sagwa— of Kennebec, on tlie 14tli day or August, A.D. T. (Illinsii. WMliTvUh- hh l..'sfor. sit at a (ioveminoiit desk siirroundod hy on at I'le meeting will ho tlie oleetion of It Is Pronounced Purely Vege­ elsewhere liegan. (J, r. Liittr.irils, F«lrlh‘hl. h ll <}oo. Itolfe. 180.1, at 2 o’oliwk tn the afternoon. BEST VALDES WE HAVE OFFERED YET. “Ul n’s” full of long eohimns of figures, an ovorsoer of tho piair and of an assessor table and Absolutely free from Given under tnyhand the dateflrst above writteif. Watorville is fortunate in having sound, <1. r. IMwnrtls, Falrflohl. hr in J’ilot Mahl. dAMK8 P. HILL. Deputy Sheriff. Hilver IJiHli Slahics, Watcrvllh*. hr g Uhikiuo. Mineral and other Harmful Ad­ If you Inwc not Iieen iu to floo uh, give U8 a rail. Wo will osh you well. ^ well-managed banking institutions wliich “Scientific bonds,” “Appllcntlous for Alco­ to fill vuennnes caused resigimtions. As messenger of the Court of liisofvoucy for said The Silver Ijiwn SUhlei., Wnlervllle. h in CiirloHii. mixtures—A compound of Croat County of Keiiiiebeo. 2t9 r. M (liilhl, Angiislii, hlk h Frlnoe Fi ariumghi enjoy the confidence of their patrons thor­ hol free of tax,” etc, the thermometer at 'I'lie oluh house of tho Ticonio guii club, Remedial Value —Nature’s Gift F. I. Howell. WalervMle, u h King Fin. to Nature’s Children, H. rv. oughly. As Jong ns this condition «>r also A Welih. Wall i ville, h li LdinumlJ 1P2 degrees inside the building, and the Hpiiken of in last week’s Mail, has been Ol'ICK is hereby given, that tliosubserllierhas H. F AF 11 Briggs. Anhnrn. ll g .Urn Hritj. N' been duly Ap|>oint(Ml AilminisirAtor on the confidente continues, the banks of this B r .X r H Briggs. Anhnni. h g Hreimdier mercury “out of sigh ” on the streets—so going up fiul dining tho weok, and a To prove that Kicktii>oo Indian Sagwa U estate of r. II. Nelson. Wnlervllh'. oh h Fiirker. hot lliat thi‘ asphalted pavements sink he- wortlijaotpQbliooondiloDoe, and that it la a CHAULK8 M. IIAIUIRLL. late of Watervillo, city will have easy sailing and depositors . II. BiiK-hel.ter. No. Trov. tir s rhalliiiiii. few days mure will sco it cotiipluted. The remedy of ramnrknlils onratlvo ralae, in Ui» county of Kennebec, deceased, intestate, 82 MAIN STREET,WAyBBVILLE, ME. may ill the future as in iho past l«'el as deo. B. |•ullner. 1 asi Dover, h g Quiver. nenlh one’s feet—and earn our bread, not ami liaa imdertaknn that trnst by giving bond as A N. Fler. e, Bsngor.ih g t kvwihmI. liotino is very pleasantly situated, nnd ^s Ucaara. Ilcaly A Bigelow of NeW Haven, the the law dtrools: All persons, thoremre, having ile- sure of tliLir deposits ns if they had them A U. Biirrlll. Weeks' Mills, hf llosa \ li-tor. only liy the sweat of our brow, hut of tho coiiv’ciiiently nirangcd for the iiso of the Offenta for the Kicknpoo Indian KlodtPlns inamls against the estate of said decessoil, are .1. K. IliKtIngs, Hoiimt l'»mi, h s Hurnioiin. Co., roqncttcd tlmi no analyaU of Indian desired to exhibit tbe saino for aettleinciit; and in hand. We do not believe that there is entire epidermis. Without any disrespect i: B Irnlaml, Ktetsoii, h s liorralii eliil) 1)0 all indelited to Sabi ostato arc requestAMl to make o. O. 0AH.IjE3TO3>r, ( Sasrwa aho'ild made by the Profoosor of liiunodlato payment to (iie least disjiositioji of anj to tost the Class. to “I’nelu Sam” for after all he is a most Phyalolosloal ChcmlHtry at Yale Collega, (HUCCBSSOll TO CAULEWN A DINSMOHK) Correspondence with the comrades of d. FOSTER PEnciVAK ail gonel'oiis old fellow, we entiiiol help oonatdoiipdoneof the hlgbeat autliorltlea in duly 24.1893 3wl» M strength of the Watorville hunks at the A ForelJ. Saiifiinl.g h I.Ulhi I>lek. T r. Flalierij. Monmoiilh. h in Miss S |i|i<, the liltli Maine Ucgimental Association, the country. Will Ncll Tor (he NF.XT .10 DA Va, present time; hut if any shcuilil hapjaui to thinking he sometimes gets cranky, ami B. Walle. Fi.lillelil, h )i Oreei»w g Iteven ml King netals a respite from overwork—lie takes the last will anil testsnieiit of A. H. \ W . M. Shaw, IJreeiivllle.hlk h.SIipI'i ry flqffica, and escamiuing the tarioua auh- MAltClA E. STEVENS, late of Wajerville. 9Si per cent. leNN (linn any oilier coiieern on the a fit to promulgate some cast-iron rales tn an niiustially largo attcmlaiiee u'l that Mail would show that the Imnk • fliceis atancea eatertng intoitncompoaition^ljlnd In said ooimly, ilocuaaed, liaving been presentcl 'Silver Lawn Hinhles, WaterviUe. h in ( arlotta oecnsioii. As the Mail has said more for probate. Keniicbt-c ltiv:cr. have taken the precaution to add .'i large fnmi which there Is no deviation, and ao- irio b^an jiztrnct qf Itootaf Jfarka and Sllvi r Lawn Hlalihs, Falrlii'Id, l> in I'llneess than luicc, Wiilcrvilic is the ideal place in OnoRUhi). That notice thereof he given three Nelson. (■(impiuiicH the same with a eiicular arkiiig Uerba^qf JirniidialActioTi, mfev weeks suooosalvely prior to the fourth Monday of Sent amount of cash to their reserve, to say S WKhnni. WateuJIte, hr h Ben I'rnnklln August next, in tlie WaterviUe Mall, a news- This is strictly for Cash. nothing of their deposits with Ihi* stiong- W W illiains, No. Anson, hr in Brown Bi-ss all snits of “scare ry” ipicstions like tho A visiting |>Iaycr cx[iicsses surprise that out any mineral or other dHctcrioua ad- pajierprlntuiiln Watorvlllu, that all porsonsinter- Ilarrv XVevmotilli, Faiiflehl. hi li Hurry .S. estod limy Httciiil at a Prolwite Court then to he xjxsrxa of est fiiinncisl inslitiilions iii New IhighiiMl, I'. 1. Iloueii. Wii'ervllle, g li King F>n. following; “How old are von? How so little intcrcstjii tennis in shown in this mixturea." lield at AiigiiBta, ninl show oAuso. if any, why the W . Hliror.l, l•.^lrllel.l. hlk h \ an Heliuoiit, .Ir. long liavo you been iu ortico? Were you city. Aside fiom the college moii, tliere said instrument should not be proved, approvcil and which could ho diawii upon at once A. Wehh, \v alervllle. h h .ImIge Kolfe, Ho havl no enggeatloija to offer which could and allowiMi, as the Inst will and teslaineiit of tbo H. F. .X F H Briggs. Auhuni. hr in Smile L iippoiiiteil iimlei the Civil Service iiiles? aie very few people in the city who play Improve .Sagwa, aa It waa a remarkably (ole. Hanlim r, li s Matehinukoi, .Ir (iuvcrnmcnl ofllee: Hiolher, sister, aunt, the game conics ns near ideal spmt for all Tlioii-imila of enroa iittost to ita remarkable Selling at the same Discount. (.IS) U. |•aiIm•^, I'ust Hover, hlk g Mnrr>, •uratlvo propcrlloa, ThelvalLU and longev­ Kt'NNKliKr Coi’RTY.—Ill Probate (’onrt, held at dejMiHilors in the various niUional Imiiks, niece, motlier, father, grandmother, grand- classes vvJio enjoy spuits of any kind as Augusta, on tho fourth Monday of .luly, 1893. A. N. Fieri e Bangor, 11) g favwiMxl ity of tlie Indian SEE IMIEI, A. B Kllis, Oakl mil, eh s (i< n. !'• ninanghl. fat iicr, graiid-aiint, graiul-iiiccc, great any that can he named. .1. K. PKUCIVAL, GuariBan of and the savings hank of itie city, are not proves the poten* CBABLF..S M. UAUUKLL of Watervillo. While so fiadish ns to lose contiileiiee ia thcii HmoiHlDuy, Haluriliw, Aug. 5.-!• ree-l'or- graiid-motlier, great grand-father, mother- 'I'lie coiiimittcu of the eity council on oy of tho Indian*! in said county, Insane, having privontcil his first At the old Stand, ' AII. Hocoiiiit of guardlaiisliip of galilward for allow- homo hanks, simply la'causo people out Ill-law, falhcr-iii-law, hiothcr-in-law, etc., streets and sidewalks has been to Sk6w- medicine. Hiiuo; IJ f. i dwanl*. F/ililh 1.1 h g. l/'als F. bu that, nlHiongh not Jieing loJiJ so, in Indian Sagwa OHDRliEO, Timt notice thereof ho given throe 34 Main St., WATERVILLE, ME. West or somewhere elsn have (^l'•u■vu tj.l' F.lwanis, I’alillehl, hlk. h \ .in Helniont hegan, recently, to inspect Home new walks kcopa him well. Weeks siiccessfre))’ prior to (ho foiirtli Motwlay T. II Drake. Fitlstlehl, 1 h I arlj Bird. wmds one feels liking '‘slicking to liis of Angnit next. In tho Watorville Klall, anews- aside theii ordinary luisiiuhs sense. A Wi hh. W aleiviUe, 1. ti Mouiilaiiieer. tlicie which are said to he superior to If you feci “run paiMir prlnteil in B’Htcrville, that all persons intor- 'I'he Waterville hanks are solid. A Wehh. Walervllle, hg Freseul. desk ami never going to seed” ami also those wliieli have been laid ia thia eity. It down” or lack estud nmy attend at a Probate Court then tobo sllvii l.avvn aiahhs, Wulervilh. h in Hilvor appetite^ don’t held Ht Augiisin, an.l show cause, if any, uh} Stri el. keeping as hliarp an cyo lui “I’nele S im,” IS probable that the builder of the Skow- till' saino sliuuld not be allowed. I M. Unihl, .\ ngtisla, I h h \VaU sleep well, have G. T. STEVENS, .fudge. Too great care can not Ihi taken h^ vis­ U Wiltlams. No Anson, h h si.< loi* as he, appai-eiitly, is kci'iimg on us. licgaii walks may la' employoil to siiper- a bad tAHte In ATTEST: IfOWAUD OWEN. Itoglsler. 3w« B F A F. H m Hranlella. itors to the seashore in icgard to ventur­ Hut “vvheie were we at”? ‘‘Midsummer iiitciid tho eonstruetiim of the walk to Im the mouth, paini B. 1 A !• 11 Briggs, hh Messing! s Wilkis. In any part ot the KvNNKnRf CoiiMTt.—In Probate Court at Au­ ing out in sail boats vvillioiit htiag accoin- I’ H Ni'lsoii, \\ al.TV llh-, h g I'ie!l B Bki's. in H'fisliingtou” soutuls well but wo can’t iiuilt on i’teasaiit street. Fine Tn i- Sto< k Fann. llar.lImT, h g .Staiilev. body, roapond to gusta. on the fourth Monday of duly, 1893. seem to gel at the subject. Peilmpsitis A CKIITAIN INSTKUMKNT. purporting to Imi We are closing out our line of Edwin O. Burt’s jiaincd by experienced skippers. A ver> Trask A ‘1 <.rUT. i .ar.liin r, h in Btril 'I'lio statements ptihltshcd in hist week's the ory of nature, tiie lost w)B and lestaiiient of (• I’ Hta. k|>ol<‘. ISanliner, ill s < uimrd .Ir. l D Tlie foliage has a dry and dusty look and Henioniber, too, that in taking Klckapoo proved and nllowcl, ns tlie last will and testainont which he is sailing. It may lie inure fun l'iilt«'r-.'n Bro- , W inslow, h ni Stella Uolfu. tiy the hanks, hut little ouUidc ))»pcr is Indlon Sngw a yon ere not flil'ng your system of the said deceased. * Vacation. fur the greenhorn to sail his own ship than I.L (low.ii B’lil.TvIlte, g hiving Fin. even the iiun seats in the paiks are so hut with mineral poison that “hrnrea you np” N G. T. STEVENS, dudge. A B . iil!.n ilh . ll h L.tinund. taken. Local husiness oontniiics good for a while, only to leave you worse oft than Attest: HOWAUD OWEN, Begisler. 3w9 to trust to a skipper, but the cliances ot \ VV. hh \V III. rvllh'. cli III Ihhln that one takes little eumfort iu .sitting on isrow JiJ'r It FAl H Bnggs. Xuhnrii. hr ll Bo< ketidliir. Maine Central passenger and fieiglit re­ before. •> them, even witii his best girl. Cliildren, Bow are of mineral mcdiolnoat They are going U) the bottom are too many to he I M, Nelson. W il. rville, • h h F.irk. r. ceipts have never been larger. 'I'liero is Maine Central Railroad (’ II Nelson, Bat.ivflli*. h in Bremhi. out fur ail airing, are crying with tlie heat dangeron.sJ They often kill. sight of hy prudent {H'ople. Ihaih- I Sluekjsih', tiardlm r, ell s \ « nlnre, no lack of currency fbr pay rolls and gun Bcinciiihcr, A'icl»p{><>/n/ other (itfir^ienfa,** aays t.illhlleld .X tiove .Xnhnrn, hlkgBla.k Dun. eiul business. the highest iind unprejudtceil authority. Pashenoeh Tbaika leave WaterviUe for Port­ Common Sense and Opera toe all widths, • themselves, trying to keep cool. Dogs on Dll. OllEUNLKAF A. Wll.ltl'll. IMS. I( FaIm.T. List 1‘over, eh ni La.lj Frank­ Sagwa is a rcinedy for all time and for all land Hiid Hoston via Augusta, 6 00 A. M., mixed, -T'O!!.- lin. 8.61'. ‘“J-.V) A M., 2.06 I'.M., 3.18 l'.M..and •10.08 I'.M. 'i'lie funeral servieos of Dr. (Jreeiileaf the streets are panting for water, ami if in A tlSEMlL FUKLICITXON. seasons. Jt n-.lores tho stomach, liver and Portland and Boston, via I^wistou, 8 60 A.M., tt.ta < lass khlneystoa atuto of perfect health; and It tlieir despoiation a little white fiulli ap­ 2.28 and 3.03 I'.x. A. Wilbitr, whose death we brielly clirtmi- Tile Dlllclnl MotitIi|)ic««- of tlio Worlil'H tlioHe organs are in good condition you need For Oaklniul.8.6n. A.M.,2.28, 3.03and4.30 P.M. A to E. Waller ll. U‘vm-l'ls. B Inslow. h III Imiii'Vii W. r. W Mow. r. \ I'sillHiro, h h \ pears iiiunnd the inonlh they are iimne- ('oliiiiiltian Exposition. not fear iliMinae. Rheumatism, Dyapeptle, • Fur Skowhogan.6.30 a.mmixed,(except Mon­ tled last week, were held at the family I II Simpson. B atorville, ll III Kit tan I UIL day). 10.10 A.M. and 4 32 p.m. W'hcli tlie tlintcii States fjoveniinent Liver C'Oiii/iiaint, Diacaso of the Kidneys^ home on High street Saturdav, at ten 1 . L...... Ulv.rshle, h g. A.tor. diiilely shut fot mad dogs. Keivous troii'ilei^ Scrofula, Kiyaipslae and For Uolfast, 6.45 and 0.45 A.M. (mixed), and 4.32 B. \1 hiinill. 1 1st \ h m J.nla B. The West Knil houses are mostly closed took control of the Wot Id’s ('oluiuhian all blood illioidorsare cuVed and prevented P.M. JLf O UTJO ’ S o’clock A. M., conducted hy Kev. Charli's For Dover anil Foxcroft, 6.46 a m., 1.40, 3,24 Foil H, Sunloi.l. g h Little Dl< k. Fxposition iastOi'tidiei, on tlie oceasiiiii by tho hii nh'^sand valuable ooinpound ot U B all.-, I'alrlh hi. h li Hr. and slinttei-s h.irred, and the iiiinates sup- and 4.r>i P.u. V. Ilanaoii. In accorilaneo with the wishes B B ail. , I all Held, hlk g Fiank u^Xliu dcdieHtiou,~a.buaid of contiol was root-4, barks and herbs. For Bangor. •2.40, and *3 30 A.M., 6,46, 6.46, ot the family the hcrvices consisted of (I l’ I 1 aini.-hl.h h .SI. Ives. {tosud to he at the seaslmrc or monatains appointed to catry on tlie vvoik to a sne- Klckapoo Indian Sagwa. mixed, and 10.10 A.u.; 1.40, •J.24, 4.32 P.M.; and 137 n\/J[o,lxx tst. <, I I .Iw mis. Faiillel.l. hg Beveren.l King. Sundays at 9.60 a.m. reading the scriptures and jirayer, i>nl). .1. H AB M h in Fannie Siiinetinies it luvppens, upon 'iivestigatmii, ccnhfiil coinplciioii. One of tlie first acts C/eansf*. t'uriilee, ftenorate* and JntHgorat* For lk*ugor & Piscataquis It. K. and Moosehoail ell that ti|u very inmates above mentioned are of tlie board was to outer iv pub'iiatioii ei' rn in.rt of iU* human *y*ttm. Lnko, via Ol.ilown, 2.40. d.30 A.M. 10.10 a.m., nnd Doctors S. A. I’litteii, L. A. Daseomh, M. t awn siiit.l. s, B'al.Ti ilh- g h H* »r>. 1,40 P.M.. via Doxtur, 6.46 A.M., 1.40,3 24 P.M. 25 cts. WATERVILLE, - 'MAINE. wiiicli sliuuM ggre the information (lint SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For Ellsworth and Bar Harbor, *2.40, *3.30, 6.46 S B ...... Bat. i viil.', h g H. .elllglit. sitting on the hack stoop, fanning them­ $1.00 per Cottle} 6 Bottles for $6.00* L. Marr and II. (J. 'J’aggart ofliciatcd as H.iirv B...... Hill. F.drll.-hl, h h Bam s pi opio arc mo'.t desiious of obtaining in A.M. ami *3.24 P.M. v\ B lllliinis. No \n-on, hr in Br..wn Ih ss selves, instead of being f.i'ined by tiie eunucctioii with an ciilcipriso now upper­ For Vancolioro, and St. duhii, 2.40, 3.30 A.M , luill Warers. In addition to data given 1.40,*3.24 aiiil4 32P.M. W liitloi.l, Falill! hi. h \ an H« linonl .Ir ireiitle sea breeze or moimtuiii /.epliyrs, as most in the piibliu mini], 'i'iic work wa.s last week: Dr Wilbur was gmluatnl V B. hh. B'al! ivlll. . h h .Imlgi B.dfe Pullman trains each way every iilghl, Sundays B I.AF ll Briggs, ...... in Smile L sl.itod III the souiety coluniii of tlie Morii- given the title of tho Oi-ucial Dikix’t- Included, but do uot run to Uolfast Or Dexter.nor [|£l from WaterviUe College, now Coll\j I’ni- 11 r. .X r B. Biiggs. h g .lilt, ilray. oBV or iHh Wolu.ii’a Columbian Km’o- beyond Hai.gur, excepting to Bar Harbor on Sun- t M S. l-on. Waleiville, hlk m I r. s. enl. versity, iu the class of 1848. 'riie onlv mg Post. It is an ill wind tint blows mi *^11118 daily iiioluillng Sundays. fir r. II llaiulln. B'ul.irvilU, hlk h i oinino.h hliio.v, mid active picparutioiis were at Barn. good, ami onr time fur an outing will oiiee entered into II has now so far pro­ Daily excursions fur Fairtieid, 16 cents; Oak­ It survivors of that class are lloii. .fusiali H. land,40 eeuts; Skowhegan,ll.00rouiid trip. ('Ii.trles < iivBird 1 attl. euinc, we feel sure, and when it doe4. we gressed ns to warrant jihieiug it into the Drummond of I'ortlaiid and Dr. (i...... B. F.tlnier, Last Dover, hlk g Many. PAYSON TUCKEK, Vice Pres. & Oon’l Manager. shall appreuiate it nioro than yon “Amiu hands of solicitors for the purpose of tak­ F. K. BOtyrilBY, Uei). Pass, and Ticket Agent Starkey, a pruuiinont physician of riulu- ing siilxscriptions It will eontain not on­ Will laes” possibly can, because we know what July 201b, 1803. delphia, I’enii. Ho graduated from Jcl- WATIIIlVILI.K lIOKHhH TOTIIK FKONT. ly very valuahie, hut also very interesting is meant hy the “heated term.” lat. We have the largest stock of FLOUR fersun Medical College, I’hihidelpiua, iii At the races at Daumriscottu, 'riiurs- Miforiimtion Will be illustrated with H. C. M -A.. M. x^-erKTSAJa.. IStW. For a short time after his gruduii- day. Ill the 2 2B class the fii-st two heals about one Jiniidicd full pag<' half-tone en­ Be ill Kennebec County. gravings, ami will contain llie names of tiou from Watervillo College, Mr. Wilhiir wei-e won by A It Vates'a Currier. C. FDKFDKATION MKKTIXGS. every one cxhihiliiig and vvlicio tlie exinhit BOOKBINDER, was principal of rnioii Academy, Keiiiie- H Nelson’s Miiiid Hanks won the third 'I'lie stoekliolders of the Lockwood may he foiiniiat the Exposition. It is iii- Sent 2n(l. Having bought in large lots direct, buiik. Besides serving us buigeou of Uie licat, and Slaik|iob‘’s Cuiiaid .Ii. vvon the (.'omiiaiiy held their annual ineetiiig in tlie foi matioii vs inch intending visitors mint iiigciitly need, and will he lnglilv appre- No. 1. Duiilmr Plur«s Walervllle, Me. Kleveuth Maine Infantry, and mi the V.x- fomlh and liftli, the laco company’s office at the mills, Wediieiday from tlie West, we own it at lower ciati ll by Ihcpniilie evcrvwJicrc. W. H amiiiing huanl of Nurgooiis at Augusta finished forenoon. 'I'lie following oiViceis for tlie (.’oiikcy Company of C'lilcago, who arc the To prices than others. during the war period, he hud for many At the Old Oivhard kite track, 'riiiirs- ensiling ye.U' weie eleefeil PieHiileiit, iiltiuial piiblislicis, desire a r.-picsciitativc years since the close of the war served us ilay, it took SIX heats to riccido llie’J’Jl .lames II .Mt; diieetors, James H. III till’s lociiily, and will in ul litiidsouic JOSIE W. SMITH, Any descriptive ciicnlar on application a member of the JVnsuin Kxammmg clash, piue .uni tiot. il was won hy Louis MeMiillan, Poi tl.iiiil; It Wesley Dtimi, 8rd. We have our store house full and over­ board for Somerset County. Ho was a I’., the gallic .son of Piekeiitif;, vvhieh took Watorville; .Joseph .S Wheelwiighl, Bucklim's Arnica Salve. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE, worthy inoiiiber of Kussell Dost (i. A. B. the lliud, tlflli and sixth heats, lowenii;; gor; .Setli M Millikeii, New Votk; .Jolin Address flowing, and to make room for more Tid Hi-sr Svi-Vh in tlniWDild for CiiU, Bi'fen* to Miss Eviiiy P. MhAPrit. Imiulrlcs and comiades of the Post vontrihiitcd uii his recoid to ‘J’Jll-l The tliioe heals W Danielson, Piovidenee, H I ; M'ltlan) IlitimcH. .Snii'h, llU-crs, .Sdt Uliunin, Euver may liu addressed to which is to arrive soon, we will make Hp]iiu)itiale tioial design to he iilacctl up­ won hy till Uuteiville lioiso were ill .M llimit, Wiiteiville; eleik. .\ M Keil- Sires, 'I’cHcr, ( Il.inds, I’lnttilaliiH, t'oi IIS. and all Skin J‘.i iijilioiis, and |>i»sitive)y MINS SMITH. In car*, of Mall Offle*.. on his casket.—Soiiui,'i

'll.-..-.-. -