Traffic Operations and Transportation Planning Study

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Traffic Operations and Transportation Planning Study ;*:F.j ::;- *g-- :--. y- ;!:..<!: ,. , '.-=.33$c.= +2*, A: ?,,.:* .- .. ;i- , *.* ,;@; ,;@; b .. ,.5.- .*,: .*,: #,* :?-*A CITY OF THE 1000 ISLANDS &.#$+&@@$~~$ *.d .. ,. _. * .he: Traffic Operations & Transportation Planning Stdy . - -. *.- -- .-.- .<,. p.9 I b~ +k. October 1991 I e-5\512c. muac ENGWERW LHXITR) , CoIdWtruG C.ICrwtLI1 .7,,-- ,st;:La-' '"0CI"lLLL OIIAWA .&uQc . ,. " F--r- ;;. -*a" f ,, I .I .. - TRAFFIC OPERATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT Submitted by: Cnmming Cockbum Limited Consulting Engineers and Pla~erzl Ottawa, Ontario In association with: Kostuch Engineering Limited Consulting Engineers and Planneril Brockville, Ontario October 1991 Cumming Cockburn Limited I Consulting Engineers and Planners October 15, 1991 Project No. 3500-T City of Brockville Engineering Department Victoria Hall Brockville, Ontario K6V 3P5 Attention: Mr. Jerry McIntosh, P.Eng. Director of Engineering Dear Mr. McIntosh: Re: City of Brockville Traffic Operations and Transportation Planning Study We are pleased to submit our final report on the City of Brockville Traffic Operations and Transportation Planning Study. This report fulfils the requirements as stated in the Terms of Reference for the Study and provides recommendations for a traffic improvement plan for the City, including specific recommendations for the Stewart Boulevard and Parkedale Avenue corridors. It has been a pleasure working with you on this project and we would like to commend City staff, staff of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and the City elected representatives who participated on the Steering Committee for the high level of professional cooperation received throughout the project. Yours very truly, CUMMING COCKBURN LIMITED A David Hatton, P.Eng. Director of Transportation DH:lmej Attachment 1770 Woodward Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2C OP8 Telephone (613) 225-13ll/Fax (613) 225-9868 Hull, Ottawa, Bmkville, Kingston, Toronto, Waterloo, London CITY OF BROCKVILLE TRAFFIC OPERATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STUDY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We extend our sincere appreciation to the following members of the Study Steering Committee for their direction and considerable efforts during the undertaking of the Study: Representing the City of Brockville: His Worship, Mayor Stephen Clark Alderman Ted Phillips Alderman Ray McClure Alderman Brian Quinn Jerry McIntosh, Director of Engineering Travers Fitzpatrick, Director of Planning Maureen Pascoe, Planner Bill Montgomery, Director of Operations Conal Cosgrove, Project Engineer Representing the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario: Bob Boutilier, Kingston Office Mike Goodale, Toronto Office Representing the Brockville Police Department: Doug Labron, Deputy Chief of Police Representing Kostuch Engineering Limited Lorna Boucher, Project Engineer TABLE OF CONTENlS EXECUTIVESUMMARY ..................................................... ES-1 2 .0 ISSUES AND CONCERNS ............................................ 2-1 3 .0 DATA COLLECIlON ................................................. 3-1 Background ........................................ 3-1 Traffic Counts at Signalized Intersections ........................ 3-1 Traffic Counts at Unsignalized Intersections ...................... 3-2 Road Network Inventory .Traffic Control Devices .................. 3-3 Speedsurveys ............................................ 3-5 Pedestrian Surveys ......................................... 3-6 Trip Generation Surveys ..................................... 3-7 Videotape Survey of Traffic Conditions Along Major Road Links ...... 3-8 Vehicle Collision Data ...................................... 3-8 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ........................................ 4-1 4.1 Background .............................................. 4-1 42 Land Use Assumptions ...................................... 4-1 43 Road Network Improvements and Assumptions .................... 4-4 4.4 Future Traffic Generation .................................... 4-5 45 Traffic Distribution ........................................ 4-5 4.6 Traffic Assignment ......................................... 4-8 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS AND TRAFFIC MANAGEmNT ............ 5-1 Background .............................................. 5-1 Capacity Analysis .Major Intersections and Road Links ............. 5-1 Pedestrian and Cyclist Needs ................................. 5-3 Transit User Needs ......................................... 5-4 Traftic Signal Warrants at Unsignalized Intersections ............... 5-5 One-way Street System in the Central Area ...................... 5-6 City Truck Route System ................................... 5-10 Review of Existing Speed Limits .............................. 5-11 Road Illumination ........................................ 5-13 Existing TraMc Control Devices .............................. 5-14 Conceptual Traffic Management Improvements Plan for the Stewart Boulevard and Parkedale Avenue Corridors ...................... 5-15 Traffic Control Signal Coordination for the Stewart Boulevard and Parkedale Avenue Corridors ................................. 5-16 Other Specific Problem Locations ............................. 5-23 5.14 Site Traffic Impact Study Guidelines for Future Development in the City ..................................'................. 5-27 5.14.1 Determination of the Need for a Traffic Impact Study . 5-27 5.142 Guidelines to be Used in Undertaking a Traffic Impact Study ............................................ 5-27 5.15 Intersection of North Augusta RoadIParkedale AvenudHighway 401 Westbound Ramps; Access to Broome Road and John G. Broome Industrial Park . 5-30 5.16 Existing and Future Road Classifications and Jurisdictions for the City Road Network . 5-30 6.0 TRAFFlC IMPROVEMENT PLAN . :. .'. 6-1 Traffic Improvement Plan . 7-1 Right-of-way Reservations for Future Road Network Improvements . 7-1 Road Network Classification . 7-1 Existing and Future Road Jurisdictions . 7-1 Data Collection Programme . 7-1 Site Traffic Impact Study Guidelines . 7-1 Central Area One-Way Street System . 7-1 Road Illumination Modifications . 7-1 Truck Route System . 7-2 Pedestrian Crossing Facilities . 7-2 SchooI Bus Access . 7-2 Traffic Control Signals . 7-2 Parking Adjacent to Major Intersections .. .. .. .. .. 7-2 Use of Water Street as a Relief Road for the King Street Corridor . 7-2 APPENDICES REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - BROCKVILLE RECORDER AND TIMES, JANUARY 31,1991 PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET, PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE, JUNE 26,1991 COMMENTS SHEETS AND ALDERMANIC RESPONSE RECEIVED FOLLOWING PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE, JUNE 26,1991 SPEED SURVEY DATA AND ANALYSES COLLISION SUMMARY ANALYSES INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSES - SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS PASSER I1 - SIGNAL PROGRESSION OPTIMIZATION FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS - CITY OF BROCKVILLE OFFICIAL PLAN INTERIM REPORT 1 INTERIM REPORT 2 INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - LEVEL OF SERVICE EXPLANATION DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND TRIP GENERATION DATA TRUCK ROUTE SELECTION GUIDELINES REPORT ON EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL INSTALLATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO EXTEND THE EXISTING SYSTEM OF SIGNAL COORDINATION LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3-1 PEDESTRIAN SURVEY, KING STREET WEST ......................................3-6 TABLE 3-2 COMPARISON OF 199011991 COLLISION RATES ...................................3-10 TABLE 4-1 COMPARISON OF DEVELOPMENT FOR LAND USE SCENARIOS 1 & 2 ................. 4-3 TABLE 4-2 TRIP DISTRIBUTION ASSUMPTIONS - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR .................... 4-6 TABLE 4-3 EXTERNAL TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES ..................................4-7 TABLE 5-1 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS - CAPACITY ANALYSES ............................. 5-2 TABLE 5-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS - WARRANTS ANALYSIS ............................. 5-6 TABLE 5-3 SIGNAL OFFSET TIMES, PASSER I1 ANALYSIS .................................... 5-23. TABLE 5-4 SPECIFIC PROBLEM LOCATIONS .............................................. 5-24 TABLE 5-5 TRIP GENERATION RATES ....................................................5-27 TABLE 5-6 SITE IMPACT STUDIES - CHECKLIST ........................................... 5-28 TABLE 6-1 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN ................................................6-2 LIST OF EXHIBlTS EXHIBIT 1-1 STUDYAREA ............................................................... 1-2 EXHIBIT 1-2 STUDYAREACONTEXT ...................................................... 13 EXHIBIT 3-1 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES, 1991, AFIXRNOON PEAK HOUR (VPH) . 3-4 EXHIBIT 4-1 36 DISTRICT TRAFFIC ZONES, STUDY AREA . 4-2 EXHIBIT 4-2 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 - 1996 DONOTHING ............................................................... 4-9 EXHIBIT 4-3 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 - 2001 DONOTHING. .............................................................. 4-10 EXHIBIT 4-4 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 - 2011 DONOTHING. .............................................................. 4-11 EXHIBIT 4-5 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 - 1996 MODIFIED ................................................................. 4-12 EXHIBIT 4-6 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 - 2001 MODIFIED ................................................................ 4-13 EXHIBIT 4-7 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFlXRNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 1 -2011 MODIFIED ................................................................ 4-14 EXHIBIT 4-8 FORECAST TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR - LAND USE 2 - 1996 DONOTHING
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