Agenda Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Administration Conference Room, 1:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call/Notice of Quorum 3. Chairs Announcements a. Introduction of Guests and Staff

Linda Stone, GRF President Randy Ankeny, Executive Director Terry DeLeon, Recreation Director Thomas Fileto, Recreation Manager Vanessa Morris, Library Supervisor Katya Lukina, Recording Secretary

b. Rules of Order c. Chair’s Report 4. Approval of Minutes a. Minutes of October 4, 2017 meeting (pp. 1-8) b. Minutes of October 11, 2017 special meeting (pp. 9-14) 5. Shareholder/Member Comments – Agenda Items Only (Limited to 3 minutes per person)

6. Correspondence a. Non-Resident Parking, Donna Gambol (p. 15) b. Relocation of the Golf Course Starter Shack, Kurt Bourhenne (pp. 16-17) c. Storage for St. Theodore Episcopal Church, Anne Walshe (p. 18) 7. Unfinished Business a. Vending Machine Increases (pp. 19-20)

8. New Business a. The Plaza Concept b. Clubhouse One Additional Food Services (pp. 21-26) c. Display Cabinets for the Library (pp. 27-28) d. Flat Filing Storage Cabinets for the Library (pp. 29-30)


e. Amphitheater Curtains and Sound System (pp. 31-32) f. Recreation Trailer Supplies (p. 33) g. Bid Opening for Golf Course Landscaping (p. 34) h. Christmas Tree Contest

9. Policies 10. Sub-Committees a. Entertainment/Movie Sub-Committee i. 2018 Amphitheater Shows b. Golf Course Sub-Committee c. Swimming Pool Sub-Committee

11. Staff Reports a. Recreation Director i. Budget Comparison Report (pp. 35-48) ii. Budget Variance Report (pp. 49-52) iii. Café Commission Report (pp. 53-54) iv. Events report (p. 55) b. Library Supervisor’s Report (pp. 56-61) c. Executive Director 12. President’s Comments 13. Shareholders/ Members Comments (Limited to 3 minutes per person) 14. Committee Members Comments Next Meeting/ Adjournment December 6, 2017, 1:00 p.m., Administration Conference Room.


The regular meeting of the Recreation Committee was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Perrotti on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, in Administration Conference Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Ms. L. Perrotti, Chair Mr. P. Moore Ms. C. Damoci Mrs. J. Reed Ms. S. Fekjar Ms. L. Stone, Ex-Officio Mr. W. Gould

Absent: Mr. P. Pratt

Also Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Present: Ms. K. Rapp, GRF Representative, Mutual Seven Mr. B. Lukoff, GRF Representative, Mutual Fourteen Mr. R. Crossley, GRF Representative, Mutual Fifteen Ms. S. Massa-Lavitt, Mayor of Seal Beach Mr. R. Ankeny, Executive Director Mr. T. Fileto, Recreation Manager Ms. V. Morris, Library Supervisor Mr. H. Carter, RV Lot Attendant Ms. K. Lukina, Recording Secretary Twenty five Shareholders/Foundation Members


There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent.

The Chair stated that in accordance with California Civil Code Section 4090, please be advised that a quorum of the GRF Board of Directors is present at today’s posted meeting. The business of the Recreation Committee will be conducted in accordance with the agenda. As a quorum of the Board is present, this meeting will be conducted as a Committee meeting and a Board meeting. The agenda actions of the committee will be limited only to the members of the committee and will only constitute such actions in accordance with stated committee policy and/or provide recommendations to the GRF Board of Directors at its regular Board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. GRF


Board members who are not committee members will be allowed to comment when recognized by the Chair and only during the proscribed Foundation member comment period, not to exceed three minutes, as set forth in Policy 5610, Participation by Foundation Members. The minutes of today’s Board meeting will be presented to the Board for approval following the approval of the committee meeting minutes in November, 2017.


Chair Perrotti reviewed group norms, and asked Committee members and guests to be on time; respect the speaker, do not interrupt and have one conversation at a time; wait to be called; be present and productive; no side bar conversations; turn off or silent cell phones, and treat everyone how they would like to be treated.


Chair Perrotti introduced guests and staff – GRF President Linda Stone, Mayor of Seal Beach Sandra Massa-Lavitt, Executive Director Randy Ankeny, Recreation Manager Thomas Fileto, RV Lot Attendant Howard Carter, Library Supervisor Vanessa Morris, and the Recording Secretary Katya Lukina.


The minutes of September 6, 2017 meeting were approved as presented.


Five shareholders/members spoke on RV Club financials, RV Lot access gate, and Policy 1406-50, Limitations on Use.


St. Theodore of Canterbury’s Episcopal Church Services

The Committee reviewed a piece of correspondence from St. Theodore of Canterbury’s Episcopal Church.

Following a discussion, and based on previously made Board’s decision on this matter, the Executive Director stated that he will draft a letter to St. Theodore of Canterbury’s Episcopal Church, upon the Chair’s approval, stating that by November 1, 2017, the Church’s services will be held in Room Two of Clubhouse Three.

Amphitheater Shows

The Committee reviewed a piece of correspondence on moving Amphitheater shows to an earlier start time.


The Recreation Manager stated that due to warm temperatures, parking, and working residents, Amphitheater shows time would have to remain the same. The Chair asked the Recording Secretary to send a letter to a shareholder explaining why her request cannot be accommodated.

Hot Pool – Women’s Showers

The Committee reviewed a piece of correspondence on pool showers water flow and temperature. The Recreation Manger stated that the temperature of the water may vary due to the distance between the showers and a water heater.

The Chair asked the Recording Secretary to send a letter to a shareholder explaining temperature changes in women’s showers.

RV Lot Sub-Committee

The Committee reviewed a piece of correspondence on forming the RV Lot Sub - Committee. The President stated that the RV Lot Ad Hoc Committee will be comprised to Board members only, and will be appointed at the next scheduled Board meeting. She also stated that new Committee will overlook RV Club’s operations and Policies, and the shareholders are encouraged to attend.

Chair Perrotti asked the Recording Secretary to send a letter to a shareholder to notify him of the Committee’s discussion.

Saturday Night Dances

The Committee reviewed a piece of correspondence on Saturday night dances.

The Recreation Manager stated that Saturday night dances are budgeted events, and the Recreation Department is trying to accommodate the community’s changing demographics by including various genres.

There were no actions taken by the Committee on this matter at the time of the meeting.


LW Trailer Club Financial Review

The Committee discussed the issue on LW Trailer Club financials, and the previous GRF Board of Director’s executive session outcome.

Chair Perrotti stated that based on the Board’s decision, the RV Club had no right to collect the space rent without the lease with GRF, and the Club’s default suspension will be lifted when the collected rent in the time period of five months is returned to the members.


Following a discussion, Ms. Perrotti MOTIONED, seconded by Mrs. Damoci –

TO demand that the LW Trailer Club immediately refunds to all LW Trailer Club members all relative space rent cost collected by the LW Trailer Club for the period of January 1, 2017, through June 1, 2017, and must be done by November 1, 2017. If money is not returned to Club members by this date, Golden Rain Foundation will immediately terminate the LW Trailer Club as a sanctioned Club, and terminate the LW Trailer Club lease.

The motion passed with one abstention (P. Moore).

Chair Perrotti also stated that the Committee’s decision in no way affects RV members, and was strictly made to enforce LW Trailer Club fulfill its obligations to the members.


Toys for Tots

The Recreation Manager stated that he is working on the Toys for Tots project, and the GRF trailer will be used to transport and drop off collected toys this year.

Korean Festival of Garden Grove

The Recreation Manager stated that the Korean Festival of Garden Grove is scheduled to take place on October 21, 2017, and a bus shuttle will be available to LW residents throughout the day.

Fall Festival

The Recreation Manager spoke of the Fall Festival, scheduled on October 21, 2017, in Clubhouse Six. He also stated that emergency preparedness vendors will be available to educate the community about natural disasters and emergency situations.

Work Study for Amenities

The Executive Director spoke of the Clubhouses Renovation project, discontinuance of emergency meals in Clubhouse Two, a possible concrete placement between the Library and Clubhouse Three, enhancing the food service in the community, and continuously improving all functional areas. He also thanked the Recreation Department staff for successfully managing the reservations and activities during the Clubhouse Revitalization Project.

Following a discussion on upcoming projects, the Executive Director stated that membership fees will support future projects, and put the value back in the community’s buildings and amenities.


The Executive Director also spoke of a newly introduced food service by Finbar, which will remain taking place on Mondays, but be limited to 200 servings reserved in advance, as a take-out, and served in quantities of 50 every thirty minutes.

Adding Partitions for Clubhouse Six

Following a brief discussion, Mrs. Damoci MOTIONED, seconded by P. Moore –

TO approve the purchase of two fixed wall systems for Clubhouse Six from Saturn Systems, in the amount of $3,517.56 and send a request to the Finance Committee for available funding.

The motion was carried unanimously by Committee members present.

RV Lot Attendant Office

Following a discussion, the Committee asked the RV Lot Storage Attendant to make a list of current issues at the RV Lot, and include a number of space renters who haven’t renewed their registration. The Committee also concurred to send a registered mail letter to RV Club members with expired registration, asking them to renew their RV registration by November 1, 2017. Following a further discussion, and per shareholder’s request, the Committee concurred to have the same code at both RV Lot gates, to make it more accessible. The Committee also concurred to hold a special Recreation Committee meeting on October 11, 2017, to discuss open/pending RV Lot applications, and a waiting list, and begin renting the spaces as follows. The Recreation Manager stated that the waiting list, and the list of available spaces will be posted at the RV Lot, for the members to see where they are in line.

Chair Perrotti called for a break at 2:30 p.m. The meeting resumed at 2:40 p.m.

Golf Shack

The Executive Director spoke of the Golf Shack relocation and the Swimming Pool design planning. He informed the Committee of an upcoming meeting with a Swimming Pool designer, and looking for costs to hire a Golf Course consultant. More information on this topic will be presented at the next regular scheduled Committee meeting.


Amend: Policy 1406-50, Limitations on Use

The Committee briefly discussed the previous and current versions of Policy 1406-50, Limitations on Use. 5 RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-04-2017 Page 6 of 8

Following a discussion, C. Damoci MOTIONED, seconded by P. Moore –

TO amend Policy 1406-50, Limitations on Use, as presented, and send it to the Board.

The motion was carried unanimously by Committee members present.


Entertainment/Movie Sub-Committee

The Entertainment/Movie Sub-Committee Chair stated that the final list of the movies and Amphitheater shows will be available upon its approval. The Recreation Manager was also asked to have the reviews from past shows published in LW Weekly. Golf Course Sub-Committee

The Recreation Manager on behalf of the Golf Course Sub-Committee Chair stated that Golf Course issues are being taken care of. Swimming Pool Sub-Committee

The Chair of a Swimming Pool Sub-Committee stated that the Sub-Committee is looking forward to meeting with the Swimming Pool designer. The Committee also asked the Recreation Manager to order a new white board for the pool attendant.


Recreation Director

The Recreation Manager spoke of the budget and event reports as presented.

Recreation Manager

The Recreation Manager spoke of upcoming events, and discussed with the Committee the ways to make get more feedback on past shows.

Library OPS Supervisor

The Library Supervisor spoke of her reports as presented. Following a further discussion, the Committee asked the Library Supervisor to re-group donated items to show the number and value of the books given to Friends of the Library, by year, and number of books trashed.

The Library Supervisor also informed the Committee of accepting $250 donation made to the LW Library from the shareholders, and sending them a “Thank you” letter. The


Committee also discussed including Korean newspaper to the LW Library, and concurred to address this topic at the next regular scheduled Committee meeting.

Executive Director

The Executive Director spoke of replacing the curtains and the sound system at the Amphitheater, including mixing boards, amplifiers, microphones and speakers, to provide the community with a better quality entertainment. The Committee also discussed making the downstairs area of the Amphitheater stage more usable, and cleaning up the back of the stage to create additional space.


Five shareholders/members spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda.


The President spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda, and thanked the Recreation Department staff for everything they do for the community.


Seven Committee members spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda. ADJOURNMENT

Chair Perrotti adjourned the meeting at 4:04 p.m.

______Joy Reed, Secretary RECREATION COMMITTEE

kl 10.04.17




 There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent;

 TO demand that the LW Trailer Club immediately refunds to all LW Trailer Club members all relative space rent cost collected by the LW Trailer Club for the period of January 1, 2017, through June 1, 2017, and must be done by November 1, 2017. If money is not returned to Club members by this date, Golden Rain Foundation will immediately terminate the LW Trailer Club as a sanctioned Club, and terminate the LW Trailer Club lease;

 TO approve the purchase of two fixed wall systems for Clubhouse Six from Saturn Systems, in the amount of $3,517.56 and send a request to the Finance Committee for available funding;

 TO amend Policy 1406-50, Limitations on Use, as presented, and send it to the Board;

 The meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.


 The Committee concurred to send a registered mail letter to RV Club members with expired registration, asking them to renew their RV registration by November 1, 2017;

 The Committee concurred to have the same code at both RV Lot gates, to make it more accessible;

 The Committee concurred to hold a special Recreation Committee meeting on October 11, 2017, to discuss open/pending RV Lot applications, and a waiting list, and begin renting the spaces as follows;

 The Committee concurred to discuss the addition of Korean newspaper to the LW Library at the next regular scheduled Committee meeting.



The regular meeting of the Recreation Committee was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Perrotti on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, in Administration Conference Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Ms. L. Perrotti, Chair Mr. P. Moore Ms. C. Damoci Mrs. J. Reed Ms. S. Fekjar Ms. L. Stone, Ex-Officio Mr. W. Gould

Absent: Mr. P. Pratt

Also Mr. R. Stone, GRF Representative, Mutual One Present: Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Ms. K. Rapp, GRF Representative, Mutual Seven Mr. S. McGuigan, GRF Representative, Mutual Eight Ms. I. Heinrichs, GRF Representative, Mutual Eleven Mr. B. Lukoff, GRF Representative, Mutual Fourteen Mr. R. Crossley, GRF Representative, Mutual Fifteen Mr. R. Ankeny, Executive Director Mr. T. DeLeon, Recreation Director Mr. H. Carter, RV Lot Attendant Ms. K. Lukina, Recording Secretary Eight Shareholders/Foundation Members


There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent.

The Chair stated that in accordance with California Civil Code Section 4090, please be advised that a quorum of the GRF Board of Directors is present at today’s posted meeting. The business of the Recreation Committee will be conducted in accordance with the agenda. As a quorum of the Board is present, this meeting will be conducted as a Committee meeting and a Board meeting. The agenda actions of the committee will be limited only to the members of the committee and will only constitute such actions in accordance with stated committee policy and/or provide recommendations to the GRF


Board of Directors at its regular Board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. GRF Board members who are not committee members will be allowed to comment when recognized by the Chair and only during the proscribed Foundation member comment period, not to exceed three minutes, as set forth in Policy 5610, Participation by Foundation Members. The minutes of today’s Board meeting will be presented to the Board for approval following the approval of the committee meeting minutes in November, 2017.


Chair Perrotti reviewed group norms, and asked Committee members and guests to be on time; respect the speaker, do not interrupt and have one conversation at a time; wait to be called; be present and productive; no side bar conversations; turn off or silent cell phones, and treat everyone how they would like to be treated.


Chair Perrotti introduced guests and staff – GRF President Linda Stone, Executive Director Randy Ankeny, Recreation Director Terry DeLeon, RV Lot Attendant Howard Carter, and the Recording Secretary Katya Lukina.


There were no comments made by shareholders/members at the time of the meeting.


There was no correspondence to discuss at the time of the meeting.


There was no unfinished business to discuss at the time of the meeting.


Open/Pending RV Lot Applications

Chair Perrotti stated that the Committee will work on resolving RV Lot issues, and begin leasing the spaces once the Board approves the new RV Lot Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee reviewed a draft of the RV lease with the changes that would reflect the exact amount owed by a new space lessee payable by June 1st. Following a discussion, Mrs. Damoci MOTIONED, seconded by Mrs. Reed – TO accept a draft of the lease with corrections, as discussed, and send it to the Board for review. The motion was carried unanimously by Committee members present. 10 RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-11-2017 Page 3 of 5

The Committee concurred to resolve registration issues of the cases that were held back due to number of discrepancies, make a final decision based on circumstances, and move forward. Following a discussion, the Committee concurred to:  Enforce the lease to state that a Shareholder must be a primary holder of the registration and insurance of the vehicle stored in the RV lot;  Deny a registration on the trailers without a tow vehicle and the trailers that are not towable;  Deny a registration to a fifth wheel without a tow vehicle;  Deny a registration on a tow vehicle that is not registered under Shareholder’s name;  Enforce Policy of maximum two spaces per Member, and have both vehicles registered under the Shareholder’s name, otherwise the registration will be denied.

The Committee also concurred that in case of an issue, all the questions and complaints can be referred to the Recreation Committee, and Policy 1927-37 in regards to parking. Following a further discussion, Mrs. Damoci MOTIONED, seconded by Mr. Moore – TO deny a registration to RV vehicles that are used as a workshop or as a storage, and not used recreationally. The motion was carried unanimously by Committee members present. The Recreation Director stated that a registered mail letter will be sent to the owners of unregistered vehicles to renew the registration within 30 days, and to those whose registration been denied based on the Committee’s decision.

Waiting List

The Committee discussed a waiting list situation, and asked the RV Lot Storage Attendant to look into dividing it into three classifications – smaller, medium and large spaces, and create a separate list for the Shareholders waiting for the second space. The Committee also discussed leasing appropriate size spaces, and agreed on allowing a Shareholder keep the same space in the lot while replacing their recreational vehicle, which also has to be registered under the lessee’s name.


There were no policies to discuss at the time of the meeting.


Entertainment/Movie Sub-Committee

The Entertainment/Movie Sub-Committee Chair had no updates at the time of the meeting.

11 RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-11-2017 Page 4 of 5

Golf Course Sub-Committee

The Golf Course Sub-Committee Chair had no updates at the time of the meeting. Swimming Pool Sub-Committee

The Chair of a Swimming Pool Sub-Committee had no updates at the time of the meeting. STAFF REPORTS

Recreation Director

The Recreation Director spoke on the items pertaining to the agenda throughout the meeting, and had no report to present at the time of the meeting.

Executive Director

The Executive Director had no report to present at the time of the meeting.


Five shareholders/members spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda.


The President spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda, and thanked the Recreation Department staff for everything they do for the community.


Seven Committee members spoke on various items pertaining to the agenda. ADJOURNMENT

Chair Perrotti adjourned the meeting at 2:37 p.m.

______Joy Reed, Secretary RECREATION COMMITTEE

kl 10.11.17

12 RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-11-2017 Page 5 of 5



 There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent;

 TO accept a draft of the lease with corrections, as discussed, and send it to the Board for review;

 TO deny a registration to RV vehicles that are used as a workshop or as a storage, and not used recreationally;

 The meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.


 The Committee concurred to resolve registration issues of the cases that were held back due to number of discrepancies, make a final decision based on circumstances, and move forward.

 The Committee concurred to enforce the lease to state that a Shareholder must be a primary holder of the registration and insurance of the vehicle stored in the RV lot;

 The Committee concurred to deny a registration on the trailers without a tow vehicle and the trailers that are not towable;

 The Committee concurred to deny a registration to a fifth wheel without a tow vehicle;

 The Committee concurred to deny a registration on a tow vehicle that is not registered under Shareholder’s name;

 The Committee concurred to enforce Policy of maximum two spaces per Member, and have both vehicles registered under the Shareholder’s name, otherwise the registration will be denied;

 The Committee concurred that in case of an issue, all the questions and complaints can be referred to the Recreation Committee, and Policy 1927-37 in regards to parking.



14 Correspondence: Non-Resident Parking

From: Donna Gambol Date: October 17, 2017 at 9:26:49 PM PDT To: Subject: A modest proposal…..

Leisure World has a parking problem….

Many non residents use Leisure World's recreational facilities….and pay nothing towards maintenance, procurement or use…let's see if there isn't a way to remedy this.

A modest proposal…..make all non-contractor visitors pay a "parking fee"….let's say $5 each time they come in the gate.

It's not outrageous….the last time I went to the Long Beach Convention Center for a "free" home owner's lawn and garden show I was charged $15 to park…..regardless of how much time I spent at the Center….flat fee, $15.

If you attend a class or go to a performance of any sort or game at CSULong Beach you will pay $8 for parking….or get a ticket for $55.

If you eat at River's Edge or park in the lot there, you pay $3.50….ticket: $65

If you go to Huntington Beach or Long Beach, you feed the meters…. so why not make folks who come to LW pay to park….Security can collect the $5 at the gate and that will help offset the expense of operating dances, Thursday night entertainment, and other events. No need to hire additional folks, we already have enough.


Donna Gambol [email protected]


15 Correspondence: Relocation of the Golf Course Starter Shack


17 Correspondence: Storage for St. Theodore Episcopal Church

From: Date: November 7, 2017 at 9:48:14 AM PST To: , Cc: Subject: CH 3 renovations

We understand there will be a meeting on the 9th to look at issues regarding the renovations of CH3. We ask that you address storage for St Theodore's Episcopal Church. 1. For over 50 years our storage and service space had been proximal to our lobby space. Now that we have moved our service to room 9, much of our storage is still in the lobby and causes us to disrupt two Korean services as we prepare for and conclude our Sunday worship. 2. The storage room outside Room 8 would be an ideal place to meet ALL of our storage needs, especially if Room 9 becomes our permanent space. We would like to be involved in any decisions you make that will affect storage of our Church items. Thank you. Anne Walshe for St Theodore Episcopal Church

18 Terry Deleon

From: Bill Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 1 :25 PM To: Terry Deleon Subject: First Class Vending Services - price increase notice Attachments: Golden Rain Price structure 090517.xlsx

Terry, hope all is well. As per our conversation earlier in the year regarding our need to increase the prices on some of our products. We have increased pricing since we installed in November of 2013.

Please see attached file to review the prices that we will be increasing. We have provided you with two options, one with commission and one without commission on the beverages. Pricing would be increased November 1".

Let me know if you have any questions,

Bill Dixon First Class Vending VP Client Relations 714-822-4028 Mobile / 323-268-7632 Office [email protected]


19 Golden Rain 9/5/2017

Products Proposed Proposed Current Pricing with Pricing with No Commission on Commission all beverages 12% Commission Soda - Bottle 200z $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 Soda - Cans $0.75 $0.85 $0.95 Water - bottled 160z $1 .00 $1.10 $1.25 Water - Bottled 200z $1 .25 $1 .35 $1 .50 Welchs - bottled

Current No Commission - Food Milk Cartons $0.85 $0.90 na Burritos $1 .25 $1 .35 na Hot Pockets $1 .25 $1 .35 na Fresh Food $2.75 $3.00 na

Installed November 2013 No increases since installation

20 proposal We are very pleased to have the opportunity to do business in Leisure World. And I am grateful to be able to provide our food for the seniors of Leisure World. We will do our best and will satisfy most customers. The name of our is the Lily's hawaiian . Our restaurant is located at 2121 S. Imperial hwy, La Habra. Our store was built 15 years ago. It was originally a L & L Hawaiian barbecue. But we took over the store and changed business name 'Lily's Hawaiian barbecue' three years ago. However, customers are evaluating that the food is getting better than L&L.

Once a week we are at Leisure World, the following food can be served.

1. A typical dish is the Hawaiian . because of the importance of nutrition for the senior, chicken can help the health of seniors. This is the best Food of our restaurant. absolutely.

2. Another food is fried fish plate. The taste of soft fish will catch the taste of seniors. It will be the best choice for fish lovers.

21 3. Another speCIes IS chicken Katsu. It is one of the representative foods of the Lily's Hawaiian barbecue restaurant which everyone likes this plate.

4. One last thing is Korean Beef Bulgogi, matured with Korean seasonings, will be good food for many Korean seniors and Americans living in Leisure World. This food will be served with rice and kim chi.

© Sources are also available with all meals. (, spicy barbecue sauce, tartar sauce, katsu sauce)

22 Food Price. BBQ Chicken plate, Chicken katsu Plate & Fish Plate will be available for $ to. (Drinks are included, people can choose from soda can or bottle water) Bulgogi will be served for $ 12 because of the high beef value. but I will try to adjust it below $ 12.

Others. We will try to provide the seniors' favorite food in the future and we will make efforts to provide delicious food at reasonable prices for the seniors of Leisure World through various promotions.

In addition, some of the proceeds will be used again for the seniors of Leisure World.


Lily's Hawaiian. Inc

President Myung Hoon, Joo Secretary Yun Ju, Chung

23 24 25


26 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



The Library was asked to obtain a quote to install new display cabinets to accommodate LW Historical Memorabilia.The quote received from Demco in the amount not to exceed $6,000.00 will provide appropriate cabinets to display LW memorabilia in the lobby of Library, as follows:

Item # Description Qty Price Total Reliant Floor Display Case 72”x72”x14” WF14973310 1 $2,849.99 $2,849.99 (Walnut vynil finish, dark bronze frame) WF13643490 Wood Cornice/Light Fixture for 72”W 1 $589.99 $589.99 Reliant Display Case (Walnut vynil finish)

WF12208080 Arcadie End Panel Bookcase Flat Shelf 2 $534.99 $1,069.98 80”x19”x12” (Mahogany on oak) SUBTOTAL $4,509.96

Tax 7.25% $326.97 Shipping $859.32 Total $5,696.25

I move to recommend the Recreation Committee approve the purchase of new display cabinets from Demco in the total amount not to exceed $6,000.00 and send it to the Finance Committee for available funding.


Old cabinets

2 New cabinets

28 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



The Library’s current storage system, with boxes stacked on higher shelves, is a safety concern.

The Library has requested a quote to purchase new flat filing cabinets. The quote received from ULINE will provide eight new flat filing cabinets, in the amount not to exceed $6,500.00 as follows:

Current cabinets New filing cabinets

Model # Description Qty Price Total H-3725 Flush Base for 36 x 24" Flat File Cabinet 3 $117.00/ea $351.00 H-3723 Flat File Cabinet - 36 x 24" 8 $669.00/ea $5,352.00 SUBTOTAL $5,703.00 Tax 7.25% $413.47 Shipping $126.98 Total $6,243.45

29 I move to recommend the Recreation Committee approve the purchase of eight flat filing cabinets in the amount of $5,352.00 and three flush bases for the cabinets in the amount of $351.00, for the total amount not to exceed $6,500.00 and send it to the Finance Committee for available funding.


30 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



Due to increasing number of performances and the poor quality of the existing sound system at the Amphitheater, the Recreation Department was requested to research the possibility of replacing it with a modern sound system with expanded capabilities.

The current system is outdated, and only a few minor upgrades have been performed on it over the period of twenty years. The quotes submitted by GNI VOID Productions have been broken down into phases #1 and #2, and are as follows:

Phase #1 $37,400

Phase #2 $76,800

Phase #1 includes replacement of the upper and lower sound boards, with the addition of two new subwoofers to the speakers that would increase the sound quality for the audience without replacing the speakers completely.

Phase #2 includes finishing up the system by replacing the remainder of the speaker system, and all the required rigging and equipment needed to replace old speakers. The completion of both phases would replace the sound system completely, and bring the Amphitheater equipment up to the standards.

GNI VOID Productions will also provide the onsite Project Manager to oversee both phases at a cost of $5,000. The total amount to complete this project is not to exceed $119,200.

I move to recommend the Recreation Committee approve GNI VOID Productions to upgrade the

Amphitheater sound system in phases 1 and 2, including the service of the onsite Project

Engineer, in the total amount of $119,200 and send this item to the Finance Committee for available Capital funding.



32 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



Recreation Department is requesting that the Recreation Committee approve the purchase of equipment to stock the Recreation Department’s event trailer. The requested stock will consist of fifteen (15) 60” round tables, two hundred (200) lightweight party chairs, four (4) chair carts, and ten (10) traffic drums. The required equipment will allow the Recreation Department to cut back on the use of maintenance staff for delivery of chairs and other equipment needed to setup outside events.

The following quotes were provided by three vendors that were contacted, and are the lowest:

 $2,120.74  Banquet Tables Pro LLC $1,575.00  Traffic Safety Store $680.27  Chair carts Harbor Freight Tools $69.07  Chair tie down straps Harbor Freight Tools $21.58  Total: $4,466.66

I move to recommend the Recreation Committee approve the purchase of equipment to stock the events trailer in the total amount of $4,466.66 and send this item to the Finance Committee for available funding from the Capital portion of the budget.

33 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



Andre Landscape Service

BrightView Landscape Services

John’s Landscape Service

Pinnacle Landscape Management

Total Landscape Maintenance

34 10/05/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 28 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct # Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Recreation

22,271 20,373 (1 ,898) 610000040 Salaries & Wages - Recreation 176,467 189,177 12,710 252,236 1,674 1,488 (186) 614000040 Employment Taxes - Recreation 14,141 15,815 1,674 20,421 1,649 1,784 135 614200040 Workers' Compensation - Recreation 13,765 16,056 2,291 16,698 2,253 2,780 527 614300040 Group Insurance - Medical - Recreation 21,100 25,020 3,920 33,360 51 62 11 614330040 Group Insurance - Dental - Recreation 567 558 (9) 744 31 40 9 614350040 Group In surance - Vision - Recreation 344 360 16 480 308 372 64 614400040 401 (k) Match - Recreation 2,047 3,453 1,406 4,605 93 95 2 614500040 Group Insurance - Life - Recreation 821 855 34 1,140 81 111 30 614600040 Long Term Disability Insurance - Recreat 728 999 271 1,332 0 100 100 62 11 00040 Continuing Education - Recreation 0 300 300 400 39 50 11 621400040 Meals & Special Events - Recreation 200 275 75 325 200 25 (175) 621500040 Mileage - Recreation 1,410 75 (1,335) 100 73 29 (44) 621700040 Uniforms & Laundry - Recreation 389 261 (128) 348 0 125 125 641000040 Office Supplies - Recreation 485 1,125 640 1,500 0 10 10 641000540 Building Supplies - Recreation 20 90 70 120 9 66 57 641001040 Hospitality - Recreation 77 594 517 792 0 125 125 641001540 Computer Supplies - Recreation 372 1,125 753 1,500 0 25 25 641002040 Equipment Expense - Recreation 980 150 (830) 200 0 58 58 641003040 Printer / Copier Supplies - Recreation 281 522 241 696 83 0 (83) 643510040 Bank Service Fees - Recreation 865 0 (865) 0 22 100 78 647200040 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Recreat 337 500 163 1,500 0 0 0 647800040 Service Contracts - Recreation 0 450 450 600 5,356 5,584 228 648150040 Community Entertainment - Recreation 49,724 50,248 524 67,000 55 0 (55) 648150540 Special Outside Events Expense - Recreat 25,980 0 (25,980) 0 0 0 0 648200040 Dues, Memberships & Books - Recreation 0 100 100 100 3,865 0 (3,865) 648400040 Permits & Licenses - Recreation 5,497 1,768 (3,729) 10,819 0 0 0 695100040 Committee Discretionary Expense - Recrea 0 1,000 1,000 1,000

38,111 33,402 (4,709) Total Expenses 316,598 310,876 (5,722) 418,016

Other Cost Recovery

(320) 0 (320) 538045540 Special Outside Events Income - Recreati 28,783 0 28,783 0 20 0 20 538500040 Other Income - Recreation 768 0 768 0

(300) 0 (300) Total Other Cost Recovery 29,551 0 29,551 0

34,835 34,835 0 533000040 Income / Refund from Mutuals - Recreatio 313,515 313,515 0 418,0 16

34,535 34,835 (300) Total Cost Recovery 343,Q66 313,515 29,551 418,016

Off Budgetllems 35 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 29 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct # Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

(3,576) 1,433 (5,009) Net Income 1 (Expenses) 26,467 2,639 23,828 o

36 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 30 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Copy & Supply Center

15,071 0 (15,071) 610000044 Salaries & Wages - Copy & Supply Center 15,071 0 (15,071 ) 0 1,122 0 (1,122) 614000044 Employment Taxes - Copy & Supply Center 1,122 0 (1,122) 0 862 0 (862) 614300044 Group Insurance - Medical - Copy & Suppl 862 0 (862) 0 5 0 (5) 614330044 Group Insurance - Dental - Copy & Supply 5 0 (5) 0 13 0 (13) 614350044 Group Insurance - Vision - Copy & Supply 13 0 (13) 0 57 0 (57) 614400044 401 (k) Match - Copy & Supply Center 57 0 (57) 0 128 0 (128) 614500044 Group Insurance - Life - Copy & Supply C 128 0 (128) 0 46 0 (46) 614600044 Long Term Disabilily Insurance - Copy & 46 0 (46) 0 111 0 (111 ) 641000044 Office Supplies - Copy & Supply Center 236 0 (236) 0 0 0 0 641002044 Equipment Expense - Copy & Supply Center 322 0 (322) 0 573 0 (573) 641003044 Printer 1 Copier Supplies - Copy & Suppl 814 0 (814) 0 30 0 (30) 643510044 Bank Service Fees - Copy & Supply Center 30 0 (30) 0 2,345 0 (2,345) 644400044 Equipment Rental - Copy & Supply Center 2,345 0 (2,345) 0 518 0 (518) 647800044 Service Contracts - Copy & Supply Center 518 0 (518) 0 3,000 0 (3,OOO) 648450044 Postage - Copy & Supply Center 3,000 0 (3,OOO) 0

23,882 0 (23,882) Total Expenses 24,570 0 (24,570) 0

Other Cost Recovery

1,134 0 1,134 5380331 44 Copy Fee Income - Copy & Supply Center 1,134 0 1,134 0

1,134 0 1,134 Total Other Cost Recovery 1,134 0 1,134 0

1,134 0 1,134 Total Cost Recovery 1,134 0 1,134 0

Off Budget Items

(1 ,530) 0 1,530 599000044 Materials Recovery - Copy & Supply Cente (1 ,530) 0 1,530 0 1,530 0 (1 ,530) 641500044 Materials Pass-Thru - Copy & Supply Cent 1,530 0 (1,530) 0

0 0 0 Total Off Budget Items 0 0 0 0

(22,748) 0 (22,748) Net Income 1 (Expense) (23,436) 0 (23,436) 0

37 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 31 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Amphitheater

0 0 0 641000045 Office Supplies - Amphitheater 126 0 (126) 0 8 100 92 641000545 Building Supplies - Amphitheater 573 600 27 700 0 150 150 641002045 Equipment Expense - Amphitheater 679 750 71 750 1,801 1,534 (267) 642010045 Electricity - Amphitheater 12,016 12,560 544 16,273 0 100 100 647100045 Building Repair & Maintenance - Amphithe 1,043 1,400 357 1,500 129 200 71 647200045 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Amphith 1,368 1,000 (368) 1,000 40 40 0 647721045 Pest Control - Amphitheater 405 560 155 680 0 40 40 647800045 Service Contracts - Amphitheater 225 320 95 400 45,000 46,800 1,800 648150045 Community Entertainment - Amphitheater 193,000 194,800 1,800 194,800 0 0 0 648400045 Permits & licenses - Amphitheater 431 550 119 550 2,250 3,544 1,294 648500045 Production Expense - Amphitheater - Amph 15,750 14,176 (1,574) 17,720

49,227 52,508 3,281 Total Expenses 225,617 226,716 1,099 234,373

Other Cost Recovery

0 0 0 538045045 Show Sponsorship Income - Amphitheater 14,541 16,000 (1,459) 16,000

0 0 0 Total Other Cost Recovery 14,541 16,000 (1,459) 16,000

18,198 18,198 0 533000045 Income I Refund from Mutuals - Amphithea 163,782 163,782 0 218,373

18,198 18,198 0 Total Cost Recovery 178,323 179,782 (1,459) 234,373

Off Budget Items

(31,029) (34,310) 3,281 Net Income I (Expense) (47,294) (46,934) (360) 0

38 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 32 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Golf Course

3,661 3,308 (353) 610000046 Salaries & Wages - Golf Course 33,146 30,102 (3,044) 40,246 308 359 51 614000046 Employment Taxes - Golf Course 3,766 3,935 169 4,858 368 398 30 614200046 Workers' Compensation - Golf Course 3,037 3,582 545 3,727 102 51 (51 ) 614400046 401 (k) Match - Golf Course 673 466 (207) 623 0 0 0 641000046 Office Supplies - Golf Course 0 150 150 200 0 100 100 641000546 Building Supplies - Golf Course 18 400 382 500 0 0 0 641002046 Equipment Expense - Golf Course 663 400 (263) 500 0 0 0 647100046 Building Repair & Maintenance - Golf Cou 396 400 4 500 0 0 0 647200046 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Golf Co 107 560 453 700 16,913 12,247 (4,666) 647510046 Landscape Maint. - Contract - Golf Cours 110,229 110,223 (6) 146,964 0 1,720 1,720 647560046 Landscape Maint. - Extras - Golf Course 0 15,480 15,480 20,640 0 0 0 647800046 Service Contracts - Golf Course 272 0 (272) 0

21 ,353 18,183 (3,170) Total Expenses 152,307 165,698 13,391 219,458

other Cost Recovery

150 150 0 539600046 Taxable Other Income - Golf Course 1,350 1,350 0 1,800

150 150 0 Total Other Cost Recovery 1,350 1,350 0 1,800

18,138 18,138 0 533000046 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Golf Cous 163,242 163,242 0 217,658

18,288 18,288 0 Total Cost Recovery 164,592 164,592 0 219,458

Off Budget Items

(3,065) 105 (3,170) Net Income 1 (Expense) 12,285 (1,106) 13,391 0

39 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 33 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - 5.5 Acre Storage Area

80 0 (80) 641000047 Office Supplies - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 3,185 0 (3,185) 0 0 0 0 641001047 Hospitality - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 71 0 (71 ) 0 0 0 0 641001547 Computer Supplies - 5,5 Acre Storage Are 237 0 (237) 0 924 0 (924) 641002047 Equipment Expense - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 924 0 (924) 0 149 0 (149) 642010047 Electricity - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 649 0 (649) 0 107 0 (107) 642200047 Telephone - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 557 0 (557) 0 0 0 0 647100047 Building Repair & Maintenance - 5.5 Acre 12 0 (12) 0 56 0 (56) 647200047 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - 5.5 Acr 66 0 (66) 0 30 0 (30) 647721047 Pest Control - 5.5 Acre Storage Are 125 0 (125) 0 243 0 (243) 646400047 Permits & Licenses - 5.5 Acre Storage Ar 243 0 (243) 0

1,590 0 (1 ,590) Total Expenses 6,070 0 (6,070) 0

Other Cost Recovery

2,250 0 2,250 5380701 47 Parking Spot Rental Income - 5.5 Acre St 33,900 0 33,900 0

2,250 0 2,250 Total Other Cost Recovery 33,900 0 33,900 0

2,250 0 2,250 Total Cost Recovery 33 ,900 0 33,900 0

Off Budget Items

660 0 660 Net Income 1 (Expense) 27,830 0 27,830 0

40 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 34 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/3 0/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Swimming Pool

5,247 5,336 89 610000048 Salaries & Wages - Swimming Pool 48,202 48,558 356 64 ,922 572 408 (164) 614000048 Employment Taxes - Swimming Pool 5,326 5,310 (16) 6,562 493 534 41 614200048 Workers' Compensation - Swimming Pool 4,050 4,806 756 4,999 0 27 27 621100048 Continuing Education - Swimming Pool 0 81 81 81 1,212 916 (296) 641000048 Office Supplies - Swimming Pool 7,611 8,244 633 10,992 (51 ) 0 51 641000548 Building Supplies - Swimming Pool 562 1,200 638 2,000 94 500 406 641002048 Equipment Expense - Swimming Pool 749 4,500 3,751 6,000 1,797 2,244 447 642010048 Electricity - Swimming Pool 14,341 15,546 1,205 20,142 104 111 7 642200048 Telephone - Swimming Pool 935 992 57 1,325 866 1,073 207 642510048 Natural Gas - Swimming Pool 14,176 12,302 (1,874) 16,823 53 166 113 647100048 Building Repair & Maintenance - Swimming 214 1,494 1,281 1,992 231 416 186 647200048 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Swimmin 2,915 3,744 829 4,992 25 33 8 647721048 Pest Control - Swimming Pool 225 297 72 396 0 0 0 647800048 Service Contracts - Swimming Pool 0 250 250 250 0 0 0 648400048 Permits & Licenses - Swimming Pool 458 800 342 800

10,641 11,764 1,123 Total Expenses 99,764 108, 124 8,360 142,276

11 ,856 11 ,856 0 533000048 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Swimming 106,704 106,704 0 142,276

11,856 11,856 0 Total Cost Recovery 106,704 106,704 0 142,276

1,215 92 1,123 Net Income 1 (Expense) 6,940 (1,420) 8,360 0

41 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 35 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Janitorial

3,080 2,500 (580) 641004049 Janitorial Supplies - Janitorial 26,384 22,500 (3,884) 30,000 92,074 92,074 0 647410049 Janitorial Services - Janitorial 821,447 821,446 (1 ) 1,097,668

95,154 94,574 (580) Total Expenses 847,832 843,946 (3,886) 1,127,668

Other Cost Recovery

250 250 0 538049049 Recovered Janitorial - Janitorial 2,250 2,250 0 3,000

250 250 0 Total Other Cost Recovery 2,250 2,250 0 3,000

93,718 93.722 (4) 533000049 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Janitoria 843,461 843,498 (37) 1,124,668

93,968 93 ,972 (4) Total Cost Recovery 845,711 845,748 (37) 1,127,668

Off Budget Items

(1,186) (602) (584) Net Income 1 (Expense) (2,121) 1,802 (3,923) 0

42 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page : 36 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budgel Variance Budget

Expenses - Clubhouse One

2 0 (2) 641000051 Office Supplies - Clubhouse One 2 0 (2) 0 36 291 255 641000551 Building Supplies - Clubhouse One 702 2,619 1,917 3,492 490 400 (90) 641002051 Equipment Expense - Clubhouse One 3,342 3,600 258 4,800 2,161 2,650 489 642010051 Electricity - Clubhouse One 16,426 17,185 759 21,689 1 166 165 647100051 Building Repair & Maintenance - Clubhous 4,158 1,494 (2,664) 1,992 2,119 460 (1 ,659) 647200051 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Clubhou 9,531 4,140 (5,391 ) 5,520 142 91 (51 ) 647721051 Pest Control - Clubhouse One 836 819 (17) 1,092 0 150 150 647800051 Service Contracts - Clubhouse One 595 1,350 755 1,800 0 50 50 648300051 Propane - Clubhouse One 0 100 100 250 0 0 0 648400051 Permils & Licenses - Clubhouse One 1,252 1,200 (52) 1,200

4,951 4,258 (693) Total Expenses 36 ,843 32,507 (4,336) 41 ,835

3,486 3,486 0 533000051 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Clubhouse 31,374 31 ,374 0 41 ,835

3,486 3,486 0 Total Cost Recovery 31 ,374 31 ,374 0 41 ,835

(1,465) (772) (693) Net Income 1 (Expense) (5,469) (1,133) (4,336) 0

43 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 37 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Clubhouse Two

2 0 (2) 641000052 Office Supplies - Clubhouse Two 2 0 (2) 0 8 125 117 641000552 Building Supplies - Clubhouse Two 361 1,125 764 1,500 178 334 156 641002052 Equipment Expense - Clubhouse Two 487 2,998 2,511 4,000 3,107 3,447 340 642010052 Electricity - Clubhouse Two 21,578 23,337 1,759 30,467 23 117 94 647100052 Building Repair & Maintenance - Clubhous 8,606 1,053 (7,553) 1,404 17 409 392 647200052 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Clubhou 2,973 3,673 701 4,900 80 80 0 647721052 Pesl Control - Clubhouse Two 720 720 0 960 0 158 158 647800052 Service Contracts - Clubhouse Two 670 1,422 752 1,900 0 600 600 648400052 Permits & Licenses - Clubhouse Two 1,342 1,800 458 1,800

3,415 5,270 1,856 Total Expenses 36,738 36,128 (610) 46,931

3,911 3,911 0 533000052 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Clubhouse 35,199 35 ,199 0 46,931

3,911 3,911 0 Total Cost Recovery 35,199 35,199 0 46,931

Off Budget Items

497 (1,359) 1,856 Net Income 1 (Expense) (1 ,539) (929) (610) 0

44 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 38 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Clubhouse Three

2 0 (2) 641000053 Office Supplies - Clubhouse Three 2 0 (2) 0 135 125 (10) 641000553 Building Supplies - Clubhouse Three 782 1,125 343 1,500 178 166 (12) 641002053 Equipment Expense - Clubhouse Three 1,395 1,494 99 1,992 3,857 3,359 (498) 642010053 Electricity - Clubhouse Three 27,422 26,520 (902) 33,137 30 208 178 647100053 Building Repair & Maintenance - Clubhous 6,505 1,872 (4,633) 2,496 35 500 465 647200053 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Clubhou 987 4,500 3,513 6,000 80 80 0 647721053 Pest Control - Clubhouse Three 720 720 0 960 0 0 0 647800053 Service Contracts - Clubhouse Three 395 1,200 805 1,200 0 0 0 648400053 Permits & Licenses - Clubhouse Three 471 500 30 500

4,317 4,438 121 Total Expenses 38,678 37,931 (747) 47,785

3,982 3,982 0 533000053 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Clubhouse 35,838 35,838 0 47,785

3,982 3,982 0 Total Cost Recovery 35,838 35,838 0 47,785

Off Budget Items

(335) (456) 121 Net Income 1 (Expense) (2 ,840) (2,093) (747) 0

45 10105/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 39 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct # Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Clubhouse Four

1 0 (1 ) 641000054 Office Supplies - Clubhouse Four 1 0 (1 ) 0 90 166 76 641000554 Building Supplies - Clubhouse Four 1,525 1,494 (31 ) 1,992 0 33 33 641001054 Hospitality - Clubhouse Four 517 297 (220) 396 178 208 30 641002054 Equipment Expense - Clubhouse Four 2,724 1,872 (852) 2,496 2,935 2,820 (115) 642010054 Electricity - Clubhouse Four 19,171 20,120 949 25,019 162 265 103 642510054 Natural Gas - Clubhouse Four 1,639 2,293 654 3,042 106 166 60 647100054 Building Repair & Maintenance - Clubhous 1,879 1,494 (385) 1,992 3 458 455 647200054 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Clubhou 2,228 4,122 1,894 5,496 80 80 0 647721054 Pest Control - Clubhouse Four 740 720 (20) 960 0 0 0 647800054 Service Contracts - Clubhouse Four 344 1,422 1,078 1,895 0 0 0 646400054 Permits & licenses - Clubhouse Four 1,079 4,954 3,875 4,954

3,555 4,196 641 Total Expenses 31 ,847 38,788 6,941 48,242

4,020 4,020 0 533000054 Income 1 Refund from Mutuals - Clubhouse 36,180 36,180 0 48,242

4,020 4,020 0 Total Cost Recovery 36,180 36,180 0 48,242

Off Budget Items

465 (176) 641 Net Income 1 (Expense) 4,333 (2,608) 6,941 0

46 10/05/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 41 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct # Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Clubhouse Six

2,563 5,346 2,783 610000056 Salaries & Wages - Clubhouse Six 44,412 48,653 4,241 65,049 202 490 288 614000056 Employment Taxes - Clubhouse Six 4,839 6,060 1,221 7,372 494 535 41 614200056 Workers' Compensation - Clubhouse Six 4,073 4,815 742 5,003 61 60 (1 ) 614400056 401(k) Match - Clubhouse Six 439 546 107 730 0 26 26 621100056 Continuing Education - Clubhouse Six 0 80 80 80 12 0 (12) 641000056 Office Supplies - Clubhouse Six 47 0 (47) 0 107 84 (23) 641000556 Building Supplies - Clubhouse Six 904 748 (156) 1,000 2,330 208 (2,122) 641002056 Equipment Expense - Clubhouse Six 2,996 1,876 (1,120) 2,500 4,881 5,664 783 642010056 Electricity - Clubhouse Six 33 ,763 36,302 2,539 45,575 108 109 1 642200056 Telephone - Clubhouse Six 855 981 126 1,310 0 125 125 647100056 Building Repair & Maintenance - Clubhous 6,344 1,125 (5,219) 1,500 897 375 (522) 647200056 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Clubhou 6,634 3,375 (3,259) 4,500 80 80 0 647721056 Pest Control - Clubhouse Six 720 720 0 960 0 0 0 647800056 Service Contracts - Clubhouse Six 2,956 3,076 120 4,100 50 0 (50) 648400056 Permits & Licenses - Clubhouse Si x 620 500 (120) 700

11 ,787 13,102 1,315 Total Expenses 109,602 108,857 (745) 140,379

11,698 11,698 0 533000056 Income / Refund from Mutuals - Clubhouse 105,282 105,282 0 140,379

11,698 11,698 0 Total Cost Recovery 105,282 105,282 0 140,379

Off Budget Items

(89) (1,404) 1,315 Net Income / (Expense) (4,320) (3,575) (745) 0



48 Budget Variance Report - September - 2017 RECREATION C.C.# 40,45,46,48,49,51,52,53,54, AND 56 cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 40 there is a favorable variance of 23,828 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 40 6100000 Salaries & Wages 12,710.00 Favorable-Down one Full-Time equivalent 40 6140000 Employment Taxes 1,674.00 Favorable-Down one Full-Time equivalent 40 6481505 Special Outside Events Income (25,925.00) Unfavorable-Off set by Special Events Income. 40 6951000 Non-Budget Exp for Committee 1,000.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time 40 5380455 Special Outside Events Income 28,783.00 Favorable-Special Events sales. Total Explained Variances 18,242.00 cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost center 45 there is a Unfavorable variance of -360 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 45 6481500 Community Entertainment 1,800.00 Favorable-Due to not all funds needed at this time. 45 6485000 Production Expense (1,574.00) Unfavorable-Due to overtime charges. 45 5380450 Show Sponsorship income (1,459.00) Favorable-Due to Sponsorship sales. Total Explained Variances (1 ,233.00) cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 46 there is a favorable variance of 13,391 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 46 6475600 Landscape Maint. Extras 15,480.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time. Total Explained Variances 15,480.00

For Cost Center 47 there is a favorable variance of 27,830 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 47 6410000 Office Supplies (3,185.00) Unfavorable-no established budget for 2017 47 5380701 Parking Spot Rental Income 33,900.00 Favorable-no established budget for 2017 Total Explained Variances 30,715.00 cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 48 there is a favorable variance of 8,360 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 48 6410000 Office Supplies 633.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time 48 6410020 Equipment Expense 3,751.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time

Page 1 of 3 49 48 6425100 Natural Gas (1,874.00) Unfavorable-High usage due to weather conditions. 48 6471000 Building Repair & Maintenance 1,281.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time Total Explained Variances 3,791.00 cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 49 there is a unfavorable variance of -3,923 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 49 6410040 Janitorial Supplies (3,884.00) Unfavorable-Due to new floor supplies for club #4. Total Explained Variances (3,884.00) cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For cost Center 51 there is a unfavorable variance of -4,336 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 51 6410005 Building Supplies 1,917.00 Favorable-All available funds not needed at this time. 51 6471000 Building Repair & Maintenance (2 ,664.00) Unfavorable-Due to door repairs 51 6472000 Equipment Repair and Maintenance (5,391 .00) Unfavorable-Due to pool table repairs Total Explained Variances (6,138.00) cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 52 there is a unfavorable variance of -610 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 52 6410020 Equipment Expense 2,511 .00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time. 52 6420100 Electricity 1,759.00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time. 52 6471000 Building Repair & Maintenance (7,553.00) Unfavorable-Due to Mold Remediation and Repairs. Total Explained Variances (3,283.00) cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 53 there is a Unfavorable variance of -747 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 53 6471000 Building Repair & Maintenance (4,633.00) Unfavorable-Due to repairs to the Blinds. 53 6472000 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 3,048.00 Favorable-Not all available needed at this time. 53 6478000 Service Contracts 805.00 Favorable-Not all available needed at this time. Total Explained Variances (780.00) cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 54 there is a favorable variance of 6,941 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 54 6420100 Equipment Expense (852.00) Unfavorable-Due Committee furniture purchase. 54 6420100 Electricity 949.00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time.

Page 2 of 3 50 54 6472000 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 1,894.00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time. 54 6478000 Service Contracts 1,078.00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time. 54 6484000 Permits & Licenses 3,875.00 Favorable-Not all available funds needed at this time. Total Explained Variances 6,944.00 cc GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation For Cost Center 56 there is a Unfavorable variance of -745 to the budget. The variance is due to the following. 56 6420100 Equipment Expense (1,120.00) Unfavorable-Not all funds needed at this time. 56 6420100 Electricity 2,539.00 Favorable-Not all funds needed at this time. 56 6471000 Building Repair & Maintenance (5,219.00) Unfavorable-Due to unexpected Door & Roof repairs. 56 6472000 Equipment Repair & Maintenance (3,259.00) Unfavorable-Due to treadmill belt replacement. Total Explained Variances (5,219.00)

Page 3 of 3 51


52 Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach



year JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 2015 $ 123.13 212.78$ 100.60$ 104.15$ 172.52$ 205.24$ 141.66$ 109.65$ 219.58$ 2016 $ 239.22 113.41$ 106.30$ 219.01$ 311.89$ 178.63$ 142.66$ 323.59$ 221.91$ 2017 $ 278.73 232.31$ 159.85$ 316.74$ 174.45$ 184.12$ 381.04$ 190.85$ 377.66$

53 54

Golden Rain Foundation Leisure World, Seal Beach




 Arts and Crafts Festival November 3rd and 4th, 2017 Clubhouse Two, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

 Tree lighting ceremony November 29th, 2017 At the end of the Administration Building, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


 Holiday show and Toys for Tots drive December 8th, 2017 Clubhouse Four, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

 Disney Stars on Ice December 20th, 2017 Honda Center, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


 Clubhouse Six wall removal project; first and second floor covers. Walls are on order.

 Recreational Vehicle Lot. Waiting on Policy approval.

 Recreation Department storage area cleanup.


Budget Variance Report September 2017 Library - CC 35

The Library is showing a positive budget variance for the month of September in the amount of $24,273.00 . As the year progresses the expenditures for budgeted items will even the variance and budget will stay on track.

56 Budget Variance Report September 2017 Library - CC 35

GL Code Account Description Variance Explanation

6100000 Salaries and Wages 15,810 Favorable - Actual hours worked is less than budgeted 6142000 Workers' Compensation 2,140 Favorable: Actual premiums are less than planned plus 2016 refund of $33K allocated to all cost centers. 6410000 Office Supplies (701) Unfavorable - Replacement of ergonomic chairs 6410005 Building Supplies (79) Unfavorable - Air Filters 6410010 Hospitality (601) Unfavorable - Patron Candy 6410015 Computer Supplies (245) Unfavorable - Additional printer 6410024 Library Supplies 764 Favorable - Budget will stay on track 6410030 Printer I Copier Supplies (286) Unfavorable - New Printer supplies 6412000 Patron Books 5,424 Favorable - The annual budget is equally spread through the months, budget will stay on track for the year. 6412500 Patron Magazine 536 Favorable - The annual budget is equally spread through the months, budget will stay on track for the year. 6471000 Building repair Maint & (5,545) Unfavorable _ Carpet for remodel! Plumbing

6481000 Computer Maintenance & Soft. (1,079) Unfavorable _ Additional Liscense added 6484000 Permits & Licenses (463) Unfavorable _ OCF Fire extinguisher service - recoded from Facilities Total Explained Variances 15,675

Page 1 of 1 57 10/05/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 19 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-D Y-T-D Budget Annual Aduals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

Expenses - Library

14,114 16,020 1,906 610000035 Salaries & Wages - Library 132,948 148,758 15,810 198,344 1,110 1,187 77 614000035 Employment Taxes - Library 11,769 14,206 2,437 17,878 1,507 1,630 123 614200035 Workers' Compensation - Library 12,530 14,670 2,140 15,263 1,141 1,499 358 614300035 Group Insurance - Medical - Library 12,718 13,491 773 17,988 38 47 9 614330035 Group Insurance - Dental - Library 414 423 9 564 23 32 9 614350035 Group Insurance - Vision - Library 256 288 32 384 203 8 (195) 614400035 401(k) Match - Library 332 73 (259) 97 71 37 (34) 614500035 Group Insurance - Life - Library 609 333 (276) 444 57 43 (14) 614600035 Long Term Disability Insuran ce - Library 512 387 (125) 516 0 0 0 621100035 Continuing Education - Library 54 270 216 270 0 0 0 621400035 Meals & Special Events - Library 26 100 74 100 0 0 0 621500035 Mileage - Library 0 100 100 100 102 42 (60) 641000035 Office Supplies - Library 1,079 378 (701) 500 24 42 18 641000535 Building Supplies - Library 457 378 (79) 500 0 50 50 641001035 Hospitality - Library 751 150 (601) 200 111 0 (111 ) 641001535 Computer Supplies - Library 345 100 (245) 100 44 500 456 641002435 Library Supplies - Library 3,736 4,500 764 6,000 7 0 (7) 641002535 Room Supplies - Library 149 50 (99) 100 0 0 0 641003035 Printer I Copier Supplies - Library 556 270 (286) 330 2,925 3,150 225 641200035 Patron Books - Library 22,926 28,350 5,424 37,800 223 440 217 641250035 Patron Magazines Subscriptions - Library 3,434 3,970 536 5,000 2,211 2,036 (175) 642010035 Electricity - Library 14,644 14,586 (58) 17,942 181 200 19 642200035 Telephone - Library 1,637 1,800 163 2,400 19 26 7 642510035 Natural Gas - Library 615 616 1 791 93 111 18 644400035 Equipment Rental - Library 984 1,007 23 1,340 0 0 0 647100035 Building Repair & Maintenance - Library 5,695 150 (5,545) 200 104 50 (54) 647200035 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Library 162 150 (12) 150 80 80 0 647721035 Pest Control - Library 765 900 135 1,140 19 257 238 647800035 Service Contracts - Library 328 1,293 965 1,724 0 0 0 648100035 Computer Maintenance & Software - librar 10,229 9,150 (1,079) 9,150 137 0 (137) 648200035 Dues, Memberships & Books - Library 137 308 171 308 0 0 0 648400035 Permits & Licenses - Library 501 38 (463) 38 24,543 27,487 2,944 Total Expenses 241 ,300 261 ,243 19,943 337,661

Other Cost Recovery

251 718 (467) 538035035 Library Fine Income - Library 2,631 6,446 (3,815) 8,600 478 0 478 5380331 35 Copy Fee Income - Library 4,818 0 4,818 0 0 0 0 538510035 Unrestricted Donations - Library 35 0 35 0 0 0 0 538510535 Donations - Friends of the Library - Lib 3,293 0 3,293 0

58 10/05/2017 1020 Golden Rain Foundation Page: 20 2:13 PM Budget Comparison - GRF 09/30/2017

P.O. Box 2069 Seal Beach CA 90740

Sep Sep Budget Y-T-O Y-T-O Budget Annual Actuals Budget Variance Acct# Description Actual Budget Variance Budget

729 718 11 Total Other Cost Recovery 10,776 6,446 4,330 8,600

27,422 27,422 0 533000035 Income I Refund from Mutuals - Library 246,798 246,798 0 329,061

28 ,151 28,140 11 Total Cost Recovery 257 ,574 253,244 4,330 337,661

Off Budget Items

3,607 653 2,954 Net Income 1 (Expense) 16,274 (7,999) 24,273 0

59 , .. 1\.0 ' ... _ GRF LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT 2017

I c = J_AN ~~E-B_~-MAR-:-APR- J MAY _~,- J~N ---:[ JUL ~- AUG - ~~- iE~ L~~~ EC _ !IOTALS

Material Usage 5,982 5,223 5,978 5,484 6,288 5,963 6,187 5,874 5,522 52,501

12.0% 10.4% 12,0% 11.0% 12.6% 11.9% 12.4% 11.7% 11.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Patrons Visits 5,289 4,779 5,995 5,098 5,388 5,445 5,735 5,430 5,058 48,217

Computer Patrons 247 212 263 250 221 207 298 265 246 2,209

New Patrons 49 33 47 39 40 32 99 71 64 474

Materials Added 355 257 296 402 328 272 238 380 319 2,847

Materials Deleted 78 42 212 125 61 52 45 304 605 1,524 (Printed)

Materials Deleted - 1 2 - 1 66 115 21 6 212 (Digital)

60 DISCARD REPORT - October 2017 Date Hardcover I Nonfic Paperback DVD Audiobook Friends Trash Friends Trash Friends Trash Friends Trash 1 2 3 4 5 3 38 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 3 14 15 16 17 8 5 18 88 19 7 20 10 21 22 23 5 2 1 2 24 25 3 26 1 27 28 29 30 31

TOTALS 142 40 5 1 0 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL Friends: $147 Trash : $ 41