FALUN DAFA ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INC Falun Dafa Association of Australia Formal Complaint on the ABC’s Foreign Correspondent and Background Briefing programs 18 August 2020 Complaint submitted by: Dr Lucy Zhao President, Falun Dafa Association of Australia Inc. PO Box K 58, Haymarket NSW 1240 Email:
[email protected] Mob: 0404 988 789 Contents 1. Background and introduction ................................................................................................. 5 2. Basic lapses in journalistic ethics and procedures ................................................................. 6 3. Misrepresentation of Falun Gong’s beliefs and practices ................................................... 10 4. Bad faith in attempting to get the perspective of the local Falun Gong community ........ 18 5. The ABC report echoes CCP propaganda used to persecute Falun Gong........................ 19 6. The harms caused to the Falun Gong community by these mischaracterisations ........... 20 7. Use of ABC’s material by the CCP to further the persecution of Falun Gong in China . 20 8. The sections in the ABC Code of Practice and editorial guidelines violated .................... 21 9. Summary ................................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix A Letter of Grievance from Anna’s mother .............................................................. 24 Falun Dafa Association of Australia Executive summary The Falun Dafa Association of Australia wishes to acknowledge