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380 JOLRXAL OF ECOXOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 and the 30th of :JIay it rained very hard, and on June 2d a check row of beans was examined and 207 red spiders wcre f<und on 13 leayes. On June 8th, after a week of daily rain, vcr~' fpw rpd spidpJ's "'pre to be seen. From this it appears that one 01' two rains wiJl not seri- ously injure the red spidel', but that continued rains fOt' several days are fatal to a large proportion of the insects. A LIST OF PARASITES KNOWN TO ATTACK AMERICAN RHYNCHOPHORA Downloaded from By W. DWIGHT PIERCE, Burean of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of A{j'rieu1ture As the weevils become more important economically there will be a growing necessity of understanding the parasites which ::nay check their injuries. A preliminary list of these parasites was published by the writer in Bulletin 73 of the Bureau of Entomology, without, http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ however, indicating the sources of the records. Since that time many other important records have been added, and if all the species bred by the boll weevil investigation force were determined, double the number of additions could be included. The credit for parasite breeding records made at the boll weevil laboratory during 1907 and 1908 must be shared equally by the writer with :Jlessrs. R. A. Cushman and C. E. Hood. by guest on June 9, 2016 Notice of omissions is very earnestly requested. Fungi. A8pcrgillu8 sp. is re(,ol'ded by Hunter and Hi~ds (1904. 105) fiS bred from Anthol101nU8 grandis Boh., at Victoria, Texas. Oorflycep8 sp. ,yaS found attacking the boll weevil (11nt1lOIIUIl1t/8 IIrrIndi8) at San Juan Allende, :Uexico (Townsend 1895a). EmPtt8a (Entomophthora) sphaerosperma attacks the clover-leaf weevil, Phytor/omus pnnctatu8 Fab., abundantly at Annapolis .Jun,~tion, Md. (Johnson 1898). Entomophthora p/Lytol1omi attacks the same weevil in Ontario (Fletcher 1900) . Isuriu tomicii Lugger is recorded as killing adnlt Platypus co/Jlpositus Say (Hopldns 1896). Sporotrichum globltlifenL?n was bred from the imbricated snout heetle, Epicaeru8 imbricatu8 Say, by Chittenden (1900b. 31). Acarina. Tarsonemidae. Pedicu!oide8 sp. (nee. ventr·iC08U8 :(o\ewp.mis-spelled 'l:entricul08US) is a common parasite of AntllOnomU8 granui8 Boh. (Rangel 1901:\, 11) and • Decelllbel', '08] JOrnXAL OF ECOXO:lUC EXTO:lIOLOGY 381 Anthol/o11llt,~ cugel/ii Cano, the pepper weevil, (Meraz 1905), in Mexico, and is n!'ed by the boll weevil investigation in Texas. l'ediclIl()ille8 sp. noy. is a parasite fir!'t disl'overed in the Dallas labora- tory attacking Trichobari8 compacta Casey and Antl/onornus grandis Boh. It was later found to attack lmy insect within its reach. Pc(U('lIl()i(](w sp. is rl'('orded froUl Larifb (Brllrhlls) chincnsis Linn. by Chittenden (1899. 245) under the name of Pcdiouloirlcs ventricosus Nt'wlIl. (Thl' gl'nns Brl/cil//s Linn. 1767 is a s)'nonym of Laria Scop. 1763 according to Gallglbauer (1903. 308). Tyroglyphidae. Tyrvglypllll,~ brcviceps Banks (1906) was describf'd as a parasite of An- tl/OI/VlI/liS granllis. Diptera. Cyc1orrhapha. Downloaded from Phoridae. Aphiochacta I/igrircps Loew. (det. by Coquillett) was bred September 26, 1906, from "a very ~lUall parasite larva 011 small weevil larva" isolated from dry hanging halls collected Septf'mbel' 12th at Dallas, Texas. The puparium, larval skin and remain!' of the weevil larva in the http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ breeding tube were the proofs of primary parasitism. Aphiocl/aeta ta8ciata Fallen (?) (det. by Coquillett) I AphiochaNa pygmaca Zctt. (det. b.\· Coquillett) () On October 6, 1906, a weevil larva was isolated from hanging bolls eo'lleetpd at Dallas, Texas, with this note: "Weevil lm'va full of Dipterous larvae." Eleven larvae left this host and pupated. On October 29, seven of the first spedf's and two of the latter were bred. Tachinidae. by guest on June 9, 2016 Metadexia basalis G. T. (det. by Coquillett) is contained in the U. S. National Museum as a parasite of Conutrachclu8 juylaJldis Lee. from WeRt Virginia. Cholomyia iJlaeqllipes Bigot (det. by Townsend) is ('ontained in the U. S. Nntiollal Museum aR a probahle parasite of COJlo/rael/elus nel/I/phar Hbst. in Missouri, and as bred from C()nolr(lchell/,~ jllylal/dis Lee., taken at Mounds, Louisiana, August 30, 1897 (H. S. D. A. 7662°'). This species was bred May 29, 1907, from CVI/utracheills elegalls Boh. at DallaR, Texas. Myiophasia aenca Wied. (det. by Coquillett) is a parasite of Balaninus nasieus Say, Cunotraehclus juglal/dis Lee., Splicnophorus parvulus Gyll. (CoquilIett 1897); Ampeloglyptcr scso8tris Lee. (Webster); An' thOJlOlll/lS ural/dis Boh. (Pierce 1907b, 269, 1908a, 40); COl/otrachclus af!inis Boh. (Pien'e 1907b. 274). It iR a COUllllonparasite of COl/otl'ach- elus clegallS Boll. The Sphenophorus re('ord is haRC'don Phflsioc/istft metal/ica, Towns., ;;;upposed to be a synonym of 1J[, acnca Wied. Myiophasia /'obusta Coq. is a parasite of Spllenophorus robustus Horn (Coquillett 1897). Myiophasia 8eti!lCra Towns. type, was collected ovipositing in an acorn of Quercus alba at Ruston, La., October 31, 1907, hy the writer. 382 JO~R~AL OF ECO~OMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 EI/I/!/omma· elistoidr.s Towns. (according to Mr. Townl'end this Rpeei('1'is dil'tinct from Myiophasia aellea Wied.) is a paraRite of Ghaleo(/enlll&~ (tel/CllS Bah. (Howard 1894. 280; Chittenden 1904. 43). Enl/!/omma [Loewia] glo/Jo8a Towns. (according to Mr. Towllseud this species also is distinct from Myiophasia aenea Wiecl) was hred from the boll weevil, .J I/tllOI/OmliS gram/is by C. R. .Tones throughout the fall of 1907 at Alexandria, La. Lixopltaga p(l1'va Towns. type, was bred AuguRt 15, 1907, at Dallas, Texas, from Li.I'//8 sCl'obioollis Boh. The weevil skin was attached to the out- side of the puparium. Hymenoptera. Vespoidea. Bethylidae. Bethylini. Oephalollomi(~ ltyalil/ipellllis Ashm. is recorded as pO:';HiblyII parasite ot Downloaded from Hypothellenws el'uditus Westw. (Chittenden 1893b. 25(1; ARhmead 1893a. 49, 451). This record is open to doubt. Hymenoptera. Proctotrypoidea. Platygasteridae. Platygasterinae. Trichacis rnfipcs Ashm. is possibly a parasite of Balanillus nasicll.~ Say http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ (Ashmead 1893a. 296, 451). This record is open to doubt. Hymenoptera. Chalcidoidea. Torymidae. Monodontomerinae. MiCl'odolltOIllCl'IlS al/thollomi Cwfd. attacks Antlwnollllls gralldis Bah. and Alltltriblls [Brachytarsus] altenwtus Say (Crawford 1907a. 133; 1907b. 179), being ver~- abundant in central Texas au the boll weevil. (Bra- chytarsuH Seh. 1833=Antbribus Forst. 1771 according to Ganglbauer 1903. 311). This parasite wa~ also bred in both Rexes at Dallas, Texas, by guest on June 9, 2016 from Larirh [nTl~ChllS] exigfla Hom. Chalcididae. Chalcidinae. Smicrini. S]Ji/odw/cil! s]l. A single male of this spec'ies waR fonnd dead in a wecvil cell with the remains of the weevil and its own exuvium in a hanging square collected August 10, 1907, at Victoria, Texas. Eurytomidae. Eurytomini. Bli/'lItolJ/a ma(jclalidis Ashm. was described as parasitic on Magdalis al'mi- colli8 Say (Ashmend, 1896a. 326). Ellrytoma tylode/'11wtis Ashm. was described as para"itic all Ty/odcl'ma foveo/Mum Say (Ashmead 1896a. 218). It is parn"itic on l,ixU8 mus- culus Say, and Anthonomus sqlwmosus LeC'. (Pierce 1907a; b; c; 1908a); on Ol'tllor;s crotchii Lee. (Pierce 1907b; 1908a); all Ant/wno- 111118hcterothccae Pierce (nec. (li8jlUtCt1l8 Lee.) (PierC'c 1907a; b; 1908a; d); on Anthon01ll11S gl"anr!ig Bah. (Hunter and Hinds 1904; 1905; Pierce 1907b; 1908a; c); on Apion scrmipes Say (Chittenden 1908. 31). It was bred abundantly from the typical Laria in Vachellia fa.rnesiana tal,en at Victoria, Texas; from Spenl!Opha(jlls roLiniae Sch. collected at Shreveport, La.; from Lixl~S sCl'obicollis at Dallns, Texas; and from Tl'ichoba1"is tcxana Lec. at Cisco and Dallas, TC'xaH; and waR lleeemher, '08] 383 also bre(l from typical Macrorlloptlls splla('ral('ia(] Pieree collected at Del Rio, Texas. Bnlchopllagl/8 Iterrer(le Ashm. described from AII- thouomlls gmlldis is a s3'IHmym of this sp('cies, according to J. C. ('raw[ol'tl. RI'/wlw/il/(I!/IIS 1Il('Xi('(lIIl1S .A shill. WIlS br('d in Arizona fro/ll Luria [Brll- ('11118]alb(/8('ute/lutlls Horn awl 1J. s]l. ('l'ownselHl 1895b). Perilampidae. P('ri/a InIH/8 sp. .\ single individual was ]:}red frolll the boll weevil, J 1/- thonOmU8 gral/di,~, in an isolated weeyil cell, by C. E. Hood, from squares collected Septembl'r 7, 1907, at Shrey('port, La. Cleonymidae. Cleonyminae. 01leiropa.('hys colon Linn. attacks Magdali8 aenCSCCI/8 Lee. (Chittenden 1900a. 37, 43) and E('coptogaster [Scolytus] mgul081lS Ratz (Howanl 1888) . Downloaded from Encyrtidae. Eupelminae. Eupelmini. Oerambycobill.~ brcvicauda Cwfd. was described as a parasite of LUria exiguo. Horn, brE'd at Dallas, Texas (Crawford 1908. 158). Oerall1byc071ills 7/1'llchivorlls Cwfd. was described ns a parasite of the typical Laria in Vaehcllio, famesiana from Victoria, Texas, br('d nt http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Dallas, (Crawford 1908. 158). Ocra./IIby(·obilis ellsll1nani Cwfd. was des('ribed ns a parasite of Ant/wno- ml/.~ graudi8 from Vict(lria, Texas' (Crawford ]908. 158) nt whieh p]nce it has deflech'd in large numbers from its original host, the typical Laria in Va('ltcllin tarllcsiano, due to the failure of that p]ant to fruit. It Wllfln]so bred as parasite of the boll weeyil nt Hallettsyille, Golia!!, and Browmwil!(', Texas, nud Alexnudria, La., and from AracccnL8 tas- Neulatlls Woll. at Victoria, 'l'exafl. Oer(/mbycobiu8 c!lal/iccps Ashm. is a very common parasite of AnlhrJ//o- by guest on June 9, 2016 mils gralldis throughout Texas and Louisiana (Mally 1902; Pier('e 1907b; 1905a, c).