Bayshore Area Recovering.From Pounding by Storm Several Ilmen Mr

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Bayshore Area Recovering.From Pounding by Storm Several Ilmen Mr MONMOUTHCOUNTYHISTORICAL ASSO. KKEEJIOUD. -S. J . Tofe On Wing For Bonus Voted For Cliffwood D e c .19 Borough Employees Fourth Election On - Firemen M*y Get More r Building Proposition Member, National Editorial Association — New Jersey PrqssAssociation — Monmouth County Press Association Insurance Benefits; Called By Board; Some Cite Work Of Firenaen,.. Members Are Opposed 82nd YEAR — 22nd WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950 Single, Copy Six Cents Cops, Others In Storm . "Fourth special election in flvc Rcgulur nnd uppuliitlvo omploy. months to vote on a school build MHS I* Approved ” Freak Mishap oca of tlio borough government irig 'program wns set for Dcc. 19 wore kIvimi 10 per ccnl boiiin on by thc Matawan Township Board John E. Bennett/ Matawan ■ Frederick Trembly, 919 Shore tlictr ur.nunl unlnrloti by: vote of of Education meeting Mpnday.^Vot* High School ' principal, stated Concourse, Cliffwood , Beach, tlio Miituvvim Borgttgii Council crs will bc asked' to bond the this morning h* bid received w ii the driver of a concrete* Mondny. district for $125,000 to crcct a six* confirmation thal Matawan High mixing truck involved in a freak Nn buiiua urluinully hnd • liccn room wing on .ClifTwood School. School had Seen placed on ihe mishap In Perth Amboy . Tues­ imtldpiitcd when the budlict Wns There will be nb oUaer proposlUon approved JU T of * lhe Middle day afternoon in which' Mary drawn up In Jmiuiiry^ m the tiomw on the ballot. : States Commission on Secondary “Sitch;-14r of .that - city. w ai In*, iwmvrlz. bh-W. wft» .Auffiarponiled.jus_ - Proposals ‘offered in the first gchcolt from Ire R. krafbUL' jured. ; fliilmy tnnomcnt. Mondny 11I11I1I three elections all went down to executive secretary, of that or* The woman,, ftccotdlng tc£ Milton Colo, boiouRli nudltqr,, ro- defeat. Thc" ClifTwood plan wns ganbetion. ' Perth Amboy police, was walk* jiorlctl Hint after'nmhiiiff truisferfl, . joined with one to build a six* Inspection and ‘ analysis of ing along fayete 61 when a* tlio council Imd n $2500 frw room unit on the present Matawun Matawan High School facilities wheel of TremblyV truck came bnlnnco, Fmnltllii painln.lelt, School lot for ahothcr $123,000^ and teaching methods was inade off and rolled at her at an bmouith clerk, then ronilndnt tho and to buy a . 22*acrc, (tact on No wpter Is in light as the City ol New York repoiM In th* bick council thnt It no bonua werp puit), by an evaluetl&g commit!** of yard at the formtr fran k Cottrell property at the foot of Lower Broad alarming rate of speed, Although Aberdeen Rd. for $14,000 for a new the olflanlsation last year, Tbe way. Keyport.. The Keansburg Steamboat Co, is faced with the almost the managed to gel partially llio pay n( borouijh einploycea school site in* the flrst two elections school w a s notified certain impossible task. of refloating the big steamer or • the former Army out of the path ol the rolling wmtld ncliinlly bo U'hh thin ynur us q single package plai)- In lhe change*, would have lo be made ttansport seen to the right and H rthtr back in the picture. The transport wheel, weighing an estimated 60 limn lust duo to tho nrlco rloo In inst election, Nov. 14, the building 6 as purchased by the steamboat ttriU from war surplus for emergsnoy lhe cost of llvlnu Hint I'timr witli in procedures and administrative The thamblps and splinters that were left of 14 cottages ai Morgen pounds, tt struck , her a glancing -proposals - ivcre„ left, packaged as setup -to qualify. —These.-adjust*.. uie in case one of their tegular steamers should be put out of service, blow, . ; . • . the Ivuri'iui wor, Tho council thun are shown here. -Much; of:tM e_de^lUj*a|j*aihed over Route 35. block' A «scond tuch-trart*port rfrclln»i^onJhe CUj<wood' meadow* 500 ysrdi a single proposition and the land menu hare been made, Mr; 2ng traffic on the highway when lhe waters had. subsided!. :St*e_¥u! JreRtfd Jjy .aphysicUn voted tu ot>iily over JM00 ot thn was made a separate proposition, Away.1 A ll three hosts were cail adrift when thrlr dock et ihe foot of surplus 10. UoniiKes.r'"" • “ ' : - - Bennett stated. ■. Broad Bt* Keyport, was pounded away* . for abrasions and contusions of but the negative^ margin only : The high school principal-cau- the left leg. Muyor '.lolm W. Api'li'Uulc rnl.iwi increased;.............. * tlbried ’that while th# favorable i|iii'«tioii If the MlHluncp of Ilii! Thc Vole on thc “Cliffwood recognition accorded the achool . hliliinco illil not mnliu It nn np.. "ulonc“ election was 4*2. Clifford w ill be helpful, to all its grad* proprlnto tlino to try lo determlmi F. Beeves, board president? Leon­ uatei, those punning -to go io° it Vhe Mntnwim flrcincn iicUmll)' ardo M. Moririo.. Dnnicd J. Man- college must not assume > that whhrd to be coinjit*iwiUed'M-ii-riilo■ ■ cinl nnd Herbert C. Smith voted merely’ because the school U on nf $12 per,, yeni-. ■ ’J'lio onllnoiice yes. Opposed were William M. an accredited llsi. they can H e Hard ffay prnvlili's nn option of such iwyinent Strother, vice president, and . Mrs. qualify with a minimum or <ren or Tor lln- pnynionl by the borouilh Christine E. Lamborn. general passing grade. Mr* Democratic Official of increii.H'd liiHU'niico preiiilunm, Both. Mr. Strothdr and Mrs. Bennett declared the student' is Wheels GOP Committe W,nli TmI.OI Lamborn eiriphusized they were still "on his or her own." - • 'Hie mnyiir olwurved It Ipid iirrli not opposing additional school Member From Borough liiiposnlblc to (lutormlno lliu ti'uv . facilities for ClilTwood, merely that Hall To Station HonUmont of the llromim In tlw . their negative vbtc kept them con* niuttor iih no ono hud ever cornu slslcnt in their stand ’taken aL thc Ministers Back This is another riew of the gale's havoc at Morgan Beach wherp.the Tlnmluglvlng may hitvu been a before tlio boroiiiih cmmell nbuiil i^rrlUc wind demollihed all but a few buildings and made 250 people outset of thc discussions on school holiday Tor the majority of borough 11 but limtimd "mtlivornlvc. und improvement programs that'what homeless. The woman In the center is trying to salvage some belongings re.sldentH but for Councilman John undi'i llllllil motlhllh" Jllttl ligcti UM‘d from her wrecked home. Thla Is the rear ol ^ old merry-go-round stend In Union Bssch. wns,. rightly' needed was n new Christinas Fund Tourine it brought an hour of real lo uuilie nn Iffaiit- nf It Iiy word- Echoul on a new site. • The structure on the shore side .of Front 8 t. appeari to have been damaged beyond all hope of practical repair. Therei was a strong rumor toll. of-imnitli nc,ItutInn. llo .' nukVI 4 Mrs. , Lamborn stated she was Matawan Association current Tuesday all the buildings on the shore side of Front 81. had Mr. Tourine, a Dcmoeral, was ('miiiellmmi Juliti M. Toiirlno, «h not voting ayainst the referendum Urging Support For been so soveieiy damaged they would be re«ed In any plan ol recon­ nt work while others were-relaxlng lire clili'l, to brlnil tho mutter to because she wns opposed to addi­ struction to afford future beech visitors * clear view of tne waterfront. all bei'aia-e he gUO/iscd wrong on the jiliriitli>h n l Ihe lire canimli* tional-schools, but because she did . Public Health And the U\hl election. A good purty iiUiliei'H.. , not approve of the plan undercon- Woman’s Club Drive- man, the eounellmau ’ bet Marvin Muyor. Appleiiiito noted 9 Hit) Wil« tddcrallon. At the present rate of Pilchard . Republican, commlltey-' hi'lim iloiinliil euch-J.if tile..fOllr.... population growlh in ClifTwood. .At lhe regular November meet­ man from the third1 district. Hud I'oiiipiinloH iiiiiiuully , by Iho biiv* Mm. Lamburn. said, the six-room ing of lhe Malawan Ministerial thi* Democrats would ’cany ,Mol- oouli to priiiiinlii hoelul mid rreri’ii' addition will be outgrown within Association, it was voted to donate awun. The hner was to, pay oit by ll'>nnI piolil'lililH. lie ri.tlnuitol tlllH 10 months. the ?um of $25 lo the Matawan pushing tlu> winner from the win iMiiilviilent lo }(1 per mull, X Sirolber‘Pledget Support Public Health Association’s Christ* borough hall to the Station Plnru Mr. 'rmirliio miiliji'htoil Hull ,m Mr. Strother said that even mas Welfare Fund. ' tu a wheelbarrow. ’ Mr. Tourine iidi eonipiiiiy wim piiylim out, $#!> though he voted against thc refer* As a further aid to the work of paid the himl way. lur neclilcnt huiUi iiiii'O iintl Hint tho endum he. would work Au help th at. organization, the Ministerial Actually the day vviUf not a total bui'imiili iiiliihl. iniilte. n coiilrlUu- carry the proposition. His ncga* Asrociotion Is requesting its afTLj 1o *h for thc councilman. Before tlmi lo llilu or liiliii It over In lieu live .vote, he declared, was cast Haled churches and church schools | he started his mile-long trip. u l piiylni! llio ^12 per n u m . T h r because he feels the residents of to rcoievc contributions of food on, Thomas (), Koupman( Buttonwood iimyur lliouitlit llilu u liuml Iden nwl — Matawanllborough—arc„ "lioinii 10" Dee. 17..-to be given,. to the; health Manur hoM, arrived at the borough ii,‘.lii'il Mr. Tuiirlno tn 1.0 U111I nut llck^ anything you pul up before associulion for Tue Jn niaking up blM with (i lull couratnturltey dln- llio feulhillii of lln!,.chiefs CO tlm February.” Mr.
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