Tofe On Wing For Bonus Voted For Cliffwood D e c .19 Borough Employees Fourth Election On - Firemen M*y Get More r Building Proposition Member, National Editorial Association — New Jersey PrqssAssociation — Monmouth County Press Association Insurance Benefits; Called By Board; Some Cite Work Of Firenaen,.. Members Are Opposed 82nd YEAR — 22nd WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950 Single, Copy Six Cents Cops, Others In Storm . "Fourth special election in flvc Rcgulur nnd uppuliitlvo omploy. months to vote on a school build MHS I* Approved ” Freak Mishap oca of tlio borough government irig 'program wns set for Dcc. 19 wore kIvimi 10 per ccnl boiiin on by thc Matawan Township Board John E. Bennett/ Matawan ■ Frederick Trembly, 919 Shore tlictr ur.nunl unlnrloti by: vote of of Education meeting Mpnday.^Vot* High School ' principal, stated Concourse, Cliffwood , Beach, tlio Miituvvim Borgttgii Council crs will bc asked' to bond the this morning h* bid received w ii the driver of a concrete* Mondny. district for $125,000 to crcct a six* confirmation thal Matawan High mixing truck involved in a freak Nn buiiua urluinully hnd • liccn room wing on .ClifTwood School. School had Seen placed on ihe mishap In Perth Amboy . Tues­ imtldpiitcd when the budlict Wns There will be nb oUaer proposlUon approved JU T of * lhe Middle day afternoon in which' Mary drawn up In Jmiuiiry^ m the tiomw on the ballot. : States Commission on Secondary “Sitch;-14r of .that - city. w ai In*, iwmvrlz. bh-W. wft» .Auffiarponiled.jus_ - Proposals ‘offered in the first gchcolt from Ire R. krafbUL' jured. ; fliilmy tnnomcnt. Mondny 11I11I1I three elections all went down to executive secretary, of that or* The woman,, ftccotdlng tc£ Milton Colo, boiouRli nudltqr,, ro- defeat. Thc" ClifTwood plan wns ganbetion. ' Perth Amboy police, was walk* jiorlctl Hint after'nmhiiiff truisferfl, . joined with one to build a six* Inspection and ‘ analysis of ing along fayete 61 when a* tlio council Imd n $2500 frw room unit on the present Matawun Matawan High School facilities wheel of TremblyV truck came bnlnnco, Fmnltllii painln.lelt, School lot for ahothcr $123,000^ and teaching methods was inade off and rolled at her at an bmouith clerk, then ronilndnt tho and to buy a . 22*acrc, (tact on No wpter Is in light as the City ol New York repoiM In th* bick council thnt It no bonua werp puit), by an evaluetl&g commit!** of yard at the formtr fran k Cottrell property at the foot of Lower Broad alarming rate of speed, Although Aberdeen Rd. for $14,000 for a new the olflanlsation last year, Tbe way. Keyport.. The Keansburg Steamboat Co, is faced with the almost the managed to gel partially llio pay n( borouijh einploycea school site in* the flrst two elections school w a s notified certain impossible task. of refloating the big steamer or • the former Army out of the path ol the rolling wmtld ncliinlly bo U'hh thin ynur us q single package plai)- In lhe change*, would have lo be made ttansport seen to the right and H rthtr back in the picture. The transport wheel, weighing an estimated 60 limn lust duo to tho nrlco rloo In inst election, Nov. 14, the building 6 as purchased by the steamboat ttriU from war surplus for emergsnoy lhe cost of llvlnu Hint I'timr witli in procedures and administrative The thamblps and splinters that were left of 14 cottages ai Morgen pounds, tt struck , her a glancing -proposals - ivcre„ left, packaged as setup -to qualify. —These.-adjust*.. uie in case one of their tegular steamers should be put out of service, blow, . ; . • . the Ivuri'iui wor, Tho council thun are shown here. -Much; of:tM e_de^lUj*a|j*aihed over Route 35. block' A «scond tuch-trart*port rfrclln»i^onJhe CUjiily over JM00 ot thn was made a separate proposition, Away.1 A ll three hosts were cail adrift when thrlr dock et ihe foot of surplus 10. UoniiKes.r'"" • “ ' : - - Bennett stated. ■. . Broad Bt* Keyport, was pounded away* . for abrasions and contusions of but the negative^ margin only : The high school principal-cau- the left leg. Muyor '.lolm W. Api'li'Uulc rnl.iwi increased;...... * tlbried ’that while th# favorable i|iii'«tioii If the MlHluncp of Ilii! Thc Vole on thc “Cliffwood recognition accorded the achool . hliliinco illil not mnliu It nn np.. "ulonc“ election was 4*2. Clifford w ill be helpful, to all its grad* proprlnto tlino to try lo determlmi F. Beeves, board president? Leon­ uatei, those punning -to go io° it Vhe Mntnwim flrcincn iicUmll)' ardo M. Moririo.. Dnnicd J. Man- college must not assume > that whhrd to be coinjit*iwiUed'M-ii-riilo■ ■ cinl nnd Herbert C. Smith voted merely’ because the school U on nf $12 per,, yeni-. ■ ’J'lio onllnoiice yes. Opposed were William M. an accredited llsi. they can H e Hard ffay prnvlili's nn option of such iwyinent Strother, vice president, and . Mrs. qualify with a minimum or h n l Ihe lire canimli* tional-schools, but because she did . Public Health And the U\hl election. A good purty iiUiliei'H.. , not approve of the plan undercon- Woman’s Club Drive- man, the eounellmau ’ bet Marvin Muyor. Appleiiiito noted 9 Hit) Wil« tddcrallon. At the present rate of Pilchard . Republican, commlltey-' hi'lim iloiinliil euch-J.if tile..fOllr.... population growlh in ClifTwood. .At lhe regular November meet­ man from the third1 district. Hud I'oiiipiinloH iiiiiiuully , by Iho biiv* Mm. Lamburn. said, the six-room ing of lhe Malawan Ministerial thi* Democrats would ’cany ,Mol- oouli to priiiiinlii hoelul mid rreri’ii' addition will be outgrown within Association, it was voted to donate awun. The hner was to, pay oit by ll'>nnI piolil'lililH. lie ri.tlnuitol tlllH 10 months. . the ?um of $25 lo the Matawan pushing tlu> winner from the win iMiiilviilent lo }(1 per mull, X Sirolber‘Pledget Support Public Health Association’s Christ* borough hall to the Station Plnru Mr. 'rmirliio miiliji'htoil Hull ,m Mr. Strother said that even mas Welfare Fund. ' tu a wheelbarrow. ’ Mr. Tourine iidi eonipiiiiy wim piiylim out, $#!> though he voted against thc refer* As a further aid to the work of paid the himl way. lur neclilcnt huiUi iiiii'O iintl Hint tho endum he. would work Au help th at. organization, the Ministerial Actually the day vviUf not a total bui'imiili iiiliihl. iniilte. n coiilrlUu- carry the proposition. His ncga* Asrociotion Is requesting its afTLj 1o *h for thc councilman. Before tlmi lo llilu or liiliii It over In lieu live .vote, he declared, was cast Haled churches and church schools | he started his mile-long trip. u l piiylni! llio ^12 per n u m . T h r because he feels the residents of to rcoievc contributions of food on, Thomas (), Koupman( Buttonwood iimyur lliouitlit llilu u liuml Iden nwl — Matawanllborough—arc„ "lioinii 10" Dee. 17..-to be given,. to the; health Manur hoM, arrived at the borough ii,‘.lii'il Mr. Tuiirlno tn 1.0 U111I nut llck^ anything you pul up before associulion for Tue Jn niaking up blM with (i lull couratnturltey dln- llio feulhillii of lln!,.chiefs CO tlm February.” Mr. Strother said he Christinas baskets, and Is 3 I50 urg­ Xier, for Mr. Tonrlm;, -!,The laltcr, liilitlel1, . . ' "" would like to see the State Depart* ing them to support the. Woman" Un willing lo^B^wTioU^ioOiTMiT tnuncUinun Vrh endum - ft-- Ph.* Inn..... ment of Education'.cnNed in for Club Vesper Service on the" same PilchurdV ehaitrln, prodttced a c^iut I'hiilriniiii uf tho piilleu eiiiiihiilti'e, assistance and lo make rccommcn* date, to be heli. at 4 p.m. in thc qf iafx)lnes for th^_' OOP cun»*‘ eiiiiiini'iiili'd the work of tho polloo dnti o n s . - After- recommendations nre First 'Baptist Church * nf Motnwah. ’ Whenr Sefurday * wind get through with the tnalh -hanger at W all­ ' Summertime »|roll«rs on the LhuTsnct Hsrbor boardwslk would mlttceman. Acronllng to* the conn* nnd llronteu 111 the hunicunu, received ' from Trent on,- Mr. A cash offering for thc benefit Nof ing's Flying Field on Route 30. Raritan Township, Just east of KeyporL break a leg tf they trifd to go very far on whel the hurricane left of clhuan, lhe Sardines were the (Cuiithilied cm piiuo four) /Strother added, "I think it would Uid welfare fund wilt- be taken up the above picture show* *U that was left of the large'barn which Wfes that structure, Concessionaires' stands elso took a pounding, as did the "gift of the A&1’ filoru/'...which b$ passed.’’, , during the service. . converted to plane storage use. Six privately-owned aircraft housed,In recently completed Casino which replaced the former dinco h«ll Mr, TtiUillU;. nunuuie.-*. " Mr. Smith, in presenting his Thfr clergymen will next meet ihe building are buried underneath the wreckage. . ' dsstroyed by lire last year. . The actual Journey was , not McGrath Critical, reasons for asking for thc refer* on Tuesday, Dcc.' 12 at 7:30. a.m. without:; Its •Jin/.i»rds for Mr. 1 endum, said he felt -that 'If tho to be breakfast guests of the Tlcv. Priclutrd.svho wn« M’utod on no\jv board waits until February* to put nnd -Mrs. Chester -A. Galloway in paper.*/ spioml over tin* taVryliMi . the question on the ballot thc their home at 230 Main St. Mat­ pari of tin? tr*>n whnolharrow. voters may be confused, by candi­ awan. Following the breakfast, a Bayshore Area Recovering.From Pounding By Storm Several Ilmen Mr. Tourine, attired dates'using the . question as an business session will be held. in a bear Mill outfit, loaned for tin* Cliffwood Men Gravely election^ issue. Mr. Smith also Thc committee on nominations, the bity^hore ut»:i. emerged .from .Sundny at.Morgan the^ofitvns^n.rlored. "iJurTfTg. JJiat pcrlotl occasion by H. L. Oililn*, allempl^ Injured In Route 35 ... pointed out Uial ihe budget is pre*‘ ebrifelsilng of the ‘ Rev. Wnrrcn. S. day mornlu)! and the Hlrcet IlglttH eit to .M’t lire to- tho papers but scntedion that ballot. He foil that Layton, chairman, and the . Bey. Suturday’s record UO-mlle toutlieust thc -ni.eii and women scarehlnK j tlii.'"(lop':irtmoiit rtilTwrrivtl,..UiretLtin: m * htlll out.’ ...... — ...... --*• Crash j. Two Red Bank gale aTid lidol slOrm'with a record through -Uie wreckage w«re- mute I calls,- lwo-.«t the-*'beachfront, and his pio>enger proved ap excOlleut, with a budget of over, $300,000, the William J. Hutcheson, wjll present “ Gale Damage - Here flreinnn, However, all was nol Men Also Are Hurt...... voters -would not fcc well-disposed a oi candidates and officers of three dealhtt and damugc to thc evidence of the sorrow ami hard one on Jersey Ave. Fire damage Keyport- and Matawan nxper* waterfront, homes,' commerciui »ihip caused by tiie storm. Many was slight. ’. y velvet for. ,thc rider n>/ several lo an additional proposition asking will then be elected for thc ensuing fenced major damage from lhe j^nlo, limes along the wny'tlic council* Nix d«y« after llm mith in which $123,000. year. property, utility lines and boats had lost • everything, *omt» were Ma.^or Joseph Scltoler Tuehibiy K. Front St., Keypnrl, In. the.aren liny were Injured, one Cliffwooor/ow», aahjo from thn toll of lilviTVlert*. “Uo.ipliiil while ’m»>iander Ned Kerb-of t \Ide of-W-. Front Bt. had to leave out wllh a bolth- o t milk and a 1 Ke,vj»mt pollen have be told definitely what they afe Thc Bov. Garrett S. Detwilcr, St, Keyporl, electrocuted Sunday tho bungalows, built about a,year Union Beaeh Pi«t 321, American tlit'lr homes bccmiM' of the high fromWhat llmib-d MUoMloftlnU of whije repairing power lines on Line ago as a ‘veterans' housing project, bottle promlhl’nyly labeled "F»»ur ffoing to get tor their $!&},000. ’ president ■ of - the Association,' will Legion; and the membership, for water, a» did those reKldonb/ of Jfo?.e«." The idmwpliero below a thn victim* ha,n hoeu iki^lbte, llpit Worried About Costs conduct thc 'meeting. Rdj, Matawan Township. * were washed away or blown from their jtwistance. ..Mr, KernWcured FirH Hi., betwcni Brnnd nnd I'lttjiih wan' oprrntor 'Tif- lhe car Albert C. Keenan, 40, of 209 their foundation*. . . iillle chilly for.miih, Mr, Tourine Mr. SmUh expressed misgivings an intiue of Army cots from Fort Church Stu. - • gave lhat to9Mr, Pritchard and which Hthlded an lloiite :l,1, H0(! ’ lhat six rooms might not be ob­ Union Ave., Union Beach, \yl>o died Leroy N, IJalberi, who rcscued Monmouth and olher rAJpidiciJ. Al Matawan the dams ut the end h'et mmlh of th»! railroad under*' Foster Returns To nfU*r he suilored nn alUiek of his wife, mother, father ond child jiromptly unearked ~ tin? "Four tained for thal amount in the Residents not f.ullcrlng flood dam* of both borough lakes held and itOROH" bol tin and llltctt It lo hh pn!v\ nt 2:10 Naturday aixl uslhma following evacuation - from With a mvboul at P uuI'b Beach, present uncertain state of prlccs. School, Court Duties ago provldet| dry clothing, fhertr was relatively no flood ton* li|w for a bracing .^wlg, hi# heavy crashi’d hitn a ear driven by Maj. Mr. Mancini saw no reason why his Hooded hoinn; cumim'HU-d hiltorly, “ If we’d had ’’This di»asU’r drove homo one dilion anywhere In l.lio borough. Otto My»T, 4ft, Ib'd Bank. Magistrate Luther A. Foster, Compared lo the devu.station at buikJiends, this wouldn’t have han- hihnra being w|int they were. lhe six rooms could nol bc built point," the mayor declared, “and As was the enf-e in Keyporl, afld AIiih, the jiour man sucked out M«f, Myer/grrd a' paf^enger In but some rooms riot finished oft Matawan Township, who has been Morgan Bcach where 250 penons j pened." the inland UTllum* of Madhton hi;! ear, l^ula Del Pm, .‘tt, nho of ill and away from his duties for were irwdc homeless and tl»c exlen- At Laurence Harbor ami Cliff* that Is that we in Union. Bench oqly air. . to keep within the amount stipu­ cun be proud live in a com­ Town.shJp, the ‘heavy dwmigo wa«, Ib’d Bank, \Vere diwharged i .ft»0Jn lated.' It was agreed this would tome time, returned Tuesday lo .vivo flood and wind /larnage sus* wood Beach tlie beachfront was enured by .the gale blowing .dotv.n ltlvervhw Hoj.pltal early IhbwiM’U Jiold court. On Monday he re­ iained by Union Beach, Ktansbbrg. .severely damaged with boardwalks munity where In* time of need ' be all right and then thc wording everyone responds. These i>eople treew anil. Ichrvlalon ant«yin)iw and Hans Krimmel, Matawan 'n»» Uvo Cllifwnod men urn both “six rooms not to exceed $125,000” sumed his work as principal of Uie bayfront scctlom of Middle­ reduced to splittlers. Tiie Laurence ripping hhingle.s from rpof?». Severjit Board Member, injured hulfering from head Injurh-H With town Townyhip, ClifTwood Bcach, Harbor Cai-ino, rebuilt thin year to hero aie thf* 'Real McCoy1 and was adopted. ClilTwood School. they proved Tt' over tiie weekend. large jilute glassi windows In nren poaulhle ukull fracture*.’ • Other misgivings about thc. prop* Thc magistrate ruled Monday on Laurence Harbor and lliKhland.% replace one burned to the ground storea were blown Jn, Hot»tehold<'r/t HnuM Krimmel, member uf tlie No chai'geh Imve been enleittl )>y four traffic and one disorderly the immedlalc Keyjwrt-Malawan 15 month* ago. was badly dam* Tbe officials of Union Beach are osition expressed concerned lack of truJy grateful lo our citizens, Chief wen* canned the most dlmiomfurl Malawan Township Jkmrd wiLci'/dU' Key por t policc pending oulcouut of •adequate gfounds nround the Cliff* case- . Posquiile McrsCollcllo, Jer­ urea jfUtTercd relatively minor ag<*d. Thi* Beach Tavern ut lhe hy the lo™ of electric power whim eatlon,,i« recovi'rlng at Idx lionie the Injiirti'K U) thmie now ho.*»* sey City, paid $10- ond $3 £osta for head of the boardwalk was almost Trombley, the firemen, aid men and : ^ood School. Mr. R e e v e s assured damage, r. police for tlieir splendid efforb.'’ toppllnjLwindu bmughi down •linen. on Valley ,Ur. from lnjurle« -ru* pllall/'d, . the board that tfie 14-acre Van ypecdlng' on Route 34... .Salvatore Morgen Beach~Deveii«ted destroyed, with lhe "floor and bar Kervhie was restored Kimday, , celved N-^v, 20 when a car In which Police• Informntlon mi far Ih thut M. Strand, 45 Cedar . St., Keyport, washed away. Every boardwalk During thu- height of tlie shirm Clecf tract could be bought as well When lhe storm blew itself out fhoie in charge of operation* jji Hoais Weihad Aahore ' he wa» riding on bin way home lhe Uii men Markd out from tim us seven, acres of the Collins’ was assessed $5 and $3 costs for Siilurday night, Morgan Beach collection wa* in ruins. ' Tide.e boats of tlie k<’iui;-bUrg from Work skidded In Kl/.aheth on fMghliln Frolic dance at Matnwnn pajslng a red iight, nnd J. B. Wil­ presented ’ a icene of /shambles, At Cliffwood Beach a piece of tin- borough hall coped with an properly. Objections wns raised enormous number of telephone call* Steamboat Co., Including th« rxeur* ltoute 2 ! \ and cnohed Inlo.a Iruelt llii:li .‘iehofd with a ulrl (ind went these properties were not directly liams, Asbury Park, tiie same for Sunday ; sodden, empty lots re- boardwalk wab carried by the wind slon ftfeamej* C i t y of t f c w York, at an infei'Kectfon, fo a ItarKan Township tavern, At passing on Ihcv wrong i'ide_pnjftpulc inuined..^'iiere .more than 30 houses more lhati 400 feet to lhe wrecked from non-rcKldcnh anxlau.v. about ' connected TcJlh-thc school lot. Sug­ Unioa-Ueueh_JelullVi'i/, _ and two /anall nurpliM' Army Mr. Kritnmi'I iai»N)t;r .. feJImv. Her porkelbook ...dep>naUon . . proceedings be Instl* complain'unl* in liic cases! across Route 3r>. a half-miie inland, Co. The "Cat 'n Fiddle," a night* Soldiers At Keensburg moorlngs nt the cornpany'» Keyport Wiird Into the wlndnldeld. a clu'M wa'< left In the M'at of the Pitliuti luted against tlie owners of-^lhe Keyport State. P o l i t e arraigned Wero the' mntKififs what oner4 club; warf damped, • (. •' ' Slorm -dumaHe »l Koim^burg wa^ pier whw- they are herihed f o r tiio Injury anli' bJolseu r)!^.; Both h',\ car. I-'iimiI Ihbt Koyjiort pollco adjoining Dalfamo and Powers Sylvester T. Sheppard for an im* were hornet to many'persons. Union Beach Herd Hit fo extensive that the borough wax willin' and wa.’hed aKhon*, A mul the driver of the car, li»»i«-rt b ami d hci’ hh'iillty' and 1ial1 Mat* - tracts, if these 'owners would not proper turn, pn jCinp Rd. Jle was! The arcttiJ-vai; » m u s t of wrick- Tiie Unit;n I M u c h waterfront area plneed. under • martial , law with jieeond cxenr^lon boal, lhe City of Moyd ’ Lidw-wood, were tnH*‘n to awan TowHilp f/idlce tjucMlon lier, sell to board at a desirable fined $2 and S3 costi. 'ag** nnd'crews worked strenuously was'bard hit with the conecssion fohiler» from hort Monmouth and j KeaMsbnrg; remained-'nt iho dorJt Si, F.II/nbethV Hn^pltul for rmer ii ClilTwood resident,, bbuul ..lUu. figure, fffr. Smith warned againft Mr*.* Dorothy Hubbard, 33 Pros-! up a|mo>l nooh’Sonday Uj stmdx...... anil...... the Bouthou^e...... Tavern the Marines from the Karle IViiViil when the llnej» hehl. Hhe In re* gency treatment. oriMti'-v of iln» ineu during lhe this, noting thal thc board would peel Ave. CHirwod Beach, signed j rc^ p(.„ Houte 35 to a single lane taklfig a terrific pounding. Uexl- Ammunition Depot standing guard | ported |y have MJ ilalin d wme The truck came out of a nidi lime ihe vva.'i wilii them. ' have to pay o i l legal costs for, a disorderly complaint' og»in*Uher.! t J f l»art% of hoiiM,- ti*at d‘-ntn in v;irioUs sections had to prevent looting of.Ilooded slor»*s«rjudutge. fj-om |>oundhig iq'alnat' street to crons -tho hh’hway in foi! f\l tile ate|d«nt fieeiM.*, K'7 pinl these owners in a suit of defense husband. Thpmas. He wns- given a j .pjinu nd under the forev of tlie flee their liomea as tjie rtaing waU rs a n d b m a n e a .1 pluce.^, Tin? ntifllury • piling, and rain where then* wii* no red Fli.-i Altf ttipuaf took Mr. Pllthci fo agnirot thc condemnation proceed­ suspended rente,nee on a 30-day; ^ jn(, IUW niled the KCtion,' inundated tcverbl areas. was withdrawn Monday morning j. The City of Nev/ Yoih bearhi-d ligllt coMlrollnw traffic, according Ha/nd Iheplbd wliih* MiibiWiin ings nnd also that thc board had term in thc county jaiL ;Alj roads into' thc n t v n v/crc E/nergency headquarters wrre Af least half the borough w/erlat fin? fu.ot..i>f” liruadway, Keyport, to Mr Krimmel. . F i t Aid Nfjuad (raOv'if^/rfed tin1 (Continued on page four) v r ' “ --- * j blocked Saturday and state and set up in lhe borough hall, the blanketed^blanketed by wab?rwater and JiomeslifMue^ und ji after drJfllngdrilling a quarter of ' a mile ' other three to ltlver\'iew. ‘ Quell Chimney Fire {local police maintained a 'constant Cambridge Ave. FirehoUfe and /iUifMJi. in U ie'fjeoclifront wree* v/ere' fio/u the do ck, 7 7 w t w o m rtriu * ftufgerc Olee Club Concert ’ Notice - ■ ’• it - ; 4 ' {patrol'to prevent looting,. « Veterarii.' Hall. These three ten- Inundated. The, boardwalk' wa*. icia-ft w e r e -tin* Brig. Oen. Horton. tomorrow fKiiday)- evening at 11:1 fi ' Notice ‘•Settling Day of ^dglj^ownship . Matawan firemen-were callcd out j Uiurence ' ffarbor and South U-r.K itfcsljited about 2 H 0 - persorw and )Wiput,vuble Sunday.'J’he tide waicrnjaad -J)/J;;. O n , ..Yale*- One J* ot Keyporl High School Sjjonsored Nolice 1« lie|eby given -that of Mntawan to pay^^M Lor thc al 5:12 p.rp. TucsdnV lo extinguish i Amboy First Aid ^or.ds bi g in others tool', refuge in tin* residence* ro^o 'lo Mich a height lhat Carr I aground at tjie mouth of M atawan by Malnwan .Junior, Woman'/» Club up|)]|[.-,dlonH to llll the potltlull o( -^earl5^wTlf^cnctJ"6n^Hfejayr 3' Chlmn^"flro“at“ tlte''homc- of i cVjituariorr ‘ 0 / •■vpesidentv -romr — ivhosi?. Av^JVVA^..f^vered_wlUi_y/al.ex -I1 •:fK to tic V . throw from llu.’ for MatoworrPnl>IUjj* 1 ftra‘’ry Build* dbirlel chrk for Hit Mulawon December \ 2 , 1050. at 8:30 P ^ t 'a t Harold Holmes, 22 Center SU, ugairnt Ukmt will, early C1 home'! were on higher ground, Tiie. Ann'# Church, a dlotancc of-ahoont jf.'lly of ]iew York. i Ther otfiur lijg Fund, Atlullii. ir70; :T^teohy win.... thc Township Half, No' S3 Atlantic Damage was slight. ; i . r n . Saturday.^ Kvacum v.'ere cared Salvation Army rent, an emergency-- a rnll'j .from the boardwalk. Thejdrlfbd {j bit mort to thn north and eab for MudenU, (Jhc< 1 •be ncelvt d for ejueldcrutloh and Avenue, ‘Matawon Township. All ^ . | for in'emergency lieadquariers wt lUocls into Union Beach Saturday.: large pier of the Kcom.burg Sb-am* i b; aground on CiifTwo‘Hl Polpd. , i . * «— ■ action • by the hoard lit a regular- persons having b i l l s o r claims) ' equipment and Supplies ; up in Laurcnce Harbor and i» Fire Chief Jo.vej>}i Tnnibley 1;oat Co alvo was damag’d, A iar;'«r | OiJk/ n* of ihe /iteamb«n»t enm-j" Card of Thank* board meeting Monday, Dec. JH, against—said: township r,must prc-^ ' , , _ for . ' ..... i HofTman High School.;.South Am- directed the ..firemen ' in reduce icetlon of the e;od

Sl;fiobr'antr~attended. Rutgers Uni­ gundy flowers and an .orchid cor­ a soincborn^Monday, Nov. 27, 1050, in pastor, the Rev, Albert G. Ship-"port;' yesterday fronW ohn _Civti- BEATKS versity.. He is employed ‘by the sage, -.lhe mother of the bridegroom F itkin;in alemorinl Hospital . horst.. Sponsors Were Mr. and Mrs. jmings, Freehold, on grounds of HerCuIes Powder Co., Parlirr, p s a wore a black sOft^bnsejnble iriramed Mich'aer Jl Sullivan, of Union Beach. desertion' occurring K “Juiy;' 163B. Mrs.-Charloit© Kolbtor '• laboratory operator. -Ho :a_ jrnenv with ]ace and ^^corsage of orchid?, . - B en n ett :..... - A « reception -for relatives and | Mrs. Cummings was awarded .v ■ FunojiU. scrvlccs. for .Mr$, Chsr- ber of the Monmouth Boat .Club. A wedding reception breakfast A daughter was born Saturday, fronds followed at the’ -home of I (Custody of a mLnor>child. Raymond, lottc K olber, 50, 6( 301 W v Jersey Red Bank; ' ' waa held at the Hotel Sheraton, Nov.' 23/’ 10S0;! in' Monmoui^i, Me-- Mr^and-Mrs. Sullivan. . _ ; by v .Superior Court. Judge .Donald St.; EUfcabeth;-sister of Mrs. phillp- Pittsburgh. . Tbe • .couple lef t . for a-, m wial.Hospital, to. Mr. and. Mrs, H.- ‘McLean. Edward Farry jr:f Feigenson o t W. F ro n t St.,. K eyport, , Halsal-Lalng wedding trip to St. Louifv Mo., and Carlyle Bennett, 225 Seeley Ave., Keyport,, represented " M rs.: Cum­ wore held Friday morning at' 11 Miss Ann S. Laing, daughter of { plan to reside in Erie. Keansburg'. ..J “ ...... J . m ings. ' Mrs. Harold C. Laing.and the late o'clock at the . James J. Higgins & , . m, , . .. j Mrs. CroAir^is a graduate of Thiel j ■ Son Mortuary,- / 414 • • Westminster. Mr,■ La ng, Metu'hen ' lhe coi!^ grcenVllle, Pn„ and Mr. I. Roem m ele . ' , Cummingi ^ * Scan the pages of*this newspaper Ave.., Elizabeth. In te rm e n t w as in bride. .r of Kenneth . w ,,n. Hetzel ,, _ jr,rtoi) . .rCronini p _nr , gVaduated'from' '-l:. Tn-State }''*’A'''daughtcr''\vas''b,orn'to Mr. and Divorce was granted Mrs, Edna /or... .g reater.._ v alu es.,Jn __.Chris)/na«j B’nai Israel Cemetery. of Mr nnd Mrs. Kenndh n. .Hetze ColI ,'XnRola. Ind. '' Mrs. Eldon k Roemmelo, Luppatatong ' Murray . Cummings,' First St.. Key- gifts. Buy Now! wjfp30—Adv. _ _ 1Mr. ^ U Hctzel Isim a ^ resident 1.1 /. /I M r | ...... Mrs. Kolber, a partner in the j Ave., K eyport, on S aturday, Nov', of Keyport. The ceremony was- Kt>ltfcr-Sladkus shoe stores, died at 1 2/5, 1050, in M onm outh M em orial on- W e d n e s d a y ; Nov. 22, I&50.!. •* A hot- hom e W ednesday evening, Nov. H o s p i t a l .,...... at 7 *p.m. In the Presbyterian-! BIRTHS 22, 2950. She waa born and educated C hristm as Special In Newark and had lived in Eliaa* Church, Metuchen. Dr, A. .H . ' D a m n f B ulger both Mnco 1030. She w as a graduate Behrenberff, pastor, officiated at the) Mr. and Mra. Paul Damm,* B13 A daughter was born in Mon­ of Central Higlfr School,, Newark, enrtdJelight servicc. . A BEAUTIFUL RAYETTE COLD WAVE Third St., Union Beach, are parents mouth Memorial Hospital, Sunday, nurt studied nursing at Beth Israel Mrs, Justin March, Rumson, was of a girl born Wednesday, Nov. 22, Nov, 26, 1050, to Mr. ond M rs. John ^ ' " for only $10.00 . - il as p i tnl r New arTc i\M rs. Kolbcr was t h e - 6tiloi8t-:iind-W illiam .JSelener, 1050, a t M onm outh M em orial - Hos­ Bulger, • 181 Bccrs-St.,- Keyport^.Mi- sictlve in many civic and charity also machine and macbineless - waves------cousin of lhe bride, was the organ- pital . • - ' organizations, . holding. membership Bulger is a member of the faculty ibt...... , ...... of the Keyport High School ‘ . in thc Deborah Society, Elmora The bride was given in marriage . Miller. g C6m e in artd see our lovely line o f Holiday Gifts. ^ Hebrew Ccnter, Council of Jewish by her uncle, George C. Wester, ‘A daughter was bom Thursday, Jeeier ^ al&o Costume Jewelry. ■ .Women, Y.W.H.A., Elizabeth Cham­ Keyport. She wore un Ivory Nov. 23, 1050, to Mr.’ an d Mrs. Jo h n Mr.^and Mrs. Wayman Jector, of >' : • . » ber of Commerce and the National duchcsj satin wedding gown but­ S OPEN MON. AND THURS. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT rt Shoe Retailers of the United States. MUler, 433 So. Broad St., Keyport. Cliffwood, are parents of a daughtnr . toned down the front, which had a born in Monmouth Memorial Hos*!j ' OPEN- FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTII; 9 ' g . Also surviving are her mother, princess , bodice >vith a Queen! Siflf&niki . pftal, Sunday, Nov. 2fl, -IftfiO. Mrs. Rose Hirschberg, with whom Anne collar, long pointed sleeves, sJ? : onlbrcd the body removed to thc mitts and- carried cream coitfrcdj . B ricl 9 UNITED W COAST-TOCOAST D ay Ftmeral Home, K eyport. Open a Charge Accoimf Mr. and Mrs. II. tiriel,' Union . »t lhe - “ SERVICE ‘ Mr. Dolan was born Jn Matawan, wore matching ostrich, plumes Jn A ve., Union Beach, are parents of tin? .son of the late Mr. and Mrs. her huir. . , \ KEYPORT JEWELERS & OPTICIANS Michael Dolan. He was a veteran a daughter born in thc French The attendants were Mrs. Law­ <3 Vf. Front St. KEYPORT of W orld W ar I. . Hospital, New York, on Thursday, rence Cordery, Miss Rlla Althau^en Nov. 23, 1050. T « l. Kty. 7-2008 lie is survived by two brothers, MRS. KENNETH It. HCTZCZ.. JR. and MUs Nancy Beck, all of Metu- -Willinm, Tom* River, and Henry, chcn. T w o o t the gowns were L eary Nowark. - • hunter green and one was rust, oil Funeral.'services will be con* ■ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leary, 381 M«mbutMp in th» ASSOCIATED RjHERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE Funeral services were held Mon* styled similar to that of the matron Orchard Aye., Laurence Harbor, WHARTON MEMORIALS ducted tomorrow morning at WEDDINGS qualifies ut to taV* wh.n d.ath occur, at a distant day.'at B:30 a.mi from-the Day of honor. They wore matching arc.^the parents of n son­ ekttg* - KuncraL-Home .and:..nt.-._0 Q*clMk Bedlel Funeral Home. Keyport, muffs with yellow pompons. • MalawiB>lC«yp«rt Monumeni Worke point. Evsry duty It ptrformad by compaUnt, profonional m,mb*r, ...... - Flah«flrrGftlHmor«_____ cently in South Ainboy Memorial Vi hifth mass of requiem was cele- with the Rev;’Alfred C.-Arnold jr.. —Ml5*~SuKia-Slo|ght~ Alexandria, _ _ H ighw ay 35 v Announcement has been made of Hospital. —r— ...... - J of tli* Auociation. R«at«nabl* fati. aitabliihad by agroamenf b*< ' hratcd by tho Rev. Cornelius Kane rector of. St, Mary’a Episcopal Va.,r niece of the bride, was thc K«n>«^L H* J, .... thc marriage of Miss Winifred Ann I twean mambars rajufe- in a laving to tfa faifiiliai wa itnra. ; - ;it St. Joseph’s Church, Keyport. Church, officiating Interment will flower girt Her gown, mitts, muff , .. Phone Keyport 7*1134 Gallimore, duughter of Mr. and -1 Gnllopo Interment was in.-the family, plot be ut the St. Andrew's Cemetery, nnd flowers matched that of the Mrs. Donald Gallimore, East A son ' was' born in South in St. Gabriel’s Cometei'y, Bnide- Mt. H o ^ matron of honor. j- Amboy Memorial Hospital, to Mr. volt. ‘ Richard D. Hctzel;- Maplewood, Thomas W. Brown and Mrs. Joseph Gallopo, Eighth P i c k u p brother, of the bridegroom, was the St., Union Beach, on Saturday, Nov. Mrs. fiuddlph L.~ Wllhelin . Thomas W; Brown, 52, of - Lyn- best maO.: Ushers" wcte Lawrence 22, 1030...... -----...... - ...... , Mrs. Eva B. Wilhelm died at her brook, L. I., a former Keyport Cordqxyj. IVTetuchen, George Pow el- p « o m p t D e l i v e r y home, 24 Maple Ave., Keansburg, resident, died Tuesday night, Nov. son, Keyport, and Harold Dolan O 'G rady . • EXPERT DRY CLEANING Thursday, Nov. 23, 1050. She ls 28, 1050, at th o South N assau C om ­ and Leitcr Newbury, Matawan. Mr. and Mrs. John O’Grady, 507 survived by her husband, Rudolph munities Hospital, Oceansldc, L. I., . A reception was held for 75 Pock St., Union Beach, are tho L. Wilhelm; two daughters,, Mrs. following a long Illness. « guests at Mario’s , Restaurant, parents of a son born Thursday, ’Doris W.. Hcchlcr, and Mrs. Lois Mr. Brown was born in Keyport, Keyport Cleaners Metuchen. bedding trip Nov. 23, 1Q3P, in South A m boy W. Johnson, and a brother, Edson the son of the late Richard R. ond . , . Pfaonft r through the- southern stages, the Memorial Hospital l - G. O berlander. ~ ...... Ella A. Browni He Was o' m e m b e r eot’pje will resldo on St. Peters HI; Keyport 7-0133 ' of the firm of certified public ac­ Funeral services were conducted Keyport. For traveling Mrs. Hct­ Sliwart ^ • Keypofl Branch on E. Front St. countants, Touche, Nlvcn, Bailey o pp. P o tt OtUea Sunday evening at the home and zel wore a. dusty rose wool dress Mr. and Mrs. “Charles Stewart, and Smart, and 'had his office at Matawan Branch: Main St.' interment took place Monday In with brown accessories nnd an Main St., Holmdel, nre parents of G reen G rove C em etery. The- Rev. thclr headquarters In New - York orchid corsage. .Sanford d Haney, pastor, Keansburg City, ‘He was also a mcmbef.of ; Mr$._:;Hetzer. Js\ a . graduate of • Methodist Church,- officiated...... the .Rockville Centre Club. Metuchen High School and Berke­ PHOTOGRAPHY v ... Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. ley SeTretarfai“15chooV Rast: Or* . AI.I. TYPES OF SIIOTOCnAfHlC WOUK Mri. Edward Hubbs Mildred (Junge) Brown and a ange. She is present^ employed . Mrs. Josephine H i|bbtf 42, of daughter. Miss Lois Anne Brown, by Buffalo Tank, Dunellen. . PAPPAS S T U D I O Decirs St, Hazlet, wife of Edwurd at’ home; tw& sisters, Mrs. Eliza­ Mr, Hctzel is a • graduate ,«f Hubbs, (Jled W ednesday, -Noy. 22,. beth Morales, Mansfield, Pa., Mr?. Columbia H j^ School, Mnplewogd. 1 W. FRONT STHEET KE 7-0490 — 7-2941 KEYPORT lOfiO, In Hazard Hospital. She was Eleanor Kimble, South Plainfield: Jie served ia the Army Air i^rcc STUpiO i, In tha UNITED CIGAR STORE BUILDING , born in Hn2let, daughter, of the a brother, Millard F. Brown, Mas* for three yeors and is now attend late Mr, ond Mrs, Joseph Mongc.’ sapequn, L. 1. and an aunt,. Miss ing Rutgers University. He is cm Besides her husband, surviving Susan Brown, Keyport. ployed by Firestone, Perth Amboyf aro, two son*, Joseph F. Hubbs, at - -F u n e ra l serv ic es..,w ill __be con: as office nnd credit manager. . home, and Edw ard J . H ubbs, Leo* ducted tomorrow (Friday) evening MRS. ROBERT D. FLAHERTY" nardo; three sisters,’ Mrs, Frank at 8 o’clock at Flinch’s Funeral Cronin-Koenlg Orange, and Robert D. Flaherty, Sinno, Mr*. Joseph Sinno, and Mrs. Parlors, 34 Hempstead Ave., Lyn* Announcement has been mado of i Newark. Tho wedding took place ; jAngelo: Nappi,- and two brothers, brook,' L. I.rand'lnterm enrw iirbc th e m a rriag e o f ’M iss M ary Eliztu- on Monday, Nov. 0, 1050 at the Charles Mcngc, nnd Frank Mcage, in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Flush beth Koenig, daughter of Dr. Fred Sacred Heart Church* Vailsburg. —4jll.ot-.this areo.. . ____ Carl Koenig and Mrs, Koenig, Pitts­ / Funeral sCrvlccs were held Sat­ ' Mrs,_ ?Flaherty ”is tlic - grand­ burgh,' Pa.,‘ and Herbet‘t~Francis niuuitai f LHV i Hd Iii urday morning at 9 o’clock in St. daughter of Mrs. G. Godfrey, Fir$t Cronin, Erie, Pn./ son of M r^ Delia .fo^cphV Church, Koyport. Inter* ENGAGEMENTS St., Keyport, whero she hns been Cronin, and lhe late John Cronin, Altai . ^ im.'nt under the d irection o f the a frequent visitor. She ls a gradu­ Keyport. Tho ceremony was per* Bedle Funeral Home, was in St. Chervenak-Kotala ate of St.' Vincent's Academy, formed on Snturdny, Noy. 4, 1050, Lawn ,nd .. Josi'phy vCernctery, Keyport Announcement has been made of Newark, and .is employed by an iri St. Ann's Church, Millvale, Pa., Birdin l l . - ; the engagement of Miss Catherine insurance company. •: llor husband by (the Rev. A. B. Griffin, pastor. A braham B. W ieglar Kotala, daughter of Albert Kotala, ls presently serving in Germany The bride, given in marriage by f w l l | w }H; > A braham B. W legler, 62, Bench­ i70 Port Monmouth Rd., Keans* with ttib Armed Forces. her father, wore a white satin gown T,bl„.QI)ilf, ,! ■ ' wood Ave., Keansburg, died Satur* burg, and thc lato Mrs* Catherine fashioned with a lacc overskirt and : ■ v : . \ Oyw U H • day, Nov. 25, 1050, at Monmouth Kotala, to John, Chcrvenak, son of / Fieldt-Aalbuo train. Her fingertip veil wns trim ■ i - ■ ^ < j j i , . Memorial Hospital, lie was stricken Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chervcnak, Oh Thanksgiving Duy at fl p.m/in med with seed pearls and the >l«y Heum * 1 ;4 ' “ With a heart attack during thc Cnrtcret, the rectory of St. Ann’s Church, carried n bouquet of White roses K tnm v ■ . Keansburg, Miss Joan Barbara1 and asters. Pliyptml He was a member of the Veterans KcDermoM-Terry Aalbue, daughter of Mrs. Patrick Miss Dorothy Rita Koenig* Pitts of Foreign Wars, having served Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Terry of DcTuro sr., il St. John’s PI. and the burgh, was her ilster's maid of. during World .War I. Survivors Keansburg announced the engage late Raymond Anlbue, became thc honor She wore an emeruld green includc his wife, Bridget; two ment of tlieir daugmer, Grace Mae, bride of Walter George Field?, son yelvetccn dress wlth-a Juliet cap, Wilh every SLOO purchase you w ill te- of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Robert Fields, ' brothers, Max and rhilllp, and a to Francis X. McDermott, son of and enrried a bouquet of pink roses cAiva a Coupon good ior a chance In a : wlntor, M rs. A nna Straubs. A ll h ut Mr, and Mrs, John A. McDermott Park Ave., Belford. nnd yellow nsters tied with pink Mr,?. Wiegier are from Newark. of Belford, at a party given recently The ceremony wos performed by ribbons. ' .. . * drawing for this Play Cabin complM© Funeral services were conducted for the couplc. the Rev. John L. Callahan. It was The Misses Margaret Randig, at shown. ‘ Monday afternoon from the John No date has been' set for the followed by a. reception at Crystal Pittsburgh; Mary Joan Barnett, J. Ilyan Home for Funerals, Keans- w edding. „ Brook Inn, Eatontown. Edgewood, Jpn„ and Pearl McDon* burg, with Rabbi Arthur It. Her- Given lii 'marriage by, her step, nld, McKeesport, ^Pa„ were brides­ POP HOWELL'S TRADING POST shon, Red Bank, officiating. In* ; ls Qwynn-Btekti father, thc bride was attired In a maids. They wore apricot velveteen teiment was in the Beth Israel Mr. and Mrs, M elville D.. Stokes, gown , of white Chantilly luce'and gownsrmode similar to that of the Highway 35 V ? MIDDLETOWN Cometery, Red Bank. - Hawkins Corner Rd., Robertsville, satin. Fashioned with a harrow mdid of honor and enrried Bouquets have announced the engagement of stunding collar and long sleeves, of yellow rosesi and orange asters. * Joseph M. Wanitl ihcir daughter, Mnrlon Estelle Uie .fitted'lace bodice had a pep, Eugene Cronin, Koyport; was best TO Y F A IR Joseph M. Wenzol, 00, Texas Rd., Stokes to Lonny Lorance Gwynn, him which was deeper in the buck man for his brother. Ushers were Morganville, husband of the lato USN, stationed at the LakehunA and a full satin, skirt which formed Fred C. Koenig jr. and Luke Bar ’M rs.... A n n a (D o la n )- W enzel, died Naval Air Station. He Is the son a train. Her fingertlp^cngth. veil nett Koenig, Pittsburgh, brothers , suddenly, Monday morning. Nov. of Mrs. WJlilam G. Scolt and the fell from a matching lace cap. She of tho bride, and John Hockenbcrry 27; 1050, a t th e homo of in s son, late Lonny Hollis Gwynn, Quartz* carried ail old-faihloned bouquet of Jr., Butler, Pa. Ernest, in Miami, ?ia. site, Ariz,_ _ _ white roses, lleur d’amour and satin The bride’s mother wore a bur­ Mr. Wenzel was born in'Mata- Miss Stokes is a member of tho Illy petals. gundy satin &ult with a inauyc pink Golden -- Chapter.— Order-- of the 'Ivah- arid'fticT~3ived “iif''Monmouth MlwrDtii*is'M; Thonf cousln of itdt.pictHre-_hflUrimmM„Mth ,bur* County all liln life. Eoitern Star, und a former member T2&MainSt.rnErDELivEnrPhoneMAl-|644 the bride, wa& maid of honori Her He is survived by three sons, of thcvRobertsvUle 4'H Club. Sho gown of green tatin had a basque attended Wotawtnn High School and , Joseph E., Freehold; Raymond J., waist with portrait neckline and Is employed by thc New Jersey Bell PLATE >nd NAVEL Morganville;, Ernest, Miami; three a bouffant skirt worn over a hoop DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER BONELESS TcIophonG Co., Freehold. - daughters,. M ri Frank Weber, skirt,. Site wore matching mltta OPTOMETRIST Union Beach; Mrs. Joseph Schn|* H e r fiance* w as graduated from and a headpiece of shndcd flreen' Big Bear Lake high school In Ari­ crer, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Mrs. feathers und carried an old*fash« EYES EXAMINED VEAL CORNED Anna Smith; Morgunvlllo; four zona where he was a member of the loned bouquet of gold and bronze • erncE hours * sisters, Mrs. Matilda Arnold, thc track . and football squad. For* chrysanthemums. merly In Civil Service he entered Sally and 8atufdiya ! BEEF Misses Celeste aJid Rose Wenzel, Miss Roberta Fields, Belford, th e N ayy in 1044. 1 A.M. lo « P.M. ROAST Mrs" Agnes Koehler, all of Mata* sister of the brtdegroom, and MUs wan, and 16 grandchildren. A Ifew Year’s Day wedding is Fridays 9 A.M. to S P.M. Phyllis C. Turner, Keansburg, were Wadnttdaya 9 A.M. to II Noon , Funeral services wili bo held planned in the Robertsville Bible bridesmoidit Dicir gowns of brorue Protestant Church. Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at the Day ia tln w ere sty le d sim ilarly ito th a t 30 W. Front $t., Keyport 6 9 < f t . Funeral Home, Keyport, and nt of the maid, of honor. They wore 9 a.m. a hifih mass of-requ/cm will . . Ktamer*Orr / bronze satin mitts with headpieces KEyport 7-2020 WHITE CROSS . -'be <^brated^y the^eV; CorneIius Mfr-^nd-*Mf3 .--An|jUs -O rr, - Routs of-uronZi^feuther^nd-^eaffied-uitl* Kane in SL Josephs Church, Key* 36, Union Beach,1 have announced fashioned bouquets , of bronze and ■- port. Interment, w ill. be in the th£ engagement of their daughter, gold chrysanthemums. Toilet Paper.. family plat in S t Gabriel’s Come* Dorothea Elizabeth, to Wnlter Elwood E. , Seeley, East Keans­ tery, Bradovelt, 1 Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. burg, was best num. Albert I..Ben* Harold Kramer, Matawan. nett' Jr., nnd tyilUam Rose, Atlan­ 2 7 * p & k g . 3 2 5 * : DenUl Sutler Jr, JWIss Orr is a graduate of Key­ tic Highlands, cousins of the bride* ' Daniel SutWr -jr.,' 62, of 27 E. port High -- School and Felt and groomi ushered.-„ __ Front St, Keyport, died Tuesday, Tarrant Comptometer School, New- Thc couple left for a trip to Holden 1 Nov; 26/ 105O> in f Monmoiijth'' Me­ arlcr“ ‘ " employed by - the Miami Benchr-Fln; ond-after-Dep 13* Mi Jd St; -MATAWAH morial Hospital foUowing a short National Lead Co., Sayreville. 4 will live ori Church St.. Belford. jU ness. •_ : V - •■■■ Mtv Kramer is d graduate of Th» bride w as, graduated from Home of Famous JELLO FLAGSTAFF _ M r, Sutter, was born in M t Matawan^High School, and is em« Middletown Townihlp High School, Brands including rlfotty/tthe ffon of the late Daniel ployed by Keyport'Cleaners and Leonardo, and from Cazenovtn - cans Dyers,- Keyport < a ‘ • : •' Hamilton Watcbes jwdXiynlhifl Sutter. ^ survived (N.Y.) Junior College. KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS 3 p 8 2 0 c b ? b i 0 wHe,Mr«. Marle J. (Cannon) r,rThe’ bridegroom was graduated CI?ABg6 ACCpwfr IWVffBD Sutier. ' ‘ CTasslfled Dds get results cheaply,'from M id d le W n ' Township7 Jlieh THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30; 19S0 THE^MAJAWAPI^*roURNAi^ MATAWAN^ PAGE T .. .■■■■■g*. , , ' . ' . . ' g ' , .'"I — I HBJJ'Jjg l. 1 Train Craiheslnto Keansburg Man Hurt j : wcetcend with reV tlv^ liV Middle' wnS"'lh6Trh^fdiayT'1gv^i-v'o( M i« League AwairdfTii’if^ i: Three Children... Truck At Cliffwood In Woodbridge Mishap town and &uinbridgc, Pa*. ! Eipmn Walring, Haslet. - ~MrsrEl1n- llycr^->la?ilct, fpelit tho Dorotliyr daughter-of Mr.-and- ■ n m e tufkeya iHnioJod' ot'bjr- sar lf«*lot, *oic*1 Die From Burns town, ‘ costly -were” aW#wl# ' Father Injured In • when the light truck he was operat* Hock Say* Evidence his car was irtruck’ by another Celebrate Birthday, son. Robert, and' Mrs. H. Van was decorated with «.vbirthday J.nurcncc Hrtibbr. nnd Charle* Keansburg Tragedy; ing on County Rd. stalled on the ( vehicle on Route 35, Woodbridge. Decker, ...Pompton . IJluins, were cake, . Gue.sU included M arie Perrln'tf, ClifTwood ' railroad tracks and was'struck by j Of ABC Violation Is He was taken to the Perth Amboy Confirmation; Other Thanksgiving guests of >lr, and telli, Ahtliony Plscltelli, Rosq MaHe -T w o tu rk e y s clotvnlud b y tlio . IcniiUL' w ere Won by Jo e Pep, w ith Mother, Son Escape an oncoming southbound train. Not Sufficient...... General Hospital in St, John's First Area Activities Mr*. G eorge Kmmons. Ha^lel. Cresci, Albert Crescl, Mrs1. Albert^ Crescl, Mrs.. AlfotUtf;1ftdcrosa ami n 230 lilgh ynm e And JoC D orl, J44. Mr. Gordon jumped out ot the Aid Squad ambulance and treated Mr. nnd Mi's. Joseph Lehan", nnd Three children died in a fire early \Erwin B. Hock, director of the In celebration "of-lhe' birthday of Mrs. Mflo Bolco. ofI'KtsyporLl J T’ep w on th e -com petition- III tho truck, Matawan'Township police for possible fractured, leg and pos­ children,' Willinin, Bnrbiira ’ nricj Thanksgiving morning that gutted hici> uvertiRu (IIvIbIou und Dori, reported, before the crash. *£he im­ Division of Alcoholic Beverage sible fractured ribs. Woodbridge Joseph piscitcllt and the con- Joette, Hazlet, tspent Thanksgiving thc two-story frame nouse in which Control, dismissed a complaint flrmation of Anthony PlscltelH at A ro you b u y in g S ecu rity UondBT In thc IM nycitigo cIuhk; pact carried the vehicle, owned by Township -police reported that the with relntivcA in Upjxr Darby, Pa. Robert Coon, 35-ycar-old soda plant against James A. Kcelan, trading thc Charles Simkln arid Sons^Con- motor of Mr. Tenure's car had stop* St, Joseph's Church, Kcyport, a Miss N ancy O rton, H azlet, is worker lived with his wife and as Keelan’s Bar and Grill, 3 Rail­ trncting Co. of Perth Amboy 50 pod ond he steered It to the left family gathering wns held nt the vflcntlonJng inN Florida, having, four children at 170 Park Ave. road PI. Keapsburg. feet and threw it into a ditch. The side of thc highway, partly on Iho Huzlct home of Mr. aiul Mrs made the trlp^ by plnnp. Keansburg. • Joseph Plseltelll,' Bethany fid. damage to.the tru ck Was e stim a te d \ -Mr^Keelan wus charged with safety aisle. He. was just getting Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Peseux, A Gift of Beauty 1 The Keansburg fire, said to have by thc ow ner j*t $500. having on his premises a bottle out of the vehicle when his car , G eorgy D unn, n stu d en t nt Muh* and daughter, Suw»n, were holiday sta rte d from an oil heater, domin- containing > an alcoholic beverage •was hit4n the rear by another car Icnbofg College, and. Peler Dunn, quests of Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest E. Shu'll be mighty pleased if you give lu r —a ted-the- holiday...-fatality. list.Jn tfyhich bore a label that did not driven by Peter Botfrus, 3£, Spots* u student at Potomac State College, Peseux and family. u glft of benuty . A PERMANENT New Jersey which' Included—five truly descri£ 6 " its~ contents;'? ■ wood; r ■KoyK*r,-W, -V«n spent Hie Thanks­ Alonzo Layton, Beers, St., ..Ilaz* WAVK. It’s ALWAYS AN ACCF.PTAniiE deaths in Thanksgiving Day acci Bus Driver Is A bottle. of whiikey-containing giving holiday in Hatlet with their lQt, \* d patient in Fitkin' Mcmoriai GIFT, Make your appolntineni liowl Wo d ents. r' ' 3-}« o\m££s was seized in Jhe Keans­ parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn Backs Into Window Hospital. • % , ' are ready to serve you with nny benuty In Keansburg Elizabeth Coon, il, burg bor June 13 by an A.B.C. sr.' ' ’ . ■ ... - Hurt In Crash Edward C. Weimmd has resumed sorvico to keep you refreshed'. . looking was burned to death in her bed. agent, who turned it over to the George* Alward, 47, Eighth St., Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Evans of his studies at1 Muhlenberg Cullege Her brother' Robert Coon jr., 13, division chemist for > a : chemical Long Island, fipent the hollduy nnd young and gay. Carrier, Three Cars, Belford, wus issued a summons for aftor spending th t‘holiday’ recess < - f died six hours later in Monmouth analysis. The latter said tlie con­ c areless > driving 1 Monday night weekend in Huzlot as guests of M r/ in Haxlel witli hU parents, Mr. and Memorial Hospital, and'their step­ Involved In Mishap tents varied from that of a sealed when Keansburg police say ho and Mrs.. Stanley Latham. . Mrs. J. Frank Weigand. ' . Yoii’ll Find Our Expert Operators both ’ brother, Wayne Daniel SmiJJi,' 3, At Matawah bottle of the same brand taken from backed a truck Into a plate glass Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Builey, Miss Idn M. .Walling, Keyport, died at 4:25 p.m. Thanksgiving -the same bar. * window on Main St., „ Keansburg. nnd daughter, Marie,-Miss Marie Artistic and Courteous. ; Day in thc same hospital. Wayne ' Injury to a driver of a bus Mr. kcelan, through his attorney t Thc building was unoccupied, Relslngcr and Mra. Frank Me* Beauty i s our BuuinesH .Daniel wns Mrs, Coon's son by a pressed into em ergency d u ty _to J, Stanley Herbert, Asbury Park, Cicaster of ’Hazlet, Mrs. Albert' ^previous, marriage and Robert and trpnsport .train passengers between called a chemical engineer, who Have you read tlio claulilcd adaT Turnoy of Princeton, jpcnt "Mho NARZ'S Elizabeth were children ” of Mr. Matawan and South Amboy in the testified that although he had been Coon, also by a previous jnarriage. T O M M Y ’S BEAUTY SALON cut.oul section of railroad service ofTeTcd th e rem aining contents of , Mr. Coon was taken to Mon­ was reported by Matdwan police the open bottle he could not muice BUILDIIVG Tel. Mat. 1-167.2 173 Main St., MATAWAN mouth Memorial Hospital where his os a result of a four-vehicle, acci­ a- complete analysis because an in­ condition on adm ittance w as re* dent In that borough Sunday. Sufficient amount of thc whiskey --.p&Tifid . as critical. He_ is reported Wot left. Mr. ..Kcelan and two em­ -A- -traffic— congestion,-,.resulting (V1ATEKIALS ' to be improving. - - - ployes' ^stifled they did not tamper from o reroutemcnt through the . It was Mrs, Coon who discovered, with vthc bottle,, which . had been borough because . Route 3& was the fire. She said she rose ot 1:13 left' open on his bnr for more than Dclicious, nutritious blocked at Morgan was blamed by a.m. to get food for her two-week* a y e a r ' Matawan police for thc crash. . old son, Kenneth. She found the • In. nis decision, Mr. 'Hock. said Thc man ' Injured was Paul vegetable chowder stai.rwpy a mass of fiamcs, ond since V the small amount of the Simonson, 25, Iscllh, an operator after shouting a warning to the rest seized, alcohol remaining "gave for Public Service Coordinated of the family, she grabbed up the defendant’s chemist inadequate op­ Transport. Thc bus he was driving baby and managed to make her way portunity to ' check ughlnst, such was empty at the time he cume into fo safety. - Neither Mrs. Coon nor analysis... under the. circum ­ cplllsion*. with a car driven by thc child was injured. stances1 here present, and whatever C harles Holtz, 41, R avine D r., M ah - Only heroic action by Keansburg may be my suspicion as to the wan, at Washington and Main Sts. Patrolmen Frederick Loder and defendant’s guilt, I shall ‘dismiss Mr. Holtz was turning north out Joseph Fucci saved the-lifejiL^Mvi th e charge.” • ' ofrWashfngton 5t; as the bus wns Coon. The two policemen braved going south on Main St. Thc force . thc smoke^und flame to enter the Cool — Coal Place your ordir jqf the impact threw the Holtz car home and drag the unconscious NOW. Stullz. over ognliVst two o th e r e a rs 'w a it- father and Robert Jr., out of the W» havo In itock Dulldlna jng in a line of traffic. The drivers building. Tho policemen .then Mat.rlili for every typo ol of these cars were Francis J. climbed xi tree to gain access to a coniltucllont new or teptir Bonicwskl, 41/Perth Amboy, ond Rccond floor, window,... and went |o b l. . Laddlo Kaval; 44, Manville, .back into thc building in an attempt • FOR THE FARM. HOME, Mr. Simonson was thc only one lo stvc H-year-old Elizabeth, STORE, OFFICE On FACTOHY. Though* Vhfcy* crnwkd^nbout the I ^cportina serious injury. He told OUR PRICES CANT DE DEAT place on their hands and knccsjM®tewan Jhrst A.d Squad men he ro n QUALITY. hod hurt his stomach wlicn thrown they Were unable to locate the girl, forward against tho steering wheel. Your Number’s Up /frru'i it lillvi Ujijtcr in m m yniir lu lh lor «u/t/ii'r , , , n and her body was found by firemen His face was also cut. The Matawan wii'or)1 l>lmil it/ vrfetablrs uilti ittlt pi'!I- ami mil/,, H't purhril Iil/h after they extinguished the flames, First Aid Squad took him to Perlh flmir, rich in vhamini. Threo-year-old W a yjic Daniel, on our office rccords Amboy General Hospital where he MARZ’S MASON managed to irtake his way out of was treated and released. Knpccinlly rccoliinicndod to wiv« the place. . KlVPil- IH'lipm-. ( ’mill nvnr Im v liont : No ccrious damage to vehicles , ■■ • , ■ ^ 1 ■ - V ■ SUPPLIES INC. yo u r nti’itm c«trii tn«|(i itppmil nini uiilll llitntly liiownod, Adtl H i resulted from the crash, Matawan Che«i*((uak«>MorrU(own Rd.; food viilu’o III W iilto Hrilinn Hvniii)- mijuf jfjci'n lien nn. nit In inch n««r InitrMciion lllqhway 4, rutoii tyllk, nolil only n l A * l’, , iik'i'L'H. I '.(i ni|m d ir ml rni'l'olil, I Bresney, Burned Out By police report, W hen you become our customer , Two MIU« North ol Malawan cun't, liny lm tlorl lino It in'; thin cun dlrntl iigtnliicn, it cupn WRlnr, Fire, In Other Mishap#-■---!;...Sumn)0nsQs_wcreJssu«d to Mr. t*. O, BOX 173 i>|i|iotlta-nii|imilliiii way . , , £ IHiiH. null, 'i (up, pn|i|nig lo policc auxiliaries, to be held Dee. l u p froin tiinl dcwy-frtilt, —-J37i»t-Cmndal!*Kos«T»an-Ami»ricaIi. xt utihrliovithly hiijie j Ih llnn^i. ' > Legion tost home, Old Bridge. Buy Now and Save. ■ ' 1 ‘ ' ’ rs- ^or conven*ence the Bayshore shopping See us for an populace,.. the Keyport stores will be open for Excellent Buy. WHEN YOU ARE V INTERESTED IN, fi® ' " ' A ‘ DEPENDABLE business until 9 P. M. every evening starting f.wcif fvBUiin tun a fumtlon! 'I'll* t/oiff, 7VfA/.irW Unit . All Sizes Now iitri flutiltiiy, 7*l>ta4 I b v >/;/• U S E D CAk < tug, beautiful, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th. fi<*>r-tpnr, )t»fnlyt biiiihlo fitffh* ' Opftiff I* ______• . ' See "L>; •... Srhmfifit tbtlf■irmHiwmfrtt main on tt ta tfltt noro bulky Owit Jlkc mt* tefitulun*t,tic.- brruMjtb, |M>i(r!afn ' tnitrvrl ImrtJofi rlrimifig rwy. STRAUB MOTORS INC. b* util f n I t l ttie*f nfrffTTfltOf I ( ' Xalier^Fmer m d Crosley O uler / i L A Sales and Service RARITAN GARAGE Highwair 3S Clark Street Dslei end Service Tel. 7-1908 . • - SouthlMain Street and Bedle Road / ‘ KEYPORT . Phone REyport ,7-0361 KEYPORT

T PAGE FOUR .THE MATAWAN JCWRNAUIMaTAWAN. M. J. -THURSDAY. ^bV E M B E R m ^lS S O a new home on WyckofT1 St., I momber held the board was pul- LEGAL NOTICES . .••Monday. _____ [tin g -a aiX‘rodm ,^w ing on a iwo- LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL; NOTICES ? 4 W 0 ' "*K«riry" •,-G-erin,s ‘ barnyard :• golf' ^•ierepjo^whemi^ toil Id very well District Number 1 of tbe Township and WJLIJAM'ANDEBSON et ala. ire i Church. Street, in the ^Boroujh of Mitpwita fomM&lp, M ilaiw i B.qr^ujh ot.iMMiwaiy.. I . : defendants, pending in ihe - Superior. Matawan, — the*,w- Counfy ofn f Mon­**nn- »cour£s Is open,, for play. . • obtain - seven acres on PrbSpeci POLLING DISTRICT NO.’ 2 ' Cdlitt” o r lNew ■ Jersey, -within- thirty- mouth aiid Staterof New Jer#eyT iYou- Miss ?thel Egglestiwand Georgo • Ave., in Cliffivood Beach,.ond Polling place at the Cliffwood School ilv e d a y s a l t e r ' D e cem b e r 21st l&5o, are made d^feKdartM; Uecjjusr ■' Published Every Thursdsyat - claim opiare^claim«t or‘reputed to Oulwatcr attended We Pcnnayl* locate a new school unit then? to at Cliffwood Avenue, in the Township exclusive of such date. Il you fail so . Keyport, Monmouth County, N- J. of Matawan, in the School District, to do. Judgment for the- relief de­ own thc said real estate or some By BROWN PUBLKHJNO AND vania.iCorni;ll game Thanksgiving. gei^ve a separate njeighborhood. . He for legal voters residing within Gen­ manded In ihe complaint will be part thereof or some Interest therein PRINTING COMPANY Hrss 'Sylvia. T. $evaseoand' Johii held the' voters shoOld 1 havo the eral Election District Number 2 of taken against you by default. or to hold * a - lieu or ( encumbrance. L. DeFelice were married Sunday t)ut Township of Matawan...... The action mbs been instituted to ihereon. ' • J. Mobel Brow n...... ,,,...... Editor right to express themselves on tho By order of the Board of Education, quiet the title of EDWARD. M. HER* DATED; October i7th J050. Charles E.-Stultrvrivj-. Associate Editor a t. St, Jp«p.h's,,ChM*;ch. issue^ of separate • school units os Matawan Township. - ^ BEItT and GLADYS M. HERBERT lo I. G H A N T , S C O T T . Dated: 2? November 1950, • certain lands and premises situate on J21 C le rk o f th e S u p e rio r C o u rt. Joseph Venn and Asperin Dol- against adding a wing.^ . GEORGIANNA L. JOHNSON, SUBSCRIPTION RATES fanzo, (Troop ^ 45, ClifTwood, w ere ^ . Storm Of Promt i l District Clerk.'...... - .... Payable In Advance advanced to first class scouts at One Year (within State) ...... $3.60 This .brought, a storm of protest KOTICB ; Ona Year (outaid* State) 3.&0, the court of honor held in Keyporl, TAKE NOTICE that on offer of the Six Months ...... from those Cliffwood resident who s u m o f 9100.00 in c a s h Io r tbe purchase Three Months j j S j Tuesday. had' -presented a petition . oi[| ,500 of the fallowing described lands and | Johnson Cartim hoa moved his names at the Nov. 20 meeting ask* premises situate, ly in g and beinjr in ;..Ejcecutor» - and administrators c t department ■tori? to the Matawnn The Township of Matawan in the ing for the vote_on the wing. He C c u n ty o i Monmouth. New J e r s e y , •states hav* the right to Beiect Uio j propcrtiet- commercial building. was told the Prospect Ave. prop­ together witli an agreement- for the I Francos Lloyd, Matron, payment forthwith of" the- sum. ot liottpes printed, U the tight is nol erty was not suitable for school . exercised the surrogate will make was a. meinbtr of the committee ‘ $10.00, th e e q u iv a le n t o f th e a n n u a l SERVICE FOR SALE . .‘theT g*Iectkm_ana Jfre^ootice will proto* purposes, that there was no land tax Jeyy.axainst the said premises (or abftr apP&tr In eo m o newspSper that that -arranged the:sophomore clasi the current year arid a like sum for available In ^Cliffwood Beach and, cach of the following years until bald ACE ELECTRICAL CO^-Home and G IR L S S n o w B u tts 12) 11 a p d «. you would not have selected. Vriattu d&ncD at New Jersey College- for industrial wiring expertly d o n e: ■W each; very good condition;, also . of The Journal 'having business with. that;;tt*wouldbe foolfsh "tq have premises are. assessed- for-taxes/ and & misses green all-wool suit, size , $8. Women. further payment .of all fees and ex­ estimates ' cheerfully-. given..,.. Tel. 16 ' the lurrow te's office will do well to 6 vote on two schools on two sites.’- Tel. Keyport ,7-P320Wj_ \ Wj30e fcesr tb it in mind. penses Incident -to the olfer, wan sub*' M atawan~J*0?2!U.— ...... ' — i3 0 * When-Mr, Anderson further ob­ mitted to, considered and approved UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent ‘ eondi- F orly Years Ago . by the Township Committee of The FOR SERVICE on «electric ranges, Responsibility f o r typograp bieai jected they, were building, u “three- Township of Matawan In the County water heaters and &fhal) appliances, • tio n , $35. T el. M a ta w a n 1*26M>W..' erroCB la limited to the cost of the {Issue of Thuriday, Dec. 1, ISMflt call Bernard Jones, M*taw«n 1-204ZW. apace occupied by such error. . story building, much more expen­ of Monmouth fiibjpct to tinal approval LARGE selection of slightly- used One of'the most daring robberies at a meeting of the Township Com­ Formerly service man With J. C. P. &c sive than u one-story school,” he L. Co. fo r 10’ y e a rs . J7* clothing for the enUre family; prices Entered as second-class m atter at the ever perpetrated in this part of the mittee to bc held at thc Township Hall, ranging from 10c to 55.00; .100.misses was told the Cliffwood group was No. D3 Atlantic Avenue, in The Town­ cast oflice at Matawon, N. J.“ under the htate occurred al 4 a.m. Mondoy PIANO TUNJNG’^ServlcUig. • 1. h - skirts, each. Gcrt's Clothing Outlet. bet of M arch 3. 1879. satisfied they had "tapped” public ship of Matawan, New Jersey, on the w hen A. Sulz & Co. store in K ey­ 7th day of December, 1050, at 8:30 Horner, 13 Lintqn 1*1., Keansburg. First and FuUon Sts-, Keyport. Open approVai with their petition and o'clock, P.M.: * Tel. Keansburg 6-0300. or Keansburg daU y 10 a.m . to fl p .m . • G e rtru d e THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1050 port wos burginrized of $1000 w orth C-1890M. , , . w i21“ Brownmlller, prop. wJ30’ - would ’'drive this board and the Lots Nos. 33 and 34, block No. 4, of silks, satins and velvets. . Map of Wood/lclds. board to come’1 through 11 eloctions IBUILT-JN medicine cabinet,-complete Judge -II,.-Hr- Brownr.-of Brown*, - ROSE K. WENZEL, Home Owners \ with .twin lights. Telephone -Key­ . ANOTHER SPLENDID JOB ..... if It was necessary to get a school JM Township .Cjcrk. town, held his annual shooting p o rt 7-1418. » wj30* fo r ClifTwood...... - - ;- . Fuel Saver ■ party last week. Guests wero STATE OF NEW JERSEY Interlocking metal weathef. strip for ONE rowboat, $25; one motor bike, .To. attempt to single out in- '^Told Chairman John Marz ir., TO: LUCILLE TERPUGINL U G IJ MORRIS Mayor T. .Frank Appleby, of windows and doors.- Hock wool home 84&; one set chrome wUCfil'inserts, -riiviriuah who^ nieritcd editorial o f the Matawan .Township Com.rnlt- TERJtUGINI, her husband; ELLA insulation. Aluminum combination 94. C all K o y p o r t 7-1131 o f le r 6 ,o 'clo c k . A/bury park‘-Mr .and Mr*. It. F. BELLE HITCHER, her heirs, de­ windows nnd doors; Free estimates. prpLse for their efforts (o assist In tee.'J had' once- expressed favor for visees nnd personal representatives ■Fountain, of South River; and Mj. Phone Jack E. Barliss, Perth Amboy NEW 1D50 G,E, refrigerator, Used one . thc nrca\s great storm Snlurdny • and-i'-her, - their or. any ;of their ' monlh; cost $2^.60, sell fo r' $1110; a school in CllffwooVT BeachV the successors in- right, title and in* 4-6(115. o r K e y p o rt v . .'.-w jtf • would be .impossible, , Everyone and Mrs, J- VnnHouten. . • retort came “Mr, oMnrz does not also beautllul J050 Mugie Chef deluxe Wilbur Matthew.* and Holmes teres t; MR. RITCHER. husband of LANDSCAPING—Building ' and main­ gas range, Tclechron ciock, ail chrome reem t‘d : nnxioiiK and w illing, in jiicL. know-.^vhat he i^ talking about” ELLA BELLE RITCHER: .BEATRICE tenance of your grounds opr spec­ trim; copper .connection, used .one 1 ElllHOlv h u ^ e 'ta k e n ponilionrf- u-ith W. CRONK. ELWOOD B. CRONK, In. s*mnc way.. " if,. h£-.nd,V.Ofnlecl. any sueb 'thing^ ialty; top soil, manure,- fertilizer, lime. month, sell for $200, Mrs. Harold ‘the New York & New_, Jersey her husband: GEORGE E. JONES, L.l Lucas, stono Rd. Tel. K e y p o rt Hyer,. Box 112. Bethuny ltd., Hajdel. . As. usuiil-the volunteer flrctnen, The yictitloncra claimed Mr. Marz MRS. GEOKGK E; JONE5. ^Is'W ifc Steam boat Co. ^ . * 7*1415: w jtf flrst aid squad. member*, special had promised the/n support...... IDA MAE WEST, MR. W EST'husband THREE'piece living room set. modern Walter^ Barker, who is attending of IDA MAE WEST; FLORENCE SEARS ROEBUCK & CO.-^For prompt Biyle. Tel. Matnwan ’ 1-2322R after police and members of the policc EBBERLE, MR! EBBERLE, husband of Lafayette College, spent Thanks­ and economical estimates on carpet­ v . > . . wJ30'i* reserve, uiried by many individuals, FLORENCE EBBERLE: LOUISE COR­ ing, linoleum, venetiap blinds, ver- .. giving at his Cliffwood home. WIN. j MR, CORWIN, husband of satilo and slip covers, call John1 CORNF,R kltchcn cobinct, chcslnut . turned ^ ^cir usuul sl)lcPd‘d J°b'; LOUISE CORWIN, EDNA BLUMER. Seeley Cade, grandson of Mr. Bayshore Area Scoras, representative of Rears: |.6ar-|^e-*- wood: ... Studcbakcr President...... A«l , in cveVy community. Then too iit her heirs, devisees and personal rep­ buck & Co., Perth .Amboy 4-6ti00 motor for tractor or saw outfit; -4 w>lkl . and Mrs. L. S. Emmons is gaining resentatives and her, their or tin y o t until 5:30 p.m.; from 0 p .m . o n , K e y - white Pine fluted porch column/}'IJke Keambnrjj, w herejt was neeetiary No Friew l At Court their succcssors in right, title and renown ns un athlbte at Mercer- (Continued tro m page one) p6U 7-2917M, Uso our easy payment Iron; kitchen cabinet With combination ■ to declare .martini .law, the M arines interest; MR. BLUMER. husband of plan. n wjtf s in k .„£ au c ets, 10 ft. b a se , 9 f t h a n g lm r front Earle Naval Ammunition burg Academy, ’ . * Boat storage, yards also exper­ EDNA BLUMER; CLINTON VAIL, his closet. Tel. Matnwan 1-0025-R2, . Jacob Dietrich ehnrged two Alumni To Meet , ■ ienced losses. Some craft stored heirs, devlseps and personal repre­ FURNITURE Upholstery Cleaning and; ' ‘ . w i l t Depot and soldiers from Fort*Mon- Ex Patrolman Is sentatives nnd his, their or any of Rug Sluimpooing. Reasonable rates. Mamatcur” Nimrods with shooting /it MntthewV Boat Yard, .Cli/T- theJr fiucctfwora ‘ in rlghi, title and Picjcup and delivery service. Phone mouth, did their jobs efficiently ' There will b o a meOUnj' o f. the BOYS all-wool mackinaw, - hood at­ five of hU xhlckem ; Saturday-.-In, wood, and at Erickson’s Yard, Key­ interest, MRS. CLINTON-VAIL, his Keyport Cleaners & Dyers, - Keyport tached, £hccplincd. good condition, and well. They more th;in earned Matiiwan High School Alunjni Aft* Wife; MILLER CARHART. MRS. 7-l)l& .____ ., ( w jtf fits 10-12 yr. size, price M. Inquire at mistaking them for game birds. port’ beached for winter'-MorhRe, MILLER CARHART; his wife; MAE , the gratitude of the owners of Missing lit Korea ; soclation on Monday at IL15 in tho‘ 102 Second' St.;- or-call Keyport- 7*3131. - The pair were flned $10 and costs were, tom loose and fosscd about. VIVIAN, MR. VIVIAN, husband of ROBERT BOZZA CO., - BUILDERS. . , . ’ . wjao° tho properties they protected, ’ high school, Milton Stevenson, MAE VIVIAN; JOHN RAYMOND by Judge Nlvln*on^ A dock and gasoline pumps at the Complete home alterations ond re­ Another group of workers who president, announces. The main CARHART, MRS. JOHN RAYMOND pair service, porch cnclosers, additions, UPRIGHT PIANO. REASONABLE Mrs. Elmira B. Stoddard has Former Union Beach Erickson yard were pounded by GAFIHART, his “wife; RUTH RAM­ storm pash, roofing, tiding, hardwood Apply Mrs. Charles Ely, Bl-own turned.Jn_>'plondid efforts, both order of business will bo tho square bought from the executors of the the lushing waters and nt Matthews SEY. MR. RAMSEY. * husband -tff Hoorn, plastering, concrete sidewalks, Publfsliing nnd Printing’ Co., Keyport. . individually and collectively, were ' Officer, Combat Vet dance which Is scheduled for .Dec, RUTH RAMSEY;.,VICTOR HESS, his driveways, brickwork, chimneys, fire­ Dunlop estate the store ond dwell­ som e boate* stored there, fl pa ted _ up heirs, devisees and personal, repre­ places, built, repaired, cleaned. 84 VENETIAN BLINDS—$2.G0 and up; the repair and cmcrgency crews 10, There will also be a report on ing at tho comer of Main St. and Of World War II Had to the edge of the Amboy-'Keyport! sentatives and his, their or any - of Second St., Keyport. Telephone Key­ modem enclosed head blinds of . who labored through almost Im­ the Frolic.. their succcssors in right, title and in­ port. 7-0703J. wjtf streamlined design in flexible steel possible and sometimes'terrifying park Ave,...... Re-enlj8ted In Army Rd. • • terest. MRS. VICTOR HESS,.his wife; or aluminum • with- new self-leveling Mr,, and Mrs. Asbury Fountain The- pier at -the. JCeyport Yachl FRANK WILLIAMS, his heir, devisees A real treat'to invite your friend to tilting mechanism. Top quality pic­ ^.conditions to restore telephone and The War Department has noti* and-personal representatives and. his, Join you pt the polio post House ture window blinds a. specialty. #9rl ond family havo moved from Club sustained some damage and cloetric power scrvice. One mnn fled Mrs. Jacqueline (Williams) their er any of their successors in A ,-Frant*. 01B _ Seventh . St, Union _ gave his life ond several others sus­ Brownlown to the home Tierc re­ Bonus Voted boathouses to the cast of that right, title and interest, MRS. FRANK GENERAL CONTRACTOR — Mason, Bcach. Tel. Keyport 7-2S1GW. w jll Hutton, 510 Cam bridge' Ave., Union WILLIAMS, his wife;- EVA WIL­ plasterer, carpenter and builder; cently purchased of the Fred Lup- strueturc.werc smashed to kindling. tained injuries In these operations. Bcach, that her husband,. Army LIAMS, her heirs, devisees and per­ alterations, repairs, extensions ond A irro RADIATORS—New, used and There is one lesson the residents ton Jr. estate {Continued from pago one) sonal representatives, and her, tehlr remodelling. Frederick A. Haussman, reconditioned; bought. and soldi Harry Gelcnius, who recently Sgt. Walter Hutton, 31,-has been or any of their succcssors in right, Texas and Wooleytown Rds., Morgan- same day service oh cleaning and of the 'bayshore and their eleeled “misging in action” since Nov, 4, em ergency Snturday. It was |M)int- LEGAL NOTICES title and interest, MARY WILLIAMS, villc. RD Box 151, Old Bridge. Tel. repairing. Red Bank' Radiator works, , governmental repreiontativs should met with a wripus accident on thc cd out some of thc men stood nt her heirs, devisees and personal rep­ Matawan 1-0025.R2. ' wjl 4 1J3 W. Front St. TeJ. Red „ Bank The telegram wus received on Nov. MONMOUTH COUNTY resentatives and her, their or any of w jtc ta k e 1,0 heart from this latest on- railroad,: bt.obte. .about on one post in the rain for flvc or 22. ‘ - - .SURROGATE'S OFFICE . their successors in right, title and slnught of the elements. The lesson frutches. six hours to guard ' against persons IN -THE-MATTER-OF. THE .ESTATE Interests RAYMOND CARHART. his HELP WANTED GIRL’S blue coat with velvet lined Misg Kathryn Terhune, who at- Sgt. Hutton, who is on leave of , OF PELLEGRINO VACCAHELLA, heirs, devisees and personal repre­ hood and matching leggings, size 8, Id that we need and must huvc trending on “hot” wires that hiid D eceased . Miss.Shipley’s School at. Bryn absence from»hl& post as patrolmon sentatives and his, their or any of YOUNG MAN to learn trade. Full W.00.—qall-M atawan l-tffltjw. • --J30 bulkhead and. erosion contrr^ along comc down. There w ere 30 mem* Nolicc to Creditors to Present Claims their successors in right, title and . time job. Prefer high school grad­ in the Union Beach Police Depart* our Raritan Boy shore*. - ' JV^awr, P7».; Mlas/facTon C artnn, from bcrs of the fire department onj Against Estate Interest, MRS. RAYMOND CARHART, uate willing to do as he is told, and HORSE MANURE, cow manure, hen Moravian; Senllnary, Bethlehem, ment, re-enlisted last Aug. 15.,' Ho Pursuant to thc order of DOHMAN h is w ile ; JOHN CARHART, his heirs, whose advancement will depend en­ manure, by lhe ton delivered; * -’ also “ special duty. Motftwan- First- Aid McFADRIN, Siirropatc oi ♦ he County wood,'pod, stovo 1tenn"'ength and fireplace. Tel. ’ was In tfDrylee . t o tlian . a.iw eel: devisees and personal representatives tirely on his own aptitude. < Must bc |Pn.; the . Mifses. May Herzen and Sqi4ad_men: abo;put _-in, n-fUJljdtvy .o t Monmouih, made on thc twenty- ond his, their or any of tlieir suc- able to do raUicr heavy lifting at K e y p o rt 7-0432. Jtf Mildred ’ Brown, from the State wHeii lie vecclvcd—his—overseas ^ o v ^ n th d a y ; of O c to b e r.' 1050; o n - th e ccssors in right title and intcicst.-MRS, times. Apply at this .office/ of emergency duty. appijcatiqn of. Theresa Vncearella, R H A lfr, - - - COMBINATION sink end tub; perfect Norman School ot Trenton, and orders and within 30 houro nftflr JOHN his- wife; JULLIAN Councilman John C. Eggleston, Administratrix of the estate .. of CARHART, wldbNv, her helr», devisees MATAWAN ROUTEc MAN- wanted -for condition; $25. Tel. Mat: ~ James VanBracklc, from a business his piano left Culifomin had arrived PflllegHno Vaccarella deceased, notlcb and personal representativea.;and ‘ her* an established dry cleaning-, route; "...... -----— "—.-130— looking Backward at-tho-battlefront in Korea chairman pf eewcr and .wateiv is hereby giVea-to the creditors ot their or ony of their succcssors in excellent pay, steady position. Key­ college ot Poughkeepsie, N. Y;, said deceased to exhibit to thc sub­ port Cleaners. Tel; Keyport 7-0133. HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD baby car­ ITEMS ABOUT FOLKS AND Mri,. Hutton -stated thut ihe la Prafaed toe W_ wn right, title and Interest; WILBUR spent their Thanksgiving vacation .1 . v i, ^ , ,s • , ’ wcriber Administratrix as aforesaid, CARHART, hta heirs, devisees and riage, grey, one year ,old.' fl WiWnn water plant in avoiding a stoppage; their debts and demands aRainst the A ve., M n taw an .______' _ J30* THINGS WC KNEW IN here with their parents. ✓ letter she received‘ from her hus­ personal representatives and ' his, FLOOR GIRLS,LS .and operators wanted. in water service whei>' the power® *aid, estnte, under oath, within six their or any ot . their successors in Rosewoodsc wo Sportswear. IM Main St.. j THE LONG AGO band* was dated Oct. 27 and at that ' <1 months from the date of the aforc- Matawan...... wJ30 supply weukened, , , ‘said order, or they will be forever right, title and interest, MRS. • WIL­ time he said thot he expected |o BUR CARHART, his wife; » MARY FOR RENT Mr. Tourine stated som e: Instila- -barrod of their actions therefor against ANN JONES, her heirs, devisees and ELECTRICIAN and-.helper. Write . tn Hook & Ladder Auxiliary, be “home for Christmas” and that Box C in, of \tnl? newspaper ROOM in ClilTwood Beach near bus, tors were lost in the old section f 'JiafCu? KrcohoId?iiff.- J., October 27th, personal representatives and her. Teijr'Vwri A g o ..... tlie. wen.were l;bei»g mea5tired fpr their or any of their successors ’ in stating 'ago, experience and, salary , steam heat, references required; all Nominates 1951 Officers but otherwise the.ilre^alnrm system *wo. - expected. - v WJ3D* privileges of a home. Tel. Motawan ’ • tissu e 'o f TKurRdoy, Nov. 2B, 1040) . dress \\nifonris for a'victory par­ right, tUla and interest, . MR. JONES, hUBbnnd of MARY ANN 1-20P2M. ■, JW ‘ ‘ An underdog Keyport eleven up* Ofliccrj; for 1051 werc nominated ade.” . / T- 7 - (suffered no*.damage. : Avcfl-0—R?I^L.A, Councilman Victor- Armellino, Malawan, N. J. JONES; ELI2ABCTIL.GBAVATT, her TWO room apartment, business couple­ ■ ^.BCt :thc dopg by holding favored at n reecnt meeting of the Mnt­ First Across Parallel hetrs. ' devisee# and personal reprc: . . . •- ■ -fcfot. chairman of thc lighting commit­ J. Frnnk Welguntf,...... ——— sentatfves and her, their or any of profFrrsd^-'Teicreneesr : * Matawon to a jcorelcM tic* In their awan Hook und Ladder Auxiliary. In a previous letter, Sgt. Hutton 30 West Front St., 8HEET METAL LAYOUT «MAN 1 -2393J . ‘ WJ30 tee, held ho 'wlshed . H to be'under­ K e y p o rt, N. J . - — - their successors in right, -title and nnnual Thanksfiiving Day .game. ‘ They are president, Mrs, Ann had informed his wife that his out­ interest, MR. GRAVATT, husband of Experienced in layout and stood the reason no light hod beeYi’i . Attorney. J30 ' b c n c h w o rk . , ' APARTMENT forrrcnt.' new, three ; The Malawan Township Board.of Walker; vieo president, Mrs. Sarah fit, thc 8th Jnfantry Regiment of ELIZABETH GRAVATT; HENRIET­ room» and bath; steam und hot installed In-the pprktng lot Was TA WILLIAMS, her heirs, devisees • Lab-Aircraft Work. ; ' “T~^uiiiU oir'Votcd Monday to roid- u the_FirM Cavalry Division was ‘the NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL DIS* water supplied; Idea tod on Holmdel Ellison;- secretary,- Mrj. Ellen. Pen-, TRICT MEETING OF THE TOWN­ and personal representatives and her, Rd.. Hazlet, Tel. Keyport 7*0332-W2, • because, funds had not been .pro­ their, or any ..of their successors in MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS .special election Dec, 10 on bonding netti; treasurer, Mrs. Peggy Rat* first to cross the 38th Parallel into SHIP OF MATAWAN, IN THE . r ( . . w j3 0 B vided in the budget. \ Ho' declnred COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NEW right, title and interest, MR. WIL- I the school district for $00,200 f o r a n cllffc; chapjnln, Jrtrs. Helon Weir; North Korea. Continuing to fight LIARfS, husband of HENRIETTA EXPERIMENTAL MACHINIST he was sick at the time thc budget JE R S E Y , O N D E C EM B ER 10, 1050, Minimum of 8 years experience TWO and one half room furnished o r y 'iiddlUon-'to.Mutnwan fJIglt “Sehpol, wrgeant-ot-arms.^ Mrs. Elizabeth rtorthward, the 8th neglmcnt was NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,to the WILLIAMS; ANGELINA VAIL, her unfurnished bungalow on Valley was drawn up and when- he re­ heirs, devisees and personal repre as experimental machinist > "Women's Democratic Club of Nuppi. the first again in reaching thc legal voters ot thc School District of on electronic parts. Dr.; immediate occupancy; couple turned he ‘ found three ■ lights the. Township, of Matawnn, Jj i th e sentatives and her, thetr or ony of only. Tel. Matawan 1-1733. ■ wiae» - Matawan Saturday, held a dinner The group will hold, a Christmas Communist capital In North Korea. their succcssors' in right, title and Instead of tho five he hud-nsked County of Monmouth, New Jersey, EXPERIENCED t STOCK CLERK Y ’? In honor.of ConKrei^man-elect-W il party-Monday, Dec, 1.8, at the home Mrs. Hutton further revealed that that a special meeting of Uio'. legal interest. MR. VAIL, husband of had, been provided. One light was voters of said District wili be held ANGELINA VAJL; DAVJD CAB* TELEVISION SERVICE ) Ham H. Sutphin nt Buttonwood of Mrs. Ellison, Union St., at 8 p.m. she' had rceelved word' that her HART, hit heirs, devisees and personal put up Jn front T>f tho First Baptist on Tuesday, the JfHh day of Decem* LAVOIE LABcflf/fromfes, INC. . M a n o r , A Thanksgiving turkey wa.s award* husband’* regiment was only 10 ber, 1040, at 5 o'clock P.M. Easterd representatives and his. their and any WHY be without your television? Church, he stated, and two others of tlieir successors in right, title ahd . Malawan.F re e h o ld Road i . F. Oistowskl, Matawan sculptor, ed to Mrs. Eilkon. ,-r_... miles from tho Manchurian border Standard Time. MORGANVILLE. N. J; . We specialize' in evening service Jn G reen ond W hite 'Village. The polls will remain open until 0 interest. MRS. DAVID CARHART, his calls; ; oil work guaranteed. Call ■\ has four exhibits.’ at the Now Jer* a month ago. ' o'.clock p.m. Eqstcrn Standard Time, wife; ALMIRA C. WIGHT,-her heirs, Russell’s R adio ond Television Mayor-Applegate observed that devisees tmd personal representatives Interviews 0 A.M. to 12 Noon . ■ /Bey Art Fair ,ln Asbury Park this Sgt, Hutton, the son of Mr. and and as much longer as may be neces- Monday through. Saturday Service, Matawan 1-0665B. WJ3Q* in view of thc'surplus- It would be nary to enable all thc legal voters nnd her, their or any of their suc­ . Tel. MAtawan 1-2GOO , .week. . . Couple Celebrate* MrST’-'TUflXiinder JJ/itton, Union then present to east their ballots. cessors In right, title and interest, possible to now; Install t^ie light MR. WIGHT, husband at_ A L M IR A C I ' MlM .Elizabeth..i?^^Dpmln|cjc, Beach, Ib a World Wor II Infantry Tho /meeting will bc held ond all HOUSES FOR SALE SI * t Anniversary - In the parking lot and one wanted thc legal voters o l the School District : tiaugTiicr of Mr. nhd Mrt. i . Frnhkr- C6rnb(\t'yv! .lln'Ddminick, nnd Douglus Barrow'* A surprise dinner' party wos which Included ocUon In Sicily, places staled below. / . jA ry'. fireplace, sun room, dining room, Permission waa granted lo .Clif­ At the said meeting the following their succcssors in right, title and W J OldsmobUe. model 76. four door kltchcn, two bedrooms and bath, full I elough Ward, eo n o t Mr. and Mrs- given. In honor of . Mr, and Mrs. Southern Italy. North Africa, Anzlo, Interest. MR. DeHART. husband, of ford V. B row er, Mnln ' St* to r uso proposal will bc submitted. . sedan.-radio and heater, scat covcrr, basement, heat, screens, storm sash, Arthur Word were married Nov. 20 John Hauser, New Brunswick Ave., Southern France, the Rlilncland ItCKOlved that the Board of Educa ELEANOR C. DeHART: ELWOOD hydramatlc; IMS Buick Special sedan, Venetian blinds, one hat/ acre ground. of u borougb-owncd lot at Center, CARHART, his heirs, devisees and p H c e 812.500. j'&.ntj'Flrfrt Baptist Church, Matawan, in celebration of their and Central Europe. ;...... tion Is'hereby authorized: i r a d io , a n d h e a te r ; 1947 P ly m o u th , fo u r and Muin Sts. forfculc o^ChriatnvjK ■ . P R O P O S A L > personal representatives and ' his. door sedan; 1049 Ford custom club BEN AND MATTIE SMITH • ! ;ilens^lacr L. Cartan was namcd fiUt wedding anniversary,. , Ho was decorated several times To construct an addition to tho their or any of their succcssors in R e a lto r trees, 4 c o u p e , . r a d io a n d.. h e a te . r. S c h a n c k fc:oup< l president of Matawnn Civic Club, Others attending were Mr. and for vnloroiw conduct agalast . the CKistinfi school building known as the right, title . and interest, • MRS. EL­ Sihler, Inc.. 10 Lafayette PI., Freehold. 1J5!j Main St.. Malawan - It was slated Harry Mny Cliffwood School, in the Township of WOOD CARHART, his wife: EMMA T el. F re e h o ld 0-1000, wj3Q* Tel. Mat. 1-2207 - • j Monday. Other office™. chosen Mr^. Raym ond N ewlln, nnd son, enomy in World War II, received BEDLE. her heirs, devisces'and per­ ' . ' _ - • wjftn • wero George G. Downey first vice Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas tho Silver Star and also the offering to donate a tree from bl. K shln^ iSd^Sg sonal representatives and' her, their HERE'S A. BARGAIN tit property for the municipal Christ- ment therefor, and tot expend i,or or any of their succcssors in right, ’ president; Randolph HeUaer, «-ccond Marvel, and daughter, Susan,- Mr. Bronze Star. The latter wos 1049 H U D S O N B u sin e ss C o u p e. m as tree. buch purpose not exceeding thc sum title and interest; and JOEL CAR­ like new. White wall General LOST : vieo president; John \vV Applegato, and Mrs. Wilbur DoBevolsc sr., Mr, awarded for “bravery beyond the o r $125,000. ‘ , HART. his ■ heirs, devisees and per­ tires. A real ffoorf buy. (b) To Issue bonds of the School sonal representatives ond his, their \ recordfnM secretary; Donald S. und Mr*. Wilbur DcBcvoise jr., and requirements of duty” when in;a R. G. THIXTON. Inc. TRUCK registration •card: reward if District to finance thc cost of-the or any of their successors In right, , Chevrolet and 1 OJdsmobiJe, returned fo Sam Wolf. CU/Twaod ' Weir, corresponding secretary, and daughter, Carolyn, Mr. and Mra. buttle at Henisbach, Germany “he purposes stated in la) above in the title ond Inetrest _ .. Sales & Service L u m b e r C o. T eL ‘ M ataw an 1-1744, ^ 1 W. Oliver Diggln, treasurer. principal amount of $123,000. You, are hereby summoned and Main St. - AfAtaw'an. 1-1040 CTiarles. Hauser, and" daughters,- stood unprotected to gain betjer Vote On Wing required to serve upon HEUSER St T he borough council ii aVking Hhe The polling places for thc said Margaret,-: Sheiln, and Patricia, Mr, observation in order to point out meeting and their respective polling HEUSER, plaintiff's attorney, whose 1031-Ford-coupe, good tlres, price SAO. Business Opportunity address is No, 150 Main .Street, Mat­ ■ board of freeholders to resurface and Mri. Gerald Hauser ond-daugh* tho enemy position.” (Continued from page one) districts (described by reference to Apply The- Keyport Weekly, wJ30* j the rljnway of LiUlc St. bridge. the election districts used at the last awan, New Jersey, on answer to the APPLIANCE Store for . sale: owner ter, Gayle, and son, WlUlant 'Councilman Carl Dibling, Union not bcon voted money for land, General Election in thc Township of complaints filed in’ a Civil action, in 1940 Chevrolet sedan, radld, heater retiring from business, Write to which EDWARD M. HERBERT and ; Daniel Wulff was chosjcn prosi- Houch pollco chairman, at Fri­ purchase, so was In no position^ Matnwan and the Borough of Mat ond sun visor, ,|14M. * Tel. Keyport Box B lit carc of this newspaper. , dent of the Matawon pm w a club awanl have bccn'dcstgnated as fqllows GLADYS M. HERBERT are plalntiiTs 7-O007M. . • • WJ30’ . - w)36* 1 day's council meeting reported that to bo either condemning or buying and no person 'shall vote at said meet­ , at a meeting Thursday. Other ofTl- Cliffwood Driver, Is he had received word that-Sgt. -it. Ho cautioned "if you want-itU. ing elsewhere than at the polling cer® a r e , Ernpst J. McNnbb, vicc Injured In Accident 'place designated for the voters ud£ ,th e Hulton.hw .been reported “missing” school, .stop talking about land." polling district in which he or she \ presfdent; Arthur Gough,- secretary, and commended him as an "out­ Mr. Anderson criticized the re s id e s : ' Old “Doc” Pickett used and Arthur* Sagcblel, treasurer. ' Gertrude Morley, i0-year*old standing police oflicer and citizen.” . POLLINO DISTRICT NO. I THE CALM AFTER THE STORM Roselle resident, ' escaped with bonrd, saying “you arc going Into Polling place at.t|>e Matawan Hif t o s a y : ; .... , : M. E. Hnloy, Hose Co. ia purchas­ During his tenure as a patrolman, School at Broad and Church Street . only-minorJnJurles.Tuesday; when the same old trap." He held ,the ing the W7'A7"CI(Jsc property ad S g t- Hutfon.-.organteed.. lhc...Vnign. tn the Borough of Matawan. In the was a welcome arrival, and we here -at But- You’ve got to have a lot her cur overturned und crashed board-w aa. Jryinfi-iQ-.."bring.Jhe_ SchoolDlatrlcU_for legal voters resid­ » joining their, flrphouse on the south. “kach Poliee Cadcte, a’ program ing within General Election District into a truck on Houto 34, Holmdel. people to the schools, not the -tonw ood-lfj^^w ere_jaa..glad_asLj:oi.j.X .e»'e. of angles to get around ^ Mra. James E. Voorhees, Mr. and le»lHncd to eomljnt Juvenile de* schools, to the people.’* Thq former N u m b e rs 1, 2 a n d & of .the Borough ! Mr». rhllip 'L. Neldlingcr, nnd Mrs. Recording to Keyport Slate Police, Hnqucricy, . - London, ^ Monday :of thff Community Asslst- Conn. Ha 'is. a graduate o t St. O t t e o / , V0^ 'OwfiwlUep as to whether tho Mary's High School, Soitfli Ambpy, Chow Mein Sale Dec. 9 N e w lhe township should and wps active in the' CYO and A chow mein sale will bo held W tTU I . J e n e i / i -flndoctf the group, Maydf'ffeuser U tU fence'-H ai'tH ’r " Plrst^- Aid-- im d by - the- Westminster G uild-of .tho FORDOmTIC_ F a v o r i te 'ftlM fioi' tp . buiJd up a fund of Safely Squad. , First IVesbylerion Church, Mata- 'jwbliftr, money, tot relief cmploy- Ho Is o member ct tlio w r e s t li n g wun, at the churfch from H a.»n- DRIVE D in in g - iriient purposes would “be lilcely to team at the .-icadeifiy ■ • to X • p.m. Saturday, Dee. 0. Tlie R o a m s , f * incom go o* co m pany o t eale was originally scheduled fpr " , ‘ Wvddlng Announe '■ Dcc.i 3, Persons may call Mrs. E, i two -Matawan'bsnics paid out primedirlrtted. prcpromptly on paneled or B. CTarrigon a t“ Mot^l'WOO-M, S. BARRETT & SON, INC. ffmrJb, KM ntt M mM M Am- %% H m b ,t X, t. SUM (tot.t Aim. M.mbw ItefUwul « « '• JUrt. A«Qlid'.CiirtfWno5,CI«b m cm bW bridal‘ book snow-wlillo vellum at Mrs. Arnold. Massle, nt Mat. MAIN BT. PHONE l-oin MATAWAM ^ t o * * * * r p u u 4 (b it (iffIce. ,;fbr; orders.. - - - HIGHWAY 4-34 Phone Mifawanl-llM-' Lou&g* 1-2313 MATAWAN! K. 1 t \ t ' '^T- ‘ THURSDAYr^QVE^BER^^t ^ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL,* MATAWANi N. J. PA'Ck FIVE Listen In ... with; n covered jiish-,luncheou December Events Yule Decorations followed by t» .C hrjiim as^ A bro«dcaai of *r*i Inlsrsst Arrangements for' 'Hianksgleinh will br mads ovsi BUiion WOR dinner tribles were juaied t|n4S »Jn.. Sstuifday whsn Garden Club Topic Class A aw ard* Were m ade toViMrs. < Ruth and Phllip Hunitr. # pa>yS*. WJUtaVn M ullieron,- Mrs»-.Fi;edericli ■ Climax To BeAnnual Glee Club To Preient Ur 5sntn«wU». dUcuiiUm duo, Speaker Illustrates ■ Ndtilc Tvnd ' MrsrfE;’ M U ^y:rT«ld,-’- Worship Service On dttctib* e Mesnl visit Ihty mad* ond honorable mention- to ^Vtisx Program In Keyport; io~Ma^pit- Hall, MlddUlo'wtk.. - Talk With Exhibits; A nna C t o , Class B. w inner# wari> Sunday, Dec. 17 Library To Benefit . Mr. and Mn, Hunitr. accom­ Plan Projects M rs.^A r P. P erh in s, Mrs* E, J, F lan - panied b f thstr youn^ ton ind d Mifl. Jo h n D ltikt ) r ./ nnd Two meetings i and a church The Rutger* University : Glee diuflhter. w«r* shown through M r s .,. WHI.tflm. P. Ifam bien i*f ['M rs. Jl.enry K. Ackoivon. h o n o ra b le service arc scheduled by the Mata■ Club;" an o>gahiiidrun; of '72 “maic mention,. ' ih r tnuHum. m stn ta d n td h a Cha\l«mi^;,.TOKe on Xhrls'imus wan 'Womans Club for the ijiorith voices, wiil open its it)!>0*5l season Monmouth County . Historical Decorations for Inside and Outside of December. . at the Keyport High School tumor* Auoclition. by Jo^jn Ltvrlnp. Two Duckhunters Fined The church service Sunday, row (Friduy) evening with it con* . cusiadlan. Mr.. and Mr*. Hunttr tlie Home," ul thc Nov. lil meeting of the Garden JCIub. ..RFD, at„ .Dec. 17, designated th e unio h cert sponsored by* the Maiawun will dstcrlb* Iheir own Intaiasl Two duckhunters Georgo SUvay Fellow ship Hull, HQlni3(il. . Christmas vespers, is an annual Jumor Wonlan's Club. Thc singers in. and tha reaction of - ih* and Alex Zlata, both of Linden, Mrs, Hamblen iliustvutod her talk affair held cach year in. a differ­ are directed by F. Austin Walter, youngsters to, the varloui cx- jiald^ flue*'of $20 and $11 costs on by using artfeies in tlie home* «uch ent church. The service is held assistan t professor of mu.vie. hlblta. - eomplulntK Mgnod by Hudson G. as discarded cuitM, >«tc„ and was at 4 o’clock in the aflernoon with The glee club U a musical organ- In a similar broadcast several Amory, «»mi‘ warden, Tuesday. ^congregations... of: other ^.churches i*;ition ..\vhicH h as been lu alm ost weeks ego, the Hunters discus* awdsted by Mi.^s. Mary Peterson, - The uvo men were apprehended . attending This" year the service .fiorttihUQyBCxjstcwe_shjcft the 11170s,. ted Items housed the county also of Chatham. . - In by Mr. Amory,. Nov, 21 hunting will be-hold in the First Baptist The - member# glve"~p r.u~u.rIui\X association's—musaum- M uehlhausen pro* dud^H.QilX’li.lUSLQod J to:l.,,.n>. Fr«.h Fruil«'"ond V.gntobl.i, “white gifts to the King” and the Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Julius sister*, Mrs. G. A. Hugg nf)d Mrs; Iho Klizabelh Rne*L:imoni Con>-. Party at tluck Hill Falls, Pa, The Rew Chester A. Galloway, pastor! Richard Kerney and daughter, Fincken, Albany, N. V. Gilberta Clayton, Freehold, . N(\\v 'York Clly. •• outinu wilt occur on the weekend of the First Presbyterian Church, Inez, Mr. and Mrs. John Stae and Mr .and Mrs. Milton Gunkle and Mr, and Mr**. Harry Hanna find ns Attrndinii tho mooting were Mrn. between, semesters, from Jon, 20*31), will spenk. The hospitality chair­ son, David,' all of Mpuntnin. View; children, Bruce, Susan, Jimmy nnd their Thanksgiving Day guests Mrs, Allan J. Morrison, presldem of On* Miss. Marion Pewmx will l^e man will’be Mrs. Kenneth Barker.' Mr. and Mrs; Ernest Fuliard jr., Debornh, * spent Thanksgiving ns Dorothy Dcitz. and daughter, Dottlo, Matawan Womau’fi Club, Miv. chairman of tomorrow's concert imd RA PO LLA ’S SUPER MARKET .Mr. and _ Mrs. F. W ilton K erney guests of Mr.. Gunklt*i’-mother, Mrs, Howard Wolverton, Mrn. Anikin New Brunswick,. nnd. Mrs, Anora thc entire proceeds will be tfiven uml son, Gury, Pompton Plains; James Gunkle, Richmond Hill, N, Y, I^oPrestu, .Mfs. .'Juhn Ultuiey, Mrn. 2 Lower Main St. . Tel. MAtnwan 1-1687 West, Long Branch...... • to the building fund or the Mata- Mr. and. Mrs. Richurd W. Kerney, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin- Granby Mr. and tyrs. Milton F. Stevenson Otto Strohincnuer, Mix Fdlth wmi Public Library. W arw ick, N. Y,; M iss Bessie Gil* Davifon, Mrn, James Whiti'hill. and Joseph Morris, New York City, entertained. at a family dinner Miss Peseux- announced that the man. Atco, and Mrs. Frank Kc^iey, Miss Helen Murphy: and thu-hostiv<. Mrs. My nr Morris ahd John Kahn Thanksgiving. Their guests were following ml'inbers of thc Maiiiwan M atawan...... r Mr. and Mrs. Nandor Fur'ch, Tren­ Have Joint Fete were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Sub Junior Woman'.v Club have Mr. and Mrs. Em erson LLsk left Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Kahn. ton; Mr. and Mrs. John T: Arthur been named ns ' iwhors; MU\» Charles Springhorn To recently to spend thc winter In Miss Coiiw‘'GttWoa-]iiaa-tfitunie,4 and son, _Jack, Hamilton Square, Jane Anderson, Miss Carol Craig, Plan Yule Affair; ^ St. Petersburg, FJi>. from spending the holiday weekend Share In Aunt’s Eitatc and Milton F. Stovert'oh' ji\ Miss Mariby TlurwWcs,‘Miss Elaine Donate $100 To The Mr. and Mrs, Willinm H. Bergen with her mother; Mrs, A, Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, A, Kdgnr Palm and Erdmann, Miss Joan Letwenske. re tu rn e d ‘ Ur, B arrington, *R; J., S u n ­ New York City. * cl^ldren, Peggy and Robert, hnve ChurloK Spiinnhorn of 2(1 Hunsot Matawan Post Mis.v Ju d ith TibbotU , MLss V irginia Ave., Mutawan, ►harei- in the estate day after spending the holiday Miss Judy Miller returned Sun­ be£ri ' spending pcveral days- With Arose, Miss Ann Collardt Mis*; Jac* left - by - hts._iytH ,.dhe., .lute A donation o f $100 was m ade to weekend with, Mr. Bergen’s day from spending several day* Mrs. Palm 's m other, Mrs. A. H. quolme Huley, Mis,s Patricia Mc­ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and wilh her uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Angcrstein, Wilmington, Del. llermlm.’ C, Schmidt, of SearHiIiir^ Matawun American Legion 'Post Cabe and’ Wis* JoAnn Lazow, N .. Y., according to i» report of the Mrs. E.dwin H.. Dominick. Mrs. A. Wilde, Drcxel Hill, Pa, Mi’, and Mr* . Homer Owen, 170 at a meeting of the Ladies New Yorh .State Transfer Tux. Dr* :,ooo Auxiliary held in Legion Hall. , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Longhand Mr. und' Mrs\ Charles C. Schock Ithaca. *V. Y.f returned home Sun­ Mrs. Mabel Huyvfard, all of Brook* sr. were holiday dinner guests of day after spending several dny.s p a r t m e n t , Plans were made for a joint He will receive a nintli of lhe lyn, were Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and M r/ Henry Wickham, Bed wilh Mrs. Owen's brothdr-in-law. Young Women Fix Christmas party, with exchange of $110,000 evlate left after dedue* FOR CHRISTMAS guests"of Miss Louise' Clark. B ank , ' and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin gifts nnd buffet supper on Dec. 14. tion f»»r specific beuueulH. Klght Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Sihith jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, Pearce. — It was voted to' furnish 50 pounds other - nephuwK,. nnd _n leces j»hare nnd daughters, Merrilyn and Donna Mr. and Mrs. Jean Carton and Misa Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rcmvlck Toys For Needy .. of Christmas candy fof- distrlbu- Hlmihnil.v. CLUB MEMBERS.. Jeanne, returned to Little Silver, Mary Lou Cartan wete Thanks­ on Thanksgiving entertained Mr.' Mn. Schmidt, who died at the tion by the Matawan Public Health Sunday^.after visiiing Mrs. Smith's giving dinner guests of Mr,„ and and Mrs. Frank Seidlcr, S’cidler's • - N ursing . Association,:. :A._contr_ibu* ' ‘Mn. Laurence Barker age of U7 on Mar. 31, was the Chocks totalling'. tliau <15112,000 .rarent^uPr, amj..Mrs,-CQnover-Bur,* Mrs.: .Fr.ecJ... Buntenbach,. Wood­ -Bcach,-. Mr. und- Mr.*#.' Louis Kor* tion w ill;~b'e~SGmv_to: th e B risbane widow of* Dr. Frank A. Schmidt, low,- for -scyrrai.days, .... bridge., •...... tenhaus and daughter, Claire,.. Mi:,, Renamed Head Of wero mnllocl limt w odt to mombnra of' Training Centcr, Allaire, for the jl .-former. principal^ in (he Now Mrs. Jamc*' Bowman arid Mrs' "Cdi.*ETTC. Ttiwfjod ind Mrs.-m- ond -Mrs, John .W^Kcnwick and Pre»byterian Grdijp our l (,)o() Clii'islmiis (’,lub. W(« con- ' purchase of Christmas toys. Mrs. York Pubiij: 'Seliool >*yKtein. - Itichard Chaddock, Canton, O., are wood returned to Washington, D. (David Duggins. James H. Martin, welfare chair­ H e r— rrlnte-^V(>-<''-upf>i’A(>w{l—at . Lj ln t i ' tl-t oH t1 i h r i f Ly j ) o i >; i] (* ' Vv li o il o \v visiting Dr. and Mrs. Carl A, C., Sunday after spending sovprnl Mr. and.Mrs. Ralph Heuser spent The Young Women's CJrele of’the man. wus-authorized to purchase Stir»,7«t.|. ' / Gesswcin. days as guests Of Mr. and Mr». the weekend in Washington, D. C, F irst P resb y terian C hurch of M'.it- havo <^xtrn c:wh fw liolitla.v i i o c i I m u h .... sweaters to be sent to hospitalized awun met Tuesday evening at thp Mrs. Harry J. Kahn entertained Wrlliam-If. Sutphin. r Mr. and Mrs, Timothy. Hussey the rusiilt of'thoir i’oroHiffht-in joining veterans, ' '•'* “ ''r ’** ‘ the board of directors.of the Mat­ Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert J. Malkrmis, have moved from 44 Li tile St. to Public 'Health Center where they Give Family Ditmer our Clhtb a ,voni' a^o. . Mrs. Emma Kelly, who conduct­ awan Woman's Club at luncheon Red Bank, were . Thanksgiving thoir new home^on Ed^owntor Dr., renovated Chrlstnjan toys for needy ed an auction sale at the meeting, Monday. • Attending were Mrs. guests o’f tlielr sort and daughter* .children. - - » llecordnr .fumes H, Miuiln find M ntaw an. O ur new Chib, for Mlfil is now open, was winner of a special - prize, Allan,J. Morrison, president; Mrs. in-liiw, Mr. and Mrs-.. Robert J. Mr. and Mrs. J.^Raymond Ketchcl Ailerwurd_.ihcy. ndjourned to the Mrs. M urtio enU'etaiwed »t u f a m i l y Hostesses were Mrs. Ann Donnen- Milton F._ Slevenson. Mrs. Donald Malkmus jr. ■ , wero Thanksgiving Dny quests of home of Mrs. Mario Rlndft^for o dinner TlmnkfglvUi/{ Dny. Thori! iiro. cIuhhch to n(iit cvory nuoil, ’ worth, Mrs. Irene Bruce and Mrs. meeting conducted by thc ^presl- '1‘heif ■ KueNM JnehgJed Lt, Hurold Robinson,. Mrs.. Fred.. M. Burlew, M r/ rtridT Mrs; William -IJ.- Craig •‘Mr*..-KptchclV, brotlu']‘*in*law aijtl w ith Wdolcly payiiH'iitH of 2!> c, iil)c, $1, Margaret Devlin. .. Mrs.- Peter Bead and Mrs. John returned Wednesday after spending xLsti^r,-Mr. ’.and. Mrs,, Sherman’ W. dent,* Miw;-Laurenco. Barkcr.. ’ O. MaHJn and’ Martin, and In conjunction with a county- Kinney, of the . Contemporary several_days. in Rutland, VL . ., W estllcld ...... Mr«r G eorge H itte r,. cliplrmmi of. d a u ^ J d e J A Nuhey Kilii a n d'^ttfl S^.$;U rroiL $m Jloiiio in mid onfoir .wide- project, members of the League. ' ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Paul .Tudsoa Evans Mrs. Garrett J, McKcen sr. enter* the nominating committee, present* F o rt W orth, Tex., n e o ig e ' Weli,- — n o w ! ------...... /////'/'//. auxiliary visited thc Menlo Park Mr. and. Mrs. Laurericc W. and dadghter, Elolso.^pent Thanks­ tained her desert bridge club ed a panel of officer* who were Bo'ston, Mikm., nnd Mr. mid Mrn, Veterans’ Hospital. Lemaire entertained at Thanks­ giving in Newark with Mrs. Wednesday. ..Prize winners wero elected t«* ferve in 10,1 1 , lie. Jamen U. Mintln a n d roiir, .lame,', Mrs. Ellen Kelly, president, an­ giving dinner, Guests were. Mr. Evans’ sister, Miss Bridget Mntcrnu, Mrs, R alph W. H crrick, Mrs, Wil* elected were. Mrs, Uarker and Mrs.i and Michael, Mutawan. , * John. Zclwak,* secretary, Elected FilHMKIIS & nounced thc following committee and Mrs. Ernest C. Smallin, Chi­ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zqun, Dumont, Hum J. Rubel and Mr*. M ilton F, Lt. and Mrs. Martin imd ilmii1,li­ were Mrs. Arnold Galbraith, vice chairmen: Child welfare, Mrs. cago, lil.; Mr. and Mr3. A lton- J o r 4 and Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Dupre, Stevenson. Mrs. Hcrrick was «, ters will leave by phine toniorraw Marlin: friends, cards, flowers and dan, and children^ Brucc and Mary May wood,, were gue^s 0/ Mr, and m bjrthute. president* Mrs. .John J. McMahon, for th«dr home in Tex:i.-*,. . H a n k treasurer. Tlfc oifieers wilt be In- membership. Mrs. Alice Walling; Jane, Bar- Harbor, Me.; Mr, andj Mrs. dharlcs Tbylor, oyV cdnes M j*. and Mrs. W illi.tnv C> Nod* flMTAWAtV, !HM JK IIN I V stulled nt the Jnnuary nteetin«. memorials, Mrs. Carrie Forman; Mrs.-Otto. Jngi'am .and. son,_ John, day night. ‘ Thanksgiving Day they dli^s and daughter, Saruh Ellen, H ava you rend the chiwlftmJ «d*T Mr.? Otto Stmhmlng^r wav a WEM9H riDIHAL KEtCRVC JYJUM ' publicity, Mrs. Hostf Colotrtrophies Lake Hopatcong; Mrs. Jessica B. a tte n d e d '0 dinner at the home of left Saturday to spend three. wei‘k« gtiest- /or., the ..evening. ' MEMtCn fCOBHAL OQfOSlI IM5UHANCC COBfOlAtlON nnd awards,. Mrs. Irene Bruce; Gold Beasley, and daughter, Jaijct* Mr. and M ri Edwin Taylor, Penn in Florida. Holiday dime curd*7 fi benefil' for WILSON’S RADIO SERVICE Star Mothers, Mrs. Kelly; ■‘Girls’ Ridgewood; Mr». L. A. Lem aire, wynne. Pa. • , Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Currie ()r)liinl!ic({ 1830 — O hh'tl fUmk nt Monmouth County _ the Sunday school building fund, RAVINE DRIVE, State,. Mrs. Devlin; poppy drive, Miss Kitty M. Tomkins,| Mrs. Misa Marcia Lawton, a senior at and son, Billy* w ere S u nduy gjie.Hti were turned Ih. Tiie Circle nlAr» , Malawan . . Mrs. Elaine Eastmond; music, Mrs. Anpa M:’Applegate, Mri. Tunis H, Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y., re­ of Mrs. tyne Nyirger, Trenton. Hilly fulfllkd Us pledge to* the build* fllli hoiiMi on tn . ' ... -jfljRsrrsr- - _ ^ • Joseph Plppctt, South. Amboy, i tended a family dinner Thanks who had been visiting at the Dnt* Peggy Anne visited her grand- ton residence, returned home with Mrs, J. E. Voorhees giving at the home of Mrs. Miller’s Penoitflliied Chrlifmai Cards parcntKfrom Thursday until Sun.' parents. Mr. on money you ofter spending the holiday week* gucsU of Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Elllf, tained al dinner Mortdiy everting. after spending two weeks with end with her parents, Mr. and Mra. their son-in-Law and daughter. Mr. will need next ChvlHtmaH-,-money-for Rlftti, for .Their quests were Gen. Van Dusen Mr?. Edna Spchre .and "Mr*- El- peter Murphy1, ,New Brunswick. wood VanBrackle were Thanks­ ‘and Mni. Van Dusen. and Mrs. a n d M'rs. Randolph F. ffnt‘riit, tuxoHr or- for yenr-ond (‘xfuMiHCH. Join tho Baker, Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. O. Ferraro, Haekcnsacl, and Mr, giving Day guests of Mrs. Norman Mn, Frederick Kr Dcderlefc cn. Tice, Long Braneti. 4 3 NEW w eekly-paym cnt dim s that bent HiiitH your pui’MO Neidlinger, Dr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. Sulvfltorc.Glrlando, Pa^cr* terfained • her, desrert bridge eluU ion, ?pent fora,-Wednesday until Mr. and Mrs. .GorrcU McKeen T rid a y evening. Prize wJ/iner# II. Pengel, Mlis Peggy Anne Bead and purpoHc; put in a littlo each w eek; recoivo Friday as guest* of Mr, Ferraros sr., and Miss PatriclaJ McKeen spent were Mrs. William piJver Dlygln, *\D 0Y.A \m > and thcii* guest of honor. and daughter, Mr. and Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. Mm Conrad Johannsen and Mrs/ a HuhntantiaT Chi'lntmaM check next JJccem ber. Mrs. Martin Bell. Richard McKccn. East Orange, WlllUm J. Rabel. Mra. Joseph F&ATUCE? Canasta Carnival Net* Mr. and M r;. RU£*eU A. C. Mr. und Mr* William J/M iller Dernberger and Mrs. Marguerite II, . Simple, iwi’t It? lint it’n the^ireHj_j^ay-m > Legion Auxiliary $64 Stetler have returned after tpend- Jr- and children, attended o family Laird ftubitiluted. MERC ing,.several days in Pennsylvania. dliuier Thanksgiving at the home Mr*. Martin Meyer of New York NOW know to provide for a M erry Chrliitmnfl and V The canasta carnival, sponsored T hey v e ile d Mir.' pf-~Mrjtr~MOj^X.mother, Mrs. C City spent Tuesday and Wednesday del>t*f»' sisler, V Mr. and Mrs. WilUam.H. Sulfphin Tad JoVurt^nlen. . ~ -VA The corrtraiitcc in charge in­ Mits Elizabeth Shelley in Mech- entertained at dinner Thanksgiving Several locHl rejsidentfo attended J3rrem) D.poUl E.CH It.c iv . E.ily cluded Mrs. , Elaine Sastmorid, anlcshurg. - : " D ay. T h e ir ffuefcU w ere Mr. and ^ benefit dc^wrrt bridge Tuesday W ..k rfir bu -■Sisiat !3*s.uih., Mrs. Arris B. Henderson enter. at Auxiliary Half, Long 'Branch, chairman: Mr*. A n n e Donneworth, M rs. W illiam C. B ennett an d Wil* iOe JJ5.00 . talnM at a family dirtncr Thanjcfc- liagi T. Sutphin, Matawan; Louis for the benefit of the maternity Mrs. Hose Colot Mr*. Anne, .Tour­ 158.00 ine and Mr*. Marnaret McDonald. giving,- Guests-Tfrere Mr. un4 Mn. Lombofd. Fillmore. Cat. • find CoL auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial ll.OO- Door p rim were awarded to Wri. CarroU V. Genuv New York ’City; tu il. Imroo^ahd Mr& Inwood. }lo*p\Utir They, enjoyed Jiinehron I2.P0 1100,00 - Mary E- Skuiner, Mrs. Millie 2um - Mr/and Mrs. Elmer H. Geran, Mr. Wathington, 0 . C. flr*l at tiie Molly Pitchcr Hotcly 19.40 IIW.00 hano nnd Mrs. Emma Kelly and and Mrs, Charles A. Gcran and 6<>n, Mrs. Sidney, Bruce Egglejdbn, ^ed B:mk, Mrs. Channing CLipp, It tM ...... ISOO.OO sp M ia l-p ri2ts. .o fJ. cake to Mrs. C/iarles jr.. Thomas Geran. Mr, and Miss Ethel Breen. Mrs. Isabelle Mrs. Edward W. Currie and Mrs/ Skinner and a “baskei u f cheer" Sirs; Rolwrt Dougherty aAd-daugh' J}rfc£fl,/ lliils Udy out os secretary of th e visual old body< Cheesequake way Vhp is wa?^ Other commission members arc Paul Holmes, 20,. C h u rc h ' St., Browntown Friday Aides Are Named ing a war against the Mrs. Robert McTogue, Atlantic Malawan, suffered a .sprained, left rat population in ihe area. In* Highlands; Mrs. Ella Ricketts, Bel- wrist and a kpee injury at‘8 p.m.. Residents Of Area On cidenlelly "Susie/' a rat tarrier mar; Howard Van Benthuyscn, Tuesday -when his motorcycle' Girls Sunday School who is tba properly of Wall Township, and Duncan Per­ crashed 'into a car dri$>n by Ailcrf’ ; Class Is Sponsoring . County Committee Of < owner, Frederick Brown^ rine, Manalapon Township. William Lewis, 18, Morganvile Rd. Affair; Other Items : P; & M.^Administration -is-doing. a jplendid.iob . King, _o| the_Stnte Department of Matawan Township Pollco Capt; ducting her campaign of exter­ Education, Is asslstingLihe group. J. Edgor.Wilkinson said Lewis was" The , .community committecmfn mination, ‘ . Tomorrow (Friday) evening'there driving out off a gas statio n on who wiil guide the program of the A i 1 demonslration of her will be a social given by thon Thanksgiving morning was well were mado to have a Christinas has been actlng-captaln since Junii Hallcran,. 'Matawan, Charles .Kil- tcachcr in jEast Kear\sburg. Mr. port supervising principal, chair-, attended-and- .large-donations... of party for Uio -children .on. Dcc, .22. h - The- vote-oil’ Mr.'-Moina was martin, Marlboro, __ ___ Dcjewskr fcld .Mugisthite 'MaXWell man, and Mrs/ -C"~ J r MeDonoldr fruits and vegetables were-received. and one for the P-TA following the unanimous. The captain’s salary is Middletown Township— H a r£^?y if., Modlson Township, at Howell Township, vice chairman.' The collection was also given to regular meeting on Dee. 10. A $2700 a year. C od, P o rt M onm outh, Sidney Me* this organization. ' movie was shown and refreshments a preliminary hearing he had de­ With 17 coUnty schools.participat­ Promotions were ma^c possiblo Lean, Middletown, Thomas Roberts, ing in the program supppried by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gaub enter- •erved following the mectiug. manded his money from Mr. Brown by thc retirement' earlier in tho New Monmouth; altcrmptcs. Joseph State financial aid, a stockpile of taincd Mr, and.Mrs,. Riilph Foun­ The Ladle*. Guild of the Chapel on several occasions Without get­ year of former Chief Edwin ,C. Ckilick and Edwin L. Beekman jr., about 150 films is anticipated. Each tain, Neptune City, and daughter, of Our Saviour Will meet In Uie ting satisfaction, ‘ Sloat. \ Middletown. ' - movie will''be selected by tcachers LaVcrne, SUlvillc, N. Y.. T hanks­ parish hall on Dec. 0 at 8 p.m. . The .music tcachcr was remanded H o 1 m d c l.Rarltan Townships— to Middlesex County workhouse and previewed in advance: giving l)ay. Thc Young Peoples Fellowship of Harry Willey, Keyport, H enry Matawan P-TA Plans until bail wns furnished; ■ Thc commission met last week Mrs. Anna Ferry was thc guest, thc chapel were guests on Sunday Cross, Holmdel, Walter D. Brown? . of her son-in-law und daughter, evening of thc Y, P.-, F. of T rinity For Christmas Party Keyport; alternates, Charles T, GEORGE S. BARRETT & SON, INC. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaub at dinner Chuttfh, Woodbrldgc., The* Christmas meeting of the Young, Hazlct, and Robert Masorj MAIN ST. PHONE 1-0071 MATAWAH ’ Thanksgiving.- ...... -.-Mr.;.and. Brown of jr., Kcy*port, Thc entry submitted by Jimmy SprWfield. Pa., spent'seVenirdayiJ Matawan - Farcnt*Tcuchcr Associa­ 25 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS 'Arace, Brownlown, to the Roy lust week vhlting Jhc former's tion will be held In thc auditorium Roger Trjggcr Boy contest has been m other. M/% A r th u r ' Brown s t of th*e Matawan H igh‘School,. Wed­ Trinity Services . rTlv:'v“ BUT"-..... judged-worthy of winning one of Mr, aniT Mrs. Richard DulTord nesday evening, Dec. C, at 8 o’clotk. The First Sunday in Advent at Still Time to Have Your Rugs and the prizes. ’ and daughter, Winona, were among The program wijl be under the QUALITY BAKED GOODS Mrs. Mabel Doublier, teacher of twenty-live’ dinner guests on direction of Mr^. Alice Keating and Trinity Ephcopal Church will bc» ' furniture Cleaned. Oven fresh butter-crisp Rolls ihe primury grades fof the Brown* wlll'feature Yulctide songs, The celebrated with Holy Communion Thanksgiving of Mrs. Silos D. Give Your Home that “ NEW LOOK” . and Bread,- Parker House M -“town school, arranged a Thanks­ Conkling of Flanders. On Sun* high school girls glee club and a t 0 a .111. Thc church school session giving, program given by her pupils day e DufTord& w e re , dinner buys chorus, arid the elementary is at 10 a.m. • . ___ _ Rolls, Buns; also FR E SH " school choir, consisting of MudcntK • Tho annual . dinner and .parish for^'purcnts and friends. I guests at the home of Mrs. DufTord's a a RED BANK 6-2800 NOW! STOCK of LAYER GAKES, \ • Mr. andvMrs. Jacob Gaub, and .mother, Mrs. Clurcncc E, Turton from the fourth, .fifth -and sixth m eeting w ill be held M onday ,cvc«; For 38 Years Leading Rug and Furnlturo Cleaners grridcis will participate. Sevcra} ’nin£ Holy Communion will be JE L L Y R O L L S, PIES, Mis* Marie Gaub entertained at sr.,: Cranford. . . dinner Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Huupcr -of specialty features \#ill be presented. celebrated Wednesday morning at DANISH PASTRY, ETC. . Mra. W hiled Brown, and • son, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ The public Is Invited. . II a.m. ^ - LEON’S - Only the best ingredients used in all ■ ■Frederick, ; Cheesequake; Mr. nnd ence Hauser jr., Cedar Grove; Mr. Mrs. Nicholas Aracc, and sons, and Mrs.; Louis Boyce, Mrs. H. ’ . our bakery goods. . _Jumcirnnd;.Billy...... _ Bbycc -Of.. M atawnn; ...Sgt- D ave T c l^ K fjrpdrt 7-1167 24-Hour Servlco CLEANERS — LAUNDERERS . i Mr. and- Mrs.’ Bart' Gaub and Bruce, Fort Monmouth arid John THE C A K E BO X BAKE SHOP Mr, nnd Mrs. Paul Molnar, and Florino of New Brunswick were BAY SHORE SERVICE STATION 76 White St. Red Bank 6*2800 MBry Hickey Demery. Pxop. - d/m«htcrs. Arlene and Ann, wero guesLs of Mr. nnd Mrs, Clarence ANDY NUNZIATO ; JOHNNY FALCO ...... Call phone operator and have charges reversed. ; dinner guests of Mrs. Gaub's sister, Hauser, Thanksgiving. . 143 Main St. - °»-en Sund^* MATAWAN ... Mrs. Lentil; Tall, Keansburg, -. on Mrs. Mary Brown.entertained at Complete Line oi Transportation Needs ♦ "■"nrhnksgivihg. “_r ■ *■ "dlnherThiiincsgivlnghtr' mother - " “ Mr.: and Mi's. “Herbert' Cottrell Mrs. B.' Rr Qiiackotibush’ of-Frec- „WINTERIZATION SPECIALS br.,v entertained If) guests .al a holtJ, and Mri'. F ran k Sickle of . family dinner on Thanksgiving. Trenton. James Brown, n student * Wrecking Service—Insured and Dependable The guests were from Asbury nt Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Park, Koyport tind Perth Amboy. Troy, N. Y., spent thc .Thanksgiving State Highway 35, Keypprt, N. J. ; At the" recent Parent-Teaeher As­ holidays visiting his mother. t Near Six Corners * sociation mooting lt was announced Thomas Tcrgis who hns been that the eighth grade of Ihe Brown- spending a .month at. the..home.. of town- School will be in charge of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. the Christmas program on Dee,*20, and Mrs. Albert Robirwon, Arling­ S c r e e n s - ' combination d o o h s ton,* is: now --visiting her son and Frances M. Bradach...... dnughtor-in-IaWr Mr. and-Mrs... John ' LUMBEH - MlLLWOBtf - HOOFIHO Tcrgis o/ Roberl&villc. BUILDERS HABDWAHE ' Marks 4th Birthday MJks Sbpron Brown. Springfield, Pa.,\ was the weekend guest of Mr, . . Frances* Mary Braduch, daugh­ nnd Mrs. Ambcosft Green, Old Matawan Builders Supply Company ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradach, Bridge. ( / ' Atlantic Ave., Matawan. was given Thc . merchandise elub awurd 138 Lower Main Street _ a party recently in celebration ot went to Mrs, August Delfans-o and her fourth birthday. . .the turkey wns awarded to Albert Decorations were in pink and MATAWAN, N. J. H ansen. ' . ' blue.. Gaines were played and • Mrs. -Thomas ’ TergisJ* wns'J’ihd T»I. M A ltw tn 1-2535 WILLIAM Mi JTROTHEB prizes- warded Susnnne. .and dinner • guest h e r—sifttcri—M.las • ' General Contractor •Kathy Bennett, Sheila LasUo and Sara Partridge last Thursday. - Juck-Lambcrt. ..The Ladles Guild of Jhe Chapel Other guests were Bradford is sponsoring ,n card party at D;30 Bradach and Frank Lasko, Mata* p.m. Dec. H, In the parish linll; ■ ' . wanL_.Willlam M arshall, P ort Mon- Mrs. Louis- H eiser sr, wiu# a din* CH ARLIE’S MATAWAN-INN month; Mrs. Mary Vaganekj Mr. nor guest at thc hom e o f h e r son* ona Mrs.' Julius Vaganc^-Gary Rte. 9-4 at Freneau Ave. ’ ’ Matawan In-law and daughter, Mr* ahd ( TelejihoneMatiwan 1-3207 • Vngnnck’. Mrs, Anna Krassc, Ron? Ffanl^' Seabury of Keyport, on aid, Claude aad Carl Krosse, .Mr«, Thanksgiving Day. ' ‘ Anna Sangrito and Gail Sungrfto, ------" ...... - ' Specialising In . ' •— ' Perth Amboy. ' . Big Family Workers Get a INDIVIDUAL TOMATO PIES Honor Women At' • Turkey^ At.Lavoie Labs SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS ..... Double Shower . JUMBO HOT SAUSAGE SANDWICHES A total of 41 turkeys were , Orders to lake out. . . , donated, by—'Lavplo-Laboratories Mr. and Mrs. DUncan Black, Telavlilott nightly. ChpUo .WInos and'Liquors. Inc. to thclr employees before entertained at’ a double shower O PEH A L L Y E A R . Thanksgiving. Twelve of thc tur­ Sunday night In ' honor of Mrs. keys were given employees claim­ Karl Claus and Mrs.. John J. ing six or more‘dependents. They Sliehan. . A vere Theodore Szyinanskl, ‘Herbert . Other gyests were Mr. und Mr.*. Griswold. John Cottinghnm, John Milton Gunkle, ’ Mr. and Mm , Burdulis, Richard Domlny, John George Mongon, Mr. and Mrs, W. "It's Right there in the .Jnckstin. Frederick Blankcn, Mar* W, Boesewetter, Mr. ' and Mrs. tin Gallucel, Alfred Frankp, Charles . Charles Mundcville. Mr. nnd Mr.s, Taynor, Stanley Slutter.und Joseph TELEPHONE DIRECTORY” Rollln*RIchards,'Mrs. James Street, Grjmth. ; • ' , Mr. Clnus and Mr. Shehnn.’ 4 • • Actually, neatly two out of three Tho remaining 20 turkeys were Look A head . .. al your Ford Dsalor's Spring Suspension. Bolh 'team with new Gifts were sent by Mr, nod Mrs. quality and quiet, the 95-h.p. Six. Both distributed to the following after of the numbers foe whidTpcoplc .. Frcdcrick Mauer, Mr. nnd Mrs.” today! look at Ihe '51 Ford! . "Viscous Control” Shock Absorbers to give of, these engines pfTerthe Automatic Mile-- a drawing took place; Dolorc* Pau* ask Information »te in yout Tele, Frank Ruisbeck, and Mr, and Mrs. you o relaxing ride, o level ride—no lln, 'Anna Bennett, Ann Watsey, phone Pircctory. O f cowrsc, oil o ge Maker that matches timing to fuef Fr-Angua-Davis.i ------1 Hero’s lh« car designed and buill not just Maltha Zchnlck, Amin DcllnPletro; jounce, no pitch, no roll! ; new numbeti tml numbers not ~ for Ihls y e ar and next,, but for the years chdrges to that every drop of*gasoline is Mary Mcglnley, Anna Lutz, nud* ... yet listed in thp directory, you'll to come. To stay in style, to slayryoung in Yes you'll ride W comfort in the now ’51' used—hone wasted. j ■ - Matawan MiY.F. Unit ' olph DyrofT. Chiirles K lug, A lberta need Information's 'help. ' ...... ~ " - Represented At Roily G allart4 ,.M arlon Vc8cl,i«. Reginald performance, to stay th rifty ), ...... Ford ; ond yen'll ride in style, too! And in (he new '51 Ford you 'are offered Lowe, Robert Corcoran, Edna '• Our, even then, It's wise to Inside and out, you’ll find boauty in every a- choice of three adVonced tronsmissions .*.• Members of thc Methodist Youth Boyco, Edw ard Stein, M ichael Wit* jot down the ni)mber she gives It’s th e *51 F o rd with 43 new "Look detail of styling, coachwork. and finish —the Conventional Drive, the Overdrive,* ; .Fellowship of tbe First McthodiBt kosky, William Long, Walter Ham* you (or future use. The Personal Ahead" features—every ono planned -af this Ford. And it is befsuty that Church of Matawan. attended a mcr, James Chll, John Speck, Numbers Booklet, which any ■ and Fordoinatlc Drive,* the newest and and .engineered for the years aheqd. lasts because the; Quality Is there! sub-district rally in1 Atlantic llffch- Harold Skay, Helen Peters, Elizn* I ’eicphune Business OfFtcc will lie finest of all automatic transmissions. Visit beth Houlday, .Victor UrkolT, Giorth . , ,lands on Monday. Pledges were Kladtogiveyou/rffi ' " You'll find i such advances as the new your Ford Dealer today, to see and Esposito, Myron Tanncbaum, Bert You can. have your choke of two . . ^nadq. to (he Methodist Youth Fund. is perfect for .the Automatic Ride Control that makes even ;A > social hour followed thc devo* Boycc, Mary Sica and George Mat-: great Ford economy engines! the world- "Test Drive” this finest Ford ever bvilll p u rp o se.­ rough roads easy on you—easy on t|je r Hiona!'period...... thews, . famous, 100-h.p. V-B or its companion in * aift-v mf. ■■ . ' ‘ iiH , i i ’-.the r'V..Mul»wun M.Y.f. meets -- '* ; - , • ■<{)• ■ '• " ” ' ’ r‘A car itself! Thli unique new springing system regulurly every Thursday at 7:110 Havo you rfcad tho claMlfled adAt automatically adjusts spring reqetion to : p.m, iji tho church. wh<*n u■ deVo* road conditions. Automatic Ride Control ~ :ttonai BerviCc-vaftd mesial pgogrnm Dig rooa Specials Includes Advanced ' "Hydra-Coil" Front You can pay more b u t y o u c a n t b u y b e l t e r ' lis' hetcL . ^ ' Springs >and nfw Varldble'-Rate Rear ■ Every Day, at the ’ i. Hinds At Gordon A ' ' ' ' Albert w! Hinds of .'Matawnn. MIDWAY SUPER MKT. ' 'who entered the Arm#-recently 1ms UPPER ■ MAIN ST. NEAR (cnmplctcd'recruit, training nt Fort HIOrtWAY 34. MATAWAN Come in and 4 est Drive” it Ttihy : Dix and ia now ol Camp Gordon, IiU address 1<. Rudla Opn, Co., , FREE DELIVERY ■, s i313tlrSi8nnf Opn, Bn., '4 Phone: MAtawan , Cffd of Thank, / - ' !r TliS. family of (lie late Arthur 1 - 0 0 9 1 G eorge S. Barrett & Son, Inc. i ill. Bcown wishes ta thank jill thoso ;: w ho wrfe ;so’ • kind durtni! their You can phone in CTpedally tiie 7 ; MAIN STREET, MATAWAN ‘ -l-.flev,.' .Jiunci". A. Cuswcller and ; • your orders, > 'Bodlo FunCral Hoinc. ’ J30nd<,, -T7" THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE ONE—SECOND SECTION.

• PvjL C larence Long, -19, s o n of f; r'Aksel A. Serva, Bedle Rdi, Key- NelUe tfacksoh, lOQ lvlaple Pl., ;port, arrci»t6d forica'rercss’'driving< Found Off East Pt. Keyport, haa completed his basif jpaid $5 fines' and $3 costs in the indoctrination; course-at Lacklandfcourt of Magistrate. Andrew J. ^.ir Force Base, hear San Antonio, j Desmond, Woodbridgc.-Nov. 20. Irvington Man Lost •Tex. -Pvt.oLong will be assigned to — ■ . ■ ■ ■ . Nov. 20 Comes To Top an Air Force unit, or to a technical) T o r tient". and “For Sale** signs Of Water In Five Days training program. may be purchased at this office.

funeral services were held Mon­ day in'Irvlngton for Albert Wedge* bury, 32, whose bbdy w ai recovered from thc waters of'Raritan Bay off East Point, Union Beach, Friday, by . Sgt. John Saunders. Union Bcach police. The body was spot­ I n K E Y P O R T ted afloat by boys playing in the meadows and they notified policc. for greater S A V I N G S , Mr. Wedgebury lost his life Nov. A LL 78 r.p.m . •^Tw henTarow boat, '..ini’ which_}ic and his brother-in-law, Edward Q uality and Selections, Ricbold,.Lake Hiawatha, went out Record Album s to retrieve a duck they had shot, plus Prom pt Service. capsized. Both n>en clung to tty; boat but thc wind kept blowing them offshord. They Anally let go of the boat to swinV Ashore. Mr. 'Ricbold barely mode it against Uie 5 0 % O F F force of wind and sea. Mr. Wedge* bury sank* from exhaustion after swimming some distance and was COLUMBIA BING CROSBY lo st.- ...... CAPITOL.... Search for him MondayHighl and PERRY COMO Tuesday was unavailing. Mr. Itie- VICTOR .... bokl told Union Bcach *jcitlpc that DECCA . TONY MARTIN* he and Mr. Wedgcbury had kicked off their boots and trousers -when the boat began to fill with water ’and leaped into the bay In aii Nothing Barred. Come in now effort to rcach^ sliore. - . . T he p a lr“tfScl been e a rlie r refused the rental of a boat by Josoph 44 W. Front St. Cummings, operator of na boat PETE'S, Inc. landing onT’ront St., Union Bcach, KE 7 -2 7 0 0 who had closed dow^i his conces­ ; KIDDIES! sion because of the bad conditions caused by. a gale which blew all day, Nov. 20. , Mr. ’ Cummings Identified . the SANTA CLAUS is coming to KEYPORT boat used by thc men as one of hit* ahd Union Bcach police surmised that thc^men took one of the boats this SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. He on the beach and, using driftwood § paddles, went out in the bay. uw Mr, Wedgcbury's death occasion- ONLY led commcnt on the fact that hunt* is due on the Reindeer Train at 6:15 p.m. & In*;?‘licenses found on his body after -• . . . . . t ' ■ ' • , his death indicated him to have 21 MORE * ! • " ' I been an experienced sportsmen ...... ' ‘ , • 1 , * „ ' .. I ' useid-to—the^hazardsof-thc ^pursuit of,game and fish. He, had Just re­ SHOPPING turned'. from a hunting trip to Maihc thc day before his death. Froin D ecem ber 8 until C hristm as AU the money known to have been DAYS oh hi& person was'also found in­ tact when his body was pulled Stores w ill b e open till 9 from the water. . UNTIL M r., Wedgebury is survived in LIONEL TRAINS ■addition to Mrs. Riebold,' his sister, , every evening. ’by-'his mother*'Mfs. Alice Wedge* CHRISTMAS bury, Irvington. He was single ' ' ■ * • - * ' w. and a veteran of World War II. Puffs Smoke and Whistles! VISIT OUR TOY r BASEMENT Lionel .Trains, Dolls, In Tavern Brawl Carriages,, Scooters, IN APPRECIATION v - Wagons, Games. -­ AK/E, the KEYPORT MERCHANTS,. desire to inform tho I Park Inn Owner Is USE OUR LAY-AWAY BAYSHORE SHOPPING POPULACE of our sincere Cleared Of Assault SHOP EABLY PLAN! , appreciation for your consistent patronage throughout the year At Hearing . WHILE THC SELECTION . SELECT NOW • • • in our KEYPORT STORES and our other business places. It . The first dismissal of an alcoholic IS LARGE. has been indeed a genuine pleasure to have boon of service to ibcvcragc complaint- since tho pres^ PAY LATER! [gent Keansburg admininstration took you and we hope that our offorts to please, both in servicc oml office in May, 1019,' Was recorded in quality of merchandise, have succoeded. - - Monday night whcn Mayor Felix J. Brennan and Councibnan Leon A. A 17 E shall do our utmost to retain your confidence. If.wo can Vaitt voted to drop a -complaint hgaln5t the‘ Park Inn Cafe, Main . * v be of any service to you in solving your holiday shopping jat,-and Park Ave., Keansburg. problem*, don’t hestiate to present them to u s ...... Thc complaint stated that a “braw l wa& p erm itted on th c prem* MAY We SUGGEST T’HAT YOU DO AS MUCH OF YOUR ases, but the charge Was dropped pn grounds of insufficient' evidence CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AS POSSIBLE AS EARLY AS YOU find that contradictory stories rc- CAN. YOU RECEIVE BETTER'SERVICE, A FRESH AND nrdlng the incident had been pre* entcd by witnesses. . LARGER SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. The Park Cafe is operated by —K. B. A. eo Ragin and Peter Pcltz. The illcged fight, which reportedly oc­ curred on Oct 1, involved. Mr. Ragin and a man named Orvlle asler of Belford. Grand jury ac* |loft on the Incident is still pend* KEYPORT’S CO OPERATIVE MERCHANTS §ng,. ‘ ‘ * . Testifying for Mr. Caslcr were Keyport Hardware Co. Hopla Motors (Studebakcr) Andrew J. Goosley, Juweleri Robert Martin, a piano playor at Bay Drug Store - Bright Spot Radio Shop Ben’s Beauty Shop |he cafc, his wife, • Eleanor, and father, Charles Ludlow, all of Keyport Jewelers & Opticians Warn’s Drug Store Glamour Beauty Center Keansburg. Mr. Caslcr also tcsti* Conklin’s Men’s & Boys’ Wear Sav-On Drugs . Hollywood. Service Station ficd. • Feigenson’s Shoe Store Hoffman's Rcxnll Drug Store Kollo’s Post House Thc defeiisc presented testimony Keyport Pet Supplies House of Eng (Chinese*Amer. Rest.) Acme Super Food Markets by . William Dowling, a bartender 7w e a J C ' ^t the cafc. George Pelose of Youth Ccnter Quality Bakery Ye Cottage Inn , . iCeansburg, a patron, and Mr. 1 x4 & D O H. B. Thomas Co., 5c-10c-$1.00 Store Cohen’s Package Goods Store : _ Peoples National Bank Ragin. ,■ Ilorbert Greenstone, Newark, Bar-Rich, The Corner Drug Store Fabric &Yarn Center Keyport Banking Co, ■ ^represented the tavern owners, and Costa’s Confectionery, Theo. Pappas Atlantic Appliance Co. Brown Publishing & Printing Co. jaccfbrdlng to tliclr story, Mr. Ragin j. J; Newberry Co. 5c-10c & $1.00 Single System Laundry Pete's Inc;j Home, Appliance ' fstruck Mr. Caslcr in self defense ■after , tlic latter reportedly threat- Moloney’s Market Outlet Store (Broad St.) Star Beef Co. , , . , le n e d to h it M r. R agin )V{th an ash Keyport.Sewing Machines, Inc. >, Smith’s Bar & Package Goods ~ Molly Pitcher Super Markets |Uay.-^*, - " 'f' West Furniture Co. • — ~T '"i ■ Kalma’s Keyport Greenhouses Wilbur's Dress Shop W JVallace .(Men’s Wear) :i„ Auto Boys (Toys & Accessories), .. ReportsBoat Stolen A& P Food Stores ...... _ LaZare’s Shoes . Strand Luncheonette (next to Theater) My Smart Shoppe • Fred Hcgman, BrooMde Dr., Muriel Frocks ...... * - — .. Modern Shoe Store (Next lo P. O.) Jersey Central Appliance...... f ClilTwood iBeach, rep o rted to Mat* Euwan Township, police Thursday Alpine Dept. Store Hubert’s Market (Opp. P. O.) Marion’s Restaurunt Ithat his 14*foot boat, * valued at Jeannette Shop .. Keyport Auto Supply , . .Keyport Cleaners & Dyers . pi$0. was stolen f rom * tbe dock The Arnold Shop , Linda’s-Beduly Sulon here lt was moored. » 'Bayshore Stationers Buhler & Bitter (Hudson Cars) Prage/s, Leading" Jewelers Raritan Garage ' ‘ ( : H ave y o u read tho classified adaT Straub Motors (Kaiser-Frazer) Panabct’s Sweet Shop Jv Leon Schanck & Son ' ,«

THESE PROGRESSIVE* MERCfiANTS ARE PREPARED TO SOLVE YOUR “C” WILLIAMS PROBLEMS AND GIVE YOU EFFICIENT, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERV­ for ICE DURING YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYING TOURS OF THESE STORES. BUY NOW WHILE THE HOLIDAY STOCK IS LARGE AND THE MERCHAN­ Better Plumbing DISE FRESH. THIS K. B. A. TRADE MARK IS THE KEY TO CONFIDENT arid BUYING IN THESE STORES...... Heating Cellars Pumped JO H N B. ALLEN CO. Oil Burner* Electric Water Heaters 93 Broad S t R e d B a n k Tel. 6-0267 j o b b i h g ~ PiwnpJlT JU tnM To. Ou If.w tin , m u P m I O K c i BU5 INE5 5 MEN5 [14 Cedar SL ■ %*+ 7-UH PAGE TWO f* SECOND lEl&ndN THE-MATAWAN- matawah h, j> THURS&AY. NQVEWBE-R 30, 195a H an d ic a p 17 ,17. - 1 7 . D p , pUrk New Matawan Humbles TWO WV0TA1, PLAYS, IN KEYPOKTOTAWAN GAME Matawan Quintet Woman s Monday >• vv. * j -M8.:,708, '■“ m At a|| Stock Racec M*rao?t'i Ph»rn»?y HI Don pl^jrjtd a r k pf ^?umt Pleas­ L. B oyer ...... 120 1J0 133 K fjrppii <0 ; ... ant flnaHy'iaH y' camecai into his'ow n1 last L. Brack . 14 6 - too 138 week at; Wall ' Stadium, Belmar, L. Dricklcr . 142 137 136 J . K ohrs •...... 12(j 107 170 T o p p l e d when* bp ’stared out the day by ;; Ground Attack ...... ' 80-36 Jn City M. H o urahan . 107 100 IIS 137 D. C asey ...... 1 4 3 J44 tum|ng (n a fast 3:11.1 time, to -- - Raiders Forced To Air! , L e a g u e play In A s b u r y iBlind ... 118 110 110 H Puglisi ...... 138 . 178. 133 D,. -Kenner. ;.;.. 120- 110 157 capture the''opening 10-lap event ;. Arm»trpnpr Lo*er* St«r Handicap'..' ...V"...'.. _ 8 ' . .J) :, ' Fumble Ruins Chance D. Heinkc . 100 154 133 and weQt. pn tfl jake the mpin in n e a r record tim e o f 0:20.4 leading Hnndljrap-v.;.'. fl , ~ m 068 72^ \b n Thanksgiving moaning Mata^ ’ Matawan • poys Club sufTored In current high point driver Dick ' wnn rcsumecj domipahcc of the iheir sccond defeat in Ashury park ■ Gentile's Market (1) • 630 8Q5 Williams, Cheesequake. City Lcagtie'. play, Monday when 002 M. Casonc i.'.-....140 103 134 — Koyport-Matawpn gfiti -scries after Another outstanding driver who «Vt>nc*year lap se w hen the M aroon S tra in s S tores guve ‘theih a n 80-30 Fowlsr'i (3) J. Lynch ...... 144 117, IH has 'finally found the proper com­ .trimming. ,S\ich former Noptqnp J. Paris ...... 147 137 185 £JJnd ...... 110 IIP 119 and Steel gowned the Red and bination is Bill Karzonak. English* White 18-7 in lhejr anpuai gapie, H, S. luminaries as Marv Atkinspn, P. McKeen . •••. iio . 114 137 J. o j a h , ..... 156 121 15-1 town, whose driving in tho George Mike Polly and George Perkips F. Marshall . . . . IH 119 139 B. Osip. ____ 193 136 T he content on flSc M otawan flelej Jasko "set-Up - car- was just short of Was w itnessed by~ ov er 2500 fans proved far Iqo much fOj* tl)e for- M. M ulltan ,140 . 120 130 H andicap ...... , . 1 0 16 sensational with .Karzonak winning - “"T?Yrn—though—th,ere—w fls*~qT ajpy of the Maroon and L. Miller ... * ... 130 117 131 botlv his heat and semiflrtal and Trlzzle" Sefore"game time, r 1 ^ .1 — __ •768- -612­ -701} p rovldiiiga~ c'orista'nTlT.th7eajr7't()“ coo- GC7 732 ; W V Despite tho score, the issue of i; Matawan made a battle of it for Clark in the main only to suffer a ^ele'fl Inc; (3) B ow ne’s ...... 2 4 3? ' the .gaipe was/ not settled until only the first few minutes. Atkin* spin-out in the late stages of the M. M oran 13?: 117 . j Fowler’s .7 ...... / 22 34 midway M thc fourth quarter. Tyith ix m .w ilh a charity toss and Pojly race so ihot he was forced to bo 5. Schwnm .... 140 m Marquct's — . 1 9 17 th * score 12-7 pgainst Ihem, one of with a free throw and crip sent t)ie coritcnt with third spot. .'i jiiimbor of bud Matawan passes Joe Harflt, one of lhe p&rlpers in Hlflb'* lariieji brq^b®J’*' epf. i* thtnwn «)reak\n9 ip, ihe clear Strauss teartvinto a 4-0. lead at the piind ...... 120 120 Kcyport Rec ...... 17 for a Malawan touchdown, juti as nit brother Dan hai. done bn a number‘of other occaiions throughout the It is expected thut more than from center j»ave Keyport posses start. Bill. Fitzpatrick and1 .Ken plind ...... 137 137 Gcntilp’s ...... '• . 17' . i i leason. Ed Roman, full back, (b2), appears lo be Keyparti beat hope of cutting Joe down, but the Matawaii 40 • caps will be in comp.eiition . at kIoii on' the Huskies’ ;7-yarrf Jjjne Banks erased this early fnargin A. Hcinold . . 145 128 Pete's . Inc...... 17' - J ? speedster got away. t • ' Wpjl Stadium this Sunday from the early in tho foyrth quarter. TSyo (igainst Motawan with double­ h an d icap 11 . II V Ahern’s 1 .,...... 15' 2) cojiiljincd proups, Shore Raqc Club rushes brought Keyport to the six dockers. H. U Scott ...... ; 13 .23 When a fumble by Polo Robinson C85 081 705 ari(f Topis River Speed Kings.- A^rom that point it was strictly Close conipetitlon and rough recovered by Oscar Butch, for pp. contest Stjauss pickcd up an / H- L. S c o t's (0) Club Annpuuces A ^ rd ^ ... Matawan and.this.ended the ijnal E. B enncti . . . , ‘ " “ action shouicl keynote this Sunday’s e^ght-point margin in the first The Auxiliary of^lhe. itajjan- events which will "scc: all of the ’ lied and While threat. opartcr, increased it (o |0 at half D. Johnson American .6ocIal.' .Club! VUnibrj “lojp1 pew- profcssipna/s’ in^^ action in : Keyport'had-an. early chanco cn /Ipie, and went wild in thd third Jt. Krugpr. Beach, has .announced merchurtaUo a', seven-event card scHedulcd ..for . a reaivered /umbje but"wa& stopped frfjme to;pun up a';21r5'count in l . w o i p , , ; . awards made'at” th,cjirvte^nt»rnte|5 ia'2’'p;!hrstttrtr;r‘; • .by Matawnn on the 15. The home Jhat s|apza and ouiscQrcd Matawan H.*- Scoit ing to M rs...M oily.JDeSt(xfani.'Ttw •. ' g r A. Bowne' ... ___ ' McQuarrie turned ahd twisted their A dam s, f ; ...... 2 H andicap ...... way on ground plays to tfct inside Armstrongv f ...... 7 the Kcyport 30 and then Joe Harris McQuire, f V ... 0. raced away on a naked reverse beviin, c .. . ; . . o ’ for the touchdown. jttUro, c .... r Keyport came back and took- the nfpn. -(19). K«yport's paBSrplUhing Sppciellit. is sjtown trapped beh}nd Mh* il|ie fey styrgin?' M ay. 8 • ...•. l lead on a fine display of forward JJtUawsn forwwfi pn an attempted pass play. Rofcln»op if seeking |p ru»h lh# ball qut Mat'aw^n Jqcklerp g s.. 3 passing by Jtobinson. The Keyport i r y l o b ring d ^ n f q y « Ip.ji, ; . .. 4 Kelly, g ... : . . . i passing attack- was well-tjoncolvpd McCormick, . . . . o in thto 02-yard drive, Robinson Cohter—Burnette. Fitzpatrick- •. . . . . 3 kept hitting' Mnt Coucci; and Ed Philadelphia. ,. Tlie Vniyersity of I^acks—D. Harris, J* Harris, Sher­ Pennsylvania has listed a game Roman with passes to the left <33 with Will/am and Mary /or;105l_ ; . io Jackie Mi.rro feinted to the right- man, Scally, Collard, Maurer, Mc- L O O K I N G Qupirric, Morrow. on Nov. 3. Before this season' Sirauss Stores (80) When it wap the fourth down with Keypori (7) ...... started,. Dick Ziegler tried' rto . •...... ,...... G largo yardage to ro from the Mai#: arrange n trip'for Matawah fans EJndfr—CouccI, Firestinc. I T OVER Atkinson, f . 3 wan 23. Robinson di J-UW ijJA if penalty agains* Kcyport resulted --Points -after—touchdown—Roman sliow_put^on..byuhe_bands*_twJrlej:&. 'River, who" scored "CO" po i ft'tsr ip the ball being put down on the (line-buck). and ether students of both schools I’LL GET BY SUNDAY and MONDAY Pec.. 3-4 one-yard lina The Red and White OfTictols*—Pigfiitore, Jacobs, Pa- was better than ever this yc^r and Harris was at one time Aied with S t o k e r ani} fl ip w e r Owner*, In Technicolor'. . . .C ontinuous ,Sunft. f t * iummamisismmmoi V arlese ...... 108 a grntefiJil “w ell ^done” several bad passes from ccntcr.. 212 m D. H a rris,'K Jo t ‘ 30 "* COMEDY i NE W . - CARTOON Plind ...... 135 « * ' *, « W ALK I q FT^Y One of these bgd parses gave J35 135 Mirro, Key. 30 D orl ...... 1B8 ,170 210 /•D O N McQVARRIE,. 123-pound. T # t « » t» W » J-IJM STRANGER Keyport the ball on tiie' Matawan Hunter, Mat. ... 18 Glnter .|5„ ...... , . 178 103 ' scat back, should be un. out- eight f*r the Key’s big final quarter 144 Roman, Kqy. . • • • 13 stmding performer for Mntawan Ffl.. Pet. ; ' D tc . 1-2 T«l»vii|pn In Lourtg* TUESDAY «i»4 WEDNESDAY Dec. 6-6 cjmnce. The Maroon apd SteeL had Swpp, K ey...... 13 M«|ln«» B»lUf()oy ml 1:33 , A37 ■WQ flI7 "next year. He needs . jnore .^sustained u .bgd brgpk late Jn the1 tycQuorrio, Mat. 1Z M«OfMvtfu . '• . • John'* B m ' (3) wcijiht around the shoulders to third quarter when an unnecessary give added force to the twisting Coucci, Ke/. . . 0 . Stellft - ....: WyckofT ...... 1 0 8 148 200 '' Apn ph.rldsn - Victor Maiura The NEW rqufihhcss'pcnalty gave the'Raiders; and spinning that his perfect J. Harris, Mat. .. 0 . ' ■ ' ' *110 ' • . ' e|Eti GABSON wuieb PIOGEON Johnson . . . . 1 5 3 101 a flrst‘down at the Huskies’ 22 late 17S pnir of football legs provide. It 8cally, Mat...... 0 story of P en elti ...... 1B1 182 109 The Palomino in. Uie third quarter. Jftypoft, wo? is ^thcr u tough commcrjl to Shermon. Mat. • • 3 , in Technicolor NOW thru SAT. E ciber ...... ;7 5 fceloved 1P4 102 write about a great performer, Robinson, Key. ,. 1 Jercuae CourtlKhd Costic ...... 241 183 “ B*verl^Tyler SCOTT ' Matawan took over on their 1$ as 337 Dan 'JTarrJs, but Mntawan octu- Taylor, .Mat...... Mrs. Miniver! the period ended. They could not ally may have been better off RtyJvil festuxe 0||uTfl*^ Nlghl D A R K C I T Y jbhiHODIAK* ieoGENN wiln appreciably and on fl fQurlh m 808 m with just one Jlarfls, brother1 — P!“* — ■■ • down lineup to punt, the pass from S trother's (1) V. • Joe, in the Keyport game. Thc Ypu Were'Meapt Mifk.y R09NFV Harris brothers are both runners ■O^TlPbN :■ S^OET . COMEDY center sailed over tht kicker’s head D avino . r \, 170 178 IDS of the same type, speedsters to For Me A Sussmon ...... ICO 103 ti , p,with Oulu HE’S COCKEYED and Ted Flrestine, Haider end, 150 the outside. They arc speedsters Dinnerware to - the La^iei at A ll Performances pdtinccd on it on "the Matawan B ark er , ...... 134 154 ... WONDER to the inside too, but they peed THEATER $un., Mon. - . D,?. 3-4 eight. . Powelfion 138 157 1G3 a good ho}? iP the llpe opened Conilnuous Sunday Irom 2t00 SUN.thra Tl/ES, . '.Trolling only 12*7, thU looked Sardella ...... 150 1?0 157 -for them to moke n qiiiclc getn- KEANSBURG, N. J. ' W ednw ^y Matinees l^ke Key port’s chance to ffo ahead P m in p , ...... ^ •.... 1J5 way. McQuarrio, p ipore de­ Opposite 'Public School The Petty Girl H!|* IfAYyfpBTB . Phqne ICeapaWurt >P$6o for a winning margin, but4 after ttyo liberate type of runpcr, <1 RoW«y» Joan C««in*ld . J Discontinued Unfil Further Notice. •' rushes gained oniy two yards, . , 707 850 777 ford to get off tho mark more ■*■' color’ l>y‘ Technicolor. sJowiy and pick hi* spots for ~ p lU 4 ‘ * nqbinion ,fumbled and Butch, re Amtriein Loolon b i Continuous Sunday from 2 p.m. aI«o ’ JMI) HMH.OW covered fer the decisive.'break of P. Kruser ...... 187 167 170 getting throu«!> behind jnterfcr- fcrfrpmnnccH start nt 0:40 p.m. Am,rte»'* Jto,y io)4 l)V . in | .i n i I,,,. . t i. iii iij,. once which'con keep pace up ... Arthur God£{«y ' PLATINUM BLOfjpE tiio Gapie„..A good run by McQunr* BIN ...... ____ J35 135 135 front. With 'Joe Harris a fast- rie «ot Matawan’ out of danger and 174 F ri.. 8 «t. D?c. 1-2 SO Veqr* Before ( Next THUPS-, FRI., ;SAT. ifoftcaftlM ••• •<. 100 ^79 “breaking ' gictavvar1 runner;’ Wc-. » Start, wpD. a mixture of run nnd passes carried Blind ...... ,..135 135 -135­ Quarrle, a threader and .twister " Ypur Eye? lhe Maroon and Steel downfleld to B . K ru ser ...... 147 130 104 10 the inside, and Jack Sherman, A F011 Length Feature Eleanor PARKER UNION STATION nuiiT ROMAN where it could do the Keys little a good piup^or, Motawan had Starring Tu*i„ W«d.. Thuri.. . good when they dkj recover the ['•' 770 .755 017 a nicely balanced backfidld ^ William Holden THREE SECRETS . ball on downs. Robinson was put Fo«» Hil| Truclclng (I) against Keyport. Just remem­ . P W ' S’®*7 1 — p liil— .. " also : under the need t|> pas<* from near P ep - 100 215 177 ber, two Motawan touchdowns were called bock. The Men THE NEXT VOJC^ Ms own end zone and Huntor inter Overly ....Vi . 1B0 203 170 Jaek C§y|op as thf Mjjiop prinAe - ?•»)* weight ceptcd one of these heaves tq gallop kprlenhousc . 177 , 100 170 W.dn*>d«y'an(t Thuridmy YOU HEAR H " " 0 |4 DaKh Mill »tnj»»r»»t» 1ft yards for the final ficon?. Sni'dellu ... .1 0 2 172 ms • POTOMAC 9TATE, With two Keyport high graduate?/, Bill Prown THE GOOD T h ere *were plenty of good plays Sihw nric .lio o 102' 227 and Jay Domowist,, pliiylng on the made by both sides. Jack NJchtilt team, hopes to haslt in {ho sunshine HUMOR M N iyasi outstanding in th e K ey p o rt 1)50 042 024 of CallforplQ. W21 170 200 Ro?e §#wj flnro^at Paspdehn as the THE FOREIGN LEGION Matawan line so well that the Rqd T. Lafayette ...... 180 187 181 En^’s representatives, Po t o m n q THURS. and FRI. State, known os the Catamouhl'ti, \ w ith . apd White offensive -was forced to Sloven* ...... 160 220 101 ...... Htta HAYWORTH flnish^d iii fl tfirpo-wny tJ Morris Jforvoy and* . . ‘ M plVUM. , . . . . throttled , cold. • ?42 027 051 Wpst Liberty On thp West Virplniq . j *h i iia h l o w ■ pan Harris,. Matawan-’s groat B»r H (0) IntcrcoUeglato Football Confcrenco. THE WOMAN ON breakaway runner, $ouId hpbt>le Milo ...... 177 '143* 183 The only game they lost oil siw tl PLATINUM BLQNPp through only a few minutes ofpUjy A ui«qck .. 100 . . . . 122 was to a non-corifer?n,cfi outflt, the PIER 13 . in his final game for thc Maroon Moor? ...... ?0D 147 G eorge Washington university - L^raino Day - Robert ^t;>n SAT. ONLY. {jiild Steel. He aggravated' a leg “’ease ...... 150 215 134 Jrcshraen. Te Dec. 3-4 ■ • . . — McKenna .... urn in, 1051 when the Scarlet op?na ' ■ - i ■ ■ tls o - . . . T ■IVfl m ' ■, also " *;' p a l o m in o 32 Broad St. ■ v ; Keyport ^ 4 FJr$t j>owhs Rushing 0 Shamka ...... ISO 178, u s t? fiome w as^n'|n a came aiiain&t Ssl. Hite — P U r *p*WIK. ' i FJrirt Downs Passing .. 4 ^io Mtwntalnecrt. - Hebert CUMMINGS la ' M onsees ...... 197 m 100 FATHER HAKES QQ0D — jrpB BLACIC ^OOK“ 2 ., Firri povni -penalties .. j Schaefer ..... 223 ... ♦ • * r ■; 8UH. «nd MOHt ..- 225 ■107 with H^ymqnd Valfeurr) Tol. Yds. Gd. Scrim, (net) 137 J. Tfuulson ... . . ? i 3 ?3D; 173 •ED WEDEn, cK-Matqwan |(ieh Evety fcfondir •'ft FrM«ir rONTAlNE . " T0P NSMES IN T A L P E D ENTERTAINMENT J 64 . . Yards Cdfncd Riuliing .. 47 grid ace, scored one of the touch­ puy Sctesnp.' Hundreds y ‘ . " ' ' ■' ' downs in Wllllnin und Mary's Frl.. Sat, 19. Attsnd. BORN TO BE BAD -9 1 -.-VstdslJMt Bushins:.,,, u 010 003 879 D .f, M «... :■ — plus— , Also Snacka gp the'House . .. Yarfl* GsilHXf Fdssins . 161 34-0 windup win over North W L Carolina - State in tiie upset of VICTIM o r ATTACK (J . . . . Ptfaes AttonipW J7 John's Bar .. 20 IO PEGGY Tue*^’ Wed.,Thurs./ - - 'the day Saturday. Weber wos Dac. 54-7 Watch for next.week's Lsle'l* 1 . . . . fk w s u Completed 7 014 Dutch Tavern .. 10 12 out most of this season with v in Technicolor OUTRAGE . i , . -Passe? i n t e r c e p t f}y , . Q nictuitd W ID MARK Ur attraction of 8ro«4tr»y Butrew's. Eestaurant. ,..1 8.„. 12 Injuries. Tho Indians hod. ji .. ' . . with ...... X ,. Xlada. JMLBNCLI. In atar« of club • lame. ' 4 ...... ' Fumlfles 3 B «e Hill Trucking . .. 17 iWMfo year pWt, but the trjufnph Dlini Lynn - Chitlu Cebutn TUE8. aa4 -WEO. ' 13 "N O WAY OUT*' Dpn't mla| in • ‘ ;/ ./Number of Puntff 4 American Lesion s.. .. 12 18 Southerft Coherence, restores BOWERY BOYS In . RIGHT CROSS Iff t; Ave. plstanoe Puot« •. 2) . pifir ♦tandira jtnona Uie ^rli; Bar H ... I J2 rX|)<»Sl.B IK DlBOUISE” T— ID .jlU ' W H-iU 1 tW.J>.,Url.,l;»,« Never a^Jqll moineiti; — W«t»w*n (11) 1 Iron elect. Mflfenvaiv fana hovjp a ehnncs I f sco the ip p n e r |how. DaUy al Mi PM. i Ends—Taylor, 'Hunter, Wolfe 0B6ER . at -the Oil Burner kni Boiler Cleaning Maraoh nfirt Steel acj ln a0Upn ■ il;lln ii n*a Bank • rmtold Gi Marvel, Faricllo, out of yoj5 U Ih* CMllon lilt. u4 MS BJI. next seoson, .t)|.i senior year, PtY W f . Monmouth Hotel . • OMwjtr-BijW i. ‘ »•' M fi fy t . ’ r Vtl«l W ifi w itiiout ijQlnii u liy fu rth e r th a n , Co«l. Sitotday, Iiuulit ia4 lltlU ift : ' ' ’ . " lr. ’ THURSDAY;NOVEMBER30. 19S0 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J r PAGE TiHREE.' SECOND SECTION tSI M fp iu r mm nJm m unra1.^. " tioii fur M at#wuri W.HI com e » 'vee|< Seven Are^ Residents ,’culture, 30 In the School of Educu- . LONG DISTANCE CLUB IT AGAIN from tomorrow when jQiiiesburB tion? Mid :"IIP Ih thS: CollOKU of >~ Three Area Quints MHS Plays Alumni will bo faced. on Uie Rec Center Frejh'men At ^Rutgers ! J|niltieH ')nav „ v _ „ v.,'- h M-0 Cage Loop t|le Is as follows; ' ' • . ' • Tliero' ore seven Mslifoiili ol .t)i(| The fresliipen fnmi the ■■■? Pee. 15, K eyport, ’ a w a y ;. 2?, MiUitwun-Koypurl urea nmong the K eyiw rt flroi) nre; J o h n X D rough- 4 Jiur.caburw iiVvay,' ~ * 71(1 fi-eslimen wl«> entered Iho-four ton, IM’ Washlnittoii St., Richnrd . R f f l w e Slx Letterm en Ready J«n, 3, Snyrcville, away; 0, I.caii- J, GreWtberj,', Box Mfl,' arid JqspoH . Schedule Of men'ii colieues of. lUituers Unlveis Hrdo. home; 12. I.iiKi'wnod, n-A-^y; U • w ontefusco. 22 E. F ro n t Str, .. Eight-Clob Circuit;. F o r Actipn Against sity this full. . IP; (led Hank, |nvuy; II), Kreehold. of Koyport; Oeorlio A, Deltz, 9 G raduate Squad Dinermen Hold Title .pig away;- *3,- Keyjioi'l. homo; -21). At. Bejm'stJiUt'd In tho JrcMimnn Fountain AVe, Donald Frjni;)* llintlc lUahlonds, home: 30, Hum- c)ass, w hich w ill' be graduated lit Flynn, Ravine llr,. ond Mark Lewis . . Scheduic for thc Monmouth- M «t»wi\n -H. S. UashelU«!J| son, away, ' Ju h cj.lO H ur« nl) of Uie H counUci lioldmnii, lp Prospect Pl„ nil of Ocean County Basketball League v«iii get u n d er way. toinpfrow (Frl. Feb. 11, South Amboy, away; U, In New Jersey, elijht other statei Malawaii, and Edward p. Lanquliil,- Vas released -by Larry Maze], ijavl 'nlfiht ut the JMatiiwnii-Kcyiiart Point Pleauuu, nwuy; |), Neptune, and Jamaica aad Japan- 301) Dayylew Ave., Union Otnch, ' - president of the organization, Mon- B it .C iiitof. wiUiMin _ AlM>ivol Jvi- hom e;—13,- JrbmH R iver,~hom e; ii), -A breakdown.hy culk'iies slK'WS tfay. Three of the eight teams in tunifshlng the Dpposliion, Manasquan, home. ' that the clmis iff 1934 In clu jcs 420 Security Bonds pay tho same rato the circuit this vinter will be from Slit leUermen fruin tils enrolled In the CoUcsa pi Arla and of Interest ii* fib War Bonds you this area, the d&fepcjjnf champs, the (oiiin which went lmo llnul rouixl Sdcnces, 141 In Iho Ccillouc cf Atiri- bouilht dtii-lim tlio wur. Ony tomel ’ --Keyport Diner, LnZare’s Shoes i n i or Central Jersey. Group ),■ piny Storm Cancels C ard ...... H puck Smilh’s, ’Keansburg.. • last ycor urc returning. „Th«y are the scheduled wvestlliig bard ut ~ -~ ^ t l r g r i h g p G y j Ccorgo— JluiUeiv—ltQlaJul‘„a'ii)'tor, BUltD YOUR HOME each of tho other seven ' quintets AsHlll'jC P ^ ~K~"AVlirut7 .1;iai .S aK u ;day- nluht was eanceled beeausp of the qnee in each half wilh the winners Staer und ' Fred- Kmerson, Tliese with a storm. Matchmaker ltoiumt J. bf the two halves of the split players w ill Uujwurk li>e nldy nl Hlnea anhounced Utal wvestlinH season tongl{ng in a best two out the high school five* I’rldpy nlaht. will rejumc at tbe Ashury Park HOWARD WAN Of throe series for the champion'' Some newcomers may - break Into ship. the lineup If the hish school suc­ arena- next - Saturday -night wilh Tony Martlnelll ineetlnt; HuHy Cull — T. FRANK APPLEBY AGENCY .. The schedule was so arranged ceeds In bulldinK up 11 conmuintllni; lead. ■ ' Silveisli'ia In llic headline allrae- that the* seven teams with home tion, . " - - M«i?i St. & Mattison Ave. Courts will each pluy four time The uluiniii squad opposing , Aibwry Pftrk, N. J. nt home and three away in each Conch Paul J. Evans chariieu Is Veins drilled by “Hock" Genll|e, • Bave Money. Savti Ol). llovo your . J. A. P. 3-3300 Jinlf. Scours .Market of Red Bank Furnaoo cleanod and OU Burnoi -js the traveling club, playing all lonncr Mutawiin lll«h grid Mur. Morlsnfly Man CQrraipondenti lor lhe 1 The aiumni tiuvc 6ijch court lumin­ checked /pr bl*bf*t efficiency, • of its 14 games on foreign courts. e t u i u ...... w jti HOWAWfr IAViiN<)$ iHBTlTlll.TldH. N«w«rk Kaplan’s Stationery Store, pel* aries of Mutifwati’t' pasrio call oil •- irtar-w ill u tilize.-the -Belrnar: Corn*, ss Milford' Nealis, Charlie Pike, inunity center for its coUrt;' Buck Brud Vim Pelt, Jijd Mlno, Huy S m ith’s' of K eansburg calls iCeon* ArinstronB, (Ihrviiy .Morrell, Wiuloy ftrdo H. S. home; the Lakewood Devlin, -Milt Stoveojon, Jl/jitis r^lks .hnve the-usft ofLakowoodH. M orris und . Al l^a M ura. ’If ilii,i H e n ?>,, kaZnre’s Shoes and Keyport v / For the second straight year lhe'mipibers of thf Long Diitflnc^ Qun Clwb of Union Bfach.< got[ their "squu“d* lir' lii 'erriy 'Iir.' piner will b^th play at the Mata- phare of Canada's deer population. In ;th» above'picture the following live members pose with the seven U should uffoixt th e voi'Blty iiH^test- Wan-Keyport Recreation Center, de«r .ihe party accounted for hunting out oi the Claghotn Spbrts Camp. Lawrence Station, New Brunswick* Ing-competltlon as Ihe Miirooji anil the Beachwood A. C. performs at Boa. camp copk. Lait yeat gunnlng in the same area, tlje Long Distance nlmrotls lo the basketball Reason. on Mopday nights/;, pcpchwood A. taught hone lldter. . NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY C» Kaplan's and the Anglers;.threo The Urst intei'teholaslie cohipetl- Quintets play their home games, on Gejhiemane Lutheran (1) * connaispance Biillalintii, Camp Chaf­ GOOD PAY — GOOD WORKING CONPITIONS ; Thursday, Buck Smith’s, LaZare’u BooS . o r 152 127 fee, Ark. He served-wlQi the Ninth. Shoes, and Keyport Diner, while Key-MotGhurch ]H.'Johnson Infahtry l}ivislbn .during world T VACATIONS WITH PAY ------^akewood plays home games on i. 117 174 105 Bowling League B E D L E ’S Free Medical Examinations ^IleFreellonnl Vecilltloli v,. . W ednesday. C. B ahrenburg . . 1 7 0 HO ?(?5 War 1J «nd was awarded tho Silver M. ..B ahrcnburg. ,..1 4 8 Stur.and Bronize.Stui\_) ...... , • ' . Q^pup Life Insurance-'"^- Penijon Plan r ; There are three hew quintets - -119 m ’ 1 Maiawan Baptist ia> Jio p la' ...... 1G2 175 110 thc circuit. Beachwood .A. Mrs. Anna Van P^lt, his wife, ancl Medicni-Burgtcol Plan *— HotpitaiitaHon Invuranee i B. Owens ...... 131 103 128 H andicap 42 eoached by John Dalton, Tc ... 42 42 son, Heinz, are living In nearby Ti Baker ...... 138 119 173 JUyer H. S. coach; Scotti’s of I Ft Smith during Sgt, Van Pelt’* Apply At Once at Employment Office . V. F red d a . . . . 179 IU 153 SERVICENTER $3ank and thc Lakewood Elks. 725 a il 755 slay at Camp Chaffee. . . . . 114 185 208 " ‘ Games-involving locarteams: K, Hendcrspn p. Preston ...... : 17^ 208 190 Highway No. 35 and First Half Schedule * A* Van Pelt |* Bedle Road -' -- Dec. 4 B uck S m ith’s a t Bcach- Surrenders T o Police 751 780 85? |Made tyas’ter-Sergeant HERCULES POWDER COKPANY Wood A. C. . PHONEi Matawan Methodist (1 ) Walter R. ■ Cohkllri, '24, Jersey Dec. 7 Point Pleasant at Ln , Sergeant First Class John A. Van Koisa ...... 12 ? 172 City, surrendered at ' KcanBburfj ?are’s Shoes; Seotti’s at Keypor Pelt of Koyport, has been promoted, KEYPORT7-1548 PARLIN, NEW JERSEY R. ^ongstredt' . . . . 149" pollpcsHeadqvi0inters M pndyy n |g h t Diner. * - ,- r jS f f ' » w jo the rank- of master sergeant. Sgt! Jo n es ...... 130. to face non-support charges brought „ Dee. 11 LaZare’s Shoes at Kap- 175 ?/an Pelt, veteran of 10 years Army H olton . . . . -13fl 157 193 by his’wife. , Jan’sf Keyport Diner at Bcach service, Is aesigped to *HeadqUart» ■yvood A . C. M^Edngstrcet . . . . 152 202 154 -prs and Service Company, 85th Re- Classified fids, get result* cheaply. Dec. 14 Kaplan’s at Buck Zcigler ...... 121 Smith's; LaZarc's Shoes at K( Handicap .... . , . . 1 1 1 p in e r. - — Dec— 18.,,LaZare'g,....S.h-Q e. - AAA' 665 815 CalTaryM elhpdi»t(2- Attention Skaters! _flt .Kaplan’s...... ' -Dolte_ ...... *158 149 Dee. 21 Scotti’s at Buck Smith’s. B o y c e 'sr. 7 .r r i7 C ” 131" 174 Youngatersand^OldstersoU^enjoyskating Dec. 28 B uck S m ith’s at LSi- H jlfikcr ...... 142 107 fare’s Shoes; Point . Pleasant W harton . . . . 152 at; this, spacious, modern air-conditioned sports Keyport Diner. M aurer ...... 177 180 m auditorium. . . Jan. 3 Buck Smith’s at Lake* W arw ick . . . . 100 132 Wood. * ' • • * • • - •' Blldcrbock' 182 145 ‘ Roller Skating is H ealthy! It’s; Jan. 4 Point Pleasant at' Buck f-Jy Recreational and it’s a Baifel of ;$mith‘s; -Scotti’s at-LaZaro’s Shoes; 805 810 80Q ^akewood at Keyport Diner. _ St. John'e Methodist it) r"“ " L Fun! ...... * Jan. 11 Lakewood at LaZnre'j* Cowles ...... 133 160 m EVJ5RY WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, -'S hoes „ ____ :...... R. LeRoy ....158, ,120. m Jan. 18 Keyport Diner at Buck T. B ailey ___ 113 139 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Smith’s. . _ G. Bogordt ...... 145 1G0 172 Second' Half Schedule Walling ...... 141 155 173 there’s Roller Skating at . . . Jan. 22 Buck Smith’s at Point Handicap ...... 36 30 30 P leasant. Jon. 25 Beachwood A. C. at . 758 750 893 Matawan-Ke^port Recreation Center JCeyport Diner; Kaplan’s at La- K eyport B aptist (2) * • Mutic for Skft|ng on. the Hammond Organ. Metineos fare’s Shoes; Lakewood at Buck C osper ...... 142 153 143 ’ Saturday and Sunday 2 to 5 P.M. Evenings 7 tp 11 P. M. S m ith ’s. Woolley ...... 123 225 158 Maple Piece and Lower jVfain Street Jan. 20 Buck’ Smith's nt Kap­ Blind ...... 125 la n ’s...... B urroughs . . . 179 m (OAK SHADES) MATAWAN TWf. Feb. I Keyport Diner, at La- DiBiase ...... 141 136 157 Z a re's; Beachwood A’. C. at Buck G in te r' . . . ! 221 158 171 S m ith ’s. ! Feb. 5 LaZarc's Shoes at Point 752 '851 .787 Pleasant. ’ Storm y W eather ... Feb. 8 Beachwood A. C. at La­ Keyport Feformed'tl) . . . . 123 139 hore's Shoes; Kaplan’s at Keyport W. Schanck . . . .MB •torpi nrft ovci.> S ^ ic e i« ^ lO K t lHH'k lo iiiii'iiiiii n lllio iig li iniicli work .reni'iiijjijt to lie piner; Scotti’^at Buck Smith's. ' H. Willey i...... < 110 110 B. C am eron ...... 138 157 142 ^Feb. 12 Keyport Diner nt Point SPECIALS done. Fortiiiiiildy, our aiij|ilo (ijjjw’Beiicy ’jijoclipito of i!f)nj|ii]icnt wijl |i«‘nu|t in |o J. Reardon . ,c;.;2 1 0 152 157 pleasant. . L. Schanck ..i . '100. 157 • 494 Feb. 14 Keyport Diner at Lake* L. Dick ...... 127 finisli the jnl» without delay. w ood. t , 30 30 F o r T h i s W e e k O n l y ! Feb. 15 Scotti's at LaZare’s H andicap ...... Shoes: Buck Smith’s at Keyport . 780 702 701 TM ncr. ' ' Tlic iiiioxpiideil and unpn'cpilcnicd null) ivIiuIh (aiocki'd. nul of Hcrvlce flO,. Feb. 21 LaZare’s Shoes at Lake­ " Matawan Presbyterien (2) 121 wood. S RittenhouHe . 115 000 o f 1.3 3,000 1|()1IK‘H I|I||| pldlMSH of llllsil)(!HH WR.HIM'Vfl ill till! hIiDI'H UI'CII. . Feb. 22 ScotU’s at Keyport E . K elly ...... 150 155 LINOLEUM Diner; LaZarc’s Shoes at Buck R. Cornell .... 170 loo Sm ith's. H.‘ K n o c l l ...... 133 154 230 ' - - ■ . ■ .. ' " . 1 • C. Cavancss ...... 1B2, 217 157 . Wc rwer & Light Matinee», Saturday and Sunday gm rprtie ■S;oi# COMPANY BJKK NEWSPAPCH COMES OUT SATOBpAY EVEHIMO Free ./• 7-1 I E. Front St. Charjji ' Delivery ; It!” ’ f 1 f . 5^ lr> ,><■** — « ts— > *r^r j j Wrestling Postponed Until Thursday, Dec. 7 K ^ Y fO R T ... V ( '' - if T 'S' * 7t'T ’vT;W .< “ r^fz tzrtc £Jiu MONMOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSTl.lj - - - 7 0 K URT ST." — FnUHOLD, PAGE FOUR — SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN J&JRNAL, MATAWAN, N. J, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1950 excep.tioh of th£ week of Feb. 12, ■ Serving In Korpa perating at a station hosplUl in Businessmen's BAYSHORE IADS WHO PLAYED FOR RED BANK CATHOLIC RerPfbg^in To until Mar. 19. ' . Yokohama.'. Pvt. Phelan i& also The following courses. teing Cpl.-Chc5ter^BauM«, 2flfl Washing- a gradupte' of SL Joficph’s School Btiwlinff League offered: .Shop, public speaking, and attended Keyport High School Use Keyport H.S, ;;^orthandf;; bookkeeping; -ton .Si-, Keyport. recently -wap before enlisting with -t^e' infantry - ' Al'i Bar (1) municipal Cgovernn'eht*, "sq u are twhsferred -from Tokyb lo Korea/ ai Fort Dix. ? T * • Blind . . ' 125 125 125 dancing, ceraTtiics. child p&ychology, H e Is . V-' grad u ate of ,Sf;. Joseph’s Q irh art 101 15t 196 School Board Grants sewing, English, a rt pn<}: painting. School.; Keyport . and; St.. Mary’s . Wedding Anaouncemenl* . ipllloii ...... 148 124 137 Authorization For / The; board also granted * permls- High School, South Amboy. ( printed promptly on paneled or Bndeou ...... 190 144 - 189 sion for the, Keyport High School 1 'Pvt-inw ard J. Phelan, Keyport. j bridal book snow-white vellum at P errin e .A,;:-;...... 184 157 157 Adult Class Project Mothers Club, in: conjunction with who saw action in Korea, is recu* this office. ‘ ; 7 ‘ V " the recreation program, ^o hold ,a Authorization for the use of tbe v;; "" v ’ - / ; boo 701 B04 Youth Canteen at the high schgol Keyport High School building . ' LaZare's Shoes . 12) on Suturday nights,. Dec^-2, ;9, -10 B ritanik ...... •...... 178 185 107 Monday and -Wednesday evenings and 23. J a d e ...... 114 120 178 for adOrWeek period for the com* The board was informed that •B a rk e r 100 145 150 unity, recrebtion _ winter protfra;n th e re .a move;pe^t undenvay to L aZ aro ...... 189 145. 109 has been granted by-.-tiie board , of set up a Youth Center, but plans Schwark ...... 1 2 7 ...1^2/ t-_ 173 e lueation. Thc board sponsors the are being made to use thc high recreation project. . . - school-temporarily while a survey 708 .757 857 R obert OchV, director, reported of other .possible sites will bc made Cliffwood Inn U) that-approximately 50 inquiries had during this time. ■ ■ , ** ;* rYfitar~;v77• x r r r r r r .r i 9 3 — 183- —102 been received to date concerning ZPuflW .FjieiZStflrtlBaby^X^icW JCenner .. . . . 1 5 5 141 "179 the^dMlt-edLHration-progrom^whicii and Turkeys with Startena—the Kflhrs ••• . . . . 170 118 ia,/scheduled to start Jan.. 8 and Klug...... 153 136 ,172 continue .twice weekly, with theJ coirDlete food? Stultz. . wjtl M ojkowiski 4S»./172 150 150 B.rzezniak 119

, 849 720 • *782 ’ t Bow Wow's Tavern .2) Freshly Pressed APPLE CIDER 105 Pease? .•. 137 -108 : ' Without Benzoate of Soda 178 J . M ilo ...... 17 6 18 0 ^ ■ --At ' ' - I ; ; M iiq ...... 1 3 8 .1 0 9 119 Mancini 148 -149 ■ 139 . S a r d e l l a ...... 1 7 0 . 2 1 4 178 Willey^ Farm Market ...... • • ...... 7 7 5 ,8 8 0 SO0 ", American Legion (1) Rpute 35 ^ 1 Centervil!^ N. J. • F a r l e y ...... ,^p9 13 8 130 Tel. Middletown 5-0286-M 200 S m it h ...... ' 1 4 0 14 5 Special'Prices to Groups and Organisations. ' * • Kimble .... ---...... 133 158 •134 , Runian ...... 204 1.79 171 The six bayshore football players shown* above, saw action forR ed Bank Catholic High School during D io d a t o ...... J 7 2 2 20 205 lhe season ju st com pleted. They arei D onald G rant (21), cenierj B6nny A ndreach (29), tackle; D ick-O ’Neill (49), guard; George K aufm an- (18). back, all of K eam burg; Dan Hosato (35), guard, K eyporl, and M atty McCoy (17), back, Unipii Beach. ; ‘ • ' 604 838 840 Keyport Cleaners (2) Have you xead the classified ads? Anmellent O v e r l y ...... ,...141 155 ‘ 101 Wickatunk Stock Car , Cop Bowling Prizes In Our Red Bank Store Only I W a lli n g ...... 13 4 ' Race Driver Injured Gift Suggestion C o u c c i ...... 1 3 0 15 9 107 In lu&t week's Businessmen’s 125 D il l o n ...... 1 9 0 .. 1 8 1 ■. Jnmea McCormick, 22«year.o!d Bowling. League competition, the W irz'SfiJfiM P f ' for the D a v i n o ...... 18 0 1 9 2 199 ■ « / V jalopy stock' car mee driver, of prizes were donated by the Mata­ F e r r a r i ...... 197 W hile They Last! Wickatunk was treated for possi* wan-Keyport Bee Center. Arnold THEWESTOPPEO THEIR Snapshot Fans , , - 7 B 1 ' 848 blc fractured ribs on the right aide L'uuer" of ‘GrtrUerfc Supply Co., KICKIMG AND ' c/T/our at Fitkin Hospital .Sunday. The posted high set score, a 020, In tlie Keyporl Bar (2). • THEIR BLEATING/ hurts resulted from an accident 105 average division. In thc class P o l a n d ...... 1 3 2 1 3 ? 151 Christmas during the stock enr races at Wall below 105, Joe Britanak ,of La­ B E C A U S E T H E Y U S E Youncofski ...... 14 0 18 5 170 Stadium. » ’ Zare's Shoes, hod high set score, OUR OIL FOR. Frcnch 139 125 1G2 List... HIGHER- PRICED .... 143 MqCormiek was released . for 550. ' J n c o b s ...... 18 0 15 7 treatment by fbmily physician, He pennetti ...... 104 158 180 .hud also been treated at thc scene Personalised Christmas Cards It’s iuuload, aim, ond ihool - ■ y of the accident by tho South-Bel- now on. sale at thia. onicQ.—Fifty wlfh' Ihii inexpemlves reflex-lype ’ GIFT COMPACTS ' 701 *772 'SIB ■war First Aid Squad, which was on styles to ehQofie from, .Please como comero , ., ttbnderM for M olhor Malawan' Hod & Gun (1) duty at thc races. ' ln<»iMnr order early. .. j o ' ' r i g h t " or one of the youngsters. Big reflex 2 . 1 9 " K i c h m ...... 17 0 17 0 109 finder, with hood, moke* picture 7 . 9 5 ' for sd m any,,. . I n f n n t i ...... 157 170 . 140 composing simple. Good black-ond* #p iu s t a x Miteenius ...... 1 3 0 - 1 0 0 144 I Kitchen Cabinets — Appliances while or cofor snapshots are easier 125 “ B l i n d ...... 12 5 1 2 5 than ever fo gel. Negahves, 2 % X Bieber sr...... 1 7 ? 17 4 173 2%.?. $13.95. FJasholdor, 53.33. • J. L. SCHANCK & SON & Prices include Federal T a x / " , ...... “ 7 G 0 ...... 1)22 752 LET US VACUUM CLEAN YOVR FURNACE Pete's Tavern (1) Heating —- Plumbing H O W I . Bowie .... * ...... 1 2 5 1 7 1 211 , Contractors E. Sauickie ...... 120. 142 1(39 B o l t e ...... 128_ 147 201 Fuel Oil ~ Burner Service ‘Sapplo".,* ...... ,....159 159 i&3 .223 L0 UI5 )TIJITZ,»?: vE ln h o rn ".-r.v.:-;157 -170 - 366 Broad-Street OIL BURNING Key, 7-2100 ‘ > ‘ 00 5 789 907 EQUIPM ENTS SERVICE IT Broad S t Red Bank Crate's Beverages (2j F u e 1 O i I Burner Service W iL OIL •KtnOfMF-COAL S a r d e l l a ^ 201 KEYPORT 7-2104 «K6YP0RT Don’t Miss Seeing Our Wonderful Toyland! 022- v 838— 820 2 D“ «I?5L THRIFTY SHOPPERS —Garber Supply (3) ,L»uer-,...... 202. .202 234 . . . DO THEIR Tahnadgc ...... 102 ' 180 Paight ...... 128 Freeman .... ICO 125 . . . FOOD W e is s ...... 172 181 109 "M artin ... 174 108 ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Doyle ...... 139 151 BUYING at , . .704 821. 932 THf NCW MOLONEY’S McQueen's Cleaner* (0) HAS MAGIC It. English ’. - 1 0 7 ' - 1Q0 124 J. English ...... 172 145 133 MINUNMNMIMMIMinHHWNNNNHMWHMHNMNMNnHNH ’ Zulln ...... 129 80 105 Roasting, Frying and'Broiling PLATE AND NAVEL D ill ...... 132 157 198 CONTROL McQueen ...•...... 154 155 . 103

754 070 783 CHICKENS CORNED BEEF , A rm strong Cork 0) 2.95* Genuine Snal:eskin\ Cobtie ...... 153 143 163 Cam eron .. .. 158 143, 135 3 5 * * 2 9 . « ft ...... COMPACT-AND-LIPST1CK CoUCO ...... 135 174 159 DlBinsc . , ...... 181. .188 107 •INIHtNM IM HIINUimNUmj'HNmiNHM NM NtM HHNHHH . COMBINATION M ania ...... 174 ' 108 100 Available in red, brown or saddle color. Bottom -sketch ...... 2.19* ; 00J 810 014 Tourlne's Tavern (0) SIRLOIN STEAK 6 9 , 1 A dler ...... 155 172 138 IT GIVES YO U: • -Mmcarclla ...... 142 137 167 12.50” GENUINE LEATHER CARRYALL > .Vacation Soiling—t, M HW HNHNNNIW NINHllflNNHIHHNINHNHmM IM HIHm ..-Walling *158 115 147 h Beautifully dctuiled. Divided by a large mirror . . . one com- Teitlno ...... 100 171 - for top afflclancy durlhg ‘ FRESH g partmcnt fitted with cosnietft accessories, Hie other made to hold Fischler ...... 180 198 any proiongdd abssnc*. RIB ENDS OF Avoid Inconvantant ra- ^ SAUSAGE | king or regular-sized cigarettes.'' Brown, green or red. ; : 7 Q C # haotlng of a ,full tank" ef ? Top sketch ...... V ,...... ^ • 795 793 i . celd watar. •< ' PLATE Crystal Bar (3) Varlese ...... 173 123 ' A v e ra g e Sotting** ro giva PORK MEAT , you p h n i y of hot,watar Tar Dorl ...*...... 1 8 3 244 m SOUP MEAT BED BANK STOnE’d^LV D urko ; ...... 177 172' HO •very normolnaod. Your hot Ross .. 153 200 149 watar r»qiilr«m»nt« ora iup< • . plltil ovfomaffcoj/y.. •. . ' • v Jocfger . v - t7a m163 17fl 3 9 * l b 2 9 5 » tb G lnter ...... 170* 183 170 E x tra Hitt—for unuioally'tfr^at 3 9 ‘ hot-wat.r raqulramanti—during 1 (M INHM NHHHM inHHHIM M NHNUIM M SHM MIHM NHilHIN 850 ‘ 922 842 •pfln( h cold. ond gat STEINBACH COMPANY Montauna .. a i r ’ltrs aol|»ni,of h.dt, 13 .121 5 9 1 ■ i Mlntz ...... 1 7 1 134 115 wofar from tha same Prime Ribs Beef A ro io . 123 ’ 181 • _1_111 . dia-tank. Costic ..., /. ;.;w '2io- lao


Crystal Bnr . Buw' Wow'a Tuvcrn CORNED BEEF POT ROAST pete’s Tavern . . . . i t • H o tp o ln t W a te r H e a te rs fcive you ' Keyport Cleaners ,. am ning Magic'Circle Heat of prev ALL Are Welcome Montagna's Amoco . aurjzed C alro d ^ U nits . Uibreglas ^ t o LaZarc'« Shoes .... Insulation to keen water hot for thfee 6 9 % 7 9 * #. ' Toutlne's Tavern ... days, without reheating . beautiful Armstrong Cork .... Cal^loss finish, remarkably easy to JACK KEOUGH’S Cliffwood Inn ...... keep shining new! - ' 'Koyport Bar American Lesion ., IStb ANNIVERSARY PARTY Jiod ic Gut\ Club . 1 $1309S ■; A l'a B ar & G rill . . . SAT. NIGHT, DEC. -C talf-i Beverage? ... Aslow ak. 25(f |jer day. —— ----- ■Garber Supply Co. . v BEAR STEAK SUPPER •McQueen's Cleaners .. Is On Thie House ' L e tt« 1ie«to, bWhndt/BUltmcaU, PET E'S Inc. .. canU, clrcultri,* tK»t*rs, tn iny ;tynd or printing may b« obtained At 44 W. Front St. •; ® Keyport, N. J. 32 W. Front St., KEYPORT 120 MaiW St., MATAWAN Don’t Miss It! Good Eah! Fun Galore! this olttce pnaqptjy. uid, reuuir * Tel. KEyport 7-1540 '• I Tel. MAtawan 1-3986 j JACK KEOUGH’S BAR & GRILL Matawan kbje priced.' jtoyw e Jwve-yoiir ordk .. ■> . Phone KEyport 7-2700 * ■ Upper Main Street : (Freneau. Section) tor'Uwt next Jebt ' ’ ' ■r f -■ « r