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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06921-3 - The United States in a Warming World: The Political Economy of Government, Business, and Public Responses to Climate Change Thomas L. Brewer Index More information Index acid rain, California 3 opposition to cap-and-trade 7 ACORE (The American Council for Renewable opposition to mitigation measures 70 Energy) 163 American Power Act (2009) 161–163 adaptation measures 155 alternative bills 162, 184(Appendix) developing countries 226 discussion draft 184 financing 226, 242(Table), 241–243, 292 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) monitoring 243 189, 221 adoption externalities 199 budget 212(Figure), 213(Table), 210–214 aerosols, restrictions on (California) 141 comparison with other countries 213(Table) AFL-CIO 65 funding levels 202 age, and opinion on climate change issues 105 home insulation subsidy 203 agriculture 56 American Wind Energy Association 73 and biofuels subsidies 203 analytic framework 23(Figure), 16–23 dairy industry 32 issue clusters 21, 22(Figure), 22(Table) and drought 35 Arrhenius, Svante August 46 effect of high temperatures on 33 Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and emissions 27 Climate (APP) 216, 252 methane from 24 asymmetric distribution, of mitigation costs and sequestration 27 benefits 17, 19(Figure), 20, 270 and Waxman–Markey bill 158 auto industry 30(Map) airline industry 246 and Californian restrictions on tailpipe emissions Alaska 136 climate change impacts 33, 155 and electric automobiles 97 per-capita emissions 43 emissions 27 sources and impacts conflict 34 and GCC 70 Alcoa company 56 unions 67 Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers 67 USA lagging behind foreign rivals 58, 76 alternative energy industry 76 and Waxman–Markey bill 158 lobbying by 73 see also motor vehicles see also clean energy; renewable energy Alternative Fuels Act (1988) 220 Bachmann, Michelle, Tea Party Caucus 172 aluminum industry 56 Balanced Energy Coalition, George W.
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