Issue 2/2015 Volume XXIII No. 010 The Journal of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners Livery Company of the City of London Founded 1926, Incorporated by Royal Charter 1930 Contents Court of the Company Wardens and Court from 1 May 2015 MASTER Captain H J Conybeare SENIOR WARDEN Captain F K D'Souza MNI IMMEDIATE PAST MASTER Captain S S S Judah MBE MNI WARDENS Captain M Reed RNR RD*; The Honourable Company Captain R B Booth; Captain W J Barclay AFNI COURT OF ASSISTANTS of Master Mariners Commander P R F D Aylott MNI RN; Captain R F A Batt; Mr P J Blackhurst; Captain S Bland; Mr M F Burrow; PATRON Captain D Chadburn; Captain G R Cowap FNI; Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN Captain I C Giddings; Captain P T Hanton RFA; ADMIRAL Mr J Johnson-Allen FRIN; Captain R Nosrati; His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Captain T Oliver; Commander G D Phillips RN; Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom, KG KT OM GBE Captain M R Powell; Captain M M Reeves MNI; Captain R S Richardson FNI; Captain N F Rodrigues; FOUNDER Captain I A Smith FNI FRNI; Lieutenant T Starr FNI RNR; Sir Robert Burton-Chadwick, Bt. Captain T C Jewell FEI MNI; Captain J R Freestone MNM; b. 1869 d. 1951 Captain J W Hughes FRIN MNI. CLERK OF THE COMPANY – 0207 845 9871 Commodore Angus Menzies FCMI MNI RN –
[email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER – 0207 845 9872 Contents Mrs Alison Harris BA (Hons) –
[email protected] FINANCE OFFICER – 0207 845 9875 Company News Page 753 Mrs Penny Burningham –
[email protected] SECRETARY – 0207 845 9873 Miss Patricia O'Reilly –