Arthropoda Selecta 11 (4): 319330 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2002 A new micronetid spider genus from the Oriental Region (Aranei: Linyphiidae: Micronetinae) Íîâûé ðîä ïàóêîâ ïîäñåìåéñòâà Micronetinae èç Îðèåíòàëüíîé îáëàñòè (Aranei: Linyphiidae: Micronetinae) M.I. Saaristo* & A.V. Tanasevitch** Ì.È. Ñààðèñòî*, À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷** * Zoological Museum, Centre of Biodiversity, University of Turku, Turku, FIN-20014 Finland; e-mail:
[email protected] ** All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Protection, P.O. VILAR, Znamenskoye-Sadki, Moscow, 113628 Russia; e-mail:
[email protected] ** Âñåðîññèéñêèé íàó÷íî-èññëåäîâàòåëüñêèé èíñòèòóò îõðàíû ïðèðîäû, Çíàìåíñêîå-Ñàäêè, Ìîñêâà-628, 113628 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS. Aranei, Linyphiidae, Micronetinae, Indophantes gen.n., new taxa, taxonomy, Oriental, Palaearctic, mountains. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, Linyphiidae, Micronetinae, Indophantes gen.n., íîâûé ðîä, íîâûå âèäû, ñèñòåìàòèêà, Îðèåíòàëüíàÿ îáë., Ïàëåàðêòè÷åñêàÿ îáë., ãîðû. ABSTRACT: A new micronetid genus Indophantes most poorly represented by micronetids. Until now only gen.n. (type species: I. kalimantanus sp.n.) is described seven true micronetids have been recorded from there, from the Oriental Region. The genus belongs to the viz. Helsdingenia ceylonica (van Helsdingen, 1985) BolyphantesPoeciloneta clade and at the present con- from Sri Lanka, Metalepthyphantes kraepelini (Simon, sists of eight species; seven of them are Oriental: 1905) from Java, Nesioneta benoiti (van Helsdingen, Indophantes kalimantanus sp.n., I. lehtineni sp.n., and 1978) from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Seychelles, Ne- I. kinabalu sp.n. from Borneo, I. sumatera sp.n. and I. sioneta sola (Millidge et Russell-Smith, 1992) from barat sp.n. from Sumatra, I. pallidus sp.n. and I. Sulawesi, Parameioneta spicata Locket, 1982 from bengalensis sp.n.