Communities of Resistance Unite! A Radical History of the Edinburgh Unemployed Workers Centre Demonstration against the termination of the lease and the eviction threat in 19941. This paper looks into the history of the Edinburgh Unemployed Workers Centre (EUWC) and the struggles of anti-authoritarian revolutionary groups in Edinburgh during the 1980s and early 1990s2. Grassroots and direct action oriented groups started to organise together in the early 1980s against the various attacks on the 1 Scottish Radical Library, Drawer: ACE/ECAP/Edinburgh Claimants, Folder: cling film with several photos [hereafter SRL, D: label, F: label (further description)], Photo by Norman Watkins, 1994. 2 You can contact the author through
[email protected] . 1 working class. They were often based in the EUWC and developed highly sophisticated forms of community resistance which culminated in their crucial role in the Poll Tax rebellion. This paper reveals forms of bottom up revolutionary organising to add important parts to the local radical history of Edinburgh. It furthermore developed as a contribution to current debates on how the radical left can organise collectively against capital, state and any form of oppression today. The references made in text aim to collect some of the most inspiring sources on the topic. As traces they invite for further research. Cover picture from the 2015 booklet "Up Against the State: The Battle for Broughton St Unemployed Workers Centre"3. The booklet was produced by the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE) and tells the story of the centre. The first section gives a small introduction into the political climate of the time and looks not only at Thatcher's roll back of socialism but also at reactionary politics of the Labour party.