VACCINE SAFETY BASICS learning manual The content of this course has been compiled by leading international vaccine experts who are committed to the promo- tion of best practice in the implementation of immunization programmes across the world. CONTRIBUTORS Molly Mort (project coordinator and writer of a pilot course, which served as basis of this course). Adele Baleta (South Africa), Frank Destefano (US CDC), Jane G. Nsubuga (US CDC), Claudia Vellozzi (US CDC), Ushma Mehta (Medicines Control Council, South Africa), Robert Pless (Public Health Agency of Canada), Siti Asfijah Abdoellah (NADFC Indonesia), Prima Yosephine (EPI-MOH, Indonesia), Sherli Karolina (EPI-MOH, Indonesia). PHOTO CREDITS Barbara Pahud (Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, UMKC), WHO Photo Library, CDC Photo Library. OVERALL COORDINATION (WHO) Patrick Zuber, Philipp Lambach. DESIGN AND TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION Oksana Fillmann, Munich. SEND US FEEDBACK Please let us know how you liked the course. Send us an email with your suggestions to:
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