WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on Andreas G. Kandarakis and Marios S. Poulos ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION Teaching Implications of Information Processing Theory and Evaluation Approach of learning Strategies using LVQ Neural Network 1ANDREAS G. KANDARAKIS and 2MARIOS S. POULOS 1Department of Special Education and Psychology University of Athens Greece
[email protected] 2Department of Archives and Library Sciences Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
[email protected] Abstract: - In terms of information processing model, learning represents the process of gathering information, and organizing it into mental schemata. Information-processing theory has definite educational implications for students with learning and behavior problems. Teachers with a greater understanding of the theory and how it is formed to, select learning strategies in order to improve the retention and retrieval of learning. But it must also be taken into consideration that the learning environment has specific effects on academic achievement. Socialization alters the levels of stress, confidence, and even the content knowledge. Social support provides encouragement, stress reduction, feedback, and communication factors which enable learning. Furthermore, an evaluation of 4 learning strategies attempted via a well-formed LVQ Neural Network. Key-Words: - information processing, memory, matacognition, learning strategies, general education classroom, learning, behavioral problems and neural networks. 1. Introduction 2. The information-processing While behaviorists talk about learning as the result of theory the interactions between an organism and its At a first glance, the gathering and storage of environment or changes in responses, the cognitive information may seem less efficient as a approach focuses on the knowledge which guides those learning system compared to the behaviorist responses.