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Emerging Investigators 2017 Journal of Materials Chemistry A View Article Online PROFILE View Journal Profile: Emerging Investigators 2017 Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c7ta90116j DOI: 10.1039/c7ta90116j www.rsc.org/MaterialsA Steve Albrecht is a Young Investigator Artem Bakulin is developing and Sayan Bhattacharyya was born in Kolkata Group leader for perovskite based multi- applying new ultrafast spectroscopy where he did his B.Sc. at Maulana Azad Published on 06 June 2017. Downloaded 07/06/2017 05:53:35. junction photovoltaics at the Helmholtz methods for the characterisation of College. Aer obtaining his M.Sc. degree Center Berlin for Materials and Energy. organic electronic materials and nano- from the University of Kalyani, West He received a Ph.D. in physics from the structures. He obtained his B.Sc. Bengal, he completed his Ph.D. with University of Potsdam for his work on and M.Sc. degrees in physics from Professor N. S. Gajbhiye at the Indian understanding the photon to collected Lomonosov Moscow State University and Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in charge conversion in organic solar cells. his Ph.D. from the University of Gronin- 2006. Aer his postdoctoral research with For his Ph.D. he was awarded the Carl- gen working on multidimensional IR Professor (Emeritus) Aharon Gedanken at Ramsauer Prize and the Young spectroscopy of water and organic semi- Bar-Ilan University, Israel and Professor Researcher Prize of the Berlin Physical conductors. Aer this, he was awarded Yury Gogotsi at Drexel University, USA he Society and the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam, a number of postdoctoral fellowships joined IISER Kolkata in April 2010 where respectively. Aer his Ph.D., he started which he carried out at Cavendish Labo- he is now an Associate Professor of the a postdoc at the Helmholtz-Center Ber- ratory, University of Cambridge and the Department of Chemical Sciences and lin where he developed, together with AMOLF institute, Amsterdam. In 2016 he Head of the Centre for Advanced Func- collaborators from EPFL, the rst started a new research group in the tional Materials. He is a Materials monolithic perovskite/silicon hetero- Department of Chemistry, Imperial Chemist interested in photovoltaics, junction tandem solar cell. His recently College London, focusing on IR optical catalysis for energy, magnetism and drug established group focuses on the control techniques and vibronic coupling delivery. A combination of wet-chemical further development of highly phenomena in so conductive materials. synthesis and self-assembly of smart efficient perovskite based multi- nanomaterials, structure–property corre- junction devices. lation and device applications are used to attain these research goals. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A View Article Online Journal of Materials Chemistry A Profile and Biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 2014 aer attaining his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Boston University and completing a post- doc at Sandia National Laboratories. Using his diverse background in inor- ganic, bioinorganic, and materials chemistry, he has established a research agenda focused on developing active materials for electrical energy storage. Harnessing the power of natural selec- tion in designing batteries is at the heart of his approach to this problem. He was Pedro H. C. Camargo is an Associate a recipient of the 2015–2016 Electro- Ethan J. Crumlin was born in Massachu- Professor at University of Sao Paulo, chemical Society/Toyota Young Investi- setts in 1983 and graduated from Brazil. He obtained his B.S. and M.Sc. gator Fellowship. Massachusetts Institute of Technology degrees in Chemistry from Federal with a B.S. in 2005, a M.S. in 2007 and University of Paran´a in 2003 and 2005, a Ph.D. in 2012 with Professor Yang Shao- respectively. In 2005, he was a recipient of Horn. He then undertook postdoctoral a Fulbright/CAPES Fellowship to pursue studies at the Advanced Light Source his Ph.D. in the US. He obtained his (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Ph.D. from Washington University in Laboratory with Professor Zhi Liu, who is Saint Louis in 2009, where he worked in currently at ShanghaiTech University in the group of Professor Younan Xia. He China. In early 2014, he became a Prin- was hired as an Assistant Professor at the cipal Investigator at ALS, where he University of S˜ao Paulo in 2011 and was focuses on in situ and operando Ambient promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectros- He serves as an Editor of the Journal of copy (APXPS). His research interests span Materials Science and as an Associate the elds of electrochemical energy Editor of the Journal of the Brazilian conversion and storage, interfaces, catal- Chemical Society. He was one of the Bra- ysis, environmental chemistry, corrosion, zilian Delegates in the 3rd Transatlantic Pavel Cherepanov has started his path to and scientic innovation. Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium in an academic career aer receiving Published on 06 June 2017. Downloaded 07/06/2017 05:53:35. 2013 and received the young scientist Master’s degree in Chemistry in 2006 at award (Hans Viertler Prize) from the the Saint-Petersburg State University, Brazilian Chemical Society in 2014. His Russia. A er graduation, he moved to research interests include the design and Toledo, Ohio in the US where he taught synthesis of well-dened nanomaterials undergraduate general, inorganic, and with controllable features for applica- physical chemistry lecture courses at tions in plasmonics and catalysis. several colleges. In 2012 he joined the research group of Dr Andreeva at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, to pursue his Ph.D. in Chemistry, which he obtained later in 2015. He is currently working as a Research Fellow at the Department of Chemical and Biomolec- ular Engineering, the University of Mel- bourne, Australia, where he is conducting Tanja Cuk obtained her Ph.D. in Applied research in the areas of electrochemistry Physics at Stanford University in 2007, and materials science. a er which she started her postdoctoral work at the University of California, Ber- keley on a Miller Postdoctoral Fellowship. In 2010, aer completing her fellowship, she went on to become an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chem- Patrick Cappillino began his academic istry at Berkeley, and a Faculty Scientist career in the Department of Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences Division at the J. Mater. Chem. A This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 View Article Online Profile Journal of Materials Chemistry A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. chemistry approach to the synthesis of Her research focuses on the fundamental solid state materials for environmental mechanisms involved in converting and energy applications, including gas charge into fuel at solid–liquid interfaces, storage and electrocatalytic water for which she applies multiple time- splitting. resolved spectroscopies. She is sup- ported by the Condensed Phase Inter- faces and Materials Science program within the Department of Energy. She received the Air Force Office of Research Young Investigator Award and the Bakar Fellowship. Neil Dasgupta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engi- neering at the University of Michigan. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford Univer- sity in 2011. Prior to joining the Univer- sity of Michigan in 2014, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the recipient of How does material form in uence func- an AFOSR Young Investigator Award tion? How do synthetic choices deter- (YIP), a 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, mine material use? These are the the SME Outstanding Young questions that drive the research of Manufacturing Engineer Award, the AVS James Gardner. By combining synthetic Paul Holloway Young Investigator Award, tools and broad approaches to material and the American Society of Mechanical characterization, he aims to make and ’ Julio M. D Arcy is an Assistant Professor Engineers (ASME) Pi Tau Sigma Gold use new photoactive and electroactive ’ of Materials Chemistry at Washington Metal. His research focuses on the inter- materials. Each year humanity s demand University in St. Louis. He completed his section of nanotechnology, energy for energy and electricity increases. To Chemistry Ph.D. studies at UCLA in 2012, conversion, and manufacturing. meet these demands with our limited working for Professor Richard B. Kaner, resources is fundamentally a materials where he specialized in conducting poly- challenge. He is a spectroscopist by Published on 06 June 2017. Downloaded 07/06/2017 05:53:35. mer chemistry and thin lm deposition training, but was drawn to materials technologies for optoelectronic applica- chemistry to address this challenge. His tions. He continued his studies as goal is to design simple and durable a postdoctoral fellow (2012–2014) at MIT materials that anyone can prepare, working for Professor Paula T. Hammond because it is up to all of us to make these at the Koch Institute where he worked on solutions a reality. layer-by-layer assembly, drug delivery technologies, and energy storage appli- cations. His group is focused on material synthesis of nanoarchitectures of redox active materials emphasizing the rational design of so organic electronics for energy storage technologies. The D’Arcy lab also explores additive manufacturing Alexey Ganin received his M.Sc. from the for engineering surfaces and structures Lomonosov Moscow State University, that advance so material processing and Russia in Materials Chemistry and his applications. Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry at the Max- Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Rosseinsky’s FRS group at the University of Liverpool. In 2013, he joined the University of Glasgow Ricardo Grau-Crespo studied Physics at as a Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry. His the University of Havana, Cuba, and current research focuses on using a so- moved to the U.K.
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