UPPER BLUE MOUNTAINS BUSHWALKING CLUB ACTIVITIES 2nd JANUARY – 27th MARCH 2016 www.ubmbc.org.au Guide to the Grades Grade 1 (Easy) Suitable for beginners and those with reduced walking ability to walk on well marked and even tracks. Tracks are manmade and may have a few steps. Should not be steep. Distance should not exceed 5km. Grade 2 (Easy Medium) Mostly on well marked tracks of low gradient. Tracks should not be steep. Distance is not to exceed 15 km. Grade 3 (Medium) Usually mostly on tracks, there could be some steep sections, rougher terrain and with some sections off track. Distance is not to exceed 20kms. The walk could be suitable for fit beginners. Grade 4 (Medium Hard) Off track (up to 25% of walk) or long distance track walk. Tracks could be steep and include some rock scrambling. These walks are suitable for people who have completed medium grade walks and want more. Grade 5 (Hard) Off track or difficult terrain, there may be rock scrambling, steep climbs and descents, creek walking and deep wading. Distance should not exceed 30 km. The walk may be short and difficult. Not suitable for beginners. X (Exploratory) The leader has not covered the area before. Creek Involves wading, swimming, and climbing over boulders (block ups). A wet suit and or a lilo is usually required. Abseil Involves abseiling. Must have must have own equipment, completed abseil training and have a pack large enough to help carry rope. Pack Carrying an overnight pack Camp Base camp, short walk in from cars

Date Grade Where Comment Saturday M Glenbrook Creek – Kanuka Brook Start at the Blue Pool – Glenbrook Creek into Kanuka Brook with rock scrambling, 2nd January Grade 3 Map Springwood uphill and an easy track back. Sunday EM ½ day Porters Pass – Centennial Glen A great walk with valley views all the way. 3rd January Grade 2 Map Katoomba Saturday MH Victoria Brook, Victoria Creek and Rientz A creek walk with some deep wades and waterfalls with a bit of history thrown in. 9th January Grade 4 mine Creek Map Mt Wilson Sunday Open for a short notice walk. 10th January Saturday MH Wollangambe 2 via Serendipity Canyon Serendipity Exit – Wollangambe – Whungee Weengee – Cathedral of Ferns. Wet 16th January Grade 4 Map Wollangambe suit or lilo needed for swims and wades in canyons.

Creek Sunday M National Pass – Wentworth Falls All on track, waterfalls and views along the way. 17th January Grade 3 Map Katoomba Saturday M Pierces Pass to Victoria Falls About 9 km and a full day with a 500 metre ascent. There will be a swim or 2 23rd January Grade 3 Map Mt Wilson during the day.

Sunday M Hat Hill Creek Short swims and wading in a beautiful creek at Blackheath. Great canyon sections 24th January Grade 3 Map Mt Wilson and a new way out. Creek Saturday M Narrow Neck – Redledge Pass –Devils Hole A bit of Katoomba’s mining history. Steep down from the Pass. Exposure. 30th January Grade 3 Map Katoomba Sunday EM ½ day Wollangambe for beginners Walk to the Wollangambe to give beginners a taste of a canyon and explore 31st January Grade 2 Map Wollangambe downstream or just enjoy lazing on the sand and swimming in that magical place. Saturday M Rocky Creek Canyon A dark deep and beautiful canyon. Wet suit is essential. We will be walking out 6th February Grade 3 Map Rock Hill downstream then a scramble to the top. Creek Sunday M Sunnyside Canyon (Newnes Plateau) An easy walk- through canyon on the Newnes Plateau. No abseils. 7th February Grade 3 Map Cullen Bullen Saturday M Exploring Cape Horn climb of the escarpment, enjoy the magnificent views and return via 13th February Grade 3 Map Ben Bullen & Cullen Bullen a different route. All off track. Sunday Open for a short notice walk. 14th February Saturday MH Wolgan-Capertee Divide Wolgan State Forest, follow ridgeline to McLeans Gap – Point Cameron and 20th February Grade 4 Map Ben Bullen return. All off track. 4WD access to start. Sunday EM Neates Glen – Grand Canyon Beauchamp From Neates Glen to Beauchamp Falls to Evans Lookout. On track for a very 21st February Grade 2 Falls scenic walk. Map Katoomba Saturday M Vera Falls, Hippocrene Falls, Wentworth Lots of waterfalls and rainforest and leaches with fantastic views. Significant 27th February Grade 3 Falls Slacks Stairs ascents and descents. Map Katoomba Sunday M Mount Hay to Boorang Craig Mount Hay to Boorang Craig and a circuit to return with a bit of exploration. 28th February Grade 3 Map Katoomba 3rd to 6th March M Kanangra to Kowmong River 4 day pack walk – Kanangra to Kowmong River via Crafts Wall, Pages Pinnacle, Grade 4 Maps Kanangra and Yerranderie Gingra Creek. Pack Saturday MH Wollangambe 1 Side trip up Kelvinator Canyon. 5th March Grade 4 Map Wollangambe The most popular stretch of the river. A wet suit or lilo is essential. Creek Sunday M Florabella Pass – DuckPond, on Glenbrook The walk follows the creek with about half off track with swims. 6th March Grade 3 Creek Map Springwood

Saturday MH Megalong Creek – Rock hopping on Coxs River – 6 Foot Track, waterfalls, descents, lots of 12th March Grade 4 Map Hampton scrambling. Sunday MH Altar Room A spectacular crevasse on the Newnes Plateau with descent to the Newnes camp 13th March Grade 4 Map Cullen Bullen ground. Saturday M Lawton Creek – Linderman Pass Valley of the Waters – Princes Glen – Lawton Creek – Lindeman Pass 19th March Grade 3 Map Katoomba Sunday EM ½ day Berghofers Pass – Mt York – Coxs Road Historic walk from the base of Victoria Pass to Hartley Vale over Mt York. 20th March Grade 2 Map Hartley Saturday H Esgate Pass Walk in via a rock climber’s track North of Blacks Ladder then under the cliffs till 26th March Grade 5 Map Katoomba we climb up the chains. Exposure guaranteed. Sunday EM ½ day Lost City Introduction to pagodas, a whole city of them! Easy scrambling. 27th March Grade 2 Map Lithgow


SUMMER IN THE SNOWIE – The Details Tate Lodge Guthega from Sunday 14 February – Saturday 20 February 2016. There are still vacancies. For further information please contact Karin on 4751 9578 or [email protected].

MARCH 3-6 Kanangra 4 Day Hike Joe Dunn is leading this pack walk for experienced walkers from Kanangra to Kowmong River via Crafts Wall, Pages Pinnacle and Gingra Creek. The details are above.

UPPER BLUE MOUNTAINS BUSH WALKING CLUB - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Welcome to the club. We invite enthusiastic walkers to come along and enjoy the wonderful Blue Mountains with us. With this in view, the following points are made to assist new people enjoy their walks with the club. We recommend that the first walk should be Grade 1 E (Easy) or Grade 2 EM (Easy/Medium). This is not only in your interest but is also fair to the other participants of the walk who will be inconvenienced and disappointed if a walk cannot be completed. 2. The leader of the activity should be contacted several days beforehand, do not leave it to the last minute. The leader will advise you of the meeting time and place and of any special requirements for that trip. The leader may ask you about your walks experience and if he or she feels it would be inappropriate for you to take part in the walk then that decision is final. 3. Standard equipment for any bushwalk should include: sensible, comfortable footwear, hat, jumper, water bottle, food, first aid supplies, backpack, wet weather gear, sunscreen etc. 4. The Member Emergency Contact & Medical Information Form (available on the website) should be completed and carried in your pack in case of emergency. 5. If you have any health problems that may affect your ability to do the walk you must tell the leader before the walk starts and include details in your pack. If you are under 18 an adult member must accompany you. 6. On the day of the walk please arrive at the meeting place on time. If you are more than a few minutes late and the leader does not know where you are, do not expect to be waited for. 7. When transport is arranged by private car it is normal for passengers to share the costs with the driver. Please make sure that you do contribute. 8. While on the walk please remain with the party and ensure that the leader knows of your whereabouts at all times. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance if you need it and offer assistance if it appears to be needed. Bushwalkers help each other. 9. Please remember to follow the Minimal Impact Code of Bushwalking and take out what you take in. 10. A visitor should become a temporary member and bring a signed Temporary Members Form (which is available on the website) to the walk. 11. Canyoning and abseiling activities require each participant to sign and submit a Canyoning Waiver Form once a year. This is available on the website. 12. On abseiling trips there is a rope fee of $5 per trip.

Walks Leaders  Reminding members on the Google Groups the week before your walk has greatly increased the numbers on walks. Access the Group yourself but if you do not have access to the Google Group, contact Noel on 0417 792426 or at [email protected] with the reminder that you would like to go to members.  Please ensure that someone on your walk has a Personnel Locator Beacon (PLB) and a First Aid Kit that meets the club First Aid Kit requirements. The club has PLBs and they are located with John (Blackheath) 4787 6885 or 0448 227467, and Ross (Blackheath) 0432 528231.  Please provide Ann Mikkelsen (4757 3111 [email protected]) with a list (first name and surname) who attended the walk and report any injuries or incidents.  Walks Leaders should also leave their route with a responsible person who should contact Geoff Fox on 4787 7539 or 0400 628063 if the party has not returned by the following morning. He will contact the BWRS. Web site www.ubmbc.org.au President Geoff Fox: 4787 7539 or 0400 628 063 Vice President Karin Kirkpatrick: 0416 260 743 Treasurer Joe Van der Velden: 4787 8029 Secretary John Park: 4787 6885 or 0448 227 467

MEMBERSHIP FEES Single Membership: $25 per calendar year. Couple membership is $45 plus $10 per extra family member. Membership is normally for a calendar year. If you wish to join please complete a Club Membership Form (available from the web site or from the Treasurer) and send it together with a cheque to the address listed below. If Family Membership is required please list the names of all the people to be covered by your membership.

Upper Blue Mountains Bushwalking Club (UBMBC Inc.) The Treasurer c/o PO Box 49 BLACKHEATH NSW 2785