Atlantic Ocean

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NATIONAL INTEGRITY SYSTEM ASSESSMENT NETHERLANDS Transparency International (TI) is the global civil Publisher: society organisation leading the fight against Transparency International Netherlands corruption. Through more than 90 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, TI raises Lead researcher: awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and Willeke Slingerland LLM, works with partners in government, business and civil Saxion University of Applied Sciences society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it. Authors: Willeke Slingerland LLM, Transparency International Netherlands (TI-NL) is the Saxion University of Applied Sciences NL Chapter of TI and raises awareness about corruption Frans Eijkelhof LLM, in the Netherlands. Saxion University of Applied Sciences Dr. Michel van Hulten, Disclaimer - Every effort has been made to verify the Saxion University of Applied Sciences accuracy of the information contained in this report. All Oksana Popovych Msc., information was believed to be correct as of February Saxion University of Applied Sciences 2012. Nevertheless, Transparency International Prof. Dr. Johan Wempe, Netherlands cannot accept responsibility for the Saxion University of Applied Sciences consequences of its use for other purposes or in other contexts. This project has been funded with support Graduate students: from the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Wesam Allama and Steven Wassink Programme, European Commission - Directorate- General Home Affairs. This publication reflects the External reviewer: views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot Dr. Alex Straathof, be held responsible for any use which may be made of University of Applied Sciences the information contained therein. Research review: This publication is a product of the European National Dr. Suzanne Mulcahy, Integrity Systems project. The National Integrity Transparency International Secretariat Systems assessment tool has been developed and coordinated by Transparency International. Project Coordinator(s): Reproduction in whole or in parts is permitted, Christine Verheijden, providing that full credit is given to Transparency Transparency International Netherlands International and provided that any such reproduction, Sang-Ah Yoo, whether in whole or in part, is not sold unless Transparency International Netherlands incorporated in other works. Project Assistance: Marloes van Hooijdonk, Transparency International Netherlands

Graphic Design and Production: MDesign, +31 (0)320 226896,

Prevention of and Fight Against Crime. With financial support from the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime Programme. European Commission - Directorate-General © 2012 Transparency International Netherlands. All Home Affairs rights reserved.


We would like to thank all those who contributed to this colleagues at the TI Secretariat for assistance in the report, and in particular: those who were interviewed project design and methodology. A special word of by the lead researcher, some of whom have asked to gratitude goes to the Dutch Ministry of Security and remain anonymous; the Research Advisory Group, Justice for providing a donation to help financing the whose insights, constructive criticism and support NIS project. were invaluable; civil servants from the Ministry of Security and Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and Research Advisory Group: Kingdom Relations, the Netherlands Court of Audit and Prof. dr. Ingrid van Biezen the National Public Prosecutors Office, who have Prof. mr. dr. Petrus van Duyne offered valuable insights into their institutions and Mr. Erik Hoenderkamp spent quite a few hours on discussing anti-corruption Prof. dr. Elisabeth Lissenberg measures in the Netherlands with the researchers. We Prof. dr. ir. Theo de Vries would also like to thank other researchers who carried out the same study for other TI national chapters within Interviewees: Europe, and who have shared their experiences of NIS A full list of persons who have been interviewed can be research and project management; as well as our found in the Annex III.


TOWARDS A MORE TRANSPARENT AND INTEGRITY- makes it possible to recognise patterns in the FOCUSED NETHERLAND interactions between the different sectors of society. It shows how correction mechanisms between the pillars and within the pillars of Dutch society are changing. During the year 2011, some 25 chapters of Trans- The NIS results offer an independent, civil-society parency International participated in a Europe-wide perspective, while the usual GRECO/UNCAC/OECD assessment regarding their national integrity systems mechanisms are all peer-review evaluations with a (NIS). These studies analysed each country’s ability to degree of co-ownership between the government of prevent, detect, deter and penalise corruption and to the country being evaluated and the broader group of what extent they did so in practice. These assessments peers. The intergovernmental compliance evaluations covered principal state and non-state institutions such of these institutions tend to be more legalistic and/or as the Judiciary, Political Parties, the Executive, Anti- home in specific aspects of corruption. While the NIS corruption Agencies, the Media and Business. While process, in particular in the Netherlands, did include highlighting strengths and weaknesses in the overall very active engagement with the government and other governance system, the assessments focussed on stakeholders, it was quite clearly owned, led and factors of particular significance for anti-corruption published by the TI organisation. efforts, namely the independence, transparency and A thorough investigation had to be carried out in a very accountability of each institution. The assessment short time-frame. Transparency was able to secure the procedure was always consultative, involving services of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, and government, business and civil society representatives. in particular Mrs. Willeke Slingerland, who is currently The results are meant to be used as the basis for an writing a dissertation at Erasmus university on advocacy programme for reform in the member-states. corruption prevention and the use of the systems The Dutch chapter, Transparency International Neder- approach to analyse the corruption phenomenon, land (or TI-NL for short), was a party to this pan- supervised by Professor Wempe from this University. A European operation. The Netherlands is frequently small coordination centre had to be set up, and many considered to be a corruption-free society in the eyes meetings and interviews arranged. The resources of international business, as recent publications of needed for this independent assessment were provided corruption perception indices from Transparency by the European Commission via the TI-S International International itself show. Secretariat in Berlin. The Ministry of Security and Yet there are signs of a lack of transparency, of Justice, was willing to assist with a grant of EUR 60,000 integrity, of accountability even in the Netherlands, as to enable Dutch participation in the Europe-wide recent examples in this study for sectors as different as exercise. There were no strings attached. real estate, education and public procurement show. The study carried out by Mrs. Slingerland has resulted Transparency International highly welcomes that public in different kinds of recommendations. For example, it tolerance for integrity breaches has been reduced. This has become clear that governmental decision-makers is in line with a more general trend towards should systematically look at their own integrity and condemning corruption in the different sectors of behaviour. Why is there still no code of conduct for society. parliamentarians? The whole area of parliamentary The NIS aims to give a holistic view of the whole integrity mechanisms is lacking. The parliamentary national integrity system, and encompasses the debates concerning disclosure of party financing and evaluation of a broad range of institutions. This is at election financing were highly due. External political the expense of a very detailed assessment of specific influence bought by large anonymous private parties aspects of the anti-corruption system. New in this has to be made more transparent or stopped. More study is the use of a system approach as a method for attention is in order for controlling the revolving-door analysing the vulnerability to corruption. This approach between public and private sectors. These factors are


probably also contributory to the low place of politics improvement not only in the public but also the private and political representatives in the public esteem. More sector. This protection is not only crucial for the in general it is necessary for top level decision makers individuals concerned, but also necessary in the public both in the public and private sector to be more interest. In many cases a whistle-blower warns against accountable to each other as to their integrity integrity breaches with clear repercussions for his or Another conclusion is that the system of checks and her own institution, but also with negative balances to realise more integrity is incomplete in the consequences for society at large. Similarly, Netherlands. Currently there is no systematic wrongdoing in the public sector can be discovered by relationship between the public and private sectors or accessing governmental information. The Act on Public for that matter civil society for improving integrity and Access to Governmental Information could be fighting corruption. Integrity improvement is left to improved to that end. individual public-sector bodies, while the private Though the report is written by Mrs. Slingerland and sector supposedly is not hampered by corruption, remains her responsibility, the Board of Transparency though international research indicates that public and International Nederland is pleased with the results private sector corruption nowadays match each other. obtained. We consider the National Integrity Study for The social partners and the public sector should join the Netherlands as a wake-up call. Its publication is to forces to improve transparency, give an impulse to be the start for all kinds of activities to change integrity and fight corruption in the Netherlands, but attitudes, culture, rules and regulations, as well as also abroad when Dutch nationals or companies or enforcement practices. Transparency International foreign subsidiaries thereof are involved. trusts that many will answer this challenge. The prosecution by Dutch authorities of corruption in other countries has to be brought into line with similar efforts by the USA with its decades of old FCPA, the UK Alphons Ranner and Paul Arlman with its Bribery Act, and Germany through its Federal , April 2012 State Prosecution Offices. Similarly, it is clear that the (Members of the Board of protection of whistle-blowers is in need of Transparency International Netherlands)


1. About the NIS assessment 13 2. Executive Summary 15 3. Corruption Profile 25 4. Anti-Corruption Activities 31 5. Foundations 35 6. Pillars 43 6.1 Legislature 43 6.2 Executive 65 6.3 Judiciary 86 6.4 Public Sector 105 6.5 Law Enforcement Agencies 128 6.6 Electoral Management Body 153 6.7 Ombudsman 168 6.8 Supreme Audit Institution 183 6.9 Anti-Corruption Agencies 198 6.10 Political Parties 202 6.11 Media 218 6.12 Civil Society 241 6.13 Business 254 7. Conclusions 265

Literature 285



ABRvRS Administrative Jurisdiction Division of BuZa (Ministry of) Foreign Affairs (Ministerie the Council of State (Raad van State van Buitenlandse Zaken) Afdeling Bestuurs Rechtspraak) BV Private limited liability company AFM Authority for the Financial Markets and (Besloten Vennootschap) Competition (Autoriteit Financiële BZK (Ministry of) the Interior and Kingdom Markten) Relations (Ministerie van Binnenlandse AIVD General Intelligence and Security Service Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst) CAOP Netherlands’largest knowledgeable and AMvB General Administrative Order (Algemene service centre for the labour market and Maatregel van Bestuur) labour relations within the public ANBI Public benefit organisation (Algemeen domain (kennis- en dienstencentrum op Nut Beogende Instelling) het gebied van arbeidszaken in het AR Netherlands Court of Audit (Algemene publieke domein) Rekenkamer) CBA A strategic assessment of the occurrence Awb General Administrative Law Act of a specific crime (Criminaliteits beeld (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht) analyse) AZ (Ministry of) General Affairs (Ministerie CBF Central Bureau for Fundraising (Centraal van Algemene Zaken) Bureau Fondsenwerving) CBP Dutch Data Protection Authority (College BBI Bureau of Professional Skills and Bescherming Persoonsgegevens) Integrity (Bureau Beroepsvaardigheden CBS Central Bureau of Statistics (Centraal en Integriteit) Bureau voor de Statistiek) BFT Financial Supervision Agency (Bureau CCR Coordination Commission Financieel Toezicht) Rijksrecherche (=Coordinatie commissie BIBOB Act Public Administration Probity in Rijksrecherche) Decision-Making (Wet bevordering CDA Christian Democratic Appeal (Christen integriteitsbeoordelingen door het Democratisch Appel) openbaar bestuur) CIO Commission on Integrity Government BIO Bureau Internal Investigations (Bureau (Commissie Integriteit Overheid) Interne Onderzoeken) CIPO Integrity Commission for Public BIOM Bureau Integrity OM (Bureau Integriteit Broadcasting (Commissie Integriteit OM) Publieke Omroep) BIOS Office for Promoting Integrity in the CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation Public Sector (Bureau CNV National Federation of Christian Trade Integriteitsbevordering Openbare Sector) Unions in the Netherlands (Christelijk BIV Bureau of Integrity and Security (Bureau Nationaal Vakverbond) Integriteit en Veiligheid) CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy BOR Bureau Research and Government Analysis (Centraal Planbureau) Expenditure (Bureau Onderzoek en CSI Civil Society Index Rijksuitgaven) CSO Civil society organisations BPI Bribe Payers Index CSR Corporate Social responsibility BR Regional police forces have joint CTG Committee on Tariffs in Healthcare investigation units(Bovenregionale (College Tarieven Gezondheidszorg) recherché) CU Christian Union (Christen Unie)


CvdM Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de KB Royal Decree (Koninklijk Besluit) Media) KLPD National Police Services Agency (Korps CVV Centre for Crime and Security (Centrum Landelijke Politie Diensten) voor Criminaliteitspreventie en KR Dutch Electoral Council (Kiesraad) Veiligheid) Ksa Special supervisor body for the gambling sector (Kansspel autoriteit) DNB Dutch Central Bank () MHP Federation of Managerial and DPG De Persgroep Professional Staff Unions (Vakcentrale D66 Democrats 66 (Democraten 66) voor middengroepen en hoger personeel) ECHR European Convention on Human Rights MOT Report Unusual Transactions (Melding (Europees Verdrag voor de rechten van Ongebruikelijke Transactie) de Mens) MVO Corporate Social Responsibility EK (Eerste Kamer der Staten- (Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Generaal) Ondernemen) EL&I (Ministry of) Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (Ministerie NBA Dutch Professional Associations of van Economische Zaken, Landbouw & Accountants (Nederlandse Innovatie) Beroepsorganisaties van Accountants) EMB Electoral Management Body NCP National Contact point (Nationaal EVD Agency which falls under the Dutch Contactpunt) Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture NIS National Integrity System (Nationaal and Innovation, now: Agentschap NL) Integriteitssysteem) NMa Dutch Competition Authority FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (Nederlandse Mededingings autoriteit) FIOD Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation NOS Dutch Broadcasting Foundation Services (Fiscale Inlichtingen- en (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) Opsporingdsienst) NPO Dutch Foundation for Public FIU-NL Financial Intelligence Unit Broadcasting (Nederlandse Publieke FNV Federation of Netherlands Trade Unions Omroep) (Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging) NPS Dutch Program Service NSB National Socialist Movement (Nationaal- GRECO Group of States against Corruption Socialistische Beweging) NV Public limited liability company HBO-raad Netherlands Association of Universities (Naamloze Vennootschap) of Applied Sciences NVB Dutch Banking Association (Nederlandse HoR House of Representatives (Tweede Vereniging van Banken) Kamer) NVJ Dutch Association of Journalists HR Supreme Court of the Netherlands (Hoge (Nederlandse Vereniging van Raad der Nederlanden) Journalisten) NVP Dutch Association for Human Resources IDH Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative Management and Organisation (Initiatief Duurzame Handel) Development (Nederlandse Vereniging IFRS International Financial Reporting voor Personeelsmanagement en Standards Organisatieontwikkeling) I&M (Ministry of) Infrastructure and NVVK Dutch Association for Public Credit Environment (Infrastructuur en Milieu) (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Volkskrediet)


NVvR Dutch Associationfor the Judiciary SAINT Self-Assessment INTegrity Monitor (Nederlandse Vereniging voor SBBI Organisation of social importance Rechtspraak) (Sociaal Belang Behartigende Instellingen) OCW (Ministry of) Education, Culture and SBIB Foundation Integrity Assessment for the Science (Ministerie van Onderwijs, construction industry (Stichting Cultuur en Wetenschap) Beoordeling Integriteit Bouwnijverheid). ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and SEC Securities and Exchange Commission Human Rights (Organisatie voor SER Social and Economic Council of the Democratische Instituties en Netherlands Mensenrechten) SGI Sustainable Governance Indicators OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation SGP (Staatkundig and Development (Organisatie voor Gereformeerde Partij) Economische Samenwerking en SIOD Social Intelligence and Investigation Ontwikkeling) Services (Sociale Inlichtingen- en OM Public Prosecution Service (Openbaar Opsporingdsienst) Ministerie) SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises OSCE Organisation for Security and Co- (Midden- en Kleinbedrijf) operation in Europe (Organisatie voor SP Socialist Party (Socialistische Partij) Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa) SRM Judiciary Selection Commission OSF Independent Senate Group (Selectiecommissie rechterlijke macht) (Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie) SSR Justice Study Centre (Studiecentrum Rechtspleging) PACI World Economic Forum Partnering Stb. Netherlands Bulletin of Acts and Decrees Against Corruption Initiative (Staatsblad) PBO Statutory Trade Organisation Stc. Dutch Government Gazette (Publiekrechtelijke Bedrijfsorganisatie) (Staatscourant) PEC Principal Electoral Committees StvdA Labour Foundation (Stichting van de (Kieskringen) Arbeid) PPP Public-private partnership (Publiek SZW (Ministry of) Social Affairs and private samenwerking) Employment (Ministerie van Sociale PvdA Dutch Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid) Zaken en Werkgelegenheid). PvdD Party for Animals (Partij voor de Dieren) PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid) TI-N Transparency International Netherlands (Transparency International Nederland) RAD Central Audit Service (Rijks audit dienst) TI-S Transparency International Secretariat Raio Judicial Civil Servant in training (Transparency International Secretariaat) (Rechterlijk ambtenaar in opleiding) TMG Top Management Group RJ Council for Annual Reporting (Raad voor TON Proud of the Netherlands (Trots op de Jaarverslaglegging) Nederland) Rob Dutch Council for Public Administration (Raad voor het openbaar bestuur) UNCAC United Nations Convention against Rvdr Council for the Judiciary (Raad voor de Corruption Rechtspraak) URI Uniform Registry of Integrity Violations RvS Council of State (Raad van State) (Uniforme Registratie RWT Entities with statutory duties Integriteitsschendingen) (Rechtspersoon met een Wettelijke Taak) VAN Gambling machines industry branch SAI Supreme Audit Institution (Speelautomaten Branche Organisatie)


VBA Association of Investment Experts Wet GBA Municipal Database Personal Files Act (Beroepsvereniging van (Wet gemeentelijke basisadministratie Beleggingsdeskundigen) persoonsgegevens) VJ (Ministry of) Security and Justice WFPP Proposed bill on the Financing of (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie) Political Parties (Wetsvoorstel VNG Association of Dutch Municipalities financiering politieke partijen) (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten) Wno National Ombudsman Act (Wet Nationale VOG Certificate of Good Conduct (Verklaring ombudsman) omtrent gedrag) Wob Openness of Government Act (Wet VPI Confidence Person Integrity (Vertrouwens openbaarheid van bestuur) persoon Integriteit) WODC Research and Documentation Centre VROM (Ministry of) Housing, Spatial Planning (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en and Environment (Volkshuisvesting Documentatiecentrum) Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer) Wopt Law on the disclosure of top incomes VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam financed by public means (Wet VVD People’s Party for Freedom and openbaarmaking uit publieke middelen Democracy (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en gefinancierde topinkomens) Democratie) Wpg Police Data Act (Wet politiegegevens) VVOJ Association of Investigative Journalists WSPP Political Parties Grants Act (Wet (Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten) subsidiëring politieke partijen) VWS (Ministry of) Health, Welfare and Sport WWFT Act to prevent money laundering and (Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, terrorist financing (Wet ter voorkoming Welzijn en Sport) van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme) Wbp Dutch Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) ZBO Independent administrative body WEF World Economic Forum (Zelfstandig Bestuursorgaan)



A series of high-profile corruption cases in the private Background and history of the NIS approach and public sectors has highlighted the urgent need also The concept of a “National Integrity System” originated to confront corruption in Europe. Corruption within the TI movement in the 1990s as TI’s primary undermines good governance, the rule of law and conceptual tool of how corruption could be best fought fundamental human rights. Seventy-eight per cent of and, ultimately, prevented. It made its first public Europeans surveyed for the EU Commission’s 2009 appearance in the TI Sourcebook, which sought to draw Eurobarometer survey believed that corruption was a together those actors and institutions which are crucial major problem in their country. in fighting corruption in a common analytical framework, called the “National Integrity System”. The This report is part of a pan-European anti-corruption initial approach suggested the use of ‘National Integrity initiative, supported by the DG Home Affairs of the Workshops’ to put this framework into practice. The European Commission and the Dutch Ministry of focus on “integrity” signified the positive message that Security and Justice. The main terms of reference were corruption can indeed be defeated if integrity reigns in established by the European Commission and all relevant aspects of public life. In the early 2000s, TI Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S). The then developed a basic research methodology to study objective of the report is to assess systematically the the main characteristics of actual National Integrity National Integrity Systems (NIS) of 25 European States, Systems in countries around the world via a desk study, and to advocate for sustainable and effective reform, as no longer using the National Integrity Workshop appropriate, in different countries. approach. In 2008, TI engaged in a major overhaul of the research methodology, adding two crucial elements What is the NIS? – the scoring system as well as consultative elements The NIS assessment approach used in this report of an advisory group - and reinstating the National provides a framework to analyse the effectiveness of a Integrity Workshop, which had been part of the original country’s institutions in preventing and fighting approach. corruption and in fostering transparency and integrity. The NIS concept has been developed and promoted by While the conceptual foundations of the NIS approach Transparency International as part of its overall originate in the TI Sourcebook, they are also closely evidence-based approach to countering corruption. A intertwined with the wider and growing body of well-functioning NIS provides effective safeguards academic and policy literature on institutional anti- against corruption. However, when the institutions are corruption theory and practice.1 The NIS research characterised by a lack of appropriate regulations and approach is an integral component of TI’s overall by unaccountable behaviour, corruption is likely to portfolio of research tools which measure corruption thrive, with negative knock-on effects on the goals of and assess anti-corruption efforts. By offering an in- good governance, sustainable development and social depth country-driven diagnosis of the main cohesion. Strengthening the NIS promotes better governance institutions, the NIS’ main aim is to provide governance across all aspects of society and, a solid evidence-base for country-level advocacy ultimately, contributes to a more just society overall. actions on improving the anti-corruption mechanisms

1 Rose Ackerman, S. (1999); OECD Public Sector Integrity: A Framework for Assessment (2005); Head, Brown and Connors 2008; Huberts, L.W.J.C., Anechiarico F. and Six F. (2008).


and their performance. It is complemented by other TI corruption, where a bribe is paid to receive preferential tools, which are geared more towards raising public treatment for something that the bribe receiver is awareness of corruption and its consequences through required to do by law, and “against the rule” corruption, global rankings (e.g. Corruption Perception Index, whereby a bribe is paid to obtain services the bribe Bribe Payers Index) or through reporting the views and receiver is prohibited from providing. Integrity is a experiences of the public (e.g. Global Corruption broader concept which goes beyond the mere absence Barometer). In addition, the NIS approach fills an of corruption and can best be described as “morally important gap in the larger field of international accepted behaviour”. This can be understood as good governance assessments, which are dominated by governance or the accepted use of power. While cross-country rankings and ratings (e.g. Global corruption is considered to be a criminal act, not all Integrity Index, Bertelsmann Transformation Index), integrity violation are of a criminal nature. donor-driven assessments (which are rarely made public) and country-specific case studies, by offering NIS Assessment an in-depth yet systematic assessment of the anti- The NIS country report aims to assess the performance corruption system which is based on a highly of the formal legal provisions safeguarding corruption consultative multi-stakeholder approach. This unique as well as their actual institutional practice, by combination of being driven by an independent local analysing their strong and weak points. Not only does civil society organisation, involving consultations with the study highlight specific areas in which reform is all relevant stakeholders in-country, and being needed, it can also be used to compare performances integrated into a global project architecture (which across institutions or sectors. By identifying key ensures effective technical assistance and quality recommendations, the assessment can be a basis for control) makes the NIS approach a relevant and useful future advocacy activities, further pillar-specific tool to assess and, ultimately, further anti-corruption research, political reform and ultimately help with efforts in countries around the world. fighting corruption. Officially the NIS methodology (temple) counts 13 ‘pillars’, thought to make up the Corruption and Integrity National Integrity System. One of these pillar is the TI has chosen a clear definition of corruption: “the Anti-Corruption Agency. The Netherlands, however, abuse of entrusted power for private gain.” Whereby TI lacks a relevant, independent body with a specific further differentiates between “according to rule” mission to fight corruption.

Government Public sector Non-governmental

• Legislature • Public Sector • Anti-Corruption Agency • Executive • Law Enforcement Agencies • Media • Judiciary • Electoral Management Body • Civil Society • Ombudsman • Political Parties • Supreme Audit Institution • Business

Further information on the NIS assessment and methodology can be found in Annex II.


THE VULNERABILITY OF THE NETHERLANDS’ NATIONAL of the NIS offer sufficient support to the safeguarding INTEGRITY SYSTEM of integrity in the Netherlands. By elements are meant the political-institutional, socio-political, socio- economic and socio-cultural foundations of a society An assessment of the National Integrity System (NIS) of as well as the thirteen central pillars that according to the Netherlands Transparency International collectively form the NIS. The degree to which these pillars provide a Motivation contribution to the safeguarding of integrity, is judged The occurrence of a great number of cases of according to certain previously-established criteria corruption2 in the private as well as public sector has such as resources, independence, transparency, made it clear that corruption in Europe must be fought accountability, integrity and the way in which the pillar unceasingly. Corruption undermines good governance, fulfils its own role. Here there must be sufficient the rule of law and human rights.3 Research into internal correction of integrity violations within the corruption as a rule is directed at the extent to which pillar, or if these internal-correction mechanisms do incidents of corruption occur in a country, or to what not function then external correction should take place degree corruption is encountered (perception research). via other pillars. This internal and external correction When such incidents neither occur nor are encountered, should be coordinated. that is not yet sufficient indication that integrity in the given country is adequately ensured. The NIS approach The NIS report is to a large extent the end-result of makes it possible to investigate how effective national qualitative research in which for each pillar or part institutions are in preventing corruption and in thereof a qualitative judgement is given to help to bring stimulating and achieving integrity. to the forefront both the strong points as well as those requiring attention. Here we did not only look at formal The NIS concept anti-corruption provisions, but also tried to get a picture of the efficacy of these provisions in practice. In this we made use of primary and secondary literature, international reports, and interviews with a total of 46 persons either active within a pillar or with a proven record of expertise in monitoring one or more of them. We explicitly chose for an indicative and enumerating investigation which strove to make visible the effectiveness of the Netherlands’ NIS, but at the same time brought forward those aspects that constitute risks for the prevention of corruption and safeguarding of integrity. The report investigates how strong the The NIS concept proceeds from the assumption that Netherlands’ safeguarding of integrity is at the national integrity can only be realised if the separate elements level.

2 For instance: The Poland corruption case, the News of the World United Kingdom corruption case, the Siemens corruption Case, the UN oil for Food casas, the BAE Systems corruption case and the Dutch construction fraud. 3 The report National Integrity System Assessment Netherlands is part of Europe-wide research into the national integrity systems of targeted European countries. This research is conducted on behalf of Transparency International (TI) and is supported by DG Home Affairs of the European Commission and, in the Netherlands, also by the Ministry of Public Security and Justice.


Corruption as virus Key findings of the NIS assessment It is naturally of interest to ascertain how corrupt a country is before considering focal points and risks in National Integrity System its safeguarding of integrity. After all, if there is no sign of a problem in practice, should provisions for integrity still be established? If cases of corruption such as real- estate fraud become known, then the question invariably follows whether this is one incident or whether one can speak of large-scale, but invisible, corruption. This makes the fundamental question as to the usefulness of and necessity of integrity provisions difficult. In order to answer this question, in analogy with medical science it helps to see corruption as a serious virus. As soon as a serious case of infection is known about, no expense is spared in preventing a large-scale outbreak. Here it is important that expertise is generally available, and that both specialists and the general public know what it is they Politics Society Economy Culture must do. It is important to locate the source of the virus as well as the factors playing a role in its having arisen. Possible symptoms need to be recognised in a timely manner. At the same time cooperation between Role Governance Capacity specialists must proceed well, while government has the clear task of giving form to proper communication LEG. Legislature with citizens and organisations. Here there should EXE. Executive exist clear protocols, but the effectiveness of the effort JUD. Judiciary will depend above all on how people deal with the PS. Public Sector problem. A similar system should therefore be in place LEA. Law Enforcement Agencies to prevent and redress corruption infection. From this EMB. Electoral Management Body NIS research it became apparent that the Netherlands OMB. Ombudsman does have a relatively strong National Integrity System. SAI. Supreme Audit Institution But this does not detract from the fact that there are ACA. Anti Corruption Agencies also points of concern that, just as when fighting a PP. Political Parties nasty virus, need to be improved promptly so that MED. Media corruption can be detected quickly and countered, and CS. Civil Society further outbreaks can be prevented. In this summary BUS. Business we will briefly describe the Netherlands’ NIS and then provide recommendations concerning the weak points detected in it. individuals is relatively high. Nevertheless, this level of NIS foundations trust differs considerably from case to case, so that The political, social, economic and cultural foundations trust in politicians and political parties is relatively low present in the Netherlands turn out to be solid, so that while the trust in the judiciary is high. There are points they constitute important support for the effectiveness of concern, particularly concerning government of the country’s NIS. Democratic principles are well- information management. The Openness of established in Dutch society, and the rule-of-law Government Act does not function as it should, while functions as it should. The presence of trust is an there are also other examples of government falling important requirement in striving for integrity. In Dutch short in its duty of care with respect to citizens’ private society trust in (political) institutions and other information. Despite the fact that there are no more


traces in the Netherlands of the old societal Pillars “compartmentalization” per se, characteristics of that The “pillars” of the Netherlands’ Integrity System also structure can clearly still be found in Dutch society. In turn out, individually and collectively, to contribute to any case or matter, there is always an attempt to ensuring integrity. By ‘pillar’ we understand the achieve consensus between the various groups in institution or institutions that play a key role in society. It is through this striving for consensus that preventing corruption. The NIS consists of the support for further action is created in the Netherlands. following pillars: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Such an often informal decision-making process also Public Sector, Law Enforcement Agencies, Electoral requires an integrity awareness whereby different Management Body, Ombudsman, the Supreme Audit interests are promoted in an honest and transparent Institution, Anti-Corruption Agency, Political Parties, manner. For example, in the Netherlands membership Civil Society and Business. of a political party is still an advantage for appointment to a government post, although this is not always Legislature recognised as such. The way political appointments are The safeguarding of integrity within the Legislature made is a form of vulnerability within the NIS; the pillar (here we restrict ourselves to the House of failure to recognise or realise that only worsens that Representatives, the Tweede Kamer) is fairly strong. vulnerability. On top of that, the legitimacy of political The Tweede Kamer is to a large degree involved in parties is now under pressure now that they enjoy determining its own budget, and the support it should relatively less confidence and only three percent of the receive to carry out its tasks, is set out in its Rules of population is a member of a political party. Taken as a Order. In practice, though, the resources made whole, a wide variety of groups in society do manage available to it are not always seen as sufficient. Extra to live peacefully next to each other, with sufficient support for parliamentary groups, better cooperation, interaction happening between them. One point of and extra training for new MPs should improve the continual worry is ensuring that no further separation situation. The independence of the legislature is to a arises between e.g. native-born and foreign-born great degree protected by law. The Tweede Kamer can Dutch citizens or between the highly educated and the only be dissolved in exceptional circumstances, it lesser educated, for this is necessary in order to chooses its own chairperson and it enjoys a great preserve the social foundation. The Netherlands’ degree of inviolability. It is also true, though, the fact economic foundation is among the strongest in the that there are no rules for dealing with lobbyists world, and in general the differences between rich and constitutes a risk to the independent position of the poor in the country are relatively small. Nonetheless, individual MP. Also, the ideal of a position in the this foundation will surely be under great pressure in legislature absolutely free from any ‘burden’ in practice the coming years due to the European economic crisis. fails to be realised due to the party whip system. This It is not yet possible to predict to what degree this crisis was intensified when the new government came to will influence the safeguarding of integrity, either at the power, which has a minority position (two national or the organisational level. The financial parliamentary groupings) in the Tweede Kamer but consequences could influence the political and social which is supported by a third parliamentary grouping foundations of Dutch society. Yet the cultural On top of that, there is even a party (the SP) whereby foundation in the Netherlands remains strong, MPs can be considered to be workers of their party. meaning that in the Netherlands societal norms and values are present that support the Integrity System. The law does provide for measures for watching over Dutch people on the one hand are proud of typical the legislature’s transparency. For example, Dutch norms and values such as solidarity and commission meetings, except for closed sessions, are tolerance. On the other hand, they also worry about open to the public, (parliamentary) journalists have losing these norms and values and about the access to the Tweede Kamer and its official documents materialism that in their eyes is steadily increasing. In are supposed be published. In practice, MPs frequently recent years, the number of Dutch people who believe take responsibility for their actions via the line of their that corruption has increased in the Netherlands has political party or via the media. Basic integrity grown. provisions are present for the legislature. MPs are


sworn into office, and they are required to register their there is no need to provide private financial side-activities, business travel and gifts received. information. Rather, the ‘trust principle’ is in effect There is no integrity policy or code of conduct. When it here, meaning that only when there is a concrete comes to ensuring integrity in practice, there is still indication that would call that trust is into question, the room for improvement, particularly when it comes to premier is obliged to provide information to the Tweede MPs reflecting better on their own and each other’s Kamer. The Executive accounts to a considerable integrity. As to its role, it is notable that the Tweede degree for the manner in which it governs. Ministerial Kamer can use various instruments through which it responsibility is broadly interpreted, and that brings can exert its supervisory function, and in practice with it the frequent summoning of ministers to account makes good use of these. One worrisome point, for the policies they pursue. If the Tweede Kamer no however, is the sometimes deficient or selective longer has confidence in a minister, it can lead to his or information that MPs receive from the Executive. On her departure. But the provision of information to the average, the legislature shows only mild interest in Tweede Kamer remains a point of concern. Sometimes anti-corruption measures and good governance, as is this seems insufficient, or else selective and/or slanted apparent from the limited number of draft legislation information is provided, which could tend to hinder initiatives undertaken in this area. It is also difficult to effective control over the Executive. In addition, the make any sharp distinction between political practice, Netherlands Court of Audit (Algemene Rekenkamer) which necessarily implies trading off interests, and the plays an important role in auditing how a minister misuse of a position of power in order to secure one’s controls his or her finances. It really cannot be said that own political future or to serve other sorts of private there is an integrity policy for the Executive, but there interests. does exist a handbook for incoming ministers and state secretaries in which there are a number of items Executive pertaining to integrity. A number of incidents in which The safeguarding of integrity within the Executive pillar (apparent) conflict-of-interest on the part of (former) (restricted here to the government) is strong. policy-makers led to controversy indicates that the way Government authorities have sufficient means in which individuals think about integrity, varies. This available, and are to a great extent independent of the undermines confidence in politics. Usually the media legislature, partly due to the dualistic system. The role functions as a watchdog in this regard. In general, it can played by political parties is considerable, and is be said that ministries are well managed, even though strengthened further by government-formation on the there have been concerns expressed regarding some basis of coalitions. Some coordination between Tweede departments over how the management will deal with Kamer parliamentary groupings and their allied the state budget cuts. The continued absence of ministers/policy-makers in government does take effective protection for whistle-blowers, together with place. It is also true for the Executive that there is no the limited rules governing political party financing consideration given to the manner in which it deals with contained in recently-proposed legislation, do form a information provided by lobbyists. Further, there are risk for the effective fighting of corruption. no similar sort of ‘anti-revolving door’ rules in place such as those that apply to the European Commission, Judiciary whereby former Commissioners are forbidden to lobby The Judiciary (restricted here to the sitting magistrates) for activities they were responsible for during their time is a strong safeguarder of integrity. This pillar has in Brussels. The only concrete ‘revolving door’ rule sufficient means available, and judges’ salaries are applies to the Minister of Defence. It is important, in high. Recent budget-cuts have included, among other this respect, that former ministers and state secretaries things, a proposed halving of the number of Raio- set the example. There is also no transparency as places (judiciary training programs) and a shortening of regards the regulatory constructions established to the duration of such programs. It has yet to be seen prevent conflict-of-interest on the part of recently- what the effects of these measures will be on the justice appointed ministers and state secretaries arising out of system. The Judiciary enjoys a considerable degree of their financial and business interests. There are no independence, both in legal and practical terms, in records relating to financial and business interests and which the appointment of judges for life offers an


important safeguard. The concerns regarding this to integrity in their performance reviews. However, independence are to be seen in the existence of implementation in practice leaves much to be desired, substitute judges and the increasing involvement (via and protection for whistle-blowers is inadequate in the media) of politicians and citizens in how the practice. The number of criminal indictments for administering of justice should take place. Moreover, a punishable conduct by civil servants is low in relation difficult dilemma is involved here: on the one hand, we to the number of internal reports of (possible) integrity are glad to have our judges fully involved in society, but violations. In 2008 it emerged that there was on the other hand we want them to be independent, to considerable lack of awareness as to civil servants’ duty not even have any appearance of bias. The provisions to report violations, but in the meantime it is unclear on recusal and excluding offers good protection when whether this lack of awareness has improved or has there is a threat to the independence of a judge in a become worse. Many alleged corruption incidents are specific case. The number of recusal requests is settled via labour law provisions. This has its increasing, but worries have also arisen about the advantages. There one can get to work on the matter misuse of this right. In general, the Judiciary is fairly swiftly, and no lawsuits are required. A disadvantage is transparent in the way that it operates, with perhaps a that corrupt incidents do not become visible and the side-note that the manner in which cases are assigned risk arises that the civil servant in question goes on to to judges is not that clear. The existing integrity policy pursue his activities elsewhere. One point of concern is is somewhat fragmented, but will be reviewed in that the Public Sector barely cooperates with business 2011/2012. In general, judges engage rather too little or with civil society organisations to develop anti- in reflection and peer discussions. Trust in the Judiciary corruption initiatives, even as that was one of the is great. A number of judicial errors (attributable as explicit recommendations made by the OECD in 2009. much to law enforcement agencies as to the Judiciary) Neither can one really speak of Public Sector that have lessened this trust somewhat. There is no clear informs and educates the Dutch public about its anti- picture as to the degree to which the Judiciary is corruption efforts. There does exist the Office for committed to fighting corruption. Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector (BIOS) that stimulates and supports the (semi-)public sector in Public Sector establishing and implementing integrity policies. The The Public Sector (interpreted here as ministries existing regulations governing public contracting and together with independent administrative bodies – in the proven attention for integrity in public contracting Dutch: ZBO – as well as entities with statutory duties – are of great importance in reducing the risks of in Dutch: RWT) has a relatively strong safeguarding of corruption. integrity although, together with the pillar Political Parties, it does constitute one of the weaker pillars. The Law Enforcement Agencies Public Sector has sufficient resources available, but is The safeguarding of integrity within the Law momentarily undergoing large-scale state budget cuts. Enforcement Agencies pillar is fairly strong. In general Government agencies are generally seen as an they have sufficient resources available, although the attractive employer, and in general highly-educated manner in which resources are allocated to the police professionals work there. The only risk to the has repeatedly given rise to problems. In general these independence of the Public Sector lies, again, in the organisations are sufficiently independent. The way civil servants deal with information that is provided position of the Rijksrecherche is unique from an by lobbyists. Transparency is assured by, among other international perspective, and offers an important means, a law prescribing that top incomes financed by safeguard in ensuring adequate investigation of public money should be registered. There is no legal possible corrupt practices on the part of police and civil requirement for civil servants to make their business servants. In general these organisations operate in a interests known. The Civil Servants Act lists extensive transparent manner. The integrity provisions in place requirements for the establishment of an integrity differ according to the organisation. The police, for policy. As such there should be e.g. a code of conduct example, have had for years an office for internal and a procedure for reporting possible abuses, and the investigations, that addresses and investigates integrity respective authorities are supposed to devote attention violations, while it is apparent that a similar office for


the Openbaar Ministerie will get its start in 2012. This acting as an independent source of advice when it is partly the result of recently uncovered integrity comes to electoral law. The Kiesraad has no violations by public prosecutors. At first glance, the competencies when it comes to subsidy of and number of integrity violations by the police seems high, supervision over the finances of political parties and/or but this can also be the result of a well-functioning candidates. In the draft legislation now before the integrity system in which abuses quickly become legislature, the Law for the Financing of Political Parties visible. Investigation and prosecution of corruption is (in Dutch: WFPP), these competencies are conferred on not simple. For example, it turns out that in practice the Minister for BZK. The Kiesraad’s role in organising suspected corrupt behaviour is not always reported to the electoral process is also limited, as this is mostly the authorities, but is handled instead through performed by local governments. There are no disciplinary proceedings, with the effect that visibility as instruments currently available that could protect the to the extent of corruption remains limited, no lessons integrity of Kiesraad members. Neither are there rules can be learned from the incident, and above all the risk for Kiesraad members when it comes to membership in arises that the same individual will go on to pursue the a political party. Despite the lack of such provisions, same practices elsewhere. Detecting and prosecuting integrity is a common theme discussed during Kiesraad corruption abroad also turns out not to be so simple in meetings. practice. Not only does detecting and prosecuting such corruption stand in a conflicted relationship with the Ombudsman (Nationale ombudsman) economic interests of Dutch business, but the The safeguarding of integrity in the Ombudsman pillar international cooperation that is necessary to fight it is the strongest of all the pillars. The Nationale turns out to be difficult in practice. In most cases the ombudsman enjoys a large degree of independence in corrupt practice should be punishable in the law and in practice. The Tweede Kamer appoints the Netherlands as well as in the country where the act is Nationale ombudsman on the basis of criteria that are committed. Difficulties can arise if persons in the same specifically formulated by the Tweede Kamer itself. The affair are seen as suspect in one country while in the Nationale ombudsman’s judgements are not other they are involved as witnesses. In this connection enforceable, but in practice they do have a certain it can even happen that foreign investigative agencies authority. The Nationale ombudsman is successful to do not cooperate at all, or do so unwillingly. the degree to which he handles complaints. He also turns out to be active and successful in advising public Electoral Management Body (Kiesraad) organisations about how they can improve their quality The safeguarding of integrity within the Electoral of service. Legal requirements as to transparency, Management Body (restricted here to the Dutch accountability and integrity are limited. This results in Electoral Council - Kiesraad) is fairly strong. The the Nationale ombudsman having wide discretionary Kiesraad has sufficient resources available and is a well- powers to make things public, to account for his respected – if rather invisible – institution. A point of conduct and design an integrity policy. In practice it concern is its limited independence, now that it falls turns out that the (current) Nationale ombudsman has directly under the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom gone a step further here than what is prescribed by law. Relations (Dutch: BZK). The Kiesraad’s independence is actually not based in law in so many words, but is Supreme Audit Institution (Algemene Rekenkamer) certainly implicit through its allocation of specific The safeguarding of integrity of the Supreme Audit competencies in the electoral process; competencies Institution (Algemene Rekenkamer) is strong. It has that cannot be exercised by any other administrative sufficient resources available, but the extent to which it organ. In recent years there have been attempts to is effective in exercising its tasks, is dependent upon enlarge this independent stance by allowing the the way internal audits take place within the various Kiesraad to establish its own work plan and giving it ministries. The question is whether this audit structure control over its own budget. The selection of the will remain strong enough now that extensive budget Kiesraad’s chairman and members occurs by royal cuts are taking place among the ministries. The decree. In practice, the Kiesraad (chairman) and the Algemene Rekenkamer continually seems to make associated secretariat play an important role, including integrity its priority, both within the organisations


where it carries out its audits as well as within its own the GRECO-recommendations. These rules do not apply organisation. It is to a great extent independent, it to local political parties or candidates. The threshold for investigates what it chooses to investigate, and it always compulsory registering and disclosing gifts is still hears both sides (a reaction by the civil service and relatively high and donations from foreign donors not minister is considered), before publishing its reports. restricted. The supervision is foreseen to be in the hands These formal reactions to the audit reports are added to of the Ministry of BZK, which is not an independent the report and published. The board members of the supervisory body. The themes of corruption and Algemene Rekenkamer are appointed for life. The integrity play either a limited or no role within political selection criteria are of a general nature and are parties. published. In practice membership of a political party plays a role in the decision. The Tweede Kamer also Media plays an important role in this appointment procedure. The safeguarding of integrity within the media is The Algemene Rekenkamer generally conducts strong. International treaties and Dutch laws guarantee investigations at the systems level, but in doing so can free and independent media. Censorship hardly ever also look at the spending of individual ministers and occurs in the Netherlands, and journalists enjoy great state secretaries and top civil servants e.g. secretary freedom. There are large differences in the degree to generals and director-generals. which the media organisations make public how their decision-making is conducted and what their policy is. Political Parties Few media organisations have an integrity policy of The safeguarding of integrity within political parties is their own. If a code of conduct has been established, fairly strong, but it does belong among the weaker then it often neglects journalists’ integrity and/or the pillars within the NIS. Political parties have sufficient way integrity plays a role in the production of e.g. news means available, which to a great extent is the reports. A few media organisations, such as the NRC consequence of government subsidies that they receive Handelsblad and De Volkskrant, have their own under certain conditions. Around three percent of the ombudsman available, who critically monitors the role Dutch population is a member of a political party, but of his own organisation and its reporting and who often nonetheless they play an important role in Dutch steps aside for an outsider’s perspective. Additionally, democracy. All political representatives are in practice the role that the Netherlands Press Council has played chosen via the list of a political party. Those appointed in handling complaints about journalists and media to key positions in public administration and in behaviour has been limited. Recently the Council has businesses are also often members of a political party. been further professionalised and criteria have been To some degree this sets the legitimacy of the parties established on the basis of which it assesses under pressure. The law offers important safeguards to complaints before stating its judgment. The ensure political party independence. The leading risks Netherlands Press Council is still not widely accepted with regard to their integrity lie in the lack of adequate by the professional group of journalists and without legislation concerning their financing. In practice, enforcement instruments its operations are limited. political parties are not very transparent, and the gifts Some concerns has been expressed about the received are only partially registered. At present it is Netherlands Press Council’s continued existence, now possible to take part in an election as a political that its government subsidy is about to be cancelled. movement, without even having members and/or The degree to which the media can monitor internal party democracy, and thus to make up a part of government is limited now that the Openness of political representation, without any obligations with Government Act has turned out not be effective in regard to financing. Such a lack of transparency in practice. For example, governmental authorities finance makes possible corruption in the interest of frequently invoke the exception grounds available, or external (possibly foreign) contributors. In addition, information is delivered too late so that judicial through murky party financing, which can potentially intervention becomes necessary. Nonetheless, in become quite extensive, there can result a disturbance general the media are active and successful in their to effective political competition. The proposed law on reporting about government and governmental affairs. the financing of political parties (Wfpp) partly meets with With some regularity they report about things having to


do with corruption. In some cases it has been the media requirements are clear and offer little room for e.g. that were able to bring cases of corruption and fraud to subjective treatment. The legal requirements for light. Cutbacks and shifting of priorities by the media setting up a company have also been considerably of research to entertainment also pose a risk for the simplified. There are diverse supervisory bodies that role of the media as a watchdog with respect to the monitor compliance with the rules, but here integrity in other pillars. competencies overlap, which in some individual cases has led to contradictory decisions. For exchange-listed Civil Society companies there exists extensive legislation largely Civil Society has a relatively strong safeguarding of inspired by EU that obliges such firms to make certain integrity. This is especially true due to the great degree data public and prescribes how companies have to take of freedom and independence that civil society responsibility for their management. For small- and organisations enjoy. There is also a favourable climate medium-sized firms there is only the obligation to file for organisations with a social interest, which under annual financial reports. Not all firms comply with certain conditions enjoy tax advantages. Civil society these rules or explain why they have not done so, and organisations have sufficient resources available, certain matters regularly fail to be reported. Further, though they are often dependent on gifts from citizens the awarding of bonuses does not always conform to and/or businesses. In some cases government the guidelines of the Corporate Governance Code. subsidies are also allotted, although there are also Legal requirements and self-regulation when it comes organisations that desire no such subsidies out of to integrity are extensive, and many companies and principle. If an organisation becomes dependent on industrial organisations have their own codes of such subsidies then this can form a risk to the degree conduct. However, in practice it turns out that some to which they can call the government to account. The organisations cannot implement them effectively and extent to which civil society organisations accept there is no sort of basis for integrity within the responsibility for their policies and are transparent organisation. Further, there exists little or no deserves further attention. There is certainly growing protection for whistle-blowers in the private sector. pressure out of society for these to show responsibility Dutch business in international (perception) research in and be transparent about how they spend their money. corruption turns out to be one of the better, being less Some organisations have even developed an integrity guilty of bribe-paying in foreign lands. policy, but for the most part civil society organisations are too small and dependent on volunteers to be On the other hand some businessmen maintain that in capable of this. Institutions soliciting funds that desire some countries (e.g. in Africa or Eastern Europe) it is to display the CBF label (that of the Centraal Bureau fairly inevitable to do business with some form of Fondsenwerving, which certifies that those funds are bribery. Certain sectors within the Netherlands can also actually used for charitable purposes) can freely choose be singled out, such as the construction and real- to do so. Their activities will be monitored by a special estate sector, where relatively more corruption seems supervisor: the CBF. It is notable that there are little to to occur. There is only limited cooperation with the no civil society organisations that concern themselves Dutch authorities in fighting corruption, and likewise with the themes of corruption and/or integrity. Civil little or no cooperation from Dutch business with non- society should become more involved in measures to governmental organisations towards develop anti- become more accountable and promote integrity not corruption initiatives. only regarding themselves but also regarding the public and private sector. They could for instance be Conclusion enabled to provide their views on newly proposed The Netherlands has a relatively strong NIS apparently legislature. sufficient ‘checks and balances’ in general. However the national integrity system is incomplete. Currently Business there is no systematic relationship between the public In general, there is reasonable safeguarding of integrity and private sectors or for that matter civil society for within the Dutch business sector. It is relatively simple improving integrity and curbing corruption. It is to set up a business in the Netherlands, the notable that one is quicker to speak of integrity and


transparency than corruption in the Netherlands, and Recommendations when one does discuss integrity, it seldom has to do In the light of the findings of the NIS evaluation, TI- with one’s own integrity or that of one’s direct Netherlands will work on the basis of the following colleagues. Reference is often made to other pillar’s recommendations; integrity or, better said, behaviour lacking such integrity. For example, the Tweede Kamer points out General the unethical behaviour of the Executive, NGOs focus 1. The recommendations of OECD for curbing on unethical behaviour within the business sector and corruption should be effected in full and as soon as the media concentrates on the unethical methods of possible. In particular the Netherlands have to take other media, the business world or politics. The a proactive stance regarding the investigation en conclusion seems justified that external corrective prosecution of foreign civil servants involved in mechanisms at the “pillar” level generally work well, corruption in the field of international business and unethical behaviour is usually mutually exposed transactions. Moreover parent companies have to between pillars and corrected. Internal correction account for the activities of their subsidiaries. The mechanisms equally form an important component of level of fines for foreign corruption should be the necessary ‘checks and balances’; however, these raised. function only partly. This has nothing to do with any 2. The public and private sector and also the civil shortage of rules or procedures. Other than the several society organisations are to cooperate to reduce exceptions already described, for most NIS pillars corruption and improve the importance of formal provisions are indeed present. integrity. Individual cases of corruption should be centrally registered and monitored to enable more The foremost reason that internal correction effective prosecutions. mechanisms function in such a limited way is due to the 3. Despite positive developments in improving taboo that seems to exist around addressing someone integrity and transparency, corruption prevention else’s acting without integrity. It is precisely in the systems are not widespread enough in either the Netherlands, where the so-called ‘polder model’ business or the public sector. Representatives and prevails, that it is important that things always be directors of all pillars of the public sector and its weighed and discussed and that questions of power institutions should be made accountable for their and influence be dealt with in the right way. The own integrity. Civil society has to strengthen its challenge for the Netherlands is to have speaking about efforts towards more transparency, integrity, and integrity, and calling each other out about integrity, accountability. becoming a self-evident component of networking, 4. Integrity and anticorruption are presently not lobbying and doing business. Only when one’s own explicitly discussed enough nor are they part of integrity is no longer a taboo subject can there be talk education curricula in schools and universities. A of a NIS that is truly ready for the future. Improvements public campaign about the damage caused by in the sense of more cooperation between the sectors corruption in the Netherlands is wrongly lacking. should be sought for. Another major conclusion that The aim should be to increase citizen awareness of can be drawn is that top level decision makers both in the dangers of corruption, and to make them aware the public and private sector should become more of the possibilities to expose violations of integrity. accountable to each other as to their own integrity. The well-known tone from the top should be Improving the integrity of the public sector complemented with the correct tone at the top. This 5. There should be a register for all ministers and state has to coincide with the possibility to safely report secretaries to disclose their business and financial abuses within but also outside of an organisation. As interests. This register should be monitored. The such there should be no difference between a handbook for candidate ministers should be governmental or private sector entity. A last major changed into a real code of conduct for the council conclusion is that gaps in the existing system of checks of ministers including integrity provisions. Former and balances regarding promoting integrity and ministers may not accept becoming a partner with fighting corruption have to be filled. their former ministry for two years.


6. The proposed bill on the Financing of Political concerning investigation and prosecution of Parties is aimed at increasing transparency in the corruption (of civil servants) abroad should be finances of political parties. This bill does not amended so that economic or competition entirely meet the GRECO recommendations. To arguments can no longer be used to justify corrupt prevent conflict-of-interest, the financing of local business actions. political parties should be regulated 12. The law enforcement agencies should together 7. There is a need for a public registry of lobbyists with the different tiers of government develop active within the confines of Parliament and the procedures on how to react to individual breaches Ministries. Members of Parliament and civil of integrity within public sector entities. Effective servants should keep records of contacts with control and monitoring of cases of corruption lobbyists and interest groups in their field. should be established. The private sector needs to Interventions by lobbyists should be made public. record criminal declarations with respect to 8. A more transparent appointment procedure for corruption similar to corruption cases in the official senior civil service positions is called for. police and justice databases. 13. The “watchdogs” like the media, the national Instruments and resources ombudsman and civil society have to develop a 9. Criminal law should be updated to enable more vision concerning their own integrity and to bring attention to curbing and penalising private sector this into practice. corruption and to allow for more effective prosecution policies by police, tax officials and by Guarding the general interest the public prosecutor. The recent changed UK 14. The way in which cases are being assigned to Bribery Act could be used as a good example. judges has to be made more transparent. To this 10. The personnel and financial resources of law end a system has to be developed that guarantees enforcement and justice officials should be at random allocation. boosted to be more effective in fighting fraud and 15. A modernisation of the Openness of Government corruption. Clearer legal provisions and more Act (Wob) is in order, taking into account the need efficient legal procedures would be helpful. to inform the public about unlawful activities. Quantity and quality of resources of the Dutch Guidance should be taken from existing prosecution office should be brought into line with international good practices in Europe. their peers from Germany and the United Kingdom. 16. A more protected environment for (potential) A more active anti-bribery cooperation needs to be whistle-blowers both in the private and the (semi) sought within the EU and beyond, especially with public sector ought to be assured. Laws on whistle- the USA. Domestic and international cooperation in blower protection in the private sector must be investigating and prosecution of (international) strengthened. Employees should be able to obtain cases of corruption should be strengthened and advice and counselling as whistle-blower. A existing agreements implemented. The institutions whistle-blower institution should cover all sectors involved should cooperate more effectively. Use and enable potential whistle-blowers when should be made of existing best practices for necessary to breach existing confidentiality and reducing breaches of integrity. loyalty obligations without being penalised, as part 11. The Directive of the Council of Procurators General of the necessary documentation of their case.


THE CORRUPTION PROFILE REFLECTS WHAT IS KNOWN Figures on civil servant bribery by the Ministry of ABOUT CORRUPTION IN THE NETHERLANDS BASED ON Security and Justice EXISTING RESEARCH AND REPORTS ON CORRUPTION In 2010 and 2011 two books were published which CASES. provided comprehensive insight into the development of Dutch anti-corruption policies over the last decade(s), real case-studies, and an overview of the Existing research on corruption and integrity research done on corruption in the Netherlands.7 The Most research which is carried out in the Netherlands is author provides below an overview of the figures for concentrated on corruption in public administration. civil servant bribery, as provided by the Ministry of Here the focus is often on the integrity of civil servants Security and Justice in the period 1994-1998.8 (including the police). Little attention is paid to politicians or members of the executive (for example, Year Total number of recorded Total ministers or mayors) of either central or decentralised cases of bribery involving number of governmental agencies. The private or (semi)public a civil servant convictions sectors do not get much attention in any qualitative or 1998 32 8 quantitative corruption research. Empirical research into 1997 40 9 corruption is complex because of the ‘dark number’; as 1995 87 35 with other criminal activities, parties in a corrupt act have an interest in keeping it secret.4 The number of reported and acknowledged cases of corruption is therefore These figures are rather old, but are often referred to believed to be lower than the total number of corrupt in research because more recent figures on civil servant practices which are actually taking place. Besides this bribery are scarce. This was the only time that ‘dark number’ characterising corrupt conduct, the fact corruption figures were made available by the Ministry that integrity violations are not or not always properly of Security and Justice, because figures on corruption recorded within the different fields of society probably cases are not systematically recorded. A more recent gives a false or at least a too-positive picture. report, made available by the OM, showed that in the period 2003-2007 342 cases of corruption in the Increasingly, research is being done into the integrity public sector were reported. In 188 of the cases it of public organisations, from initial assessments on the concerned one or more civil servants who were believed availability of the integrity provisions in organisations to have been bribed (180 of which cases concerned to an increasing focus on the effectiveness of integrity bribing in violation of the civil servants’ duty).9 provisions. Also, some public institutions, such as the Private corruption and public corruption which is police, are active in researching their own integrity investigated by regional police are not always reported policies.5 Since the last NIS in 20016, the following to the national prosecutor’s office (Landelijk Parket), studies have been carried out. and therefore overall figures on corruption cases are not

4 Heuvel, van den J.H.J, Huberts, L.W.J.C., Wal, van der Z. and Steenbergen, K. (2010). p.21. 5 Tankeren, van M. (2010); Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Naeyé, J. (2005). 6 Netherlands.tcm31- 41823.pdf 7 Hulten, van M. (2010); Hulten, van M. (2011). 8 These figures were made available in 1999, at the time the official name of this ministry was Ministry of Justice. Hulten, van M. (2011). 9 Rijksrecherche (2010), footnote 36.


available. The Corruption Public Prosecutor has information and participation in decision-making when indicated that the plan for 2012 is to start to register personal interest are involved.14 The research also showed corruption cases.10 that the formalised regulations are not adequately made operational. Most municipalities have implemented the Study on integrity of local government legally-required policy instruments. Still, four percent of In 2010 the research group Integrity of Governance of the the municipalities have not implemented any integrity VU Amsterdam conducted research into the integrity of policies. The research indicates that, although most local government, i.e. the integrity of politicians and civil municipalities have a code of conduct and other servants.11 That research was based on a questionnaire instruments in place, they do struggle with ensuring that among council clerks and municipal secretaries of Dutch integrity receives permanent attention. Municipalities had municipalities, with a response rate of nearly 60 percent. difficulty in providing the researchers with the total The secretary manages the entire civil servants’ apparatus number of integrity investigations.15 Overall familiarity in municipalities and is responsible for the design and with the integrity policies differed. Whereby most civil implementation of the entire integrity policy for the servants are more aware of the legal provisions which are municipality. The study provided an overview of the of a regulating character (oath taken by civil servants, integrity policies in place, their visibility and rules on gifts and the code of conduct) than the more effectiveness, as well as an account of integrity problems recently implemented soft instruments (whistle-blower during the last two years. The main conclusion is that the procedure, duty to report and register).16 number of investigations into alleged corruption and fraud at municipalities has increased. In 2010 the total Study on fraud and integrity policies of decentralised number of corruption and fraud investigations was 301 governments and the police while the total number in 2003 was 135.12 The total Deloitte Forensic & Dispute Services has recently carried number of alleged integrity violations in 2010 was 1,320. out research into the fraud and integrity policies of The researchers consider this to be an indication of decentralised governments and the police.17 This increased attention to integrity issues. Of the alleged research concerned the fraud and integrity policies of corruption and fraud cases, 88 percent involved a civil provinces, municipalities, water authorities and the police. servant. Members of the executive and politicians are less It showed that, in general, the legally obligatory integrity likely to be subject to an investigation because they are policies are set up well. Incorporation of integrity policies outnumbered by the totality of civil servants. There is also into the daily operations, organisational culture and the fact that the integrity policies aimed at this group have leadership is considered to be weak.18 Overall, 13.8 only recently developed and are, in a sense, somewhat percent of the organisations have been confronted with behind.13 The research indicated that corruption corruption in the previous five years. Among other incidents which involve local councillors are rare. More results, in total 30.8 percent of the organisations have often, other forms of integrity violations are occurring- been confronted with conflict of interests and 24.6 for instance, preferential treatment, careless treatment of percent with favouritism.19

10 Email exchange with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutors Office d.d. the 31st of August 2011. 11 Heuvel, van den J.H.J, Huberts, L.W.J.C., Wal, van der Z. and Steenbergen, K. (2010). 12 Ibid., p.91. 13 Ibid., p.92. 14 Ibid., p.92. 15 Ibid., p.92. 16 Ibid., p.94. 17 The Fraude- en integriteitsbeleid decentrale overheden en politie. Resultaten onderzoek 2010 investigation was carried out by order of Onderlinge Verzekeringen Overheid U.A. 18 Deloitte Forensic & Dispute Services (2010), p.37. 19 Ibid., p.24.


Study on special investigation services reports of of the three investigation services.21 Civil servants from alleged corruption by civil servants the central government were more frequently subjects In 2010 the Rijksrecherche (National Police Internal of reports or investigation than those from Investigations Department) published its results from municipalities.22 research into bribery of civil servants in the civil public Of the 69 civil servants subjected to a Rijksrecherche sector.20 The Rijksrecherche conducted research into investigation, 63 maintained functional contact with the 221 reports and 73 investigations on the alleged parties outside the government. In 45 of those, there corruption of civil servants. The investigations were was a connection between these contacts and the facts done using reports made in the period 2003-2007 by which were being investigated.23 The research also the Rijksrecherche and the special investigation indicated that there are specific risks for civil servants services: FIOD (fiscal investigation) and SIOD who work in hybrid organisations such as public- (investigation regarding work and income). Some have private cooperation. Here public and private interests not yet been completed (by October, 2011). This need to be considered within one organisation, which research showed that it is impossible to conclude to can lead to ethical dilemmas. Of the 221 reports, 89 what extent bribery is discovered, investigated and involved businesses being the external party involved reported if only the alleged criminal cases are in the alleged bribery. In 47 of the 73 investigations considered. In practice, alleged integrity violations in that followed, businesses were involved. This makes the Dutch public sector are often not formally reported businesses the largest category involved in the alleged but rather investigated internally or with the bribery.24 involvement of a private forensic investigation company. This even applies to integrity violations Figures on integrity violations from the ministries which are official crimes. This forms a challenge for Since 2005 the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom getting the overall image of corruption in practice. The Relations (BZK - Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en study showed that from every 6,000 civil servants, one Koninkrijkrelaties) publishes figures on integrity civil servant’s behaviour is reported and one of every violations for all ministries (except the Ministry of 19,000 civil servants is subject to investigation by one Defence) in its annual social report.25 In 2010, 959

Most of the 171 reports on alleged corruption of civil servants made at the Rijksrecherche involved the following sectors:

Sector involved in report Number of reports (of a total of 171)

Building and real estate sector 49 Prison system 37 Border control 25 Admittance, residence and naturalisation of aliens 21

Source: Niet voor persoonlijk gebruik! Omkoping van ambtenaren in de civiele openbare sector, report by the National Police Internal Investigations Department November 2010, p.11.

20 Rijksrecherche (2010). 21 Ibid., p.9. 22 One out of 4,000 civil servants at national level shows up in reports, and one out of 14,000 is subject to an investigation. One out of 10,00 civil servants at local level shows up in reports, and one out of 24,000 is the subject of an investigation. 23 Rijksrecherche (2010), p.17. 24 Ibid., p.19. 25 Hulten, van M. (2011). p.124.


alleged integrity violations were reported, of which 566 centrum) of the Ministry of Security and Justice (VJ - were classified as substantial integrity violations Veiligheid en Justitie). The research on criminal cases (compared to 530 in 2009). Of the integrity violations, concerned the tip of the ‘corruption iceberg’ in the 118 cases involved the misuse of (financial) resources, Netherlands. It showed that there were a limited 27 cases the abuse of power and conflict of interest, number of criminal cases and convictions each year and 22 involved abuse of competencies.26 The total (about 50 criminal cases, 27 convictions, 8 persons number of disciplinary sanctions in 2010 was 346 imprisoned). Annually 130 internal investigations were (compared to 295 in 2009).27 conducted in the public sector each year, of which 61 investigations concerned municipalities. National Report by the Netherlands Court of Audit on the ministries conducted 43 internal corruption implementation of integrity mechanisms within the investigations yearly. ministries The Netherlands Court of Audit (AR - Algemene In the period 1999-2000 1,550 internal investigations Rekenkamer) carried out an audit on the were conducted within the police, of which 25 were implementation of integrity mechanisms within the directly related to corruption. The average number of ministries in 2004 and 2009.28 In 2010 it reported that internal investigations per 1000 employees varied there were still ministries which did not report integrity between 0.31 investigations in municipal politics and violations adequately.29 Also, for 8 ministries the administration and 0.06 in semi-governmental figures on integrity violations differed from the figures organisations. A survey among Dutch police officers in the social annual report of the Ministry of BZK.30 showed that 4 percent of police officers came across bribery at least once in their team in the preceding The main outcome of the 2009 research was that, twelve months. Around 19 percent of police officers overall, most ministries have improved on the aspect of perceived favouritism towards family and friends at ‘hard controls’; most integrity instruments are in place. least once in their work environment, and 59 percent However, the ‘soft controls’ require increased perceived favouritism by management. attention. There is too little attention to the A similar survey among randomly-selected workers in organisational culture, moral awareness and ethical the Dutch labour force showed similar patterns for leadership.31 corruption: 7 percent encountered bribery, 33 percent favouritism towards family and friends, and 73 percent Research on the size and nature of corruption and how favouritism by management.33 The research indicated to deal with it that most processes of becoming corrupt can be A well-known study into the size, nature and treatment characterised as a ‘slippery slope’. Corruption is rarely of corruption in internal and criminal investigations32 caused by an official’s personal problems, such as was conducted in 2005 by the research group Integrity financial problems. Furthermore, important motives of Governance of the VU Amsterdam, by order of the for officials becoming corrupt are, next to material Research and Documentation Centre (WODC - gain, friendship/love, status and making an impression Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatie- on colleagues and friends.34

26 Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010, p.27. 27 Ibid., p.28. 28 Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). 29 Ibid., p.12. 30 Ibid., pp.13 and 29. 31 Ibid., pp. 32-37. 32 Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Nelen, J.M. (2005). 33 Ibid., pp. 151-154. 34 Ibid., pp. 151-154.


Study concerning corruption and integrity in the CORRUPTION CASES business sector Research concerning corruption and integrity in the business sector has also been conducted. In 2011, Real Estate Fraud Ernst and Young conducted a European Fraud Survey The Dutch real estate sector has been stirred up by survey among 2,300 employees of large enterprises in several fraud cases since 2007. Even though this is not 25 countries, concerning whether the financial crisis something entirely new to that sector, it is notable that would have an impact on business fraud. A total of 26 even large and well-known real estate companies have percent of Dutch respondents believed that bribery was recently become subject to fraud.40 In November 2007, taking place in the Netherlands. Around 31 percent of 600 inspectors and 30 public prosecutors raided 50 Dutch managers considered it to be normal practice to different locations in the Netherlands. Criminal give a gift while trying to gain an order. Among Dutch investigations revealed what would be known as the managers, 46 percent confirmed having anti-fraud biggest embezzlement scandal in the Netherlands: the and/or anti-corruption training in place. In total only 9 Klimop-zaak. Here embezzlement and corruption is percent of employees were aware of these training believed to have started in 1995, and only came to light courses.35 In 2011 PricewaterhouseCoopers published in 2007 when it emerged that pension fund bosses its Global Economic Crime Survey 2011.36 Some 250 enriched themselves, had been taking bribes in return Dutch business took parts in this survey. Concerning for passing on confidential information, and had corruption it became clear that there are indications bought and sold property at below market-rates. Two that Dutch businesses face increasing corruption. The men with leading positions in semi-public bodies in the percentage of business facing this problem rose from 5 real estate sector developed major building projects all percent in 2007 to 8 percent in 2011. Another 14 over the Netherlands. They budgeted for far more than percent said they believed that corruption or bribery was actually needed.41 The profits, around EUR 200 occurred in their organisation. Some 25 percent of the million, were channelled into secret accounts. Seventy respondent corporations interviewed were willing to companies and associations were charged with fraud, carry out corrupt activities if that would result in including the Philips pension fund, project developer profitable transactions. In the previous twelve months Bouwfonds and the building fund of the Association of 12 percent of the respondents expressed having had Netherlands Municipalities. Corruption and bribery are the impression that a another party expected bribes.37 thought to have cost their employers a combined EUR Of the businesses that were active abroad, 12 percent 250 million. Fifty people, most of whom were senior expressed the view that it was impossible to do real estate managers, were accused of fraud, forgery, business abroad without facilitation payments. This corruption and money laundering. number was 6 percent when it only involved doing business domestically.38 Around 75 percent of Dutch Several solicitors believed to have been involved they businesses said they would not make any compromises used their offices to carry out the fraudulent when corruption was involved, and when necessary transactions. The court proceedings started in 2009 would refrain from any profitable deals.39 and are on-going in 2011. One of the main suspects

35 en-corruptie_180511, consulted 24 September 2011. 36 PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011), p. 20. 37 PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011), p. 20. 38 PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011), p. 21. 39 PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011), p. 21. 40;, consulted 20 September 2011. 41


agreed to a settlement of EUR70 million, of which the services. Among other things, the civil servants got major part needs to be paid back to Philips pension cash, VIP tickets to sport events and concerts, foreign fund.42 Two journalists have written a book about this travel, decoration done to their houses and meals in ‘monster case’.43 exclusive restaurants, in exchange for confidential information.45 The Dutch Competition Authority NMa Building sector has been conducting a simultaneous investigation of Eight municipality civil servants and a province construction companies in Limburg. The NMa fined civil servant were convicted in January 2011 of three company managers of two companies personally, accepting bribes from the Janssen de Jong Infra and these fines varied from EUR 10,000 to EUR construction company.44 Their sentences varied from 3 250,000. In total both companies received a fine of EUR months to a year’s imprisonment. A wife of one of the 3 million.46 civil servants was sentenced to community service of Overall individual studies on corruption show that 240 hours. As part of the investigation, in 2007 homes corruption is not a widespread phenomenon in the of civil servants were searched and Netherlands. Still, it is serious enough to require inspectors went through their workplaces. Piles of permanent attention, especially when taking into documents related to the projects were taken from the account the extent to which corruption that is Maastricht offices by investigators. A former company committed is unknown. This is largely because of the manager was also convicted and received 14 months’ fact that alleged integrity violations are often not imprisonment. These civil servants gave out reported to law enforcement agencies, and that those confidential information to the construction company cases which are reported are then not systematically concerning invitations to tender. The invitations for recorded. Various forms of integrity violations take tendering dealt with infrastructure projects in the place which could be considered to fall within TI’s municipalities and province, such as reconstruction definition of corruption. The real estate and building and hard-surfacing of roads. The civil servants sectors appear to be particularly vulnerable to concerned were rewarded considerably for their illegal corruption.

42; OM-schikt-voor-miljoen-euro-in-Klimop-zaak, consulted 24 September 2011. 43 Boon, van der V. and Marel, van der G. (2009).They also published De Ontknoping, De Vastgoedfraude voor de rechter, The main suspect was sentenced by the Court in First Instance to 4 years of emprisonment for “theft, forgery, money laundering, bribery, possession of weapons and managing two criminal organisations. 44, consulted 20 September 2011. 45, consulted 20 September 2011. 46 22_10_nma_beboet_drie_leidinggevenden_van_limburgse_bouwbedrijven.aspx, consulted 28 October 2011.


In this chapter, the actions taken by the government to reimbursement of proceedings costs was introduced. aimed at fighting corruption and promoting integrity However, the whistle-blower regulations are still are considered. An overview of the anti-corruption considered to be ineffective by politicians, the media and and/or pro-integrity activities of the previous five academics. The regulations do not contribute to the years will be presented. Special attention will be paid to effective protection of the whistle-blower, with the effect the Dutch NIS study from 2001 to get an idea of what that internal reporting and investigation of integrity has been done about the loopholes which were violations is not stimulated.50 Protection for whistle- identified then in the Dutch NIS. blowers in the private sector is basically non-existent; the only procedure which exists is applicable only to NIS Report on the Netherlands 2001 exchange-listed companies. The NIS 2001 showed that there was no system of financial disclosure for politicians and civil servants.47 The previous NIS study also indicated that there were In 2012, there is still no comprehensive law on financial clear differences between the availability of an integrity disclosure. The income of politicians is made public. In framework for public servants in general and for 2006 the ‘Act on the disclosure of top incomes political and administrative elites.51 To some extent financed by public means’ (Wet openbaarmaking uit these functionaries still successfully oppose integrity publieke middelen gefinancierde topinkomens) was provisions for themselves. The limited financial enacted. Although there is transparency regarding disclosure for high-level officials mentioned earlier can income, the lack of transparency on assets makes it be considered an example in this respect. Additionally, difficult to monitor whether improper interest plays a there is no code of conduct or rules on conflict-of- role in decision-making processes. interest for ministers and parliamentarians. However, there are also some improvements to consider. There The 2001 NIS report also concluded that there was are rules and registries for gifts, hospitality and side- limited protection of whistle-blowers.48 In 2010 the functions for ministers and parliamentarians. There is ‘Decree on reporting suspicions of abuses in the no oversight enabling these rules to lead to sanctions. Government and the Police’ (Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie)49 entered into force, The 2001 NIS study also pointed out that political party which is a revised whistle-blower regulation applicable funding was not at all transparent. In 2011 the Minister to the entire government sector and the police. An of BZK presented his ‘Proposed bill on the financing of identical decree on reporting suspicions of abuses political parties’ (WFPP - Wetsvoorstel financiering became effective for the Defence sector in 2011. In some politieke partijen)52. Among other provisions, political aspects improvements were made: the position of the parties represented in the Tweede Kamer or Senate will confidential counsellor was strengthened and the right be required to register donations made above EUR 1,000

47 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2001). National Integrity Systems Country Study Report: The Netherlands, p.32. 48 Ibid., p. 33. 49 Besluit van 15 december 2009, houdende een regeling voor het melden van een vermoeden van een misstand bij de sectoren Rijk en Politie. 50 Interview with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the School of Governance, 7 June 2011; Interview with , MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011; Binnenlands Bestuur (2011). Klokkenluiders kaltgestellt. 51 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2001). p.33. 52 Kamerstukken II, 2010-11 32 752 nr. 2.


and to disclose donations (to political parties and Officials. In 2005 the government established the Task candidates) above EUR 4,500. The proposed bill does Force Anti-Corruption (Task Force Anti-Corruptie). not apply to local political parties or local departments This task force focussed on corruption abroad. of national political parties. Neither is there a set Instruments have been developed to strengthen the maximum on the amount of donations, and donations cooperation between Dutch embassies and companies from abroad are allowed. to prevent corrupt practices. So far no Dutch company has been brought to trial for committing bribery and One of the 2001 report’s conclusions was that an corruption abroad. According to the 2011 annual independent institution with a more general report on the enforcement of the OECD Convention responsibility for corruption information and advice against Bribery, the fight against international was missing in the Netherlands. The establishment of corruption seems to have insufficient priority in the the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in Netherlands.55 the Public Sector (BIOS) can be regarded as the only partly fulfilling this role.53 BIOS was established to International anti-corruption commitment support the public sector in the design and The Netherlands ratified the OECD Convention on implementation of integrity policies. This is the Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in institution to turn to for information and advice. International Business Transactions in 2001. The However, BIOS has no competences as to the collection Netherlands then ratified the UN Convention against of information about the extent and nature of integrity Corruption in 2006. The Council of Europe’s Criminal problems, nor can it investigate reported integrity Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2002, violations. and the Civil Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2007.56 The NIS Netherlands 2001 concluded that “it is remarkable that central government has no clear (Recent) Anti-corruption activities picture of the extent of the corruption and integrity It should be noted that individual involvement by problem. Data were collected by journalists, not by ministers seems to matter significantly where anti- government agencies.” The Tweede Kamer has also corruption initiatives are concerned.57 In the past, emphasised the importance of central registration of ministers of BZK have made a difference; the current corrupt practices by the government. However, in 2011 government has not shown an equal commitment in data on corruption were not collected and registered in this field.58 The minister of BZK is responsible for such a way, and are therefore not available.54 coordinating integrity policies. This role is not limited Public involvement in ensuring integrity in the private to initiating legislation. It is of particular importance sector was regarded to be very limited in the previous that the minister initiate and stimulate integrity NIS report. The Dutch government still has a tolerant agenda-setting. This proactive role should coincide approach when business interests are at stake. Actions with facilitating integrity initiatives effectively. The have been taken since the implementation of the OECD same can be said for corruption prevention, for which Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public the minister of VJ is responsible.

53 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2001), p.33. 54 Ibid., p.119-120. 55 Hulten, van M. (2010).,p.52-60; over-de-uitvoering-van-het-oeso-verdrag/, consulted 23 August 2011. 56, consulted 21 September 2011. 57 Interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor & Researcher at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, 24 May 2011; interview with Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, 24 May 2011. 58 Freedom and Responsibility Coalition Agreement VVD-CDA, September 2010.


A real effort to curb corruption was made in 2005, a civil servant should deal with the suspicion of abuse when the Dutch government announced anti- within his organisation.63 The obligation to pursue an corruption measures in its ‘White Paper Corruption integrity policy was equally applicable for decentralised Prevention’ (Nota Corruptiepreventie)59, which governmental organisations. In 2006 the Municipality reflected a more comprehensive view on public Act (Gemeentewet), Province Act (Provinciewet) and integrity. In this action-plan, the government Water Authorities Act (Waterschapswet) were presented its priorities: amended.64 Those respective authorities are now required to have an integrity policy in place which • The integrity policy should be aimed at the includes a code of conduct. In general, most public development of rules and awareness and at authorities (both centralised and decentralised) have securing these; integrity policies in place. • A uniform registry for internal investigations into The Netherlands AR concluded in its 2010 research on integrity violations (including corruption) is to be integrity at ministries that more attention should be implemented; paid to ‘soft controls’ such as moral leadership and • There is to be increased attention for signalling heightening awareness. The Minister of BZK confirmed integrity violations, among which corruption; the importance of these elements and stated they • Strict criminal enforcement of anti-corruption would get more attention.65 Another study of integrity measures is to be implemented; at local level indicated that in municipalities integrity • A ‘platform for corruption prevention’ is to be policies were developed, but that also here further established. attention should be paid to ‘soft controls’.

In 2006, the Civil Servants Act (Ambtenarenwet) was In 2008 the government introduced the model Uniform amended. Since then all governmental organisations Registry of Integrity Violations (URI - Uniforme are required to pursue an integrity policy, which Registratie Integriteitsschendingen). In practice, includes a mandatory integrity code of conduct aimed however, there is no uniform registration procedure for at stimulating good conduct by civil servants. Attention national government organisations.66 There are still is to be paid to stimulating integrity awareness and ministries which do not use the model, and some that preventing the abuse of competencies, conflict-of- do record integrity violations do this differently. An interest and discrimination.60 It is mandatory that this overview of quantitative and qualitative data on integrity policy be integrated in staff policy by calling integrity violations at ministry-level is therefore not attention to it during performance reviews and available.67 meetings, and by offering integrity education and training.61 Ministers are required to report on their In 2008 the maximum fines applicable to corruption integrity policy annually to the House of offences were increased. The maximum fine for bribing Representatives (Tweede Kamer).62 Additionally, the a Dutch or foreign civil servant was increased from the Civil Servants Act prescribes that further procedures fourth (EUR 19,000) to the fifth category (EUR 76,000). need to be in place which involves a procedure on how The Platform for Corruption Prevention was established

59 Kamerstukken 2005-2006, II, 30 374 nr. 2 and nr. 6. 60 Art. 125quater sub a and c Ambtenarenwet. 61 Art. 125quater sub b Ambtenarenwet. 62 Art. 125quater sub d Ambtenarenwet. 63 Art. 125quinquies paragraph 2 sub f Ambtenarenwet. 64 Kamerstukken, VII, 32500 nr.99. 65 Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009, p.16. 66 Ibid., p.12-13. 67 Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009, p.13.


in 2004, and consisted of, among other things, current Minister of BZK is involved with the progress representatives from ministries, specialised made with these instruments. However, there is no up- investigation services, police, provinces, to-date or permanent anti-corruption strategy with a municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, the corresponding timetable for its implementation. Most Confederation of Dutch Industry and Employers, actions resulting from the White Paper on Corruption academia and Transparency International Netherlands. Prevention have been taken and are currently being The Platform came together several times, and the assessed, amended and revised. The prevention of Dutch authorities reported that these meetings corruption is part of the government’s programme provided a much appreciated forum for the exchange against financial economic crimes. As such, extra of information and knowledge between representatives capacity for law enforcement has been made available. of the public and private sector and investigative and Nevertheless, it is important that anti-corruption prosecution services.68 In September 2007 the last remain on the agenda. State budget-cuts lead to the meeting was held, because by that time the minister of reconsideration of tasks assigned to organisations.71 BZK regarded its merit to be limited.69 In 2011 the There is a risk that the results, which have been Platform gathered again several times, but this time achieved by paying attention to integrity will come with a different composition; namely consisting only of under pressure or are be assigned lesser priority in representatives from ministries and investigative and times of financial distress.72 At moments when prosecution services, whose composition further employees are threatened by potential job loss, and so depended on the subject on the agenda, together with the prospect of ending up in financial distress, risks to external parties such as Transparency International integrity are likely to increase. The opposite happens, Netherlands.70 too. Employees want to show their good conduct by reporting an abuse that already existed, they now dare Most of the actions announced in the 2005 White Paper to speak up because they are leaving the situation on Corruption Prevention have been initiated. The anyway.73

68 GRECO (2007) First Evaluation Round. Addendum to the Compliance Report on the Netherlands. Strasbourg: GRECO. p.2. 69 Kamerstuk 31 700 VI nr. 10. 70 Interview with key figure 2, Senior policy officer at the Rijksrecherche, 24 May 2011; interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutors Office, 6 June 2011; interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutors Office, 6 June 2011. 71 Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009, p.13-14. 72 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, 18 April 2011; interview with , former Vice Prime Minister, 30 August 2011; interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor & Researcher at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, 24 May 2011; interview with Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, 24 May 2011; interview with interviewee 6, Senior Auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 73 Zwijgers, M. (2011), p.20.


POLITICAL-INSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS Highly-qualified candidates with the required expertise and the desired political party membership To what extent are the political institutions in the are then selected and appointed. Transparency country supportive of an effective National Integrity regarding selection and appointment procedures is not System? always provided. Neither are there specific control mechanisms to prevent politicisation of top civil In general, democracy is consolidated and stable, most servants. political institutions function effectively, the political On the 9th of June 2010, elections to the House of and civil rights of citizens receive adequate protection. Representatives (Tweede Kamer) took place. These Some issues have been identified which need attention elections were conducted in the context of a high level for these foundations to remain strong. of confidence in the election administration. The pluralistic political and electoral system provided Status: Strong voters with a broad choice of diverse political options. The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a The (to a large extent unregulated) campaign and parliamentary system. The country’s institutions are media environment gave political parties adequate stable and ensure the rule of law74 and the opportunities to communicate their views to voters.77 consolidation of democracy. The Failed States Index 2011 ranks the Netherlands 166th out of 177 countries, According to the Dutch Council for Public with an average score of 28.3.75 Administration (Rob - Raad voor het openbaar bestuur) democratic institutions are accepted by most citizens – There are free and fair elections at national, regional that is to say, there is no confidence crisis, but there is and local level. The system of proportional a legitimacy crisis. People have confidence in the representation results in coalition governments at all democratic system, but much less confidence in the levels. In the Netherlands there is free and fair political way political parties and politicians operate.78 competition for government offices among political parties and individuals. According to the Rob, political and governmental However, political party membership plays an institutions still operate in a hierarchical and vertical important role in the appointment to key positions in way, while society has increasingly become horizontal. public administration. This is treated in an informal This leads to a gap between political institutions way whereby political parties which have proven to be wanting to make decisions because they were given the stable (i.e. shown to be able to take on responsibility as mandate and citizens’ belief that authority is a coalition party in government) and which have an something which needs to be acquired again. There is interest in these positions grant each other these a growing number of Dutch citizens who express a offices.76 strong sense of social and political discontent.79

74 Nevertheless, the Netherlands has been convicted 73 times for violations of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Please refer to European Court of Human Rights (2010). Country Fact Sheets 1959 – 2010. 75 Foreign Policy(2011). “The Failed States Index 2011.” 76 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob; 2006), p.25-26; Baakman, N. (2003), p.173-197; Erasmus Magazine. De kwestie: ‘We hebben een politieke elite, en die elite levert onze bestuurders’. 77, consulted 13June 2011. 78 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (2010), p.3. 79, consulted 7 August 2011.


Score of the Netherlands in the Economist Democracy current practice as misuse by the government; the Wob Index over the past few years: is used to create legal grounds for refusal and hinders timely information.’’86 Another concern is that digital Year Rank Overall score information on citizens collected by governmental (of more than (on a scale organisations is not always adequately managed and 150 countries) from 1 to 10) secured.87 Several incidents have occurred in 2011 which showed that government websites were not sufficiently 80 2011 10 8.99 protected and therefore at risk that personal information 81 2010 10 8.99 of citizens can become public.88 82 2008 49.53Civil rights are guaranteed in the Constitution and in other laws. In general, citizens can seek redress for the violation of their rights because of the strong judiciary According to the Sustainable Governance Indicators and sufficient accountability on the part of government 2011 (SGI 2011)83, the steadfast quality of Dutch and law enforcement agencies. The SGI 2011 awards the democracy has diminished. Autocratically-led protest Netherlands with an 8 (on a 1 to 10 scale) for judicial parties draw considerable support from the electorate. review. However, seeking judicial protection in civil and administrative cases has become more expensive89, and In the Netherlands, the controlling power of elected objection procedures and procedures at administrative bodies is generally extensive. The Executive is effectively courts may be lengthy, while the reasonable time limit is held to account because of the various constitutional frequently exceeded.90 Some conspicuous failures of rights of the elected bodies, which include the right to justice (on the part of law enforcement and judiciary) investigate.84 In the end, the elected bodies at national, have recently led to a public debate about the quality of regional and local level can dismiss members of the the justice system, and have led to renewed opportunities Executive. However, the way the Openness of to re-open tried cases in which questionable convictions Government Act (Wob - Wet openbaarheid van bestuur) have been delivered.91 In general, democracy is is applied by governmental organisations has been consolidated and stable, while main political institutions seriously criticised by the National Ombudsman, function effectively. Overall, political and civil rights of journalists and academics.85 They criticise the number of citizens are assured. Risks to political and institutional times exceptional grounds are invoked to decline support to the National Integrity System are posed by the requests for information, and maintain that long legal legitimacy of political parties and politicians being under (appeal) proceedings are required to attempt to receive pressure and citizen’s and media’s inadequate access to information. The National Ombudsman describes government documents.

80 The Economist Intelligence Unit (2011). Democracy index 2011. Democracy under stress, p.3. 81 Ibid., p. 3. 82 The Economist Intelligence Unit (2008). Democracy index 2008. p.4. 83, consulted 13June 2011. 84 Leijenaar, M. and Niemöller, K. (2003), p.259-277. 85 Radio-broadcast of VPRO’s Argos ‘De WOB op de schop’ of 1 October 2011. 86 Ibid. 87 Klingenberg, A.M. (2011). 88; 89, consulted 14 October 2011. 90 91, consulted 13 June 2011.


SOCIO-POLITICAL FOUNDATIONS Notwithstanding that, since the beginning of this century, and in a similar way to other European countries, the To what extent are the relationships among social groups country is faced with a rising hostility towards the Muslim and between social groups and the political system in the minority, even though many of them were born in the country supportive of an effective National Integrity Netherlands and/or hold Dutch nationality.93 A System? considerable part of the Dutch population considers integration to have failed, and the division between While there are some divisions among social groups, the Muslims and non-Muslims has increased. This has led to country lacks significant social conflicts and divisions. concerns about levels of immigration and integration.94 Civil society is rather vibrant although its intermediary There are various reasons for this, for instance the higher role between society and the political system varies. number of crime suspects originating from non-Western countries, the global ‘war on terrorism’, ethnic Status: Strong segregation in schools and in cities and the rise of a (far) The social-political foundations in the Netherlands still right wing political party. Many senior positions within bear features of .92 In the first half of the public administration are still filled by white Dutch 20th century, Dutch society was vertically’’ divided into citizens, who determine policies without realising the several segments or pillars’’ according to different reality of the lives of these citizens of non-Western origin. ideologies (Catholic, Protestant, Social-democratic and Public organisations have policies to increase diversity in Liberal). These pillars all had their own social human resources.95 institutions: their own newspapers, broadcasting It seems that more divisions have arisen, one of these is organisations, political parties, trade unions, banks, between higher-educated people and lower-educated schools, hospitals, and sports clubs. In order to ensure people. In the Netherlands, this phenomenon is referred decision-making on important issues, elites of these to as the ‘diploma democracy’.96 In practice, these two pillars negotiated and tried to achieve consensus. groups exist separately from each other; there is little or Although these ideologies have lost a large part of their no communication between them and overall little significance in Dutch society, this striving for consensus understanding of each other’s lives. Another dichotomy is still an important principle in Dutch decision-making. which is slowly developing is that of the younger The division between religious believers and the (working) part of the population and an older (retired) secularised part of the population still exists, but the part. This separation is dictated by the proportional latter have come to outnumber the former. Ethical increase of the ageing population and the fear that this issues like abortion, euthanasia, ritual slaughter of will lead to inadequate pensions.97 Another division animals and Sunday rest lead to discussions in politics concerns that between men and women in the labour and society. The decisions made regarding these issues market. Despite major improvements in women’s labour depend to a large extent on the elected political parties market participation, women still earn considerably less in local and/or national representative bodies. than men.98 On average, women in the Netherlands earn The Netherlands is a peaceful country, where various 18 percent less than men, 7 percent of which cannot be groups have been able to get along well for decades. explained on the basis of objective differences such as

92 Lijphart, A. (1990). 93, consulted 20 September 2011 94; gezinshereniging-komt-uit-de-rechtse-kerk/, consulted 20 September 2011. 95 96 Bovens, M.A.P., Wille. A.C. (2010). 97, consulted 20 September 2011. 98, consulted 20 September 2011.


the part-time factor or the fact that a limited number of SOCIO-ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONS women are in management.99 Social, ethnic, religious and other conflicts rarely occur in the Netherlands. To what extent is the socio-economic situation of the Minority rights are adequately protected in the country, country supportive of an effective National Integrity but they have come under pressure because of the anti- System? Muslim sentiments in Dutch society. In 2010 the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights expressed In general, the country is rather rich without major his concerns about increasing racist, anti-Semitic and social inequalities. Social safety nets for the poor exist other intolerant tendencies in the Netherlands. In June and are generally effective. The country’s economy and 2010, legislation was passed obliging municipalities business sector have proven to be very sustainable. from the 1st of January 2010 to collect data about discriminatory incidents, and to provide access to a Status: Very strong support services for those who wished to report The Netherlands is regarded by the International discrimination.100 Monetary Fund as an advanced economy.102 The There is a stable, moderate, socially-rooted party system Netherlands numbers among the top six SGI countries to articulate and aggregate societal interests. There is in terms of the highest per-capita GDP.103 also a network of cooperative associations or interest groups which mediate between society and the political The country’s overall economy performs very well. The decision-makers. The Netherlands is also known for its Netherlands emerged from a deep recession in mid- large civil society, but not all civil society organisations 2009 and the recovery is still frail. (CSO) are equally strong and vibrant. There are no typical ‘patron-client relationships’ in society. The political elite In 2010 the Dutch economy recorded a positive GDP still exists but is less exclusive than it used to be. In the growth of 1.8 percent. Net exports proved to be one of context of the Civil Society Index (CSI), the World Alliance the main drivers of economic growth, as the very open for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS) reports that Dutch civil Dutch economy benefited from the strong recovery in society is active and operates in a well-organised, world trade. enabling environment. However, a number of negative trends were also identified. In recent years a shift was The business sector is strong and willing to become noticed concerning the government’s less- sustainable. However, according to the Dutch Central accommodating style towards interaction with CSO. Bank (DNB - De Nederlandsche Bank) the overall picture Additionally, civil society’s role in maintaining social of financial stability in the Netherlands is diffuse, where cohesion in the light of growing social tensions is a cautious recovery is offset by major uncertainties.104 lacking.101 In general, social divisions do exist in the Netherlands but the country lacks significant social In the Global Competitiveness Index 2011-2012 of the conflicts. Dutch civil society is strong, but it barely plays World Economic Forum, the Netherlands is ranked 7th a role in ensuring social cohesion. The political culture is out of a total of 142 states (8th position in 2010- open and inclusive. 2011).105

99, consulted 20 September 2011. 100, consulted 12 June 2011. 101, consulted 13 June 2011. 102, consulted 20 September 2011. 103 Sustainable Governance Indicators (2011). Economy and Employment. p. 8. 104 20-%20November%202010_tcm47-242463.pdf 105 The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 p.15.


In the WEF’s Global Enabling Trade Report 2010106 the staff employed was offered to companies that had obstacles to trade are assessed and a reminder of the severe problems due to the crisis. The unemployment fundamental attributes that govern a nation’s ability to rate is expected to increase in 2014 to 7.25 percent.110 fully benefit from trade are provided. This report ranks The Netherlands ranks 7th in a global comparison of 125 economies on different aspects of trade and equality between wealth and poverty.111 In 2006, 8 provides the following picture of the Dutch economy: percent of the population was living in poverty, with children comprising a large portion (11 percent) of this figure.112 The risk of poverty is higher for single-parent s

- households, the elderly and non-western immigrants. n s i s o d e i n x s t

r Although the number of rich people and the number of i n t e e n a a u

c m t d e c t i c c

d relatively poor people have both increased, wealth is n r i s a n m u a


s r l u n t l r t p e n fairly evenly distributed among the population. A large e o a s e s m n n o r r k i i a i d n r t e r s r v m a f

a majority (86 percent) of the Dutch people assess their v a r o u n o r n c T O t B B i E M financial situation as ‘good’ or ‘very good’.113 The Rank: 10 Rank: 85107 Rank: 4 Rank: 4 Rank: 17 Netherlands has a comprehensive welfare state. The Netherlands ranks in the top 5 for overall social spending in Europe.114 Basic necessities of life, including adequate food, shelter, clean water and The Dutch attempt to simplify administrative access to primary health care are effectively guaranteed procedures108 could help to strengthen the economy by in the Netherlands. Adequate social safety nets exist to reducing the administrative burden for businesses.109 compensate for unemployment and retirement and other risks such as illness and disability.115 In 2009, the unemployment rate increased slightly to In the economic sphere, performance largely remains 3.7 percent and further to 4.5 percent in 2010, which stable at moderately high levels, although the crisis has is still rather modest given the size of the contraction constrained economic policy and the fiscal situation. in output during the economic and financial crisis. The Major reforms, especially in health care and the tight labour market from before the crisis played an pension system, suggests that changes in social affairs important role, as employers were reluctant to fire staff are under way.116 The coverage ratio for many pension given the difficulties of attracting and retaining funds is under pressure and it is likely that pensions qualified workers before the crisis. The government will be much lower in practice than expected. This played an important role. A special subsidy to keep brings along with it the risk that citizens’ trust in

106 The Global Enabling Trade Report 2010. 107 The Netherlands, similar to all other (EU) member-states, owes this low position to the highly complex common external tariff schedule of the EU and the frequent recourse to non-tariff measures. 108 PDF/586970NEWS0Box1etherlands001PUBLIC1.pdf 109 PDF/589580AR0Doing1Box0358368B01public1.pdf 110 111 112, consulted 20 September. 113 114, consulted 20 September. 115, consulted 20 September 2011. 116


institutions will be harmed. In the meantime, new around 50 percent of respondents trust political parties tensions have arisen because the government wants to and politicians.120 In 2012 the marks given for trust in transfer responsibilities to the municipalities, while politicians and political parties were 5.2 and 5.3.121 these municipalities have to contribute their share to Confidence in the judiciary in the Netherlands, budget cuts at the same time, mainly in care and compared to other EU member states, is high.122 In the welfare. A majority of municipalities are against these period 2002-2008 the social and institutional trust changes.117, 118 increased slightly, reflecting individuals ‘sentiments In general, the country is rather rich, without major that they can be less cautious in their contact with social inequalities. Social safety nets for the poor exist others.123 Similar to previous years, 96 percent of the and are generally effective. The country’s economy and Dutch population is ‘satisfied’ or even ‘very satisfied’ business sector have proven to be very sustainable. with the life they lead (average satisfaction rate in Europe is 78 percent).124 A survey from 2009 on the way children are raised, SOCIO-CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS showed that 47 percent of Dutch citizens are critical about the way the sense of values are transferred by To what extent are the prevailing ethics, norms and parents to their children.125 A quarterly survey among values in society supportive of an effective National Dutch citizens shows that in the last quarter of 2011 Integrity System? ‘living together’ and ‘norms and values’ are perceived to be the number-one biggest problems in the country Society is characterized by high levels of interpersonal (‘living together’ and ‘norms and values’, 19 percent, trust, public mindedness and support for norms of compared to second major concern: income and integrity and ethical conduct. While there are some economy’, 16 percent).126 The same survey also concerns on the detoriation of norms and values, these indicated that ‘living together’ and ‘norms and values’ is are being challenged by the public. also mentioned as the things, which Dutch citizens are most proud of (‘living together’ and ‘norms and values’ Status: Strong 17 percent, compared to the second thing most proud The general level of trust in the Netherlands is relatively of: ‘freedoms’, 11 percent).127 In some cases a mixed high.119 According to data from 2010, 67 percent of the picture arises. When referring to it as the ‘biggest Dutch population believed that other persons could be problem’, Dutch citizens specified a lack of norms and trusted. The level of trust is higher among those who values, intolerance, mentality, complaints culture and are highly-educated compared to those who are lower- materialism. When referring to it as the ‘most proud’, educated. Democratic values are respected within Dutch citizens specify this solidarity, helpfulness, society, but trust in political institutions is lower; as tolerance, openness and mentality.128

117, consulted 10 September.

118, consulted 18th of June 2011. 119, consulted 14 January 2012. 120 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (2010). 121, consulted 14 January 2012. 122, consulted 18 June 2011. 123 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. (2010). Vertrouwen in medemens en instituties toegenomen aan het begin van de 21e eeuw, p.44. 124 125 Motivaction (2009). p. 3. 126 Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven. Burgerperspectieven 2011/4, p.7. 127 Ibid., p.8. 128 Ibid., p. 19-20.


Since 2007, a growing number of Dutch believe that institutions, practically the same figures were corruption is widespread in their country. In 2010 51 produced (56 and 59 percent).131 Officials issuing percent of the respondents believed that the level of building permits are believed to be involved in bribery corruption had increased (compared to the EU average and corruption.132 of 73 percent).129 Corruption is believed to be caused by the lack of The private/business sector is believed to be the most transparency in public spending.133 It is difficult to affected by corruption (3.1 on a scale from 1 being not explain this increase. This might be related to the few at all corrupt to 5 being extremely corrupt), which is corruption cases which got a lot of attention in the followed by political parties and public officials/civil media, but it can equally be caused by other factors servants (both 3 on the scale from 1-5).130 such as the number of times respondents were The education system is believed to be the least corrupt confronted with corrupt practices themselves. (2.4 on the scale from 1-5). In a 2009 survey, 56 percent of Dutch respondents agreed with the Dutch society is characterised by relatively high levels statement that there is corruption in the country’s of trust, public mindedness and support for norms and national institutions (EU mean 83 percent). When the values. While mistrust or lack of norms and values are same statement concerned regional and local not uncommon, they are being challenged in public.

129 Transparency International (2010). Global Corruption Barometer 2010I, p.41. 130 Ibid., p.44. 131 Attitudes towards corruption. Eurobarometer (2009), p.14. 132 Ibid., p.29. 133 Ibid., p. 34-35.



Role in the NIS Sources The legislature is considered an independent and co- The desk research for this pillar was carried out by equal branch of government along with both the analysing the constitutional and statutory provisions judiciary and the Executive. The purpose of this regarding the Tweede Kamer. The 2009 Parliamentary separation of powers is to prevent tyranny, which is self-reflection was a valuable source because here the arbitrary or unfair government action that can result issues concerning the Tweede Kamer were mentioned when one person has all the power to make, enforce, from its own perspective. Academic articles and media and interpret the laws. Each branch’s power is to be coverage provided an outsider’s perspective on the way separate, but not absolute. The legislature has the the Tweede Kamer carries out its tasks, as well as an exclusive power to pass, amend, and repeal laws, and it external observer’s perspective. In-depth interviews has the exclusive authority to adopt the budget. A were held with a current MP, a former MP and a member strong NIS consists of adequate checks and balances. of staff of one of the parliamentary groupings. To get These are powers that each branch has for limiting the an outsider’s perspective on the Tweede Kamer a lobby power of the other branches. In this NIS the three advisor, among others, was interviewed. One interview branches of government will be assessed. In this chapter was done by telephone. the legislature will be understood as the representative deliberative assembly with the power to adopt laws, i.e. • Ferd Crone, Mayor, City of Leeuwarden and former parliament. Parliament members have been voted in by MP for the political party PvdA, interview held the the people through election. In a parliamentary system 17th of March 2011; of government, the legislature is formally supreme and appoints the Executive. Besides its role in enacting • Anton Jansen, Partner and senior consultant at EPPA legislation, the legislature has the task of controlling the Politiek en Lobby Consultants, interview held the Executive. It plays an important role in scrutinising the 19th of May 2011; Executive’s conduct and addressing those situations in which the Executive has not carried out its task • Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, appropriately. In doing so, this institution is likely to interview held the 31st of August 2011 via monitor whether the Executive acts with integrity. If this telephone; is not the case, then the legislature will have to hold the Executive accountable via one of its many constitutional • Joost Sneller, Policy Coordinator of Tweede Kamer rights. For the pillar to be strengthening the NIS, it not parliamentary grouping D66, interview held the 21st only monitors the Executive’s conduct, but it also has to of April 2011; show its proactive role in the legislation process; i.e. laws aimed at ensuring integrity need to be enacted. • , President of the Netherlands Additionally, the legislature has to act with integrity Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO- itself and lead by example, since it represents the raad), member of the Senate for the political party people. In order to ensure these three tasks are fulfilled, PvdA and former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom basic conditions need to be fulfilled. For instance, the Relations, interview held the 2nd of May 2011; legislature has to have adequate resources for carrying out its tasks and be independent in practice of the other • Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate of branches of government. In this chapter the legislature Public Administration at the Social and Economic at national level will be considered (Tweede Kamer der Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the Staten Generaal). 15th of March 2011.


LEGISLATURE of accounting to the respective political parties and by means of the media, which play an important role in Status: Strong holding MPs accountable for their conduct.

Summary Structure and Organisation The legislature is a key actor in the Dutch National Integrity System due to its role in overseeing the Legal and Regulatory Framework activities of the Executive. The Tweede Kamer plays an An important principle of the Dutch system of important role in deciding its own budget. There is a government is the mixture of separation and sharing of rapid turnover of MPs. The assessment also found that powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial the workload of the legislature is high, which is largely branches. The legislative power is shared by the due to the limited human resources for parliamentary government and both chambers of Parliament.134 The groupings. Parliamentary self-reflection showed that government also constitutes the executive branch, and extra resources and support are required. These will it initiates most legislation. However, the Parliament as not only be gained by allocating extra resources but the legislative branch passes or rejects legislation, also by strengthening cooperation within the Tweede including bills proposed by the government. In Kamer. addition, any member of the Tweede Kamer is entitled The Tweede Kamer’s independence is safeguarded to propose a bill (called: an initiative bill) which through constitutional and statutory provisions. The becomes an act if it is adopted by Parliament and after fact that there are no rules on lobbying could ratification by the government.135 General acts are potentially harm the independence of the Tweede usually followed by an execution decision or order Kamer. The assessment finds that the oversight powers called a ‘general administrative order’ (AMvB - set in law are under pressure in practice, mainly Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur), royal decree (KB - because of the limited possibilities to scrutinise the Koninklijk Besluit) or ‘ministerial order’ (Ministeriële financial interests of members of the Executive and the Regeling).136 Both of these are enacted by the fact that the quality of information provided by the government; there is no role for the Tweede Kamer. Executive is not always guaranteed. The fact that the The government ensures that legislation which is Executive is normally made up of a coalition of the approved by Parliament is put into practice, while larger parties in the legislature means that the Parliament scrutinises whether and how this is done. legislature is rather dominated by the Executive. This sometimes leads to tensions which limit the ability of Bicameral Parliament the legislature to hold the Executive to account. On a The Dutch bicameral Parliament consists of the Tweede positive note, the legislature plays a determining role Kamer, which consists of 150 Members of Parliament regarding the state budget and appointments of key (MPs), and the Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten positions within NIS institutions. Although a variety of Generaal) which consists of 75 Senators.137 The Tweede provisions have been introduced to help safeguard the Kamer is voted directly by the Dutch citizens, while the integrity of the legislature (for example the duty to Senate is voted indirectly via the provincial elections. register gifts, side-functions and travels), most Elections take place every 4 years except in the case of members of the legislature have been reactive rather the dissolution of the Tweede Kamer.138 Political than proactive in addressing corrupt and unethical parties make available their candidate lists and, after practices. Accountability is ensured through the lines elections, the new MPs form separate parliamentary

134 Art. 81 Grondwet 135 Art. 87 Grondwet 136 137 Art 51 Grondwet;, consulted 23 February 2011. 138 Art. 52 and 64 paragraph 1 Grondwet


groupings (based on political parties). These Budget parliamentary groupings play a decisive role in the The Standing Orders of the Dutch House of Tweede Kamer. When votes are cast in the Tweede Representatives (Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer, it is generally only recorded which Kamer der Staten-Generaal) prescribe that the parliamentary groupings were in favour or against.139 Presidium (the President of the Tweede Kamer and the Vice Chairmen of the parliamentary groupings) sends MPs an overview of the estimated costs for the coming year Individual membership can end in the case of the death to the Tweede Kamer and to the minister of the Interior of a MP, when the MP resigns, if one of the and Kingdom Relations (BZK - Minister van constitutional requirements for MPs is no longer met or Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties).144 The when a MP takes on a position which is incompatible Tweede Kamer verifies and decides on this proposed with his position in the legislature.140 The Tweede budget. Part of this estimation is the state funding of Kamer has the right to adopt or reject a bill or to make the parliamentary groupings.145 amendments and motions to pending bills (introduced The ‘Regulation covering financial support to by the government). The Council of State (RvS - Raad parliamentary groupings of the House of van State) provides the government with independent Representatives’ (Regeling financiële ondersteuning advice on all bills introduced in Parliament by the fracties Tweede Kamer) prescribes how the budget for government.141 If MPs propose their own initiative bill, each parliamentary grouping should be determined. A the RvS will also provide independent advice. The formula is used in which the total number of seats is a Senate lacks the right of amendment. After legislation determining factor. After the government agrees to the has been approved by the Tweede Kamer, the Senate proposed budget, it becomes part of the general can either accept or reject the proposal.142 The Tweede budget. The Presidium has the overall responsibility for Kamer has the important task of scrutinising the allocating the budget. The registrar, who is appointed decisions made by the government and the individual and dismissed by the Tweede Kamer, is in charge of ministers.143 budget supervision and for appointing civil servants to the Tweede Kamer.146

ASSESSMENT Human resources The Tweede Kamer often meets in (standing) Resources (law) committees. Each committee is supported by a clerk and one or more deputy clerks.147 The Standing Orders To what extent are there provisions in place that prescribe that Parliament is to establish further rules provide the legislature with adequate financial, human on assuring support from the ‘Bureau Reports and and infrastructure resources to effectively carry out its Editors’ (Dienst Verslag en Redactie). Standing orders duties? have been made on support for the Tweede Kamer.148

139 Hout, van der E., Voerman, G. and Woude, van der W. (2007), p.128. 140 Art. 57 paragraph 2 Grondwet. 141 Art. 82 Grondwet; 142 Art. 85 Grondwet and, consulted 29 April 2011. 143 144 Art 10 paragraph 1of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 145 Regeling financiële ondersteuning fracties Tweede Kamer. 146 Articles 10, paragraph 2 and 13 and of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 147 Art.15 of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 148 Reglement voor de Dienst Verslag en Redactie.


Support is ensured in several ways: through members’, attention needs to be given to the Tweede stenographic summaries and minutes-taking, the Kamer’s resources in order for the legislature to stay recording of meetings, editing of research reports, efficient in the way it carries out its task.153 The Tweede safeguarding the storage of documents and assuring Kamer’s budget for 2011 is approximately EUR 113 the required information from the Tweede Kamer is million (EUR 21.4 million compensation for MPs, EUR made public.149 The Registry and Legislation Bureau 90.4 million on legislative and controlling tasks and (Griffie/Bureau Wetgeving) is required to assist MPs in EUR 1.5 million on legislation and controlling for the drafting initiative law proposals or amendments. An MP Tweede Kamer and Senate). This is somewhat less than can request legal and technical assistance from civil the estimate for 2010: EUR 116 million (EUR 21.4/EUR servants from the ministries if they want to make an 93.0/EUR 1.5 million) and then spending in 2009: EUR amendment or initiative law proposal.150 The President 114 million (EUR 21.5/EUR 91.2/EUR 1.2 million).154 of the Tweede Kamer is responsible for order and the practical aspects of the parliamentary process (e.g. the Workload voting, sending law proposals to the Senate).151 One development which needs to be regarded in this respect is the increase in the information Dutch MPs There are sufficient provisions in place to ensure that receive. This varies from governmental documents to the Tweede Kamer has adequate resources to letters and emails from institutions, organisations and effectively carry out its duties. These provisions are citizens. Additionally, they have to read several formalised, and the Tweede Kamer has a formal right newspapers, magazines and reports to keep up with to decide on its own budget and the appointments of societal developments and current affairs. MPs also its key positions. need to be present at the meetings of their parliamentary grouping and attend the plenary and committee meetings.155 This results in workload being RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) high for an individual MP. The increasing influence of (social) media on MPs’ duties has had an effect: such To what extent does the legislature have adequate media are widely used by MPs to show how closely they resources to carry out its duties in practice? scrutinise the decisions of the government. This increase in information to process and the intensive- Budget and Parliamentary Committees communication with media put MPs under constant In the Sustainable Governance Indicators, the Dutch time constraints. For most MPs this means that they legislature currently has the 18th position of a total of increasingly depend on their staff members for 31 countries on the aspect of resources available and preparing and carrying out their work. the functioning of the committee system.152 The Netherlands is considered to be part of the ‘lower Parliamentary self-reflection middle group’ on the aspect of the legislature’s In 2009 the Tweede Kamer presented a report on resources. The parliamentary committees have become parliamentary self-reflection.156 In 2007 an MP had less efficient compared to 2009 and although staff asked for it in a motion because the position, resources are relatively plentiful compared to ‘group reputation and ways of working of the Tweede Kamer

149 Art.24 of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal and art. 1-4 Reglement voor de Dienst Verslag en Redactie. 150 Aanwijzingen voor de regelgeving (294 and 298). 151 Art. 90 to art. 117 of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 152, consulted 1May 2011. 153 Ibid. 154 Kamerstuk 32370 nr.2. 155 Enthoven, G.M.W. (2011), p. 47. 156 Tweede Kamer (2009). “Confidence and self-confidence: Parliamentary self-reflection: findings and follow-up 2009.”


were the subject of a public debate.157 In its self- Human resources reflection, the Tweede Kamer concluded that extra The total employment of civil servants in the Tweede resources and support are a necessity. It would like to Kamer has decreased slightly, from 560.7 in 2010 to receive more personnel and other support for MPs. 553.5 full-time equivalent in 2011. The figures on the Means suggested were hiring additional staff for the number of staff for parliamentary groupings show a parliamentary groupings and using interactive mixed image: 368 members of staff in 2004, 436 in methods involving new media. It was also suggested 2009 and 377 in 2010.163 The real figures from 2007 that MPs could use the support of organisations and onwards are considered to be higher; one political services more often to assess the value of the party does not provide its staffing information. information they receive or could call upon the parliamentary bureaucracy more often for assistance. The experts explain that on average an MP has one The rapid turnover of MPs and their short time in office member of staff at his disposal and some support from (in 2010 on average 3.8 years) require extra training a secretary.164 Staff members are often young people and guidance for new MPs. One expert argued that the who have recently graduated.165 lack of ‘collective memory’ in the Tweede Kamer was noticeable when talking with new MPs on long- According to one of the experts, the budget for standing topics.158 He explained how it all depends on parliamentary groupings does not allow you to hire the individual more-experienced MPs to assist new MPs more senior members of staff.166 Otherwise, these getting acquainted with the way the Tweede Kamer younger staff members are often ambitious and very works and sharing their collective memory on complex professional in their work. The workload is described themes.159 as ‘enormous’ because MPs have broad portfolios, As of 2010, parliamentary groupings receive an receive a huge amount of information from ministries additional budget (EUR 23.4 million in 2011, compared and also consider it important to communicate with to EUR 22.2 million in 2010) and training is provided to other MPs, citizens and interests groups.167 increase MPs’ knowledge of government and rules of procedure.160, 161 The Tweede Kamer considers that The expert considers limited support also to have an this should not only be done by means of rules, advantage: MPs need to do their work themselves and procedures, extra staffing and money. Also, effective therefore have to read and write the information and efficient cooperation between people can make a themselves. However, there does not seem to be an difference. The Tweede Kamer is also called upon to even balance between the number of civil servants who make more selective use of emergency debates; as deal with a certain topic within a ministry and the their rise in number creates problems for the number of staff members which assist an MP with an Parliamentary calendar.162 even-larger topic.168

157 Kamerstuk 30996, nr. 9 Motie van het lid Schinkelshoek C.S.2 July2007. 158 Interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 159 Ibid. 160 Tweede Kamer. (2009), p.22. 161 162 Tweede Kamer (2009), p.17 and following; Bandelow, N.C., Hoppe, R., Hoppe, T. and Woldendorp, J. (2011), p.33. 163 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Jaarcijfers 2010. 164 Interview with Joost Sneller, Policy Coordinator of the House of Representatives’ parliamentary grouping D66, 21 April 2011; interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA,17 March 2011. 165 Luyendijk, J. (2010), p.49. 166 Interview with Joost Sneller, Policy Coordinator of the House of Representatives’ parliamentary grouping D66, 21 April 2011. 167 Interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 168 Luyendijk, J. (2010), p.49; Enthoven, G.M.W. (2011)., p. 644.


As an exception, support can be provided by civil that of: minister, state secretary, member of the AR, servants from the ministries if MPs are drafting an National Ombudsman or that of Procurator-General or initiative bill. This support is available to all Advocate-General at the Supreme Court.173 parliamentary groupings. One expert described this as a complicated and long process. He experienced Appointments himself the excellent support of civil servants from the The President of the Tweede Kamer is voted during the Ministry of Finance in drawing up his proposal. Civil first plenary meeting of the newly-elected Tweede servants are said to be very professional and to help MPs Kamer. The candidates for this position are MPs.174 If with considering the practical implications and the legal the presidency becomes vacant in-between elections, wording of the initiative bill. Nevertheless, this takes up the same procedure is followed, but then the profiling a lot of money and capacity.169 and the actual election are done by the Tweede Kamer Generally speaking, the basic resources for the in the same composition. One of the vice-presidents of legislature are present; the dynamics involved with the the Tweede Kamer (part of the Presidium) will take on rapid turnover of MPs require extra resources. The the interim presidency. current available resources lead to a certain degree of ineffectiveness in the way the legislature carries out its Standing Committees duties. At the start of the installation of the newly-elected Tweede Kamer, it sets up standing committees for each ministry except for General Affairs, but with the addition INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) of a Committee for European Affairs and Kingdom Relations.175 The President of the Tweede Kamer decides To what extent is the legislature independent and free on the number of MPs per standing committee and from subordination to external actors by law? appoints the members and their substitutes, but the parliamentary groupings can decide differently.176 The Constitutional safeguards Tweede Kamer can also set up general committees (for The Tweede Kamer can be dissolved by royal decree170 highly-important topics related to several ministries) in the following circumstances: if a proposed and temporary committees. Additionally, the Tweede constitutional reform171 is accepted or in the Kamer sets its own agenda for the plenary meetings as exceptional case where the King/Queen dies and there proposed by the President of the Tweede Kamer or by an is no successor to the Crown.172 The Tweede Kamer can MP.177 The Tweede Kamer is summoned for a plenary also be dissolved if the government resigns after the meeting as frequently as the President of the Tweede Tweede Kamer has expressed its lack of confidence, or Kamer considers this to be necessary. The President of if there is a serious internal conflict in the government. the Tweede Kamer can also summon the Tweede Kamer In these circumstances it is common to hold new if 30 or more MPs request a plenary meeting via a written elections. The Constitution states that one cannot request; they do not need to provide a reason. The simultaneously be a member of the Tweede Kamer and government can request a plenary meeting on the the Senate. The office of MP is also incompatible with condition that it provides a solid reason for it.178

169 Interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 170 Art. 64 Grondwe.t 171 Art. 137 paragraph 3 Grondwet. 172 Art. 30 Grondwet. 173 Art. 57 Grondwet. 174 Art. 61 paragraph 1 Grondwet and art.4 of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 175 Art. 15 and following, Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 176 Art. 25 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal; Hout, van der E., Voerman, G. and Woude, van der W. (2007), p.128. 177 Art. 54 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.


Liabilities INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) MPs vote without ‘burden’ which means their voting is based on their own insights and consideration, and no To what extent is the legislature free from subordination discussion with their supporters is required.179 MPs to external actors in practice? have immunity from criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation for everything they say during plenary and Initiative bills committee meetings and for their written statements in The number of bills which originate from the Tweede the Tweede Kamer. This parliamentary immunity is a Kamer compared to the number which originate from constitutional right to safeguard the freedom of speech the government is notable. and to prevent an MP from refraining from speaking out of fear of legal proceedings.180 This immunity does not Year 2008 2009 2010 comprise things said outside the meetings (during breaks and suspensions). The President of the Tweede Total no. bills submitted 285 184 256 Kamer can decide to deprive MPs of their right to speak Total no. initiative bills when they are insulting, or to exclude MPs from the submitted 14 6 8 plenary debate if they misbehave.181 Source: Jaarcijfers Tweede Kamer 2010 p.17

There is a right to have MPs removed from the Parliament premises if the misbehaviour is very On average, one or two initiative bills are accepted and serious. It is at the discretion of the President of the become effective each year.184 The executive dominance Tweede Kamer when to act in such way.182 in the number of proposed laws is profound and is likely to relate to the high number of civil servants from Lobbying ministries who are involved in the law making process. There are no statutory provisions concerning public According to one of the experts, an initiative bill involves affairs and/or public relations officials’ presence in the a lengthy process which requires adequate resources. It Tweede Kamer premises. In order to obtain an entrance is easier to influence the legislative process via motions pass for the parliamentary premises, officials need to and amendments.185 The expert maintains that MPs show their ID and show, by means of a written often use an initiative bill as a means to put pressure on declaration, for which institution or organisation they ministers if they do not take action. MPs first ask the work.183 A permanent entrance pass can be granted minister to solve an issue via a bill, and after a certain which is valid for two years. amount of time has gone by they put some more pressure on by referring to their plans to submit an There are comprehensive provisions in place aimed at initiative bill.186 Some initiative bills are advised against safeguarding the independence of the legislature. and are still passed by the Tweede Kamer and the Senate. However, what is lacking is adequate regulation of For instance, an initiative bill187 related to the lobbying on Tweede Kamer premises. applicability of Competition Law to smaller firms was

178 Art. 46 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 179 Hout, van der E., Voerman, G. and Woude, van der W. (2007), p. 146. 180 Art. 71 Grondwet. 181 Art. 59 and 60 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 182 Morree, de P.E. (2009). 183 Gedragsregels voor Lobbyisten. 184 185 Interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 186 Ibid. 187 Kamerstuk 31531 nr. 1.


advised against by the Ministry of Economic Affairs yet their speeches and the oral or written questions with passed the Tweede Kamer and Senate.188 Another the parliamentary grouping, or forbid their MPs to sign initiative bill189 to lift the bar on the constitutional amendments and motions without explicit approval.193 review of acts of Parliament was approved by the Information about MPs who have voted or acted Tweede Kamer and Senate, even though the Minister of contrary to their parliamentary grouping is difficult to BZK advised against it.190 For more information, please obtain. There is no overview available of an individual refer to Accountability. MP’s voting.194

Interference Liabilities There have been a few incidents in which the Tweede The topic of parliamentary immunity has attracted Kamer made allegations to the government about more attention since the criminal prosecution of the interference in its activities. One recent example party leader Wilders of the Party for Freedom (PVV - occurred after the government had collapsed for the Partij voor de Vrijheid) for his alleged discrimination fourth time and the caretaker191 Prime Minister sent a against Muslims and Islam and promotion of hatred letter to the President of the Tweede Kamer in which he outside the Tweede Kamer.195 A Dutch court has found invited the Tweede Kamer to have a dialogue on what him not guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims. topics were of a pressing nature and therefore still to The judge said his comments on Islam were acceptable be handled by the care taker government. The as part of a legitimate political debate.196 In Dutch President of the Tweede Kamer reacted that this was an society this led to a serious debate on whether or not interference with the right of the Tweede Kamer to set to broaden parliamentary immunity to such an extent and determine its own agenda.192 that MPs also have immunity outside formal meetings Although MPs are legally obliged to vote without as long as they speak out in the function of a politician. ‘burden’, the party whip system is widely This discussion is on-going among politicians, acknowledged in the Netherlands. Many political academics and scholars, the media and citizens in parties have a regulation which determines that their general. MPs are to be loyal to the decisions taken in the meetings of parliamentary groups. Often there is a Lobbying right for an MP to set a precondition to the decisions Lobbying is a widely accepted practice in the taken by the parliamentary grouping, but this is rather Netherlands. In a GRECO evaluation the Dutch formalised and, for instance, needs to be put on the authorities stated that certain forms of influence official agenda of the parliamentary grouping. Some of (whether financial or not) over the decisions of public the parliamentary groupings require the MPs to share officials or politicians may be lawful, for instance where

188, consulted 2 May 2011. 189 Kamerstuk 32334 nr.1. 190, consulted 1 May 2011. 191 Here used to describe the government that operates in the interim period between the normal dissolution of parliament for the pur- pose of holding an election and the formation of a new government. This was the result of a crisis in the coalition (government) which led to the subsequent resignation. 192, consulted 29 April 2011. 193 Hout, van der E., Voerman, G. and Woude, van der W. (2007), p. 128-152. 194 Andeweg, R.B. and Thomassen, J.J.A.; technologie/article/detail/1853942/2011/03/01/Duizenden-Kamerstukken-verdwenen-uit-overheidsportaal.dhtml 195 Nieuwenhuis, A.J. (2010); oprekken-onschendbaarheid-Kamerleden.dhtml 196


representatives of interest groups perform lobbying received.203 From the interviews with key figures (from activities.197 It is only when the lobbying or the attempt different pillars) held so far, the shared opinion seems to exert influence results in holding out the prospect of to be that lobbying is an important way to exchange all specific advantages to public officials who are involved sorts of important information, to influence the in the decision-making process that the bounds of decision-making process and to increase public propriety are overstepped.198 support for decisions. The interviewees said that it is the individual themselves (whether MP or other actor) In a recent European survey on lobbying carried out by who are to scrutinise information and to be transparent Burton Marsteller, the Dutch respondents (MPs, MEPs about who they see and talk to. MPs who ignore and senior officials of national governments and lobbyists from the beginning will not be of interest to European institutions) rated the effectiveness of the the lobbyists.204 Another expert stressed the fact that main lobby groups ‘extremely low’.199 They claimed to the Dutch Association for Public Affairs (BVPA - get most of their information by doing research Beroeps-vereninging voor Public Affairs)205 is themselves, or else receive information via their becoming more and more professional, and that the colleagues, staff and network.200 Only 13 percent saw BVPA recently presented its own code of conduct to the lobbying as having undue influence over the members of the Tweede Kamer, Senate and top democratic process. They scored the effectiveness of officials.206 In 2010 a Dutch journalist provided a lobbying as low, because of the lack of transparency ‘behind the scenes’ picture through his book in which and failure to provide neutral information, and 67 he reported for one month from the Binnenhof (the percent said that lobbying takes place either too early premises of the Tweede Kamer). He described how or too late in the decision-making process.201 More lobbyists, politicians, press officers and journalists all than half of the respondents argued that lobbying is a depended on each other and tried to influence one constructive part of the decision-making process.202 another. Here a picture arises that lobbying is part of Dutch political decision-making.207 The extent to There are no clear figures on the extent to which the which MPs are influenced varies from one individual to Tweede Kamer is influenced by lobbyists. One MP the other.208 explained that MPs often receive conflicting information and corresponding arguments from Other actors occasionally interfere with the activities of interest groups and lobbying firms. According to the the legislature. These instances of interference are experts it is up to the individual MP to do his own usually not severe, and mainly relate to lobbying research and double-check the information activities.

197 Third Evaluation Round Evaluation Report on the Netherlands on Incriminations. (2008) (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I) 200 para- graph 61. 198 Ibid. 199 Burson-Marsteller (2009), p.14 200 Ibid., p. 23. 201 Ibid., p. 40. 202 Ibid., p. 40. 203 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011; interview with Ferd Crone, former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 204 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011. 205, consulted 18 December 2011. 206 Interview with Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), 15 March 2011. 207 Interview with Anton Jansen, Partner and Senior Consultant at EPPA Politiek en Lobby Consultants, 19 May 2011; Luyendijk, J. (2010). 208 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011.


TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) the registrar to make a stenographic report of every meeting or gathering of the Tweede Kamer, in which To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure the names of members present are listed, as well as the that the public can obtain relevant and timely names of those who declare themselves in favour or information on the activities and decision-making against the proposed law and amendments.214 In the processes of the legislature? exceptional case of voting by a show of hands, the President of the Tweede Kamer presumes that MPs are Tweede Kamer plenary and committee meetings voting on behalf of their parliamentary grouping. The Constitution states that all plenary and committee However, every MP has the right to request that the vote meetings of the Tweede Kamer are to be open to the be taken by roll call, which means that all MPs present public.209 The public do not have to announce their visit have to cast their votes individually by saying ‘in in advance but they do need to bring their ID and favour’ or ‘against’.215 In a roll-call vote, members of respect the applicable rules (e.g. refrain from the same parliamentary grouping may cast different interference with MPs and ministers, take no pictures). votes. The voting list shows whether a bill has been The Tweede Kamer can decide that a plenary meeting adopted, rejected, repealed, delayed or lapsed. The is to be closed if the President of the Tweede Kamer or items to be voted on are tabled on the voting list, which one-tenth of the MPs present ask for it.210 In addition, is published in advance. If a draft bill is accepted by the a committee can decide that a meeting is closed on the Senate, the bill has to be published in the Netherlands initiative of a member of that committee or a Bulletin of Acts and Decrees (Stb. - Staatsblad) or the minister.211 There is no special requirement other than Dutch Government Gazette (Stc. - Staatscourant).216 the wish of the committee or a minister. The agenda of Voting in secret is mandatory in the case of the Tweede Kamer is drawn up several times a week nominations or appointments, for example, the during the so-called ‘arrangement of business’ and is election of the President of the Tweede Kamer.217 published weeks in advance on the Tweede Kamer’s website. There is no statutory deadline for this, and the Journalists agenda is subject to change. The agenda of general Journalists are free to report on the legislature and its meetings of the committees are decided by the members. Parliamentary journalists can obtain a committee and have to be published on the Internet. permanent admission pass (max. 2 year duration) to There is no specific deadline for that.212 the Tweede Kamer.218 Parliamentary journalists are considered to be those who are in the Tweede Kamer Documents for their work on a daily base. A temporary admission All official documents which are exchanged between pass (one day) can be made available to journalists who the Tweede Kamer and the government have to be need to be in the Tweede Kamer only occasionally.219 published as soon as possible, except for those which They can freely attend plenary and committee meetings are confidential.213 There is a provision which obliges and walk around the premises of the Tweede Kamer.

209 Art. 66 Grondwet and articles 37 and 152 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 210 Art. 88 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 211 Art. 37 paragraph 3 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 212 Art. 41 paragraph 2 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 213 Art. 151 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 214 Art. 87 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 215 Art. 70 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 216 Articles 3-5 Bekendmakingswet. 217 Art. 74 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 218 219 Ibid.


The Tweede Kamer has its own ‘Guidelines for Image the topic. The website provides a list of committee and/or Sound Recordings on the Tweede Kamer meetings and their time and location, and whether they Premises’. Third parties who order audio-visual are open or closed to the public. content of a certain debate in advance are also allowed to enter the plenary meeting room for their own Documents recordings (only by shoulder-camera).220 There is a well-known public website for all official documents.222 It is a time-consuming activity to find an The main public news channel, NOS, is required to official document, especially when you are not well- provide 15 hours of reporting on political issues every acquainted with the system. There have been a few week. On the radio, the First Channel is tasked with private initiatives by citizens to address this issue. providing primary information.221 There is no specific According to many, documents may be formally open rule which prescribes broadcasting the meetings of the and available to the public, but in practice they are Tweede Kamer. For more information, please refer to the rather inaccessible. Via websites and corresponding Pillar report on Media. weblogs, these citizens try to bring this to the attention of the Tweede Kamer and the general public.223 In 2011 Comprehensive provisions are in place to ensure that the media (and thereafter an MP) addressed this issue the public can access the parliament and obtain once again after the transformation of the old website information on the organisation and functioning of the into a new website had the effect that thousands of legislature, on decisions that concern them and how official documents were not to be found on the new these decisions are made. website.224 The Minister of BZK responded by saying that this technical failure would be addressed and the documents would be published on the website as soon TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) as possible. It is not clear whether this was done. The Minister of BZK did not agree with the criticism To what extent can the public obtain relevant and timely regarding the website’s inaccessibility and informed information on the activities and decision-making the MP that some actions had already been taken, for processes of the legislature in practice? instance making the official document searchable via Google.225 On the Tweede Kamer’s website voting Tweede Kamer plenary and committee meetings records (results and voting breakdown) on bills, Information on public meetings (plenary and amendments and motions are published. Nevertheless, committee) of the Tweede Kamer is published on it is difficult to get an easy overview on voting by roll teletext and on the website of the Tweede Kamer. This call by topic, portfolio or MP. Again, there have been information is usually published four weeks in advance, initiatives by citizens who recorded the voting record and although the agenda is subject to change, it is for each MP, but this turned out to be a time- updated accordingly on the website. It is very rare for consuming activity and the websites are no longer up- plenary meetings to be closed. On the other hand, in to-date.226 Only when it concerns a very sensitive issue practice quite a large number of committee meetings will it be made public through the media which MP has are not open to the public because of the sensitivity of voted in favour or against a certain bill.

220 Guidelines for Image and/or Sound Recordings on the Tweede Kamer Premises. 221 Bandelow, N.C., Hoppe, R., Hoppe, T. and Woldendorp, J. (2011), p. 50. 222 223 overheidsportaal.dhtml, consulted 3 March 2011 224 Ibid. 225 226


Recently the media provided coverage of the way MPs third parties for journalistic purposes, for market- had voted on the decision to have a police mission in related prices. Parliamentary debates and committee Afghanistan.227 sessions are no longer publicly broadcast on Dutch television. Nonetheless, the Tweede Kamer website Legislation provides live-streams of all plenary debates and most The state of affairs concerning a draft bill can be found commission meetings. Also, the NOS broadcasts on the Internet. On the Tweede Kamer’s website a step- Politiek 24, a digital television channel on the Internet by-step guide helps the public with their search for that contains live-streams of all plenary debates and information on the bill proposal. An official bill most commission meetings. Further, it offers analyses, proposal is available from the moment it is submitted background information and a daily political show.229 It to the Tweede Kamer. Every Monday the website of the is also broadcast on TV but this depends on the RvS provides an updated overview of the advice it has subscription package provided whether citizens can given, but the advice itself is not yet available. The view it. Parliamentary journalists do need to ask advice on bill proposals is sent to the Tweede Kamer permission to walk in or record in the sections of the along with the government’s response and in some Tweede Kamer premises where political parties or cases an amended bill proposal. Advice on AMvB is individual MPs have their offices. A specific ‘media published in the Government Gazette, along with the tower’ is present in the Tweede Kamer’s building where texts which were submitted to the RvS. Information on there are press rooms and computers available which discussions in meetings of the Council of Ministers is journalists can rent. not available to the public, only the outcome is known While the public can access the legislature and obtain via press release. Pending legislation can be found on relevant information on its organisation and the Tweede Kamer’s website. On the Senate’s website functioning, on decisions that concern them and how a description is provided of each draft bill along with a these decisions are made, it is usually a time- time path. Bills which are approved by the Senate and consuming process. It is particularly difficult to get an ratified by the government are published in the easy overview of voting by roll call by topic, portfolio or Netherlands Bulletin of Acts and Decrees, and their MP. date of entry into force will be stated. Since July 2009 the Government Gazette and Netherlands Bulletin of Acts and Decrees are no longer offered in print but are ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) put up on websites. Bill proposals from before the year 1995 can be found at the Central Information Point of To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure the Tweede Kamer, the Royal Library and at legal that the legislature has to report on and be answerable libraries.228 for its actions?

Journalists Constitutional review The Tweede Kamer produces recordings of all plenary The Dutch Constitution prohibits the constitutional debates, in cooperation with the public (NOS) and review of acts of parliament.230, 231 The courts have regional Dutch broadcasters and RTL, the Dutch interpreted this as not only referring to the substantive commercial channel. They provide these recordings to quality of acts of parliament in light of the bill of rights

227 Kunduz-gaat-door.dhtml 228, consulted 1 May 2011. 229 Bandelow, N.C., Hoppe, R., Hoppe, T. and Woldendorp, J. (2011), p.50. 230 Art.120 Grondwet. 231 Schyff, van der G. (2010).


in the first chapter of the Constitution, but also relating transparency and to distinguish advice from experts to formal aspects of the Constitution such as legislative from the consultation of interest groups.238 Although procedure. This bar includes the prohibition on there is no codified legal provision specifically examining whether acts are in accordance with the prescribing public consultation on relevant issues, Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Statuut legislative authorities are subject to the ‘duty to give voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) or unwritten reasons’, the ‘duty to consult or involve interested principles of higher law.232 In 2008 an initiative bill by parties’, be it directly or indirectly, and the ‘duty to MP Halsema which allows limited constitutional review inform’ (transparency and accessibility) during the was approved by the Senate. Its second reading has still course of legislative processes resulting in primary to take place.233 legislation.239 The legal order of the Netherlands is characterised by monism; as national and international law together Contact with citizens form one legal order. The effect is not only that The public has the right to submit a petition to the international legal norms form part of the Dutch legal Tweede Kamer.240 It needs to describe which specific order without the need for incorporation, but also that rule or policy it criticises and explain what the such norms are hierarchically superior to national legal submitters want to accomplish by the petition and who norms.234 To that extent there is currently a certain sort its organisers are. of constitutional review.235 Petitions are allowed to be offered on the condition that Consultation a written request is sent. Acknowledgement of the The Netherlands is known for its consensus petition is published on ‘the list of items received’ of democracy. Consultation is one of the deeply-rooted the Tweede Kamer. There is also the possibility to send values aimed at creating wide public support.236 The a petition to the Tweede Kamer Committee on Petitions Framework Bill for Advisory Councils (Kaderwet in case a citizen is of the opinion that he has been Adviescolleges) has been amended several times (from treated improperly by the national government. This 1996-2010) to such an extent that the obligation to has to involve an individual situation/case for which consult advisory councils (often institutionalised) in the there is no right to object/appeal before the judiciary. legislative process has been minimised. The number of There is no right to appeal against national laws. One standing advisory councils has decreased over the can object to decisions arising from these laws before years, and in 2009 there were 33 (compared to 119 in the Commission on Petitions for each ministry. Here 1995).237 In doing this, the legislature has tried to appeals from individuals are considered. For more sober down the advisory phase, to increase information, please refer to the Executive pillar.241

232 Ibid., p.3. 233, consulted 1May 2011;, consulted 1 May 2011;, consulted 21February 2012. 234 Schyff, van der G. (2010) p.3. 235 Art.94 Grondwet. 236 Lijphart, A. (1990). 237, consulted 1 May 2011. 238 Aeken, van K., Gestel, van R., Humbeeck, van P., Popelier, P., and Verlinden, V. (2007). p. 17. 239 Voermans, W. (2009). 240 Art. 5 Grondwet. 241 politiek.html, consulted 1 May 2011.


In 2006 the ‘citizen’s initiative’ was introduced.242 This Kamer’s independence, the individual statements and consists of an elaborate proposal to improve a certain behaviour of MPs are still scrutinised. MPs account for policy or law, for instance regarding the environment their conduct via their political parties and the media. or elderly care. It can also be used to suggest making a piece of legislation less complex, or to suggest The media plays an important role in addressing MPs’ abolishing a certain rule. Through this initiative a behaviour and statements. They do not only report on citizen requests that the Tweede Kamer discuss his the activities of MPs since their being in office, but also proposal and state a formal opinion on it. A citizen examine their conduct in previous positions. In 2011 needs to collect 40,000 signatures of enfranchised the media reported on an individual MP who had citizens to submit such an initiative.243 allegedly received unlawful allowances in her previous position as chief of the police force (korpschef). The In summary: while a number of laws and provisions media also reported about an MP accused of assault, exist, they do not cover the aspect of constitutional and another MP involved in a conflict-of-interest in her review of legislative activities. previous position as diplomat at an embassy.244 Cases such as these often receive attention by the various media and are often dealt with via the line of the ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) political parties.

To what extent do the legislature and its members report Contact with citizens on and answer for their actions in practice? MPs’ responses to citizens’ emails and letters are quite diverse. There are MPs who do provide a response, Consultation often with the help of their assistant, and there are MPs In the Netherlands elaborate consultations are held who simply do not reply. The researcher experienced before a bill proposal is sent to the Tweede Kamer. this with her request to MPs to be interviewed for this There is a rather systematised consultation system. All research. kinds of semi-public boards exist consisting of experts In 2010 a total of 99 petitions were offered, in 2009 or representatives of interest- or political groups. this number was 108. These petitions are believed to Dutch decision-making is characterised by a common have limited effect in practice.245 Since 2006, 9 striving for broad consensus on important issues. This citizen’s initiatives have been submitted, of which one leads to broad consultation, often lengthy and was discussed in the Tweede Kamer, three were tiresome. Public consultations on law proposals take declared inadmissible and the other four are still being place, and these are usually done by the ministries. For considered by the Tweede Kamer’s commission.246 more information, please refer to the Pillar report on the Executive/Accountability. Most existing provisions are effective in ensuring that members of the legislature have to report and be MPs’ accountability answerable for their actions in practice, although Although parliamentary immunity is considered to be petitions are an exception as they do not have any an important guarantee safeguarding the Tweede perceptible effect.

242 Art. 132a Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer. 243, consulted 1 May 2011. 244; ing.dhtml;, consulted 29October 2011. 245 246, consulted 18 October 2011.


INTEGRITY (BY LAW) that additional compensation will be deducted from their general compensation.251 This provision also To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure obliges the registrar to keep a registry in which an the integrity of members of the legislature? overview of the trips abroad taken by MPs at the invitation of a 3rd party is maintained.252 MPs are Oath/Pledge obliged to notify the registry no later one week after At the inauguration ceremony, new MPs each have to returning. In addition, gifts over EUR 50 received by take the oath or pledge in order to be appointed as a MPs have to be registered no later than one week after member of the TK, in which they promise (among other being received.253 Twice a year the registrar publishes things) not to have given or promised any gift or favour, an overview of these side-functions.254 These rules are either directly or indirectly, under any name or in place to prevent conflict-of-interest situations pretence. They declare and promise that no direct or involving MPs. There is no institution which is indirect promises were taken on or will be taken on. responsible for its enforcement. They solemnly swear fealty to the Queen, the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the In 2006 the legislature amended the Civil Servant Act Constitution.247 They have to swear that they will fulfil (Ambtenarenwet) and the acts applying to the all duties faithfully.248 municipalities, provinces and water authorities to include the obligation for the competent authorities to Integrity provisions design and implement an integrity policy for civil MPs are required to abide by the following rules of servants.255 There is an obligation for these competent behaviour: careful dealing with confidential authorities to have a code of conduct in place. However, information, registering their paid and unpaid side- so far such a code has not been drafted for the Tweede functions249, only claiming costs necessary for carrying Kamer itself. In 2006 MP Depla proposed a motion to out their office, holding no additional activities with design a code of conduct for MPs. The motion was reward for any council or province. The Standing voted in favour, yet there is still no code of conduct.256 Orders of the Tweede Kamer prescribe that a registry Nor are there post-government service employment be kept in which the MPs provide notification of their restrictions for MPs. side-activities and the income which they expect from them, no later than one week after accepting such Criminalisation activity.250 The Regulation on Compensation for MPs can be sentenced to a maximum prison sentence members of the Tweede Kamer states that this outside of four to six years or get a fine of the fifth category if compensation can constitute up to a maximum of 14 they commit bribery.257 This maximum prison sentence percent of their total compensation, otherwise half of is two to four years more than the maximum sentence

247 Note that this Constitution applies to both the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Dutch Antilles. 248, consulted 1 May 2011. 249 Art.150a paragraph 1 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer. 250 Article 150a paragraph 1 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 251 Paragraph B of the Overzicht van de regeling schadeloosstelling van de leden van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal (versie januari 2010). 252 Art.150a paragraph 2 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer. 253 Article 150a paragraph 3 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 254 Article 150a paragraph 5 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 255 For example art. 125quater Ambtenarenwet. 256, consulted 1 May 2011. 257 Art. 362 and 363 paragraph 3 Wetboek van Strafrecht.


given to civil servants who committed the same act. office). This has led to a discussion as to whether Additionally, there is a special statutory provision there should be stricter monitoring of newly-elected which obliges civil servants and members of public MPs by e.g. the General Intelligence and Security bodies to report crimes which they have become aware Service (AIVD - Algemene Inlichtingen en of while carrying out their official duties. MPs fall within Veiligheidsdienst). However, the general opinion is the criminal definition of civil servants. This means that that it remains the responsibility of the political if an MP becomes aware of another MP’s criminal parties to screen candidates before drafting conduct, he is obliged to immediately report this to the candidate lists for the elections.260 law enforcement agencies.258 The media has also highlighted the lack of integrity on The basic mechanisms in place to ensure the integrity the part of MPs and parliamentary groupings. There has of MPs are present. However, there is no been coverage of MPs begging for reductions in the comprehensive integrity policy for MPs. price of airplane tickets from or KLM.261 The media also published the conclusions of a report on fraudulent expense-claims made by some of the INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) parliamentary groupings. These included claiming traffic fines, media training and gifts.262 In 2009 To what extent is the integrity of legislators ensured in Deloitte Accountants discovered that three major practice? parliamentary groupings had asked for and received a certain subsidy. However, these subsidies were to be Integrity provisions used for parliamentary activities, while these groupings The registries recording the side-functions, gifts and used them for political activities. Political activities are travels of MPs are open to the public at the Tweede to be financed by political parties themselves and not Kamer premises and can also be found on the Internet. by state subsidies available for legislators to carry out However, the duty to acknowledge side-functions, gifts their official duties. and travels abroad is not applied consistently by all MPs. Recent research by one newspaper indicated that According to experts, the absence of a code of conduct some MPs have not registered their side-functions as for MPs can be explained by the widely-held feeling municipal councillor, and some of the information has among MPs that they are not appointed in a general not been updated.259 employer/employee way. They often refer to the fact that they are voted in by the public and do not have a Incidents boss to be responsible to. In addition, the Tweede The lack of integrity of MPs has led to some Dutch MPs Kamer is the highest institution of the state. Making having to resign. In these cases, the grounds for another institution responsible for enforcing a code of doubts regarding the integrity of the MP were usually conduct would undermine this constitutional related to wrongdoing in the past (before taking on position.263

258 Art.162 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 259 Stokmans, D. (2011). “Ze zijn nu even met hun nevenfuncties bezig.” NRC Handelsblad, p.10. 260, consulted 2May 2011. 261 “Luchtvaart moet namen bedelende politici noemen”, Telegraaf April 2005. 262 aan.dhtml; 0124_1930_sjoemelende_kamer.xml, consulted 2 May 2011. 263 Interview with Ferd Crone, Mayor of the city of Leeuwarden and former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011; interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011.


According to one expert, the real change in the extent EXECUTIVE OVERSIGHT to which MPs act with integrity has been that nowadays more MPs intentionally misinterpret scientific facts to To what extent does the legislature provide effective get their political message heard. oversight of the Executive? This is a shift from the original consensus-model in which all MPs agreed on the scientific facts before Appointments of key figures bringing their political appreciation into the In principle, most key figures within the auxiliary discussion. Now facts are being twisted according to institutions are appointed by the government. The the political agenda.264 Tweede Kamer plays a role in three of the major appointment procedures, two which concern Lobbying institutions which help the Tweede Kamer in carrying Although the effectiveness of the main lobby groups out its supervisory task: the Netherlands Court of Audit was rated as exceptionally low in the Burton Marsteller (AR - Algemene Rekenkamer) and the National research, there is a general belief that many lobbyists Ombudsman. The board of the AR is appointed via a are active on the Tweede Kamer premises. The Tweede public application procedure. If a vacancy arises, the AR Kamer’s Department of Communication determines notifies the Queen and the Tweede Kamer and suggests which lobbyist receives a permanent pass to the a list with 6 qualified candidates. The Tweede Kamer premises. The criteria they apply are not disclosed.265 Committee on Government Expenditure conducts interviews with these six persons. The Tweede Kamer The ‘Nieuwspoort Association’ is the informal and then votes (independently of the AR’s advice) by secret exclusive meeting place for politicians, press officers, ballot and proposes a three-candidate short-list.268 lobbyists and journalists, and here information is The government thereupon appoints one of these shared and influencing takes place.266 There is a candidates by royal decree for life.269 The Tweede ‘Nieuwspoort Code’, which requires those present not Kamer plays a decisive role in the appointment of the to inform anyone about what they have seen or heard National Ombudsman. It decides which candidate is to in Nieuwspoort. There are no data on the influence be appointed, for a period of 6 years.270 It does so on gained via lobbying MPs. One expert noticed that the basis of three candidates recommended by the complete motions and amendments are delivered by Vice-President of the RvS, the President of the Supreme lobbyists, which MPs can then use to advance their Court and the President of the AR.271 If the Tweede opinion.267 Kamer wants to reappoint the National Ombudsman for another term, this can be decided without the selection There is a piecemeal and reactive approach to ensuring procedure.272 The third appointment procedure in the integrity of legislators, including inquiries into which the Tweede Kamer plays a role is the alleged misbehaviour. However, those provisions appointment of members of the Supreme Court of the which seek to prevent conflict-of-interest are not Netherlands (HR - Hoge Raad der Nederlanden). The adequately enforced. reasoning behind this is that it is the HR which can

264 Interview with Ferd Crone, Mayor of the city of Leeuwarden and former MP for the political party PvdA, 17 March 2011. 265 Luyendijk, J. (2010). p. 36. 266 267 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011. 268 Art. 77 Grondwet. 269, consulted 2 May 2011. 270, consulted 2 May 2011. 271 Art. 2 paragraph 1 and 2 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 272 Art. 2 paragraph 4 Wet Nationale ombudsman.


sentence ministers convicted of committing a crime and which need further improvement. The remarks and linked to the exercise of their public duty. Here, the judgments of the Tweede Kamer have to be taken into members are appointed by the government from a list account by the government before it decides on the of three nominations which are submitted from the budget for the following year. Tweede Kamer.273 The Tweede Kamer does not play a role in the appointment of the members of the Electoral Right to information Council (KR - Kiesraad).274 Neither does the Tweede Ministers and state secretaries279 shall provide the Kamer play a role in the appointment of members/state Tweede Kamer and the Senate, orally or in writing, councillors of the RvS.275 either separately or in joint session, with any information requested by one or more members, Budget provided that the provision of such information does The Tweede Kamer and Senate have the full authority not conflict with the interests of the state.280 Although to decide publicly about their budget (right of budget). these are often summoned to the Tweede Kamer to The Constitution states that the budget for government provide the information, the quality of the information income and expenditure is set by law.276 Budget law provided (both written and oral) has been criticised in proposals are drafted by the government on a yearly a recent PhD research.281 According to this research, basis and must be approved by the Tweede Kamer and the right to information is not always effective because Senate. The Tweede Kamer can propose and approve ministers are not adequately informed by their civil amendments and motions to the budget. Gradually the servants, and therefore the Tweede Kamer is not Dutch budget processes has focussed more on adequately informed by the minister.282 Among other accountability. The Tweede Kamer, the Senate and the reasons, discussed in Pillar Report AR have become the internal watchdogs for the Executive/Accountability, the right to information is taxpayers.277 Since 2000 the third Wednesday in May is limited by the so-called Oekaze Kok, which imposes a declared to be ‘Accountability Day. Parliament had limitation on individual civil servants contact with MPs asked for such a day to receive a goal-oriented set of in the light of ministerial responsibility.283 The Tweede statements from the ministries so that the Kamer receives official information from the effectiveness and efficiency of governmental policies government and can request additional information. could be discussed.278 The Minister of Finance has to This information often does not include all relevant introduce his ‘Annual Financial Report’ to the Tweede judgments, risks and alternative policies which MPs Kamer then, and at the same time the President of the would like to have as well, but which they are not AR presents the AR’s report to the Tweede Kamer. This allowed to obtain via civil servants. In 2011, PM Rutte has to be done in such way that the Tweede Kamer gets informed the Tweede Kamer that the Oekaze Kok a clear picture of those aspects which have improved should be interpreted less strictly to allow civil servants

273 Art. 118 Grondwet and article 2 paragraph 1 Wet Rechtspositie Rechterlijke Ambtenaren. 274, consulted 2 May 2011. 275 Art. 74 Grondwet and art.27 Wet op de Raad van State. 276 Art. 105 Grondwet. 277 Jensen, L., Vries, de J. and Wanna, J. (2010). p.223. 278, consulted 2 May 2011. 279 A state secretary in the Netherlands functions as a deputy minister. Some ministers are accompanied by a state secretary who also is politically responsible for his policies. 280 Art.68 Grondwet. 281 Enthoven, G.M.W. (2011). 282 Ibid. 283 Aanwijzing inzake externe contacten van rijksambtenaren; Leidraad voor de Toepassing van de Aanwijzing Inzake Externe Contacten van Rijksambtenaren bij Functionele Contacten met de Staten-Generaal en Individuele Kamerleden.


to answer questions from individual MPs, which are of arrangements for external investigation.288 Staff a more factual and technical nature, on the condition members of the Tweede Kamer or external that the respective minister is aware of the request.284 organisations/institutions can carry out an investigation One expert also argued that the Oekaze Kok might be on behalf of the Tweede Kamer. The Tweede Kamer restricting MPs too much in their right to obtain also has the right to appoint a temporary committee to relevant information from the Executive, and referred carry out an investigation. In addition, there is the right to the municipal situation where members of local to set up a parliamentary investigation if a majority of the councils can contact the official registry and civil Tweede Kamer is in favour.289 Here a temporary servants for information.285 Nevertheless, in reality the commission is installed composed of MPs. There is no executive does not share this renewed perception. In further legislative provision concerning this right. Since April 2011 a case concerning the biometric passport 2000 nine parliamentary investigations have been made clear that important information had been carried out.290 Often this sort investigation proves to be withheld from the Tweede Kamer. During a roundtable sufficient to discover the required information, but on meeting organised by one of the parliamentary some occasions a stronger investigative instrument is groupings, it became clear that some external experts required. One of the recent investigations concerned an and civil servants who were critical about the risks to examination of the developments and problems in the safety and privacy from the biometric passport had financial system (globally and nationally). In January and been put under pressure by an agency of the Ministry February 2010 the Commission questioned, over some of BZK (Agentschap Basisadministratie 40 hearings, almost 40 bankers, financial service Persoonsgegevens en Reisdocumenten) to not express regulatory officials, politicians and academics. The their criticism. The minister of BZK did not allow them inquiry was concluded by a report which made 27 to attend this meeting. Two parliamentary groupings recommendations also offered two case studies (one then decided to conduct an integrity investigation of involving ABN AMRO and the other the case of this specific agency.286 In the meantime, the support of Icesave/Landsbanki) to illustrate for the sake of future other parliamentary groupings for such a passport is regulation and supervision.291 In 2010 this decreasing. parliamentary investigation on the financial system was concluded with report entitled Credit Lost. Right to investigate Bureau Onderzoek en Rijksuitgaven (BOR) supports the Right to inquiry Tweede Kamer with its investigations and oversight of The Tweede Kamer and the Senate (individually or state spending. The Tweede Kamer’s Standing Orders jointly) can also set up a parliamentary committee of list the types of investigations which the Tweede Kamer inquiry. This right to parliamentary inquiry is the most has at its disposal. These are regulated by separate far-reaching type of investigation available to the rules.287 The Tweede Kamer has the right to make Tweede Kamer.292 It is initiated as a last resort.

284 Kamerstuk II, 32500 VII, nr. 105 and voor-contact-tussen-ambtenaren-en-Kamer.dhtml, consulted 5May 2011. 285 Interview with Guusje ter Horst, President of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO-raad), member of the Senate for political party PvdA and former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2 May 2011. 286, con- sulted 3 May 2011. 287 Chapter XII of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 288 Art. 140 sub b Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 289 Art. 140 sub a Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. 290, consulted 21 February 2012. 291, consulted 2May 2011. 292 Art. 70 Grondwet, Wet op de parlementaire enquête and Chapter XII of the Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.


Witnesses called by such a committee are under inquiry led to criminal convictions, changes in obligation to appear before it, and the committee is legislation and media attention for as well as public entitled to hear them under oath. The significance of awareness of fraudulent practices. this goes beyond the governmental supervision since anyone can be called upon.293 Duty to report According to the Parliamentary Inquiry Act (Wet op de A special statutory provision obliges civil servants and parlementaire enquête 2008) every citizen is obliged to members of public bodies to report crimes which they cooperate if requested to do so by such a committee. have become aware of while carrying out their official This includes the duty for ministers and state duties. This means that if an MP becomes aware of secretaries to cooperate.294 Ministers and state criminal conduct by a minister or state secretary, that secretaries are obliged to provide documents or MP is obliged to immediately report this to law testimony relating to their time in office, providing the enforcement agencies.299 PM has intervened to require them to do so.295 There are no limitations regarding the subject of inquiry, so Disapproval misbehaviour by the Executive can also be There are two types of motions which MPs can use to investigated.296 express their disapproval of the government or a minister. Both can be considered to be mainly In 2011/2012 a parliamentary inquiry was conducted customary law. First there is the ‘motion of which was considered to be the second phase of the disapproval’. Here MPs express their disapproval of the recent parliamentary investigation into the financial policy of a minister, state secretary or government. The system. The focus was more on the measures taken by seriousness of the words used determines whether the government from 2008 onwards aimed at resignation is called for. By using a ‘motion of no- supporting the banks during the credit crisis. confidence’, the MPs express that they no longer trust the minister, state secretary or the government. If this As of the beginning of 2012 this parliamentary inquiry motion is approved, it will result in the specific is not yet completed. This right to inquiry has been resignation. Although individual parliamentary used three times since the year 2000: indeed, in groupings have used the right to a motion of 2002/2003 two such parliamentary inquiries took disapproval and no-confidence, this rarely results in a place. One inquiry dealt with the presence of the Dutch majority voting in favour of the motion. In 2006 a military at Srebrenica (Balkan Wars) and the other motion of disapproval towards the Minister of Asylum concerned fraud and corruption in the Dutch and Integration Verdonk was accepted and led to construction industry.297 The general conclusions another minister taking over the part of her portfolio which were drawn from the latter report were that which concerned asylum. public procurement in the construction industry was The legislature possesses most of the tools for especially sensitive to irregularities, cartel practices executive oversight commonly found in democratic were structural and there was collusion between public parliamentary systems. However, restrictions on authorities and business. Recommendations were, contacting a civil servant from a ministry limit to some among other things, to strengthen public procurement extent the legislature in collecting the information regulation and supervision.298 The outcome of that required for its executive oversight.

293 Kortman, C.A.J.M. (2008). p.251. 294 Art. 14 Wet op de Parlementaire enquête 2008. 295 Art. 16 Wet op de Parlementaire enquête 2008. 296 Art. 2 Wet op de Parlementaire enquête 2008. 297 Heuvel, van den G. (2005). p.133–151. 298, consulted 2 May 2011. 299 Art. 162 Wetboek van Strafvordering.


LEGAL REFORMS representative of the party must be made public. Additionally an administrative fine of EUR 20,000 was To what extent does the legislature prioritise anti- to be paid in case of a violation. In February 2011, the corruption and governance as a concern in the country? AR sent its report on the financing of political parties to the Tweede Kamer and the minister of BZK, in which The Netherlands has ratified all important anti- it urgently advised the enacting of appropriate corruption conventions. Following the government’s legislation in line with GRECO recommendations.301 White Paper on Corruption Prevention (Nota Corruptiepreventie) of 2005, several legal reforms took In April 2011 the minister of BZK presented his draft place. For more information, please refer to the Pillar law proposal302 on the financing of political parties. It report on the Executive. The greater part of this reform did not refer to the initiative law proposal of the two was initiated by the Executive. The priority given by the MPs. The two MPs thereupon submitted an amendment Dutch legislature to anti-corruption instruments is to this law proposal in which they proposed lowering difficult to determine. the threshold for transparency as proposed by the The Tweede Kamer played an important role in minister from EUR 4,500 to EUR 1,500.303 This law amending and approving these laws. However, there is proposal is currently being discussed in the Tweede little evidence that the Tweede Kamer has prioritised Kamer, and it is yet to be seen what the provisions anti-corruption by initiating legal reform. In the last regarding the financing of political parties will be. two years little priority has been given to anti- Nevertheless, these two MPs have shown transparency corruption and governance. in the financing of political parties to be a priority. This might be due to the fact that between 2005 and 2009 anti-corruption legislation and integrity policies In 2010 a revised Whistle-Blower Regulation304 entered became effective and so there was a lesser need for into force. It is widely perceived to be ineffective more. Nevertheless, there are still loopholes in the because it did not provide effective protection to the Dutch anti-corruption legislation. Some of these have whistle-blower.305 For more information, please refer to been addressed by the legislature. the Pillar Public Sector/Accountability Practice.

Two initiative bills One of the MPs of the Socialist Party (SP), Van Raak, is The legislation on financing of political parties is not up- planning to submit an initiative draft bill to establish an to-date or in accordance with international obligations. institute for whistle-blowers, supported by public In 2010 two MPs, Dibi of the Green Party (Groen-Links) funding, to the Tweede Kamer in 2012. A majority of and Schouw of the Liberal Democrats (D66) put forward the Tweede Kamer wants an independent commission an initiative bill for changing the law on the subsidising with thorough procedures and the power to conduct and financing of political parties.300 That initiative independent investigations.306 It is yet to be seen sought to increase transparency of political party whether this draft bill will be supported.307 This financing by setting a threshold of EUR 1,500 above institute will be based at the National Ombudsman’s which all donations and gifts to a political party or a office and should provide adequate legal and financial

300 301 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen. 302 Kamerstukken II, 2010-11, 32 752, nr. 2. 303 Kamerstukken II, 2010-11, 32 752, nr. 6. 304 Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand Rijk en Politie. 305, consulted May 2011; Bovens, M. and Pikker, G. (2010) p. 38-47, Binnenlands Bestuur (2011).Klokkenluiders kaltgestellt. 306 Binnenlands Bestuur (2011). Kamer blokkeert plan klokkenluiders. 307 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, 31 August 2011.


protection for whistle-blowers from the private and legislature, these are the results of individual MP’s public sectors. The National Ombudsman is of the efforts, and do not reflect the general attitude of the opinion that the current legal provisions do no not legislature. provide effective protection to whistle-blowers and Recently a member of the Royal family Van that an institute for whistle-blowers could be part of Vollenhoven has argued that whistle-blowers should his organisation.308 have part of the money confiscated by the authorities for infringements of integrity. His ideas follow the line While a number of legal reforms to counter corruption of reasoning of the Dodd-Frank Whistle-blower Rules and promote integrity have been initiated by the in the USA.309

308 TV broadcast from Uitgesproken, VARA from 18th February 2011. 309 P. van Vollenhoven in a television program “Een Vandaag” on 16 June 2011.


Role in NIS The Executive gains its legitimacy by receiving a Executive’s integrity in practice. In order to assess the mandate from the people to govern via their transfer of topic from different points of view, current ministers sovereignty. It is the government which exercises were approached as well as former ministers. For the control over political decision-making. It is supposed outsiders view on the Executive’s integrity, an academic to create and administer laws which are fair and expert was contacted as well as a policy advisor from equitable. It decides on policies as to what the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in expenditures are to be made for the common needs. It the Public Sector. All interviews were held face-to-face. is generally accepted today that modern government requires accountability. Without it, no system can Interviews held: function in a way which promotes the public interest • Wouter Bos, Partner and Head of the public sector rather than the private interests of those in control. The and health service division of KPMG, and former shift is thus from a system of vertical responsibility - Vice Prime Minister, interview held the 30th of be it the tyrant or the leadership of the one party state August 2011. - to one of horizontal accountability, whereby a system of agencies of restraint and watchdogs is designed to • Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration check abuses of power by other agencies and branches and Research Director at the Utrecht School of of government. This system manages conflicts-of- Governance, interview held the 7th of June 2011. interest in the public sector, effectively disperses power and limits situations in which conflicts-of- • Ferd Crone, Mayor, City of Leeuwarden and former interest arise or have a negative impact on the common MP for the political party PvdA, interview held the good. In addition to the mere absence of corruption 17th of March 2011. from the government, the government has an important role in designing and enforcing laws and • Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International policies aimed at preventing corruption and promoting Netherlands, interview held the 1st of June 2011. integrity. An integrity system embodies a comprehensive view of legal and administrative • Henk Nijhof, Chair of the board of the political party reforms.310 GroenLinks, interview held on the 21st of June 2011.

Sources • Guusje ter Horst, President of the Netherlands The desk research for this pillar report started with Association of Universities of Applied Sciences broad research on the topic of integrity in the Dutch (HBO-raad) and member of the Senate for the government and current affairs involving the political party PvdA and former Minister of the government. Literature was examined as well as the Interior and Kingdom Relations, interview held the applicable legal provisions. Additionally, an analysis 2nd of May 2011. was made of documents from the legislature and the government, followed by a media scan. In-depth • Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate of interview were held with key figures and experts from Public Administration at the Social and Economic the Executive, or with a good knowledge of the Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the Executive. This led to a more in-depth view on the 15th of March 2011.

310 Transparency International, “Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System.”, March 2003 p.4.


• Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and strengthened by active reporting by the media on the Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), conduct of individual ministers. On a lesser note, the interview held the 15th of March 2011. Executive’s transparency and integrity are a concern. Although the Executive provides the legislature with • Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for enormous amounts of information, there are some Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, concerns about how this information is selected and interview held the 6th of June 2011. what the exact scope is of the Tweede Kamer’s limitations in contacting civil servants from the • Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at the National ministries for further information. Additionally, the duty Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public to provide adequate information under the Wob Sector - CAOP/BIOS, interview held the 24th of (Openness of Government Act) is not always May 2011. safeguarded in practice. The National Ombudsman, journalists and academics all see the Wob as a failure • Interviewee 5, Senior auditor at the Netherlands because it hasn’t increased transparency regarding the Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April Executive’s activities. A comprehensive handbook for 2011.311 new members of the Executive seeks to inform them what is considered to be proper conduct. The fact that • Interviewee 6, Senior auditor at the Netherlands no private financial information has to be disclosed by Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April ministers, and that the legislature is not informed on the 2011.312 financial and business arrangements made by ministers regarding their appointments, weakens the possibilities • Interviewee 7, Senior auditor at the Netherlands of parliamentary representatives to monitor conflicts- Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April of-interest. Additionally, there are no post-government 2011.313 employment restrictions for members of the Executive. There is a concern about the lack of priority which the Executive devotes to anti-corruption efforts. EXECUTIVE Structure and Organisation Status: Strong The government is the supreme executive body and is formed by the Queen and ministers.314 It is the Summary hierarchical top of a large administrative apparatus. In The Executive has sufficient resources. In the practice, the Queen does not participate in the daily Netherlands it is made up of a coalition of political decision-making of government, she is merely informed parties. This automatically leads to a certain amount of about relevant issues by the Prime Minister (PM) during dependence on the legislature. It is the Executive that, his weekly visit. The Queen plays a limited role in the in the main, determines the extent to which it will act on procedures around government formation. Because of motions from Parliament or from public consultation. the Dutch system of proportional representation and the Overall, the Executive’s independence is adequately large number of political parties, the government is a ensured. Ministerial responsibility is an important coalition government supported by the coalition safeguard in ensuring the Executive’s accountability. It parliamentary groupings in the Tweede Kamer (House of has proven to be effective in holding ministers Representatives). The government governs on the basis responsible for bad policies. This has been of a coalition agreement.315 The Dutch Constitution does

311 This expert requested anonymity. 312 This expert requested anonymity. 313 This expert requested anonymity. 314 Art. 42 paragraph 1 Grondwet. Note: the Constitution refers to a King but the Netherlands currently has Queen Beatrix as its monarch.


not mention any cabinet, but only the government and administrative or legislative. The council of ministers is council of ministers.316 The Dutch council of ministers is distinct from the cabinet, which also includes state the executive council of Dutch government, formed by secretaries. A state secretary takes over part of the all the ministers and chaired by the PM.317 This executive minister’s portfolio and falls within the responsibility of council initiates laws and decides on general the minister, but is separately responsible to government policy.318 The government carries out the parliament. Some state secretaries have clearly defined most important administrative acts by itself; all the other portfolios, while others’ portfolios overlap with that of administrative tasks are carried out at a lower level by the minister. State secretaries do not attend the council the administrative apparatus for which the government of minister meetings unless they are requested to do is responsible. There are currently 11 ministries in the so, and they do not have voting rights.323 Netherlands. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK - Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en In practice, the cabinet is referred to as ‘the Koninkrijkrelaties) is the only ministry containing two government’, because the ministers are responsible for ministers: the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom the government’s conduct.324 This responsibility of Relations and the Minister for Immigration and ministers is both criminal and political. Political Asylum.319 Politically, a ministry is led by the Minister responsibility is grounded in the Constitution.325 and State Secretary.320 The management of civil servants Criminal responsibility is regulated by the Act on is in the hands of a secretary-general and director- Ministerial Responsibility (Wet ministeriële general(s).321 The secretary-general directly manages verantwoordelijkheid), which dates back to 1855. the director-general(s) and directors of the ministry.322 There are no examples of prosecutions which have been based on this act. The extent of political Parliament checks whether the government carries out responsibility depends on the confidence rule its work properly (Pillar Legislator/Executive Oversight). A (vertrouwensregel), which is entirely a matter of decision by the government is called a royal decree (KB unwritten law.326, 327 The King328 is immune and cannot - Koninklijk Besluit) and its content can either be be held accountable for the government’s policies.329

315 The coalition usually reflects the majority in the House of Representatives. The current government is the first exception to this prac- tice since the Second World War. Since 2010 there has been a supported by the anti-Islam party of . For more info, please visit or the short article via coalition-geert-wilders, consulted 3August 2011. 316 Art.45 Grondwet. 317 Art. 43 Grondwet. 318 Art. 4 Reglement van orde voor de ministerraad. 319 Art.44 paragraph 2 Grondwet. 320 A state secretary in the Netherlands functions as a deputy minister. Some ministers are accompanied by a state secretary. 321 Art. 44 Grondwet. 322 isterie-geleid.html, consulted 8 August 2011. 323 For more information about the Dutch Government visit: 324 Art. 42 paragraph 2 Grondwet. 325 Ibid. 326 Lange, de R. (2002). 327 The pillar ‘Public Sector’ forms a separate pillar of the National Integrity System; it will therefore be assessed in a separate report. In the NIS the ministries fall within the definition of public sector and are therefore discussed in that report. In this report referral to min- istries is made to explain the tasks and provisions of the Executive. 328 Note: the Constitution refers to a King but the current Dutch monarch is Queen Beatrix. 329 Art. 42 paragraph 2 Grondwet.


ASSESSMENT government itself of EUR 6.14 billion in 2015 and a structural budget cut of EUR 6.56 billion.335 This involves Resources (in practice) a smaller number of civil servants and politicians at all levels of government (state, provinces, local and water To what extent does the executive have adequate authorities).336 resources to effectively carry out its duties? According to recent research, civil servants have The availability of adequate resources can be assessed expressed their fear that this overall saving will be less according to different budgets. The Ministry of General effective than saving on particular expenses through Affairs (AZ - Ministerie van Algemene Zaken) is clear policy choices.337 However, it is still to be seen in responsible for the coordination of general government what way the ministries decide to cut their budgets and policy and communication. It spent EUR 68.6 million in what the net result of these savings will be.338 (For more 2010.330 The draft budget for 2011 is approximately EUR information, please refer to Executive/Public Sector 65 million.331 This budget-cut is part of the overall state Management.) budget cuts in order to reduce the Netherlands’s budget deficit. The number of personnel is to be reduced Overall, there is little to suggest that the executive does between 2007-2015 from 500 full-time equivalent to not have adequate resources to effectively carry out its 400. The cabinet of the PM advises and supports the PM, tasks or which makes it particularly vulnerable to and includes the secretariat of the council of ministers; dishonest behaviour within the Executive. this takes up approximately 20 percent of the total budget of the Ministry of AZ. The budget for the operation of the cabinet of the Queen for 2011 is INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) approximately EUR 2.4 million.332 These costs involve, among other things, the exchange of legal documents To what extent is the executive independent by law? and communication between the Queen and other members of the government. Over the last years this Dualism budget was quite stable.333 The Netherlands does not have a strict separation of As part of the budget cuts, the current government has powers, but the relation between the Executive and decided to create a smaller government. The current parliament can be regarded as dualistic now that government now has fewer ministries and ministers than ministers and state secretaries cannot be a members the previous ones.334 In its coalition agreement, the of parliament.339 An exception to this rule is when a government refers to a ‘smaller and stronger minister or state secretary puts up his position for government’ and includes a budget-cut for the disposal votes in parliament until a decision is made

330, consulted 3 August 2011. 331,kst148570_4.html, consulted 3 August 2011. 332 Kamerstuk 32780 III nr. 1;, consulted 3 August 2011. 333,kst132819b_5.html; verantwoording/jaarverslag,kst139620_3.html, consulted 3August 2011. 334 Freedom and Responsibility Coalition Agreement VVD-CDA, September 2010 p.6 and 7. 335 The Dutch government announced in 2011 that it wants to save a total of 18 billion euros. That means deep budget-cuts, for instance at the Ministry of Defence but also, for instance, for the culture and art sectors and savings on the budget for the disabled and those receiving benefits. Around half of the savings should be realised through this compact government. 336 Brief Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Uitvoeringsprogramma Compacte Rijksdienst, 14 February 2011.

337 Binnenlands Bestuur 29th of April 2011,17, 32 p.26-27. 338 The Netherlands Court of Audit will monitor the realization of the overall budget-cuts in the coming years. 339 Art. 57 paragraph 2 Grondwet.


on his dismissal or reappointment.340 According to Dualism the Constitution, parliament and the government The criticism of the interdependence found in practice share the legislative power, while the Executive power between the government and the parliamentary at the national level lies with the government.341 The groupings is recurring, and is the result of the complex government and individual ministers are competent customs and conventions which came into being over to make other general government regulations, while the last centuries.344 The formation of coalition parliament monitors and supervises the government governments is particularly an example of a custom as it is doing so.342 The council of ministers makes where different political actors play a role and the decisions on its own as part of general state policy.343 dualistic system becomes blurred. Here the chairs of The general principle of ‘ministerial responsibility’ is the parliamentary groupings play an advisory role in always applicable: ministers are responsible for the their talks with the Queen and the ‘informateur’345, and set of policy issues and associated legislation coming in a later stage with the ‘formateur’346. There are from their ministries. In carrying out both tasks, the examples in which the coalition parliamentary government is dependent on parliament. The groupings in the Tweede Kamer were bound by the government and individual ministers are accountable coalition agreement, and therefore could not actively to parliament for their actions and must have the carry out their role in supervising the government. In confidence of parliament. the previous coalition agreement, the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA - Partij van de Arbeid) had agreed not to Lobbying ask for a parliamentary inquiry or investigation into the There are no provisions concerning lobbying. Nor is Dutch support in Iraq if one of their political priorities there a registry of lobby firms. was also included.347 In practice this led to the PvdA grouping ‘being bound’ to the coalition agreement and The independence of the Executive is safeguarded to restricted in using their right to ask for a parliamentary some extent: on the one hand, the government is inquiry or investigation. Nevertheless, this dependency allowed to operate freely and independently, but on the is inherent in a political system based on proportional other hand it is dependent on the legislature via representation. Here an important safeguard for the ‘checks and balances’. fairness of the formation process is that the agreement to form a coalition is made in complete freedom and independence. The current government is a minority INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) government. One parliamentary grouping, the populist Party for Freedom (PVV - Partij voor de Vrijheid), To what extent is the executive independent in practice? supports the government through a Parliamentary

340 Art. 57 paragraph 3 Grondwet. 341 Art.81, 89 and 42 Grondwet. 342 Art.89 Grondwet. 343 Art. 4 Reglement van orde voor de ministerraad. 344

dualisme.dhtml; Radio broadcast of the 11th of March 2009 via nederland-haar-laatste-adem-uitgeblazen?autostart=4901 345 An informateur explores the various options for a new government. After either a general election or the collapse of a previous government, he/she examines which parties are able to and ready to form a new government and which obstacles have to be overcome. 346 A formateur is a politician who is appointed by the Queen to lead the formation of a coalition government after the informateur has recommended a coalition and the key themes of the shared policies have been set out in a coalition agreement. The formateur often becomes the new PM. 347 weg.dhtml, consulted 8 August 2011.


Support Agreement, although it is not represented in interviewee maintained that businesses regard the civil the council of ministers. In practice, the government service at the ministries to be the most effective means can rely on this grouping’s support on those topics to influence decision-making.351 which are in the agreement. However, for other topics Overall, the extent to which the Executive is dependent the government is dependent on the support of on the legislature does not undermine its functioning opposition groupings. So the construction of a minority in practice. There is, however, interference in the government has led to a particular kind of Executive’s activities by lobbyists. interdependence between the Tweede Kamer and the government.348 Another example which shows that the independence of the Executive is not absolute, is the TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) so-called ‘bewindspersonenoverleg’ in which each of the parliamentary groupings meet with their own To what extent are there regulations in place to ensure ministers (usually every Thursday) to prepare for the transparency in relevant activities of the executive? meeting of the council of the ministers on Friday. There is a general agreement that coalition parliamentary Duty to provide information groupings have close contact with the government, but The general obligation in the Constitution which this coincides with a risk of the independence of both requires ministers and state secretaries to provide the institutions being thereby harmed (for instance, information they are being asked for by the Tweede effective supervision by the Tweede Kamer).349 On the Kamer and/or Senate, except if it would violate state other hand, trying to create a certain degree of interests, is a cornerstone provision.352 This broadly agreement and support (at least informally) between formulated provision can include any topic and is an the government and some of the Tweede Kamer’s important provision to assure the transparency of the parliamentary groupings seems almost essential for Executive. However, meetings of the council of effective political decision-making. (For more ministers are not open and there is an obligation of information, please refer to Legislative/Independence.) secrecy regarding topics discussed at these meetings.353 The idea behind this is that the council of Lobbying ministers should support the unity of government There recently was a Dutch journalist who reported for policy, which would be undermined if individual a period of one month from the Binnenhof (the points-of-view of the respective ministers were out in premises of the HoR) and provided a ‘behind the the open. Also, the ministers are supposed to be able scenes’ picture, described how lobbyists, politicians to speak out freely during these meetings. All (MPs, ministers and state secretaries), press officers associated documents - for example, the agenda and and journalists all depended on each other and minutes - are considered to fall within the scope of this attempted to influence one another. Here a picture secrecy and therefore are not made available to the arises of lobbyists also influencing members of the public.354 The minutes of the council of ministers cabinet and civil servants from the ministries.350 One normally remain secret for 20 years.355 Through the

348 Parliamentary Support Agreement VVD-PVV-CDA, September 2010.

349 Radio broadcast of the 11th of March 2009, adem-uitgeblazen?autostart=4901 350 Luyendijk, J. (2010). 351 Interview held with Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer State and Administrative Law, University of Utrecht, 17 May2011. 352 Art. 68 Grondwet. 353 Art.26 Reglement van orde voor de ministerraad. 354 Art. 11 paragraph 1 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur. 355 Art. 14 Algemene aanwijzingen inzake aangelegenheden van de ministerraad en onderraden; and, consulted 12 August 2011.


use of the Openness of Government Act (Wob - Wet TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) openbaarheid van bestuur) this can be overruled. Via a Wob-verzoek anyone can request information from To what extent is there transparency in the relevant ministers regarding their policies. However, the law activities of the Executive in practice? provides an exception clause which allows the Executive to refuse these requests if, among other Duty to provide information things, the unity of the Crown (government), safety of The meetings of the council of ministers are not open to the state or relations with other states or international the public. The PM does give press conferences after organisations are at stake.356 There is a right to appeal these meetings, in which he presents the plans of the if this request is rejected.357 government and/or looks back at decisions made and actions taken. Journalists can ask the PM questions and Disclosure of financial information the public can follow the press conference via a special There is a long-standing obligation to publish the TV channel or via Internet or in the daily news. The incomes of ministers and state secretaries. This duty written texts and video recordings can be found on the was supplemented in 2006 when other top officials’ Internet. In practice, the scope of what is considered as income was also required to be made public.358 There policy’ and therefore can be requested via a ‘Wob- is a duty for ministers- and state secretaries-to-be to request’ is broad. In the past, expense claims and be open about their private financial and business invoices from individual ministers were considered to fall interests in their talks with the formateur. The within its scope as part of research into the declarations ministers and state secretaries are required to make which were made by ministers.360 On the other hand, the arrangements to place these interests out of their scope of what is considered to be internal documents of control while they are in office. However, there are no council of ministers meetings, and which therefore fall regulations covering the disclosure of personal, within the scope of what is considered secret, is broadly financial and/or business interests for ministers and interpreted as well and can include documents state secretaries.359 exchanged between ministries.361 The National Ombudsman, journalists and academics The provisions ensuring transparency of the activities consider the current Wob to be a failure. There has of the Executive are not complete and could be been no implementation trajectory or training for civil improved. Some restrictions to the transparency of the servants. All ministries together have 100 full-time Executive allow it to effectively discuss and decide on equivalents responsible for Wob-information the directions of its policies, so more transparency (compared to 3000 full time equivalents in the United could harm effective decision-making. Kingdom). Since 2003 Wob-requests have been declined more often and jurisprudence has no longer This secrecy can be lifted in the case of a national been considered to change Wob-policies, nor has the interest. However, some provisions related to the Wob been evaluated.362 Additionally, governmental transparency of ministers and state secretaries are archives in the Netherlands are not well-managed, absent or contain loopholes and therefore depend to a which makes it difficult for a civil servant to find the large extent on a given individual’s attitude. information requested.363

356 Art. 10 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur. 357 Art. 8:1 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 358 Wet openbaarmaking uit publieke middelen gefinancierde topinkomens, Bezoldigingsbesluit Burgerlijke Rijksambtenaren 1984. 359 Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010). Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen. p.26 paragraph 8.4. 360 Damman, M. (2010). p.17. 361 Ibid.,p.22.

362 Wob-expert Roger Vleugels in an Radio-broadcast of VPRO’s Argos of 1st of October 2011. 363 Ibid.


There are several examples of requests for information extreme exception is left out, the average duration of rejected by the government, as well as requests which waiting for information is 6 weeks, but if a request is have been approved. A list of Wob-requests and the declined it can take another year before an appeal is information provided by the Executive in return can be considered before a court.368 Journalists and citizens found on the government website.364 In this way the have complained about this, while civil servants and information is made available to the public at large, and ministers on the other hand complain about the overkill unnecessary identical request are prevented. It is of requests, which take up a lot of their time and difficult to get an overview of requests which have been capacity.369 Recently the Minister of BZK announced that refused by the ministries.365 A Wob-request which got the authorities should be granted more leeway to turn quite some attention in 2009 was when RTL Nieuws down improper Wob-requests.370 (For more information, requested the minutes of the meetings of the councils please refer to the Pillar Executive/ Legal Reform.) of ministers in which Dutch support to the invasion of Iraq was discussed. The then-PM Balkenende refused Disclosure of financial information to provide this information and, in an appeal case, the The functional income of ministers, state secretaries court ruled that the information requested was and other top officials can be found in the respective considered as internal deliberation, generally laws, and are also published on the website of the containing individual views of the ministers. It further government.371 However, it is difficult to find ruled that the importance of protecting relations with information on the arrangements made by ministers other states outweighed the importance of making the and state secretaries regarding their private income information available to the public.366 In the end, the and financial and business interests. MPs have used highest general administrative court (the ABRvRS) their constitutional right to information to receive ordered the then-PM to provide the requested information on the arrangements made for the information after all.367 members of cabinet.372 The minister responded in that case by saying that this right to information is Generally speaking, the Wob has not been very effective restricted to information which is related to the public in increasing the transparency of the Executive’s activities of a minister or state secretary, and that activities. The exception clauses are frequently used by private activities only fall within the scope of this right the Executive, and the fact that deadlines for providing to information if these influence the public functioning information regularly not met also undermines its of the minister or state secretary.373 According to the effectiveness. A study into Wob-requests by journalists minister, Dutch state law is based on trust and showed that there was one case in which the information therefore there is no duty to provide detailed was provided after three years, while on average information on the business and financial information is provided within 3 months. If this one arrangements made by the members of the Executive

364, consulted 5 August 2011. 365 Damman, M. (2010). p.37. 366, consulted 3 August 2011. 367, consulted 3 August 2011. 368 Klingenberg A.M., Herweijer M., Spanninga K. (2011) p.6 and tail/1884060/2011/05/03/Wet-Openbaarheid-van-Bestuur-werkt-veel-te-traag.dhtml, consulted 20 September 2011. 369 Damman, M. (2010). p. 105-109. 370, consulted 16 September 2011. 371 taris-of-burgemeester.html, consulted 8 August 2011. 372 Art. 68 Grondwet. 373 Kamerstuk 32500 nr. 8.


to prove there is no conflict-of-interest. Only in case of that acts carried out by the ministry fall within the an alleged conflict-of-interest is there a duty on the responsibility of the minister. Additionally, there is a part of the Executive to provide information. There are limited responsibility for autonomous administrative on-going discussions about this in the Tweede Kamer, authorities (ZBOs - Zelfstandige Bestuursorganen) and but also the media and society generally take part in for some of the so-called ‘statutory persons with a broader discussions as to whether or not to formalise legal task’ (Rechtspersonen met een wettelijke taak), provisions aimed at increasing transparency and the which are institutions with a public task which have integrity of office holders. been set at a distance from government. However, the While one can obtain relevant information on the principle of parliamentary primacy ultimately organisation and functioning of the Executive, certain determines the scope of this ministerial information from the Executive can be difficult to gain responsibility.376 The unwritten ‘rule of trust’ upholds access to. Dutch state law is based on the principle of an important condition for the legitimacy of trust, and some pieces of information are only made government and individual ministers: both must have available if there is a serious suspicion of wrongdoing. the confidence of both the Tweede Kamer and the That is why the Dutch Executive does not always show Senate. State secretaries require the confidence of the a proactive approach in making information available minister and parliament. without there being an obvious reason for it. Information provision The procedure through which a minister is called to ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) account starts with his general duty to provide information to parliament.377 Civil servants have a duty To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure to inform the minister. This minister’s duty to provide that members of the Executive have to report and be information is related to the parliament’s right to ask answerable for their actions? questions, the right to interpellation (debate) and its right to set up a parliamentary inquiry or investigative Ministerial responsibility and the rule of trust committee. Parliamentary written questions have to be Overall the accountability provisions of the Executive answered within three weeks.378 (For more information, are adequate to ensure the responsibility of the please refer to Legislative/ Executive Oversight.) government towards parliament. The cabinet and its individual members have a general duty to report on Secondly, a minister is obliged to discuss, clarify and their relevant executive activities. Most principal defend the policy pursued. This includes indicating provisions concerning the accountability of the why, of all options available, he chose for this particular Executive rest with parliament and are either based on policy, and to what extent he is willing to take on the written or unwritten state law. The principle of proposed amendments and motions. As a means of last ministerial responsibility (ministeriële resort, parliament can hold the minister or government verantwoordelijkheid) means that ministers are accountable by using its right of a motion of no- responsible to parliament.374 This responsibility confidence, thereby forcing an individual minister or implies that ministers bear full responsibility for their the whole government to resign. If a minister leaves, own acts and for their collective acts as the the state secretary also puts his position for government.375 Ministerial responsibility also implies disposal.379

374 Art. 42 paragraph 2 Grondwet. 375 Vries, de M.B.F.D. (2004). 376 Kamerstukken Hoofddossier 26806 via, consulted 1August 2011. 377 Art.68 Grondwet. 378 Art.135 Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer. 379 Nieuwenkamp, R. (2001). p. 18-23.


Accounting for budget and spending in some cases the Tweede Kamer takes on a motion of Apart from the general obligation of accounting for its either ‘regret’ (treurnis), ‘disapproval’ (afkeuring) or decisions, the Executive has to account for the way it ‘no-confidence’ (wantrouwen). The seriousness of the carries out a public task and the way public money is words used determines whether resignation should spent, through its duty to publish budget and annual occur. By using a ‘motion of no-confidence’, the reports which are audited by the Netherlands Court of Tweede Kamer expresses that it no longer trusts the Audit (AR - Algemene Rekenkamer).380 The Queen is minister, state secretary or the government. If the obliged to present annually, in September, the motion is approved, this will result in the specific government’s policy plans for the coming year.381 This resignation. Although individual parliamentary duty coincides with the duty of the Minister of Finance to groupings have used the right to a motion of propose a budget for the coming year.382 The cabinet disapproval and no-confidence, it rarely results in a accounts for the budget via discussions with the Tweede majority voting in favour of the motion. In 2006 a Kamer and subsequently with the Senate. The Tweede motion of disapproval towards the Minister of Asylum Kamer has the right to amend these budget proposals. and Integration was accepted and led to a Senators can only accept or reject each department’s transfer of the Asylum portfolio to another minister. proposed budget. There is a duty for the cabinet to send (For more information on the number of times a motion of all annual reports of the previous financial year to the no-confidence towards a minister has been accepted, or Tweede Kamer.383 In this way the cabinet accounts for the the number of times a parliamentary investigation and/or finances, the money spent and the carrying out of its inquiry took place, please refer to Legislator/Executive policies. Through the involvement of the AR, the Tweede Oversight.) Kamer can get a better understanding of the things which have gone well and the things which have not. (For more Information provision information on Accountability Day, please refer to Although ministers and state secretaries must provide Supreme Audit Institution/Structure and Organisation parliament with any information requested, provided or/Transparency.) that the provision of such information does not conflict Comprehensive checks and balances are in place for the with the interests of the state, the pace with which the Executive to account for its conduct. Regular reporting information is provided and the quality of the on relevant executive activities to other state bodies is information (both written and oral) is not sufficient, required. according to a recent PhD research.384, 385 This PhD research provided various explanations for this. First, this duty to provide information is part of the ministerial ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) responsibility, i.e. providing the Tweede Kamer with the opinions of consulted external experts could lead to To what extent is there effective oversight of executive holding the minister responsible for external experts’ activities in practice? statements. This would lead to the Tweede Kamer monitoring all thoughts and ideas shared in the Ministerial responsibility and the rule of trust preparation phase of a decision; this bears with it the The Tweede Kamer holds individual ministers risk of the minister being held accountable for all things responsible for the policies and incidents falling within said and done in the preparation phase. Secondly, there their portfolio. This often leads to heated debates, and are the limitations on individual civil servants’ contacts

380 Art. 105 paragraph 3 Grondwet. 381 Art. 65 Grondwet. 382 Art. 12 paragraph 4 and art. 13 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 383 Art. 63 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 384 Enthoven, G.M.W. (2011). p. 32-96 and 371-433. 385 Art.68 Grondwet.


with MPs; official information is supposed to be Additionally, the AR concluded that the Dutch provided only by the government.386 Thirdly, the government was falling behind with its stated budget- research carried out by research and academic cuts.391 This will be closely monitored by the Tweede institutions on behalf of ministries is not automatically Kamer and the AR, and in practice this is sufficient for made available to the Tweede Kamer. It is at the holding a minister responsible. discretion of the ministries to determine whether a research report is sent to the Tweede Kamer. If the Accountability and the public ministry does not want to publish a report, the There are various ways in which the Executive discusses researchers can request that they publish the results on its activities both informally and formally. Individual their own account. The permission for this can be given ministers speak with various organisations such as under appropriate conditions, and can only be refused CSOs.392 The cabinet exchanges ideas and receives on reasonable grounds.387 Although receiving timely, information both at its request and at the initiative of sufficient and correct information is essential for the various organisations, for instance, from the Social and Tweede Kamer to effectively supervise the government, Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) on the social it is also important to consider the amount of and economic policies. Additionally, most Dutch information already received by the individual MPs and ministries start public consultation for some specific the risks involved in increasing their workload.388 The concept law proposals.393 Reactions from the public will minister for BZK indicated that he could not be included in the proposal in a separate paragraph, and acknowledge the conclusion that there is a recurring then a general reaction by the ministry will be given. pattern of poor information provision to the Tweede Reactions will also be published on the website with Kamer.389 (Please refer to the Report on Legislature.) consent from the specific person. From 2009 to 2011 a pilot took place called ‘Internet consultation’. Although Accounting for budget and spending extra time and capacity was required, the government In 2011, the cabinet made its annual reports available a regarded the pilot to be successful because it effectively week before Accountability Day. From these reports it increased the public’s involvement, increased the became clear that ministries were poor at paying transparency of the legislation process and improved the invoices, and that less money was spent on hiring quality of legislation.394 Therefore, Internet consultation external personnel.390 The AR was very critical of the is now a permanent method of consulting the public.395 Ministry of Defence (poor management of equipment) A special website provides an overview on bills which are and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (issues currently being prepared by the government and for regarding the control of subsidies submission). which the public is consulted. At least 10 percent of all

386 Aanwijzing inzake externe contacten van rijksambtenaren; Leidraad voor de Toepassing van de Aanwijzing Inzake Externe Contacten van Rijksambtenaren bij Functionele Contacten met de Staten-Generaal en Individuele Kamerleden. 387 Kamerstukken 2010-2011 Aanhangsel van de Handelingen 2717. 388 Interview with Guusje ter Horst, Former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2 of May 2011; Interview with Ferd Crone, for- mer MP, 17 March 2011. 389 Kamerstukken 2010-2011 Aanhangsel van de Handelingen 1826 and 2717. 390 391 Kamerstuk 32 758 nr. 2; gehaktdag-in-de-Tweede-Kamer.dhtml, consulted 5 August 2011. 392 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 393 Some examples: ondernemingen-interventiewet.html or

394 Kamerstukken I, 32 500 VI, K en Kamerstukken II, 29 515, nr. 330. Kabinetsstandpunt internetconsultatie wetgeving 17th of June 2011 via 395 Website for internet consultation:, consulted 1 May 2011.


legislation is to be published for Internet consultation. integrity of ministers (including the PM) and state The reactions from the public are now being considered secretaries. The handbook itself is an internal for possible changes to the bill. There are no figures document without formal status, although most available on the total percentage of laws which are documents which can be found in there have legal subject to public consultation. When the minister effect because they confirm existing convention. presents the final law proposal, it is complemented with a report, made available on the website, with the results Appointments from the consultation. The impact of public consultation All candidate ministers are subject to three ‘paper in general varies depending on the party being assessments’. The justice documentation registry and consulted. In general, advice from formal advisory the registries of the intelligence and security services bodies and the well-known and well-organised bigger and fiscal authority will be searched to ensure there are interest groups has a bigger influence on the no aggravating circumstances surrounding the legislation.396 candidate. The ‘formateur’ will discuss with the The existing provisions to ensure the accountability of candidates if there are objections arising out of these the executive are partly applied in practice. When the inquiries and whether these can be resolved. The executive accounts for its conduct, it provides the handbook explicitly refers to preventing the appearance legislature with information, but the discussion between of conflict-of-interest for a minister, and includes a the Tweede Kamer and the government on whether the directive from 2002 which describes the assessment of information is complete and accurate is a recurring one. candidate ministers and state secretaries.397 It is established there that all candidates must give up all other paid and unpaid functions and additional INTEGRITY (BY LAW) activities before their swearing-in as ministers. This is interpreted in a broad sense, including voluntary To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure functions for associations, part-time academic the integrity of members of the Executive? positions and membership of recommendation committees. The prolongation of such a position is only Handbook allowed in highly exceptional situations, and after The central element of integrity-ensuring provisions receiving the written approval of the PM. During this talk for members of the Executive is the ‘Handbook for the zeggenschapsrechten (capital shares and stock) in members of government to be appointed’ (Handboek relevant financial and business interests are also voor aantredende bewindspersonen), often informally discussed.398 Candidates are required to part entirely referred to as the ‘blue book’. This handbook provides with their interests or else make arrangements through an overview of state laws and customs regarding, for which they can no longer have any say in them for the example, the position and interaction of the different duration of their being in office.399 There are no political institutions and the rights and duties of registries of declarations of financial interests.400 It is ministers. This comprehensive handbook can be used therefore not possible to monitor conflict-of-interest. by members-to-be of the Executive as a preparation Another provision explicitly referring to the integrity of for their new position. Furthermore, several provisions the executive is the directive on gifts. Gifts which are are incorporated which deal with safeguarding the received by ministers or their partner while carrying out

396 Aeken, van K., Gestel, van R., Humbeeck, van P., Popelier, P., and Verlinden, V. (2007), p. 108-109. 397 Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010). Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen p.26 paragraph 5.1.4. 398 Annex 1 of Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010) Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen, provides a non-limitative summary of categories of interests: ‘no risk of (appearance of) conflict-of-interest’, ‘risk of (appearance of) conflict-of-interest’ and ‘accepted solutions to clearing the risk of (appearance of) conflict-of-interest’. 399 Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010). Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen p.7. 400 Demmke, C., Bovens, M., Henökl, T., Lierop, van K., Moilanen, T., Pikker, G. and Salmine, A. (2007). p.80.


their function are considered to be ‘government gifts’ Disclosure of financial information and need to be registered if they have a value of EUR 50 Although the main provisions aimed at safeguarding or above. Gifts in the form of a service, money, or any the integrity of the members of the Executive seem to gift in order to get a return favour are not accepted.401 be formalised, a growing number of MPs have There are no rules about registering contacts with expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the lobbyists. current provisions do not allow MPs to effectively monitor ministers to prevent conflicts-of-interest, Integrity provisions especially in the case of the financial and business Some provisions do not refer to integrity explicitly but interests of (candidate) ministers.406 There is no do regulate situations which might otherwise lead to information made available about the way in which the appearance of conflict-of-interest. Among these (financial and business) conflicts-of-interest are are the rules on government communication, resolved. The PM does send a letter to the Tweede declarations, business trips, attending official events Kamer in which he indicates that arrangements have and commercial/sports events, and on the use of been made related to financial and business interests representative real estate.402 In the KB concerning the and which additional functions for ministers have been replacement of ministers who are temporarily absent, accepted.407 If MPs use their constitutional right to a provision is included which assures that one of the information to request further information regarding other ministers takes over a specific task if the official the financial and business interests of ministers, this minister is directly and personal involved, so as to information won’t be provided because of privacy prevent conflict-of-interest.403 There is no code of concerns.408 The only exception to withholding this conduct for the cabinet or council of ministers, information is when serious concerns are raised although the handbook is by some referred to as the regarding a minister or state secretary.409 code of conduct. The Ministry of BZK is responsible for integrity policy. It has developed a ‘Model Integrity Provisions for former ministers Political Office Holders for local councils, provinces and A short paragraph in the handbook mentions the water authorities’, but as the title suggests, the model ‘integrity of former-ministers’. A rather broad is not applicable to the Executive at the national description is used to refer to obligations relating to level.404 The legal framework for whistle-blower the integrity of former-ministers. It is desired that protection is weak. Little legal protection exists apart former ministers, when accepting new positions, act in from the general statement that ‘it is prohibited to such a way that they do not give the appearance that hinder the whistle-blower in his/her legal position.’ while in office their actions were inappropriate or that This formal protection clause does not coincide with they incorrectly dealt with the knowledge gained while concrete forms of protection.405 (For more on whistle- in office. However, this description lacks clear criteria blower provisions, please refer to Pillar Report Public on what is considered to be accepted conduct and what Sector.) is considered to be unacceptable conduct. The former

401 Demmke, C., Bovens, M., Henökl, T., Lierop, van K., Moilanen, T., Pikker, G. and Salmine, A. (2007). p.31 paragraph 5.4.3. 402 Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010). Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen, p.33 paragraph 5.8, 5.5.4 and 5.5.5.

403 Besluit houdende de vervangingsregeling in geval van tijdelijke afwezigheid van een minister, 14th of October 2010 Stc. 2010, nr. 16543, article 5. 404 Interview with Susanne Verheij, Senior Policy Advisor at the Dutch National Office for Promoting Ethics and Integrity in the Public Sector CAOP/BIOS, 24May 2011. 405 Bovens, M. and Pikker, G. (2010). p.42. 406 Kamerstuk 32 500 II nr. 14. 407 Secretariaat Ministerraad (2010). Handboek voor aantredende bewindspersonen p.62. 408 Art. 68 Grondwet. 409 Kamerstuk 32 500 II nr. 14.


Minister of Defence is not accepted as a business INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) partner by the Ministry of Defence for a period of two years after leaving office because of the major interest To what extent is the integrity of members of the of the weapons industry.410 Other than this, there are Executive ensured in practice? no restrictions on professional commitments or the holding specific posts after leaving office.411 Provisions for former ministers The issue of (alleged) integrity violations by members Criminalisation of the Executive is increasingly being discussed by the The final element of integrity provisions is the Tweede Kamer, the government, academics and the criminalisation of bribery. Ministers and state media. The media is active in its reports on the conduct secretaries can be sentenced to a maximum prison of individual (former) ministers. In 2011 the Tweede sentence of four to six years or get a fine of the fifth Kamer and the government exchanged views on best category. This maximum prison sentence is two to four way to prevent conflict-of-interest by (candidate) years more than the maximum prison sentence which ministers and state secretaries and former ministers can be given to civil servants for the same offence.412 and state secretaries.414 This discussion is still on- going, and initially erupted after some incidents Other than the criminalisation of bribery, there are no occurred in which there allegedly was a conflict-of- laws concerning the integrity of the Executive. Overall interest involving (former) members of the Executive. there are integrity provisions in place which seek to One of those involved the former Transport Minister prevent mainly (the appearance of) conflict-of-interest Camiel Eurlings, who had taken up a senior position at by ministers and state secretaries, but these take the Royal Dutch Airlines KLM in 2011 right after he stepped form of ‘soft law’.413 down as a minister: a potential conflict-of-interest. Mr. These provisions are fragmented, can be found in Eurlings moved to ‘an area that came under his former various chapters of the Handbook, and appear to be ministerial responsibility’, and one analyst suggested it part of the practical and procedural approach chosen in was quite possible that Mr. Eurlings prepared a ‘nice this Handbook. Its wording, and the number of times soft landing’ for himself while he was still Transport referral is made to integrity, is rather limited and Minister.415 However, Mr. Eurlings did not violate any therefore the priority given to the integrity by the legal provision, as there were none in place. The Executive seems to be undermined. Tweede Kamer voted in favour of a motion expressing the need to come up with clearer rules on conduct to Additionally, some aspects related to the integrity of prevent the (appearance) of abuse of confidential members of the Executive are described in such a information by former ministers and state secretaries. general way that its effect entirely depends of the The cabinet, represented by the minister of BZK, interpretation of the individual involved, e.g. the objected to carrying out this motion as it considered restrictions on post-ministerial employment and on the current provisions to be adequate safeguards to ‘revolving door appointments. prevent integrity violations by former members of the

410 “Donner ziet af van nieuwe regels ex-politici. Het kabinet vertrouwt op de integriteit van oud-ministers,” NRC Handelsblad 29th of April 2011; Defensie.dhtml, consulted 12 August 2011. 411 Demmke, C., Bovens, M., Henökl, T., Lierop, van K., Moilanen, T., Pikker, G. and Salmine, A. (2007). p.59. 412 Art.362 and 363 paragraph 3 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 413 Demmke, C., Bovens, M., Henökl, T., Lierop, van K., Moilanen, T., Pikker, G. and Salmine, A. (2007). 414 Kamerstuk 31 500 III nr. 8 and nr. 14. 415 In this article Professor (emeritus) of policy sciences Hans van den Heuvel from the VU Amsterdam is cited: blauwe-ogen-te-geloven.dhtml


Executive.416 The Minister was referring to the mere cases of risking the appearance of integrity provisions which allow former politicians to be violations.421 Both recent examples and the discussion prosecuted if they expose state secrets and/or official following them show that the Handbook leaves too secrets.417 In a recent documentary in which (former) much space for interpretation and differing views. What ministers and MPs are interviewed, the general opinion is considered as ethical behaviour is perceived expressed is that there should be stricter and clearer differently by members of the Executive and members rules on post-government employment of ministers of the legislature. Although in none of the cases was a and state secretaries to prevent doubts arising about concrete integrity violation established, the the integrity of Executive officials while they are in appearance of conflict-of-interest can have negative office and after they leave office.418 consequences, such as on the trust of citizens in honest politics and good governance. Disclosure of financial information Another case involved the arrangements made in order Other integrity incidents to distance Asylum and Integration Minister Gerd Leers’ Other integrity incidents by members of the Executive financial and business interests before his related to their using their positions for (party) political appointment. Minister Leers had recently resigned activities. One incident which led to a ‘motion of regret’ from his position as Mayor of Maastricht because of his (motion of treurnis) from the Tweede Kamer involved alleged abuse of power in a case concerning private the Minister of Agriculture, , who real estate in Bulgaria. A couple of months later he celebrated the anniversary of the ministry with a glossy became minister and established a foundation which magazine (under her name) with her image on the front was put in charge of his business interests in Bulgaria. page and a story about her. The total costs for the According to two analysts, this arrangement to prevent magazine were EUR 405,000 and the magazine was conflict-of-interest is not satisfactory since it is not in enclosed with women’s magazines. After the resulting accordance with the directive of 2002 (part of the legislative motion and debate, the minister and the PM Handbook) which explicitly requires ministers to part agreed that this glossy magazine was a mistake and that entirely with their business interests before being ‘personal profiling cannot be the aim of government appointed.419 It is still the minister who determines communication’. MPs criticised the fact that tax money who the board members of his foundation are. The PM was paid on a glossy magazine, in violation of the reacted by saying that ‘he ensures that financial and communication rules, and before the elections in order business interests are set aside by ministers, but that for the minister to promote herself. The apologies from it is the ministers themselves who determine how this the minister and the PM turned out to be satisfactory to is done’.420 Other analysts have reacted by saying that the Tweede Kamer.422 In March of 2011 the Tweede the current Dutch debates on the integrity of politicians Kamer asked for an emergency debate to discuss a civil are too often of a theoretical nature. In most cases a servant’s allegation that the Minister of Economic real integrity violation is not found, all were instead Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation and vice PM Maxime

416 “Donner ziet af van nieuwe regels ex-politici. Het kabinet vertrouwt op de integriteit van oud-ministers,” NRC Handelsblad 29 April 2011. 417 Art. 98 and art. 272 Wetboek van Strafrecht.

418 Documentary of the 9th of August 2011 can be found via 419 The analysts referred to are Professor of Company Law Steef Bartman from the University of Leiden and Professor of State and Administrative Law Margriet Overkleeft from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam via GIONIEUWS01/101109904/1056#%E2%80%98Leers_schendt_ministerscode%27, consulted 2 August 2011. 420 Ibid. 421 The analysts referred to are Professor of Governance Leo Huberts and Professor (emeritus) of policy sciences Hans van den Heuvel, VU in, consulted 2 of August 2011. 422, consulted 2 August 2011.


Verhagen had civil servants of his ministry working on was crucial for the cabinet, which hoped to win a his speeches for meetings of his political party. majority in the Senate with his support. The criticism Verhagen denied engaging his civil servants for party voiced here was that Rutte and Wilders allegedly had political purposes, but confirmed that civil servants had made a promise regarding a provincial issue if in return helped with parts of his speeches which involved only the councillor would vote differently.426 Rutte denied factual information.423 In April the Minister of BZK sent making any such promises.427 The opposition parties in a letter to the Tweede Kamer in which he clarified that the Tweede Kamer were very critical about Rutte’s the conduct fell within the principles of government action, but it did not lead to a motion of no-confidence. communication and the engagement of civil servants in There have not been major integrity violations by election campaigns.424 In principle, the speeches held ministers or state secretaries in recent years, but the during election campaigns are not considered to be topic of conflict-of-interest, which takes on different different from other speeches because in both forms, is a recurring one. In one interview it was situations the government standpoint is to be reflected regarded as a good sign that these situations led to and the minister speaks in his official capacity. commotion.428 The Handbook does form a basic point Therefore civil servants can be asked to assist in writing of reference on what is regarded as acceptable and non- these speeches. Only those parts of a speech which are acceptable behaviour. Nevertheless, the provisions do of a party political nature have to be done by the not assure the common understanding of what is minister himself. In July a second letter was sent in considered ethical behaviour on the part of the which the Minister of BZK described in general terms Executive. The general approach of the Executive itself what the internal inquiry of the secretary-general of the is reactive; in the case of alleged misbehaviour, the PM ministry had resulted in. Here the alleged integrity or the minister or state secretary involved react but do violation in itself was not further referred to, only the not proactively communicate about their own integrity formal steps which the civil servant should have taken or show the willingness to improve and formalise the to register the presumed integrity violation were current provisions. discussed. This civil servant had brought the presumed wrongdoing out in the open through the media instead of following the whistle-blower procedures.425 PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT The most recent discussion about the Executive’s (IN LAW AND PRACTICE) integrity emerged just before the provincial elections. These elections indirectly determine the composition of To what extent is the Executive committed to and the Senate. PM was summoned to the Tweede engaged in developing a well-governed public sector? Kamer to explain why he and Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV, had held a private meeting in his offices with a non- The extent to which the Executive is committed to and aligned provincial councillor. This councillor’s support engaged in developing a well-governed public sector

423,2011/3/30/han8730a05.html, consulted 8 August 2011.

424 Letter from the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom relations from 19th of April 2011, “Betreft Ambtelijke bijstand in het kader van een verkiezingscampagne.” 425 ambtenaren-voor-cda-campagne.html, consulted 8 August 2011. 426 regeerakkoord.dhtml, consulted 12 August 2011. 427; weg.dhtml, consulted 2 August 2011. 428 Interview with Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands and Ivo Thomassen, Senior policy officer Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands, 15 March 2011.


depends to a large extent on the individual person in that only 33 percent of civil servants were confident office as a minister or state secretary. It is equally of that the leadership/management of their organisation importance whether the secretary-general and was suitable for implementing the budget-cuts. Here director-general are strong leaders; here a certain the confidence in leadership at state level was lower hierarchy is considered of strong and weak secretary- than at local level.434 In the government’s coalition generals.429 The political and top civil servants both agreement there is a clear focus on creating a small, need to possess the required political, management strong and service-oriented government with less and communication skills to make cooperation taxpayers’ money, fewer civil servants, fewer rules and successful.430 The Minister of BZK is responsible for the less administration.435 No direct referral is made to the effective functioning of the civil service as a whole. transparency or integrity of this government. Overall, the Executive shows its commitment to Overall, the Executive is active in developing a public improved transparency, accountability and integrity in sector which is governed by high levels of the public sector. However, one interviewee noticed transparency, accountability and integrity. However, that for some ministers this is easier than for others. they extent to which this is achieved does vary The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport has a ‘system depending on the ministry concerned. responsibility’; most organisations this minister is responsible for are private organisations, for example LEGAL SYSTEM hospitals, which make it less easy to direct them than for e.g. the Ministry of Defence, which is a ‘core To what extent does the executive prioritise public department’ and highly centralised.431 The ministries accountability and the fight against corruption as a of Defence and Health, Welfare and Sport are concern in the country? mentioned by the AR to be weaker and not so responsive to the advice provided by the AR.432 In a The coordination of integrity policy for the public recent investigation by the newspaper NRC sector is in the hands of the Minister of BZK. The Handelsblad these findings of the AR were confirmed. Minister of Security and Justice (VJ - Veiligheid en The top military staff complains about the lack of Justitie) is responsible for policy aimed at preventing quality in the management’’.433 (For more information, corruption. Additionally, both ministries work together please refer to Report Public Sector/Accountability with the Ministry of Finance in the field of financial and/or Integrity.) economic crimes, which include corruption.

In practice, the management of the civil service in 2010 The 2005 Nota Corruptiepreventie and 2011 was marked by the greatest concern, i.e. by The Executive prioritised the fight against corruption September 2011 at the latest each ministry had to and the promotion of integrity in 2005. The then- indicate in what ways they would realise the required Minister of Justice and the then-Minister of BZK government budget-cuts. Recent research revealed presented on behalf of the cabinet the Nota

429 generaal.dhtml, consulted 8 August 2011; interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior Auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 430 Nieuwenkamp, R. (2001). 431 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior Auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18April 2011. 432 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Uitgavenbeheersing in de zorg.o.a. p.27, and Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior Auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18April 2011.

433 ‘Bestuur en administratie bij Defensie niet op orde’ in NRC Handelsblad of the 13th of August 2011.

434 Binnenlands Bestuur 29th of April 2011 week 17 jaargang 32 p.26-27. 435 Freedom and Responsibility Coalition Agreement VVD-CDA, September 2010 p. 6.


Corruptiepreventie, which presented a comprehensive making available instruments (e.g. manuals, codes action plan to tackle corruption and promote integrity of conduct and monitors) which allow public along five lines: organisations to screen their organisations for - The integrity policy was to be focussed on the integrity risks.439 development of rules and awareness and on - The Ambtenarenwet (Civil Service Act) was securing these; amended to include the duty for public - The uniform registration of internal inquiries into organisations to have their own integrity policy and integrity violations, among which corruption, was a code of good conduct.440 held to be necessary; - The legal obligation to report was evaluated, along - The need for increasing attention on pointing out with the whistle-blower provisions.441 ‘Meld integrity violations, among which corruption, was Misdaad Anoniem’, a national disclosure office for emphasised criminal offences and integrity violations, was - Strict criminal enforcement of corruption was established.442 promised; - The orders were promulgated of ‘Aanwijzingen - The Platform for Corruption Prevention was to be opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in established.436 Nederland en het buitenland’ (Instrucions for the Investigation and Prosecution of Corruption The government named corruption as one of its main offences Netherlands and abroad), which are priorities.437 Several legal and administrative reforms directions for law enforcement agencies on how to were presented, some more successful than the others. detect and prosecute corruption. The focus is on Ever since, several steps have been taken as part of this prosecuting public corruption in the action plan. The main actions taken were: Netherlands.443 A multidisciplinary ‘Platform - The ‘Uniform registry for integrity violations in the Corruption Prevention’ was created to exchange public sector and police’ became available in 2008 ideas and knowledge on effective ways to fight for all ministries, local councils, provinces and corruption. water authorities.438 - A strategic analysis (CBA - - Increasing awareness of supervisors and Criminaliteitsbeeldanalyse) was produced of inspectors for specific forms of corruption in their bribery of civil servants in the public sector by the area was emphasised, through experts meetings Rijksrecherche (2010).444 A review mechanism was and designing a manual. designed to monitor UNCAC provisions.445 - The coming into existence of a Dutch National Office for Promoting Ethics and Integrity in the In 2006 a law amendment extended the provision Public Sector (BIOS) was announced, which which excludes the tax-deductibility of bribes; no stimulates and supports other governments in longer is a court verdict or a settlement by payment of their development of integrity policies through a fine a prerequisite. The exception of the tax

436 Kamerstukken 2005–2006, II, 30 374, nr. 2. and nr. 6. 437 Ibid. 438 tails/uniforme-registratie-integriteitsschendingen-openbaar-bestuur-en-politie.html, consulted 8 August 2008. 439, consulted 8 August 2011. 440 Art. 125quater Ambtenarenwet. 441 Cornelissens, A., Ferwerda, H. and Vries Robbé, de E. (2008). 442, consulted 8 August 2011. 443 Bijlage bij Kamerstuk 29911 nr. 10, Het beleid ter zake van financieel-economische criminaliteit. p.17. 444 445 Kamerstuk 30374 nr. 6.


deductibility of bribes is also applicable if it becomes proposal does not meet the recommendations from apparent that the costs are bribes. However, the GRECO: there is no independent monitoring body, the burden of proof for tax inspectors is heavy. They are threshold for gifts are still high and can easily be required to ‘convincingly prove’ that the bribes are evaded, no uniform standard for financial reports from related to a criminal offence. This law is not perceived political parties is provided, and no duties or as being very effective because it does not expressly supervision over local political parties and gifts from deny tax deductibility of bribes paid; they have to be abroad is included.451 The financial interests of political directly related to a crime.446 Dutch law prohibits the parties are believed to hinder this law from becoming paying of bribes to authorities. Dutch authorities can effective, but it is also thought to be a complex piece only prosecute the paying of bribes abroad if the bribes of legislation now that the definition of ‘gift’ is difficult are paid by or to a Dutch citizen.447 to determine and can be any favour.452 (For more In 2007 the government announced that information, please refer to the Report Legislator/Legal financial/economic crimes (fraud, money laundering Reforms, Report Electoral Management Body/Campaign and corruption) would receive more attention.448 Its Regulation and Report Political Parties.) main priority was to ensure that law enforcement remained at a high level by extending the capacity of The current whistle-blower provisions are widely the Rijksrecherche and OM to strengthen their regarded as weak and ineffective. They do not form informational abilities to carry out extra effective protection for those who want to inform about investigations.449 In 2010 the CBA pertaining to bribery alleged dishonest behaviour within an organisation.453 of civil servants in the public sector was finalised. In The few well-known whistle-blowers in the 2009 the Rijksrecher-che’s capacity was extended with Netherlands have been treated badly by the 13 full-time equivalent.450 governments; some still seek redress after decades.454 (For more information, please refer to the Report on Lacking or ineffective provisions Public Sector/Integrity.) Although these actions demonstrate the priority given to anti-corruption measures by the Executive, some The policies resulting from the ‘Openness of plans turned out be more difficult to accomplish. Government Act’ are likely to be amended. According The Act on the Financing of Political Parties, first to the minister, this right to information is too often announced in 2006, was delayed for years and was misused by the public or journalists looking for a finally sent to the Tweede Kamer by the Minister of BZK scoop, and therefore too much time and capacity is in 2011; it was only at the beginning of 2012 that the spent on irrelevant requests. Now proportionality Tweede Kamer debate started. The current law criteria will be used to allow authorities to determine

446 Hulten, van M. (2010). p.49-50; and, consulted 5 August 2011. 447, consulted 5 August 2011. 448 Brief minister van Justitie ‘Veiligheid begint bij Voorkomen’ of 6 November 2007. 449 Ibid., p.27. 450 Tweede voortgangsrapportage ‘Veiligheid begint bij Voorkomen’ p. 61. 451 Wetsvoorstel_financiering_politieke_partijen.html, consulted 13August 2011; interview with Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer State and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, 17 May 2011. 452 This explanation was given in different words in an interview with Guusje ter Horst, former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2 May 2011; interview with Henk Nijhof, Chairman of the Board of the political party GroenLinks, 21 June 2011. 453 Bovens, M. and Pikker, G. (2010). p.38-47.

454, consulted on the 8th of August 2011.


whether the information is really required and so make Follow-up report on the implementation of the phase it possible to decline the request.455 This has led to 2 recommendations, OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.461 serious debates in society and in the media, because In the report is was recognised that the Netherlands the act is already considered to provide a minimum of had made significant efforts to implement many of the transparency because of the time public organisations 18 recommendations made during the Phase 2 take to provide requested information.456 It is still to be examination. seen, what the practical outcome will be and how this In total, three recommendations had been only partly will affect executive oversight by the public and implemented or not at all. Some concerns raised journalists. involved the wording used in the Instructions for the Investigation and Prosecution of Corruption Offences The Platform Corruption Prevention came together in Public Office Committed Abroad, which could be several times, but the minister regarded its merit to be interpreted as being contrary to a provision of the limited at a certain moment and it did not meet again Convention.462 For more information, please refer to until 2011.457 Pillar Law Enforcement Agencies/ Corruption The Platform met again several times in 2011458 (but Prosecution. generally without its civil society representatives), and depending on the topic on the agenda, civil society OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation representatives have been invited. Transparency The 2009 OECD Anti-Bribery recommendation463 to International Netherlands was invited to the meeting in strengthen the OECD framework for fighting foreign October 2011. During this session asset recovery was corruption should be implemented by the Netherlands on the agenda, among other topics.459 as well, such as, inter alia: - Adopting best practices for making companies The Dutch National Office for Promoting Ethics and liable for foreign bribery; Integrity in the Public Sector (BIOS) has developed - Periodically reviewing policies and approaches to integrity instruments to support public organisations. small facilitation payments; However, BIOS does not meet the requirements of an - Improving cooperation between countries for the anti-corruption agency since its emphasis is purely on sharing of information and evidence in foreign promoting integrity and not on investigating and bribery investigations and prosecutions; tackling corruption. It is still to be seen whether the - Working with the private sector to adopt more current Minister of BZK is equally involved in the topic stringent internal controls, ethics and compliance of integrity and makes capacity and money available, programmes and measures to prevent and detect especially considering the state budget-cuts.460 bribery.

455 Letter on Wet openbaarheid van bestuur from the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom relations 31 May 2011. 456 traag.dhtml; veel-te-traag.dhtml both consulted 20 September 2011. 457 Kamerstuk 31 700 VI nr. 10p; Interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National public prosecutor’s of- fice, 6 June 2011. 458 Interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National public prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011. 459 Information provided via email exchange with the board of Transparency International Netherlands, d.d. 7 February 2012. 460 Interview with Suzanne Verheij, Senior Policy Advisor at the National Office for Promoting Ethics and Integrity in the Public Sector CAOP/BIOS, 24May 2011. 461 OECD (2008).Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Phase 2 Recommendations. 462 Ibid., p.3/4. 463 OECD (2009). Recommendation of the Council for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.


Priority given to anti-corruption measures vs. pro- Understanding by the Minister of VJ with the World integrity measures Bank on the 21st of February 2012. Both organisations Corruption is not a separate theme on the websites of agreed to cooperate in support of criminal and the government or that of Ministry of VJ. The integrity administrative investigations and proceedings by of financial markets and of government are what is national and international authorities. There are no found discussed there. Other themes are: BIBOB (the concrete examples from which the priority given to Public Administration (Probity in Decision-making) anti-corruption or pro-integrity measures from the Act), corporate government, good public governance, current government becomes apparent. The number of good governance in the care sector and public actions taken by this government since coming into procurement. The current government only refers to office in 2010 is limited. Apart from the Platform corruption in its coalition agreement in the context of Corruption Prevention, there is little engagement in development policy with regard to the Schengen joint anti-corruption initiatives from the Executive with evaluation of Romania and Bulgaria.464 It does not refer the legislature, civil society or business. to integrity.465 Examples of recent actions are the renewed ‘Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging While there have been a number of reforms initiated ambtelijke corruptie in Nederland en het buitenland’ and promoted by the Executive to counter corruption (separate), the directions for law enforcement agencies and promote integrity, these have not all been on how to detect and prosecute corruption.466 effective. Also, most actions were taken years ago. The A sign of the government’s renewed attention for anti- current government has not brought forward any legal corruption measures is the signing of a Memorandum of reforms concerning anti-corruption efforts.

464 Freedom and Responsibility Coalition Agreement VVD-CDA, September 2010 p. 10 and 33. 465 Ibid., p.7. 466 Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in Nederland (2011A014), Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke

corruptie in het buitenland (2011A015) of 26th July 2011.


Role in NIS was made. In-depth interview were held with key A judiciary must be independent of the Executive if it is figures from the judiciary and experts with a good to perform its constitutional role of reviewing actions knowledge of the judiciary. This provided insight into taken by the government and public officials to the integrity of the judiciary in practice. All interviews determine whether or not they comply with the were conducted face-to-face. standards laid down in the Constitution and with the laws enacted by the legislature. The concepts of Interviews held: independence and accountability of a judiciary within a democracy actually reinforce each other. Judicial • Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the independence relates to the institution – independence Netherlands, interview held the 18th of April 2011. is not designed to benefit an individual judge, or even the judiciary as a body. It is designed to protect the • Ernest Groener, Judge at the Court of First Instance, people. The duty of a judge is to interpret the law and Almelo (sector civil and criminal), interview held the fundamental principles and assumptions which the 11th of May 2011. underlie it. While a judge must be independent in this sense, he or she is not entitled to act in an arbitrary • Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice manner. The right to a fair trial before an impartial Administration (and court system) at the court is universally recognised as a fundamental Department of Law, Utrecht University, interview human right. held the 31st of May 2011. This pillar is important because it is the final institution which determines whether a certain conduct is lawful • Henk Moorman, Judge at the Court of First or unlawful. It is therefore of utmost importance that Instance, Zwolle-Lelystad, interview held the 13th individuals selected for judicial office have integrity, of May 2011. ability, and the appropriate training and qualifications in the field of law. The ways in which judges are • Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the appointed and subsequently promoted are crucial to Rijksrecherche, interview held the 21st of April their independence. They must not be seen as political 2011. appointees, but rather solely for their competence and political neutrality. The public must be confident that • Frans Jozef van der Vaart, Lawyer/Partner at judges are chosen on merit and for their individual Kienhuis Hoving, interview held the 28th of April integrity and ability, and not for partisanship. Finally, 2011. the judiciary has an important role in punishing corrupt behaviour.467 • Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at the National Public Prosecutor’s Sources Office, interview held the 6th of June 2011. The desk report for this pillar started with a general research into the topic of the judiciary’s integrity and • Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Instance, current affairs taking place which concerned the Zutphen, and Project Coordinator for integrity of judiciary. The applicable legal provisions and literature the Judiciary and former President of the Court of were examined as well as parliamentary documents First Instance, Zutphen, interview held the 15th of concerning the judiciary. Additionally, a media scan June 2011.

467 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. p.8-12.


JUDICIARY considered to constitute interference with the judiciary. Although there are isolated examples of alleged Status: Strong conflicts-of-interest by individual judges, the overall integrity of the judiciary is ensured in practice. There Summary are various integrity provisions in place or likely to be The judiciary is very supportive to the Dutch NIS. The implemented in 2012. The extent to which judges Dutch judiciary is well-resourced and the salaries of reflect on their own and their peers’ conduct can be judges are high. The judicial organisation has improved. The public trust in the judiciary is generally undergone major developments. State budget-cuts high, although it has decreased because of incidental have led to a decrease in the number of positions injustices and poor motivation by judges in criminal available in the education programme for young case verdicts. What remains a concern is the extent to lawyers wanting to become a judge, and additionally which the judiciary is effective in fighting corruption. the programme will be shortened. There are concerns This is largely dependent on the prosecution of this might lead to a shortage of judges in the future. corruption by law enforcement agencies. The relatively new financing system introduced (based on output) has made judges worry about the effect this Structure and Organisation could have on the legal quality of jurisprudence. In Each of the 19 judiciary districts in the Netherlands has practice it is not that the financing system itself was the its own court. Each Court of First Instance (district court) issue, but rather that it required a change in the is made up of a maximum of five sectors, which always management of courts and the attitude of judges include administrative law, civil law, criminal law and towards planning and calculating workload. The Dutch sub-district law sectors. Appeals against judgements in judiciary has a long tradition of independence and civil and criminal law cases passed by the district court accountability. Judges are appointed for life, and there can be lodged at the competent Court of Appeal (there are limited grounds for suspension or dismissal. are five Courts of Appeal in total); appeals against Among others, there are legal provisions which judges administrative law judgements to the competent themselves or parties to a proceeding can refer to if specialised administrative law tribunal: the there is a risk concerning the independence of the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of judge in a specific case. In some civil, criminal and State (ABRvS - Raad van State Afdeling administrative courts the decision is made by a Bestuursrechtspraak), the Central Appeals Tribunal or multiple-judge court. This statutory provision is aimed the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal, also known as at ensuring independence of the judiciary, and forbids Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry, the judges to express dissenting opinions in the depending on the type of case. Appeals in cassation in verdict. This provision has been scrutinised by civil, criminal and tax law cases are lodged at the academics because of the lack of transparency. This Supreme Court of the Netherlands. The Netherlands report offers no final conclusion on the effect this does not have a Constitutional Court. Additionally, there secrecy surrounding dissenting opinions has on the are different possibilities for gaining legal redress at an integrity-safeguarding. Regarding the transparency of international court, e.g. the European Court for Human the judiciary, it is worth mentioning that it is not Rights. Additionally, the European Court of Justice can entirely clear how cases are assigned to judges. It is deal with cases or provide preliminary rulings for states. believed to be done differently at each court, since This report, however, will focus on the Dutch judiciary. there is no statutory provisions which prescribe how this should be done via a system which ensures random The Council for the Judiciary (Rvdr - Raad voor de assignment. The legislature considers the bribery of Rechtspraak) is part of the judicial system, but does not judges to be the worst form of corruption, with overall administer justice itself. At its establishment in 2002 it the highest penalty among corruption crimes. The took over responsibility for a number of tasks from the Dutch judicial system performs well on the aspect of Minister of Security and Justice (VJ - Minister van impartiality and accountability, but the increase in Veiligheid en Justitie). These tasks are operational in opinions put forth by the legislature, Executive and the nature and include the allocation of budgets, public about how a judge should rule in a case can be supervision of financial management, personnel policy,


ICT and housing. The Rvdr supports the courts in Public Administration of EUR 3,202. This can partly be executing their tasks in these areas. Another central explained by the higher number of higher-educated task of the Rvdr is to promote quality within the and older employees working for the judiciary. Each Judiciary system and to advise on new legislation which year the salaries are increased based on inflation; in has implications for the administration of justice. The 2009 salaries were increased by 2 percent.470 Rvdr also acts as a spokesperson for the judiciary on both national and international levels.468 There are comprehensive laws in the Netherlands which ensure appropriate judicial salaries, working conditions and pension schemes. ASSESSMENT

RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) RESOURCES (BY LAW) To what extent does the judiciary have adequate levels To what extent are there laws seeking to ensure of financial resources, staffing, and infrastructure to appropriate salaries and working conditions for the operate effectively in practice? judiciary? Salaries Salaries In 2006 the Minister of VJ471 and the Dutch Association The salaries of judges, public prosecutors and for the Judiciary (NVvR - Nederlandse Vereniging voor registrars are entirely regulated in the Act on Legal Rechtspraak, which is an independent trade union for Position Judicial Civil Servants (Wet rechtspositie judges and public prosecutors) agreed to amend the rechterlijke ambtenaren) and the Decree on Legal Income and Position Matrix (Loon- en Functiegebouw) Position Judicial Civil Servants (Besluit rechtspositie for the judiciary. It was agreed to do research on the rechterlijke ambtenaren).469 This decree provides the lifetime salaries of the judiciary and to compare those overview of salary scales which are based on the with salaries for legal experts in the private sector. The different positions within the judiciary and on seniority, aim was to attract and keep the best legal professionals varying from the position of Judicial Civil Servant in for the judiciary in order to keep continuity and quality training (Raio - Rechterlijk ambtenaar in opleiding) to of jurisdiction. The conclusion was that the salaries the position of President of the Supreme Court of the were comparable except for the higher categories. Here Netherlands (Hoge Raad der Nederlanden). the exceptional increase in the weight of the duties of the judiciary was not reflected in the salary Additionally, there is a Collective Labour Agreement for development, if compared to the private sector.472 The the judiciary in which the terms of employment are Dutch NVvR refers to its involvement in achieving determined. The average income of the Judiciary is by ‘appropriate reward for the judiciary’s duties’ in order far the highest of the public sector of the Netherlands. to safeguard their independence.473 From interviews The average monthly wage in the judiciary is EUR with different judges, it has become clear that they are 5,568, compared to the average monthly wage in the quite satisfied with salaries for the judiciary.474

468, consulted 15 June 2011. 469 Art.117 paragraph 4 Grondwet, Articles 6 and following of Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren; Articles 4-7 and Appendix of Besluit rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 470, consulted 7 December 2011. 471 Since 2010 the ministry is named: Ministry of Security and Justice. Before 2010 it was named: Ministry of Justice. 472 Logger, E., Willekens, R. and Zelm, van E. (2009). p.6. 473, consulted 15 June 2011. 474 Interview with Henk Moorman, Judge at the Court of First Instance Zwolle-Lelystad, 13 May 2011.


System for financing Additionally, the norm for cases to be dealt with by a Since 2005 courts receive financial resources at a ratio plural chamber of judges (in order to increase the quality of the output realised the year before.475 There is a of jurisdiction) is not met in the civil, family and juvenile calculation in which factors such as type of case, average sectors due to financial restraints; operating with plural handling time and quality of jurisprudence are chamber is not compensated differently from single considered in order to determine the total budget cases, although the costs made are higher.481 needed.476 The draft annual budget for the judiciary (courts) is determined by the Minister of VJ, who receives Human resources a draft annual budget from the Rvdr.477 Budgets are In general there is stability of human resources. From based on the output of all courts in the previous year. In 2008 the total number of full-equivalent members of practice, this can have an unwanted effect. In particular, staff (judges, civil servants and indirect personnel) has in criminal cases it often turns out that the cases which increased annually. In 2010 the total full-time equivalent are planned do not take place because the prosecutor was 8,949 (compared to 8,780 in 2008 and 8,884 in decides to withdraw the case, or witnesses do not show 2009).482 In 2011 it was announced that due to the up, or additional investigation needs to take place - but government’s budget-cuts the total number of available the judges are present and need to be paid. This results positions for young lawyers wanting to become a judge in a lower-than-expected output because there won’t be or public prosecutor’s would be cut by half. The Rvdr a verdict, so the overall total of verdicts will be lower than announced that it was designing a new education foreseen. This will determine the budget for the coming programme in order to compensate for this, and to year. If next year’s budget is smaller this will mean fewer compensate for the high number of judges likely to judges will have to be scheduled, which can lead to become pensioners in the near future.483 In 2012 a last increased workload and the quality of the jurisdiction group of 25 young lawyers will start in the old education can be put under pressure. This is something which is programme.484 Procurator-General Fokkens of the believed to be widely felt in the criminal law sector.478 In Supreme Court recently made it known in a newspaper a 2007 survey courts indicated they had serious that the total number of 2,400 judges should be concerns regarding the quality of the administration of increased by a couple hundred in order for judges to be justice due to the new method of financing. The survey able to have enough time and space to carry out their also showed that courts had not taken adequate duties adequately.485 initiatives such as educating judges to resist the Generally speaking, there is adequate staff support and temptations the financing system brought with it.479 One facilities available. However, one expert expressed the analyst argued that when this system of financing was view that in some sectors, for instance sub-district, introduced, judges became responsible (in part) for judges have been involved too much in administrative managing their tasks. According to the analyst, few tasks which gave them less time to spend on their proper judges possess this management competence.480 judicial tasks. Therefore the courts have started to train

475 Besluit Financiering Rechtspraak 2005. 476 Langbroek, P. (2007). p.161. 477 Art. 91 paragraph 1 sub a and art. 98 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. The budget is part of the Begrotingswet Veiligheid en Justitie. 478 Interview with Henk. Moorman, Judge at the Court of First Instance Zwolle-Lelystad, 13 May 2011. 479 Boone, M., Langbroek, P.M., Kramer, P., Olthof, S., Ravesteyn van, J. (2007). p. 233. 480 Interview with Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice Administration (and court system) at the Department of Law, Utrecht University, 31 May 2011. 481 Jaarverslag Rechtspraak 2010 p. 11. 482 Ibid., p.64. 483 Persbericht Raad voor de rechtspraak en het College van procureur-generaals of the 31 January 2011. 484, consulted 7 December 2011. 485, consulted 17 June 2011.


their staff members to become more supportive to independence is safeguarded by a provision which judges.486 The permanent education norm prescribes prescribes that members of the judiciary who are that judges and members of staff have to attend a responsible for jurisdiction and the Procurator General minimum of 30 training hours per year to broaden and of the Supreme Court be appointed for life by royal deepen their specialised knowledge and skills. The decree.489 Here the independence of the individual training offered focuses on quality as an offset to the judges is indirectly safeguarded. The Constitution does focus on quantitative results. Across different courts, the not refer to the independence of the judiciary as a average percentage of judges and staff members who whole, nor does it refer to the impartiality of the realised this minimum norm was between 74 percent and judiciary. However, there are laws in which the 98 percent in 2010. In general, tribunals performed independence is specifically stated. There is a statutory somewhat better than the courts. In some cases the norm provision that judges are obliged to take the was not met because of a subnormal capacity or oath/pledge.490 There is the prohibition for judges to workload.487 An increasing number of people have get involved with parties to a case, or their lawyers or attended training at SSR (Studiecentrum Rechtspleging - authorised representatives, if they know or suspect that Justice Study Centre), where topics vary from among that case will be brought before them.491 Another forensic expertise and balance reading, to ‘Moroccans statutory safeguard for the independence of judges is and Turks in justice’.488 the provisions on ‘recusal’ (wraken) and ‘excluding’ Overall, the judiciary has sufficient resources to operate (verschonen) judges. One of the parties in a case can effectively in practice. The salaries paid are by far the disqualify a judge if there are facts or circumstances highest in the Dutch public sector but somewhat behind which could potentially harm his independence.492 compared to the salaries paid to legal experts in the Judges can decide to use their ‘right of exclusion’ not to private sector. The budget of the judiciary is sufficient to be appointed to a specific case if they consider that perform its duties; however, the fact that the financing of there are facts or circumstances which potentially could the Dutch courts is based on a system of output and harm their independence. A last statutory provision efficiency financing has led to some concerns. aimed at ensuring an individual judge’s independence is that damages caused by a judge while carrying out his official duties (interpretation of the law, assessment of INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) facts or weighing of evidence to determine cases) should not give rise to civil liability.493 Only the state has To what extent is the judiciary independent by law? civil liability towards a third party, except in cases of malice and gross negligence by the judge. This way a Constitutional and statutory provisions judge can decide a case independently without having The independence of the judiciary is one of the core to worry about possible liabilities. Other than that, the elements found in the doctrine of separation of powers. principle of judicial independence is guaranteed in The Dutch Constitution contains a few provisions Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, regarding the judiciary’s independence. Its which is binding for the Netherlands.

486 Interview with Henk Moorman, Judge at the Court of First Instance Zwolle-Lelystad, 13 May 2011. 487 Jaarverslag Rechtspraak 2010 p.9 and 10. 488 Ibid., p.10. 489 Art. 117 paragraph 1 Grondwet. 490 Articles 5g, Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren; art. 48a paragraph 5, 66 paragraph 5, and 67 paragraph 5 Wet op de rechter- lijke organisatie. 491 Art. 12 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. 492 Articles 512 to 518 Wetboek van Strafvordering; Articles 36 to 41 Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering; articles 8:18 to 8:20 Algemene wet bestuursrecht; Aanbeveling wrakingsprotocol gerechtshoven en rechtbanken 2006 via 493 Art. 42 paragraph 1-3 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren.


The Supreme Court and the Administrative Jurisdiction the Minister of VJ after the Tweede Kamer has nominated Division of the Council of State are both anchored in the three persons out of a list of six candidates Constitution.494 Since the constitutional provisions are recommended by the Supreme Court itself.498 State so concise, the possibility of amending them so as to councillors of the highest administrative court, the limit judicial independence is purely theoretical. The ABRvS, are appointed for life by royal decree after Constitution may be amended after the act for candidates are nominated by the Ministers of BZK and VJ constitutional amendment is acknowledged and the at the recommendation of the Council of State.499 House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) is dissolved In law, criteria for candidate judges are scarce and and at least two-thirds of the newly elected MPs in the rather represent a set of formal qualifications. Judges Tweede Kamer and the Senate vote in favour of such shall be Dutch citizens who have a master’s degree in amendment.495 law.500 The law does prescribe which positions are incompatible with the office of judge. These are: Rvdr lawyer, notary public, or any other position which The establishment of the Rvdr in 2002 increased the includes legal assistance.501 Additionally, there are independence of the judiciary. Before its establishment, specific criteria set by the Rvdr502 and the Board of the Minister of VJ was directly responsible to the Tweede Procurator Generals in order to become a judge or Kamer for the administration of courts. This direct public prosecutor. State councillors are to be appointed responsibility created tensions with the judiciary’s on the basis of their expertise and experience in independence. The Rvdr represents the common legislative, administrative or judicial matters.503 interests of all courts and monitors their management and operations. It is considered to be the link between Raio education the courts and the Minister of VJ, thereby safeguarding Annually the Judiciary Selection Commission (SRM - the judiciary’s independence.496 Selectiecommissie rechterlijke macht) selects annually around 60 young lawyers for the ‘Raio education Appointments programme’, which provides around 20 percent of the If a vacancy arises, the judiciary itself is involved in the total of newly-appointed judges, while individuals who appointments of judges as represented by the Rvdr. In have 6 years of work experience outside the Judiciary that case, the board of the respective court recommends and are appointed to the rio-traject (rechter in three candidate judges which are not already appointed opleiding) make up around 80 percent of the total of at the court. The Rvdr presents this list to the Minister of newly-appointed judges.504 The Raio programme is a 6 VJ, who can appoint the judge by royal decree for life.497 year programme which an individual needs to complete Judges from the Supreme Court are appointed for life by successfully in order to become a judge or public

494 Articles 118 and 73 paragraph 3 Grondwet. 495 This procedure is somewhat simplified for the purpose of this report. In the Netherlands, the Constitution is only rarely revised. For a full description of the constitutional amendment process, please refer to articles 127 to 142 of the Grondwet. 496 497 Articles 2 paragraph 1 and 5b and 5c Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 498 Articles 117 and 118 paragraph 1 Grondwet and 2 paragraph 1 and art. 5c paragraph 6 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 499 Art.30 paragraph 2 and art. 2 and 8 and10 Wet op de Raad van State. 500 Articles 4 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren and art. 5 Wet op de Raad van State. 501 Art.44 paragraph 1 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren; art. 7 Wet op de Raad van State. 502 Raad van State. Notitie kwaliteiten waarmee rekening moet worden gehouden bij werving enselectie van staatsraden en staatsraden in buitengewone dienst. 503 Art. 4 paragraph 2 Wet op de Raad van State. 504, consulted 14 June 2011; Persbericht Raad voor de rechtspraak en het College van procureur-generaals 31 January 2011.


prosecutor. (Four years paid education and two years of State, this should be on the basis of a well-reasoned practice in a related position outside the judiciary, for decision. The grounds for dismissal are limited, as they example at a law firm.) The selection process consists are equal to the grounds for dismissal for other of, among other things, analytical and cognitive tests, members of the judiciary.509 interviews and assessments to determine whether one possesses basic skills and personality features. In the Multiple-judge court final phase of the procedure, there is an interview with Another statutory provision aimed at ensuring four members of the Judiciary Selection Commission, independence of the judiciary in civil, criminal and which consists of representatives of the judiciary, a administrative court cases is the set number of judges representative of the Ministry of VJ and/or a which deal with a case. It is either a single or multiple- representative who is not a member of the judiciary, for judge court, the latter implying three judges or five example a lawyer or journalist. Additionally, one’s judges if it is the Supreme Court.510 This way the societal interest and involvement, as well as motivation government cannot simply increase the number of for and vision about the respective position will be judges with their own judges to have a majority and assessed and references will be considered. Candidates thereby influence the decision-making.511 who have been nominated by SRM are appointed by the Minister of VJ as ‘Raio’. All in all, detailed professional Criminalisation criteria are set for new judges and an independent An important provision to protect judges against judicial body has the possibility of turning down interference in adjudication, namely, criminal liability is candidates who do not demonstrate sufficient prescribed for influencing a judge in any manner in qualifications.505 order to compromise legal adjudication or attain the adoption and promulgation of an illegal judgment or Suspension and dismissal of judges decision. Equal, the provision which entails the criminal Once judges have been appointed for life, they can only liability of judges who are influenced in this way helps be suspended or fired by the Supreme Court on protect their independence.512 A judge who received precisely specified grounds.506 These limited grounds bribes in return for a conviction can get a maximum of for suspension or dismissal prevent other parties (such twelve years in prison. The maximum penalty for a as the Executive) from influencing the judiciary by use minster who is bribed is six years in prison.513 The of threat to fire or suspend a judge if a verdict is not person who has bribed a judge in return for a delivered as desired. Reasons for suspending or firing conviction can get a maximum of nine years in prison a judge are: being held in detention or convicted for a compared to a maximum penalty of four years if it crime, being put under ward, declared bankrupt, concerns any other public official.514 incurring debt remission, receiving suspension of payments or being held hostage because of debts when Altogether, the entire constitutional and statutory the verdict is (not yet) absolute.507, 508 If State framework offers solid safeguards to ensure the councillors are suspended or dismissed by the Council independence of the judiciary. The fact that judges and

505, consulted 14 June 2011. 506 Art. 117 lid 3 Grondwet. 507 Art. 46f Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 508 Art. 46h, i and m Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 509 Art. 3 paragraph 2 Wet op de Raad van State and chapter 6a of Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 510 Articles 15-18 Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering; art. 268 Wetboek van Strafvordering; art. 8:10 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 511 Verheugt, J.W.P. (2009). p.96. 512 Articles 178 and 364 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 513 Art. 364 paragraph 3 and art. 363 paragraph 3 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 514 Art. 177 Wetboek van Strafrecht.


Procurator Generals of the Supreme Court are important principle is the ‘sub judice principle’ which appointed for life is an important safeguard for the implies that government, judges, parties to the court independence of the judiciary, and is essential to the proceedings and third parties have to be silent about a rule of law. The judicial system was further legal issue which is directly related to a case in which strengthened in 2002 when the Rvdr assumed some proceedings are still on-going and to which there has responsibilities previously carried out by the Minister not been a verdict. This principle has been debated by of VJ. The Judiciary hereby acquired more responsibility the Tweede Kamer, but no formal agreements were for its own organisation, and the independence of made regarding its enforceability.520 In practice, many judges was strengthened.515 This was a response to the parties, especially MPs, actively and publicly debate increasing demands of society on the way the judiciary cases. This appears to be related to the extent to which was carrying out its tasks. there is public distrust in the judiciary and the extent to which a politician wants to attract extra attention from the media and the public.521 The President of the INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) Supreme Court has firmly expressed his disapproval towards those politicians who have expressed their To what extent does the judiciary operate without opinion on individual criminal cases.522 interference from the government or other actors? Appointments Interferences In practice, the Minister of VJ is in charge of The Dutch judicial system performs well compared to appointment policies for judges, and it is the Tweede other countries in the aspect of impartiality and Kamer’s Permanent Commission on VJ which is in accountability.516 Nevertheless, there is increasing charge of preparing appointment decisions for the concern about the public debates in which politicians, Supreme Court. Judges are appointed for reasons of media and the public discuss cases while these are still competence, although for the Supreme Court there is being dealt with by a court.517 Increasingly judges are an informal practice that seeks to prevent a unilateral being scrutinised or told by these parties through the composition of political interests. Normally this does media what the verdict should be or what sentence not lead to any conflicts. In spring 2011, one of the should be given.518 In this way, the authority of the candidates for a position at the Supreme Court was a judiciary is challenged. There is always a risk of judges well-known professor of Criminal and Criminal Process being influenced by the opinions stated and thereby Law, Ybo Buruma. He was known to be a member of a moving over their general duty of responsiveness to political party, and according to some MPs he had societal developments. criticised their political party in a newspaper. Recent research reveals that most judges still regard Nevertheless, Buruma received enough votes in favour their independence to be safeguarded but also express and is to be appointed as judge.523 In August 2011 that they did regard this as extra pressure.519 An Buruma announced that he had terminated his

515 516

517 Episode of Nieuwsuur from the 9th of June 2011 and Episode of Netwerk from 6th of March 2008. 518 Bunt, van de H.G., De Keijser, J.W. and Elffers, H. (2004). p.10-33. 519 Ibid. 520 Kroes, C.A.H. (2011). 521 Gommer, H., Lammers, J. and Woerdman, E.(2008). p.35-43; onwenselijk/, consulted 17 June 2011.

522 Episode of Buitenhof of the 24th of October 2010. 523 stemt-blanco.dhtml;, consulted 17 June 2010.


membership of the political party to take away the education and will no longer have the two years of concerns part of the population might have about his practical experience. The Rvdr is currently designing a not being a good judge because of that membership.524 completely new educational programme for judges.528

After this appointment issue an even more serious The judiciary has expressed its concerns because it attack on the independence of the judiciary arose when predicts that there will be a shortage of judges in the a Parliamentary Committee under pressure from the near future since a large portion of current judges will PVV party declined the proposition of the Supreme soon retire. Additionally, it fears that this will have a Court and made it to change its own proposal in favour direct effect on the overall quality of the education.529 of another candidate. True, the Parliament has that right but so far that was never exercised, certainly not Suspension and dismissal of judges for plainly political reasons. There are no examples of judges being removed or transferred due to the content of their decisions. It is The ABRvS is independent and impartial but is also highly exceptional for judges to be removed before the believed to be under fairly strong political influence, end of their term. If judges are discredited because of mainly expressed in a considerable number of double their own conduct, they usually resign.530 appointments (in total 10 members can be involved in advising on legislation and jurisdiction).525 The few cases in which judges were fired do end up in the newspaper and appear to be cases in which judges State councillors working in the ABRvS are required to have functioned poorly over a long period of time hold an academic degree in law, although a few without any signs of improvement. The justifications exceptions have been made.526 Judges in civil, criminal provided by the Supreme Court for these dismissals are and in administrative courts are appointed by different, credible, and the dismissals have seemed to be the last though primarily legal and political, bodies in formally resort after years of trying to help judges improve their cooperative selection processes without special performance.531 The right of exclusion is occasionally majority requirements. In the case of criminal, civil or used. lower administrative courts, judges are de facto appointed through peer co-optation.527 Overall, there is little interference in the operations of the Dutch judiciary. The main risks are the criticism Raio education voiced by politicians, the media and the public on In 2011 a state budget-cut of EUR 10 million was made verdicts and the fact that appointments of judges are on the ‘Raio programme’. The programme is to be subjects for debate by politicians. However, there is no shortened by two years. From 2012 only 25 Raios will evidence which suggests that either has led to real be appointed annually, they will only have four years of interference with the judiciary‘s activities.

524, consulted 20 September 2010. 525 Art. 2 paragraph 3 Wet op de Raad van State. 526, consulted 17 June 2010. 527 Ibid., consulted 19 June 2011. 528, consulted 14 June 2011.

529 Episode of Nieuwsuur of the 9th of February 2011; opleiding.html 530 Court/Pages/default.aspx 531, consulted the 17June 2010.


TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) Circulation policy and case assignment Judges are appointed to a specific court, but by legal To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure provision they also function as substitute judges in all that the public can obtain relevant information about the the other courts at the same level. There is a statutory activities and decision-making processes of the provision which prescribes that the management of the judiciary? board is to distribute the work which is to be carried out by the judges. Court proceedings The actual internal case assignment process is not There are many different types of information which are prescribed by law, so that the random assignment of required to be made publicly available. The Constitution cases is not safeguarded.537 Case assignment to the prescribes that court proceedings should be open to the various sectors is a responsibility of the management public, except for a few statutory exceptions (e.g. in board, but within each division the sector chair is family cases or when young children are involved).532 responsible.538 If there are facts or circumstances The verdicts should be stated in public.533 The known through which the distribution of a case to one proceedings at the Supreme Court almost entirely take or more judges could harm judicial independence, one place in writing. Only the calendar hearings are open to will refrain from this distribution. the public. The discussion over whether the public should also be able to follow proceedings via the use of Multiple-judge court cameras is recurring. Due to criticism from academics, The statutory provision that the more complex cases the press directive was amended in 2008. It is should be dealt with by a multiple-judge court is aimed considered to be a compromise between, on the one at ensuring independence of the judiciary in civil, hand, ensuring the transparency of court proceedings criminal and administrative court cases.539 and, on the other hand, seeking to protect the privacy However, here the rule about the ‘secrecy of courts’ of those involved, and tries to ensure proceedings are deliberations’ (geheim van de raadkamer) applies. The undisturbed.534 Journalists can attend all court decision-making is secret, and therefore it is not known proceedings and report on these (exceptions include how the decision was made and whether the judges family and juvenile cases). Journalists need to make a came to their verdict via consensus or majority.540 request of the court not later than 24 hours before a If a judge violates this secrecy he will receive one proceeding starts if they want to record the sitting warning, and after a second violation the judge will be (audio-visual or audio) or want to report online.535 The dismissed and runs the risk of being criminally current norm is that a limited part of the sitting can be prosecuted.541 filmed, but a judge can still decide to prohibit the use of cameras. Additionally, there are rules on anonymity. If a Disclosure of financial information judge decides to deviate from the directive he is There is no obligation to disclose financial or business required to provide reasons for this deviation.536 interests.

532 Art. 27 Wetboek Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering; art.269 Wetboek van Strafvordering; art. 8:62 Algemene wet bestuursrech; interview with Ernest Groener, Judge at the Court of First Instance Almelo (sector civil and criminal), 11 May 2011. 533 Art. 6 European Convention on Human Rights; art. 121 Grondwet. 534 Art. 6, 8 and 10 European Convention on Human Rights; art. 121 Grondwet. 535 Persrichtlijn rechtspraak 2008. 536 Ibid., p.3. 537 Fabri, M., Langbroek, P.M. (2007). p.24. 538 Ibid., p.14. 539 Articles 15-18 Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering; art. 268 Wetboek van Strafvordering; art. 8:10 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 540 Art. 7 paragraph 3 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie. 541 Art. 46 c Wet Rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren and art. 12 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie.


TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) Circulation policy and case assignment The board of a court decides on the circulation of To what extent does the public have access to judicial judges and hereby takes into account many factors information and activities in practice? such as: available and required knowledge and experience, age, interests of the judges in work on a Information different team or sector, and the good distribution of There is substantial public access to judicial human resources in the different courts. Individual information in practice, including a website where agreements are made between the boards and judges judicial decisions can be found for free.542 This on career plans; these will form the basis for circulation website, administered by the Rvdr, was launched in in practice. Cases are assigned by a court clerk under 1999 and at first there were a limited number of the supervision of a coordinating judge based on the verdicts to be found. following criteria: the kind of procedure, specialisation There is no information available on the exact and skill of the judge, judicial continuity and then percentage of case law which is published in this randomness.547 It is possible to informally exchange integrated database. The selection criteria refer to the cases between judges.548 Overall, there is little to no societal importance, a new line of jurisprudence, its transparency on the way cases are assigned in practice. importance to interests groups and media. Many courts have delegated case assignment in Cases which are not to be found are, for instance, those criminal cases to the OM, and some courts of first which were declared inadmissible or which are first instance (civil sector) have a system where assignment instance family law cases.543 This lack of transparency is done on the first letter of the family name of the regarding how this selection takes place has been defendant. The latter can lead to manipulation by criticised by academics and journalists, and the repeat players when this method becomes known if it government has expressed the need to publish all has not been changed for some time.549 This method verdicts.544 of distribution of cases is believed to be the reason why However, an expert argued that 80 percent of the it is seldom necessary for judges to use the right of verdicts are similar and publishing these would not exclusion. One judge does notice that during the lead to any interesting insights.545 The verdicts of cases process of assigning, some judges are too afraid to can be found on different website and academic appear biased and refer to their ‘right of exclusion’ journals.546 even in cases when there is no real and concrete linkage with the person involved.550 Websites such as provide a broad range of information on the Dutch judiciary, including Multiple-judge court the names of the judges, their positions and to some The decisions of the Court of First Instance are of a extent their side-functions. National directives and factual nature, whereby the unified decision is believed guidelines, the court structure, annual reports and the to assure the persuasiveness of the judgment. Here a integrity instruments can also be found. distinction can be made between the parties in a

542 543, consulted 19 June 2011. 544 Hoogen, van den R.H. (2007).Chapter 5. 545 Interview with Ernest Groener, Judge at the Court of First Instance Almelo (sector civil and criminal), 11 May 2011. 546 Websites such as or 547 Fabri, M., Langbroek, P.M. (2007). p.15-16. 548 Ibid., p.17. 549 Email exchange with Gert Vrieze (d.d. 7 November 2011), Judge at the Court of First Instance Zutphen and Project coordinator for in- tegrity of the Judiciary and former President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen. 550 Interview with Henk Moorman, Judge the Court of First Instance Zwolle-Lelystad, 13 May 2011; Chrit, M. and Venneman, R. (2011). p.21.


proceeding which want an unambiguous verdict and on ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) the other hand, for example, academics who have an interest in the way law is developing and what the To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure judge’s rationale was.551 that the Judiciary has to report and be answerable for its One analyst maintained that for effective corruption actions? prevention, there should be transparency regarding the majority or consensus leading to the verdict, whereby Annual plan and annual report a major and minor conclusion can be brought equally The Rvdr has to make one combined annual plan for all as convincingly and uniform.552 courts which consists of, at minimum, the budget for One should be informed as to which arguments have the following year and a description of all planned led to the decision and how the decision-making took activities.555 Additionally, judicial accounts for place. Other analysts have noted how the ‘secrecy of expenditure and income are revealed via an annual the judges’ council chamber’ in practice has led to a report. The Rvdr has to send both documents to the minimum of statement of reasons. Minister of VJ, who is then obliged to send it to Sometimes the reasons for giving the specific penalty parliament.556 are poorly motivated. There have been politicians and analysts who have called for a less strict interpretation Reasoning of this rule, but so far this has not had effect.553 Judges are required by law to give reasons for their decisions. A verdict which does not provide sufficient Disclosure of financial information reasons and/or the legal grounds is void or will be Lastly, judges’ salaries are made public.554 No asset annulled.557 In 2005 an extra paragraph was included declarations are made by the judiciary. in the statutory provision. Not only does a verdict in a criminal case have to coincide with the reasons for the The public is able to readily obtain relevant information decision, if the judge deviates from the statements of on the organisation and functioning of the judiciary on the public prosecutor and/or suspect, he also have to decisions that concern them. However, the fact that the provide the reasons for doing so.558 ‘dissenting opinion’ of a multiple judge court is not made public is a loophole. Complaints There is a statutory provision for the board of a court to set up a complaints procedure.559 Internal accountability is promoted by the possibility of complaining about the conduct of judges and by the right to appeal against judicial decisions. If persons

551 Email exchange with Gert Vrieze (d.d. 7 November 2011), Judge at the Court of First Instance Zutphen and Project coordinator for in- tegrity of the Judiciary and former President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen. 552 Interview with Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice Administration (and court system) at the Department of Law, Utrecht University, 31 May 2011. 553 den.dhtml; 554, consulted 15June 2011. 555 Art. 102 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie. 556 Art.104 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. 557 Art. 121 Grondwet; Art.359 paragraph 2-8 Wetboek van Strafrecht; art. 30 Wetboek Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering; art. 8:69 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 558 Art.359 paragraph 2 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 559 Art. 26 paragraph 1 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie.


consider themselves to be incorrectly treated by a court ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) or its member of staff, they can file a formal complaint. The complaint will be dealt with by the board of the To what extent do members of the judiciary have to court.560 Complaints about individual judges are dealt report and be answerable for their actions in practice? with by the Procurator General of the Supreme Court.561 Information about the number and type of complaints Annual plan and annual report as well as the outcome must be reported annually in the The annual plan and annual report are sent to the general report of the Supreme Court.562 According to a Minister for VJ. In some cases this has led to the new law proposal, currently at the Senate, the law will respective minister using his right to give general be amended to include a duty for the Procurator General directions to the Rvdr on its tasks, for instance to and the Supreme Court to publish annually a report on provide additional information on the hiring of external the activities and the investigations carried out as part staff.567 of this complaints procedure.563 Reasoning Suspension and dismissal of judges The Rvdr does state that an improvement has to be A judge can be suspended on limited grounds, for made in the way judges provide reasons for their instance, detention, conviction for a crime, being decision in criminal cases. This is one of the quality sentenced to imprisonment, or put under ward, or norms the Rvdr has established.568 It states that this is declared bankrupt.564 There is a compulsory retirement partly due to the increasing demands from society age for judges set at 70 years. Judges can be dismissed desiring to be able to gain insight into the foundations at their own wish or because of health reasons that which determine judicial decisions.569 Improved preclude them from continuing the job or if they are communication about judges’ reasons for their verdicts convicted for a crime, sentenced to imprisonment, or should improve transparency and opportunities for the put under ward, declared bankrupt, subject to debt parties and the public to scrutinise those verdicts.570 remission and the verdict is absolute.565 Judges who This should strengthen public trust in the judiciary. In commit a criminal offence may be subjected to an 2004 criminal courts started the ‘Project for Improving investigation by the police. Because of the sensitivity of Reasoning in Criminal Verdicts’ (Project such a case, the National Police Internal Investigations Motiveringsverbetering in Strafvonnissen). The Department (Rijksrecherche) becomes involved.566 Promis-method was used, which provides a standard Extensive provisions are in place to ensure that judges model which judges have to follow in their reasoning; have to report and be answerable for their actions. they have to explain why they considered certain

560, con- sulted 18 June 2011. 561 Klachtenregeling van het parket van de Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden; art. 13a and 13b lid 1 onder c Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. 562 Art. 12 Klachtenregeling van het parket van de Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden. 563 Hoge Raad der Nederlanden, verslag over 2009-2010 p.96. 564 Art. 46f Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 565 Art. 46h, i and m Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 566, consulted 18 June 2011. 567 Bijlage bij brief van de minister van BZK aan de Tweede Kamer met kenmerk 2009 – 336490. 568 Motiveringsverbetering-in-Strafvonnissen-(PROMIS).aspx 569 den.dhtml 570 Jaarplan Rechtspraak 2010 p.10.


aspects to be proven or not and how they came to declared inadmissible because they concerned decide on the penalty and the severity of the penalty.571 complaints about a verdict; these are exempt from the In 2010 40 percent of criminal cases handled by complaint procedure. According to the Supreme Court, multiple-judge courts had to be motivated according none of the complaints about a judge’s conduct was of this method and 15 percent in the courts of appeal. In a serious nature and therefore non were dealt with by 2011 the norm was increased to 50 percent for the Supreme Court.578 In this period only one judge was courts572, while the percentage in courts of appeal fired as a disciplinary measure. Another judge would remained unchanged. This norm is determined based have been fired had he not reached retirement age, and on resources available.573 In its annual plan it in two other cases the Supreme Court did not agree demonstrates the importance of systematically with applying disciplinary sanctions towards judges.579 comparing verdicts from courts and courts of appeal in order to get a better understanding of their differences. Trust This means future errors can be prevented.574 Although general confidence in the judiciary used to be relatively high compared to the public’s trust in Complaints government or the Tweede Kamer, it is now less than The total number of complaints filed at the courts has the confidence the public has in media and increased in recent years from a total of 1094 in 2008 newspapers.580 Recently, public doubts over the quality and 1093 in 2009 to 1208 complaints in 2010.575 In of justice in the Netherlands have been raised when the 2009 a digital form to file a complaint was made judiciary (judges but also law enforcement officials) available. In total, 38 percent of complaints in 2010 made the press because of some glaring miscarriages were found to be grounded, while more than half of of justice.581 These, along with the concerns for complaints were inadmissible because they concerned argumentation of verdicts in criminal cases, a judge’s decision. Other than these figures, very little demonstrated that legal certainty was in fact at risk. information is provided on complaints which were The judicial mistakes made in the past and the found grounded and no mention is being made on developments in forensic technology have led to actions taken by the courts following these grounded renewed opportunities to re-open tried cases in which complaints. The Rvdr and the meeting of court questionable convictions were delivered or which presidents have asked for a specific commission to resulted in release from prosecution.582 come up with recommendations on how to better record and deal with complaints.576 In 2010 43 Existing provisions are reasonably effective in ensuring complaints were received by the Supreme Court, that members of the judiciary have to report and be compared to 54 in 2009 and 52 in 2008.577 Most were answerable for their actions in practice.

571 Motiveringsverbetering-in-Strafvonnissen-(PROMIS).aspx 572 Jaarplan Rechtspraak 2011 p.11. 573 Ibid., p.19. 574 Ibid., p.9-13. 575 Ibid., p.13.

575 Email exchange with Gert Vrieze on the 7th of November 2011. 576 Hoge Raad der Nederlanden Verslag over 2009-2010 p.96. 578 Ibid., p.96-97. 579, consulted 18 June 2011. 580 voor.aspx, consulted 20 September. 581 582


INTEGRITY (BY LAW) Judiciary was designed.589 This code, which applies to all employees working within the Judiciary, refers to To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure both manuals and seeks to provide eleven rules for the integrity of members of the judiciary? behaviour regarding impartiality, independence, professionalism and fairness. However, the code is not Current integrity provisions very comprehensive and was designed in such way that First there is the Manual on Impartiality of the Judge specific codes were to be followed. For instance, a 2004 (Leidraad onpartijdigheid van de rechter 2004), specific code of conduct for judges was published in which was drafted by the NVvR and by the presidents September 2011 by the NVvR.590 Values such as of several courts and courts of appeal. This manual has independence and integrity are made concrete. a dual aim: it provides recommendations on how a Fourthly, integrity dilemmas are being discussed judge should deal with cases in which family, relatives during training sessions in which members of staff of or acquaintances are involved. It is also designed to the courts participate.591 Fifthly, the ‘right of recusal’ raise a judge’s awareness of his impartiality and be a is an instrument which can be used to challenge the reference tool in those cases. It also has the function impartiality of a judge. of allowing the public to get a better insight into what the point of reference is for a judge, how a judge Future integrity policies resolves his integrity dilemmas.583 Secondly, the law In 2010 the Council appointed a former president (now prescribes position incompatibilities for judges and judge) of a Dutch court to be responsible for further state councillors: they cannot take on positions such as designing a framework for integrity for the judiciary. that of lawyer, notary or provide any legal advice Although promised for end 2011 this will be presented outside their job.584 Judges and state councillors are in the course of 2012. The initial plan is to design a required to make public their side-functions or comprehensive Integrity Handbook in which codes of activities.585 The board of a court is required to keep a conduct designed for the different positions within registry of side-functions and activities of judges.586 courts (for example registrars, judges, IT personnel). The ‘Manual Side-Functions of Judges and Civil The ambition is to make it an interactive and digital Servants to the Judiciary 2009’ (Leidraad nevenfuncties handbook.592 voor rechterlijke en gerechtsambtenaren 2009) contains recommendations explicitly aimed at The integrity provisions for the judiciary are currently safeguarding this integrity.587 It seeks to provide a ‘under construction’. There are a few basic provisions framework for judges and society for assessing aimed at ensuring the judiciary’s integrity which ensure whether a certain side-function is compatible with the its independence. There a few provisions specifically office of judge. Among other things, a judge is not aimed at safeguarding integrity. allowed to receive remuneration as a legal advisor.588 The comprehensiveness of the integrity provisions Thirdly, in 2010 a framework code of conduct for the could be improved and is currently being considered.

583 Leidraad onpartijdigheid van de rechter. 584 Art. 44 paragraph 1 and 2 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren; art. 7 Wet op de Raad van State. 585 Art. 44 paragraph 2 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren; art. 7 paragraph 6 Wet op de Raad van State. 586 Art. 44 paragraph 3 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 587 Leidraad nevenfuncties voor rechterlijke en gerechtsambtenaren. 588 Chrit, M. and Venneman, R. (2011). p.22. 589 Gedragscode Rechtspraak. 590 NVvR-Rechterscode. 591 Interview with Henk. Moorman, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Zwolle-Lelystad, 13 May 2011. 592 Jaarplan Rechtspraak 2011 p.10; Interview with Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Instance Zutphen and Project coordinator for in- tegrity of the Judiciary and former President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen, 15 June 2011.


INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) Having other additional functions and activities is considered to be an asset when applying for a ‘Raio To what extent is the integrity of members of the judiciary position’.599 It is believed that this allows judges to be ensured in practice? aware of what happens in society. Nevertheless it is also considered to be essential that the public know Recusal of judges what these other functions (paid and unpaid) are so Although the figures on the total number of requests for that conflict-of-interest can be prevented. However, ‘recusal’ are not complete, a general image arises that not every judge obeys this duty to register side- this number is on the increase.593 The available figures functions and activities after they are approved. These show that in 2005 a total of 159 requests for recusal of should be published in the digital registry on the a judge from hearing a case were made, compared to a website of the Rvdr.600 Several judges have not total of 288 in 2009.594 This number of requests for published their side-functions, for instance, board recusal is not thought to be increasing only because of membership of a local foundation which stands up for integrity violations, but due to various reasons such as ex-detainees, and another judge is involved in the fact that judges’ authority is decreasing.595 In a few commercial training for law proceedings.601 One judge well-known cases in which judges had made mistakes, reacted by stating that even though this registration is citizens have become more assertive,596 and in some important, it does not show whether one has an cases the independence of the judge was doubted. The antipathy towards something which can equally be a grounds for ‘recusal’ are also diverse but include, risk to a judge’s independence.602 The unrest among others, the additional functions of the judge regarding these side-functions is often caused by involved with the possible risk for his independence.597 substitute judges who can attribute to the societal One analyst argued that this right to recusal is orientation of the judiciary but because they are increasingly being abused. He refers to lawyers who use substitute judges their combination of functions raise this right to thereby gain extra time to prepare their concerns of a possible conflict-of-interest. criminal case.598 Integrity provisions Additional functions The Rvdr has listed integrity as one of the four core In the Netherlands the fact that a judge is actively values of the judiciary.603 From the various interviews, involved in society is considered to be a positive thing. it has become clear that the Dutch judiciary considers

593 gewraakt.dhtml 594 Chrit, M. and Venneman, R. (2011). p.28. 595 Ibid., p.30. 596 Ibid., p.30-31. 597 Ibid., p.36-40. 598 Interview with Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice Administration (and court system) at the Department of Law, Utrecht University, 31May 2011. 599 Interview with Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Zutphen and Project coordinator for integrity of the Judiciary and for- mer President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen, 15 June 2011. 600 601 Eikelenboom, S. and Groot, J. (2011). ‘Rechters mogen niet zeggen: gaat u rustig slapen, we weten wat we doen. Ze moeten zich ver- antwoorden. ‘Het Financieele Dagblad. 602 Interview with Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Zutphen and Project coordinator for integrity of the Judiciary and for- mer President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen, 15 June 2011. 603 spraak.aspx, 18 June 2011.


itself to act with integrity. Interviews with experts from announced in January 2012 that both judges would be outside the judiciary confirm that they have the prosecuted for committing perjury.607 One former judge impression that, overall, Dutch judges are highly is believed to have committed perjury three times while professional and very cautious and ethically aware.604 the other former judge is believed to have committed There is no evidence that the few cases in which judge’s perjury twice. The allegations that one of the former integrity is believed to have been harmed are more than judges was involved in forgery and conflict-of-interest isolated incidents. However, most interviewees do state were believed to be precluded or could not be proven. In that the independence of the judiciary can result in a February 2012 a newspaper reported that two other form of autonomy for judges; judges are considered not judges were recently taken off a case until the outcome to be open to (peer) criticism.605 This attitude of judges of an investigation into serious integrity violations on is described to be part of a ‘non-intervention culture’606 their part was complete. The suspicion is that these within the judiciary and does bring with it the risk of judges have had impermissible contact with a public integrity dilemmas not being explicitly discussed and prosecutor as part of a criminal case.608 judges refraining from reflecting upon themselves and Overall, the integrity of members of the judiciary each other. It is unclear to what extent and how Dutch appears to be sufficiently safeguarded in practice, judges provide critical and supportive feedback or although incidents are known. The independence and reflect on their own conduct. integrity of judges have come under scrutiny in recent years, and the judiciary initially did not show a Investigations proactive approach towards ensuring that integrity Although the overall integrity of the judiciary seems to be provisions are enforced in practice. adequately safeguarded in practice, there have been incidents in which individual judges were suspected of Executive oversight not being impartial or independent, or were even considered to be corrupt. One case which was To what extent does the judiciary provide effective investigated in 2011/2012 concerned two former vice- oversight of the Executive? presidents of a district court. In the 1990s, one judge allegedly arranged for the other judge to handle a dispute Reviewing state authorities’ actions and decisions between a project developer and a minority shareholder The powers of the judiciary to review the actions of the in the company. This shareholder was a friend of one of Executive are powers given by the multiple system of the judges. The other judge is believed to have favoured administrative jurisdiction. The political review of this minority shareholder in his verdict. The allegations actions of the government is done by parliament. The concern conflict-of-interest and corruption committed specialised administrative courts have jurisdiction to by the judges. The Public Prosecutor’s Service (OM) review actions and decisions of state authorities.609 In

604 Interview with Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice Administration (and court system) at the Department of Law, Utrecht University, 31 May 2011. 605 Interview with Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Zutphen and Project coordinator for integrity of the Judiciary and for- mer President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen, 15 June 2011; Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, 18 April 201; Interview with Frans Jozef van der Vaart, Lawyer/Partner at Kienhuis Hoving, 28 April 2011. 606 Interview with Ernest Groener, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Almelo (sector civil and criminal), 11 May 2011. 607 and, consulted 14 June 2011 and

tail/3155602/2012/02/04/OM-vervolgt-ex-rechters-wegens-meineed.dhtml, consulted the 23rd of February 2012.

608, consulted the 23rd of February 2012. 609 Chapter 8 of the Algemene wet bestuursrecht is the general legal provision for appealing state authorities’ decisions. Additionally there are specific law provisions for appealing specialised decisions e.g. social security, tax and asylum cases.


2010 the general administrative courts had under their agencies are believed to hold the key to a more consideration more than 113,000 administrative cases, effective resolution of disputes. A study suggests that which is a decline in number of cases of 4 percent administrative judges should more often use dispute compared to 2009.610 There is a set norm for the resolution instruments. When this turns out be duration of these administrative proceedings. ineffective, the administrative court needs to guide the decision-making process of the government agency. Duration of administrative proceedings and For instance, by giving the government agency a set enforcement of verdicts time-limit for making a new decision and impose a fine However, this norm is not met by these courts.611 For if the governmental agency does not comply.617 This example, the norm for cases involving general should be considered within the competence of the administrative decisions is that 70 percent should be judiciary, whereby a judge should refrain from dealt with within one year; the actual percentage in becoming the executive. 2010 was 49 percent.612 For proceedings concerning state tax decisions, the norm is that 90 percent of these ABRvS should be completed within one year and in 2010 the The ABRvS is the highest general administrative court percentage was 53 percent.613 in the Netherlands. It advises government on law proposals, and it also acts as an administrative judge According to the RvdR the main reason for the duration of last appeal (involving the same laws). of administrative procedures is that the law on administrative procedures gives parties several options Here it hears appeals lodged by members of the public along the way which slow down the process.614 or companies against decisions or orders given by municipal, provincial or the national government. Recent research showed that the decision making Disputes may also arise between two public authorities. process following the judgment of an administrative The decisions or orders on which the ABRvS gives court is slow and that few administrative courts enforce judgments include decisions in individual cases and their judgments.615 If applicants do not agree with the orders of a general nature.618 verdict they have to appeal, which will become a There is a division of labour between an advisory lengthy process. If the judge overturns the authority’s chamber and a judiciary chamber; this has to do with decisions, the authority has to decide all over again the fact that several members have double without being given a deadline for it. In 2010 the appointments.619 administrative law was amended whereby a judge can allow and in some cases force the government agency Overall the judiciary provides strong oversight of the involved to restore its decisions, within a specified executive and the public administration at large, but its time, which otherwise would be annulled.616 The effect effectiveness is obstructed by the length of this amendment has had on administrative cases is not proceedings and the challenges faced in the yet known. Administrative courts and the government enforcement of its judgments.

610 Jaarverslag Rechtspraak 2010 p.51. 611 Ibid., p.61. 612 Ibid., p.17. 613 Ibid., p.17. 614 Ibid., p.17. 615 Veer, van der A. (2011). p.137-139. 616 Art. 8:51 a and following, Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 617 Veer, van der A. (2011). p. 235. 618, consulted 19June 2011. 619, consulted 19 June 2011.


PROSECUTION OF CORRUPTION on the website of the Rvdr does not provide insight into the number of corruption convictions, however. The To what extent is the judiciary committed to fighting interviewees considered the total number of corruption corruption through prosecution and other activities? cases and convictions to be low.625 There is no evidence that the cause of this small number is reluctance on the Corruption legislation is built around a few provisions part of the judiciary. In general, many cases are not in the Criminal Code.620 There are no regular and prosecuted because it remains difficult to prove comprehensive court statistics on criminal corruption bribery.626 Also, it is believed that in many alleged cases. Several academics have done research into the corruption cases conviction take place on grounds of scale on which corruption takes place, hereby ‘false accounting’ or ‘fraud’ because it turns out to be differentiating the figures for prosecution and actual too difficult to prove elements of corruption.627 convictions. The latest research, however, is from Internationally, the Dutch judicial authorities try to 2005.621 From 1994 to 2003, in total 304 corruption cooperate and offer mutual assistance when it comes cases have been brought to a court in first instance. In to corruption-related crimes; however, this is not this period 9 out of 10 indictments resulted in a always done to full satisfaction of both parties. Poland conviction.622 The Rijksrecherche has conducted in- has recently criticised the Netherlands for not depth research into bribery of civil servants in the responding to its international request for legal aid in public sector based on reports (total 221) and the investigation of the Philips corruption case. subsequent investigations (total 73) between 2003- According to Polish authorities, the Dutch authorities 2007.623 Not every report is investigated. This is to a did not respond when asked for information on one of great extent related to the ‘principle of opportunity’: the Philips offices in the Netherlands. At a later stage, bribery is difficult to prove and is often accompanied the Dutch Public Prosecution Service was willing to by other crimes which are easier to prove. The participate in a joint criminal investigation, but this judiciary’s commitment to fight corruption depends never became reality. When the Dutch authorities did largely on the prosecutions instigated by law respond and conducted a search, the investigations in enforcement agencies. (For more information on this Poland had already been finalised.628 (For more research, please refer to the ´Law Enforcement information on the Public Prosecution, please refer to Agencies´) Under this pillar, only adjudication of the ´Law Enforcement Agencies´) corruption cases is considered, with prosecutions left While the judiciary does seek to penalise offenders in to the Law Enforcement Agencies pillar. The media corruption-related cases, it is dependent onthe public regularly reports on cases in which individuals are prosecutor to bring a case to court. The judiciary is not convicted for taking or offering bribes.624 The database proactive in suggesting anti-corruption reforms.

620 Articles 177, 177a, 178, 178a, 328ter, 362, 363, 364, 364a Wetboek van Strafrecht. 621 Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Nelen, J.M. (2005). 622 Ibid.,p.125. 623 Rijksrecherche (2010). Niet voor persoonlijk gebruik! Omkoping van ambtenaren in de civiele openbare sector. 624 Limburg.dhtml; wegens-steekpenningen.dhtml,; http://rechten-, consulted 19 June 2011. 625 Interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National public prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011.

626 Rijksrecherche (2010). p.6;, consulted 25th

September 2011. 627 Interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National public prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011; interview with Jos Schipper information detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21April 2011. 628, consulted 17June 2011.


Role in NIS good understanding of it. On the basis of the desk The public sector in the Netherlands includes a diverse research, more in-depth knowledge was gained on the array of different organisations and institutions in both public sector’s integrity in practice. Nine out of the national and local government, as well as autonomous total of ten interviews were held face-to-face; one was administrative authorities (ZBOs - Zelfstandige conducted via telephone. The senior auditors of the Bestuursorganen). Several of those public institutions Netherlands Court of Audit (AR - Algemene are assessed in separate chapters of this study. The Rekenkamer) expressed their wish to be paraphrased main focus of this chapter is on the civil service. Civil anonymously. The names of the other key figures will servants assist the government in formulating policies, be made available after they give final approval. carrying out decisions and administering public service. The civil service is an important pillar in Interviews held: ensuring integrity and fighting corruption. The government disposes of exclusive competencies which • Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration have a direct influence on the lives of citizens; citizens and Research Director at the Utrecht School of are to a large extent dependent on the government. In Governance, interview held the 7th of June 2011. the end it is the civil servant who acts on behalf of the government by serving the public interest. In doing so, • Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor & civil servants should conduct themselves with integrity, Researcher at the National Office for Promoting impartiality and honesty, and deal with the affairs of Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - the public sympathetically, efficiently, promptly and CAOP/BIOS, interview held the 24th of May 2011. without bias or maladministration. They should also endeavour to ensure the proper, effective and efficient • Anton Jansen, Partner and Senior Consultant at use of public money. If the civil service’s integrity is EPPA Politiek en Lobby Consultants, interview held adequately safeguarded by law and in practice, this will the 19th of May 2011. strengthen public confidence in government.629 • Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, Sources interview held the 31st of August 2011 via The desk research for this pillar report started with telephone. broad research into the topic of integrity in the public sector, current affairs in the public sector and its • Guusje ter Horst, President of the Netherlands delimitation taking into account the other NIS pillars. Association of Universities of Applied Sciences Literature and legal provisions were examined, (HBO-raad) and member of the Senate for the documents of the House of Representatives and the political party PvdA and former Minister of the Government were analysed, as well as policy Interior and Kingdom Relations, interview held the documents. Additionally, a media scan was made. In 2nd of May 2011. order to assess the topic from different points of view, several organisations and persons were approached for • Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at the National face-to-face interviews. In total, ten in-depth Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public interviews were held with key figures and experts who Sector - CAOP/BIOS, interview held the 24th of are either from the public sector itself or who have a May 2011.

629 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. p.15- 17.


• Henk Wijnen, project manager at PIANOo, the officials, and a new government proposal seeks to Public Procurement Expertise Centre, which is part standardise these top incomes to a certain maximum. of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, There is no statutory provision on asset declaration. Agriculture and Innovation, interview held on the There is a concern regarding information management 16th of May 2011. by public sector organisations and whether the privacy of citizens is sufficiently protected. The integrity • Interviewee 5, Senior auditor at the Netherlands framework in the public sector is comprehensive. Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April However, its implementation in practice is not yet 2011.630 adequate, and this is to a large extent determined by poor whistle-blower protection in practice. Also, the • Interviewee 6, Senior auditor at the Netherlands differences in implementation of integrity provisions at Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April ministries require further attention. The civil servant’s 2011.631 awareness of the duty to report crimes was low in 2008, and it is unclear whether this has changed much. The • Interviewee 7, Senior auditor at the Netherlands total number of abuse reports submitted by the Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April ministries is low, but it is unclear in how many cases of 2011.632 integrity violations a report should have been made because it was not already part of a criminal investigation and yet concerned a crime. The public PUBLIC SECTOR sector does not presently engage in any significant efforts towards educating the general public on Status: strong corruption and does not actively collaborate with civil society or the private sector in this area. Finally, the Summary existing system for public procurement contains Budget-cuts and corresponding reorganisations and important legal anti-corruption safeguards, but in the high number of civil servants retiring in the coming 2006 the number of tenders offered via an open years mark the major developments in the public procedure was still relatively low. sector, and it is yet to be seen what the net results of these developments will be. The public sector has Structure and Organisation always been, and still is, an attractive sector attracting highly-qualified personnel. Public satisfaction with Public services are provided by the ministries and other public services is still relatively high. The independence national executive bodies (agencies and inspectorates), of the public sector is ensured through effective by the bodies of local governments, and by branches of dismissal protection and vacancies being open to national executive bodies at local and regional levels. anybody. At the same time, the independence of civil In addition, some 118 autonomous administrative servants in practice is moderate now that lobbyists are authorities (ZBOs - Zelfstandige Bestuursorganen) and free to engage with them, and membership of a semi-public organisations carry out a part of the political party is believed to play a role in the government’s decisions and administration.633 An appointments of senior civil servants. The transparency extended public sector also covers the numerous and corresponding control mechanisms to prevent public educational institutes, academic hospitals and politicisation of civil servants is lacking. There is museums, as well as dozens of oversight bodies and sufficient transparency of top incomes of (semi) public inspectorates, such as the Authority for the Financial

630 This expert requested anonymity. 631 This expert requested anonymity. 632 This expert requested anonymity. 633


Markets and Competition (AFM - Autoriteit Financiële through a large re-organisation resulting in a smaller Markten) or the Inspectorate for Education (Inspectie government. Already the number of ministries has voor het Onderwijs).634 At the end of 2010 a total of gone down from 13 to 11. 122,600 people worked at the national government level (excluding Ministry of Defence and the ZBOs).635 Civil servants Ministries (currently numbering 11) and their It is impossible to get an overview of the number of subordinate agencies form the core of the state public civil servants who are likely to be forced to leave sector. This pillar report focuses mostly on the national because of the state budget-cuts.638 The full-time administration, i.e. the ministries and their subordinate equivalent of civil servants in 2011 was reduced by agencies, ZBOs and the respective civil service. Local 1.5 percent.639 According to the government there government is not dealt with. will be the threat of a shortage of well-qualified staff between 2010-2020 as a result of two developments. First, there will be a big ‘exodus’ caused by the large ASSESSMENT group of civil servants who will retire during this period. Secondly, the reorganisations which are a RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) result of the cuts in the state budget will lead to jobless but qualified civil servants on the one hand To what extent does the public sector have adequate and vacancies on the other hand. It is not likely that resources to effectively carry out its duties? the qualifications of these unemployed civil servants will match the required staff, i.e. a large scale Budget mismatch is likely to be the result.640 In general, the public sector has access to sufficient resources. However, the current government’s efforts Civil servants’ labour conditions are good and include, to reduce the budget deficit has led to a substantial among other things, an appropriate salary, excellent reduction in public sector funding which is leading to arrangements for leave, holidays and dismissal concerns about the ability of some parts of the public protection. There is an initiative law proposal aimed at sector to produce effective services.636 Most of the making the legal position of a civil servant similar to public sector already suffered major budget-cuts in that of an employee, for more information please refer 2009 and 2010. The current government wants to save to ‘Independence/Law’. The attractiveness of the EUR18 billion, EUR 6.5 billion is to be saved from the public sector is also reflected in the high number of governmental agencies, of which EUR 800 million will graduates who apply annually for the two-year trainee have to come from the ministries.637 This is being done programme which is offered by the ministries.641 In

634 Bandelow, N.C., Hoppe, R., Hoppe, T. and Woldendorp, J. (2011); tor=M6_2c, consulted 21May 2011. 635 Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010 p.7; eelsbeleid-rijksoverheid, consulted 3 September 2011. 636 ing-publieke-sector.dhtml;;, all consulted 11September 2011. 637, consulted 11 September 2011. 638, consulted 12 September 2011. 639 Bijlage Kerngegevens arbeidsmarkt 1996-2011. 640 Trendnota Arbeidszaken Overheid 2011 p.19-31 (Kamerstuk 32501 nr. 2). 641, consulted 14 September 2011.


2009 more than 2000 applications were received for be on public services. Due to the attractive employment the then available 169 traineeships.642 In 2011, 88 conditions for civil servants, the public sector is likely positions were available, compared to 155 in 2010 due to remain an attractive employer. The adequate salary to the drastic cuts in the state budget.643 The Dutch is an important safeguard in preventing civil servants government wants to have a competitive position on from making a little on the side. the labour market and has recently assessed the competitiveness of wages. The way the overall wages in the public sector have developed is similar to that in the INDEPENDENCE (LAW) private sector, with the average wages in the private sector being slightly above that of the public sector.644 To what extent is the independence of the public sector However, the wages of the higher-educated civil safeguarded by law? servants have fallen behind in the period of 1996- 2010. Wages of higher-educated civil servants Professional impartiality of civil servants increased by 39 percent during this period while the The Civil Servants Act (Ambtenarenwet) explicitly refers increase in the private sector was 58 percent.645 to the civil servant’s duty to refrain from any form of Transparency in the remuneration system is ensured expression which could, in all fairness, harm the proper with the applicable collective agreements being fulfilment of his position or the good fulfilment of available to the public. public service. The law allows a civil servant to be a member of a political party or a professional Satisfaction with public services association.647 Each civil servant is required to take the Although the government has tried to increase citizens’ pledge or the oath.648 By this pledge or oath, the civil satisfaction with the services it provides, research servants promise, among other things, that by being a shows that citizens are satisfied with the public ‘good civil servant’ they will be careful, upstanding and services with a 6.9 rating (scale 1-10), and when reliable and will not do anything which could harm the several organisations are involved (a chain) the prestige of the post.649 satisfaction level is slightly lower with a rating of 6.7. This appreciation has not gone up or down significantly Appointments and dismissals over the years. According to the respondents, these low Generally speaking, vacancies for civil servant’s levels of satisfaction are caused by the complex positions must be open to anybody.650 The uniform cooperation between government organisations and legal provisions and policies regarding the recruitment the effects this has on the quality of service.646 and appointment of civil servants seek to ensure their independence. The constitutional and practical role of Thus the public sector has adequate financial, the public service is to assist the government in infrastructural and human resources to effectively carry formulating policies, carrying out decisions and out its duties. It remains to be seen what the impact of administering public services for which they are the budget-cuts and the ageing of the civil service will responsible. Therefore, all administrations form part of

642, consulted 14 September 2011. 643, consulted 21 July 2011. 644 Trendnota Arbeidszaken Overheid 2011 p.24-25 (Kamerstuk 32501 nr. 2). 645 Ernest Berkhout, E., Heyma, A. and Werff, van der S. (2010). 646 Bijlstra, H. Kanne, P. and Zonjee, M. (2010). 647 Art.125a paragraph 1 and 2 Ambtenarenwet.

648 Art.51 Algemeen Rijksambtenarenreglement 25th of June 2010. 649, consulted 7 September 2011. 650 Art. 1 and 3 Grondwet and art. 4-14 Algemeen Rijksambtenarenreglement 25 June 2010.


the state and civil servants owe their loyalty to the Lobbying minister they serve. The provision for ZBOs only refers There are no provisions concerning lobbying. There is to incompatibilities of additional functions which are no public registry of lobbyists who are active in the undesirable considering the proper fulfilment of their premises of the Tweede Kamer or the ministries. tasks or the enforcement of (and confidence in) their Neither is there an obligation for civil servants to keep independence. A civil servant falling within the a record of whom they have spoken to. responsibility of a specific minister cannot be a There are broadly formulated laws seeking to ensure member of a ZBO.651 the independence of the public sector. However, they Due to their status, civil servants enjoy adequate do not cover all aspects of this independence. There is dismissal protection. Civil servants do not have an no duty to register as a lobbyist. agreement with an employer but are appointed. This appointment is considered an administrative decision, which means that the ministry needs to take the same INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) sort of decision to dismiss a civil servant. This is a form of dismissal protection, which was implemented to To what extent is the public sector free from external protect the civil servant from the arbitrary rulings of interference in its activities? newly-appointed ministers. Its aim was to assure an impartial and professional civil service by preventing Professional impartiality of civil servants civil servants having to adapt too much to changing Civil servants are allowed to be member of a political political views.652, 653 It might be that the special legal party. In practice, one-third of all civil servants are a status of ‘civil servant’ will soon be something of the member of a political party, while approximately only past. A bill proposed by two MPs aims to amend the three percent of the Dutch population is member of a Civil Servants Act to the extent that the legal position political party. There is some criticism from the of civil servants is to become equal to that of academic world about the politicisation of public employees who have a labour contract according to institutions, but this has not led to any broad political private law.654 The aim of this bill is to increase mobility or societal debate.657 There have been cases which of employees between the public and private sector involved civil servants’ professional (im)partiality. One and within the (semi) public sector. It was discussed in case, exposed by Wikileaks, concerned how senior the Tweede Kamer in June 2011 and is now in its officials at Dutch ministries and ministers used their consultation-phase, it remains to be seen whether it power for political purposes. In this case a senior civil will be accepted.655 In the current situation, a civil servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the servant can appeal a dismissal decision to the District Ministry of General Affairs tried to convince American Court and, as a last resort, appeal to the Central diplomats that they had to put pressure on the Dutch Appeals Tribunal (Centrale Raad voor Beroep) to review Vice-PM to prolong the Dutch military mission in the decision of the District Court.656 Afghanistan.658 In reality, the government collapsed

651 Art. 9 and 13 Kaderwet zelfstandige bestuursorganen. 652, consulted 4 September 2011. 653 Kamerstuk 32 550 nr.4 The Raad van State (Council of State) has, among other things, stressed the importance of ensuring the inde- pendence and impartiality of the civil servant. It advises MPs to pay attention to this aspect, which should not easily be overlooked. It explicitly refers to the effect this special status has on the integrity of civil servants and the importance to assure public confidence in governmental organisations. 654 Kamerstuk 32 550 nr.1. 655 Kamerstuk 32 550 nr.7. 656, consulted 12 September 2011. 657, consulted 3September 2011.


over the prolongation of that military mission. Another what developments in policy making are. From the recent case involved a senior official of the Ministry of lobbyists’ point of view, its best shot is to influence Infrastructure and Environment who publicly policy officers because this is the start of the law and announced her resignation because she felt she could policy making process. This is where they can have key no longer work on policies which were partly steered by influence. Once a law proposal is sent to the Tweede the populist party PVV. However, it is rare in the Kamer, it’s much harder to influence.663 Most Netherlands that a civil servant resigns because of the interviewees reaffirmed that lobbying is taking place on political direction of a (new) government.659 a large scale and is done predominantly in Brussels and at the ministries. Some consider lobbying to be a bad Appointments and dismissals thing under all circumstances, while others expressed In practice, appointments are generally believed to be the view that the information provided by lobbyists can fair but not always transparent. The appointments of be valuable.664 senior officials are believed to depend to a certain extent on political party membership (Please refer to Overall, civil servants and the public sector maintain a Transparency/Practice.) It is considered to be quite professional rather than political profile, but their difficult to dismiss a civil servant. The costs involved are capacity to withstand political pressures or business high. The Central Appeals Tribunal annually deals with interests is seriously tested. Other actors, for example around 1,000 civil servants’ cases. The government is lobbyists and interest groups, continuously try to said to be spending approximately EUR 426 million interfere with the activities of civil servants. It is annually on dismissal costs.660 There are a few known difficult to determine the extent to which this cases in which civil servants were replaced after a change influences the actual independence of the public in government. One case (1999) involved the secretary- sector. general of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Van Wijnbergen, whose critique of tax plans was not welcomed by the then-Minister of Economic Affairs TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) Jorritsma.661 The minister considered him to be a political obstacle and advised Van Wijnbergen to call in To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure sick. The secretary-general considered this situation to transparency in financial, human resource and be unworkable and ‘resigned’. He stated that if senior information management in the public sector? civil servants are considered to be a burden by the ministers, ministers make sure the civil servant leaves.662 Appointment procedure There are provisions regarding the selection and Lobbying appointment procedures for senior officials. The ‘Top The ministries are closely monitored by lobbyists. Management Group’ (TMG - includes secretary- Through informal networks they are kept up-to-date generals, director generals and inspector-generals of about issues such as the stage a law proposal is in or ministries) are appointed, dismissed and reappointed

659 over-invloed-PVV.dhtml, consulted 10 September 2011. 660, consulted 4 September 2011. 661, consulted 30September 2011. 662, consulted 30September 2011. 663 Interview with Anton Jansen, partner and lobby advisor at EPPA Politiek en Lobby Consultants, 19 May 2011; Heck, W., Luyendijk, J. and Verkade, T. (2010). p.4-5. 664 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the Socialist Party, 31 August 2011; Interview with Anton Jansen, partner and lobby advisor at EPPA Politiek en Lobby Consultants, 19 May 2011; Hulten, van M. (2011) p. 155-163.


by the Minister of BZK for a period of seven years. They (e.g. housing corporations, schools and hospitals) have are officially employed by this minister.665 According to to include these top incomes in their financial annual a former minister, the quality criteria have to be report and report, these digitally to the Ministry of determined and made public beforehand, ‘political BZK.670 The minister sends an overview of these top appointments do not play a role’ and vacancies are incomes to parliament annually before 31 December widely published and open to candidates with different regarding the previous year.671 Part of the backgrounds.666 The Framework Act ZBOs (Kaderwet recommendations stemming from the evaluation of the zelfstandige bestuursorganen) provides basic Wopt have resulted in the law proposal on the provisions regarding the selection and appointment of standardization of incomes of top officials.672 In members of the autonomous administrative authorities December 2011 this law proposal673 from the (ZBOs). The minister who is responsible for the specific government was adopted by the Tweede Kamer. In this ZBO appoints, suspends and dismisses its board proposal it is stated that the salary of these top officials members.667 The term for appointment of ZBO in the (semi)public sector can at maximum be 130 members is usually between four and six years, with percent of the salary of a minister. This norm is the possibility of one reappointment, although there considered to balance what is regarded as acceptable are exceptions applicable for some ZBOs.668 Because of by the public and what is high enough to attract the wide variety of these ZBOs, the law prescribes that qualified persons for these top positions in e.g. specific selection criteria for board members are to be ministries, education, public service broadcasting and found in the laws establishing the specific ZBO.669 building cooperatives.674 These (semi) public institutions each fall within one of the three regimes for Disclosure of financial information which a specified threshold is determined. Another The ‘Law on the disclosure of top incomes financed by provision prescribes the maximum-allowed dismissal public means’ (Wopt - Wet openbaarmaking uit payment of EUR 75,000 in the (semi)public sector. publieke middelen gefinancierde topinkomens) and All (semi) public institutions have to disclose the corresponding ministerial regulations determine which salaries of top officials with final responsibility. In 2012 incomes have to be disclosed. The top incomes earned the law proposal will be taken up by the Senate. If it is within legal entities or organisations which are adopted, it will become effective in January 2013 for financed entirely or for a large part with public means, contracts signed after its entry into force, and the Wopt or which are assigned, have to be disclosed if they will be incorporated into this new Act.675 The law gives exceed the average taxable annual income of a minister the Minister of BZK the competence to enforce the legal (the Wopt-norm). In 2010 the Wopt-norm was EUR income agreements. As a last resort, payments which 193,000, and public institutions (ministries and are prohibited according to this law can be taken from decentralised authorities) and semi-public institutions the employee.

665 Art.7 paragraph 4 Algemeen Rijksambtenarenreglement 25 June 2010. 666 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.22. 667 Art.12 Kaderwet zelfstandige bestuursorganen. 668 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.51. 669 By law ‘soft law’ is meant, hereby refering to Aanwijzing 124i paragraph 1of Aanwijzing voor de regelgeving Staatscourant 2005, 87; Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.52. 670 Rijksoverheid. (2011). Topinkomens overheid. 671 Art.9 Wet openbaarmaking uit publieke middelen gefinancierde topinkomens. 672 Brief van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties 2 september 2009. Kabinetsstandpunt inzake de evaluatie van de WOPT. 673 Wetsvoorstel Normering bezoldiging topfunctionarissen publieke en semipublieke sector Kamerstuk 32600 nr.2. 674 Nota naar aanleiding van het verslag Kamerstuk 32600 nr.8. 675 Rijksoverheid. (2011). Topinkomens overheid.


Other than the regulations concerning the disclosure of and about the results of procurement procedures. The income and additional functions, there are no contracting authority shall also motivate its decisions regulations requiring the disclosure of personal assets, and has to report each case in which an assignment is financial or business interests for senior officials in granted.677 The contracting authority either makes use public sector agencies. of the public or non-public procedure.678 A contracting authority presents the government’s assignments and Record-keeping and information management includes information regarding the requirements and The Archive Act (Archiefwet) prescribes that criteria of the assignment.679 When the non-public governmental organisations are responsible for the procedure is chosen, selected candidates are invited to management of their own records and archives. take part in the bidding process. The contracting Information should be easily accessible to civil authority has to make all relevant documentation servants, citizens, journalists, politicians and available.680 historians.676 There are provisions in place which allow the public to obtain information on relevant activities in the public There are comprehensive provisions on protecting the sector. privacy of personal data kept by the government. The Dutch Data Protection Act (Wbp - Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) prescribes that personal data can TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) be kept for as long as required to fulfil the goal for which they were collected. The Dutch Data Protection To what extent are the provisions on transparency in Authority (CBP - College Bescherming Persoons- financial, human resource and information management gegevens) supervises the fair and lawful use and in the public sector effectively implemented? security of personal data to ensure privacy. The Police Data Act (Wpg - Wet politiegegevens) and the Municipal Appointment procedure Database Personal Files Act (Wet GBA - Wet The Minister of BZK has firmly stated that ‘political gemeentelijke basisadministratie persoonsgegevens) appointment does not take place.681 In 2005 the all seek to protect the privacy of personal data kept by minister of BZK asked the Public Administration governmental organisations. Council (Rob - Raad voor het openbaar bestuur) to do research into the transparency of appointment Public Procurement procedures in public administration.682 This research There is not one integrated national framework for concluded that recruitment and appointment public procurement in the Netherlands. Since 2006 the procedures for TMG are uniform and transparent. legislature has been working on a Public Procurement Vacancies and profiles are made public as soon as they Act (Aanbestedingswet). The new law proposal are ready, and in principle they are open to anybody. prescribes that a contracting authority is required to The Rob did advise that the departments and publish notices both before carrying out procurement management try to prevent a too -homogeneous

676 Art. 14 Archiefwet 1995. 677 Art. 1.17 and chapter 1.4 of the ‘Nieuwe regels omtrent aanbestedingen’ (Aanbestedingswet 20..);Nota van Wijziging; art. 6 Wet imple- mentatie rechtsbeschermingsrichtlijnen aanbesteden. 678 Art. 28 Besluit aanbestedingsregels voor overheidsopdrachten. 679 Art. 29 paragraph 3 Besluit aanbestedingsregels voor overheidsopdrachten. 680 Art. 40 Besluit aanbestedingsregels voor overheidsopdrachten. 681 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.25. 682 Letter from Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations dated 13January 2005. In this letter the minister remarks that the request for an investigation is also the result of a motion of two MPs (Van Gent and Eerdmans) who asked for greater transparency in appoint- ment procedures as well and Kamerstukken II 2003-2003, 28600 VII, nr. 27.


composition of the top of the civil service (religious, were both member of the same political party did not ideological and political interests).683 The government help either.688 The National Ombudsman called for a decided not to take up this recommendation exactly code of conduct for appointment to public functions. because political party membership is not considered Members of ZBOs are appointed by the Crown at the to be a criterion.684 Although officially political recommendation of the minister.689 In some of the laws positions are said not to be a matter in the selection establishing the specific ZBO more specific selection and appointment of senior officials, some professors criteria for board members can be found.690 have expressed their conviction that the membership of a political party does play a role in the appointments Disclosure of financial information of senior officials in practice. It is said to be a In 2011 and 2010, 97 percent of institutions indicated determining factor for the appointment of civil servants whether they had officials employed in the previous at the level just below these senior officials as well.685 year whose income had to be disclosed under the Wopt. Another academic maintained that political For 2010, 470 organisations reported a total of 2,165 appointments are still very common in public officials, of which 51 were government officials.691 The administration.686 average income was EUR 234,191. For 2009, 503 In 2006 the National Ombudsman scrutinised the organisations reported a total of 2,232 officials, of appointment to the chair of the Committee on Tariffs which 49 were government officials who earned a top in Healthcare (CTG - College Tarieven Gezondheids- income exceeding that of a minister.692 The media zorg) after he had received a complaint about this regularly reports on high incomes of managers and appointment.687 The Minister of Healthcare, Welfare senior officials in the (semi)public sector.693 In practice, and Sport allegedly had brought the vacancy for this many senior officials of (semi)public organisations earn position to the attention of a candidate prior to the more than the Dutch Prime Minister. These high official procedure. According to the National incomes are regularly the subject of parliamentary Ombudsman, the minister should have prevented this debates and are a topic of public debate.694 The 2009 appearance of partiality since the minister is also in evaluation of the Wopt indicated that it has been charge of appointment to the chair. The fact that they effective in reaching its goal.695

683 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.27. 684 Kamerstukken II 2006-2007, 30800 VII, nr.25. 685 The professors cited on p.25 and 26 of Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006) are Daalder and others. Niessen states that the appointments procedures do not exclude political appointments. 686 The professor referred to is Baakman in and in Baakman, N. (2003). De Nomenklatoera in Nederland. 687 In October 2006 the CTG became part of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa –Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit). 688, consulted 10 September 2011. 689 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.50. 690 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (2006). p.52. 691 Rijksoverheid (2011) Wopt Rapportage 2011 over 2010. P.2. 692 Rijksoverheid (2010) Wopt Rapportage 2010 over 2009. 693 ‘Beloningscode zorg mislukt; Salarissen ziekenhuisbestuurders ondanks afspraken nog altijd ver boven eigen norm’ (2011). Het Financiële Dagblad, p.1; ‘Lager inkomen voor bestuurders in het onderwijs’ in de Volkskrant 16 June 2011 p.11. 694 Vragen van het lid Arib (PvdA) aan de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport over het topinkomenvan de bestuursvoorzitter

van Sanquin Bloedbanken (2009Z13915) of the 14th of July 2009 and Vragen van het Kamerlid Leijten (SP) over topsalarissen van

ziekenhuisbestuurders (2010Z11428) of the 3rd of August 2010. 695 Brief van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties 2 september 2009. Kabinetsstandpunt inzake de evaluatie van de WOPT.


A recent study has shown that transparency does not dealt with and archived in the digital era.700 Among automatically lead to a greater trust of citizens in the other things, a selection list was to be developed to government. It is of foremost importance that ensure effective selection and archiving. information be up-to-date, easy to understand and complete.696 There is an increase in data on citizens held by the government, for instance regarding medical Besides transparency regarding the income of senior information, finger prints, CCTV recordings and officials, there is no disclosure in practice of personal passenger information. This has led to public debate assets or financial or business interests of senior on whether this information should be kept and officials in public sector agencies because they are not whether it is kept safely.701 In 2009 the CBP concluded obliged to do so. that governmental organisations trifle with personal data of citizens in their attempt to be transparent and Record-keeping and information management customer-friendly by making information readily- The amount of governmental information has available.702 On Data Protection Day in 2011, the CBP increased over the years. The way governmental called upon government organisations and businesses information is archived is not as effective as the to put more efforts into the protection of privacy.703 government would like to see. There is a serious backlog in the selection of information and the Public Procurement management of the archives.697 According to the AR, According to one of the interviewees, contracting the government has not been successful in developing authorities are still hesitant to openly justify the an effective approach towards the valuing and selection considerations which are part of their decisions in of information which would contribute to its public procurement procedures. They fear that the sustainable management.698 Increasingly, information more grounds they provide for granting or not granting is becoming digitally available, and therefore a an order, the more these arguments can be challenged fundamental change in the approach of selecting and in legal proceedings.704 In particular for large projects managing information needs to be put in place. In the criteria to award a project until recently December 2010 the Minister of Education, Culture and discriminated against small and medium companies. Science (OCW - Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap) Size of the company and the quality required were used presented a new selection approach for governmental at their detriment. information through which archiving should be improved and information should become available Transparency on top incomes is assured. Nearly all faster.699 In June 2011 the ‘Archive Vision’(Archiefvisie) institutions which were asked to report on their top was presented, which addressed the way information is incomes responded by reporting the salaries paid to

696 Trouw. (2012). ‘Openheid kan averechts werken als burger ziet wat er fout gaat’. 697 Bijlage bij Nota Waarderen en selecteren van archieven in het informatietijdperk (NA/10/6.639)17 December 2010 p.2. 698 Kamerstukken II, 2009–2010, 32 307, nrs. 1-2, Algemene Rekenkamer, Informatiehuishouding van het Rijk (2010) p.33. 699 Brief van de staatssecretaris van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap en de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties ‘Selectieaanpak archieven’ 17 December 2010. 700 Brief van de staatssecretaris van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap en de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

‘Arhiefvisie’ 30th of June 2011. 701, consulted 30 September 2011. 702 Het Parool. (2009). ‘Overheid is laks met privacy.’ 703 CBP (2011). Beveiliging persoonsgegevens vergt grotere inzet bedrijfsleven en overheid. 704 Interview with Henk Wijnen, projectmanager at PIANOo, Public Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, 16 May 2011.


these officials. Transparency of human resources and members are appointed by royal decree by the Minister information management in the public sector is not of BZK for a period of four years. A whistle-blower will entirely adequate. In practice, there is no clear picture first have to report the issue to his manager, and if of the extent to which political party affiliation of he/she feels that the concern is not being taken (senior) civil servants plays a role in their appointment. seriously or is not adequately dealt with, the whistle- However, the current system for record-keeping is not blower can turn to the CIO. If necessary, a civil servant efficient and is therefore less accessible to the public. can also report directly to the CIO.710 The CIO will Companies do not always receive adequate information normally organise a hearing between the whistle- on the decision in a tender because of contracting blower and his employer to exchange views, after parties’ hesitancy to provide a clear motivation. which CIO will give an ruling.

A majority of the Tweede Kamer wants an independent ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) commission with thorough procedures and independent investigations.711 One MP has drafted an To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure initiative law proposal of a Whistle-Blower’s Act that public sector employees have to report and be (Klokkenluiderswet) which will be voted on in 2012. answerable for their actions? This proposal includes the establishment of an independent whistle-blowers institute. In this Whistle-blower regulations proposal, the institute will be a ‘House for Whistle- The Civil Servants Act prescribes that further Blowers’ and it is to be based at the bureau of the procedures need to be in place which detail how a civil National Ombudsman. It is supposed to be a ‘refuge’ servant should deal with the suspicion of abuses within for whistle-blowers from the public and private his organisation.705 In 2010, the ‘Decree on reporting sectors, and financial means would be available for all suspicions of abuse at the Government and the Police’ costs arising out of the reporting, e.g. costs for legal (Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en proceedings, costs resulting out of the loss of Politie)706 came into force, which is a revised whistle- income.712 blower regulation, applicable to the national government sector and the police. Its aim is to promote Complaint procedures the reporting and detection of abuses in the public The General Administrative Law Act (Awb - Algemene sector. It is also aimed at preventing any damaging wet bestuursrecht) provides the general statutory effects or disadvantages following reporting abuse.707 provision to complain about the conduct of a A whistle-blower can turn to the external Commission bestuursorgaan.713 Ministers and ZBOs are considered on Integrity (CIO - Commissie integriteit overheid).708 to be such a bestuursorgaan, and complaints about This commission can investigate reports, and it advises their conduct can be based on this provision. The the competent authority as to its findings.709 Its complaint should be dealt with within six weeks, or -

705 Art. 125quinquies paragraph 2 sub f Ambtenarenwet. 706 Besluit van 15 december 2009, houdende een regeling voor het melden van een vermoeden van een misstandbij de sectoren Rijk en Politie. 707 Chapter 4 of the Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie. 708 Chapter 2 and art. 17 of the Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie. 709 sregeling-rijk-en-politie.html, consulted 25 August 2011. 710 Art. 9 paragraph 1of the Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie. 711 Binnenlands Bestuur. (2011). Kamer blokkeert plan klokkenluiders.

712 Interview with Ronald van Raak, MP for the Socialist Party, 31st August 2011. 713 Art. 9:1 Algemene wet bestuursrecht.


as an exception - within ten weeks.714 Both sides finances and materials, the accounting records kept for should be heard.715 Also, most ministries and ZBOs that management and the financial information in the have their own regulations in place regarding the annual reports.723 handling of complaints.716 Complaints should first be filed at the administrative body which made the Adequate provisions are in place seeking to ensure that decision.717 The bestuursorgaan is obliged to register civil servants have to report and be answerable for their the written complaints it received and to publish actions, although the current provisions for whistle- figures concerning complaints annually.718 General blowers seems to be meagre. complaints about governmental organisations can be made at Postbus 51, which is a governmental Members of the CIO are appointed by the Minister of information and complaints desk. If the complaint has BZK, making it not entirely independent, and the not been adequately dealt with by the administrative protection offered to whistle-blowers also seems to be body, it can then be made before the National not safeguarded now that whistle-blowers have to Ombudsman. (For more information, please refer to the report integrity violations internally before seeking Report on the National Ombudsman.) refuge externally, whereupon the CIO seeks to invite both parties in case of a report of an integrity violation. Criminalisation As far as criminal liability is concerned, the scope of who is considered to be ‘civil servant’ is broader than ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) the definition used in the Civil Servants Act. The criminal definition of civil servant also includes e.g. To what extent do public sector employees have to members of representative organs (for example, MPs) report and be answerable for their actions in practice? of national and local government, and the armed forces.719 Civil servants can be charged with bribery, Whistle-blowing in practice abuse of office, embezzlement and violation of official A 2010 government report stated that the 2010 secrecy.720 There is a legal duty for civil servants to Whistle-Blower Regulation was more accessible to immediately report a crime which they become aware whistle-blowers. Protection is offered from damages of while carrying out their job. If there is relevant arising out of their reporting, and reporting can be documentation regarding this crime, it is to be handed done confidentially.724 over to the public prosecutor.721 This duty does equally However, the Whistle-Blower Regulation is considered exist for legal persons (organisations).722 to be ineffective by academics, the media and the public. The Expert Group of Whistle-Blowers believes Audit that persons wanting to report do not have confidence Ministries are required to have an internal audit in the CIO. This group of experts says it has received 6 regarding, among other things, their management of reports itself, among which are fraud cases which

714 Art. 9:11 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 715 Art. 9:10 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 716, consulted 12 September 2011. 717 Art. 6:4 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 718 Art. 9:12a Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 719 Art. 84 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 720 Art. 362, 363, 365, 359 and 272 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 721 Art. 162 paragraph 1 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 722 Art. 162 paragraph 4 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 723 Art. 66 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 724 Trendnota Arbeidszaken Overheid 2011 p.42 (Kamerstuk 32501 nr. 2).


concern tens of millions of euros.725 During 2002- Zaken).732 The total number of complaints received by 2007 43 reports of abuses were made to the CIO, 33 of the National Ombudsman which concerned ministries which were rejected right away, 10 cases of which have was 294 in 2010, compared to a total of 187 in 2009.733 been taken on, and 7 of which were investigated (For more information, please refer to Report on further, but none resulted in the whistle-blower being National Ombudsman/Practice.) vindicated.726 In practice, this new regulation does not seem to be an improvement compared to previous Criminalisation ones. Several researchers have pointed out the It is impossible to paint an overall picture of the extent weaknesses in Dutch whistle-blower regulations.727 to which civil servants have been reported for The CIO is believed to play no role whatsoever in wrongdoing, the overall figures regarding disciplinary investigating abuses or providing adequate protection action taken or the number of convictions. In 2008 against reprisals.728 Civil servants are not familiar with research was carried out into civil servants’ duty to the CIO and do not have confidence in it. Only civil report crimes. It was concluded that in practice it is not servants who are still employed or who left no longer clear for which crimes this duty is applicable. Neither is than 2 years ago can report abuses.729 Additionally, the it clear in practice who is considered to be a ‘civil regulation only applies to the public sector, while servant’ and which actions are considered to be a ‘civil abuses often involve the public and private sectors. The servant crime’ (ambtsmisdrijf). According to the guarantee that the whistle-blower’s identity is not statutory provision, this is meant to include members disclosed is not always enforced in practice.730 (For an of ZBOs and/or external staff hired by the (semi)public example, please refer to Report on Law Enforcement sector. In practice, these persons do not consider Agencies/Integrity Practice.) In the Netherlands there themselves to be civil servants, let alone know about are a few well-known whistle-blowers. However, the this duty to report crimes.734 At the time of this price they had to pay was high: they were fired and research 80 percent of civil servants were unaware of some have been unable to find a new job.731 Recently this duty to report. The awareness differed among compensation was paid by the government to some of public sector organisations; those involved in law them. enforcement were more aware, as were the larger national governmental organisations. Civil servants in Complaint procedures charge of management were also better informed than An overview for each ministry as to the number of those involved with executive tasks.735 According to complaints received is not easily found except for that the research, there is uncertainty about whether of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa - Buitenlandse organisations will report a crime once internal

725, consulted 12 September 2011; Interview held with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7June 2011. 726 Evaluatie klokkenluidersregelingen publieke sector, Universiteit Utrecht, Departement Bestuurs en organisatiewetenschap, April 2008. p.74. 727 Interview held with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7 June 2011 and Binnenlands Bestuur (2011).Klokkenluiders Kaltgestellt. 728 Bovens, M. and Pikker, G. (2010). p.41-42. 729 Ibid., p.41; art. 9 and 10 Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie. 730 Ibid., p.41; art. 11 Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie.

731 Episode of Zembla of the 23rd of December 2009; out, consulted 19 August 2011;, consulted 12 September. 732 Rijksoverheid. (2010). Publicatie klachtenoverzicht Buitenlandse Zaken 2010. 733 De Nationale Ombudsman. (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.149. 734 Cornelissens, A., Ferwerda, H. and Vries Robbé, de E. (2008). p. 89. 735 Ibid., p.90.


investigation confirms that there is ‘crime of office’. vital information from or misleading law enforcement The research suggests that there is a large ‘dark officials.740 The total number of disciplinary sanctions number’ concerning ‘crimes of office’.736 This was in 2010 was 346 (compared to 295 in 2009), of which somewhat confirmed by the Dutch news broadcasting 57 were conditional sanctions.741 The disciplinary programme RTL Nieuws, which sent a Wob-request to sanctions taken were: 19 governmental organisations (ministries and local municipalities) to ask for the figures on integrity Type of disciplinary violations in 2009 and 2010. Of the total of 934 serious procedure Number integrity violations (among which were fraud, theft and corruption), 411 concerned serious violations and Written reprimand 132 possible criminal offences, of which only 36 were Criminal dismissal 97 (of which 20 reported.737 It is unclear how many of the 411 cases were conditional) were clearly criminal offences, for which there is a duty Reduction of holiday to report and which were not already part of a criminal leave 40 investigation.738 The disciplinary procedures which Financial redress 48 were taken varied from a dismissal to a reprimand. Transfer 14 According to the Ministry of Defence, it would be too Other 15 time-consuming to review all documents in order to provide information on the actions taken following Source: Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010 p.28 these violations.739 The separate figures for the Ministry of Defence in Other data available are the figures on integrity 2010 are: 168 cases of alleged integrity violations, of violations in ministries (excluded are the Ministry of which 107 were confirmed. In 2009 there were 113 Defence and the ZBOs). In 2010, 959 alleged integrity cases of alleged integrity violations, of which 72 were violations were reported, of which 566 were confirmed confirmed. In 2010, 50 were of a financial nature and (compared to 530 in 2009). Of the integrity violations, 45 concerned the abuse of resources and violating 118 cases involved the misuse of (financial) resources, internal rules.742 27 cases concerned the abuse of power and conflict- The assessment of the Rijksrecherche of the of-interest and 22 involved the abuse of competencies. occurrence of bribery among officials of government One case was reported as being an ‘abuse according to and public administration (CBA) indicated that the the Whistle-Blower Regulation’, referring to an abuse highest number of reports and investigations of bribery which posed a serious risk to public health, the in the public sector are at national governmental environment or safety or else knowingly withholding level.743

736 Ibid., p. 91-92. 737 aangifte-ambtenaren.xml, consulted 24 December 2011and van-interne-integriteitsschendingen/, consulted 24 December 2011. 738 Brief van de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties van 13 december 2011 over ‘informatie over onderzoek RTL Nieuws naar integriteitsschendingen’. 739 aangifte-ambtenaren.xml; rijkingsonderdelen/integriteitsbeleid-overheidsinstanties.xml, both consulted 11 September 2011. 740 Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010 p.27; Binnenlands bestuur (2010). Veel ambtenaren zwijgen over veiligheidsrisico. 741 Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010 p.28. 742 743 Rijksrecherche (2010). Niet voor persoonlijk gebruik! Omkoping van ambtenaren in de civiele openbare sector. p.29.


Audit INTEGRITY (BY LAW) Until 2008, every ministry had its own auditing service. From that moment on the auditing services became To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure more centralised. Now five ministries and a ZBO are the integrity of public sector employees? affiliated with the Central Audit Service (RAD - Rijksauditdienst) and this government audit service Integrity provisions carries out their internal audits.744 Overall, the audit Apart from the Criminal Code, which criminalises both system (internal and external) functions well. In the active and passive bribery, the central piece of opinion of auditors from the AR, internal auditors integrity-ensuring legislation for the public sector is seems to be less critical in their judgments compared the Civil Servants Act (Ambtenarenwet), which to judgments used by the AR because the internal prescribes that civil servants have to act as a ‘good civil auditors are closer to the ministries. According to the servant’.747 experts, ‘the glass is half full, while the AR considers it From this ‘good civil servantship’ neglect of duty is to be half empty’. derived and includes violations of any regulation and The experts believe that a completely different the doing or refraining from doing something which a message is delivered from the judgments given in an good civil servant under similar circumstances is internal audit.745 A ministry’s first reaction is that there supposed to do or refrain from doing.748 is no need to take further action. The AR then has to Since 2006 a ‘good employer’ has had to ensure that convince that ministry that it has to make sure to put conditions are created which stimulate acting with its affairs in order.746 integrity by pursuing an integrity policy, which includes a mandatory integrity code of conduct, which aims at The extent to which civil servants have to report and be stimulating good conduct on the part of civil servants. answerable for their actions is moderate. Although 749 At the minimum, such an employer should pay there is a Whistle-Blower Regulation in place, which attention to stimulating integrity awareness and establishes that reports about integrity violations can preventing the abuse of competencies, conflict-of- be done at the CIO, it is weak and has proven to be interest and discrimination.750 Civil servants are ineffective to protect whistle-blowers, and so it has not required to take an oath or pledge when they are stimulated the reporting of abuses. The same can be appointed.751 said about the legal duty to report abuses; in practice Additionally, side-functions of civil servants need to be the number of reports remains low. Nevertheless, the reported and registered.752 In 2008 a model for the ministries do take disciplinary actions in case of uniform registration of integrity violations became integrity violations, and most ministries were able to effective.753 There also exists a whistle-blower provide the figures on that. Internal audit and regulation for the governmental and police sectors.754 corresponding review by external audit seems to be (For more information on this regulation, please refer working well. to Accountability.)

744, consulted 11September 2011. 745 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior auditors at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 746 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior Auditors at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 747 Lamboo, T. and Hoekstra, A. (2009) p.36. 748 Ibid. 749 Ibid. 750 Art. 125quater sub a and c Ambtenarenwet.

751 Art. 125quinquies paragraph 1 sub a Ambtenarenwet; art. 51 Algemeen Rijksambtenarenreglement 25th of June 2010. 752 Art. 125quinquies paragraph 1 sub f and paragraph 3 Ambtenarenwet. 753 Lamboo, T. and Hoekstra, A. (2009) p.39. 754 Art. 125quinquies paragraph 1 sub b, c and d Ambtenarenwet; Besluit melden vermoeden van misstand bij Rijk en Politie.


All civil servants are subject to a restriction on There are adequate provisions in place or in accepting gifts. A civil servant fulfilling the duties of preparation to ensure the integrity of civil servants. office is only permitted to accept a gift or reward if These provisions are aimed at ensuring the integrity of explicit approval is given by the minister.755 It is civil servants, but do not focus as much on preventing mandatory that this integrity policy be integrated into corruption. staff (HR) policy by using it during performance reviews and meetings, and by offering integrity education and training.756 INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE)

The Minister of BZK, as coordinating minister, is also To what extent is the integrity of public sector responsible for those aspects of management and employees ensured in practice? personnel policies which are applicable to the entire government sector. The minister has to account BZK research annually for the integrity policy he pursues to the Every other year the Ministry of BZK carries out research Tweede Kamer.757 The Minister of BZK has a systemic among the civil servants of thirteen governmental responsibility for the quality of public administration. branches. In 2006 and 2008, one out of seven civil The primary responsibility for achieving results lies servants indicated that they did not trust the integrity with (lower) authorities or the ZBO. ZBOs are required of their own organisation. to take care of their own integrity policy. The Minister This research showed that, with regard to the aspects of BZK should be able to provide insights into the of open culture and expressing criticism, the situation operational management of these organisations, which had not improved. Civil servants did indicate that includes integrity policy. integrity concerns could be addressed without negative consequences.760 Members of ZBOs are required to report and disclose their side-functions to the ZBO and to the responsible Audit by AR minister.758 In 2011 the Code of Good Governance for In 2009 the AR audited the concern for integrity at the Public Services Providers (Code Goed Bestuur Publieke (then) thirteen ministries and six governmental Dienstverleners) was revised.759 agencies.761 The AR concluded that nine out of the thirteen ministries showed progress in their concern Provisions now seek, among other things, to create for safeguarding integrity, though in general risk more transparency about the salaries of ZBO’s board analysis was still a weak spot and there were gaps in members, to identify situations of conflict-of-interest the uniform registration of integrity violations. Part of by board members, and to specify financial reporting its audit was a survey on the perception of integrity. provisions. Many civil servants claimed not to be familiar with the This instrument is self-regulatory, and is mainly used integrity provisions. In particular, they were unfamiliar for stimulating good governance. There are no specific with the procedures on ‘revolving door’ employment enforcement mechanisms. and the rules on dealing with company resources.

755 Art. 64 paragraph 1 Algemeen Rijksambtenarenreglement 25 June 2010. 756 Art. 125quater sub b Ambtenarenwet. 757 Art. 125quater sub d Ambtenarenwet. 758 Art. 13 paragraph 2 and 3 Kaderwet zelfstandige bestuursorganen. 759 Code Goed Bestuur Publieke Dienstverleners. Among the members of the Handvestgroep Publiek Verantwoorden are: Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg, Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst, Prorail and UWV. The Handvestgroep Publiek Verantwoorden explicitly calls upon other ZBO’s to apply the Code as well. 760 Lamboo, T. and Hoekstra, A. (2009) p.39. 761 Algemene Rekenkamer. (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009.


The following figures (in percentages) from the AR report show the extent to which civil servants were familiar with integrity provisions:

Procedure Procedure is It is known that Procedure exists Procedure is not known procedure exists and is complied with complied with and is effective

Additional functions/ 11 48 31 10 financial interests Gifts and invitations 6 41 39 15

‘Revolving door’ 49 30 17 4 employment Declarations 4 34 44 18

Dealing with 35 32 27 6 company resources

Source: Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009. p.36

The audit showed that, besides the ‘hard controls’ Concerns (e.g. rules and codes of conduct), it is important that A few experts have noted that it is important for further attention be paid to so-called ‘soft controls’. public sector organisations not to focus too much on It is important for the public sector be active as a compliance with rules and regulations. Focussing on ‘good employer’ (goed werkgeverschap). Such ‘hard controls’ brings with it the risk of provisions exemplary conduct involves dilemma training and becoming ‘tick boxes’ and attention shifting from continuous and visible investment in the considering whether there is a real conflict-of- organisational culture. interest to comply with the rules.763 Instead of formal provisions, there should be a focus on integrity This focus is supposed to be a prerequisite for a culture strategies regarding moral leadership and in which it is common to discuss alleged integrity professional ethics.764 The AR stated in its audit that violations, for adequate protection of whistle-blowers, upholding integrity will come under pressure as a and for a working environment in which integrity is consequence of reorganisations and changes in the integrated into all aspects of ministry operations. A tasks of public institutions.765 Especially when minority of civil servants regarded the exemplary integrity policies are considered not to directly conduct and ethical steering of their manager to be contribute to primary service-providing, it is easy to positive. In one out of three civil servants cases subject justify budget-cuts being made.766 Experts from the to the 2010 assessment by the Rijksrecherche, the AR expressed their concern about the large state culture within the organisation played a role in the budget-cuts and the effect these might have on the alleged integrity violation/corruption.762 implementation of integrity policies, because these

762 Rijksrecherche (2010) p.18. 763 Interview with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7 June 2011. 764 Ibid. 765 Algemene Rekenkamer. (2010). Stand van zaken Integriteitszorg Rijk 2009 p.9. 766 Hoekstra, A. and Kaptein M. (2011) p.18.


are then considered to be less of a priority.767 Another a more systemic character. In July 2011 an investigation expert maintained that more and more civil servants are was started into the alleged public corruption committed advised not to take on new additional functions or to by an employee of a foundation in the education sector. continue with their current ones, because of the The alleged corruption concerned public procurement appearance of conflict-of-interest. This expert for the construction of a school.771 In that same month a considers this to be a negative development because senior official of UWV (the executive agency for society is in need of well-qualified individuals active in employees’ insurance) allegedly earned several hundred civil society.768 These effects go beyond the original aim thousands of euros by hiring staff from his own of integrity policy, and have the risk of even undermining company, thereby creating a conflict-of-interest.772 it. Many alleged integrity violations concern civil servants in the Ministry of Defence. Here corruption incidents Integrity violations concerning abuse of power and sexual harassment were The figures provided in ‘Accountability/Practice’ show reported.773 that integrity is not entirely ensured in practice because In October 2011 the media reported on civil servants of incidents do occur. On the other hand, a well- the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and functioning integrity system ensures that incidents do Environment (VROM - Volkshuisvesting Ruimtelijke become known. Research has indicated that the Ordening en Milieubeheer) who had intentionally awareness of integrity policies and of the duty for civil provided inaccurate information about the quantity of servants to report abuses is low.769 However, it is asbestos on board the contaminated Mexican chemical difficult to conclude from this whether the integrity of tanker Otapan, which had been towed to Turkey to be civil servants has increased or decreased. If a public dismantled there.774 In 2006 these civil servants had sector organisation becomes more aware of integrity, deliberately falsified the formal paperwork to prevent an this can automatically lead to more reporting of expensive clean-up by indicating that the amount of integrity violations, and thereby the number of asbestos was 1,000 kilograms, while the actual amount integrity violations will increase. Such an organisation of asbestos was 77,000 kilograms. Nevertheless, the OM will seem to be more sensitive to integrity violations decided not to prosecute these civil servants because than organisations where less attention is paid to the they had not committed this in return for private gain, topic of integrity. This phenomenon is referred to as and because they acted as a collective. The Dutch state the ‘integrity paradox’.770 could not be prosecuted either because of its Taking this into account, there are regular reports in the immunity.775 The state secretary of Environment was media about integrity violations committed by civil called to the Tweede Kamer and stated that it was servants. Some seem to concern individual misconduct, irrelevant whether the former state secretary of and in other cases the integrity violations seem to have Environment knew about the misleading information. It

767 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all Senior Auditors at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 768 Interview with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7June 2011. 769 Evaluatie klokkenluidersregelingen publieke sector, Universiteit Utrecht, Departement Bestuurs en organisatiewetenschap, April 2008; Cornelissens, A., Ferwerda, H. and Vries Robbé, de E. (2008) p. 89. 770 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2005). Integriteit en Integritisme. Wie de schoen past… p.21. 771, consulted 12September. 772, consulted 12 September. 773, consulted 12September. 774 komen-er-te-makkelijk-vanaf.dhtml, consulted 25October 2011. 775 komen-er-te-makkelijk-vanaf.dhtml, consulted 25October 2011.


is not yet known whether disciplinary actions have been important. The Minister of BZK is responsible for taken towards these civil servants. The public sector has coordinating and promoting integrity policies in the taken on a rather adequate approach towards ensuring public sector. Strictly speaking, there is no public the integrity of its civil servants. However, the poor education on corruption. The initiatives to raise Whistle-Blower Regulation (Accountability) on the one awareness about integrity are mostly focussed on the hand and the lack of attention to organisational culture public sector and to a lesser extent on corruption; the and moral leadership on the other hand create a Minister of VJ is responsible for the latter. situation which is not yet comprehensive. In practice, the prosecution of civil servants who commit crimes is not BIOS always adequately ensured. Additionally, the risk that The Dutch National Office for Promoting Ethics and integrity policies will become less of a priority because Integrity in the Public Sector (BIOS) supports and assists of state budget-cuts and reorganisation make the public sector organisations with developing and situation more vulnerable. implementing their integrity policies and ethics.779 This is done via workshops, conferences and free provision of integrity instruments, e.g. a manual about conflict-of- PUBLIC EDUCATION interest. BIOS, the Integrity Office of the Municipality of Amsterdam and the AR have jointly developed the Self- To what extent does the public sector inform and Assessment INTegrity (SAINT) Monitor’, a self- educate the public about its role in fighting corruption? assessment instrument for integrity for public sector organisations.780 BIOS actively monitors national and Public education international developments in the area of integrity, Government institutions do not run any educational tracks national and international best practices, and activities for the general public about corruption- participates in research projects. In doing so, it strives to related issues. This might be due to the fact that there provide all governmental organisations with useful is no general impression to be found in academic knowledge. Until recently BIOS’ focus was on the literature, or expressed by the experts interviewed, integrity of the civil service, but it is now considering the about whether corruption is viewed as a widespread or integrity of public officials (e.g. mayors and municipal isolated phenomenon in the Netherlands,776 although councillors) as well.781 BIOS is entirely subsidised by the there are researchers who believe that the Netherlands Ministry of BZK. It is yet to be seen what the future of is underestimating the size and nature of corruption.777 BIOS will be. Between 2004-2007 the topic of integrity (For more information, please refer to Corruption was a priority of the ministry, partly due to the individual Profile.) However, the government prefers to focus on minister’s commitment. The current government has set the preventive approach instead of the repressive other priorities in its coalition agreement, and it is approach, i.e. on integrity rather than on corruption.778 therefore uncertain what the long-term future for BIOS There is a widely-shared belief that integrity is looks like.782

776 Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Nelen, J.M. (2005). 777 Hulten, van M. (2002). 778 Interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor and Researcher and Suzanne Verheij, Senior Policy Advisor both at CAOP/BIOS, the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector, 24May 2011; Hulten, van M. (2011) p. 146-150. 779, consulted 13 September 2011; Lamboo, T. and Hoekstra, A. (2009) p.42. 780, consulted 13 September 2011. 781 nieuws/details/bestuurders-maken-integriteitdilemmas-bespreekbaar.html, consulted 13 September 2011. 782 Interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor and Researcher and Suzanne Verheij, Senior Policy Advisor both at CAOP/BIOS, the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector, 24 May 2011.


Agentschap NL While the public sector is somewhat active in educating Agentschap NL is an agency which falls under the Dutch the public on corruption, its efforts are generally Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and limited and do not include citizens’ roles in fighting Innovation (EL&I - Economische Zaken, Landbouw en corruption. Innovatie) and it is the point of contact for businesses. It advises, among other things, about international Cooperation with public institutions, CSOs and private business.783 Only very briefly does it refer to corruption agencies in preventing/addressing corruption practices abroad which Dutch entrepreneurs have to be aware of when trading and/or investing there.784 Its To what extent does the public sector work with public message to entrepreneurs is that large-scale watchdog agencies, business and civil society on anti- corruption should always be refrained from, but when corruption initiatives? it concerns facility payments, contact needs to be sought with the embassy or other entrepreneurs. In Apart from the Platform Corruption Prevention (please 2011/12 workshops (organised by EVD and MVO refer to Pillar Executive/Legal system), no well-known Netherlands) have been held on corruption in which initiatives of public sector agencies working with public case studies and experiences were shared.785 watchdog agencies, businesses or civil society on anti- corruption matters have taken place. On its website some country profiles include a warning about specific corrupt practices businesses might be The public sector does not actively work together with confronted with.786 watchdog agencies, businesses and CSOs on anti- No information was found on whether training has corruption initiatives. been provided to SMEs to raise awareness on corruption. Reduce Corruption Risks by Safeguarding Integrity in Public Procurement Meld Misdaad Anoniem By calling Meld Misdaad Anoniem (‘Report Crimes To what extent is there an effective framework in place Anonymously’) or ‘M.’ a person can pass on to safeguard integrity in public procurement procedures, information about crime anonymously. M. is meant for including meaningful sanctions for improper conduct by people who have information about crime who do not both suppliers and public officials, and review and dare to inform the police personally because of fear of complaint mechanisms? reprisals or confrontation with the perpetrator. It explicitly refers to reporting integrity violations and is The various governmental organisations spend considered to be part of government integrity enormous amounts of money annually. Besides the policies.787 building and usage of their own offices, they are also Several campaigns have tried to raise public awareness the principal contractors for infrastructural works. The of its existence via e.g. messages on TV and radio. government therefore forms an important market However, so far no specific campaign has been held force. Civil servants have to decide about these aimed at raising public awareness regarding the expenditures. In situations where a civil servant has to possibility of reporting integrity violations and/or decide about buying products and services, it is corrupt practices. possible that favouritism can occur. To be able to

783, consulted 13 September 2011.

784, consulted the 30th of December 2011.

785, consulted the 30th of December 2011. 786 787 Interview with Guusje ter Horst, President of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO-raad) and member of the Senate for the political party PvdA and former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2 May 2011.


guarantee that the best decision is taken and that every All governmental and public sector organisations fall market agent has the same chance to sell its product or within the scope of what is considered to be an service to the government, it is necessary that certain aanbestedende dienst (procurement service).790 Most purchase and procurement procedures be followed. contracting parties have a procurement policy. This is based upon EU regulations and presented in the According to one expert, corruption is an issue, Framework Law EEC Procurement Regulations especially in the execution phase: A procurement policy (Raamwet EEG - voorschriften aanbesteding) from contains all kind of rules about how you have to deal 1993. with certain situations. Often you will find corruption at a very low level in the organisation and it becomes more In the Netherlands, a professional and innovative a question about the quality of the bookkeeping. It is public procurement network for contracting essential that procurement and the responsibility for authorities, PIANOo, was established in the Ministry of implementation are not done by one person, but that Economic Affairs to enable exchange of know-how the “four eyes principle” is applied. That is not always and training among contracting authorities.788 PIANOo documented in the policy documents.”791 assists in the exchange of information between government officials, in order to identify and Formal Instruments disseminate good practice. Investments have been According to a CBS study, the Netherlands scores poorly made in the development of good practice guidance in the area of public procurement. From total public for procurement officials.789 procurement in 2006, only 9.1 percent was tendered via an open procedure. This is (much) less than other EU The thresholds for which public procurement is countries that are included in the CBS survey.792 Above required are determined in the European context. For specific thresholds, open and closed bidding should be 2010-211 the thresholds are set at: regarded as default procurements methods. In closed bidding the contracting party makes a selection of Public parties which can bring out a tender. As a minimum works € 4,845,000 € 4,845,000 € 4,845,000 transparency requirement, publicity rules apply for all contracts procedures.793 The ‘Decree on public procurement rules for public contracting’ (Besluit aanbestedingsregels Services € 125,000 € 193,000 € 387,000 overheidsopdrachten) provides grounds for the obligatory and optional exclusion of bidders.794 There are criteria to ensure that bidders have a satisfactory Deliveries € 125,000 € 193,000 € 387,000 record of integrity. In the case of the obligatory exclusion of a bidder, an assessment of the integrity of a bidder Source: can be requested at the BIBOB Bureau, which is part of drempelbedragen, consulted the 11th of September the Ministry of VJ.795 The BIBOB Bureau will assess, for 2011 example, whether the bidder has been involved in

788 OECD. (2007). p.69. 789 Ibid., p.69. 790 Art.1 lid q Besluit aanbestedingsregels overheidsopdrachten. 791 Interview with Henk Wijnen, project manager at PIANOo, Public Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, 16 May 2011. 792,2,4-8,10-16,19-21&D3=4-19&HDR= T,G2&STB=G1&VW=T, consulted 4 August 2011. 793 OECD. (2007) p.46. 794 Art. 45 Besluit aanbestedingsregels overheidsopdrachten. 795 Bevordering integriteitsbeoordelingen door het openbaar bestuur (BIBOB).


criminal activities or has been convicted. The costs for in place to verify the justification of the legal such an advice vary from EUR 500 to 5,000.796 derogation in the approval phase by specific internal Additionally, a bidder can be asked to provide a control agencies or departments, to safeguard the declaration by the Ministry of VJ that no objections have integrity of the procurement.802 been raised against the economic operator on the basis of an investigation concerning the conduct of the In procurement it can be difficult to define a budget economic operator in the past.797 consistent with the expected costs of a solution, thereby ensuring value for money. To develop a sound By signing ‘Model K’, the highest manager of a bidding cost-estimate system for procurement based on a company declares that the bid is in accordance with fair good understanding of the market and available competition rules.798 Such a declaration is mandatory solutions, it is customary in the Netherlands to engage when dealing with the national government and for 92 with a representative group of suppliers in that market percent of the public works contracts.799 According to early in the process.803 one expert, this is an important provision for safeguarding integrity, because it raises awareness. In Regarding public procurement in practice, a few risks the past there have been corruption cases in which the were identified by the OECD in the pre-bidding phase: directors and managers of companies defended a lack of adequate needs assessment, deficient themselves by stating that they had never interfered in business cases, and poor procurement planning.804 the procurement process and that they did not know Another risk involves the abuse of non-competitive anything about the bid. This has led to cases in which procedures on the basis of legal exceptions through the lowest bidder did not get the contract because the (for instance) contract-splitting on the basis of low signature of a director or senior manager was monetary-value contracts.805 missing.800 In the Netherlands an action can be brought before the Some efforts are made to minimise integrity risks in president of a district court in a summary injunction specific procurement projects. procedure, through which the annulment of the Since 2006, contracting authorities publicly announce decision to award a contract and the order of a new a request for competition regarding low-value public procurement process for the public contract can contracts to ensure transparency. They are flexible in be requested.806 determining the medium through which contracts will be publicly announced.801 To ensure equal and fair The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa - treatment for bidders when using procedures which are Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit)807 enforces fair less subject to competition, additional controls are put competition between businesses in the marketplace. If,

796, consulted 12 September 2011. 797 OECD (2007) p.83;, consulted 13September 2011. 798 Aanbestedingsreglement Werken 2005. 799, consulted 13 September 2011. 800 Interview with Henk Wijnen, project manager at PIANOo, Public Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, 16 May 2011. 801 OECD (2007) p.49. 802 Ibid., p.45. 803 Ibid., p.58-60. 804 Ibid., p.22. 805 Ibid., p.22. 806 Ibid., p.111. 807, consulted 13September 2011.


for example, competitors in public procurement make Different policy documents and manuals can be found price agreements, thereby creating a cartel, the NMa on the website of PIANOo, e.g. a policy document from takes action against them by imposing a fine. the executive arm of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Rijkswaterstaat) about prevention of Informal instruments conflict-of-interest situations.809 There are various codes of conduct available which are aimed at increasing integrity in public procurement. Basic provisions are in place to ensure that the public There is a Code of Conduct Public Procurement Awarding sector performs its public procurement responsibilities Authority (Gedragscode Publiek Opdrachtgeverschap)808 in a lawful and ethical manner. Although unlawful from the Public Procurement Awarding Authorities practices are still believed to occur, instruments such Forum (Opdrachtgeversforum), in which some of the as the ‘Model K’ have helped to make bidders more largest public contracting authorities take part. aware of their responsibility to create fair bidding Additionally, all major construction companies have a processes. Additionally, the major representatives of joint and/or individual code of conduct. (For more both parties have jointly addressed the issue of information, please refer to the Pillar Report on integrity in public procurement. Business.)

808 809


Role in NIS Sources The pillar consisting of the Law Enforcement Agencies The desk research for this pillar started with the is essential for guaranteeing the rule of law. These statutory provisions concerning each individual government agencies are responsible for enforcing agency. The aim was to get a better understanding of laws and by doing so promoting adherence to the law. their specific competences and the competences which Law enforcement agencies take action when rules and they shared, hereby considering at what stage of an norms are violated. The means for this vary from alleged corruption act they would become involved. warning to arresting offenders. Activities include Current corruption cases were considered and a media engaging in patrols, surveillance, searches and other scan was made. An important source of information investigations. was the assessment of the occurrence of bribery among officials of government and public Law enforcement can be considered to be the essential administration, published in 2010 by the link between the Executive and the Judiciary. As such, Rijksrecherche.810 In-depth interviews were held with it forms an essential pillar between two other pillars. experts from the OM and the Rijksrecherche. All Not only is this pillar important for the general interviews were held face-to-face. Two persons enforcement of laws, it plays an important role in indicated that they did not want to be named in the enforcing anti-corruption legislation. This pillar can report. only strengthen the NIS if the law enforcement agencies, among other things, are independent, have Interviews held: adequate resources and have been given adequate • Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National tools to investigate alleged corruption cases. It can only Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview held the 6th of be effective if there are no doubts regarding its own June 2011 and a second meeting the 22nd of integrity. December 2011.

In the Netherlands, various agencies are involved in law • Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the enforcement. Rijksrecherche, interview held the 21st of April 2011. In this chapter three agencies will be assessed which are of a particular importance in enforcing the laws on • Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for corruption. Besides the police forces, the Public Corruption at the National Public Prosecutor’s Prosecution Service (OM - Openbaar Ministerie) plays a Office, interview held the 6th of June 2011. key role in deciding whether or not a criminal case should be brought to court. The Rijksrecherche • Key figure 1, Senior member of staff at the (National Police Internal Investigations Department) Rijksrecherche, interview held the 24th of May has a specific role in investigating (semi) governmental 2011.811 officials who are suspected of criminal offences, whereby the integrity of justice and/or that of the • Key figure 2, Senior policy officer at the Rijks- public administration is at stake. recherche, interview held the 24th of May 2011.812

810 Rijksrecherche (2010). Niet voor persoonlijk gebruik! Omkoping van ambtenaren in de civiele openbare sector. 811 This expert requested anonymity. 812 This expert requested anonymity.


LAW ENFORCEMENT close to what is being achieved in the USA, UK and Germany. In the last decade no Dutch firm has been Agencies Status: Strong sentenced in the Netherlands for bribing a foreign official, although there are reasons to believe that Summary Dutch companies have bribed foreign officials. A The law enforcement agencies in the Netherlands form variety of reasons are thought to make the prosecution a strong pillar. Their key strength is their of foreign corruption difficult, among which are accountability. Their anti-corruption activities have led difficulty in cooperating with foreign law enforcement to the successful prosecutions of national corruption agencies; the tension between the importance of cases in which several persons and organisations were investigating and prosecuting corruption versus involved. However, there is reason to believe that economic interests, which have an interest in refraining crimes are often not reported, which makes it difficult from criminal law enforcement; and the difficulty in for the law enforcement agencies to prosecute. collecting evidence to prove corrupt practices. Generally, law enforcement agencies enjoy a rather independent position and have their own discretion on In a recent important document of the Board of the cases they investigate and (in the case of the OM) Procurators General concerning handling corruption813 on the final prosecution. The right for the Minister of VJ it is stated that ‘the primary aim is to protect the to give directions regarding prosecution in individual integrity of the government and to enlarge trust in this cases could pose a risk, but this risk is somewhat government. The aim is not integrity of the business limited now that parliament has to be informed about sector. This seems to imply that the public prosecutor the non-prosecution order in an individual case. The does not prosecute a criminal case of corruption that existence of an independent organisation which took place abroad if the integrity of government is not examines the reports concerning possible criminal involved. This line of reasoning is heavily criticised by conduct of government officials and public servants the OECD and foreign Law Enforcement Agencies. provides a strong safeguard for the prosecution investigations. Structure and Organisation The available statutory provisions ensure that the This pillar covers two institutionally-separate systems. public can access the relevant information on law One is the police force, which has a broad responsibility enforcement activities. There have been concerns in regarding the maintenance of public order and criminal the past regarding the extent to which the OM takes investigation, whereby its function is both preventive action when internal integrity violations occur. The (the more so with regard to the maintenance of public soon-to-be-installed Bureau Integrity OM will have the order) and repressive (whereby the focus is on criminal competence to promote integrity within the OM. The investigations).814 The Dutch police currently are allocation of resources for the police has led to organised into 25 regional police forces and the Korps difficulties in investigating cases and can be Landelijke Politie Diensten (KLPD - National Police considered to be a weak aspect of the pillar. On the Services Agency), which carries out national and other hand, the integrity provisions within the police specialist police tasks.815 In addition to this, adjacent are rather extensive. The number of internal reports of regional police forces have joint investigation units for integrity violations within the police is rather high. This crimes which require certain expertise or which are too could be caused by the well-developed integrity large to handle within one regional police force but do mechanism through which integrity violations become not qualify for investigation by the KLPD. These units known. The fight against corruption committed by are known as bovenregionale recherche (BR). Each of Dutch firms abroad is yet to be adequate and not even the police forces is headed by a regional police board,

813 Openbaar Ministerie, augustus 2011, Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in Nederland (2011A014). 814, consulted 4 August 2011. 815 Art. 4 and 21 Politiewet 1993.


consisting of a mayor and a chief public prosecutor.816 At of Rotterdam is not linked to a particular district court or the national government level, the Minister of VJ is an appeal court; its focus is on (international) organised responsible for overseeing the regional police forces and crime. The OM is represented in court by a public is directly responsible for managing the KLPD. The prosecutor from the office of the region. The OM falls Minister of VJ is also politically accountable for the under the authority of the Minister of VJ.822 The enforcement of criminal law, which includes investigation Rijksrecherche is a highly-specialised investigation of crime by the police and the prosecution, trial and service. Unlike other police forces, the Rijksrecherche punishment of offenders.817 The current government has falls within the exclusive responsibility and authority of stated that public safety and security are one of its the OM, and it exclusively operates under the priorities.818 It is likely that the police organisation will be responsibility and competency of the Board of reorganised in the near future. In June 2011 the Minister Procurators General. This ensures an independent of VJ, on behalf of the cabinet, sent a letter to the Tweede position towards the regular police force and also Kamer in which he presented his law proposal about a enables the Rijksrecherche to conduct fact-finding national police.819 The proposal does not intend a change investigations without bias into cases in which police in tasks for the police. It aims at increasing the unity of officers used violence during the performance of their the police to better combat serious crimes and organised duties or were otherwise in fault for causing injuries or crime at local, national and international levels. The death.823 The Rijksrecherche examines reports proposal is to create one national police force, organised concerning possible criminal conduct of government into ten regional forces with one or more national forces officials and public servants. It investigates allegations which are no longer autonomous organisations. The whereby the integrity of justice and/or that of public management of the forces will be assigned to a national administration (the government) is seriously in peril, for chief officer and to regional chief officers. instance allegations of fraud or corruption against the The second system is the OM, which together with the OM, police officers, the judiciary or civil servants from courts is known as the judiciary. The OM decides whether municipal, provincial water and national authorities, as or not an offender must appear before court and prepares well as from officials of certain other organisations the indictment. If a criminal offence has been committed, appointed by the state to perform public tasks.824 As a it has sole discretion to decide whether a case should be rule, deployment of Rijksrecherche is called for if the prosecuted. In the case of a prosecution, a public reported conduct of an official points to a felony, and if prosecutor will ask the court to impose an appropriate the impartiality of the investigations can be impaired if sanction.820 The organisation of the OM corresponds to conducted by another police force. In addition to its the Dutch court organisation (sub-district courts, district repressive task, the Rijksrecherche also takes on a more courts, courts of appeal and Supreme Court) and is proactive attitude involving advising third parties on how headed by the Board of Procurators General.821 The to prevent future integrity violations in public national prosecutor’s office (Landelijk Parket) in the city administration.825

816 Art. 22 Politiewet 1993. 817 Engelsman, den M. and Toorman, A. (2009). p.15. 818 Freedom and Responsibility Coalition Agreement VVD-CDA (2010). 819 Kamerstuk 30 880, nr. 10; en/2011/06/17/wetsvoorstel-nationale-politie-naar-tweede-kamer.html, consulted 8August 2011. 820, consulted 4August 2011. 821, consulted 3 August 2011. 822 823, consulted 3 August 2011. 824 Paragraph 3A I of Aanwijzing taken en inzet Rijksrecherche (2010A033) 2010, nr. 20477;, consulted 3 August 2011. 825 Meerjarenbeleidsplan 2008-2012 Rijksrecherche p. 9 paragraph 3 and 4.


It must be noted that, in addition to these institutions, capacity to investigate cases. Research carried out in other separate law enforcement bodies exist which are 2010 concluded that due to capacity issues, 150,000 not reviewed under this pillar. In this report only the of the total of 500,000 cases which were reported and main law enforcement bodies which deal with fighting declared as ‘require further investigation’ were in fact corruption are considered.826 not taken on for further investigation. This was due to, among other things, poor operational management, past budget-cuts, and the imbalance in the way money ASSESSMENT was distributed across the different forces.827 This led to more than half of the forces being held under RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) preventive legal restraint. The budget for the police in 2011 was EUR 5,171 billion (compared to EUR 5,178 To what extent do law enforcement agencies have billion in 2010 and EUR 5,138 billion foreseen in adequate levels of financial resources, staffing, and 2012).828 infrastructure to operate effectively in practice? In 2010 the Tweede Kamer adopted a motion in which it rejected the Minister of BZK’s plan for a budget-cut Budget police of EUR 192 million for the police.829 Recently, measures Until recently, the financial situation of many regional were taken by the Minister of VJ to improve the financial police forces was far from sound. Forces were situation of the police forces.830 An important step was understaffed, and there were signs that this led to the amendment of the budget distribution system.831 cases not being adequately investigated. The Dutch Between 2011 and 2015, 21 police forces will receive police have complained about the lack of sufficient extra financial funding. The extra investment in the resources, staff and infrastructure to carry out their police force will be around EUR 300 to 370 million in duties adequately. order to bring its total strength to 49,500 full-time Several police boards and police trade unions have equivalents (the full-time equivalents in 2010 were expressed their frustration and worries to the 49,745, but without the extra investment it would be government, parliament and the media. The curtailed to a total of 46,500 full-time equivalents).832 complaints concern the amount of bureaucracy and In December 2011 it was still unclear whether the desk work involved in police work, the lack of police were up to strength as was promised by the policemen on the street and the lack of available Minister of VJ.833

826 The agencies in the Netherlands which have as their main task supervision and/or law enforcement are various. Among others, there is the Authority Financial Markets (AFM), which is the independent supervisory authority for the savings, borrowing, investment, pension and insurance markets (more information via The NMa is the Netherlands Competition Authority, which enforces fair competition between businesses in the marketplace (more information via The FIOD-ECD is concerned with fiscal investigations (more information via The SIOD is concerned with investigation and enforce- ment regarding work and income (more information via 827 Boorsma, P.B. and Zengerink, J.A. in Fijnaut, C.J.C.F., Muller E.R. and Rosenthal U. (1999) p.171-180; cle2355614.ece, consulted 23 August 2011. 828 Vaststelling begroting Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties (VII) voor het jaar 2011 via, consult- ed 13 August 2011. 829 Motie-Van Raak (Kamerstukken II, 2009–2010, 29 628, nr. 212). 830 Brief minister van Veiligheid en Justitie ‘Besluit herijking BVS’ of 24 March 2011. 831 Hols, M.C.A.B., Morée, R.J. and P.F. Rozenberg, P.F. (2010) p.30-33. 832 Jaarverslag Politie 2010 p.30. 833 jfers-politie.dhtml, consulted 23 December 2011.


IT issues minimum wage is EUR 1425).840 In a survey held by Additionally, there were continuous complaints about several police trade unions, 60 percent of the 4,600 the computer system which the police officers use. respondents (policemen) indicated that they That system was said not to be user-friendly, and considered their wages to be low.841 inspectors complained about the time required to register reported offences and crimes.834 This has led OM to incomplete reporting of cases and a drop of 8-10 With the overall state budget-cuts, the OM has had to percent in the number of cases transferred to the prepare itself for further budget-cuts.842 However, the OM.835 In the meantime, further research836 has new government has declared security as one of its indicated that one third of all police officers suffer from priorities. The extra investment in the police force psychological problems (various forms and degrees). coincides with an extra investment of EUR 100 million This has had a negative impact on available capacity, in the OM, the judiciary and other organisations to fight and the resulting costs involved for the police are crime.843 In the budget for the Ministry of VJ of 2011, estimated to be between EUR 98 - 295 million.837 The the budget assigned to the OM was approximately EUR Minister of VJ has presented a comprehensive action- 594 million for 2011 (compared to EUR 588 million for plan to increase the mental tenability of police 2010, and EUR 606 million foreseen for 2012).844 officers.838 Notwithstanding these issues, the police are still Nevertheless, the OM needs to cut down on some of its perceived as the most attractive employer in the non- budget. In its annual report it states that due to several profit sector by highly educated young other developments (for example, the creation of a professionals.839 The average monthly salary of a national police force and the redesign of the judicial police officer ranges from EUR 1,600 to 2,900 (the legal organisation) a large reorganisation is required. This

834 The Netherlands Court of Audit did audit the IT of the police, after the House of Representatives had asked for such an investigation. One of its conclusions was that the management responsible for making the decisions on computer systems was not in close contact with the investigators and policemen and -women who have to work with the system. Rapport Algemene Rekenkamer ICT Politie 2010 (Kamerstuk 29 350 Nr. 9); beeld-acp-situatie-bij-politie-zorgelijk/, consulted 12August 2011. 835 Episode of Zembla of the 31January 2010. 836 Elffers Felix, A. (2011). 837 ‘Onderzoek: psychische klachten bij één op drie agenten’ in NRC of 24 June 2011 and Brief van de minister van Veiligheid en Justitie ‘Versterking professionele weerbaarheid politie’ 27 June 2011 p.2. 838 In this action plan the focus was on e.g. leadership within police organisations, training, care and after-care. Targets were set on de- creasing the percentage of police officers which suffer from psychological problems in the coming year, and the effect of the measures will be monitored. Programma- en actieplan versterking professionele weerbaarheid Nederlandse politie (June 2011); corresponding Brief van de minister van Veiligheid en Justitie ‘Versterking professionele weerbaarheid politie’ 27 June 2011 via http://www.rijksover- omlaag.html, consulted 22 August 2011. 839, con- sulted 23 August 2011. 840; een-agent-eigenlijk/104056.html; 2011.html consulted 22 August 2011. 841 842 OM Jaarbericht 2009 p.3. 843 Kamerstuk 29 628 Nr. 266. 844 Vaststelling van de begrotingsstaten van het Ministerie van Justitie (VI) voor het jaar 2010. Kamerstuk 32 123 VI nr.2.


reorganisation started in 2009 and is still in progress. issue, but ineffective spending by the management. It It remains to be seen whether the overall efficiency of is still to be seen whether the revised distribution the organisation will be increased and what the effect among regional forces and resource allocation by will be on capacity and available resources.845 management has an effect on daily practice experienced by the police forces. Rijksrecherche The interviewees argued that the resources of the A recent publication from the Netherlands Court of Rijksrecherche are considered to be more or less Audit (AR) concerning the organisation of criminal adequate, although limited capacity brings with it the justice in the Netherlands shows that the fact that there will always be restrictions on the number administrative cooperation between the police and the of cases which can be investigated. It was also public prosecution leaves much to be desired. E.g. the mentioned that some specific expertise is desirable, for police and justice each have their own software example a need for chartered accountants.846 Several programmes. Another example is that the police investigators asserted that, by using their expertise administrates its work in units of cases, while the and experience to advise the public administration, public prosecutor makes use of numbers of suspects. they can effectively help to prevent integrity The AR describes the digital detection system as violations.847 Although the state budget-cuts also outdated and user unfriendly. According to others, include cuts in the budget of the Ministry of VJ (which criminal courts complained about the enormous involve the OM and Rijksrecherche), the Rijksrecherche amount of understaffing of the police. The police receives extra financial means to fight financial officers are young, underpaid and overloaded with economic offences.848 This extra budget is partly used work. This results in cancellations, dismissals, to fight public corruption.849 These means were spent limitations and discounts of penalties.850 on extra members of staff, the education of staff and for carrying out of an assessment of the occurrence of bribery among officials of government and public INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) administration (CBA - Criminaliteitsbeeldanalyse). The resources available to Dutch law enforcement To what extent are law enforcement agencies agencies show a mixed picture. The resources available independent by law? to the OM and the Rijksrecherche allow both to carry out their core tasks and to determine their priorities; Police additional resources have also been made available. In terms of independence, it is necessary to Although overall capacity is never sufficient to deal differentiate between the two separate systems of law with each individual case, the resources available to enforcement, the police on the one hand and the OM investigate public corruption cases seem to be and the Rijksrecherche on the other. As a branch of the adequate. The police forces on the other hand have executive, the police have the task (subordinate to the suffered from inadequate resources, in terms of competent authority and in accordance with the finances as well as staffing and even infrastructure. applicable rules of law) of ensuring effective law Here the availability of resources was not the main enforcement and providing assistance to those who

846 Interview with senior member of staff 1and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24May 2011 and interview with inspector 3 of the Rijksrecherche, 21April 2011.

847 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21st of April 2011 and interview with Senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24 May 2011. 848 Jaarbericht Openbaar Ministerie Rijksrecherche 2008 p.4. 849 Interview held with senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24 May 2011. 850 M. en S. van Kleef, de Rechtspraak is mensenwerk. Alos F. Jelgersma, Strafrechtpleging berust vooral op Haagse illusies. in NRC Handelsblad of 10/11 March 2012.


need it.851 The Minister of BZK and the Minister of VJ the Queen’s Commissioner.859 The korpsbeheerder also determine the competencies of the police in the ‘office makes a recommendation after having consulted the directive’ (ambtsinstructie).852 With regard to the regional police board. The appointment, suspension and maintenance of public order and the rendering of dismissal of the korpschef of the KLPD takes place by assistance in emergencies, the competent authority is royal decree on the recommendation from the Minister the mayor of the municipality in which the police of BZK in agreement with the Minister of VJ.860 The serve.853 At national government level, the Minister of Procedure Kroonbenoemingen (crown appointments) is BZK is responsible for the maintenance of public order in place to ensure a careful and transparent human and safety. When the police enforce criminal law or resources policy and a step-by-step appointment carry out duties for the justice authorities, they are procedure.861 acting under the authority of the public prosecutor, who can give directions to the police regarding a OM specific investigation.854 Here, the Minister of VJ is The OM is considerably more independent because it is politically accountable. The nature of police work part of the judiciary. The Procurators General and determines authority over the police.855 So-called public prosecutors are appointed by royal decree at the tripartite consultations on policing are held regularly recommendation of the Minister of VJ.862 From a by the mayor, the public prosecutor, and the chief of minimum of three and a maximum of five, one the regional police force.856 The Minister of VJ can give Procurator General is appointed (after recommendation directions to the chief of the force (korpschef) of the by the minister) as Chairman of the Board of KLPD as to the tasks to be carried out.857 Procurators General for a period of three years, with the At the political level, the management of a regional force possibility of one reappointment.863 The law stipulates lies with the force manager (korpsbeheerder), who is few requirements for the qualifications of candidates appointed by the mayors of the municipalities of the for the position of public prosecutor. A candidate must region for a period of six years. Appointment, be a Dutch citizen864 with a master’s degree in Dutch suspension and dismissal take place by royal decree at law and have either successfully completed the “Raio the recommendation of the Minister of BZK and after education programme’’ or have at least four years of consultation with the regional police board.858 The experience at the OM, or alternatively have at least six regional police chief (korpschef) is appointed, years of legal experience outside the OM.865 (For more suspended and dismissed by royal decree on the information on the Raio-education for public recommendation of the Minister of BZK in agreement prosecutors, please refer to the report on the pillar with the Minister of VJ, and after having been advised by Judiciary/Independence Law.)

851 Art. 2 Politiewet 1993. 852 Art. 7-9 Politiewet 1993. 853 Art. 172 paragraph 2 Gemeentewet. 854 Art. 148 paragraph 2 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 855 Engelsman, den M. and Toorman, A. (2009) p.12-13. 856 Art. 27 lid 1 Politiewet 1993. 857 Art 38 and 38a Politiewet 1993. 858 Art. 23 Politiewet 1993; Fijnaut, C.J.C.F., Muller, E.R. and Rosenthal, U. (2007). p. 51. 859 Art. 24 and 25 Politiewet 1993. 860 Art. 42 Politiewet 1993. 861 Benschop, Y.W.M. and Brink, van den M.C.L. (2009) p. 16. 862 Art. 2 paragraph 2 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 863 Art. 130 paragraph 3 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. 864 Art. 4 Wet rechtspositie rechterlijke ambtenaren. 865, consulted 20 August 2011.


The Minister of VJ is concerned with general policy investigate alleged criminal offences committed by regarding investigation and prosecution. He issues (semi) public officials (including politicians) and civil general and specific instructions (directives) to the servants (including the police). The only risk to its officers of the OM on how to carry out their tasks.866 independence can occur if a senior official of the OM This is due to the ministerial responsibility he bears for becomes part of its investigation. There is as yet no law the overall conduct of the OM.867 The public prosecutor which specifically refers to the Rijksrecherche. Its has discretionary power to prosecute or refrain from independence is to some extent safeguarded by being prosecuting a criminal offence if that is considered to referred to in the Police Act (Politiewet) as special civil be appropriate. This is called the ‘discretionary servants of the police’’ designated on behalf of principle’ (opportuniteitsbeginsel) and is the main specifically-indicated tasks.872 The proposal for a new principle in the ‘prosecution monopoly’ of the OM. police law incorporates several provisions concerning However, the minister may issue instructions in writing the position and tasks of the Rijksrecherche, which will regarding an individual investigation or prosecution give it a stronger legal status. Whether this will enhance after consultation with the Board of Procurators its impartiality from police and politics or weaken it will General.868 If there is an instruction not to investigate depend on the exact provisions and the way they will or prosecute (further), the minister is obliged to inform be applied in practise. A careful balance needs to be parliament about the matter as soon as possible.869 considered between, on the one hand, the This right has long been debated by academics and independence and impartiality of the Rijksrecherche individual MPs because it brings with it the potential and, on the other, the authority of the Board of risk of prosecution becoming politicised.870 This risk is Procurators General and the Minister of VJ to supervise. minimised now that an instruction by the minister to In the Directives (Aanwijzingen),873 the deployment prosecute will always be assessed by the judge dealing criteria for the Rijksrecherche are listed, as is a with the case. The ‘Manual on Sensitive Cases’871 prescription of factors to consider when determining provides guidance to the Board of Procurators General the opportunity of investigating and prosecuting public on how to deal with sensitive cases. These cases are of corruption in the Netherlands and abroad. a serious nature and have the risk of receiving (inter)national attention or of becoming legally or All of these provisions combined ensure reasonable politically sensitive, such as cases of politicians who independence for the respective authorities, although have committed crimes. the professional criteria for appointments in law enforcement organisations are formulated in a rather Rijksrecherche generic manner. This brings along with it the risk of The Rijksrecherche enjoys a considerably higher appointments and dismissals becoming arbitrary. degree of independence; it falls directly under the Additionally, the risk involved in the right of the authority of the Board of Procurators General. This minister to issue individual instructions regarding independent position allows the Rijksrecherche to prosecutions is limited now that parliament has to be

866 Art. 127 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie. 867 Daele, van D. (2003) p.152-160=. 868 Art. 128 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie, consulted 21August 2011. 869 Art. 128 paragraph 6 Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie. 870 Daele, van D. (2003) p.165and 166. 871 Handleiding gevoelige zaken (2007H003). 872 Art. 3 and 43 Politiewet 1993. The Board of Procurators General is composed of special police civil servants for tasks indicated by the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, who has consulted with the Minister of Security and Justice. 873 Aanwijzing taken en inzet Rijksrecherche (2010A033) 2010, nr. 20477; Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in

Nederland; Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in het buitenland 26th of July 2011.


notified about instructions not to prosecute and the reflects an organisation whose focus is internal; proven judiciary has a final say in cases in which an instruction police experience and having a large network within to prosecute is given by the minister. the police organisation can be crucial in the selection process.877 In practice, the objective criteria of the ‘Procedure Kroonbenoemingen’ are adjusted according INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) to the wishes of higher (police) management.878

To what extent are law enforcement agencies Interference with the police independent in practice? Although there are no signs of direct political interference in the activities of the police, the very Appointments to the police nature of the police work brings along politicians and The regional police forces are allowed wide discretion media calling for it to take action or refrain from taking in the exercise of their duties and the definition of their action. When public opinion changes due to an incident priorities. They can make their own decisions regarding or a feeling of uncertainty, this will lead to MPs asking staffing, equipment, organisation, operational the minister for information, who will react by management and organisation of the regional criminal satisfying public opinion’s expectation by giving the investigation departments.874 Recent research into the police specific directions and labelling budgets. During recruitment and selection of ‘crown appointments’ tripartite consultations, the involvement of national within the police concluded that the current procedure politics and media is regularly criticised by law involves too many steps. These steps are characterised enforcement officials. The influence of local councillors as ‘rather informal’, and during each stage other actors is not considered to be negative.879 The direct influence are involved which each have their ‘micro political on police activities from citizens, civil society interest’ in the appointment.875 The selection criteria organisations or political parties is very limited.880 for candidate crown appointments formulated at national level are considered to be clear and specific, Interference with the OM and include growth potential, strategic leadership and The Minister of VJ is politically responsible for the OM knowledge of gender issues in organisations. and issues general instructions on investigations and Nevertheless, the research concluded that these prosecutions. In this light, the Minister of VJ regularly criteria are interpreted differently or are not always meets with the OM to discuss individual criminal cases considered in the actual recruitment process. without that leading to a ministerial instruction to Additionally, these selection criteria and core prosecute or refrain from prosecution.881 The competencies then used by regional forces are often involvement of the minister is due to the fact that the not clear and/or are very generic, e.g. ‘team builder Tweede Kamer increasingly monitors the investigation and inspiring leader’. At regional level there seem to be and prosecution of individual cases, which requires the difficulties with applying the criteria formulated at minister to be informed as well. For example, in a national level.876 According to researchers, recruitment recent case concerning a blaze in a chemical plant

874 Engelsman, den M. and Toorman, A. (2009) p.12-13. 875 Benschop, Y.W.M. and Brink, van den M.C.L. (2009) p.4 and p.16-25. 876 Ibid., p.1-8 and p.31-38. 877 Ibid., p.4-8 and p.30-38. 878, consulted 12 August 2011. 879 Boorsma, P.B. and Zengerink, J.A. in Fijnaut, C.J.C.F., Muller, E.R. and Rosenthal, U. (Eds.) (1999) p.153-155. 880 Ibid., p.160. 881 Brief van de minister van veiligheid en justitie bij Vaststelling begroting Ministerie van Justitie (VI) voor het jaar 2011 Kamerstukken 32500 VI nr. 64.


which broke out in the town of Moerdijk, 1,200 in- Position of the Rijksrecherche habitants narrowly escaped serious harm. Intense The Rijksrecherche is not part of the police force itself. debates were held with the minister about the Therefore it can operate to a great extent independently investigations following this disaster. The Minister of VJ of the other police forces in practice. This is particularly has stressed the importance of transparency during important in cases when police officials are under investigations, but has also indicated that investigative suspicion of having committed a crime. The and research authorities should carry out their tasks Coordination Commission Rijksrecherche (CCR - independently, and that he therefore is not informed Coordinatiecommissie Rijksrecherche) has been given about all aspects of investigations before they are the mandate by the Board of Procurators General to concluded. decide if and when the Rijksrecherche becomes involved.884 An investigation by the Rijksrecherche is Another case involved the prosecution of a MP because carried out under the authority of a public prosecutor. of alleged discrimination and promotion of hatred. The Every once in a while the Rijksrecherche is requested to media reported that the Minister of VJ wanted the investigate a case which concerns a politically sensitive prosecution, as did two top public prosecutors, while issue. In such a case an individual minister is critically the Chairman of the Board of Procurators General did approached by the Tweede Kamer regarding a specific not want to prosecute the MP. The MP was prosecuted incident. Some ministers then respond by stating that under the art. 12-procedure (explained under Law he/she will look into the subject’’ and it ends up Enforcement Agencies/ Accountability). The OM stated becoming an assignment for the Rijksrecherche. This that in the major cases, it organises meetings to hear does not mean that there is involvement in the way such objections against its decisions. an investigation is carried out.885 In order to make its The former Chairman recently confirmed that law enforcement more effective, the Rijksrecherche is developments in individual cases are discussed with increasing its cooperation with other special the minister, and that the minister gives his opinion on investigation services and, if circumstances allow it, operations, i.e. individual cases.882 The way this is done with regular police forces. This can be considered to be depends on the individual in office. There have been a change in its attitude; in the past the Rijksrecherche situations in which the Chairman told a (former) was considered to be ‘on an island’ in order to Minister of VJ to stop with ‘co-investigating’ in an safeguard its independence. Although this cooperative individual case.883 In the end, it depends to a great attitude is considered to be important in order to extent on the professionalism of the individual Minister increase the effectiveness of law enforcement, it does of VJ and Chairman of the Board of Procurators General put the independence slightly under pressure now that to prevent and address undue interference in individual information is shared with other law enforcement cases. It is therefore important that the Chairman of the partners, which increases the risk of confidential Board of Procurators General not be politically information leaking away prematurely.886 The members appointed. of the staff of the Rijksrecherche explain that most of

882 Episode of Buitenhof of the 1 May 2011. 883 Ibid. 884, consulted 14 August 2011. 885 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21April 2011. The official authorities have claimed not to recognise this point of view. According to the authorities, the deployment criteria of the Rijksrecherche provide a third category of ‘other cases’, for which the Rijksrecherche is the most suitable agency to carry out an investigation, for reasons of independence. 886 Interview held with senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24May 2011. In 2009 a pilot was held called Netwerkend Werken en Intelligent Opsporen in which four police forces were involved. A new approach to investigation was tested, which was focussed on networking with other actors and stakeholders involved in the investigation. The pilot was considered to be a success and reflected the cooperative approach of law enforcement agencies in issues of criminality. The pilot was carried out by Prof. dr. Annemieke J. M. Roobeek en Marjanne van der Helm MSc. More on the pilot in Roobeek, A. and Helm, van der M. (2009).


their investigations are so complex that the expertise and safeguarding the fair trial and privacy of the and information of, for example, the FIOD (which deals individuals involved on the other. The directive with fiscal investigations) is essential. Nevertheless, expresses the belief that it is important to proactively they do admit that they need to be prudent.887 inform the media and the public about investigations and Furthermore, the Rijksrecherche will always lead those criminal cases. Here, timely and correct information is investigations for which it is responsible.888 essential to ensure citizen’s trust in the OM and the Thus, despite certain risks, there is no evidence of police. Transparency is said to increase the societal serious outside interference in the activities of law legitimacy of the OM and the police.889 enforcement agencies in the Netherlands. The potential threat for the independence of the police is its Openness of Government Act internal focus, which can lead to management being The Openness of Government Act (Wob - Wet Openbaar- appointed on the basis of vague criteria. Although heid van Bestuur) can also be considered a legal provision there have been no reported incidents, it is important for information about investigations and prosecutions. that those who take on the office of Minister of VJ and Information will not be provided if the interest does not respective Chairman of the Board of Procurators weigh up against the interest concerning investigation General, consider the importance of exchanging and prosecution of criminal facts, the inspection, control information regarding prosecution within the context and supervision by administrative bodies or the of ministerial responsibilities, while on the other hand observance of a private life.890 ensuring that the personal and/or political interests of the minister do not influence the independence of the Right to information about investigations and OM. For the Rijksrecherche it is all about finding the prosecutions right balance between staying impartial/unbiased A few legal instruments regulate individual citizens’ while working closely together with law enforcement rights to investigation and prosecution information. partners to make law enforcement more effective. During the pre-trial phase, the suspect has the right to access the procedural documents if it does not interfere with the investigation.891 Suspects or their legal advisor TRANSPARENCY (LAW) can request a copy of the final court decision and statement. Third parties can also request a copy if this To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure does not harm the interest of those who are involved in that the public can access relevant information on law the case. In some cases, copies can be provided which enforcement agency activities? have been made anonymous. Although all court decisions in criminal proceedings are open to the Communication about investigations public, not all decisions in criminal cases are ready The statutory right to public disclosure of investigations available to the public in writing.892 Victims have the is limited. A detailed directive (2007) prescribes how the right to access the procedural documents if this is not OM should communicate with the media and the public a hindrance to the investigation, to privacy or to the about current cases. The directive is a compromise investigation and prosecution of criminal offence or the between openness and transparency on the one hand, general interest.893

887 Interview with senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer of the Rijksrecherche, 24May 2011. 888 The Rijksrecherche sometimes assists other police or investigative organisations by detaching one or more of its investigators. In such cases, however, the investigation will be carried out on the responsibility of the receiving organisation. 889 Aanwijzing voorlichting opsporing en vervolging (2007A017). 890 Art. 3 paragraph 1 and 5 and art 10 paragraph 2 sub c d and e of Wet openbaarheid van bestuur. 891 Art. 30-34 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 892 Art. 5 Wet op de rechterlijke organisatie and art. 365 paragraph 3 and 4 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 893 Art. 51d Wetboek van Strafvordering.


Police Data Act While various provisions exist, they do not cover all The Police Data Act (Wpg - Wet Politiegegevens) obliges aspects related to the transparency of law enforcement law enforcement agencies to provide certain data. agencies. Police data are available to law enforcement officials involved in criminal cases and to persons whose rights were affected in the process, while persons who carry TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) out scientific or statistical research may acquaint themselves with the police data.894 If citizens send a To what extent is there transparency in the activities and written request to a law enforcement authority in which decision-making processes of law enforcement agencies they ask whether they are registered in any police in practice? database, the authority is obliged to respond by indicating if the person is registered and which specific Communication about investigations information is recorded. The response must be given A journalistic researcher assessed whether the previous within six weeks. There is the option of a suspension of directive (2006) on communications by the OM did in four weeks or alternatively six weeks in case other law fact increase transparency, by considering two cases enforcement authorities are processing the data as which received a lot of media attention. Her findings well; this needs to be done via a written notification of showed that press officers did communicate on more the person who has requested the data.895 A similar occasions about the developments during request can be filed by a lawyer after explicit investigations. Although they did not provide more authorization by his client.896 Both requests can be facts to the public and the media than previously, a refused as an exception (through a written notification) generally more open approach was noticeable if it is in the interest of either the good carrying out of regarding the way investigators carried out their work the police task, acknowledged rights of third parties or in general. The content of the information that was the security of the state.897 Persons who are registered shared did not provide relevant new insights, while can request changes to be made regarding their data if interesting findings were available which would, had the data is incomplete, not relevant or in violation of a they been shared, not have harmed the investigations. legal provision. The authorities make the required It remains difficult for the OM to be transparent on the changes or refuse to do so via a written notification and one hand while on the other hand still safeguarding the provide the arguments for their refusal.898 interest of its investigations. The directive has affected the transparency and openness in another way by Disclosure of financial information allowing the media an insight into their way of doing The law requires the salaries of top officials which are things.900 financed by public means and which exceed the annual taxable salary of a minister to be published.899 Wob-requests However, there is no such thing in the Netherlands as a Most law enforcement agencies have put the compulsory declaration of assets. Law enforcement information regarding the right to request information officials therefore do not need to disclose their assets via a Wob-request on their websites. The police forces either. receive by far the most Wob-requests: in 18 months

894 Articles 15, 17,18,20, 22, 23, 24, 25 Wet Politiegegevens. 895 Art. 25 Wet Politiegegevens. 896 Art. 26 paragraph 3 Wet Politiegegevens. 897 Art. 27 Wet Politiegegevens. 898 Art. 28 Wet Politiegegevens. 899 Wet Openbaarmaking uit Publieke Middelen gefinancierde Topinkomens. 900 Bijlsma, E. (2010) p.60-64. 901 Grimmius, T., Haeften, van M., and Wils, J. (2010) p.7.


they received a total of 964, compared to a total of 137 registered. There is no possibility to monitor the assets on average per ministry.901 Regularly these Wob- of law enforcement officials, because these are simply requests concern information which falls within privacy not published. legislation or which concerns tactical, strategic and operational police information which should therefore The public can readily obtain basic relevant information not be available to the public.902 The Wob-request is on the organisation and functioning of the law currently being reviewed by the minister in order to enforcement agencies prevent misuse of this right to information. (For more information on Wob, please refer to the pillar Media and/or Legislative.) ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) The Rijksrecherche does not often receive a Wob- request. If it does, these are usually requests which are To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure filed by journalists regarding political and sensitive that law enforcement agencies have to report and be cases.903 In 2010, information was provided to the answerable for their actions? Tweede Kamer by the Minister of VJ which involved two investigative reports of the Rijksrecherche, including The courts can review the conduct of the OM and the the investigation into the Catshuis fire in 2004.904 police services. But at the same time, the Minister of VJ is politically responsible for the conduct and Disclosure of income performance of the OM. He may be called upon to Transparency concerning the salary and declarations of render account to Parliament. The consultations higher management within the police has been debated between the OM and the minister are therefore centred intensively, after the TV programme RTL Nieuws sent a around policy-related issues.906 Wob-request to try to obtain the respective information. Art. 12 procedure When it became clear that police officials earned high If the public prosecutor decides not to prosecute a salaries and additionally received high representation criminal offence, the person who has a direct interest costs, the Tweede Kamer debated extensively with the in the case can complain about the non-prosecution in Minister of BZK905 even though an indication about the writing to the Court of Appeal.907 The Court of Appeal salaries of the higher management within the police will hear the person who filed the complaint, and can forces can easily be obtained through the salary also hear the persons who are not prosecuted in order overviews in the collective labour agreements which are to allow them to give comments to this complaint.908 published on the Internet. However, the individual The Court of Appeal can order the prosecution of the salaries and corresponding declarations are still not criminal offence or refuse such an order on grounds of easily accessible to the public, even though they are general interest.909 The OM also has a complaints

902 Ibid., Bijlagen p. 62. 903 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21 April 2011. 904 In 2009 the Rijksrecherche looked into the investigation carried out by Kmar into the fire in the official residence of the PM, the Catshuis, in 2004. The fire destroyed much of the ground floor of the building. A painter carrying out renovation work died in the blaze. Initially there were suspicions that civil servants from the Ministry of General Affairs had known that dangerous substances had been used but this was not proven according to the Court of Appeal. The painting company involved was fined. 905 Kamerstuk 29 628 nr. 175; politiechefs.dhtml, consulted 23 August 2011. 906, consulted 21August 2011. 907 Art. 12 Wetboek van Strafvordering and, consulted 24 August 2011. 908 Art. 12d and 12e Wetboek van Strafvordering. 909 12 I paragraph 1 and 2 Wetboek van Strafvordering.


procedure. Anyone who wants to complain about the the alleged bribery of a Dutch police officer (of the OM can use it. The complaint will be dealt with within KLPD) by an employee of UK-headquartered Armor six to ten weeks.910 Holdings during the tender for a contract to supply pepper-spray and new police pistols.915 The Complaints procedures Rijksrecherche concluded that they did not find any The law does provide for specific complaints procedures corrupt practices regarding the contract for the police concerning police misconduct. Complaints about police pistols, while the results from the investigation into the civil servants can be filed with the korpsbeheerder.911 pepper spray are not known yet. Another investigation Regional complaints procedures should be organised concerned the integrity of a public prosecutor and a according to the following minimum requirements: each judge, who violated official secrecy by providing region should have a complaints commission consisting confidential information about a suspect to the of independent members and a deadline for complaint acquaintances of a judge who knew the suspect.916 handling (between 10-14 weeks), including registration of the complaint and the final decisions. Furthermore, registered complaints and their disposition need to be ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) published in the annual reports, and the complaints procedure itself should be made available to the To what extent do law enforcement agencies have to public.912 report and be answerable for their actions in practice? The Rijksrecherche has its own complaints procedure.913 Its provisions are similar to that of the Annual reports police forces. Complaints should be filed with the The annual report of the police is also published on the director of the Rijksrecherche, and processing of Internet. Various other documents (for example, the complaints should take place within 10-18 weeks.914 complaints procedure and the annual report of Complaints and their disposition should be registered complaints) are published on the websites of the and made available at least annually to the Boards of regional police forces and the KLPD. The police Procurators General. Additionally, a person can reviewed their complaints procedure in 2010. There complain about law enforcement agencies to the was room for improvement, since the complaints were National Ombudsman or send a complaint to the not recorded in a consistent way by the regional police Tweede Kamer Committee on Petitions. (For more forces, and the processing of the complaints was not information on the complaint procedure, please refer recorded. The new uniform complaints procedure to the Pillar Report on the National Ombudsman and should solve these issues. the Legislature.) The annual report of the OM, including Rijksrecherche, is published annually on its website. The report Corruption committed by law enforcement officials contains both an overview of the crime situation The Rijksrecherche investigates corruption committed regarding various categories of crimes over a number by law enforcement officials. In 2011 the Minister of VJ of years, as well as short descriptions of the OM’s announced that the Rijksrecherche had investigated priorities in the given year.917 The OM received 435

910 Klachtenregeling Algemene Rekenkamer. 911 Art.61 Politiewet 1993. 912 Art. 61-66 Politiewet 1993. 913 Klachtenregeling Rijksrecherche. 914 Art. 2 and 9 Klachtenregeling Rijksrecherche. 915 tie.dhtml, consulted 24 December 2011; Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p. 51. 916; srecherche/nieuwsberichten/@154972/rijksrecherche, consulted 23August 2011.


complaints in 2010, compared to 309 in 2009. A chapter deals with the rules regarding integrity. It is substantial portion of these complaints concerned prohibited for civil servants from the police to, for police forces and the time it took for the OM to instance, accept money, gifts or services, with the respond.918 exception if authorisation from the competent authority is given.922 A civil servant is obliged to inform Complaints received by the National Ombudsman the competent authority about his side-functions.923 In 2010 the National Ombudsman received 1,219 According to the Police Act 1993 (Politiewet 1993), complaints about the regional police forces and 15 each police force has to define an integrity policy which about the KLPD (compared to a total of 1,021 and 22 in at least pays attention to increasing integrity 2009).919 A substantial part of the total number of awareness and preventing the abuse of power, complaints the National Ombudsman receives annually conflict-of-interest and discrimination. This integrity concerns the police. The larger part concerns the use policy should be part of the personnel (HR) policy; of force by the police.920 The total number of attention should be paid to integrity during the regular complaints about the OM which the National function evaluation talks and work meetings, and by Ombudsman received was 214 in 2010, compared to offering education and training about integrity.924 The 184 in 2009. These complaints mostly refer to the way competent authority is required to set up a code of the OM deals with confidential information and their conduct and to account for both duties.925 decision to prosecute or not.921 Several instruments have been developed which can be considered as a model for the development of an integrity policy by public organisations and the police. INTEGRITY (BY LAW) The Modelaanpak basisnormen integriteit openbaar bestuur en politie provides guidelines on what the To what extent is the integrity of law enforcement minimum package of integrity measures should look agencies ensured by law? like.926 Since 2008, the ‘Registratie integriteitsschen- dingen openbaar bestuur en politie’ has been available, Police which provides a model for the uniform registration of There are several statutory provisions aimed at integrity violations in the public sector including the safeguarding the integrity of the police. In the law police.927 The current Beroepscode voor de politie in which regulates the legal position of police, a separate Nederland (Professional Code for the Police in the

917, consulted 23August 2011. 918 den.aspx, consulted 23August 2011. 919 De Nationale Ombudsman (2009) p.74. 920 Ibid., p. 73-78. 921 Ibid., p. 78-82. 922 Art. 55c Besluit algemene rechtspositie politie. 923 Art. 55a paragraph 1 Besluit algemene rechtspositie politie. 924 Art. 50 paragraph a and b Politiewet. 925 Art. 50 paragraph c and d Politiewet. 926 This document was established in 2006 through the cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, provinces, local councils, water authorities, rijksdiensten (national agencies) and the police. It can provide guidance for the development of integrity policies by all of these organisations. It touches upon topics such as code of conduct, side-functions, gifts, recruitment procedures and public procurement. The model can be found via 927 Landelijk modelformulier Registratie integriteitsschendingen. 928 The first code was established in 2005 and has been amended.


Netherlands) was established in 2007.928 That code which are applicable to the public sector (Code of lists seven values, which are made concrete by Conduct, confidentiality person for integrity issues and descriptions of what is considered to be professional the possibility for whistle-blowers to report treatment by the police. Each police force has a Bureau violations).933 Initially there were no internal Beroepsvaardigheden en Integriteit (BBI - Bureau of investigations into integrity violations, but this Professional Skills and Integrity) or Bureau Integriteit en changed when the Board of Procurators General Veligheid (BIV - Bureau of Integrity and Security) which received reports, both internally and externally, about investigates alleged integrity violations by their own integrity violations by members of staff.934 The Bureau staff, and which advises management accordingly.929 Integrity OM (Bureau Integriteit OM - BIOM) will start in The police have given much attention to researching 2012, and hereby the OM will try to increase focus on their own integrity, and have shown to be active in the the integrity of its organisation and its staff. BIOM will development of integrity provisions.930 However, the advise and support the different parts of the integrity instruments developed at national level are organisation on how to develop and roll out their not automatically implemented and taken on in a integrity policy. The Board of Procurators General has uniform way by regional police forces. According to appointed a National Programme Manager Integrity recent research, the content of integrity policies is who will further institutionalise the integrity policy.935 characterised by too much variation. The interpretation As a start, the OM has presented its concept for a of what is considered to be ‘integrity’ varies, as do the Bureau Internal Investigations (Bureau Interne instruments which are implemented at regional level in Onderzoeken - BIO) which also applies to the order to promote integrity.931 Often the regional police Rijksrecherche. All internal integrity violations which forces have their own professional code in addition to are reported will end up here and be further the ‘Beroepscode voor de politie in Nederland’, investigated internally and if, criminal investigation is because the wording of the latter is considered to be required, that will be taken over by the head public old-fashioned and patronising.932 This excess of prosecutor of the police region or by the integrity instruments can minimise the overall Rijksrecherche.936 effectiveness of integrity policies. Rijksrecherche OM The Rijksrecherche has its own code of conduct.937 The The OM has a basic integrity policy set up which code of conduct of the OM and Rijksrecherche are not includes a code of conduct which became effective in available via their websites. On the website of the OM 2006. There is no information available on its integrity there is no specific item about the organisation’s policy on its website. The integrity provisions are those integrity. The website of the Rijksrecherche does refer

929, consulted 23 August 2011. 930 Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Naeyé, J. (2005). 931 Tankeren van M. (2010). 932, consulted 23 August 2011.

933 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview held the 6th of June 2011 and a

second meeting took place the 22nd of December 2011.

934 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior legal officer at the National public prosecutor’s office, 6th of June 2011 and interview with Jack van

Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6th of June 2011. 935, consulted 24 August 2011 936 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior legal officer at the National public prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011 and interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011. 937, consulted 23August 2011.


to integrity in public administration and its own therefore becoming known.943 Two-third of the integrity. It calls upon the public to report integrity investigations are the result of an internal report. The violations.938 According to the National Public Bureau of Internal Investigations of the Dutch police Prosecutor for Corruption, various protocols and has done 4,000 investigations into alleged integrity regulations will be rolled out for the OM and violations by police officers from 2008 to 2010.944 In Rijksrecherche at the end of 2011.939 319 cases a criminal offence was established and in 1,270 cases it concerned a violation of duty. In 219 cases it led to the resignation of the police officer. INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) In 2008 two police officers of a regional police force notified the Minister of BZK about their korpschef’s To what extent is the integrity of members of law behaviour. According to these whistle-blowers, the enforcement agencies ensured in practice? korpschef committed integrity violations which could even be considered to be criminal offences. They Police initially had reported this internally, but this did not It is difficult to determine the number and nature of lead to an investigation. The minister then established integrity violations within law enforcement agencies, a commission to investigate the integrity issue within because of the ‘dark number’ which is typical for this regional police force. The commission concluded sensitive issues.940 The design and reporting standards in its report that the accusations could not be upheld, found in the annual reports of the regional police and named the whistle-blowers in the report. This was forces do vary. In some annual reports the figures of heavily criticised by the police union. One of the the BBI/BIV can be found, while in other reports these whistle-blowers went to the Commission on Integrity are not explicitly stated.941 Nevertheless, the Dutch Government (CIO - Commissie Integriteit Overheid).945 police is considered by analysts to be a pioneer in its The CIO criticised the conduct of the minister by stating uniform registration of integrity violations. Although that the minister should have conducted a disciplinary the number of recorded investigations has increased, it and criminal investigation into the management of the remains difficult to conclude what has caused this police force. The Rijksrecherche should have been increase. Naturally this can mean that more incidents involved in such case. It became clear that the then- occur, but some analysts explain this increase by korpschef had been suspended and later dismissed referring to the combination of increased strictness after an investigation carried out by the General concerning (alleged) misconduct and an improved Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD - Algemene quality of the recording of internal investigations for all Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst). The CIO also Dutch police forces.942 Because of increasing attention criticised the way the whistle-blowers were treated; it given to the topic of integrity and the uniform way of was a confirmation of the already-existing conviction, registering integrity violations, more cases are that there is no ‘happy ending’ for whistle-blowers

938, consulted 23August 2011. 939 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior legal officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011 and interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview 6 June 2011. 940 Huberts, L.W.J.C. and Naeyé, J. (2005) p.32. 941, p. 14 and 942 Lamboo, T. (2010) p.622-6228. 943 This is referred to as the ‘integrity paradox’ by Professor of Governance L.W.J.C. Huberts of the VU. By integrity paradox is meant that more attention and better registration seem to lead to more violations. 944 Voorziening tot Samenwerking Politie Nederland. (2011) p.6.

945 The CIO is the highest organisations to which integrity violations of the government are reported. This will be further discussed in the Report on the Public Sector.


within the police. This potentially can hold back others will have to take action accordingly. Those in charge of who consider reporting integrity violations within the the investigations can be trained by the police. The Minister of VJ has announced a putting- Rijksrecherche.949 In the 2010 annual report of the OM, aside the CIO’s critique.946 a total of 34 integrity violations were reported, of which 31 led to some form of disciplinary punishment or OM measure (6 incidents led to a dismissal while the rest One investigative programme editor working for the TV led to conditional dismissal). The integrity violations programme Zembla made a documentary about the varied from forms of misbehaviour in the private number of public prosecutors who have made mistakes domain to conflicts-of-interest. This is a slight in the way they carry out their duty. Suspects were not increase compared to the previous five years, when a convicted because of serious mistakes made by public total 120 disciplinary punishments were imposed.950 prosecutors (e.g. forgery of evidence leading to release) and according to the journalist innocent people were convicted (because evidence which could CORRUPTION PROSECUTION discharge suspects was withheld). The OM could not provide an overview of the measures To what extent do law enforcement agencies detect and taken after the integrity violations were reported, and investigate corruption cases in the country? MPs asked the minister questions regarding the matter, in particular when it appeared that some of the Issues regarding corruption investigation prosecutors had been promoted.947 The Board of Investigations into corruption cases are carried out by Prosecutors General responded by ordering its various organisations. Regional police forces, the scientific department (WBOM) to investigate the cases national police force (in particular the nationale referred to in Zembla. This led to the conclusion that recherche), specialised investigation services and the the situation was not as bad as presented by Zembla, internal investigation departments of governmental but that nevertheless in 17 cases the public prosecutor organisations and private investigators: they all have could be blamed for making some kind of mistake, the competency to investigate corruption. There is no which in some cases had influenced the verdict. As a overview available which shows the total number and result, it also announced plans to improve investigation type of investigations that are carried out. and prosecution.948 One concern which arises out of the various competent The National Public Prosecutor for Corruption has organisations is that sometimes private organisations visited several regional prosecution offices to identify can undermine the criminal prosecution of corruption. the general level of knowledge about integrity. Levels It can occur that organisations which have a case of turned out to vary a lot. In the near future, integrity alleged corruption call in a private investigative bureau violations will have to be reported to management, who in order to circumvent the whole criminal procedure

946 druk/, consulted the 20 August 2011.

947 Episode of Zembla of the 31st of January 2010.

948 Letter from Openbaar Ministerie the College van procureurs-generaal of the 11th of May 2010 with the subject: Onderzoek Sierra, Tom Poes and Zembla (PaG/BJZ/32305); over Tom Poes (Rijksrechercheonderzoek); (leermomenten OM en intrekken hoger beroep tegen niet ontvankelijkheid. 949 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011 and interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011. 950, consulted 24December 2011.


(including the duty to report). In practice, this means investigative techniques.952 For some of them that organisations order such a private/internal permission from the court is required, e.g. house- investigation and thereby determining what the scope searches and telephone-tapping. Concerns have arisen of the investigation will be and what will be done with about the very high frequency of this instrument in the the outcome. Although the involvement of Netherlands. The law enforcement agencies private/internal investigation bureaus is positive, themselves and the media regularly report about e.g. considering the limited capacity of law enforcement house searches and documentation seized by the agencies to investigate all who are suspected of Rijksrecherche and/or the public prosecutors as part of integrity violations/corrupt behaviour, in reality such their investigation of alleged corruption.953 In a major an investigation often takes place in stead of a criminal case concerning real estate fraud, conducted by FIOD, investigation. heavy investigative instruments were used. Crucial If a case is taken on by a private/internal organisation evidence was collected through installing hidden without notifying law enforcement agencies and cameras and microphones in hotel rooms where the without discussing the case with these agencies, the businessmen involved met each other.954 criminal part of the ‘anti-corruption chain’ is broken, which makes it impossible to create chain-wide insight Investigations against (semi) government officials and which obstructs a chain-wide coordinated The Rijksrecherche holds a rather unique position as an approach. This way the OM cannot execute its independent investigative organisation. Within its discretionary principle for prosecution. Even if in a investigations, the main focus is on investigations certain phase the police or the Rijksrecherche get against (semi) government officials (civil servants), who involved, evidence can already be lost and criminal are suspected of criminal offences, including investigations thereby undermined. Such a practice can corruption crimes at e.g. the police forces, the judiciary lead to corrupt civil servants not being criminally and public administration. The Board of Procurators prosecuted, but only being given disciplinary sanctions. General has issued a directive about correctly carrying This seems to be a solution for restoring integrity in the out the investigation and prosecution of corruption organisation, but such a civil servant can easily be cases. The objective of the directive is to explain the appointed at a different public (or private) organisation, criteria according to which the Rijksrecherche may be because there is no criminal track record on him and he deployed. It is the CCR which decides if and when an can show a Certificate of Good Conduct.951 investigation will actually be conducted by the Rijksrecherche.955 The total number of investigations Investigative techniques conducted by the Rijksrecherche into public corruption The police, public prosecutors and the Rijksrecherche was 15 in 2010, compared to 13 in 2009 and 23 in have fully adequate powers to apply proper 2008.956

951 Interview with key figure 2, senior member of staff at the National Police Internal Investigations Department, 24th May 2011. 952 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011 and interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011. 953 Hooijmaijers.dhtml;;, consulted 25 August 2011. 954 The major case referred to is the ‘Klim-op’ case, which is the biggest real estate fraud case ever to be held. (For more information on the case please refer to the Business Pillar) and 02/07/Zaak-Klimop-Onderzoek-Fiod-en-Belastingdienst-liepen-door-elkaar.dhtml, consulted 23August 2011. 955 The description of the tasks and organisation of the Rijksrecherche is to be found via, consulted 3August 2011. 956, consulted 24 December 2011.


CBA inspector describes how this has led to two cases, which In addition to its repressive tasks, the Rijksrecherche is could lead to further investigation.962 increasingly involved in preventing corruption and improving understanding of corruption. That is the National Public Prosecutor for Corruption reasons that it carried out a study into the bribery of In the Netherlands, one public prosecutor is appointed civil servants in the public sector (CBA). This research as the National Public Prosecutor for Corruption. This was based on a total of 221 reports and 73 officer has the specific expertise required to investigate investigations into the bribing of civil servants in the and prosecute corruption cases. His duty is to make his period 2003-2008. In 2010, the Rijksrecherche knowledge available to other members of the OM. He presented the outcome of this research in a report.957 assists local OMs in their investigations and The analysis provides an insight into the features and prosecutions of corruption cases, both on demand and vulnerabilities of civil servants and external parties, at his own initiative.963 The National Public Prosecutor based on the investigation. Although there is a ‘dark for Corruption also coordinates the mode of operation in number’ regarding the total size of corruption, these fighting corruption committed abroad by Dutch (legal) investigations show that out of every 6,000 civil persons.964 The National Public Prosecutor for servants, one civil servant’s behaviour is reported, and Corruption explained that he depends on local one of every 16,000 civil servants is involved in an prosecution offices to report corruption offences. The investigation of the Rijksrecherche or one of the other extent and way in which this is done varies considerably special investigative services.958 This research can help from one prosecution office to the other.965 He explained (semi) public organisations and law enforcement how this cooperation with the regional offices is agencies with their prevention of corruption and their essential to get an impression on the total scale of programmes to raise awareness. The results were corruption. The recording of corruption requires shared during a conference to which a variety of additional administrative steps to be taken; it does organisations and individuals were invited, where they happen that these offences are registered under a more shared their experiences and best-practices in the field general category. This is also caused by the unfamiliarity of corruption prevention.959 Another change in the with the directive on corruption and the fact that law Rijksrecherche’s position is that it increasingly enforcement officers are not confronted with corruption cooperates with other specialised investigative services on a daily basis, and therefore most of their capacity will in investigations. The directors of the special be used for other offences. The National Public investigation services take part in a national platform Prosecutor for Corruption is also involved in the in order to connect at the strategic level too.960 The specialised courses on corruption offered twice a year Rijksrecherche makes itself better known to the other for members of law enforcement agencies and the law enforcements agencies and its ‘clients’.961 One judiciary.966

957 Rijksrecherche (2010). 958 Other special investigation services are: SIOD (information and investigation regarding work and income) and FIOD (fiscal investigation). 959, consulted 23 August 2011. 960 Interview with senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24May 2011. 961 Meerjarenbeleidsplan 2008-2012 Rijksrecherche p. 9 paragraph 4 and 5.

962 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective of the Rijksrecherche, 21st of April 2011.

963 Aanwijzingen opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in Nederland of the 26th of July 2011 via 964 Ibid.

965 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview held the 6th of June 2011 and interview

with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview held the 6th of June 2011. 966 The Justice Study Centre (SSR - Studiecentrum Rechtspleging) provides this training. For more information, please refer to, consulted 27December 2011. Information provided by Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office on 22 December 2011.


Issues with reporting order for the OM to start prosecutions. In general, the It is believed that not all cases of bribery are reported loss for the Tax Collectors Office needs to be minimum to the police or the OM. Although there is a legal EUR 125,000 before the case is taken up with the OM. duty967 for civil servants to immediately report a crime Tax evasion by citizens is prosecuted if there is at least which they become aware of while carrying out their EUR 10,000 at stake; this minimum is EUR 15,000 for job, this is rarely done in practice. Research indicates businesses.972 that in practice it is not clear for which crimes this duty is applicable.968 Neither is it clear who is considered to By not enforcing the law in all instances of financial be a ‘civil servant’ and which actions are considered to economic crimes, an incentive is provided for citizens be ‘crimes of office’ (ambtsmisdrijf). At the time of the to calculate to what extent they can get away with research, 80 percent of civil servants were unaware of criminal offences. This is somewhat minimised by the this duty to report.969 According to the research, there administrative fines which will be imposed but which is uncertainty about whether organisations will report do not lead to a criminal record. a crime once internal investigation confirms that there Additionally, financial economic crimes often come is ‘crime of office’. The research suggests that there is together. There is a certain risk involved – the risk of a ‘dark number’ concerning ‘crimes of office’.970 This not discovering and prosecuting corruption cases - possibility for criminal law enforcement can be when violations of tax law are only prosecuted when hindered if an organisation decides to call in a private large sums are involved. investigation bureau to investigate the alleged corruption. Figures on corruption cases Additionally, the poor whistle-blower protection in the Information regarding the status of cases and other public and private sectors is believed to discourage details has not been made systematically accessible, individuals in reporting corrupt behaviour, but there due to the registration programme COMPAS, in which are also reasons to believe that public organisations are offences and crimes are registered by the regional aware but do not report the serious integrity violations prosecution offices. Unfamiliarity with corruption by committed by members of their staff.971 (For more the law enforcement official or a case involving several information on the protection of whistle-blowers, crimes can lead in practice to registration under the please refer to the Report on Public crime of (for example) forgery. It is therefore difficult Sector/Accountability.) for the OM to present information on the total number of corruption reports and the way these have been OM followed-up (number of prosecutions, dismissals and When criminal offences such as corruption, fraud or tax settlements). The OM has indicated that they will keep evasion are reported, it is the OM which decides a track-record (manually) on corruption crimes in whether to prosecute them or not. Some offences are 2012.973 However, in practice it is often unclear or not prosecuted. In 2011 the state secretary of Finance difficult to legally qualify the alleged criminal offence, responded to questions from MPs about the criminal and therefore the Dutch statistics may seriously under- prosecution of tax evasion by stating that the report the number of bribery offences. They might also prosecution directives holds limits on what amount of have been prosecuted as fraud, money-laundering or money is required to be at stake in the tax evasion in forgery.

967 Art. 162 paragraph 1 Wetboek van Strafvordering. 968 Cornelissens, A., Ferwerda, H. and Vries Robbé, de E. (2008) p. 89. 969 Ibid., p.113. 970 Ibid., p. 91-92. 971 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p.10 and p.51.

972 ‘Tot euro 125.000 buit rukt het OM niet uit’, in het Financieele Dagblad of the 23rd of June 2011 p.15. 973 Information provided by Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 22 December 2011.


Foreign bribery Snamprogetti Netherlands BV, a Dutch subsidiary of the According to the 2011 Bribe Payers Index, the extent to Italian company ENI SpA, has undergone bribery which Dutch firms bribe abroad is comparatively low; investigations in the US, Nigeria and Italy for its role in the Netherlands has a shared first position (score 8.8 a joint venture (TSKJ) that was awarded contracts for on a 1-10 scale) on the 2011 BPI.974 Nevertheless, the decade long (1994-2004) development of a foreign bribery by Dutch companies is still a liquefied natural gas plant (Bonny Island) in Nigeria.980 phenomenon that exists.975 In the 2011 annual report on the enforcement of the OECD Convention on The subsidiary and the mother company, ENI SpA, Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials Dutch, reportedly have settled things with US authorities and enforcement is described as ‘moderate’, and the fight are said to have paid USD 32.5 million to the Nigerian against international corruption seems to have government. In 2010 Royal Dutch Shell Ltd. reached a insufficient priority.976 During the last ten years, no settlement with US authorities over alleged bribes paid Dutch company has been brought to trial for to Nigerian officials on its behalf by the company committing bribery and corruption abroad, despite the Panalpina. In connection with the same case, Royal fact that since 2001 the OM has the legal right to Dutch Shell Plc. reportedly paid fines to the Nigerian prosecute such crimes.977 According to the OM, it government and US authorities.981 investigates ‘a limited number of cases in which there In 2011, it was reported that 23 individuals, including is a suspicion of foreign corruption’. However, there two former employees of the Dutch consumer are additional requirements, such as the principle of appliance, healthcare and lighting company Royal dual criminality, which need to be fulfilled in order for Philips Electronics NV, and Philips Polska, together Dutch authorities to have jurisdiction. Foreign with managers of Polish public hospitals, were due to corruption cases are hard to investigate because they go on trial in Poland in June 2011 for corruption take place abroad and parties will remain silent.978 charges.982 The allegations were that Philips One inspector of the Rijksrecherche described how two personnel bribed the managers of the public hospitals investigations into international corruption have led to to give Philips contracts of exclusivity regarding repeated requests for information and/or the right to equipment to be purchased by the hospitals. In 2008, conduct investigations in the respective countries the Polish Department of Justice requested (international legal assistance), but this was refused by international legal assistance from the Dutch OM the foreign authorities.979 Dutch-parent or -subsidiary because of this alleged corruption. Polish authorities companies have been prosecuted abroad. regarded Philips Medical Systems (PMS) as a witness,

974 Transparency International, Bribe Payers Index 2008 and Bribe Payers Index 2011. 975 Ibid. 976 Hulten, van M. (2010) p.52-60; over-de-uitvoering-van-het-oeso-verdrag/, consulted 23August 2011. 977 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p.9. The legal provisions referred to are art. 177, 177a and 178a Wetboek van Strafrecht. 978 Article ‘Omkoping blijft onbestraft’ in the Financieel Dagblad of the 6 July 2011, and interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011 and interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011.

979 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21st of April 2011. 980 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p.10 and p.44, 50 and eni-unit-reaches-325-million-settlement-with-nigeria/, consulted 25 August 2011. 981 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p. 50 and 51 and File No. 3-14107 United States of America before the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Matter of Royal Dutch Shell plc, and Shell International Exploration and Production Inc. (Respondents). 982 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p.51.


while Dutch law enforcement regarded PMS as a not systematically accessible.986 In the annual report, a suspect and wanted a Dutch investigation. The Dutch possible risk is identified regarding the role of the OM tried to establish cooperation in this investigation Rijksrecherche. The Rijksrecherche is specialised in (where additional information was required and investigating passive corruption by Dutch public whether it concerned a dual criminality).983 In 2010 the officials. Its additional responsibility to investigate information could be provided to Poland. PMS only cases of alleged foreign bribery is of a totally different played a minor role, and in the meantime measures had nature, and often includes complex financial been taken by PMS. Based on this information, the OM constructions. In an interview with the Rijksrecherche, decided not to instigate a separate Dutch a member of its staff described how the focus is now investigation.984 also aimed on the briber.987 The fact that the Rijksrecherche has recently began to increase its An unintended result of the strength of the USA and UK cooperation with other specialised investigation investigative and prosecutor systems relative to the services, e.g. FIOD (an investigative authority Dutch system, is that Dutch international companies specialised in fiscal investigations), is considered to be may have to pay fines to the USA Department of Justice a positive development for the effective enforcement of and/or the SEC for corruption cases that have no or the Convention.988 hardly any link with these countries, simply because such companies invariably have connections with the The Instructions for the Investigation and Prosecution USA and UK. It is not logical that Philips cannot be held of Corruption Offences in Public Office Committed accountable for book & records violations at the HQ Abroad (‘CPG Aanwijzing’)989 list ‘those factors which levels as all the books of the subsidiaries in the end roll play a role and which need to be considered in up to the level of the parent company that has its legal determining whether it’s opportune to prosecute a seat in the Netherlands. This is the way SEC prosecutes: briber or person who was bribed. ‘One factor listed in if the public prosecutor cannot prove the bribery per the Instructions is ‘the size of the potential impact on se, then SEC can still prosecute financial fraud and the the reputation of the Dutch trading and political IRS tax fraud. In any case the Dutch Treasury misses out interests if a suspicious case is not investigated’.The here, foregoing possibly significant budgetary income. OECD criticised this description in 2008, which could be interpreted that Dutch trading and political interests Investigation and prosecution of foreign bribery created a motive for prosecuting or refraining from In the 2011 report on the enforcement of the OECD prosecuting foreign corruption, which would pose a Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public violation of article 5 of the Convention.990 This article Officials, law enforcement agencies are described as provides that ‘investigation and prosecution of the rather ‘decentralised and uncoordinated’, which is bribery of a foreign public official […] shall not be detrimental to the effectiveness of the legal influenced by considerations of national economic provisions.985 TI also points at the lack of access to interest, the potential effect upon relations with another information about the number of foreign bribery cases; State or the identity of the natural or legal persons information on the status of cases and other details is involved’.

983, consulted 27August 2011. 984 Interview with Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, 6 June 2011 and 22 December 2011. 985 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p.11. 986 Ibid. 987 Interview with senior member of staff 1 and senior policy officer 2 both of the Rijksrecherche, 24 May 2011. 988 Transparency International’s Progress Report 2011 p. 51.

989 Aanwijzingen opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in het buitenland of the 26th of July 2011 via 990 OECD (2008).Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Phase 2 Recommendations p.3-5.


The Ministry of VJ and the OM have indicated that the in which Dutch companies are believed to have referral to ‘potential impact on the reputation of the paid bribes abroad. That is really a ‘dark trade and economic interests’ is explicitly a positive number’. I do have the ambition to investigate motive to prosecute, and that one is not to conclude that trans-boundary cases, but they are so they refrain from prosecuting foreign corruption when complicated. These involve the ‘goodwill’ of that is believed to stimulate Dutch trade interests. In foreign partners and the Ministries of BZK and order to take away the criticism of the OECD, the phrase EL&I.993 above beginning ‘those factors which...’ was included in Also, here economic and political interests play the 2011 Instructions.991 a role, which I have little influence on. In the past attempts have been made to establish a The phrase beginning ‘the size of the potential impact’, sort of Project Bureau Foreign Corruption, but as implemented in the new Instructions, can possibly be then you are confronted with the limits to your interpreted that when there is no potential impact on the own capacity. How to deal with requests for reputation of the trade and economic interests or when legal assistance from states with which the the trade and political interests are served by the Netherlands has not signed a treaty? Simply suspected corruption, prosecution will be less likely.992 provide the information on the basis of mutual It is not the aim of this NIS study to assess the way the trust? A few years ago this was done in a case Dutch government has dealt with criticism from the concerning the bribery of Chilean civil servants. OECD. It is important to note that this fits a pattern that You need to be patient, and it requires sufficient one struggles in the Netherlands with judging (and capacity for a thorough investigation.”994 prosecuting) corruption by Dutch citizens and Dutch companies abroad. The USA, UK and Germany have publicly mentioned at international fora and conferences that if the Foreign corruption prosecution: difficulties in practice Netherlands does not want to prosecute, they might do so in every case where they can claim (extraterritorial) The National Public Prosecutor for Corruption states: jurisdiction. Several experts have indicated that there is “Most contacts with foreign partners concern a tension between the importance of criminal law international requests for legal assistance. Also, enforcement and the economic interests of no criminal visits to Paris are made to speak with colleagues law enforcement.995 of the OECD. We regularly receive phone calls, for example a recent phone call from Germany One expert considered the prosecution of international where a police officer had fined mainly bribery to be poor, because the government allows the foreigners. The OECD multinational list is economic interests of companies to prevail over the reliable. Our contacts rarely involve large cases law.996

990 OECD (2008).Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Phase 2 Recommendations p.3-5.

991 Aanwijzingen opsporing en vervolging ambtelijke corruptie in het buitenland of the 26th of July 2011 via 992 Pereira, P.C. (2011). Omkoping van buitenlandse ambtenaren. Waarom wordt de Nederlandse rechtsmacht niet benut? p.43. 993 The commitment of the Minister of EL&I to put corruption on the agenda is deemed important by other experts as well, such as Willem Stevens, lawyer, who is cited in Grant Thornton and Norton Rose (2011). Tien keer tien. Corruptie in 10 vragen en 100 antwoorden, p. 37. 994 Interview with Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s office, 6 June 2011.

995 In the article ‘Omkoping blijft onbestraft’ in the Financieel Dagblad of the 6th of July 2011, the financial criminal lawyer and substitute judge Joost Italianer and lawyer Carel Raymakers are cited; interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the Rijksrecherche,

21st of April 2011.

996 In the article ‘Omkoping blijft onbestraft’ in the Financieel Dagblad of the 6th of July 2011 the financial criminal lawyer and substitute judge Joost Italianer is cited.


“The easiest way to start an investigation was to A newspaper reported in February 2012 that the OM screen the annual accounts of firms which (in had not done much concerning international bribery the past) explicitly referred to ‘bribes paid’. for a long time, but that currently three investigations These investigations were not up for discussion. were taking place.999 In two cases which were under investigation, we One involved Trafigura Beheer, suspected of bribing did not get the permission from the states politicians in Jamaica, and another trade firm is involved to carry out investigations on their suspected of bribing civil servant in East Timor and a territory. There are also cases which were not former consultant to the World Bank.1000 taken on, but here it is unclear why these were On the 21st of February 2012, the Minister of VJ signed not further investigated and/or prosecuted. a memorandum of understanding with the World Bank There is only radio silence. In particular, in which the ministry and World Bank agreed to corruption abroad is not a vivid topic, although cooperate in support of criminal and administrative there are a few signs of increased attention.”997 investigations and proceedings by national and international authorities. The Minister of VJ said that A criminal lawyer confirms that these cases have no ‘Combatting international corruption and fraud are priority in the Netherlands, but wonders whether more important principles of the Dutch government, in priority for these cases is desirable now that strict signing this memorandum of understanding we will be prosecution will have negative consequences for Dutch able to detect instances of possible fraud faster with companies.998 the help of our partners in the US. This cooperation is already bearing fruit for both parties. Thanks to a It is also important to create a world-wide level playing referral from the World Bank Group Integrity Vice field. If the Netherlands “protects” its own industry this Presidency, the Dutch government is currently will be a negative element in contradiction to creation investigating possible corruption by a Dutch firm.’1001 equal conditions in the export markets concerned. If It remains to be seen how active and successful the e.g. Philips can get away with certain practices, where Dutch law enforcement agencies will be in investigating Siemens is not, this will lead to unfair competition. and prosecuting (international) corruption.

997 Interview with Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the Rijksrecherche, 21st of April 2011. 998 In the article ‘Omkoping blijft onbestraft’ in the Financieel Dagblad of the 6 July 2011 the criminal lawyer Brendan Newitt is cited. 999 Het Financieele Dagblad. ‘Justitie VS pakt omkoping in buitenland hard aan’ 23 February 2012 p. 13. 1000 Ibid. 1001 World Bank and Ministry of Security and Justice News Release (2012).


Role in NIS Sources The government gains its legitimacy by receiving a The desk research for this pillar was carried out by mandate from the people to govern. The way in which considering the statutory provisions regarding this mandate is won is crucial to the quality of that elections and the Dutch Electoral Council (KR - legitimacy and to the readiness of all to acknowledge Kiesraad). The Election Assessment Mission Report1003 it. If elections lack legitimacy, this might lead to by the OSCE in 2010 turned out to be a valuable source, instability and create an environment in which because here the Dutch elections process was corruption can quickly breed. Public confidence in examined from an external observer perspective. An government is enhanced if elections are considered to in-depth interview was held with the current chairman have taken place according to the law and under the of the KR and the current secretary-director of the KR. watchful eye of an independent Electoral Management To get an outsider’s perspective, an academic was Body (EMB). interviewed who has published, among other things, on At the core of the administration of an election lies the election administration. A second academic was official body responsible for its conduct. Such an EMB interviewed about the political parties in the NIS, but should be at a certain distance from the government to since these two pillars are interrelated, valuable avoid any ability to manipulate the administration of outsider’s perspective was provided during this the election. The EMB should therefore be responsible interview as well. All interviews were held face-to-face. for preparing and overseeing the election, and for publishing the results. Tasks include: the receipt of Interviews held: nominations of candidates and ensuring their eligibility • Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral to stand; regulating voters’ credentials; design of the Council, interview held the 20th of April 2011. ballot papers; the logistical aspects, for instance polling stations; the conduct of the poll itself; the • Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral compilation and announcement of the results; the Council, interview held the 20th of April 2011. monitoring of the income and expenditure of political parties and individual candidates; and the preparation • Remco Nehmelman, Senior Lecturer State and of a public report, with recommendations for reforms Administrative Law University of Utrecht, interview to the processes. held the 17th of May 2011. The EMB should also have a role in civic education to inform voters how to vote and ensure that they are • Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at aware of when and where they should go in order to do Radboud University Nijmegen, interview held the so.1002 25th of May 2011.

1002 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System p.29-30. 1003 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) OSCE/ODIHR Election Assessment Mission Report: The Netherlands Early Parliamentary Elections, 9 June 2010.


ELECTORAL MANAGEMENT Kieskringen), and around 10,000 polling stations.1004 This pillar report focuses on the KR because it Body Status: Strong determines the official election results at national level, i.e. the election results of the House of Representatives Summary (Tweede Kamer), Senate (Eerste Kamer) and the European The pillar Electoral Management Body has adequate Parliament. For these elections, the KR is also the central safeguards to ensure integrity, but nevertheless there is polling station. Political parties wanting to take part in still room for improving these safeguards. The Dutch national elections under a specific name – which is, Electoral Council (KR - Kiesraad) has adequate financial however, not required - have to register that name at the resources, and adequate legal provisions exist ensuring KR. These names will be assessed before their its transparency and accountability. The KR’s registration. The candidate lists for the national and EP independence is not entirely ensured by law because it elections are assessed and determined by the KR. falls under the authority of the Ministry of BZK. However, its legal powers cannot be administered by the Minister Advisory body of BZK. Nevertheless, there is a financial dependence on In addition, the KR is also the official independent the ministry. In practice this independent position is advisory body for the Dutch government and somewhat more safeguarded, because the KR decides parliament on electoral rights and the organisation and on its own work plan and the advice it gives on election carrying out of elections. The KR can provide advice to law. This independence is also reflected in the fact that the Council of State Administrative Jurisdiction Division in practice the Chairman is in charge of appointing and (ABRvS - Raad van State Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak) dismissing most of the KR’s personnel. Overall, the KR in lawsuits which deals with aspects of electoral is a highly-respected body which functions well within procedure, often at the municipal level. Ministers, its competences. Nevertheless, the assessment finds political parties, civil servants, citizens and the media that the way the KR functions is not entirely satisfactory. can turn to the KR with their questions on electoral This is to a large extent caused by its limited role in rights and elections. KR members are appointed by campaign regulation. At the beginning of 2012 there is royal decree for a period of 4 years and can be still no monitoring of political party financing or the reappointed twice. This selection and appointment are financing of candidates. The legislation which creates based on the grounds of their respective expertise in the right to monitor those finances is being prepared. advising on electoral rights and elections, their The task of monitoring will be with the Minister of BZK. knowledge of society and their experience. The KR is Competence in election administration lies with supported by a secretariat. municipalities and the KR has no authority in overseeing the election process. Formal integrity provisions for KR members are lacking, which is particularly a concern ASSESSMENT now that there are no prohibitions on their political affiliations. Although formal integrity provisions are RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) absent, in practice the topic of integrity is discussed during the meetings of the KR. To what extent does the electoral management body (EMB) have adequate resources to achieve its goals in Structure and Organisation practice?

Election administration Budget Dutch election administration is characterised by a The annual reports show that the KR hardly ever spends three-tiered, decentralised structure. This includes the its entire budget. Its budget for 2010 was EUR 2.8 KR, twenty Principal Electoral Committees (PEC - million (EUR 3.1 million in 2009 and EUR 2.4 million in

1004 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p.11.


2008). The costs made in reality were approximately which consists of four (external) experts in the field of EUR 2.7 million in 2010 (EUR 2.7 million in 2009 and electoral rights and elections. This council supports EUR 2.1 in 2008). This budget was used for expenses and assesses the research programme of the KR. of personnel costs and material costs.1005 The budget Members of the KR and its secretariat have organised for 2011 is approximately EUR 2.0 million.1006 The KR and actively participated in international conferences consists of seven members, including the chairman and workshops in order to exchange experiences and and vice-chairman.1007 The chairman is appointed on a to be informed about possible new ways to carry out 0.3 full-time equivalent. The secretariat supports the (future) activities. members of the KR in their activities. The secretary- The Dutch KR has adequate resources to carry out its director is in charge of KR’s secretariat. The KR’s tasks. Financial resources seem to be sufficient since secretariat has 12 full-time equivalent staff, but it is they are in the budget. KR members all have possible to increase the staff in times of elections. In appropriate academic qualifications and diverse work 2009 there was such an increase to ensure adequate experience, and appear to be complementary to one staffing of the Information Point Elections another. (Informatiepunt Verkiezingen)1008 and because of a project which involved the testing of software which INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) supports elections.1009 The available resources in 2008 and 2009 were not entirely spent, one reason being To what extent is the electoral management body that the KR did not need to hire the number of independent by law? temporary staff that had been foreseen. Authority over resources Human resources The KR´s independence or the independence of its Among others, the KR currently consists of a chairman, members are not formalised in statutory provisions. who is also a professor of constitutional law and The KR is a permanent advisory body; its members are comparative constitutional law; a dean, who is a appointed through an open recruitment procedure. professor of comparative political science; a member The KR falls under the authority of the Ministry of the who is a former Tweede Kamer parliamentary grouping Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK - Binnenlandse chairman; and a member who is also the Head of the Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties), except for its legal Constitutional and Administrative Law sector of the position as a central polling station. The KR receives a Legislative Bureau of the Ministry of VJ. Currently the budget from the Ministry of BZK, and its human and KR consists of three women and four men. There is a financial resources are under the authority of the legal obligation regarding the appointments of the Ministry of BZK. In February 2011 the secretary general chair and other members of official Dutch advisory of the Ministry of BZK and the chairman of the KR bodies to strive for proportional representation of agreed that the KR was to be primarily responsible for women and persons belonging to ethnic and cultural the spending of its own budget.1011 The aim was to minorities.1010 Since 2008 the KR has a Scientific further increase the independence of the KR in relation Advisory Council (Wetenschappelijke Raad van Advies), to the Ministry of BZK. The budget is still allocated by

1005 All amounts have been rounded off. The specific amounts can be found in: Kiesraad. (2010). Annual Report Kiesraad 2010 p.45, Annual Report Kiesraad 2009 p.39 and Annual Report Kiesraad 2008 p.30. 1006 Rijksbegroting 2010 VII Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties art. 31.5. 1007 Article A2 paragraph 3 Kieswet. 1008 The Information Point Elections answers to questions from the media, citizens, political parties, provinces and councils which concern the elections. 1009 Annual Report Kiesraad 2009 p.15. 1010 Article 12 paragraph 3 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1011 Beheersreglement Kiesraad chapter 5.


the Minister of BZK, but the KR can decide how the activities.1016 The KR’s chairman is formally the head of budget will be used. The staff of the secretariat is the secretariat, but members of the secretariat are not formally employed with the Ministry of BZK. However, allowed to be members of the KR.1017 The secretary- they are only accountable to the KR.1012 Civil servants director manages the secretariat in carrying out its enjoy adequate dismissal protection. For more daily activities; he is responsible to the chairman of the information on the terms of employment for civil KR for the way activities are carried out.1018 The servants, please refer to the Pillar report on Public Elections Law does not restrict political affiliation by Sector/Independence. members of the KR or its secretariat. However, it is incompatible to be in office on behalf of a political Appointments party.1019 The laws and regulations applicable to civil The Minister of BZK gives public notice of vacancies servants of the Ministry of BZK are also applied for the within the KR.1013 He organises a selection commission members of staff of the secretariat. For more and then nominates KR’s members, which then are information on rules applicable to civil servants, please appointed by royal decree.1014 There is little refer to Pillar report on the public sector. transparency in the composition of the selection committee. Enforcing rules on the financing of political parties There is no formal procedure which ensures the The current Elections Law and the KR’s internal independence and transparent selection of candidates. protocol do not provide provisions to ensure the KR’s Neither are there specific criteria for appointments of impartiality or to prevent outside influences over its KR members to be found in formal provisions, nor activities. The original 2006 draft Financing of Political corresponding correction mechanisms to prevent Parties Act (WFPP - Wetsvoorstel financiering politieke politicisation. The formal criteria for appointment are partijen)1020 was foreseen to coincide with an of a general nature and can be found in the Advisory amendment to the Elections Law to guarantee the KR’s Bodies Framework Act (Kaderwet Adviescolleges). This independence. Originally the KR was to become act states that members of advisory bodies are responsible for enforcing and safeguarding the WFPP. appointed based on the expertise which is required in Further rules were to be made to separate the exercise advising on policies for which the advisory body was of duties in connection with the financing of political established, their knowledge of society and their parties from all other duties.1021 However, in the 2011 experience.1015 In the same article it is stated that civil draft WFPP these tasks were not assigned to the KR, but servants who work for a ministry, or service or would be brought under the competence of the company related to it, are not eligible for an advisory Ministry of BZK.1022 The Minister of BZK considers the body if the topics on which they advise relates to their impartiality of the KR to be at risk if it would become

1012 Annual Report Kiesraad 2009 p.14 and Kaderwet Adviescolleges (the Advisory Bodies Framework Act) article 15. 1013 Art. 11 paragraph 3 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1014 Art. 11 paragraph 2 and 3 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1015 Article 12.1 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1016 Article 12.2 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1017 Article 15.4 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1018 Beheersreglement Kiesraad chapter 2. 1019 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 20; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1020 The full name of the draft act is: ‘Regels inzake de subsidiëring en het toezicht op de financiën van politieke partijen (Wet financiering politieke partijen)’ Kamerstukken II, 2010-11, 32 752, nr. 2. 1021 GRECO (2010) Third evaluation round: Compliance Report on the Netherlands on Incriminations and Transparency of Party Funding, Paragraph 68. 1022 Art. 33-36 Wet financiering politieke partijen Kamerstukken II, 2010-11, 32 752, nr. 2.


responsible for monitoring the finances of political reflected in the members of staff of the KR considering parties, while its other tasks comprise being a central themselves to be part of the Ministry of BZK. In practice, polling station and deciding in individual cases on the they carried out tasks for both institutions at the same registration of political parties and the validation of time.1024 In 2005, the Minister of BZK and the KR candidate lists.1023 It is currently still to be seen when wanted to increase the independent position of the KR and how the WFPP will become effective and what the in a practical way by relocating the secretariat of the KR consequences will be for the KR. For more information from the Ministry of BZK’s Constitutional Affairs and on the financing of political parties, please refer to Legislation Department to a neighbouring building Pillar report on political parties. with its own entrance. It has been functioning as an independent unit ever since. Although officially The KR’s independence is not directly safeguarded in appointed by the Minister of BZK, personnel of the the Constitution nor in the Elections Law. By appointing secretariat are hired and fired by the chairman of the the members of the KR by royal decree, the KR, with the exception of the secretary-director and his independence of the KR is somewhat foreseen. substitute. The KR considers itself to be more Additionally, the KR’s discretion to decide on how to independent due to the competences regarding its spend its budget is proof of a more independent budget and its new location. The Ministry of BZK and position in law. Its independent role could have been the KR are increasingly considered to be different increased by receiving the competences to monitor and organisations with independent tasks.1025 The KR’s enforce the financing of political parties. Also, the KR legal responsibilities towards the budget are still could have been granted overall and independent relatively new, and the extent to which this will increase responsibilities in overseeing all aspects of the election the KR’s independence in practice is still to be seen. process. However, since this is not likely to be the case, its tasks are limited. While a number of provisions Appointments exist, they do not cover all aspects of the independence Although the Minister of BZK nominates candidates for of the KR. the KR, the KR itself plays a prominent role in drafting advertisements and selecting candidates. There is no evidence of political appointments within the KR, INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) although a few members are also members of a political party.1026 Notwithstanding that, it is worth noting that To what extent does the electoral management body membership of a political party is traditionally of great function independently in practice? importance for top senior positions in Dutch public administration1027, whereby members of the KR reflect Authority over resources the political parties represented in parliament to ensure Although the provisions to secure the KR’s a balanced composition. In recent years, the tendency is independence are limited to the way its members are that selection of members is more down to the appointed and its rights concerning its budget, its individual’s expertise and knowledge of election law.1028 independence seems to become more of a priority for The KR provided examples of how its members refrain the Minister of BZK, the KR and its members. In the from becoming actively involved in political activities. past, the absence of independence in practice was During the recent provincial elections, one member was

1023 ‘Nader rapport inzake het voorstel van wet houdende regels inzake de subsidiering en het toezicht op de financiën van politieke

partijen’ (Wet financiering politieke partijen) of the 18th April 2011 p.2. 1024 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1025 Ibid.; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1026 Ibid. 1027 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob). (1998) p.25 and Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob) (2006). p. 55.

1028, consulted the 21st of February 2012.


approached by an affiliated local party to provide advice debated. The fact that a few members of the KR are on the need for a recount of the votes. In order to prevent members of a political party has not led to any known a conflict-of-interest, the member did not get involved incidents, but does pose a risk of individual political himself. Another member was offered the position of considerations becoming internalised. The municipal councillor, but the KR considered this to be in independence of members of local polling stations violation of its internal protocol and therefore a threat to seems to be more of an issue. the absolute neutrality of the KR. The chairman and secretary-director of the KR describe the KR’s internal environment to be ‘open and with a lot of discussions on TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) for example the other activities of members’. The chairman stresses that those members who are To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure professors are careful to write or present articles and that the public can obtain relevant information on the opinions on topics which are related to their activities for activities and decision-making processes of the EMB? the KR.1029 Responsibilities of actors in electoral management The KR and local Electoral Committees The Minister of BZK, principal electoral committees and Overall, the KR does not get much attention in academic local councils all play a role in electoral management. articles or public debate. There are no incidents known in The KR is not a body on its own; electoral management which the impartiality and/or independence of the KR or is a shared responsibility of several actors. The formal one of its member were considered to be at stake. In one requirements regarding the preparation of elections, of GRECO’s evaluations, the KR is referred to by the the carrying out of elections and the publishing of interlocutors as ‘a highly respected body, which is election results are all clearly prescribed in the currently perhaps little-known to the general public.’1030 Elections Law and are governed by the KR, the PEC’s, There is no evidence of bias or lack of confidence in the local councils and polling stations. These actors all play Dutch KR by the government, Tweede Kamer, Senate or different roles, depending on whether the specific citizens. There is a general belief in the fact that there are elections concern parliamentary, provincial or quite a few institutions, which play a role in the elections municipal elections. Their respective duties to inform process, assure that the process is scrutinised and that all the public about important dates, the location of the actors control one another directly or indirectly.1031 polling stations, the delivery of voter’s cards and the Nevertheless, there have been a few isolated incidents publishing of elections results, are all legally assigned concerning election fraud by members of local polling to these actors with set deadlines and time-frames. For stations. These incidents have been openly addressed in all elections, it is the municipal mayor who is obliged the media and have been dealt with via criminal to send a copy of the list of candidates together with proceedings.1032 The KR is not entirely independent in the addresses of all polling stations to every house practice, but its impartiality is not contested. The within their municipality, at the latest four days before independence of the KR or its members has not been elections.1033

1029 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1030 GRECO (2008) Third evaluation round: Evaluation Report on the Netherlands on Transparency of Party Funding, paragraph 90. 1031 Lukowski, S. (2008). Verkiezingsfraude vanuit strafrechtelijk perspectief p.29-30. 1032; fraude.dhtml;, consulted 12September 2011. 1033 Kieswet J 4.1 and Kiesbesluit J 1.


The KR’s specific responsibilities documentation is published on the website of the KR. The KR has a statutory obligation under the Elections This public website is accessible and frequently updated, Law to publish in the Dutch Government Gazette and public information such as brochures on electoral (Staatscourant) all registrations of political groupings administration, annual reports, statistical information on and notifications of groupings’ de-registering for the elections and research reports are available. parliamentary elections.1034 The KR holds a confidential meeting to discuss relevant formalities concerning the The KR is transparent about the advice it gives to parliamentary elections including the assessment of government and parliament. A specific section on the candidate lists.91035 Decision-making takes place in website provides an overview of the advice given by the public. The chairman of the KR is required to make KR. The advice of the KR on law proposals to amend the public as soon as possible the results of parliamentary Elections Law is published before the proposal reaches elections in the Dutch Government Gazette.1036 the Tweede Kamer. Most of the advice relates to the There is no role for the KR in registering or overseeing technical aspects of rules regarding electoral rights and the finances of political parties. The KR does have to elections. All official advice, the arguments for it and the comply with the Openness of Government Act (Wob - evidence supporting the advice e.g. external research Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur). reports are published here. Another part of the website There are adequate provisions in place which allow the contains information on the elections and provides a public to obtain information on the organisation and calendar with the dates of upcoming elections functioning of the KR. The KR is not involved in (European, national and provincial). Other relevant overseeing the finances of political parties. dates for future elections, for example the deadlines for registering as a political party, the registration of candidates and the meetings of the KR, can be found. TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) Due to several collapses of the Cabinet, new parliamentary elections had to be held in 2002, 2003, To what extent are reports and decisions of the EMB made 2006 and 2010. In 2010 the date for the snap election public in practice? was determined by royal decree, which turned out to be later than expected in order to provide extra time for Responsibilities of actors in electoral management new political parties to register with the KR.1037 On a Some incidents have occurred in the Netherlands which separate website election results since 1848 can be have involved faults made in the preparation of found.1038 Questions on electoral rights and elections elections, the carrying out of elections and the can be answered by contacting the Information Point publishing of election results. These are further Elections. discussed in the report under Election Administration. Most meetings of the KR are not open to the public, The KR’s specific responsibilities because the KR wants its members to speak out freely In practice, the KR makes available to the public its and consider different options without it becoming reports, decisions and advice. The formal documents are known to a wider public or media at a too early published in the Dutch Government Gazette; all other stage.1039 This would pose a risk of the KR becoming

1034 Kieswet art. G1 and I 17. 1035 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1036 Art. P 23 and art. U 16 Kieswet and Kiesbesluit art. P 1. 1037, 14 April 2011. 1038 1039 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011.


part of ‘politics’. The meetings which the KR plan for the coming year. The KR is also required to occasionally has with commissions of the Tweede annually report on its activities of the previous year to Kamer are generally open to the public. Nevertheless, the Minister of BZK.1043 This includes accounting for the the fact that most of the meetings are not open, does way it has spent its budget. The Minister of BZK can limit transparency in the activities of the KR. request the KR to make an evaluation report on its job fulfilment at least once every four years. The KR has to In general the Wob is not often used to request send the work plan, annual report and the evaluation to information from the KR. Most information is readily the Tweede Kamer and the Senate.1044 The allocation of available and provided to the person concerned; there expenditures by the KR is part of the broader allocation is no need to use the Wob.1040 In the last 12 months of expenditures for the Ministry of BZK and as such is there has been one request for information, and the presented by the Cabinet to the Tweede Kamer and the information was provided.1041 However, in 2006 and Senate. 2007 the Wob was used several times by an NGO called ‘We do not trust voting computers’ in order to receive Accountability to the public documents on electoral administration from the KR, The possibilities for citizens to hold the KR, PEC’s or Ministries and local councils.1042 This was clearly an local Electoral Committees accountable shows a mixed exception directly related to incidents with electronic picture. Citizens can appeal some decisions during the voting (further explained in the report under Election preparation phase of the elections before the ABRvS. Administration). The Wob requests made were This can be an appeal of the KR’s decision to approve successful, and among the documents requested were or refuse the registration of a specific name of a the minutes of the meetings of the KR. political grouping, or its decision concerning the list of In practice, the transparency of the KR is safeguarded candidates.1045 because it makes available to the public its reports, However, there are no rights to appeal decisions made decisions and advice. The process leading to these once the polling stations are open. Citizens can only documents is not transparent, since most meetings of file their complaint in the official report of the specific the KR are not open to the public. polling station.1046 The KR can decide, either on its own initiative or in response to a request from a voter, to conduct a recount of the votes for one or more polling ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) stations if there are serious grounds for suspicion that errors or misconduct in the count may have affected To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure the results.1047 There is no possibility for voters, that the EMB has to report and be answerable for its candidates or parties to appeal to a court regarding the actions? redress of irregularities or contesting the results.1048 Voters can send complaints to the authority the Accountability to other institutions elections are held for. The authority can order a recount The Advisory Bodies Framework Act prescribes that the or a re-election if they consider that there are enough KR is required to present to the Minister of BZK a work reasons for it.

1040 Ibid. 1041 Annual report Kiesraad 2010, p.40. 1042, consulted 13 April 2010. 1043 Article 28.1 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1044 Article 28 paragraph 2 and 3 Kaderwet Adviescolleges. 1045 Article G5 and I7 Kieswet. 1046 Art. J 36 Kieswet. 1047 Art. P 21 Kieswet. 1048 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p.3.


A Complaints Procedure is published on the KR’s more user-friendly recently. The annual report of 2010 website. It offers citizens the possibility to complain offers an overview of the appeals made on the about the behaviour of a member of staff of the KR. decisions of the KR. In 2010 two of those appeals were The KR is formally accountable for the way it carries out made. One involved the KR’s decision not to refund the its tasks and the way it has spent its budget. There are deposit of a political party. The District Court of appeal procedures in place which can be used if a Leeuwarden acknowledged the appeal because it citizen does not agree with the KR’s decision on the considered the KR’s motivation inadequate. However, it registration of political parties’ names or candidate decided to keep in force the legal effects because KR’s lists. However, there are few possibilities for citizens to decision was considered just.1053 The ABRvS declared complain about the way elections take place. the appeal to be inadmissible.1054 Another appeal involved the de-registering of the name of a political party, because it had not handed in a valid list of ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) candidates.1055 This appeal was also declared inadmissible by the ABRvS.1056 All decisions of the To what extent does the EMB have to report and be ABRvS are available on its website.1057 There is no answerable for its actions in practice? effective right to complain or appeal once the polling stations are open. Citizens can only file their complaint Accountability to other institutions in the official report. If irregularities occur in one of the In practice, the KR has never presented its work plan to polling stations, there is little a citizen can do. Most the minister. The work plan is an internal document of citizens do not know what to do or where to file their the KR.1049 The annual reports1050 are sent to the complaint.1058 In practice, the mayor of the Minister of BZK, because electoral rights and elections municipality will decide what to do, but there is no fall within his responsibility. Additionally, the independent institution which can deal with such a Presidents of the Tweede Kamer and the Senate receive complaint. Hardly ever does a citizen who filed a the annual report.1051 The KR meets now and then with complaint receive feedback on how his complaint was the Tweede Kamer Commission on BZK to discuss handled.1059 (pressing) matters.1052 Recent incidents involving a recount of votes of specific polling stations during provincial elections did involve Accountability to the public the KR, which provided advice on how this could be All annual reports are available to the public and can be done best.1060 The provincial council was responsible found easily on the KR’s website, which has been made for the recount and was assisted by civil servants.

1049 Letter to the researcher from Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, d.d. 8 November 2011. 1050 1051 1052 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, interview 20 April 2011. 1053 Uitspraak van de rechtbank Leeuwarden van 1 november 2010, zaak nr. AWB 69/2397 via 1054 1055 Jaarverslag 2010 Kiesraad p.33-35 and p.48. 1056 1057 1058 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1059 Ibid. 1060; Kiesraad_blikt_terug_op_laatste_verkiezingen.html, both consulted the 14 September 2011.


The KR has received complaints in the past about additional functions, no damage can be brought to the electronic voting and how the use of computers could position or authority of the KR. In the internal protocol harm the fairness of elections. One expert did notice it is explicitly stated that the aspect of side-functions that the attitude of the KR is somewhat cautious and cannot and should not be totally regulated. It is the defensive. When there is criticism from the public, explicit wish of the KR to trust the wisdom and academics, mayors or international observers prudence of its members. regarding elections, the KR does not proactively reflect on the elections by addressing the issues or creating a The KR and its secretariat dialogue with experts of the local authorities.1061 For The Civil Servants Act is applicable to civil servants of more information on how the KR was held accountable the Ministry of BZK and therefore equally applies to the and how the KR and the Ministry of BZK dealt with civil servants of the KR’s secretariat. The law, among complaints, see the indicator ‘Election Administration’. other things, prescribes that ministries develop and According to the secretary-director of the KR, no implement an integrity policy, which includes a complaints have ever been made about the behaviour mandatory code of conduct. Additionally, civil servants of a member of staff of the KR.1062 are required to take an oath or pledge at their appointment. In 2009 the AR assessed the integrity The KR accounts for its own decision-making and policy of the Ministry of BZK. The Ministry of BZK has activities adequately. In case a dispute arises out of a developed an integrity policy, and a code of conduct is decision made by the KR, a citizen can file a complaint in place. Other provisions in place were e.g. integrity with KR. Additional judicial redress is provided by the audits and the recording of integrity violations. The right to appeal before the ABRvS. Nevertheless, provisions which were not entirely available were risk accountability is low where complaints about analysis and policy evaluation.1064 For more irregularities at polling stations are concerned. information on integrity provisions for civil servants; please refer to Pillar report on the Public Sector.

INTEGRITY (BY LAW) Local polling stations The individuals who participate as members of polling To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure stations are appointed by the mayor and aldermen.1065 the integrity of the EMB? The preparation of the members of the polling stations is believed to have been improved. Instructions have The KR and its members been formalised. Members receive an instruction DVD The Elections Law does not restrict the political and booklet, and the chair of the polling station has to affiliation of KR members or its secretariat. The KR attend an information meeting.1066 The city council can formulated an internal protocol in 2006 which gives determine whether to pay compensation to these some guidance as to which additional functions are members and what the amount will be. incompatible with that of being a member of the KR. For example whether it is incompatible to be involved While a number of integrity provisions exist, these do in services provided by companies to the KR if these are not apply to the members of the KR but rather to the carried out through competition.1063 The main civil servants. The internal KR document provides very guideline in this internal protocol is that in considering little guidance on how to prevent conflict-of-interest.

1061 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1062 Klachtenregeling Kiesraad; Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1063 Letter from the chair of the EC regarding external contacts, dated 10 May 2006. 1064 Algemene Rekenkamer (2010). Overzicht integriteitsbeleid ministeries. p.2. 1065 Art. E 4 Kieswet. 1066 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011.


Membership of the KR is an additional function in itself, candidate in the elections.1071 According to one of the except for the chairman who is appointed part-time. experts; the recruitment of these members is done very For the civil servants working at the KR’s secretariat the carefully but often takes places in small networks same provisions apply as for civil servants from the where people know each other. This might lead to a Ministry of BZK. There are no special provisions higher risk of conflict-of-interest.1072 The integrity designed to deal with integrity issues which are specific violations which have occurred concerning elections to the KR’s secretariat. There are no specific provisions management all took place at local level. For instance, on the integrity of members of local polling stations. in 2006 a local councillor, who was also a candidate in However, the instructions have been formalised, to try the elections, was also a member of the local polling to ensure fair voting at polling stations. station. The results of the elections were highly suspicious, and many local citizens suspected that he had committed election fraud. The local newspaper INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) contacted the Rijksrecherche and in 2008 the person involved was convicted.1073 To what extent is the integrity of the EMB ensured in practice? There have been no incidents which directly involve the integrity of the KR, its members or its secretariat. It The KR, its members and its secretariat seems to be impossible to ensure the integrity in the Although the formal provisions for the members of the overall management of elections. Especially polling KR which relate to integrity are scarce, this has not led stations are vulnerable, since they are the place where to any known integrity violations.1067 Integrity is a the voting takes place and the votes are counted. There recurring topic on the agenda of the KR.1068 According is now more attention paid to the training of members to the chairman of the KR, the biggest risks involve of the local polling stations. This is important to ensure those activities which members combine with their the professionalism and integrity of those involved with membership.1069 In some instances a member was elections in polling stations. approached for an outside position, for instance the There is a piecemeal and reactive approach to ensuring office of municipal councillor. Such an offer was then the integrity of the members of the KR. discussed by the KR and in this case found to be incompatible with membership of the KR. There is said to be a culture within the KR in which members do not CAMPAIGN REGULATION hesitate to discuss dilemmas and provide feedback on each other’s behaviour.1070 Does the EMB effectively regulate candidate and political party finance? Local polling stations In practice, members of polling stations are often civil Registration costs servants of the municipality, municipal councillors or The Elections Law prescribes the registration of a aldermen. The KR has advised the local council to be ‘political grouping’, which is defined as an association hesitant in appointing members who are also a with legal capacity as established by a notary on the

1067 Ibid. 1068 Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1069 Ibid. 1070 Interview with Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011; Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011. 1071, consulted 16 September 2011. 1072 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1073 Lukowski, S. (2008). Verkiezingsfraude vanuit strafrechtelijk perspectief p.34-36.


basis of the group’s charter. Registration needs to take Financing of political parties place up to 43 days before the nomination day. Election The financing of political parties is an on-going topic campaigns are almost completely unregulated in the of discussion. Currently political parties are permitted Netherlands. For the Tweede Kamer elections, the KR (as to raise additional campaign funds from private the central polling station) has the responsibility to sources, essentially non-restricted. Political parties are register the names of the political parties. Such required to register donations of over EUR 4,537 registration costs EUR 450, which will be refunded if a (compared to Belgium where it is EUR 125 and Germany party hands in a valid candidate list for the coming where it is EUR 500).1078 Donations over EUR 4,537 elections. The freedom of association, freedom of from natural persons do not need to be published in speech and the right to passive vote do not allow the KR the annual reports.1079 Donations can be described in to screen the purpose or activities of the grouping. The general terms if a donor refuses to have his or her KR does however assess whether the name of the identity disclosed. The Ministry of BZK does not verify grouping is not confusing for the public or violating or audit donation reports. Review of political party public order.1074 Groupings wanting to take part in the donations and expenditure reports may be requested, elections without a name do not need to register. Parties and these reports can be released to the public if the concerned have a direct right of appeal of the approval party in question consents to the disclosure.1080 or denial of a designation before the ABRvS. Recently, it has been rumoured that parties receive large private donations, allegedly including gifts from Subsidies for political parties foreign sources.1081 This does pose a risk for the Most national political parties in the Netherlands are integrity of the decision-making process. There is no financed through an annual public subsidy and transparency, which makes it difficult to see whether membership fees. In order to receive the annual political parties are financed in order to influence subsidy, political parties must have at least one seat in decision-making in the Netherlands. (For more parliament and at least 1,000 members each information on the financing of political parties, please contributing at least EUR 12 annually to the party.1075 refer to Pillar report on Political Parties.) International Furthermore, they must file an activities plan, a budget, organisations such as the Council of Europe have urged and a specification of their membership figures to the the Dutch authorities to come up with regulations.1082 Ministry of BZK.1076 They must also report how the Recently the Netherlands Court of Audit (AR) presented subsidy was used. In the Netherlands political parties a thorough report on the financing of political parties, are considered to be essentially private associations, in which it stressed the importance of regulating this as primarily accountable to their members. Freedom of soon as possible.1083 In May 2011 the draft WFPP was association1077 is dominant in Dutch thinking. sent to the Tweede Kamer. The initial plan to make the Transparency and accountability requirements for KR responsible for the monitoring and safeguarding of political finance have until recently been regarded as political parties’ finances was changed. In the draft interfering with this right. WFPP this competence is assigned to the Minister of

1074 Art. G1 paragraph 4 sub a Kieswet. 1075 Art. 1 sub c, art. 2 and art. 6 Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen. 1076 Art. 8 paragraph 2, art.9-10 Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen. 1077 Article 8 Grondwet. 1078 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen. p.23. 1079 Art.18 Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen. 1080 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p. 21. 1081 Episode of TV-programme Nieuwsuur from 29 November 2010. 1082 Third Evaluation Round Compliance Report on the Netherlands ”Incriminations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2)” and ”Transparency of Party

Funding” the 11th of June 2010 p.8-17. 1083 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen. p.23.


BZK, because this could otherwise pose a risk for the by the Minister of BZK to assess the Dutch election impartial and independent fulfilment of the other tasks process.1087 Both the Minister of BZK and the KR agreed carried out by the KR. If the Minister of BZK is in charge this would be a positive development, but views of supervision, the requirement of ‘independent differed as to where such overall responsibility for the supervision’ of political parties’ finances is not entire election process should be assigned. The fulfilled.1084 This would imply that the Minister of BZK dominant opinion at the local level is that there is no could have to fine his own political party or that of a need to give any national institution more authority coalition partner. over the electoral process in view of the broad public confidence in the current framework.1088 However, during an Election Assessment Mission it was noticed ELECTION ADMINISTRATION that local practices for the organisation and conduct of Election Day differ and could harm the equal treatment Does the EMB ensure the integrity of the electoral of voters.1089 The complete integrity of the electoral process? process cannot be assured with the current decentralised Dutch system. One expert expressed his Public trust hope that the formalised instructions given to The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS - Centraal Bureau members of polling stations will improve the voor de Statistiek) recently published its figures on awareness of these persons that they are actually a ‘public trust in fair elections’. Of the total number of representative of the government and thereby should people with the right to vote, 72 percent had much or show professionalism, independence and accuracy.1090 a lot of trust in the fairness of the elections. Around 11 percent had little or no trust in the fairness of the Dutch Voter registration and the distributions of voter cards election process, and 17 percent were neutral.1085 For The municipalities are responsible for the more information on confidence, please refer to the administration of voter registration and the elections in Pillar report on political parties. their jurisdictions.1091 The registration of voters is based on population registries maintained at the Responsibility for the overall election process municipal level. A registry is made of those citizens There is currently no legal provision on the overall who are eligible voters in the municipality as of responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the election nomination day. Each voter receives a voter card by process. The municipalities autonomously administer mail, at least two weeks before Election Day. The voter the elections. One of the discussions on electoral card is personalised and has security features to deter reform is whether a central authority should have a role fraud. If a voter does not receive a voter card or loses in overseeing certain aspects of the organisation of the it, he or she may request a new voter card. The elections in order to improve accountability. This issue municipality can also issue special voter cards to voters was considered in the ‘Voting with Confidence’ allowing them to vote at another polling station in the report.1086 This report was published by an advisory country (only in relation to provincial or national commission which was temporarily appointed in 2006 elections), if a written request is made two weeks prior

1084 Doublet, Y-M. (2010). Political financing: GRECO’s first 22 evaluations. Third evaluation round. Retrieved from the GRECO p.15; interview with Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer State and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, 17 May 2011. 1085 Centraal Bureau voor the Statistiek (2010). Sociale Samenhang: Participatie, Vertrouwen en Integratie p.73. 1086 Rijksoverheid (2007). Stemmen met Vertrouwen, Adviescommissie inrichting verkiezingsproces. 1087 1088 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p.13. 1089 Ibid., p.12-13.

1090 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, interview held the 25th of May 2011. 1091 Art. D 1 Kieswet.


to the elections or by visiting the local council days elections in March 2011, a recount was carried out of before the elections. The Organisation for Security and the votes cast at 42 of the 199 polling stations in Co-operation in Europe (OSCE - Organisatie voor Flevoland because there were 80 voter cards more Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa) and its Office taken in than actual votes cast. After the recount, the for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR number could be reduced to 2. Here the KR was asked - Organisatie voor Democratische Instituties en for advice on how to proceed. Mensenrechten) regard the maintenance of the municipal population registries and the distribution of Voting voter cards through the postal service to be very From 1978 to 2007 the Netherlands used electronic good.1092 Nevertheless, some incidents related to voter voting.1097 During the elections held in November 2006 registration and the distributions of voter cards have this became problematic. Concerns were raised about occurred. In one instance, a small number of voters the risks to integrity and the secrecy of votes because received duplicate voter cards1093, but this was quickly the voter-verified paper trail was lacking and the corrected. In another instance in 2010, the media authorisation of the software appeared weak.1098 The exposed a case of voter cards of mentally disabled NGO ‘We do not trust voting computers’ successfully voters being thrown away by their caretakers.1094 advocated that there was an easy way to tamper with Although the Minister of BZK has addressed this, the KR the voting machines. additionally advised the Minister of BZK to look into the In 2007 the government decided to stop electronic possibility of criminal enforcement in the case of voting and withdrew the approval of computers. In expropriation of voter cards. For the parliamentary addition, the two commissions which were set up to elections, the municipality of The Hague is responsible review recent developments concluded that there was for the registration of Dutch citizens who live a lack of e-knowledge within government abroad.1095 In 2010 the KR has advised the government administration, which was therefore not actively to improve the registration procedure for citizens living involved in the development of the software. abroad. It advises that a single electronic registration Furthermore mistakes were made in the process and of voters prevents votes from getting lost or being management which resulted in not making a risk- invalid, as occurs in the current procedure of assessment and created a deficit in security awareness. registering via mail for every election.1096 In 2009 this led to renewed voting with paper ballot and red pencil. OSCE describes this decision as being Polling stations ‘a positive and appropriate measure in view of the The municipalities decide the number, location and serious challenges to electoral integrity that were type of polling stations, and appoint and train the identified in 2006. Moreover, the transparent process 10,000 polling station staff, which conduct the voting through which the issue was considered further and counting process. There have been cases in which contributed to maintaining public confidence’.1099 The a recount was necessary. During the provincial KR does state that it keeps an eye open for new

1092 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p. 15. 1093 Utrechters.dhtml, consulted 13September. 1094, consulted 13 September 2011. 1095 Advies Kiesraad n.a.v. gemeenteraadsverkiezingen en Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2010, 22 September 2010 under E. 1096 Ibid., under A. 1097 Information provided by Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council via letter d.d. 3 February 2012. 1098 stemcomputers.dhtml, consulted 12 September 2011. 1099 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p.1.


developments and technology, especially process. According to the expert, the voting computers internationally.1100 The incidents had an effect on had led to a routine in the organisation of elections; it citizens’ trust in voting machines. In 2006 80 percent led to some negligence.1104 The Dutch election process of voters had confidence in electronic voting; this has undergone considerable reform since the elections number has gone down to 63 percent in 2010. The in 2006. In 2006 amendments to the Elections Law reliability does not equally influence voter preferences were made in order to increase voter participation and on means of voting.1101 Still, 43 percent of voters prefer to introduce additional safeguards for the integrity of electronic voting and 27 percent prefer using paper the election process. These include the repeal of the ballot and red pencil. disenfranchisement of persons legally incapacitated Proxy voting is popular in the Netherlands. It is for mental disability and an increase in the number of regarded as being an effective mean to facilitate candidates that may appear on a candidate list in an participation by voters who otherwise would not be electoral district.1105 Other changes in the electoral able to vote. There have been allegations of abuse of process include the right for citizens to vote at any proxy voting. In the past there were a few cases in polling station in their municipality. In order to ensure which individuals attempted to collect proxy votes from the integrity of the process, a requirement for voter other citizens.1102 Safeguards have been introduced identification was introduced. From now on 25 percent since then to limit the potential for abuse of proxy of the polling stations need to be accessible for voting. Now, a person can cast a maximum of two physically disabled persons. proxy votes, which have to be done when the person Although the administration of the elections in the votes himself. The person needs the original, signed Netherlands is decentralised, it works reasonably well voter card of the voter in order to cast the proxy. Proxy and enjoys a high level of public confidence. There have voting is only allowed if it’s at the initiative of the voter. been isolated incidents of integrity violations in the In order to prevent the use of stolen voter cards, the electoral process. The incidents with electronic voting person has to show a copy of the voter’s identification were of a structural nature. If such incidents occur they document. The average percentage of proxy voting is are adequately addressed. With the decentralised around 11 percent.1103 structure of election administration, extra care should be in place to ensure that local practices for the Election reform organisation and conduct of Election Day do not differ. The KR is trying to improve the integrity of the electoral Equal treatment of voters is essential for ensuring process. Where it sees weaknesses in the electoral integrity in elections. process it advises government on amendments to the Elections Law. One of the experts explains how until The KR is generally involved in ensuring free and fair 2006 the attitude of the KR and other institutions elections. Its tasks are limited because of the involved in the election process could best be described decentralised election administration. However, it does as ‘at ease’, convinced that there was nothing to worry get involved when incidents occur or advice is about because there were no threats to the election requested.

1100 Presentation held by Prof. Dr. Monique Leyenaar, Member, Dutch Electoral Council, ‘Electronic Voting: the Case of The Netherlands’, OSCE Chairmanship Seminar on Present State and Prospect of Application of Electronic Voting in the OSCE participating States, Vienna, 16-17 September 2010. 1101 Centraal Bureau voor the Statistiek (2010). Sociale Samenhang: Participatie, Vertrouwen en Integratie p. 72. 1102 Geronsel-en-gesjoemel-bij-raadsverkiezingen.dhtml, consulted 11 September 2011. 1103 Information provided by Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council via letter d.d. 3 February 2012. 1104 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1105 OSCE/ODIHR (2010) p.6.


Role in NIS The ombudsman is a person who acts as an public sector or law enforcement agencies are not intermediary between government and citizens, and in functioning adequately with regards to the way they treat doing so he represents the interests of the public by citizens, the institution of National Ombudsman can investigating and addressing complaints reported by correct this by investigating the conduct of these individual citizens. An ombudsman will attempt to institutions. The ombudsman can therefore best be resolve them, usually through recommendations described as a ‘watchdog agency’.1110 It is important that (binding or not) or mediation. In the NIS, the the National Ombudsman not only address wrongdoings ombudsman and its bureau form an independent and by government agencies. He has a role of his own in fair mechanism for preserving accountability of the acting with integrity. To make sure that integrity is executive and its civil servants, which fall within the pillar safeguarded in the bureau of the National Ombudsman, public sector. In the Netherlands the Constitution among others, his independence needs to be guaranteed determines that there is a National Ombudsman and he should account for his own conduct. (Nationale ombudsman).1106 Additionally, there are statutory obligations to provide similar Ombudsman Sources provisions for municipalities, provinces and water The desk research for this pillar started with the authorities.1107 Other Ombudsmen dealing with more statutory provisions on the National Ombudsman. specific complaints are: Ombudsman Financial Services Following that, a collection of articles was reviewed. Providence (Ombudsman Financiële Dienstverlening) These articles were written by various academics, the and the Ombudsman of several newspapers1108, former National Ombudsman and other public universities1109 and hospitals. The main focus of this administration officials, and were compiled in 2007 at chapter will be on the National Ombudsman. A well- the 25th anniversary of the institute National functioning National Ombudsman is an important Ombudsman in the Netherlands.1111 Another valuable safeguard in the NIS because he can examine the source of information was the 2010 ‘Reflection on the conduct of administrative organs and by doing so National Ombudsman’; an investigation into the way address misbehaviour, neglect and delay in the office of National Ombudsman was carried out from administration. Citizens who were treated 2005-2010 and what its future role might be. The inappropriately by government agencies and whose research was carried out by external researchers by objections are not heard by these agencies can seek help order of the director of the institute National and are not left to the discretion of the administration. Ombudsman.1112 The current affairs which concerned This means that if NIS institutions such as the Executive, the National Ombudsman were taken into account and

1106 Art. 78a Grondwet. 1107 Art. 81p Gemeentewet, art. 51k Waterschapswet, art.79q Provinciewet, art. 18 Wet Nationale ombudsman and art. 9:17 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1108 For example the Ombudsman of the newspaper NRC via statuten_ombudsman_303850a.pdf 1109 For example the Ombudsman of the via ombudsmanstudenten.cfm 1110 Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. Transparency International, March 2003 p.6 and p.13. 1111 Werken aan behoorlijkheid. De Nationale ombudsman in zijn context, BJu 2007. 1112 Reflectie op de Nationale ombudsman, Verwey-Jonker Instituut, November 2010 p.5.


a media scan was made. An in-depth interview was success. This always brings with it the risk of advising held with the current National Ombudsman and one of an authority on how to provide good services while at his staff members. To get an outsider’s perspective on the same time receiving complaints about the same the National Ombudsman, an academic was authority. Although the provisions regarding his interviewed who has published on the topic of the transparency, accountability and integrity are meagre, National Ombudsman and whistle-blowing, and who he nevertheless seems to ensure these in practice. has also worked for the institute National Ombudsman However, it is important that the National Ombudsman at the very time of its establishment. All interviews were show that his own integrity has priority. This way, he held face-to-face. can be an example in his role as a watchdog.

Interviews held: Structure and Organisation • Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the The National Ombudsman is one of the five High Netherlands, interview held the 18th of April 2011. Councils of State anchored in the Constitution.1113 The National Ombudsman is an independent and impartial • Elisabeth Lissenberg, Emerita professor of administrative body responsible for assessing the Criminology at the School of Law University of performance of public authorities and the lawfulness of Amsterdam, interview held the 30th of May 2011. their decisions and promoting citizens’ rights. This institution does not have judicial powers, but can • Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Bureau inquire about citizens’ complaints and attempt to National Ombudsman, interview held the 18th of resolve them, through non-binding judgments and April 2011. interventions. The National Ombudsman is a ‘second line’ provision: citizens first need to file their complaint with the respective public institution. Only when the OMBUDSMAN citizen and the public institution do not seem to find a solution can the citizen go to the National Ombudsman Status: Very Strong to file his complaint.1114 The National Ombudsman can also decide to investigate at his own initiative, so that Summary more systemic bottlenecks in the performance of public The pillar Ombudsman is the strongest pillar. The authorities can be discovered.1115 Both competences Dutch National Ombudsman has adequate resources cover the whole spectrum of public authorities, varying and is independent in law and in practice. The National from the ministries to the decentralised authorities. The Ombudsman is appointed by the Tweede Kamer on the National Ombudsman is restricted to assessing the basis of clear selection criteria which have been complaints about actions of public institutions and established by the Tweede Kamer. The National therefore cannot deal with complaints about policy or Ombudsman reports to the Tweede Kamer and the content of laws. It is constitutionally exempt from operates in a transparent manner. Although his formal any form of administrative or judicial review. Its power is limited, the National Ombudsman is widely effectiveness is based solely on institutional authority. regarded to have authority. The National Ombudsman The current National Ombudsman is Alex is successful in investigating citizen’s complaints Brenninkmeijer. The National Ombudsman is supported about the government. He also is active in promoting by two substitute National Ombudsmen and an office of good practice, and this is generally regarded to be a 170 staff members.

1113 The High Councils of State are: The House of Representatives, the Senate, the Council of State, the Netherlands Court of Audit and the National Ombudsman, and are anchored in chapter 3 and 4 of the Grondwet. The National Ombudsman is anchored in art. 78a Grondwet. 1114 Carlens, B. and Verbeeck, B. (2010). p.3. 1115 Art. 9:26 Algemene wet bestuursrecht.


ASSESSMENT Number and type of complaints Although the budget has not decreased dramatically, it RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) needs to be considered that the number of complaints in 2010 has gone up by 14 percent and these have also To what extent does an ombudsman or its equivalent become more complex compared to 2009.1118 This have adequate resources to achieve its goals in practice? increase might be caused by greater attention brought to the public via campaigns to raise awareness on the Budget existence of the National Ombudsman or because of The financial resources for the National Ombudsman issues regarding the service provision by public are adequate for carrying out its duties. The budget is authorities.1119 It is worth noting that the total number part of the (remaining) budget for High Councils of of referrals has gone up as well. State and Cabinets of the Governors and is determined by the (budget) legislature (government and Competences and tasks parliament). According to the National Ombudsman, the current The National Ombudsman has financial autonomy over budget is more or less adequate.1120 The National the way he spends his budget. For 2010 the National Ombudsman has broadened his ‘modus operandi’ since Ombudsman had a budget of EUR 13.6 million its establishment in 1982. Since being in office the (compared to EUR 13.8 in 2009), in practice the money current National Ombudsman has clearly aimed for spent was EUR 14.6 million (compared to EUR 13,8 in broadening and intensifying his tasks. In addition to 2009). This overrun was caused by the fact that part of grounds of lawfulness, complaints are assessed on the the receiving money was not received in 2010,but only aspect of decency (behoorlijkheid). The decency in early in 2011.1116 If this time was settled, there was standards have deepened and include formal legal no excess, but a minimum of underspending. Of the criteria and social criteria. Here aspects such as ‘respect EUR 14.6 million spent, 73 percent is salary costs and to one another and treatment’ and whether both sides are 27 percent is expenses such as material costs and heard are considered in the investigations.1121 This training for staff.1117 broadening can also be found in the fact that more

The total number of complaints in 2010 and 2009 and how they were dealt with can be found in the following table.

Reported/Initiated Year Total Referral Intervention Mediation by the National ombudsman 2010 (total no.) around 14.000 8.298 2.973 53 369/8 2009 (total no.) 12.257 6.630 3.550 56 295/7

Source: Jaarverslag 2010 ‘Wat vindt u ervan?’ Reflectie op burger en overheid, p.13 and p.140 Jaarverslag 2009 ‘Voorbij het conflict’, p.136 and 137. The total number of complaints does also include those complaints which did not concern a governmental agency and which were therefore inadmissible. Additionally some reports concern more then one complaint.

1116 Wet van 27 januari 2011 inzake wijziging van de begrotingsstaat van de Raad van State, de Algemene Rekenkamer, de Nationale ombuds- man, de Kanselarij der Nederlandse Orden, het kabinet van de Gouverneur van de Nederlandse Antillen en het kabinet van de Gouverneur van Aruba (IIB) voor het jaar 2010 (wijziging samenhangende met de Najaarsnota). The marginal deviation in the final act still has to be checked. 1117 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.161; De Nationale Ombudsman (2009). Jaarverslag 2009 p.156.

1118 Jaarverslag en slotwet van de Overige Hoge Colleges van Staat en Kabinetten 2010 Nr. 1 (IIB), presented the 18th of May 2011. 1119 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.140. 1120 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, 18 April 2011. 1121 Meurs, P.L. (2007). p.21.


attention is paid to ‘the system’ from which the complaint INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) arose, which comprises the general relation civil servant- citizen. The National Ombudsman instigates an To what extent is the ombudsman independent by law? investigation at his own initiative. The methods used by the National Ombudsman have also expanded from the Constitution and statutory provisions initial report (judgment) and intervention to using the High Councils of State, such as the National methods of mediation. The current National Ombudsman Ombudsman, which carry out their tasks independently has initiated the method of mediation, and this shift in of the government, are bodies anchored in the methods used has led to an intensification of his Constitution and further regulated by law. The National tasks.1122 Ombudsman is established in both the Constitution (in 1999) and in the ‘Act National Ombudsman’ (WNo - Human resources Wet Nationale ombudsman) in 1981.1126 The Human resources are reasonably stable. From 2008 to organisation and the mode of operation are regulated 2010 the number of staff increased from full-time in de WNo and the ‘General Administrative Law Act’ equivalents in 2008 of 134, to 140 in 2009 to 143 in (Awb - Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht). 2010.1123 In 2009 some of the staff received extra training on mediation and conflict resolution, and front- Appointments desk employees attended training on aggression The appointment procedure ensures impartiality of the control, team building and clear communication.1124 In office-holder. The WNo prescribes that the appointment 2010 attention was paid to internal training on research of the National Ombudsman is preceded by the skills. The National Ombudsman indicated that extra recommendation of a commission consisting of the vice- budget for the development and training of personnel president of the Council of State, the president of the would be welcome. He explained that his new approach Supreme Court and the president of the Netherlands to the institution also requires a more multidisciplinary Court of Audit (AR - Algemene Rekenkamer) in which team. The broadening and intensification of its tasks three suitable candidates are suggested to the Tweede require other expertise at the bureau of the National Kamer.1127 The Tweede Kamer decides by majority Ombudsman. The current staff members are mostly voting, which candidate is to be appointed for a period lawyers and legal professionals, and the National of 6 years; in general this is 2 years longer than the term Ombudsman thinks that professionals with a social of the Tweede Kamer, and he does not get any science or governance background would be a great instructions from other institutions.1128 If the Tweede support.1125 The increase in complaints and broadening Kamer wants to reappoint the current Ombudsman, this of tasks will require additional funding in the years to can be decided without the selection procedure.1129 come. The National Ombudsman has an adequate There are no specific selection criteria for the office of financial, human, legal and infrastructural resource base National Ombudsman determined in law. However, in to meet its goals. 2005 a sub-commission of the permanent commission

1122 Interview with Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30May 2011; Lissenberg, E. (2008), Zeg ken jij de ombudsman? p. 272-275; Aaij, S.W.P., Euwema, M.C., Landzaat, D. and Langen, J.W.E. (2007) p.227. 1123 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.161. 1124 De Nationale Ombudsman (2009). Jaarverslag 2009; Werken aan behoorlijkheid. De Nationale ombudsman in zijn context, p. 29 and 140-141. 1125 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman; interview with Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Nationale Ombudsman, 18April 2011. 1126 Art. 78a Grondwet. 1127 Art. 2 paragraph 1 and 2 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1128, consulted 2 May 2011. 1129 Art. 2 paragraph 4 Wet Nationale ombudsman.


on BZK of the Tweede Kamer set up a comprehensive situation in which the National Ombudsman takes on profile for the National Ombudsman which was approved a position which is incompatible with the position of by the Tweede Kamer.1130 The substitute National National Ombudsman as mentioned in the law. Other Ombudsmen are also appointed by the Tweede Kamer reasons for dismissal are a criminal conviction which after the National Ombudsman has given his cannot be appealed or which leads to detention. Or recommendation. when the Tweede Kamer is of the opinion that the way the National Ombudsman acted or failed to act has Incompatibilities seriously damaged the confidence he enjoyed.1134 The independence of the National Ombudsman is further safeguarded through the legal provision which Status explicitly mentions four positions which are The status of the National Ombudsman can be incompatible with the post of National Ombudsman. compared with that of a minister. The salary of the The National ombudsman is not allowed to be a National Ombudsman is EUR 10,325.86 per month.1135 collegial member of a public authority for which the This salary is equal to that of the president of the ARK, appointment takes place by elections which are the vice-president of the Council of State and that of prescribed by law. Neither can the National ministers.1136 Ombudsman be in a public office for which he receives a fixed wage or remuneration, or be a Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations member of a permanent advisory or support body for The National Ombudsman is independent by law and the Dutch government. Lastly, the National as such not subordinate to a minister. The only Ombudsman is not allowed to carry out the profession special involvement concerns the Minister of the of lawyer or notary public.1131 Additionally, there is a Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK - Binnenlandse general legal prohibition for the National Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties) through his Ombudsman to be involved in activities which may be responsibility for the laws regarding the National undesirable for the fulfilment of his position or for Ombudsman and through his responsibility regarding enforcing his impartiality, independence or the budgets of the High Councils of State.1137 confidence in those.1132 The National Ombudsman is Although the law prescribes that it is the Minister of required to make his side-functions and activities BZK, through recommendation by the National public.1133 Ombudsman, who decides which members of staff are to be appointed, promoted and dismissed by the Dismissal and suspension National Ombudsman, the applicable decree The National Ombudsman can only be dismissed by determines that the staff members of the institute of the Tweede Kamer on six grounds mentioned in the the National Ombudsman are appointed, promoted law. These grounds are similar to those applicable to and dismissed by the National Ombudsman.1138 This the judiciary and, involve among other things the applies to all staff members except for the director

1130 Kamerstuk 30 052 nr. 1. 1131 Ibid., Article 5 paragraph 1. 1132 Ibid., Article 5 paragraph 2. 1133 Ibid., Article 5 paragraph 3. 1134 Ibid., Article 3 paragraph 2. 1135 Article 1 paragraph 1 Wet Rechtspositie Raad van State, Algemene Rekenkamer en Nationale Ombudsman; Art. 6 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1136, consulted 11 May 2011. 1137 De Nationale Ombudsman, Instituut, Taak en Werkwijze February 2008, p.11. 1138 Article 11 Wet Nationale ombudsman; Besluit van 15 mei 1990, houdende regels met betrekking tot aanstelling, schorsing en ontslag van de tot het bureau van de Nationale ombudsman behorende personen.


and the heads of departments, who are appointed and knowledge and reputation in the field of law and public dismissed by the Crown after recommendation by the administration to being independent and acting with National Ombudsman.1139 integrity and having an eye for the social aspects in the Although this decree does provide an extra safeguard relation between a complainant and public for its independence, it can easily be amended or authority.1145 This profile is the outcome of talks which withdrawn because it is not an act. the Tweede Kamer sub-commission had with the current National Ombudsman, the Commission Right to appeal Recommendation National Ombudsman and staff The judgments of the National Ombudsman are not members of the National Ombudsman’s office.1146 Of a considered to be administrative acts and therefore total of four office holders who have been appointed there is no possibility of appeal. The public authorities since the establishment of the office, there has been no have a legal duty to provide the information asked for removal from office.1147 in person.1140 By law, all parties concerned have to cooperate, and if necessary witnesses can be picked up The Tweede Kamer decided in January 2011 to at their homes by the police.1141 There is no statutory reappoint the current National Ombudsman for safeguard which ensures the anonymity of the citizen another term which will start in October 2011. The who complain, but the office of National Ombudsman official selection procedure did not need to be brings with it the right to silence and thereby granting followed; a majority of the Tweede Kamer voted by anonymity to those who complain.1142, 1143 This limits show of hands in favour of his reappointment. the fear for retaliation towards those who complain.1144 The legal provisions provide adequate safeguards for In the past a recommended candidate and former the independence of the National Ombudsman. Minister of Justice, Sorgdrager, was not appointed by the Tweede Kamer because there was a majority which feared that this would mean that if she were appointed INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) as National Ombudsman, she would have to assess complaints of citizens which resulted from her own To what extent is the ombudsman independent in policies as a Minister of Justice.1148 practice? Competence Appointments There have been a few occasions in which ministers or Although there are no legal selection criteria for the MPs scrutinised the statements of the National office of National Ombudsman in law, the profile for the Ombudsman because they considered these to be National Ombudsman drafted in 2005 states general inappropriate, because they were of the opinion that and specific selection criteria. These vary from proven the National Ombudsman had not carried out an official

1139 De Nationale Ombudsman, Instituut, Taak en Werkwijze February 2008, p.10. 1140 Art. 9:31 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1141 Art. 15 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1142 Lissenberg, E. (2008). Klokkenluiders, toezichthouders en anonimiteit. p. 1-2; Interview Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30 May 2011. 1143 Art. 10 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur. 1044 Lissenberg, E. (2008). Klokkenluiders, toezichthouders en anonimiteit. p. 1-2. 1045, consulted 8 May 2011. 1046 Kamerstuk 30 052 nr. 1. 1047 Oosting, M. (2007). p.253. 1148 Interview with Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30 May 2011;, consulted 20 June 2010.


investigation before giving his judgment.1149 The current National Ombudsman regards his independence to be National Ombudsman is rather proactive in giving his guaranteed in practice, and argued that his position opinion on proposed legislation and decisions from the sometimes leads to intense discussions.1153 government; this is the result of the broadening of the The Executive through the prime minister once tasks assigned to the National Ombudsman.1150 Not long contested the competence of the National Ombudsman ago, the National Ombudsman expressed his worries and thereby interfered with his tasks.1154 In 2009 the about the government’s plan to cut the budget of the National Ombudsman decided to investigate a complaint judiciary and to increase registry costs.1151 During a by Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn, the ex-husband of recent lecture, the National Ombudsman posed some Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme (niece of Queen critical questions about the way the police had acted Beatrix), who accused the Queen’s Office (Kabinet der during a certain incident which led to a fatal shooting. Koningin) and the Minister of General Affairs of misusing This led to the government expressing its anger towards their power and unlawfully interfering in his private life. the National Ombudsman.1152 The Minister of Finance Prime minister Balkenende reacted by sending three (also vice-president) stated that it was irresponsible and letters to the National Ombudsman in which he declared inappropriate, taking into account his authority, for the the National Ombudsman to be incompetent to National ombudsman to express his opinion without investigate the conduct of the Queen’s Office since it is having done an investigation into this incident. The not considered to be an ‘administrative organ’ according Minister of BZK addressed this with the National to the definition of the law. Accordingly, the prime Ombudsman. The National Ombudsman reacted by minister contested that this was a duty for the director expressing his disappointment with the reaction of the of the Queen’s Office to provide information. The government and stressed the fact that he only raised it National Ombudsman reacted by stating that it is up to as a question during his lecture. Since the National the National Ombudsman to determine whether he is Ombudsman is a respected authority, it is unlikely that competent or not. The National Ombudsman confirmed lectures like these would not be known to a wider public. that indeed there have been discussions regarding his The Tweede Kamer was divided on whether it was competence, but he still makes his own choices on acceptable for the Minister of BZK to address this. The whether or not to investigate a complaint.1155

1149, consulted 13May 2011. 1150 The permanent commission on Interior and Kingdom relations sent a letter on 21March 2005 to the Tweede Kamerwhich contained the design of a profile for the to-be-appointed National Ombudsman. In paragraph 2.3 of that letter a general requirement is stated: “. . . Vermogen om de belangen van het instituut Nationale ombudsman doeltreffend te behartigen, in contacten met de politiek en het bestuur. De Nationale ombudsman moet zich gemakkelijk mengen in maatschappelijke discussies in een publieke openbare omgeving, en met gezag bijdragen aan publieke meningsvorming gevoed door zijn specifieke kennis en ervaring” and in 2.6: “De Nationale om- budsman moet in staat zijn om algemene tekortkomingen in het overheidshandelen vast te stellen, de oorzaken daarvan aan te duiden en daarvoor oplossingen voor te stellen.” The letter can be found on, con- sulted on 19 June 2011; Meurs, P.L. (2007). pp.22, 28. 1151 and ombudsman-onzorgvuldig.html, consulted 8 May 2011. 1152 and tikel/119391-kabinet-boos-op-nationale-ombudsman.html, consulted 8 May 2011. 1153 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, the National Ombudsman, 18 April 2011. 1154 Roy-van-Zuydewijn.dhtml;; http://www.eenvan-, consulted 8 May 2011. 1155 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, the National Ombudsman and Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Nationale Ombudsman, 18 April 2011.


Although his independence is essential, it is important judgment.1159 It is the National Ombudsman who that the National Ombudsman act within the determines the time-lines for this.1160 The complaints description of his assigned task. Some analysts were of and the corresponding final report of the National the same opinion as the National Ombudsman and Ombudsman are to be made available to those agreed that the Queen’s Office can be the subject of an involved, but the personal information of people filling investigation by the National Ombudsman.1156 complaints is kept secret.1161 Reports also are made available to the public.1162 Anyone can obtain an In 2010 the National Ombudsman published his report extract of an investigation report; a small fee needs to on this case with the conclusion that the complaint was be paid.1163 The law does not mention time-lines for not valid because the alleged interference could not be any document or report to be made public. substantiated through the documents and the declarations given under oath.1157 Generally, the There is a general provision which prescribes that the National Ombudsman’s independence is respected in National Ombudsman has to send an annual report practice.1158 regarding his activities to the Tweede Kamer and Senate, to ministers and to representative organs of the The National Ombudsman operates freely without provinces, municipalities and water authorities and interference from other actors and is not engaged in other boards to which the National Ombudsman is any political or other activities which can compromise responsible for dealing with their complaints.1164 The his independence or political neutrality. annual report should also be made available to the public. There is no provision which prescribes when the annual report is to be made available. TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) Disclosure of financial information To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure Since 2006 a law requires ministers and other top that the public can obtain relevant information on the officials’ income to be made public, however this law activities and decision-making processes of the does not apply to the National Ombudsman even ombudsman? though his income is comparable to that of ministers.1165 There are no other duties to declare Duty to make public financial information. Before completing an investigation, the National There are few statutory provisions in place to ensure Ombudsman informs the administrative organ which is that important information on the activities and involved, the person whose conduct is part of the decisions of the National Ombudsman are available to investigation and the complainant about his the public.

1156 Roger Vleugels, Legal advisor on Openness of Government and Jit Peters, Professor in Constitutional Law at the University of Amsterdam in episode of TV-broadcast of Eenvandaag of 10 November 2009. 1157 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Overheidsbemoeienis in privéleven De Roy van Zuydewijn niet gebleken. 1158 Interview with Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30 May 2011. 1159 Art. 9:35 paragraph 1 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1160 Ibid., Art. 9:35 paragraph 2. 1161 Ibid., Art. 9:36; Art. 10 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur;, consulted 13 May 2011. 1162 Art. 9:36 paragraph 5 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1163 Ibid., Art. 9:36 paragraph 5. 1164 Article 16 paragraph 2 Wet Nationale ombudsman; Carlens, B. and Verbeeck, B. (2010). p.20. 1165 Wet openbaarmaking uit publieke middelen gefinancierde topinkomens.


TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) Involvement of the public The National Ombudsman does involve the public and To what extent is there transparency in the activities and intermediaries. The National Ombudsman has decision-making processes of the ombudsman in organised citizen’s panels and via the website and practice? other media consults citizens about a specific subject, for example the communication via email between Duty to make public citizens and governmental organisations.1168 The National Ombudsman is active in making his activities and decisions transparent and available to the Disclosure of financial information public. Although there are only a few formal provisions Although there is no legal obligation for it, the office safeguarding transparency, the National Ombudsman holder publishes his income in the annual report goes further than the legal provisions demand. The because he regards this as desirable on the grounds of National Ombudsman publishes information on two transparency.1169 different websites. One website was launched in The public is able to readily obtain relevant information December 2010 and is specifically designed for on the organisation and functioning of the National complainants; here information on procedures is Ombudsman, on decisions that concern them and how provided and explained in detail.1166 these decisions were made. The second website is designed for citizens wanting to be informed on recent developments and current Accountability (by law) affairs regarding the National Ombudsman. The website is visually impaired-friendly through the To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure option to enlarge the text or have the information read that the ombudsman has to report and be answerable out by a computer voice.1167 Particularly the (summary) for its actions? annual reports, government’s reaction to the annual reports, thematic documents on e.g. Work and Income, The main provision is that the National Ombudsman is news articles and speeches are published here. legally required to present his annual report to the The annual reports to the Tweede Kamer provide Tweede Kamer and the Senate and to government and information on the work done. Detailed information is those authorities which have been the subject of also provided on the complaints: the number of complaint.1170 In 2007 the Tweede Kamer voted in favour complaints received, referred and completed. of a motion which expressed the desirability to assess in Additionally ratios of effective intervention by the what way the National Ombudsman accounts for his National Ombudsman, the duration of cases filed and conduct in an annual debate with the Tweede Kamer.1171 finalised, type and number of organisations or issues There is no deadline for the National Ombudsman when cited in the complaints are presented. A specific to deliver the annual report. The National Ombudsman chapter in the annual report provides comprehensive can determine if and when he informs the Tweede Kamer management information on, among other things, and Senate and other representative organs on the budget, staffing, training and sick leaves. outcome of his investigations.1172 The administrative

1166, consulted 13 May 2011. 1167, consulted 13 May 2011. 1168 Information based on email exchange (d.d. 3May 2011) with Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs at the Office of the National Ombudsman and, consulted 13May 2011. 1169, consulted 14 May 2011. 1170 Article 16 paragraph 1 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1171 Kamerstuk 30990 nr.10. 1172 Article 16 paragraph 3 Wet Nationale ombudsman.


actions taken by the National Ombudsman cannot be Tweede Kamer commissions to share his vision on judicially reviewed. The National Ombudsman is not subjects such as youth care, or to discuss more required to have a complaints procedure.1173 structural issues regarding certain public authorities such as the Healthcare Inspection. Here the National There are few provisions which aim at holding the Ombudsman freely expresses his opinion and National Ombudsman accountable for its actions, provides recommendations on ways to improve the which could be viewed as problematic if one considers service provided by these authorities.1176 This the impact his opinions and interventions have. information is debated in a meeting with the National Ombudsman and the Tweede Kamer commission on BZK. A second meeting is held in which the minister ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) of BZK exchanges thoughts on the annual report with the Tweede Kamer. To what extent does the ombudsman report and is answerable for its actions in practice? Complaints procedure Additionally, citizens can complain about the staff Although the legal provisions regarding his members of the bureau of the National Ombudsman by accountability are rather limited, the National using the ‘Complaints procedure Bureau National Ombudsman takes extra initiatives to answer for his ombudsman’ (Klachtregeling Bureau Nationale actions in practice. It is at the discretion of the ombudsman).1177 The National Ombudsman usually National Ombudsman to determine when he sends calls the complainant to address the issue.1178 In 2010, the annual report to the Tweede Kamer, Senate and 42 complaints were filed compared to 35 in 2009.1179 government and other public authorities. In practice, Of the complaints in 2010, 20 complaints concerned the annual reports have always been sent; this is done the time needed for the National Ombudsman to deal in March.1174 with the complaint. Of these, 15 complaints were valid The annual reports are comprehensive and focus on because too much time was needed to handle the the content of the activities carried out, e.g. the complaint. Other complaints concerned the partiality of initiatives taken, complaints received, and the staff member, of which one was found to be recommendations made and complied with by the valid.1180 administration. In most years, the annual meeting The website of the National Ombudsman does provide with the Tweede Kamer Commission on BZK to the total figures and subject of the complaints; discuss the annual report1175, has taken place. The however it does not state how the complaints which National Ombudsman is regularly invited by other were valid have been solved.

1173 Art. 9:1 and art.1:1 lid 1 paragraph f Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1174 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman, 18 April 2011; toespraak-alex-brenninkmeijer-over-jaarverslag; volgende_weken/details.jsp?parlisnummer=2011A01805&dayofweek=Woensdag&his=1, consulted 24 December 2011. 1175 ofweek=Woensdag&his=1, consulted 24 December 2011. 1176 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.161; De Nationale Ombudsman (2009). Jaarverslag 2009 p.13; Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, the National Ombudsman and Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Nationale Ombudsman, 18April 2011. 1177 1178 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman, 18 April 2011; 2010/3-6-klachten-over-medewerkers-van-de-nationale, consulted 27 September 2011. 1179 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.153. 1180, consulted 27 September.


The complaints regarding the judgement following an INTEGRITY (BY LAW) investigation or the decision not to investigate are not considered to be complaints but requests for To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure reconsideration. The total number of requests for the integrity of the ombudsman? reconsideration was 89 in 2010 and 44 in 2009.1181 In 2010, 4 requests for reconsideration were found valid. Officeholder The office-holder’s integrity is safeguarded by the Reflection on the National Ombudsman provisions in the law regarding the grounds for his In 2010 a ‘Reflection on the National Ombudsman’ was dismissal, when e.g. the Tweede Kamer is of the published.1182 The director of the National opinion that his conduct is damaging the trust confided Ombudsman had assigned an external research in him.1185 The office-holder and substitute office- institute to do research into the way the office of holders are required to take an oath/pledge.1186 Before National Ombudsman had been taken on and carried accepting office, the (substitute) National ombudsman out in the last five years, as well as looking at the future declares or promises in order to be appointed not to role the National Ombudsman might fulfil.1183 The have promised, directly or indirectly, on whatever purpose of this research was to get a better pretences, any gift or favour. He declares and promises understanding of what this specific office holder had that in order to act or refrain from acting in this office accomplished for Dutch society and in particular of the no direct or indirect promises were made or gifts were relation between public authorities and citizens. But taken, or will be made or taken. Side-functions have to also to get a better insight into and be accountable for be made public.1187 the way the office had fulfilled and to inspire both the National Ombudsman and the institute in their vision Integrity policy for the future.1184 The report concluded, among other The staff members are civil servants; this means that things, that the National Ombudsman should broaden the Civil Servants Act is applicable. There is therefore a his field of activity to include assessment of legislation, duty for the competent authority to design and jurisprudence and privatised public functions, and implement integrity provisions (For details, please refer further should professionalise his organisation. The to Pillar report on public sector.) For instance, they advice was also to further professionalise the bureau of need to inform the director of the National the National Ombudsman and to focus more on the Ombudsman on their other positions, gifts above EUR self-learning ability of the government. 50 are not allowed and the whistle-blower procedure is Existing provisions are effective in ensuring that the applicable.1188 Notwithstanding these few provisions, National Ombudsman has to report and be answerable there is no comprehensive framework to promote for its actions in practice. The accountability could be integrity as required by the Civil Servants Act. improved if the outcome of complaints could be made Instruments such as a ‘code of conduct’ or a ‘conflict- available as well. of-interest manual’ are not available.

1181, consulted 27 September 2011. 1182 Boutellier, J.C.F., Hermens, F.J., Lünnemann, K., Meere, de F.B.J. and Mein, A.G. (2010). 1183 Ibid., p.5. 1184 Ibid., p.7. 1185 Art. 8 to 10 and art. 3 paragraph 2 sub e, f and g Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1186 Art. 8 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1187 Article 5 paragraph 3 and article 9 paragraph 4 Wet Nationale ombudsman. 1188 Art. 125quater Ambtenarenwet and Rechtspositie rijksambtenaar juli 2010 Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties and information based on email exchange (d.d. 3May 2011) with Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs at the office of the National Ombudsman.


The integrity policy of the bureau of the National Incidents Ombudsman is a ‘work in progress’. An integrity policy Although there is not yet a comprehensive framework plan was made in 2010 based on the outcome of the to safeguard integrity, integrity is ensured in practice. SAINT-monitor.1189 This is an instrument developed by In the early days of the National Ombudsman, there the AR and BIOS to provide a self-assessment of was one incident in which a member of staff misused integrity risks in organisational processes and of the his position by addressing the poor condition police comprehensiveness of the entire set of rules and cells in the city of Gorinchem were, through informing policies to promote integrity. the newspaper NRC Handelsblad.1192 He did so According to the website of the National Ombudsman, without notifying the National Ombudsman on what specific integrity provisions have been developed in he discovered.1193 2010 and will be rolled out in 2011.1190 The integrity In 2010 one complaint which involved the lack of policy plan provides an overview of all integrity impartiality of a staff member of the National instruments and their date for completion (from Ombudsman was considered to be valid. The 2010 January to December 2011). Among other things, a annual report of the National Ombudsman does state code of conduct, a confidential adviser, registry of this as a fact, but does not elaborate on how this was side-functions and ‘revolving door’ provisions are to resolved.1194 be introduced. It is still to be seen when and how the integrity provisions will become effective. Integrity risks In 2006/07 the director of the National Ombudsman Although the general legal provisions applicable to the asked an external accountancy firm to carry out an civil servants working for the bureau National integrity analysis. Ombudsman apply, these have not led to any The conclusion of this research was that there were comprehensive formal provisions being present in the few integrity risks within the institute of the National institution and applicable to the office holder. Ombudsman, mainly because of the nature of the work carried out by the institution. The report is not Integrity (in practice) available to the public. The National Ombudsman stressed that in the last 5 years the internal culture To what extent is the integrity of the ombudsman has developed in such a way that members of staff ensured in practice? feel free to address integrity issues with each other. Instead of the classical focus on formalities and legal Office-holder provisions, the attitude of staff members has The National Ombudsman and substitute National changed.1195 Ombudsmen published their side-functions in an annex to the annual report.1191 Except for their income, There is an adequate approach for ensuring the there is no disclosure regarding other financial integrity of members of the National Ombudsman interests. which includes addressing alleged misbehaviour.

1189 Beleidsplan Integriteit Bureau Nationale ombudsman 2010 (internal document). 1190, consulted 14 May 2011. 1191 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.161; De Nationale Ombudsman (2009). Jaarverslag 2009 p.104. 1192 1193 Interview with Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30 May 2011. 1194, consulted 27 September. 1195 Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, the National Ombudsman and Stephan Sjouke Head International Affairs Nationale Ombudsman, 18 April 2011.


INVESTIGATION Ombudsman.11980 The website of the National Ombudsman is now more user-friendly and provides all To what extent is the ombudsman active and effective in relevant information for complainants on how to file dealing with complaints from the public? their complaint. Complaints can be filed by telephone, letter or email. The website provides an overview and Office-holder checklist regarding the type of complaints which the The National Ombudsman is active in dealing with National Ombudsman can help citizens with. There are complaints from the public. The role of the institute has example letters, videos and example cases to explain the developed over the years; the different office-holders possibilities and what can be expected from the National have all in their own way influenced the position of the Ombudsman. institute in Dutch society. One office-holder focussed on reaching out to the more vulnerable individuals in Investigations society, for instance refugees, and accomplishing Complaints to the National Ombudsman may be change in the way they were treated by state immediately dismissed for not respecting the scope of authorities. The current office-holder has initiated the its duties1199 or be referred to the competent use of mediation. The National Ombudsman is authorities when the internal complaint procedure has increasingly taking on the role of mediator between not been followed.1200 Regardless of the outcome of complainant and public authority.1196 The Tweede the complaint, a response is always given to the person Kamer is also responsible for this change in perception who filed it. The National Ombudsman is successful in of how the National Ombudsman should carry out its using the method of intervention to provide a solution work. The 2005 ‘Profile on the National Ombudsman’ in those cases which are not so complex.1201 The contained as a selection criterion awareness of the method of investigation results in a report stating a social dimension of the relationship between citizen judgment on the decency of conduct of the public and government, and this has been taken seriously by authority and sometimes includes a recommendation this National Ombudsman.1197 to the public authorities. For figures on complaints received and the way they were dealt with, please refer Outreach to Resources.1202 The National Ombudsman is active in making people aware of the existence of his institute, namely, through In 2010, the National Ombudsman carried out 8 a renewed website and an outreach campaign (through investigations at his own initiative.1203 This is usually means of TV) aimed at reaching out to citizens who feel done when he suspects a more structural bottleneck in that they are confronted with poor services from the the relation of citizen and government. He investigates government. Special attention was paid to the lower what is causing this situation instead of dealing with social economic class, because research indicated that the individual complaint. One investigation concerned they did not easily contact the National the increasing complaints from citizens on the way the

1196 Profiel: episode of TV-broadcast ‘Een portret van Alex Brenninkmeijer. De Nationale ombudsman’ of 14 November 2010. 1197 Kamerstuk 30 052 nr. 1. 1198 Note: this was instigated by the previous office-holder Mr. R.Fernhout and got renewed attention from the current office-holder. Interview with Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of criminology of the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 30 May 2011; Interview with Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman; interview with Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Nationale Ombudsman, 18April 2011. 1199 Art. 9:22 and 9:23 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1200 Ibid., Art. 9:19. 1201 Boutellier, J.C.F., Hermens, F.J., Lünnemann, K., Meere, de F.B.J. and Mein, A.G. (2010). p.21. 1202 De Nationale Ombudsman. (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.13. 1203 Ibid., p.13.


municipalities enforce laws on pollution, noise, issues supporters are collected by state authorities.1209 The with neighbours, etc. An inventory was made of the National Ombudsman is generally very active and type and complexity of the complaints. These were successful in dealing with complaints from the public. discussed by the National Ombudsman during a round-table meeting with representatives from the municipalities and experts. This resulted in a practical PROMOTING GOOD PRACTICE tool with directives for municipalities on how to deal with these types of complaints.1204 Another To what extent is the ombudsman active and effective in investigation, begun at its own initiative, concerned the raising awareness within government and the public registration of foreigners in the Schengen Information about standards of ethical behaviour? System. According to the National Ombudsman, not enough consideration had been given to the far- Appreciation reaching consequences such a registration might have: The National Ombudsman is active and effective in it may lead to a prohibition to be on European soil.1205 raising awareness of decent conduct or action in the provision of services on the part of the authorities. Satisfaction There are different means by which the National The authority of the National Ombudsman depends on Ombudsman tries to accomplish this, for example, by the effect of his work for the complainant and the making recommendations. administration.1206 The general perception of the National Ombudsman is positive, from the In 2010 the National Ombudsman gave 77 lecturers to complainants’ point of view and from the public inspire groups of civil servants to deal with citizens in authorities.1207 Since 2010 the National Ombudsman a decent way.1210 The public authorities are positive contacts citizens whose complaints have been dealt about the National Ombudsman’s focus on decency in and asks them to evaluate the service provided by the service-providing.1211 During the interviews for the National Ombudsman on aspects such as: duration of Reflection on the National Ombudsman, some claimed procedure, accessibility and whether the information that this approach has led them to think less from the received was clear. They generally appreciated the point of view that the ‘rule is rule’ and to become more service with a score of 8.2 (scale 1-10).1208 aware of the citizen’s perspective. Hereby this increased the customer focus in their service- The investigations which the National Ombudsman providing.1212 There has also been some criticism initiated himself included, among others, the way state about the ‘norms for decency’ which the National authorities handle the letters from citizens, the way Ombudsman uses to assess claims. According to some transport to school for disabled children takes place and of the representatives, this has led to more the extent to which the personal data of football bureaucracy.1213

1204 Ibid., p.44-45. 1205 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Toegang verboden. Onderzoek naar de opname van vreemdelingen in het Schengen Informatie Systeem en de informatievoorziening hierover. 1206 Oosting, M. (2007) p.258. 1207 Boutellier, J.C.F., Hermens, F.J., Lünnemann, K., Meere, de F.B.J. and Mein, A.G. (2010 p.33. 1208 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.159. 1209;, consulted 20 June 2011. 1210 De Nationale Ombudsman (2010). Jaarverslag 2010 p.14. 1211 Boutellier, J.C.F., Hermens, F.J., Lünnemann, K., Meere, de F.B.J. and Mein, A.G. (2010). p.19. 1212 Ibid. 1213 Ibid., p.20.


Jurisdiction 2,700 of those were also filed with the National The number of governmental agencies within the Ombudsman and led to 1,200 interventions. The jurisdiction of the National Ombudsman is extensive. National Ombudsman had made a selection about The website provides an alphabetic overview of those which subjects the complaints were about, and agencies and excludes institutions which are part of the addressed this with the Director-General and Minister judiciary.1214 The competence of the National of the Ministry of Finance, who provided their points of Ombudsman has been debated by government when a view. This resulted in a report which was sent to the complaint involved their conduct. The National Tweede Kamer and which in the end led to concrete Ombudsman explicitly called himself competent and steps taken by the Ministry of Finance, e.g., the Tax carried out the investigation. It is common for the Bureau invested in the recording of complaints, the Tax National Ombudsman to consult agencies before Bureau helpline improved, special teams were formed criticising the agency or person involved. However, to deal with the more complex problems and internal there have been incidents in which the National mediation began to be used.1216 Ombudsman felt he could freely express his opinion The National Ombudsman was also actively involved before he had done an investigation. This sometimes in the project of the Ministry of BZK called ‘Pleasant led to tension between politicians and the National contact with the government’.1217 In this project, civil Ombudsman. Also, his opinion could hinder third servants of different governmental agencies were parties which have a legal task to investigate a case and involved in improving their services by carrying out establish the truth; the results of these investigation their legal tasks with more customer focus. Problems might be perceived differently. which arose were dealt with in a different way, by using mediation and communication skills in order to Advice prevent escalation in the form formal complaints and The National Ombudsman increasingly provides advice appeals. The results were positive: the number of to public organisations on how to improve the quality formal complaints filed decreased, while citizens´ of their services. The public authorities argue that the appreciations for the services rendered increased.1218 National Ombudsman and his staff are easy to However, a small risk might be that the National approach and are willing and active in sharing ideas Ombudsman might receive a complaint regarding a how to improve quality in service-providing.1215 On a public organisation for which he provides training. regular basis, there is contact between the National Ombudsman and his members and staff and the public The National Ombudsman is generally very active and authorities to deal with complaints internally. In 2008 successful in raising awareness within government and the Tax bureau received 16,000 internal complaints, the public about standards of ethical behaviour.

1214, consulted 14 May 2010. 1215 Boutellier, J.C.F., Hermens, F.J., Lünnemann, K., Meere, de F.B.J. and Mein, A.G. (2010). p.22. 1216 Beemster, R., Brenninkmeijer, A.F.M. and Stehouwer, A. (2010). p.182. 1217 Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (2010). Eindrapportage pioniertraject mediationvaardigheden resultaten, analyses & aanbevelingen. Prettig contact met de overheid. 1218 Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (2010). Prettig contact met de overheid deel 2. Eindrapportage pioniertraject mediationvaardigheden resultaten, analyses & aanbevelingen. p.167.


Role in NIS Sources In order to assure that public money is spent correctly The desk research for this pillar report started with a in the public sector, an independent institution is broad investigation into the tasks of the Netherlands required which is responsible for auditing government Court of Audit (AR - Algemene Rekenkamer) and income and expenditure. This national audit institution current affairs concerning the AR. Literature was should be an effective watchdog over financial integrity examined, as well as the applicable legal provisions. and the credibility of reported information by public Additionally, audit reports from the AR and the 2006 officials. The financial information should be assessed peer review on the Netherlands AR were analysed. by this audit institution so that public officials can be Additionally, a media scan was made. In-depth held accountable to the public and to the legislature for interview were held with senior auditors from the AR their performance and stewardship of public funds and and with an external expert with a good notion of the assets. AR. This led to a more in-depth view on the AR’s integrity in practice. All four interviews were held face- In order to effectively carry out this audit function, the to-face. The senior auditors of the AR have expressed audit institution should assess whether national their wish to be paraphrased anonymously. government policy is implemented as intended, promote efficiency and cost effectiveness, and prevent Interviews held: corruption through the development of financial and auditing procedures. • Interviewee 5, Senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April Its independence should be protected by special 2011.1220 provisions on the appointment and removal of the office-holder. This should be independent from the • Interviewee 6, Senior auditor at the Netherlands control of the governing party, politicians, or senior Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April civil servants in order to prevent political influence or 2011.1221 patronage. • Interviewee 7, Senior auditor at the Netherlands To be effective, any external auditor must be immune Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April from pressures from the clients or institutions being 2011.1222 audited. If the role of the audit institution is to be a properly independent and constitutional one, the audit • Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at institution and its functions should be accountable and Radboud University Nijmegen, interview held the subject to periodic reviews by the legislature.1219 25th of May 2011.

1219 Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. Transparency International, March 2003 p.12-15. 1220 This interviewee requested anonymity. 1221 This interviewee requested anonymity. 1222 This interviewee requested anonymity.


SUPREME AUDIT INSTITUTION systems and individuals to the extent that the expenditure of individual ministers and state Status: Strong secretaries, involving the provisions and compensations for fulfilling their office, are audited. It Summary does not further investigate or sanction misbehaviour The AR is one of the pillar of the Dutch NIS where by public officeholders, this is done by the investigative strong integrity safeguards are present. Its resources authorities. are adequate, but there is a potential risk regarding the effect that state budget-cuts might have on the internal Structure and organisation audits at the ministries since the AR’s audits are based There are various levels of audit institutions in the on this control structure. If this is likely to be weakened Netherlands (at national and local level). The AR is the because of cutbacks, this will directly have an effect on external audit institution at national government level, the AR’s audits. Integrity is one of the priorities of the while local audit institutions are responsible for AR, both its own integrity and that of ministries and auditing at provinces, local municipalities and water other public sector organisations could be affected. authorities. The AR is an independent High Council of The AR takes on a rather proactive approach its audits. State, consisting of a Board which is made up of a It audits what it considers to be a priority whether this President and two members.1223 The AR has broad opinion is shared by the Executive or legislature or not. competence to audit those services and departments of The AR accounts for its conduct by giving those national government institutions which it considers involved in an audit the option to respond to the necessary.1224 The AR aims to audit and improve the outcome; this reaction is always enclosed in an audit regularity, efficiency, effectiveness and integrity with report. The AR is effective in its audits and provides which the State and associated bodies operate. This ministries with advice on how to improve their financial means that it audits whether national government management. The selection criteria for members of the revenues and expenditures are received and spent Board of the AR are not clearly defined by law, but the correctly.1225 In doing so, the AR is part of a procedure for selection is laid down by law. Members comprehensive audit system whereby first of all a of the Board are appointed for life by royal decree financial audit is carried out by the internal audit based on nominations which the Tweede Kamer and service of a ministry. In its audits the AR assesses the Board have established. In practice, the political independently whether there are sufficient safeguards party background of (candidate) Board members plays in these internal audits. Based partly on this, the AR an important role in their appointment. This is determines the points which require its own exemplary for key positions within the Dutch public investigation. In 2007 the Dutch cabinet decided to administration, for within High Councils of State a create one single government-wide internal audit balance of political party background is sought within department: the Central Audit Service (RAD - the Board as well as between them. However, the Rijksauditdienst). Gradually the internal ministerial independence of the AR is ensured in practice since the audits are being taken over and carried out by the AR can decide on its own resource allocation, and that RAD.1226 provides an adequate safeguard for its autonomy. The AR has proven to take integrity as its priority, both The AR also carries out performance audits of within its own organisation through self-assessment institutions that use public funds to carry out statutory and integrity policies, but also in the integrity audits it tasks (arm’s length institutions). This is a statutory task carries out at ministries. The Netherlands AR audits of the AR and includes institutions such as public

1223 1224 Art. 87 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1225 Art. 76 Grondwet. 1226, consulted 17 December 2011.


broadcasters, schools, benefit agencies and police responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior and forces.1227 In this respect it assesses whether national Kingdom Relations (BZK - Ministerie van Binnenlandse government policy is implemented as intended and Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties). The AR is fully whether the policy goals are achieved. In carrying out its authorised to determine its resource allocation. As a various audit functions, both in the areas of financial result of a control agreement with BZK, the AR agreed and performance audit, the AR aims at not only to take on a non-obliging financial duty of effort to reporting on ‘things going wrong’, but also contributing increase efficiency by 5 percent.1230 The resource in a constructive way to a more efficient and effective allocation for 2010 was EUR 30.4 million (realisation performance of the Government. It thereby strictly approximately EUR 30 million), compared to a budget adheres to the principle of ‘hearing both sides’, i.e. of EUR 30.2 million in 2009 (realisation EUR 30.1 before publishing its findings, conclusions and million).1231 Senior auditors from the AR explained that recommendations, it will discuss these with the from their point-of-view current resources can be responsible authorities and include their comments in considered sufficient to perform their tasks; there are its report.1228 enough resources to carry out their core activities.1232 The AR also audits the Netherlands EU member state The budget-cuts for the AR were relatively small declaration.1229 This pillar report focuses entirely on compared to those for the ministries. Extra financial the AR. resources were made available for the AR to carry out its extraordinary tasks, such as the EU member state declaration.1233 Nevertheless, it is still to be seen how ASSESSMENT state budget-cuts will affect the national audit control structure which exists of ministerial internal audit services and the Central Audit Service. The extent to RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) which the AR will continue to achieve its goals depends a lot on the effect the budget-cuts have on the quality To what extent does the supreme audit institution have of the internal audits. adequate resources to achieve its goals in practice? Human resources Budget At the end of 2010 the AR had 305 employees (277 The budget for the AR is part of the general budget for full-time equivalents), compared to 319 employees High Councils of State, and falls within the (294 full-time equivalents) at the end of 2009.1234

1227 Art. 85 Comptabiliteitswet 2001;, consulted 27 May 2011. 1228, consulted 27 May 2011. 1229 Art. 92 paragraph 1, 5 and 6 Comptabiliteitswet 2001.This declaration concerns the management and use of EU funds in the Netherlands. Its aim is to improve the accountability and control of funds that the Netherlands contributes to and receives from the EU. 1230 Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2009 p.64. 1231 All amounts have been rounded off. The specific amounts can be found in Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2010 via /Financiën/Realisatie_2010/, consulted 29 May 2011. 1232 Interviewee 5, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011; Interviewee 6, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit,18 April 2011. 1233 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011; Rapport_bij_de_Nederlandse_EU_Lidstaatverklaring_2009, consulted 27 May 2011. 1234 All figures have been rounded off. The real figures can be found via, consulted 27 May 2011.


This decrease is the result of the AR’s duty to save EUR parliament. The Board selects six candidates. This list 703,000. There was a temporarily halt on openings, of six is submitted to the Tweede Kamer.1239 The and the AR strove for a lowering of the average Tweede Kamer submits a list with the names of three manning.1235 According to senior researchers, the candidates to the Cabinet, which appoints one of the expertise available within the AR is sufficient, but there candidates as a new member. is a shortage of financial experts; in general, public Out of the three Board members, a President is organisations have difficulty in attracting financial appointed by royal decree at the nomination of the experts.1236 In its annual report 2010, the AR referred Minister of BZK. The secretary-general, a civil servant, to a practical incident involving a software programme. is also appointed by royal decree at the This involved the transformation of the new (national recommendation of the AR.1240 He/she advises the government) HR payroll system which initially led to Board and heads the professional organisation. The issues with the way data was presented in the system. Constitution does not refer explicitly to the The AR noted that it was impossible, as a small independence of institutions such as the AR. The organisation, to be involved in the meetings regarding Government Accounts Act 2001 (Comptabiliteitswet) these developments. How small this issue may have does do so, although indirectly. The independence of seemed, it does reflect the limits the current capacity the institution can be distilled from the appointment brings along.1237 for life of its members by royal decree, which originates from the perception that this strengthens their Overall, resources and human resources are deemed as independence.1241 Additionally, the independence of sufficient for the AR to perform its tasks. The state the AR is ensured through its right to decide budget-cuts did not have as big impact on the AR as autonomously on its resource allocation. they did on other public organisations. However, there is a real risk that state budget-cuts could have The law provides a general prohibition for members of detrimental effects on the way the AR audits if the the AR and the secretary-general to take on additional quality of internal audits is no longer up to par. functions which might be of risk to their independence or to be a collegial member of a public authority for which appointment takes place by election, or to be in INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) a public office for which a fixed wage or remuneration is received.1242 There are no restrictions on the political To what extent is there formal operational independence affiliation of Board members and the secretary-general of the supreme audit institution? of the AR. The professional criteria for candidates are not very specific. Other than age limitation, Dutch Appointments citizenship and these incompatibilities, no professional The members of the Board are appointed for life by criteria are formulated in the Constitution or royal decree; according to the Government Accounts Governments Accounts Act.1243 It is therefore difficult Act this means retirement at the age of 70.1238 The to get an idea of the selection criteria used in the appointment is prepared by both the Board and appointment of the AR’s Board members.

1235 Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2010. 1236 Interviewee 5, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 8 April 2011. 1237Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2010. 1238 Art. 77 paragraph 1 Grondwet and art. 70 and art. 74 paragraph 1 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1239 Art. 70 paragraph 3 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1240 Ibid., Art. 72. 1241 Ibid., Art. 70 paragraph 1. 1242 Ibid., Art. 73 paragraph 2 and 3. 1243 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob) (2006). p.39.


Position and competences INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) The law obliges the AR to carry out regularity and performance audits.1244 Similar to other state To what extent is the supreme audit institution free from institutions, only the legislature (government and external interference in the performance of its work in parliament) can determine and amend the practice? constitutional and statutory provisions concerning the composition and competency of the AR.1245 The AR Appointments derives its statutory base from the Constitution, which Historically, members of High Councils of State in the stipulates that the AR examines whether the state’s Netherlands have originated from one of the three main revenues and expenditures are received and spent political movements. After a public procedure with correctly.1246 announcements in all Dutch newspapers, the Board selects six candidates. In the advertisement the position An important safeguard for the AR’s independence is is explained, legal requirements are given, as also the its own discretion to decide what it audits. The AR appointment procedure.1249 determines its own activity programme and methods. A study showed that the advertisement does not mention In addition to the annual audit into the state’s revenues the desired (party) political background of the candidate, and expenditures, the AR initiates its own audits.1247 although this would be recommended on grounds of transparency now that political affiliation is a prerequisite This high degree of formal independence means that in practice. The professional criteria mentioned in the the AR is not subject to any ministerial administration, advertisement are, among others, insight and extensive and that it does not receive directives from parliament. experience in political-governmental relations and a While being completely independent, the AR reports large governmental network.1250 Both, the candidate list both to parliament and to the government.1248 which the AR sends to the Tweede Kamer and the final candidate list which the Tweede Kamer submits to the The AR has its legal base in the Constitution and in Cabinet, are made public. The six candidates are usually statutory provisions. The Tweede Kamer plays an from the same political movement as the Board member important role in the appointment of Board members. who has left.1251 According to the AR, in the last two The professional recruitment criteria for candidate selection procedures respectively one-third and one-half Board members are broadly formulated. of the candidates were of the same movement as the departing member.1252 In practice, most key positions in Additionally, Board members are allowed to be public administration or society (e.g. media) are filled by members of a political party. The AR has great persons who are member of a political party. autonomy to determine what it audits. The formal Traditionally, Board members of the AR came from one of provisions are adequate to safeguard the AR’s the major political movements (liberal, social democratic independence. and christian-democratic).1253

1244 Articles 82, 83 and 85 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1245 Articles 77 and 78 Grondwet. 1246 Art. 76 Grondwet. 1247 Art. 85-96 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1248 Ibid., Art. 84. 1249 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob) (2006) p.37. 1250 Vacaturetekst Algemene Rekenkamer ‘Collegelid Algemene rekenkamer (m/v)’ 2010. 1251 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob) (2006) p.37. 1252 Information provided by the AR via email d.d February 2012. 1253 Baakman, N. (2003). p. 173;,2010/12/9/han8671a13.html, consulted 27 May 2011; Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (Rob) (2006) p.38.


In 2011 a change of custom took place when a list of in the underlying report. It might occur that the project six candidates1254 from various political parties was leader does not agree with the Board member drafted, and which resulted in appointing a former MP regarding the message put on a report. In this case, the for GroenLinks1255 as a Board member.1256 Such objection is logged in the corresponding file.1259 One appointments have not led to any known interference external expert does notice that this shift towards in the performance of the AR, and the risk of political effectiveness of audits brings with it the risk of interests influencing the AR. Thereby harming its becoming involved in political debates.1260 independence is minimised, because the Board speaks The AR receives requests to carry out audits from the with one voice. Tweede Kamer, ministers and state secretaries who want an independent expert opinion on a particular Position and competences matter. Nobody can order the AR to perform such an The Board has a final say about which audits are to be audit, because of its independence. Besides, requests carried out; this brings along the risk of setting are honoured if the AR considers it to be of added value priorities, partly on the basis of political preferences and a majority of the Tweede Kamer has made the and current themes. In order to safeguard its request.1261 In practice, the AR also audits at its own independence in determining which audits are to be initiative. The AR’s decision to do research into the carried out, the AR formulates an AR Strategy for a effectiveness of current Dutch legislation on party period of five years.1257 This helps the AR not to be financing in the light of international EU and Council of influenced by the pressing political agenda individual Europe recommendations is a clear example of the AR’s members might be confronted with. Again, it is difficult autonomy to audit whatever subject is deems to determine whether and how the Board member’s necessary. Recently the AR presented its report on ‘The membership of political parties determines the Financing of Political Parties’. The legislature has not strategy and choices made. In practice the opinions of given priority to this topic, although GRECO has individual members of staff and/or individual Board repeatedly advised the legislature to do so. The report members can differ as to which audit is to be carried of the AR was clear in its advice that the Dutch out. The senior auditors agree that it is important to legislature should speed up regulating the financing of have these discussions.1258 Additionally the political parties. It considers this to be essential to ‘bestuurlijke boodschap’ (governmental/administrative safeguard the integrity and transparency of public message) which is put to an audit report is decisive for administration.1262 For more information on this the way the report is perceived by the institution being report, please refer to Pillar Report on Political parties. audited, the Tweede Kamer and the Cabinet. This message might have political consequences and The independence of the AR seems to be adequately therefore its wording is carefully discussed internally. safeguarded in practice. The tradition of appointments The criterion is that the message has to be confirmed of AR Board members along the major political

1254, consulted 17 December 2011. 1255 GroenLinks (Green Party), makes up about 4-8 percent of the seats in the Tweede Kamer. For more information, please refer to 1256;, consulted 27 May 2011. 1257, consulted 27 May 2011. 1258 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1259 Ibid. 1260 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1261, consulted 27 May 2011. 1262 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen p.28 (Bijlage bij Kamerstuk 32 634 nr. 1).


movements is typical for appointments throughout April.1264 A statutory provision prescribes that the Dutch public institutions. There is no evidence of reports should be sent to parliament. This is an indirect interference in the decision-making of the AR, neither way of making the report publicly available. has the impartiality of the AR been a point of discussion in parliament, government, media or the public. The AR The Openness of Government Act does not apply to the decides autonomously what it audits. There are no AR.1265 examples of the government attempting to interfere in the work of the AR. There are adequate provisions in place which allow MPs and the public to obtain information on the organisation and the functioning of the AR. Reports TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) have to be made publicly available by sending them to Parliament. To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure that the public can obtain relevant information on the TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) activities and decisions of the supreme audit institution? To what extent is there transparency in the activities and Audit reports decisions of the supreme audit institution in practice? The annual audit into national government revenues and expenditures and national government policy- Audit reports implementation results in annual reports which the AR Although the legal provisions to safeguard is obliged to send to parliament and to the Cabinet on transparency of the activities and decision-making the third Wednesday in May.1263 With these reports the processes are focused on the annual reporting towards corresponding ‘declarations of approval’ are sent. If an the Cabinet and the parliament, the AR is transparent audit has not been finalised before this date, the AR has towards the institutions involved and the public at to send a preliminary report with an indication as to the large. In practice, all legally required documents are status of the audit. The final report and declaration will prepared by the AR and sent to the Cabinet and the be sent as soon as possible. On the same day, the Tweede Kamer. The public has easy access to all Minister of Finance presents the National Financial reports of the AR, which are found on its website. There Annual Report and the ministerial annual reports to the is a procedure on the publishing of reports which can Tweede Kamer. The National Financial Annual Report be found on the AR’s website. The steps to be taken in states what has been realised in the previous year the process of publishing reports are set. The AR offers compared to the budget, submitted 18 months earlier a briefing to the Tweede Kamer, ministers and Board on Budget Day. The AR’s President thereafter presents members of the institution which is involved in the the audit reports and states which aspects have been audit. Those involved are informed about the outcome improved and which aspects still need improvement. of the audit. These briefings are confidential. As soon The day after, the Tweede Kamer will debate with the as the Tweede Kamer receives the report, it is also Cabinet about the reports. made available to the public. The whole report will then be published on the AR’s website. This also includes There is a legal obligation for the AR to notify publishing the reactions by Board members of affected parliament and the Cabinet of those reports which have institutions and from ministers. The Tweede Kamer can been made as a result of audits carried out by the AR. pose questions to the AR. Additionally, an annual report of its activities is to be Two months after publishing the report, the sent to the parliament and the Cabinet before the 1st of responsible project leader contacts the institution

1263 Articles 82, 83 and 84 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1264 Art. 95 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1265 Art. 1:2 paragraph 2 sub e Algemene wet bestuursrecht and art. 1 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur.


involved to arrange an evaluation talk. Here the audit wants to peer-review its organisation at the end of this process and the final product (report) are evaluated and period.1270 MPs and the public are able to readily obtain an inventory is made on the practical value of the relevant information on the organisation and product.1266 functioning of the AR, but not all manuals can be found on the website. Website The website of the AR is kept up-to-date and is easily ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) accessible in both Dutch and English.1267 All information concerning the AR’s internal organisation, To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure audit reports, investigation reports, its activity that the supreme audit institution has to report and be programme and its own annual report can be found answerable for its actions? here. Annual reporting An important document which gives insights into the The core provision for ensuring accountability is the AR’s priorities, mission and its role within society is AR’s legal obligation to notify parliament and the entitled ‘Strategy 2010-2015’; here the selection Cabinet on those reports which have been made as a criteria for its activity programme can be found. One result of audits it carried out. On the third Tuesday in aspect on which the AR could be more transparent, and September each year (Budget Day), the government which was also mentioned in the peer review, is that it presents its plans for the coming financial year. More could improve its audit reports by providing a full than 18 months later the ministers account in their description of the methodology used.1268 annual reports for the activities they carried out. They do so on Accountability Day (the third Wednesday in The website of the AR provides a specific section in May). The AR then publishes ‘Accounting for Central which the different manuals can be found that AR’s Government’, its report on the national government staff uses in the audit. Among others, there are financial accounts. On the same day it presents its manuals on integrity audit and effectiveness, and reports about the ministries’ annual reports. efficiency audit. In these manuals information is Additionally, a statement of approval on the national provided on audit methodology; however, this is not government’s annual financial report is given. It thus fully explained in all the audit and investigative reports. approves the national government’s statement of In a reaction to the peer review, the AR mentioned the expenditures and receipts and trial balance. It also ‘Performance Audit Manual’ would be amended by informs the Tweede Kamer about the ministries’ explaining how case studies were selected and used. operational management and their accounts as However, as of July 2011 the manuals available at the presented in their annual reports.1271 At this moment, website all date back to before the peer review, with the AR decides whether the financial information in the exception of the ‘Integrity Audit Manual’.1269 The AR annual reports and the trial balances is complete and states in its Strategy 2010-2015 that it will do its best accurate, and it also considers the ministries’ to improve transparency in this respect, and that it operational management. It then issues an opinion on

1266, consulted 7 June 2011. 1267 http;// or, consulted 27 May 2011. 1268 Peer review of the Netherlands Court of Audit March 2007 p.12. 1269, consulted 27 May 2011. 1270 p.26, consulted 27 May 2011. 1271 In March 2007 the AR was subject to a peer review, carried out by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Norway, South Africa, New Zealand and the United Kingdom; and, consulted 12 June 2011.


the policy information presented in the ministries’ cover all aspects of its accountability. The legal annual reports. The reporting on the ministries’ annual accountability provisions for the Dutch AR are similar reports disclose any errors and uncertainties that it to those for the ministries. There are additional duties finds in those annual reports and trial balances. The AR for the AR to send reports on its audits, but there is no also reports on any problems in the ministries’ obligation to hear the party which has been audited operational management. It will inform parliament after the report. about these, and encourage ministers to improve their operational management. The AR can lodge an objection if it detects irregularities or shortcomings in a ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) minister’s financial management or material management. To what extent does the supreme audit institution has to report and be answerable for its actions in practice? The AR’s own annual reports There are two annual reports by the AR. The AR´s The AR’s own annual report annual report of its activities is to be submitted to The AR reports annually on its activities. These annual parliament and the Cabinet before the 1st of April.1272 report are comprehensive and entail all the information There are a few statutory provisions concerning its on its activity programme, financial situation and content, but no indication as to how this report is to be human resources. Additionally, it reports on the audited.1273 However, annually a budget for the High number and type of audits and investigations it has Councils of State is made, of which one chapter is carried out and whether these have been carried out as dedicated to the AR. Overall, the legal requirements foreseen. In the paragraph on ‘conduct of business’ the regarding this annual report for all High Councils of AR reports the most noticeable aspect of last year’s State are similar to the requirements for the annual conduct of business. report of the ministries. This budget and corresponding annual report is audited by the Central Audits of the AR’s own financial management Audit Service because the High Councils of State fall In the annual report of the AR a specific section explains within the responsibility of BZK.1274 The external audit the way the AR is auditing itself. It appoints an is done by the AR, which thus audits its own chapter in accountant from an independent accountancy firm. This this annual report.1275 The Minister of BZK sends this accountant checks the annual account and the financial budget and annual report to the Tweede Kamer.1276 and material management. In 2006 the AR set up an Audit Committee, consisting of external members. This Right to object and right to information committee advises the secretary-general and the AR’s There is no right of appeal to challenge the audit President on its statutory tasks.1278 The Central Audit results of the AR. The AR is not considered to be an Service makes use of the information collected by the administrative body according to Dutch law.1277 internal accountant. The State Audit Services can decide to conduct any additional audit and report to the The provisions to ensure that the AR has to report and Minister of Finance as part of the annual report on the be answerable for its actions are limited and do not High Councils of State.1279

1272 Art. 95 paragraph 2 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1273 Ibid., Art. 56 paragraph 2, 58. 1274 Ibid., Articles 1 paragraph 1 sub g and art. 66. 1275,2011/5/17/kst156119.html, consulted 17 December 2011. 1276 Art. 1 paragraph 1 sub g, art. 19 paragraph 5 and art.66 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1277 Art. 1:2 paragraph 2 sub e Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1278, consulted 25 May 2011. 1279, consulted 25 May 2011.


Hearing after audit This was contrary to other scientific research. At that In practice, the AR always contacts the ministry or time an effectiveness audit was rather new for the AR organisation which was audited. Both at the level of to carry out. According to senior researchers, the AR civil servants and at the level of the executive, a carried out the audit rigorously but the theoretical reaction is heard. This allows a minister to refute facts, framework was perceived differently by other external for example, or to contradict the conclusions. Hereafter researchers and some of the ministries. Therefore the the AR has the last word. Both reaction are enclosed outcome was different as well.1285 They challenged to a with the audit report.1280 certain extent the results of the AR’s reports. The Minister of Economic Affairs asked the Netherlands The AR’s audits challenged Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB - Centraal There are very few cases in which the audit results of Planbureau) to review the methodology used by the AR. the AR are challenged in practice. Overall, effectiveness CPB concluded that there were errors in the data and audits will be more likely to be contested, because the models used by the AR, which explained the criteria are considered to be less objective compared to outcome.1286 However, in both instances the reports regularity audits. One occasion involved the publishing were discussed by the Tweede Kamer and the minister in 2011 of an audit into ‘open source software’.1281 In involved and did not lead to anything other than the this audit, the AR calculated what the total savings discussion itself. The AR published the CPB report would be if the government used open source software. along with the dossier on its website. According to the AR, it was difficult to calculate this for the individual ministries. BZK, some MPs and some Peer review other people involved in this matter criticised the The willingness of the AR to hold itself accountable can report and were of the opinion that more specific also be noticed from its decision to be subject to peer calculations could be made.1282 The AR sent the report review, carried out by the Supreme Audit Institutions of to the Minister of BZK and enclosed his reaction in the Norway, South Africa, New Zealand and the United report, as well as the AR’s own reaction to this response Kingdom in March 2007. One of the outcomes of this of the minister.1283 Both formal reactions were also peer review was that quality could be better assured, if published on the website of the AR. the AR would set up an accountability regime to ensure clear and auditable reporting and accountability lines An older example is the audit into the effectiveness of from team leader to directors in managing projects and energy saving measures in greenhouse cultivation in compliance with quality standards.1287 The AR has 2003.1284 The AR’s audit suggested that energy-saving stated that a second peer review is to take place in the measures in greenhouse cultivation had little effect. period 2010-2015.1288

1280, con- sulted 17 December 2011. 1281 Interview with interviewee 7, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1282 Open_standaarden_en_opensourcesoftware_bij_de_rijksoverheid, consulted 11 June 2011. 1283 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Open standaarden en opensourcesoftware bij de rijksoverheid. p.57. 1284, consulted 11 June 2011;

Interview with interviewee 5, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18th April 2011. 1285 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior researchers at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1286 CPB. (2003). Effecten van energiebesparende investeringen in de glastuinbouw. Een analyse van de evaluatie door de Algemene Rekenkamer. p.31. 1287 Peer review of the Netherlands Court of Audit March 2007 p.12. 1288 p.26, consulted 27 May 2011.


Complaints procedure side-functions known to the public.1293 The president The AR has voluntarily designed its own complaints sends an overview of the side-functions of the Board procedure. Those who are involved in the audits of the members and the secretary-general to the Dutch AR can complain about the way they were treated by an Government Gazette (Staatscourant).1294 There is individual staff member from the AR.1289 Complaints statutory provision which prohibits Board members or about the results of the audits do not fall within the the Secretary-General of the AR from being present at scope of this procedure, because they are part of the discussions or decisions on a case that could pose a clearance procedure during the audit. conflict-of-interest. For example when their spouses, partners or relatives are involved in the case.1295 There The AR is rather proactive and strives to uphold its is a confidential counsellor to whom members of staff accountability. Existing provisions are effective in can turn to, when they want to confide their dilemmas ensuring that the AR has to report and be answerable or the integrity violations which they are aware of.1296 for its actions in practice. Although the main provisions are in place, the AR’s integrity policy is still ‘under construction’. The AR explicitly states in its annual report and on its website INTEGRITY (BY LAW) that there should never be any doubts about the AR’s own integrity, because of its special position as a High To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure Council of State.1297 The current integrity policy was the integrity of the supreme audit institution? designed and rolled out in 2007, and will be renewed in 2011. The core element of the AR’s integrity policy Integrity provisions is its ‘list of values’ which is codified in the ‘Code of The AR’s staff members are civil servants, and the Conduct’ from November 2009, which is assessed general integrity provisions for civil servants apply to along the ‘State Model Code of Conduct from BIOS’.1298 them. They also take the oath/pledge. They need to The code is an easy-to-read and accessible document inform their executive about their other positions if in which AR’s vision on integrity is established through these could be of influence on the auditor’s work. Gifts the 8 values by which employees can make their have to be reported, and those above EUR 50 are not judgments in their interaction with colleagues and with allowed.1290 For more information, please refer to Pillar people outside the organisation. The tone of the code report on public sector. The general formal provisions is rather informal and practical, and it addresses topics aiming to ensure integrity in practice are available.1291 such as preventing conflict-of-interest, and being The president, other members of the Board and the independent, objective and reliable to carry out work in secretary-general are all sworn in by the Queen.1292 a sustainable way. Each value is followed by a concrete The Board members are required to make their other dilemma to make the value more real. It calls

1289 Klachtenregeling_Algemene_Rekenkamer, consulted 27 May 2011. 1290 Art. 125quater Ambtenarenwet; Rechtspositie rijksambtenaar juli 2010 Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. 1291 Art. 80 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1292 Ibid., Art. 75. 1293 Ibid., Art. 73 paragraph 4. 1294 Art. 4 Reglement van Orde Algemene Rekenkamer. 1295 Art. 79 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1296 Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2009 p. 59; Interview with interviewee 6, Senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011 1297 1298 Gedragscode_AlgemeneRekenkamer, consulted 25 May 2011.


employees to be open and honest when being and when they leave the organisation. Additionally it is confronted with dilemmas, so that the existing values also discussed at the start and evaluation of a project. become ‘alive’ and other values can be added. It does The AR’s president asserts that during meetings not mention any sanctions on non-compliance. integrity issues are regularly discussed.1302 In 2010 an ‘integrity afternoon’ was organised during which SAINT moral dilemmas were discussed by staff members. The The seriousness with which the AR takes its integrity is president has explained that the rule-abiding reflected in its monitoring of the results of its integrity approach is not enough and that she urges staff policy through the self- assessment instrument SAINT members to be proactive in their approach to integrity in 2006 and 2010. This instrument enables a self- issues.1303 New staff members receive training called assessment of integrity risks in organisational Leerkring in which these values are discussed.1304 processes and in the comprehensiveness of the entire Internally, integrity is reported to be safeguarded, set of rules and policies to promote integrity.1299 This mainly because of the careful attitude of abiding by instrument is now adopted by BIOS1300 and made the ethical rules.1305 At operational level individuals available to all public organisations.1301 (peers) do discuss the moral dilemmas they are There are provisions in place to ensure the integrity of confronted with; but this is still somewhat more the AR. The integrity policies are likely to be updated difficult between members of staff and their with the review of the policy in 2011. manager.1306 In practice, staff members cannot be involved in audits which involve their previous department or organisations.1307 According to one INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) expert, the AR will be an paragon institution for integrity if it continues to be as independent and To what extent is the integrity of the supreme audit autonomous as it is right now.1308 institution ensured in practice? InternetSpiegel Integrity provisions In addition to SAINT, the AR carried out an internal There is no readily-available information on integrity employee perception survey on integrity, in which violations within the AR. In the Code of Conduct it is employees were asked to what extent they perceive stated that the Code also plays a role when new their organisation and the organisational culture to employees are hired and when they take their safeguard integrity.1309 The outcomes of both results oath/pledge, during their interviews of performance, provide a basis for updating the integrity policy.1310

1299 The instrument was developed in 2005 by the AR in cooperation with the Ministry of BZK and Bureau Integrity of the City of Amsterdam, following a government-wide audit on integrity. 1300, consulted 17 December 2011. 1301; SAINT, consulted 17 December 2011. 1302 Jeurissen, R. and Spoor, S. (2010). Moreel Calvinisme. Interview met Saskia J. Stuiveling Moreel Calvininisme p.10-13. 1303 Ibid. 1304 Interview with interviewee 6, Senior auditor from the Netherlands Court of Audit,18 April 2011. 1305 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1306 Interview with interviewee 6, senior auditor from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1307 Interview with interviewee 7, senior auditor from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1308 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1309 Jaarverslag Algemene Rekenkamer 2010. 1310 Interview with interviewee 6, senior auditor from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011.


Effective financial audits means for further enforcement. It can be addressed in the media and by the parliament. To what extent does the supreme audit institution provide effective audits of public expenditure? Performance audits Additionally the AR regularly carries out its statutory Regularity audits task of performance audits, which means that it audits The AR has a statutory task to carry out regularity whether ministers’ policies have had the intended audits, which means that it audits the ministries’ results. In 2010 11 performance audits were carried annual reports each year. Via these regularity audits it out, and in 2009 14. Here it focuses on policies and checks whether the ministers use tax money in their implementation by national government and accordance with the rules. Wherever possible, these related institutions. It seeks to analyse the gap between regularity audits rely on audits carried out by other a government policy and its implementation, and to parties, e.g. the audit departments of the ministries. pinpoint causes for this gap.1314 The peer review of The AR has a right of inspection in these internal audit 2007 concluded that the performance audit reports of departments’ reports.1311 These audit institutions are the AR are in accordance with good professional much closer to the departments and in practice this practice of performance auditing, and provide sometimes results in having a more positive view of the parliament with objective and reliable information on situation compared to the view of the AR. This can lead government performance.1315 Due regard is given to to some tensions between both auditors.1312 The AR the effectiveness and efficiency of government policy also carries out its own audits. These regularity audits implementation. In its audits the AR explains reasons can result in objections being lodged by the AR. Before and identifies trends. It then advises the minister on it decides to do so, it first carries out a more detailed what he should do in order to achieve the intended audit of the problem known as an ‘objection audit’. results. It also carries out performance audits of Depending on the findings, it then decides whether or institutions that use public funds to carry out statutory not to lodge an objection. The objection procedure is a tasks (arm’s-length institutions).1316 The AR is obliged sign that measures are needed urgently. Recently such to send the reports on its regularity and performance an objection was lodged for the Ministry of Health, audits to the Cabinet and the parliament.1317 Welfare and Sport (VWS - Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport). According to the The AR is perceived to be a reliable and professional AR, the ministry has had issues for ten years institution which provides effective audits of public concerning its supervision of subsidies. Among other expenditure.1318 The peer review remarked upon four complaints, legal deadlines are not enforced, records noticeable aspect of performance audit which could be are incomplete and decisions are poorly motivated.1313 improved: methodology, the collection and In this case the minister will have to explain how this presentation of information, detailed audit planning, situation is to be improved. The AR does not have any and quality assurance.1319 From the peer review it has

1311 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1312 Art. 86 Comptabiliteitswet 2001 and interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1313, consulted 12 June 2011 and interviews with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18April 2011. 1314 Peer review of the Netherlands Court of Audit March 2007 p.8. 1315 Ibid., p.5. 1316, consulted 12 of June 2011. 1317 Art. 95 Comptabiliteitswet 2001. 1318 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1319 Peer review of the Netherlands Court of Audit March 2007 p.12-16.


become clear that, overall, departments consider the department, or in a severe case the AR notifies the OM. AR’s work to make a difference.1320 There are examples In auditing the bestuurskosten, declarations of of departments not agreeing with the outcome of an secretaries-general and directors-general of the audit or with the methodology used, but this has never ministries regularly are more exceptional than those of led to any real incidents. The Tweede Kamer’s view is ministers and state secretaries.1323 The senior auditors that the AR’s reports have had an impact.1321 consider these to be of a more serious nature then the expense claims of ministers, because the latter are The AR has full authority to oversee all public financial more closely monitored by the media.1324 The AR will operations, and it always reports the results of the start paying attention to the integrity of public office audit to the legislature and the respective organisation. holders officials in the near future. In 2012 the AR will However, not all ministries take full notice of the audit explore the theme’s and topics surrounding the ZBOs results or agree with the outcomes of the audits. and RWTs.

In its audits of the bestuurskosten the AR does detect Detecting and sanctioning misbehaviour misbehaviour by public officeholders. Further investigation and sanctioning of misbehaviour is not Does the supreme audit institution detect and done by the AR, but by the investigative authorities. investigate misbehaviour of public officeholders?

The AR audits the expenditures of individual ministers, Improving financial management state secretaries and top civil servants which involve the provisions and compensations for fulfilling their To what extent is the supreme audit institution effective duties (bestuurskosten). These audits are limited to the in improving the financial management of government? ministries, while individuals from autonomous administrative authorities (ZBO - Zelfstandige In general, the AR’s recommendations are positively Bestuursorganen) and legal persons with a statutory received by departments, and they promise to task (RWT - Rechtspersoon met een Wettelijke Taak) implement the recommendations given. The AR carries are not subject to these audits. On a few occasions a out the so-called ‘retrospective view research’ request was made by the Tweede Kamer or a minister (terugblikonderzoek) to get an overview of the extent to do research into an individual office-holder’s to which their recommendations to promote efficiency conduct because of the appearance of conflict-of- in the use of state money, were actually implemented. interest. For example, in 2002 the AR investigated The senior researchers note that this picture looks alleged the conflict-of-interest of a minister. The rather positive.1325 However, not every department is outcome was that there was no conflict-of-interest.1322 equally active in taking on these recommendations. If the AR is confronted with possible misconduct by an The interviewees explained how some departments individual when it audits, it informs the internal audit seem to have their plan of approach ready before the

1320 Ibid., p.8 and 9. 1321 Ibid., p.8 and 9. 1322, consulted 17 December 2011. 1323 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. The Netherlands Court of Audit has stated that these statements are not reflected in its reports and purely express the opinion of the interviewees. 1324 In 2009 a Wob-request was made by the newspaper de Telegraaf. The expense claims led to a discussion in society because rather ex- pensive items, e.g. sunglasses and luxury hotels, were claimed. The information can be found via tid=71818&type=org; 1325 Interview with interviewee 6, senior auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit,18 April 2011.


ink of the recommendation is dry.1326 This is perceived At first the Minister of Defence did not take action, but as not taking the AR’s audits seriously. They describe this changed when the media and the Tweede Kamer that after recommending the same action year-in, paid attention to the report.1329 When the Tweede year-out, it is no longer useful to do that again. The AR Kamer stressed the importance of taking action, the then decides to change the type of audit and perhaps recommendations were soon implemented. In its decides to start an effectiveness audit. The AR has no annual report the AR mentions a few of these formal provisions to ensure implementation of its ‘retrospective view researches’. Here it becomes clear recommendations. However, one expert did maintain that some ministers have taken the advice on board, that the AR is very proactive in getting its voice heard but this is not always done to the extent and in the way and addressing issues which it considers important.1327 recommended by the AR.1330 The Tweede Kamer is then the powerful institution to put pressure on the department to improve its The AR makes comprehensive, well-grounded and situation. In 2003-2005 the AR presented its audit realistic recommendations on how to improve financial reports on the security of military objects in which it management, and engages government in follow-up. recommended how to improve this security via policy However, the effectiveness of this follow-up depends changes and changes in the way money was spent.1328 on the willingness of the ministry involved.

1326 Interview with interviewees 5, 6 and 7, all senior auditors from the Netherlands Court of Audit, 18 April 2011. 1327 Interview with Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 May 2011. 1328 Algemene Rekenkamer (2004). Beveiliging militaire objecten. 1329 Nieuwsbank (2009). Onderzoek SBS 6 programma ‘Undercover in Nederland’. 1330 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Verslag over 2010 digitaal; 3 terugblikonderzoeken.


While there are variations around the world, the most government organisations to improve their integrity usual ‘integrity pillars’ of a society include ‘watchdog policies. The total number of staff in 2011 was five full- agencies’ such as the police, Ombudsman, Supreme time equivalents.1335 Due to recommendations Audit Institution and an Anti-Corruption Agency.1331 following the United Nations Convention Against According to the NIS methodology, an Anti-Corruption Corruption, it was decided to situate BIOS outside the Agency is ‘a specialised, statutory and independent Ministry of BZK, but within the Netherlands’ largest public body of a durable nature, with a specific mission knowledge and service centre for the labour market and to fight corruption (and reduce the opportunity labour relations within the public domain (CAOP), in structures propitious for its occurrence in society) 2009.1336 Thus, although BIOS is subsidised by the through, preventive and/or repressive measures’.1332 Ministry for BZK, the independence of BIOS is respected The United Nations Convention Against Corruption and in this way it can carry out its functions with the prescribes that signatory states should have a necessary resources and autonomy. The approach preventive anti-corruption body or bodies.1333 As was chosen by BIOS is clearly preventive and facilitating, and concluded in the 2001 Netherlands NIS study, there is is centred around ‘awareness raising’. In its early days no such specific civic anti-corruption institution in the BIOS’ focus was on writing procedures, then it involved Netherlands with a more general task concerning in the design of instruments, such as risk-analysis and corruption.1334 This does not mean that activities that methods for dealing with dilemmas. Since 2011 the such an agency could carry out, are not taking place in focus is more on the development of training. In the the Netherlands at all. According to the NIS beginning, BIOS was mostly known and contacted by methodology, there are three different tasks which ministries or supervisory authorities, which were linked such an agency carries out: engagement in preventive with the ministries. Nowadays also local, regional and activities in the fight against corruption, engagement water board authorities and autonomous administrative in educational activities regarding the fight against authorities contact BIOS.1337 Among the products it corruption and engagement in investigations regarding offers on its website one can find.1338 alleged corruption. - A checklist for public organisations on the different National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the parts of integrity policy, which public organisations Public Sector (BIOS) have to have in place (Integriteitswijzer – Integrity The Minister for BZK coordinates and promotes integrity Indicator) for the public sector in the Netherlands. The Minister - A catalogue with real examples, which can help in has established BIOS. BIOS was set up to help the development of integrity policy (I-Catalogus)

1331 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System, p.6. 1332 Description of Anti-Corruption Agency to be found in Annex to the NIS Toolkit. 1333 Art. 6 United Nations Convention Against Corruption. 1334 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2001). p. 25. 1335 Interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor and Researcher at CAOP/BIOS, the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector, 24 May 2011. 1336 BIOS (n.d.). Towards a coherent ethics and integrity policy; Interview with Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor and Researcher at CAOP/BIOS, the National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector, 24 May 2011. 1337 Interview with Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, in- terview held the 24 May 2011. 1338 BIOS (n.d.) Producten en diensten.


- A workshop by which organisations can be and implementation of integrity polices, but which screened on integrity risks (SAINT: Self- does not have to invent every aspect of this policies Assessment INTegriteit) themselves. - A survey which can be held among employees to discover how they experience the ethical climate of Bureau Integriteit the organisation and its integrity. With these Bureau Integriteit is the integrity knowledge and results the integrity policies can be amended and service centre of the municipality of Amsterdam.1341 improved (InternetSpiegel) Bureau Integriteit provides advice to public office- - Code of Conduct Central Government holders and the civil service, both when being asked to - Manual Conflict of Interest do so but also at its own initiative. The Bureau tries to - Handbook Integrity Assessment raise integrity awareness within the municipality, for - HRM and Integrity example by providing training to politicians and civil servants. Members of the Executive and managers can The training and education offered by BIOS1339: assign the Bureau to investigate an appearance of - Workshop integrity for council clerks, which can be integrity violation. Suspicions of integrity violations can requested by groups of council clerks and will be be reported to the Bureau, which then advise the organised by BIOS for free (basic expenses need to director of the department involved or the municipality be paid) secretary of the district involved to start an - Training Confidence Person Integrity (VPI - investigation into the concrete suspicion. This Vertrouwenspersoon Integriteit) offered monthly investigation can be carried out by the department or and costing EUR 1,850. district involved, by the Bureau or any other investigative bureau.1342 Bureau Integriteit is directly These responsibilities regarding prevention fall within connected to the Commission Integrity, and was the role-description of an anti-corruption agency. established in 2001 in order to safeguard integrity However, it is important to note that BIOS is tasked with policy for the governing top (city council consisting of promoting integrity, but not with the coordination of a mayor and aldermen) and civil service of the anti-corruption activities. It does receive and respond municipality of Amsterdam. The Bureau has a total of to requests for advice from the public and/or other twelve-and-a-half full-time equivalents on its government agencies, but it is limited in its capacity staff.1343 The Commission consists of, among others: and therefore cannot provide customised advice to the mayor, an alderman, the director of one of the public organisations. Most requests will be answered service departments, the municipal secretary and the by BIOS by referring to the products, services and director of Concern Organisation. The Bureau is training available on its website, which can be used by competent in coordinating the promotion of integrity, these organisations to further develop their integrity in doing so it carries out similar tasks as BIOS, although policies.1340 This is where the limitations of its power here within the municipality of Amsterdam or its become apparent. BIOS is not established to be surrounding municipalities. Again, the focus is not on involved in recommendations on legislative reforms, corruption but on integrity. Unlike BIOS, Bureau neither does it submit proposals to parliamentary and Integriteit can investigate integrity violations and, in governmental bodies. It is an office which offers the case of suspicions of a criminal offence, it will practical support to organisations in their development contact law enforcement agencies. Similar to BIOS, its

1339 BIOS (n.d.) Opleidingen. 1340 Interview with Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, in- terview held the 24 May 2011. 1341, consulted 18 January 2012. 1342 Bureau Integriteit Gemeente Amsterdam (2011). Jaarverslag 2010 p.4. 1343 Ibid., p.7.


Regular tasks 2010 2009

Number of reports of 85 71 integrity violations

Number of investigations 21 investigations 25 investigations 35 recommendations 30 recommendations

Number of legal 42 disciplinary recommendations 30 disciplinary recommendations recommendations 3 objection/appeal 1 objection/appeal 30 political recommendations 6 recommendations regarding additional functions of civil servants

Risk analysis 2 specific risk analyses 2 citywide risk analyses 1 inventory vulnerable positions 1 specific risk analysis 21 workshops vulnerable positions 8 descriptions of vulnerable 5 quick scans integrity risks positions

Number of trainings 169 training and recommendations 255 training and recommendations and recommendations of various sorts of various sorts

focus is on office-holders and civil servants and not on and local public organisations, while Bureau Integriteit the public. It operates independently but falls under the is part of the municipality of Amsterdam and its authority of the municipality of Amsterdam. The activities are mainly carried out in Amsterdam and in following figures from the 2010 annual report1344 of some surrounding municipalities as also part of its Bureau Integriteit give an idea of the activities carried cooperation with the Dutch Antilles.1345 Both bureaus out: are funded by public means and offer products and There are various commercial firms active in promoting services for free, as well as at a certain prices. Both integrity in the public and private domain, but none of bureaus play an important role in integrity promotion, them matches the description of an anti-corruption although this is limited to the public domain. Although agency. Both BIOS and the Amsterdam Bureau these bureas are considered to be reasonable Integriteit bear some features of an anti-corruption initiatives, they are not considered to be strong anti- agency. In both bureaus, the priority is on stimulating corruption fighters. There is no information available and assisting integrity policies by offering guidance, on the net overall effect both bureaus have. There is no training and manuals. Hereby BIOS’ focus is on national assistance to the private sector; companies can turn to

1344 Ibid., p.8. 1345 Ibid., p.6.


commercial firms for assistance regarding their Bureau Integriteit and the official law enforcement integrity polices. None of the bureau has have any agencies. contact with the public at large or with individual citizens. Nor is there any involvement in educational A civic anti-corruption agency or integrity watchdog, activities regarding fighting corruption, which is which is independent from government or local expected from an anti-corruption agency. BIOS does administration is lacking in the Netherlands.1347 Such not carry out investigations, Bureau Integriteit on the an agency could contribute to the comprehensiveness other hand can carry out investigations after alleged and effectiveness of the national integrity system by integrity violations have been reported, but it has no offsetting weaknesses in the pillars of the NIS. If a authority to start independent investigations nor can it pillar’s own correction mechanism fails or if other apply sanctions.1346 Here its role is rather reactive; external correction mechanisms/watchdogs such as there are no clear figures on the number of cases which the media fail to correct a situation, this can be were identified by the Bureau’s own initiative. If an compensated for by the anti-corruption agency. The investigation concerns an alleged criminal offence, law powers of such an agency should be preventive enforcement agencies will take it from there. As such, (including education) and repressive (with linkages to there are no national anti-corruption agencies present criminal investigations and justice), and its focus in the Netherlands which fight corruption through should be on all forms of corruption in the (semi)public prevention, education or investigation. Prevention of and private sector.1348 This includes the mandate to corruption does take place via the promotion of investigate alleged integrity violations at its own integrity, but education of the public is absent and discretion. As fraud and corruption are often investigations are carried out by a wide variety of intertwined a case could be made for a separate anti- private forensic investigative bureaus, Amsterdam corruption and fraud office.

1346 Anechiarico, F., Huberts, L., Six, F. (2008). 1347 Ibid. 1348 Grant Thornton and Norton Rose (2011) p.20.


Role in NIS Audit1350 (AR - Algemene Rekenkamer) was a valuable The political parties form an important pillar in the NIS. source because it provided an international and Political parties play an important role in elections and national perspective on the financing of political through formulating and implementing government parties. Academic articles and media coverage policies. Political parties are essential to democracy. provided an outsider’s perspective on the way political They simplify voting choices, organise competition, parties function in the Netherlands. Although many key unify the electorate, bridge the separation of powers experts who have been interviewed for this study are and foster cooperation among branches of member of a political party, this chapter deals with the government, translating public preferences into policy organisation of political parties. Therefore, and providing loyal opposition. During elections, representatives of the Bureau of two different political political parties mobilise citizens to use their right to parties were interviewed. Additionally, an academic vote or to run for office. After elections, political parties with a good notion of the regulations concerning play an important role in determining the policy goals political parties was interviewed. Two experts provided of the government. Political parties give a voice to the information on several NIS pillars and have been political interests which they represent. They therefore considered here as well. All interviews have been can play a role of their own in setting the agenda for carried out face-to-face. anti-corruption policies. In order for an NIS to be strong, it is important that political parties act with Interviews held: integrity. This means that political parties have to be transparent about their internal organisation and • Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral account for their activities. This also means that the Council, interview held the 20th of April 2011. internal decision-making process of political parties needs to be fair and democratic. Additionally, political • Ellen Nauta-van Moorsel, Director at the Bureau of parties have to account for their finances in order to the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of ensure that there are no donations received in return March 2012. for creating advantages in political decision-making in the representative bodies. Not only are members of • Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer Constitutional political parties elected in representative bodies, they and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, are also appointed to (senior) positions within public interview held the 17th of May 2011. administration or employed in the private sector. If this appointment or employment is done because of this • Henk Nijhof, Chair of the Board of the political party membership, a risk occurs that the institutions become GroenLinks, interview held on the 21st of June politicised. This would undermine democracy by 2011. creating an informal system apart from democratic decision-making process.1349 • Ruth Peetoom, Chair of the Board of the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. Sources The desk research for this pillar was carried out by • Matthijs Schüssler, Legal Officer at the Bureau of considering the statutory provisions regarding political the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of parties. The 2010 Report by the Netherlands Court of March 2012.

1349 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. 1350 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen.


POLITICAL PARTIES not receive such a subsidy do not have to publish how their finances are received. Corruption and integrity are Status: Strong not big issues on political party agendas.

Summary Structure and organisation Although only a small percentage of Dutch citizens are The Netherlands has a political system of proportional members of a political party, political parties play an representation, without electoral threshold. important role in the Dutch society because of their Consequently, there are several parties with one or two elected candidates representing the Dutch people and seats in Parliament. The Dutch bicameral Parliament the importance of political party membership in consists of two chambers: the House of appointments within public administration. This puts Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal), political parties’ legitimacy under pressure. Overall, directly elected by the electorate and the Senate (EK - political parties have adequate resources, with Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal), elected by the 566 governmental subsidy being a major source. This members of the Provincial Councils. In 2011, 10 subsidy granted to existing political parties does make political parties were represented in the Tweede Kamer new political parties/movements more dependent on (150 members) and 12 political parties in the Senate private funding in order to enter the political arena. (75 members). There are comprehensive constitutional and statutory The current political parties were represented in the safeguards to prevent unwarranted external Tweede Kamer in 2011: interference in the activities of political parties. All political parties are treated equally by the government, Abbreviation Name Orientation and political parties and politicians are not obstructed VVD People’s Party for Conservative and if necessary are protected by the government. The Freedom and Liberal main concern is the risk of conflict-of-interest in the Democracy Senate when a member is considered to be loyal to the PvdA Labour Party Labour political party they represent while at the same time PVV Party for Populist being in a key position whose interests need to be Freedom respected as well. Most but not all political parties have CDA Christian Christian and follow provisions for internal democratic Democratic Democrats governance. Another major concern regarding this Appeal pillar is the lack of adequate provisions for political SP Socialist Party Socialist parties’ accountability and transparency. This absence D66 Democrats ’66 Liberal Democrats in law is not compensated by voluntarily accountability GroenLinks Green Left Left and transparency in practice. This makes political ChristenUnie Christian Union Centrist Christian parties vulnerable to integrity violations with little SGP Reformed Calvinist possibility for external monitoring. The main issue here Political Party Reformed concerns the serious lack of adequate regulation and PvdD Party for Animals Animals control in the field of private party funding. There are no adequate legal safeguards to prevent unwarranted external interferences in the activities of political National political parties have regional and local parties and movements. Private party funding is branches. There are also political parties that operate allowed within certain legal boundaries and does occur. only regionally (in provinces) or localy. In the Netherlands For the political parties which receive a subsidy from there are also political parties with no democratic the government, very basic rules exist for their structure, because they have no formal party structure or financial reporting. The political movements which do membership organisation. An example is the PVV.1351

1351 and, consulted 17 August 2011.


Political parties receive public funding under the Political political parties can take part in parliamentary elections Parties Grants Act (WSPP - Wet subsidiëring politieke (both national and for the European Parliament), for partijen). The amount of this subsidy depends on the provincial governments and local councils. Individual number of seats in the Tweede Kamer and/or the Senate candidates can participate in elections with a ‘blank list’, and the total number of a party’s members. but this rarely occurs.

Statutes and members ASSESSMENT Each association has statutes and regulations, in which the main provisions concerning organisation and the RESOURCES (BY LAW) decision-making are recorded. The democratic structure is ensured by the fact that the General To what extent does the legal framework provide an Assembly is the highest organ of an association. The environment conducive to the formation and operations General Assembly of an association elects the Board of political parties? members, including the chairman of the association (political party). The election manifesto and the list of Constitutional and statutory provisions candidates are (in most political parties) laid down by The right of association is recognised in the the members. Members pay a membership fee (dues), Constitution.1352 This right includes the establishment of the amount of which is determined by the General a political party. Unlike in most other European Assembly. countries, political parties receive no mention in the Constitution.1353 There is no need for a political party to Appeal register itself in order to be able to participate in Political parties can appeal to the Administrative elections. If a political party wants to use its name on the Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (ABRvS - candidate list, the name has to be registered. Therefore Raad van State Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak)1356 a political party must be established as an association against rejected registration.1357 When a political party (vereniging) with full juridical competence according to hands in a list of candidates, it also has to submit 30 the Dutch Civil Code1354 and it has to be registered with statements from voters wishing to support that list of the Chamber of Commerce.1355 candidates. In the case of local elections 20 or 10 statements are required, depending on the number of Political parties can choose their own name. The registry council seats.1358 of political parties is administered by the Electoral Council (KR - Kiesraad). New political parties have to pay Public order a deposit of EUR 450, which is refunded as soon as they The Constitution and the Electoral Law (Kieswet) do not have handed in a valid list of candidates. The request for include legal restrictions on party ideology. However, registration can only be rejected on specific legal under the Penal Code it is possible to start criminal grounds, such as conflict of the party’s name with public proceedings against expressing certain ideas such as: order, or because of too much similarity with the name • discrimination against certain groups of of an existing political party. Candidates of registered people;1359

1352 Art. 8 Grondwet. 1353 Biezen, van I. (2009). p. 6-7. 1354 Art. 2:26, par. 1 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1355 Art. G1 Kieswet. 1356, consulted 2 August 2011. 1357 Art. G5 Kieswet. 1358 Ibid., Art. H4. 1359 Art. 137c Wetboek van Strafrecht.


• incitement to hatred or discrimination or violence certain activities listed in the WSPP1368 such as political against people;1360 education and training activities, information services, • libel and slander.1361 political science operations and the recruitment of members. However, no subsidy is paid to a political These provisions have a general application and are party that does not have a minimum of 1,000 also applicable to politicians and political parties. In the members.1369 Subsidy-requests must be submitted to Netherlands political parties can only be banned by a the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK judge when their activities are contrary to public - Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties). order.1362 Political parties and their role are not mentioned in the Dutch Constitution but in the The subsidy is calculated as follows:1370 Electoral Law, which is based on the Constitution, in • a basic amount per party of EUR 187,990 which political parties are mentioned many times.1363 • per parliamentary seat of a political party, an amount of EUR 54,526 Civil law provisions • per member of the political party an amount equal Because political parties are associations, the general to EUR 2,058,386 divided by the number of rules of (democratic) decision-making under the Civil members of all political parties together, and Code apply to them.1364 This means the freedom to • if the political party has an own political science shape if the internal organisation is extensive.1365 For institute, a basic amount of EUR 132,034 and an instance, members can decide on the policy and the amount of EUR 13,570 per parliamentary seat. election manifesto of the party. It is also possible to • If the political party has a youth organisation, it delegate certain decisions to the board or to a council receives an additional amount. of members under the Civil Code.1366 For work abroad the party may receive additional Political movement funding, in particular for like-minded political groups For a political party with no members (a ‘political in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Third World. movement’) these rules do not apply. Examples include The amounts are adapted to wage and price the PVV and, until 2009, Proud of the Netherlands (TON). adjustment every year.1371 This legally-guaranteed right to public funding of political parties can be Subsidy and free airtime considered as the ‘materialisation of the state’s According to the Political Parties Grants Act (WSPP - Wet responsibility to ensure (and promote) the viability of subsidiëring politieke partijen) political parties modern democracy.’1372 Regarding public funding, the represented in the Tweede Kamer and/or Senate are law makes no distinction between parties who are eligible for a subsidy from the government1367 for represented in government and opposition parties.

1360 Ibid., Art. 137d. 1361 Ibid., Art. 261 and 262. 1362 Art. 2:20 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1363 Art. 59 Grondwet. 1364 Art. 2:238 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1365 Kortmann, C.A.J.M. (n.d). 1366 Art. 2:239 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1367 Art. 2 WSPP. 1368 Ibid., Art. 5. 1369 Ibid., Art. 2, par. 3. 1370 Ibid., Art.6. 1371 Ibid., Art. 6, par. 6. 1372 Biezen, van I. (2010). p. 6.


Political parties receive no subsidy unless they are of Dutch citizens who are members vary from 2.5 to 4 represented in the Tweede Kamer or in the Senate. It percent.1376 All political parties represented in follows that provincial and local parties do not receive Parliament receive a subsidy. The political movement any public funding from the national budget.1373 Local PVV is an exception to this, as the party leader, Mr. political parties have raised objections against this, but Geert Wilders, is the only member of the corresponding the court has rejected these objections on the basis of association and therefore not eligible for a subsidy. the current legislation.1374 Some receive local or regional financial support from local or regional public Elections funds, in particular, in support of their work in the local In June 2010 the latest elections for the Dutch Tweede and regional councils. Kamer were held. Eighteen political parties took part in Political parties with representatives in Parliament get these elections, eight of those newcomers. However, some free airtime on public broadcasting.1375 no candidates of these new parties were elected.1377 The report ‘Financing Political Parties’ of the AR Donations contains a summary of the total amounts of subsidies Most political parties receive an income through the political parties received in 2008.1378 In total, the membership fees of the party members. As a political parties received the following amounts: supplement, political parties may receive donations from companies and citizens, including from abroad. A Political party Total amount of subsidies few political parties demand that their representatives in Parliament donate part of the compensation they CDA: EUR 3,594,445 receive to the party. This practice may be seen as going against the Constitution that says ‘they shall exercise PvdA: EUR 3,076,936 their functions without any instructions or consultation’. For more information on the rules SP: EUR 2,382,448 concerning the financing of political parties, please refer to Political Parties/Transparency. VVD: EUR 2,157,409 The legal framework is very conducive to the formation and operations of political parties. GL: EUR 949,641

CU: EUR 976,664


To what extent do the financial resources available to political parties allow for effective political competition? SGP: EUR 797,339

Membership PvdD: EUR 516,274 Only a small portion of the Dutch population is member of a political party. The figures on the number OSF: EUR 370,021

1373 However, the Minister of BZK established a subsidy for training and education councillors and council candidates in 2009. 1374, consulted 10 July 10 2011. 1375 Art.6.1 Mediawet 2008. 1376 1377 Uitslag_verkiezing_leden_Tweede_Kamer_van_9_juni_2010.html, consulted 25 May 2011. 1378 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen. p.7.


The results of the last two elections in the Tweede Kamer (in 2006 and 2010) and in the Senate (in 2007 and 2011) were as follows:

Party Seats in the Tweede Kamer (150) Seats in the Senate (75) 2006-2010 Since 2010 2007-2011 Since 2011 Christian Democratic Party (CDA) 41 21 21 11 Labour Party (PvdA) 33 30 14 14 Socialist Party (SP) 25 15 12 8 Liberal Party (VVD) 22 31 14 16 Green Party (GL) 7 10 4 5 Christian Union (CU) 6 5 4 2 Liberal Democratic Party (D66) 3 10 2 5 Political Reformed Party (SGP) 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Independent Senate Group (OSF) - - 1 1 Freedom Party (PVV) 9 24 - 10 50 Plus - - - 1

Source:, consulted the 22nd of October 2011

In practice, subsidies that political parties receive are political parties.1381 Due to a lack of transparency, no not enough to cover all the costs, particularly figures are available on its finances.1382 Irrespective of considering the costs of the election campaigns. There whether it is necessary to accept donations from are large differences in financial support from private companies or individuals, given all the costs, it may be sources, when new political parties/movements questioned to what extent political parties as well as depend entirely on private funding in order to compete politicians are willing to accept such donations with the existing political parties which are subsidised. spontaneously. According to an analyst, the state does Small parties like the SGP and the PvdD receive a large not make it difficult for political parties and politicians amount of money from supporters and sometimes to do so, since adequate regulatory measures and from abroad. Presumably the PVV receives financial enforcement are missing.1383 support from abroad via its foundation ‘Friends of the Freedom Party’ in The Hague.1379, 1380 This party rejects During election campaigns political parties can buy any form of interference of the state in the internal advertising and airtime, but they have to pay for it affairs of its party and therefore is against subsidising themselves, depending on available private funding.

1379 1380; Interview with Remco Nehmelman, Senior Lecturer Constitutional and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, 17 May 2011. 1381 MP Hero Brinkman of the PVV during the plenary meeting of the Tweede Kamer of 25 of January 2012 in which the the draft Financing of Political Parties Act was discussed. 1382 Interview with Remco Nehmelman, Senior Lecturer Constitutional and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, 17 May 2011. 1383 Reijntjes, J.M. (2004). p.30-34.


Public order These provisions are not applicable to political It is rare for a party to be banned on the grounds of ‘movements’ (political organisations without legal public order. This has occurred twice: after the Second personality). Also, interested citizens or groups of World War, the National Socialist Movement (NSB - citizens can ask the civil court to prohibit a political Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging) was banned and party that commits or promotes illegal activities, the Centre Party ’86 was prohibited in 1998 by the although those possibilities are limited.1387 In addition, Supreme Court because it was inciting hatred against individual offenders can be punished by the criminal foreigners. court.

Political parties have adequate funding, reflecting their Incompatibilities and protection socio-political weight in society, allowing for effective There are no general rules on incompatibilities. Civil political competition. servants, policemen and military personnel may be members of a political party without any limitation; they may also operate within a political party. INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) Only when members of a political party are elected to a representative body there are rules on To what extent are there legal safeguards to prevent incompatibilities. For instance, in order to protect the unwarranted external interference in the activities of independence of MPs, there are several political parties? incompatibilities of function.1388

Constitutional rights Chosen representatives of the people cannot be The right of association, assembly and demonstration dismissed. They are free to develop and express their is constitutionally recognised.1384 Political parties can own opinion. According to the Constitution, move freely in the Netherlands. The government itself representatives of the people are not bound by the cannot prohibit political parties or exclude them from opinions of the political party they represent. They have elections.1385 Nor has it legal power for surveillance of a free mandate.1389 political parties. Political meetings can take place in private; the government has no right in forcing political Registration parties to admit someone, for instance an officer. Registration of new political parties is the responsibility However, the public prosecutor, who is subordinate to of the KR. This is an administrative body that exercises the Minister of Security and Justice (VJ - Veiligheid en its functions independently. Political decisions are thus Justitie), can ask the civil court: avoided. One could say that the rule of law reigns here, as was evidenced by the interview with the chairman of • to prohibit and dissolve a corporation whose the KR.1390 activity is contrary to public order; and Comprehensive legal safeguards to prevent • to dissolve a corporation whose purpose is unwarranted external interference in the activities of contrary to public order1386 political parties exist.

1384 Art. 8 and 9 Grondwet 1385 As noted above, according to the Civil Code a political party –as an association – may be banned at the request of the prosecutor in court. Furthermore, the Electoral Council may decide that a political party is not allowed to participate in elections if the legal requirements are not met. 1386 Art. 2:20, par 1 and 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1387 LJN: AY4017 Rechtbank ’s Gravenhage, July 17, 2006. 1388 Art. 57 Grondwet. 1389 Ibid., Article 67, paragraph 3. 1390 Interview held with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011.


INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) leader of the CDA in the Senate is also Chairman of Building Netherlands, the employers association of To what extent are political parties free from construction companies in the Netherlands.1394 The unwarranted external interference in their activities in leader of D66 is also Chairman of the Board of Directors practice? of a large health insurer.1395 Loyalty conflicts can arise here. Furthermore, there are also lobbyists who Equal treatment approach parties and politicians to impose their It is rare in the Netherlands that a political party is (client’s) point-of-view. Sometimes MPs are dependent prohibited by the court. Also, there are no examples of on lobbyists for information, as they have limited other forms of state interference in the activities of resources at their disposal.1396 It depends on the political parties, or examples of harassment and integrity of the political party or politician involved attacks on opposition parties by state authorities or what the extent or character of the influence is. actors linked to the state/governing party. All political parties are treated equally by authorities. However, in Freedom of speech 2010 the Supreme Court decided that the SGP should The freedom of speech of politicians in the Netherlands not exclude women from standing for election.1391 is not unlimited. MPs and all other persons taking part Pending the decision of the European Court, the in the deliberations of parliament or in the Minister of BZK decided to impart no (legal) effect yet. parliamentary committee meetings have legal immunity regarding any communication they make, either in Interference speech or in writing.1397 Otherwise the members have Detention or arrest of political party members because no immunity. Nevertheless, in a criminal case against of their party work does not occur in the Netherlands. the leader of the PVV, because of his utterances about In case of attacks on politicians or party members, the Islam and the Koran, the Amsterdam court found him state will engage in a proper and impartial not guilty of discrimination and sowing hate.1398 investigation.1392 The government provides additional Political parties operate freely and are subject only to protection necessary to political parties and politicians reasonable oversight linked to clear and legitimate who receive threats. The meetings of these political public interests. groups are not open to the public, in order to prevent disturbances. Endangered politicians, like PVV’s Wilders1393 have permanent personal security at the TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) expense of the state. To what extent are there regulations in place that require Conflict-of-interest parties to make their financial information publicly In practice, the independence of politicians can be available? undermined. They are considered loyal to the party they represent, but in some cases Senators are also Statutory provisions representative of a social partner or company with In the Netherlands, the obligation of political parties special interests in several ways. Two examples: the towards financial transparency is poorly regulated. The

1391 LJN: BK4547 en BK4549, Hoge Raad 9 April 2011. 1392 LJN: BQ7588 Rechtbank ’s Gravenhage, June 9, 2011. 1393 Het Parool (2011). ‘Wilders op dodenlijst al-Qaeda’. 1394, consulted 17 April 2011. 1395, consulted 17 June 2011. 1396 Luyendijk, J. (2010). 1397 Article 71 Grondwet. 1398 Uitspraak Rechtbank Amsterdam van 23 juni 2011, zaak Wilders.


conclusion is that Dutch law is inadequate on this point. A provision for adaptation of the amounts to the wages Political parties represented in the Tweede Kamer and/or and price adjustment is missing here. Senate are eligible for a subsidy from the government – The name of the donor must be disclosed. When he see above: Resources (by law). This subsidy is provided objects to the mention of his name, this may be under the obligation that the political party maintains omitted, except that in this case a description is given records, so that for the determination of the subsidy of the category of institutions or organisations to which relevant rights, obligations, payments and receipts can the donor belongs. be verified.1399 According to the law, the administration and the corresponding documents are to be preserved It could be argued that Article 18 WSPP does not apply for ten years.1400 In addition, political parties can set to gifts: their own rules on internal accountability of membership • to political parties which do not receive subsidy fees and donations to their members. The application for under this Act, which is the case with [a] political the establishment of the subsidy is to be made within six parties that are not eligible for subsidy; [b] local months after the end of the calendar year.1401 The political parties and [c] political parties or application to set the subsidy must be accompanied by movements that do not allow members; a financial report and an activity report.1402 The financial • to individual politicians; report must be accompanied by an auditor’s report.1403 • from natural persons. The Minister of BZK shall send each year to the Tweede Kamer and the Senate a list of subsidies provided to In 2008 the Group of States against Corruption political parties.1404 (GRECO) concluded that the Dutch legislation had a number of shortcomings. GRECO also gave (thirteen) In addition, donations to political parties are allowed recommendations for improvements.1407 Among under the following rules:1405 others, the following recommendations were made1408: • A donation to a political party of EUR 4,537.80 or • To require all entities represented in parliament to more, from other than a natural person, must be disclose, at least annually, all donations and disclosed. These gifts must in any case be bequests received from natural persons (including mentioned in the financial report of the political party members) and legal persons, including party.1406 information on the source of these donations (at • Gifts from a donor with an aggregate amount of least above a certain threshold), their nature and EUR 4,537.80 or more per year are considered to value; to lower the current disclosure threshold of be one gift. EUR 4,537.80 for (corporate) donations in the

1399 Art. 9, par. 1 WSPP. 1400 Ibid., Art. 9, par. 2. 1401 Ibid., Art. 10, par. 1. 1402 Ibid., Art. 10, par. 2. 1403 Ibid., Art. 11, par. 1, 2 and 4. 1404 Ibid., Art. 17. 1405 Ibid., Art. 18. 1406 GRECO reports that the publication of donations and donors above a certain level is applied in Germany, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland and the United Kingdom. The GRECO evaluation teams found the threshold in Germany to be too high. GRECO recom- mended a reduction in the EUR 50,000 minimum for immediate reporting and disclosure and a significant reduction in the threshold for the disclosure of donations and donors. See: (page 5), consulted 7 August 2011. 1407 GRECO (2008) Third Evaluation Round Evaluation Report on the Netherlands on Incriminations. 1408 Ibid., p.27 and 28.


Political Parties Subsidisation Act to an appropriate While this bill is intended as narrowing existing level and to prohibit donations from donors whose regulations, the AR considers that a number of identity is not known to the political suggestions of GRECO are not incorporated therein.1410 party/grouping/candidate; • To require all entities represented in parliament to Representatives of all major political parties, except the report on their financial situation in appropriate PVV, have met several times to discuss the topic of detail, including information on income, financing of political parties and the extent to which expenditure, debts and assets, and to establish a this should be regulated.1411 standardised format (accompanied by appropriate In January 2012 the Tweede Kamer started with a guidelines, if necessary) for financial reports to be parliamentary debate on the draft Financing of Political submitted by all entities represented in parliament; Parties Act (WFPP), which was sent to the Tweede Kamer • To establish independent monitoring of political in April 2011.1412 Donations above EUR 1,000 would funding, including electoral campaigns, in line with have to be registered and donations above EUR 4,500 Article 14 of Recommendation Rec(2003)4 and to would have to be disclosed, including the name of the provide the body to be entrusted with carrying out donor. The provisions do not apply to regional or local this monitoring (which is most likely to be the KR) political parties. with adequate powers and financial and human The draft Act gives the responsibility for the monitoring resources; and enforcement of the rules on the financing of • To clarify the provisions on sanctions in the draft political parties to the Minister of BZK, instead of the Financing of Political Parties Act, ensuring that KR. According to the media, it is difficult to predict sanctions for violations of political funding rules which parliamentary groupings will vote in favour of can be imposed upon all entities on which the draft this proposal.1413 law imposes obligations. According to an interviewee, several political parties are against a change in the law, because of the negative Because of these shortcoming, and because the financial consequences for them.1414 government had failed to tackle this problem (in their opinion), in 2010 two MPs1409 took the initiative to put While a few laws/provisions exist, they do not cover all forward a proposal for an initiative law which would aspects related to the financial information of political change Article 18 WSPP. The main changes they parties, and some provisions contain loopholes. proposed were: • Any donation to any political party or to an MP or Transparency (in practice) Senator of EUR1,500 or more must be made public. Gifts from a donor with an aggregate amount of To what extent can the public obtain relevant financial EUR1,500 or more per year for the purposes of this information from political parties? paragraph are considered to be one gift. • In violation of Article 18 WSPP, the Minister of BZK In practice there are major differences in the extent to can impose an administrative fine of up to EUR which the public can obtain relevant financial 20,000. information from the various political parties.1415

1409 Mr. Dibi (Green Party) and Mr. Schouw (Liberal Democrats). 1410 Algemene Rekenkamer (2011). Financiering politieke partijen p. 19.

1411 Interview with Ellen Nauta-van Moorsel, Director at the Bureau of the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. 1412 Wetsvoorstel Regels inzake de subsidiëring en het toezicht op de financiën van politieke partijen (Wet financiering politieke partijen) (32752); Wetsvoorstel Wijziging van de Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen met het oog op verlaging van de subsidies (31906).

1413 Donner: Openheid over giften. d.d. 25th March 2011. 1414 Interview with Henk Nijhof, Chair of the Board of the political party GroenLinks, 21 June 2011. 1415 Interview with Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer Constitutional and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, 17 May 2011.


On the website of the PvdA the following information •The annual account of 2010 can be found, which was found: includes the total amount of contributions and •Annual Report 2010; the amounts that have been donations.1422 received on contributions and donations are disclosed.1416 On the website of the D66, the following information •Publication of names of party members who have paid was found: over EUR 500.1417 •Donations are welcome. A registry is kept at the Party •Guidelines for donations and sponsorship, which Bureau in which all donations over EUR 1,500 are include that only donations from individuals are disclosed.1423 accepted by the Labour Party. There is no maximum •The annual account for 2010 includes the total set for these donations. The Labour Party will not amount of contributions and donations.1424 accept business donations or sponsorship.1418 On the website of Groenlinks, no relevant information On the website of the VVD the following information on financial matters was found.1425 was found: •Donations: Any amount is welcome, this supports the On the website of SP, the following information was Liberal Party in its ongoing campaign. The VVD is found: legally required to include donations over EUR 4,500 •The annual account for 2010 includes the total in its financial report. Donations to the VVD cannot amount of contributions and donations.1426 create any rights.1419 •A statement that no donations were received over EUR •Annual Report 2009, which disclosed which amounts 4,537.80 from businesses or societal organisations. were received in contributions and donations.1420 On Other donations are either included in the total page 22 of this report is published one gift of a amount of contributions and donations or are natural person and three transfers of legal person. included in the item ‘hand-over by elected These four gifts are larger than EUR 4,538. representatives’.1427

On the website of the CDA, the following information On the website of PVV, no relevant information on was found: financial matters was found.1428 •Donations are welcome. The CDA is legally required Criticism of political parties over their lack of to disclose donations over EUR 4,500 in its financial transparency and openness on the financing of their accounts. Donations to the CDA cannot create any activities can also be considered as a sign that they are rights.1421

1416 Jaarverslag Partij van de Arbeid 2010 p.56. 1417, consulted 4 March 2012 and PvdA (2011) Jaarverslag Partij van de Arbeid 2010 p.56. 1418, consulted 8 March 2012. 1419, consulted 4 March 2012. 1420, consulted 28 May 2011. 1421, consulted 4 March 2012. 1422 CDA (n.d.) Jaarrekening 2010 van Stichting Secretariaat CDA. p.16. 1423 D66 (n.d.) Jaarrekening 2010 Vereniging Politieke Partij Democraten 66 p.27. 1424 Ibid., p.16. 1425, consulted 4 March 2011. 1426 SP (2011). Jaarrekening SP 2010. p.16. 1427 Ibid., p.18. 1428, consulted 4 March 2011.


regarded as institutions that make an essential Requirements on private financing contribution, or should do so, to the functioning of This is not the case with private financing. Only certain democracy.1429 In general, while it is possible for the gifts should be published and there are no penalties for public to obtain basic relevant financial information breaking the existing rules provided in the current from political parties, it is usually a difficult, WSPP. In the WFPP the possibility is created for the cumbersome and/or lengthy process. Only the legally- Minister of BZK to impose an administrative fine on, or required information can be found for most political withdraw a subsidy from, a political party which has parties. The extent to which donations are registered violated the rules on financing. and/or disclosed varies considerably. While a few laws/provisions exist, they do not cover all aspects of financial reporting and accounting of political parties and/or some provisions contain ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) loopholes.

To what extent are there provisions governing financial oversight of political parties by a designated state body? ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE)

Requirements on subsidy To what extent is there effective financial oversight of In the application for a subsidy to a political party there political parties in practice? must be included an activity plan, a budget, a statement of the membership figures on the record Compliance date and, if applicable, membership of the designated In general, political parties that receive subsidies youth political organisation.1430 The application for the comply with the governing rules. Nevertheless, a establishment of the subsidy must be accompanied by newspaper reported recently that the CDA had received a financial report and an activity report.1431 The EUR 100,000 from a company, but had refused to Minister of BZK may impose requirements with regard disclose the name of the donor.1434 to the design of the financial report, the activity report On private financing there is little or no accountability, and the list of members of political parties and political but this is likely to improve if the WFPP becomes youth organisation, considered to be relevant to the effective. Tools for compelling political parties are determination of the subsidy.1432 There are no legal missing or not applied. loopholes which allow parties not to provide information for the subsidy. If the application is not Enforcement submitted in the prescribed manner, the applicant On the question of who should be responsible for receives no subsidy. Political parties have to provide enforcement, there is disagreement. The current their financial report to an accountant, and the Minister Minister of BZK is of the opinion that she should be of BZK is responsible for the overall enforcement of the charged with enforcement. Also, the initiative law provisions by political parties.1433 Any wrongfully- proposal submitted by the MPs Dibi and Schouw obtained subsidy must be repaid to the government. (Article 18a) adopts such view.1435 The KR1436 and

1429 Biezen, van I. (2010). p. 11. 1430 Art. 8, par. 2 WSPP. 1431 Ibid., Art. 10, par. 2. 1432 Ibid., Art. 10, par. 5. 1433 Ibid., Art. 11. 1434, consulted 27 July 27 2011. 1435, consulted May 2011. 1436 Interview with Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral Council, 20 April 2011.


several experts are of the opinion that this should not political parties without members. These are not happen. They are of the opinion that it is better to governed democratically. However, according to the entrust an independent body such as the KR with this law these ‘political movements’ can exist in the task, rather than the Minister of BZK or another Member Netherlands. of Cabinet, who are more interrelated with politics and political parties. An interviewed party chairman called Self-regulation for an independent regulator as well, such as the AR1437 Some of the major political parties have developed or the KR.1438, 1439 basic documents as part of their integrity policy. The CDA has developed a document for its representatives In general, parties provide partial, low-quality and/or in which the principles and values for a reliable late reports on their financing sources. politician are to be found.1440 Here integrity of a politician is further stipulated. Additionally, there is the possibility for CDA representatives to turn to a regional INTEGRITY (BY LAW) CDA confidentiality counsellor if a dilemma needs to be discussed or advice is needed.1441 Integrity violations To what extent are there organisational regulations can be reported to the CDA national integrity regarding the internal democratic governance of the commission. main political parties? Most major parties have comprehensive regulations in place on their internal democratic governance. The Civil Code contains rules on the appointment of the chairman and other board members of associations. These rules also apply to political parties. In the INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) regulations and standing orders, which can be changed by the members, the rules of the Civil Code are To what extent is there effective internal democratic developed and expanded. governance of political parties in practice? The major political parties choose to have their members electing candidates for parliament, provincial Nowadays the members of most political parties and municipal elections. Candidates can be screened in choose party leaders and candidates for the elected various ways. representative bodies. In some parties, the list of candidates is drawn up by an electoral commission.1442 Often political parties ask their candidates to submit a Here too it should be noted that in the Netherlands only Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG - Verklaring omtrent a small percentage of the electorate is a member of a gedrag) from the Minister of VJ. If a candidate is political party, which puts their legitimacy under convicted for certain crimes, the certificate is denied. pressure.1443 The dominance of the leader and/or a The party manifesto and election manifestos are small group of prominent party members is evident in usually also adopted by party members. It should be all cases. In the VVD Mark Rutte is the undisputed noted that the rules mentioned above do not apply to leader;1444 in the CDA is the

1437, consulted 6 July 2011. 1438, consulted 6 July 2011. 1439 Interview with Henk Nijhof, Chair of the Board of the political party GroenLinks, 21 June 2011. 1440 CDA (n.d.) Een betrouwbaar politicus: Grondhouding voor volksvertegenwoordigers en bestuurders namens het CDA.

1441 Interview with Matthijs Schüssler, Legal Officer at the Bureau of the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. 1442 VVD:; PvdA:; CDA:, all websites consulted 7 August 2011. 1443 1444, consulted 7 August 2011.


same.1445 Their votes inside the party count much more balanced composition of selecting bodies should than ‘ordinary’ party members, regardless the content also be commended.1448 of their position. However, there are also examples of party leaders being presented or recommended The latter is certainly the case for the SGP, which will without any involvement of the members of the not admit women to the list of candidates, on Biblical political parties. The PvdA party leader Bos resigned in grounds.1449 2010 and presented Cohen as his successor, Cohen was elected during a meeting of members. In 2010 the Approval Board of the CDA nominated Balkenende as party The integrity, but also the loyalty, of MPs and Senators leader, and the members voted in favour of his who are also party members of the coalition, is put to the appointment.1446 Both appointments were not test when their support is indispensable regarding a undisputed. Most political parties do organise specific topic, while they actually may agree with the meetings in which important decisions are on the opposition. Therefore, in practice politicians tend to act agenda and then voted by the members. Candidate in conformity with official party positions; there may even selection or determining the financial report generally be a form of pressure on dissidents. Sometimes specific require members’ approval.1447 approval of members is asked. In 2010, the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) submitted the question to its Some parties do not have a membership organisation members whether or not to participate in a coalition- (PVV and TON). In these parties, the dominance of the government with the conservative VVD, together a party leader is unquestionable, both formally and minority in the Tweede Kamer, which would be materially. Regarding this aspect, the Dutch political supported by the PVV. This seems to have been the case parties may not meet the European standards as with the MPs Koppenjan1450 and Ferrier from the CDA.1451 formulated in the guidelines on political party Both MPs were against their political party becoming part regulation: of the minority coalition, which was to be supported by 113. Parties must have the ability to determine PVV. The media reported that party members of CDA party officers and candidates, free from were trying hard and pressuring these MPs to guarantee government interference. Recognizing that unanimous support for the coalition.1452 In the end both candidate selection and determination of ranking MPs agreed with the coalition agreement.1453 order on electoral lists is often dominated by Most major political parties follow democratic closed entities and old networks of established procedures in selecting their leaders and candidates and politicians, clear and transparent criteria for deciding on major policies. However, there are also candidate selection is needed, in order for new examples of political parties without members and members (including women, and minorities) to get political parties which interfere with their individual access to decision-making positions. Gender- representatives.

1445 Ibid. 1446 opvolger.dhtml and

1447 Interview with Ruth Peetoom, Chair of the Board of the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. 1448, consulted 17 June 2011. 1449 (Program van beginselen, artikel 10, Toelichting), consulted 2 August 2011. 1450, consulted 17 June 2011. 1451, consulted 17June 2011. 1452, consulted 20 October 2011. 1453 Groen-licht-voor-kabinet-Rutte-Verhagen.dhtml?redirected, consulted 20 October 2011.


Interest aggregation and representation of Rotterdam) and one deputy minister with a Turkish background (she is now MP for the PvdA). To what extent do political parties aggregate and represent relevant social interests in the political sphere? Many farmers seem to vote for the Christian Democratic Party (CDA).1455 The Freedom Party (PVV) For many years political parties have had wide and stable seems to get many votes from less-educated support among the electorate, although the support has voters1456; on the other hand, the Liberal Democratic declined in recent years. Party (D66) and the Green Party (GroenLinks) seem to There are many more floating voters who do not always get many votes from highly-educated people1457. vote the same party. Most of the voters are not members of a political party. Many entrepreneurs seem to vote for the Conservative Liberal Party (VVD) and the Christian Democratic Party Representation (CDA).1458 There are political parties on a specific population group or subject focus: According to the Dutch Council for Public • Fifty-plus (founded in 2011): defends the interests Administration (Rob - Raad voor het openbaar bestuur) of the elderly; democratic institutions are accepted by most citizens – • Reformed Political Party (Staatkundig that is to say: there is no confidence crisis, but there is Gereformeerde Partij; abbreviated as SGP): bases a legitimacy crisis. its views on the Bible alone; People have confidence in the democratic system, but • Party for the Animals (Partij voor de Dieren; much less confidence in the way political parties and abbreviated as PvdD): animal welfare is the main politicians operate. Voters have limited confidence in theme for the party; politics.1459 Many PVV supporters have a strong sense • Labour Party (PvdA), Socialist Party (SP) and Green of social and political discontent.1460 Party (GroenLinks): defend the socially disadvantaged. The turnout rates for national elections, although decreasing over the years, are much higher than for all There is also a Dutch Muslim party (Nederlandse other elections. These other elections are often Moslim Partij)1454, but this party is not represented in referred to as ‘second-order national elections’ which parliament. Several political groups in the Tweede do not have clear features and interests of their own. Kamer and Senate harbour members coming from minority groups in society. The previous government The turnout rate for these elections and the elections (2007-2010) had one deputy minister from the results are to a large extent determined by issues and Moroccan-origin minority (who now is mayor of the city politicians from national politics.1461

1454, consulted 28of May 2011. 1455 1456, consulted 7 August 2011. 1457 (see p. 278, Tabel 10). 1458, consulted 7August 2011. 1459 Raad voor het openbaar bestuur (2010); Biezen, van I. (2010) p. 3 and 10-11. 1460, consulted 7 August 2011. 1461 Aarts, C.W.A.M. (1999). p.17.


The average turnout rates in elections held from 2009-2011:

Elections for: Year(s) Average turnout rate(s) Local councils 2010 (2006) 54.1 (58.6) Provincial councils 2011 (2007) 55.9 (46.4) House of Representatives 2010 (2006) 75.4 (80.4) European Parliament 2009 (2004) 36.8 (39.3)

Source:, consulted the 20th of October 2011

In general, political parties are able to aggregate and 2010: CDA, PvdA, PVV, D66 and SP, in all cases in a very represent a range of relevant social interests in the limited sense (see Context). political sphere. According to the media (television, radio and newspapers), it appears that corruption and integrity ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMITMENT get only very little attention in the speeches of party leaders. To what extent do political parties give due attention to While there are a few reforms initiated and promoted public accountability and the fight against corruption? by political parties to counter corruption and promote integrity, these are piecemeal efforts, which are There is little or no attention given to the fight against considered largely ineffective in achieving their goals. corruption or public accountability by political parties. ‘Integrity’ is only mentioned in the election manifestos ‘Corruption’ is only mentioned in the election of the following political parties that participated in the manifestos of the following political parties that parliamentary elections in June 2010: CDA, PvdA and participated in the parliamentary elections in June PVV, in all cases in a very limited sense (see Context).


Political party Number of times mentioned Context Christian Democratic Party (CDA) 1 International cooperation Labour Party (PvdA) 1 Development and cooperation Freedom Party (PVV) 1 Democratisation Liberal Democratic Party (D66) 1 International cooperation Socialist Party (SP) 1 Youth Policy


Political party Number of times mentioned Context Christian Democratic Party (CDA) 1 Democratization Labour Party (PvdA) 1 Financial supervision in Europe Freedom Party (PVV) 1 Education (‘Competence-based learning, where students’ own responsibility for their learning process focuses on intangible skills (such as integrity) rather than knowledge, is completely wrong.’)


Role in NIS The more a society develops open and transparent Transparency about the way this power is exercised is practices, the more information becomes available crucial in order to prevent misuse of this power. within the public domain. However, the amount of Furthermore, it is important that media organisations information makes it almost impossible, even for the are aware of the impact of their reports and that they most diligent citizen, to stay up-to-date about are answerable for their activities. everything relevant that is going on within society. The proceedings of the legislature, public and local To function properly as part of the National Integrity authorities, courtrooms, and public companies may all System, it is important that the media have their own be open to the public, but no single member of the correction mechanism in place to prevent misuse of public can ever hope to attend them all. Therefore, it is power. Investigation and publication of corruption important to have diligent, professional media which practices are a specific and important task for the are devoted to sifting through this mass of information media in the National Integrity System. The news media on a daily basis, selecting with wisdom and with at least follow powerful individuals and organisations which one eye on the public interest, precisely what it is that belong to other pillars. It is important that the media should concern us – and then conveying this investigate and expose cases of corruption, inform the information to us in a fair and responsible way. Of public about the impact of corruption and inform the course, there will be the inevitable conflicts-of-interest public about weak aspects of the assurance between the media exercising its constitutional mechanisms that help to prevent the occurrence of function of informing the public, and its desire to corruption in the different pillars. By publicizing attract a greater public, ample advertising, and a corruption, its impact and the governance of the healthy profit-margin. different pillars, the media make it possible for society to address corruption.1462 A free media sector is an important pillar which serves as a powerful counterforce to corruption in public life. Sources To fulfil this role the media should possess sufficient The desk report for this pillar started with general resources. These include financial resources, but also research into the topic of the media regulations and mechanisms (legally and in practice) which guarantee current affairs concerning the media’s own integrity. the diversity of the media. The degree to which the The applicable legal provisions and literature were media are independent is the degree to which they can examined as well as parliamentary documents perform an effective public watchdog function over the concerning the media. Additionally, a media scan was conduct of public officials. This is relevant at the made. An in-depth interview was held with two key organisational level (does financial dependence lead to figures from the media. The outsider’s view was either dependence on the government, on businesses as a provided via academic articles or during interview with financing institution, or does the dependence on key experts on other pillars. Interviews held: advertisements have consequences for the content of • Hugo Arlman, Freelance journalist, interview held the news?) as well as for the individual journalist. the 9th of December 2011.

At the moment, when the media use their power and • Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and therefore have societal impact, transparency, Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), accountability and integrity become important. interview held the 15th of March 2011.

1462 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. p.19-25.


• Margo Smit, Journalist and the Director of the Structure and Organisation Association of Investigative Journalists, interview There is a wide variety of media organisations in the held the 31st of May 2011. Netherlands.

• Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor Directorate of Radio and television Public Administration at the Social and Economic The public broadcasting organisations are in the hands Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the of associations. These were traditionally organised on 15th of March 2011. the basis of the pillar structure which was typical for Dutch society (‘pillarisation’, please refer to the socio- political foundations). For example, the KRO used to be MEDIA a Roman Catholic broadcasting organisation. There are several broadcasters which traditionally had a more Status: Strong protestant background, such as the NCRV, the EO and the VPRO, although the latter has lost its protestant Summary character entirely. The VARA is a broadcasting The situation in the Netherlands regarding the news organisation that is affiliated with the socialist media is generally satisfactory. The law provides tradition. The AVRO, Veronica and the TROS have a conditions for free and independent media (Internet, more liberal orientation. The connections of these radio, television, newspapers and magazines). There is broadcasting organisations with their traditional pillars no censorship in the Netherlands; journalists can carry dating back to the days of pillarisation have more or out their work in freedom. The direct funding of public less disappeared. However, several broadcasting broadcasting organisations poses a risk to its organisations still have strong ties with certain political independence, with MPs expressing their opinions on parties. The public broadcasting associations are programmes and in other content. The extent to which financed by the government. the media are transparent about their ownership, decision-making and polices varies from the extensive In the Netherlands a distinction is made between the transparency of public broadcasters to commercial technical infrastructure for the broadcasting of radio and broadcasters and newspapers disclosing less about television (‘hardware’) and the programs that are their organisation. A similar distinction can be made broadcast (‘software’). The infrastructure falls under the about the available integrity provisions. jurisdiction of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (I&M - Infrastructuur en Milieu). This Overall, integrity in journalism is not a widely- ministry is responsible for the fair distribution of discussed topic by the media themselves, although available broadcasting options. occasionally media report about other media’s The Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW - conduct. The Netherlands Press Council is becoming Onderwijs Cultuur en Wetenschap) is responsible for the more professional in its task to assess complaints programs that are broadcast. This ministry supervises about media or journalistic conduct. It does not actively the public broadcasting associations as to ensure engage in addressing ethics in the media. The sufficient diversity in the programmes offered. Openness of Government Act (Wob - Wet Openbaarheid bestuur) gives individuals the right to public sector Besides the national public broadcasting organisations, information. However, in practice this right to there are also national commercial broadcasting information is not always ensured, mainly because the companies. The most important Dutch commercial information requested is often refused or not provided broadcasting companies are SBS6 (owned by SBS in due time. If the requested information is denied, Broadcasting B.V., which is part of the German citizens have a right to appeal to the court. On a daily ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG) and several RTL (Radio basis the media (television, radio and press) pay Télévision Luxembourg) broadcasting companies owned attention to political or government-related issues, by the RTL group, which is the media division of the including integrity violations. Additionally, corruption German company Bertelsmann, owned by the family cases are exposed by the media. Mohn. The commercial European broadcasting market is


dominated by four big players: ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, journalism is a free profession; everybody is able to call the French TF1 Group, the Italian Mediaset SpA and RTL him or herself a journalist. In practice, there are no Group SA. restrictions or legal requirements for journalists in exercising their profession. It is possible to study Print media journalism at several Dutch universities. The Dutch press is in private hands. The most important newspapers are NRC Handelsblad, De Volkskrant, ASSESSMENT Trouw, De Telegraaf and Algemeen Dagblad (AD). Additionally, there are three free daily newspapers with Resources (by law) national distribution; Metro, Spits and De Pers. To what extent does the legal framework provide an Important news magazines are Elsevier, Vrij Nederland, environment conducive to a diverse independent HP/De Tijd and De Groene Amsterdammer. For the media? The legal framework pertaining to the existence publishing and distributing of newspapers and and operations of independent media (public, magazines no governmental license is required. commercial and community broadcasting) is conducive.

Internet Constitutional and statutory provisions New media grow rapidly in the Netherlands. This leads Freedom of the press as a fundamental right is existing to the provision of new forms of news. Small parties are since 1848.1464, 1465 The Media Act regulates access to able to provide news and information. The new media the broadcasting system and ensures that there is also make interactive forms of news provision possible. adequate diversity of media.1466 The Media Authority This fast-growing area of the media is privately- (CvdM - Commissariaat voor de Media) upholds the owned. The broadcasting companies, the commercial rules which are formulated in the Media Act as well as ones as well as the public broadcasting associations as in the regulations based on this act, such as the Media well as the newspapers, are all trying to explore the Decree.1467 This is done by providing information about potential of the new media. The position of websites the way the act is to be interpreted beforehand and by related to big media-outlets (for example NOS, De supervision afterwards. The activities of the CvdM focus Telegraaf and De Volkskrant) is strong. There are only on both public service and commercial broadcasters a few independent competitors. and on cable operators. The CvdM is an independent administrative body situated in the city of . Profession Regarding the supervision of radio and television, the Many professional journalists are organised in labour work of the CvdM includes three areas: licensing, unions for journalists, among which the Dutch supervision and financial surveillance.1468 Association of Journalists (NVJ - Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten) is the largest union. Almost 8,000 of Broadcasting license the 12,000 to 15,000 Dutch professional journalists are The Minister of OCW decides on the acknowledgement members of this union. The NVJ is part of the general of broadcasting organisations and the corresponding labour union FNV.1463 Additionally, there is the broadcasting license. A broadcasting license expires Association of Investigative Journalists VVOJ (Vereniging after five years. This applies to commercial radio van Onderzoeks-journalisten). In the Netherlands, stations and to television stations.1469 Providing a

1463 See pillar: Business organisations. 1464 Art. 7 Grondwet. 1465, consulted 9 August 2011. 1466 The Mediawet came into force in the Netherlands in 2008 (‘Mediawet 2008’). 1467, consulted 9December 2011. 1468, consulted 21 May 2011. 1469 Art. 2.24-2.34 Mediawet and, consulted 10 December 2011.


commercial broadcasting service is only allowed with Furthermore, churches and associations of a spiritual the permission of the CvdM.1470 According to the or legal basis will be designated to provide media General Administrative Law Act (Awb - Algemene wet offerings on the religious or spiritual area for the bestuursrecht) a negative decision on a request for a national public service media.1474 broadcasting license is subject to an appeal. In However, some commercial broadcasting institutions granting licenses in public broadcasting, the diversity are registered in Luxembourg and do not have to of media is considered. This means that the different adhere to the Dutch regulations on e.g. advertising or societal groups should recognise themselves in the sponsoring. This is due to the lack of supervision, television and radio programming, and that a variety of sanctions and procedures. Luxembourg has no programs is offered. For commercial broadcasters supervisor for the media at all. there are comparable rules about ‘media diversity’.1471 Diversity in public broadcasting is regulated by law. Content There is a so-called ‘public media mission’ which Within the responsibilities given to public broadcasting includes care for the national, regional and local organisations, they can determine the form and content provision of public media services by offering of their programmes.1475 Commercial media institutions informative, cultural and educational programs determine the form and content of their scattered between the regular programming and on all programming.1476 They have to meet the requirements available channels.1472 Public media services must of the European Audio-visual Media Services comply with the democratic, social and cultural needs Directive.1477 The audio-visual programs provided by of Dutch society by offering media content that: the public as well as the commercial media may not a. Is balanced, multifaceted, varied and of high broadcast programs that could cause serious damage to quality and also characterised by a great diversity the physical, mental or moral development of persons in form and content; less than sixteen years.1478 b. Provides an image of society and shows the diversity of the population, its beliefs, attitudes Funding and interests; Public broadcasting is funded by the government.1479 c. Is focussed on both a broad and general public, on In order for public broadcasting associations to receive population and age groups of different sizes and funding from the government, governmental approval composition, with particular attention to smaller (acknowledgement and licence) is required.1480 target groups; d. Is independent of commercial influences and The budget of a broadcasting association depends government influences (apart from legally defined upon the number of people that are a member of the exceptions); broadcasting association. There are also revenues from e. Meets high professional journalistic standards, the broadcasting of advertisements, and membership f. Is accessible for everyone.1473 fees.

1470 Art. 3.1, par. 1 Mediawet. 1471 Ibid., Art. 3.20, par. 1 and art. 3.24, par. 1. 1472 Ibid., Art. 2.1, par. 1. 1473 Ibid., Art. 2.1, par. 2. 1474 Ibid., Art. 2.42, par. 1. 1475 Ibid., Art. 2.88. 1476 Ibid., Art. 3.5, par. 1. 1477 Ibid., Art. 3.20, par. 1. 1478 Ibid., Art. 4.1, par. 1. 1479 Ibid., Sections 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. 1480 Ibid., Art. 2.149 and 2.24.


Sponsorship is also possible.1481 According to the The profession of journalist policy of the CvdM only cultural programs, programs For exercising the profession of journalist no about sporting events or events for non-commercial permission of the public authorities is required. The purposes may be sponsored. Sponsoring of news profession of journalist is not regulated or protected by programs, information programs or programs of law. Any person can introduce himself as a ‘journalist” political parties and programs for children of twelve or ‘reporter’. A diverse group of institutions offers years or younger is not permitted.1482 The Media Act forms of journalism education in the Netherlands, on also governs regional and local broadcasting1483, bachelor as well as master level. including their methods of funding.1484 Local authorities receive funding from the government, which they then give to local broadcasters. RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE)

Fund for stimulating the Press To what extent are there diverse independent media The Fund for stimulating the Press (Stimuleringsfonds providing a variety of perspectives? voor de Pers) provides loans and subsidies to printed and digital media such as daily newspapers, magazines and There is a plurality of media sources covering the entire websites as well as for research into the newspaper political and social spectrum. industry.1485 The Fund is an independent authority financed by the government from the revenues of Television and radio advertising on radio and television. This Fund is run by a Board whose members are appointed and dismissed by Political and ideological orientation royal decree. The board of the Fund decides on requests The funding of public broadcasting under the Media for financial help.1486 In 2010 the budget of the Fund for Act has led to the existence of a wide range of public stimulating the press was EUR 1,750,000.1487, 1488 broadcasters and corresponding programmes on radio and television. However, in order to save costs, the Print media government announced in 2010 that it wanted to According to the Dutch Constitution there are no reduce the number of national broadcasters. The preventive restrictions on setting up print media broadcasters were fiercely and fully opposed to this, entities.1489 No license is required. There are civil law but in the end accepted it.1490 In July 2011 public provisions applicable to companies and publishers of broadcasting had a market share of around 40 newspapers and magazines. percent.1491 Besides the public broadcasters, more than

1481 Ibid., Article 2.106 t/m 2.114. Thefirst article states that sponsorship of public broadcasts is not allowed. This article is followed by various exceptions to this prohibition. 1482, consulted 28 August 2011. Also a directive about sponsorship has been adopted; see: (page 35). 1483 Art. 2.61 to 2.71 Mediawet. 1484 Ibid., Art. 2.170 and 2.170a. 1485 Ibid., Art. 8.1. 1486, consulted 9 June 2011. 1487, consulted 9 June 2011. 1488 About the distribution of subsidies, see: Subsidieplafonds-2011/page.aspx/1054, consulted 9 June 2011. 1489 Art. 7 paragraphs 1 and 3 Grondwet. 1490, consulted 13 August 2011. See also:, consulted 17 August 2011. 1491


10 commercial stations are active nationwide. Public how stories develop is rarely reported on.1502 This can broadcasting has faced stiff competition from become a risk to the classic role of the media being the commercial stations since the commercial watchdog.1503 broadcasting companies received their legal status in 1988.1492 The political spectrum in the Netherlands can Programmes be shown by using the following coordinates: left, According to the Sustainable Governance Indicators right, conservative and progressive.1493 A few years ago 2011, Dutch television and radio stations produce on a it was assumed that public broadcasting was daily basis high-quality information programs and predominantly progressive (‘left’).1494, 1495 With the discuss government decisions.1504 The NOS (main arrival of new broadcasters (Powned1496 and WNL1497, public news channel) provides at least 15 hours of both related to De Telegraaf1498, a morning newspaper reporting weekly on political issues. The radio channel that is known as ‘right wing’) there has been a shift Radio 1 has the task of providing primarily information. since 2010 to the effect that conservative (‘right wing’) In recent years, its ratings have decreased. New media values are more discussed in public broadcasting.1499 (such as the Internet) have grown at the expense of Furthermore, there is a statutory provision stipulating more traditional media and are becoming more that all political parties represented in parliament influential in providing news. Parliamentary debates receive broadcasting time.1500 are not publicly broadcast on television. Nonetheless, NOS broadcasts Politiek 24, a digital television channel The Netherlands Press Council (Raad voor de on the Internet that contains live streams of public Journalistiek) is concerned about the growing number debates, analyses, background information and a daily of public channels competing against each other within political show.1505 (See also Legislative/Transparency.) a limited amount of broadcasting time. The emphasis on news provision among public channels is fading as Location they aim to meet the goals of increasing their viewing Most broadcasting companies and associations are figures, which entails a diversification of content.1501 located in the city of Hilversum or in Amsterdam. Overall, the increasing competition among the media, Internet providers are located across the country and caused by commercial pressure, has led to more even across the world. In public broadcasting different special interest, human interest and amusement. The kind of broadcasting organisations provide radio and news has to be entertaining, which brings with it that television programs. Each of these broadcasting new news gets media attention while the follow-up on organisations belongs to one of the following

1492 (see page 184), consulted 10 August 2011. 1493, consulted 10 August 2011. 1494 Omroep.dhtml, consulted 10 August 2011. 1495, consulted 10 August 2011. 1496, consulted 10 August 2011. 1497, consulted 10 August 2011. 1498 and (page 12), consulted 28 August 2011. 1499, consulted 10 August 2011. 1500 Art. 6.1 Mediawet. 1501, consulted 10 December 2011. 1502 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 11 December 2011. 1503 Drok, N. (2007) p.13. 1504, consulted 10 December 2011. 1505, consulted 21 May 2011.


categories: state broadcasters (NOS1506 and NTR1507), In 2011 EUR 10 million was received by local authorities associations and special broadcasters (based on a from the government to use as a subsidy to local religion or philosophy of life) together with more than broadcasters. In total, 49 of the 112 local authorities 20 public broadcasting organisations.1508 Additionally, gave less subsidy to these local broadcasters then they every province has at least one public television should have done.1514 channel. There are also local public radio and television stations.1509 Fund for stimulating the Press This Fund is believed to be a useful buffer since it can Funding independently provide subsidies to journalists and In 2010 the governmental contribution to the media media initiatives.1515 was a total of EUR 663,774 million (compared to EUR 665,586 million in 2009). The revenues from Print media broadcasting of advertisements were EUR 215,294 million in 2010 (EUR 188,500 in 2009).1510 The income Diversity of the broadcasting associations from membership The Netherlands has a wide range of newspapers and fees amounted EUR 23,748 to EUR 32,439 million in magazines on various topics.1516 The press faces 2009.1511, 1512 An overview of the total amount of competition from news sites on the Internet.1517 sponsorship fees cannot easily be found. From 2013 Newspapers are trying to anticipate this by using social onwards the media budget will decrease. A state media,1518 but the number of daily and weekly budget-cut in the media budget of EUR 200 million was newspaper companies has decreased from 55 (1950s) announced in 2011, of which EUR 125 million will be at to 8 (2009).1519 The number of newspaper the cost of the public broadcasting organisations.1513 subscriptions has gone down, it is difficult to attract

1506 The Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation (NOS - Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) is one of the broadcasters in the Netherlands Public Broadcasting system. The NOS has a statutory obligation to make news and sports programs for the three Dutch public television channels and the Dutch public radio services. See:, consulted 17August 2011. 1507 NTR is the independent Dutch public service broadcaster specialising in information, education and culture. NTR’s themes are based on the statutory duties of the three public service broadcasters which in 2010 merged into NTR: NPS, Teleac and RVU. See:, consulted 17 August 2011. 1508, consulted 9 August 2011. An overview of all broadcasting organisations and companies is available at:, consulted 7 August 2011. See also:, consulted 17 August 2011. 1509, consulted 17 August 2011. 1510 (page 80), consulted 10 August 2011. 1511 For 2009, please refer to: (page 4). For Powned, see: For WNL, see: roepvereniging-wnl, all consulted 28 August 2011. 1512 (page 3), consulted 28 August 2011. 1513, consulted 10 December 2011. 1514,

consulted 14th December 2011. 1515 Welkomstwoord Arendo Joustra tijdens de viering van het 50-jarig jubileum van het Genootschap 27 November 2008. 1516, consulted 10 August 2011. 1517, consulted 10 August 2011. 1518, consulted 10 August 2011. 1519 Bijwaard, D. (2009) p.10.


new readers; newspapers therefore have to report fast media.1528 However, according to Freedom House a and on selected topics in order to reach the wide variety of opinions are expressed in the print audience.1520 This puts investigative journalism under media, despite a high concentration of newspaper pressure.1521 There are also concerns about the ownership.1529 declining quality of journalism.1522 One expert even refers to a “demolition in regional journalism”, The profession of journalist particularly in relation to political reporting.1523 Although no qualification is formally required, many Another trend is the increasing influence of professional journalists are highly-educated, often government and industry (product-placement), since with an academic qualification. The Netherlands has they are more capable – for example through press- eight journalism master’s degrees, with seven higher releases – in finding their way to the newspaper and two secondary vocational training systems. In pages.1524 addition, many (sometimes private) courses are offered.1530 The NVJ offers its members courses, Membership and subscription workshops, master classes and summer schools.1531 Daily and weekly newspapers and magazines do not Investigative journalists have their own association, receive government funding as regular budget funding. VVOJ, which organises conferences and workshops.1532 In 2010, the total circulation of paid daily newspapers was 4,222,466 copies.1525 Location According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), in Most of the printed press is located in Amsterdam, but 2008 50 percent of Dutch households had a newspaper a few are based in other places. The Persgroep subscription. In 1997 this was 62 percent.1526 (publisher of four newspapers: AD, De Volkskrant, Trouw and Het Parool) is based in Amsterdam. De Additionally, there are three national newspapers that Telegraaf is also based in Amsterdam. NRC are distributed for free.1527 This decrease in Handelsblad is a Rotterdam-based newspaper but will subscriptions along with the freely-available news on soon move to Amsterdam. Additionally there are also the Internet and the decrease in advertisement income various regional newspapers which are based in the are considered to be major threats for the print different regions.

1520 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 11December 2011; interview held with Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), 15 March 2011. 1521 Interview held with Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), 15 March 2011. 1522, consulted 10 August 2011. 1523 Interview with Margo Smit, Director of the Association of Investigative Journalists, 31 May 2011. 1524 Kruidhof J. d.d. 21-12-2010 about ‘investigative journalism in 2010’. See:

times-the-worst-of-times-Onderzoeksjournalistiek-anno-2010, consulted the 10th of August 2011.

1525, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1526,

consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1527,

consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1528 ‘De volgende editie’- Adviesrapport Tijdelijke Commissie Innovatie en Toekomst Pers, June 2009 p.5-7.

1529 (see page 184), consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1530

1531, consulted the 10th of August 2011.

1532, consulted the 10th of August 2011.


INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) intends to amend the law so as to give public authorities the right to assess whether requests for information are To what extent are there legal safeguards to prevent improper. The authorities will have to assess whether the unwarranted external interference in the activities of the request is proportional, i.e. whether the capacity media? required to find and provide the information is proportional to the goal served by the request.1541 This Comprehensive legal safeguards to prevent statutory provision concerning (access to) information of unwarranted external interference in the media exist. the government is based on the principle that information is to be provided, except in the case of General constitutional and statutory provisions exceptional grounds mentioned in the statutory Freedom of expression is enshrined in the Dutch provisions1542 The Wob lists the exceptional grounds in Constitution.1533, 1534 Censorship is contrary to the which a governmental agency is not allowed to provide Constitution.1535 Because of the prohibition of the information requested. These exceptional grounds constitutional review of legislation, the provision on include, among others, the privacy of third parties, the freedom of expression (art. 10) in the European prosecution and investigation of crimes, or the security Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) provides an of the State.1543 If the governmental agency does not important safeguard. The government can intervene respond to the Wob-request in time, it has to pay a fine when the media engage in criminal acts, but it does so to the requester. In the case of a refusal by the only in retrospect.1536 For instance, action can be taken authorities, access to the administrative courts is when discrimination takes place in a television or radio ensured. (For more information, please refer to program. In that case, an infringement of the freedom Executive/Legal system and Legislative/Legal reform.) of expression is permitted and is it possible to prosecute the persons concerned. Libel is also Political and commercial influence punishable in the Netherlands.1537 Public broadcasters - and to a lesser extent commercial broadcasters - are obliged to contribute to the ‘public Right to information media mission’ under the Media Act (see The gathering of information is protected in the Resources/Law). Public broadcasters have to offer ECHR.1538, 1539 The Openness of Government Act (Wob - programmes which reflect the diversity of social, Wet openbaarheid van bestuur1540) provides citizens, cultural, religious or spiritual interests in Dutch society. journalists and others access to governmental Programmes should be independent of commercial information. At the moment, the Dutch government interests and should be free of governmental influence

1533 “No one shall be required to submit thoughts or opinions for prior approval in order to disseminate them by means other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, without prejudice to the responsibility of every person under the law.” (Art. 7, par. 3 Grondwet). 1534 See also article 10 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1535 Art. 7 Grondwet.

1536, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1537 Article 261 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 1538 Article 10 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1539

1540, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1541 Brief van de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties van 31 mei 2005 inzake Wet openbaarheid van bestuur and ‘Minister Donner legt bom onder de Wob’ (Trouw 05-05-2011). See also:’Dag+van+de+Persvrijheid’+, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1542 Article 7 lid 2, 10 en 11 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Openness of Government Act). 1543 Art.10 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Openness of Government Act).


except in those cases determined in law.1544 The a license is required.1549 This license is granted or denied Minister of OCW can withdraw a broadcast licence when by the NMa.1550 Appeal against the decision is the broadcasting association no longer meets the possible.1551 This legislation also applies to media public media mission under the Media Act. companies.

Editorial charter There are no specific legal rules for editorial INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) independence. In the procedure concerning takeovers, the editorial independence of newspapers and To what extent is the media free from unwarranted publishing houses is usually included in the external interference in its work in practice? negotiations with potential buyers.1545 In the Holland Media Group and SBS Broadcasting, two commercial Overall, the Dutch media are free from unwarranted broadcasting companies, this is also inserted in an external interferences, although some incidents do editorial charter.1546 show attempts of indirect censorship by individuals.

Concentrations Press freedom The Dutch Competition Authority (NMa - Nederlandse According to the Table of the Global Press Freedom Mededingingsautoriteit)1547 is responsible for Rankings (Freedom of the Press 2010)1552, 1553 the countering economic monopolies (‘concentration’). Dutch media are ‘free of interference’ (rank 11 out of Plans for a merger or takeover should therefore be 196 countries). Table A below shows that press reported to the NMa1548, which then determines whether freedom in recent years has decreased slightly.

Table A. The Netherlands’ score and status in 2005-2010. The figures are on a 100 point scale. The scores are based upon a judgment concerning three dimensions: legal environment, political environment and economic environment. A total score between 0 and 30 places a country in the Free press group.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Total score 11 11 13 13 13 14

Status Free Free Free Free Free Free

Source: (see page 183)

1544 Art. 2.1 paragraph 2 (sub b and d) Mediawet.

1545, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1546 and:, consulted the

15th of August 2011.

1547, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1548 Article 34 Mededingingswet. 1549 Ibid., Article 37 paragraph 1. 1550 Ibid., Article 42 and 44. 1551 Ibid., Article 47 lid 1. 1552 accessed August 10, 2011. 1553 See also


According to Freedom House, international news number of press officers and PR advisors hired by the sources are widely accessible in the Netherlands. The government at all levels was growing fast and was Internet is not restricted by the government, and in believed to be three times the number of journalists.1559 2009 roughly 90 percent of the population used the Additionally, Freedom House states that in the Internet.1554 Netherlands a climate of fear among journalists and artists interested in pursuing controversial topics, Censorship particularly those related to immigration and the role of In the Netherlands there is no direct censorship. Islam in the Netherlands, has arosen after the 2004 Although journalists are sometimes opposed by the murder of controversial film-maker Theo van Gogh by a government, it can generally be said that they can assert radical Islamist.1560 Freedom House also reports about their right to freedom of expression without fear of the Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot who allegedly retribution. However, censorship by indirect means does violated anti-discrimination laws by offending Muslims occur. For instance, in 2009 the mayor of Utrecht and other minorities. He was arrested in May 2008 and stopped a publication in a free local paper which had jailed overnight, but had not been prosecuted by the end written a critique on the pension costs the mayor had of 2009.”1561 received unlawfully.1555 According to one of the experts, there is ‘subtle influence’ from external parties. Right to information Obstruction in order to forbid a certain broadcast is The way the Openness of Government Act (Wob - Wet never formally done. The pressure not to publish or openbaarheid van bestuur) is applied by governmental broadcast a certain story more often occur at the organisations is seriously criticised by the National regional or local level, where those involved try to Ombudsman, journalists and academics.1562 Requests influence or blackmail journalists. This expert does for information are regularly declined by referring to the believe that the chief editors in the Netherlands are not legal exceptional grounds. In practice this leads to long sensitive to these attempts to influence them.1556 He also and legal (appeal) proceedings. maintains that governmental press officers attempt to The National Ombudsman stated that the Wob is used influence journalists in an informal way.1557 Another to create legal grounds for refusal and hinders timely expert said that official approval of press officers or a information. For more information, please refer to the ministry is increasingly required when wanting to visit Political-institutional foundations. (semi) public institutions or talk to civil servants. Previously, a general approval was given regarding a Political and commercial influence specific investigation, but now for every single aspect of Recently, the Council for Culture, which is legal adviser an investigation this formal approval from the ministry to the government in the fields of the arts, culture and must be requested.1558 In 2009 a study showed that the media, expressed concerns about the increasing

1554 (see page 184). 1555

rsquo.dhtml, consulted the 17th of June 2011. In August, 2011, there was a new accusation against this mayor. See: and

Wolfsen.dhtml, consulted the 23rd of August 2011. 1556 Interview with Margo Smit, Director of the Association of Investigative Journalists, interview held the May 31, 2011. 1557 Ibid. 1558 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, interview held the 9 December 2011. 1559 ‘De volgende editie’- Adviesrapport Tijdelijke Commissie Innovatie en Toekomst Pers, June 2009.

1560 (see page 184), consulted the 9th of August 2011. 1561 Ibid.

1562 Episode of Radio-broadcast of VPRO’s Argos ‘De WOB op de schop’ of the 1st of October via


influence of politics on news provision and media Three cases concerned violence by police against one or diversification among public channels. The worries are more journalists. In six cases there was a prosecution partly due to the loss of fees paid by citizens for and a punishment by the court. In 2009 and 2008 there accessing public television and radio broadcasts.1563 were twelve incidents, in 2007 nine and in 2006 five.1569 Because of efficiency arguments, the financing now takes place via direct governmental funding. One Investigative reporting expert also expressed the opinion that direct funding In general, Dutch media are active in exposing the poses a serious risk of political involvement by MPs in misconduct of politicians. According to the Sustainable public programming, thereby forming a risk to the Governance Indicators 2011, the chair of the Tweede independence of the media. The funding has increased Kamer has recently criticised the media for its lack of attention from the House of Representatives (Tweede investigative reporting on public debates.1570 Journalists Kamer) and the government to the organisation of are said to report only on issues for which they expect to public broadcasters, which has increased the political attract large public attention, rather than reporting on influence on the design and format of programming. politically important issues. The Netherlands has This is a reciprocal situation in which the chief editors increasingly developed the features of a mediocracy, a of the public broadcasters also keep in close (informal) democracy governed by those who exercise power over contact with the MPs involved and with the minister and the media in order to influence the populace. This, in state secretary of OCW.1564 The Minister of OCW turn, leads to politicians who act strategically in order to claimed to be concerned about the political influence attract journalists. Now more than ever, politicians have on programming of public broadcasters.1565 to react to short-term issues in order to get attention by Commercial influence, for example in the form of journalists instead of focussing on the content of ‘product placement’, does occur, although it is mostly political issues that attract less attention.1571 in the programs of the commercial broadcasters.1566 Additionally, all sorts of press releases end up in TV Concentrations programmes and in newspapers without being Mergers have reduced the number of broadcasters and thoroughly investigated, which has led to disguised newspapers. In July 2009 the Belgian media group De advertisement and poor scientific studies getting Persgroep (DPG) acquired a 51-percent stake in PCM attention in the media.1567 Publishers in Amsterdam. The NMa gave permission for this transaction, provided that PCM Publishers disposed Threats and physical violence of NRC Media. The NMa found that DPG, which already Threats and physical violence against journalists do has owned the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool since occur. The NVJ published a list of twenty cases in 2010 2003, would be in a too-dominant position in the in which violence was used against journalists.1568 region of Amsterdam through the acquisition of

1563, consulted the 10th of December 2011. 1564 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011. 1565 NRC (2011) ‘Van Bijsterveldt: Politici kunnen niet Hilversumse emoties aansturen’. 1566 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011. 1567,

consulted the 14th of December 2011 and interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011. 1568 1569; see also the NJV report of the investigation by Frank Bovenkerk

‘Rot op met die camera’ (2009) and the report Bedreigingen in Nederland from August 2005, consulted the 11th of August 2011.

1570, consulted the 14th of December 2011.

1571, consulted the 14th of December 2011. In the case of this minister, other motives played a role, but her presentation in the media was also an important motive.


PCM.1572 PCM, De Telegraaf and Wegener are the major The owners must be registered with the Chamber of players among the newspapers. The NPO, RTL and SBS Commerce. Mergers and acquisitions should also be are the main broadcasters. Concentration is considered reported for review to the NMa. See Independence (law). to be a threat to diversity.1573 Print media For the companies that own print media or Internet TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) media, no other governance rules apply than the normal rules for all privately-held companies. To what extent are there provisions to ensure transparency in the activities of the media? TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) While a number of laws/provisions exist, they do not cover all aspects related to the transparency of the To what extent is there transparency in the media in media, and some provisions contain loopholes. practice?

Television and radio While public broadcasting companies usually disclose As associations with individual members, public relevant information about their activities, this is only broadcasters have to adhere to the statutory provisions partially done by the commercial broadcasters and the of civil law about governance, policies, integrity etc.1574 print media. Information from the public broadcasting association is available on the Internet. Examples are the websites of Television and radio the Avro1575, 1576, 1577 and the KRO.1578, 1579, 1580 But On the website of the public broadcasters, the Board commercial broadcasters such as SBS61581 and RTL1582 members of these organisations are disclosed. The are not required to publish these data. There is a legal owners of Dutch commercial broadcasters can only be provision that obliges commercial broadcasting traced by using the commercial registries of the companies asking the CvdM for permission to Chambers of Commerce. Information about takeovers of broadcast, to disclose their statutes and information media companies is generally disclosed. Examples are about their ownership, Board members and the takeover of PCM1583, the takeover of Jaap.nl1584 and shareholders to the government, but not to the public. the takeover of SBS.1585 A public broadcaster generally

1572, consulted the 10th of August 2011. 1573 De toekomst van de journalistiek, Nico Brok, 2007 p.13. 1574 Associations must also be registered with the Chamber of Commerce.

1575, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1576, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1577, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1578 See, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1579 1580

1581, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1582, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1583 ‘WPG en Lannoo Groep nemen PCM Algemene Uitgeverijen over’ (22 januari 2010); see:,

consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1584 ‘JAAP.NL 100% EIGENDOM VAN TELEGRAAF MEDIA NEDERLAND’ (29th of April 2010); see:

eigendom-van-telegraaf-media-nederland.html, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1585 ‘Sanoma en Talpa nemen SBS over’, de Volkskrant, April 20, 2011; see:

article/detail/1877924/2011/04/20/Sanoma-en-Talpa-nemen-SBS-over.dhtml, consulted the 17th of June 2011.


make publicly available information such as statutes, information to the Minister of OCW.1589 Also, a report (social) annual reports, house rules and policies on must be submitted annually.1590 If the NPO in the sponsoring.1586 In these documents, information on opinion of the minister seriously neglects its duties, the their internal staff, employee participation and reporting minister may, after consultation with the NPO, intervene and editing policies can be found. The commercial with the necessary arrangements.1591 The NPO will send broadcasters are less transparent regarding this internal a report to the CvdM and the minister annually before information. Often only the annual report or media code the 1st of May regarding the previous calendar year.1592 is made available on their websites.1587 The Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (NOS)1593 is responsible for media opportunities for the public Newspapers service media in providing news, sports and events.1594 In general, the main newspapers do not publish The NOS is required to provide information to the internal information such as annual reports and Minister of OCW. Also, an annual report must be information on their ownership on their website. submitted.1595 The Dutch Program Service (NPS)1596 is responsible for broadcasting television and radio programs that satisfy ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) societal demands, for example social, cultural, religious or spiritual needs.1597 The NPS is required to To what extent are there legal provisions to ensure that provide information to the Minister of Education, media outlets are answerable for their activities? Culture and Science. Also, an annual report must be submitted.1598 Additionally most broadcasters and A number of accountability provisions exist. They cover newspapers have a legal obligation to report annually most of the aspects that are relevant for the on their activities. accountability of the media. The Minister of OCW Annual reports The extent, to which the Minister of OCW is effective in The Dutch Foundation for Public Broadcasting (NPO) is his media policies and monitoring will be reviewed by the cooperation and coordination body for the the parliament, to which he is accountable. The minister implementation of the public media mission on a in turn assesses the effectiveness of the CvdM, by national level.1588 The NPO is required to provide approving its budget.1599 Also, the CvdM must deliver

1586, and,

consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1587 and,

consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1588 Art. 2.2, par. 1 Mediawet. 1589 Ibid., Art. 2.15, par. 1. 1590 Ibid., Art. 2.17, par. 1. 1591 Ibid., Art. 2.16, par. 1. 1592 Ibid., Art. 2.58.

1593, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1594 Article 2.34a, paragraph 1 Mediawet. 1595 Ibid., Article 2.34h, paragraph 1. 1596 In 2010 merged with Teleac and RVU, from which NTR is derived. See,

consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1597 Article 2.35, paragraph 1 Mediawet. 1598 Ibid., Article 2.39, paragraph 1. 1599 Ibid., Art. 7.6.


an annual financial report to the minister.1600 The CvdM In most cases such an ombudsman is a former must also notify the minister of its decisions, who may journalists/chief editor. Their independence is suspend and undo these decisions.1601 guaranteed. Such an ombudsman is often rather critical in his column and criticises the pressure put on Netherlands Press Council journalists to create news and lack of balance in the The Netherlands Press Council is an independent body way in which news items are presented. where people can complain about journalistic activities.1602 The Council is a self-regulating body for Legal action the media. Membership is not compulsory. According In case of the spreading of false information by the to the statutes, the Press Council is charged with the press, victims can enforce correction through the civil examination of complaints against violations of good court.1606 The court’s decision may include a deadline journalistic practice.1603 Not every complaint leads to for correction and/or requirements for the manner in such an examination. Only individuals who are which the correction should take place. considered as directly involved in a case of journalistic (mal)practice can complain. These complaints must concern journalistic practice of either a professional ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) journalist or someone who, on a regular basis and for remuneration, collaborates on the editorial content of To what extent can media outlets be held accountable in a mass medium.1604 practice?

One of the larger commercial broadcasters, RTL, is not Netherlands Press Council a member. The biggest newspaper of the Netherlands, Although not all media are member of the Netherlands De Telegraaf, is no longer a member either, because it Press Council1607, it is becoming more professional. considered the norms applied by the Netherlands Press After its establishment it decided on cases without Council to be much stricter than the legal norms, and using clear criteria for its assessment. because this procedure is often the first step of a civil law procedure.1605 See also below, Integrity Mechanisms Since 2007 it uses a guideline in which the criteria for (practice). responsible journalism are prescribed. This guideline can be found on the Council’s website.1608 Ombudsman A few broadcasting organisations and newspapers have The Council is considered to be effective in discussing their own ombudsman. This ombudsman comments on and handling complaints it receives. Its verdict are the way the newspaper addresses the news and more transparent and include referral to the receives complaints from citizens on reports in the guideline.1609 newspaper and on TV.

1600 Ibid., Art. 7.7. 1601 Ibid., Art. 7.9.

1602, consulted the 17th of June 2011. For guidelines see: 1603 Art.3 Statutes Netherlands Press Council.

1604, consulted the 9th of June 2011. 1605 1606 Tort (onrechtmatige daad), see article 6:162 Burgerlijk Wetboek.

1607, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1608, consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1609 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011.


The following figures show the complaints received in 2010 and 2009:

Complaints 2010 2009

Complaints filed 83 78

Successful mediation 3 4

Verdicts 57 (13 valid complaints) 69 (15 valid complaints) (27 invalid complaints) (39 invalid complaints)

Source: Raad voor de Journalistiek Jaarverslag over 2010 p.17

See also Media, Integrity Mechanisms(practice). However, the number of ombudsmen is decreasing due to the the Council is rather passive when the media budget-cuts required because of the decrease in themselves become the subject of debate.1610 Very resources available.1613 Information on the rarely does the Council react to discussion in society on independence of these ombudsmen is not always the conduct of the media. In December 2011 concerns available to the public. Not all media publish the were raised about the continued existence of the statutes of their ombudsmen on their website, and in Council because the Minister of OCW announced a some cases the position of ombudsman was fulfilled by cessation of subsidies to the Council.1611 The Council a former journalist of the TV programme and/or asked its members to double their fees. It is to be seen newspaper, which might pose a risk to independent whether this will provide an adequate solution. and objective dispute settlement.1614

Ombudsman Critical approach A study into 400 questions answered by the In general, media companies can be held accountable ombudsman of the NOS, the ombudsman of the for their activities. This is done in the first place by the regional newspaper Rotterdams Dagblad (now AD) and media themselves. For instance, the editor of the daily the ombudsman of De Volkskrant showed that the newspaper Trouw writes a letter to the readers every complaints, the individual Ombudsman receives, vary week in which he explains why certain news was or was extensively.1612 Complaints about the broadcast not published in his newspaper. programme NOS mostly concerned its lack of neutrality Several TV programmes and specials sections of in the way it reports. The ombudsman of De Volkskrant newspapers follow the media rather critically. The focussed on the topic of digital communication via a problems concerning the British newspaper News of blog and the concerns about the messages left by the World led to serious debates in the Netherlands as readers anonymously and without hearing the parties to whether the situation of the Dutch media differs involved. One analyst stated that it is worrisome that from the situation in the UK.1615 In September 2011 an

1610 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011. 1611 De Volkskrant (2011). ‘Voortbestaan Raad voor de Journalistiek in gevaar’. 1612

houdt-de-redactie-scherp.dhtml, consulted the 21st of October 2011. 1613

houdt-de-redactie-scherp.dhtml, consulted the 21st of October 2011. 1614 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011.

1615 An example: ‘Nederlandse roddelpers huurt ook privédetectives in’, NRC, 6th of August, 2011., consulted the 21st of October 2011.


investigative programme on TV showed how the Legal action biggest newspaper De Telegraaf knowingly published Overall, the media correct erroneous information as stories in which sources used did not exist or necessary and in a timely manner. If necessary, they are interviewees were in fact never interviewed.1616 This led forced by a judge to publish a rectification.1621 to the resignation of one journalist who had made a Accountability by the media is also expected and required complete article up.1617 by the public through various channels such as Internet Although the media are active in monitoring the way forums and letters to the editor. The extent to which the other media report, only rarely does a broadcaster, media account through these means is rather varied. programme-maker or newspaper account for its own report. Also, journalists receiving criticism often perceive this as a direct violation of their freedom of INTEGRITY (BY LAW) speech.1618 To what extent are there provisions in place to ensure the Other ways of accounting integrity of media employees? The Netherlands Public Broadcasting (NPO - Nederlandse Publieke Omroep) intends to keep the While most public broadcasters have basic integrity public informed of developments regarding the NPO provisions, these do not focus on integrity in and public broadcasting in general. It does so via a journalism. Additionally, the commercial broadcasters website, on the basis of public policy documents.1619 and newspapers do not seem to have integrity Media do usually have forums, such as blogs, chats provisions. with reporters and editors, or other ways for the public to interact with the people who collect and disseminate Statutory provisions the news. Initiatives have been taken in which the The NPO has a legal obligation1622 to promote good concept of ‘civic journalism’ was used. governance and integrity in itself and in national public This concept is all about involving the public in media institutions and to establish a code of conduct.1623 determining topics and accounting for journalistic This code only covers public broadcasting and generally decisions. It is a reaction to the emergence of the focuses on the broadcasting companies instead of ethics Internet and the increasing political and commercial and integrity in journalism and news programmes.1624 pressures on the media. For commercial broadcasting there are no such rules. No The regional newspaper Limburgs Dagblad has done codes of conduct were found in commercial broadcasting this as an experiment. The readers of the newspapers companies. However, in the Holland Media Group and appreciated it, but it did not lead to an increase in SBS Broadcasting there is an editorial charter in which subscriptions.1620 certain values are mentioned.1625


consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1617

gelogen-verhaal-moslimwijk.dhtml, consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1618 Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011.

1619, consulted the 17th of August 2011. 1620 De toekomst van de journalistiek, Frans Blok (onder redactie van Nico Drok) 2007 p.39. 1621 1622 Art. 2.3, par. 2 and 3 Mediawet.

1623 See, consulted the 9th of June 2011. 1624 Art. 2.3, par. 2 Mediawet. 1625 and:, consulted the

18th of August 2011.


Integrity provisions corporation which owns several newspapers, including There is an ethical committee for public Trouw, has published a general code of conduct on its broadcasting.1626 For commercial broadcasting this has website. Newspaper NRC Handelsblad has published a not been done. Codes of conduct for journalists are not statement about the quality of their journalists and their legally required either. However, the Netherlands Press productions on its website.1633 No such statutes could Council formulated a set of guidelines for be found on the websites of commercial broadcasters. journalists.1627 There is also a Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists.1628 According to an Integrity Commission for Public Broadcasting analyst, the media constitute a new form of power The Integrity Commission for Public Broadcasting (CIPO outside the formal constitutional order.1629 This - Commissie Integriteit Publieke Omroep) has position coincides with new responsibilities. Journalists formulated a Code of Good Governance which is have expressed this by formulating codes of conduct, composed of several directives on: such as the Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of a. promoting good governance and supervision; Journalists1630 and the Code of Bordeaux.16331 The b. promoting integrity; Dutch Society of Editors too has drafted a code of c. accountability; conduct for journalists. This code states that a journalist d. ideological sponsorship; is responsible for reporting true news independently, e. interactive telephone, SMS, 0900-lines and mobile fairly and honestly.1632 These integrity provisions Internet; cannot be enforced and can at best be considered to f. email marketing.1634 offer some guidance to journalists. The recommendations on promoting good governance Statutes (editors or programme) and supervision have found their way into the Media The statute of the board of editors (redactiestatuut) and Act and are therefore enforceable.1635 If broadcasters programme statute (programmastatuut) can best be adhere to the provisions prescribed in the Code, they characterised as the key document regarding the have to account for their conduct in their annual report. identity of media organisations, since such documents usually contain (among other things) their mission Most public broadcasters have put these directives on statement and ethics guidelines. In some cases, it turns their website and additionally have their own integrity out to be quite hard to find these documents. For code with provisions on side-functions of employees, example, the newspaper Trouw has not published this financial and business interests, gifts and on how to information on its website, although the Persgroep prevent conflicts-of-interest.1636

1626, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1627

1628, consulted the 20th of May 2011. 1629 E.W. van der Wilk – van Baren in her dissertation Macht, Media & Montesquieu (Power, Media & Montesquieu); see:;jsessionid=C188276A60BB78799FFC6435

06428092?sequence=2, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1630, consulted the 20th of June 2011.

1631, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1632, consulted the 11th of August 2011. 1633, consulted on 28 October 2011.

1634, consulted the 14th of December 2011. 1635 Art. 2.142 a Mediawet. 1636 AVRO Integriteitscode via and, consulted

the 14th of December.


No integrity provisions could be found on commercial objective paying attention to journalistic ethics.1641, 1642 broadcasters’ websites or newspapers’ websites. As a consequence of this, there are meetings1643, discussions1644 and surveys1645 about ethics. These organisations, together with the Press Council and the INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) Society of Editors, further journalism ethics and media ethics. They also provide a joint magazine where these To what extent is the integrity of media employees topics are discussed.1646 There is little evidence which ensured in practice? suggests that the ethical committee for public broadcasting is very active. There is a fragmented and reactive approach to ensuring the integrity of media organisation employees. The Two analysts recently investigated whether journalistic following aspects form a part of this approach: codes are effective instruments for stimulating enforcement of existing rules, inquiries into alleged adherence to journalistic standards.1647 They argue misbehaviour and sanctioning of misbehaviour. that those who try to improve the quality of journalism place the responsibility too easily on the shoulders of Effectiveness of integrity provisions the individual journalist. According to one journalist1637, the code of conduct for These attempts can only be successful if they are public service broadcasting is not well-respected.1638 supported by policies at the level of editorial boards The vice president of the NVJ also argues that codes and news organisation. Codes should not only apply to and statutes are often not respected.1639 These experts individual journalists, but also to the quality at the level maintained that very few journalists are well aware of of the editors. the content of codes, such as those of Bordeaux.1640 The analysts expect that in the future editors But she also recognises that many journalists are increasingly expect from journalists (permanently ‘allergic’ to specific rules that say something about the employed and freelance) that they have a personal content and limits of their profession. Integrity is commitment to journalistic standards and that they especially mutually assured because ‘you know each accept individual accountability to the public. They other’. Journalists often accept little feedback from assert that a personal, more binding code can play a outsiders when it comes to the quality of the way they role. Their research also shows that education in carry out their profession. The VVOJ organises debates journalistic ethics is a relatively important and effective in this area. The NVJ and the VVOJ have selected as their tool.

1637 Joep Dohmen. See:, consulted the 27th of August 2011. 1638 NRC Handelsblad d.d. June 15 and July 18, 2009. 1639 Trouw, d.d. August 15, 2011 (page 19). 1640 Interview held with Margo Smit, DirectorAssociation of Investigative Journalists (VVOJ), 31 May 2011; Interview with Hugo Arlman, free- lance journalist, 9 December 2011.

1641 See articles 2 sub c en 3 sub e Statuten NVJ; to be downloaded from:, consulted the 11th of August.

1642 (artikel 2 lid 2 sub d Statuten), consulted the 11th of August.

1643, consulted the 11th of August. 1644; see also: and:, consulted the 11th of August 2011. 1645; see also:

1646, consulted the 17th of June 2011. 1647 Richard van der Wurff and Klaus Schönbach of the Amsterdam School of Communications Research; see: http://media- (page 52), consulted the 11August 2011.


Incidents Investigative journalism Nevertheless, the media recently reported several cases Investigative journalism is a key part of the media’s work. of integrity violations by the media. The reported There are four public broadcasters which are known integrity violations included phone-hacking, accepting because of their investigative journalism: VPRO, VARA, payments and the use of private detectives.1648, 1649, 1650 KRO and AVRO. They also pay attention to corruption An important characteristic of professional journalism cases. The public broadcasting organisations (radio and is the application of the adversarial principle. If television) are rather active in investigating and exposing journalists omit applying this principle, it is possible corruption cases. Most national newspapers and some for the victims to complain to The Netherlands Press magazines have investigative journalists employed. Council. In several recent cases, complaints were Three national newspapers focus on investigative declared well-founded by the Council.1651 journalism: NRC Handelsblad, De Volkskrant and Trouw. Notwithstanding that, budget-cuts do make it more In August 2011, a complaint against the news magazine difficult for the media to investigate issues HP/De Tijd was submitted by an MP, Mrs . thoroughly.1653 The extent to which news is ‘discovered’ This magazine had reported on her conflict-of-interest is minimised. This concerns in particular the regional in the past when Mrs Peters was working as a diplomat newspapers, which have seen a decrease in their for the Dutch embassy in Afghanistan and provided a subscriptions, partly due to the merger of several subsidy to a project of her then-lover and current regional newspapers and the increase of Internet usage. partner. An investigation carried out at the time by the The local and regional journalistic infrastructure has Ministry of BuZa gave ample evidence of this conflict-of- therefore disappeared. Hardly do journalists attend interest. According to the Netherlands Press Council, the meetings of the regional and local councils any more.1654 newsmagazine was responsible for incomplete, one- This puts the regional newspapers under pressure while sided and tendentious media coverage and also for a they do still have an important role in informing citizens gross breach of privacy.1652 about what is going on in their community, thereby offering citizens the possibility to participate in the local Investigate and expose cases of corruption practice: democracy and informing them of local integrity violations. This decrease in regional newspapers is not To what extent is the media active and successful in compensated by other means.1655 According to a study investigating and exposing cases of corruption? commissioned by the VVOJ, investigative journalism is too much restricted to specialised journalists and In general, the media are rather active in investigating television and radio programmes. There are many and exposing individual cases of corruption. However, situations where simple forms of investigative journalism investigative journalism is under pressure because of would be possible and effective. The budget restrictions budget-cuts and the decline in subscriptions to are often used as an argument for not doing this. newspapers. Regional newspapers hardly have any According to this study, the culture in news organisations resources to be actively investigating. is not supportive of this form of journalism.

1648, consulted the 13th of July.

1649, consulted the 13th of August.

1650, consulted the 13th of August.

1651 See: 1, and, consulted the 11th of August. 1652 and,

consulted the 29th of October 2011. 1653 Interview held with Margo Smit, Director Association of investigative journalists (VVOJ), interview held May 31, 2011. 1654 Ibid., and Interview with Hugo Arlman, freelance journalist, 9 December 2011. 1655,

consulted the 29th of October 2011.


Real cases A third case which has been given serious attention by One of the best examples of high-profile cases of the media is the Real Estate Fraud. For details on the corruption investigated by journalists concerned the case, please refer to Corruption Profile. All through all fraud by construction companies (referred to as the media reporting on this case and the on-going court Bouwfraude).1656 proceedings, two journalists from the newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad reported in detail on the case. The In November 2001, a television documentary entitled newspaper’s website has a special section in which all ‘Fiddling by the Millions’ from a Dutch public up-to-date information on the case can be found.1659 broadcasting corporation focussed attention on, The investigative research done by these journalists among other things, double-entry bookkeeping, slush has also been collected in a book on this case of real funds, prices which were forced up and bribery and estate fraud. Other media have paid attention to this fraud in the construction industry. There were also book1660 and several media invited these journalists to allegations that corrupt contacts existed between discuss this case.1661 public servants and contractors. This event produced such a worrying picture that the Tweede Kamer decided Inform public on corruption and its impact: to conduct a parliamentary inquiry.1657 Another case in which investigative journalists exposed To what extent is the media active and successful in alleged corrupt practices involved the director of the informing the public on corruption and its impact on Rotterdam Port Authority and a Dutch business the country? tycoon.1658 The suspicions were raised that the latter bribed the port director. These suspicions were In general, the media are rather active in informing the aroused when a report was published by the fiscal public on corruption and its impact. intelligence service (FIOD). It had been investigating for years whether the former director of the Rotterdam Education of the public Port Authority was involved in fraud. It had become There are no specific programmes run by the media to clear earlier that the business tycoon had guaranteed educate the public on corruption and how to curb it, bank loans to the director’s company RDM with a value but in some TV programmes such as Zembla1662, of EUR 150 million. RDM later went bankrupt. Tegenlicht1663, Reporter1664, and Brandende

1656, Interview held with Margo Smit, Director Association

of investigative journalists (VVOJ), interview held 31st of August, 2011. 1657 ‘The parliamentary enquiry on fraud in the Dutch construction industry collusion as concept between corruption and state-corporate crime’, Grat van den Heuvel, Faculty of Law, University of Maastricht in Crime, Law & Social Change (2005) 44: p. 133–151. 1658, See also (in English):

ticle/rotterdam-port-chief-accused-taking-bribes, consulted on the 31st of August 31, 2011. 1659 1660 De vastgoedfraude. Miljoenenzwendel aan de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Nieuw Amsterdam. Vasco van der Boon and Gerben van der Marel November 2009 (ISBN: 9789046806463).

1661 For example: An episode of Nova on the 3rd of November 2009 via and an episode of KRO Reporter

from the 2nd of May 2010 via and a broadcast on Radio 1 the 3rd of March 2010 via 1662,

consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1663, consulted the 17th of June 2011.

1664, consulted the 17th of June 2011.


kwesties1665 attention is paid to the topic of corruption, report on a daily base about government/governance mostly resulting out of individual corruption cases. The activities. There are observable differences in public same holds for the newspapers. Fraud and corruption and commercial broadcasting, but there is no question affairs are also analysed in detail by the newspapers. In of incorrect or incomplete reporting.1668 The same general, these programmes and news articles lead to holds for the newspapers. debate in society and politics. The media attention for this topic often leads to a follow-up and/or increased All these media have a special interest in governance attention from the parliament. MPs often use their right issues. In these programmes and articles attention is to question a minister about such a report in the media. paid to potential conflicts-of-interest by the Executive. This is again an opportunity to report on the topic of An example is the discussion about the salaries of corruption and raise more fundamental questions members of the representative bodies and officials, or regarding these incidents. Recently MPs sent questions the reports on the new functions of former members of to the respective ministers on corruption issues such as the government. The ministers and top managers of Dutch expenditures to climate programmes in foreign companies find it an honour to participate in these TV countries which are perceived to be corrupt,1666 and and radio programmes. There has been some debate corruption by politicians in the Dutch Antilles.1667 about an alleged preference of the media for more left- oriented political parties.1669 Inform public on governance issues: These criticisms led to discussions in the media. Since To what extent is the media active and successful in this debate, the media are very careful to offer both informing the public on the activities of the government sides of an issue and the opportunity to inform the and other governance actors? public about their perspective on that specific issue.1670

In general, the media are rather active in keeping the Openness of Government Act (Wob) public informed on regular activities of the government There are serious concerns regarding the effectiveness and governance institutions. However, there are of the Openness of Government Act (Wob) and the concerns regarding the investigative means available to willingness of the government to provide journalist because of the restrictive attitude of information.1671 Often the information requested by governmental organisations in applying the Wob. journalists is not provided in time or not provided at all by governmental organisations. Daily reporting on the government A number of public and commercial media outlets (NOS Additionally, the Wob is difficult to enforce, appeal Journaal, EenVandaag, Rondom 10, RTL Nieuws, proceedings before the court take a long time and Nieuwsuur, Pauw & Witteman, Knevel en Van de Brink), rarely is the refusal to provide information overruled in

1665 (broadcastedonSaturday the 4th of December 2010 at 22.35 hours, Ned. 2, AVROTelevision). 1666,

consulted the 23rd of October 2011. 1667 derzoek-naar-vermeende-witwaspraktijken-en-corruptie-door-politici-op-bonaire.html 1668 NOS%20journaal,%20RTL%20nieuws%20en%20Geert%20Wilders.pdf

1669 Elsevier, De milieumaffia, de linkse media en Turkije, 17th of March 2005. See also: milieumaffia,-de-linkse-media-en-Turkije.htm 1670 See: Publieke omroep TV links.

1671 Radio-broadcast of VPRO’s Argos ‘De WOB op de schop’ of the 1st of October via


an appeal procedure.1672 In 2009 the VVOJ held a survey1673 among its members on their experiences with the Wob. This resulted in the following figures:

Aspect of Wob Main response Other response Duration of a 55 percent > 2 months 25 percent > 6 months Wob-request General experience 60 percent expressed 30 percent have started experiencing obstruc- a court proceeding tion and resistance because of resistance from the authority or delay following the request Information received 30 percent received the 30 percent received 5 percent did not information (often information partly receive the under conditions) information Publishing 50 percent have pub- lished after receiving the information Opinion on use of 27 percent think that 23 percent think that to exception ground the protection of some degree the (privacy protection) privacy is abused to protection of privacy is by authority prevent unwanted abused to prevent disclosure of unwanted disclosure information of information

Source:, consulted the 28th of October 2011

The Minister of BZK stated in May 2011 that openness act transparently, and that not only the outcome of of governance and freedom of the press are hardly decisions should be made available to the public but related. He has claimed that the Wob should be also the considerations leading to the decisions.1674 restricted to government decisions and not be MP Mariko Peters has announced her plan for an extended to the corresponding studies and initiative bill to extend the scope of the Wob in order corresponding decision-making process. A to ensure faster Wob-procedures and to include representative of the NVJ criticised the minister and specific provisions related to digital information.1675 It argued that the treaty of Tromso (Council of Europe is still to be seen if and how the Wob will be amended. Convention on Access to Official Document) should Either way this will have an impact on the extent to first of all be signed by the Dutch government, and which the media can inform the public on government that elected members of the Executive have a duty to issues.

1672 De Wet openbaarheid van bestuur in de journalistieke praktijk. Onderzoek naar het functioneren van de openbaarheidwet van Nederland door vergelijking met de wetgeving in België en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Marthe Damman, Master Journalistiek

Rijksuniversiteit 30th of June 2010 p.17. 1673 This survey is part of the book Een muur van rubber: de WOB in de journalistieke praktijk. The survey was held among 528 members and had a response of 31% (162 members).

1674, consulted the 26th of October 2011.

1675, consulted the 26th of October 2011.


Role in NIS Civil society’s role is to challenge the government by to function adequately, a supportive legal and speaking on behalf of the people, and it is often regulatory framework is required that allows the referred to as the total sum of those organisations and necessary space for it to operate.1676 The main focus of networks which lie outside the formal state apparatus. this report will be on the general provisions regarding It includes a variety of organisations that are civil society organisations. For some indicators specific traditionally labelled ‘interest groups’ – not just NGOs, reference is made to those organisations which play a but also religious groups, student groups, cultural role in anti-corruption. societies, sports clubs and informal community groups. It is a realm in which citizens associate Sources according to their own interests and wishes. Its The desk report for this pillar started with a general motivation is a special interest, not personal profit. investigation into the topic of the variety of civil society Civil society plays an important role in demanding organisations in the Netherlands. The applicable legal accountability from government and involves the most provisions and literature were examined, as well as the basic questions about power, transparency, parliamentary documents in which civil society participation and democracy. It calls for a robust public organisations were either the subject of debate or policy debate, responsiveness to the demands of provided input for the debate. Additionally, a media citizens, and receptiveness to the inputs of civil society. scan was made. In-depth interviews were held with one A strong NIS consists of a state that is open to key figure of one of the largest civil society meaningful civil society engagement and cooperation. organisations in the Netherlands. Another interview If government is involved with civil society, was conducted with an expert in the field of public mechanisms are implemented that institutionalise administration. This expert was questioned for the accountability and build public trust. Civil society, in pillar ‘public sector’ and ‘civil society’ because of his essence, gains its legitimacy from promoting the public general expertise regarding accountability. This interest, hence its concerns with human rights, the provided an insight into the integrity of civil society in environment, health, education, and, of course, practice. Both interviews were conducted face-to-face. corruption. Responsible NGOs ensure that they are run democratically and accountably. Civil society Interviews held: encompasses the expertise and networks needed to address issues of common concern, including • Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration corruption. Most of the corruption in a society involves and Research Director at the Utrecht School of two principal actors, the government and the private Governance, interview held the 7th of June 2011. sector. Citizens are typically the major victim. This means that it is up to civil society to monitor, detect • Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International and reverse activities of public officials. For civil society Netherlands, interview held the 1st of June 2011.

1676 Transparency International. (2003). Pillars of Integrity: Confronting Corruption. The Key Elements of a National Integrity System. p.25-28.


CIVIL SOCIETY are at stake as well. Some organisations have certain self-regulation mechanisms in place. However, there is Status: Strong little anxiety about promotion of integrity in CSOs in practice. At the moment there is, besides Transparency Summary International Netherlands, hardly any anti-corruption The overall legal framework in the Netherlands is movement in the Netherlands, despite a number of conducive to civil society1677, for civil society research teams and individuals publishing information organisations (CSOs), and their activities. and working on issues of integrity and corruption. Organisations with the status of serving the public Education of business executives is tipically provided benefit obtain fiscal privileges. Despite increasing by professional specialist consultants. Attention is also financial contributions from individuals and corporate drawn to a lack of oversight, and a lack of investigation sponsorship, state subsidies constitute a major share of cases of apparent corrupt behavior. in the overall structure of CSO revenues. Apart from other consequences that are comfortable for the CSOs, Structure and Organisation making them less dependent on fundraising and The Dutch civil society sector is regarded as highly contributions from private donors, state contributions developed with roots in a long and rich history.1678 The make CSOs particularly vulnerable to state interference 19th and 20th century ‘pillarisation’ (verzuiling) in and create the fear that this diminishes the role of CSOs connection with further welfare state growth has when it comes to holding government accountable. It is brought major and long-lasting impacts to Dutch important to note that CSOs deal currently with society, politics and policies. The deeply-rooted diminishing income from governmental sources, due to preference for private over state provision has ensured cuts of subsidies because of changes in the political the fundamentally strong position of CSOs. The current constellation and because of the economic and structure and financing of the sector show the financial crises. At the same time, private donors and dominance of collectively organised solidarity over stakeholders become increasingly demanding and call private charity. The share of state funding dominates for more transparency in the quality of activities, more over all other funding combined. reporting and a better establishing the societal impact Beyond social welfare services (healthcare, education, of activities undertaken. charity, philanthropy), the vibrant social life of Dutch citizens thrives in numerous CSOs dealing with culture, Civil society is a private and non-governmental sector, leisure, sports, advocacy, international solidarity, yet vulnerable to changes in public policies and environment, religion, and volunteering. Based on the support. Cooperation with business partners and broad definition of civil society, more than half of the greater diversification in funding sources are therefore adult population holds formal membership in at least of critical importance. Often there is no professional one CSO. These differ in character from strongly staff; if this comes on top of lack of time and resources institutionalised and professionalised, formal, and from volunteers, it becomes an obstacle to preparing sometimes large-scale organisations with hundreds of regular accountability reports, project documents, thousands of members or financial contributors, to work plans and programs, and annual reports. Issues informal, small-scale and local structures, struggling such as transparency, autonomy, and accountability to stay alive.

1677 Civil society is understood by TI (and in this report) as ‘the arena outside of the family, the business and the state sectors which is cre- ated by individual and collective action, organisations and institutions to advance shared interests’ (Transparency International, Central European Secretariat for the National Integrity System Study). This definition is similar to the one proclaimed by CIVICUS in the Civil Society Index as ‘civil society is the arena, outside of the family, the state and the market, where people associate to advance common interests’. See: (a 2006-report). 1678 In 1999 this was published as Chapter 7, Key Features of the Dutch Nonprofit Sector in Anheier, H.K., Salamon, L.M., List, R., Toepler, S., Sokolowski, S.W. and Associates. (1999). (pages 145-162).


Dutch civil society is highly modernised.1679 Support foundations, which are the most common legal forms for traditional organisations (church, trade unions, of CSOs.1681 Every individual and legal person, Dutch or political parties) considerably decreased in foreign, may participate in the establishment of a CSO membership primarily due to the aging of its and be a member. There are no formal limitations with membership, whereas organisations active in regard to the purpose, programme, organisation, international aid, human rights, nature conservation, activities, budget, or membership of CSOs except the environmental protection, consumers’ interests, and protection of public order.1682 The law restricts the healthcare like Amnesty International, Greenpeace, CSOs from distributing commercially-made profits to World Wildlife Fund, Consumers Union and patients’ their founders, members or appointees to their internal interests lobby groups attracted many. bodies. All CSOs are free to engage in advocacy and/or criticism of the government. The Netherlands scores high as a volunteering country (primarily for sports and recreational associations) and Registering on the aspect of donations (especially in the field of Registering a CSO is as simple as the civil law rules on international aid and environment protection). Despite associations and foundations. Both are established by its leading position in Europe as regards volunteers’ a notarial deed that includes the statutes and the house involvement, there appears to be a decline in the rules, without governmental involvement. Associations willingness to volunteer. Apparently, economic (verenigingen) are membership-based; this can be recession has played its role in decreasing levels of formal or informal.1683 Natural and legal persons are voluntarism and other forms of involvement. free to join. Foundations (stichtingen) do not have members.1684 Their financing comes from natural and Non-profit organisations in the Netherlands are legal persons. They can be established by any single traditionally referred to as private initiatives” or the person or group. Both may be eligible for public “societal midfield”. financing. De-registered CSOs are not prohibited. Board members of de-registered CSOs are personally liable for organisational obligations. This intrinsically ASSESSMENT applies to informal associations that are not established by notarial deed and hold limited legal RESOURCES (BY LAW) capacity.1685 Informal associations cannot be heir to an inheritance or acquire real estate or other registered To what extent does the legal framework provide an goods. Foundations and associations (informal) must environment conducive to civil society? register at the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel). Administration costs are approximately Constitution and statutory provisions EUR 27 a year. There is no requirement for a minimum The legal framework in the Netherlands is conducive to capital amount for CSOs to be registered. civil society and its organisations. Freedom of association is guaranteed by the Dutch Constitution for Public benefit status all persons.1680 Also under Dutch law, any foundation or association The law defines provisions concerning associations and can be established for public and private benefit

1679 1680 Art. 8 Grondwet. 1681 Art. 2:26 and art. 2:285 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1682 Ibid., Art. 2:20. 1683 Ibid., Art. 2:26. 1684 Ibid., Art. 2:285. 1685 Ibid., Art. 2:30.


purposes. However, if any CSO wants to be eligible for Instellingen) was introduced. According to the fiscal CSO privileges, it has to comply with particular Inheritance Tax Act, SBBIs are exempt from gift and requirements to obtain public benefit status. Since death duties over inheritance and gifts they January 2010, the status of ‘public benefit organisation’ receive.1689 The income of SBBIs from donations, (ANBI - Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) is - on contributions and investments is not subject to request - given to organisations whose purpose and taxation. actual activities serve the public interest. A problem The legal framework is very conducive to the existence under discussion is the definition of ‘public interest’. The and operations of CSOs. prevailing view is that an organisation serves the public interest ‘if in reasonableness it can be assumed that the purpose that is being pursued serves the well-being of RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) the population in the (relevant) country.’1686 The quantitative indicator of the public benefit service part in To what extent do CSOs have adequate financial and the overall activity of an ANBI-recognised organisation human resources to function and operate effectively? was raised per 1 January 2010 from 50 to 90 percent.1687 Additional requirements are that the organisation be Funding based in the Netherlands, in the Dutch Caribbean, in a In general, it will be difficult to find in any country of Member State of the European Union, or in any other the world a CSO willing to confirm that it has adequate country at the discretion of the Minister of Finance, and financial and human resources to function and operate also that it fulfil the other requirements. The fiscal effectively. In the Netherlands as well, CSOs will always authority (State Revenue Office, Belasting Inspecteur) know and find pressing needs that cannot be fulfilled. decides about awarding ANBI-status. The Inheritance Nevertheless, CSOs in the Netherlands are reasonably Tax Act (Successiewet, 1956, renewed 1 January 2010) well-funded, in particular because a large part of the grants ANBIs fiscal privileges with regard to gift and funding which some of them receive is legally binding. death duties. For the taxpayers it is important that gifts This is the case with most education, health care, to a CSO with ANBI-status is not taxed at the receiving radio- and TV programming, and care of the elderly. end (the CSO), but also that these gifts are tax deductible However, also for them but certainly for many other for the donor/taxpayer. In the higher income-brackets CSOs, it is correct to say that they depend on additional this means that up to half of the gift is actually paid by financial contributions from members and donors, and the tax office as this is returned to the donor. ANBI- on time offered by volunteers. status applies to organisations with no restrictions as to Financial resources for CSOs established in the where their activities are performed.1688 In general, CSOs Netherlands historically come predominantly from the that hold ANBI-status do not have to pay company tax, coffers of the government. In the 1990’s public sector unless they act like a company and create competition income for CSOs dominated with 59 percent. Private for commercial enterprises. earnings of CSOs (fees, sales, dues and investment income) made up almost 38 percent of non-profit Social importance status income. Private giving was the smallest contributor to In 2010, a new status of ‘organisation of social non-profit revenues, with a share of almost 3 percent importance’ (SBBI - Sociaal Belang Behartigende coming from state and private lotteries, capital funds

1686 ‘Het gewijzigde ANBI-regime per 1 januari 2010: gevolgen voor instellingen van algemeen nut die ook commerciële activiteiten ver- richten’, Mr. C. Vrieling, Mr. dr. H.R. Bruggink, (‘The revised ANBI-rules per 1 January 2010 including the consequences for their com- mercial activities’) see: 1687 1688 1689


(vermogensfondsen) and bequests. The focus of this themselves to be used for advertising. The question report will be on national CSO private earnings and has arisen if such indirect lobbying to public opinion private giving.1690 may have an impact on the parliamentary discussions on lotto legislation. The civil society pillar underwent significant transformations in the first decade of the new State budget-cuts millennium. The total amount donated more than Due to the economic crisis, the government introduced doubled from EUR 2.2 billion in 1997 to EUR 4.7 billion huge budget-cuts which since 2010 also hit the income in 2009.1691 The total figure is the sum of estimated levels of CSOs at national and local levels. Regional and contributions made in the course of the calendar year municipal authorities deal with the new situation in the by households (41 percent), businesses (36 percent), same way by also cutting expenses, including lotteries (10 percent), bequests (5 percent), and personnel costs. A considerable burden of budget-cuts foundations (fund-raising foundations 4 percent, and and savings is put on the shoulders of CSOs, the more endowed foundations 5 percent). The total amount is so as governmental subsidies form a substantial part of an underestimate, because data on bequests and their budgets. No CSO function, whether international endowed foundations are known to be incomplete. aid, culture, health care, integration, or social work, is Also incomplete is the total contributed by fund- forgotten. Cuts have been made in all sectors of CSO raising foundations to good causes which was EUR 3,1 activities. Additionally, the rules for obtaining any million in 2009. The 4 percent (EUR 172 million) continuing subsidy have been tightened. For instance, mentioned above is only the ‘income from a CSO applying for the international aid subsidy, needs investments’, and does not include fund-raising to prove new important criteria such as cooperation, among the Dutch population and commercial sector. modernisation and professionalisation. Local The EUR 4.7 billion is 0.82 percent of the Dutch Gross authorities, citizens, business representatives and Domestic Product. This low percentage seems to CSOs look for new ways to deal with the budget-cuts. contradict the general impression that the Dutch are It is likely that CSOs will have to become more creative generous givers. The Dutch contribute, however, to in trying new initiatives, cooperate more with new public, social and charitable causes primarily by paying partners, and attract new sponsors or donors. The taxes. The highest recipient sector in 2009 was position of the government is that CSOs should become ‘religion’ with EUR 891 million, its second highest less dependent on state subsidies. Discontent is receipts since 1997, lower than the previous EUR 1.0 growing as it becomes visible through numerous billion in 2007. But religion always came as top demonstrations against cuts in subsidies. recipient (except for 1999). Nearly all of the contributions to religion come from households. 85 CSO-funding is strongly diversified. Some have been percent of donations from corporations went to sports established by one particular company and have no and recreation. International aid got more than half a other donors. Others, like Amnesty International, rely billion to spend. A spectacular rise was seen in the for their income on a broad membership, and will not culture sector, from EUR 87 million in 1997 to EUR 454 accept government funds in order to maintain absolute million in 2009, but the amounts spent on culture are independence.1692 Others like Greenpeace want a rather volatile. A fast and unstable grower is widespread network of donors to pay for their ‘environment, nature, animals’. activities, and wish to see them also as activists in the struggle for the environment. Consumer organisations Many NGOs receive considerable funds from the do not want business sponsorships, but claim various Lotto- and Toto organisations and allow governmental support as they deliver a common good

1690 Bekkers, R.H.F.P., Gouwenberg, B.M., and Schuyt, T.N.M. (2011). 1691 http: 1692 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011.


to all citizens. They want to be absolutely free in doing in corporate social responsibility programs their research into the quality and price of consumer (maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen), intended products, advocating the interests of all consumers, to assist populations in answering their needs. although it is only their members that pay the costs, the other consumers are ‘free riders’. Human resources The Netherlands scores high as a volunteer country. The last decade has been marked by the emergence of Approximately 40 percent of the population is engaged a professional philanthropic sector in the Netherlands. in voluntary work.1693 Although there remains a general With fund-raising income growing steadily, a process volunteer shortage in the CSO sector, the volunteer rate of CSO professionalisation has occurred. Fund-raisers and the hours volunteered have increased in recent and other charitable organisations have organised years.1694 More volunteers might help, but it could be themselves into several branch umbrella organisations. as well that the general cuts in all sectors, and the More and more charitable organisations employ paid growing unemployment in the labour market, lead to staff workers for fund-raising. lower levels of volunteering. One analyst argued that additional functions such as voluntary work used to be Sponsorship a well-accepted positive thing, but with the stricter Within the structure of corporate giving, sponsorship rules on additional functions, people are more hesitant takes a leading position as opposed to gifts. to take on such roles.1695 Companies take part in corporate volunteer programs, in which employers contribute actively to social In general, most CSOs have a sustainable and diverse projects. It is interesting to note that the number of funding and support base. corporations that support non-profit organisations through volunteer programs has increased (so-called ‘employee volunteering’). INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW)

Overall, we note the presence of all the ingredients that To what extent are there legal safeguards to prevent could make corruption more prevalent and lower unwarranted external interference in the activities of integrity levels: billions of euros yearly as revenue and CSOs? expenditures, new rules, new donors and new partners; tax privileges if certain conditions are fulfilled. Freedom of association Freedom of association is limited exclusively in the From the point-of-view of corruption and integrity, the interest of public order. Citizens are free to get growth of sponsorship over gifts could become a weak engaged in groups regardless of political ideology, point. Sponsorship has become an integral part of the religion, gender, race, education, occupation or marketing and communication policies of business objectives. companies. It is at their discretion to decide to (dis)continue any sponsorship. This may give unwanted Discrimination against any citizen, not allowing exercise of power to business executives over activities membership if someone belongs to any of these that are in need of financial support and that benefit all. categories, is not allowed. Government and public This development is countered by the growing interest administration are not involved in the establishment of

1693; nl-NL/menu/themas/vrije-tijd-cultuur/publicaties/artikelen/archief/2008/2008-90136-wk.htm 1694; 1695 Interview with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7 June 2011.


associations, foundations or other CSOs, and there are be more inclined to deliver governmental priorities or no formal limitations with regard to the purposes of to limit a critical attitude or advocacy. Additionally, it CSOs. Legal and natural persons have to respect the leads to practical issues. Some CSOs which receive same rules and regulations based on the Constitution public subsidy have to be explicit in what they will use and to respect public authorities and the law. the money for in four years’ time. For CSOs which Registration of any CSO is compulsory only if a CSO represent humanitarian causes, for instance, it is wants to profit from tax exemptions and/or subsidies impossible to report beforehand.1696 from the public purse. Dutch legislation suggests no legal barriers for CSOs to engage in advocacy or in Pillarization criticising the government or public administration. Due to the pillarization in the past, thousands of CSOs are still highly associated with the government: State subsidies and tax privileges healthcare institutions, broadcasting corporations, A respectful legal system protects Dutch civil society international aid and development organisations, trade from external interference. Government has the right unions and educational institutions. The share of state to demand annual reports, transparency and funding for these organisations is considerably high, accountability from CSOs that are recipients of state accounting for almost 60 percent of all non-profit subsidies and tax privileges, showing that they fulfil revenue. Moreover, CSOs have to operate under market the legal requirements. conditions and with business-like efficiency, whereas the government permanently keeps them under control Comprehensive legal safeguards to prevent through various regulations, directives, and unwarranted external interference in the activities of assessment-mechanisms, which limit their autonomy. CSOs exist. The sector of education offers a clear example. Although private education is substantially provided by private organisations, it is almost completely financed by public INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) sources. Private schools are free to recruit personnel and to choose their ideological base, mostly a religious one. To what extent can civil society exist and function However, they have to implement directives regarding without undue external interference? curriculum, number of pupils per teacher, credentials and salaries of teachers, construction and maintenance Dependence of buildings. The government guarantees the quality of All CSOs with a limited number of sources of income education by setting the terms of the final examinations, depend in one or another way strongly on the and using the national school inspectorate. Numerous relationship with the donor. Potentially, this is a threat denominational and other umbrella organisations of to independence. A membership CSO with a broad non-profits provide consultation and assist government membership-base is mostly free from this potential in the formulation and implementation of public policies. threat. If the financial resources of a CSO depend In line with that, the autonomy of individual schools is to heavily on public subsidies and tax-privileges, changes a certain degree limited. in the political orientation of the government or changes in the political constellation at home or abroad Politicisation may influence the largesse of the authorities. Whether Another example is related to a current debate between this has consequences for the policies and activities of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) and the any CSO has still to be decided by its own membership directors of Oxfam, Novib, Cordaid, ICCO en IKV Pax and board. In order to safeguard income, a CSO might Christi over their activity in and Palestine.1697

1696 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 1697 consulted 18 June 2011.


Since the beginning of the current government, the TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) work of Dutch development-aid organisations in the Israeli-Palestinian region has become a sensitive issue To what extent is there transparency in CSOs? because the state-subsidised development-aid organisations support local partners whose activities, Growing demand according to some parties, conflict with the There is a growing call for transparency in the CSO sector politically-accepted Dutch government position. The in Dutch public and political debate. This alone is already question is whether the aforementioned organisations an indication that reporting is not considered to be should be worried about the subsidy they get if they sufficiently transparent. As CSOs strongly depend on support activities which are not in line with Dutch people’s trust, members and donors should know what policy objectives when they stand up for their happens to their donations, i.e. how much is put aside for objectives (in this case for the human rights of all local overhead costs, and where and how subsidies, donations citizens). and contributions are spent. This lack of transparency is dangerous because one occasional media report of poor Depending on the political and social developments in performance and misallocation of funds may easily the country, the position of CSOs can correspondingly scandalise the entire philanthropic sector. Transparency change or be influenced by new political forces at play. is important also for continuity in support from the public One expert argued that in the (recent) past, ministers (in the end they are also voters), and it is effective in the had told him not to criticise the government’s policies fight against corruption in recipient countries. It also too much or else subsidies would no longer be offers stakeholders and beneficiaries influence on insight granted.1698 and co-decision-making.

There is an urgent need for a clear positioning of the Incidents Dutch CSOs as a non-governmental and non-profit Recently, shortcomings in reporting concerned staff, sector with their own governance models which would directors, and members of management and finally lead to differentiation in funding sources. CSOs supervisory boards with conflicting interests and job- need to redefine their values and their role between incomes that did not reflect the idealistic goals these the market and the state in order to keep their organisations set as their main values. For instance, it is identity.1699 no longer acceptable for the public that directors of development-aid organisations fighting poverty enjoy There is as yet not much reason to think that integrity for themselves salaries like in private, profit-making is at stake in the relations between government, businesses. CSOs are increasingly challenged to report politicians and public officials because of decreasing about their activities, specify measurable results and state support for CSOs. In many other countries an the way they spend their resources. In some cases, CSOs annual subsidy of EUR 375 million in 2011 for five co- are blamed for not effectively and not efficiently financing development-aid organisations, lowered spending funds. Some fund-raising campaigns for from EUR 425 million in previous years, still sounds international disaster relief, such as the Tsunami rather generous. campaign (2004-2005) and the Haiti campaign (2010), raised questions regarding inefficient spending and CSOs operate freely and are subject only to reasonable lack of transparency in funding allocation.1700 oversight. However the position of CSOs can Generally, donors wish more trustful involvement in correspondingly change or be influenced by new CSOs and communications that make the impact of their political forces. giving more visible.

1698 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 1699 Meindertsma, B. (2010). 1700 Ibid.


Developments Members put financial information online. In turn, the CSO activities have already become more visible and CBF website1703 offers online financial information on transparent. Several self-regulation initiatives have been hundreds of fund-raising organisations. Here the developed, determining benchmarks and guidance as to annual reports of about 1,250 institutions can easily be how organisations should implement good practices and found, as well as graphs illustrating their spending and ensure transparency in their work. income (funds raised), and information about volunteers, members of the board, and directors. These are, for instance, ‘Good governance for Good causes’, ‘13 recommendations for good governance in The Transparency benchmark (Transparantie- sport’, ‘handbook Cultural Governance’ and other benchmark)1704 and the Transparent Prize (De initiatives.1701 Transparant Prijs)1705 initiated research about transparency in charities’ activities. The Central Bureau for Fundraising (CBF - Centraal The annual reporting of charities is evaluated with Bureau Fondsenwerving),1702 a private foundation regard to content and the way organisations partly subsidised by the Ministry of Housing, Welfare, communicate their results to the public. According to a Sport and of VJ, promotes the responsible raising and recent report on the Transparent Prize 20101706, the disbursement of funds in the Netherlands (including transparency score is rising slowly (2010: 5.9 moneys obtained from gaming license holders within compared to 2009: 5.6). the meaning of the Dutch Betting and Gaming Act) by and for charitable, cultural, scientific or other legal There is also a rise in the number of charities entities with public benefit goals, and promotes participating: in 2010, 219 participated (compared to responsible public information provision by these 202 in 2009). Shortcomings noted related to late entities within that framework. This is done both in the publishing of annual reports, insufficient reporting on interest of the public and that of the legal entities the projects which failed to achieve their goals, missing involved. information on client satisfaction and value-added by organisational activity, insufficient information about Other activities include: rewards paid to directors and members of • Developing regulations for the reliable and management boards, and failure of some organisations responsible raising and application of funds, and to comply with the requirements of annual reports set monitoring the compliance of individual by The Transparent Prize. companies with these rules, at their request; • Independently identifying and documenting issues On the positive side is the wider use of the Internet for that may be socially significant in fund-raising; making reports accessible to the public (80 percent of • Providing information and advice to the public, participants). The charities find it also challenging to authorities and institutions. cover and report on the impact of their activities.

In 2010, the CBF launched a Registry of Charities Although some shortcomings in reporting do occur, in (Register Goede Doelen) aimed at the promotion of general most CSOs make relevant information publicly transparency for Dutch charities. available.

1701 Christine Kuiper,’ Laat zien wat je doet! Handreiking transparantie en goed bestuur in vrijwilligersorganisaties’, CIVIQ, May 2006. 1702 1703 & 1704 The Transparency benchmark is conducted annually by order of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation and was carried out in 2010 and 2011 by KPMG. 1705 The Transparent Prize is an initiative of PwC and Stichting Civil Society. 1706


ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) Stakeholders Of particular importance is sufficient communication to To what extent are CSOs answerable to their stakeholders about the results of CSO activities, reliable constituencies? reporting about results and good governance practices. Organisational reputation is at stake, and oversight Internal structures boards are increasingly outspoken about the policies of Most CSOs intend to observe principles of democracy their organisations. In previous years, the CSO sector in and accountability in their formal internal structures. the Netherlands has significantly improved in This applies in particular to social welfare services like professionalisation. This holds for charities, but also for education, healthcare, and housing corporations, aid and development organisations, cultural institutions which publish their annual reports on their websites. and interest organisations. Organisations have become Although there is no self-regulating body for the whole more efficient and effective, while their internal of the CSO sector, various umbrella organisations aim governance has improved. In the report on the at improvements in accountability for social housing, ‘Transparent Prize 2010’, the Dutch charities scored healthcare, homes for the elderly, radio- and TV much higher in terms of making their policy, purposes, broadcasting, etc. expenditures, governance mechanisms in use, and fund-raising efforts more visible to their constituencies Fund-raising organisations than in previous years. This means also more meaningful In the sector of fund-raising organisations, it is the CBF and more regular reporting to stakeholders about their that plays a major role. Charities can voluntarily choose activities. to have their fund-raising activities monitored by the CBF. The CBF sets special requirements1707 regarding Reporting the position and quality of governing boards, the policy Still, organisations face a number of dilemmas when it of organisations, fund-raising expenditures and comes to professional approach and transparent and accounting practices. The CBF has developed timely reporting. The preparation of a good annual keurmerken or ‘hallmarks’ (certificates) obtained by report takes considerable time which is often needed fulfilling rather strict requirements on governance, for other core tasks. One analyst argued that the transparency and accountability. There are four criteria for bookkeeping and liability regulations for different seals of approval: the ‘CBF Seal’ (for big CSOs are increasing to such an extent that it has charities), a seal for small charities, the ‘certificate of become difficult to find a person willing to become a no objection’, and the ‘assessment of institutions board member.1708 Reporting on projects which are not involved in collecting used clothing’. so successful makes organisations vulnerable; CSOs are happy not to deliver this information. In addition, The CBF requires from organisations timely and more reporting on difficult-to-measure results is also sufficient communication with stakeholders, and becoming an issue. Stakeholders like to see the impact reporting and accounting systems in line with the CBF of their CSOs’ activity, whereas it gets more difficult for criteria. Institutions have to adopt the CBF accounting CSOs to measure and report on their direct impact. guidelines as described in the Richtlijn Fondsen- Reporting on governance within an organisation is a wervende Instellingen. This guideline aims to promote blind spot. transparency primarily in financial accounting through Interestingly, considering the aforementioned strict formal requirements with regard to the balance challenges, the Free University of Amsterdam started a sheet and the statement of revenue and expenditure. new programme ‘Governance of CSOs’ (September

1707 1708 Interview with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration and Research Director at the Utrecht School of Governance, 7 June 2011.


2009). The programme prepares master students to be level to define common standards and promote good eventually employed by CSOs or in related functions in practice through codes of conduct, certification government or business institutions. The students schemes, reporting frameworks, directories and learn the governance grass-roots of CSOs in the awards. Dutch CSOs are fully involved in these changing social context, as well as theoretical insights developments. as to how CSO governance can be depicted and critically analysed.1709 The self-governing criteria are a challenging concept when it comes to Dutch civil society and in particular to In general, CSO boards and members are only partially core institutions of the Dutch welfare state. The effective in providing oversight of CSO management autonomy of numerous CSOs (education, health care, decisions. broadcasting, etc.) is limited due to a legally-binding and high share of state funding in the needed financing of these tasks. This strong involvement of the state in INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) the financing of CSOs and their activities, brings with it a considerable set of regulations, constraints and To what extent is the integrity of CSOs ensured in oversight activities. practice? Network Trust Indeed, CSOs thrive on personal commitment by National legislation requires good governance to be members and donors. Understandably these motivated implemented by all CSOs. In order to acquire trust from stakeholders make use of their power and influence to the authorities and from the general public, as well as get things done which are otherwise or for others not from specific sector-stakeholders, CSO conduct is in within reach. A quick look at advertisements for theory based on self-regulation to help build such directors and staff members, and for members of trust, raise standards of practice, protect civil society managing and supervising boards, suffices to see that from burdensome and inappropriate government often one of the requirements for a successful job- regulation, generate opportunities for sharing and application is that the applicant has access to a large learning across organisations, and help to acquire the and useful network. For any CSO it is important to have funds needed to pay for the delivery of the services good contacts at political and business level in order to offered. The CSO sector prefers to complement broad get the decisions that are needed for proper government regulatory efforts with sector-wide agreed implementation of the self-directed tasks and for the self-regulation to provide for transparency and appropriation of needed funds. financial accountability. Instruments In recent years, CSOs have faced increasing pressure to The major CSOs are professionalised to such an extent demonstrate their accountability, legitimacy and that they have codes of conduct, certification schemes, effectiveness. Recent financial crises also demand rating agencies, peer reviews and awards; all used in more efficient use to be made of available financial practice to ensure their integrity. CSOs commit means. In response, a growing number of CSOs are themselves to meet all necessary principles and coming together at national, regional and international standards.1710 The expert from Amnesty International

1709 Free University, Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, in collaboration with SOCIRES, Management of Societal organisations, a special- ization in governance-studies (Besturen van Maatschappelijke Organisaties, een variant van de Masteropleiding Bestuurskunde), flyer, & Socires, Society and responsibility, is a Dutch expertise centre that focuses on themes relating to the relationship between public and private, such as social organisations in public service delivery, the cooperation between government, market, and social organisations, and the role of religion in the public domain. 1710 Code of conduct for members of the association of foundations in the Netherlands, FIN.


Netherlands indicated that their integrity policy This alone is already a success. Environmental issues considers not only ‘hard controls’ such as the code of are campaigned for by CSOs, with altogether some 4 conduct and whistle-blower regulation, but also pays million members and donors.1712 Patients, organised attention to ‘soft controls’ such as moral awareness. He per illness in their own CSOs, defend their rights to indicated that this applies to most CSOs in the good health care, and demand more means to establish Netherlands.1711 better cure and care. Most parents take active part in The problem lies with compliance. First of all, controls the school-life of their children by guarding are lacking. Secondly, if a rule is found to be broken, educational goals, and – maybe more importantly – too often the reaction is too soft. If misbehaviour, or defending the basic principles on which their private indeed criminal behaviour, is found and charged, the schools have been organised. There is also strong punishments are low. All are shortcomings of popular support for international aid CSOs. monitoring. Organisations like churches, trade unions, and employer associations maintain their old and solid ANBI- or SBBI-status positions and try to steer public policies in directions There are no indications that awarding ANBI or SBBI which they desire. A more modern concept is status is distorted by corrupt public officials. On the embedded in the ‘lobby industry’ favouring particular other hand, a company or natural person can legally needs. For any subject a lobby group may be initiated. fund a self-established CSO, for which it/he can in a legally and administratively correct way acquire ANBI- Issue-based CSOs status and thus obtain a tax deduction, on the Issue-based CSOs follow state activities critically. condition that the CSO serves the public interest. Numerous organisations push their desired outcomes by influencing politicians and policies. The quality of The CSO sector is highly vulnerable, as integrity cannot arguments, as well as mass numbers of potential voters always be guaranteed, exactly because so much of it is are used in debates on social, political and economic based on trust. CSOs have a rather reactive approach to matters to exert pressure on government and other ensuring the integrity of their staff and board. decision-makers. CSOs communicate with and deliver information to both media and parliament for holding executive powers accountable, thereby demanding and HOLD GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE promoting governmental transparency. A success story was the project ‘26,000 Faces’1713 which concerned To what extent is civil society active and successful in 26,000 asylum seekers who had been in the holding government accountable for its actions? Netherlands for a long time and who would be sent back to their country of origin. Journalists, movie Overall activity directors, several CSOs and other different media In all sectors of life CSOs are active. They observe what produced and broadcast short portraits of several of happens to their members and to their particular CSO those asylum seekers to put pressure on the Minister interests. They intervene with the appropriate of Immigration and Integration, by showing how they authorities in defence of real or imagined rights, had been residing in the Netherlands for a long time advocating particular proposals and their initiatives to without legal certainty on their status. In total 85 solve problems. Millions of Dutch citizens believe in percent of these asylum seekers were granted their usefulness and became members of such CSOs. residential status.1714 Recent cuts in state subsidies

1711 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 1712 Vroege Vogels Parade 2010. 1713; Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 1714


could diminish civil society’s and CSOs’ opportunities to The chapter decided in its early days following the line raise a critical voice and to hold government of Transparency International not to act in individual accountable. For instance, a foundation (Stichting cases of corruption or on behalf of a person accused Rekenschap) which until recently focussed its activity on thereof. As a consequence, TI Netherlands did not the financial transparency of public services and politics intervene in some well-known cases of whistle- during 1999-2005, was forced to close down its activity blowers (some in the military, some in the building- because of loss of financial support due to a lack of industry). (government) funding. In all sectors, reduced subsidies for critical NGOs could considerably reduce space for Dutch government civil society and concerned CSOs. One of the experts The Netherlands is often perceived as a corruption free described the government’s attitude towards CSOs as country.1716 Mostly quoted in this respect is the annual becoming more defensive. He argued that there is a edition of the Corruption Perceptions Index from responsibility for CSOs to account for their conduct. He Transparency International. However, there is little saw a risk in this development leading to a less-varied attention to the meaning of this rank-order. Often the and less-effective civil society.1715 Dutch score is considered to mean how corrupt the country is instead of its actual indication of how In general, CSOs are active and reasonably successful in interviewed observers perceive the Netherlands as holding government to account for its actions. corrupt. It is the image that is ranked, not the reality. Nevertheless, Dutch politicians also quote the list as proof of the high level of integrity in Dutch society and POLICY REFORM the economy.

To what extent is civil society actively engaged in anti- NIS 2001 corruption policy reform initiatives? In 2001, the conclusion of the Dutch researcher writing the first National Integrity Systems Country Study Transparency International Report on the Netherlands was that ‘there is no anti- After the international launch of Transparency corruption movement in the Netherlands at the International in Berlin in 1993, it took the Dutch some moment.”1717 In 2005, the Government sent a policy years to establish a Dutch chapter. It is a member-based paper to parliament on ‘corruption prevention’. This organisation with a General Assembly of members as the paper summarised the view of the government with highest decision-making body. Membership is low and regard to corruption and integrity. For more information basically without members from the corporate sector. on legal reform in the Netherlands, please refer to the Pillar The organisation is not so much a corruption ‘watchdog’. report on the Executive. It is a non-governmental organisation which sets its goal as leading efforts to promote integrity, raise awareness In general, civil society is inactive and unsuccessful in of corruption and to contribute to fighting corruption. engaging with government on anti-corruption policies.

1715 Interview with Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International Netherlands, 1 June 2011. 1716 1717 Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2001). National Integrity Systems Country Study Report: The Netherlands.


Role in NIS Sources The business sector plays an important role in the NIS. The desk research for this pillar report started with a In most situations where corruption is at stake, the broad investigation into the complex organisation of business sector represents the active side of this sector and the variety of ways in which corruption corruption. Due to privatisation, the role of supervising prevention is organised in the different segments of organisations and the use of PPP constructions, a strict this sector. Literature was examined. Additionally, a distinction between the private sector and the public media scan was made. In-depth interviews were held sector is difficult. These developments may lead to a with two individuals from the business sector: an greater vulnerability for corruption in both the public individual of the governmental centre of expertise on and private sectors. public procurement, and an individual from a forensic and investigation company, and with two key experts Business organisations need to have sufficient from the Social and Economic Council of the resources to function properly. Barriers (e.g. licenses) Netherlands. to starting a business and doing business, especially when these barriers are complex, time consuming and Interviews held with: dependent upon the subjective judgments of officials, • Stephan Jansen, Head of Department for Water will stimulate entrepreneurs to make use of corrupt Treatment, international consultancy and practices. engineering firm DHV, interview held the 5th of Independence of companies guarantees that they are April 2011. able to accept responsibility for their own deeds. When civil servants or politicians force a company to make • Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and payments or provide some sort of service to another Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), favoured party, then the company has lost its interview held the 15th of March 2011. independence. This is seen as extortion. Especially in the international context, this argument is used by • Peter Schimmel, Partner, Grant Thornton Forensic businesses to pay bribes. & Investigation Services, interview held the 6th of May 2011. Transparency in the business sector makes correction of potential corrupt behaviour possible. This is perhaps • Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate the most important assurance mechanism against of Public Administration at the Social and Economic corruption in a society. Assurance against corruption Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the by the business sector is best guaranteed when 15th of March 2011. corporations and their management are willing to hold themselves accountable for the way corporations • René Werger, director of MCF Ondernemings- function. This presupposes that management has adviseurs B.V., interview held the 4th of May 2011. sufficient oversight over their corporations. Corporate governance forms the base for accountability in the • Henk Wijnen, project manager at PIANOo, Public business sector. Corruption is a systemic problem. Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch Assurance against corruption is possible by stimulating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and concerted action in the different sectors of society. Innovation, interview held the 16th of May 2011.


BUSINESS attention. The statutory and self-regulatory provisions aimed at ensuring good corporate governance and Status: strong integrity are extensive for the businesses quoted on the stock exchange and for financial institutions. However, Summary good corporate governance provisions do not apply to The business sector pillar shows a varied picture where SMEs. integrity safeguarding is concerned. It is relatively easy Although overall the (larger) companies prove to have to start a company in the Netherlands, and the good conduct and integrity as their priorities, these government has recently taken additional steps to topics require further embedding in the culture of make the legal requirements for setting up a company these companies. Of equal importance is the creation easier. Well-defined criteria in the licensing process of effective protection for whistle-blowers. Corruption and the right to appeal for the requesting party in case cases are often seen as incidents and not as something of a request, which has been turned down prevent that might be a sign of a more structural problem. The unwarranted external interference in the activities of engagements of the Dutch business sector with the individual companies. Still, isolated incidents of Dutch government and/or civil society to combat licensing where subjective elements played a role do corruption is moderate. There have been some occur. A wide variety of supervisory bodies is in charge initiatives in this field, but the number of companies of enforcing regulations and ensuring compliance. The involved was low and this resulted in very little concrete fact that there are so many bodies, often with action. overlapping competencies in individual cases, leads to a lack of oversight or contradictory decisions. There are comprehensive disclosure rules for business activities, ORGANISATION AND COMPETITIVENESS but not all businesses make their accounts and other information publicly available. The extent to which this Organisation is done has increased over the years, but there is still The Dutch business sector includes 863,840 room for improvement because some individual companies1718 (from 16.5 million inhabitants1719). 1.3 companies do not report all the information they are million entrepreneurs are active in these required to report. Although the total amount of money companies.1720 Around 99 percent of these businesses confiscated from criminals has slightly increased over are SMEs1721 which are responsible for 58 percent of the years, the extent to which unusual transactions are the GNP and employ 60 percent of all people employed reported is still relatively low and requires further in a company or organisation.1722

1718 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (2011). Ondernemingsklimaat; marktwerking internationaal vergeleken. 1719, consulted 22 May 2011. 1720, consulted 22 May 2011. 1721 According to the EU definition of an SME: less than 250 employees and less than 50 million turnover per year. 1722, consulted on 20 May 2011.


Employer organisations Per branch of industry, all companies are organised in employer organisations. These employer organisations are organised in three large associations:

Name in Dutch/Abbreviation Name in English Representation

Vereniging VNO-NCW Confederation of Represents 115,000 companies: Netherlands Industry - 80 per percent of the companies with 10 to and Employers 100 employees - 92 percent of the companies with 100 to 500 employees - almost all companies with more than 500 employees1723

MKB Nederland Association of Small- Represents over 186,000 companies and Medium-sized Enterprises

LTO Dutch Organisation for Represents almost 50,000 agricultural Agriculture and entrepreneurs1724 Horticulture

Labour unions In the same way, employees are organised per industry in labour unions (vakbonden). These labour unions are organised in federations. In 2008, 21 percent of employees were members of a union.1725 The three major (federations of) labour unions are:

Name in Dutch/Abbreviation Name in English Representation

Federatie Nederlandse Federation of Netherlands A federation of 19 affiliated unions, with a total Vakbeweging/FNV Trade Unions of 1.4 million members

Christelijk Nationaal National Federation of A federation of 11 affiliated labour unions, with Vakverbond/CNV Christian Trade Unions in around 355,000 members the Netherlands

Vakcentrale voor Federation of Managerial Represents 4 affiliated unions middengroepen en hoger and Professional Staff personeel/MHP Unions

1723, consulted the 18th of December 2011.

1724, consulted the 18th of December 2011. 1725 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (2009). Organisatiegraad van werknemers 1995-2008.


The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands individual sectors cannot manage alone, such as food The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands safety. (SER - Sociaal-Economische Raad) is the major economic advisory council of the Dutch government. It Labour Foundation represents the social partners (the labour unions and Another institution that belongs to the consensus the employers organisations) and independent economy is the Labour Foundation (StvdA - Stichting van members. It forms the core organisation of the de Arbeid). This is a national consultative body consultative economy, and is the main platform for organised under private law. Its members are the three social dialogue. The idea behind the consultative main trade union federations and three main employer economy is that groups of people try to further their associations in the Netherlands. The Foundation common interest through agreement, interchange, provides a forum in which its members discuss relevant compromise and cooperation.1726 The SER has three issues in the field of labour and industrial relations. main goals for Dutch social-economic policy: to Some of these discussions result in memorandums, promote balanced economic growth, to promote full statements or other documents in which the Foundation employment and to promote a fair income distribution. recommends courses of action for the employers and The SER is financed by levies which companies pay to trade unions that negotiate collective bargaining the Chamber of Commerce. agreements in industry or within individual companies. Furthermore, the Industrial Organisation Act charges the SER with supervising the 17 existing commodity and Industry branches industrial boards. Together these boards are referred to Within most branches of industry companies cooperate as the Statutory Trade Organisation (PBO - and have formed industry branches. Membership of Publiekrechtelijke Bedrijfsorganisatie).1727 For many these organisations is voluntary. These industry industries a regulatory body has been erected. The SER branches enter into negotiations on collective labour heads and oversees the system of these industry-based agreements. Through these contracts, industry regulatory organisations: the commodity boards branches (and trade unions) collect O&O (Opleiding en (Productschappen) and the industrial boards Ontwikkeling - Training and Development) funds for (Bedrijfschappen). Commodity boards represent the education and development of employees working enterprises that work with the same product, from raw in the branch. Another important task of industry material to finished product. Industrial boards represent branches is lobbying in The Hague and Brussels. enterprises that fulfil the same function in the economy, Furthermore, these branch organisations are important for example all retail businesses or all hospitality for promotional campaigns and for the organisation of establishments.1728 Examples are the Commodity Board education and training programs specifically designed for Poultry and Eggs (Productschap Pluimvee en Eieren) for that branch of industry. Often codes of conduct are and the Central Industrial Board for Retail developed. These codes deal with the ethical dilemmas (Hoofdbedrijfschap Detailhandel). Each Board is headed that are specific for these industries, for instance topics by an executive committee (or council) whose members that are relevant for the image of that industry, issues are nominated by the employer organisations and trade with regard to competition, etc. unions. In general, each executive committee comprises an equal number of representatives from each of these Professional organisations and associations two groups, and the chairman of each Board is appointed Besides the employer and employee organisations and by the Crown.1729 The members meet regularly to agree the industry branch organisations, professional on key issues for their branch and to discuss activities organisations play an important role. That holds for

1726 Brochure ‘The power of consultation. The Dutch consultative economy explained.’ SER 2010 p.3. 1727 Art. 128-137a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie. 1728 1729


example for accountants in the Dutch Professional ASSESSMENT Associations of Accountants (NBA - Nederlandse Beroepsorganisaties van Accountants), lawyers RESOURCES (BY LAW) (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten), medical doctors (KNMG), dentists (NMT), and veterinarians (KNMvD). To what extent does the legal framework offer an These organisations have some regulatory functions as enabling environment for the formation and operations well. of individual businesses? Accountants, for example, have to inform the Accountants Organisation about dubious transactions. Starting a business These professional organisations have their own Erecting a business requires 6 procedures.1732 On disciplinary proceedings. average, the whole process takes up 10 days.1733 The founders of a BV (private limited liability company) must Competitiveness pay a minimum of EUR 18,000 of the share capital1734, The Netherlands is ranked at 8th place out of 139 whereas the founders of a NV (public limited liability countries on the Global Competitiveness Index company) must pay EUR 45,000.1735 The founders must 2010–2011.1730 be able to demonstrate that they have this ammount at Compared to the Index of 2009-2010, the Netherlands their disposal (bank declaration). A notarial act is moved up two positions, from the 10th to the 8th place. required in which the statutes are to be found (costs vary from EUR 650 to EUR 1000).1736 Companies will Dutch businesses are highly sophisticated have to be registered in the trade registry (ranked 5th) and are among the most (Handelsregister) of the local Chamber of Commerce. In aggressive, internationally, in absorbing new order to start a company without legal personality, for technologies for productivity enhancements instance as a freelancer or self-employed without staff (ranked 3rd for their technological readiness). (zzp-er), it is sufficient to register with the Dutch Tax The country’s excellent educational system Administration and to register with the Chamber of (ranked 8th and 10th for the two related pillars) Commerce and, if applicable, to register with a and efficient factor markets, especially goods commodity or industrial board and to receive the markets (ranked 8th), are highly supportive of necessary licences from the authorities. The trade business activity. The Netherlands is also registry includes all the business information of nearly characterised by a comparatively stable all companies in the Netherlands. A number of macroeconomic environment, improving businesses are obliged to make their annual reports relatively compared to last year.1731 publicly available via the Chamber of Commerce.

The main criticism of the WEF concerns the flexibility of The requirements for establishing a BV or NV will the labour market (ranked 80th out of 139 countries in change drastically in the near future.1737 The Dutch this sub-pillar). government has approved a bill that abolishes this

1730 Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011, World Economic Forum, please refer to, p. 15 1731 Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011. World Economic Forum.p.23. 1732 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (n.d.). Opstart nieuwe onderneming. 1733,

consulted the 18th of December 2011. 1734 Art. 2:178 paragraph 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1735 Ibid., Art. 2: 64 paragraph 2.

1736, consulted the 18th of December 2011.

1737, consulted on the 24th of September 2011.


minimum capital requirement to start a BV or a NV. In of the license, this varies from 6 to 26 weeks. In case the near future the requirement of a notarial act for a the authorities do not decide within this period of time, BV will disappear.1738 then they run the risk of being fined. For certain types of companies it is necessary to receive an operating Other important changes concern the costs involved license from the local authorities. This applies to with the registration of a company at the Chamber of companies such as bars and restaurants (horeca Commerce. In the near future this will be free of charge. vergunning). Additionally, special licenses are required Furthermore, the annual fee for the Chamber of for companies that exploit gambling machines in Commerce will be abolished by 2013.1739 These public spaces. For some businesses it is necessary to measures will make it easier for new entrepreneurs to receive a special permit from the ministry. For example, establish a company. a company that exploits a slot machine hall Also from 1 July 2011 on each legal entity has been (speelautomatenhal) needs a license from the Ministry monitored permanently by the ‘Dienst Justis’, a of Security and Justice (VJ - Veiligheid en Justitie).1743 In monitoring department of the Ministry of Security and 2012 the Kansspel autoriteit (Ksa), a special supervisor Justice.1740 The monitoring is based on the new law body for the gambling sector, will be erected. From ‘Wet controle op rechtspersonen’, which is then on, the license will be released by this supervisory implemented per 1 July 2011 and replaces the system organisation. whereby the establisher(s) of a legal entity need to present before establishment a ‘declaration of no For issuing a license, governmental authorities are able objection’ (‘verklaring van geen bezwaar’). to ask for advice from the BIBOB office as part of a Permanently monitoring is introduced to prevent and detailed investigation about the integrity of the detect misuse of legal entities for criminal behaviour entrepreneur.1744 This office is part of the Ministry of and specific economic crime. VJ. The BIBOB office finds its legal basis in the BIBOB Act (Wet bevordering integriteitsbeoordelingen door het Licenses from local authorities openbaar bestuur). This law makes it possible for the Depending on the character of the company, specific BIBOB office to use information available to several law licences are required. To minimise the complexity for enforcement agencies and to inform public authorities companies, a number of licenses are integrated in one about possible criminal activities by an entrepreneur. permit, called the ‘Omgevingsvergunning’. As of the 1st The public authorities are able to use this information of October 2010, the Wabo (Wet algemene bepalingen as a motive to withhold a license. Because this omgevingsrecht) is in effect. Several licenses can now information is not based upon a court decision, the be requested at the same time by companies via this motives for not issuing a license are kept secret. one procedure.1741 This includes a building permit, However, the entrepreneur is always able to lodge an environmental license and discharge license. Each appeal against this decision to the court. municipality has set up one desk to deal with this combined license.1742 Commodity and industrial boards The municipal authorities have to take a decision within Registration with the commodity or industrial Board, if a specific period of time. Depending on the character relevant, is required.

1738, consulted the 18th of December 2011. 1739 Rijksoverheid (2011).Heffing Kamer van Koophandel verdwijnt. 1740 1741 1742 1743 This is based upon the Gambling Act (Wet op de Kansspelen). 1744 This is based upon the Wet bevordering integriteitsbeoordelingen door het openbaar bestuur (the Public Administration (Probity in Decision-making) Act), known as BIBOB.


National governmental and supervisory bodies The laws pertaining to the start, the operation and If a company wants to attract money via the stock closing down of individual businesses are clear, market, it has to get a listing at the stock exchange. straightforward and easy to apply. However there are This takes more time and involves more procedures. some issues regarding regulations in practice at the local The company has to adhere to criteria formulated by level. the stock exchange. This includes all relevant information about the company, its strategy, its RESOURCES (IN PRACTICE) financial situation, etc. To what extent are individual businesses able in practice Furthermore, the Netherlands Authority for the to form and operate effectively? Financial Markets (AFM) has to approve this listing as well. Two supervisory organisations are especially In general, to start, operate, and close down a business relevant for financial institutions: the Dutch Central is very straightforward and does not involve significant Bank (DNB - De Nederlandsche Bank) and the time or financial resources. However, there are some Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM - problems regarding unclear provisions for applicants, Autoriteit Financiële Markten).1745 To operate in the especially with regard to licenses at the local level. financial sector, a company needs authorisation by the DNB. Such authorisation will be granted on condition Starting a business that the enterprise is financially healthy (solvent) and It is reasonably easy to start a business in the observes principles of sound operational management. Netherlands. After a decrease in 2009, the number of new businesses increased in 2010, even above the level The AFM supervises the way financial institutions deal of 2008. The Chamber of Commerce registered with their customers. Institutions are not allowed, for 123,500 start-ups. The service sector was the most example, to provide misleading information to popular. In five years’ time the number of start-ups in consumers. The license from the AFM and DNB is also this sector almost doubled, from 46,100 in 2005 to based upon an integrity investigation of the individual 82,600 in 2010. Part of this increase in the service Board members of the financial institution. industry can be explained by the requirement for certain types of entrepreneurs to register their Enforcement of contracts company in the trade registry.1748 This requirement is Agreements are well protected by the Dutch law. Most effective as of the 1st of January 2010. The share of the agreements are formalised in officially-signed contracts. Dutch adult population that sets up its own business or However, some agreements are oral agreements. Civil that owns/manages a business existing for less than Law provisions provide adequate enforcement rights 3.5 years has risen considerably from 5.2 percent in regarding contracts.1746 Good faith plays an important 2008 to 7.2 percent in 2009.1749 role in civil law disputes. The generally accepted standards within economic life are the most important According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor norm for a judge: what is reasonable for a citizen to 2010,1750 the Netherlands is one of the most expect (trust of principle)? 1747 entrepreneurial countries in Europe.

1745 and also 1746 Art. 6:213-6:279 and Boek 7 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1747 Nieuwehuis, J.H. (1979); Trust in the institution of making agreements is the most fundamental characteristic of the binding character of an agreement. 1748 Centraal Bureau voor de Satistiek, Het Nederlandse Ondernemingsklimaat in cijfers 2010, table 2.5.2: The number of starters in 2008 was 12.8 percent of the total number of companies. This figure grew compared to 2006 with 2.3 percent.

1749, consulted the 23rd of December 2011. 1750


This statement is based upon research into the factual received a lot of media attention. Via the media, it start-ups in the different sectors, as well as the attitude became clear that many interests, including the private among the Dutch population towards interest of a competing restaurant owner, played a role entrepreneurship.1751 in the background.1754

Licenses from local authorities Gradually the instrument of BIBOB has been used The Omgevingsvergunning is seen as a step forward to more often by local authorities. Its original purpose of making procedures more efficient. However, there is safeguarding the integrity of local government has some criticism. Requesting the Omgevingsvergunning slowly changed into fighting crimes and is easy for the entrepreneur, but behind the virtual desk criminality.1755 However, in some cases where all the steps from before the introduction of the licenses were refused based upon BIBOB information, Omgevingsvergunning still have to be taken, and all the there was criticism concerning the secrecy of the agencies that were involved before, still take a information. This law is especially used in cases where decision.1752 The criteria for obtaining a license are licenses are at stake for cafes and bars, where clear. The time involved with these procedures is also prostitution takes place, and the municipal clear. However, in situations in which local political administration suspects that the owner is involved in bodies need to take a decision, subjective aspects and money-laundering. The ABRvS recently confirmed a political motives might play a role. Furthermore, in decision taken by the municipal government, based situations where the civil servant has discretionary upon secret BIBOB information.1756 power, the risk of corruption is present. Enforcement of contracts Two examples: in the municipality of Culemborg The binding effect of contracts is crucial for a well- there was room for only one gambling hall, according functioning business sector. The legal framework is to the policy of the municipality. However, the well-developed. However, there are a number of location was still open. There were several companies situations in which there is a potential difference interested in starting such a hall. The allocation of the between the theory of law and practical reality. license to one of the parties and thus to a location yielded many political discussions. Several legal There is some criticism on the quality of the decisions procedures followed, and the Administrative of civil courts. One possible cause of quality Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (ABRvS - differences, with regard to civil court decisions, is that Raad van State Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak) had to the quality of a civil court verdict is only checked by take the final decision.1753 judges at the same court.

Another example was the conflict of an immigrant The Project Group Visitation Protocol (Projectgroep entrepreneur with the city of Almelo. The municipality Visitatieprotocol)1757 of the Council for the Judiciary ignored several court rulings that were in favour of this (Rvdr - Raad voor de rechtspraak) has developed a immigrant entrepreneur. The affair even led to the proposal for establishing a Review Committee Civil hijacking of an alderman by the entrepreneur. The case Judgments (Toetsingcommissie civiele vonnissen). The


lid.dhtml, consulted the 23rd of December 2011.

1752 Hein de Kort, ‘Chaos dreigt bij Omgevingsvergunning’, Financieel Dagblad, consulted on the 13th of September 2011. 1753 Kanspelnieuws (2006) ’Groen Licht Gokhal Culemborg’. 1754 Zembla: TV broadcast ‘B & W van Almelo reageren op Zembla-uitzending’ of 23 November 2008. 1755 Tappeine, I. (2011) p.686-694.

1756 Ruling of the Raad van State (Council of State). See: ‘Alkmaarse burgemeester haalt gelijk via Wet BIBOB’ Volkskrant, 21st of July 2011. 1757 Raad voor de Rechtspraak (2010) Visitatie gerechten 2010.


Rvdr reacted to this advice by investigating the INDEPENDENCE (BY LAW) possibility of a quality assessment framework for civil judgments.1758 To explore this, 57 cases were reviewed To what extent are there legal safeguards to prevent based upon an analytical framework. unwarranted external interference in activities of private 15 percent of the cases were perceived as insufficient. businesses? These cases received a score of two on a five-point scale. The study explicitly stated that the cases were There are comprehensive legal safeguards to prevent not representative of civil judgments in the unwarranted external interference in the activities of Netherlands. The aim of the pilot was to explore the private businesses. possibility of such a review framework, and not to judge civil court cases in general. This goal was Statutory provisions achieved. This framework will be further developed and The law forbids all forms of extortion. It is illegal for a will help to improve the quality of the civil court in the civil servant, while he is performing his duty, to ask for future. money or for a gift for himself, for another official or for the treasury, when this is not due.1761 There are There are other causes that might lead to a difference criminal law provisions which prohibit the acceptance between the theory in law and actual practice. Process of a gift, promise or service by a civil servant or costs may form a barrier for parties to start a civil requesting the same.1762 A specific criminal law procedure. The court may sentence the party that lost provision even forbids the acceptance of a gift, promise the case to pay the counterparty’s costs. These costs or service requesting the same, even if the civil servant are often less than the actual costs. However, in a civil does not violate his duty.1763 It is sufficient that the civil procedure it is common that each party pays its own servant knows or reasonably can suspect that the gift, costs, including process costs. For people with limited promise or service is done with the intention that he resources it is possible to ask for the assistance of a Pro would neglect his duty. Most provisions concern civil Deo lawyer. In that case the lawyer is subsidised by the servants, ministers, state secretaries, members of the government. Due to governmental cutbacks, fees for local and regional executive or members of general the lawyers are too low and the system is under representing bodies.1764 pressure.1759 Another barrier to enforcing a contract via a civil Market concentration/cartels procedure is the time that is involved. A civil procedure There are a number of Dutch laws and EU regulations takes often several years and, including an appeal which entail interference. One statutory provision procedure, sometimes more than 10 years. Civil courts entails the approval by the NMa (and/or the EU) which are paying attention to unreasonably long is required in case of mergers and acquisitions.1765 proceedings.1760 Although it is possible for the winner Another task of the NMa is to investigate alleged cartels of a procedure to claim costs from the other party, it and possible abuses of a dominant market position. depends whether the judge is willing to accept this. The The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and process costs are normally seen as costs that every Innovation (EL&I - Economische Zaken, Landbouw en party has to carry itself. Innovatie) is responsible for most of the laws the NMa

1758 Neleman, P. and Neijt, P.J. (2010). 1759, 12 January 2012. 1760 LJN: BH4212. Hof s ‘s Gravenhage February 24 2009. 1761 Art. 366 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 1762 Ibid., Articles 362, 363, 364 and 364a. 1763 Ibid., Articles 177a and 362. 1764 Ibid., Art 362 and 363. 1765 Ibid., Art.37 and 41.


enforces.1766 In case of a violation, the NMa can impose dispensation of (local) rules. This concerns for example fines. The NMa takes action when companies form the dispensation or adaptation of a zoning plan in cartels by making agreements on prices or market order to make the establishment of a company division, or abuse their market position. These are possible. Such adaptations to a zoning plan are offences against the competition laws. delegated to the mayor and alderman (College van Burgemeester en Wethouders). It is possible for Companies have the opportunity to file objections or interested parties to appeal against decisions of appeals against such fines. The NMa also regulates governing bodies. In case this appeal is not honoured, public companies (for instance the energy network it is always possible to appeal to an independent judge. companies) and certain markets in the transport After that, it is possible to appeal to a higher court. In industry that are not free (infrastructure network some cases it is possible to go directly to the ABRvS, operators, public transport companies in the major which is the highest administrative court with general cities in the Netherlands and Amsterdam, airport jurisdiction in the Netherlands. It hears appeals lodged Schiphol). In these markets the NMa promotes by members of the public, associations or commercial competition as much as possible. companies against decisions by municipal, provincial or national government bodies. Licensing Disputes may also arise between two public authorities. When licensing is involved, entrepreneurs are subject The decisions which are subject to a judgment of the to interpretations by officials. In administrative law this ABRvS include decisions in individual cases (for is carefully regulated. In general, the granting of example, refusal to grant a building permission) as well licenses or permits is based upon well-defined criteria. as decisions of a general nature (for example an urban It is the civil servant who has to determine whether the zoning plan).1768 criteria are met. In all cases involving a decision of a governmental organisation, it is possible to file a There is also the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal complaint about the decision. If this complaint is not (College Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven) that is the honoured, it is possible to start an appeal competent administrative court, deciding on the procedure.1767 In this procedure other people than the application of a number of economic laws. The Trade official that took the decision will decide about the and Industry Appeals Tribunal, also known as appeal. In these appeal committees politicians and Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry, is a sometimes specially-appointed citizens review the specialised administrative court which rules on decision. This complaints procedure works reasonably disputes in the area of social-economic administrative well. It is more difficult when a civil servant wrongfully law. In addition, this appeals tribunal also rules on grants a license. In such a case third parties might appeals of specific laws, such as the Competition Act object. Third parties can appeal a decision by an and the Telecommunications Act.1769 administrative body if they can show a particular interest in the decision and its consequences. Thus the The government as supervisor legal system offers third parties a remedy against In recent decades the government has supervised the wrongful acts by the authorities which cause harm to sectors of society where a public interest is at stake or their interests. The assurance against undue advantage where distortions may occur. Strict regulations are is only achieved by the realisation of transparency and applied and independent experts carry out quality by the good quality of the public administration. checks, issue licenses or grants, and monitor the Licenses sometimes demand adaptation or implementation of regulations. Tasks like these are

1766 1767 Articles 9:1 and 6:4-6:24 Algemene wet bestuursrecht. 1768 De Rechtspraak (n.d.). Judicial System. 1769 Ibid.


entrusted to autonomous administrative authorities possible that the civil servant is not aware of the way (ZBO -Zelfstandig bestuursorgaan). Examples of ZBOs he or she is influenced. Sometimes companies use are the Chambers of Commerce, the Netherlands these contacts to obtain inside knowledge that is Competition Authority (NMa - Nederlandse Mede- relevant for the proposal. To be able to guarantee that dingingsautoriteit), the Independent Post and Telecom the best decision is taken and that every market agent Authority (OPTA - Onafhankelijke Post en Telecom has a fair chance to sell its product or service to the Autoriteit), the DNB and the AFM. Many ZBOs only government, it is necessary that certain purchase and perform governmental tasks, but some carry out other procurement procedures will be followed. This is based activities as well.1770 A ZBO is a government agency, upon EU regulations and translated in the Framework which operates at a distance from its ministry. The Law EEC Procurement Regulations from 1993 (Raamwet minister has a limited role in appointing board EEG-voorschriften aanbesteding). The rules that helps members, issuing instructions and approving the to prevent bribing of officials and guarantee equal budget. These matters are regulated when a ZBO is set opportunities for all market players, however, lead to up. The minister is not responsible for the decisions complex procedures that affect the way companies taken by the ZBO itself. These independent function. For many companies these procedures administrative bodies monitor the quality of the constitute a barrier for competing for public contracts. services and products of the companies falling under One expert perceives the procurement procedures their supervision. This results in consumers having even as counterproductive, leading to more confidence in these companies and assures vulnerabilities, and as a barrier for SMEs.1772 For more competition in these sectors of industry. The ZBOs information on public procurement, please refer to Public issue rules and regulations and, if necessary, fine Sector/Reduce Corruption Risks by Safeguarding Integrity companies. Due to the fact that ZBOs exercise their role in Public Procurement. independently, regulation within these sectors is independent from political influence. INDEPENDENCE (IN PRACTICE) The government as contracting party Governmental organisations spent enormous amounts To what extent is the business sector free from of money. Not only on the building and use of its own unwarranted external interference in its work in practice? offices, but also as a principal for infrastructural works. The government therefore forms an important market The state and/or other external actors occasionally force. Civil servants and politicians have to decide interfere with the activities of the business sector. about these expenses. This involves serious These instances are incidents, or are the consequence vulnerabilities, not only because civil servants are able of a lack of transparency on the side of the to misuse their position by accepting gifts, promises or administrative authorities, or have the appearance of a services for private gain.1771 In situations where a civil conflict-of-interest. servant has to decide about the purchase of products and services, it is possible that favouritism occurs. International rankings Especially in situations where the civil servant has other According to the World Economic Forum, favouritism in contacts with representatives from companies, decisions of government officials rarely occurs.1773 The sometimes in the private sphere, these relationships Netherlands is ranked 6th out of 139 countries, with a might influence the judgment of the civil servant. It is 5.2 score (on a seven-point scale). The Heritage

1770, consulted the 18th of December 2011. 1771 This is dealt with in art 177, art 177a, art.362 and art. 363 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 1772 Interview with Stephan Jansen, Head of Department for Water Treatment, international consultancy and engineering firm DHV,

interview held the 5th of April 2011. 1773 World Economic Forum, Global Competitive Report 2010 – 2011. p.372


Foundation and the Wall Street Journal1774 rank the determine the fine. The idea behind this is to diminish Netherlands at a 15th position on its Index of Economic political influence. All decisions are taken by the Board Freedom. The Netherlands owes this high world of the NMa. For confidence in those decisions it is of ranking, due to its freedom of investment, property the utmost importance that NMa and in particular the rights, freedom of corruption, trade freedom and Board members be truly independent. Criticism about business freedom. Weak points are, according to the the integrity of a former chairperson of the NMa was Index, government spending and fiscal freedom.1775 therefore a serious problem for the NMa, especially because that information became public due to a court Applying the legal requirements in practice case and the news media, and not due to the integrity The laws with regard to the acceptance of and asking mechanism of the NMa.1778 A difficult aspect is the for gifts, promises and services are clear. However, in extent to which the NMa and also the EU are able to give cases where a civil servant actually accepts a gift, insight into the way in which decisions are made. promise or service it is difficult to distinguish between Unilever CEO Paul Polman, referring to the enforced situations where the civil servant asks for it and sale by the EU of Sanex in connection with the situations in which the civil servant receives these gifts, acquisition of the personal care branch of Sara Lee, promises or services offered involuntarily. It is difficult stated ‘The criteria on which Brussels bases its policy to decide who has taken the initiative. If the civil to prevent market concentration in different industries servant takes the initiative it becomes a form of are not always clear. Sometimes you feel that the extortion.1776 In reality it is often a subtle game, where reasons mentioned are unjustified. And often you will the civil servant gives hints of being open for a gift, not get an adequate explanation for the decisions promise or service and the private party, which is taken.’1779 dependent on the civil servant, also suggests offering a gift, promise or service. For more information on extortion and corruption in practice, please refer to TRANSPARENCY (BY LAW) Business/Integrity Practice. To what extent are there provisions to ensure Market concentration/cartels transparency in the activities of the business sector? In 2010 the NMa received 83 notifications of forms of market concentration. The NMa received tip-offs, There are comprehensive disclosure rules for business people filed complaints, or a company confessed to a activities, in particular for financial records. cartel. But the NMa also discovers abuses of dominant positions by market research of its own. In 2010 and Financial reporting standards 2011, the NMa investigated activities primarily There are comprehensive disclosure rules for business focussed on the processing industry, the financial and activities, in particular for financial records. Since the 1st business sector and the health care sector. In 2010 the of January 2005, all listed EU companies are obliged to total amount of fines was EUR 137 million.1777 The NMa report according to the International Financial Reporting is an independent governmental organisation. It is able Standards (IFRS). IFRS is a reporting standard that to decide on its own whether or not a tip or a complaint requires that all values be measured at the current value, leads to an investigation. It is also completely free to i.e. the market value. A consequence is that the value of

1774 The Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal track “the march of economic freedom around the world” with the Index of Economic Freedom. The Heritage Foundation is a Washington-based Think-tank. 1775 2011 Index of Economic Freedom, 1776 Art 366 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 1777 NMa, Annual report 2010. 1778 Radio 1 Journaal of 23 March 2011: Brisante verklaring anonieme tipgeefster. 1779 Depuydt, P. (2011) ‘Europa is te veel met zichzelf bezig’, Interview NRC Weekend.


the assets of a business can fluctuate enormously. This In 2004 the Dutch government started a project to in turn may affect the value of the share. reduce the administrative burdens of SMEs. The results Unlisted companies (private limited liability companies, of this project are now known as SBR. As of the 1st of co-operatives, etc.) that do have the obligation to report, January 2013, companies have to deliver their reports do not have the obligation to make use of the electronically to the Chamber of Commerce, to the Tax internationally-recognised IFRS standard. Companies authority and to their bank in line with this standard. In which meet two of the following criteria are required to this way it will be possible to connect financial report: a balance sheet of more than EUR 7.5 million, a reporting to the electronic book-keeping system and turnover of more than EUR 15 million and/or more than to the billing system. SBR will lead to improvement of 50 employees. Civil law provisions require that these the quality of annual reports. The accountant will reports meet ‘standards that are regarded as acceptable become more a process adviser than someone who is in social life’. The companies which are obliged to report just ticking boxes. must follow the guidelines for reporting described in these civil law provisions.1780 However, companies, Accountants regardless of whether they are listed, are allowed to The accounting profession is regulated by two laws: the report, according to the IFRS reporting standard.1781 Law on Registered Auditors (Wet op de Depending on the type of company, the report must be registeraccountants) and the Law on Accountants- made publicly-accessible through the Chamber of Bookkeeping consultants (Wet op de Accountants- Commerce.1782 For SMEs there is only a duty to publish Administratieconsulenten). The Corporate Governance their annual account with the Chamber of Commerce. Code also pays attention to the role of the accountant. The title of auditor or accountant is only reserved for Several organisations promote the quality of reporting those recorded in the registries of the professional by companies and organisations.1783 These include associations NIVRA and NOvAA (merged under the name employers’ associations, accounting firms and the Dutch Association of Accountants (NBA)). Academically- Association of Investment Experts (VBA - trained accountants use the title RA. The not- Beroepsvereniging van Beleggingsdeskundigen), the academically trained accountancy consultants use the Council for Annual Reporting (RJ - Raad voor de abbreviation AA. Both the RA accountants and the AA Jaarverslaglegging). This is done by the development of accountants have their own code of conduct. The reporting guidelines. A recent directive is the RJ ‘400 following five principles form the starting point for their Annual Report’. This directive describes the conduct: integrity, objectivity, expertise and due care, requirements CSR reports have to meet. The directive confidentiality and professional behaviour. These codes concerns substantive requirements (e.g. the social, apply to every accountant, even when a person no longer economic and environmental impact of a company and works as an accountant. The goal is to prevent the the way in which stakeholders are involved in the policy reputation of the accounting profession from being development). Together with the directive, guidelines harmed. For example, public accountants are not for the preparation of CSR or sustainability reports is allowed to do business with clients who are engaged in published. The directive is also based on the illegal or questionable activities or who make use of international reporting standards of the Global questionable financial reporting practices. The public Reporting Initiative.1784 accountant should also avoid conflicts-of-interest, and An important development for SMEs is the he must avoid any appearance that he is not implementation of Standard Business Reporting (SBR). independent. For an internal accountant or a

1780 Book 2, titel 9 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1781 Ibid., Art. 2:362 paragraph 8. 1782 Ibid., Art. 2:394. 1783 1784


governmental accountant it is necessary that he report TRANSPARENCY (IN PRACTICE) directly to the senior management of the organisation so that the accountant can give his opinion freely on all To what extent is there transparency in the business aspects of the organisation. The AFM supervises the sector in practice? performance of accountants who audit companies that are required by law to report. These accountants must In general, not all businesses make their financial have a permit from the AFM. accounts and other information publicly available. A number of companies do not disclose relevant Detection of criminal transactions information. While businesses usually disclose relevant In 2007 the Programme Financial Economic Criminality information on their activities, it is often partial and/or (FINEC - Programma Financieel-Economische Activiteit) outdated information. started. This programme seeks to strengthen the way financial investigations are carried out by law International ranking enforcement agencies. The programme is aimed at On the Opacity Index 20091786 the Netherlands receives depriving criminals of illegally-obtained assets. a 16th position in the world-ranking. The Opacity Index assesses the costs of small-scale, high-frequency An important tool for detecting money laundering in business risks.1787 This index is a broad tool for the Netherlands is the Report Unusual Transactions measuring of the effectiveness of a country’s economic (MOT - Melding Ongebruikelijke Transactie). Crucial and financial institutions, as well as its overall risk. private organisations play an important role in realising Unlike other analyses that examine country risks by transparency for the business sector. Credit summarizing expert opinion, the Opacity Index uses organisations, money transferors and professions such only objective indicators such as the number of actions as lawyers, real estate brokers, accountants and that are necessary to start a case in court. notaries are obliged to report unusual transactions to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-NL). These reports According to this index, Dutch accounting standards are required by the ‘Act to prevent money laundering and corporate governance are relatively weak. and terrorist financing’(WWFT - Wet ter voorkoming However, according to the researchers, the weak van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme).1785 For corporate governance does not lead to high costs for the reporting of unusual transactions, a number of companies to function effectively. indicators have been developed. These indicators will help those in charge of reporting these unusual National ranking transactions. The reports are sent to FIU-NL. This unit Annually the Ministry of EL&I in collaboration with the is hosted by the National Police Services Agency (KLPD NBA issues its Transparency Benchmark.1788 This - Korps landelijke politiediensten). The FIU-NL benchmark analyses information on the economic, determines whether or not the unusual transactions environmental and social impact of the organisation that are reported are seen as suspicious and have to be that is made available to the public via a dedicated CSR passed on to the relevant law enforcing agencies. report, via the regular annual report, or for instance via

1785 1786 Kurtzman J and Yag G. (2009). 1787 These risks are divided into five broad categories: 1. Corruption in business and government; 2. The legal system — its protection (or lack thereof) of critical rights and its ability to quickly settle disputes; 3. The government’s economic policy and its impact on business; 4. Accounting standards and governance rules; 5. The regulatory structure of the financial system, markets and business in general. The scores of the Netherlands on the Opacity Index 2009 are: Corruption: 13; Legal system inadequacies:24; Economic Enforcement policies: 31; Accounting standards and corporate Governance: 32; Regulation: 19. 1788 Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie, Transparantiebenchmark 2011; De Kristal 2011 in samenwerking met NBA,, consulted on the 21 st of December 2011.


a publication on the website. The information available Industry branches through the Chamber of Commerce is explicitly There are concerns regarding the transparency of the excluded from the assessment. This benchmark O&O funds of industry branches. The fees which have assesses the transparency of companies and to be paid to these industry boards vary from 0.5 to 3 organisations with regard to their CSR reporting. The percent of wages. In their annual accounts the industry assessment is also based upon the RJ ‘400 Annual branches barely account for the way these tens of Report’. The Transparency Benchmark 2011 (about million euros are spent, and often an auditor’s report 2010) included a total of 469 companies and is missing.1792 organisations (including the 14 Dutch universities). Overall, improvements could be noted, and in 2011 25 SMEs percent of the participants obtained the maximum A research into the publishing of annual accounts by score, compared to 8 percent in 2010. The weakest SMEs showed that in November 2011, 58 percent of aspect is the extent to which companies have their SMEs had not provided their annual figures from reports verified by an independent external party. Only 2010.1793 It concluded that financial information on 20 percent have done so, which is a similar score as in and by companies is insufficiently accessible. 2010.1789 Horizontal supervision Commodity and industrial boards Since 2005 the tax authorities have been working on Although the SER has no competence on statutory so-called horizontal supervision. This means that the grounds, the Minister of SZW has requested the tax authorities no longer check the tax reports of tax- Supervisory Board to review the annual reports of payers, but they monitor the external accountant (RA commodity and industrial Boards. Overall, the annual and AA) or internal accountant, who has to audit the tax reports of these boards have improved in 2009 when reports before they are sent to the tax authorities. compared to 2008. In particular on the aspects of compensation, activities and internal supervision. Through a covenant, the external or internal accountant agrees to the horizontal supervision with Regarding the principles of good governance of the tax authorities. Based upon this covenant, the boards, it was concluded that nearly all boards have accountant is obliged to work with good quality included information on the topics for which there is a assurance systems. On this basis, the completed tax duty to report.1790 Eight out of 17 boards reported in report is trusted to be reliable by the authorities. In their annual report on all aspects. One board did not addition, many other non-public, binding agreements enclose information on compensation received by the are made with the taxpayer. This saves the tax chair of the board and another board did not account authorities control costs and the taxpayers receive a for the way in which internal supervision was done, but quick decision on their tax reports. Yet there is some did so at a later stage.1791 criticism. The grounds on which an enforcement According to the Supervisory Board other aspects covenant is concluded are inconclusive. Clear criteria required further improvement, as for instance the way are lacking. The tax authorities have in this respect a effects were fed back as part of the policy cycle. broad discretionary power.1794

1789 Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie, Transparantiebenchmark 2011. De Kristal 2011 in samenwerking met NBA p.21. 1790 SER Toezichtsverslag 2010 p.19. 1791 Ibid., p.19. 1792 Cobouw. (2010). Uitgaven O&O-fonds Bouw onverantwoord. 1793, consulted 23 February 2012. 1794 Cees Heerooms, ‘Horizontaal toezicht heeft kader nodig;, Financieel Dagblad, 28 juli 2011.


Detection of criminal transactions which was laundered in 2006.1798 In 2011 EUR 43 When an accountant detects fraud, he has to report this million was actually confiscated from criminals to the client and to the FIU-NL. It is forbidden to inform (compared to EUR 50 million in 2009 and EUR 10 the client that the fraud case is reported as an unusual million in 2003).1799 There are serious doubts as to transaction to FIU-NL. In 2010 accountants reported whether the financial sector is really cooperating with 456 unusual transactions (617, 2009). The FIU-NL law enforcing agencies in reporting unusual analysed that thereof 87 reported transactions has transactions.1800 The OM has announced that it wants been suspicious (99, 2009). to confiscate a total of EUR 100 million in five years’ When the accountant detects fraud during his statutory time.1801 annual audit, he has to report this to the executive and/or governance Board of the entity. When they did not redress the fraud detected, he has to withdraw the ACCOUNTABILITY (BY LAW) audit. He also has to report his withdrawal and the details on the fraud case to the law enforcement To what extent are there rules and laws governing agency.1795 However, these cases are seldom reported. oversight of the business sector and governing The position of the accountant regarding this corporate governance of individual companies? requirement is complex. Reporting suspicious transactions to official bodies leads to the distrust of General statutory and self-regulatory provisions the client and will lead to the client withholding Legal provisions for the appropriate oversight of information. In 2004 the functioning of the chain of corporate governance have been established, including unusual transactions was evaluated.1796 The results rules on how companies should be governed, the were not very positive. The reporting requirement formation of companies, roles of the board, seemed to have become a goal in itself. The reports of management and owners, insolvency, and dissolution. In unusual transactions provided little knowledge about 1997 the first corporate governance code was issued. money laundering and little was done with the reports. This first code had a non-binding character. It was a They were mainly used as information for detecting recommendation to listed companies. In 2003, under the illegal activities and much less for preventive purposes. chairmanship of former Unilever chief executive The analysts also doubted whether there was a chain of Tabaksblat, and after wide consultation, a new unusual transactions. governance code was issued. This was the Code Nevertheless the Financial Action Task Force in 2012 Tabaksblat. This code was effective as of the year 2004. concluded that the Netherlands have criminalised The code contained principles and best-practice money laundering fully in line with the requirements provisions that regulated the relations between the under the Vienna and Palermo Conventions.1797 Board, the supervisory Board and the (general meeting of) shareholders. In this Code Tabaksblat, the role of the Despite the large amount of attention that is paid to accountant was also described. This included for financial investigations, confiscation of illegally instance the explanation the accountant had to give obtained gains remains difficult. An audit by the during the general meeting of shareholders. The Code Netherlands Court of Audit (AR - Algemene applied to listed companies registered in the Rekenkamer) referred to a total of EUR 18.5 billion Netherlands. The obligation to comply with this Code

1795 Art. 37 Besluit Toezicht Accountantskantoren (BTa) jo art. 26 Wet Toezicht Accountantskantoren (WTa) 1796 Faber, W. en A.A.A. van Nunen (2004). Uit onverdachte bron: Evaluatie van de keten ongebruikelijke transacties. Den Haag: WODC. 1797,3746,en_32250379_32236963_47221490_1_1_1_1,00.html 1798 Bestrijden, witwassen en terrorismefinanciering, Algemene Rekenkamer (2008).

1799, consulted the 21st of December 2011. 1800 Eric Smit: ‘Financiële misdaad loont (nog steeds)’. See 1801, consulted 27 December 2011.


was then also laid down in the law.1802 This concerned monitoring the financial sector: the AFM, the Financial for instance the role of the accountant and the audit Supervision Agency (BFT - Bureau Financieel standard that had to be used.1803 The Code Tabaksblat Toezicht), the DNB and the FIOD/ECD (Fiscal applies, as in many other European countries, the so- Information and Investigation Service). The AFM is called ‘comply or explain principle’. This allows responsible for supervising the entire financial companies to deviate from the code, but in case a certain market sector: savings, investment, insurance and principle is not applied, it is required to motivate this loans. This includes supervision of the stock deviation in the annual report. exchange and accountants of organisations that have To ensure a sound implementation of the Code, the to publish an annual report. The aim of the AFM is to Ministers of Finance and Economic Affairs have contribute to the efficient operation of these markets. established the Corporate Governance Code Monitoring The public, business and government depend on Committee. This Monitoring Committee’s official terms financial products that are offered in the markets for of reference are to help to ensure that the Corporate many of their activities.1805 The BFT is a ZBO which Governance Code is practicable and up-to-date. The supervises notaries and bailiffs (third party funds).1806 Monitoring Committee also monitors compliance by The BFT also monitors compliance with the WWFT by Dutch listed companies and institutional investors. In notaries, accountants, lawyers, tax advisors and other 2008 the Monitoring Commission proposed a number of financial and legal service-providers. The BFT is changes. These were accepted and were effective as of funded by the Ministry of VJ.1807 The supervision of the 1st of January 2009. The changes included the topic the DNB is aimed at ensuring a stable and reliable of diversity, the bonuses of top managers and financial system. The DNB supervises banks, sustainability. In 2009 a new monitoring Commission insurance companies and pension funds. Another was also installed. The obligation to comply with the objective of the DNB is to secure a reliable payment updated Code was also legally anchored.1804 system. The DNB also works for a reliable financial system in which financial institutions meet their Corresponding supervision obligations.1808 The purpose of the FIOD1809 is to There are a number of supervisors who monitor contribute to the prevention of fiscal, financial and companies’ compliance with certain laws. Sometimes economic fraud, to ensure the integrity of these supervisors need to issue certain licenses. The professionals and businesses and to fight against following supervisors are particularly important for organised crime.1810

1802 Besluit van 23 december 2004 tot vaststelling van nadere voorschriften omtrent de inhoud van het jaarverslag and art. 2:391 para- graph 5 Burgerlijk Wetboek. For specific branches, other codes are applicable. For instance, for insurance companies the ‘Governance Principles Insurance Companies’ are applicable on grounds of Besluit van 23 augustus 2011 tot vaststelling van nadere voorschriften omtrent de inhoud van het jaarverslag van verzekeraars and art. 2:391 paragraph 5 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1803 Staatsblad 323, Royal Decree of 26 July 2008 implementing article 41 of the Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual reports and consolidated certifications, amending Directives No 78/660/No EEC and 83/349/EEC of the European Community and repealing Directive no. 84/253/EEC of the European Community. 1804 1805 1806 The BFT was formed in 1999 and is a continuation of the former Central Bureau of Assistance (Centraal Bureau van Bijstand). 1807 1808 1809 In 1999 the Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst (Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service) and the Economische Controle Dienst (Economic Investigation Service: ECD) merged. Together they formed the FIOD-ECD. In 2006 the investigative department of the UWV became part of the FIOD-ECD. Since 2010 the name has been changed into FIOD. 1810 FIOD-ECD. De opsporingsdienst van de belastingdienst. 2008.


SER industrial Boards.1814 It states the incompatibilities of In 2008 the SER issued a Statement on International Board Members and obliges them to prevent conflict-of- Corporate Social Responsibility (Internationale interest and abuse of power.1815 For more information, Verklaring voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord please refer to Business/Integrity. Ondermenen).1811 In that statement, the national employer organisations and trade union federations Corresponding supervision called on businesses to develop initiatives for The statutory provisions on good governance of boards responsible supply-chain management based on prescribe the way commodity and industrial Boards guidelines and recommendations from the ILO, OECD account for their conduct, how they have designed their and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). internal control and how vertical supervision takes place.1816 This vertical supervision is done by the SER and Statutory and self-regulatory provisions for commodity the Ministries of EL&I and Social Affairs and Employment and industrial Boards (SZW - Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid). If the SER is In 2007 the Boards jointly drafted, published and of the opinion that the Code is not adequately observed, implemented the Code of Good Governance Commodity it will contact the board which then either complies with and Industrial Boards (Code Goed Bestuur product- en the SER’s vision or if it does not comply, the SER will bedrijfschappen). In the Code 23 principles (e.g. acting report this to the Ministry of SZW.1817 with integrity, public and transparent accountability and an accessible complaints procedure) were established, which have been further elaborated. In 2009 the ACCOUNTABILITY (IN PRACTICE) statutory provision was amended so that the principles from the Code (except for principle XVI) were anchored To what extent is there effective corporate governance in the statutory provision.1812 The Code has been in companies in practice? implemented and can be amended based on, for instance, practical experiences. The Social and Economic In general, investors and boards are only partially Council of the Netherlands, together with the commodity effective in providing oversight of corporate and industrial Boards, can assess whether amendments management decisions. Breaches of oversight rules by to the Code are required, which with the approval of the corporate management are not uncommon. ministers involved, can become effective. The Committee Monitoring Code of Good Governance International Ranking Commodity and Industrial Boards was installed in 2007 According to the World Economic Forum, the to monitor possible bottlenecks arising in the carrying- Netherlands is ranked 12th out of 136 with regard to the out of the Code.1813 The Code provides important rules efficacy of boards. On a seven-point scale the on appointing Board Members to these commodity and Netherlands receives a score of 5.3.1818

1811 Interview with Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the 15th of March 2011. 1812 Art. 92a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie. 1813 Paragraph D Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen. 1814 Art. 92a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie and Principe I Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen. 1815 Art. 92a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie and Principe I and Uitwerking paragraph 2 sub b and principe V Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen and interview with Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and

Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the 15th of March 2011. 1816 Art. 92a paragraph 4 Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie and Principe XXIII Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen. 1817 Art. 92a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie and Principe XXIII and Uitwerking Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen. 1818 World Economic Forum, Global Competitive Report 2010 – 2011. How would you characterise corporate governance by investors and boards of directors in your country? p.384.


Self-regulatory provisions top management is not aware of the rules concerning There was much involvement from business in the CSR reporting in the Code.1822 Another point which may development of the Code Tabaksblat in 2003.There are be questioned about the effectiveness of the Code, a number of issues that can lead to some doubts about concerns the lack of attention for so-called soft the effectiveness of the Code. Each year, the topic of controls. The requirements of the corporate remuneration of executives turns out to be an issue governance codes have focussed on the preconditions that leads to much debate in the media. Quite a number for being able to exercise control (composition, of companies do not adhere to the code with regard to frequent attendance, independence), and less on how bonuses. Research on the basis of an analysis of the the supervision is conducted.1823 payment of top executives of 179 companies, listed at the Dutch Stock Exchange over a period of ten years, Supervision shows that there is virtually no evidence to suggest that The position of the oversight bodies leads to some the remuneration of these top executives is linked to doubts about the effectiveness of these organisations the (real) performance of the companies managed by as well. There are many oversight bodies, and the these executives. The introduction of the Code organisation of these bodies is complex. It sometimes Tabaksblat had no influence on executive pay and even leads to confusion. After the debacle of the DSB bonuses.1819 According to an investigation of De Bank, two regulators, the DNB as well as the AFM, had VolkskrantI, salaries of CEO’s increased in 2010 by 8.1 to judge whether the former CFO of the DSB Bank, could percent. The average salary of the 150 highest-ranked remain in his current position as CEO of the ABN Amro earners was EUR 1 million. A much-debated example Bank. Those organisations drew completely opposite concerns the bonus of the former Ordina CEO. He conclusions. The Minister of Finance had to resolve the received about EUR 1.7 million when leaving the dispute. The solution was found by perceiving the company. That is more than 4.5 times his last-known judgment of the AFM as a recommendation for the salary. Despite the losses suffered over the past years, DNB.1824 Another issue regarding the accountability of the company annually paid him a bonus. The bonus in companies concerns the recruitment policies of 2009 amounted to a quarter of the total profit of the companies for supervisory boards. The board members company that year. These bonuses are all in breach of are selected out of a very small circle of people.1825 the Code Tabaksblat that requires a maximum bonus for CEOs of one year’s salary.1820 The Code requires the SER Supervisory Board to report about the way it fulfils its In the SER’s 2011 Second Progress Report on supervisory role. Research shows that Supervisory International Corporate Responsibility,1826 it stated Boards rarely provide this insight.1821 Companies need that that companies that choose non-Western to report on their CSR policies. However, the Code does suppliers pay more attention to sustainable not specify the topics that need to be included in the procurement and social and environmental aspects. annual report. It is up to the company to report about However, the study also identified that among these its anti-corruption policy and its effects. 58 percent of companies there were large differences. A substantial

1819 A. Verwer, ‘De code Tabaksblat en de Beloning van CEO’s in Nederland’, Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 2008, 10. 1820 ‘Historische vertrekbonus Ordina-topman Kasteel’. NRC Handelsblad, 24 August 2011. 1821 M. Lückerath-Rovers, ‘Het RvC-verslag: Weinig inzicht in toezicht’, Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 2011, 6. 1822 Research by Protiviti: 1823 M. Lückerath-Rovers, ‘Soft controls in corporate governance’, Jaarboek Compliance 2010, 77- 88. 1824 NOS, ‘De Jager Fluit AFM terug over Zalm’, NOS Nieuws, 4 mei 2010, zalm.html. 1825 W. Dekker,’Ten strijde tegen het old boys network’, In: Volkskrant 24 mei 2011. See: Consulted on 29 September 2011. 1826 SER’s Second progress report on International Corporate Responsibility (Abstract) June 2011.


number of companies need more information about could a tax authority refuse bribes paid as cost reducing sustainable procurement and still regard themselves as acquisition costs. In the years between 2001 and 2006 being at the bottom or midway up the sustainability there were no convictions for bribery abroad. ladder. MVO Nederland could help encourage enterprises to establish or further implement their Legal framework sustainable procurement policy. The study stressed the Active corruption, i.e. giving a gift, making a promise, importance of making enterprises more aware of the or offering a service to an official with the aim that this fundamental ILO standards and OECD guidelines, and of official fails to perform his duty, is punishable.1829 continuing to stress the social dimension of Gifts, promises and services to a public officials are sustainability. The national employer organisations will criminal offences, even if the official does not forsake continue to encourage their members to meet these his duty.1830 Making a gift or promise, or providing a challenges.1827 service to a judge, with the intent to influence the decision in a case subject to his opinion, is made Supervision of industrial and commodity Boards punishable in a separate article.1831 Bribery of The compensation paid to the chairs of the commodity politicians, public servants and judges from a foreign and industrial Boards is made publicly available.1828 The state or from an international organisation is dealt with corporate governance of these boards is generally in the same way as with Dutch officials and judges.1832 good, although one board pays more attention to it than However, there are additional requirements, such as the others. For more information, please refer to the principle of dual criminality, which need to be Business/Integrity. fulfilled in order for Dutch authorities to have jurisdiction. (Please refer to the Report on Public Sector for information on passive corruption.) The provisions for INTEGRITY (BY LAW) private corruption are less comprehensive, e.g. bribery of employees of private organisations is also To what extent are there mechanisms in place to ensure punishable when it is reasonable to assume that the the integrity of all those acting in the business sector? employee who accepts the gift, promise or service conceals this, contrary to the requirement of good faith In general, appropriate mechanisms and procedures are towards his employer.1833 Giving gifts or advantages in established for the correct, honourable and proper itself is not wrong, even if something is given back as performance of the activities of businesses and the a form of compensation. It is only blameworthy if it is prevention of misconduct, and for the promotion of the concealed from the employer. Not everything that is use of good commercial practices among businesses. concealed from the employer is punishable. It only However, most statutory or self-regulatory provisions concerns gifts, promises or services that might have an apply to large businesses and not to SMEs. Additionally, influence upon the execution of one’s task, of which it there are no adequate provisions to protect whistle- is reasonable that the employer knows this and, if blowers in the private sector. necessary, is able to prohibit the acceptance of the gift, In 2001, the Netherlands at last adhered to the OECD promise or service. The provisions with regard to convention to fight bribery. However, not until April 2006 trading in influence are insufficient.1834

1827 Ibid., p.21 and 29. 1828 SER Toezichtsverslag 2010 p.31. 1829 Artikel 177 Wetboek van Strafrecht. 1830 Ibid., Artikel 177a. 1831 Ibid., Artikel 178. 1832 Ibid., Artikel 178a. 1833 Ibid., Artikel 328ter. 1834 Grant Thornton and Norton Rose (2011). p.7.


OECD independent mediator, try to solve the problem. The Regarding corruption abroad, the bribing of foreign Dutch NCP perceives corruption as a part of CSR. There public officials is seen as a criminal offence. Although is also intensive cooperation by the NCP with CSR the law makes no distinction between kickbacks and Netherlands, an organisation that helps companies bribes, prosecution policy with regard to the bribing of with the development of their CSR policy. foreign public officials makes this distinction. According to the OECD Convention and the U.S. Foreign Self-regulation Corrupt Practices Act ‘small facilitation payments’ are In the Netherlands there are codes of conduct on each excluded from prosecution. level, for each industry and for each type of issue. The OECD considers this to be a matter for the local There are also industry codes, company codes, legislation. ‘Small facilitation payments’ are relatively professional codes, codes for certain target groups and small amounts of money, often used to pay lower- for specific issues. Often such a code has the character placed officials to assure quick service providing. On of values and principles that describe in a very generic the other hand, bribes are often higher amounts paid way how employees have to act. to senior officials or politicians with decision-making power, to ensure a favourable decision for the Sometimes these codes describe via specific rules how company, for example, the awarding of a contract. to act. Sometimes these codes also have a legal status, but more often it is a document that focuses on The OECD, in cooperation with business, trade unions stimulating a process, the willingness of employees to and civil society organisations, has developed discuss dilemmas that characterise the integrity risks guidelines that specify what governments expect from of that industry, the company or the profession. internationally-operating companies.1835 In this way a level playing field is created. Very rarely does a code refer to corruption directly, it The same rule holds for all business, and this prevents rather includes topics such as: integrity, the accepting distortions of competition. The OECD guidelines on or offering of gifts, conflict-of-interest, whistle- corruption are the only principles that are not blowing and reporting of abuses. Very rarely do codes voluntary. These are translated into the above- refer to the values upheld in the organisation or the mentioned laws. The OECD guidelines have recently societal interest. been sharpened. Due to these more stringent guidelines, a company is also held accountable for Branch of businesses abuses in other parts of the supply chain. ‘Bouwend Nederland’, the industry organisation for This is also relevant for companies without construction companies, has developed a model code international activities, but as buyer of products that that is offered as a recommendation to its members. are produced elsewhere, deal with foreign companies. ‘Bouwend Nederland’ also has established the These companies are able to influence the chain and Foundation Integrity Assessment for the construction are asked to use this influence. industry (SBIB - Stichting Beoordeling Integriteit Bouwnijverheid). Construction companies can register The Dutch government links the OECD guidelines to its here free of charge, thereby declaring their acceptance subsidies for entrepreneurship abroad. The Dutch the SBIB’s policy and their compliance with the SBIB code government also established a National Contact point and determination to act according to SBIB rulings. (NCP) to promote adherence to the OECD guidelines Registered companies are committed to bi-yearly and to mediate when there are problems. NGOs are reports and are included in a public registry. The SBIB has able to report to the NCP about companies that do not also developed a complaints procedure. This concerns comply with the OECD Guidelines. The NCP will, as an complaint about procurement and competition.1836

1835 1836 http://


The gambling machines industry branch (VAN - managers.1844 These professional organisations have Speelautomaten Branche Organisatie)1837 has often developed specific codes for certain special developed a code of conduct. Its members have to elements of the profession. Thus, the NIVRA, the adhere to this code. There is also an ethics committee professional organisation for accountants, drafted a that functions as a complaints committee. The code of how an accountant should behave at the members of the VAN are also audited for compliance general meeting of shareholders.1845 Veterinarians with this code of conduct. have a code how to report about animal The Dutch Banking Association (NVB - Nederlandse mistreatment.1846 The Dutch Association for Human Vereniging van Banken) has developed a code that has Resources Management and Organisation been given a legal basis. Banks are legally obliged to Development (NVP - Nederlandse Vereniging voor comply with this code. The Dutch Association for Public Personeelsmanagement en Organisatieontwikkeling) Credit (NVVK - Nederlandse Vereniging voor developed a code which instructs the human resources Volkskrediet)1838 has developed a code how debts manager how to deal with applicants.1847 should be dealt with. On the website of the NVVK a list of members who have endorsed the code can be found. Multinationals Nearly all international companies such as Unilever1848, Commodity and industrial Boards Shell1849, AkzoNobel1850, Philips1851 and ING1852 have There are statutory provisions for commodity and their own code of conduct. These codes are sometimes industrial Boards about, among other things, called business principles. This indicates that the code invitations for travel and visits at the cost of a third does not have the character of detailed guidelines for party.1839 Gifts are only allowed if integrity is not at action, but rather encompasses general directions for stake.1840 Boards are called upon to act according to these actions. These codes are often embedded in a the public procurement procedures and to do so in a coherent set of codes, such as the governance code and transparent way.1841 code for specific areas (for example, for the purchase department). There is also a link with the CSR or Professional organisations sustainability policy of the company. Furthermore, Nearly all professional organisations have developed there is a conjunction with the appointment of their own professional code. This holds for example for compliance officers and confidentiality persons. There accountants1842, veterinarians1843 and human resource are often complaints procedures and sometimes ethics

1837 ‘De VAN behartigt de belangen van bedrijven die speelautomaten produceren en die speelautomaten exploiteren’. 1838 ‘De NVVK behartigt de belangen van gemeentelijke kredietbanken en publieke en private instellingen die mensen met schulden helpen.’ 1839 Art. 92a Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie and principe VII Code Goed Bestuur product- en bedrijfschappen. 1840 Ibid. 1841 Ibid. 1842 0000027128_Verordening_gedragscode_per_010110_def.pdf 1843 1844 http:// 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852


hotlines. Some companies have an ethics committee as establishment of an Advice and Referral Point for well.1853 It is urgent to create a level playing field Whistle-Blowers (Advies- en verwijspunt voor globally characterised by fair competition. More than klokkenluiders)1857 to help potential whistle-blowers. 120 companies have joined the World Economic Forum Individuals wanting to report abuses will soon be able Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), with as to ask for information and seek advice from an main aim ‘to level the playing field through collective independent commission. This commission has been action with other companies, governments and civil established both for the public and the private society’. sectors. Everyone is able to contact the commission on a confidential basis, and to find out in what ways SMEs he or she must inform law enforcing organisations Of the Dutch business sector, 99 percent falls in the about abuse. MPs have scrutinised the plans of the category of SMEs. SMEs are responsible for 58 percent Minister of BZK, because the commission does not of the total turnover in the business sector. In total, investigate an abuse itself, but can only refer a 60 percent of employees work in an SME.1854 Do to the potential whistle-blower to agencies that do this. size of these companies, statutory provisions and the Such as the labour inspection or the public corresponding provisions on good governance and prosecutor.1858 MP Van Raak’s initiative draft bill for a compliance (e.g. Code Tabaksblat) are not applicable House for Whistle-blowers is intended to have an to them. There are no rules applicable, such as those investigative unit and a financial and other safety net. that follow from the Dutch Corporate Governance (Please refer to Pillar Legislature.) Code1855, which ensure that employees have the possibility of reporting alleged regularities (general, Recently the Court of Amsterdam was of the opinion operational or financial) in the company to the that an employee had infringed upon the contractual chairman of the management Board, or to an official confidentiality clause in giving confidential information designated by him, without jeopardizing their legal of his employer to a third party (in this case a client). The position. potential damage to this client could not be a sufficient justification. According to the court, the employee had Whistle-blowers to inform his superior or other managers within the There is little to no protection for whistle-blowers in company - or else (indirect) shareholders of the the private sector. The protection of whistle-blowers company - about the abuse of his employer before is considered to be derived from the requirements of letting go the loyalty and discretion in relation to his ‘good employership and good employeeship’.1856 employer. Only in case the employer did not react However, there is no statutory provision against adequately, would it have been acceptable to make retaliation. The only real whistle-blower rules are to public the potentially serious abuse. However, in the be found in the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, latter case, this should have been carried out in a but these are only applicable to stock companies. proportional way. Moreover this should be warranted by Neither is there an independent committee for the an important public interest. In this case the conflict private sector, which investigates reports by whistle- between the employee and his employer did not meet blowers. The government has announced the these criteria.1859

1853 An example is the Ethics Committee of the Rabobank:

1854, consulted the 23rd of February 2012. 1855 Paragraph II.1.7 Dutch corporate governance code. Principles of good corporate governance and best practice provisions. 1856 Art. 7: 611 Burgerlijk Wetboek. 1857

iders.html, consulted the 21st of December 2011. 1858 Binnenlands Bestuur (2011). Kamer blokkeert plan klokkenluiders. 1859 LJN: BR2582, Gerechtshof Amsterdam, 200.070.341/01, uitspraak van 14 juni 2011.


INTEGRITY (IN PRACTICE) businessmen on the World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey. According to the 2010-11 Executive To what extent is the integrity of those working in the Opinion Survey of the World Economic Forum covering business sector ensured in practice? 139 countries, the Netherlands has 13th position (compared to 14th position in 2005).1863 The executives In general, businesses have a comprehensive approach were asked to react to the question ‘In your country, to ensuring the integrity of those working for them; how common is it for firms to make undocumented comprising enforcement of existing rules, proactive extra payments or bribes connected with (a) imports inquiries into alleged misbehaviour, sanctioning of and exports; (b) public utilities; (c) annual tax payments; misbehaviour, as well as the regular training of (d) the awarding of public contracts and licenses; (e) staff/board on integrity issues. However, the focus is obtaining favourable judicial decisions?’ Respondents mainly upon extortion by public officials abroad and valued the Netherlands with a score of 6.1 (compared to situations (internationally and nationally) where the 5.9 in 2005) on a 7 points scale (1 = common, 7 = never company perceives corruption as costs. Despite the occurs). variety of management instruments to guarantee integrity, managers strongly rely upon the individual National studies conscience of their subordinates. A Dutch study showed that Dutch municipal officials assess the integrity of business organisations with a International rankings 5.2 on a scale of 1 to 10.1864 Companies doing business The integrity of Dutch companies is highly valued by the in developing countries, often perceive bribery and WEF Global Competitive Report 2010-2011.1860 The corruption as ‘intrinsic’ to doing business in these ethical behaviour of Dutch firms is rated with a 9th countries. They perceive this as a form of extortion, the position in the world rating list.1861 The Netherlands entrepreneur is not free, but is forced to act in a corrupt climbed from a third position on the Bribe Payers Index way.1865 Extortion is seldom used as justification for in 2008 to a shared first position (score 8.8 on a 1-10 corruption in the Netherlands. As part of a study scale) on the BPI of 2011.1862 The BPI 2011 ranked 28 of carried out by KPMG and the Limburg Employers the leading exporting countries based on the likelihood Association among the top 100 companies of the their multinational businesses will use bribes when province of Limburg,1866 signs of extortion, including operating abroad. The BPI is based upon responses by extortion by officials, emerged. Almost 90 percent of

1860 This competitiveness-ranking is based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic Forum by Sala-i-Martin and first introduced in 2004. The GCI is based on 12 pillars of competitiveness, providing a comprehensive picture of the competitiveness landscape in countries around the world at all stages of development. The pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macro- economic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labour market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation. The rankings are derived from both publicly-available data and the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the World Economic Forum together with its network of Partner Institutes. The WEF Competitive Index is partly based upon an ‘opinion poll.’ 1861 World Economic Forum, Global Competitive Report 2010 – 2011. See p. 382. 1862 Transparency International, Bribe Payers Index, 2008 and Bribe Payers Index 2011. 1863 World Economic Forum, Global Competitive Report 2010 – 2011. See p. 370 and Kaufmann, World Bank, Executive Opinion Survey 2005, World Economic Forum, 2006. In: Integrity in Public Procurement, OECD, 2007, 121. 1864 J.H.J. van den Heuvel, L.W.J.C.Huberts, Z. van der Wal, K. Steenbergen, Integriteit van het lokaal bestuur. Raadgriffiers en gemeentsec- retarissen over integriteit. Den Haag, 2010, 85. 1865 H. Nelen and A. Nieuwendijk, Geen ABC. Analyse van Rijksrecherche onderzoeken naar ambtelijke en bestuurlijke corruptie, Boom, Den Haag, 2003. 1866 KPMG Limburg en Limburgse Werkgevers Vereniging (LWV), Limburg Consolidated Top 100, 2000.


the companies indicated that employees were for corruption are, according to this study in particular, embarrassed by customers who asked for favours. With the hospitality business, transportation, real estate, regard to public officials, this is much less. Except for (illegal) workers, illegal renting/selling of homes, money the construction companies; three-quarters of the laundering of criminal acquired assets, courier services, companies replied that they were confronted with airport luggage handling, containers etc.1869 pressure from officials. According to a research study, the police annually The National Contact point that promotes compliance report 80 incidents of extortion. The report also with the OECD code, recognised a form of corruption mentions a large ‘dark number’. The willingness to where charity is used as cover-up for corruption. report extortion incidents is low due to the fear of During a procurement process the offer is linked to the reprisals. Based on the advice of the NPC Steering sponsoring of a community project in order to obtain Committee Extortion, the state secretary of VJ an order. This is according to the NCP a form of political developed an integrated approach to the problem of corruption, which is not easily to recognise as such.1870 extortion.1867 The approach proposed by the state The very positive attitude from the Dutch towards secretary of VJ aimed to decrease the threshold for charity may distract attention from the corrupt nature reporting extortion incidents. Through some (pilot) of this form of sponsorship. projects, such as the appointment of a trustee for extortion to set up an Extortion Hotline and informing An analysis of corruption investigations by the entrepreneurs about the possibilities of the Report Rijksrecherche (National Police) in the period 2003- Crime Anonymously Hotline (Meld misdaad anoniem) 2007 showed that it is clear in these investigations that when extortion occurs, the state secretary wants to it is often the civil servant who initiates the examine what is seen as the most effective method for corruption.1871 The study also showed that in four dealing with extortion. Although extortion by officials cases the corruption was a form of extortion. In these is not seen as an issue, the comprehensive approach of cases the person who was put under pressure refused the state secretary also offers a certain assurance to pay the bribe. In three of these cases this person against extortion by officials. reported the corruption. This led to the investigations being conducted.1872 The second national threat assessment shows that, in particular, the corruption of the legal economy Commodity and industrial boards frequently is used by criminal networks.1868 Here it is In September 2010 the Supervisory Chamber possible to distinguish a variety of activities, ranging (Toezichtkamer) of the SER, which supervises the from the abuse of the tax system or the licensing system commodity and industrial boards, issued its final to the targeted bribing of certain individuals in report following its study on preventing (the government, business or in professions, such as lawyers appearance of) conflict-of-interest in commodity and and notaries. The industries that provide opportunities industrial boards.1873

1867 Letter of the Minister of Security and Justice to the Tweede Kamer about extortion, 26th of April 2011. 1868 Actualisering van dreigingen uit 2004; verslag van een onderzoek voor het Nationaal dreigingsbeeld, Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Dienst IPOL, Zoetermeer, October 2008. 1869 Politie Amsterdam-Amstelland, Over ondermijning. Een verkenning naar het fenomeen, de aanpak en mogelijke verbeteringen, Tweede druk, 2009. 1870 Voorbeeld van NCP: 1871 Niet voor persoonlijk gebruik. Omkoping van ambtenaren in de civiele openbare sector, Den Haag, Rijksrecherche, 2010, 22. 1872 Ibid.

1873 Toezichtkamer SER ‘Eindrapportage themaonderzoek Integriteit (Belangenverstrengeling)’ 1st of September 2010 and interview with Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER),

interview held the 15th of March 2011.


The study concluded that the boards met the Effectiveness of company self-regulation requirements regarding the prevention of conflict-of- Dutch companies, especially the larger companies, have interest, but that in order to consistently pay attention ethical codes, CSR codes or sustainability codes. These are to good governance, attention needed to be paid to the also often embedded in coherent structures. This includes attitude and behaviour of employees and members of dilemma training, a focus on integrity during performance the board and commissions regarding good interviews, trust persons and trust committees, ethics governance. All boards have designed an integrity committees, whistle-blower regulations, reporting protocol, but the way in which boards ensure that the procedures, ethics audits, ethics reports, and protocol is applied in practice differs from one board to sustainability and CSR reports. One analyst considers another. Some boards use the protocol during integrity in law to be different from integrity in practice, performance talks with employees, while others do not and describes how multinationals write a positive provide the protocol to new employees. message in their CSR report that everything is going well, The provisions concerning gifts, invitations and while they operate in corrupt countries such as Nigeria.1877 company resources are well-respected. On one hand the social control within the small circle of board From the interviews and the documents (reports) an members is believed to ensure violations become overall picture emerges that codes and integrity systems known, it is also considered to be the reason why board in practice are less effective than expected. Five members would not address the misconduct of other arguments in different forms are mentioned. members. Most boards have taken measures on the registration One finds the integrity instruments to be too formal of board member side-functions. In some boards there Many of these rules and management instruments are is no clear understanding of who is in charge of not noticed by management and employees. In many monitoring possible conflict-of-interest. A majority of cases, it is not a question of better communication, but boards have taken additional measures to ensure most managers and employees just don not seem open integrity, such as a course on integrity for new board for it. Employees are often not familiar with the rules of members or the introduction of policies on subsidies. the code of conduct. Behavioural norms are more implicit and are transferred during the project by more One expert stated that the study showed that experienced colleagues to the young people1878 commodity and industrial boards are rather passive and should take more initiative to accomplish things, The integrity instruments take away responsibility but this means a cultural change.1874 One incident One expert, who as a forensic accountant has done involving a board has led to increasing awareness.1875 much research into large and small corruption affairs, Another expert stated that no business sector is free of claims to see that the integrity policies of companies incidents, but that overall integrity is not a major theme aim at ‘removing the ability to think’.1879 Integrity, in his within the SER, because there are relatively few view, is too much a matter of ticking boxes. The incidents.1876 dilemmas behind it are often not discussed.1880

1874 Interview with Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor Directorate of Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the

Netherlands (SER), interview held the 15th of March 2011. 1875 Ibid.

1876 Interview with Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the 15th of March 2011. 1877 Thornton and Norton Rose (2011). p.23-24. 1878 Interview with Stephan Jansen, Head of Department for Water Treatment, international consultancy and engineering firm DHV, interview

held the 5th of April 2011.

1879 Interview with Peter Schimmel, Partner Grant Thornton Forensic & Investigation Services, interview held the 6th of May 2011. 1880 Interview with Henk Wijnen, Project manager at PIANOo, Public Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic

Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, interview held the 16th of May 2011.


Too many rules lead to the opposite effects exclude companies on the basis of a code of conduct Managers and employees experience integrity policies in a tender procedure, ‘because this would be as an abundance of codes and regulations. There is an contrary to the equality and anti-discrimination attitude of employees and managers of not bothering principle described in several directives and possibly about formal legislation.1881 Rules, especially when even with the Treaty establishing the European there are too many, are counterproductive. People lose Community.’1887 the overview.1882 One expert does not exclude that such an abundance of rules will only lead to the The anti-corruption laws are hardly used in court cases opposite effect, that tricks are used to get the invested An important practical problem concerns the money back.1883 provability of corruption. The prosecution officer tends to drop the corruption aspect and only prosecutes the Codes of conduct primarily serve the interest of the associated offences (fraud, acting against the employer and call on cynicism competition laws, etc.). According to several interviewees, codes of conduct are only applied when these are in the interest of the SMEs company and the top management. For example, these A study into good governance in SMEs (Small Business codes are used to lay people off, but they may also be Governance) showed that there is little knowledge on used in the supervision of contractors; integrity can be what is considered to be ‘corporate governance’ within a part of the general terms and conditions of the SMEs.1888 Some typical features of the SME company.1884 entrepreneur seem to make it difficult to pay attention In an international context, the supply side of to corporate governance. These include little possibility corruption is neglected, i.e. the offering of bribes to for delegation, primary interest in the core business, officials or politicians with the intention to influence little time, little room to experiment and little response the decision.1885 This opportunism often leads to from the business environment.1889 The OECD has cynicism. called on businesses, especially SMEs, to step up their fight against bribery.1890 Codes are not valued by the market Having a code of conduct and an effective integrity Corruption cases policy is not a selection criterion in tender Thanks to a whistle-blower, the Dutch construction procedures, and this is even expected by the fraud (Bouwfraude) was publicised in 2001. A total of competition laws. Companies are only reviewed on seven civil servants were prosecuted for corruption. The the basis of the Directive Integrity and Exclusion prosecutions made visible that there was a tension (Regeling Integriteit en Uitsluiting) of the Minister of between competition law and criminal law. Only one EL&I.1886 It states explicitly that it is not allowed to company and two individuals working at companies

1881 Interview with René Werger, Director of MCF Ondernemingsadviseurs B.V., interview held the 4th of May 2011. 1882 Ibid. 1883 ‘Belastingdienst beboet ruim 600 bedrijven in vastgoed om fraude’, NRC, 18 mei 2011.

1884 Interview with René Werger, Director of MCF Ondernemingsadviseurs B.V., interview held the 4th of May 2011. 1885 ‘Eindrapportage Task Force Anti-Corruptie’, Kamerstuk, 23-04-2008, BZ. See also: private-sector/documents/netherlands-action-plan.pdf. 1886 Published in the Staatscourant on 27 February 2004. 1887 ‘Rijk laat gedragscode links liggen’, Podium voor ontwikkelingen in en om de bouw & infra, Bouwend Nederland, jaargang 1, nr. 16, 22 september 2005. 1888 Hessels, S.J.A. and Hooge, E.H. (2006). p.63. 1889 Ibid. 1890 OECD (2010) Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance.


involved were prosecuted for corruption.1891 An the province of Limburg, had to face the charges of interesting detail is that the whistle-blower was one of corruption in court.1894 The court convicted two the few people who were prosecuted. Several managers managers of the company. Four civil servants were also of construction companies have been prosecuted for convicted for corruption. Some cases are awaiting acting in breach of competition law. The legislature had appeal before a higher court. Besides the corruption previously decided to distinguish between the case, the NMa, imposed a fine of EUR 3 million on the competition law aspects and the criminal law elements, company for the manipulation of eleven procurement and to prosecute these separately. The legislature contracts.1895 For more information, please refer to thereby established the primacy of competition law. The Chapter Corruption Profile/Corruption Cases. corruption within several cases of the renowned construction fraud was only visible through the criminal The tax authorities announced that, as a result of the offence (forgery) against the competition law. It is not investigation ‘Nokvorst’, they had fined 600 possible to prosecute someone twice for the same companies. Of the 1,291 companies surveyed, half of offence. Therefore, only the last offence was the cases involved irregularities, and EUR 1 billion in prosecuted.1892 revenues were withheld. A total of EUR 330 million in It is often unclear or difficult to legally qualify the fines and surcharges were imposed for fraud.1896 alleged criminal offence(s), and therefore the Dutch So far three Dutch companies have been confronted statistics may seriously under-report the number of with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).1897 per se bribery offences. These might also have been Paradigm BV, Snamprogetti BV en Shell Nigeria prosecuted as fraud, money-laundering, forgery, book Exploration and Production Company Ltd have been and record violations, tax violations, etc. investigated by US public prosecution services. Most Another notable case was the conviction of the director cases were dealt with by settlement, varying from USD of the Port of Rotterdam. The judge considered it to be 1 million (Paradigm BV) to USD 30 million (Shell). Shell proven that he had accepted gifts (the use and design also had to implement a compliance and ethics of a luxury apartment in Antwerp), in exchange for programme for the subsidiary company involved in the favourable treatment.1893 The active corrupt party, in paying of a total of USD 7 million. Snamprogetti BV had this case the director or employees of the company to pay a fine of USD 240 million for bribing top civil RDM, who offered the director of the Port of Rotterdam servants in Nigeria. It also had to pay back a total of the use and design of the luxury apartments, have not USD 125 million of profits and USD 30 million of been prosecuted (yet) for corruption. settlements to the Nigerian authorities.1898 Another recent corruption case, which has been brought before the court concerns construction fraud in In 2008, the public prosecutor fined seven companies the province of Limburg. Here a very clear form of active among which Saybolt International, Flowserve and corruption was prosecuted. A total of 15 people, Organon (a former division of AkzoNobel), as part of including a former director, a former regional manager the ‘UN Oil-for-Food’ corruption scandal. Together and three former employees of a construction company, they paid fines of somewhat less than Euro 900.000 and a total of nine officials, including an employee of and about Euro 500.000 for illegally obtained

1891 1892 Vonnis bouwfraude, Parketnummer van de berechte zaak: 10/000066-03, Datum uitspraak: 9 juni 2005. Zie Verslag van een algemeen overleg vastgesteld op 11 augustus 2004 (28 244, nr. 81). 1893 Uitspraak rechtbank Rotterdam, Parketnummers: 10/996550-05 en 10/994175-09, 15 oktober 2010.

1894 De Limburger, 5th of January 2011. See: 1895 ‘Drie miljoen boete voor Janssen De Jong Infra’, De Limburger, 5 Nov. 2010. 1896 ‘Belastingdienst beboet ruim 600 bedrijven in vastgoed om fraude’, NRC, 18 mei 2011. 1897 Het Financieele Dagblad. ‘Justitie VS pakt omkoping in buitenland hard aan’. 23 February 2012 p. 13. 1898 Ibid.


advantages. These cases resulted from prosecution Primer all relevant international laws and guidelines, procedures started earlier by the US authorities. together with concrete examples of issues managers AkzoNobel had to pay a fine of 2,9 million US dollar to have to face, are discussed. the SEC as a penalty for the payments of bribes to an amount of about USD 280.000.1899 National Platform for Crime Control Since 1992 the National Platform for Crime Control has been active. This is a partnership of government and ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY ENGAGEMENT industry. The platform addresses all forms of crime in which businesses are the victim. In the platform, the To what extent is the business sector active in engaging Ministry of VJ, the Ministry of BZK, the Ministry of EL&I, the domestic government on anti-corruption? the police, the public prosecutor (OM) and the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) are In general, while anti-corruption features on the represented. On behalf of business, employer business sector’s agenda of engagement with the organisations and representatives of several branches of government, it is generally not a priority. Only rarely are industry are members of the platform. This platform there public statements by senior business people deals with crime prevention, of both external and internal calling on the government to do more to fight crime. Corruption is seen as a form of internal crime corruption. where companies perceive themselves as victims.1903 From the late 90s to the present, a number of regional UN Global Compact platforms for crime prevention have been established In 2007 a Dutch chapter of the UN Global Compact (stimulated by the NPC). This has created collaboration (GCNL) was established. The Global Compact is based on between industry and government at the local level. 10 principles which are agreed upon by the participants. The tenth principle concerns fighting corruption.1900 By Centre for Crime and Security the end of 2010, 68 companies, including several major In 2004 the Centre for Crime and Security (CVV - multinational companies and some NGOs such as Food Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid) Fair, were member of this chapter.1901 GCNL is affiliated was established.1904 Several organisations joined the with the MVO Platform (CSR Platform). This is a CCV, such as the Ministry of BZK, the Ministry of VJ and collaboration of NGOs that critically monitor business or of VNG. The CCV had corruption issue explicitly on its work together with companies as part of the CSR policy agenda, but there were too many initiatives on the of these companies. Shell has developed for its corruption topic, which led to fragmentation. On its management a so-called Management Primer1902 about website very little recent activities regarding corruption corruption. In what way is the management able to could be found. One news item found, dates back to contribute to corruption prevention? In the Management March 2011, all other items are from 2008.1905

1899 Karpati B., Assistant Regional Director in the Enforcement Division of the SEC, in Navigating dangerous waters, FCPA: Managing international business and acquisition compliance risk, ALM Legal Special Supplement to New York Law Journal and The National Law Journal, PWC 2008. Also 1900 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 1901

1902 Shell: Dealing with Bribery and Corruption: a Management Primer, 2nd edition, London 2003. 1903 Boeven op de Loonlijst. Uitgave van het VNO-NCW en MKB Nederland, 2007. Deze publicatie is tot stand gekomen in het kader van het Nationaal Platform Criminaliteitsbeheersing. boeven-op-de-loonlijst.pdf. 1904 CVV 2004 – 2009, Vijf jaar maatschappelijke veiligheid in beweging, 2009. het-ccv/CCV_2004_2009.pdf.

1905, consulted the 21st of December.


Task Force Anti-Corruption cooperating with NGOs to combat corruption. In 2005 the government established the Task Force Companies rarely provide financial support to help Anti-Corruption. This task force only focussed upon further initiatives. corruption abroad. In 2007, the task force delivered its final report.1906 In this report the supply side of Cooperation with CSOs on anti-corruption in the corruption (active corruption) was explicitly mentioned international arena as a weak spot. Corruption in the Netherlands is not a subject about which companies have entered into structural StvdA partnerships with NGOs. Where there is structural An investigation conducted by the Ministry of Social cooperation, it is part of the broader CSR programmes. Affairs and Employment showed that employers and Fighting corruption is a theme that is included into the employees wanted to have a code of conduct, which CSR policies of companies. As part of this broader could provide guidance when confronted with an approach, companies do seek cooperation with NGOs. integrity violation. This is done via CSR Netherlands, a knowledge-centre The ministry asked the StvdA whether it could develop and network organisation with more than 1000 these rules of conduct. companies as partners.1908 For CSR Netherlands In 2003, the StvdA advised employers and employee corruption is mainly a theme in the context of organisations that all collective agreements should international business. include whistle-blowing procedures.1907 The plea of the StvdA was a reaction to the Dutch construction Corruption in the international context, in particular fraud and the role of whistle-blower involved. The with regard to developing countries, receives much treatment of that whistle-blower made it clear that attention from NGOs. Corruption is seen as a major regulation of the position of whistle-blowers was cause of underdevelopment. desirable. The role of Dutch companies as providers of bribes in developing countries receives criticism. With the help SUPPORT FOR/ENGAGEMENT WITH CIVIL SOCIETY of Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam Novib, FNV Mondiaal and the Association for animal To what extent does the business sector engage protection (Dierenbescherming), the Guide for with/provide support to civil society on its task of Honest Banks (Eerlijke Bankwijzer) was developed. combating corruption? This Guide for Honest Banks includes the corruption issue.1909 Especially the Triodos Bank and ASN Bank While the business sector occasionally cooperates are considered to be good banks. Many of the well- with CSOs on anti-corruption reform initiatives, it known banks in the Netherlands score low on aspects does not address corruption in the Netherlands itself. such as climate change, labour rights, tax and A number of companies with operations abroad, are corruption.

1906 See: Eindrapportage Task Force Anti-Corruptie, Kamerstuk, 23-04-2008, BZ. See also: private-sector/documents/netherlands-action-plan.pdf. 1907 Stichting van de Arbeid haar Verklaring inzake het omgaan met vermoedens van misstanden in ondernemingen, 24 July 2003. Het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Arbeid heeft deze zelfregulering in 2006 geëvalueerd. See: Coen Zoon, Mirjam Stuivenberg, Hans Nauta, Peter Donker van Heel, Ecorys, Evaluatie zelfregulering klokkenluidersprocedures, rapport in opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale zaken en Werkgelegenheid, 2006. 1908 1909 The theme of corruption is combined with the theme of tax. See: De eerlijke Bankwijzer. See also: J.W. van Gelder, A. Herder, D. Kouwenhoven (Profundo), De Eerlijke Bankwijzer, 10e update. Een onderzoeksrapport voor Oxfam Novib, Amnesty International,

Milieudefensie, FNV Mondiaal en Dierenbescherming,, consulted the 21st of February 2012.


Development aid and development trade entrepreneurship in developing countries. One In the Netherlands ‘tied aid’ (gebonden hulp), the example is the cooperation between Ahold and ICCO in requirement that the recipients of development aid relation to the purchase of potatoes, vegetables and have to spend the money received on buying products fruit in Third World countries. In this way, the from Dutch companies) has always been a major economies of developing countries are stimulated and concern because of fear that it would become a at the same time a fair price for the farmers in the ‘subsidy’ for Dutch businesses. This is seen as abuse of developing countries and environmental care are development aid. In recent years the reluctance with assured.1910 For more information on NGOs, please refer regard to the involvement of businesses in to Report on Civil Society. development cooperation has been abandoned. Development aid of the government now runs partly At present there are individual partnerships between through co-financing of NGOs. The NGOs that receive companies and NGOs. From both sides people are money from the government, as part of its working on a more systematic involvement of development cooperation programme, are called co- enterprises with development NGOs.1911 An example of financing organisations (MFOs - Medefinancierings- a more structural cooperation between Dutch organisaties). Co-financing by the government also companies and NGOs, together with the Dutch depends upon the money that is collected by the NGOs government in the Netherlands, as well as with from the private sphere. For NGOs it is therefore very companies, NGOs and governments in developing important to find other sources for funding in addition countries is the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH to government funding. In this respect the business - Initiatief Duurzame Handel).1912 This is a very community plays a major role. The government successful initiative. However, corruption prevention budget-cuts will lead to more pressure on NGOs to with respect to partner selection receives no explicit seek cooperation with businesses. The policy of the attention. In an implicit way, corruption is addressed government is therefore aimed at promoting when the reliability of certification is discussed. Then it entrepreneurship and the stimulation of the business is about the reliability of information about the environment. The Dutch business community is seen sustainability of products traded. This presupposes no as ideally suited to cooperate with NGOs on promoting corruption.

1910 1911 1912


CONCLUSIONS FROM THE REPORT “THE NATIONAL notable is that, in general, pillars do have sufficient INTEGRITY SYSTEM ASSESSMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS resources available to carry out their activities. Most 2012” pillars are on the one hand characterised by a great degree of independence with regard to other pillars, but In the previous chapters we investigated to what extent on the other hand sufficient ‘checks and balances’ are the pillars of the Netherlands’ National Integrity System provided that prevent any pillar from gaining unbridled contribute to ensuring integrity in the Netherlands. power. From this, it can be concluded that there is Here we looked to see whether formal provisions were sufficient capacity within pillars to ensure integrity, so present that are oriented towards promoting integrity that the capacity of the NIS can be judged positively. and preventing corruption, and at the same time we looked into how these provisions actually work out in Governance practice. The foremost conclusion that can be drawn is Now the governance aspect, which can be that the Netherlands does have a relatively strong NIS. distinguished for each pillar. If in practice a given pillar The political, social, economic and cultural foundations has insufficient internal correction mechanisms are strong to very strong. Most pillars are sufficient to available, then generally speaking external correction strong in their safeguarding of integrity. This does not takes place through other pillars. Sometimes this diminish the fact that with each separate evaluation mechanism has its origin in the separation of powers aspects have been identified which deserve further whereby the legislature (Tweede Kamer) fulfils an attention, because over the long term they could important function in controlling the Executive constitute a risk for ensuring integrity. At the end of the (government), but often this sort of external correction day, integrity is not anything you should just take for is performed by a ‘watchdog’, as in the case of the granted. media that keeps an eye on the integrity of the The remark which is deemed appropriate, is that the members of the legislature (Tweede Kamer). In general, size of the pillars differs. It is easier to assess integrity sufficient legal requirements pertain to the various safeguarding when a given pillar comprises of one pillars when it comes to the way in which responsibility institution, as in the case of the Tweede Kamer. An should be taken for their actions. For most of the pillars assessment of a pillar that is composed of several this will happen through the submission of an annual organisations, such as the Public Sector, Civil Society or report and statement of accounts, but specific Business pillars, will in contrast mainly regard the pillar requirements apply to the different pillars, such as the as a whole, so that possible nuances at the meso- or requirement for ministries to report annually on their organisational level are present. own integrity policy. In practice, the way in which pillars take up this responsibility turns out to be inadequate. For example, businesses often do not report in time – CAPACITY, GOVERNANCE AND THE CONCEPT OF ROLES or at all – about their financial situation and their IN THE NETHERLANDS’ NIS societal impact, and the way that social organisations take responsibility for their activities also often falls Capacity short. Another aspect of governance is the degree of The Netherlands is characterised by great freedom for transparency which the pillars strive to attain. Here as the individual to fulfil a societal role. For example, it is well it is true that there are sufficient legal easy to set up a political party, to put yourself forward requirements designed to enlarge transparency with as a candidate and to exercise your vote in honest regard to pillars’ policy and procedures. For example, elections. This freedom is also visible in other pillars. It there is a requirement for (semi-)public organisations is also relatively easy in the Netherlands to establish that are financed out of public funds to make known your own company or social organisation or to report on and to include in their annual financial report all top the news as a broadcasting organisation. What is incomes that exceed the annually taxable income of a


minister. But on this point there are also shortcomings and social organisations often still turn out to be in that can be demonstrated regarding the desired short pants. Codes of conduct here are present only to transparency. For example, there is often a lack of a limited extent, and relatively little attention is paid to transparency when it comes to appointments to public issues such as ethical dilemmas. Giving the impression administration positions, where membership of a that people do not appeal to integrity issues. What is political party turns out to be an important criteria true for all pillars is that there is no adequate protection although this is not openly mentioned as a selection for whistle-blowers. A few regulations exist which criteria. Control mechanisms are lacking regarding (the apply to civil servants and employees of stock market politicisation of) the functioning of top civil servants. listed companies. For small- and medium-sized Another example is the lack of any clear system for companies this is not provided by law. The recently- allocating cases within the judiciary. Cases are changed whistle-blower regulations for civil servants allocated among judges by judicial administrators, but does not seem to offer better protection. This limited there is no requirement that this should be done ‘at protection and the negative image that has arisen of random’ and there is a complete lack of insight into the the consequences of ‘blowing the whistle’ in several process employed. sensational cases, have not contributed to the extent to which abuses are reported. The NIS methodology The last aspect upon which pillars’ governance is defines integrity within political parties as internal judged, is the degree to which integrity provisions are party democracy. The degree of internal party present. From the research it is apparent that for most democracy varies. There are parties without members, pillars this is sufficiently the case. For the public pillars parties where it is the party leader who determines the the Civil Service Law applies, which prescribes the (political) course, and parties with members who can requirements that the integrity policy must fulfil. In broadly participate in decisions about the course their general, these organisations indeed have developed an party will follow. integrity policy, however the degree to which integrity is truly embedded within the organisational culture Conception of role varies and is therefore a point of concern. For example, As a final subject, the NIS research investigated to what not every civil servant is aware of the diverse rules extent the pillars could adequately carry out their concerning conflict-of-interest and the duty to report specific roles. In general, this is the case for most violations. pillars. For example, the Algemene Rekenkamer is effective in the way it carries out audits of public For the non-governmental organisations an appeal is expenditures, so that it contributes substantially to the mostly made to self-regulation. In the business world improvement of financial administration in there exist large differences in the degree to which government. This is also true for the Ombudsman, who integrity provisions are encountered. In general these is active and effective in the way he looks into citizens’ are present as required in stock market listed complaints and at the same time knows how to create companies. However, the legal requirements regarding awareness among governmental agencies about the good corporate governance and transparency do not way they deal with citizens. Nevertheless, there are also apply for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), tasks that are barely carried out by the pillars, or not at nor is there serious self-regulation for realising all. For example, the task-concept ‘cooperation integrity. Considering the importance of SMEs for the between public, social and private organisations in the Dutch economy, greater attention to this is therefor realm of anti-corruption efforts’ is evaluated as being necessary. poor for the Public Sector, Civil Society, and Business But even if integrity provisions, such as codes of pillars. It’s true that the reason here lies in the limited conduct, are in fact present, this does not automatically conception such organisations have of the extent of lead to an ethical organisational culture, and the risk corruption in the Netherlands. However, even where exists that such a code will remain a ‘dead letter’. In pillars are busy individually with safeguarding order to draw conclusions about integrity within integrity, cooperation would offer the chance to put separate organisations and industries, further research this theme collectively on the agenda and to exchange need to be done. Also the integrity policies of media knowledge and experience.


RECURRING THEMES IN THE NETHERLANDS’ NIS uncertain whether in the Netherlands criminal charges are actually made when one has a suspicion of possible In addition to these general conclusions about the corrupt behaviour, whether in one’s own organisation or strength of the Netherlands’ NIS and the individual elsewhere. In addition, gathering and presenting pillars in the areas of capacity, governance and evidence of corruption remains a difficult point, so that conception of role, we can also draw a number of it is often not labelled as corruption and dealt with either notable conclusions about the Netherlands’ NIS. under criminal or administrative law. Related to that, Conclusions which on the one hand pertain to several registration of prosecutions and court sentences pillars or on the other hand concern precisely the involving corruption is by no means maintained interaction between pillars. centrally. In this way there is no overview of the extent of prosecutions of and sentencing for corruption in the Integrity promotion predominates Netherlands. This situation turns out to be even more One notable aspect of the Netherlands’ NIS is that difficult when it concerns corruption in other countries. attention is primarily devoted to the positive message of A general picture arises here of tension between the promoting integrity, and rather less attention is paid to criminal justice interest in enforcement and the the actual fighting of corruption that involves economic interest in avoiding criminal justice enforcement and which has a more negative connotation. involvement, so that the priority for investigating For example, there are various laws pertaining to civil possible corruption by Dutch firms outside the servant integrity, and self-regulation in the public and Netherlands is rather low (although this is disputed from private sectors is also oriented mainly towards promoting government side). The fact is that in the case of foreign integrity. The conscious choice was made to establish the corruption, gathering evidence is a difficult matter, and Office for the Promotion of Integrity in the Public Sector recent examples make clear that cooperation with (Dutch: BIOS) to support governmental agencies with foreign investigative agencies is regularly confronted setting up and implementing their own integrity policies, with a level of difficulty. It goes without saying that, in while the Netherlands still has no true anti-corruption the first place, companies have the responsibility to agency. Furthermore, anti-corruption initiatives are distance themselves from corrupt practices in their own seldom developed by governmental or non- country and anywhere else. It emerges from governmental organisations, or by businesses. Recent international research (based upon perceptions) that corruption scandals and the perception among the Dutch Dutch and Swiss businesses are perceived as the least population that corruption in the Netherlands has corrupt in comparison with the world’s 26 leading increased does indeed justify new attention for measures exporting countries. This does not diminish the fact that that are aimed at detecting and dealing with corruption, Dutch firms have also been guilty of corruption or have in addition to already-existing activities concerning been confronted by it. This emerges from the Global integrity. Economic Crime Survey 2011 as well as from a number of recent examples in which Dutch companies, through Corruption investigation and prosecution is difficult in an arrangement with authorities in another country, have practice done a fine for bribery. The above does not diminish the fact that, within government and enforcement agencies, attention is Internal and independent investigative bureaus drawn to corruption. Since the 2005 White Paper on To an increasing degree organisations, when they Corruption Prevention many anti-corruption measures receive signs of integrity violations or suspicions of have been initiated and changes to the law have been corruption, choose to engage internal or independent pushed through. In the meantime, the fight against investigative bureaus to put the facts together and corruption has become part of the broader effort against create clarity about the matter. This has a positive side: financial and economic crime. Among other things, this investigation can be carried out quickly and suspicions has resulted in additional resources devoted to of integrity violations can be probed much earlier since enforcement agencies. The picture arises that there is still the threshold for calling in such bureaus is lower than room for improvement, regarding the detection and that for calling in the official enforcement agencies. But prosecution of corruption. For example, it is still there is also a negative side to this: the extent of


corruption becomes more difficult to see and we learn foundations, is therefore essential for safeguarding less from it. Besides the legal rights of those who are integrity. At the same time, there needs to be a right accused are unsatisfactorily assured and, if those balance between trust and control. In the absence of official enforcement agencies are ultimately called in effective control, even the slightest incident can damage anyway at a later stage, evidence can be lost. By the level of trust. So it is all the more important to note addressing the case privately without reporting it or that within different pillars concerns have arisen about without consulting the criminal justice element of the the consequences of the economic crisis and the chain that is supposed to combat corruption, that resulting financial retrenchment. On the one hand, here chain, becomes broken and broad insight as well as a a distinction needs to be made between worries about coordinated approach is no longer possible. being able to adequately carry out their particular tasks as a result of that retrenchment, as in the case of the Dealing with corruption via the labour law Algemene Rekenkamer and the judiciary. On the other Many possible incidents of corruption are taken care of hand, the trust that Dutch people have in their in the labour-law sphere, that is, privately. This has institutions can also come under pressure now that crisis certain advantages. One can start working on the and financial retrenchment have become apparent and matter quickly, and no lawsuits are needed. A are being felt in people’s daily lives. disadvantage is that corrupt incidents thereby do not become visible and it will be difficult to draw any Anchoring integrity in times of economic crisis lessons from it. At the same time, protection for the As these hard times continue, the signals that there will civil servant involved is limited here. Also, in this way also be cut-backs regarding integrity form a point of someone who is punished by this procedure can later concern in themselves. In recent years, in the simply pursue activities somewhere else. For example, Netherlands, there has been substantial investment in when corrupt practices by a civil servant are handled via the various pillars with the purpose of developing and disciplinary means, the civil servant involved can go implementing integrity policies. Initially mainly by pursue his activities elsewhere, while still receiving a means of ‘hard controls’ (laws and regulations), but later certificate of good behaviour. The risk arises here that attention was also being paid to ‘soft controls’ (culture, corrupt behaviour, remaining unnoticed, can even awareness, mutual supervision). What has come forward spread elsewhere. A similar situation is in fact present from our research is that the state of affairs with regard in the private sector, where the dismissal procedure for to this safeguarding of integrity for each individual pillar corrupt employees is more or less common. - but also within the organisations belonging to each pillar - shows great differences. However, in general it Trust as a key concept is true for all pillars that there still is no true anchoring Another notable aspect of the Netherlands’ NIS is the key of integrity policy. Only to a limited degree does it concept of ‘trust’, when it comes to safeguarding appear that people employed within the pillars call each integrity. In general, Dutch people show a high degree of other out for abuse or actively discuss integrity trust in each other and in their institutions. The way a dilemmas. The picture that seems to arise here, of pillar functions, directly influences the level of trust. This citizens in the Netherlands, is that they are finding it is apparent from, among other things, the decrease of difficult to speak openly about their own or other confidence in the judiciary after a number of sensational people’s integrity and to call each other out about any judicial and legal failings. On the other hand, this trust potentially unethical behaviour. The pillars themselves is still implicitly conceded to be present. For example, do challenge each other’s unethical conduct. However, transparency concerning the financial and business now that most of them are starting to feel the effects of interests of a policy-maker is offered only if the Tweede the economic crisis, there are also signals that Kamer specfically indicates it does not approve the organisations are no longer affording integrity the specific situation. Confidence in judges’ integrity is also highest priority. From here it emerges that integrity is assumed to be present, although if there are serious often still regarded as ‘something extra’ and not as a grounds that call the independence of a judge into basic requirement for an organisation’s good question, one can make use of the right of challenge. functioning. It is clear that such an attitude brings along This trust, as is also made clear from analysis of the NIS’ great risks for ensuring integrity.


Risks to the media’s watchdog function seeming to have a conflict-of-interest, have ceased Reference was made earlier to the great number of certain outside activities while both results can form a watchdogs making up the Netherlands’ NIS, all of which risk for the safeguarding of integrity. in their own way keep an eye on other pillars and so detect and publicise possible abuse or integrity Favours for friends rather than financial gain violations within the pillars. The National Ombudsman, With regard to the regulations concerning accepting the media and social organisations, to take three official gifts, it can be noted that people employed examples, each in their own way play an important and within the pillars usually are well aware of those rules. effective role in monitoring the behaviour of The question is rather whether these actually serve best governmental and private organisations. They thus to ensure integrity. From empirical research into form an important (external) correction mechanism integrity violations it has usually turned out that within the NIS by detecting unethical conduct in other conflicts-of-interest more often arise via one’s institutions. However, some risk still lies in the fact that business and personal contacts, and how one deals these watchdogs devote relatively little attention to with those. Here financial advantage is usually not the their own integrity. Only to a limited degree do these motivation, it rather is a matter of services performed organisations have integrity policies of their own, and for friends for which one utilises the power with which in practise, these pillars take little responsibility to one has been entrusted. By concentrating exclusively report about integrity. This brings risks for their own on ensuring integrity via registration of outside safeguarding of integrity, but also shows the lack of activities, it often neglects the attention to the question awareness regarding the performance of an example of how to deal ethically with one’s own network and role, which they are supposed to fulfil. with requests for favours arising from that network.

The same observation can be made about the Tweede Transparency: Not too much, not too little Kamer. As the highest organ within the democracy, it is Within many pillars transparency is lacking in one way important that it shows willingness to give a high or another. This research has shown that some sort of priority to its own integrity. insight into a pillar’s set-up, its way of working, its decision-making is important in order to ensure Side-functions: A plus and also a risk integrity since it enables the detection of abuse. But an A standard part of integrity policy within the pillars excess of transparency can also degrade citizens’ trust making up public administration is the mandatory in the respective pillar. It therefore remains necessary registration of outside activities. The thought here is to to find the right balance between cases that should be make it evident, whether there is possible conflict-of- made public and those that do not pertain to a larger interest when someone fulfils several functions. For interest for large scale publicity to be necessary. It is several pillars it is true that people employed within the thus essential for the adequate safeguarding of pillar carry out their work independently, without integrity that appointment procedures to public losing sight of the community. Until recently, then, administration become more transparent. At the same outside activities were seen as a way to stay in touch time it is of great importance that government with what was going on in a certain community. For documents, such as legislative proposals, are freely example, this was true for judges, who had previously accessible. In the Netherlands the way of archiving been scolded for hiding out too much in their ‘ivory official documents is a point of concern, in the same tower’. Later, the conviction arose that outside way as the previously-mentioned methods for activities side-functions could form a risk to the collecting information in accordance with the safeguarding of integrity. From the research it emerged Openness of Government Act. that people routinely failed to report outside activities (for example, by legislative deputies and judges), which Lack of legislation then affected the trust in these pillars, apart from the Despite the fact that since 2005 there has been a question whether or not there was in fact any actual steady stream of new legislation aimed at preventing conflict-of-interest involved. On the other hand, corruption and protecting integrity, there is still a others employed within the pillars, out of fear for number of areas where this legislation is still


inadequate, so that the safeguarding of integrity within Netherlands. It’s true that bribing persons who are not several pillars and within the NIS as a whole remains civil servants are punishable, but then it must be a limited. For example, current legislation offers no matter of work-related non-civil-servant bribery. In adequate protection for whistle-blowers. So that there addition, the bribed person must keep silent about it is great risk that, when there is suspicion of abuse, one before his employer. This is insufficient, especially will refrain from reporting it since this can have compared to other European countries where substantial negative personal consequences. A number corruption in the private sector is combated. This of prominent whistle-blower cases have demonstrated seems to be justified as the last Corruption Perception that such consequences, both for one’s work and one’s Report from Transparency International has private life, can indeed be considerable. The current demonstrated that the size of corruption in the private whistle-blower regulations do little to detract from this sector is almost equal to the corruption by civil impression. This point of criticism applies to all pillars servants. Codes of conduct and compliance regulation within the NIS. have to do mainly with exchange-listed enterprises and A second example of faulty legislation has to do with financial institutions, but not small- or middle-sized financing political parties. The proposed bill regarding firms. This makes the business world especially this financing only relates to political parties that are vulnerable to integrity violations. represented in Parliament (the Eerste Kamer or the Tweede Kamer), and feature relatively high threshold- Beyond corruption strictly-defined levels for the reporting of donations. In addition, From our research it emerged that certain sectors, such supervision is not vested in any independent agency. as the construction and real-estate sector, make more This limited regulation of political party financing appearance in criminal cases having to do with forms a considerable risk for ensuring the integrity of corruption. Also recent cases of corruption have taken political parties and thereby for honest political place in these sectors. On the other hand, it turns out decision-making. that various pillars have their own forms of integrity A third faulty statute, concerning the safeguarding of violations. Often these violations cannot be categorised integrity of several pillars, is the Openness of as corruption in the strict sense, such as in the case of Government Act. In practise, the right to information inaccurate reporting by journalists, or the use of public that it propounds, turns out not to be realised, for money by a former minister to put out a newspaper, government agencies often fail to react, or do so with which can be regarded as a campaign activity. considerable delay, to requests from journalists or These examples indicate that in some cases it is citizens. There has been much criticism regarding this difficult to make a clear judgment as to right or wrong, point from the press and the Ombudsman. It is still or ethical versus unethical. Here it is important to look unclear whether the Executive or the Tweede Kamer into which risks are specific to the separate pillars intends to work on this. and/or sectors so that attention can be devoted to A fourth point of concern in the area of legislation is raising integrity awareness. the lack of rules for lobbyists. Lobbyists have no obligation to register and can effortlessly gain access Anti-corruption authority to government buildings and to governing structures. In the Netherlands there is no anti-corruption This forms a risk to the independence of the authority. BIOS fulfils only a facilitating role by Legislature, Executive and Public Sector pillars, and supporting government agencies in forming their there is simply no insight as to either the scale or the integrity policies. An agency with a preventative as well extent of lobbyists’ influence upon political decision- as an educational and suppressive approach towards making. corruption is still lacking and would be a solution for what is now an abuse-reporting system that is too Business and anti-corruption legislation fragmented. For now, as already discussed, the current Dutch anti-corruption legislation is to be found in the whistle-blower regulations do not work, and the articles of the criminal code. The problem is that here Commission for Government Integrity (Dutch: CIO) fails corruption by civil servants is central. Corruption to provide adequate possibilities for investigation into among private parties is not punished in the abuses. Moreover, this only concerns reports of abuse


at the level of national government, so that for example competencies for the sake of financial advantage, one no reporting is possible relating to a water authority. can speak of corruption. The challenge for the Persons who want to report abuse in most cases should Netherlands will be to retain the good elements of our do so internally at first, before the CIO enters the consensus- and network-society, all while keeping an picture. eye on conduct that sometimes may not fall directly In addition, abuse can be reported via an anonymous under the definition of corruption; situations where line (Dutch: Meld Misdaad Anoniem) or by making nonetheless one can still speak of ‘abuse of entrusted contact with enforcement agencies. There is no power for private ends’. Here it should be taken into comparable means of reporting for people in the consideration that more rules do not always lead to private sector. This tangle of agencies makes much more ethical behaviour. If one really wants to anchor uncertainty over the way abuses can be reported. integrity within the pillars of the NIS, then one should above all devote attention to the continual And finally: Integrity and the ‘polder model’ development of a moral compass by individuals, and The Netherlands is a country that strives for consensus the discussion of moral dilemmas and calling each and the creation of broad-based support – the so- other out over unethical conduct should become called ‘polder model’. At all levels room is provided to customary within Dutch society. This should not only individuals and collectives to look after their own be done with messages from the top but also with interests. The Netherlands is also characterised by the measures to make decision makers themselves at the fact that citizens actively wear several different ‘hats’ top more accountable to each other. Only when one’s and fulfil various roles as they contribute to their own integrity is no longer a taboo, a future proof NIS society. Informal networks thereby form the cement for can emerge. that society. All this is seen as one of the key strengths of the Netherlands’ as a society. But as is also always This country-study is intended as the starting-point the case here, too much good can lead to pitfalls. This for further efforts to curb corruption and promote is the case when tending after one’s interests integrity in the Netherlands. Now that the strong and withdraws behind the curtain, as is the case with weaker points of the Netherlands’ NIS are apparent, it lobbying or with the financing of political parties. And is time to address those weaker points. The starting also when those informal contacts result in using the position in the form of what is already a fairly strong public power with which one has been entrusted for Netherlands National Integrity System should be favouring friends, acquaintances and family in some encouraging - there is no need to start from zero, way. As soon as there is talk of misuse of (public) rather it is more a matter of ‘overdue maintenance’.



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generaal of the 11th of May 2010 with the subject: Nederlandse politie (June 2011) and corresponding Brief Onderzoek Sierra, Tom Poes en Zembla (PaG/BJZ/32305) van de minister van Veiligheid en Justitie ‘Versterking

professionele weerbaarheid politie’ from the 27th of June Letter from the chair of the EC regarding external contacts, dated 2011 the 10th of May 2006 Raad van State. Notitie kwaliteiten waarmee rekening moet worden Kaderwet Adviescolleges gehouden bij werving en selectie van staatsraden en staatsraden in buitengewone dienst

Letter from the Minister of Interior and Kingdom relations from 19th

of April 2011Betreft Ambtelijke bijstand in het kader van Raming der voor de Tweede Kamer in 2008 benodigde uitgaven, een verkiezingscampagne alsmede aanwijzing en raming van de ontvangsten Kamerstuk 30996, nr. 9 Motie van het lid Schinkelshoek

Letter on Wet openbaarheid van bestuur from the minister of the C.S.2 juli 2007.

Interior and Kingdom relations from the 31st of May 2011. Raming der voor de Tweede Kamer in 2011 benodigde uitgaven,

Meerjarenbeleidsplan 2008-2012 Rijksrecherche alsmede aanwijzing en raming van de ontvangsten, Kamerstuk 32370 nr.2.

Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties. (2006). Modelaanpak basisnormen integriteit openbaar bestuur en Regeling financiële ondersteuning fracties Tweede Kamer. politie. Regeling van 15 september 2006, nr. 5443243/06, houdende

Motie-Van Raak (Kamerstukken II, 2009–2010, 29 628, nr.212. regels ten aanzien van de behandeling van klachten over de Rijksrecherche (Klachtenregeling Rijksrecherche).

Nader rapport inzake het voorstel van wet houdende regels inzake de subsidiering en het toezicht op de financiën van Reglement van Orde Algemene Rekenkamer. politieke partijen (Wet financiering politieke partijen) of the

18th April 2011. Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.

‘Nieuwe regels omtrent aanbestedingen (Aanbestedingswet 20..)’. Reglement van orde voor de ministerraad.

Nota naar aanleiding van het verslag Kamerstuk 32600 nr.8. Reglement voor de Dienst Verslag en Redactie.

Nota van Wijziging and art. 6 Wet implementatie Rijksbegroting 2010 VII Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties rechtsbeschermingsrichtlijnen aanbesteden. SBS Mediacode

Nota Waarderen en selecteren van archieven in het

informatietijdperk (NA/10/6.639) 17th of December 2010 Sociaal Jaarverslag Rijk 2010

OM Jaarbericht 2009 The Parliamentary Inquiry Act and Chapter XII of the Standing Orders Tweede Kamer.

Persrichtlijn rechtspraak 2008


Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Jaarcijfers 2010 Wet op de Parlementaire enquête 2008

TROS Mediagedragscode Wet op de Raad van State

Vacaturetekst Algemene Rekenkamer ‘Collegelid Algemene Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie rekenkamer (m/v)’ 2010 Wet openbaarheid van bestuur Vaststelling begroting Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties (VII) voor het jaar 2011 via, Wet openbaarmaking uit publieke middelen gefinancierde

accessed on the 13th of August 2011. topinkomens, Bezoldigingsbesluit Burgerlijke Rijksambtenaren 1984. Vaststelling van de begrotingsstaten van het Ministerie van Justitie (VI) voor het jaar 2010. Wet Politiegegevens

Voorstel van Wet ‘Regels inzake de normering van bezoldigingen Wet Rechtspositie Raad van State, Algemene Rekenkamer en van topfunctionarissen in de publieke en semipublieke Nationale Ombudsman sector (Wet normering bezoldiging topfunctionarissen publieke en semipublieke sector)’ Wet Rechtspositie Rechterlijke Ambtenaren

Vragen van het Kamerlid Leijten (SP) over topsalarissen van Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen

ziekenhuisbestuurders (2010Z11428) of the 3rd of August 2010. Wetsvoorstel Regels inzake de subsidiëring en het toezicht op de financiën van politieke partijen (Wet financiering politieke

Vragen van het lid Arib (PvdA) aan de minister van partijen) (32752) Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport over het topinkomen van de bestuursvoorzitter van Sanquin Bloedbanken Wetsvoorstel Wijziging van de Wet subsidiëring politieke partijen

(2009Z13915) of the 14th of July 2009. met het oog op verlaging van de subsidies (31906)

Waterschapswet Wet van 27 januari 2011 inzake wijziging van de begrotingsstaat van de Raad van State, de Algemene Rekenkamer, de

Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering Nationale ombudsman, de Kanselarij der Nederlandse Orden, het kabinet van de Gouverneur van de Nederlandse

Wetboek van Strafrecht Antillen en het kabinet van de Gouverneur van Aruba (IIB) voor het jaar 2010. (wijziging samenhangende met de

Wetboek van Strafvordering Najaarsnota). The marginal deviation in the final act still has to be checked.

Wet Nationale ombudsman


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LJN: BP1445, Rechtbank ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 01-993203-09. Retrieved from Website:


SUMMARY TABLES OF NIS FOUNDATIONS AND 6.3 JUDICIARY: Overall Pillar Score: 78/100 PILLARS1913 Indicator Law Practice Capacity Resources 100 75

FOUNDATIONS Independence 100 75 Governance Transparency 50 75 Political-institutional foundations Score: 75 Accountability 100 75 Socio-political foundations Score: 75 Integrity 75 50 Socio-economic foundations Score: 100 Role Executive Oversight 75 Socio-cultural foundations Score: 75 Corruption Prosecution 75

PILLARS 6.4 PUBLIC SECTOR: Overall Pillar Score: 61/100 6.1 LEGISLATURE: Overall Pillar Score: 62/1001914 Indicator Law Practice Indicator Law Practice Capacity Resources NA 75 Capacity Resources 100 50 Independence 75 50 Independence 75 50 Governance Transparency 75 50 Governance Transparency 100 50 Accountability 75 50 Accountability 50 75 Integrity 75 75 Integrity 75 50 Role Public Education 50 Role Executive Oversight 50 Cooperate with Legal Reforms 50 public institutions, CSOs and private 25 6.2 EXECUTIVE: Overall Pillar Score: 69/100 agencies in preven- Indicator Law Practice ting/addressing Capacity Resources NA 100 corruption Independence 75 75 Reduce corruption Governance Transparency 50 50 risks by safeguar- Accountability 100 75 ding integrity in 75 Integrity 50 50 public procurement Role Public Sector Management 75 6. 5 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES: (law and practice) Overall Pillar Score: 64/100 Legal System 50 Indicator Law Practice Capacity Resources NA 50 Independence 75 75 Governance Transparency 75 50 Accountability 100 100 Integrity 75 50 Role Corruption Prosecution 50

1913 Note: this NIS study is foremost a qualitative investigation, the points given for each indicator are indicative. 1914 The overall pillar score is a simple average of the scores of the three dimensions capacity, governance and role. The dimension scores are simple averages of the respective indicator scores.


6. 6 ELECTORAL MANAGEMENT BODY: 6.10 POLITICAL PARTIES: Overall Pillar Score: 65/100 Overall Pillar Score: 61/100 Indicator Law Practice Indicator Law Practice Capacity Resources NA 100 Capacity Resources 100 75 Independence 50 75 Independence 100 75 Governance Transparency 75 75 Governance Transparency 25 50 Accountability 75 75 Accountability 25 50 Integrity 50 75 Integrity 75 50 Role Campaign regulation 25 Role Interest aggregation Election and representation 75 Administration 75 Anti-corruption commitment 25 6.7 OMBUDSMAN: Overall Pillar Score: 89/100 Indicator Law Practice 6.11 MEDIA: Overall Pillar Score: 71/100 Capacity Resources NA 100 Indicator Law Practice Independence 100 100 Capacity Resources 100 75 Governance Transparency 50 100 Independence 100 75 Accountability 50 75 Governance Transparency 50 50 Integrity 50 75 Accountability 75 75 Role Investigation 100 Integrity Mechanisms 25 25 Promoting good Role Investigate and practice 100 expose cases of 75 corruption practice 6.8 SUPREME AUDIT INSTITUTION: Inform public on Overall Pillar Score: 75/100 corruption and its 75 Indicator Law Practice impact Capacity Resources NA 75 Inform public on Independence 75 75 governance issues 75 Governance Transparency 75 75 Accountability 75 100 6.12 CIVIL SOCIETY: Overall Pillar Score: 65/100 Integrity 75 100 Indicator Law Practice Role Effective financial Capacity Resources 100 100 audits 75 Independence 100 75 Detecting and Governance Transparency 50 sanctioning 50 Accountability 50 misbehavior Integrity 50 Improving financial Role Hold government management 75 accountable 75 Reform policy 25

6.9 ANTI-CORRUPTION AGENCIES No scores have been given to this pillar because there is no anti-corruption agency in the Netherlands.


6.13 BUSINESS: Overall Pillar Score: 66/100 Indicator Law Practice Capacity Resources 75 75 Independence 100 75 Governance Transparency 100 50 Accountability 100 50 Integrity 50 50 Role Anti-Corruption Policy Engagement 50 Support for/ Engagement with 50 Civil Society


NIS METHODOLOGY autonomous in its activities and decisions from external actors. The extent to which the pillar is free Each of the 12 institutions present in the Netherlands from external interference in its activities is considered is assessed along three dimensions that are essential to be an important indicator of the extent to which the to its ability to prevent corruption. In short, each pillar can carry out its tasks autonomously on the one dimension is measured by a common set of indicators. hand while ensuring adequate ‘checks and balances’ on The assessment examines both the legal framework of the other hand. A person working for the pillar is to each pillar as well as the actual institutional practice, serve the organisation’s and/or general interest and thereby highlighting discrepancies between formal not to be unduly influenced by personal or third provisions and reality in practice. parties’ interests. If external interests become internalised, this forms a risk for the independence of Dimension Indicators (law and practice) the pillar, which then no longer serves the 1. Capacity Resources organisation’s and/or general interest, thereby Independence creating a threat to integrity. 2. Governance Transparency

Accountability 2. Governance Dimension Integrity A pillar needs internal regulations and practices, which 3. Role within are seen as essential to preventing the institution from governance Pillar-specific indicators engaging in corruption. The governance dimension is system assessed via three indicators: a) Transparency indicator: Assesses the extent to which the governance of the respective pillar is characterized 1. Capacity Dimension by transparency, i.e. the pillar has in place appropriate As a precondition for its own integrity and for its role policies and procedures regarding disclosure and in promoting the integrity of the system as a whole, a access to information. If a pillar is transparent about its pillar has to possess some basic capacities. These activities, it becomes possible to obtain, monitor and capacities are structural and human as well as financial, scrutinise relevant information about the activities of and are assessed via two indicators: the pillar to see whether it performs in a fair and a) Resources indicator: Assesses the extent to which impartial way. Provisions aimed at disclosing the respective pillar possesses the appropriate human, information about (for example) appointment financial and other resources to function with integrity procedures or declarations allow the public and other and fulfil its role as a pillar of the NIS. The availability pillars to monitor the way money is spent and whether of sufficient resources is an important indicator of a any undue influences impact the activities. The extent pillar that is free of corruption and other integrity to which legal provisions oblige the pillar to disclose violations. The quality of tasks carried out by the pillar information is an indicator of the extent to which is dependent on, among other things, available integrity is safeguarded. This indicator will be scored resources and salaries. Sufficient budget is required to according to the availability of formal provisions, but carry out the tasks assigned to the pillar. If the wages also according to the extent to which the public is able are adequate, talented people will be attracted to work to obtain relevant information from the pillar in for the pillar. Additionally, adequate salaries minimise practice. the incentive for those working for the pillar to misuse b) Accountability indicator: Seeks to assess to what the power entrusted to them to ensure they receive extent the pillar accounts for its actions and it can be enough money to make a living. held accountable by the public and/or other pillars. b) Independence indicator: Assesses the extent to This is an important indicator of integrity because it which the respective pillar is independent, i.e. is calls upon individuals working for the pillar to take


responsibility for their own actions. This is of particular in-depth interviews and secondary sources (reports, importance in the case of integrity violations. The dissertations). A process of engagement with key indicator is assessed according to the provisions in stakeholders such as the advisory groups ensures that place which ensure that the pillar and those working for the findings are as relevant and accurate as possible it have to report and be answerable for their actions. before the assessment is published. The assessment is c) Integrity indicator: Assesses the extent to which guided by a set of ‘indicator score sheets’ developed by integrity provisions are in place and are implemented. the TI Secretariat. These sheets consist of a ‘scoring General indicators for integrity are resources, question’ for each indicator, supported by further independence, transparency and accountability. guiding questions and scoring guidelines for the Although these indicators give an idea of the minimum, mid-point and maximum scores. For safeguarding of integrity within the pillar, they do this example: in a somewhat indirect way. A fifth indicator for integrity of a pillar is the presence of provisions which Sample indicator score sheet: Legislature are explicitly designed to ensure the integrity of the Capacity – Independence (by law) pillar. Among others, these provisions are codes of Scoring question To what extent is the legislature conduct, whistle-blower regulations and rules on independent and free from conflict-of-interest, gifts and hospitality and post- subordination to external actors employment restrictions. by law? Guiding questions Can the legislature be

3. Role Dimension dismissed? If yes, under which This dimension assesses the extent to which the circumstances? Can the respective pillar fulfils its roles and responsibilities legislature recall itself outside with regard to promoting the integrity of the entire normal session if circumstances institutional system. Naturally, this means that the role so require? Does the legislature indicators are pillar-specific, depending on what control its own agenda? Does it functions each pillar is expected to play in contributing control the appointment/ to the overall integrity of the system. election of the Speaker and the appointments to committees?

NIS Methodology Can the legislature determine its The assessment does not seek to offer an in-depth own timetable? Can the evaluation of each pillar. Rather, it seeks breadth, legislature appoint its own covering all relevant pillars across a wide number of technical staff? Do the police indicators in order to gain a view of the overall system. require special permission to The assessment also looks at the interactions between enter the legislature? institutions to understand why some are more robust Scoring guidelines than others and how they influence each other. The NIS Minimum score (0) There are no laws which seek to maintains that weaknesses in a single institution could ensure the independence of the lead to serious flaws in the entire system. legislature. Understanding the interactions between pillars also 25 helps to prioritize areas for reform. In order to take Mid-point score (50) While a number of account of important contextual factors, the NIS laws/provisions exist, they do evaluation is embedded in a concise analysis of the not cover all aspects of overall political, social, economic and cultural legislative independence and/or conditions, the foundations, on which these pillars are some provisions contain based (see Chapter: Foundations of the National Integrity loopholes. System). 75 Maximum score There are comprehensive laws

The NIS assessment is a qualitative research tool based (100) seeking to ensure the on a combination of desk research, legal documents, independence of the legislature.


The guiding questions for each indicator were All the information on the NIS-methodology (including developed by examining international best practices, all indicator questions) can be found in the Toolkit and employing existing assessment tools for the respective corresponding Annexes at: pillar as well as using the TI movement’s own policy_research/nis/methodology experience, and by seeking input from (international) experts on the respective institution. Consultative approach and plausibility of findings The NIS assessment process in the Netherlands had To answer the guiding questions, the lead researcher a strong consultative component, seeking to involve relied on three main sources of information: national the key anti-corruption actors in government, civil legislation, secondary reports and research, and society and other relevant sectors. This approach had interviews with key experts. Secondary sources two aims: to generate valid evidence and to engage a included trusted reports by national civil society wide range of stakeholders with a view to building organisations, international organisations, momentum, political will and civic demand for governmental bodies, think-tanks and academia. A reform initiatives. This consultative approach had minimum of two key informants were interviewed for three main parts: a high-level Research Advisory each pillar – at least one representing the institution Group, a high level Advocacy Advisory Group, and a under assessment and one expert external to it. In National Stakeholder Workshop. The members of the addition to the minimum number of interviewees, more Research Advisory Group met four times (on 10 key informants were interviewed for this report who March 2011, 30 June 2011, 6 September 2011, and 7 had operational experience, i.e. people ‘in the field’. October 2011). At each meeting the draft pillar Also, professionals with expertise in more than one reports were critically reviewed and extensive pillar were interviewed in order to get a cross-pillar feedback was given to the lead researcher. The fourth view. A full list of interviewees is contained in Annex III. meeting was entirely dedicated to the discussion of the key findings of the draft report and the indicator The scoring system scores as assigned by the researchers. The meeting Based on the collected qualitative evidence, the second resulted in a number of further adjustments to scores step consisted of scoring these indicators on a scale and evidence. including five possible values- 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100. While the NIS is a qualitative assessment, these The Advocacy Advisory Group was installed for numerical scores are assigned in order to summarise advocacy purposes. This advisory group continues to the information and to help in highlighting key assist with the outreach of the project; with weaknesses and strengths of the integrity system. strengthened legitimacy and buy-in of the anti- corruption community into the NIS process; with Thus the scores are a way to see all 12 institutions, assisting in formulating recommendations based on each assessed according to 12 or more indicators, as if the findings of the assessment; and with advising the from an aerial viewpoint. They prevent the reader from national chapter on the main aspects of the project getting lost in the details and promote reflection on the implementation. The members of the Advocacy system as a whole, rather than focussing only on its Advisory Group met on 25 October 2011. The individual parts. Indicator scores are averaged at the advisory group concluded at the first meeting that the dimension level, and the three dimensions scores are assessment was a good starting point for advocacy- averaged to arrive at the overall score of the pillar, based actions and activities, i.e. further pillar-specific which provides a general description of their overall studies and local government assessments. The robustness. Advocacy Advisory Group stated that each pillar should ideally be responsible for improving its own Very strong 81 - 100 integrity system. In future meetings further advocacy Strong 61 - 80 steps for policy initiatives and reforms will be Moderate 41 - 60 formulated and more stakeholder support sought. All Weak 21 - 40 members of both Advisory Groups joined in a Very weak 0 - 20 personal capacity.


On the 4 November 2011 TI-NL presented the Finally, the full report has been reviewed by the board methodology and emerging findings of the assessment of Transparency International Netherlands. An external at a National Stakeholder Workshop. The draft report reviewer, Dr. Alex Straathof, Lector Management of was available in advance to participants and the Cultural Change at the Amsterdam University of workshop drew significant attendance from Applied Sciences, has reviewed the full report and representatives of public and key governance provided comments and feedback institutions. The second half of the workshop was The NIS-assessments using the new methodology will dedicated to participants discussing the findings and be available at: recommendations in the draft report. policy_research/nis/

NIS Research Advisory Group Prof. dr. Ingrid van Biezen Professor of Comparative Politics, Leiden University Prof. mr. dr. Petrus van Duyne Emeritus Professor specialised in researching organised crime, Tilburg University Mr. Erik Hoenderkamp Researcher and advisor at the National Police Internal Investigations Department Prof. dr. Elisabeth Lissenberg Emerita Professor in Criminology, University of Amsterdam Prof. dr. ir. Theo de Vries Professor ‘Future of the health sector’, University of Twente

NIS Advocacy Advisory Group Ir. Caecilia Kroon Independent Advisor Huub Elzerman Former chair of the Dutch Association of Journalists Prof. dr. Louise Gunning-Schepers Chairwoman of the Health Council of The Netherlands Elsemieke Havenga Owner of PR-company ‘Elsemieke Havenga Communicatie’ Mr. Albert Röell CEO Kas Bank Dennis Wiersma Chair of the Dutch Youth Federation of Employees



• Marc-Jan Ahne, Alderman at the city of Deventer, • Jon Hermans – Vloedbeld, Mayor city of Almelo, interview held the 20th of June 2011. interview held the 13th of May 2011.

• Hugo Arlman, Freelance journalist, interview held • Elisabeth Lissenberg, Professor (emerita) of the 9th of December 2011. Criminology at the School of Law University of Amsterdam, interview held the 30th of May 2011. • Melle Bakker, Secretary-Director of the Electoral Council, interview held the 20th of April 2011. • Stephan Jansen, Head of Department for Water Treatment, international consultancy and • Petra Borst, Senior Legal Officer at the National engineering firm DHV, interview held the 5th of Public Prosecutor’s Office, interview held the 6th of April 2011. June 2011, a second meeting took place the 22nd of December 2011. • Alain Hoekstra, Coordinating Policy Advisor & Researcher at National Office for Promoting Ethics • Wouter Bos, Partner and Head the consultancy & Integrity in the Public Sector - CAOP/BIOS, group’s public sector and health service division of interview held the 24th of May 2011. KPMG, and former Minister of Finance and Vice Prime Minister, interview held the 30th of August • Henk Kummeling, Chairman of the Electoral 2011. Council, interview held the 20th of April 2011.

• Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration • Henk Moorman, Judge at the Court of First Instance and Research Director at the Utrecht School of of Zwolle-Lelystad, interview held the 13th of May Governance, interview held the 7th of June 2011. 2011.

• Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman of the • Ellen Nauta- van Moorsel, Director at the Bureau of Netherlands, interview held the 18th of April 2011. the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. • Ferd Crone, Mayor city of Leeuwarden and former MP for the political party PvdA, interview held the • Eduard Nazarski, Director of Amnesty International 17th of March 2011. Netherlands, interview held the 1st of June 2011.

• Ernest Groener, Judge at the Court of First Instance • Remco Nehmelman, Senior lecturer Constitutional of Almelo (sector civil and criminal), interview held and Administrative Law University of Utrecht, the 11th of May 2011. interview held the 17th of May 2011.

• Jos Schipper, Information Detective at the • J. Nieuwenhuis, Councillor at the regional water Rijksrecherche (National Police Internal authority of Zuiderzeeland, interview held the 25th Investigations Department), interview held the 21st of May 2011. of April 2011. • Henk Nijhof, Chair of the Board of the political party • Anton Jansen, Partner en senior consultant at EPPA GroenLinks, interview held on the 21st of June Politiek en Lobby Consultants, interview held the 2011. 19th of May 2011


• Philip Langbroek, Professor of Justice • Guusje ter Horst, President of the Netherlands Administration (and court system) at the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO- Department of Law, Utrecht University, interview raad), member of the Senate for the political party held the 31st of May 2011. PvdA, and former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, interview held the 2nd of May • Alexander Rinnooy Kan, President of the Social and 2011. Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the 15th of March 2011. • Frans Jozef van der Vaart, Lawyer/Partner at Kienhuis Hoving, interview held the 28th of April • Ruth Peetoom, Chair of the Board of the political 2011. party CDA, interview held the 1st of March 2012. • Ronald van Raak, MP for the political party SP, • Peter Schimmel, Partner, Grant Thornton Forensic interview held the 31st of August 2011 via & Investigation Services, interview held the 6th of telephone. May 2011. • Jack van Zijl, National Public Prosecutor for • Matthijs Schüssler, Legal Officer at the Bureau of Corruption at National Public Prosecutor’s Office, the political party CDA, interview held the 1st of interview held the 6th of June 2011. March 2012. • René Werger, Director of MCF Ondernemings- • Stephan Sjouke, Head International Affairs Bureau adviseurs B.V., interview held the 4th of May 2011. National Ombudsman, interview held the 18th of April 2011. • Henk Wijnen, Project manager at PIANOo, Public Procurement Expertise Centre part of the Dutch • Joost Sneller, Policy coordinator of parliamentary Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and grouping D66, interview held the 21st of April 2011. Innovation, interview held the 16th of May 2011.

• Margo Smit, Director of the Association of • Marcel Wissenburg, Professor of Political Theory at Investigative Journalists, interview held the 31st of Radboud University Nijmegen, interview held the May 2011. 25th of May 2011.

• Marinus Snijder, Chair of the Ombudscommission • Key figure 1, Senior member of staff at the of the Province of Overijssel, interview held the 9th Rijksrecherche (National Police Internal of June 2011. Investigations Department), interview held the 24th of May 2011. • Suzanne Verheij, Policy Advisor at National Office for Promoting Ethics & Integrity in the Public Sector - • Key figure 2, Senior member of staff at the CAOP/BIOS, interview held the 24th of May 2011. Rijksrecherche (National Police Internal Investigations Department), interview held the 24th • Ivo Thomassen, Senior Policy Advisor Directorate of of May 2011. Public Administration at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), interview held the • Interviewee 5, Senior auditor at the Netherlands 15th of March 2011. Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April 2011.

• Gert Vrieze, Judge at the Court of First Intstance • Interviewee 6, Senior auditor at the Netherlands Zutphen and Project coordinator for integrity of the Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April 2011. Judiciary and former President of the Court of First Instance Zutphen, interview held the 15th of June • Interviewee 7, Senior auditor at the Netherlands 2011. Court of Audit, interview held the 18th of April 2011.

PAGINA 345 Transparency International Netherlands Benoordenhoutseweg 23 2596 BA Den Haag The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)70 314 2452 [email protected]