Hanrhpbtpr Mprali Dishwosher, New Wall Coll Anytime, Leave Eric 649-3426.0 PLY/!Aoi?Thvolaro1977
to — MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, Nov, 21. 1988 APARTMENTS [^INDUSTRIAL [ ^ PETS AND WANTED TO FOR RENT CARS PROPERTY [ ^ S U P P L IE S BUY/TRAOE FOR SALE AVAILABLE Immt- e a s t TJ a r t f o r d . A p - d lo ttly , 1 bedroom AQUARIUMS. 5 and 10 1983 PLYMOUTH Re proxlmatelv 1,000 gallon with hoods, H ELP IN G p e o p l e ^j - Truancy apartment. SS45. Heat liant. Automatic, 4 cy- square foot steel build stand, pumps and tlsfy their needs ond and hotwatertncluded. ing. 14 foot overhead llnder. $700. 742-5054. Manchester 2 bedroom townhouse. much more. $100.00. wants ... thot's whof want door. Heat, convenient Coll 646-4575. ads are all about. FOR Sole. 1984 Cadillac SOSO. Heat and hot wa Seville. Sliver, red No board support location. $500/month. FR E E To good home. ter Included. Security 646-4144.______________ leather Interior, and references re Very friendly, male loaded. Excellent con cat. Call 649-3739. Old furniture, clocks, Honda Sells Only for call-back plan /3 quired. No pets. Boyle p l a y e r p ia n o s ore In dition Inside and out. Management Co. 049- demand. If you have one oriental rugs, lamps, $13,000 Coll 647-0717. 4000.__________________ you do not use, why not Wishing will not sell any paintings, coins. Je thing ... a low-cost ad In 1976 C H E V E T T £ . 4 speed, M A N C H ES TE R . 3 bed exchange It for cosh with welry.
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