Meeting #10/03
INDEX TO AUTHORITY MEETING #10/03 Friday, January 9, 2004 MINUTES Minutes of Meeting, held on November 28, 2003 325 CORRESPONDENCE Ajax Waterfront Trail 367 Bottos, Elizabeth A. of 178 Charmaine Rd., Woodbridge, in regards to Pine Valley Link Class EA. 326 Oakdale Golf and Country Club 366 Zakem, Steven, Aird and Berlis, in regards to Pine Valley Drive Link. 326 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Denney, Brian re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 DELEGATIONS Angelantonio, Leo of 76 Kiloran Avenue, Woodbridge re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Bottos, Elizabeth of 178 Charmaine Rd., Woodbridge re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Cosentino, Vito, President, Venture Park Real Estate Ltd. and Member, National Golf and Country Club re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Craig, Ian, Director, Kleinburg Area Ratepayers Association re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Griffin, Lois, Chair, Humber Watershed Alliance re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Nonnekes, Joanne, Member, East Humber/Boyd Subcommittee re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Schulte, Deb, Chair, Woodbridge Expansion Open Space Action Site Committee re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 Zakem, Steven, Aird and Berlis re: Pine Valley Drive Link 325 PRESENTATIONS Woodland, Carolyn, Manager, Development Services Section, in regards to OPA 600 as it relates to Pine Valley Drive Link. 326 Heddle, John, Member, Humber Valley Heritage Trail Association, speaking in regards to Pine Valley Drive Link. 326 APPEALS TO THE CITY OF VAUGHAN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT )OPA) 600 337 CITY OF VAUGHAN OPA 600 AND PINE VALLEY DRIVE LINK 340 MEETING SCHEDULE 2004-2005 352 RULES OF CONDUCT Amendment 357 NORTH LESLIE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING Town of Richmond Hill 361 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING COSTS FOR NORTH LESLIE SECONDARY PLAN AREA WITHIN THE ROUGE RIVER WATERSHED, TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 362 NATURAL HERITAGE LANDS PROTECTION AND ACQUISITION PROJECT, 2001-2005 Flood Plain and Conservation Component / Humber River Watershed Aslo-three B.V.
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