DIIS REPORT 2009:01 DIIS REPORT The future of development aid USING INDICATORS TO ENCOURAGE DEVELOPMENT LESSONS FROM THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Richard Manning DIIS REPORT 2009:01 DIIS REPORT DIIS . DANISH INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1 DIIS REPORT 2009:01 © Copenhagen 2009 Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS Strandgade 56, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark Ph: +45 32 69 87 87 Fax: +45 32 69 87 00 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.diis.dk Cover Design: Carsten Schiøler Layout: Allan Lind Jørgensen Printed in Denmark by Vesterkopi AS ISBN 978-87-7605-301-7 Price: DKK 50.00 (VAT included) DIIS publications can be downloaded free of charge from www.diis.dk Hardcopies can be ordered at www.diis.dk Richard Manning is an independent consultant on international development, and former Chair of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee. He commenced work on this paper while on an attachment to the Danish Institute for International Studies, and completed it with the support of the Department for International Develop- ment of the United Kingdom Acknowledgements The paper was begun as a result of an opportunity for reflection provided by the Danish Institute for International Studies in September/October 2008, including an informal seminar on the impact of the MDG paradigm. Particular thanks are due to the Director of DIIS, Nanna Hvidt, and to Senior Researcher Lars Engberg-Pedersen, for their support and encouragement. DFID then asked me to formulate the paper in greater depth as a basis for their own assessment of the topic. I am grateful for the guidance of Roy Trivedy and Thomas Allan in particular in developing the paper.