Tenth Sunday after Trinity August 8, Year of Our T Lord 2021 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH A Church of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod st Jesus Weeps for Jerusalem 420 1 St. SE Our Lord wept over Jerusalem for the destruction PO Box 118 that would soon come upon her. For she did not Gwinner, ND 58040 recognize the time of God’s visitation in Christ, who had come to bring her peace (Luke 19:41–48). www.ziongwinner.org Through His prophets God had consistently called His people to turn from their deceit and false Office 701-678-2401 worship. “But My people do not know the judgments of the Lord” (Jer. 8:4–12). They sought to establish their own righteousness rather than receive Christ’s Pastor Aaron M. Filipek righteousness through faith (Rom. 9:30–10:4). So it Cell 701-680-3837 was that God was in His temple to cleanse it, a Email:
[email protected] precursor to the once-for-all cleansing from sin which He would accomplish in the temple of His own body on the cross. God grant us to know the things Parish Assistant: Tana McKenna that make for our peace—His visitation in the Word Email:
[email protected] and Sacraments—that by the Holy Spirit we may penitently confess “Jesus is Lord” (1 Cor. 12:1–11). T Service of Prayer T Hymn of Invocation: 873 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Stand Opening Versicles L This is the day which the Lord has made; C let us rejoice and be glad in it.