32 Forest fragmentation and the Ibadan malimbe The Ibadan malimbe is a globally distance between the two most Contact: endangered but poorly known distant occupied sites was just
[email protected] forest weaver (a sparrow-like bird), 110 km. endemic to a small region of south-western Nigeria. The main factor determining the Manu SA (2001) Possible factors numbers of Ibadan malimbes in influencing the decline of Nigeria's The Ibadan malimbe was first forest patches was the local extent rarest endemic bird, the Ibadan recognised as a separate species in of forest fragmentation, with malimbe. Ostrich Supplement 1958. A handful of sightings were relatively isolated patches supporting 15: 119–121. reported during the 1960s and 1970s fewer birds. Counts of Ibadan all within 100 miles of the city of malimbes were unrelated to the area Manu SA (2002) Effects of habitat Ibadan, but a dearth of subsequent or vegetation composition of forest fragmentation on the distribution of records suggested that numbers patches. None of four commoner forest birds in south western might have declined. The widespread malimbe species were sensitive to Nigeria, with particular reference to clearance of forest for subsistence forest fragmentation. Ibadan malimbe and other malimbes. agriculture was a possible cause of D Phil thesis, University of Oxford. the apparent disappearance of Although it was encouraging to find this species. the Ibadan malimbe at 19 sites, the Manu S, Peach W and Cresswell W small range and continuing human (2005) Notes on the natural history In 1999, the RSPB funded Shiiwua pressure on remaining forest of the Ibadan malimbe, a threatened Manu to carry out a three-year study fragments make the outlook for this Nigerian endemic.