Toledo Power Squadron

® THE BREEZE A Unit of United States Power Squadrons®, District 29 TOLEDO, OHIO Sail & Power Boating MAY 2007 TUESDAY, MAY 1 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TOLEDO YACHT CLUB

5:30 Social, 6:30 Dinner, 7:30 Meeting

PROGRAM MAY DAY! MAY DAY! MAY DAY! “The 3 J’s re-write Chapman’s!!”

Contact Lorene Bixler for dinner reservations Email [email protected] or 419-893-1625 by April 26 Squadron Rules state that reservations canceled after deadline date (April 26) will be billed.

Left: Jean Balogh , two Chapman’s instructors, Dinner Menu $14 Lite Fare $10 with Jackie Lennard and Jerrie Nicholson at right. Salmon Filet OR Beef Tips Cobb Salad, Cream On March 17 and 18, the 3 J’s (Jean, Jackie, Jerrie) at- over noodles, salad, vegeta- of Broccoli soup, tended Chapman School of Seamanship in Stuart, Florida. ble, rolls/butter, dessert, cof- rolls/butter, dessert, Hear about their mariner training...and humorous tales. fee. coffee. VETERANS GLASS CITY SKYWAY BOAT PARADE 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 24

Join the Boat Parade!! Cdr Balogh reports 35 boats already signed up!! Theme : Salute to the Veterans...decorate your boat...awards for best power, sail, steam. • Parade Captain : Cdr Jim Balogh’s “After Hours”. Cdr can use all hands on deck for docking boats, etc. 419-350-9852 For Marina docks, call Mike Schabeck. • Sign up by May 17 More details are at Starting from a pre-assigned (staging area) downriver, proceed up the to a point approx 150 ft from MLK Bridge, then turn to port—reverse direction—to mouth of new Marina District’s Glass City Municipal Marina.


2007 BRIDGE May 1 General Membership Mtg. TYC 7:30 p.m. Commander ...... Jim Balogh, AP May 19-25 National Safe Boating Week H 419-697-3936 Cell 419-350-9852 May 18-20 Put-in-Bay Rendezvous (Crews Nest) Email [email protected] May 24 Veterans Glass City Skyway Boat Parade Executive Officer...... Wayne Osborn, AP May 29 Executive Comm. Mtg. TYC 7:30 p.m. H 734-279-2331 Cell 419-290-5535 Email [email protected]

Administrative Officer ...... Larry Cole, AP H 734-243-4282 Cell 734-755-7252 W 734-529-4107 Email [email protected]

Educational Officer...... P/C James Sommers, SN H 419-691-7719 Cell 419-297-7420 Email [email protected]

Secretary ...... Mary Kay Inguagiato, P Cell 419-509-8521 Email [email protected]

Treasurer ...... Peter Smith, P H 734-242-2239 Cell 419-699-4600 W 734-586-4271 Email [email protected]

2007 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cdr James Balogh, AP Lt/C Wayne Osborn, AP Lt/C James Sommers, SN Lt/C Larry Cole, AP Lt/C Mary Kay Inguagiato, P Lt/C Peter Smith, P P/C Audie Jaqua, AP Lt Dan Strohmeier, S 1st Lt Dale Overly, AP P/C Dorie Backus, P Lt Lorene Bixler P/C Felicia Evans, AP

“THE BREEZE” This official publication of Toledo Power Squadron is published monthly. Deadline to submit articles is the 3rd of the month. Send articles to Breeze Editor.

Editor ...... Joyce Mease, P 3765 Oak Forest Drive, Toledo, OH 43614 H 419-382-4401 Email [email protected]

District/National Editor...... Shirley Zawodni, AP Email [email protected]

Distribution...... Bernadine Overly, AP Dale Overly, AP

Advertising...... Fran Tesorero, S Dale Overly, AP

Printer ...... Office Depot Office Services

Articles, opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect USPS® policy or endorsement unless so designated.

Websites Toledo...... District 29...... National......

The USPS® Mission To promote recreational boating safety through education and civic activities while providing fellowship for our members.

PLANNED GIVING If you would like to include the Toledo Power Squadron in your estate plan or provide another kind of gift, please contact P/C Haynes Lee, Jr., AP. Page 3 THE BREEZE EDUCATIONAL NEWS by P/C James F. Sommers, SN APRIL & MAY BOAT SMART® CLASSES With launch time right around the corner, it’s time for you to review the pre-launch inspec- BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL tions of your vessels and tune up those en- Jackman & Dean Roads gines for a safe boating season. Begins Thursday, April 19 4 consecutive Thursdays 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. How about tuning up your navigational skills by registering for the Fee $40, and $20 fee for 2nd person sharing book GPS Seminar being offered on April 30, and May 7 th . In addition to Under 18 years must be accompanied by parent the GPS Seminar, Toledo Power Squadron is offering a seminar on Pre-register by April 16 VHF/DSC Radio Communications April 23, 2007. Call P/C James w/Adult Education Dept. 734-850-6050

F. Sommers at 419/691-7719 for details and reservations. POINT PLACE LIBRARY 117 th St., just off North Summit St., Point Place Additional highlights within the TPS Educational Department in- 2-day class Saturday, May 12 clude many advanced and elective courses that have been completed and Saturday, May 19 and/or are still underway: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Class meets 2 Saturdays JN Fee $35, and $20 fee for 2nd person sharing book Seamanship Contact: James Sommers 419-691-7719 Piloting email: [email protected] Weather Chart Smart JUST $5.00 Weather Seminar GPS SEMINAR What a great start TPS has had for 2007!! Monday, April 30 6:30 p.m. Oregon City Offices Complex Finally, I have saved the best for last. Toledo 5330 Seaman Rd., Oregon, Ohio Power Squadron has been awarded a Grant from the ODNR Watercraft Division for Optional materials: $25.00 $10,730 for educational equipment Make reservation with TOLEDO James F. Sommers at 419-691-7719 and promotional items to promote POWER Seminar will cover how to store waypoints safe boating courses and activities. SQUADRON in your GPS, activate them for navigation, This is the 3 rd time TPS has been se- RECEIVES and use GPS to keep you on a safe, pre- lected by the ODNR, and we owe GRANT qualified course of your choosing. You’ll AWARD!! them big thanks for supporting our also get some tips for choosing a GPS if you don’t currently own one. Includes organization and goals. Come out to study guide. a class and see your tax dollars at work. Optional 2nd session: hands-on w/demo GPS units Remember wear your life jacket this season! Monday, May 7 Fee: $15 JUST $5.00 VHF/DSC SEMINAR Monday, April 23, 7-9 p.m. Point Place Library, 117th Street Optional materials: $25.00

Make reservation with James Sommers at 419-691-7719 Covers how to properly and legally operate your VHF/DSC radio. Major emphasis on the new DSC Emergency calling system. Included in material is a CD allowing you to practice on your computer.



by Cdr James W. Balogh, AP

email: [email protected] Ph. 419-350-9852

Our March General Membership meeting at Monroe Boat Club came with great surprise. We had mem- bers and special guests attend whom I was pleased to see joining us. Those who could not attend missed some of the best “Burgers” in the . They are definitely on my Top 10 list. It is my understanding that they are available at Monroe Boat Club every Thursday night and the public is welcome.

Our education department race for student education is making the first turn of the season and “Throttle- man Sommers” and Public Relations Teammates have set a substantial pace. During 2006, 200 students (District 29-wide) enrolled in various squadron education events. Toledo Power Squadron single hand- edly processed 156 students alone. It appears that our Squadron Education Department and Public Rela- tions Department are getting our message out, Boating Safely with Education.

Talk is cheap and so are the upcoming education seminars. Enroll in the GPS and VHF/DSC Radio Classes offered later this month by contacting Jim Sommers who will be glad to enroll you in these very interesting, new technology seminars.

Now the ice has moved out of the rivers, lakes and marinas. Removal of shrink wrap is slowly revealing that our Boating hobby is coming out of hibernation. Owners and operators are getting ready to wet the bottoms and looking for a beautiful 2007 season. Please make sure that you have a Vessel Safety Inspec- tion performed by one of our Certified Vessel Safety Check Inspectors. You can make arrangements by contacting Bruce Emerson ([email protected]) and he will assist you with arrangements.

Join the Celebration!! VETERANS GLASS CITY SKYWAY BOAT PARADE 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 24 Register by May 17 Details on Breeze cover or

Hope to see you at the May General Membership Meeting Program. It will feature a select few female members who sought “Hands On” boating education out of state at Chapman’s Seamanship School. Pri- marily, these individuals enrolled to see if their respective Captains have properly prepared them for past, current and future boating situations. MAY DAY!!! MAY DAY!!! MAY DAY!!!

Jim Balogh 29 DAYS TO LAUNCH Page 6 THE BREEZE NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK May 19-25 P/C Audie Jaqua, AP is pleased to announce 2006 merit marks awarded to 75 squadron members. What’s on Your Boat??!! She expresses her gratitude to all for your (google vessel safety checks) significant volunteer time.

Ray Abair Honey Hutchinson Craig Palmer VESSEL SAFETY CHECKS Richard Alleshouse Mary Kay Inguagiato Gloria Parker Compliments of Dorie Backus Larry Inguagiato Tom Parker Read Backus Audie Jaqua Bill Patterson TOLEDO POWER SQUADRON Jim Balogh Thad Kosnikowski Art Raker Annette Bell Ted Kurczynski Mike Schabeck Nancy Bell Christina Langevin Jo Ann Scott Lorene Bixler John Laver Hal Joe Shafer Vic Brigner Carla Laver Deb Shaulis

Patt Church Don Lawther Edwin Slack Larry Cole Marge Lee Kathie Smith Steve Crum Haynes Lee Tom Smith Don Dietz Jackie Lennard Peter Smith Bruce Emerson Don Leutz Jason Snook Felicia Evans John Marsh (deceased) Ron Soka Free inspection intended to make the boat Nelson Evans Ernie Mease James Sommers owner aware of boat’s safety status. Ed Fairchild Joyce Mease Louise Sommers Results NOT reported Linda Fairchild Dave Mehl Dan Strohmeier Greg Gerwin Pat Meyer Mary Strohmeier to any governent agency. Brownell Goebel Jerrie Nicholson Don Sudek Receive decal upon passing inspection. Jim Harvey Linda Osborn Fran Tesorero Al Hess Wayne Osborn Boni Thibert Call Toledo Power Squadron Info Line Christopher Hoover Bernie Overly Phil Thibert Leave message for inspection 419-725-1776 Paul Howey Dale Overly Sharon Wackley Chuck Hutchinson Aldis Ozolins Shirley Zawodni or email Bruce Emerson [email protected] OPERATIONS TRAINING/LEADERSHIP DEV.

WEST MARINE SAFETY DAY A class will be held to acquaint members with the structure (the store location across from Rudy’s) of the USPS squadron, district and national levels. Saturday, May 19 Wednesday, April 18 7 p.m. Limit is 12. Jim and Louise Sommers’ home 11 a.m. Contact them at 419-691-7719 Flare demos, life jacket info Free hot dog THANKS TO BERNIE AND DALE OVERLY Every month for the past several years the distribution of the Breeze newsletter has been capably done by Bernie and Dale Overly (sometimes P/C Thad Kosnikowski helps too). They all deserve recognition and appreciation for prepar- ing the newsletter properly for bulk mailing. And they get it done in a flash too!!


2007 Rendezvous Schedule Contact 1st Lt Chuck Hutchinson, S 419-843-2523 May 18-20 Put-in-Bay (Crews Nest) June 22-24 Vermilion (Red Clay Docks) June 29-July 1 Leamington, Canada July 13-15 Kelleys Island (Portside) August 3-5 Cdrs Rend. Toledo Beach August 10-12 Huron Boat Basin August 31-Sept 3 Cedar Point

Dear Fellow Power Squadron Members,

It is that time of year again when we start thinking about the boating pleasures of the summer. As part of your mem- bership in this great organization, you are invited to participate in the planned cruises for the 2007 season. For those of you who have cruised in the past, please join us again. You will not be disappointed. For those who have not, give it a try this year. Cruising is adventurous and a great way to get to know some of the outstanding and crazy members in TPS, and more importantly, to have some fun.

Sign up is easy. Just send me an email, call my wife, Honey at 419-843-2523, or attend one of the Power Squadron meetings and sign up using the 2007 Rendezvous Sign Up Book. All cruises require a $25.00 deposit to confirm your reservation. If you attend, you will receive a $20.00 refund. The remaining $5.00 goes to fund our Sunday morning breakfast held at each outing. If you have already signed the Rendezvous Sign Up Book, but have not sent your depos- its, please mail $25.00 for each rendezvous you plan to attend to one of the following;

Chuck Hutchinson Peter Smith, Squadron Treasurer 6821 Pine Creek Dr. 14295 S. Dixie Highway Toledo, Ohio 43617 Monroe, MI 48161-9563 419-843-2523 734-242-2239

Remember, $20.00 of your deposit is refundable if you show up. This deposit covers marina dock deposits we must pay to reserve our docks.

You will receive important information about each marina before you leave via email or telephone. This will include the hailing channels, planned events, and the time for each event. If you are unfamiliar with a location but would like to go, please let me know and we will provide a boat buddy for you. We want everyone to feel comfortable and have fun!

There are a limited number of docks available for each marina, so please sign up early. We do not want anyone to be disappointed. We hope to see all of you on at least one cruise this year. If anyone has any questions, call anytime, and we will get you the information you want.

See you on the lake this summer!

Chuck & Honey Hutchinson 419-843-2523 Home Rendezvous Coordinators 419-367-8646 Cell

• Cedar Point requires that each participant call at least one month in advance to reserve their space with the Power Squadron group. After August 1, 2007, they will release all docks that are not reserved, so be sure to reserve your space at 1-888-CP-Docks(273-6257). Please identify yourself as part of the Toledo Power Squadron group. Check-in time is 1:00 PM and check-out time is 11:00 AM.



24 Squadron Members Volunteered including Splish & Splash Thanks to everyone!!!

Actually, more squadron reps than there were boats! Another small show that was a big success for us. A great many positive contacts were made for public classes, and we all had a good time. Over 35 sign-ups for classes and membership information.

The Toledo Boat Show pictures and the computer had a battle!

The computer won!!

Check out the pictures on the hard copy of your Breeze May issue .

from the Breeze Editor

Page 9 THE BREZE ROUGH WATERS from Sandusky; Adm. Ofcr: D/Lt/C Congratulations to Shirley Zawodni has been very ill with William Hall, AP of Pt. Clinton “The Breeze” shingles. But being the trouper she is, Squadron; Secretary: D/Lt/C Phillip by Lt/C Mary Kay Inguagiato, P she was determined to write the Dis- Osborne, AP from Columbus Squad- trict 29 article below. Louise Som- ron; and Treasurer: D/Lt/C Hal Joe I am pleased to announce Toledo mers has had an inner ear problem Shafer, JN from Toledo Squadron Power Squadron has been awarded which has caused her a lot of discom- (Hal Joe’s second year as Treasurer). the Distinction in Journalism for fort. Both are wished an excellent re- 2006 by the National Publications covery. Serving both as Member Benefits Committee. We are proud of the Chair and a member of the nominat- hard work 1st Lt Joyce Mease, P, DISTRICT 29 NEW OFFICERS ing committee is our P/C Audie Editor of “The Breeze”, has put Toledo Well Represented Jaqua, AP. P/D/C Read Backus, SN into the monthly publication. By D/Lt Shirley Zawodni, AP is the District Historian (also Read is on the National Leadership Develop- The award is not a contest. Mem- The District 29 Spring Conference was ment Committee). D/Lt Shirley Za- bers of the National Publication held 9-11 March in Dublin, Ohio. wodni is the assistant editor of Pier Committee review, evaluate and Columbus Squadron was the host for 29. P/D/Lt/C Donald Sudek, SN is recognize those squadrons with the weekend. The highlight of the also on the nominating committee. quality newsletters. The reviewers weekend was the Officer Change of The chairman of the District Educa- evaluate the newsletters for inter- Watch for the District. tional Fund is D/Lt/C Hal Joe Shafer, esting articles concerning squadron The new District 29 Bridge is as fol- JN. P/C Dorie Backus, P is the events and district and national lows: chairman of Marketing and Public meetings/activities, motivational District Cdr: Samuel Woodruff, Jr., Relations. The District Law Officer articles from bridge officers, over- AP from Columbus Squadron; Exec. is P/C Arthur Raker, AP. all attractiveness of the publica- Ofcr: D/Lt/C Albert Hess, AP from Toledo Squadron received the Dis- tion, good grammar and correct Toledo Squadron (Al is also the Dis- tinction in Journalism award and was spelling, and masthead containing trict Chaplain and a general member of honored for 100% of our members required items. the USPS Governing Board); Educa- contributing to the Educational Fund. tional Ofcr: D/Lt/C Pablo Prieto, SN Many Toledo members are active at Congratulations and thank you the District level. Joyce Mease for your years of hard work to produce a quality newslet- ter, “The Breeze”. Page 10 THE BREEZE BUY/SELL/TRADE Cooperative Charting For safety’s sake... Non-commercial marine-related mem- by P/C Haynes Lee, AP By Safety Officer Capt. Don Dietz ber ads will be printed in The Breeze at no charge. Ad size limited to 1” high x In 1962 USPS entered into a coop- You wouldn't believe the number of one-column wide to be published in erative charting agreement with Na- fishing boats that were on the lake five consecutive issues, as space per- tional Ocean Survey to provide them this past weekend. Just about all of mits and at discretion of editor. Mem- bers are asked to first announce their ad with corrections to the nautical charts the fishermen were dressed in at a squadron meeting. which they produce. NOS has ac- hooded sweat shirts with a jacket over top of them. This works well for knowledged that this program has FOR SALE saved them millions of dollars. the cold air out on the lake. But not the COLD WATER. Just last week a ‘02 Bayliner Ciera 28ft 10’ beam 5.7 About five years ago the Toledo liter Merc Bravo III, sleeps 6, shower, Squadron accepted responsibility to fisherman went through the ice on Brest Bay. As of this writing he has micro, Garmin GPSMAP 185 & Fish- submit chart corrections from Davis finder. Less than 200 hrs. Ed Fairchild Besse Power Plant to Monroe, not been recovered. This time of 419-726-4105 Willing to negotiate. Michigan including the Maumee year the water temperature ranges River. These reports can be Nautical from 38 to 47 degrees and if you PONTIAC ‘99 Firebird, 6 cyl, T-Top, Reports, Small Craft Facilities Re- somehow end up in it, your life ex- blue/green, leather, p/s, auto., high ports, Geodetic Mark Reports, or pectancy is between 10 and 40 min- mileage, good cond. $6,200 Call Tom Coast Pilot Reports. utes. The best way to survive cold Smith 419-297-7672. When the program began reports water is to stay out of it. However, if were submitted on paper to the Na- you must go out ( fish fever), wear a WANTED tional Oceanic and Atmospheric cold water work suit. These suits will For small inland lake, boat less than 10 Agency (NOAA). Reports on Geo- keep you afloat. They can extend ft long, less than 5 ft wide, with battery powered motor. Please call Haynes detic Markers were made to the Geo- your survival time to over 2 hours. Lee, 419-537-8984. detic Society. In recent years the re- This is done by restricting the water porting of both has incorporated flow in the suit with straps on the online input with computers. legs arms and waist thus slowing Contributors are recognized annually the onset of hypothermia. They also have an inflatable pillow to keep INVITE YOUR by USPS. The Toledo Squadron has BOATING FRIENDS TO been on the Honor Roll numerous your head out of the water. These times. Individuals are also recog- are the same suits you see the MEMBERSHIP IN THE nized. Mike Schabeck, of our Squad- Coast Guard and Capt. Don’s Ma- UNITED STATES ron, has been on the Honor Roll for rine Rescue (self promotion) person- POWER SQUADRONS 25 consecutive years; second most of nel wearing on their boats in the spring and fall. They are bulky but Exam Requirement Waived any USPS member. In 1985 he was recognized by a week stay on a yet flexible enough to allow normal NOAA research vessel. range of motion. The United States Power Squad- The Squadron plans to offer more Remember, Cold Water Kills. rons, the nation’s largest boating information on this activity during If you are going out on cold water, safety organization, has elimi- the year. It is a challenging and re- be prepared. Suit up to survive. nated the requirement to pass a warding activity. basic boating class before join- ing. Boaters joining are encour- aged to take any USPS class. POINT PLACE Minimum age of 18 years and no PARADE SAT., JUNE 2 boat required remains in effect.

Bring your kids and TELL THEM OF OUR grandkids GREAT TIMES AND GREAT CLASSES!! Watch the parade or walk with us.

Always a neat small- community parade. Page 11 THE BREEZE ATTENTION! SPONSORS OF THE BREEZE!! Thanks to these PATRONS OF “THE BREEZE” Bi-State Marine Services Lang Electric Lost Peninsula Marina Lorene Bixler Brenner 75 Marine In Memory of P/C Jim Bixler - A-D-Ates Counterman Marine Sls/Serv. Luna Pier Harbour Club P/D/C Richard Akenberger & Joan Douglas the Tailor Marine Rescue Monroe Richard and Connie Alleshouse - Crescendo Edgewater Canvas Co. Marine Max Port Clinton P/D/C Read & P/C Dorie Backus Harrison Marina, Inc. Otter Creek Marina Roger & Barbara Jensen - Sea Gal Ragman, Inc. Kaye & Ron Soka - Meridian Hess Construction Co. Marv & Sharon Wackley Kim Palmer—Danberry Co. Toledo Yacht Club Don Sudek - Breathless Willis Day Storage Joan & Bob Eischen - Alaya Jim & Jackie Lennard - Lady J Dear Sponsors: Our members Fran Tesorero and Dale Dan & Mary Strohmeier - Woden Marge & Haynes Lee Overly will be contacting you in May requesting your con- John W. & Carla Laver - C-Dream tinued support of our safe boating education. In 2007 five Art & Betty Raker - Madeira Boat Smart classes have been scheduled for the public as Ernie & Joyce Mease - Shangri-La well as a wide variety of new Power Squadron seminars. P/C Thad Kosnikowski & Alice Also, in 2007 the Toledo Squadron will celebrate 70 years Tom & Jerrie Nicholson - Channel Surfer II Hal Joe Shafer - Love Too of offering safe boating education. We are hopeful we will Jim & Jean Balogh - After Hours have your continued support. Tom & Gloria Parker - Oh Ha Paul & Julie Tucker - Shock Therapy II Clyde & Debra Shaulis - Tap Tap II Nelson & Felicia Evans - Moor Family Tradition Steve & Terri Crum - Erieproachable Ruth & Gregory Gerwin - Last Chance Don & Jan Leutz - Distant Light Sandy Hawkins & Don Lawther - Spirited Wind Skip & Jeanene Perkins - Two if by Sea P/C Chuck and Barbara Goebel Jo Ann & Charles Scott - Scotfree Barbara & Jerry Chauvin - The Bear Chuck & Honey Hutchinson - Knot Paid IV Bart & Gay Blossom - Sea Esta Wayne & Linda Osborn - North Star BETTER BOATING NON-PROFIT ORG. THROUGH EDUCATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Toledo Power Squadron TOLEDO, OHIO P.O. Box 498 PERMIT NO 461 Toledo, Ohio 43697-0498


project. worthwhile

for coordinating this this coordinating for

Thank you, Jo Ann Scott Scott Ann Jo you, Thank








See Page 3 for details for 3 Page See

See Page 3 for details for 3 Page See

Monday, May 7 Fee: $15 Fee: 7 May Monday,

Optional 2nd session: hands-on w/demo GPS units units GPS w/demo hands-on session: 2nd Optional

Optional materials: $25.00 $25.00 materials: Optional

117th Street Street 117th Optional materials: $25.00 $25.00 materials: Optional

Point Place Library, Library, Place Point 5330 Seaman Rd., Oregon, Ohio Ohio Oregon, Rd., Seaman 5330

7-9 p.m. 7-9 Oregon City Offices Complex Complex Offices City Oregon

Monday, April 30 6:30 p.m. 6:30 30 April Monday,

Monday, April 23, 23, April Monday,




$5.00 JUST