Risto Laitinen/August 4, 2016 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Division VIII Chemical Nomenclature and Structur
Approved Minutes, Busan 2015 Risto Laitinen/August 4, 2016 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Division VIII Chemical Nomenclature and Structure Representation Approved Minutes of Division Committee Meeting in Busan, Korea, 8–9 August, 2015 1. Welcome, introductory remarks and housekeeping announcements Karl-Heinz Hellwich (KHH) welcomed everybody to the meeting, extending a special welcome to those who were attending the Division Committee meeting for the first time. He described house rules and arrangements during the meeting. KHH also regretfully reported that it has come to his attention that since the Bangor meeting in August 2014, Prof. Derek Horton (Member, Division VIII task groups on Carbohydrate and Flavonoids nomenclature; Associate Member, IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature) and Dr. Libuse Goebels, Member of the former Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry) have passed away. The meeting attendees paid a tribute to their memory by a moment of silence. 2. Attendance and apologies Present: Karl-Heinz Hellwich (president, KHH) , Risto Laitinen (acting secretary, RSL), Richard Hartshorn (past-president, RMH), Michael Beckett (MAB), Alan Hutton (ATH), Gerry P. Moss (GPM), Michelle Rogers (MMR), Jiří Vohlídal (JV), Andrey Yerin (AY) Observers: Leah McEwen (part time, chair of proposed project, LME), Elisabeth Mansfield (task group chair, EM), Johan Scheers (young observer, day 1; JS), Prof. Kazuyuki Tatsumi (past- president of the union, part of day 2) Apologies: Ture Damhus (secretary, TD), Vefa Ahsen, Kirill Degtyarenko, Gernot Eller, Mohammed Abul Hashem, Phil Hodge (PH), Todd Lowary, József Nagy, Ebbe Nordlander (EN), Amélia Pilar Rauter (APR), Hinnerk Rey (HR), John Todd, Lidija Varga-Defterdarović.
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