
Geodetic constraints on areal changes in the Pacifi c–North America plate boundary zone: What controls Basin and Range extension?

Corné Kreemer Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, and Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, William C. Hammond Reno, Nevada 89557, USA

ABSTRACT 60 Using ~1500 geodetic velocities we model the present-day spatial patterns of areal changes inside the Pacifi c–North America plate boundary zone. From this model we show that between the central Gulf of California and the Queen Charlotte Islands there is no signifi cant net change in surface area. This zero net areal-change result allows us to relate regions of Nort areal growth to areas of equivalent contraction elsewhere within the plate boundary zone. 50 h We fi nd that areal growth of the (BRP) and its eastern margin n (~5.2 ± 0.1 × 103 m2/yr) is balanced by areal reduction near northwestern California between America 38°N and 42°N. The San Andreas system south of 38°N and the plate boundary zone JdFJdF

north of ~42°N (including the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridge systems) each have no signifi - SNGVS Pacific N Latitude (°N) 40 cant net areal change. Our results suggest a kinematic relationship between extension in the G n BRP and contraction near the northern California Coast Ranges and Klamath Mountains. V S From these observations we propose that, although BRP extension may be caused by internal forces, the southernmost Cascadia zone provides a “window of escape” that acts as a stress guide to BRP extension as well as northwestward Sierra Nevada motion. Such a 30 dynamic model is consistent with independent fi ndings that (1) the least principal horizontal dS stress orientations in the BRP are toward northern California, (2) extension directions in the 140 130 120 110 100 BRP have changed orientation to track the northward migration of the Mendocino triple junc- Longitude (°W) tion, and (3) the southernmost is a relatively weak plate boundary. Figure 1. A partial annulus that encom- Keywords: geodesy, dilatation, contraction, extension, plate boundary zone, Basin and Range, passes the Pacifi c–North America (PA-NA) plate boundary in western North America western United States, , lithospheric dynamics. is bounded by two small circles around the PA-NA pole of rotation (note that the INTRODUCTION ANNULUS KINEMATICS small circles appear nonparallel because The Pacifi c–North America (PA-NA) plate The goal of this study is to clarify the kine- of the Mercator projection). If deforma- tion within this partial annulus obeys no boundary zone in the western United States matic relationship between BRP growth and the net areal change, then the crustal material is predominantly a transform plate boundary rest of the PA-NA plate boundary. To this end we fl owing into the partial annulus (vertically (Atwater, 1970). This is evident from the fact consider a partial annulus S that encompasses the hatched region) should equal the amount that a large portion of the PA-NA plate boundary in western North Amer- that fl ows out (horizontally hatched region). system, which accommodates most of PA-NA ica (Fig. 1). The width of the annulus is deter- JdF—Juan de Fuca plate; SNGV—Sierra Nevada–Great Valley block. motion, is oriented nearly parallel to the plate mined by the distance between two small circles motion direction (Argus and Gordon, 2001). around the PA-NA pole of rotation. The small Despite this, the northern Basin and Range circle nearest the pole is on stable North Amer- province (BRP), which encompasses a large ica, and the other is on the Pacifi c plate. Accord- mal to ∂S. Gauss’ theorem describes a purely part of the plate boundary zone, formed by pro- ing to Gauss’ divergence theorem for a smooth kinematic relationship between horizontal dila- gressive extension (Hamilton and Meyers, 1966; two-dimensional fl ow, the integrated divergence tation and fl ux through ∂S on Earth’s surface, Stewart, 1978), which is still active today (e.g., of the velocity fi eld (∇⋅–v) inside S is equal to and does not consider any material property Bennett et al., 2003; Hammond and Thatcher, the integrated fl ux (–v⋅n–) through the boundary (e.g., incompressibility, viscosity, strength, den- 2004). The causes of BRP extension have been around S, i.e., ∂S (Fig. 1). In our case –v refers to sity). Therefore the mechanism of extension/ attributed to various mechanisms, including the interpolated horizontal vector velocity fi eld contraction need not be specifi ed and could, for gravitational potential energy differences in passing through ∂S that we have estimated from example, be associated with crustal thinning/ the , basal drag, mantle upwelling, published geodetic measurements (see the GSA thickening, dike intrusions, faulting, or folding. plate boundary forces, or a combination of these Data Repository1). On the surface of a sphere, Any height change that may be associated with (e.g., Flesch et al., 2000; Liu and Shen, 1998; ∇⋅–v is not in violation with our two-dimensional Sonder and Jones, 1999). In the western United ∫ (v ⋅n)dl =R2 ∫∫ (∇⋅v )cos θdθdϕ, (1) treatment of Gauss’ law. ∂S S ∇⋅– States, there is a dense and broad distribution of With v equal to the dilatational⋅ strain geodetic data that can place strong constraints rate, the net areal-change rate A can be on the style and magnitude of active crustal where θ is latitude, φ is longitude, R is the radius directly inferred: deformation, and are therefore valuable in the of Earth, and n– is the horizontal unit vector nor- 2 construction or validation of dynamic models ∫∫ (εθθ + εϕϕ )cosθdθdϕ = AR. (2) of lithospheric deformation. Here we contribute S to understanding the balance of regional-scale 1GSA Data Repository item 2007232, geodetic velocities and references, is available online at www. patterns of extension and contraction by quan- When the same amount of material that enters geosociety.org/pubs/ft2007.htm, or on request from ⋅ tifying the amount and extent of present areal [email protected] or Documents Secretary, S also leaves S, then A = 0 (Fig. 2A). When, in that growth in the BRP and surrounding areas. GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. case, a subregion of S exhibits areal growth (e.g.,

© 2007 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. GEOLOGY,Geology, October October 2007; 2007 v. 35; no. 10; p. 943–947; doi: 10.1130/G23868A.1; 3 fi gures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2007232. 943 small circles around the PA-NA Euler pole and tational, consistent with other studies (Martinez A consists of ~3000 0.4° by 0.4° grid cells. The et al., 1998; Niemi et al., 2004). We do not see grid extends from the central Gulf of California signifi cant dilatation across the ; (~26°N) to the southern Queen Charlotte Islands this may be a consequence of the current lack of (~52°N). For this choice of along-strike limits data on the Plateau. of the partial annulus, we fi ⋅nd that the geodetic data indicate that inside S, A is indistinguishable AREAL CHANGE from zero ⋅(see below). (Note that we do not Inside⋅ the annular segment S, the net areal B constrain A to be zero.) The PA-NA Euler pole change A is not signifi cantly different from zero we use (50.0°N, 75.9°W, –0.758°/m.y.) for the (Table 1). Dividing by the length of the bound- plate boundary velocity constraint is obtained ary ∂S, this areal change corresponds with 0.1 ± from the NA-ITRF2000 pole, as defi ned by 0.2 mm/yr fl owing out of the partial annulus. This the Stable North American Reference Frame net areal change is ~0.3% of the total amount of Group (Blewitt et al., 2004), combined with the areal growth, and is thus not signifi cant compared PA-ITRF2000 pole (Kreemer et al., 2006). As a to the uncertainties in geodetic velocity data. boundary condition, we apply the above PA-NA We fi rst isolate the patterns of interseismic C motion to one side of the grid (corresponding strain in the major tectonic provinces outside the to 51.2 mm/yr total plate motion), and hold the BRP, i.e., Cascadia and the San Andreas fault North America side fi xed (Fig. 2A). (subregions a and b respectively, Fig. 3B), whose To account for the contributions from the Juan net areal changes are zero. For subregion a, the de Fuca plate and Sierra Nevada–Great Valley large extension west of the Juan de Fuca plate microblock, we assume that they are rigid ele- and large contraction along the Cascadia subduc- Figure 2. We show that for our study area ments that move within the plate boundary zone tion zone and within⋅ the upper plate cancel out (Fig. 3) the zero fl ux condition holds. Here are (Fig. 3). Motion of rigid blocks inside S does so that within a, A ≈ 0 (Table 1). The bend in some examples of balanced dilatational kine- not alter the net areal change since the integral the boundary between subregions a and c was matics. A: A transform plate boundary with of extension and contraction caused by their designed to ensure that all offshore deforma- sinuous fault geometry has local extension (i.e., areal growth, gray plusses) and contrac- motions is zero (Fig. 2C). We use the Juan de tion was contained in a and that net dilatation tion (i.e., areal reduction, gray minuses) that Fuca–North America motion of Wilson (1993), in a is zero. The boundary between b and c was contribute equal and opposite quantities of and the Sierra Nevada–Great Valley motion is adjusted northward until contraction owing to dilatation. In this case, even though some constrained by the global positioning system the restraining geometry of the San Andreas fault of these faults are nonparallel to the plate (GPS) sites on this block. canceled extension owing to rifting in the Gulf motion direction, the velocity fl uxes into and out of the box (arrows) are equal and opposite Figures 3A and 3B show the patterns of the of California. Poor GPS constraint on the details ε2 + ε2 + ε2 ⋅ ⋅ in sign. B: When the zero net fl ux condition second ( θθ ϕϕ 2 θϕ ) and fi rst (εθθ + εϕϕ) of these strain patterns (e.g., near the Gulf of holds, non-plate-boundary-derived sources invariants of the model strain rate tensor fi eld, California or east of Cascadia) does not contrib- and sinks inside the region also balance. respectively. The highest total strain rates can be ute signifi cant bias, because net dilatation is not This class of deformation is not associated ∇⋅– with plate boundary processes. C: A specifi c found in the Gulf of California, along the San sensitive to the distribution of v, except when instance of B where a microplate (M) moves Andreas fault system, along the Cascadia sub- the strain pattern crosses subregion boundaries, inside the zone. Net zero dilatation occurs in duction zone, and west of the Juan de Fuca plate. and we have designed the subregions to be mini- the short-term (interseismic) and long-term Because of the lack of any offshore constraints, mally impacted by this change in strain distribu- (secular) time scales, and for any combination the high dilatational strain rates west of the Juan tion. Next we isolate in subregion d the extension of recoverable and permanent deformation. de Fuca plate appear to be diffuse in our model, that occurs within the BRP and interior western but in reality they are localized along the Juan de United States east of the San Andreas fault sys- Fuca and Gorda Ridge systems. Contraction asso- tem and Sierra Nevada–Great Valley block. The because of a fault not aligned with plate motion, ciated with the Cascadia subduction zone (blue net areal change in this region is ~5.2 ± 0.1 × or the presence of internal sources of deforma- areas in region “a” of Fig. 3B) is predominantly 103 m2/yr (Table 1), of which ~40% occurs along tion), then there must exist an equal amount of interseismic and recoverable strain accumula- the eastern margin of the BRP (including the areal reduction elsewhere in the plate boundary tion related to locking along the plate boundary Wasatch Mountains), ~17% along , zone to offset the areal growth (Fig. 2). interface, but some of the strain is likely to be and a signifi cant portion in areas where the geo- permanent (e.g., McCaffrey et al., 2000; Wells detic coverage is limited. The areal reduction in KINEMATIC MODEL⋅ et al., 1998). Regardless of whether the strain is the remaining area (subregion c), which covers In order to quantify A (and the related fl ux recoverable or permanent, however, the net dila- northern California from 38°N to 42°N, equals ∫ (v ⋅n)dl) within the PA-NA plate boundary, tation in S associated with impingement of the the areal growth in the BRP (Table 1). we model the strain rate tensor fi eld using the Juan de Fuca plate onto North America is zero principles of continuum mechanics. A con- (Fig. 2C). Strain rates reach ~50 × 10–9/yr in the DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS tinuum description of the deformation fi eld is Walker Lane belt, consistent with the ~10 mm/yr Our estimates of the present-day areal-change appropriate for this study as it will capture the deformation that is accommodated across this budget in the PA-NA plate boundary zone sug- horizontal strain budget and its distribution. zone (e.g., Hammond and Thatcher, 2004). gest that extension in the BRP may be kine- We use a velocity and strain rate interpolation Strain rates are insignifi cant east of the Central matically related to the present shortening in the method (Beavan and Haines, 2001) and a large Nevada Seismic Belt, consistent with the cen- northern California Coast Ranges and Klamath set of 1477 geodetic velocities (see the GSA tral Great Basin acting as a geodetic microplate Mountains. A signifi cant amount of permanent Data Repository) to obtain estimates of the (Bennett et al., 2003; Hammond and Thatcher, shortening appears to have occurred in northern strain rate tensor everywhere within the plate 2005). Farther east, near the Wasatch Mountains, California (e.g., McCrory, 2000) and is gener- boundary zone. The model grid is aligned along strain rates are elevated and almost purely dila- ally ascribed to the northwest motion of the

944 GEOLOGY, October 2007 114 11 122 126 13 8 TABLE 1. AREAL CHANGE AND VELOCITY FLUX 8 3 0 42 134 46 5013 26 30 34 8 · PACIFIC @ 51 mm/yr 138 A ∫ v ⋅n A Region (m2 yr–1) (mm yr–1)

26 a. Cascadia– 11 134 0 Juan de Fuca 221 ± 287 0.1 ± 0.2 BajaBa Cal. areal reduction –32,391 –19.2 ja C SNGVSNGV JdFJdF al. QCIQCI areal growth 32,612 19.3 130 b. San Andreas WalkerWalker LLaneane CascadCa fault system –236 ± 172 –0.1 ± 0.1 sca areal reduction –8355 –4.9 30 diai a 126 areal growth 8120 4.8 106 BasinBasin & RangeRange c. N. California– S. Cascadia –5021 ± 101 –3.0 ± 0.1 RioR PProvincerovince areal reduction –5391 –3.2 io 122 areal growth 369 0.2 GGra WasatchW Mtns r as d. Basin and annde a d t Range province 5193 ± 125 3.1 ± 0.1 e ch RRift M 118 areal reduction –227 –0.1 34 i t ft ns areal growth 5391 3.2 102 TOTAL 157 ± 372 0.1 ± 0.2 Model Velocities 9 Second Invariant Strain Rate (10 /yr) areal reduction –46,364 –27.4 50 mm/yr 114 areal growth 46,521 27.5 10 mm/yr 0 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 600 A· is the integrated areal change (positive is areal growth), which is proportional to velocity fl ux, ∫ v ⋅n. 102 106 NORTH AMERICA 2 Uncertainties are one standard deviation. 38 4 6 4 50 54 114 118 122 1 26 13 134 6 26 30 34 38 0 42 4 50138 B 138 b c a of 43°N but not south of there. These fi ndings 26 support the idea that the southern Cascadia sub- 11 134 0 duction zone may provide a “window of escape” for a mobile continental interior. According to 130 these models, the absence of large compressional stresses normal to the plate boundary, a condi- 30 126 tion exclusive to this part of the western North 106 America margin (Humphreys and Coblentz, 2007), helps to accommodate (and perhaps 122 guides) BRP extension and Sierra Nevada–Great Valley northwest motion, and allows permanent

118 contraction in the upper plate above the south- 4 3 ernmost Cascadia subduction zone. The post- 102 Dilatational Strain Rate (109/yr) progressive clockwise rotation in the 114 BRP principal stress orientations that coincides d -999 -80 -40 -20 -10 -5 5 10 20 40 80 999 with the northward migration of the Mendocino triple junction (Bird, 2002; Zoback et al., 1981) 10 10 106 2 0 38 2 4 suggests that this mechanism may have been 46 50 54 in place since ca. 10–20 Ma. Figure 3. A: PA-NA plate boundary zone in western North America in an oblique Mercator The “window of escape” hypothesis sug- projection around the PA-NA pole of rotation. North American model boundary is fi xed, while gests that BRP deformation is guided by plate the Pacifi c boundary is constrained to move at the full PA-NA rate. The Sierra Nevada–Great Valley block (SNGV) and Juan de Fuca plate (JdF) are modeled as rigid entities within the boundary conditions. We note that the hinge line deforming grid. Black lines are Quaternary faults. Colors indicate second invariant of strain separating extension in the BRP and contraction rate tensor fi eld. Gray arrows are interpolated model velocities relative to North America. in California remarkably follows that between QCI—Queen Charlotte Islands. B: Contours of the dilatational strain rates. Red and blue “negative” and “positive” gravitational potential colors indicate extension (i.e., areal growth) and contraction (i.e., areal reduction), respec- tively. The gray lines divide the plate boundary into four zones (Table 1). Dashed green lines energy (Jones et al., 1996; Flesch et al., 2000), are trajectories along (averaged) minimum principal stress observations for the greater BRP suggesting that the forces that drive deformation (Humphreys and Coblentz, 2007). may have a gravitational origin. The relatively high strain rates along the BRP’s eastern mar- gin suggest that deformation there may be con- Sierra Nevada–Great Valley block (e.g., Argus are oriented toward northern California (Fig. 3B) trolled by lithospheric weakness, a lithological and Gordon, 2001; Unruh et al., 2003; Williams and provide an incentive for deformation toward contrast, and/or a regional gradient in gravita- et al., 2006). Our results suggest, however, that the southern Cascadia subduction zone (Zoback, tional potential energy. Our result indicating net northern California’s shortening may also be 1989). From these and other stress observations zero dilatation in subregion b does not support related to BRP extension, consistent with the on the North American continent, Humphreys the notion that the North America margin east conclusions of other studies (e.g., Hammond and and Coblentz (2007) derived an east-west mini- of the San Andreas fault collapses toward the Thatcher, 2005; Humphreys and Coblentz, 2007; mum principal stress direction along the southern southwest (e.g., Dokka and Ross, 1995). Rather, McCaffrey, 2005). Our inference is corroborated Cascadia subduction zone. A force balance study the presence of large compressional stresses by studies of western United States stress and of the Juan de Fuca plate (Govers and Meijer, normal to the entire plate boundary except along lithospheric dynamics. For example, the observed 2001) fi nds an east-west maximum principal the southern Cascadia subduction zone may minimum horizontal stress directions in the BRP stress along the Cascadia subduction zone north indicate a relative weakness of the plate bound-

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946 GEOLOGY, October 2007