TERT Promoter Mutations Occur Frequently in Gliomas and a Subset of Tumors Derived from Cells with Low Rates of Self-Renewal
TERT promoter mutations occur frequently in gliomas and a subset of tumors derived from cells with low rates of self-renewal Patrick J. Killelaa,1, Zachary J. Reitmana,1, Yuchen Jiaob,1, Chetan Bettegowdab,c,1, Nishant Agrawalb,d, Luis A. Diaz, Jr.b, Allan H. Friedmana, Henry Friedmana, Gary L. Galliac,d, Beppino C. Giovanellae, Arthur P. Grollmanf, Tong-Chuan Heg, Yiping Hea, Ralph H. Hrubanh, George I. Jalloc, Nils Mandahli, Alan K. Meekerh,m, Fredrik Mertensi, George J. Nettoh,l, B. Ahmed Rasheeda, Gregory J. Rigginsc, Thomas A. Rosenquistf, Mark Schiffmanj, Ie-Ming Shihh, Dan Theodorescuk, Michael S. Torbensonh, Victor E. Velculescub, Tian-Li Wangh, Nicolas Wentzensenj, Laura D. Woodh, Ming Zhangb, Roger E. McLendona, Darell D. Bignera, Kenneth W. Kinzlerb, Bert Vogelsteinb,2, Nickolas Papadopoulosb, and Hai Yana,2 aThe Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke, Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Institute at Duke, and Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710; bLudwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Howard Hughes Medical Institutions, Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21231; Departments of cNeurosurgery, dOtolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, hPathology, lUrology, and mOncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21231; eChristus Stehlin Foundation for Cancer Research, Houston, TX 77025; fDepartment of Pharmacological Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794; gMolecular Oncology Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic
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