The City Record. Department of Public Charities
'THE CITY RECORD,, VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 19th NUMBER 10762. September q-Mulligan, Theresa, appointed, Clerical Assistant, Bureau of Dc- THE CITY RECORD. pendent Adults, Manhattan, $420 per armtan; certified September 9. September 9-Mullins, Robert F., promoted, hospital Helper, New York City OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Hon)c, Blackwells Island, $t. o to $300 per annum, and title changed to Clerical As- Published Under Authority of Section 15z6, Greater New York ChArter, by the sistant; certified September 9. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. September i- ]Hurray, Joieph P., Stoker, Metropolitan Hospital, $3 per Ticm; transferred as Stoker to Steamboats. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. September 7-Kulm, John, appointed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $240 per FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION CouN8EI HERMAN A. METZ CoMPTROtrsa. ,lnnum; certified September 7. September cy-(Matheson, Theodore, dismissed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, PATRICK J. TRACY, Sup avisos. $240 per annum; overstaying pass. September 7-Perry, Guy, appointed, Cook, City Hospital, $48o per annum; certi- Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. fied September 7. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. September 6-Pohl, Frite, dropped, Cook, City Hoslital, $48o per annum; own SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries. etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; request. I Official Canvass of Votes. lo cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; September 6-O'Brien, Stephen, dismissed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $240 Law Department and Finance Department supplements, ro cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of per annum; overstaying pass. Real Estate, 25 cents each section.
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