PORTLAND KSIABL1S1IED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 11. POKTLAND —— —_ TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. IHF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS MISCELLANEOUS. SUMMER RETREATS. published WANTS, LOST, FOUND. HEAL ESTATE. every day (Sunday* excepted) by the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. manner. “This is something like, Dean,” THE PRESS.! said Greeley, “but don’t have all PORTLAND PLBLIiHKNG why you CO., your ears made in this way ? The common Free GEORGES Dog Lost, Agency for Sewing Machine*. old At 109 Exchange Exhibition HOTEL, kLACK and <*«;©. R. Davis & Co.’s miserable things are but a nui- St, Portland. Tan medium bare on each nothing "| size, spot w. 8. DYER, No. 973 middle 81. All FRIDAY MORMNti, JUNE 21, 1872. “We Thumb: Eiglit Dollar* a Year in advance. -OF- Jl> hide, where the hair is very slirrt. If left at 33 sance.” adopt improvements as they MAIN STREET. BULLETIN. kind* of machine* Hampshire at., will receive liberal reward. jel9*lw for *ale and fo let. are invented,” was the reply, “but the THE MAINE STATE PRESS FIRST-CLASS THOMASTON, MAINE. Repairing. changes have to be gradual; we cannot afford Wanted. $20,000 lo LoanIt! Republican District Convention. to throw aside substantial cars that have 1* published every Thursday Mornino at 50 a $2 T>Y a young man, Board in a private family, in Bakers. cost a deal ol money,and stock the road 3 ear ; if paid in at 00 a Tills old, well known and favorite house has We arc la loam great advance, $2 year. during J > west end city. Apply, full so prepared money la turn. W.c. No. 19 Pearl the past winter, been remodeled giving particulars COBB, 81. The Republicans of the several cities and towns with those that are most expensive merely Machines thoroughly retired, H. P., Drawer 1119 Post Office. ?IOO la any amount on first Rates of Sewing and with new Jel9d2t* desired, in the Advertising: One Inch ol In supplied in to FIRST DISTRICT af Milne ate for the comfort of Whenever we apace, frirniturc, style equal in invited to passengers. of column, constitute* a any Hotel of the is now for K* mortgages Portland, Cape Elisa- length — opened i*crmaneiit Bookseller* and “square.” At — day; Stationer*. send to a District build new we all available $150 ami transient boarders. Wanted to Rent. delegates Convention to be held iu ones, incorporate per square daily first week: 75 cent* per beth, Westbrook, or Deeriag. Parties de- HOYT, FOGG A BREED, No. 01 middle week after; three or continu- The rooms are and the be- a sirous improvements.” insertions, less, $1 00; light airy, arrangement, family without children, a small hotlse with oi building can also be accomm- tttreet* IjANCAITRR ng every other after first 50 cents. 165 ing such, that each room has a view uimn Main st., a BYlittle UAI.I., PORTLAND, that’s no was Greeley’s re- day week, Middle Street. garden. Answer, staling terms, J. M., odated with loans. “Oh, excuse,” Half square, three insertious or less, 75 cents; one street unsurpassed in beauty, by none in the State. Press Office. junl9*lw joinder. “The people confer upon you cor- \ $1 50 cents it a most for K. Book Binders. Wednesday, Jane eek, 00; per week idler. Making pleasant resorj visitors from cit- CKO. DAVIS At CO., 40th, IS74, and extraordinary privileges, Special Notices, one third additional, Ia.trnrli.li ies (lunng the summer season. W m. A. porations special girrn I. Inexperienced Real Estate & Mortgage Brokers. QUINCY, Room 11, Printer’* AT XI O'CLOCK A. M., and I tell will not be content unless under head of “Amtsmkmentb,” $2 00 per square ruler*. The larder will be kept fully supplied with the best • you they Opr WANTED «et.24tt Exchange, No. Ill Rt. for the of I»or week: three insertions or less $1 50. the market affords, at all times and seasons, and no Exchange purpose nominating a candidate for the you them the best accommodations to be SmAI,I, A SH give Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Work pains or expense spared to make the condition of all ACK FORD, No. 35 Plum and a supplied whereby to pay for the CLIFF Forty-third Congress candidate for Elector for had. Why don’t you put on this kind of car Press” (which has a circulation in who may patronise the House and COTTAGE, Cape Elizabeth, an expe- FOIiSALE! Street. large every part, Machine when desired. agreeable happv. rienced President and Vice-President. at once?” ot the State) for $100 per square for first insertion, Central and commodious SAMPLE ROOMS are At and 50 cents for each inser- open, in connection with the house to accommodate The basis of representation will l>e as follows: don’t we, sure .Why did’nt per square subsequent The work can be taken out and made at home. Cook and House No. 84 head of Honue* and Hat “Why enough? tion. Traveling Laundress, Emery St., Bleachery. Each and town will be infernal old with To those not having Sewing Machines and intend- agents. city entitled to send one del- you start your Tribune, Address all communications to to Coaches leavo the House to connect with all the To whom Cushman Street. » SAWYER Sc mg purchase, we would the of liberal wages will be Also a Yout»g CO., Bleachers, No. 131 egate, and one additional for v ites three hundred thousand subscribers?” suggest probability Steamers at from east or paid. every seventy-five PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. our more touching Rockland west Man to take care of a horse and ao chores about the middle Street. giving practical assistance toward the selec- Also to house is one of the best locations on east for Perhats at tho 1 think Richmond lias rather a carry passengers to and from the cars. Sidney Gubernatorial elec- “Horace, got V good machine, from the fact of used premises. on the tine ot J’f having Carleton’s well-known Stable is connected street; neighborhood. Consists ion of 1870. A remarked Mr. Lincoln.— all on all kinds of than would be deriv- Livery Enquire at Press Office. two majority fraction of forty rotes will you there,” quietly kinds, work, with the House. jel8tf MSaidstory framed House and ell. containing ten ed from Carpenters and Builders. Public BUSINESS observing the fanciful of some nigniy finished rooms; walls be entitled to an additional “Anecdotes of Men,” July Galaxy. CARDS. i>erforwance All old acquaintance and friends at the Lykde painted throughout; delegate. skillful operator. gas; good cellar and heated brick cis- WHITNEY A Tho House, where the undersignod officiated as Clerk Wanted. by furnace; large MEANS, Pearl Street, op. chairmen of the several cities and towns are tern, filtered; well drained. One of the most desl- from its opening, are invited not to his po*ite Park. to forward tK« names of Summer Drinks. forget present ail<* conven*e|R houses in the requested their delegates A Reliable residence. He will be at home ami to meet FEW Gentlemen Boarders at 63 Cumberland city; close to ROSS & STURDIVANT, Sewing Machine, happv cB nle street as soon as to the them all. A Street. line of cars; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. chosen, Chairman of the District Ice-water should lie drank but WILLIAM K. BICKTORD, jnl8-lw* M.Sl'rijjg Terms sparingly. SIMPLE AS easy. Enquire on the premises. Dentists. Committee. A most excellent substitute for it is WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS MAY BE. Proprietor. June 19. pouuded dtf >■ DR. W. R. orer H. —AND YET— Charles II. Gloyd, Clerk. Wanted. JOHNSON, H. Hay’*. The apportionment of delegates to the several ice taken in small lumps into the mouth and Tliomaston, June 1st, 1872. 179 Commercial Portland. jet3dtf SITUATION to do or other writ- cities and towns In the District is as follows: allowed to dissolve the This St., lereatfilein Fncilitie. and copying any For Sale upon tongue. Adjustment1., a Cheap, Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. A ing by lady who has nad four years practice; Acton, 3; Alfred, 3; Berwick, 4: Bkldeford 9: will prove very refreshing and much more en- Sole agents in Maine for the sale and of can write fast. Address Aud to Let if not Sold at shipment EASY OF OPERATION. ROCKY POINT HOTEL, very L. M~, Daily Press Once, WALTER COREV A CO., Arcadr, No. Buxton, 5; Cornish, 3; Davton, 2; Eliot, 4; Hollis, in its effect. the Celebrated mined Messrs. Ham- No. 34 St. Terms during Coal by —AND YET— Office._ junl0d2w* Emery very easy; may 18 Free Street. 4; Kennebuuk, 4; Kennebuukport, 4; Kltterv, 7; RHODE ISLAND. be examined Lemonade is a and grateful bever- mett Neill & of HOUSE between 10 and 12 a. m. and be- Lebanon, 4; Limerick, 3; Limiugtnn, 3; simple Co., Philadelphia. tween 3 GEORGE A. No. 50 Ex- Lyman, make it: Roll the lemons on some- EFFECTIVE and Wanted. and 5 P. M, Mom lay and Saturday forenoons WHITNEY, 3; Newfiehl, 3; North Berwick, 3; Parsonstleld, 3: age. To We have also ior sale at lowest market PRACTICAL, excepted St. price, SK-ASON, 1873. Class Ironers and Shirt Polishers wanted at MATTOCKS & FOX, change Uphol.tering of all kind, Saco, 10; Shaplelgh. 3; Sanford, 3; South Berwick thing hard till they become soft; grate off the Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, and Pittston DURABLE, FOSTER’S New Lanudrv, No. 24 Union st. Je3dlf 88 Middle st. done to order. 4; Waterboroagh, 4; Wells, 4; York, 4, Baldwin, 3; cut the lemons in slices and ON THE 171IRST rinds, squeeze from the of New Ves- EUROPEAN PLAN.
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