Fit India

The Fit India Movement is a public movement by the Government of India, which aims to inspire its citizens to become more physically active and fit. The launch event on National Sports Day, 29 August, had extensive media coverage with live broadcasts in many schools and colleges. Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged Indians to take up fitness as part of their daily lifestyle as he launched the Fit India movement on Thursday, saying the key to keeping India ahead is ‘healthy people, healthy family and healthy society’. People pledged to strengthen the movement and take it to every person in every household. During his speech, the Prime Minister also noted a decline in overall physical strength in an average Indian due to sedentary lifestyle. Through the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister appealed to the citizens to adapt to the physically active program. He also emphasized the physical benefits of practicing yoga and said that it should be an integral part of everyone’s routine. It gives the message that inactivity leads to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardio- vascular complications, obesity, etc. and is a regular physical activity that is sports or a normal walk; it will help to remain disease free.

A Poem towards Fit India

All say that health is wealth What all we do for health? Do exercises to remain fit? So, we can get a benefit. So do yoga, exercises in school, As it doesn't require any tool. Make your daily workout cool, If you don't then you are a fool. Start doing and teaching others, To all your sisters and brother. Fitness is good for all men and lady, Move your leg and move your body, India is a developing nation. Let’s develop it by our motion. Burning out fat, not getting lazy Doing exercise let’s become crazy. Stand up and do exercise every day, Move legs, hands, in different way. Play outdoor games and have fun Wear shoes and get ready to run. Keep Mobiles phone, T.V, junk food aside. Let every disease go away and do suicide. With health body and mind do all things, To get achievements and fly with wings.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS 17 SWA 121038

Name : CDT Sneha Jaharisa Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country’s interest first and then thinking about oneself. Patriotism can be specifically seen during times of wars. Moreover, it helps in building the nation stronger. There are other significances of patriotism as well.

Significance of patriotism Usually, were fers to our country as our mother land. This further proves that we must have the same love and respect for our country as we have for our mother. After all, our country is no less than a mother; it nurtures us and helps us to grow. Everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism as it makes it better. In addition, it also enhances life quality the citizens. It does that by making people work for the collective interest of the country. When every works for the betterment of the country, there would be no conflict of interest. Thus, a happier environment will prevail. After that, peace and harmony will be maintained through patriotism. In short, patriotism does have great importance in developing the country. It eliminates any selfish and harmful motives which in turn lessens corruption. Similarly, when the government becomes free of corruption, the country will develop faster.

Great patriots of India

India had a fair share of patriots from very beginning. The struggle for independence gave birth to various patriots. These patriots have made a lot of sacrifices for the country to flourish and prosper. Their names have gone done in history and are still taken with respect and admiration. Some of the greatest patriots of India were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad. The feeling of patriotism must be instilled. In the past, particularly during the british resign, many people came forward to instill the feeling of patriotism among their fellow countrymen. Patriots held meeting, gave lectures and used various other means to inspire the people around them. In the same way, a feeling of patriotism must be in stilled in the young generation too. This must be done when they are still young. Schools and Colleges must be take initiative to instill childrens with the feeling of love and respect for their country. Many institution host function and organize events on15 th of august and 26 th of January.

Conclusion A true patriots is the one who works hard for the betterment so this country. He contributes his bit toward him proving the condition of his country in whatever way he can. A true patriot does not only work towards building his nation but also inspires those people around him to do so.

Poem on patriotism

Title of the poem is--- We all are Indians first…. History is our witness, And martyrs are the god, We are disciples of gurus, This land is saints’ abode. Compassion is our heritage; In humanity do we trust? Neither Hindu nor Muslim, We All are Indians first. Diversity is our culture, And unity is our strength, We strive for peace of world, Challenger of ours sovereignty, For sure would bite the dust, Neither kannad nor oriya, We all are Indians first. Perseverance in our ethos, And diligence is our means, We pledge to us her-in dawn, Our ancestors saw in dreams, We ain’t shy of hard work, For us rest-is-rust, Neither Tamil nor sindhi, We all are Indians first…

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS 19 SWA 121057

Name : CDT Snehal Kri Singh Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


Kargil vijay diwas is a holyday observed in INDIA on 26th of july. On this date in 1999 INDIA successfully took command of the high outposts. The was fought for more than 60 days and ended on 26th july 1999,when Pakistani army took advantage of the melting snow and betraying the bilateral understanding of both the nations that the post would remain unattended during the winter season took command of the high outposts of INDIA. The Pakistani army denied involvement in the war, claiming that it was caused by independent Kashmiri rebel forces, however documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pakistan`s Prime minister and Chief of Army Staff showed involvement of Pakistani paramilitary forces, led by General Ashraf Rashid. The Kargil war resulted in loss of life on both the sides and was ended when India regained control over the post and ejected the Pakistani Army out of the territory.

Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26th July every in honour of the Kargil War`s Hero’s. This day is celebrate in the Kargil-sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate every year. Functions are also organized all over the country to commemorate the contributions of the armed forces.


After the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, there had been a long period with relatively few direct armed conflicts involving the military forces of the two neighbors -not with standing the efforts of both nations to control the Siachen Glacier by establishing military outposts on the surroundings mountains ridges and the resulting military skirmishes in the 1980s. During the 1990s,however, escalating tensions and conflict due to separatist activities in Kashmir ,as well as the conducting of nuclear tests by both countries in 1998,led to an increasingly belligerent atmosphere.

In an attempt to defuse the situation, both countries signed the Declaration in February 1999,promising to provide a peaceful and bilateral solution to the Kashmiri conflict. During the winter of 1998-1999, some elements of the Pakistani Armed Forces wear covertly training and sending Pakistani troops and paramilitary forces, into territory on Indian side of the (LOC). The infiltration was code name "Operaton Badri". The aim of the Pakistani incursion was to sever the link between Kashmir and Ladakh andcause Indian forces to withdraw from the Siachen Glacier, thus forcing India to negotiate a sattlement of the broader Kashmir dispute. Pakistan also belived that any tention in the region would internationalize the Kashmir issue, helping it to secure a speedy resolution. Yet another goal may have been to boost the morale of the decade-long rebellion in Indian State of Kashmir by talking a proactive role.

Initially, with little knowledge of the nature or extent of the infiltration, the Indian troops in the area assumed that the infiltrators were jihadis and declared that they would evict them within a few days. Subsequent discovery of infiltration elsewhere along the LOC, along with the difference in tacties employed by the infiltrators, caused the Indian army to realize that the plan of attack was on a much bigger scale. The total area sized by the ingress is generally accepted to between 130km^2 to 200km2 .

The Government of India responded with Operation Vijay, a mobilization of 200,00 Indian troops. The war came to an official end on July 26,1999, thus marking it as Kargil Vijqay Diwas. 527 soldiers from Indian Armed Forces lost their lives during the war.

Poem on Vijay Divas

For The Unspoken Heros...... Nothing in The World Is Without a Price Tag Everything Needs a Fee So...Freedom is Never Free It Was Brought To Us As Sacrifices Being The Cost Shedding Of Bloods, Wounds, Scars On The Mortal Corpse Till The Last Breaths Those Unspoken heroes Battle Hard Against the Enemy To Win Us Back Victory of Freedom and Our Destiny......

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS 19 SDA 121152

Name : CDT Biki Saikia Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat

Ex NCC Yogdan (Covid-19)

National cadet crops has offered its volunteer cadets for national duty to bight covid19. The exercise has been code named ‘Ex NCC Yogdan’ cadets has already been issued. The ministry of defense on Thursday said “National cadet crops (NCC) has offered a helping hand to civilian authorities in the country’s fight against covid-19 by extending the services of cadets under exercise NCC Yogdan.” And added, “It has issued guidelines for temporary employment of its cadets to augment relief efforts and functioning of various agencies involved in batting the pandemic. Only senior division volunteer cadets above 18 years of age will be employed. They should be employed in small cohesive groups of eight to 20 under the supervisor of permanent Instructor staff or/and an Associate NCC officer. So for around 47,000 cadets have volunteered informed the sources. The tasks emisaged for NCC cadets include, maming of helping/call centress/ distribution of relief materials/medicines food/ essential commodities;/community assistance, data management and queue traffic management. According to the guidelines, cadets should not be employed in handling of low and order solution or for active military duties or at hot spots. For employment of volunteer cadets, state governments/district administration has to send the requisition through at directorate/group. Headquarters/unit level with state government/ local civil authority. Before the cadets are deployed for the duty ground conditions and laid down requirements are to be ensured. NCC is the biggest youth organization with cadet strength of 14 lakh having its presence all across the country. The cadets come from about 16,000 educational institutions including the high schools, higher secondary, colleges and universities enrolled with it NCC is head quartered in Del hi with 17 Directorates in state capitals, which cover every district with 825 units under 99 groups centers. The cadets train into tri-services format comprising the cadets train into tri-services format comprising the Army, Navy and air wing. The NCC, which operates under Ministry of Defense has been engaged in conducting to the national calamities like floods, cyclone etc since its inception.

Poem on EX NCC Yogdan ( Covid 19)

NCC has offered a helping hand to civilization, Issued guidelines for tempory employment, Of its cadets to augment. Relief efforts and functioning of various, Agencies individual in batting the pandemic. The tasks envisaged for NCC cadets include, Manning of helping I call centers; distribution of. Relief materials/medicines/food/essential etc. Guidelines, cadets employed in the handling Of law and order situation or for Active military dirties or at hot sports.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS 19 SWA 121085

Name : CDT Porishmita Bora Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET,. Jorhat


On 21 June 2015, the first ever ‘International Day of Yoga’ was celebrated with the theme “Yoga for Peace and Harmony” in huge scale across India and all over the world. The concept was first proposed by the respected PM Modi and also he suggested the UN to celebrate on 21 June as the ‘International Day of Yoga ‘ as it is the summer solistice ; the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.


Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originates in India. The word ‘Yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of the body ,soul and mind. It is an exercise that is perform by balancing the elements of our body .It help us meditate and relax. Moreover, Yoga helps us keep control of our bodies physically , mentally and spiritually.


Yoga spread peace and harmony all over the world. It is believed that Yoga and meditation bring a positive change in our life. Regular exercise and meditation keeps our body fit , healthy and mind refreshed with positive energy. It is said that “health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing” well it is true, The importance of life is our health. Without our healthy body and mind , we cannot attain happiness and peaceful mind. The necessity of physical, mental and spiritual well-being is required in everyone’s life to bring peace and harmony in all over the world. Here, yoga plays an important role to keep our body healthy and strong. A Healthy body and mind can bring peace and harmony in all over the world. PM Modi believes that Yoga will help bring people together.


PM Narendra Modi says ,”Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition and is a hoslistic approach to health and well-being. ‘Yoga’ aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. It is the secret of having a healthy and long life without the use of artificial chemicals and drug like medicine to live in peace and harmony. Everyone must practice yoga and also benefit from it.

The main goal of yoga is, however, to help the individual to transcend the self and attain enlightenment. As the Bhagavad-Gita says, “A person is said to have achieved yoga, the union with self, when the perfectly disciplined mind gets freedom from all desires, and becomes absorbed in the self alone.”

Poem on Yoga for Peace and Harmony

When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,

I all alone beweep my outcast state,

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,

And look upon myself and curse my fate,

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,

Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,

Desiring this man’s art and that man’s scope,

With what I most enjoy contented least;

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,

Haply I think on thee, and then my state,

(Like to the lark at break of day arising

From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven’s gate;

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings

That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC

Regimental number: AS 19 SWA 121101 Name : CDT SERLIBON KUNGRI TERANGPI Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


Introduction to NCC

The youth of the country is a national asset and it‟s development is a task of great significance and importance. The NCC has the expertise and built-in infrastructure to fulfil this mandate. Over the years NCC has contributed towards achieving this goal in an effective and meaningful manner. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) holds a golden key for all-round growth and transformation of our youth. What began in the year 1917, as the University Corps, after many changes and overhauls through the years, has come to be known as the National Cadet Corps (NCC) since November 1948. Today, with nearly 14 lakh cadets, both boys and girls, from over 13000 colleges and schools inclusive of those in remote and far flung areas, on its roll, the NCC is projected as the largest disciplined, uniformed youth organization in the world. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) was established on 16 July 1948 under an act of Parliament. It‟s motto “Unity and Discipline” has guided the NCC in its long standing effort to mould young volunteers into disciplined and responsible young citizens of India

Vision of NCC Empower volunteer youth to become potential leaders and responsible citizens of the country. Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Mission of NCC To develop leadership qualities, mould discipline and nurture social integration and cohesion through multi-faceted programmes conducted in a military environment.

Aims of NCC The „Aim‟ of the NCC laid out in 1948 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. They are as follows :- (a) To train volunteer youth to become confident, committed and competent leaders in all walks of life. (b) To enhance the awareness level of cadets for being responsible citizens of the country. (c) Provide opportunities and encourage cadets to enhance their knowledge / awareness levels on life / soft / communication skills, character building / personality development. (d) Conduct activities to provide value based contributions towards society in terms of social and community development. (e) Undertake adventure activities for development of leadership qualities and risk taking abilities. (f) Provide a platform to launch “good-will ambassadors” cadets to project the image of the country overseas. (g) Provide an environment to motivate cadets to join the armed forces as a career.

These are some basics types of camps in NCC : • Combined Annual Training Camp( CATC) • Basic leadership Camp ( BLC) • Pre Republic Day Camp( Pre-RDC) • Advanced Leadership Camp( ALC) • Course at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling. • Paratroopers camp • National Integration Camp( NIC) • Attachment to regular Army/Navy • Army attachment • Hospital Attachment • Naval Attachment • Air Attachment • IMA Attachment • OTA Attachment. • Republic Day Camp ( RDC) • Tal/Nau Sainik Camp • Trekking Camp • Social Service Camp (SSC) • Independence Day Camp (IDC) • Youth exchange program(YEP)

Poem on NCC Camps and training

It was not a trip, It was a training schedule. When I was in camp, There were many cadets with me Some were like my brothers But the one unique thing was We were all cadets On a milatry truck Every one of us were proud of our luck We were going to rifle shooting and training program

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS18SDA121019 Name : CDT IMTIAZ REHMAN Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


There is no country like India, quite as diverse, multi-lingual and multi-cultural, yet bound together by the ancient bounds of shared traditions, culture and values. Such bonds need to be strengthened through enhanced and continuous mutual interaction between people of varied regions and ways of life so that it encourages reciprocity and secures an enriched value system of unity amongst people of different States in a culturally special country like INDIA.

The initiative ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ was announced by Hon'ble Prime Minister on 31st October, 2015 on the occasion of the 140th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Through this innovative measure, the knowledge of the culture, traditions and practices of different states & UTs will lead to an enhanced understanding and bonding between the states, thereby strengthening the unity and integrity of India.

The Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat programme, aims to actively enhance interaction between people of diverse cultures living in different States and UTs in India, with the objective of promoting greater mutual understanding amongst them. As per the programme, each year, every State/UT would be paired with another State/UT in India for reciprocal interaction between the people. It is envisaged through this exchange, that the knowledge of the language, culture, traditions and practices of different states will lead to an enhanced understanding and bonding between one another, thereby strengthening the unity and integrity of India.

The States and UTs are to embark on a mission to enhance their cultural, academic and economic ties by entering into a wide range of mutual engagements with the paired States/UTs covering the spheres of music, drama, cuisine, language, history, tourism and other forms of exchange between the people. An indicative list of activities has been drawn up and circulated to the State Governments / UT Administrations and to the key Central Ministries. The States/ UTs may choose, evolve and develop their interaction pattern based on the suggested list as per operational suitability in the course of their interactions.

All States and UTs will be covered under the programme. There will be pairing of States/UTs at national level and these pairings will be in effect for one year, or till the next round of pairings. The State/UT level pairings would be utilized for state level activities. District level pairings would be independent of the State level pairings. The activity will be very useful to link various States and Districts in annual programmes that will connect people through exchanges in areas of culture, tourism, language, education trade etc. and citizens will be able to experience the cultural diversity of a much larger number of States/UTs while realizing that India is one.

Poem on Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat

Except for those who make the guns And profit from each bomb and plane, No one wants war; we all want peace. "Bring them home!" people complain.

There are better ways to solve all this; We'll get together and negotiate; With diplomacy, we'll calm them down; With loving hearts we'll end the hate.

But loving hearts don't understand That demented tyrants want it all. No talk, no love will change their minds. Only war will cause their fall.

Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, too, Total power was their goal. Saddam Hussein, Amin, and more, Ignored the talk, and gained control.

Despicable, depraved and more, With viciousness, they kill their own. So we send our soldiers off to hell To keep freedom as our cornerstone.

Was 26/11 not enough To show us just how far they'll go? Will we acquiesce to terrorists, These devils, the lowest of the low?

Reluctantly, we have to fight; So while pundits chatter and discuss, We'll use our might to take them out, To keep the thugs from killing us.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS17 SDA 121034 Name : CDT AYUSH TRIVEDI Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


One of the recognized purpose behind tree plantation of forestry, forest are quickly demanding from the surface of the earth since people are cutting trees for business purposes. Despite the way that forest develop normally, there is a need to regrow then at a more noteworthy rate than the rate at which they are destroyed. Aside from improving the biodiversity, frees additionally add to natural beauty of a spot.

Trees planted by the streets and in the parks add to the scenic beauty of the spot. A tree will be three for ages profiting everyone in its specific manner. If you plant a tree today, at that point, your. Coming ages fill be profited by it- One of the best future investment to make for your young steers.

A few NGOs and individuals are volunteering in for tree plantation today. If is, after all, the fastest method to make the earth greener. Tree plantation is a signal that will make the planet a great spot to live for the coming ages. We should not exclusive yet also energize others to plant tree at whatever point and any place the time and resources allow them.

Governments should likewise approach to help tree plantation. Non-government offices and local groups may feel monetary deficiencies, and here the administration could end up being of help. Furthermore, the administration has a pool of assets and funds to complete enormous scope plantation activities with NGOs and other invested parties.

Tree plantation is good for the environment. Everyone knows that tree are the source of oxygen. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen without which the survival of living being is not possible on earth. Apart from inhaling carbon dioxide tree also absorb various harmful gases including sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide and also litter harmful pollutants from the atmosphere thereby providing us fresher and cleaner air to breath. The growing amount of air pollution caused by the smoke emitted by vehicles and factories can be control only if we plant more and more trees. However this is not the only reason why tree plantation is important. It offers several other benefits. Some of the top advantages of growing trees include. Providing fruit and leaves that serve as food.

Poem on Ek Tree plantation

Tree can be short, trees can be tall

Whatever kind, I like then all

They give us oxygen, they give us air

We give then love, we give them care.

We take care of each, as if they were our own

From, when they they’re a seeding, to fully grown.

From berries to cherries, from apples to grapes.

They give us different fruits, and grow in different shapes.

With their colorful leaves and long, brown trunk.

We know that the beautiful trees are not junk

They need water, soil, space and light.

We give them those things day and night.

So today, we all say hurray.

For the tree ‘special day’ which is called “Arbor Day”.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS17 SDA 121029 Name : UO SAURAV SHOME Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


“Atmanirbhar Bharat” means self-reliant or self-sufficient India. The term was first used by PM Shri Narendra Modi on 12 May,2020. According to him, the state of the world today teaches us that (Atma Nirbhar Bharat) "Self-reliant India" is the only path. It is said in our scriptures — Eshah Panthah. That is — self-sufficient India. This indicated that the vision of the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi of making India "a bigger and more important part of the global economy", pursuing policies that are efficient, competitive and resilient, and being self sustaining and self-generating. The five pillars of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ are stated as economy, infrastructure, technology- driven systems, vibrant demography and demand.

Why do we need this?

There are many factors and reasons why we need an 'ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT'. The main reason is that India is largely dependent on other countries in many sectors which includes mainly technology and production. Making the country self reliant in all spheres- from manufacturing to supplying. It will help the country to reduce its dependence on imports and may also give a boost to exports. Example : Let us take some small examples to make it clear

1) In India , there is not a single motorcycle company of Indian origin which has been able to produce a superbike(bikes having more than 800cc engine). That is the reason why companies like Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha are earning profit by manufacturing superbikes in India at a high price which is not that affordable for middle class civilians. This can also be a reason why there are no Indian racers currently in MOTO GP

2) India has till date not been able to build a single smartphone with great performance ability of it's own. Previously ,companies like Micromax, LYF, LAVA,etc. made smartphones but failed to resist the market. Currently smartphone production giants like Samsung, Realme , Redmi etc. are in the business and doing great. 3) One of the greatest reason is that almost 20 percent of imports done by India are from China with which currently India's relations are not that great.

Is 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' and 'Make in India' same?

Obviously not. There are some differences between 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' campaign and 'Make in India' campaign. ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat' somewhat means 'Made in India' which does not mean 'Make in India'. ‘Make in India' meant to motivate Indians as well as invite foreign companies or countries to invest or manufacture in India. But,'Atmanirbhar Bharat’ means to produce or build by the Indians only. This does not mean "self-containment", "isolating away from the world" or being "protectionist". It's main motive is to originate any idea or a product by India for not only India but for the world too.

Poem on Atmanirbhar bharat

Let’s make our own ,

write our own Produce our own , use our own

It’s time to be self-reliant , it’s a humble suppliant

Oh yes together we can , make India an economic giant

It’s time to be independent, in a true way

And time to be Atmanirbhar, anyway

Let us be free , in every way

It’s time to stand up, make our own way

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS19 SDA 121146 Name : CDT SASWAT PRITAM BARUAH Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat


The Jal Shakti Abhiyan is a campaign for water conservation and water security in the country. The campaign will be run through citizen participation in two phases, firstly, during the monsoon season, from 1st July to 15th September, 2019 and then from 1st October, 2019 to 30 November, 2019 for states receiving the North East retreating monsoons. It is a collaborative effort of various ministries of the Government of India and state government, being coordinated by the department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS) that comes under the Jal Shakti Ministry.

The force of the campaign is on stressed is on water stressed districts and blocks. The Jal Shakti team of officers from the central government will visit and work district administration in 1592 water stressed blocks in 256 districts, to ensure five important water conservation interventions. The initiative will see participation and coordination by 255 IAS Officers of the rank of Joint or Additional security from various departments of the central government.

The five important water conservations intervention are : Water conservation and rainwater harvesting, renovation of traditional and other water bodies/tanks, Reuse of water and recharging of structure, watershed development and Intensive a forestation.

The Abhiyan would look into progress made in harvesting conserving and bore well recharge activities under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (MGNREGA), works under the integrated watershed management program of the Ministry of Rural Development, water body restoration activities of Jal Shakti Ministry and afforestation program of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and climate change.

Progress of all the works will be monitored real time through a mobile application and a web-based dashboard at As part of the initiative, water conservation plans will be drafted for blocks and districts. Kisan Vigyan Kendra will be roped in to promote better crop choices for the farmers and efficient use of water for irrigation water SCARCITY IS A REALITY THAT India is staring at now.

The situation in Chennai has brought the attention of influention people as far the United State. But, there are thousands of villages across the length and breadth of the country facing serere water scarcity. The monsoon has failed them for the past four years. In such a scenario, the new initiative from the government augurs well.

Rainwater harvesting, a forestation, watershed management, efficient irrigation, etc are time tested mechanisms for conserving water. The initiative with its broad mandate is planning to involve all stakeholders in water conservation. Hope the initiative will achieve success in its objective.


WATER, water in the sea, Following happily as can be, But then comes out the big bright sun, Spoiling all the water’s fun

Water, water everywhere I drink it on everyday, It keeps me always calm and cool, Instead, I throw all my water, I found it in my rivers and lakes, Still I drink it on everyday.

Then it starts to draft to the sky, The water vapour is beginning to fly.

A pond or a puddle, Or the big blue sea That’s accumulation Now listen to me.

Evaporation comes, sun becomes warm The ground water comes, water becomes vapour

High in the Sky The vapour get cold They turn back to water Or so I am told

Condensation takes over It’s goes up to the clouds, Water vapour cools down And it changes to a Liquid now, A cloud it become The rain starts to fall

The cycle is repeated there and then, Still I drink it on everyday, And I shout to the water, “We shall meet against”.

Unit : 33 ACTR NCC Regimental number: AS18 SWA 121025 Name : CDT HIMASHRI RABHA Collage: H.R.H THE POWIET, Jorhat