St Mary and St Luke ... Featherstone & Shareshill Sunday 1st - 10.00 am Parish Communion Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd - 10.00 -11.30am Coffee, Cake & Chat in the Saredon Suite Parish Magazine Wednesday 4th - 10.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Bible Study at Woodberry House Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Sunday 8th - 10.00 am Parish Communion 12.00pm Baptism of Isla Rene Jones Your News For March/April 2020 Monday 9th - Luncheon Club Tuesday 10th - 10.00 -11.30 am Coffee, Cake & Chat in the Saredon Suite Wednesday 11th -10.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Bible Study at Woodberry House Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Sunday 15th - 10.00 am Parish Communion Monday 16th - 2.00 pm Solos Group in the Saredon Suite Tuesday 17th - 10.00 -11.30 am Coffee, Cake & Chat in the Saredon Suite Wednesday 18th -10.00am Holy Communion 11.45 am Lunch Bunch 10.00 am Bible Study at Woodberry House Thursday 19th - 7.30pm W.I. Friday 20th Spring Equinox Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd - Mothering Sunday Benefice Sunday at Essington. No service at Shareshill Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th - 10.00 -11.30 am Coffee, Cake & Chat in the Saredon Suite Wednesday 25th -10.00am Holy Communion 10.00 am Bible Study at Woodberry House 11.45 am Lunch Bunch Thursday 26th - 09.30 - 3pm Havergal School in Saredon Suite Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th - British Summertime begins (clocks forward 1 hour) 10.00am Prayer & Praise Monday 30th Tuesday 31st - 10.00 am - 11.30am Coffee, Cake & Chat in the Saredon Suite Issue 381 44 1 A.JONES GARDEN CARE All aspects of ground maintenance considered including:- tree removal, lopping, hedge reduction, grass cutting, The Rev’d Norma Bellamy borders weeded, pruning, patio cleaning, etc
[email protected] 01543 876809 All hedge and tree cuttings removed, if required Magazine Editor We’re not really sure! No job too small.