Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - Session of 1975 159th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Referred to Committee on Transportation. The House convened at 1 p.m., e.s.t. By Messrs. NOVAK, TRELLO, MISCEVICH, MRKONIC, COWELZ, Mrs. GILLETTE, Mrs KERNICK, THE SPF.AKER (Herbert Fineman) IN THE CHAIR Messrs. ITKIN, McGRAW, M. M. MULLEN, PRAYER REVEREND DOCTOR DAVID R. HOOVER, chaplain of BELLOMINI, TAYLOR, TAYOUN, VALICENTI, the House of Representatives and pastor of St. Paul's McCALL, LEDERER, MYERS, GEISLER, CAPUTO, Lutheran Church, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, offcred FLAHERTY, McLANE, WANSACZ, BRUNNER, the folluwing prayer: PETRARCA, SALOOM, LETTERMAN and SHUMAN HOUSE RILL No. 289 0 God, in the glorious creation of our world, Thou hast An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Urban Mass Trans- shown forth the of my glory the strength of portation Assistance Law of 1967," approved January 22, Thy power. Make us conscious of the truth that Tkou art 1968 (p, L, 42, N~,8), providing for kee local transit continually creating as Thou dost breathe into each new- service for permanently hsabled persons who are amhu- born babe the breath of life. Make us awarc of the latory and the mentally retarded. fact that Thou dost constantly work in the hearts and lo Committee on minds of men to bring about Thy will and way. Make us sensitive to the still small voice which speaks through By Messrs. BRANDT, WESTERBERG and LEHR the conscience of each of us to make known the pathway HOUSE BILL No. 290 which Thou wouldst have us follow.
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