Conseuro Abstracts Paris 2013
Clin Oral Invest (2013) 17:1029–1111 DOI 10.1007/s00784-013-0943-1 ABSTRACTS Poster abstracts of the 6th biennial meeting of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) held in association with the 33th national congress of the College National des Enseignants en Odontologie Conservatrice (CNEOC), France, 9–11 May 2013, Paris, France Pierre Colon Hannover, elected at the scientific foundation of the EFCD will The sixth biennial meeting of the European Federation of give a short presentation about her research in Leuven. These Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) held in association with the na- lectures will be followed by the welcome reception. tional congress of the College National des Enseignants en Four different sessions, one poster session are scheduled on Odontologie Conservatrice (CNEOC) with concurrent meetings Friday. Twelve invited international lecturers will participate to of member associations of EFCD, Academy of Operative the scientific sessions: Pulp and biomaterials, new trends in cari- Dentistry European Section (AODES), and Sociedad Española de ology, dental adhesion, new trends in endodontics. Two parallel Odontologica Conservadora (SEOC) and annual meeting of the sessions allow this variety of topics in the same day. The poster Société Française des Biomatériaux Dentaires (SFBD), provides presentations are organized in seven sessions: Dental materials, the opportunity to scientists and practitioners working on preven- prevention, operative dentistry,endodonticsandpulpbiology, tion, restoration and aesthetics in conservative dentistry but also clinical cases, student session, dental education. There are 206 posters in endodontics, pulp biology and dental education to come to- presented as poster display or poster discussion. Poster presenters gether in Paris, France.
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