Gazette No 198 of 10 December 2004
8963 Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 198 Friday, 10 December 2004 Published under authority by Government Advertising and Information LEGISLATION Assents to Acts ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO Legislative Assembly Offi ce, Sydney 24 November 2004 IT is hereby notifi ed, for general information, that Her Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.: Act No. 85 2004 – An Act to amend the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000, in connection with a national reporting scheme, with respect to reporting obligations and other requirements for offenders who commit certain child-related offences; and for other purposes. [Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Amendment Bill] Act No. 86 2004 – An Act to amend the Protected Estates Act 1983 to provide for the management of the estates of missing persons; and related matters. [Protected Estates Amendment (Missing Persons) Bill] RUSSELL D. GROVE, PSM Clerk of the Legislative Assembly 8964 LEGISLATION 10 December 2004 Proclamations New South Wales Proclamation under the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Amendment Act 2002 No 104 MARIE BASHIR,, GovernorGovernor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Amendment Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation,
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