March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E667 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

SUPPORTING THE GOALS OF Cregan, as he is being honored by the Retired brief positions held at Caterpillar and the local INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Irish Police Society with the ‘‘2009 James P post office, she retired and became an avid Sweeney—Man of the Year Award.’’ Father gardener. She continues to tend to her flowers SPEECH OF Cregan’s service to police officers and fire- and plants indoors during Illinois’ harsh win- HON. DIANE E. WATSON fighters who bravely serve our community con- ters. Today, she is joined by her closest tinues to be an invaluable source of support, friends and family to celebrate. OF CALIFORNIA kindness and guidance for the women and In the last one hundred years, Ms. Hart has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES men who bravely serve in the line of duty. seen women granted the right to vote. She Wednesday, March 1, 2009 At a very young age, Father Cregan and his witnessed the in World War II. Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in four sisters, Sister Theresine, Rita, Florence She watched a man walk on the moon. She enthusiastic support for H. Res. 194 a resolu- and the late Margaret were taught the impor- can recall the civil rights movement and Dr. tion supporting the goals of International tance of family, faith, heritage and service. Fa- Martin Luther King’s speeches. She was born Women’s Day. For the last century March 8th ther Cregan’s grandfather, born in Ireland, was during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt has been a day for people to unite in their a Cleveland police sergeant. His father, Jo- and has seen the White House change hands commitment to honor the women who coura- seph Cregan, served for many years as a eighteen times. Ms. Hart knows what life was geously fight for gender equality and women’s Cleveland Police Lieutenant, and two of his like before Blackberries, cell phones, the inter- rights across the globe. nephews currently serve as Cleveland police net, computers, color television, microwaves, The course of women’s history through the officers. Father Cregan’s mother, Florence traffic lights, and bubble gum. In one hundred 20th and 21st centuries has been on an up- Cregan, was a critical influence in shaping his years, American life has changed drastically ward trajectory, and while we celebrate how wonderful sense of humor, his faith and his right before Ms. Hart’s eyes. far we have come, it is important to pause and sense of compassion for others. Ms. Lucille Hart is an inspiration to us all. It reflect on the reality that women continue to Father Cregan has served in parishes is my honor to congratulate Ms. Hart’s long life face political and economic obstacles, dis- throughout our community, including Blessed of achievement. May her health remain good crimination, and violence all over the world. Sacrament, St. Joseph’s Church, St. Thomas and may she continue to inspire. While there are many who deserve our ap- More and Our Lady of Angels, where he was preciation, I would like to recognize the appointed Pastor in 1987 and where he con- f women of Afghanistan who have begun to tinues to serve today. Moreover, Father steadily chip at the steel grasp of patriarchy, Cregan continues to serve as the Chaplain for HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- and begun to fight for safety and justice. the Cleveland Police and Fire, Greater Cleve- SARY OF THE TEXAS PYTHIAN Before 2003 the idea of a women’s shelter land Police and Fire, Holy Name Society, HOME in Afghanistan was unheard of, and domestic Cleveland Office of the FBI, the Greater abuse victims who did seek protection from Cleveland Police Emerald Society and the An- HON. KAY GRANGER chor Club—roles he has held for more than law enforcement were often thrown in jail or OF TEXAS returned to their husbands, perpetuating a cul- forty years. He has also served as the Chap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture of silence around the practices of beating, lain for the Retired Irish Police Society since torture, and forced marriage. 1988. Monday, March 16, 2009 Now, shelters like the Women for Afghan Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honoring Chaplain Father John J. Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise Women in Kabul and the Afghan Women today to recognize the 100th anniversary of Skills Development Center provide protection, Cregan, as he is named the 2009 John P. Sweeney ‘‘Man of the Year’’ by the Retired the beginning of the Texas Pythian Home. The treatment, and legal services to women who Home, called the ‘‘Castle on the Hill,’’ is lo- might otherwise have resigned themselves to Irish Police Society. Father Cregan’s warmth, concern, support and guidance continues to cated in my district in the city of Weatherford, a life of quiet misery, or resorted to suicide. Texas. These shelters, like others around the world, impact the lives of police officers and fire- The Texas Pythian Home began on March provide solace and safety for women with no- fighters throughout our community. As he has 1, 1909, as a home for widows and orphans where else to turn. They provide the basic for forty years, Father Cregan has been there of Knights of Pythias members. The Pythians, hope of possibilities for those seeking a safe with our safety forces to celebrate the a fraternal order, made the decision to build haven from abuse. Before these shelters ex- happiest of times, and most significantly, he the home in Weatherford following a donation isted many Afghan women could only dream has stood with them in the most trying of of three hundred acres of land. of a life in their own control, and now they times, offering strength, hope and faith to offi- have hope. cers and their loved ones. Father Cregan con- The main building housed orphaned children I would like to thank my colleague Con- tinues to lift the lives of countless individuals on the second floor. The basement was di- gresswoman SCHAKOWSKY for sponsoring this and families throughout Greater Cleveland and vided into apartments for widows with children. important resolution which allows us to stand today, we stand in gratitude and honor. There were soon so many boys that it became necessary to build a boys-only dorm. The and celebrate our common ideals with the 3 f billion women across the globe in dignity and boys moved into their new dorm in 1914. In certitude that one day women will live free of TRIBUTE TO MS. LUCILLE HART 1925, a girls-only dorm was built. In the early discrimination and violence no matter where 1970s, widows moved to the completed retire- they were born. HON. DEBORAH L. HALVORSON ment home in Greenville, Texas. The Pythian Home School was designated f OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an independent school district on August 1, IN HONOR OF FATHER JOHN J. 1910 and continued until 1972. In 1937, the CREGAN Monday, March 16, 2009 last high school graduating class walked Mrs. HALVORSON. Madam Speaker, today across the Pythian auditorium stage. It had HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH I rise to recognize the one-hundredth birthday been decided to send grades 6–12 to OF OHIO of Ms. Lucille Hart of Le Roy, Illinois. Ms. Hart Weatherford Independent School District. Grades 1–5 continued to have classes at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES joins the rank of centenarians after a fulfilling career in education and with the postal serv- Pythian Home until 1972. Monday, March 16, 2009 ice. For fifteen years, she taught in Delavan, As part of its effort to be self-sufficient, the Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Illinois. She then became the school treasurer, Home had a large dairy operation for many today in honor of Chaplain Father John J. a position she held for thirty more years. After years. Animals were raised to provide meat.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.010 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 The Home also had its own garden and or- damaged in the Anfal; put simply, these vic- coma, African Americans over the age of 40, chard. The staff and children kept busy main- tims were denied their day in court. Many people who are very nearsighted or farsighted taining all of the operations. A change in gov- Kurds now fear that the world will never hear and all persons over the age of 60. ernment regulations in 1972 limited these op- of the true extent of the Halabja atrocities— The NYEE has been a driving force in com- erations, so the dairy closed in 1976. widely considered the heaviest use of chem- bating glaucoma in increasing the number of There were many changes through the ical weapons against civilians in modern New Yorkers who are screened. Founded in years. The Texas Pythian Home is now the times. It is therefore imperative that the Anfal 1820, NYEE is the oldest specialty hospital in last one in existence. The Home, located on campaign, and the massacre of Halabja, be the Western Hemisphere. The NYEE has a 164 acres, can house up to 62 children. The documented and remembered—and inter- long tradition of community outreach, medical number of children in residence changes as nationally recognized as a crime of genocide education, and cutting-edge scientific re- the economy and family circumstances against the Kurdish people. But we should search. It is home to many glaucoma special- change. also do more. On the tragic anniversary of ists, including world-renowned glaucoma spe- The Pythian principles of friendship, charity, Halabja 1988, the world must not only remem- cialist Dr. Robert Ritch. Dr. Ritch is a co- and benevolence continue to be the driving ber the individuals who perished but also pro- founder of the World Glaucoma Patient Asso- force behind the organization. The Home is vide help to those that continue to suffer ciation, an umbrella organization which sup- here because it reaches out to those in need. today. That would be an appropriate way for ports glaucoma associations and networks Madam Speaker, it is my honor to recognize the world to bear witness to crimes that are worldwide in their efforts to educate and sup- the Texas Pythian Home on the 100th anni- among the ugliest the world has seen. port their members so that all people with versary of its founding and to offer my sincere f glaucoma can understand and better manage appreciation for the many contributions that its their disease. Dr. Ritch is also a member of residents have made and continue to make to IN RECOGNITION OF ANNUAL the World Glaucoma Day committee for the the city of Weatherford and the state of Texas. WORLD GLAUCOMA DAY World Glaucoma Association. f I also ask my colleagues to recognize an- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY other World Glaucoma Day sponsor, the REMEMBERING THE SLAUGHTER OF Friends of the Congressional Glaucoma Cau- IN IRAQI KURDISTAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cus, a non-partisan organization whose pur- Monday, March 16, 2009 pose is to educate all communities about the HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN risks of glaucoma and other blindness-causing OF CALIFORNIA Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to eye diseases, and to provide diagnostic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES urge my colleagues to recognize the impor- screening opportunities for high-risk population tance of World Glaucoma Day, a global initia- Monday, March 16, 2009 groups across the nations. tive created by the World Glaucoma Associa- Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, Twenty one tion and the World Glaucoma Patient Associa- colleagues rise to join me in recognizing World years ago, on March 16, 1988, the Saddam tion to underscore the importance of getting Glaucoma Day, and the urgent need to ensure Hussein regime committed one of modern his- screened for glaucoma, one of the leading that everyone is regularly screened for glau- tory’s most horrific crimes. The indiscriminate causes of blindness worldwide. The day will coma. use of chemical weapons to destroy the town be marked by awareness and educational f of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan led to the brutal events organized by eye care institutions and slaughter of thousands of innocent men, local patient support groups around the world. EARMARK DECLARATIONS women, and children and permanently debili- Glaucoma afflicts 3 million Americans and tated many more. More than two decades some 75 million people worldwide. Glaucoma HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT after the massacre, the people of Halabja still can strike anyone of any age. It affects all age OF ALABAMA suffer from the effects of that barbaric attack. groups, including infants, children, and the el- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Long-term effects include cancers, birth de- derly. Congenital glaucoma and childhood fects, neurological problems, miscarriages, in- glaucoma are serious pediatric medical prob- Monday, March 16, 2009 fertility, and congenital malformations in chil- lems. With early diagnosis and treatment, 90 Mr. ADERHOLT. Madam Speaker, pursuant dren—all of which are disproportionately prev- percent of the blindness from glaucoma could to the House Republican standards on ear- alent in the Halabja area—as well as irrep- have been avoided. World Glaucoma Day en- marks, I am submitting the following informa- arable damage to the environment. These se- courages all individuals, especially those with tion regarding earmarks I received as part of rious medical and environmental problems a high risk for developing the disease, to get H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, continue to hinder the well-being and overall regular comprehensive eye examinations. 2009. progress of those living in Halabja and the In my district, on March 11, 2009 Dr. Robert Project Name: Mobile Harbor Turning Basin. surrounding area. Ritch and a dozen eye specialists from the Requesting Member: Congressman ROBERT Tragically, Halabja was not the only in- New York Eye and Ear Infirmary (NYEE) were ADERHOLT. stance in which the former Iraqi regime used at the United Nations (UN) headquarters build- Bill Number: H.R. 1105. chemical weapons. Rather, it was but one ing screening UN officials such as the Sec- Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- event in a deliberate, large-scale campaign retary General, as well as ambassadors and struction General Account. called the Anfal to exterminate the predomi- deputy ambassadors from over 192 countries Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Alabama nantly Kurdish inhabitants of Iraqi Kurdistan. for glaucoma. Hopefully, publicity from this ef- State Port Authority. The 1988 Anfal campaign resulted in the fort will help to prompt people around the Address of Requesting Entity: 250 North deaths of as many as 180,000 people. Iraqi world to get screened for glaucoma. Water Street, Suite 300, Mobile, AL 36602. forces used chemical and biological weapons Early diagnosis and proper treatment of Description of Request: Provide $4.785 mil- against over 250 population centers from April glaucoma can help people keep the precious lion to construct the Mobile Harbor Turning 1987 to August 1988. Studies indicate that gift of sight. Glaucoma has no symptoms and Basin project as authorized by the Water Re- more than half of current inhabitants of is characterized by painless, progressive loss sources Development Act of 1986 (PL99–662 Halabja were exposed to toxic chemical of vision, so that detection depends upon peri- Ninety–ninth Congress, Second Session) agents at the time of the attack. odic eye examinations that include evaluation under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers— On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein of the optic nerve and measurement of eye Construction General Account. Initial project was hanged for the murder of 148 Shiite Arab pressure. If undetected and untreated, glau- request anticipated expenditures of .04 per- citizens of Dujail, which is located in south- coma will gradually claim all peripheral vision cent will be used for land; .11 percent will be central Iraq. That case was taken up before and ultimately cause total blindness. While used for navigation aids; .11 percent for re- the Anfal case, and it resulted in a death sen- treatment can halt the progress of the disease, moval of existing concrete debris; 3.97 percent tence. Because Iraqi law requires that a death nothing can reverse damage that has been for mobilization, preparation and demobiliza- sentence be carried our nearly immediately, done, making early detection critical. tion of a 26 CY Bucket Dredge; 4.20 percent Saddam’s other crimes, including the Anfal People at high risk for glaucoma should for mobilization, preparation and demobiliza- genocide, never came to trial. The swiftness of have their eyes examined for the disease at tion of a 30 inch Pipeline Dredge; 67 percent Saddam’s execution was an injustice to those least every two years. High-risk individuals in- for the removal of and placement in des- that were brutally killed, maimed, or otherwise clude people with a family history of glau- ignated dredge disposal areas approx.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.004 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E669 2,699,232 cubic yards of dredged material; Boards of Saginaw Future, Great Lakes Bay Secretary Kopelousos got her start in public 5.32 percent for planning, engineering and de- Michigan Works, and Saginaw County United service right here in the halls of Congress in sign work; 2.42 percent for construction man- Way. He received the Chamber of Commerce 1993 as a Legislative Assistant to then Con- agement; 12.57 percent in project construction President’s Award for his work. Gary also gresswoman Tillie K. Fowler of Florida’s 4th contingency; and 3.83 percent in project esca- finds time to be a read volunteer and he is a District and Chair of the Transportation Sub- lation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers con- lifelong member of Second Presbyterian committee on Oversight, Investigations and ducted an Environmental Assessment in ac- Church. Emergency Management. cordance with Engineer Regulation (ER) 200– Gary is the past Chairman of the Saginaw In 2001 she joined the Florida Department 2–2, Procedures for Implementing the National County Democratic Party, a member of the of Transportation as their primary federal liai- Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Michigan Democratic State Central Com- son in Washington, D.C. focusing on transpor- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Reg- mittee, was elected as a John Kerry delegate tation, emergency management and disaster ulations for Implementing Procedural Provi- to the 2004 Democratic National Convention relief, and housing. She was instrumental in sions of the National Environmental Policy Act and was the 2008 Electoral College Delegate negotiations during the reauthorization of the (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pts. for the Michigan 4th Congressional District, federal transportation bill. In 2005 she became 1500–1508) resulting in a FINDING OF NO casting his ballot for President Barack Obama. the Department’s Chief of Staff, and in early SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI). Construction He has 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. 2007 was appointed Interim Secretary. of the authorized turning basin has been eval- Madam Speaker, please join me in con- Secretary Kopelousos carries with her more uated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gratulating Gary Shepherd as he retires from than a decade of professional experience in through the Corps General Reevaluation Re- the UAW and General Motors. I wish him the state and federal public policy, with a par- port (GRR) to alleviate harbor delays and im- best as he starts this next phase of his life ticular emphasis in transportation. As Sec- prove safety conditions, and reflects a benefit- and continued success in his future endeav- retary, she oversees more than 7,000 employ- to-cost ratio of 3.46 to 1. This project is per- ors. ees and an annual budget of $8 billion, always mitted. This request is consistent with the in- f keeping with the agency’s mission of providing tended and authorized purpose of U.S. Army a safe transportation system that fuels eco- RECOGNIZING THE SOUTHAMPTON Corps of Engineers General Construction ac- nomic growth and enhances quality of life for FIRE COMPANY #1 count. The Alabama State Port Authority, the all Floridians. 10th largest port in the U.S., is the federally As we celebrate Women’s History Month, I designated local sponsor for the Port of Mobile HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY ask you to join me in congratulating Secretary Harbor and will provide the 25 percent cost OF Stephanie C. Kopelousos for her commitment share for the Mobile Harbor Turning Basin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to ensuring a safe and efficient transportation project. The Alabama State Port Authority’s 25 Monday, March 16, 2009 system in Florida and her invaluable contribu- percent cost share funding is secured. Turning Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. tions in the field of public service. basin will help serve a new container terminal, Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the f coal terminal and two raw material terminals. Southampton Fire Company #1 for 100 years HONORING TuCARE f of distinguished service. Since their inception HONORING GARY SHEPHERD in 1909, Southampton Fire Company #1 has remained an all-volunteer fire department. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH On December 10, 1909, the first meeting of OF CALIFORNIA HON. DALE E. KILDEE the Southampton Fire Company was held, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN four years later they were incorporated with 88 Monday, March 16, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charter members. They utilized a variety of Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Monday, March 16, 2009 firefighting equipment through the years, such today to congratulate the Tuolumne County Al- Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I would like as a horse-drawn button hand pumper in liance for Resources and Environment, incor- the House of Representatives to join me in 1913, a Ford Model T/Hale fire engine in porated upon the celebration of their 20th an- congratulating Gary Shepherd as he retires 1921, and an 85-foot Hi-Ranger Snorkel ele- niversary. The anniversary will be celebrated after 33 years of service from General Motors vated platform truck in 1965, the first of its on Saturday, March 14, 2009 at the ‘‘Annual and the UAW. A retirement party will be held kind in Bucks County. Dinner and Auction’’ in Sonora, California. A major renovation of the firehouse was in his honor on March 27th in Saginaw, Michi- Tuolumne County Alliance for Resources dedicated in May 2000 to the ‘‘past, present, gan. and Environment, Inc, or TuCARE, was first and future members of the Southampton Fire A native of Saginaw County, Gary was hired organized in 1989 when a group of individuals Company #1, in recognition of their unselfish by General Motors in 1976. He worked at the came together to enlighten others in the wise service to the citizens of Upper Southampton Saginaw Steering Gear facility and worked his use of natural resources in Tuolumne County. Township.’’ Now, on the Fire Company’s 100th way from the production line to journeyman The organization has a history of commitment Anniversary, we also extend our greatest status as a machine repairman. In 1985 he to ensuring the long-term viability of all of the thanks and appreciation for their unwavering was elected an Alternate Committeeman at natural resources through an ecosystem man- service. UAW Local 699. From this position he went on agement approach toward the stewardship of Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in to serve as the District Committeeman on the the public lands. They are firm believers that recognizing the Southampton Fire Company Bargaining Committee, as Chairman of the man must play an active role to protect the #1 for their 100 years of service to our families Bargaining Unit for Local 699, and Top Nego- forests from the destruction of wildfires. The in Bucks County. I am honored to serve as tiator of GM Sub-Council 5. Gary has also multiple-use system that TuCARE promotes their Congressman. served on the CAP and Recreation Committee allows for everyone to benefit from the forest. of the Local. Local 699 was featured in a 1999 f Livestock owners use the pastures in the sum- Industry Week article entitled, ‘‘A Perfect HONORING STEPHANIE C. mer, miners are allowed to extract minerals, Union,’’ outlining the cooperative relationship KOPELOUSOS loggers can help thin the forest and everyone between the UAW and the auto manufacturer. can enjoy the recreation the forest has to Gary continued his career with the UAW and HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART offer. in 1998 he was appointed as a Region 1–D OF FLORIDA The organization ensures that the private and the public sector work together to protect International Representative and as the Skilled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trades Representative. He rounded out his property rights and to educate our future gen- career by serving on UAW President Ron Monday, March 16, 2009 erations. TuCARE advocates awareness in Gettelfinger’s staff as Coordinator for Michigan Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. schools and communities by sponsoring CAP in Region 1–D. Madam Speaker I rise today to honor a great ‘‘Tours for Kids’’ for more than twelve hundred In addition to his work on behalf of UAW leader from the State of Florida, Stephanie C. students each year and a Natural Resources workers, Gary has worked extensively in the Kopelousos. She was appointed Secretary of Tour for invited guests from the State of Cali- community. He is the president of the Saginaw the Florida Department of Transportation in fornia, Congress, local businesses, educators Area Fireworks, served as co-chair of the 2007 and since then has been working to en- and various agencies. TuCARE is connected Saginaw County Vision 20/20, and on the sure our safety on Florida’s roads. to schools in Tuolumne, Calaveras and

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.005 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 Stanislaus Counties and participates in the As the mission advanced, Major Vujnovich’s ried in Saint Thomas Aquinas Church in Tuolumne County Schools Forestry Institute experience and expertise were indispensable. Springfield. Martin became a member of the for Teachers and presents to civic groups and Major Vujnovich was responsible for selecting John Boyle O’Reilly Club in 1953 and now organizations. They also sponsor various pub- members of the Halyard Mission, and orches- both Martin and Eleanor are life members. lic forums on issues related to natural re- trating the initial parachute drop into the area. The John Boyle O’Reilly Club was founded sources and is represented at the annual Alli- The rescue plans hinged on his direction and in 1880. The club consists of dedicated Irish ance on American Fly-in for Freedom forum the ability of local Serbs to build an airstrip and Irish-Americans whose goal is to preserve held in Washington, DC. The organization pre- without any modern tools and without German and promote their Irish heritage. The club’s pares press releases for all media outlets and detection. motto is culture, family and tradition. Since meets with local, state and federal elected offi- took place between Au- March 1970, the club has been located on 33 cials regarding issues of concern. gust and December 1944 and was a complete Progress Avenue in Springfield, Massachu- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend success. Hundreds of men were rescued be- setts. Today, the club is very active in their and congratulate Tuolumne County Alliance hind enemy lines and no lives were lost in the community, awarding the John Boyle O’Reilly for Resources and Environment, Inc. on twen- mission. The Halyard Mission was a success Scholarship every year to college-bound stu- ty years of service. I invite my colleagues to thanks to the brave men and women of the dents. join me in wishing TuCARE many years of OSS and the courageous Serbian locals who f continued success. risked their lives to safeguard American air- HONORING RABBI JON E. CUTLER f men. Thanks to a keen mind and tactical ex- pertise, Major Vujnovich demonstrated the HONORING GEORGE VUJNOVICH courage and selflessness that mark him as an HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY FOR HIS PARTICIPATION IN THE American hero. OF PENNSYLVANIA HALYARD MISSION Major George Vujnovich was born to Ser- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bian parents in 1915. In 1934 he received a Monday, March 16, 2009 HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY scholarship from the Serb National Federation OF NEW YORK and left his home in New York to attend col- Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege in . While living in Belgrade, Mr. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Rabbi Jon E. Cutler—the only Jewish Chaplain cur- Monday, March 16, 2009 Vujnovich met and married his wife, Mirjana. Their life was disrupted in 1941, when the rently serving in western Iraq. And as a former Mr. CROWLEY. Madam Speaker, I am German Luftwaffe bombed Belgrade in Oper- paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division who joined by the co-chairs of the Congressional ation Punishment. Mr. Vujnovich was a first- served in Baghdad 5 years ago and the first Serbian Caucus, Representatives MELISSA hand witness to the bombing, nearly losing his Iraq war veteran to serve in this great body, it BEAN of Illinois and DAN BURTON of Indiana, in life when a falling bomb destroyed a nearby fills me with tremendous pride to be Rabbi honoring a treasured constituent of mine and streetcar. After the bombing, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler’s Congressman. Rabbi Cutler has set one of the unsung heroes of World War II, re- Vujnovich fled Yugoslavia, and he accepted a an example for all of us—not just through his tired Major George Vujnovich. Major job in as assistant airport manager spiritual leadership—but through selfless serv- Vujnovich, a proud Serbian-American, was in- while Mirjana moved to Washington, DC to ice to our community and our nation. strumental in ‘‘Operation Halyard’’ and one of work at the Yugoslav Embassy. When the US In Iraq, Rabbi Cutler serves as the 3rd Ma- the last surviving members of that successful entered the war, Mr. Vujnovich received a rine Aircraft Wing Chaplain, and assists the wartime mission. commission as a second lieutenant and as- entire Al Asad Marine Air Base. Prior to his In the summer of 1944, Americans and Al- sumed command of an airbase in . service in Iraq, Rabbi Cutler served as the pul- lied airmen flew hundreds of sorties over Eu- While working at the airbase, he was recruited pit rabbi of Tiferes B’nai Israel in Warrington, rope with the aim of disrupting the Ploesti oil by the OSS for the clandestine services, and Bucks County, Pennsylvania for the past 8 complex, Adolf Hitler’s most important oil pipe- was later sent to the OSS post in Bari, . years. line. During their treacherous journey from From this post he saved the lives of his fellow As the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Chaplain, Italian bases to the Romanian oil complex, servicemen and earned the title of hero. I am Rabbi Cutler supervises 20 Christian chaplains 1,500 of our brave men were forced to bail out honored to have this opportunity to acknowl- and chaplain assistants, and has worked to over Yugoslavia. Scores of American crewmen edge Major Vujnovich’s contribution to the Hal- create a center for Jewish troops who are were trapped behind enemy lines and depend- yard Mission. serving in Anbar Province. The congregants of ent on Serbian villagers to hide them from the Tiferes B’nai Israel even contributed to this ef- f Germans. fort, sending tiles and paste to be used for the Although Yugoslavia was enemy territory at IN CELEBRATION OF MARTIN J. chapel floor. the time, much of the country’s Serbian re- AND ELEANOR R. KEARNEY As the Rabbi for Tiferes B’nai Israel in War- gions remained under the control of Yugoslav rington, Rabbi Cutler worked tirelessly to unite guerilla resistance leader General Draja HON. RICHARD E. NEAL his congregants, both old and new. He strived Mihailovich and his Chetnik forces. General OF MASSACHUSETTS to make new members feel welcome while re- Mihailovich remained loyal to the Allies, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES specting the needs and wishes of long-stand- under his orders the Serbian people shielded ing members. Before he was deployed to Iraq, these airmen and protected them from capture Monday, March 16, 2009 he also proudly received his Navy commander and imprisonment by German troops. Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Madam Speak- pins on the pulpit at Tiferes B’nai Israel. General Mihailovich passed information er, I would like to acknowledge Martin J. and Commander Cutler has been a chaplain in about the downed American airmen to the Eleanor R. Kearney for being named the Irish the U.S. Navy Reserve for 23 years. He was United States authorities. The Office of Stra- Couple of the Year by the John Boyle O’Reilly the only Jewish chaplain serving with the Ma- tegic Services (OSS) put together Operation Club in Springfield, Massachusetts. They were rines in Desert Storm, and after 9/11, he was Halyard, a daring mission to save the men awarded this deserved title on February 7, called to the Pentagon to counsel family mem- without drawing the attention of the Nazis. The 2009 for their support and contributions to the bers who lost loved ones during the tragic mission entailed flying and landing C–47 cargo club. The couple has been active with the club events of that terrible day. planes into enemy territory, picking up the for over fifty years. Both have helped with When not serving our troops in Iraq or his downed airmen, and flying back to allied terri- fundraisers and dances. Eleanor is an avid congregants in Warrington, Rabbi Cutler has tory. Before the mission could go forward, baker for the club and Martin was a strong served as an instructor at Gratz College for however, the Allied forces cut ties with Gen- supporter of the new building fund. A recep- Jewish education and a visiting professor at eral Mihailovich and no longer had specific in- tion dinner was held in their honor on March Philadelphia University. He received his B.A. formation about the location of the American 1, 2009. and M.A. in religious studies from Temple Uni- airmen. Major George Vujnovich, the OSS op- Martin was born in the Great Blaskett Is- versity, and holds a Doctor of Ministry in Pas- eration chief stationed in Bari, Italy, discovered lands in Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland on De- toral Counseling from Hebrew Union College. that Mihailovich was hiding the airmen near cember 31, 1926. Eleanor is a life-long Spring- Rabbi Cutler was ordained by the Reconstruc- his headquarters in the city of Pranjani. He in- field resident who was born on December 17, tionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, PA. formed U.S. officials of their location and Op- 1932. Martin came to America in 1951 where Rabbi Cutler has contributed enormously to eration Halyard progressed. he soon met Eleanor. In 1953, they were mar- the citizens of Bucks County and given so

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.004 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E671 much to so many servicemen and women life and work of Reverend Dr. F.O. proved communication among all members serving abroad. He leads by example and is Hockenhull. He has spent his life in devotion and affiliates for a better flow of information. committed to service, spiritual leadership and to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by fulfilling God’s She has dedicated her efforts to expanding education. Madam Speaker, I am proud to Great Commission. His compassion, patience and improving training for future leaders of recognize Rabbi Cutler for his outstanding and love for humanity are recognized through- BPW International and for greater efficiencies work, and am extremely honored to serve as out the Flint community. Through his example, in managing the vast organization. She has his Congressman. he inspires passion, spirituality, and service in consistently demonstrated her commitment to f his congregation and he carries the message the mission of the International Federation of of God’s love beyond the walls of the church Business and Professional Women in helping HONORING REVEREND DR. F.O. building. I have known Reverend Dr. women in the workforce achieve their busi- HOCKENHULL Hockenhull for many years and have always ness and professional goals. been touched by his wisdom, his zeal and his Madam Speaker, I request that my col- HON. DALE E. KILDEE piety. I pray that he will continue to serve for leagues join me in paying tribute to Elizabeth OF MICHIGAN many, many years to come. Benham and the International Federation of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Business and Professional Women, which Monday, March 16, 2009 under her able and inspired leadership con- IN RECOGNITION OF ELIZABETH Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today tinues to ensure that women gain equal par- BENHAM to pay tribute to Reverend Dr. F.O. Hockenhull ticipation and success in the workforce. f as he celebrates 40 years as pastor of the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in my WATER QUALITY INVESTMENT OF NEW YORK hometown of Flint, Michigan. A banquet in his ACT OF 2009 honor was held last Friday in honor of this oc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES casion. Monday, March 16, 2009 SPEECH OF Reverend Dr. Hockenhull was educated at Arkansas State AM&N College, Wayne State Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to HON. DAVE CAMP University and Detroit Bible College. He has recognize Elizabeth Benham, who is being OF MICHIGAN received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity honored this month in by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Arkansas Baptist College, an Honorary International Federation of Business and Pro- Thursday, March 12, 2009 Doctorate of Divinity from Selma University fessional Women (BPW International) for her work as its President. Founded in 1930, BPW The House in Committee of the Whole and an Honorary Doctorate of Law from House on the State of the Union had under Selma University. is an international organization of women busi- consideration the bill (H.R. 1262): ness owners with links to more than 90 coun- He worked as a Chaplain in the Wayne Mr. CAMP. Mr. Chair, I rise today in support tries on five continents. BPW is a wonderful County Jail and as a contact representative for of H.R. 1262, the Water Quality Investment way for businesswomen to network and sup- the W.J. Maxey Boys Training School. After Act. port one another. spending 6 years as the pastor of the Jehovah I would like to first thank Chairman OBER- After more than two decades of dedicated Baptist Church in Detroit, Reverend Dr. STAR and Ranking Member MICA for bringing work on behalf of BPW, Ms. Benham became Hockenhull became the pastor at First Trinity to the floor this important legislation. I am also the organization’s President last year. She is Missionary Baptist Church. He has remained proud to have worked with Mr. PASCRELL on being honored at the annual Conference on in this position for the past 40 years. Title Three of this bill—which we have intro- the Status of Women that is being held this Reverend Dr. Hockenhull is the past-Presi- duced previously. dent of the Great Lakes Baptist District Lead- month at the United Nations, located in New Sewer maintenance is a serious problem in ership and Educational Congress to the Great York’s 14th Congressional District that I am low-lying coastal areas such as Michigan. It is Lakes Baptist District Association; the Asso- privileged to represent. a sad fact that many of the sewer systems in ciate Director General of the National Con- Elizabeth Benham is the twentieth president Michigan and throughout the country date gress of Christian Education-National Baptist of BPW International and the first American to back to the Nineteenth Century. Convention USA, Incorporated; past-Vice- serve at its helm in 28 years. She dem- These outdated systems often overflow with President of the Wolverine State Congress of onstrated her commitment to BPW Inter- untreated human and industrial waste—releas- Christian Education; a member of the Board of national as the chair of its Fundraising ing toxins and disease-causing organisms. Directors at the Montgomery Bible Institute Taskforce from 2004–2008. In 2005, she Inadequate maintenance, deteriorated pipes, and Theological Center; a former member of served the organization as the Vice President, rainfall and snow melts are too often cited as the National Baptist Convention USA, Incor- Membership Chair, Friends and Fellows Chair, the cause of these overflows. porated Publishing Board; a former instructor and as a member of the International Planning It is indisputable that sewer overflows pose at the National Sunday School and Baptist Committee. In these roles she traveled exten- a significant threat to public health and safety Training Union Congress-National Baptist sively, meeting with members and chapters because they put raw sewage into rivers, Convention USA; past Supervisor of the Ad- around the world, and developing a broad and streets, basements, and other areas of human ministrative Leaders Division-National Baptist deep understanding of the needs of the orga- exposure. They are also responsible for many Congress of Christian Education, National nization’s diverse membership. Since 1998, beach closures, shellfish restrictions, and vio- Baptist Convention USA, Incorporated; past Elizabeth Benham has also served as an al- lations of water quality standards. Instructor with the Great Lakes Baptist District ternate delegate to the United Nations on be- In Michigan alone there have been over of Christian Education; a member of the Board half of BPW International. 1,000 reported sewer overflows annually. of Directors of the National Baptist Conven- When she became BPW International Presi- These events have contributed over 20 billion tion, USA Incorporated; a member of the dent in 2008, Elizabeth Benham not only had gallons of sewage and wastewater onto the Stewardship Commission of the National Bap- extensive prior experience working with BPW ground and into Michigan rivers, lakes and tist Convention, USA Incorporated; a Trustee International, but had also achieved notable streams. of the Retirement Commission of the National success as a businesswoman. Before going Even more staggering, the EPA has esti- Baptist Convention, USA Incorporated; and a into business, she was a certified nurse mid- mated that nearly 900 billion—let me repeat, delegate to the World Christian Conference in wife in high risk obstetrics. Throughout her life, 900 billion—gallons of untreated wastewater Australia. Elizabeth has demonstrated her compassion and storm water are released through com- In addition to his work, Reverend Dr. and motivation in her volunteer work as the bined sewer overflows and separate sewer Hockenhull is a world renowned lecturer, a Vice President of Toys of Hope Charity, a overflows annually in the United States. member of the NAACP, and a member of Board Member of Women Builders Council in The Water Quality Investment Act goes a Concerned Pastors for Social Action. His wife New York, and a Board Member of the Fire Is- long way toward ending the public health and of over 50 years, Marian, is the National Di- land Lighthouse Preservation Society. environmental crisis associated with sewer rector of the Young People’s Department. Elizabeth Benham has worked tirelessly in overflows by providing federal funds to repair They have one son, Franco, and two grand- her professional life and leadership roles to and replace outdated systems. Local govern- daughters, Vanessa and Victoria. support the accomplishments of women ments cannot simply fix this mess and meet Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- throughout the world. In her role as President, their obligations under the Clean Water Act resentatives to rise with me and applaud the she is working to form connections of im- alone.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.007 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 Also of critical importance in this bill are pro- ice Mr. Gorski provides to the people of A proud graduate of the New York City pub- visions to reauthorize the Great Lakes Legacy Wrightstown Township and Bucks County, lic school system, she earned a Bachelor’s Act to tackle the problem of contamination in Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, I am proud to Degree in Education from Queens College of the Great Lakes Basin. It would provide the recognize Mr. Francis Gorski for his excep- the City University of New York. For eight necessary funding to help clean up contami- tional services to his community and am ex- years prior to her election to the Assembly, nated sediment in over 30 concerning areas. tremely honored to serve as his Congress- Marshall was an early childhood teacher. In My gratitude must also be extended to my man. 1969 she became the first Director of the esteemed colleague from Michigan, Mr. f Langston Hughes Library, a post she held for EHLERS, for his steadfast commitment to the five years. She also served as Director of the IN RECOGNITION OF QUEENS BOR- Great Lakes and the passage of the Great Elmcor Testing Assessment and Placement OUGH PRESIDENT HELEN MAR- Lakes Legacy Reauthorization Act. Program for eight years, where she helped SHALL I urge my colleagues to pass H.R. 1262 hundreds of New Yorkers find gainful employ- today. ment. In 1975, she served as a Member of the f HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Democratic National Committee. She also OF NEW YORK served on Queens Community Board 3 for PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thirteen years, as a parent activist in the public Monday, March 16, 2009 schools for a decade and a half, was a found- HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to er of the Queens Overall Economic Develop- OF NEW YORK pay tribute to Queens Borough President ment Corporation, and was elected in 1974 as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Helen Marshall, an outstanding public servant. a Democratic District Leader. Helen Marshall remains devoted to her be- Monday, March 16, 2009 First elected the Borough President of Queens in November 2001, Helen Marshall is the first loved husband, Donald, and to her children Mr. CROWLEY. Madam Speaker, on March African-American and just the second woman and grandchildren. She is universally regarded 12, 2009, I was absent for one Rollcall Vote. to assume the post of chief executive of with affection by the people of Queens, a re- If I had been here, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ Queens County, which has a population of markable feat in the most diverse county in on Rollcall Vote 124. more than 2.2 million people. She has been a our nation. f leader of uncommon grace, energy, and dedi- Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished colleagues join me recognizing the enormous PERSONAL EXPLANATION cation to the people she serves. As the Queens Borough President, Helen contributions to our civic and political life made Marshall has been a champion for public li- by Borough President Marshall, who has HON. XAVIER BECERRA braries and schools, job training programs, worked tirelessly and diligently throughout her OF CALIFORNIA quality health care, senior citizens, the envi- career on behalf of her constituents in Queens IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ronment, and economic development, just as and all New Yorkers. Monday, March 16, 2009 she has been throughout her remarkable ca- f reer. She has allocated tens of millions of dol- Mr. BECERRA. Madam Speaker, on Friday, lars for parks, playgrounds and libraries, and IN HONOR OF JOHN P. GALLAGHER March 6, 2009, I missed rollcall vote 107 on in 2005 was bestowed the statewide Daniel approving the Journal. If present, I would have Casey Library Advocacy Award. She has HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH voted ‘‘aye.’’ helped fund the expansions of cultural institu- OF OHIO f tions, organized a Borough President’s ‘‘War IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Room’’ to ensure the timely construction of HONORING FRANCIS M. GORSKI Monday, March 16, 2009 thirty new public schools with more than 17,800 seats, and marshaled support for im- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY portant infrastructure projects like the Queens today in honor and of memory of my friend OF PENNSYLVANIA Plaza Roadway Rebuilding Project and Long and mentor, John P. Gallagher, upon the offi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Island City Links. Marshall also spearheaded cial naming of the West Park Post Office, John P. Gallagher Building, and in recognition Monday, March 16, 2009 the historic effort to bring CUNY to the Rock- away Peninsula, providing $6 million in capital of his lifetime service to our community and to Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. funding to convert a former courthouse. our country. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Francis A native New Yorker, Helen Marshall served A lifelong resident of Cleveland, Mr. Galla- M. Gorski for his 50th year of active service to for nearly two decades as a respected legis- gher was the son of Irish immigrants, from the Lingohocken Fire Company. He and his lator in both the New York State Assembly whom he learned the values of a strong work family have been extremely dedicated to serv- and the New York City Council. In 1982, she ethic and the importance of faith, family and ing Wrightstown Township and the community was elected to the first of five terms in the service to community. During World War II, he as a whole. New York State Assembly, where she chaired served in the Army, First Engineer Special Bri- Lingohocken firefighters are able to become the Rules Committee and served on the Le- gade and in six combat campaigns, including ‘‘Life Members’’ after twenty-five years of serv- land Commission. missions in North Africa and the Normandy In- ice and let others take over. That was an op- When she won her seat on the City Council vasion. Following the war, Mr. Gallagher tion for Mr. Gorski twenty-five years ago, but in 1991, she became the first female and first worked in construction before taking a job with instead he has remained hard at work—as so member of a minority elected to represent her the City of Cleveland in 1954. He worked dili- many have come to expect. City Council district, she worked to improve gently for the City, until his retirement in 1987, Mr. Gorski is one of the most active mem- and unite an extraordinarily diverse commu- which followed 22 years in the role of Super- bers of the department, responding to 70–80% nity. On the City Council, she served as Chair intendent of Sidewalks. of their calls. He has responded to calls that of the Higher Education Committee and on the Throughout his adult life, Mr. Gallagher many individuals his age would no longer re- Committees on Housing and Buildings, Envi- dedicated his time and talent to issues and spond to—including calls at 3 o’clock in the ronmental Protection, and Women’s Issues. projects focused on the improvement of our morning. He volunteers his time for She also served as Co-Chair of the Council’s community. He was a staunch advocate of Lingohocken on top of the time he spends Black and Latino Caucus. As Chair of the City neighborhood safety, and also advocated for running the family business with his two Council’s Higher Education Committee, Mar- the welfare and rights of senior citizens. For younger brothers. shall successfully fought against the privatiza- many years, he served as a Democratic Party He has served at almost every rank in the tion of the City University of New York, one of precinct committee chairman and volunteered company including chief, and is currently serv- the largest public university systems in the countless hours in numerous local, state and ing as deputy chief. His dedication and work world. She secured funds to restore the City’s national campaigns. He kept a close watch ethic are examples for our community and free dental clinics, led the fight to prevent the over his neighborhood park, and organized country to follow. sale of Elmhurst and Queens Hospital Center programs and projects for senior citizens at Those at the company—and in our entire and has fought for many years to protect Cleveland’s Gunning Recreation Center. His community—are extremely proud of the ac- Flushing Bay from the impact of LaGuardia intelligence, kindness and good sense of complishments and outstanding level of serv- Airport. humor quickly endeared people to him. Mr.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.009 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E673 Gallagher’s keen understanding of the soul of Cogan and the publication of her book, We Woodlawn Beach and to the community of a neighborhood and his opinions on commu- Fought the Navy and Won: Guam’s Quest for Northwest Florida. Vicki and I wish her and nity issues were valued by everyone, from Democracy. Ms. Cogan is a 1946 graduate of her family best wishes for continued success. neighbors to national leaders. the Columbia University School of Journalism f Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join in New York. We Fought the Navy and Won me in honor and memory of John P. Galla- is a personal recollection of Guam’s transition HELPING FAMILIES SAVE THEIR gher, upon the official naming of the West from a Naval Administration to a civilian gov- HOMES ACT OF 2009 Park Post Office building after John P. Galla- ernment after World War II. Ms. Cogan at the gher. Mr. Gallagher’s service to family, friends, time was editor of the Guam Echo under the HON. BETTY McCOLLUM community and country has greatly influenced Institute of Ethnic Affairs, and her writings OF MINNESOTA the lives of everyone he has known, including chronicle the stories of Guam’s leaders, their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my own. He will forever be remembered along allies in Washington, D.C., and their efforts in Monday, March 16, 2009 the streets, in the meeting halls and through- bringing a civilian government to Guam. out the parks of Cleveland’s west side neigh- From 1898 to 1950, Guam was adminis- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise borhood. tered under the Secretary of the Navy, and today in strong support of the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009 (H.R. 1106) f while legislation for Guam’s self-governance had been introduced before this Congress and to congratulate Chairman FRANK, Chair- PROCLAMATION: THE 50TH WINTER none were reported out of committee. It was man CONYERS, and Speaker PELOSI for their PARK SIDEWALK ART FESTIVAL not until the signing of the Guam Organic Act quick action to help American families. of 1950 by President Harry S. Truman, that The last eight years of disinvestment in HON. SUZANNE M. KOSMAS Guam was allowed to govern itself with a civil- American families have pushed the economy OF FLORIDA ian government. The Guam Organic Act trans- into a deep recession. Unemployment is rising and home values are falling while the costs of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ferred administration of Guam from the Sec- health care and food continue to rise. Thou- Monday, March 16, 2009 retary of the Navy to the Secretary of the Inte- rior and established executive, legislative, and sands of my constituents have been laid off Ms. KOSMAS. Madam Speaker, judicial branches of government on Guam. and can no longer afford to meet the basic Whereas, since its founding in 1960, the Since that time, Congress has passed legisla- needs of their families or pay their mortgages. Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival, which is an tion that changed the Governor of Guam from The dream of homeownership has become all volunteer effort supported by the Winter a Presidential appointment position to a locally a nightmare for too many. Many home buyers Park Sidewalk Art Festival Committee, the City elected position. Further, Congress passed are falling behind on their payments because of Winter Park and numerous volunteers, has legislation granting Guam a non-voting Dele- of dropping home values and the financial cri- grown to become one of the premier art fes- gate to the U.S. House of Representatives. sis through no fault of their own. Many could tivals in the county; and As Guam’s representative to the U.S. Con- make their mortgage payments until they lost Whereas, every year hundreds of Winter gress, I commend Ms. Cogan for her work as their jobs or their incomes dropped. Others Park citizens contribute thousands of hours to editor of the Guam Echo and for the pub- were victims of predatory lending by unscrupu- ensure that the 350,000 visitors to the Festival lishing of I Fought the Navy and Won: Guam’s lous mortgage brokers and are now struggling enjoy the best in fine art and that the 225 ex- Quest for Democracy. Through her writings we with unaffordable subprime loans. An esti- hibiting artists enjoy the best in outdoor art are to reflect and appreciate the efforts under- mated 14 million homeowners owe more than venues; and taken to bring self-governance to Guam and their home is worth, and many cannot refi- Whereas, exhibits by Orange County school we can have a deeper appreciation of the his- nance into an affordable mortgage. As a re- students have been part of the Festival since torical roots of the Organic Act of Guam. sult, a record number of Americans are losing their homes to foreclosure every month. Fore- its inception, and the more recent Children’s f Workshop Village has integrated local muse- closures hurt everyone—including our families, ums and art centers to provide exciting art ex- RECOGNIZING DANNA CHATWELL neighborhoods, and communities—resulting in periences for children of all ages; and AS THE 2008–2009 HURLBURT AFA lost tax revenue for local governments, re- Whereas, the Festival Emerging Artist Pro- CHAPTER MIDDLE SCHOOL duced property values for neighbors, and often gram gives promising and talents artists who TEACHER OF THE YEAR abandoned properties require an increased are determining their career paths the oppor- police presence in our neighborhoods. tunity to exhibit in their first outdoor art fes- HON. JEFF MILLER The Helping Families Save Their Homes Act tival, all expenses paid; and OF FLORIDA of 2009 is a comprehensive approach to break Whereas, The Winter Park Sidewalk Art IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the cycle of foreclosures and declining home Festival Foundation provides scholarships to values. This legislation offers fair and effective Monday, March 16, 2009 local colleges and universities for promising solutions to help families who are facing fore- art students. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I closure today and those at risk of foreclosure Now, therefore, I, Suzanne M. Kosmas, by rise today to recognize Ms. Danna Chatwell, in the future. To accomplish this, H.R. 1106 virtue of the authority vested in me as Con- recipient of the Hurlburt Air Force Association improves the Hope for Homeowners program gresswoman, 24th District, Florida, do hereby Chapter 398 Middle School Teacher of the by reducing fees that discourage lenders from proclaim March 20, 21 and 22, 2009 ‘‘The Year Award for the 2008–2009 school year. voluntarily refinancing mortgage loans. This 50th Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival’’ and Her success as an educator is a testament to bill would also provide bankruptcy judges with encourage all residents to recognize and show the power of our country’s teachers, and I am the authority they need to modify loan terms their appreciation for the many memories and proud to honor Ms. Chatwell on this distin- for families who are already in the bankruptcy contributions the Festival has made to our guished occasion. process—a provision that could reduce fore- community over the years. Ms. Chatwell serves as a seventh grade closures by 20 percent at no cost to tax- In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my science teacher at Woodlawn Beach Middle payers. Bankruptcy courts currently have the hand and seal to be affixed this 16th day of School in Gulf Breeze, Florida. In 2007, she power to modify loans for corporations, com- March, 2009. earned the Holley-Navarre Intermediate mercial real estate and even vacation homes; f Teacher of the Year, and this recent AFA extending this option to save the primary resi- award highlights her continued achievements. dences for families is necessary and equi- RECOGNIZING THE WORK OF By merging technology and modern trends table. DOLORIS COULTER COGAN with proven teaching practices, Ms. Chatwell Last week, President Obama announced the gives every student the ability to be success- Comprehensive Homeowner Affordability and HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO ful. Her energy and passion for teaching in- Stability Plan, a bold strategy to help up to OF GUAM fuse a desire for knowledge in her students nine million families restructure their mort- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that lives on long after they have graduated gages to avoid foreclosure. The Helping Fami- from her classroom. lies Save Their Homes Act is a key step in Monday, March 16, 2009 Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United putting President Obama’s plan into place. Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise States Congress, I would like to thank Ms. The collapsing housing market is one of the today to recognize the work of Doloris Coulter Chatwell for her service to the students of root causes of the present economic crisis.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.001 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 Until the housing sector is stabilized, there will IN MEMORY OF REV. JOSEPH C. has also coached events for the Science simply be no recovery in America. H.R. 1106 MARTIN Olympiad. In each of her classes, students is a major step in addressing the crisis in the participate in a Rube Goldberg project in housing market HON. STENY H. HOYER which a particular machine must be built. Pre- I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- OF MARYLAND vious projects include a letter folding machine, tion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a machine that changes light bulbs, and ro- bots capable of picking up and carrying ob- Monday, March 16, 2009 jects. This learning style promotes an inte- f Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay grated, hands-on approach which helps break HONORING MIKE HAUSER tribute to Rev. Joseph C. Martin, a son of down the advanced material and makes it Maryland who devoted his life to helping tens more tangible. of thousands of alcoholics overcome their ad- The title of Teacher of the Year is an incred- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY diction—an addiction he overcame himself. ible honor and is evidence of Ms. Cundiff’s ex- Father Martin drank heavily for more than a ceptional capabilities as an educator. Her OF CALIFORNIA decade until, with the help of a treatment cen- teaching skills have influenced many and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter for the clergy, he recovered his sobriety. pushed countless students to a higher level of Drawing on his personal struggle, Father Mar- academic achievement. Ms. Cundiff’s out- Monday, March 16, 2009 tin developed his famous ‘‘Chalk Talk on Alco- standing accomplishments have distinguished hol,’’ a common-sense lecture on addiction her as one of the great teachers in Northwest Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise that remains in heavy use to this day, from the Florida, and the First District of Florida is hon- today to honor Mike Hauser of Santa Rosa, U.S. Armed Forces to substance-abuse pro- ored to have her as one of their own. California, who passed away on March 3, grams around the world. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United 2009, at the age of 62. Mike had led the Along with his hard-won lessons on sobri- States Congress, I am proud to recognize Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce for almost ety, his most lasting legacy is Father Martin’s Susan Cundiff on this outstanding achieve- nine years, including regular calls from his sick Ashley, a treatment center overlooking the ment and for her exemplary service in the bed during the last months of his life. Chesapeake Bay in Harford County, Maryland. Santa Rosa School District. Mike took the reins of Chamber in 2000, Father Martin’s Ashley has kept its doors open f and, under his leadership, the organization ex- for more than three decades and, with the WATER QUALITY INVESTMENT panded its programs, enhancing the business guidance and leadership of its co-founder, has ACT OF 2009 climate while benefiting the community. He re- served more than 30,000 people. A giving, loving man who exemplified the best tenets of alized that the two goals complemented each SPEECH OF other and brought people together to focus on his faith and of the sobriety movement, Father them. Mike used his low-key style and friendly Martin never turned away a potential patient HON. BETTY McCOLLUM manner as well as his keen understanding and who was short on funds. His example and his OF MINNESOTA broad experience to develop initiatives that wise counsel enabled recovering alcoholics IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES drew various stakeholders into the process. around the world to reclaim control of their Thursday, March 12, 2009 He was adept at developing relationships that lives. The House in Committee of the Whole fostered his success. Michael Deaver, who served as chief of staff to President Reagan and received treatment House on the State of the Union had under consideration the bill (H.R. 1262): Mike’s efforts included a focus on educating at Father Martin’s Ashley, said: ‘‘I had been the Spanish-speaking community to be the with presidents, kings, popes, and prime min- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I rise today to current and future workforce, including a sum- isters, but Father Martin was the most power- express my strong support for the Water Qual- mer algebra academy for middle school stu- ful person I had ever met. You see, Father ity Investment Act of 2009. I thank Chairman dents, securing airline service at the county has the power to change people, to make OBERSTAR and the House leadership for their airport, advocating for the SMART train, and them better, to make them whole again.’’ hard work on this timely legislation, which will creating programs to develop entrepreneurial Though Father Martin is gone, I am sure modernize our nation’s wastewater infrastruc- businesses and generate high-wage jobs. that his legacy, his teaching, and his example ture to ensure our water supply is clean and Because of his skills and efforts, the Cham- will have that same power for years to come. safe for America’s children and families. A growing economy and population over the ber recently learned that it had been awarded f a rare five-star rating by the National Chamber past decades have stretched the availability RECOGNIZING SUSAN CUNDIFF AS of Commerce, becoming the only organization and compromised the quality of America’s THE 2008–2009 HURLBURT AFA in California to achieve that honor. Also, Mike water supply. Our country has outgrown the CHAPTER HIGH SCHOOL TEACH- was set to become Chair of the American capacity of our wastewater systems. Sewage ER OF THE YEAR Chamber of Commerce Executives in August. overflows and toxic spillage are contaminating our water supply and posing grave threats to Originally from Iowa, Mike graduated from HON. JEFF MILLER human health and the health of our water eco- Iowa State University and then worked in a OF FLORIDA systems. number of Chambers of Commerce in Min- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By authorizing $13.8 billion in federal grants nesota, North Dakota, and Nebraska. He set- for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and tled for 13 years in Fort Collins, Colorado, Monday, March 16, 2009 $1.8 billion for sewer overflow control grants where his reputation attracted national atten- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on over the next five years, the Water Quality In- tion. When the Santa Rosa Chamber was behalf of the United States Congress, it is an vestment Act will put 480,000 Americans to ready for a new president, Mike was an ideal honor for me to rise today in recognition of work and help bridge the gap between the choice. Susan Cundiff, the 2008–2009 Hurlburt AFA number of wastewater infrastructure projects He leaves a Chamber that is thriving, with Chapter High School teacher of the Year. that need assistance and the amount of fund- increased membership and a variety of suc- For many students, the prospect of taking ing available. Over the next five years, Min- cessful programs. physics and chemistry is daunting. Yet, for nesota will receive over $250 million to mod- those at Gulf Breeze High School in Gulf ernize its water systems, thereby helping to Mike is survived by his wife Kelly, daughters Breeze, Florida, these advanced subjects be- protect and restore the more than 10,000 Heidi and Dana, and granddaughter Avery as come something comprehensible and enjoy- lakes that help define our state. well as his mother Beryl and three siblings. able due to the outstanding teaching abilities This legislation also takes bold steps to Madam Speaker, the Santa Rosa Chamber of Ms. Susan H. Cundiff. clean up the Great Lakes, one of the nation’s and the broader community will miss Mike Advanced Placement Physics, Physics I/ greatest natural resources. The Great Lakes Hauser’s leadership and his passion for ad- Honors, Beginning Physics, and Beginning make up the largest system of fresh, surface dressing significant local issues. We thank him Chemistry are all taught by Ms. Cundiff, who water on Earth, providing 90 percent of Amer- for the legacy he will leave in strong ongoing was a cofounder of the Physics Alliance of ica’s fresh surface water and 18 percent of the programs, especially the newly re-named Mike Northwest Florida (PANF) and served as the world’s fresh water supply. In 2006 alone, over Hauser Algebra Academy. organization’s president for two years. She 23 billion gallons of sewage entered the Great

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.013 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E675 Lakes due to failing wastewater systems. This General Manager, Nortel Knowledge Services and 137 years of the school’s history. I ask my threatens human health and compromises the Nortel Networks, Research Triangle Park, fellow colleagues to join me in honoring Paul environmental integrity of these precious water North Carolina; Ellin LaVar, Owner, LaVar Hair Quinn College and recognizing this institution’s bodies. This legislation authorizes $750 million Designs, New York City; Sibongile Magubane, accomplishments. over five years for the Great Lakes Legacy Head of Finance Sports Cars, General Motors f Act, which supports projects to restore and Corp., Detroit; Lillian Roberts, Executive Direc- protect the water quality of the Great Lakes. tor, District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL–CIO, RECOGNIZING HELENE MCGLYNN Water is a scarce, precious resource and New York City; Teresa Wynn Roseborough AS THE 2008–2009 HURLBURT AFA we must use it with great care. By passing the Esq., Senior Chief Litigation Counsel, MetLife CHAPTER ELEMENTARY AND Water Quality Investment Act, Congress is Inc., New York City; Sandra Scott Esq., Vice OVERALL TEACHER OF THE working to ensure that our water can remain President of Legal Affairs, Home Box Office YEAR clean and safe for generations to come. I urge Inc., New York City; Gerri Warren-Merrick, my colleagues to join me in supporting this im- President Warren, Merrick Communications, HON. JEFF MILLER portant legislation. New York City; Elizabeth Williams, President OF FLORIDA f and CEO, Roxbury Technology Corp., Ja- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES maica Plain, Mass.; Karen Williams, Associate Monday, March 16, 2009 CELEBRATION OF WOMEN’S HIS- Publisher, Marketing, Essence Magazine, New Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I TORY MONTH AND THE NET- York City; Rebecca Williams, Senior Vice rise today to recognize Ms. Helene ‘‘De De’’ WORK JOURNAL’S ELEVENTH President, Executive Creative Officer, Uniworld McGlynn, who has received the Hurlburt Air ANNUAL 2009 TWENTY-FIVE IN- Group Inc., New York City; and Brenda Wil- Force Association Chapter 398 Teacher of the FLUENTIAL BLACK WOMEN IN liams-Butts, Director of Community Engage- Year Award for the 2008–2009 school year. BUSINESS HONOREES ment & Audience Development, WNYC Radio, Her passion and dedication show that teach- New York City. ers can truly make a difference in the lives of HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL The Network Journal has been recognized their students, and I am proud to honor such OF NEW YORK by government agencies, premier media out- an admirable leader of our local community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lets and business and professional organiza- Ms. McGlynn teaches fifth grade at Florosa tions. TNJ has received the ‘‘Outstanding Monday, March 16, 2009 Elementary School in Mary Esther, Florida. Commitment and Positive Contribution to the Her classes span the width of the education Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today MBE Community’’ from the U.S. Department spectrum, from a gifted and advanced math in celebration of Women’s History Month and of Commerce Minority Business Development class to a science and reading class for lower The Network Journal’s Eleventh Annual 2009 Agency, and has been featured on CNN and performing students. She provides a differen- Twenty-Five Influential Black Women In Busi- FOX Television networks. ness Honorees. Since 1998, The Network tiated curriculum to her pupils by integrating f Journal has recognized the outstanding per- math, science, and reading skills to all aca- formance of 25 African-American women in HONORING PAUL QUINN demic levels. By using hands-on experiments, the public, private, entrepreneurial and non- COLLEGE’S 137TH ANNIVERSARY creative discussions, and real-world problem profit sectors throughout this nation and their solving, Ms. McGlynn inspires a passion for impact to the world economy. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON learning to all. Her unwavering goal is to instill a thirst for knowledge in her students by The Network Journal is a monthly business OF TEXAS crafting a relevant, modern program for class- magazine with more than 88,000 readers. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES publication is distributed nationwide with a room success. focus on the Tri-state area (NY/NJ/CT) and Monday, March 16, 2009 Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United features business articles of interest such as Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. States Congress, I would like to thank Ms. finance, technology, industry focus and ideas Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize McGlynn for her public service to the students for Black professionals and small business Paul Quinn College and this institution’s of Northwest Florida. Vicki and I wish her and owners. Aziz Gueye Adetimirin, Publisher of Founder’s Observance of 2009 entitled 137 her family best wishes for continued success. The Network Journal Magazine stated. ‘‘The Years of Combining Intellect with Faith. f women we are honoring this year are in the Paul Quinn College is a historically black EARMARK DECLARATION forefront of American leadership and sym- college and holds the distinction of being the bolize the diversity and advancement that has oldest such institution in the State of Texas. occurred across industry lines.’’ Founded in On April 4, 1872, a small group of African HON. DEAN HELLER 1993, The Network Journal (TNJ) knows that Methodist Episcopal circuit-riding preachers OF NEVADA Black professionals, more than most, recog- established the college under the leadership of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nize the importance of owning their own enter- Bishop J. M. Brown in Austin, Texas. Origi- Monday, March 16, 2009 prises, but more importantly, TNJ knows that nally, Paul Quinn College helped newly freed Mr. HELLER. Madam Speaker, pursuant to there is a difference between direct ownership slaves learn various skills including the House Republican standards on earmarks, and someone else defining your future. TNJ is blacksmithing, carpentry, tanning and saddle I am submitting the following information re- also aware that Black professionals and entre- work. garding earmarks I received as part of H.R. preneurs can chart their own course and own A few short years after its founding, the col- 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. their success. lege moved to Waco, Texas where increased Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN I am pleased to recognize TNJ’s 2009 funds allowed the school to expand in size HELLER Twenty-Five Influential Black Women In Busi- and further develop a curriculum. The subjects Bill Number: HR 1105 ness Honorees: Abenaa Abboa-Offei, Senior of Latin, mathematics, music, theology, Account: Dept of Agriculture—SRG Vice President, Customer and Community English, carpentry, sewing, household, kitchen Legal Name of Requesting Entity: University Connections Affinity Health Plan, New York and dining room work were added. In 1881, of Nevada-Reno City; Kelly Chapman, Director, Diversity Re- the college was chartered by the State of Address of Requesting Entity: 1664 N. Vir- cruiting, Microsoft Corp., Cleveland; Amina Texas and the school officially took the name ginia St., Reno, NV 89557-0208 Dickerson, Senior Director, Global Community of Paul Quinn College. This name was chosen Description of Request: Funding would be Involvement Kraft Foods, Chicago; Joi Gordon in honor of Bishop William Paul Quinn who used to address critical rangeland issues as Esq. Chief Executive Officer Dress for Suc- served as a Bishop representing the western they affect the health and productivity of land, cess Worldwide, New York City; Brenda P. states in the African Methodist Episcopal forage for wildlife and domestic livestock, pro- Grant, Infection Preventionist, Stamford Hos- Church for over thirty years. tection of endangered species, wildfires and pital, Stamford, Connecticut; Cecelia ‘‘Ci Ci’’ Today Paul Quinn College stands as a leg- invasive species. Science-based solutions to Holloway, Managing Director, Diversity and In- acy to the hard work and dedication of the in- reduce wildfires, improve forage production, clusion for the Americas UBS Investment stitution’s founders, teachers, alumni, and stu- and protect wildlife species are critical needs. Bank, Stamford, Connecticut; Michele Hos- dents. On the week of March 28 through April Funds requested will pay for scientific projects kins, Michele Foods Inc. South Holland, Illi- 4, the college will be holding various Found- approved by the Experiment Station after nois; Gayle S. Lanier, Vice President and ers’ Observances to commemorate the birth peer-review.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:26 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.017 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009

Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN for decades. Located on the University of Ne- Bill Number: HR 1105 HELLER vada, Reno campus, its long and outstanding Account: EPA—Science and Technology Bill Number: HR 1105 reputation for providing cutting-edge training Legal Name of Requesting Entity: American Account: Dept of Agriculture—Conservation for judges and other system professionals in Water Works Research Foundation Operations areas related to court practice is nationally Address of Requesting Entity: 6666 W. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Carson recognized. The National Council uses these Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235 City, Nevada Federal dollars to provide training to judges Description of Request: Funding would be Address of Requesting Entity: 201 North nationwide on child abuse and neglect, juve- used to continue research into cost-effective Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701 nile delinquency, divorce, custody and visita- technologies for water quality that will benefit Description of Request: Funding will be tion, substance abuse, and mental health and consumers, as the primary purpose of the re- used by the city to continue fire restoration fol- educational needs of children, among other search is to enable water utilities to practically lowing the Waterfall wildfire. topics. address and manage challenges to water sup- Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN ply and to be directly involved in the deploy- HELLER HELLER ment of new technologies. Bill Number: HR 1105 Bill Number: HR 1105 Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Account: DOJ—COPS Law Enforcement Account: Corps of Engineers—Investigations HELLER Technology Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Truckee Bill Number: HR 1105 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Washoe River Flood Project Account: EPA–STAG County Sheriff’s Department Address of Requesting Entity: 9390 Gate- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Address of Requesting Entity: 911 Parr Bou- way Drive, Ste. 230, Reno, NV 89521 Henderson, NV levard, Reno NV 89512 Description of Request: The Truckee Mead- Address of Requesting Entity: 240 Water Description of Request: Funding will be ows, Nevada project is a multi-purpose project Street, Henderson, NV 89009 used to improve DNA processing technology that will provide flood damage reduction, eco- Description of Request: Funding would be at the sheriff’s office, which serves most of system restoration and recreation along the used for construction of the Southwest Waste- northern Nevada. The bulk of the funds would Truckee River from Reno to Pyramid Lake. water Treatment Plant/Southwest Water Rec- specifically help with the creation of a DNA Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN lamation Facility. Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN database laboratory, in addition to purchasing HELLER HELLER equipment. Bill Number: HR 1105 Bill Number: HR 1105 Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Account: Corps of Engineers—Construction Legal Name of Requesting Entity: no enti- Account: EPA–STAG HELLER Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Bill Number: HR 1105 ty—program request spent by Corps Address of Requesting Entity: Reno, NV Account: DOJ—COPS meth Address of Requesting Entity: 1 E 1st Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Partner- Description of Request: The Rural Nevada program was designed to benefit small com- Street, Reno, NV 89501 ship Carson City Anti-Meth Coalition Description of Request: Funding would be Address of Requesting Entity: 201 North munities and to provide assistance for con- struction of water supply, wastewater treat- used to convert septic systems to sewer sys- Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701 tems, in order to help promote health and Description of Request: Funding will be ment, environmental restoration and surface water protection projects. The difficulty in safety of residents. used to combat methamphetamine in the Car- Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN son City area, which is one of the top crime meeting water supply needs in Nevada has only been exacerbated by the tremendous HELLER and narcotics issues facing the state. Carson Bill Number: HR 1105 growth Nevada has experienced. The Rural City has developed a model program that Account: HHS—HRSA combines law enforcement, public awareness, Nevada Program was authorized in a prior Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Carson/ drug treatment and counseling programs to Water Resources Development Act and splits Tahoe Regional Healthcare/CTRH Dayton eradicate meth use in the local community. the project costs with the federal government Hospital The requested funding will build on significant 75% federal share/25% local share. Address of Requesting Entity: 1600 Medical Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN past efforts and ultimately lead to the reduc- Parkway, Carson City, Nevada 89703 HELLER tion of meth use in the local community and Description of Request: Funding would be Bill Number: HR 1105 related criminal activity. used to provide Emergency Medical Services Account: DOE—EERE Equipment for the hospital, which serves a Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Desert large and fast-growing region. HELLER Research Institute Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Bill Number: HR 1105 Address of Requesting Entity: 2215 Raggio Account: DOJ—COPS Meth HELLER Parkway, Reno, NV 89512 Bill Number: HR 1105 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Secret Description of Request: A Renewable En- Witness Account: HHS—HRSA ergy Center (REC) will serve as the physical Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Pershing Address of Requesting Entity: Secret Wit- and programmatic focal point for all of Desert ness Program at PO Box 20991, Reno, Ne- County General Hospital and Nursing Home Research Institute (DRI) research, develop- Address of Requesting Entity: PO Box 661, vada 89515 ment, demonstration, and deployment Description of Request: Secret Witness is a Lovelock, Nevada 89419 (RDD&D) work in the area of renewable en- Description of Request: Funding would be non-profit organization (501 (c) (3)) that has ergy. DRI has proven strengths in wind and used for the purchase of equipment, specifi- been active in northern Nevada for more than hydrogen research, with significant potential to cally a mammography machine. 30 years. Secret Witness will expand its ef- expand its renewable-energy activities into Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN forts into Phase II, and will include an assess- areas such as biomass and biofuels. HELLER ment of its program upon completion to deter- Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Bill Number: HR 1105 mine the impact of the information. HELLER Account: HHS—HRSA Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Bill Number: HR 1105 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: St. Mary’s HELLER Account: Small Business Administration Regional Medical Center Bill Number: HR 1105 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Western Address of Requesting Entity: 235 West Account: DOJ—OJP—Juvenile Assistance Nevada Development District Sixth Street, Reno, Nevada 89503 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: National Address of Requesting Entity: 704 West Description of Request: Funding will be Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Nye Lane, Ste 201, Carson City, Nevada used to expand and renovate the existing, out- Address of Requesting Entity: 1041 North 89703 dated emergency unit. Street, Third Floor, Reno, Nevada Description of Request: WNDD is a multi- Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN 89503 county development organization that pro- HELLER Description of Request: The National Coun- motes job creation and growth among mostly Bill Number: HR 1105 cil of Juvenile and Family Court Judges small businesses. Funds will promote job cre- Account: HHS—HRSA (NCJFCJ), the nation’s premier judicial edu- ation in northern Nevada. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Center for cation organization, has been providing critical Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN Molecular Medicine/Institute for Neuro-Immune education to members of this nation’s judiciary HELLER Disease at Pennington Medical Building

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.015 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E677 Address of Requesting Entity: Mail Stop STRONG OPPOSITION TO THE on failures anticipated in 2009. The fund re- 0332, Reno, Nevada 89557 FDIC’S SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON serve ratio declined from 0.76 percent at Sep- Description of Request: Funding will be COMMUNITY BANKS AND THE tember 30, 2008, to 0.40 percent in the last used for construction and equipment for the NEGATIVE IMPACT IT WILL quarter of 2008. The statutory ‘‘targeted’’ re- Institute clinical and research facility. HAVE ON THESE INSTITUTIONS, serve ratio for the FDIC fund is 1.15 percent. Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN THE COMMUNITIES THEY SERVE, When the FDIC Board recently met to ad- HELLER SMALL BUSINESSES, COMMU- dress DIF’ s fund reserve ratio, they decided Bill Number: HR 1105 NITY-BASED GROUPS, FAITH- to increase deposit insurance assessment Account: DOT—Buses and Bus Facilities BASED GROUPS, AND CESAR rates beginning in the second quarter of 2009 CHAVEZ GROUPS Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Regional and to consider adopting enhancements to the Transportation Commission of Washoe Coun- ´ risk-based premium system. ty, Nevada. HON. RUBEN HINOJOSA I must admit that I was surprised and con- Address of Requesting Entity: 2050 OF TEXAS cerned when I read the FDIC’s press release Villanova Drive, Reno, NV 89520 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES announcing that the FDIC Board adopted an interim rule to impose a 20 basis point ‘‘emer- Description of Request: Funding would be Monday, March 16, 2009 gency special assessment’’ on the industry on used to complete the replacement intermodal Mr. HINOJOSA. Madam Speaker, over the June 30, 2009. The assessment is to be col- transportation facilities in downtown Sparks years, Texas community banks have provided lected on September 30, 2009. The interim and Reno that are currently operating over ca- the loans and services to small businesses rule would also permit the Board to impose an pacity. and others, which have helped me help my additional emergency special assessment after Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN district. Together, the community banks, the June 30, 2009, of up to 10 basis points if they HELLER credit unions, the chambers of commerce, the deem it necessary to maintain public con- Bill Number: HR 1105 mayors, the Texas Senate and House, the fidence in federal deposit insurance. Account: DOT—Interstate Maintenance Dis- Public Housing Authorities, the CDCs, and The FDIC merged the Bank Insurance Fund cretionary many more in the Rio Grande Valley helped (BIF) and the Savings Association Insurance Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Regional me reduce the unemployment rate in my dis- Fund (SAW) to form the Deposit Insurance Transportation Commission of Washoe Coun- trict from 23 percent when I first arrived in Fund (DIE) on March 31, 2006 in accordance ty, NV Congress all the way down to 6 percent, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Address of Requesting Entity: 2050 which has increased to 9 percent in January Act of 2005. As a result of the merger of the Villanova Drive, Reno, NV 89520 2009. BIF and SAW, all insured institutions are sub- I want to impress upon you the need for all Description of Request: Funding will be ject to the same assessment rate schedule, of us on this Committee, the House of Rep- used to mitigate severe current and future traf- but not necessarily the same assessment rate. resentatives, the Congress in general and the fic congestion occurring on I-580/US 395 and What is key here is the amount each institu- Executive branch to keep in mind the impor- the adjacent surface arterials in the primary tion is assessed is based upon statutory fac- tance of community banks. It is a small—but commercial retail district for the Reno/Sparks tors that include the balance of insured depos- vital—sector in the overall health of our econ- metropolitan area. its as well as the degree of risk the institution omy. Community banks foster economic Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN poses to the insurance fund. Community growth and serve their communities, boost HELLER banks do not pose a risk to the solvency of small businesses, and help increase individual Bill Number: HR 1105 the Deposit Insurance Fund and its Des- savings, which is of particular importance to ignated Reserve Ratio and were not a party to Account: DOT — Transportation, Commu- me as Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Finan- the activities that led to such a low DIF ratio nity, and System Presentation cial and Economic Literacy Caucus. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of While community banks are not the cause to the best of my knowledge. Reno, NV of the current crisis, they are feeling its ef- The FDIC has a $30 billion line of credit Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box fects. Commercial banks and savings institu- with the Treasury Department to meet its obli- 1900, Reno, NV 89505 tions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance gations. I am not opposed to the FDIC tapping Description of Request: Funding would be Corporation (FDIC) reported a net loss of that source. Our nation is in a severe eco- used for continuing the revitalization and en- $26.2 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008. nomic crisis, and the FDIC plays a pivotal role hancement of the downtown rail access cor- However, more than two-thirds of all insured in the financial system. We need to provide ridor. institutions were profitable in the fourth quarter Chairman Bair and the Board with as much Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN of 2008, including community banks. ‘‘Unfortu- support as possible while simultaneously HELLER nately, their earnings were outweighed by avoiding imposing unnecessary and unwar- Bill Number: HR 1105 large losses at a number of big banks’’, as ranted special assessments on financial insti- tutions that had nothing to do with the current Account: HUD—Economic Development Ini- stated by the FDIC in their Quarterly Banking economic crisis or the condition of the overall tiatives Report. banking industry. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Total deposits increased by $307.9 billion The FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund cur- Fernley, NV (3.5 percent), the largest percentage increase in 10 years, with deposits in domestic offices rently has $19 billion available, $20 (you indi- Address of Requesting Entity: 595 Silver cate $22B earlier) billion set-aside for esti- Lace Blvd., Fernley, NV 89408 registering a $274.1 billion (3.8 percent) in- crease. And at year-end, nearly 98 percent of mated losses on failures anticipated in 2009, Description of Request: Funding will be and a $30 billion line of credit with the Depart- used for the redevelopment and enhancement all insured institutions, representing almost 99 percent of industry assets, met or exceeded ment of Treasury, bringing the total ‘‘available’’ of an historically significant downtown corridor to $69 billion. to attract business and generate jobs, largely the highest regulatory capital standards. I agree with a statement made by Chairman Legislation that recently passed the House in response to destruction from a recent flood. Sheila Bair that, and I quote, ‘‘public con- and is being considered in the Senate in- Requesting Member: Congressman DEAN fidence in the banking system and deposit in- cluded a $70 billion increase in the FDIC’s line HELLER surance is demonstrated by the increase in of credit at Treasury to $100 billion, more than Bill Number: HR 1105 domestic deposits during the fourth quarter. three-fold, and was intentionally capped at Account: HUD—Economic Development Ini- Clearly, people see an FDIC-insured account $100 billion during a markup, bringing the total tiatives as a safe haven for their money in difficult dollar amount available for the Deposit Insur- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of times.’’ ance Fund to $139($141?) billion, provided the Wells, NV Higher level of losses for actual and antici- legislation passes and is signed by the Presi- Address of Requesting Entity: 1279 Clover pated failures caused the FDIC Deposit Insur- dent. Avenue, P.O. Box. 366, Wells, Nevada 89835 ance Fund balance to decline during the fourth Although very pleased to learn that Chair- Description of Request: Funding will be quarter of 2008 by $16 billion, to $19 billion man Bair would cut the emergency special as- used for streetscaping and construction of an (unaudited) at December 31. In addition to sessment in half, to 10 basis points, provided indoor recreation facility, largely in response to having $19 billion available in the fund, $22 Congress increases the FDIC’s borrowing au- destruction caused by a recent earthquake. billion has been set aside for estimated losses thority to $100 billion, a quid pro quo, I remain

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steadfast in my opposition to any special as- I support Chairman DODD’s legislation—both Madam Speaker, I hope that someone out sessment that would be imposed on commu- its intent and its language—in large part due there is listening. nity banks. to the strict requirements it imposes on the Community banks did not cause the eco- FDIC, the Federal Reserve, and Treasury (in f nomic crisis. To the best of my knowledge, consultation with the President) prior to grant- community banks do not pose a threat to the ing the authority for the FDIC to borrow be- TREASURE ISLAND MAYOR MARY Deposit Insurance Fund or its Designated Re- yond the proposed $100 billion threshold as MALOOF COMPLETES 12 YEARS serve Ratio. Community banks did what they capped in the House-passed version of the OF SERVICE TO HER COMMUNITY always do, they took care of their commu- legislation. It is sound public policy. nities, small businesses, faith-based groups, At the same time, with all the funds the community-based groups, nonprofits, Ce´sar FDIC currently has available and the addi- HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG Cha´vez entities and many, many others. tional borrowing authority it likely will have OF FLORIDA Under the restoration plan approved last soon, I don’t believe it needs to tap the com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES October, the FDIC Board set a rate schedule munity banks in my district, in Texas and the Monday, March 16, 2009 to raise the DIF reserve ratio to 1.15 percent United States. within five years. Recent actions taken by the I have the utmost respect and confidence in Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, FDIC extends the restoration plan horizon to Chairman Bair. I laud her for her commitment Treasure Island Mayor Mary Maloof turns over seven years in recognition of the current sig- to financial literacy, especially her efforts to her gavel this week during the city commis- nificant strains on banks and the financial sys- bring the unbanked into the mainstream finan- sion’s regularly scheduled meeting, ending 12 tem and the likelihood of a severe recession. cial system and away from check cashers, years of dedicated service. I agree with FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair’s and payday and predatory lenders. I acknowl- It has been a privilege to work with Mayor statement in the release that, and I quote, edge and commend her and the FDIC Board Maloof on a number of projects important to ‘‘Public confidence in the FDIC guarantee has for all their efforts and success at addressing the people of Treasure Island. Most notable helped assure a stable source of funding for the current economic crisis, up to a point. banks in these troubled times.’’ However, I am was the rebuilding of the Treasure Island The FDIC’s proposed emergency special Causeway and Draw Bridge, which serves as curious as to why community banks that assessment will not only negatively impact played little to no role in the current financial a major evacuation route for the city’s resi- community banks, but it will not help me in my dents. Together, we dedicated this $65 million crisis will have to pay a special assessment capacity as Co-Chair of the Financial and Eco- for something they did not do. I understand project in June of 2006, to the cheers of the nomic Literacy Caucus. It will not help me as the argument that it’s best to impose the as- people of Treasure Island and to the relief of a member of the Financial Services Com- sessment on all the insured institutions across the city’s engineers who were concerned mittee. It definitely will not help me, a rep- the board. But, it is flawed. And, I’ll ask one about the safety of the old bridge. resentative of the poorest county in the coun- more time why should community banks that Mayor Maloof was never afraid to tackle a try, to bring the unbanked into the mainstream had little to nothing to do with the current cri- problem of any size whether it is a major financial system. sis have to pay the special assessment? bridge replacement, the largest public works There are alternatives to what the FDIC is They are small institutions that are well-cap- project in the city’s history, or the concern of proposing. If the FDIC needs additional funds italized whose funds are needed by local com- a single constituent. She approached all those to meet the designated reserve ratio, it can munities. Only thirteen out of 640 community challenges with the same interest and can-do easily change the assessment base from do- banks in Texas have opted to participate in spirit. mestic deposits to all deposits. The FDIC Treasury’s Capital Purchase Program, and Mayor Maloof served for six years as a City none of them are based out of my district. could tap temporary funding from the Treas- ury, like Wall Street firms, to re-capitalize the Commissioner before being elected Mayor in As noted, the Full Committee and subse- 2003. She was the first woman to be elected quently the House of Representatives passed insurance fund, giving Main Street banks time to strengthen their balance sheets and allow Mayor of Treasure Island and was reelected to legislation authorizing the FDIC to borrow up a second three-year-term in 2006. to $100 billion from Treasury. Recently, Sen- local lending activities to continue, and grow, She had the great honor to preside over the ate Banking Committee Chairman CHRIS- to help our struggling economy recover, rather city’s 50th anniversary in 2005 and through TOPHER DODD introduced legislation that would than constrict lending further by imposing a give the FDIC’s Board of Directors, the Board new debt obligation on already burdened bal- her 12 years of service to the people of Treas- of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ance sheets. ure Island, she has set the city on course for and the Secretary of the Treasury, in consulta- I cannot support a policy in which a federal great success and prosperity over the course tion with the President, the power to increase agency takes funds from my district, which in- of its next 50 years. the FDIC’s borrowing authority above the $100 cludes Hidalgo County—the poorest county in Madam Speaker, serving as mayor of any billion cap to an amount they deem necessary the country—and transfers them to the limited community large or small is among the tough- to maintain the stability and designated re- areas of the country in which the large banks est of elected positions. Mayor Mary Maloof serve ratio of the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance and entities other than community banks or has carried out her duties with the greatest of Fund, but not to exceed $500 billion. This bor- credit unions, with the help of certain regu- honor and dedication and it is my hope that rowing authority would sunset on December lators, created the current global economic cri- my colleagues join me today in saluting her for 31, 2010. sis. a job well done.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:05 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.021 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E679 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS 2:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs fairs To hold hearings to examine bank super- agreed to by the Senate on February 4, Disaster Recovery Subcommittee vision and regulators. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- To hold hearings to examine findings SD–538 tem for a computerized schedule of all from the Disaster Recovery Sub- 2 p.m. meetings and hearings of Senate com- committee Special Report and working Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- with the Administration on a way for- Financial Institutions Subcommittee tees, and committees of conference. ward. To hold hearings to examine current This title requires all such committees SD–342 issues in deposit insurance. to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Finance SD–538 Health Care Subcommittee 2:30 p.m. Digest—designated by the Rules Com- To hold hearings to examine what is Intelligence mittee—of the time, place, and purpose health care quality and who decides. To hold closed hearings on examine cer- of the meetings, when scheduled, and SD–215 tain intelligence matters. any cancellations or changes in the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs meetings as they occur. Securities, Insurance and Investment Sub- SH–219 As an additional procedure along committee MARCH 24 with the computerization of this infor- To hold hearings to examine risk man- mation, the Office of the Senate Daily agement oversight at Federal financial 9:30 a.m. Armed Services Digest will prepare this information for regulations. SD–538 To hold hearings to examine United printing in the Extensions of Remarks 2:45 p.m. States European Command and United section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Armed Services States Joint Forces Command; with on Monday and Wednesday of each Personnel Subcommittee the possibility of a closed session fol- week. To hold hearings to examine the inci- lowing in SR–222. Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, dence of suicides of United States SH–216 March 17, 2009 may be found in the Servicemembers and initiatives within 10 a.m. Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. the Department of Defense to prevent Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions military suicides. To hold hearings to examine addressing SH–216 MEETINGS SCHEDULED insurance market reform in national health reform. MARCH 18 MARCH 19 SD–430 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Energy and Natural Resources Armed Services MARCH 25 To hold hearings to examine nuclear en- To hold hearings to examine United 9:30 a.m. ergy development; to be immediately States Pacific Command, United States Judiciary followed by a business meeting to con- Strategic Command, and United States To hold oversight hearing to examine the sider the nomination of David J. Forces Korea, with the possibility of a Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hayes, of Virginia, to be Deputy Sec- closed session following in SR–222. SH–216 retary of the Interior. SH–216 Veterans’ Affairs SD–366 Energy and Natural Resources To hold hearings to examine State-of- Veterans’ Affairs To hold hearings to examine the Appli- the-Art information technology (IT) To hold joint hearings to examine the ance Standards Improvement Act of solutions for Veterans’ Affairs benefits legislative presentation of the Vet- 2009. delivery. erans of Foreign Wars. SD–366 SR–418 334, Cannon Building 10 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 10 a.m. Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation To hold hearings to examine cybersecu- Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security To hold hearings to examine the nomina- rity, focusing on assessing our Subcommittee tion of Gary Locke, of Washington, to vulnerabilities and developing an effec- To hold hearings to examine Federal be Secretary of Commerce. tive defense. Aviation Administration reauthoriza- SR–253 SR–253 tion, focusing on NextGen and the ben- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Foreign Relations efits of modernization. Business meeting to consider S. 277, to To hold hearings to examine prospects amend the National and Community for engagement with Russia. SR–253 Service Act of 1990 to expand and im- SD–419 Armed Services prove opportunities for service. Judiciary Personnel Subcommittee SD–430 Business meeting to consider S. 515, to To hold hearings to examine reserve Judiciary amend title 35, United States Code, to component programs of the Depart- To hold hearings to examine the Na- provide for patent reform, and the ment of Defense. tional Academy of Science’s report nomination of Dawn Elizabeth SR–232A Strengthening Forensic Science in the Johnsen, of Indiana, to be an Assistant United States: A Path Forward. Attorney General, Department of Jus- APRIL 2 SD–226 tice. 2 p.m. 10:30 a.m. SD–226 Armed Services Appropriations Small Business and Entrepreneurship To hold hearings to examine the report Defense Subcommittee To hold hearings to examine perspectives of the Congressional Commission on To hold hearings to examine Department from main street on small business the Strategic Posture of the United of Defense medical programs. lending. States. SD–192 SR–428A SD–106

VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:05 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M16MR8.000 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS