March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E667 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SUPPORTING THE GOALS OF Cregan, as he is being honored by the Retired brief positions held at Caterpillar and the local INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Irish Police Society with the ‘‘2009 James P post office, she retired and became an avid Sweeney—Man of the Year Award.’’ Father gardener. She continues to tend to her flowers SPEECH OF Cregan’s service to police officers and fire- and plants indoors during Illinois’ harsh win- HON. DIANE E. WATSON fighters who bravely serve our community con- ters. Today, she is joined by her closest tinues to be an invaluable source of support, friends and family to celebrate. OF CALIFORNIA kindness and guidance for the women and In the last one hundred years, Ms. Hart has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES men who bravely serve in the line of duty. seen women granted the right to vote. She Wednesday, March 1, 2009 At a very young age, Father Cregan and his witnessed the United States in World War II. Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in four sisters, Sister Theresine, Rita, Florence She watched a man walk on the moon. She enthusiastic support for H. Res. 194 a resolu- and the late Margaret were taught the impor- can recall the civil rights movement and Dr. tion supporting the goals of International tance of family, faith, heritage and service. Fa- Martin Luther King’s speeches. She was born Women’s Day. For the last century March 8th ther Cregan’s grandfather, born in Ireland, was during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt has been a day for people to unite in their a Cleveland police sergeant. His father, Jo- and has seen the White House change hands commitment to honor the women who coura- seph Cregan, served for many years as a eighteen times. Ms. Hart knows what life was geously fight for gender equality and women’s Cleveland Police Lieutenant, and two of his like before Blackberries, cell phones, the inter- rights across the globe. nephews currently serve as Cleveland police net, computers, color television, microwaves, The course of women’s history through the officers. Father Cregan’s mother, Florence traffic lights, and bubble gum. In one hundred 20th and 21st centuries has been on an up- Cregan, was a critical influence in shaping his years, American life has changed drastically ward trajectory, and while we celebrate how wonderful sense of humor, his faith and his right before Ms. Hart’s eyes. far we have come, it is important to pause and sense of compassion for others. Ms. Lucille Hart is an inspiration to us all. It reflect on the reality that women continue to Father Cregan has served in parishes is my honor to congratulate Ms. Hart’s long life face political and economic obstacles, dis- throughout our community, including Blessed of achievement. May her health remain good crimination, and violence all over the world. Sacrament, St. Joseph’s Church, St. Thomas and may she continue to inspire. While there are many who deserve our ap- More and Our Lady of Angels, where he was preciation, I would like to recognize the appointed Pastor in 1987 and where he con- f women of Afghanistan who have begun to tinues to serve today. Moreover, Father steadily chip at the steel grasp of patriarchy, Cregan continues to serve as the Chaplain for HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- and begun to fight for safety and justice. the Cleveland Police and Fire, Greater Cleve- SARY OF THE TEXAS PYTHIAN Before 2003 the idea of a women’s shelter land Police and Fire, Holy Name Society, HOME in Afghanistan was unheard of, and domestic Cleveland Office of the FBI, the Greater abuse victims who did seek protection from Cleveland Police Emerald Society and the An- HON. KAY GRANGER chor Club—roles he has held for more than law enforcement were often thrown in jail or OF TEXAS returned to their husbands, perpetuating a cul- forty years. He has also served as the Chap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture of silence around the practices of beating, lain for the Retired Irish Police Society since torture, and forced marriage. 1988. Monday, March 16, 2009 Now, shelters like the Women for Afghan Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honoring Chaplain Father John J. Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise Women in Kabul and the Afghan Women today to recognize the 100th anniversary of Skills Development Center provide protection, Cregan, as he is named the 2009 John P. Sweeney ‘‘Man of the Year’’ by the Retired the beginning of the Texas Pythian Home. The treatment, and legal services to women who Home, called the ‘‘Castle on the Hill,’’ is lo- might otherwise have resigned themselves to Irish Police Society. Father Cregan’s warmth, concern, support and guidance continues to cated in my district in the city of Weatherford, a life of quiet misery, or resorted to suicide. Texas. These shelters, like others around the world, impact the lives of police officers and fire- The Texas Pythian Home began on March provide solace and safety for women with no- fighters throughout our community. As he has 1, 1909, as a home for widows and orphans where else to turn. They provide the basic for forty years, Father Cregan has been there of Knights of Pythias members. The Pythians, hope of possibilities for those seeking a safe with our safety forces to celebrate the a fraternal order, made the decision to build haven from abuse. Before these shelters ex- happiest of times, and most significantly, he the home in Weatherford following a donation isted many Afghan women could only dream has stood with them in the most trying of of three hundred acres of land. of a life in their own control, and now they times, offering strength, hope and faith to offi- have hope. cers and their loved ones. Father Cregan con- The main building housed orphaned children I would like to thank my colleague Con- tinues to lift the lives of countless individuals on the second floor. The basement was di- gresswoman SCHAKOWSKY for sponsoring this and families throughout Greater Cleveland and vided into apartments for widows with children. important resolution which allows us to stand today, we stand in gratitude and honor. There were soon so many boys that it became necessary to build a boys-only dorm. The and celebrate our common ideals with the 3 f billion women across the globe in dignity and boys moved into their new dorm in 1914. In certitude that one day women will live free of TRIBUTE TO MS. LUCILLE HART 1925, a girls-only dorm was built. In the early discrimination and violence no matter where 1970s, widows moved to the completed retire- they were born. HON. DEBORAH L. HALVORSON ment home in Greenville, Texas. The Pythian Home School was designated f OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an independent school district on August 1, IN HONOR OF FATHER JOHN J. 1910 and continued until 1972. In 1937, the CREGAN Monday, March 16, 2009 last high school graduating class walked Mrs. HALVORSON. Madam Speaker, today across the Pythian auditorium stage. It had HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH I rise to recognize the one-hundredth birthday been decided to send grades 6–12 to OF OHIO of Ms. Lucille Hart of Le Roy, Illinois. Ms. Hart Weatherford Independent School District. Grades 1–5 continued to have classes at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES joins the rank of centenarians after a fulfilling career in education and with the postal serv- Pythian Home until 1972. Monday, March 16, 2009 ice. For fifteen years, she taught in Delavan, As part of its effort to be self-sufficient, the Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Illinois. She then became the school treasurer, Home had a large dairy operation for many today in honor of Chaplain Father John J. a position she held for thirty more years. After years. Animals were raised to provide meat. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.010 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 The Home also had its own garden and or- damaged in the Anfal; put simply, these vic- coma, African Americans over the age of 40, chard. The staff and children kept busy main- tims were denied their day in court. Many people who are very nearsighted or farsighted taining all of the operations. A change in gov- Kurds now fear that the world will never hear and all persons over the age of 60. ernment regulations in 1972 limited these op- of the true extent of the Halabja atrocities— The NYEE has been a driving force in com- erations, so the dairy closed in 1976. widely considered the heaviest use of chem- bating glaucoma in increasing the number of There were many changes through the ical weapons against civilians in modern New Yorkers who are screened. Founded in years. The Texas Pythian Home is now the times. It is therefore imperative that the Anfal 1820, NYEE is the oldest specialty hospital in last one in existence. The Home, located on campaign, and the massacre of Halabja, be the Western Hemisphere.
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