South Gloucestershire Council - Updating and Screening Assessment

2009 Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment for Council

In fulfillment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management

April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment


CLIENT CONTACT Sally Radwell South Gloucestershire Council Environmental Protection PO Box 2078, Council Offices, Castle Street, Thornbury South Gloucestershire BS35 9BJ Tel: 01454 863767 Email: [email protected]

UWE CONTACT Jo Barnes Air Quality Management Resource Centre Faculty of Environment and Technology University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay, , BS16 1QY Tel: 0117 3283825 Email: [email protected]

DOCUMENT STATUS STATUS DATE DESCRIPTION Draft report 26/02/2010 Emailed to Sally Radwell for comment Draft report 09/04/2010 Posted CD of pdf and doc to Sally Radwell for comment Final report 16/04/2010 Emailed to Sally Radwell as pdf and doc

ii Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Executive Summary

South Gloucestershire Council have undertaken this Updating and Screening Assessment in fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 which requires local authorities to review and assess air quality within their administrative area. This Updating and Screening Assessment (Round 4) updates all monitoring data since the last Updating and Screening Assessment (undertaken in 2006) and screens for various potential sources of pollution with the Local Authority’s administrative area in accordance with the Local Air Quality Management Technical Guidance 2009 (LAQM.TG(09)). South Gloucestershire Council are currently in the process of declaring three Air Quality Management Areas, which are due to be declared in April 2010.

This Updating and Screening Assessment has concluded the following: • Assessment of Monitoring Data: Following the screening criteria in LAQM.TG(09), there are no exceedences of any of the pollutants of concern within South Gloucestershire. However there are three areas outside of the proposed AQMAs that are close to the annual mean nitrogen dioxide objective. • Assessment of Sources: Following the screening criteria in LAQM.TG(09), a

Detailed Assessment will be required for NO2 for moving locomotives at Winterbourne, Patchway, and . There are no other sources (transport, other transport, industrial, commercial/domestic and fugitive) of concern within South Gloucestershire.

South Gloucestershire Council will initiate a Detailed Assessment in respect of this newly identified source as soon as possible with a view to submitting the report to Defra by April 2011. South Gloucestershire Council should also continue current monitoring and report the results to Defra in a Review and Assessment Progress Report by the end of April 2010.

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol iii South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment Table of contents Executive Summary iii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Description of Local Authority Area 1 1.2 Purpose of Report 2 1.3 Air Quality Objectives 3 1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments 4 2 New Monitoring Data 6 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken 6 2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives 15 3 Road Traffic Sources 28 3.1 Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb 28 3.2 Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic 28 3.3 Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs. 29 3.4 Junctions 29 3.5 New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment 31 3.6 Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows 31 3.7 Bus and Coach Stations 31 4 Other Transport Sources 33 4.1 Airports 33 4.2 Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains) 33 4.3 Ports (Shipping) 36 5 Industrial Sources 37 5.1 Industrial Installations 37 5.2 Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots 38 5.3 Petrol Stations 38 5.4 Poultry Farms 39 6 Commercial and Domestic Sources 40 6.1 Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations 40 6.2 Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts 42 6.3 Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning 42 7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources 43 8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 44 8.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data 44 8.2 Conclusions from Assessment of Sources 44 8.3 Proposed Actions 45 Appendices 46

iv Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Appendix A: Maps 47 Appendix B: QA/QC Data 58 Appendix C: Monitoring Data 66 Appendix D: DMRB Calculations 72 Appendix E: Part A1, A2 and B Permitted Installations 78 Appendix F: Biomass Boiler Plant Site Plans 87

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol v South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment


Figure 1: Map of location of South Gloucestershire 2 Figure 2: Map of South Gloucestershire showing locations of the proposed AQMAs 47 Figure 3: Proposed AQMA 1 - Cribbs Causeway adjacent to M5 Junction 17 Roundabout 47 Figure 4: Proposed AQMA 2 – Kingswood along A420 Regent Street 48 Figure 5: Proposed AQMA 3 - Staple Hill at Broad Street (A4175), High Street (B4465), Victoria Street & Soundwell Road (A4017) crossroads 48 Figure 6: Continuous monitoring site – Badminton 49 Figure 7: Continuous monitoring site – Filton 49 Figure 8: Continuous monitoring site – Kingswood 50

Figure 9: Continuous monitoring site and triple collocated NO2 diffusion tubes – Yate 50 Figure 10: Millipore monitoring site - Pilning 51 Figure 11: Millipore monitoring site - Yate 51

Figure 12: Millipore and NO2 diffusion tube sites - Cribbs Causeway 52

Figure 13: Benzene and NO2 diffusion tube sites – Filton 52

Figure 14: Benzene and NO2 diffusion tube site - Aztec West 53

Figure 15: NO2 diffusion tube site - adjacent to M4 53 Figure 16: Bristol Parkway Freight Lines with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure 54 Figure 17: Charfield Freight Loops with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure 54 Figure 18: Chipping Sodbury Freight Loops with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure 55 Figure 19: Bitton Station Steam Railway Lines with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure 55 Figure 20: Stoke Gifford 30 m buffer and relevant exposure 56 Figure 21: Patchway & Little Stoke 30 m buffer and relevant exposure 56 Figure 22: Winterbourne 30 m buffer and relevant exposure 57 Figure 23: National bias adjustment factor spreadsheet for Bristol Scientific Services 2008 58 Figure 24: Precision and Accuracy spreadsheet for Collocation Study at Yate 58 Figure 25: Field Comparison Summary Report 2008 64 Figure 26: DMRB input data - A38 Gloucester Road North (south of Charborough Road) 72 Figure 27: DMRB output data - A38 Gloucester Road North 72 Figure 28: DMRB input data - A403 Severn Road 73 Figure 29: DMRB output data - A403 Severn Road 73 Figure 30: DMRB input data - A4017 Soundwell Road 74 Figure 31: DMRB output data - A4017 Soundwell Road 74 Figure 32: DMRB input - Filton Avenue north 75 Figure 33: DMRB output - Filton Avenue north 75 Figure 34: DMRB input - Filton Avenue south 76 Figure 35: DMRB output - Filton Avenue south 76 Figure 36: DMRB input - Station Road/ Filton Avenue 77 Figure 37: DMRB output - Station Road/ Filton Avenue 77 Figure 38: Filton Hill Primary School Biomass Boiler site plan 87 Figure 39: Primary School Biomass Boiler site plan 87

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Table 1: Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of Local Air Quality Management in England 3 Table 2: Summary of Review and Assessment Process for South Gloucestershire 4 Table 3: Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites 7 Table 4: Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites 8 Table 5: Results of Automatic Monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with Annual Mean and Hourly Mean Objectives 15 Table 6: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2008 16 Table 7: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2008 – Summary of exceedences 19 Table 8: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2006-2008 21

Table 9: Results of PM10 Automatic Monitoring: Comparison with annual mean and 24-hour mean objectives 24 Table 10: Results of the BTX Diffusion Tubes for Benzene for 2008 25 Table 11: Results of Ozone Automatic Monitoring: Comparison with 8-hour mean objective 26 Table 12: Millipore Results for Lead 26 Table 13: Millipore Results for Cadmium 27 Table 14: Millipore Results for Zinc 27 Table 15: Millipore Results for Copper 27 Table 16: Details of biomass boilers in South Gloucestershire 40 Table 17: Calculation of maximum emission rates 40 Table 18: Comparison of background adjusted emission rates and threshold emission rates41 Table 19: Adjustment of nitrogen dioxide to the facade of nearest relevant receptors 60 Table 20: WASP Nitrogen Dioxide Results Round 97 onwards 63 Table 21: Monthly nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube results 2008 66 Table 22: Millipore results for 2008 (μg/m3) 71

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol vii

South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

1 Introduction 1.1 Description of Local Authority Area

South Gloucestershire lies to the north and east of the city of Bristol with the forming the western boundary. The area covers approximately 49,700 hectares and is a diverse mix of urban and rural areas, including major residential, industrial and commercial developments. The road network within the district contains the major junction of the M4 & M5 motorways. Main line inter city passenger rail services are available from Bristol Parkway Station in Stoke Gifford. The 2008 mid-year population estimate for South Gloucestershire is 257,700, living in approximately 104,000 households. 60% of the population live in the built-up areas immediately adjoining Bristol, namely Filton, Patchway, Bradley Stoke, Kingswood, Downend, Staple Hill and Hanham; 19% live in the towns of Yate, Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury and the remaining 20% live in the more rural areas of South Gloucestershire. The population has grown by over 20% in the past 20 years, making it one of the fastest growing areas in the country and the population is projected to rise to 267,200 by 2011. The extensive urban areas around the northern fringe of Bristol have experienced significant growth over the past 20 years. More than 30,000 jobs and 18,000 homes have been created since 1991, and significant growth is expected to continue. Over the longer term, the Regional Spatial Strategy proposes that an additional 30,800 homes should be built in South Gloucestershire by 2026. This will increase the proportion of housing by nearly 30%, meaning that managing future development is a key challenge. The area has well-established manufacturing industries, such as aerospace and has attracted a number of high technology companies and national employers. There are high levels of car ownership and traffic congestion is a major problem around Bristol, linked to significant volumes of commuting traffic. This raises challenges in terms of the infrastructure needed to sustain further growth, such as maintaining economic prosperity, protecting the environment and addressing transport issues.

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 1 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 1: Map of location of South Gloucestershire

1.2 Purpose of Report

This report fulfils the requirements of the Local Air Quality Management process as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995), the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2007 and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents. The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where exceedences are considered likely, the local authority must then declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.

2 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

1.3 Air Quality Objectives

The air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England are set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 (SI 928), The Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 3043), and are shown in Table 1.1. This table shows the objectives in units of microgrammes per cubic metre, μg/m3 (milligrammes per cubic metre, mg/m3 for carbon monoxide) with the number of exceedences in each year that are permitted (where applicable).

Table 1: Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of Local Air Quality Management in England

Pollutant Air Quality Objective Date to be Concentration Measured as achieved by Benzene 16.25 μg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 5.00 μg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2010 1,3-Butadiene 2.25 μg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 Carbon monoxide 10.0 mg/m3 Running 8-hour mean 31.12.2003 Lead 0.5 μg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 0.25 μg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2008 Nitrogen dioxide 200 μg/m3 not to be 1-hour mean 31.12.2005 exceeded more than 18 times a year 40 μg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2005 3 Particles (PM10) 50 μg/m , not to be 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 (gravimetric) exceeded more than 35 times a year Annual mean 31.12.2004 40 μg/m3 Sulphur dioxide 350 μg/m3, not to be 1-hour mean 31.12.2004 exceeded more than 24 times a year 125 μg/m3, not to be 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 exceeded more than 3 times a year 266 μg/m3, not to be 15-minute mean 31.12.2005 exceeded more than 35 times a year

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 3 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments

Table 2: Summary of Review and Assessment Process for South Gloucestershire

Date Stage/Report Summary of work undertaken Completed Round 1 Identification of main sources of pollution which may Stage 1 February 1999 have a significant impact on air quality

Stage 2 Additional screening of pollutant concentrations November Detailed appraisal of potential impacts of significant 2000 Stage 3 sources of pollution and predictions of levels to future dates Declaration of Air Quality Area declared where predictions indicate objectives will 1st November Management Area not be met 2001 More detailed assessment work inside the declared area Stage 4 to provide confidence in the original decision to declare July 2003 the area Round 2 Updating and Screening Identify relevant changes since first round May 2003 Assessment

Annual Progress Report Report on progress over the previous year May 2004

Annual Progress Report Report on progress over the previous year April 2005

Round 3 Updating and Screening Identify relevant changes since previous round May 2006 Assessment

Annual Progress Report Report on progress over the previous year May 2007

Assessment of potential exceedence locations identified September Detailed Assessment in 2007 Progress Report 2008

South Gloucestershire Council’s Round 3 Updating and Screening Assessment was completed in May 2006 and was accepted for all pollutants. The report also showed compliance with the 2004 PM10 objectives at Yate, concluding that a Detailed Assessment previously identified in the 2003 and 2004 Progress Reports was no longer required. The subsequent Progress Report was completed in May 2007 and was approved by Defra. The report identified potential exceedences of the annual mean objective for nitrogen dioxide at one location; the crossroads of Broad Street (A4175), High Street (B4465), Victoria Street and Soundwell Road (A4017) in Staple Hill. Two additional locations were identified as approaching the NO2 annual mean objective; at the Cribbs Causeway M5 roundabout (Junction 17) and along Regent Street (A420), Kingswood.

4 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

The Progress Report concluded that it was necessary (or prudent where locations were approaching the objective), to proceed with a Detailed Assessment in relation to nitrogen dioxide in the following areas: • Staple Hill – at the Broad Street (A4175), High Street (B4465), Victoria Street and Soundwell Road (A4017) crossroads • Kingswood – along Regent Street (A420) • Cribbs Causeway – at the M5 Roundabout (Junction 17) The Detailed Assessment of these three areas commenced in April 2007 and was completed in September 2008. The report concluded that Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) should be declared at the locations identified above. Maps of the proposed AQMAs may be found in Appendix A. Consultation on the proposed AQMAs was undertaken and the resulting recommendations on the extent of each of the AQMAs have been made to Council. The formal declaration of the AQMAs is anticipated in April 2010.

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2 New Monitoring Data 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

2.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

South Gloucestershire Council operate ten automatic monitors at seven sites:

• three API Model 200A Chemiluminescent Analysers (NO2),

• two ET BAM 1020 Beta-Attenuated Mass Monitors (unheated) (PM10),

• one R&P TEOM series 1400a (PM10),

• one API Model 400a UV Absorption Analyser (O3), and • three Millipore Volume Samplers (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb).

An API Model 300 Infra Red Absorption Analyser (CO) located at Kingswood was decommissioned in 2007 as long-term monitoring had demonstrated that concentrations were well below the objective. South Gloucestershire Council also monitor background gamma radiation at the Council Offices in Thornbury however, as radiation does not fall within the remit of Local Air Quality Management, these results are not reported here. The 2008 BAM data have been corrected for gradient (divided by 1.21) and the 2008 TEOM data have been corrected using the VCM tool1. The 2006 and 2007 TEOM data have been multiplied by 1.3 as per LAQM.TG(09). Maps of the continuous monitoring sites, Millipore monitoring sites and diffusion tube monitoring sites exceeding or approaching the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective are available in Appendix A. QA/QC data for the automatic monitors are in Appendix B. Table 3, below, provides details of the automatic monitoring sites.


6 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Table 3: Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites

Relevant Distance Exposure? (m) to OS Grid Pollutants In (Y/N with Site Name Site Type kerb of Ref Monitored AQMA? distance (m) nearest to relevant road exposure) Filton – Conygre Urban X 360768 NO , PM 2 10 N Y (6) 30 House, Conygre Road background Y 179407 (TEOM) Kingswood – City of NO , PM , X 365462 2 10 Bristol College, High Roadside CO (until N Y (0) 3 Y 173784 Street 2006) X 370418 Yate – Station Road Roadside NO , PM N Y (24) 6 Y 182525 2 10 Badminton – Memorial X 380516 Hall, Hayes Lane Rural O N N N/A Y 182520 3 Badminton Urban X 370182 Cd, Cu, Zn, Yate - Broad Lane N N 140 background Y 183751 Pb Cribbs Causeway – Urban X 357609 Cd, Cu, Zn, N N 206 Zoo Annexe background Y 181494 Pb Pilning -Trading Urban X 355847 Cd, Cu, Zn, N N 72 Standards background Y 184419 Pb

2.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring

South Gloucestershire Council maintain 86 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and 26 benzene (BTX) diffusion tube monitoring sites across the district. Table 4 shows details of these monitoring sites. The diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Bristol Scientific Services using the 20% TEA in water preparation method. Bristol Scientific Services adopted the harmonised method (50% TEA in water) for tube preparation and analysis from July 2008. South Gloucestershire Council operate a collocation study with the chemiluminescent monitor at Yate. However, the national bias adjustment factor was applied due to theft of tubes in 2006 and low continuous monitoring data capture in 2007. The national bias adjustment factor was therefore used for consistency in 2008. Full QA/QC data are presented in Appendix B.

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Table 4: Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Yate - Taylors X370721 NO + 1 Roadside 2 N Y Y Station Road Y182499 Benzene Urban X370706 2 Yate - The Avenue NO N Y Background Y182466 2 Urban X371079 NO + 3 Yate - Hatherley 2 N Y Background Y181453 Benzene Yate - Station Road X370418 4 Roadside NO N Y Co-Location 1 Y182525 2 Yate - Station Road X370418 5 Roadside NO N Y Co-location 2 Y182525 2 Yate - Station Road X370418 6 Roadside NO N Y Co-location 3 Y182525 2 Frampton Cotterell - Urban X366802 7 NO N Y The Spinney Background Y181223 2 Filton - Gloucester X360287 NO + 8 Road North Roadside 2 N N Y179232 Benzene St Peters Church Filton - 156 X360270 9 Gloucester Road Kerbside NO N Y (2.5) 1 Y Y179145 2 North Kerbside Filton - 152 Gloucester Road X360266 10 Roadside NO N Y (0) 3 Y North Y179136 2 building façade Thornbury - High X363654 11 Roadside NO N Y Street Y189893 2 Stoke Gifford - X362161 12 Church Road Axa Roadside NO N Y Y179570 2 Sun Life Filton - MOD X361523 13 Roadside NO N N Roundabout Y178732 2 Hambrook - Ring X363979 14 Roadside NO N Y (25.5) 0.5 Y Road Y178551 2

8 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Cribbs Causeway - X358043 15 Roadside NO N N Merlin Road Y180966 2 Kingswood - 78 X364801 NO + Proposed 16 Regent Street Roadside 2 Y (0) 4 Y Y173843 Benzene NO AQMA Barclays façade 2 Kingswood - 79 X364830 NO + Proposed 17 Roadside 2 Y Regent Street HSBC Y173878 Benzene NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 70 X364762 Proposed 18 Regent Street Roadside NO Y (0) 5 Y173852 2 NO AQMA CM Lea facade 2 Kingswood - 66 X364751 Proposed 19 Regent Street Kerbside NO Y (3.5) 0.5 Y173859 2 NO AQMA Pedestrian Lights 2 Kingswood - Cade Urban X365714 NO + 20 2 N Y Close Background Y172870 Benzene Downend - St Urban X365673 NO + 21 2 N Y Augustines Church Background Y177475 Benzene Hanham - High X364116 22 Roadside NO N Y Street Y172413 2 Kingswood - Cecil X364854 NO + 23 Roadside 2 N Y (16.5) 1 Road Y173717 Benzene Longwell Green - Urban X365907 24 NO N Y Stourton Drive Background Y171821 2 Bitton - Oakhill Urban X367091 NO2 + 25 N Y Avenue Background Y170572 Benzene Kingswood - Gilbert Urban X364846 NO + 26 2 N Y Road Background Y174007 Benzene Kingswood - 90 X364866 NO + Proposed 27 Regent Street Roadside 2 Y (0) 2 Y Y173835 Benzene NO AQMA Nat West façade 2 Staple Hill - 17 Urban X365392 28 NO N Y Teewell Hill Background Y175723 2 Staple Hill - 123 High X364822 Proposed 29 Street Backhouse Roadside NO Y (2) 1 Y Y175932 2 NO AQMA Bet 2

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 9 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Mangotsfield - X366395 30 Roadside NO N Y Richmond Road Y176376 2 Kingswood - Court Urban X364902 31 NO N Y Road Background Y173157 2 Urban X360598 32 Almondsbury Depot NO N N Background Y183422 2 Cribbs Causeway - X357762 33 Roadside NO N Y (22.5) 1.5 M5 Roundabout Y181330 2 Bradley Stoke - Ormonds Close X362395 34 M4 East of Roadside NO N Y Y182544 2 Almondsbury Interchange Bradley Stoke - Woodlands Lane X362123 35 M4 East of Roadside NO N Y (25.5) 9.5 Y Y183049 2 Almondsbury Interchange Hambrook - X364556 36 Whiteshill M4 East of Roadside NO N Y Y178856 2 M32 Almondsbury - Old Aust Road X361147 37 M4 West of Roadside NO N Y Y Y184846 2 Almondsbury Interchange Severn Beach Urban X354282 38 NO N Y Primary School Background Y184653 2 Marshfield Primary Urban X378053 39 NO N Y School Background Y173712 2 Hawkesbury Primary Urban X377631 40 NO N Y School Background Y187016 2 Urban X370091 NO + 41 Wick - Barrow Hill 2 N Y Background Y172343 Benzene Little Stoke -Braydon Urban X361418 NO + 42 2 N Y Ave Background Y181674 Benzene

10 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Patchway - X360442 NO + 43 Roadside 2 N Y Highwood Road Y181592 Benzene Stoke Gifford - X362061 NO + 44 Roadside 2 N Y Hatchet Road Y180025 Benzene Bradley Stoke - X363265 NO + 45 Roadside 2 N Y (27) 2 Bradley Stoke Way Y180539 Benzene Winterbourne - High X364852 NO + 46 Roadside 2 N Y Street Y180758 Benzene A4174 Bromley X364280 NO + 47 Roadside 2 N Y (43) 1.5 Heath Y178371 Benzene Aztec West X360878 NO + 48 Roadside 2 N Y (60) 0 Y Roundabout Y182859 Benzene Kingswood - 38 Urban X366724 NO + 49 2 N Y Firework Close Background Y173906 Benzene Hambrook - Old X363654 NO + 50 Roadside 2 N Y (10.5) 1.5 Gloucester Road Y178283 Benzene Hambrook - Rear of Urban X363760 NO + 51 96 Old Gloucester 2 N Y Background Y178486 Benzene Road X363744 NO + 52 A4174 Hambrook Roadside 2 N Y (8.5) 3.5 Y Y178512 Benzene Hambrook - 17 Urban X363913 NO + 53 2 N Y Y Fenbrook Close Background Y178401 Benzene Longwell Green - X365256 NO + 54 A431 /Aldermoor Roadside 2 N Y Y171656 Benzene Way Longwell Green - Ring Road X365364 NO + 55 Kerbside 2 N Y (22) 1.5 Y Roundabout Junction Y172173 Benzene Leisure Road Mangotsfield - Barley Urban X366022 56 Close Primary NO N Y Background Y176773 2 School Coalpit Heath - Urban X367742 57 NO N Y Badminton Road Background Y181160 2

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 11 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Longwell Green - X365346 58 Kingsfield Lane/ Roadside NO N Y Y172165 2 Aspects Leisure Site Siston Common - Urban X366663 59 NO N Y The Willows Background Y174357 2 Downend - North X365101 60 Roadside NO N Y Street Y176688 2 Staple Hill X364926 Proposed 61 Crossroads - 1 Broad Roadside NO Y (6) 2.5 Y Y175926 2 NO AQMA Street HSBC 2 Staple Hill Crossroads - 2 Broad X364909 Proposed 62 Roadside NO2 Y (0) 1 Y Street Revolution Y175908 NO2 AQMA façade Patchway - Park X359487 63 Roadside NO N Y (7) 47.5 Leaze Y182479 2 Cribbs Causeway - X357561 64 Roadside NO N Y (38) 10 Holly Cottage Y181037 2 Thornbury - Dean Urban X364079 65 NO N Y Avenue Background Y190859 2 Kingswood Regent X364741 Proposed 66 Street - Somerfield Roadside NO Y Y173858 2 NO AQMA Arch façade 2 Kingswood - 40 X364671 Proposed 67 Regent Street Roadside NO Y (0) 2.5 Y Y173877 2 NO AQMA Thomas Cook façade 2 Kingswood - 26-32 X364631 Proposed 68 Regent Street Roadside NO Y (0) 2 Y Y173886 2 NO AQMA QS Store façade 2 Kingswood - 12 Regent Street X364597 Proposed 69 Roadside NO2 Y (0) 2.5 Y Cameras Plus Y173892 NO2 AQMA façade

12 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Kingswood - Two Mile Hill Road X364533 70 Roadside NO N N Job Centre Plus Y173896 2 façade Staple Hill - 11 The X365075 71 Roadside NO N Y Square Lamplight Y175918 2 Staple Hill - 25 Broad X364990 72 Roadside NO N Y (6) 1.5 Street New Style Y175920 2 Staple Hill - 11 X364902 Proposed 73 Soundwell Road Roadside NO Y (1.5) 0 Y Y175843 2 NO AQMA Liberty 2 Staple Hill - 29-31 X364885 74 Soundwell Road opp Roadside NO N Y (4.5) 0 Y175772 2 Page Comm Assoc Staple Hill - 118 High X364856 Proposed 75 Street Roadside NO Y (2.5) 0.5 Y175917 2 NO AQMA Bradford & Bingley 2 Staple Hill - 84-86 High Street X364722 Proposed 76 Roadside NO2 Y (0) 2 Staple Oak Pub Y175926 NO2 AQMA façade Staple Hill - Victoria X364903 Proposed 77 Street in front of AB Roadside NO Y (7.5) 2 Y175957 2 NO AQMA Autos car yard 2 Staple Hill - 9-11 X364909 Proposed 78 Roadside NO2 Y (3.7) 1.3 Victoria Street Y176016 NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 27-29 X364913 Proposed 79 Roadside NO2 Y (3.4) 1.3 Victoria Street 176067 NO2 AQMA Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage X357748 Proposed 80 Blackhorse Hill (nr Roadside NO Y (12) 1.5 Y Y181326 2 NO AQMA "no access to M4 & 2 SSC" sign)

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 13 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Site OS Grid Pollutants In AQMA? Relevant Exposure? Distance to kerb of Worst-case Site Name Site Type No. Ref. Monitored (Y/N) (Y/N and distance (m)) nearest road (m) location? (Y/N) Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage X357733 Proposed 81 Blackhorse Hill Roadside NO Y (14) 1.5 Y Y181305 2 NO AQMA (nearest M5 2 Roundabout) Kingswood - 78 X364796 Proposed 82 Regent Street Kerbside NO Y (4) 0 Y173849 2 NO AQMA One way signpost 2 Chipping Sodbury - Broad Street X372789 83 Roadside NO N Y Y Wickwar Road Y182237 2 junction Chipping Sodbury - Wickwar Road Bus X372771 84 Roadside NO N Y Stop by St John's Y182281 2 Church Bitton Primary X367686 85 Roadside NO N Y School Y169888 2 Bitton - Ryedown Urban X367506 86 NO N Y Lane Background Y170522 2

14 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives

2.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide

Automatic Monitoring Data

Nitrogen dioxide continuous monitoring data for 2006, 2007 and 2008 are presented in Table 5. There have been no exceedences of the annual mean or the hourly mean objective at any of the sites over these three years. Data capture for all sites was >90% in 2008, and where data capture was <90% in 2006 and 2007 percentile values are provided.

Table 5: Results of Automatic Monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with Annual Mean and Hourly Mean Objectives 99.8th Proportion Number of Annual Mean percentile of year Exceedence of Concentrations where Data Site Name with valid 3 hourly mean (ug/m ) 3 Capture <90% data 2008 (200μg/m ) 3 (ug/m ) (%) 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 Filton – Conygre House, Conygre 97 21.9 18.3 20.0 0 0 0 97.3 101.2 Road Kingswood – City of Bristol College, 96 25.9 24.4 24.6 0 0 0 110.7 104.6 High Street Yate – Station 99 28.0 26.9 27.7 0 0 0 117.0 122.2 Road

Diffusion Tube Monitoring Data

The results from each of the 86 nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube sites for 2008 are presented in Table 6 and the exceedences and borderline exceedences are summarised in Table 7. Results from 2006, 2007 and 2008 are provided for comparison in Table 8. All results are bias adjusted using the national bias adjustment factors for each year (Appendix B). Data capture for all sites in 2008 was >75%, except site 56, Barley Close Primary School, Mangotsfield (42%), however concentrations at this site were well below the objective so were not annualised. There were 26 diffusion tubes with measured exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective in 2008 and ten sites within 10% of the objective (i.e. >36 μg/m3). Three of these sites are not representative of relevant exposure so have been discounted. These sites are: • Site 8 – Filton - Gloucester Road North, St Peters Church; • Site 15 – Cribbs Causeway - Merlin Road; • Site 70 – Kingswood - Two Mile Hill Road, Job Centre Plus façade.

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 15 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Where necessary, measured exceedences have been adjusted to the façade of the nearest relevant receptor using the ‘Nitrogen Dioxide Fall off with Distance’ calculator (one of the LAQM Tools available on the Air Quality Archive website2) (Table 19, Appendix B). This revealed 11 exceedences and six borderline exceedences at the façades of relevant receptors, all of which are within proposed NO2 AQMAs. A further four borderline exceedences have been identified at relevant receptors where the monitoring sites are not included in proposed AQMAs. These sites are: • Site 10, Filton – 152 Gloucester Road North (38.2 μg/m3) • Site 33, Cribbs Causeway – M5 roundabout (39.1 μg/m3) • Site 35, Bradley Stoke – Woodlands Lane (38.0 μg/m3) • Site 48, Aztec West roundabout (38.1 μg/m3) Site 33 relates to the single residential property within the proposed Cribbs Causeway AQMA and therefore does not represent potential new exposure. Although nitrogen dioxide concentrations at these sites in 2008 are slightly higher than in the previous two years (a trend observed at most sites), concentrations have been consistently elevated and therefore sites 10, 35 and 48 should be observed with caution with regard to any planning or transport developments that may affect future nitrogen dioxide concentrations. It would also be advisable to relocate diffusion tubes at sites 8, 15, 35, 47, 48, 52, 64 and 70 to the façades of relevant receptor sites if possible.

Table 6: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2008 Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Site No. Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) (Y/N) (Y/N) 2008 (%) Adjusted for bias (0.87) 1 Yate - Taylors Station Road Y N 100 34.4 2 Yate - The Avenue Y N 92 21.8 3 Yate - Hatherley Y N 100 20.5 Yate - Station Road 4 Y N 100 30.3 Co-Location 1 Yate - Station Road 5 Y N 92 29.8 Co-location 2 Yate - Station Road 6 Y N 100 30.1 Co-location 3 7 Frampton Cotterell - The Spinney Y N 100 22.8 Filton - Gloucester Road North 8 N N 92 43.8 St Peters Church Filton - 156 Gloucester Road North 9 Y N 100 38.9 Kerbside Filton - 152 Gloucester Road North 10 Y N 100 38.2 building façade 11 Thornbury - High Street Y N 100 31.7 Stoke Gifford - Church Road 12 Y N 100 31.0 Axa Sun Life 13 Filton - MOD Roundabout N N 100 34.2


16 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Site No. Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) (Y/N) (Y/N) 2008 (%) Adjusted for bias (0.87) 14 Hambrook - Ring Road Y N 92 46.3 15 Cribbs Causeway - Merlin Road N N 100 39.9 Proposed Kingswood - 78 Regent Street 16 Y NO 83 40.8 Barclays façade 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 79 Regent Street 17 Y NO 100 28.9 HSBC 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 70 Regent Street 18 Y NO 100 45.6 CM Lea façade 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 66 Regent Street 19 Y NO 100 50.0 Pedestrian Lights 2 AQMA 20 Kingswood - Cade Close Y N 100 20.5 21 Downend - St Augustines Church Y N 92 22.4 22 Hanham - High Street Y N 100 32.1 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road Y N 92 39.3 24 Longwell Green - Stourton Drive Y N 100 22.1 25 Bitton - Oakhill Avenue Y N 100 19.3 26 Kingswood - Gilbert Road Y N 100 29.0 Proposed Kingswood - 90 Regent Street 27 Y NO 100 41.9 Nat West façade 2 AQMA 28 Staple Hill - 17 Teewell Hill Y N 100 32.5 Proposed Staple Hill - 123 High Street 29 Y NO 100 42.2 Backhouse Bet 2 AQMA 30 Mangotsfield - Richmond Road Y N 100 31.9 31 Kingswood - Court Road Y N 100 23.5 32 Almondsbury Depot N N 92 28.1 Cribbs Causeway - M5 33 Y N 100 51.7 Roundabout Bradley Stoke - Ormonds Close 34 M4 East of Almondsbury Y N 100 30.8 Interchange Bradley Stoke – Woodlands Lane 35 M4 East of Almondsbury Y N 100 40.7 Interchange Hambrook – Whiteshill 36 Y N 100 26.7 M4 East of M32 Almondsbury - Old Aust Road 37 M4 West of Almondsbury Y N 85 29.5 Interchange 38 Severn Beach Primary School Y N 100 17.0 39 Marshfield Primary School Y N 92 16.2 40 Hawkesbury Primary School Y N 100 11.6 41 Wick - Barrow Hill Y N 100 10.4 42 Little Stoke -Braydon Ave Y N 100 26.0 43 Patchway - Highwood Road Y N 100 33.8

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 17 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Site No. Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) (Y/N) (Y/N) 2008 (%) Adjusted for bias (0.87) 44 Stoke Gifford - Hatchet Road Y N 100 33.0 Bradley Stoke - Bradley Stoke 45 Y N 100 38.3 Way 46 Winterbourne - High Street Y N 100 34.2 47 A4174 Bromley Heath Y N 100 46.5 48 Aztec West Roundabout Y N 100 49.4 49 Kingswood - 38 Firework Close Y N 100 24.1 50 Hambrook - Old Gloucester Road Y N 100 37.8 Hambrook - Rear of 96 Old 51 Y N 92 28.0 Gloucester Rd 52 A4174 Hambrook Y N 92 44.8 53 Hambrook - 17 Fenbrook Close Y N 100 30.9 Longwell Green - A431 / 54 Y N 100 33.8 Aldermoor Way Longwell Green - Ring Road 55 Roundabout Junction Leisure Y N 100 38.0 Road Mangotsfield - Barley Close 56 Y N 42 25.6 Primary School 57 Coalpit Heath - Badminton Road Y N 100 31.7 Longwell Green - Kingsfield Lane/ 58 Y N 77 24.8 Aspects Leisure Site 59 Siston Common - The Willows Y N 100 22.7 60 Downend - North Street Y N 83 30.4 Proposed Staple Hill Crossroads 1 Broad St 61 Y NO 100 44.5 HSBC 2 AQMA Proposed Staple Hill Crossroads 2 Broad St 62 Y NO 100 43.5 Revolution façade 2 AQMA 63 Patchway - Park Leaze Y N 100 35.7 64 Cribbs Causeway - Holly Cottage Y N 100 41.7 65 Thornbury - Dean Ave Y N 100 20.1 Proposed Kingswood Regent Street - 66 Y NO 100 29.9 Somerfield Arch façade 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 40 Regent Street 67 Y NO 100 45.8 Thomas Cook façade 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 26-32 Regent Street 68 Y NO 100 48.3 QS Store façade 2 AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 12 Regent Street 69 Y NO 100 40.2 Cameras Plus façade 2 AQMA Kingswood - Two Mile Hill Road 70 N N 92 36.3 Job Centre Plus façade Staple Hill - 11 The Square 71 Y N 83 29.1 Lamplight Staple Hill - 25 Broad St 72 Y N 100 35.2 New Style

18 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Site No. Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) (Y/N) (Y/N) 2008 (%) Adjusted for bias (0.87) Proposed Staple Hill - 11 Soundwell Rd 73 Y NO 92 43.7 Liberty 2 AQMA Staple Hill - 29-31 Soundwell Rd 74 Y N 100 36.6 opp Page Comm Assoc Proposed Staple Hill - 118 High Street 75 Y NO 92 43.7 Bradford & Bingley 2 AQMA Proposed Staple Hill - 84-86 High Street 76 Y NO 100 41.9 Staple Oak Pub façade 2 AQMA Proposed Staple Hill - Victoria Street in front 77 Y NO 100 42.9 of AB Autos car yard 2 AQMA Proposed 78 Staple Hill - 9-11 Victoria Street Y NO2 100 44.9 AQMA Proposed 79 Staple Hill - 27-29 Victoria Street Y NO2 100 45.7 AQMA Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Proposed 80 Cottage Blackhorse Hill Y NO2 92 61.5 (nr "no access to M4 & SSC" sign) AQMA Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Proposed 81 Cottage Blackhorse Hill (nearest Y NO2 100 62.6 M5 Roundabout) AQMA Proposed Kingswood - 78 Regent Street 82 Y NO 100 36.5 One way signpost 2 AQMA Chipping Sodbury - Broad Street 83 Y N 85 30.7 Wickwar Road junction Chipping Sodbury - Wickwar Road 84 Y N 100 27.3 Bus Stop by St John's Church 85 Bitton Primary School Y N 92 17.9 86 Bitton - Ryedown Lane Y N 100 12.3 3 Key: Exceedence of NO2 annual mean objective 40μg/m 3 Borderline - within 10% of NO2 annual mean objective (>36μg/m )

Table 7: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2008 – Summary of exceedences Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Adj. to Site Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) façade No. (Y/N) (Y/N) (%) Adjusted for (μg/m3) bias (0.87) Filton - Gloucester Road 8 North N N 92 43.8 N/A St Peters Church Filton - 156 Gloucester 9 Y N 100 38.9 34.8 Road North Kerbside Filton - 152 Gloucester 10 Road North building Y N 100 38.2 38.2 façade 14 Hambrook - Ring Road Y N 92 46.3 34.2

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 19 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Adj. to Site Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) façade No. (Y/N) (Y/N) (%) Adjusted for (μg/m3) bias (0.87) Cribbs Causeway - 15 N N 100 39.9 N/A Merlin Road Kingswood - 78 Regent Proposed 16 Y 83 40.8 40.8 Street Barclays façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 70 Regent Proposed 18 Y 100 45.6 45.6 Street, CM Lea façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 66 Regent Proposed 19 Y 100 50.0 39.0 Street Pedestrian Lights NO2 AQMA 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road Y N 92 39.3 30.6 Kingswood - 90 Regent Proposed 27 Y 100 41.9 41.9 Street, Nat West façade NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 123 High Proposed 29 Y 100 42.2 37.6 Street Backhouse Bet NO2 AQMA Cribbs Causeway - M5 33 Y N 100 51.7 39.1 Roundabout Bradley Stoke - Woodlands Lane 35 Y N 100 40.7 38.0 M4 East of Almondsbury Interchange Bradley Stoke - Bradley 45 Y N 100 38.3 32.6 Stoke Way 47 A4174 Bromley Heath Y N 100 46.5 33.1 48 Aztec West Roundabout Y N 100 49.4 38.1 Hambrook - Old 50 Y N 100 37.8 32.7 Gloucester Road 52 A4174 Hambrook Y N 92 44.8 32.5 Longwell Green - Ring 55 Road Roundabout Y N 100 38.0 26.3 Junction Leisure Road Staple Hill Crossroads, Proposed 61 Y 100 44.5 43.5 1 Broad St HSBC NO2 AQMA Staple Hill Crossroads 2 Proposed 62 Broad St Revolution Y 100 43.5 43.5 NO AQMA façade 2 Cribbs Causeway - Holly 64 Y N 100 41.7 31.9 Cottage Kingswood - 40 Regent Proposed 67 Street Thomas Cook Y 100 45.8 45.8 NO AQMA façade 2 Kingswood - 26-32 Proposed 68 Regent Street QS Store Y 100 48.3 48.3 NO AQMA façade 2 Kingswood - 12 Regent Proposed 69 Street Cameras Plus Y 100 40.2 40.2 NO AQMA façade 2 Kingswood - Two Mile 70 Hill Road Job Centre N N 92 36.3 N/A Plus façade Staple Hill - 11 Proposed 73 Y 92 43.7 35.4 Soundwell Rd Liberty NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 29-31 74 Soundwell Rd opp Page Y N 100 36.6 28.6 Comm Assoc

20 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Annual mean Relevant Within Data concentrations Adj. to Site Site Name Exposure? AQMA? Capture 2008 (μg/m3) façade No. (Y/N) (Y/N) (%) Adjusted for (μg/m3) bias (0.87) Staple Hill - 118 High Proposed 75 Street Bradford & Y 92 43.7 36.7 NO AQMA Bingley 2 Staple Hill - 84-86 High Proposed 76 Street Staple Oak Pub Y 100 41.9 41.9 NO AQMA façade 2 Staple Hill - Victoria Proposed 77 Street in front of AB Y 100 42.9 38.8 NO AQMA Autos car yard 2 Staple Hill - 9-11 Proposed 78 Y 100 44.9 38.2 Victoria Street NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 27-29 Proposed 79 Y 100 45.7 39.1 Victoria Street NO2 AQMA Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage Proposed 80 Blackhorse Hill Y 92 61.5 45.1 NO AQMA (nr "no access to M4 & 2 SSC" sign) Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage Proposed 81 Y 100 62.6 45.7 Blackhorse Hill (nearest NO2 AQMA M5 Roundabout) Kingswood - 78 Regent Proposed 82 Street. Y 100 36.5 28.2 NO AQMA One way signpost 2 3 Key: Exceedence of NO2 annual mean objective 40μg/m 3 Borderline - within 10% of NO2 annual mean objective (>36μg/m )

Table 8: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes 2006-2008 Relevant Within Annual mean concentrations Site 3 Site Name Exposure? AQMA? (μg/m ) Adjusted for bias No. (Y/N) (Y/N) 2006 2007 2008 1 Yate - Taylors Station Road Y N 34.3 30.5 34.4 2 Yate - The Avenue Y N 21.6 20.3 21.8 3 Yate - Hatherley Y N 16.4 16.8 20.5 Yate - Station Road 4 Y N 28.2 25.3 30.3 Co-Location 1 Yate - Station Road 5 Y N 27.5 24.0 29.8 Co-location 2 Yate - Station Road 6 Y N 28.7 25.3 30.1 Co-location 3 7 Frampton Cotterell - The Spinney Y N 18.8 17.1 22.8 Filton - Gloucester Road North 8 N N 44.1 41.1 43.8 St Peters Church Filton - 156 Gloucester Road 9 Y N 37.5 35.3 38.9 North Kerbside Filton - 152 Gloucester Road 10 Y N 38.2 32.4 38.2 North building façade 11 Thornbury - High Street Y N 29.9 26.9 31.7 Stoke Gifford - Church Road 12 Y N 31.4 25.2 31.0 Axa Sun Life 13 Filton - MOD Roundabout N N 28.6 29.3 34.2

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 21 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Relevant Within Annual mean concentrations Site 3 Site Name Exposure? AQMA? (μg/m ) Adjusted for bias No. (Y/N) (Y/N) 2006 2007 2008 14 Hambrook - Ring Road Y N 41.3 36.9 46.3 15 Cribbs Causeway - Merlin Road N N 37.7 35.3 39.9 Kingswood - 78 Regent Street Proposed 16 Y 31.7 29.8 40.8 Barclays façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 79 Regent Street Proposed 17 Y 25.0 22.3 28.9 HSBC NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 70 Regent Street Proposed 18 Y 37.8 35.0 45.6 CM Lea façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 66 Regent Street Proposed 19 Y 41.0 37.7 50.0 Pedestrian Lights NO2 AQMA 20 Kingswood - Cade Close Y N 18.3 16.4 20.5 21 Downend - St Augustines Church Y N 20.3 20.2 22.4 22 Hanham - High Street Y N 30.4 26.0 32.1 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road Y N 29.2 28.5 39.3 24 Longwell Green - Stourton Drive Y N 19.7 18.3 22.1 25 Bitton - Oakhill Avenue Y N 17.1 16.0 19.3 26 Kingswood - Gilbert Road Y N 23.4 20.3 29.0 Kingswood - 90 Regent Street Proposed 27 Y 41.2 38.6 41.9 Nat West façade NO2 AQMA 28 Staple Hill - 17 Teewell Hill Y N 23.3 25.3 32.5 Staple Hill - 123 High Street Proposed 29 Y 37.5 40.0 42.2 Backhouse Bet NO2 AQMA 30 Mangotsfield - Richmond Road Y N 26.7 26.4 31.9 31 Kingswood - Court Road Y N 20.6 18.0 23.5 32 Almondsbury Depot N N 33.1 28.5 28.1 Cribbs Causeway - M5 33 Y N 50.9 43.4 51.7 Roundabout Bradley Stoke - Ormonds Close 34 M4 East of Almondsbury Y N 33.8 33.0 30.8 Interchange Bradley Stoke - Woodlands Lane 35 M4 East of Almondsbury Y N 38.9 39.4 40.7 Interchange Hambrook – Whiteshill 36 Y N 22.8 21.0 26.7 M4 East of M32 Almondsbury - Old Aust Road 37 M4 West of Almondsbury Y N 28.0 26.7 29.5 Interchange 38 Severn Beach Primary School Y N 20.7 15.2 17.0 39 Marshfield Primary School Y N 16.2 14.5 16.2 40 Hawkesbury Primary School Y N 11.1 11.0 11.6 41 Wick - Barrow Hill Y N 11.5 10.1 10.4 42 Little Stoke -Braydon Ave Y N 27.5 24.3 26.0 43 Patchway - Highwood Road Y N 36.9 33.2 33.8 44 Stoke Gifford - Hatchet Road Y N 33.4 30.6 33.0 Bradley Stoke - Bradley Stoke 45 Y N 39.0 34.7 38.3 Way 46 Winterbourne - High Street Y N 34.1 30.8 34.2 47 A4174 Bromley Heath Y N 46.2 38.4 46.5 48 Aztec West Roundabout Y N 48.1 44.7 49.4 49 Kingswood - 38 Firework Close Y N 21.7 21.8 24.1

22 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Relevant Within Annual mean concentrations Site 3 Site Name Exposure? AQMA? (μg/m ) Adjusted for bias No. (Y/N) (Y/N) 2006 2007 2008 50 Hambrook - Old Gloucester Road Y N 33.0 32.3 37.8 Hambrook - Rear of 96 Old 51 Y N 33.3 36.8 28.0 Gloucester Rd 52 A4174 Hambrook Y N 42.8 41.7 44.8 53 Hambrook - 17 Fenbrook Close Y N 33.0 29.7 30.9 Longwell Green - A431 / 54 Y N 32.1 31.5 33.8 Aldermoor Way Longwell Green - Ring Road 55 Roundabout Junction Leisure Y N 36.5 35.6 38.0 Road Mangotsfield - Barley Close 56 Y N 19.6 N/O 25.6 Primary School 57 Coalpit Heath - Badminton Road Y N 28.0 26.3 31.7 Longwell Green - Kingsfield Lane/ 58 Y N 25.3 21.8 24.8 Aspects Leisure Site 59 Siston Common - The Willows Y N 22.3 21.2 22.7 60 Downend - North Street Y N 38.8 33.6 30.4 Staple Hill Crossroads, 1 Broad St Proposed 61 Y 43.8 40.9 44.5 HSBC NO2 AQMA Staple Hill Crossroads 2 Broad Proposed 62 Y 42.0 38.7 43.5 Street Revolution façade NO2 AQMA 63 Patchway - Park Leaze Y N 31.8 30.7 35.7 64 Cribbs Causeway - Holly Cottage Y N 39.4 34.1 41.7 65 Thornbury - Dean Ave Y N 20.6 14.3 20.1 Kingswood Regent Street - Proposed 66 Y N/O 27.9 29.9 Somerfield Arch façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 40 Regent Street Proposed 67 Y N/O 36.9 45.8 Thomas Cook façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 26-32 Regent Street Proposed 68 Y N/O 35.6 48.3 QS Store façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - 12 Regent Street Proposed 69 Y N/O 33.4 40.2 Cameras Plus façade NO2 AQMA Kingswood - Two Mile Hill Road 70 Y N N/O 29.4 36.3 Job Centre Plus façade Staple Hill - 11 The Square 71 Y N N/O 23.5 29.1 Lamplight Staple Hill - 25 Broad St 72 Y N N/O 30.2 35.2 New Style Staple Hill - 11 Soundwell Rd Proposed 73 Y N/O 37.9 43.7 Liberty NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 29-31 Soundwell Rd 74 Y N N/O 28.4 36.6 opp Page Comm Assoc Staple Hill - 118 High Street Proposed 75 Y N/O 37.8 43.7 Bradford & Bingley NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - 84-86 High Street Proposed 76 Y N/O 32.4 41.9 Staple Oak Pub façade NO2 AQMA Staple Hill - Victoria Street in front Proposed 77 Y N/O 34.3 42.9 of AB Autos car yard NO2 AQMA Proposed 78 Staple Hill - 9-11 Victoria Street Y N/O 36.0 44.9 NO2 AQMA Proposed 79 Staple Hill - 27-29 Victoria Street Y N/O 35.1 45.7 NO2 AQMA Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Proposed 80 Cottage Blackhorse Hill Y N/O 49.3 61.5 NO AQMA (nr "no access to M4 & SSC" sign) 2

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 23 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Relevant Within Annual mean concentrations Site 3 Site Name Exposure? AQMA? (μg/m ) Adjusted for bias No. (Y/N) (Y/N) 2006 2007 2008 Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Proposed 81 Cottage Blackhorse Hill (nearest Y N/O 53.2 62.6 NO AQMA M5 Roundabout) 2 Kingswood - 78 Regent Street Proposed 82 Y N/O 29.3 36.5 One way signpost NO2 AQMA Chipping Sodbury - Broad Street 83 Y N N/O N/O 30.7 Wickwar Road junction Chipping Sodbury - Wickwar 84 Road Bus Stop by St John's Y N N/O N/O 27.3 Church 85 Bitton Primary School Y N 20.5 16.3 17.9 86 Bitton - Ryedown Lane Y N 13.3 11.9 12.3 3 Key: Exceedence of NO2 annual mean objective 40μg/m 3 Borderline - within 10% of NO2 annual mean objective (>36μg/m ) N/O Site not in operation Bias adjustment factors 2006 = 0.89, 2007 = 0.77, 2008 = 0.87.

2.2.2 PM10

PM10 continuous monitoring data for 2006, 2007 and 2008 are presented in Table 9. There have been no exceedences of the annual mean or the 24-hour mean objective at any of the sites over these three years. Data capture for all sites was >90% in 2008, and where data capture was <90% in 2006 and 2007 percentile values are provided. All results have been adjusted to gravimetric equivalent. The 2008 BAM data have been corrected for gradient (divided by 1.21) and the 2008 TEOM data have been corrected using the VCM tool. The 2006 and 2007 TEOM data have been multiplied by 1.3 as per LAQM.TG(09).

Table 9: Results of PM10 Automatic Monitoring: Comparison with annual mean and 24-hour mean objectives Number of 90th percentile Proportion Annual Mean Exceedence of 24- where Data of year Concentrations Site Name with valid 3 hour mean Capture <90% (μg/m ) 3 3 data 2008 (50μg/m ) (ug/m ) (%) 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 Filton – Conygre House, Conygre 93 20.8 19.3 18.5 5 4 5 N/A 31.3 Road (TEOM) Kingswood – City of Bristol College, 97 12.5 16.0 20.0 1 5 4 21.0 27.1 High Street Yate – Station 98 24.0 20.6 21.1 7 9 6 N/A 36.5 Road

2.2.3 Sulphur Dioxide

South Gloucestershire Council do not monitor sulphur dioxide.

24 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

2.2.4 Benzene

South Gloucestershire Council maintain 26 BTX tubes. The results of the BTX tubes for benzene for 2006, 2007 and 2008 are presented in Table 10. There have been no exceedences of the benzene objectives in the last three years.

Table 10: Results of the BTX Diffusion Tubes for Benzene for 2008

Annual mean (μg/m3) Site no. Site name 2006 2007 2008

1 Yate - Taylors Station Road 2.2 2.0 1.8 3 Yate - Hatherley 1.1 1.0 1.0 8 Filton - Gloucester Road North St Peters Church 1.3 1.1 1.1

16 Kingswood - 78 Regent Street Barclays 1.4 1.1 1.1 17 Kingswood - 79 Regent Street HSBC 1.3 1.3 1.2 20 Kingswood - Cade Close 1.0 0.9 0.9 21 Downend - St Augustines Church 1.1 1.0 1.1 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road 1.4 1.3 1.3 25 Bitton - Oakhill Avenue 1.0 0.9 1.0 26 Kingswood - Gilbert Road 1.2 1.1 1.2 27 Kingswood - 90 Regent Street Nat West 2.0 1.7 1.6 41 Wick - Barrow Hill 0.8 0.8 0.8 42 Little Stoke -Braydon Ave 1.2 1.3 1.0 43 Patchway - Highwood Road 1.7 1.7 1.2 44 Stoke Gifford - Hatchet Road 1.4 1.7 1.3 45 Bradley Stoke -Bradley Stoke Way 1.2 1.3 0.9 46 Winterbourne - High Street 1.2 1.3 1.0

47 A4174 Bromley Heath 1.1 1.3 0.9 48 Aztec West Roundabout 1.6 1.6 1.3 49 Kingswood - 38 Firework Close 1.1 1.1 0.9 50 Hambrook - Old Gloucester Road 1.2 1.3 1.0 51 Hambrook - Rear of 96 Old Gloucester Rd 1.1 1.3 1.0 52 A4174 Hambrook 1.3 1.4 1.0 53 Hambrook - 17 Fenbrook Close 1.3 1.3 1.0 54 Longwell Green - A431 / Aldermoor Way 1.8 1.7 1.4 55 Longwell Green - Ringroad Roundabout junction Leisure Road 1.3 1.4 1.1

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 25 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

2.2.5 Other pollutants monitored

South Gloucestershire Council monitor ozone, lead, cadmium, zinc and copper. These results are presented in summary below and in full in Appendix C. South Gloucestershire also monitor background gamma radiation at the Council Offices in Thornbury however, as radiation does not fall within the remit of Local Air Quality Management, these results are not reported here. South Gloucestershire Council do not monitor 1,3 butadiene. Carbon monoxide monitoring ceased in 2007. 2006 carbon monoxide data was reported in the 2007 Progress Report, and is not therefore reported here.


Ozone is a regional and transboundary pollutant and does not have a locally applicable air quality objective. The health-based objective for ozone as specified in the national Air Quality Strategy is 100 μg/m3, measured as an 8-hour mean, not to be exceeded more than ten times per year. Ozone is monitored in South Gloucestershire and data from the continuous monitor for 2006, 2007 and 2008 are presented in Table 11. The 8-hour objective for ozone was exceeded in 2006 with 20 exceedences (against a maximum allowable of 10); however in 2007 and 2008, there were no exceedences of this objective. Data from the 2nd & 3rd quarters are reported as this is when ozone concentrations are likely to be highest.

Table 11: Results of Ozone Automatic Monitoring: Comparison with 8-hour mean objective Number of Annual Mean nd Proportion Exceedences of 8- Data Capture in 2 of year with Concentrations rd Site Name 3 hour mean & 3 Quarter (%) (μg/m ) 3 valid data (100μg/m ) 2008 (%) 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 Badminton – Memorial Hall 95 53 52.6 51.8 20 6 9 75 95 98 Hayes Lane Badminton


Table 12 presents the annual mean concentrations of lead monitored at three Millipore sites in 2006, 2007 and 2008. There are no exceedences of the air quality objectives for lead.

Table 12: Millipore Results for Lead

Lead (Pb) Annual mean (μg/m3) Site Name 2006 2007 2008 Broad Lane Yate 0.04 0.03 0.02 Zoo Annex 0.02 0.02 <0.01 Trading Standards 0.01 0.01 <0.01

26 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment


Table 13 presents the annual mean concentrations of cadmium monitored at three Millipore sites in 2006, 2007 and 2008. There are no air quality objectives for cadmium.

Table 13: Millipore Results for Cadmium

Cadmium (Cd) Annual mean (μg/m3) Site Name 2006 2007 2008

Broad Lane Yate <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Zoo Annex <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Trading Standards <0.01 <0.01 <0.01


Table 14 presents the annual mean concentrations of zinc monitored at three Millipore sites in 2006, 2007 and 2008. There are no air quality objectives for zinc.

Table 14: Millipore Results for Zinc

3 Zinc (Zn) Annual mean (μg/m ) Site Name 2006 2007 2008

Broad Lane Yate 0.03 0.03 0.03 Zoo Annex 0.02 0.02 0.01

Trading Standards 0.02 0.02 0.01


Table 15 presents the annual mean concentrations of copper monitored at three Millipore sites in 2006, 2007 and 2008. There are no air quality objectives for copper.

Table 15: Millipore Results for Copper

Copper (Cu) Annual mean (μg/m3) Site Name 2006 2007 2008

Broad Lane Yate <0.01 0.01 <0.01 Zoo Annex <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Trading Standards 0.01 <0.01 <0.01

South Gloucestershire Council has examined the results from monitoring in the district. Concentrations outside of the proposed AQMAs are all below the objectives at relevant locations, therefore there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 27 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

3 Road Traffic Sources 3.1 Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb

Consideration has been given to locations where traffic is slow moving, with stop/start driving, and where buildings on either side reduce dispersion. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment only considers NO2. Hanham High Street, although not strictly a narrow street, has relevant exposure within 2 m of the kerb. There are no traffic data available for this site, however it is estimated that annual average daily traffic (AADT) is likely to be >10,000 vehicles per day (vpd) though average vehicle speed is not considered to be <15 mph. Monitoring at the nearby diffusion tube site (22) indicates that concentrations are likely to be below the annual mean objective, however South Gloucestershire Council propose to initiate a new monitoring site at this worst-case location. If monitoring data at this site indicates an exceedence of the objectives, then this data will be used in a Detailed Assessment to further examine the potential extent of any exceedence. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed all other narrow congested streets in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A2 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council have identified narrow streets with residential properties close to the kerb with potential traffic flows >5,000 vehicles per day, and determined that there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment at this stage.

3.2 Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic

The A38 Gloucester Road North at Northville was assessed as a potential busy street where people may spend 1-hour or more close to traffic. No monitoring data is available for this site. Traffic count data was obtained for A38 Gloucester Road North, north of The Wickets, (15,921) and A38 Gloucester Road North, south of Charborough Road (23,292); average traffic speed data was also obtained from the latter site. The data were inputted into DMRB (v 1.03c) to estimate the likelihood of exposure within 5 m of the kerb. No exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide objectives were predicted using the greater traffic count (Appendix D). The A38 Gloucester Road North mini-roundabout junction with Northville Road and Braemar Avenue should also be assessed as a potential busy junction. At present there are no traffic data available for the latter two roads. South Gloucestershire Council are advised to initiate short-term nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring at sites of relevant exposure at this junction to indicate the likelihood of an exceedence of the annual mean objective.

28 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Consideration has been given to streets with many shops and/or outdoor cafes and bars where people may be expected to regularly spend one hour or more. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment only considers NO2. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed busy streets in their area and determined that although there may be relevant public exposure within 5 m of the kerb at some locations with traffic flows greater than 10,000 vpd, DMRB has indicated that there are no likely exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide objectives. There are no other sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.2 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council have identified busy streets where people may spend one hour or more close to traffic, but can confirm that there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

3.3 Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs.

The A403 Severn Road, Aust to Avonmouth, was assessed as a road with a high flow of HGVs. The AADT for this road is 9,426 with 26% HGVs. There is relevant exposure within 10 m of the kerb, however the volume of HGVs is slightly less than the criteria (2,500 vpd). The road was assessed with DMRB using the nearest receptor to the road. No exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective and fewer than three exceedences (from a permitted 35) of the PM10 24-hour mean were predicted (Appendix D). Consideration has been given to street locations where traffic flows are not necessarily high but there is an unusually high proportion of buses and/or Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs). This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers both NO2 and PM10. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed roads in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.3 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified roads with high flows of buses/HDVs.

3.4 Junctions

The junction of Soundwell Road A4017/ Downend Road/ Syston Way was identified as a busy junction with residential exposure within 5 m of the kerb. The nearest available traffic data is from Soundwell Road, north of Lansdown Road, with 13,829 AADT, but this does not take into consideration traffic from Downend Road and Syston Way. In addition no traffic speed or vehicle split data are available for this site. DMRB was used (with estimated traffic speed and vehicle split) to estimate whether exceedences of the objectives were likely. No exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective and fewer than two exceedences (out of a permitted

35) of the PM10 24-hour mean were predicted (Appendix D). It is recommended that

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 29 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment to properly assess exposure at this junction short-term nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring should be initiated at relevant receptor sites. The junction of Filton Avenue with Northville Road/ Ninth Avenue was identified as a busy junction with residential exposure with 10 m of the kerb. Two traffic counts are available for this junction, both on Filton Avenue, one north of the junction (12,792 AADT) and one to the south (12,974 AADT); Both sites also recorded traffic speed, though no data is available on traffic split. No data is available for either of the other two links, i.e. Northville Road or Ninth Avenue. DMRB was used to asses whether there was likely exposure at properties close to the kerb on Filton Avenue north and south separately. There were no exceedences of either the nitrogen dioxide or PM10 objectives at either site (Appendix D). It is recommended that to fully assess exposure at this junction, short-term nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring should be initiated at relevant receptor sites. The B4056 Southmead Road/ A38 Gloucester Road North/ A4174 Station Road roundabout was identified as a busy junction with relevant exposure within 10 m of the kerb. The nearest traffic data relevant to this site is from A38 Gloucester Road North, south of Charborough Road, though, as a B-road, Southmead Road is not likely to carry as much traffic. As receptors within similar distance to the kerb and with similar background concentrations were assessed as not being at risk of an exceedence of the objective on A38 Gloucester Road North, it is considered unlikely that receptors on B4056 Southmead Road would be exposed to higher concentrations. To fully assess the impact of the roundabout traffic on these receptors, it is recommended that short-term nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring should be initiated at relevant receptor sites. Relevant receptors were identified on Filton Avenue, south of the junction with A4174 Station Road. No receptors were identified within 10 m of the junction itself, but DMRB was calculated using the nearest relevant receptor on Filton Avenue using combined traffic flows from the junction and an estimated average speed of 40 kph.

No exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean or PM10 24-hourly mean objectives were predicted at the worst-case receptor (Appendix D). There are a number of other busy junctions around the A4174 ring road with potential for relevant exposure on adjacent link roads, e.g. Bromley Heath Road, Westerleigh Road and Deanery Road (Kingswood). No monitoring or traffic data are currently available for these sites, however having assessed the A4174 Station Road/Filton

Avenue junction using DMRB, it is considered that concentrations of NO2 and PM10 are not likely to lead to exceedences of the objectives at these similar locations. There are additional busy junctions around the A4174 ring road without potential for relevant exposure, e.g. Abbeywood MOD, Downend Junction (Wick Wick roundabout), Emersons Green (Rosary Roundabout), Pucklechurch (Dramway roundabout) and Station Road Link/Carsons Road (Siston Hill Roundabout). Pollution concentrations may be higher close to junctions due to both the combined impact of traffic emissions on two or more roads and the influence of stop/start traffic.

30 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Consideration has been given to junctions of this type. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers both NO2 and PM10. South Gloucestershire Council has reviewed junctions in its area and has identified those described above as meeting some or all of the criteria requiring screening assessment. DMRB was used to assess the likely exposure of relevant receptors within the vicinities of these sites. The model does not indicate any exceedences of any of the objectives for nitrogen dioxide or PM10 and therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required. There are no other sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.4 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified busy junctions/busy roads that have not been assessed.

3.5 New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment

Consideration has been given to new roads constructed or proposed since the last round of Review and Assessment. This element of the Updating and Screening

Assessment considers both NO2 and PM10. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed new roads in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.5 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new/proposed roads.

3.6 Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows

This section of the Updating and Screening Assessment only considers those roads that have not been assessed in Sections 3.2 to 3.5 above. A significant increase can be considered as a 25% increase in traffic flow on any road with more than 10,000 vehicles per day. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers both NO2 and PM10. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed roads in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.6 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified roads with significantly changed traffic flows.

3.7 Bus and Coach Stations

This section considers bus stations or sections of bus stations that are not enclosed, and where relevant exposure exists. This element of the Updating and Screening

Assessment considers both NO2 objectives (annual mean and 1-hour). Yate Bus Station has been assessed in previous Review and Assessment reports and does not have any relevant receptors within 10 m. South Gloucestershire Council have therefore reviewed bus and coach stations in their area and determined that there

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 31 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.3 A.7 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no relevant bus stations in the Local Authority area.

32 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

4 Other Transport Sources 4.1 Airports

Consideration has been given to airports with more than 10 million passengers per annum (100,000 tonnes freight = 1mppa) and with relevant exposure within 1000 m of the airport boundary. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers just NO2 (consideration of PM10 has been removed from the latest Technical Guidance). South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed airports in their area. Filton Airfield is not a commercial airport and does not have the throughput of freight or passengers to fulfil the criteria in this screening assessment. There are therefore no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.4 B.1 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no airports in the Local Authority area that meet the specified criteria.

4.2 Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains)

Stationary locomotives, diesel and coal-fired, can give rise to high levels of SO2 close to the point of emissions. Additionally, recent evidence suggests that lines with heavy traffic of moving locomotives may give rise to high levels of NO2 close to the track.

4.2.1 Stationary Trains

Railway Stations - Mainline Bristol Parkway Bristol Parkway is the main railway station in South Gloucestershire. The majority of passenger trains are “stop and go” with a few (approximately 12 per day) terminating at the station. The turnaround time for terminating trains is less than 15 minutes for all but two trains, which are additional commuter trains and only run on weekdays. The criteria of three or more occasions a day when locomotives might idle for 15 minutes or more is therefore not met. In addition, the trains terminate on the platform furthest from any relevant exposure, with the nearest garden 60 m away. Bristol Parkway station does not therefore require a Detailed Assessment. Filton Abbeywood This is a commuter station where trains “stop and go” so idling time is less than15 minutes. Therefore, there is no requirement for a Detailed Assessment at this location.

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Patchway Patchway is also a commuter station, though fewer trains call at this station than at Filton Abbeywood. Trains are “stop and go” so idling time is less than 15 minutes There is no relevant exposure within 15 m at Patchway station. Therefore, there is no requirement for a Detailed Assessment at this location. Pilning Pilning is a rural station with currently only two trains calling at the station per week. The trains are “stop and go” so idling time is less than 15 minutes. There is no relevant exposure within 15 m at Pilning station. Therefore, there is no requirement for a Detailed Assessment at this location. Severn Beach Severn Beach is the final station on this line but turnaround times are within 2-3 minutes. There is relevant exposure within 15 m (5 houses & additional 12 gardens) but there is no evidence that trains are idling for more than 15 minutes. Therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required at this site. Yate Yate is a commuter station with slightly fewer trains calling than at Filton Abbeywood. There is relevant exposure within 15 m (single property) but the trains are “stop and go” so idle for less than 15 minutes. Therefore, there is no requirement for a Detailed Assessment at this location.

Freight Loops/Sidings Bristol Parkway Freight loops adjoin the station but are closer to residential properties than the mainline tracks & station. There is evidence that trains are idling for more than 15 minutes on the freight lines. Figure 16 shows a map of the 15 m buffer from the sidings at Bristol Parkway along with potential relevant receptors (shaded grey). The 15 m buffer zone picks up the corner of a block of flats, Terris Court, Church Rd, Stoke Gifford, which is likely to have been built since the mainline railways were last assessed. However, only the corner of the building and a strip along the edge of the garden are contained within the 15 m buffer zone. The garden is communal and it is questionable whether there is potential for “regular outdoor exposure” as there is no permanent outside seating area or patio/decked area. Therefore as exposure is unlikely, a Detailed Assessment is not considered necessary for SO2 for this site. Charfield Figure 17 shows a map of the 15 m buffer from the railway at Charfield, including potential relevant exposure (shaded grey). There is relevant exposure within 15 m of the track at Charfield covering the bottom halves of gardens to 15 properties in Longs View, Charfield. It is not known whether trains idle here for 15 minutes or more. Further investigation with Network Rail is recommended to determine whether this site requires closer examination.

34 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Chipping Sodbury Figure 18 shows a map of the 15 m buffer from the railway at Chipping Sodbury, including potential relevant exposure (shaded grey). There is relevant exposure within 15 m which includes three houses. It is not known whether trains idle here for 15 minutes or more. Further investigation with Network Rail is recommended to determine whether this site requires closer examination. Pilning There is no relevant exposure within 15 m of the track at Pilning, therefore a Detailed

Assessment for SO2 is not required at this site. Filton Airfield There is no relevant exposure within 15 m of the track at Filton Airfield, therefore a

Detailed Assessment for SO2 is not required at this site.

Steam/ Heritage Diesel , Bitton The Avon Valley Railway was previously assessed and screened in the 2006 Updating and Screening Assessment. However activity on this line has increased from around 75 days a year to 133 days per year, based on their proposed calendar for 20103. Figure 19 shows a map of the 15 m buffer from the railway at Bitton including potential relevant exposure (shaded grey). There is one house and two additional gardens within 15 m of the railway lines at Bitton station. The worst case scenario regarding idling times that can be ascertained from the timetables (Timetable A) is on the return to Bitton station from Avon Riverside. Here the trains are stationary for 15 minutes arriving on the hour (e.g. 12.00) before departing again for Oldland (e.g. 12.15). However, when the train is heading in this direction, any idling would occur at the end of the platform furthest away from the houses, approximately 57 m away from the nearest property and more than 20 m from the nearest garden. A Detailed

Assessment for SO2 for this location is therefore, not required. Consideration has been given to locations where locomotives, diesel or coal-fired, are regularly stationary for periods of 15 minutes or more and where relevant exposure exists. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment only considers SO2. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed stationary trains in their area and determined that although there are locations where trains are likely to be stationary for 15 minutes or more, there is no relevant public exposure; alternatively where there is relevant exposure, there is no evidence of idling trains at these locations. Therefore there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.4 B.2 LAQM.TG(09).


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South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no locations where diesel or steam trains are regularly stationary for periods of 15 minutes or more, with potential for relevant exposure within 15 m.

4.2.2 Moving Trains Consideration has been given to sections of tracks with large numbers of moving 3 diesel locomotives, with background NO2 concentrations greater than 25 μg/m and relevant exposure with 30 m of the edge of the tracks. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers just NO2. South Gloucestershire Council have been identified in the supplementary ‘Guidance on Assessing Emissions from Railway Locomotives’, issued on the Review and Assessment website4, as having rail lines likely to meet the criteria above. Table 5.1 in LAQM.TG(09) defines these rail lines as between Bristol Temple Meads and Bristol Parkway and also between Paddington and Swansea. Properties have been identified using GIS in Stoke Gifford, Patchway, Little Stoke and Winterbourne that are within 30 m of the mainline track and have background 3 concentrations of NO2 >25 μg/m . The maps showing these properties (depicted with red dots) are available in Appendix A (Figure 20-Figure 22). South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed moving trains in their area and identified that a Detailed Assessment for nitrogen dioxide should be undertaken to investigate the likely exposure to emissions from moving locomotives at the properties identified above. No other sites of concern have been identified that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.4 B.2 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are locations with a large number of movements of diesel locomotives, elevated background concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and potential long-term relevant exposure within 30 m of the track. South Gloucestershire Council propose to undertake a Detailed Assessment to investigate potential exposure of the nitrogen dioxide objectives at the sites identified.

4.3 Ports (Shipping)

Consideration is given to ports where large ships generally burn oils with a high sulphur content in their main engines (bunker oils). This element of the Updating and

Screening Assessment only considers SO2. There are no ports within South Gloucestershire so consequently, there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.4 B.3 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no ports or shipping within the Local Authority area.


36 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

5 Industrial Sources 5.1 Industrial Installations

Industrial sources are controlled by the Environment Agency (EA) and by local authorities under the Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations and through the Clean Air Act. A list of Part A1, Part A2 and Part B Permitted Processes in South Gloucestershire is provided in Appendix E. Many of these sources have been assessed in detail in previous Rounds of Review and Assessment, therefore focus in this Updating and Screening Assessment is primarily on new installations and those with significantly changed emissions. This section considers all of the regulated pollutants although those most at risk include SO2, NO2, PM10 and benzene.

5.1.1 New or Proposed Installations for which an Air Quality Assessment has been Carried Out

Consideration has been given to any new or proposed industrial installations for which an Air Quality Assessment has been carried out. The Severnside Energy Recovery Centre has been proposed in 2009, however as this is only at the proposal stage, this will be reported in the 2010 Progress Report. South Gloucestershire Council have therefore reviewed new or proposed industrial installations in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.1 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.1.2 Existing Installations where Emissions have Increased Substantially or New Relevant Exposure has been Introduced

Consideration has been given to any existing industrial installations where emissions have increased substantially or new exposure has been introduced. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed existing industrial installations in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.1 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no industrial installations with substantially increased emissions or new relevant exposure in their vicinity within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

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5.1.3 New or Significantly Changed Installations with No Previous Air Quality Assessment

Consideration has been given to any new or significantly altered industrial installations for which no Air Quality Assessment has been produced. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed new or significantly changed industrial installations in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.1 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.2 Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots

There is the potential for major fuel (petrol) depots to emit benzene and risk exceeding the 2010 objective. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers benzene only. The fuel storage depot at Westerleigh has been assessed and monitored in previous Review and Assessment reports and is not deemed to be of concern. South Gloucestershire Council have therefore reviewed major fuel (petrol) storage depots in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.2 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no major fuel (petrol) storage depots within the Local Authority area that have not been previously assessed that meet the specified criteria.

5.3 Petrol Stations

Petrol stations combined with nearby busy roads may potentially emit sufficient benzene to risk exceeding the 2010 objective. Consideration must be given to all petrol stations with an annual throughput of more than 2000 m3 of petrol, with busy roads close by and relevant exposure within 10 m of the pumps. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers benzene only. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed petrol stations in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.3 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no petrol stations meeting the specified criteria.

38 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment 5.4 Poultry Farms

Previous rounds of Review and Assessment have identified the potential for exceedences of the PM10 objectives associated with emissions from poultry farms (defined as chickens (laying hens and broilers), turkeys, ducks and guinea fowl). Consideration has been given to any farms housing in excess of 400,000 birds (mechanically ventilated), 200,000 birds (naturally ventilated) or 100,000 turkeys (any ventilation) where relevant exposure exists with 100 m. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers PM10 only. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed poultry farms in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.5 C.4 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no poultry farms meeting the specified criteria.

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6 Commercial and Domestic Sources

Commercial (including the service sector) and domestic sources need to be considered in relation to biomass combustion and the use of domestic solid-fuel usage. The process of combustion of biomass material may result in an increase in

PM10 and NOX emissions. 6.1 Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations

South Gloucestershire Council have identified two biomass boilers in operation in 2008 with thermal capacity between 50 kW and 20 MW. These are located at Filton Hill Primary School (two flues) and Stoke Lodge Primary School. Details of the boilers are provided in Table 16 and plans are available in Appendix F.

Table 16: Details of biomass boilers in South Gloucestershire Height (m) of highest Installed Flue Date of Fuel Manufacturer Stack building Property Capacity Diameter Operation Type & Model Height (m) within 5x (kW) (mm) stack height Filton Hill Ashwell 200 6.38 5.23 Primary, Oct-07 200 Pellet Engineering, Filton Greentec 150 6.38 5.23 Stoke Lodge Sep-08 200 Pellet Nuway 200 9 6.5 Primary, Patchway

Emission factors for an advanced automatic wood pellet boiler were taken from Table A2.20 in LAQM.TG(09) and used to calculate maximum emissions rates for each stack based on their ‘Duty’ capacity (Table 17).

Table 17: Calculation of maximum emission rates

Property Emission factors Duty Maximum Emission Rates

NOx PM10 NO2 PM10 Filton Hill Primary, Filton – Stack 1 150 66 1no. 150kW 0.0225 0.0099 Filton Hill Primary, Filton – Stack 2 150 66 1no. 50kW 0.0075 0.0033 Stoke Lodge Primary, Patchway 150 66 1no. 200kW 0.03 0.0132

The Review and Assessment website states that: “If the actual stack above ground height is less than 2.5 times the height of the building to which it is attached or any other building within a distance of 5 times the stack height above the ground then it will be necessary to calculate an effective stack height following the calculation given in box 5.6 of LAQM.TG(09). If the stack height is more than 2.5 times the building

40 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment height, then the effective stack height is equal to the actual height of the stack above the ground.”5 Both stacks are less than 2.5 times the height of the tallest building within 5 times the stack height, therefore the effective stack heights are calculated according to Box 5.6 in LAQM.TG(09) as follows: Filton Hill Primary: 1.66 x (6.38 – 5.23) = 2.66 m Stoke Lodge Primary: 1.66 x (9 – 6.5) = 4.15 m

Background concentrations of PM10 and NO2 were taken from the background maps on the LAQM Tools page of the Air Quality Archive website6. For each stack, background adjusted emissions rates were calculated for PM10, NO2 annual mean and NO2 hourly mean using the formulae provided on pp. 5-46 to 5-47 in LAQM.TG(09). These were then compared with the threshold emission rates from the nomograms in TG(09) figures 5.19, 5.20 and 5.21 respectively. Table 18 shows these comparisons for each stack; if the background adjusted emission rate is greater than or equal to the threshold emission rate, a Detailed Assessment will be required. None of the background adjusted emission rates calculated are greater than or equal to the threshold emission rates. Therefore a Detailed Assessment will not be required for biomass boilers.

Table 18: Comparison of background adjusted emission rates and threshold emission rates

Property PM10 NO2 annual NO2 hourly

Filton Hill Primary Background concentrations 17.9 22.7 22.7

Filton Hill Primary Background adjusted 0.000702128 0.001300578 0.0058215 Stack 1 emissions rate

Filton Hill Primary Threshold emission rate 0.00095 0.00275 0.009 Stack 1

Filton Hill Primary Background adjusted 0.000234043 0.000433526 0.0019405 Stack 2 emissions rate

Filton Hill Primary Threshold emission rate 0.00095 0.00275 0.009 Stack 2

Stoke Lodge Primary Background concentrations 17.3 20.5 20.5

Background adjusted Stoke Lodge Primary 0.000897959 0.001538462 0.0075472 emissions rate

Stoke Lodge Primary Threshold emission rate 0.0015 0.004 0.015

5 6

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Consideration has been given to large individual installations (50 kW to 20 MW in size) burning biomass. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers PM10 and NO2. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed individual biomass combustion installations in their area and determined that there are two sites that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.8 D.1a LAQM.TG(09), neither of which, will require a Detailed Assessment.

South Gloucestershire Council has assessed biomass combustion plant, and concluded that there is no requirement to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

6.2 Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts

Numerous small biomass combustion units, while acceptable individually, may have a cumulative impact on PM10 concentrations. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers PM10 only. Some of South Gloucestershire is covered by a Smoke Control Area7 which allows only approved fuels and appliances to be used. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed the combined impacts of biomass combustion installations in their area and determined that the density of usage is low and there are no sites of concern that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.8 D.1b LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no areas of significant use of small biomass combustion units in the Local Authority area.

6.3 Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning

Consideration has been given to locations where domestic solid-fuel burning (coal) may give rise to exceedences of the SO2 objectives. This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers SO2 only. Some of South Gloucestershire is covered by a Smoke Control Area7. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed domestic solid-fuel burning in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.8 D.2 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no areas of significant domestic fuel use in the Local Authority area.


42 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources

Fugitive or uncontrolled sources may give rise to emissions of PM10. This section considers numerous sources such as quarries, landfill sites, stockyards, construction work and waste management sites. Consideration has been given to elements such as: • the passage of vehicles over unpaved roads; • handling of dust materials; • process dust, e.g. concrete cutting; and • windblown dust from stockpiles and dusty surfaces. Fugitive emissions from quarries and landfill sites have been previously assessed. Any complaints received are addressed under the procedures for permitted activities.

This element of the Updating and Screening Assessment considers PM10 only. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed fugitive and uncontrolled sources in their area and determined that there are no sites of concern that have not been previously assessed that meet the criteria detailed in Box 5.10 E.1 LAQM.TG(09).

South Gloucestershire Council confirms that there are no potential sources of fugitive particulate matter emissions in the Local Authority area that have not been previously assessed.

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8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 8.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data

There were no exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide or PM10 objectives at any of the automatic monitoring sites. There were 26 diffusion tubes with measured exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective in 2008 and ten sites within 10% of the objective (i.e. >36 μg/m3). Having eliminated sites without relevant exposure and corrected kerbside sites to the façade of the nearest relevant receptor, 11 exceedences and six borderline exceedences were identified at relevant receptor sites. All of these exceedences are within proposed NO2 AQMAs. A further four borderline exceedences were identified at relevant receptors not included in the proposed AQMAs. These sites are: • Site 10 Filton – 152 Gloucester Road North (38.2 μg/m3) • Site 33 Cribbs Causeway – M5 roundabout (39.1 μg/m3) • Site 35 Bradley Stoke – Woodlands Lane (38.0 μg/m3) • Site 48 Aztec West roundabout (38.1 μg/m3) Site 33 relates to the single residential property within the proposed Cribbs Causeway AQMA and therefore does not represent potential new exposure. Although nitrogen dioxide concentrations at these sites in 2008 are slightly higher than in the previous two years (a trend observed at most sites), concentrations have been consistently elevated and therefore sites 10, 35 and 48 should be observed with caution with regard to any planning or transport developments that may affect future nitrogen dioxide concentrations. It would also be advisable to relocate diffusion tubes at sites 8, 15, 35, 47, 48, 52, 64 and 70 to the façades of relevant receptor sites if possible. No exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide objectives were identified outside the proposed AQMAs. Furthermore there were no exceedences of any of the other pollutants monitored for Review and Assessment (PM10, benzene, lead), therefore there is no requirement to proceed to a Detailed Assessment on the basis of monitoring data.

8.2 Conclusions from Assessment of Sources

This Updating and Screening Assessment has concluded the following: • This assessment has indicated that there are no Road Transport Sources of concern in South Gloucestershire, and therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required for this source.

44 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

• This assessment has indicated that a Detailed Assessment is required for NO2 for moving locomotives. There are no additional Other Transport Sources of concern in South Gloucestershire. • This assessment has indicated that there are no Industrial Sources of concern in South Gloucestershire, and therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required for this source. • This assessment has indicated that there are no other Commercial and Domestic Sources of concern in South Gloucestershire, and therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required for this source. • This assessment has indicated that there are no Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources of concern in South Gloucestershire, and therefore a Detailed Assessment is not required for this source. South Gloucestershire Council have reviewed all of the potential sources as detailed in the Updating and Screening Assessment checklists in LAQM.TG(09) and have identified a requirement to proceed to a Detailed Assessment for NO2 at properties in Winterbourne, Patchway, Little Stoke and Stoke Gifford that are within 30 m of the 3 mainline track and have background concentrations of NO2 >25 μg/m . 8.3 Proposed Actions

South Gloucestershire Council will proceed to undertake a Detailed Assessment for

NO2 for moving trains at relevant properties in Winterbourne, Patchway, Little Stoke and Stoke Gifford. This Detailed Assessment will be submitted to Defra by April 2011. It is recommended that monitoring continue at sites of relevant exposure and that these results are reported in a Review and Assessment Progress Report together with updated information on new developments in the area to be submitted to Defra by the end of April 2010. It is also recommended that monitoring sites should wherever possible represent worst-case relevant exposure; monitoring sites in areas that are well below the air quality objectives or that do not represent relevant exposure should therefore be relocated accordingly.

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 45 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment


Appendix A: Maps

Appendix B: QA/QC Data

Appendix C: Monitoring data

Appendix D: DMRB calculations

Appendix E: Part A1, Part A2 & Part B Permitted Processes

Appendix F: Biomass boiler plant plans

46 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Appendix A: Maps

District map

Figure 2: Map of South Gloucestershire showing locations of the proposed AQMAs

AQMA maps

Figure 3: Proposed AQMA 1 - Cribbs Causeway adjacent to M5 Junction 17 Roundabout

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 47 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 4: Proposed AQMA 2 – Kingswood along A420 Regent Street

Figure 5: Proposed AQMA 3 - Staple Hill at Broad Street (A4175), High Street (B4465), Victoria Street & Soundwell Road (A4017) crossroads

48 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Monitoring site maps

Figure 6: Continuous monitoring site – Badminton

Figure 7: Continuous monitoring site – Filton

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 49 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 8: Continuous monitoring site – Kingswood

Figure 9: Continuous monitoring site and triple collocated NO2 diffusion tubes – Yate

50 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 10: Millipore monitoring site - Pilning

Figure 11: Millipore monitoring site - Yate

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 51 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 12: Millipore and NO2 diffusion tube sites - Cribbs Causeway

Figure 13: Benzene and NO2 diffusion tube sites – Filton

52 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 14: Benzene and NO2 diffusion tube site - Aztec West

Figure 15: NO2 diffusion tube sites - Bradley Stoke adjacent to M4

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 53 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Railway Maps Stationary Locomotives

Figure 16: Bristol Parkway Freight Lines with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure

Figure 17: Charfield Freight Loops with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure

54 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 18: Chipping Sodbury Freight Loops with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure

Figure 19: Bitton Station Steam Railway Lines with 15 m buffer and relevant exposure

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Moving Locomotives

Figure 20: Stoke Gifford 30 m buffer and relevant exposure

Figure 21: Patchway & Little Stoke 30 m buffer and relevant exposure

56 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Figure 22: Winterbourne 30 m buffer and relevant exposure

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Appendix B: QA/QC Data

Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors South Gloucestershire nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Bristol City Council Scientific Services using the 20% TEA in water preparation method. The national bias adjustment spreadsheet is shown in Figure 23 depicting the factor used for 2008.

Figure 23: National bias adjustment factor spreadsheet for Bristol Scientific Services 2008

Factor from Local Co-location Studies (if available) The Precision and Accuracy spreadsheet (available from the LAQM Tools page of the Air Quality Archive) was used to compare the triplicate collocated diffusion tubes with the continuous monitor in Yate (Figure 24). The comparison revealed good precision and accuracy and a calculated local bias adjustment factor of 0.81.

Figure 24: Precision and Accuracy spreadsheet for Collocation Study at Yate

58 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use The national bias adjustment factors were used due to diffusion tube theft in 2006 and automatic monitoring faults in 2007 resulting in poor data capture for these years. National factors used for 2006 and 2007 were 0.89 and 0.77 respectively. The national bias adjustment factor was used in 2008 for consistency. The national factor for 2008 (0.87) compares favourably with the locally calculated bias adjustment factor (0.81), and is actually slightly more conservative providing a precautionary approach to the calculation of the nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube annual mean concentrations.

PM Monitoring Adjustment All results have been adjusted to gravimetric equivalent. The 2008 BAM data have been corrected for gradient (divided by 1.21) and the 2008 TEOM data have been corrected using the VCM tool. The 2006 and 2007 TEOM data have been multiplied by 1.3 as per LAQM.TG(09).

Short-term to Long-term Data adjustment Data capture for all sites in 2008 was >75%, except site 56, Barley Close Primary School, Mangotsfield (42%), however concentrations at this site were well below the objective so were not annualised. Adjustment to facade There were 26 diffusion tubes with measured exceedences of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective in 2008 and ten sites within 10% of the objective (i.e. >36 μg/m3). Three of these sites (8, 15 and 70) are not representative of relevant exposure so have been discounted. Where necessary, measured exceedences have been adjusted to the façade of the nearest relevant receptor using the ‘Nitrogen Dioxide Fall off with Distance’ calculator (one of the LAQM Tools available on the Air Quality Archive website8). Rather than represent the calculations for each site, the data and results from the calculator have been provided in Table 19. The results from sites 47, 52 and 64 should be used with caution as the nearest receptor identified is more than 20 m further from the kerb than the monitor.


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Table 19: Adjustment of nitrogen dioxide to the facade of nearest relevant receptors Annual mean Monitor Receptor Relevant concentrations Adj. to Site distance distance Background 3 Site Name Exposure? Within AQMA? (Y/N) 3 2008 (μg/m ) façade No. from from kerb NO (μg/m ) 3 (Y/N) 2 Adjusted for bias (μg/m ) kerb (m) (m) (0.87) 9 Filton - 156 Gloucester Road North Kerbside Y N 1 3.5 22.6 38.9 34.8 14 Hambrook - Ring Road Y N 0.5 17 26.9 46.3 34.2 Kingswood - 66 Regent Street Pedestrian 19 Y Proposed NO AQMA 0.5 4 20.2 50.0 39.0 Lights 2 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road Y N 1 9.5 20.2 39.3 30.6 29 Staple Hill - 123 High Street Backhouse Bet Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 1 3 21.5 42.2 37.6 33 Cribbs Causeway - M5 Roundabout Y N 1.5 13.5 25.5 51.7 39.1 Bradley Stoke - Woodlands Lane, M4 East 35 Y N 9.5 16.5 27.2 40.7 38.0 of Almondsbury Interchange 45 Bradley Stoke - Bradley Stoke Way Y N 2 12.5 25 38.3 32.6 47 A4174 Bromley Heath Y N 1.5 34 26.9 46.5 33.1 48 Aztec West Roundabout Y N 1.5 14 26.3 49.4 38.1 52 A4174 Hambrook Y N 1.5 34 26.9 44.8 32.5 61 Staple Hill Crossroads, 1 Broad St HSBC Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 2.5 3 21.5 44.5 43.5 64 Cribbs Causeway - Holly Cottage Y N 10 43.5 24 41.7 31.9 73 Staple Hill - 11 Soundwell Rd Liberty Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 0.1 1.5 21.5 43.7 35.4 Staple Hill - 118 High Street Bradford & 75 Y Proposed NO AQMA 0.5 3 21.5 43.7 36.7 Bingley 2 Staple Hill - Victoria Street in front of AB 77 Y Proposed NO AQMA 2 4.5 21.5 42.9 38.8 Autos car yard 2 78 Staple Hill - 9-11 Victoria Street Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 1.3 5.0 21.4 44.9 38.2 79 Staple Hill - 27-29 Victoria Street Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 1.3 4.7 21.4 45.7 39.1 Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage 80 Blackhorse Hill, (nr “no access to M4 & Y Proposed NO2 AQMA 1.5 12 25.5 61.5 45.1 SSC” sign) Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage 81 Y Proposed NO AQMA 1.5 12 25.5 62.6 45.7 Blackhorse Hill (nearest M5 Roundabout) 2 3 Key: Exceedence of NO2 annual mean objective 40μg/m 3 Borderline - within 10% of NO2 annual mean objective (>36μg/m )

60 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

QA/QC of Automatic Monitoring The continuous monitoring network is operated and run by designated, trained officers. A programme of routine operational checks is in place for the network which includes: • Daily communications checks on lines, data transfer and analyser operation; • Daily checks of data quality; • Repairs of faulty equipment under arrangements with outside contractors; • Fortnightly site inspections to check equipment operational status, site security, detect equipment malfunction and to change inlet filters; • Four-weekly calibration checks on the analysers using nationally traceable standard gases by Bristol City Council (BCC) under contract to South Gloucestershire Council; • Planned six monthly servicing and re-calibration of the analysers by the equipment suppliers under contract to South Gloucestershire Council. Calibration Methods Calibration procedures are carried out four-weekly by a monitoring site engineer from BCC. The methodology for the calibration procedure, which includes a two point zero/span calibration check, is derived from the manufacturer’s instruction handbooks as follows: • Pre-calibration check - the site condition and status of the analyser is recorded prior to the zero/span check being conducted; • Zero check – the response of the analyser to the absence of the gas being monitored; • Span check – the response of the analyser to the presence of the gas of a known concentration; • Post calibration check - the site condition and status of the analyser on completion of all checks. Each analyser zero/span check is fully documented and records are kept by the engineer centrally. Calibration factors are then sent by the engineer on spreadsheets and are used in the data scaling and ratification process. The two point calibration is conducted on the NOx analysers using a zero air scrubber and nitric oxide (NO) calibration gas. The calibration gas is a UKAS certified reference NO mixture at a concentration of approximately 470 ppb, which is supplied by BOC and certified by the National Physics Laboratory (NPL). The contents of the portable scrubber used for zero air generation (hopcalite, activated charcoal, purafil and drierite) are changed when necessary or at least every six months.

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Equipment Servicing and Maintenance All the NOx analysers and associated equipment are serviced and maintained on a planned schedule following manufacturers’ instructions. A six monthly full service and multi- point recalibration is carried out on the analysers under contract by Enviro Technology Services Ltd. The multi-point calibration involves the use of zero air, NO and NO2 calibration gases, which are again traceable to national standards, enabling the analyser data slope and offset factors to be reset. The contract also covers unscheduled site visits and repairs, for example in the event of equipment failure or receipt of spurious data, within a specified period of time to minimise data loss. Results of the servicing, calibrations and repairs are fully documented and stored centrally with basic site visit records also stored at the analyser locations. Data Processing, Validation and Ratification Raw data from the analysers is stored on data loggers and is downloaded to a PC via modem and telephone line from each site. All data is collected by Opsis EnviMan software loaded on the PC to which the data is downloaded. The Comvisioner and Reporter modules of the EnviMan software used allow full data manipulation and frequent checks on data measurements. The data outputs from the analysers are visually screened daily using EnviMan Comvisioner to check for obvious erroneous data and equipment faults. Periodically the data is then validated, which involves visual examination of the monitoring data to check for any spurious or unusual measurements, such as large spikes, ‘flat-lines’ and excessive negative data. The suspicious data is ‘flagged’ for more detailed investigation. The data is then ratified, which involves a critical review of all the information relating to the dataset and monitoring location to amend, verify or delete data, as appropriate. Any initial spurious data that was flagged is also re-examined during data ratification. The cause of the suspicious data can sometimes be identified, for example, it can be as a result of equipment failure or a power surge. Any spurious or doubtful data is removed. An original raw dataset is always kept in the data processing software enabling any amendments to the data to be traced. This also ensures that it is possible to re-examine the original collected data at a later date, if necessary. The data is then scaled against the four weekly and full six monthly calibration data. This ratified data is the final data presented in this report. The ratified data from the continuous NOx analyser at Yate is used to obtain a local bias adjustment factor (BAF) through comparison with results obtained for triplicate

NO2 diffusion tubes collocated at this analyser site.

62 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring Bristol City Council Scientific Services (BCCSS) carries out the placement and analysis of nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes. While the laboratory is accredited by UKAS for a variety of tests in areas such as food, consumer safety, microbiology and asbestos, it does not currently have UKAS accreditation for the analysis of diffusion tubes. The current policy of the laboratory is to seek accreditation only when absolutely necessary. This is due not only to the expense of accreditation but also the lack of flexibility afforded. However, BCCSS participate in the Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP) for nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes. This involves the analysis of four diffusion tubes spiked with a known amount of sodium nitrite every four months and comparison of participating laboratories results. The results for Round 97 onwards in the WASP nitrogen dioxide proficiency test scheme are shown in Table 20.

Table 20: WASP Nitrogen Dioxide Results Round 97 onwards

WASP Results Lab 152 Round 97 onwards Round 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

Tube 1 (μg NO2) 0.890 1.865 2.085 1.358 0.949 1.489 1.178 1.179

Tube 2 (μg NO2) 1.573 1.228 2.093 1.474 2.576 1.431 0.916 1.108

Tube 3 (μg NO2) 1.582 1.857 0.885 1.354 1.813 2.307 0.934 1.840

Tube 4 (μg NO2) 0.914 1.217 0.879 1.467 0.914 1.960 1.071 1.960

Spike tube 1 (μg NO2) 0.890 1.830 2.150 1.360 0.920 1.370 1.220 1.220 Spike tube 2 (μg NO2) 1.580 1.190 2.150 1.470 1.860 1.370 0.940 1.220 Spike tube 3 (μg NO2) 1.580 1.830 0.840 1.360 1.860 2.280 0.940 2.020 Spike tube 4 (μg NO2) 0.890 1.190 0.840 1.470 0.920 2.280 1.220 2.020

Standardised result tube 1 1.000 1.019 0.970 0.999 1.032 1.087 0.966 0.966 Standardised result tube 2 0.996 1.032 0.973 1.003 1.385 1.045 0.974 0.908 Standardised result tube 3 1.001 1.015 1.054 0.996 0.975 1.012 0.994 0.911 Standardised result tube 4 1.027 1.023 1.046 0.998 0.993 0.860 0.878 0.970

Performance index 1.87 5.29 16.61 0.08 374.65 73.42 41.98 45.95 Rolling performance index 5.96 99.16 116.19 122.53 134.00 (NOT best of 4 out of 5)

Rolling performance index 5.96 5.96 23.85 33.02 40.36 (best 4 out of 5) Performance classification Good Good Good Good Good (criteria from April 2009) Good =<56.25 Acceptable =<225 Unacceptable >225

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BCCSS also analyse a solution supplied by AEA Technology each month as part of the QA/QC scheme that they run. In addition, BCCSS participate in field comparison exercises, again run by AEA Technology. In this scheme, triplicate diffusion tubes are collocated with a continuous analyser at Marylebone Road, London, which provides a reference value. The Field Comparison Summary Report for 2008 is shown in Figure 25.

Checking Precision and Accuracy of Triplicate Tubes

Diffusion Tubes Measurements Automatic Method Data Quality Check Coefficient Data Tubes Automatic Start Date End Date Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Triplicate Standard 95% CI Period of Variation Capture Precision Monitor dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy μgm -3 μgm -3 μgm - 3 Mean Deviation of mean Mean

Period (CV) (% DC) Check Data 1 03/01/2008 30/01/2008 150.9 154.0 159.6 155 4.4 3 11.0 130 99.4 Good Good 2 30/01/2008 27/02/2008 145.9 140.0 145.2 144 3.2 2 8.0 138 98.7 Good Good 3 27/02/2008 02/04/2008 130.6 130.9 128.3 130 1.4 1 3.5 117 99.2 Good Good 4 02/04/2008 30/04/2008 141.0 129.7 141.1 137 6.6 5 16.3 120 99.4 Good Good 5 30/04/2008 29/05/2008 125.8 120.6 120.4 122 3.1 3 7.6 100 95 Good Good 6 29/05/2008 03/07/2008 123.5 117.5 124.4 122 3.8 3 9.3 106 99.6 Good Good 7 03/07/2008 01/08/2008 114.2 115.9 113.7 115 1.2 1 2.9 126 99.4 Good Good 8 01/08/2008 03/09/2008 112.9 123.0 123.0 120 5.8 5 14.5 128 98.4 Good Good 9 03/09/2008 01/10/2008 110.3 90.7 111.4 104 11.6 11 28.9 108 99.4 Good Good 10 01/10/2008 29/10/2008 114.4 124.0 137.8 125 11.8 9 29.2 138 99 Good Good 11 29/10/2008 03/12/2008 99.8 97.4 100.3 99 1.6 2 3.9 90 99.2 Good Good 12 03/12/2008 07/01/2009 96.5 76.6 102.0 92 13.4 15 33.2 88 99.5 Good Good 13 It is necessary to have results for at least two tubes in order to calculate the precision of the measurements Good Overall Overall survey --> Good precision DC Site Name/ ID: Bristol - Field Intercomparison 2008 Precision 12 out of 12 periods have a CV smaller than 20% (Check average CV & DC from Accuracy calculations) Accuracy (with 95% confidence interval) Accuracy (with 95% confidence interval) without periods with CV larger than 20% WITH ALL DATA 50%Without CV>20%With all data Bias calculated using 12 periods of data Bias calculated using 12 periods of data 6% 6% 25% Bias factor A 0.95 (0.89 - 1.02) Bias factor A 0.95 (0.89 - 1.02) 7.1% 7.1% Bias B 5% (-2% - 13%) Bias B 5% (-2% - 13%) 0% Without CV>20% With all data Diffusion Tubes Mean: 122 μgm-3 Diffusion Tubes Mean: 122 μgm-3 -25% Mean CV (Precision): 5 Mean CV (Precision): 5 Automatic Mean: 116 μgm-3 Automatic Mean: 116 μgm-3 Diffusion Tube Bias B -50% Data Capture for periods used: 99% Data Capture for periods used: 99%   -3 -3 Adjusted Tubes Mean: 116 (109 - 124) μgm Adjusted Tubes Mean: 116 (109 - 124) μgm        

Figure 25: Field Comparison Summary Report 2008

Reference materials and equipment are obtained by BCCSS from suppliers who are approved to BS EN 9001. All reference materials are of at least analytical grade or equivalent. Standards are prepared using equipment that is all within BCCSS normal quality system. Diffusion tubes are supplied by Gradko and are “recycled” by Bristol Scientific Services. Each nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube is prepared by pipetting 30 )l (50 )l once the harmonised method was adopted for July 2008 exposure period) of a solution of 20% triethanolamine in water onto the metal grids in the end cap, then assembling the tube components. A fresh batch of tubes is prepared each month ready to dispatch in time for the required exposure date. A “blank” tube that has not been exposed is analysed with each batch of exposed tubes to determine if there has been any inadvertent contamination of the tubes. Data Ratification and Bias Adjustment The diffusion tube results are examined on a monthly basis to identify any spurious data and any suspect data is investigated further. Trends in monitored levels across

64 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment the diffusion tube sites are compared to take into account seasonal factors, such as changing weather patterns and increased traffic flows, and to detect any local changes at the sites, such as road works. The monthly raw data is then averaged over the monitoring period to give a mean result. The monitoring period is usually a calendar year so the calculated average is therefore the annual mean. While diffusion tubes provide a simple, cost-effective way of monitoring a wide range of locations, the accuracy of the tubes can be variable depending on the laboratory preparation, handling and analysis. To overcome this, a Bias Adjustment Factor, is applied to the raw mean for the relevant monitoring period to ratify the dataset. This factor can be calculated from monitoring sites where triplicate diffusion tubes are co- located with a continuous NOx analyser by comparing results of the two measurement methods. Bias adjustment factors for the relevant year can either be obtained through calculating a local factor or using the factor derived from the national co-location study. To calculate the local bias adjustment factor, average monthly data for the triplicate diffusion tubes sited at the Yate continuous NOx analyser are compared with ratified data obtained for the same period from the analyser. In certain circumstances, for example where data capture at the continuous monitoring station is less than 90%, LAQM.TG(09) advises it is more appropriate to use the nationally derived bias adjustment factor (see Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use above). The national or combined collocation study is co-ordinated by Air Quality Consultants. They collate and assess data from authorities that co-locate diffusion tubes with continuous NOx analysers. By comparing collocation studies of several authorities that use the same laboratory, a robust combined bias adjustment factor can be calculated that is specific to the individual laboratory and their tube preparation method.

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Appendix C: Monitoring Data

Table 21: Monthly nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube results 2008 Bias 13th Adj Tube Mean Site No. Site Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period1 Mean (x 0.87) 1 Yate - Taylors Station Road 40.9 52.9 43.2 47.1 38.0 36.0 32.5 15.8 33.8 42.8 42.8 48.2 39.5 34.4 2 Yate - The Avenue 30.1 27.5 27.2 22.6 23.3 17.0 12.0 23.7 26.5 27.9 37.5 25.0 21.8 3 Yate - Hatherley 25.4 32.2 25.7 24.6 21.4 16.7 16.0 19.5 21.1 20.7 24.9 34.0 23.5 20.5 4 Yate - Station Road, Co-Location 1 39.8 47.5 38.2 38.4 26.3 27.7 29.6 30.1 30.1 35.4 34.7 39.6 34.8 30.3 5 Yate - Station Road, Co-location 2 39.1 48.7 38.2 24.6 27.1 32.3 26.1 27.3 35.3 33.8 44.5 34.3 29.8 6 Yate - Station Road, Co-location 3 39.5 47.9 39.1 34.3 25.8 28.2 28.8 28.2 31.4 35.6 35.3 40.3 34.5 30.1 7 Frampton Cotterell - The Spinney 31.5 39.3 27.2 25.2 14.4 17.1 19.7 33.8 21.4 23.1 25.8 36.0 26.2 22.8 Filton - Gloucester Road North, St 8 Peters Church 53.4 72.5 54.2 66.4 54.1 37.1 33.8 26.2 49.7 53.1 53.3 50.4 43.8 Filton - 156 Gloucester Road North 9 Kerbside 43.2 57.0 42.4 49.8 40.1 36.2 29.9 41.4 48.5 52.8 45.8 49.2 44.7 38.9 Filton - 152 Gloucester Road North 10 building façade 49.7 56.9 41.4 46.3 42.5 39.3 36.0 38.7 41.4 45.8 39.5 48.9 43.9 38.2 11 Thornbury - High Street 41.9 49.1 37.1 40.4 29.3 42.4 26.7 15.0 34.2 38.8 38.7 43.2 36.4 31.7 Stoke Gifford - Church Road 12 Axa Sun Life 37.5 49.7 37.3 40.2 33.0 33.2 25.9 21.0 29.1 38.4 38.6 43.8 35.6 31.0 13 Filton - MOD Roundabout 35.6 51.2 36.1 42.1 40.5 32.0 25.2 36.1 42.6 36.8 41.8 51.8 39.3 34.2 14 Hambrook - Ring Road 56.1 71.9 58.2 64.0 46.8 46.0 23.4 48.3 59.9 47.7 63.6 53.3 46.3 15 Cribbs Causeway - Merlin Road 45.1 57.6 48.2 50.7 52.6 29.5 39.4 31.4 37.2 47.1 51.6 60.1 45.9 39.9 Kingswood - 78 Regent Street 16 Barclays façade 45.8 64.4 52.2 54.0 48.0 38.6 32.7 42.1 43.8 47.6 46.9 40.8 17 Kingswood - 79 Regent Street HSBC 35.0 45.5 35.4 35.1 24.2 46.5 29.5 26.7 25.5 32.5 28.5 34.8 33.3 28.9 Kingswood - 70 Regent Street 18 CM Lea façade 57.0 64.7 56.4 60.6 43.5 50.0 43.8 49.6 45.1 56.8 47.0 55.0 52.5 45.6

66 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Bias 13th Adj Tube Mean Site No. Site Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period1 Mean (x 0.87) Kingswood - 66 Regent Street 19 Pedestrian Lights 56.5 69.9 65.4 66.1 48.9 57.5 55.3 52.0 55.7 58.7 42.8 61.0 57.5 50.0 20 Kingswood - Cade Close 30.1 38.6 20.2 25.8 19.1 16.7 16.9 18.8 18.8 23.9 25.4 28.1 23.5 20.5 21 Downend - St Augustines Church 26.8 48.9 29.2 21.5 18.6 14.0 12.9 19.6 21.7 29.5 40.6 25.7 22.4 22 Hanham - High Street 31.6 38.6 38.3 41.9 42.4 34.7 34.6 29.1 38.5 36.4 33.4 44.0 36.9 32.1 23 Kingswood - Cecil Road 43.0 44.6 46.5 50.7 50.0 43.8 29.0 39.7 46.8 44.3 58.0 45.1 39.3 24 Longwell Green - Stourton Drive 24.7 45.9 26.4 26.7 17.9 17.1 16.2 15.2 24.8 26.1 29.5 34.7 25.4 22.1 25 Bitton - Oakhill Avenue 23.5 40.2 23.0 22.0 15.9 14.4 16.2 13.9 20.5 20.9 25.8 30.4 22.2 19.3 26 Kingswood - Gilbert Road 31.7 62.4 31.1 31.3 42.2 24.0 21.0 22.8 30.3 35.1 32.2 35.8 33.3 29.0 Kingswood - 90 Regent Street 27 Nat West façade 57.5 67.1 56.9 56.0 46.2 24.9 38.3 46.0 45.5 51.3 35.4 52.4 48.1 41.9 28 Staple Hill - 17 Teewell Hill 37.0 72.0 33.1 34.7 52.9 26.7 26.4 21.6 33.9 31.0 37.1 41.8 37.4 32.5 Staple Hill - 123 High Street 29 Backhouse Bet 43.3 60.9 55.7 60.6 64.6 47.4 32.8 31.4 42.0 40.6 45.2 58.3 48.6 42.2 30 Mangotsfield - Richmond Road 47.6 34.4 41.9 39.0 30.8 27.5 29.2 26.1 38.8 33.3 40.5 50.5 36.6 31.9 31 Kingswood - Court Road 26.1 66.8 25.5 23.3 15.8 17.1 16.4 14.4 25.6 23.2 32.1 38.2 27.0 23.5 32 Almondsbury Depot 46.6 41.1 37.1 37.8 34.6 23.9 25.8 24.9 22.3 32.2 28.3 33.7 32.4 28.1 33 Cribbs Causeway - M5 Roundabout 58.3 53.0 59.6 55.0 67.4 69.9 58.5 50.8 50.6 65.5 62.1 55.3 66.9 59.5 51.7 Bradley Stoke - Ormonds Close M4 34 East of Almondsbury Interchange 45.5 34.0 42.5 35.7 42.6 52.0 27.1 25.7 20.0 25.7 37.5 30.7 40.9 35.4 30.8 Bradley Stoke – Woodlands Lane 35 M4 East of Almondsbury Interchange 50.4 38.9 56.1 50.1 47.6 97.5 37.8 34.4 27.4 35.6 48.5 35.0 49.2 46.8 40.7 Hambrook – Whiteshill M4 East of 36 M32 30.8 37.9 28.1 30.7 22.3 26.6 31.3 44.7 27.5 29.9 27.6 30.6 30.7 26.7 Almondsbury - Old Aust Road, M4 37 West of Almondsbury Interchange 33.7 42.9 30.2 37.7 58.4 20.1 21.7 20.5 36.0 32.0 39.5 33.9 29.5 38 Severn Beach Primary School 30.6 20.0 27.2 18.7 18.9 22.4 13.4 14.7 11.8 16.1 18.3 23.5 18.9 19.6 17.0

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 67 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Bias 13th Adj Tube Mean Site No. Site Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period1 Mean (x 0.87) 39 Marshfield Primary School 23.9 18.1 27.2 18.4 13.9 17.3 13.1 15.7 17.5 18.8 15.5 24.0 18.6 16.2 40 Hawkesbury Primary School 17.4 16.2 23.3 13.1 12.6 6.6 7.7 8.5 9.4 12.6 12.8 12.8 20.8 13.4 11.6 41 Wick - Barrow Hill 10.2 23.3 13.6 12.0 9.5 9.3 7.9 6.3 11.2 11.5 13.7 15.1 12.0 10.4 42 Little Stoke -Braydon Ave 35.4 39.0 40.1 33.8 27.1 24.4 20.8 19.6 19.7 28.8 32.4 27.9 39.1 29.9 26.0 43 Patchway - Highwood Road 51.2 50.4 33.9 37.8 43.5 47.4 26.5 32.1 30.5 32.3 45.0 36.5 38.1 38.9 33.8 44 Stoke Gifford - Hatchet Road 43.2 41.4 43.6 39.7 40.2 38.7 29.8 26.4 17.4 39.8 42.2 37.0 54.1 38.0 33.0 45 Bradley Stoke - Bradley Stoke Way 58.2 58.8 54.9 43.2 46.5 41.3 36.6 31.4 33.1 41.8 57.0 38.1 31.5 44.0 38.3 46 Winterbourne - High Street 47.5 49.4 36.9 33.2 37.6 39.7 29.1 26.6 31.7 47.9 48.5 38.2 44.9 39.3 34.2 47 A4174 Bromley Heath 45.4 57.8 59.2 59.1 61.9 71.8 51.5 49.8 36.3 48.7 55.5 34.6 63.6 53.5 46.5 48 Aztec West Roundabout 57.7 67.7 64.3 51.7 59.3 60.4 47.8 44.7 44.4 46.3 61.1 61.5 71.1 56.8 49.4 49 Kingswood - 38 Firework Close 30.7 33.7 38.8 30.1 24.9 18.5 25.3 24.7 25.6 25.2 26.0 27.1 28.9 27.6 24.1 50 Hambrook - Old Gloucester Road 52.4 61.6 55.7 51.8 35.4 36.8 32.6 29.3 32.2 46.1 42.0 46.3 43.5 37.8 Hambrook - Rear of 96 Old 51 Gloucester Rd 41.9 41.3 47.3 43.9 38.1 21.6 18.8 14.0 23.7 29.1 30.0 37.2 32.2 28.0 52 A4174 Hambrook 51.1 59.5 60.3 56.3 61.0 70.5 47.7 33.7 25.9 46.0 44.5 62.2 51.5 44.8 53 Hambrook - 17 Fenbrook Close 40.8 43.8 45.2 36.2 42.7 51.9 28.0 24.2 19.7 30.8 34.3 28.5 35.0 35.5 30.9 Longwell Green - A431 / Aldermoor 54 Way 43.8 44.0 48.3 38.6 43.3 42.4 31.1 25.7 29.0 32.6 44.4 33.3 49.2 38.9 33.8 Longwell Green - Ring Road 55 Roundabout Junction Leisure Road 45.8 44.3 46.9 39.3 54.9 70.4 36.8 38.4 33.5 32.1 41.5 36.6 47.4 43.7 38.0 Mangotsfield - Barley Close Primary 56 School 17.2 38.4 23.8 29.9 37.7 29.4 25.6 57 Coalpit Heath - Badminton Road 42.7 50.9 35.2 25.3 39.4 24.4 30.3 33.6 32.8 40.6 38.4 43.2 36.4 31.7 Longwell Green - Kingsfield Lane/ 58 Aspects Leisure Site 35.9 32.7 36.5 29.2 42.5 21.6 19.1 15.5 27.2 25.1 28.5 24.8 59 Siston Common - The Willows 31.6 33.3 28.8 26.6 22.6 18.7 17.5 18.0 14.1 23.7 26.5 31.9 46.3 26.1 22.7

68 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Bias 13th Adj Tube Mean Site No. Site Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period1 Mean (x 0.87) 60 Downend - North Street 40.9 43.0 43.3 31.1 25.5 29.2 35.6 26.3 28.7 46.1 35.0 30.4 Staple Hill Crossroads 61 1 Broad St HSBC 54.3 58.2 55.7 57.4 54.9 50.4 36.5 41.7 49.2 48.0 50.3 57.8 51.2 44.5 Staple Hill Crossroads 2 Broad Street 62 Revolution façade 47.9 68.1 47.4 56.3 62.2 41.4 36.6 40.1 50.6 45.8 48.0 55.4 50.0 43.5 63 Patchway - Park Leaze 47.4 52.0 50.5 47.2 37.9 37.5 31.8 22.0 31.7 31.4 38.9 42.8 62.3 41.0 35.7 64 Cribbs Causeway - Holly Cottage 48.9 60.8 55.4 55.1 50.6 54.0 47.7 37.1 42.0 33.9 45.1 45.3 47.0 47.9 41.7 65 Thornbury - Dean Ave 32.1 34.6 19.9 21.9 13.9 10.7 14.0 30.0 18.0 25.0 22.4 34.2 23.1 20.1 Kingswood Regent Street - 66 Somerfield Arch façade 32.8 47.9 38.2 39.0 29.7 35.2 26.0 21.9 34.5 35.9 28.7 42.8 34.4 29.9 Kingswood - 40 Regent Street 67 Thomas Cook façade 59.1 69.3 55.8 57.9 49.7 48.1 35.3 51.3 48.6 59.4 43.2 54.1 52.6 45.8 Kingswood - 26-32 Regent Street 68 QS Store façade 59.2 72.1 58.0 58.4 60.9 48.2 47.1 50.9 53.5 56.2 44.5 57.5 55.5 48.3 Kingswood - 12 Regent Street 69 Cameras Plus façade 48.9 60.7 48.7 49.9 44.5 42.7 45.1 40.9 45.6 40.5 44.9 42.7 46.3 40.2 Kingswood - Two Mile Hill Road 70 Job Centre Plus façade 44.6 43.8 43.9 47.3 35.3 40.0 32.1 40.6 42.4 42.4 46.2 41.7 36.3 71 Staple Hill - 11 The Square Lamplight 40.0 44.7 36.5 28.0 26.0 22.1 33.6 29.5 32.8 41.8 33.5 29.1 72 Staple Hill - 25 Broad St, New Style 38.7 57.7 45.0 46.9 36.4 37.5 31.9 27.8 37.3 38.7 42.2 45.5 40.5 35.2 73 Staple Hill - 11 Soundwell Rd Liberty 56.8 50.1 48.1 52.5 55.6 46.4 34.3 40.8 45.5 58.0 64.0 50.2 43.7 Staple Hill - 29-31 Soundwell Rd opp 74 Page Comm Assoc 40.3 71.5 41.4 39.4 48.6 34.1 24.3 42.6 35.0 39.1 39.6 48.6 42.1 36.6 Staple Hill - 118 High Street Bradford 75 & Bingley 56.9 55.7 51.9 57.9 62.4 36.7 39.2 39.3 41.2 47.5 63.4 50.2 43.7 Staple Hill - 84-86 High Street Staple 76 Oak Pub façade 51.3 71.4 50.1 52.6 41.8 37.9 44.2 38.7 49.0 47.6 42.2 51.4 48.2 41.9 Staple Hill - Victoria Street in front of 77 AB Autos car yard 52.2 64.3 53.2 49.8 44.6 43.3 34.1 41.8 44.1 52.8 49.6 61.5 49.3 42.9 78 Staple Hill - 9-11 Victoria Street 56.6 69.0 59.5 61.8 40.9 49.0 34.6 40.3 48.9 57.0 48.9 53.5 51.7 44.9

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 69 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Bias 13th Adj Tube Mean Site No. Site Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period1 Mean (x 0.87) 79 Staple Hill - 27-29 Victoria Street 55.5 67.2 55.3 58.1 39.2 40.5 43.0 68.4 46.7 53.1 48.2 55.7 52.6 45.7 Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage Blackhorse Hill, (nr "no 80 access to M4 & SSC" sign) 75.2 82.9 64.4 71.7 76.4 59.8 63.6 72.8 66.5 75.5 68.8 70.7 61.5 Cribbs Causeway - Hollywood Cottage Blackhorse Hill (nearest M5 81 Roundabout) 83.1 91.4 69.7 87.0 88.8 78.9 55.6 36.5 66.8 73.1 52.6 79.6 71.9 62.6 Kingswood - 78 Regent Street, One 82 way signpost 38.9 54.2 49.5 40.4 37.0 39.1 36.7 27.5 50.3 43.2 37.2 49.8 42.0 36.5 Chipping Sodbury - Broad Street 83 Wickwar Road junction 45.7 32.5 48.6 32.7 36.2 35.8 27.0 28.1 21.3 37.2 42.5 35.2 30.7 Chipping Sodbury - Wickwar Road 84 Bus Stop by St John's Church 41.2 31.8 43.5 30.7 30.9 24.0 22.8 27.9 24.2 27.7 32.8 33.5 36.3 31.3 27.3 85 Bitton Primary School 15.8 26.7 24.4 19.4 20.2 14.2 15.8 13.1 21.8 23.3 23.3 29.3 20.6 17.9 86 Bitton - Ryedown Lane 13 23.6 15.1 15.9 8.2 11.9 8.8 9 10.6 13.6 13.5 18.1 22.8 14.2 12.3 3 Key: Exceedence of NO2 annual mean objective 40μg/m 3 Borderline - within 10% of NO2 annual mean objective (>36μg/m ) 1 Exposure periods don't strictly correspond with months; some sites have 13 tube changes during year.

70 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Table 22: Millipore results for 2008 (μg/m3)

Date Broad Lane Yate Zoo Annexe Cribbs Causeway Trading Standards Pilning From To Air Vol m3 Cd Cu Pb Zn Air Vol m3 Cd Cu Pb Zn Air Vol m3 Cd Cu Pb Zn 4-01-08 1-02-08 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 1-02-08 7-03-08 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 618.6 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 7-03-08 4-04-08 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 548.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 4-04-08 2-05-08 <0.01 <0.01 0.08 0.06 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 553.7 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 2-05-08 6-06-08 775.3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 681.5 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 6-06-08 8-07-08 789.3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 762.6 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 648.2 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 8-07-08 5-08-08 710.7 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.03 667.9 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 565.8 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5-08-08 5-09-08 705.7 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 734.3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 627.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5-09-08 6-10-08 641.9 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 622.8 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 577.4 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 6-10-08 7-11-08 702.9 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 670.2 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 626.5 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 7-11-08 5-12-08 645.1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 604.9 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 538.8 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5-12-08 7-01-09 658.3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 570.9 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 524.5 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Annual Mean <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01! <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Following advice from the laboratory to calculate annual mean concentrations, South Gloucestershire Council have used the limit of detection value where concentrations were

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 71 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Appendix D: DMRB Calculations

Gloucester Road North

Figure 26: DMRB input data - A38 Gloucester Road North (south of Charborough Road)

Figure 27: DMRB output data - A38 Gloucester Road North

72 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

A403 Severn Road

Figure 28: DMRB input data - A403 Severn Road

Figure 29: DMRB output data - A403 Severn Road

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 73 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Soundwell Road A4017

Figure 30: DMRB input data - A4017 Soundwell Road

Figure 31: DMRB output data - A4017 Soundwell Road

74 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Filton Avenue north

Figure 32: DMRB input - Filton Avenue north

Figure 33: DMRB output - Filton Avenue north

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 75 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Filton Avenue south

Figure 34: DMRB input - Filton Avenue south

Figure 35: DMRB output - Filton Avenue south

76 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Station Road/ Filton Avenue

Figure 36: DMRB input - Station Road/ Filton Avenue

Figure 37: DMRB output - Station Road/ Filton Avenue

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 77 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Appendix E: Part A1, A2 and B Permitted Installations

Part A1 processes Permit Ref Easting Northing Name and Address Process Type

WP3536MV 362234 193242 Stonegate Limited 136,000 Laying Hens Oldbury on Severn Thornbury BS35 1RF

EPR/AP3230KJ 361415 194832 PD Hook Rearing Ltd Poultry production Jobes Green Farm 135,000 Shepperdine Thornbury BS35 1RL SP3233UK 372583 190613 Southend Poultry Farm Poultry production 75,000 Charfield Wotton-Under-Edge GL11 8LL SP3639LR 354771 181330 National Grid Gas PLC Gas storage Avonmouth LNG Facility Avonmouth YP3636SS 353887 183335 TERRA Nitrogen (UK) Ltd Fertilizer production Severnside Fertilizer Works Severn Road Hallen Bristol BS 10 7SJ EP3931MD 371203 193199 Cemex Materials Landfill Wickwar Landfill The Downs Road Wickwar Wotton-Under-Edge GL12 8LF XP3434SW 369146 178827 Tulip Fresh Meats Slaughterhouse Oakleigh Green Westerleigh Bristol BS37 8QZ DP3433BS 368089 172170 Alec Jarrett OTM Slaughterhouse Slaughterhouse High St Oldland Common Bristol BS30 9TN MP3132XB 359508 179877 GKN Aerospace Services Ltd Surface treatment of New Filton House metals Filton Bristol BS99 7AR BV3006 354749 181400 Seabank Power Ltd Power station Severn Road Hallen BS10 7SP KP3336SX 353882 183323 Glacier ARM Severnside Works Hazardous waste Severn Road recovery Aust South Gloucestershire BS10 7SJ

78 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Part A2 and B processes Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s)

LAIPPC 366913 173224 Alcan Packaging 83 Tower Road BS30 Surface A2 001 North Warmley 8XP treatment Bristol, South organic solvents Gloucestershire LAIPPC 363562 180524 Amcor Winterbourne Road BS34 Surface A2 003 Bradley Stoke 8PT treatment Bristol, South organic solvents Gloucestershire LAIPPC 360081 183709 Ibstock Wentwood 2 Over BS32 Ceramics & A2 014 Brickworks Lane Almondsbury 4BP heavy clay Bristol, South Gloucestershire

LAEP B 367804 172443 S J Curtis Southway Drive BS30 PG6/34 010 Warmley Bristol 5LW Respraying road vehicles LAEP B 373069 182395 Chipping Avon House Hatters BS37 PG6/34 053 Sodbury Motor Lane Chipping 6AA Respraying road Company Sodbury Bristol vehicles

LAEP B 370035 182407 Billington 456B Badminton BS37 PG6/23 coat of 054 Structures Road Yate Bristol, 5HX metal Limited South Gloucestershire LAEP B 369002 178186 Murco Petroleum Westerleigh BS37 PG1/13 Storage 060 Ltd Terminal Oakleigh 8QZ petrol Terminal Green Westerleigh Bristol LAEP B 364641 174166 S J Curtis Dorset House BS15 PG6/34 066 Downend Road 1SE Respraying road Kingswood Bristol, vehicles South Gloucestershire LAEP B 359508 179877 GKN Aerospace Gloucester Road BS34 PG6/40 Coating 071 Ltd North Filton Bristol, 7PH aircraft South Gloucestershire LAEP B 367160 172868 Concrete Plant 2 St Ivel Way BS30 PG3/1 Blending 072 Warmley Bristol 8TY etc bulk cement South Gloucestershire LAEP 371427 182538 Johnson 31 North Walk Yate BS37 PG 6/46 Dry DC 004 Cleaners Bristol, South 4AP Cleaning Gloucestershire

LAEP 363693 190127 Hard Pressed for 7 High Street BS35 PG 6/46 Dry DC 005 Time Thornbury Bristol, 2AE Cleaning South Gloucestershire LAEP 364426 190230 Cleaning Centre 47D Oakleaze Road BS34 PG 6/46 Dry DC 007 Thornbury Bristol, 5RW Cleaning South Gloucestershire

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 79 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAEP 360008 178627 Elm Park Service 73/75 Gloucester BS34 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Road North Filton 7PL service stations 005 Bristol

LAEP 363637 189679 Tesco Petrol Midland Way BS35 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Thornbury Bristol 2BS service stations 024

LAEP 364612 174594 Tesco Stores Ltd Soundwell Road BS15 PG1/14 Petrol PFS 03 Kingswood Bristol 1PN service stations

LAEP 366030 178509 Shell UK Ltd Badminton Road BS36 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Downend Bristol 1AH service stations 034

LAEP 357079 180430 Shell UK Ltd Shell Cribbs BS10 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Causeway 7TG service stations 035 Almondsbury Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 370294 178477 Westerleigh Westerleigh Road BS37 PG5/2 B 001 Crematorium Westerleigh Bristol, 8QP Crematoria South Gloucestershire LAPPC 356775 179789 Cemex UK Station Road BS10 PG3/1 Blending B 002 Materials Ltd Henbury Bristol 7LT etc bulk cement

LAPPC 371673 189902 Cemex Materials The Downs Road GL12 PG3/1 Blending B 004 UK Ltd Wickwar Wotton U 8LF etc bulk cement Edge

LAPPC 365864 188906 Hanson Premix Tytherington GL12 PG3/1 Blending B 006 Wotton-Under-Edge 8UW etc bulk cement Glos

LAPPC 372352 182446 Hanson Premix The Ridge Chipping BS37 PG3/1 Blending B 007 Sodbury Bristol 6JX etc bulk cement

LAPPC 360967 179937 Stone Supplies Northway BS34 PG3/16 Mobile B 009 Ltd Gloucester Road 7QS crushing & North, Filton Bristol screening

LAPPC 372315 183163 Hanson The Ridge Chipping BS37 PG3/8 Quarry B 015 Aggregates Sodbury Bristol 6JX processes PG3/15 Mineral drying & roadstone coating LAPPC 365889 188710 Hanson Tytherington GL12 PG3/8 Quarry B 017 Aggregates Wotton-Under-Edge 8UW processes Gloucestershire PG3/15 Mineral drying & roadstone coating

80 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 371034 172907 CEMEX London Road Wick BS30 PG3/8 Quarry B 018 Bristol 5SJ processes PG3/15 Mineral drying & roadstone coating LAPPC 371521 189778 CEMEX Churchwood Quarry GL12 PG3/8 Quarry B 019 Wickwar Quarry The 8NF processes Downs Road PG3/15 Mineral Wickwar, Wotton drying & Under Edge roadstone coating LAPPC 371551 189747 CEMEX The Downs Road GL12 PG3/1 Blending B 021 Wickwar Wotton U 8LF etc bulk cement Edge

LAPPC 371036 172904 Cemex Materials London Road Wick BS30 PG3/1 Blending B 022 UK Ltd Bristol 5SJ etc bulk cement

LAPPC 372149 182419 Sun Chemical The Ridge Factory BS37 PG6/11 Printing B 025 Inks Station Road, Yate 7AA ink manufacture Bristol

LAPPC 367256 173425 A Nicholls (Cow 8 London Road BS30 PG6/26 Animal B 026 Mills) Ltd Warmley Bristol, 5JF feed South compounding Gloucestershire LAPPC 360819 180700 Rolls Royce plc PO Box 3 Filton BS34 PG2/4 non- B 032 Bristol 7QE ferrous foundry

LAPPC 369874 182163 Corus Service Corus Uk Ltd, BS37 PG6/23 coat B 036 Centre Badminton Road 5JU metal Trading Estate Badminton Road Yate Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 360485 180698 Patchway Car Gloucester Road BS34 PG6/34 B 039 Centre Limited Patchway Bristol 5TD Respraying road vehicles

LAPPC 365817 175231 S J Cook & Sons Station Road PG6/34 B 042 (Kingswood)Ltd Kingswood Bristol Respraying road vehicles

LAPPC 359673 173360 Brin Jones Golf Course Lane BS34 PG6/34 B 044 Filton Bristol 7QS Respraying road vehicles

LAPPC 363759 172015 Advantage Valley Memorial Road BS15 PG6/34 B 046 Ltd Hanham Bristol 3JD Respraying road vehicles

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 81 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 372179 182321 A Nicholls (Cow A Nicholls Ltd BS37 PG6/26 Animal B 051 Mills) Limited Station Road Yate 4AD feed Bristol, South compounding Gloucestershire LAPPC 369998 182985 M & A 90 North Road Yate BS37 PG6/34 B 056 Bodyworks Bristol, South 7PR Respraying road Gloucestershire vehicles

LAPPC 371082 175648 Transco Redford Lane PG1/15 B 057 Pucklechurch Odourising gas & LPG

LAPPC 379553 173905 M J Church Plant Star Farm SN14 PG3/16 Mobile B 058 Hire Ltd Chippenham Road 8LH crushing & Marshfield screening Chippenham, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 360967 179937 Churngold Northway Filton BS34 PG3/16 Mobile B 062 Transport Limited Bristol 7QG crushing & screening

LAPPC 373363 174955 Cotswold Lower Ledge Farm SN14 PG3/16 Mobile B 063 Recycling Co Ltd Doynton Lane 8EX crushing & Dyrham screening PG3/8 Chippenham, Wilts Quarry processes LAPPC 371034 172907 Cemex Materials London Road Wick BS30 PG3/16 Mobile B 064 UK Ltd Bristol 5SJ crushing & screening

LAPPC 353701 183038 CPI Mortar Unit 8, Severn View BS10 PG3/1 Blending B 067 Industrial Central 7SD etc bulk cement Avenue Hallen PG3/15 Mineral South drying & Gloucestershire roadstone coating LAPPC 365412 171710 UK Assistance Aldermoor Way PG6/20 Painting B 069 Accident Repair Longwell Green vehicles Centre Ltd Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 370896 172718 Cemex Materials Wick Quarry London BS30 PG3/1 Blending B 070 UK, Mobile Road Wick Bristol, 5SJ etc bulk cement Concrete South Batching Gloucestershire LAPPC 373352 174945 Cotswold Lower Ledge Farm SN14 PG3/16 Mobile B 071 Recycling Doynton Lane 8EY crushing & Company Ltd Dyrham South screening Gloucestershire LAPPC 373352 174945 Cotswold Lower Ledge Farm SN14 PG3/16 Mobile B 072 Recycling Doynton Lane 8EY crushing & Company Ltd Dyrham South screening Gloucestershire LAPPC 379553 173905 M J Church Star Farm SN14 PG3/16 Mobile B 073 Chippenham Road 8LH crushing & Marshfield South screening Gloucestershire

82 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 367844 172412 Bath Demolition Unit 2, Willcock BS30 PG3/16 Mobile B 074 Limited House Southway 5LW crushing & Drive Warmley screening South Gloucestershire LAPPC 372008 182707 Ridgewood 80 Firgrove BS37 PG 6/46 Dry DC 001 Cleaners Crescent Yate 7AG Cleaning Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 364956 175938 VIP Cleaners 13 Broad Street BS16 PG 6/46 Dry DC 006 Staple Hill Bristol, 5LN Cleaning South Gloucestershire LAPPC 378304 174736 Smarty Unit 5, Martor SN14 PG 6/46 Dry DC 008 Industrial Estate 8LJ Cleaning Tormarton Road Marshfield Chippenham, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 360630 181512 Stoke Brook 184 Gloucester BS34 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Service Station Road Patchway 5BB service stations 004 Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC Cotswold Service Badminton Road BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Old Sodbury Bristol 6LX service stations 006

LAPPC 367219 177122 Petrol Station J Sainsbury Plc BS16 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Emerson Way 7AE service stations 007 Emersons Green Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 361710 178947 Petrol Station J Sainsbury Plc Fox BS34 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Den Road Stoke 8SS service stations 008 Gifford Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 374405 173326 Pennsylvania Gloucester Road SN14 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Filling Station Cold Ashton South 8LB service stations 009 Gloucestershire

LAPPC 371297 172680 Star Wick 81 London Road BS30 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Service Station Wick Bristol, South 5SJ service stations 010 Gloucestershire

LAPPC 363591 188185 Hawkins Thornbury Road BS35 PG1/14 Petrol PFS (Berkeley Vale Alveston Bristol 2LR service stations 011 Motors) Ltd

LAPPC 365113 181136 BP Safeway 90/92 High Street BS36 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Winterbourne Bristol 1RB service stations 012

LAPPC 366035 182131 VMW Motors 172 Bristol Road BS36 PG1/14 Petrol PFS (Western) Frampton Cotterell 2AX service stations 013 Limited Bristol, South Gloucestershire

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 83 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 357089 189596 Moto Forecourt Motorway Service BS35 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Kiosk Station Severn 4BH service stations 015 Bridge Aust, Bristol

LAPPC 372470 192373 Charfield Service The Garage Wotton GL12 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Road Charfield 8SR service stations 017 Wotton-Under-Edge, Glos LAPPC 365691 171137 Plev Ltd 106 Bath Road BS30 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Longwell Green 9DE service stations 018 Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 366608 177645 Blackhorse Blackhorse Garage BS16 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Garage Westerleigh Road 7AN service stations 019 Emersons Green Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 364303 189897 Thornbury Grovesend Road BS35 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Motors (1973) Thornbury Bristol 2EF service stations 020 Ltd

LAPPC 365552 172274 Asda Petrol Asda Stores Ltd BS30 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Craven Way Barrs 7DY service stations 021 Court South Gloucestershire LAPPC 358719 181478 Asda Petrol Asda Stores Ltd BS34 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Highwood Lane 5TL service stations 022 Patchway Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 370995 182365 Stanshawes Stanshawes Service BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Service Station Station Ltd 4BG service stations 025 Ltd Westerleigh Road Yate Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 366754 170316 Snax 24 114 Bath Road BS30 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Willsbridge Bristol 6EF service stations 028

LAPPC 376355 182189 Roman Camp Tetbury Road Old BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Service Station Sodbury Bristol, 6RL service stations 029 South Gloucestershire LAPPC 359884 178331 Texaco 31/39 Gloucester BS7 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Road North 0SH service stations 030 Northville Bristol

LAPPC 366740 173573 Warmley Service 39 Deanery Road BS15 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Kingswood Bristol, 9JB service stations 037 South Gloucestershire LAPPC 370262 182505 Esso Snack & Yatebridge Service BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Shop Station 10-12 4PS service stations 038 Station Road Yate Bristol, South Gloucestershire

84 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 360717 182083 Star Patchway Patchway Service BS34 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Gloucester 6NA service stations 040 Road Patchway Bristol, LAPPC 371670 182320 Precinct Service Precinct Service BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Station Link Road 4AY service stations 042 Yate Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 368912 183242 Pace Petroleum Victoria Garage BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Limited Yate Road Iron 9XY service stations 043 Acton Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 361752 185330 Almondsbury Almondsbury Filling BS32 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Service Station Station Gloucester 4HY service stations 044 Road Almondsbury Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 359949 179067 Airbus UK Ltd New Filton House BS99 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Centre 10 Filton 7AR service stations 046 Bristol

LAPPC 371037 182594 Morrisons Petrol Station Road Yate BS37 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Bristol 5PW service stations 047

LAPPC 357654 180674 Wm Morrison Morrisons BS10 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Supermarkets plc Supermarket 7UD service stations 048 Lysander Road Patchway Bristol LAPPC 362006 181918 Tesco Petrol Bradley Stoke BS32 PG1/14 Petrol PFS Station Centre Bradley 8EF service stations 049 Stoke Bristol

LAPPC 356114 182156 Snows Vimpennys Lane BS35 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Commercials Ltd Compton Greenfield 5RY burner <0.4MW 004 Bristol

LAPPC 372384 188561 Wickwar Garage 22 High Street GL12 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Wickwar Wotton 8NG burner <0.4MW 005 Under Edge, Gloucestershire LAPPC 363881 177282 Frenchay Garage Frenchay Common BS16 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Frenchay Bristol 1LZ burner <0.4MW 008

LAPPC 372586 189065 Mr R C Brine Station Road GL12 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Wickwar Wotton- 8NB burner <0.4MW 009 under-Edge Gloucestershire LAPPC 373057 182290 Jarrett Brothers Unit 2, Trading BS37 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Estate Hatters Lane 6AA burner <0.4MW 010 Chipping Sodbury Bristol, South Gloucestershire

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 85 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Permit Easting Northing Name Address Post Process Ref Code Guidance Note(s) LAPPC 369966 183218 Hall's Auto Unit 16, Dean Court BS37 PG1/1 Waste oil WOB Electrical Ltd Dean Road Yate 5NJ burner <0.4MW 011 Bristol, South Gloucestershire LAPPC 370117 183011 Watts Truck Great Western BS37 PG1/2 Waste oil WOB Centre Ltd Business Park Dean 5NH burner <3MW 012 Road Yate Bristol

86 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol April 2010 South Gloucestershire Council - England Updating and Screening Assessment

Appendix F: Biomass Boiler Plant Site Plans

Figure 38: Filton Hill Primary School Biomass Boiler site plan

Figure 39: Stoke Lodge Primary School Biomass Boiler site plan

April 2010 Produced with the assistance of AQMRC, UWE, Bristol 87