[30 JULY 1984 ] Matter of Urgent Public 266 Importance Shri

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[30 JULY 1984 ] Matter of Urgent Public 266 Importance Shri 265 Calling Attention to a [ 3 0 JULY 1984 ] matter of Urgent Public 266 Importance Now Calling Attention. Shri Kailash; Pati Mishra. CaUing Atention to a matter of Urgent Public Importance Situation arising out of Reported mov- SHRi. SURESH KALMADI: Top se- ment of extremists to establish an inde- nior officials have been sent to Karnataka pendent 'Kolhan Nation' in Chaibasa Re- to destabilise that Government. Rs. 25! gion of Singhbhum District in Bihar lakhs are being given to MLAs. The Congress (I) is creating law and order situation in Bijapur district and the police had to resort to firing. I want to bring to the notice of this august House... {Interruptions). I want to inform this House that Congress (I) is trying to create communal troubles in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. After Jammu and Kashmir, they are now active in Karna- taka and Andhra Pradesh. (Interrup- tions) . MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: First hear me. I cannot allow any debate at THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE this stags. (Interruptions). MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA): SHRIMATI MONIKA DAS (Karna- Sir, areas covering Chaib.""" Sadar, ex- taka) : This is a serioxis matter. We want cluding Chaibasa town an Chakradha to discus it... (Interruptions). pur sub-division of Singhbt 3 district n called Kolhan area. MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; If both sides Waal a discussion on any matter, I can allow a discussion... (Interruptions). Now this matter is over . (Interrup- tions). You said something and they saiu something. How, let us proceed with the businer.. .. .(Interruptions). If yon want a discussion on any matter, please give me notice. E will consider it . (Interruptions) SHRI SURESH KALMADI: We want .'! Calling Attention on this toppling game in karmataka ... (Interruptions) SHRIMATI MONIKA DAS: We also want to discuss it. MR 3EPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mrs. Monika Das, I cannot allow any discus- sion now. We will discuss Karnataka, when thi time comes to discuss, it. 267 CaUing Attention io a [ RAJYA SABHA ] matter of Urgent Public 268 Importance been attacking and even killing adivasis who do not support their demand for a separate Kolhan State. During last 8 months the Sangh is reported to have killed 17 and abducted 49 persons. 4. According to reports, Shri Narayan Jonko and Shri Christ Anand Topno visit- ed London and Geneva in September, 1981. During these visits, they submitted memoranda to the British Government and the United Nations Office demanding in- dependent status for 'Kolhan Government' and membership of U.N. The Sangh also submitted a memorandum in November, 1983 to the Chairman of the CHOGM held at New Delhi requesting ratification of Kolhan Government. THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE 5. The Government is vigilant about (SHRI PRANAB KUMAR MUKHER- the activities of the Sangh and necessary JEE); Sir, let the Hindi version come steps have been taken to deal with the and, in the meantime, let the discussion situation. Prosecutions have been launched continue. In future, this sort of thing against 16 members of the Sangh by the should be avoided. Bihar Police for offence of sedition under Section 124A and 120-B of I.P.C. MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Yes. 6. The law and order enforcement SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA: machinery in the area has been strengthe- S^ ................... ned. Development activites have been in- tensified in the area particularly for provi- ding drinking water, primary education, In Kolhao area an organisation called medical and fair price shop facilities. It Kolhan Raksha Sangh was formed in may be mentioned that the Special Cen- October, 1978. The Sangh has been de- tral Assistance for supplementing the manding independence of Kolhan tribal programmes of Bihar Government has belt covering about 1400 villages in Singh- bee increased from Rs 15.66 crores in bhum district. The Sangh claims that the n 1983-84 to Rs. 18.23 crores in 1984-85. area which was governed by ''Wilkinson's The Government of Bihar is taking steps Rules" of 1837 under which all the Exe- for greater participation of the tribals in cutive, Judicial, Revenue and Police the local administration both in the deve- powers are vested in tribal village func- lopmental an dregulartor yspheres. In order tionaries like Mankis and Mumgas gives to prevent illegal felling of forests, armed them a measure of autonomy. pickets with magistrates have been sta- tioned at sensitive pockets. The local ad- 2. Shri Narayan Janko is reported to be ministration has been instructed to look the President. Shri Krishan Chander Hem- into the grievances of the people and take bram the General Secretary and Shri immediate remedial steps for redressal of Christ Anand Topno the legal advisor of the same. the Sangh. 7. The Government is fully seized of the 3. In 1980-81 Kolhan Raksha Sangh situation and efforts are being made to started an agitation for felling valuable create a climate of harmony and accele- forests in Singhbhum district. They have rate the pace of development in the area. 269 CaUing Attention to a [30 JULY 1984 ] matter of Urgent Public 270 hnportance 271 Calling Attention to a [ RAJYA SABHA ] matter of Urgent Public 272 Importance 273 CaUing Attention to a [30 JULY 1984 ] matter of Urgent Public 274 Importance "In December, 1981, leaders of 42 Commonwealth countries received copies of a confused letter addressed in Lon- don from the Government of Kolhan, Indian sub-continent, seeking help to sever from India." 275 CaUing Attention to a I RAJYA SABHA ] matter oj Urgent Public 276 Importance Became they say that area was not . covered by the Transfer of Powe/' of 1947, and they have taken recourse to the Wilkinson Rule of 1836. What is surprising, Sir, is that even after 37 years of independence nothing has been done by the Government to do away with this rule. Even today the tribals feel that they are ruled by the Wilkinson rule The Panchayati rai system has not been exten- ded to that area and they arc, therefore, feeling that they have reasons to believe SHRI BISWA GOSWAMI (Assam): that they still continue to be ruled by Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, the statement this rule. Sir, they have claimed for them- of the hon. Minister is very unsatisfactory. selves a separate identity. Sir, I doubt It seems that the Government of India that taking advantage of the backwardness has not understood the gravity of the ( of the area and the poverty and ignorance situation. of the people; the tribal people, there may be some agents or some agencies Sir, it has been reported in the "News which are trying to exploit the situation. Time" of 23i"d July last that even the- I want to know from the hon. Home Minister whether the Christian missionarier Minister of Slate for home Affairs, when contacted by one correspondent, expressed have got a hand in instigating the tribal her ignorance about the things going on people there and also I want to know what concrete steps the Government will in the Kolhan area. Sir, this situation has ove arisen as a result of total neglect of the taka to win r the people of that area backward tribal people of that area. Sir, because simply by sending the military or it has been our experience that the Gov- the polke there the problem cannot be errment is unsympathetic towards the solved. {Time bell tings). And, unless legitimate • grievances of the people living and until the hearts of the people of that in remote areas. And as a result of that, area are won over by adopting cortain these people have felt neglected and they steps and measures for the improvement have started this separatist movement Sir, of that area and removing the. legitimate grievances of the people you cannot win the tribal people of Kolhan area claim themselves as citizens of an independent them over. Simply by sending the military Kolhan State and they have formed their and the police the situation can not be . own Government. The Kolhan movement controlled. As a matter of fact, the police was formerly started in December, 1982 have been sent and there have been cases when the supporters of the movement an- of firing on several occasions. In fact, nounced the formation of a self-styled in some places even the policemen do not Government of Kolhan under the British dare to enter the places of Kolhan area. Commonwealth. Mr. Narayan Jonko was Therefore, Sir, it is highly necessary that the Chief of the Government, and Mr. Government take urgent measures to win over the people of that area and take steps Christ Anand Topno was in charge of foreign affairs and its chief legal advisor. for the improvement of the tribal people. MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN. That is already in the statement. SHRi BISWA GOSWAMI; The main argument of the Kolhan freedom leaders is that they are not part of the indepen- dent country. 277 CaUing Attention io a [ 30 JULY 1984 ] matter oj Urgent Public 278 1 Importance 279 Calling Attention to a [ RAJYA SABHA ] matter of Urgent Public 280 Importance 281 CaUing Attention to a [ 3 0 JULY 1984 ] matter of Urgent Public 282 Importance are there and they are being supported by the Congress(I) Party. Jharkhand Mukti morcha is being supported by Cogress (I). The reasons is that the Congress (I) party is against the Left Front Government of West Bengal, in Tripura the Government is very much anxious to safeguard the interest of the tribal people over there. It has created the Tribal Development National Council, but the tribals over there are not satisfied. They are revolting against the government and the Congress (I) is supporting these people.
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    EJabeII SeJW, Vol. II. No.1 Wed ......,. Man1113.. 1., pbaIIuaa 22, 1906 (SIabl LOK SABHA DEBATES (~nglisb. Version) a Second Session · (Eighth Lok Sabba) I-- (Yd. D contabu No.. 1 to 10) LOI SABRA SECRETAIlIAT NEW DELW a a· .. I (0Iu0lM., BNoLIIII PaOCBBPINOS INCLUDBD IN BNoLIIB VEUION AIID l~ ~ OIImlNAL HINDI PRaaDDINOS I NCLUDBD IN HlMDI VB~ WILL - TUATISD .AI AUTIIOalTA. TIVE AND NOT TRI TIl A NSLATJON ftlBllBOII.): CONTENTS Eigbth Series, Vol. II -Second Session, 1985/1906 (Saka) No. I-Wednesday, March 13, 1985/Phalguna 21, 1906 (Saka) CoLUMNS Members Sworn 1 Obituary References 1-6 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS BIGHTH LOK SABHA A Awasthl. Shri Jaadish (Bilhaur) Abbasi, Shri K.J. (Domariaganj) Azad, Shri Bhaawat Jha (Bhagalpur) Abdul Ghafoor, Shri (Siwan) Azad, Shri Ghulam Nabi (Washim) B Abdullah, Begum (Anantnag) Bachchan, Shri Amitabh (Allahabad) Acharia, Shri Basudeb (Bankura) Baghel, Shri Pratapsinah (Dhar) Adaikalaraj, Shri L. (Tirucbirappalli) Balun Sumbrui, Shri (Singbbhum) Adiyodi, Dr. K.O. (Calicut) Bairagi, Sbri Balkavi (Maodsaur) Agarwal, Shri Jai Parkash (Chandni Chowk) Bairwa, Sbri Banwari Lal (Tonk) Ahmad, Shri Sarfaraz (Giridih) Baitha, Shri D.L. (Araria) Ahmed, Begum Abida (BareiJly) 8ajpai, Dr. Rajendra Kumari (Sitapur) Akhtar Hasan, Shri (Kairana) Bala Goud, Shri T. (Nizamabad) Alkba Ram, Shri (Salumber) Balaraman, Shri L. (Vandavasi) Anand SiDah, Shri (Gonda) Bali, Shrimatl Vyjayanthimala (Madras South) Anjiab, Shri T. (Secunderabad) ADnanambi, Shri R. (PoJlachi) Banatwalla, Sbri G.M. (PoDoani) Banerjee, Kumari Mamta (Jadavpur) Ansari, Sbri Abdul Hannan (Madbubani) Ansari, Shri Z.R. (Unnao) Bansi La1, Shri (Bhiw8ni) Anthony. Shri Frank (Nominated Anllo­ Barman, Shri Palas (Balurahat) Indiana) Barrow, Shri A.B.T.
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