Fort Renville

Near Montevideo Near Montevideo • 320-269-7636 Although no longer exists, at one time the site boasted a large fur-trading post Established in 1835, the Lac qui Parle Mission built in 1826 by French-Dakota trader Joseph was one of the first churches and schools Renville. The existed in for in Minnesota. It was built by missionaries at 200 years and marked the beginning of Dakota a trading post founded by explorer and fur and European contact. Renville was influential trader . The missionaries also in Dakota-European relations and in 1835 he completed the first Dakota dictionary, grammar invited missionaries to start the Lac qui Parle and gospel at this location. The site features Mission nearby. artifacts and exhibits related to and the missionaries who worked with them.

Learn More “The Dakota people were here long • See what life was like at a pre-territorial mission. before the European contact...we lived • Learn the role of missionaries in developing the off the land, we were nomadic.... There written Dakota language. was life that went on here.” • View exhibits that share more about the Dakota Grace Goldtooth, Lower people and the impact of the war.

Above: Making a Portage, from Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, The Minnesota Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the Chippewa June 1879. County Historical Society, which manages this site.

Call: 888-601-3010 Stop #08 Call: 888-601-3010 Stop #09 Learn about Dakota life before the arrival Learn about missions, American Indian of Europeans and the changes the fur trade boarding schools and efforts to revive the brought to Minnesota. Dakota language.

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