

Christian J Hallman, Ph.D.


Astral proj(;'ction and ollf-of-body (;'xperiencc are two phenomena that vcry few researchers of conscious­ ness have ancmptcd to really understand. Although numerous people of multiple cuirures from all over the world have reported these phenomena, epistemologists have yet to formulate any satisfactory theories or models that map out rhese experiences. This paper provides a working model of these experiences by urilizing multiple dimensions of motion, space and rime. Besides sensation and imagination, a vital ability of perceprion that is highly emphasized in this multidimensional model is emotion.

KEYWORDS: released state of consciousness, emotion, emotional stimulators, motion secror, dark maner, dark , , our of bodv experiences, OBE, traveling . travel

Subtle Energies 6- • Volume J8 • Number 3 • Pagl' 89 INTRODUCTION actual dimensions of this unIque state according to space, time and motion. xperiencing shifts in consciousness IS a Previously (in part one) a model was Enormal part of everyday life. In any presented that showed the connection I given day the average person will experience: between the waking and dreaming states waking, relaxing, sleeping, dreaming, using different spatial domains and temporal daydreaming and even states. One zones.? This paper is an expansion of that unique state people have reported throughout model which will now include mapping Out history is often described as a conscious the physical nature of the released SoC by separation from their body. Different terms implementing some key concepts from like out-o/body experience (OBE), traveling theoretical . First let's examine some clairvoyance, astral projection, and even soul abilities of . travel have been used quite extensively in the literature. The author identifies this as a ABILITIES OF PERCEPTION released state of consciousness (SoC). OBEs In the previous paper, I outlined the frequently occur spontaneously while falling importance of sensation and imagination for asleep, following severe accidents, or during shaping our in both waking and surgical operations. l During an OBE, the dreaming consciousness. An important experient seems to be awake and able to see ability that also plays a major role in shaping his/her body and the world from a location our perceptions that I did not address in the outside the physical body.2 As many as 34 previous paper is emotion. The very root of out of 100 people have had at least one OBE the word emotion is motere, the Latin verb at least once in their lifetime.3 'X'hat makes "to move," plus the prefix to connote this state unique from other commonly "move away," suggesting that a tendency to reported states is how the subject can observe act is implicit in every emotion. 10 Emotion his or her body from an outside or third provides a force that flows and fluxes. 1I perspective.! This view can happen either Emotions allow us to take action once an side by side, or from a bird's eye view. In action has been chosen.1 2 There are the case of the bird's eye view, the ability to hundreds of emotions, along with their float or fly at will is quite commonly blends, variations, mutations and nuances. IO reported. Despite this separation, some What is the distinction between an emotion people have actually reported experiencing and a mood? Emotions can be fleeting, some kind of connective cord that remains lasting only a few seconds, whereas a mood attached to the body reassuring an easy is thought of as a prolonged emotion. 10, 12 return.45 During a released SoC human perceptions are shaped more so by emotion than either A few psychological theories have been sensation or imagination. According to constructed to explain the phenomenon of Blackmore an OBE begins when a person OBEs.",7,8 However, none of these theories loses contact with sensory input from the provide a useful means for measuring the body while remammg consciously aware. 13

Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page 90 However, OBEs are highly arousing; they Affect alone does not describe the complete can be either deeply disturbing or nature of emotions. It only explains the profoundly moving. 14 Without emotion, reactive function of emotion. I would like which provides a moving impulse towards to propose a new term called an emotiollal an action, it would not only be difficult to effoct to explain the active component of experience a released SoC, but nearly this ability. One way of measuring an impossible to describe oneself as feeling: emotional effect is by studying the active content, contempt, happy, sad, surprised, behavior of an individual, plus the impres­ disgusted, relieved, scared, zealous, jealous, sions he or she leaves on other people or etc. Emotions are even associated with things. When a person tells a funny joke different types of parapsychological to five different people, and they all burst phenomena like recurrent spontaneous out with laughter, we can observe how this (RSPK) and emotional effect first originated with the activity.! 'j These phenomena are all possible humorous impression of the joke, which because emotions seem to work primarily then lead to the result of laughter. through a stimulative process, which is a bit Similarly, when a person tells a tragic story different than the receptive process of to a few people, and they all cry, we can sensation or the generative process of trace the emotional effect back to the active imagination. These so-called "emotional origin. When a man feels so angry that he stimulators" are hypothesized to activate punches a hole in the wall. in this example different sensory receptors and imaginary we can examine how the emotional effect generators, which in turn can help shape includes a noticeable impression on the our perceptions of the world. wall. Emotional effects best explain how one's particular emotion or mood can Upon closer examination, it appears that trigger or "rub off" on other people or emotions have t"vo primary functions: to act things. Based on this understanding, we and to react. Both playa major role in our can observe how emotions are both felt behavior. Some emotional experiences are affectively and emoted effectively. Below is reactions to events in ones environment, or an example of how emotion, imagination reactions to one's own thoughts, actions, and and sensation work together for two feelings.!6 Affict can describe an emotional different states of consciousness: response or the reactive function of this ability. One way of measuring an emotional EmodoD Photostimulation affect is by examining a person's PhonostimuJation facial expressions.! Here the Chemostimulation reaction is displayed in the Se.adOD Impression Ima&inadoD Photoreception Affect Photogeneration expressIOn. One could also Phonoreception Expression Phonogeneratlon measure affect by measuring Olemoreception Effect Olemogeneration body posture and voice. ls

Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 91 I propose some eguivalent terms to DIMENSIONS sensation and imagination for explaining We can measure a 's size and the different functioning types of emotion. age with different dimensions of space and These include: photostimulatioll, phonos­ time. To measure its movement reguires timulatioll and chemostimulation. Coming motiol1. No objects or bodies are "at rest" in from sensation or imagination, an impres­ the universe.23 Every physical object is always sion is felt through some form of stimula­ moving, even though some of these objects tion (e.g. photostimulation), which then may appear to be at a complete standstill. triggers a response (affect). Once an Motion describes how physical objects are expression is emoted, it naturally able to freely move from one point in space stimulates the sensation or imagination of and time to another. According to Larson, others, producing an effect. Let's say a without motion, there would be no time or man day- (imagines) of something space, but if there is motion then both space that makes him feel happy. As he smiles at and time exist in association with each other his wife (who is looking directly at him), to constitute the motion.24 The following she begins to feel happy, so she smiles eguation is used to express this relation: back. In this example we can examine both the affective and effective function of M SIT emotion. Damasio believes that emotions stem from bodily sensations. 19 This may Motion eguals space (the numerator) over not always be true, especially when the time (the denominator). In Larson's ability of is more directly Reciprocal System Theory, space is not involved in shaping our perceptions. viewed as a static, empty container nor is Expanding awareness of the emotional time conceptualized as a linear order of level of intuition is often associated with succession; not only are space and time both an increase in and three dimensional, but motion is also three experiences.2o In studies done by Radin dimensional. In this context, a dimension and McCraty et aI., an emotional affect of motion is used to measure a particular was measured even before a highly freedom of how an object can move. arousing stimulus was presented to the Conventional science is familiar with seven 2 senses of different participants. 1,22 These categories of motion: are examples of emotion preceding sensation. To understand how this may 1) Vibrational- includes waves of longitu­ even be possible will reguire the use of dinal and transverse movements multiple dimensions. Everything that we 2) Rotational- includes patterns of circular see, hear, or feel has an emotional and elliptical movements dimension to it. 16 Dimensions can help 3) Translational- includes rectilinear and us measure, describe and even explain the uniform movements nature of movement. 4) Acceleration- includes increasing and decreasing movements

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 92 5) Scalar- includes speed and temporal MOTION SECTORS magnitudes In the previous paper, domains and zones 6) Vectorial- includes velocity and spatial were two terms used to map out the directions dimensions of space and time for the 7) Chaotic- includes irregular and Brownian waking and dreaming states of conscious­ movements ness. I would like to introduce another term from Larson's theory called sectors to Longitudinal and transverse waves are two map out the multiple dimensions of different dimensions in which an object can motion.29 While experiencing a released vibrate. For example, transverse waves tend state, using motion sectors in addition to to propagate through thicker mediums like spatial domains and temporal zones can solid walls. And we can measure longitu­ provide us with a more complete dinal waves propagating through lesser understanding of this unique Soc. In dense mediums like air. Both types of waves Larson's theory, the physical part of the can be measured in water. Since the human universe is divided into a material and body is composed mostly of water, in theory cosmic sector. Each sector requires its own it should display both dimensions of set of dimensions. Matter is the energetic vibration. A common symptom people substance found in the material sector. report during OBEs is very intense Every physical object that we can see and vibrations. 2'),26 Since the transverse touch while experiencing a waking SoC is dimension gives one the freedom to pass composed of this particular energetic through solid walls and the longitudinal substance. The inverse cosmic sector is dimension gives one the freedom to soar theorized by Larson to contain a mass through the air, in theory a person experi­ abundance of anti-matter. Although this encing a released SoC should be able to do energetic substance remains mostly hidden both. Besides flying, floating and vibration, to conventional observation at the present other types of phenomena commonly time, this does not mean that it's not as reported during OBEs or autoscopy plentiful as matter is in the entire universe. include: spinning, whirling, looping, zigzag­ Perhaps every time we shift into a dreaming ging, rotation, vertigo, falling, elevation, Soc. we can directly experience this inverse 2 lightness and heaviness. ,4.27 With these sector where anti-matter is much more dimensions of motion we can begin to abundant. formulate a plausible explanation of how a person experiencing a released SoC (or even Some researchers have questioned whether other states like dreaming or waking) moves OBEs really happen in the material sector freely in both space and time. For at all. A common location where people Wolinsky, emotion means outward motion, report having OBEs are in medical facili­ and through outward motion people can ties.,iO By using equipment that measures have a variety of OBEs.2il both electric and magnetic fields, Osis and McCormick were able to detect bursts of

Subtle Energies Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 2 • Page 93 light in a room when a gifted subject had Within the astral , one can find a an OBE.·~I In another study, animals were menagerie of spirits and discarnate entities used to detect subjects while in this state. 52 of all sorts. 36 To borrow a term from Tiller. Tart conducted studies with a subject who in this model I will call this third possibility could accurately report a five-digit number the containment sector. 42 One way of in the laboratory that was placed high above experiencing a released SoC in the contain­ her bed in a position that she could have ment sector is through an elltrallced Soc. only observed if Ollt of her body.~5 The During this alert state, a person can focus odds of guessing this correct number by on a single stimulus without responding to chance are 1 and 100,000. any other stimuli.4:' Trance is often a preparatory state for OBEs in much of the If the waking and dreaming states are same way as relaxing for waking or sleeping 44 dichotomous in nature, then one might for dreaming. ,4'i The entranced SoC is logically hypothesize that our experi­ similar to the hYP1ltlgogic and ences take place in some inverse cosmic states.46 Hypnagogic states occur between sector. One may even speculate the wakefulness and sleep at the onset of the possibility of experiencing a released SoC in sleep-dream cycle, whereas hypnopompic this particular sector as well. Fox and states occur between sleep and wakefulness Whitman reported more frequent OBEs at the end of the sleep-dream cycle.4,~ In while dreaming.34,3,) Most OBEs tend to either state, people can experience vivid occur while the person is dreaming or at imagery in multiple modalitiesY Unlike least in bed.36 In one survey taken, over dreams, which are more likely to occur 85% claimed to report having an OBE during REM, slow eye movements (SEMs) while resting, sleeping or dreaming'! Shiels are a better indicator for the hypnagogic discovered that sleep was conducive for state.48 Mavromatis found that OBEs tend OBEs in roughly 80% of the 67 different to occur spontaneously during the cultures he sampled throughout the hypnagogic/hypnopompic states.49 Visual woddY One noticeable sign of an OBE hypnagogic/hypnopompic imagery might in this particular sector would be experi­ also facilitate interpretations in terms of encing a dream from third person (e.g. or apparitions. 50 During near-death watching one's self in the dream). Bodily experiences. which generally start off as paralysis sometimes precedes the OBE, OBEs, apparitions of spiritual guides and which is similar to when a person either the deceased (relatives, loved ones, friends, goes into or is coming out of REM sleep­ etc.) are commonly reported. 'il To the stage of most vivid dreams. 2.,~H,39 understand this other possibility, a multidi­ mensional model can be used for explaining There is yet another possibility that can be how people naturally transition from the experienced during a released Soc. Some material sector into a realm where the call it the , and one can experi­ deceased are much more evident. ence it through astral projection.40•41

Subtle Energies eir Energy Medicine • Volume J8 • Number 3 • Page 94 WORKlNG MODEL charge indicates the abundance of positrons, Figure I is a map of three interconnecting which in Larson's Reciprocal System Theory motion sectors. Every Aowing colored string ate the most prevalent electrically charged represents a different dimension of motion, particles in the cosmic sector. Both space and time. Because of the dynamic positrons and eJectrons are balanced with N nature of motion, both space and time wjJJ and S magnetic monopoles. Together, appear curved in this diagram. On the left electric and magnetic fields make up parr of side Aowing clockwise is the marerial secror the composition of light energy. The (s hown in light grey). The negarive charge reciprocal flow (8 or (0) of the containment indicates the presence of electrons, which are secror (shown in medium grey and outlined the mOSt common electrically charged with a darker grey string) is a closed-ended particles in the material secror. On the right system that provides a protective insulated side flowing counterclockwise is the cosmic boundary of the other two secrors. For the sector (shown in dark grey). The positive most parr, this insulated boundary keeps

Figure I. A milLtidimemional model o.{ three illtcrronllecting motion s('ctors: comaintnfl1t {medium grry, celltcr}, material {Light grey, left} and cosmic (dark gr£)', right}. M atter is thc most abundant l'nngeric Jltbstance o.{ the materiaL sector, while anti-matter is more preoaLent in thr cosmic sector. Within the C01ltainment srClor we can find mO.f/~)1 clark mauer and d.ark enPlgy a.> lI,eLL a.r smaLl amol/nts of marter and allti-mautI". EtJery dimension 1.< represfl1ted a.r a llut/rish(lci<-d moving .>Iring. Utilizing mllLtipLe dimensions of motion allows II.< to mraS/ire the movrment of any known physicaL obje'er.


Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Pag(' 95 matter flowing in the material sector and messenger particles of different physical anti-matter flowing in the cosmic sector, forces. 52 Instead of only having spatial and which prevents these two energetic temporal dimensions like in Veneziano's substances from trying to cancel each other theory the current model also includes out. However, according to the law of multiple dimensions of motion- a complete conservation of energy, the total amount of necessity for measuring the nature of energy remains constant or the same within movement. Let's now take a closer look at a dosed-ended system; it cannot be created the spatial and temporal dimensions. nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form ;0 another or transferred from one SPATIAL DOMAINS body to another. With this important AND TEMPORAL ZoNES physical law in , we can predict that If we extract the spatial and temporal when people or any biological organism dies, dimensions from Figure I, we can construct pan of the energy within their bodies will a diagram that is shown in Figure 2. In this not only change form within the material picture the spatial dimensions are shown as sector (e.g. decay into dust), but part of it straight lines. Notice at each spatial intersec­ may also get transferred into another body tion (as indicated with dots) there are six that exists within this theoretical contain­ dimensions or options to choose from. ment sector. When people experience astral While examining this multidimensional map. projection, they tend to refer to these kinds the most visible dimensions appear in the of bodies as ghosts, phantoms or apparitions. middle with an inner cube connected with an outer cube at all corners. In part one I With multiple dimensions of motion, it gives discussed how these two cubes represent the liS plenty of variety or freedom to move in domains of waking (ollter cube) and both space and time. In all, this model consists dreaming (inner cube).9 Since part one, two of 26 dimensions, which can be shown as: more dimensions have been added to outline the spatial domain for the released Soc. While looking at the diagram in Figure 2. we can observe how this released domain extends M represents motion and consists of fourteen above and below, and beside and between the dimensions. S represents space (six dimensions). waking and dreaming domains. The upper And T represents time (six dimensions). region or tier of this specific domain consists of the highest point and stretches all the way Using as many as twenty-six dimensions is to the furthest point on the lefr; this includes not a completely new idea. In 1968 a all lighter colored dimensions that appear theoretical physicist named Gabriele above and beside the inner and ollter cubes. Veneziano, who is considered one of the And the lower tier of this domain consists of fathers of modern string theory, constructed the lowest point on the map and stretches all a 26D theory. He was attempting to the way to the furthest point on the right; describe the nature of bosom, which are this includes all lighter colored dimensions

Subtle Energies & Etlergy Afedidne • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 96 that appear below and within the inner and of the hypercube as SIX intersecting loops. outer cubes. All of three of these domains One pair of these dimensions flows clockwise; (waking, dreaming and released) are able to another pair flows counterclockwise; and the connect betwixt and betwee1l. other pair flows reciprocally (like an 8 or (0). As I covered in part one, the waking wne Since this model displays six dimensions of consists of one temporal dimension flowing space, there are also six dimensions of time. clockwise, while the dreaming wne consists Logically one cannot move along a dimension of two dimensions flowing counterclockwise of space without moving along a dimension and one flowing clockwise. All temporal of time. All of the temporal dimensions dimensions flowing reciprocally are integral to displayed in Figure 2 are shown in the center the released wne.

Figllrr 2. Herr is a mllLtidilllcnsi(JIII1L modeL ofsL,' spatiaL dimcllSiollS (Linn) and six temporal dimensiollS (Loops shown in thc center) that call prollide lZ IIIiZP for meamrillg the IIpper. middle ilild Lower tiers of mllll} Shililll1l1it V('orLdvicws.

• .~ . /.:.:'t>-­

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page 97 SHAMANIC WORLDVIEW mythology, Pluto is known as of the The model in Figure 2 is adaptable enough lower tier of the world and was believed to for mapping out certain shamanic reside there. For some religious traditions worldviews of the Northern and Southern like Christianity, Satan was believed to be a cultures living around the globe. Many of fallen that took refuge in hell- a place these shamanic worldviews include an believed to be somewhere in the lower tier. upper, middle and lower tier. ,):l As biophys­ Instead of descending into the lower tier ical life forms, humans naturally exist in the after bodily death, many Christians and middle tier along with other animate life Muslims believe in ascending to heazlf1l- a forms and inanimate objects. Our place believed to exist somewhere in the awareness of this particular tier can be upper tier. Even in some Northern and experienced either introspectively (inner Southern cultures they may not necessarily cube) while dreaming or extrospectively share the same beliefs of the dead always (outer cube) during waking. Shamans have residing in the lower tier of the world. For been known to travel through the upper and example, some Amerind cultures view the lower tiers during a released SoC. In upper tier as the realm of spiritual teachers , the lower tier is believed to be and human ancestors, which is compatible the place where people go after rransitioning with the belief in a . The lower tier from bodily death. A popular shamanic is the realm of where power animals and ritual that many cultures still practice to this plant guides exist. Instead of burying their day is burying the body of the deceased. dead, they will build a higher platform This ancient ceremony is performed to help above the ground and then place the body guide the of the body towards the on top so the spirit can ascend more easily lower tier. The upper tier is a place or into the upper tier. Regardless ofdifferences region believed by many cultures where the in belief, many of these cultures still different manifestations of , goddesses, acknowledge multiple dimensions situated titans, and archangels exist. As both above and below the earthly surface powerful beings, they can manifest where these spiritual entities and divine themselves in any realm at will, but for the beings can manifest. most part, many cultures believe they reside mainly in the upper tier of our world. This SHAMANIC STATES explains why many people will often look Shamans are considered expert authorities upwards or point towards the sky when they within their own cultures that can travel want to acknowledge or give thanks to these into any of these tiers of the world through powerful beings. a released Soc. Within tribal societies, OBEs were usually accomplished only by 41 CONFLICTING CULTURAL BELIEFS the shaman. Besides trance, another state There are some conflicting beliefs between conducive to OBEs which is typically used different cultures of what exists in these by shamans is called rtlpture or ecstasy. others tiers of our world. In Roman States of rapture are characterized by intense

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 98 feeling and overpowering emotion. subjec­ the IB is hypothesized to float or fly rather tively evaluated as pleasurable and positive easily and can even pass through solid walls. in nature.41 What distinguishes shamans However, this may not be the case when from other tribal practitioners is that they trying to pass through high voltage wires or have learned how to master using rapture power lines. 'is, 59 or ecstasy in order to access these other tiers of the ~orld. 'd This may explain why this Figure 3 provides another example of six state is also referred to as a shamanic state dimensions of space (lines) and six of consciOUS1less."A Rapture can be induced dimensions of time (loops) on a 2D surface. by sexual intercourse or other more In this diagram, the physiological body is strenuous physical activities like dancing. situated within the cube on the right and Another example of rapture that is the imaginal body is located within the cube commonly reported by long distance on the left. While in the waking SoC we runners is sometimes referred to as "runner's are more aware of the physiological body high." Alvarado found that marathon (PB) and in the dreaming SoC we become runners frequently report OBIs while more tuned in to the imaginal body (IB). running. ~'i From the perspective of the lB, we are fully capable of becoming more aware of 3D THE EMOTIONAL BODY time, which consists of tWO dimensions In many cases of OBIs, even though a flowing counterclockwise and another person feels a separation, he or she will dimension flowing clockwise. One can often report having a virtual body of some picture these temporal dimensions as three form. 25 The author identifies this as the intersecting time clocks that can be used for emotional body or EB. Other names for this measuring the three identified endogenous other body found in the literature include biorhythms of the body: ultradian, the parasomatic body and the . 2.4 1 circadian and infradian. From the perspec­ During OBIs, Dutch researchers found an tive of the PB, we seem to be much more average weight loss of 2 Y2 ounces, which in tune with a single dimension of time that indicates this other body has weight. '>6 flows clockwise. This temporal dimension Besides feeling less dense and translucent in can measure our exogenous diurnal appearance, the IB is much different than biorhythm, which is synchronized with the one's physiological body in a number of dayllight cycle. ways. Apparently it has shape-shifting capabilities, making it possible to manifest The interface berween the PB and the IB as different forms like a rwin replica of a may be a unique energetic system of human figure, white cloud, or even an orb acupoims and meridians that was discovered or ball of light.T'5'i It is also believed that by ancient Qigong practitioners. In shamans can shape-shift as different power Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), animals (e.g. eagles, wolves, etc.) during energy is theorized to flow through these astral projection. ,\7 Because of its airiness, acupoints along the meridians, which then

Subtle Energies o· f"nergy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page 99 ~

IIIr' ./ / < I

Figure 3. 111 this 6D mirror imlzge o..{il woman's emotiOJlil1 body (fight grey el/vewpes), we mn observe how it both pmnmtes ilIld SlIrmtmds hi'r physiological body (right side) and imag/nill body (fe{i side) ill hyperspace. rbe emotifilMI body ml1 mlllsition to lIlld ji'Oln each bod,y dt/17l1g t1 refetlSed stlUe by proje(ting through the tipper OJ' IO/i'er tiers ofthc u1orld. B,y utilizing tu'O recipmcal flowing tempoml dimensiollS, which is ~)'mbol­ iZl'd with t/ shape lI](m' like al1 8 or 00, we Ctltl metlSllre the more I'IIlldom or cbilotic r/~ythll1s O/IMtllre. travels directlv to different tissues and the biologic field or biofield for short.6o internal organ; within the body,60 Over Activated emotions increase the electromag­ 360 acupoints are situated along 14 netic flow of the field. I I While experi­ channels of meridians. 61 encing either waking or dreaming, the EB acts like a nearly invisible surrounding While looking at Figure 3, notice an protective sheath that can prevent toxic or energetic sheath surrounding the bodies chemicals, deadly pathogens or other of the imaginal and physiological. This harmful substances in the environment represents a manifestation of the EB. from entering the PB or lB. For whatever Researchers may also refer to this aura as reason the EB weakens, the PB and lB are

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page JOO hypothesized to become more prone to given moment. Being aware of three illness and injury. locations simultaneously is a phenomenon known as tri-Iocatioll. From the perspective of the EB, we can tune our awareness to the specific time zone While surrounding and flowing through the consisting of tWO reciprocal flowing PB and JB in hyperspace, the anatomy of dimensions. One can picture these the EB may consist of very subtle energetic temporal dimensions as special clocks which structures that have been identified by can be used for measuring the more random ancient practitioners as nadis and or chaotic biorhythmic signatures existing chakras. Nadis are analogous to the arteries, within and throughout our entire biological veins and capillaries of the PB. There are structure (e.g. molecules that behave over 72,000 nadis.64 By examining the according to Brownian movements). nadis more precisely, in theory, one could Random event generators (REGs) or detect how the flowing energy moves into random number generators (RNGs) are the PB. Chakras are distinct anatomical engineering devices that may be the key to structures of the EB which are the subtle measuflng these more chaotic rhythms of equivalent to the organs of the PB. There nature. are over 360 chakras.6'i These chakras of the EB are then able to connect with the Because of the dynamic structure and IB and PB through the nadis. The respira­ unique flexibility of the EB (shown by the tory process may be an example of how light grey envelopes), part of it can extend some chakras channel different forms of or project away from the immediate energy from the environment. By tracking physical location of either the PB or JB the energy flowing from chakras through during a released Soc. Experiencing this the nadis, this may lead us towards an phenomenon may appear to the OBEr that understanding of how these movements he or she has separated from their body. naturally stimulate different chemical Once projected out of the body, one is free reactions, resulting in measurable physio­ to travel at will anywhere in the physical logical responses. Some of these effects can universe, at any speed, and can defy be measured in the vestibular and limbic .62 For cases of autoscopy, one can systems of the brain. When other forms of perceive the EB externally from the perspec­ energy are needed for survival, such as food tive of the PB. In some extraordinary cases and beverage, the EB will naturally send an (e.g. heautoscopy), people have reported energetic pulse to the PBj a person's experiencing the world from two different consciousness may interpret this signal as perspectives simultaneously.65 This feeling hungry or thirsty. The person will phenomenon is also known as bi-IoCtltioll. then consciously want to take action in One possibility worth investigating is getting something to eat or drink. If a whether the EB can project more than one person decides to repress these emotional manifestation (e.g. an orb or figure) at any signals, the result may lead to major disrur-

Subtle Energies & Enagy Medicine • Volume 18 • Numba 3 • Page 101 bances throughout the entire biologic field. the realm of the IB, ME fields make it Repressed emotions create huge gaps in possible for us to imagine different visual frequency spectra; these are sometimes objects. Tiller et al. has postulated a "mirror called "chakra blocks." II Perhaps all relationship" between the properties of the movements within the PB (e.g. circulation, EM and ME fields. 67 Monroe suggests a digestion, etc.) are initially triggered by the third force that works between the electric multidimensional stimulators of the EB. and magnetic fields. 'i8 In an experiment done by Carlton and Tiller, a young subject PHYSICS AND THE was able to detect three different color EMOTIONAL BODY spectrums of radiation while observing light 6S In the previous paper, both matter and anti­ shown through a prism. Tiller believes matter were postulated as the main these three light spectrums represent an compositional energetic substances of the EM, ME, and another field of radiation that PB and IB.'> Since matter and anti-matter he coins deitl'ons. In his theory, deltrons are naturally cancel each other out when they part of the substance of emotions that can meet in'the same space, a multidimension;l interact with both magnetically and electri­ model provides a plausible explanation of cally charged particles (e.g. magnetons and how these two polar opposites can comple­ electrons) and can thus mediate an exchange 42 ment each other by existing more congru­ of energy between them. Deltrons may ently. An important feature of a multidi­ also be the hypothetical particles which mensional EB would have to include some provide a dynamic multidimensional kind of protective insulated enveloping cushioning barrier between electrons and container. The purpose for such an positrons. On a human scale, deltrons may important structure is to prevent the explain the phenomenon shown in a;t opposing energies of each body from depicting enlightened people such as annihilation. Although this enveloping Buddha and Christ displaying very notice­ container may not be a perfect system by able light auras around their bodies. any means, its barrier for the most part Globally, deltrons may explain how tiny bits keeps anti-matter flowing in the IB and of anti-particles (e.g. positrons) traveling matter flowing in the PB. Matter and anti­ from outer space can produce Cerellkov matter are two energetic substances that rtlditUion by spontaneously crossing over represent light energy. into the material sector as cosmic rays.

Part of the EB is hypothesized to be LIGHT ENERGy/MATTER composed of a combination of EM, ME and Some research stud ies have successfully deltronic radiation. Unlike EM and ME provided evidence of biological rhythms ;f fields, which tend to flow more at a constant the biophoton emission from the human speed in a particular medium, deltronic body.66 I n the real m of the PB, the radiation is predicted by Tiller to vary (e.g. presence of EM fields makes it possible for v 2: c I v s c) in velocity. During an OBE, us to sense different objects visually. For

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 102 one can move through space and time slowly DARK ENERGy/MATTER or apparently somewhere beyond the speed Another interesting feature of Tiller's theory of light.69 Researchers have been able to is the prediction of a force that works successfully slow down light, which in opposite of gravitation that he logically calls theory, could possibly represent some experi­ levitatioll. IfgravitollS are messenger particle mental evidence of a subluminal field of carriers of gravitational fields, levitolls would deitronsJo,7] As far as greater than unit be messenger particles of levitational fields speed, deltronic (and ME) fields could be a in Tiller's theory, Einstein himself, who plausible explanation of what researchers came up with the cosmological constant, or have measured as superluminal radiations fudge factor, speculated the possibility of a within our own galaxy.72 Both deltronic and force working opposite of gravity. He called ME fields may also be part of the cosmic this force Lambd4. It wasn't until 1998 microwave background which has a red shift when astrophysicists were able to observe a 7 of about 1,000. ,'1 This number is enormous mysterious anti-gravitational force that they considering the speed of light in a vacuum believed was causing the universe to would only produce a red shift between I accelerate as it continues to expand.~'i The and 1,5, Another possible manifestation of most helpful way to think of the expansion a deltronic field may be the Casimir effiet, of the universe is not as things rushing away This force was predicted by Hendrik from one another but as space between 2 Casimir in 1948 and later measured by them swelling. .'1 Inflation theory may be a Steven Lamoreaux.74 To demonstrate this possible explanation of how the universe force, one needs ro set up two mirrors facing expands.76 Although researchers can each other in a vacuum at a very close observe the effects of gravity and its approximation (within several microns). opposing force through experimentation The Casimir effect describes the mutual and observation, they have yet ro success­ attraction between the two mirrors due to fully isolate the theoretical messenger the fluctuations in the vacuum exerting particle carriers of these two forces. radiation pressure. This kind ofsubtle energy effect might be attributed to deltrons, Gravitation and (or anti-gravity) is integral to two major topics discussed in In this model, light energy/matter is consid­ theoretical physics called dmk matter and ered ro only make up part of the structure d4rk energy. Doug Clowe and his colleagues of the entire ES, The main reason the EB at the University of Arizona have recently seems mostly hidden to our direct observa­ observed the strongest evidence to date of tion and even hard to detect with very dark matter. 77 It is hypothesized that dark sensitive equipment is because most of its matter makes up 26% of the energy density physical structure might be composed of in the physical universe, while dark energy other energetic substances found predomi­ makes up approximately 70%.-:'8 The nantly in the vacuum. remaining amount consists of light energy (matter and anti-matter). Although the

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 103 vacuum of outer space appears to be dark even the speed of light can escape. Once and empty to the naked eye, it may very well an object falls into a black hole, it may be densely filled with these two energetic come out of a white hole on the other side. substances. And because dark energy is A white hole is believed to be a time reversal hypothesized to be more abundant than dark of a black hole.81 Some possibilities of matter, levitation should be stronger than white holes found in nature are called quasi­ gravitation in the vacuum of outer space. stellar-radio-sources or quasars for short, and Astronauts/ cosmonauts can demonstrate this blazers. Both quasars and blazers apparently effect when they are able to float or even emit energetic plasma jets that have been levitate rather easily while in a spatial measured at superluminal velocities.82­86 vacuum. One could argue that a much Since EM light waves appear invisible while higher concentration of dark energy in the traveling through the vacuum at light speed vacuum will nullify the strength of the these visible jets of energy moving away gravitational force in this particular medium. from the quasars/blazers may be possible Many physicists believe that gravity is the signs of Cerenkov radiation. If levity is weakest of all the known forces of nature.2.i hypothetically stronger than gravity because If dark energy and the vacuum are analogous dark energy is more abundant than dark to salt and water, by increasing the density matter, how it is then possible to observe of the substance in the medium, eventually galaxy collisions? This multidimensional different objects in that particular medium model proposes a third mediating force will begin to Aoat up from the bottom between levity and gravity called oscillation. surface. And if the amount of dark energy With oscillation, either force is capable of continued to increase in the physical showing signs of dominance as evidenced by universe, this force would eventually cause all the receding and colliding nature of physical objects to fly apart. galaxies. If this force really exists, it would help explain how the universe can oscillate What distinguishes these two forces is that between a "big bang" and a "big crunch." levitation is repulsilJe and gravitation is A theory proposed by Steinhardt and Turok attractive. Astronomers have also observed predicts the universe cycles between big about 1,000 receding galaxies with red shifts bangs and big crunches every trillion or so larger than 1.5.73 Even though it appears years.87 of an oscillational field the levitational force is pushing the galaxies depends on mass and density. If the density away from each other at tremendous speeds, of the universe is greater than a certain there is observational evidence that some value, gravitational attracrion will eventually galaxies are pulling toward each other stop the expansion and make the universe because of strong gravitational fields. This start to contract again. 81 If not, then the is also known as galaxy collision. 79 ,8o universe will expand forever. 88 One possible particle carrier of oscillation is Black holes are another example of very called a Higgs boson. Higgs particles are so intense gravitational fields so strong that not heavy that they are not found in ordinary

Subtle Energies cr Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 104 matter (or anti-matter), but they are appears this hypercube contains numerous believed to give particles their masses. 78 connecting 3D cubes that overlap. If only one of these 3D slices represents the domain Looking again at figure 1, notice how this of waking consciousness, then any of the model illustrates an example of rotational remaining possibilities could potentially be motion (the darker grey string enclosing the experienced during such states as: dreams, containment sector) moving both clockwise day-dreams, reverie, hypnagogic, and counterclocJ..."Wise. Another phenomena hypnopompic, etc. By picturing each of related to rotational motion are known as these 3D cubes as a unique membrane or torsion fielrk These particular ftelds can bubble representing a particular world, this propagate into both the past and future at model can be viewed as a multidimensional velocities much greater than c. 89 Gonzalez­ universe or multiverse containing numerous Mestres introduced a class of superluminal 3D worlds to potentially experience. At particles called superbrariyons that would every intersection (dot) could be a doorway naturally exist in a superluminal sectorYo In or a worm hole, which would allow us the Figure 1 we can observe a black hole (left side freedom to access any of these other parallel of the diagram) and a white hole (right side or alternate 3D worlds. of the diagram). Notice how different dimensions can flow in and out of these Much of the literature on shamans describes highly intense gravitational and levitational how they can access these other dimensions fields. Energy that flows our of a black hole through holes and tunnels that tend to is caIled Hawkillg rariiation.78 And because manifest in the ground or in the sky.'i4 black holes now appear to be a two-way door Since wormholes are believed to be highly into other regions of the universe, white holes unstable, it may be much more difficult to are hypothesized to be as well. Cerenkov travel into these other dimensions with our radiation would then be the visible energy PB. This may explain why shamans prefer flowing out of white holes. In this particular accessing these holes with their EB while in model, oscillation is the force that can open a released Soc. Until we can figure out and close a /,<'orm hole (shown here in grey), how to avoid being crushed by the powerful which consists of a black hole at one end and gravitational fteld of a black hole, and then a white hole at the other end, and represents stabilize the worm hole as we are traveling a tunnel or passage into another parr of the through it, it would be much safer for us universe. Due to unstable nature of worm to access these other worlds with our EB. holes, there is a limited opportunity to pass Apparently the EB makes it through okay through them before they collapse. 91 without much harm done. I presume that because the EB is nowhere nearly as dense MULTIPLE POSSIBILITIES IN as the PB, and has a much more dynamic HYPERSPACE structure which allows it to become many Figure 4 is another example of a 60 different shapes and sizes, this flexibility allows it to journey through the worm hole hypercube. After closer examination, It

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 105 Figllrt, 4. Within (/ 6D l~yperC/ibe, the three spatial dimemiow commoll(l' pI'I'ceilJf'd during w(/king comciollSlless are on(y Ollf' ofthe I11t1llerom 3D possibilities. In a muitidi1llewionallll1iverJe or multillfT.'e, (/ wormhole or doom'IIY couM {'xist at e,reh imersection (dot), giving UJ the ji-adom to t/lH'JS a plethora ()l3D worlds. Helice any IIf tlJfSe otber 3D slices C(III potelltial{y be experienced during (/ reletlsed .'tate ofmmciollsneJS, quickly and safely before it collapses. If SIATE SPECIFIC SCIENCES there is one particular loss accrued by According to Collins, "So if one wishes to accessing these doorways, it's the energy understand a given state of consciollsness required to help us remember what happens one mllst explore that state from within, in these other parallel or alternate worlds. that is, one must enter or become that state This may explain why so many people have during the time in which investigation is difficulty remembering much of the content being carried out."92 For thousands of or details of OBEs, and even dreams. years shamans have been consciously

Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 106 exploring the universe through different brainwaves will begin to increase. states of consciousness only to discover that Eventually she will consciously move into our world consists of more than three the dream state more fully and her dimensions of space and one dimension of brainwaves will show a pattern similar to time. They have developed the use of her waking state. To leave the realm of different intangible (e.g. relaxation, visual­ dreams, she will need to transition into a ization, contemplation, , etc.) released SoC once again and begin another and tangible (e.g. drums, rattles, medicinal Journey. plants, etc.) technologies to help them reliably experience these other states of Some possibilities that may help researchers consciousness more specifically. The drum better understand these bodily transitions often symbolizes the "World Tree" the are the hypnagogic and hypnopompic shaman needs to climb so as to reach the states. The hypnagogic state may provide "upper world" (or descend to the "lower us with some answers of how our conscious world") during the shamanic Soc. 9.~ awareness shifts from the perspective of the Modern day researchers could use such tools PB to that of the EB. One hypothesis to access these other dimensions more easily worth testing is whether the bodily twitch and successfully. experienced while falling asleep or about to wake up is a true sign that one is Looking again at Figure 3, we can map out consciously transitioning from one perspec­ some transitions of different states of tive to the other or vice versa. As a consciousness. As the woman (on the right) conscious shift occurs from the EB to the normally shifts from a waking state into a physiological, the hypnopompic state may hypnagogic state, she may still report experi­ provide us with some clues of this transi­ encing some sensory input, but as she tion. A common symptom reported by progresses into a released SoC, she will many people is falling just before waking naturally begin to Aoat or Ay away from her up. Perhaps this is just one example of how PB while consciously in her EB (light grey our EB returns to the PB from a released envelope). Knowing that the force of Soc. The measurements of sleep spindles gravity normally keeps her PB on the and K-complex-two phenomena of ground, and now embodied in a much brainwaves observed by researchers, may lighter and less dense EB, she can easily also be some possible indicators of how move into these other spatial and temporal people move through hyperspace while in dimensions more freely. The further she their EB. travels away from her PB, the more her heart rate will drop off significantly as her As discussed in the previous paper, the brainwaves become slower and slower. Her importance of researchers becoming more PB will then experience the effects of deep competent in these other states is crucial. sleep (e.g. delta waves). As she approaches Researchers who are able to function well the realm of dreams, her heart rate and in these states could easily learn how to

Subtle & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page 107 gather information more directly by within these other realms. Engineers could developing their skills. If having direct develop technological devices capable of experiences results in more authentic measuring deltronic, gravitational and knowledge or better ways of knowing, levitational fields. It would be interesti ng researchers will benefit immensely from correlating the varying speeds/velocities of taking this kind of approach. There are these fields with different emotional some organizations like the Monroe phenomena that are commonly experienced Institute that can offer training for anyone (e.g. feelings and moods). interested in becoming more skilled at experiencing a released Soc. PRACTICAL APPUCATIONS In the professions of health, fitness and Regardless of the branch of science, the well ness, this model can provide us with a still needs to be applied multidimensional understanding of our bio­ by all state specific scientists when accessing physical nature, ranging from the gross these other states. However these methods (physiological body) to the more subtle may require some slight adjusting in order (emotional body). Health care practitioners to measure the experimental data with more could use this model to help guide their precision. If these methods are inadequate, patients/clients through the healing process. newer scientific methods will have to be Instead of viewing disease/injury as an invented to fulfill this need. This model isolated problem treatable with opens up a number of possibilities for other reductionism, this model can provide health scientists to further study the nature of the care professionals with a more holistic world as conscious beings. Physicists who explanation for helping their patients/clients become more adept as state specific heal more efficiently. By utilizing this scientists could explore these other realms model, practitioners can teach their in search of deltrons, dark matter and dark patients/clients how to enhance their energy. By conducting rigorous experiments physiological, imaginal. and emotional while in a released Soc. they should be able dimensions more effectively, resulting 1I1 to either verilY or falsilY the existence of optimal health, fitness and wellness. these other more exotic energetic su bstances. Biologists could study the • • • anatomy of the EB more directly by accessing a released Soc. While experi­ CORRESPONDENCE: Christian J Hallman, Ph.D. encing this state, they should be able to • [email protected] examine the anatomical structures (e.g. chakras and nadis) of the EB with more ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: direct precision. Psychologists who become I would like to personally thank Angela Thompson Smith, Stanley Krippner, .Iod" Long, Thomas more adept as state specific scientists could Campbell and Larry Dossey f()f providing some very access the released SoC for studying the helpful feedback. behavior of different beings or entities

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