Theory PART TWO: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODEL OF THE RELEASED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Christian J Hallman, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Astral proj(;'ction and ollf-of-body (;'xperiencc are two phenomena that vcry few researchers of conscious­ ness have ancmptcd to really understand. Although numerous people of multiple cuirures from all over the world have reported these phenomena, epistemologists have yet to formulate any satisfactory theories or models that map out rhese experiences. This paper provides a working model of these experiences by urilizing multiple dimensions of motion, space and rime. Besides sensation and imagination, a vital ability of perceprion that is highly emphasized in this multidimensional model is emotion. KEYWORDS: released state of consciousness, emotion, emotional stimulators, motion secror, dark maner, dark energy, astral projection, our of bodv experiences, OBE, traveling clairvoyance. soul travel Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume J8 • Number 3 • Pagl' 89 INTRODUCTION actual dimensions of this unIque state according to space, time and motion. xperiencing shifts in consciousness IS a Previously (in part one) a model was Enormal part of everyday life. In any presented that showed the connection I given day the average person will experience: between the waking and dreaming states waking, relaxing, sleeping, dreaming, using different spatial domains and temporal daydreaming and even trance states. One zones.? This paper is an expansion of that unique state people have reported throughout model which will now include mapping Out history is often described as a conscious the physical nature of the released SoC by separation from their body. Different terms implementing some key concepts from like out-o/body experience (OBE), traveling theoretical physics. First let's examine some clairvoyance, astral projection, and even soul abilities of perception. travel have been used quite extensively in the literature. The author identifies this as a ABILITIES OF PERCEPTION released state of consciousness (SoC). OBEs In the previous paper, I outlined the frequently occur spontaneously while falling importance of sensation and imagination for asleep, following severe accidents, or during shaping our perceptions in both waking and surgical operations. l During an OBE, the dreaming consciousness. An important experient seems to be awake and able to see ability that also plays a major role in shaping his/her body and the world from a location our perceptions that I did not address in the outside the physical body.2 As many as 34 previous paper is emotion. The very root of out of 100 people have had at least one OBE the word emotion is motere, the Latin verb at least once in their lifetime.3 'X'hat makes "to move," plus the prefix to connote this state unique from other commonly "move away," suggesting that a tendency to reported states is how the subject can observe act is implicit in every emotion. 10 Emotion his or her body from an outside or third provides a force that flows and fluxes. 1I perspective.! This view can happen either Emotions allow us to take action once an side by side, or from a bird's eye view. In action has been chosen.1 2 There are the case of the bird's eye view, the ability to hundreds of emotions, along with their float or fly at will is quite commonly blends, variations, mutations and nuances. IO reported. Despite this separation, some What is the distinction between an emotion people have actually reported experiencing and a mood? Emotions can be fleeting, some kind of connective cord that remains lasting only a few seconds, whereas a mood attached to the body reassuring an easy is thought of as a prolonged emotion. 10, 12 return.45 During a released SoC human perceptions are shaped more so by emotion than either A few psychological theories have been sensation or imagination. According to constructed to explain the phenomenon of Blackmore an OBE begins when a person OBEs.",7,8 However, none of these theories loses contact with sensory input from the provide a useful means for measuring the body while remammg consciously aware. 13 Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number.3 • Page 90 However, OBEs are highly arousing; they Affect alone does not describe the complete can be either deeply disturbing or nature of emotions. It only explains the profoundly moving. 14 Without emotion, reactive function of emotion. I would like which provides a moving impulse towards to propose a new term called an emotiollal an action, it would not only be difficult to effoct to explain the active component of experience a released SoC, but nearly this ability. One way of measuring an impossible to describe oneself as feeling: emotional effect is by studying the active content, contempt, happy, sad, surprised, behavior of an individual, plus the impres­ disgusted, relieved, scared, zealous, jealous, sions he or she leaves on other people or etc. Emotions are even associated with things. When a person tells a funny joke different types of parapsychological to five different people, and they all burst phenomena like recurrent spontaneous out with laughter, we can observe how this psychokinesis (RSPK) and poltergeist emotional effect first originated with the activity.! 'j These phenomena are all possible humorous impression of the joke, which because emotions seem to work primarily then lead to the result of laughter. through a stimulative process, which is a bit Similarly, when a person tells a tragic story different than the receptive process of to a few people, and they all cry, we can sensation or the generative process of trace the emotional effect back to the active imagination. These so-called "emotional origin. When a man feels so angry that he stimulators" are hypothesized to activate punches a hole in the wall. in this example different sensory receptors and imaginary we can examine how the emotional effect generators, which in turn can help shape includes a noticeable impression on the our perceptions of the world. wall. Emotional effects best explain how one's particular emotion or mood can Upon closer examination, it appears that trigger or "rub off" on other people or emotions have t"vo primary functions: to act things. Based on this understanding, we and to react. Both playa major role in our can observe how emotions are both felt behavior. Some emotional experiences are affectively and emoted effectively. Below is reactions to events in ones environment, or an example of how emotion, imagination reactions to one's own thoughts, actions, and and sensation work together for two feelings.!6 Affict can describe an emotional different states of consciousness: response or the reactive function of this ability. One way of measuring an emotional EmodoD Photostimulation affect is by examining a person's PhonostimuJation facial expressions.! Here the Chemostimulation reaction is displayed in the Se.adOD Impression Ima&inadoD Photoreception Affect Photogeneration expressIOn. One could also Phonoreception Expression Phonogeneratlon measure affect by measuring Olemoreception Effect Olemogeneration body posture and voice. ls Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 3 • Page 91 I propose some eguivalent terms to DIMENSIONS sensation and imagination for explaining We can measure a physical object's size and the different functioning types of emotion. age with different dimensions of space and These include: photostimulatioll, phonos­ time. To measure its movement reguires timulatioll and chemostimulation. Coming motiol1. No objects or bodies are "at rest" in from sensation or imagination, an impres­ the universe.23 Every physical object is always sion is felt through some form of stimula­ moving, even though some of these objects tion (e.g. photostimulation), which then may appear to be at a complete standstill. triggers a response (affect). Once an Motion describes how physical objects are expression is emoted, it naturally able to freely move from one point in space stimulates the sensation or imagination of and time to another. According to Larson, others, producing an effect. Let's say a without motion, there would be no time or man day-dreams (imagines) of something space, but if there is motion then both space that makes him feel happy. As he smiles at and time exist in association with each other his wife (who is looking directly at him), to constitute the motion.24 The following she begins to feel happy, so she smiles eguation is used to express this relation: back. In this example we can examine both the affective and effective function of M SIT emotion. Damasio believes that emotions stem from bodily sensations. 19 This may Motion eguals space (the numerator) over not always be true, especially when the time (the denominator). In Larson's ability of intuition is more directly Reciprocal System Theory, space is not involved in shaping our perceptions. viewed as a static, empty container nor is Expanding awareness of the emotional time conceptualized as a linear order of level of intuition is often associated with succession; not only are space and time both an increase in synchronicity and psychic three dimensional, but motion is also three experiences.2o In studies done by Radin dimensional. In this context, a dimension and McCraty et aI., an emotional affect of motion is used to measure a particular was measured even before a highly freedom of how an object can move. arousing stimulus was presented to the Conventional science is familiar with seven 2 senses of different participants. 1,22 These categories of motion: are examples of emotion preceding sensation. To understand how this may 1) Vibrational- includes waves of longitu­ even be possible will reguire the use of dinal and transverse movements multiple dimensions. Everything that we 2) Rotational- includes patterns of circular see, hear, or feel has an emotional and elliptical movements dimension to it.
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