13190500 SOUTH FORK BOISE RIVER at ANDERSON RANCH DAM, ID Middle Snake-Boise Basin South Fork Boise Subbasin
Water-Data Report 2011 13190500 SOUTH FORK BOISE RIVER AT ANDERSON RANCH DAM, ID Middle Snake-Boise Basin South Fork Boise Subbasin LOCATION.--Lat 43°20′37″, long 115°28′39″ referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in SW ¼ sec.11, T.1 S., R.8 E., Elmore County, ID, Hydrologic Unit 17050113, Anderson Ranch Dam quad., Boise National Forest, on right bank 600 ft upstream from Dixie Creek, 1.8 mi downstream from Anderson Ranch Dam, 2.2 mi northwest of Bennett, and at mile 41.5. DRAINAGE AREA.--978 mi². SURFACE-WATER RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1943 to current year (includes flow of Dixie Creek prior to October 1946). REVISED RECORDS.--WDR-US-2010: Drainage area. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 3,830.0 ft above NGVD of 1929. REMARKS.--No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Station equipment includes satellite telemetry. Flow regulated by Anderson Ranch Reservoir, 1.8 mi upstream (see station 13190000) beginning Dec. 15, 1945. Flow of Little Camas Creek is stored in Little Camas Reservoir, capacity, 22,300 acre- ft, no spill most years, and diverted out of basin through Little Camas Canal for irrigation of about 5,000 acres (1966 determination). EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 9,850 ft³/s May 25, 1956, gage height, 10.56 ft; minimum, 0.10 ft³/s Nov. 13, 1959; minimum gage height, 0.99 ft, Feb. 16, 1950. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 3,980 ft³/s May 20 and June 6, gage height, 7.25 ft; minimum, 278 ft³/s Nov.
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